Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 21, 1891, Image 4

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    --wai-ur '-rjp&
jH-vrmur mmviysT-"
Highest of all In Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, c?, ? ' 88a.
1 X &&&&
MiH3 Grace' Uuslnicll, ft Conserva
tory pupil, lias gone to her home at
Eugene torn week's recreation and
A base ball club has been organ
ized, and for several successive even
ings of lato Interesting games have
leeu played.
A very quiet and appreciative au
tliunco wub present at the recital
Wednesday evening, which was pre
sented very nicely in every particu
lar. Rhetorical work for the students
below the third year clussi-s, wub
held Thursday, with some very good
essays and declamations rendered in
tke various session rooms.
V. BJBrnlth, of ghedd'BBtatiou.en
tered school Monday. J. E. Bartel, n
former student, of Willamette, who
has lately finished acourso of study
in medicine at Columbus, Ohio, Is
visiting friends at the school.
Prof. Van Scoy made arrange
merits with the captain of the Man
ssanillo, for on excursion Saturday,
and a Hinted number of tickets have
been sold. The trip will, no doubt,
prove to bo a very pleasant one, and
serve to relievo the monotony of
studying hard week after week.
Mfiuy of the students hardly real
tm that only twelve weeks are left
'tli commencement. Borne of the
more studious are making vigorous
eflorts to have their work ready, und
well prepared to pass all tho closing
examinations that will roll round
sooner than they would wish.
Profit in Slifcp.
Tho Independence, Iowa, Journal
says: "Mr.Ozlas has a Hook of ubout
ouo hundred and fifty head of
Lincolnshire sheep one of tho very
best Hocks iu tho West and he says
there bus beep no year during the
thno ho has kept sheep when they
have not paid 20 percent mora profit
than any other stock kept on the
farm, Tlio average clip of wool
from his Hock for soverul years has
been thirteen pounds per head lie
sells no lambs; the wethers are all
kept Until after the first shearing
and then sold for mutton, while the
ewe lambH are kept to incrcaso tho
tho flock. Ills sheep are yarded
every night, and iu all the fifteen
years ho has been In the sheep
business he has nover had a sheep
or lamb killed or injured by dogs or
wolves. Ho behoves that on any
farm of 1(50 acres,- that Is fenced for
sheep (three barb wlrcswltli two
plalu wires bolow will do) fifteen or
twenty sheep can bo run with other
stock at a net profit of tho entire
Income from the Uttlo flock, as
diirlng summer thoy will pick their
living from tho weeds and grass loft
by tho cattle or horses, and tho weeds
they destroy and tho fertility they
add to the farm will repay for win
tering them. In Mr.Ozlus' opiuou,
uilock of sheep Is tho farmer's best
AmanwhohuB practiced uiedl
clue for 40 years ought to know salt
from sugar, read what ho Bays;
Tolkdo, O., Jan. 10, 1887.
Messere V. J. Cheney & Co
GoiHlcnmn; 1 huvo been In the
general practice of medlciuo for
most 40 years, and would say that
In nil thy practice and experience
have uovor scon it preparation that 1
could prescribe with us imiuli confi
dence of success us I cu,u I Call's Ca
tarrh Curo, itiuuufuoturcd by you.
Have prescribed It a great many
times, and Its efleet Is wondorful.and
would say in conclusion that I huvo
yet to find u easo of Catarrh that It
would not euro, If they would take It
according to dlrentlons.
Yours truly.
L. L. Gokhuoii.M. I).
Olllcc. 215 Summit Bt.
Wo will glvo WOO. for any ease of
Catarrh tbutcanuot be cured with
Hall's Catarrh Curo. rnkoii inter-
F. J.OhknkvA Co Props. To
ledo O. JWSrSoldby all Druggists,
76 cents,
Why Bufferr With the llomrriy t llu ml
Uentleincu: I Uava bon a Kiwt suftVrer
from HcmtlorhouiuivUmn for Avu yrnrn. .V
portion of Unit tlmo have IxH'ti coulliioa to
my bed, Uava boon imtltnl by tlio best
pUynlclnnit without relief. 1 um now tnk
fuir the fourth bottle of lllbbiml'n It lien
nmtlc syrup und Jlrixiy bellevo It will work
a permanent cure. Hucted ujxm tho liver
uud rvuluteil my kidney nttd ilUrvtlvu
orKuuKplmtiicdlntoly, ntul l'iw dunu nu
moro good nlrendy tlmuull tho othtir meUI
cluca I Iwva over taken. 1 cheerfully ro
oominewl thU luvdlcllio. MltH Ai.tii
llniKlNOTON, Altouu, Mich. Bold by
HmllU A Blelner.
runs high In this city over System
Jlullder, as ovoryuody Is using It for
catarrh of tho Stomach, Consump
tion Dyspepsia, Impure blood and
to build up the System It certainly
must bo an excellent preparation,
when everybody snouka bo well of
IU d&wyr
A Salem riiologruplier Jlnkcs Larger
Improvements and lias Secured
an Expert Operator.
T. J. Cattcrlln, tho enterprising
photographer, to meet the demands
to his growing trade, has built a two
story addition to his gallery, and i
employed Mr. J. IT. Brown, lato of
St. Paul, who has como to this
coast to remain a year for his health.
Ho is an expert at tist and holds
several medals for posing, from the
flucat artists In tho country. He Is
uu artist of twenty-flvo years
experience, There is no cllmbingof
stairs and every thing Is now In
better shape than oyer before to do
better work at bedrock prices.
After a twenty-flvo years
experience in this Hue of work
competition is defied from any
Iiouho on tho coast. They guuratitee
all their work and Invito tho people
to take a look through their studio.
V HynopftlH of the Mitrkotn IIuylns;nul
Helling 1'rlces.
HIioulclors.Htigiir en red, per lb,12
IlreukfaHtbnoon 12 10 IS
Hnms-HiiKiir cured, per ll,ltc.
l'ork 10 V2U
Mutton lOWlSc.
Timothy seed l'cr pound, 7Kcj Belling
Hcd clover Hoed l'cr pound, lac.
Whlto clover need l'or pound, U0c. "
AIkIIio 18c por pound.
lied U) lOo ior pound.
Lincoln Q mux l'ijo per pound,
HyoOnisH 10c per pound.
Orchnrd Omsn..l7o pur jiouud.
lieiiim Sopcrlb.
(Jut meal ut tic.
Cuuncd Krult-.reiiclieB, t3 00; apricot,
13 00; black borrlcH, $1; corn, bcHt gnidCR
t'i 00; tomatocH SI CO; string benns tl 60;
green peuo Jl &'; pordnz. Ju two lb cnim.
Urecn Prult-.GIioIco npp:cH7.J(Ftl.'JOo per
box; pears 75ojer box; potatoes OOc; carrot
60c; pamulpH 75c: onions (Jo por lb.
Msh.JJolmon 8(410o per lb; Hturjjcon 6
7o per lb Hinull Huh SlOupor lb; unit Bulmou,
710o per lb.
Wheat (SIXo net. 1.
Klour-1'er barrel, fl.20.bcMl 11)0 lb.
Oatn l'cr bUHhcl, M j4 52c.
Hurley l'or MihIicI, iwc.
llraii l'cr ton, fill fio at mill, Backed.
HborU l'or ton, a M " wicked.
Cli l'cr ton, S22.M) " narked.
Ilotw iuotod nt 21to2Go per lb.
Kinrg ISc por down.
Potatoes l'cr uii8licl,!15o
Corn mcul !lo per pound.
ChecKo VJHo por piund.
Dried plums l'er lb. 07c.
Dried prunoH l'er lb. liMISc.
Imported nrunes 7epur lb.
lliittor !KVo.'no per ikiuihI for koo'I
Ijird I0(l2operlb.
HaniK l'er poiiml, HQil-c.
Ilnron Hides II 10 per lb.
Hhouldors 8fflllo per lb.
Chlckeus.. H to llu .pur ih)Mih1.
Turkeys 10 to Keeper lb,
Ducks, l'jillo per lb
Wheat-Vulloy.Jl IWA Vnlln;Walln51.27
Klour HlAiidurd, 81.31
Walla Walla JJ 00(3 Ml.
OutxMe;gradcs, S-'l (SO
Oats WliltoOOj to Die, giuyWlo to CS
per biifihel.
MlllsliillHlImn fJ8lO; sh jits, f'Jl to 20
ground barley, fa) to MO; cnop feed. fSi
middlings, f2fi, per Ion.
lluttor Oregon fanoy daily, 30o; fancy
cicamery37K;good to fair, iB274;Cnll
forum oholeo 25 Io28o.
Kggs Oregon 18o Kastoru 20o por doz
I'oullry-Old ohlekons, f. 8ft3 00.
l'olntocs 75o at hOo per ointal.
(JheeMO Oregon, II to 15c; California
IS to I (Jo.
HuBiirs-aoMcn C, Ujo; extra 0, 5; dry
granulated, OJft cubo, crushed and I'ow
dorod, U)Jo por lMiund.
Dcuns-timall while, !; plulc VSi;
bayou, f I 75; butter, f 3 60; Hiiuih, fj 60 per
Dried KrulU-.Tho market Is linn. Quo
led: Italian prunes, I2 to Ho; 1'etlto mid
Oerman, lOo per jiouud; raisins, fU 23 per
box; plummer dried pears, 10 to He; sun
dried and factory plums, 11 to 12oj ovapo
niten pcttohes, lBtoSOe; Hniyrna ligs, UtV;
California tigs, Do por Hund,
lUce UKe per Hiuud.
Hides-Dry hides, 8'J to He; H less for
culls; groon over 65 pounds, 4c; utulorU
lounds, He; sheep pelts, :uXxS1.25.
KuHtorn hams, 13X to 1 lej breakfast ba
oon, 10X to llo;kldes, 0 to HVy hint, 8X
to lOo lHr pound.
Han KiiANClsco, Mar II). WheiiL.the
wtmk opened on a iiileter market. No. 1
white, II.W to f I 51; per cental.
UopH..va;iOo (wr iMiiuut.
llarley-fced fl 37 WJfl lr ceutul
tl -tt; choice fl 40; common gnulo 11 35.
OaU-Omyfl ratal 77K;bhiek WtollW
ler rental'
Onlou..f2 to a
rotntoes..75otoW. MlHUklANKOUH MAUKKTS.
OitioAtio, Mar. lU.-Wool-ai to S7o per
lleer Live, i U& 10; dressed, IKj.
Mutton Mve, 4 tone; dressed 80,
Hogs Live, 5 10; dri'keil,8o.
Veul 7 to HVi per ikiuihI.
Prompt relief Iu sink headache, dltil
lic. imiikwi, roiutlimtlou, pom In tho
side, guuniuteett to those using tlurtor
Little liver pills O114 a doso. Hmull pilce.
Sliuill dooe. Hinull pill.
Are frco from nil crude and Irritating
mulliu. CnuiiiutrHitfci luedieluu only.
Curler's l.ltllo lUer pills. Very smull;
my easy to take! no iiuir, uo urlplug; no
purging. Try them.
Ministers, lawyers, twiehers. and others
whaseooeupstlon gives but lltllo exercise,
should use Carter l.llt'o liver pills lor
torpid lUir uud bllllousnes. One 11 dose.
Try 1 hum.
ills r '
mfW 1
' '
(Concluded from second page.)
bones, and uttered a doep thunderous
growl at tho sound. From tho dlstanco tho
echo of volcos roaohed him careless
laughter and stray seutendes hero and there
"It's Bolton and llalpti Wclr, coming
back to tbo inn after their day's shooting,"
ho thought. "If I could only gat word to
Uo toro a leaf from his pockctrbook,
scribbled a lino or two on It as woll as ho
could in tho uncertain dusk, and, wrapping
it around his watch, flung It as far as bis
aim could reach toward tho swamp.
"Matters arogotting serious," bo said to
. Hut tho missive had not boon without its
"Hellot" said Weir; " a shooting star."
"A whlto bird I" exclaimed Bolton,
checking Ids long, swinging stride. "No,
it Isn't cither, It's a watch with a letter
wrapped around ft."
And then, In tho swampy fastnesses, by
tho light of a fow matches, thoy deciphered
tho cry for aid which had como from tho
plum tree
"Whow-w-wl" said Woir. "Let's go
&nt fthnnt thn ilnff "
"Lot's do nothing of tho sort," said
Bolton. "What would we or poor, old
Wynton, oithor gain by declaring direct
war in that sort of way t Let's be polito or
And ho fired bis rlflo three times in the
air, a sort of signal recognition of bis
prisoned f riond.
"What's that!" said Mr. Brown, who
was computing tho interest on a promis
sory noto at tho sitting-room tablo by tho
light of a koroseno lamp.
"Idunno," said Hue, "unless it's
Deacon Ii&ll shootln' woasols in hii hen
roost." "Oh, Undo Brown," cried Bella, with
claspod hands, "I hopo thero are no
burglars around."
"Never hoard of such a thing In all Bean
Hollow, my doar," said tho old man.
In tho doad of that samo night, however,
two masked men appeared mysteriously In
Mr. Brown's bod-room.
"Your monoy or your life," said one.
" Miser, unhand your treasures 1" shout
ed tho other.
Old Mr. Brown lay quaking thore, quito
hopolossly, when, In an instant, a lltho form
sprang through tho opon window, balanc
ing itself a second on tho sill, and tho 11
hastened to tho rescue.
A briof struggle ensued; but at last tho
masked burglars flod precipitately, Co:aar
barking wildly at thorn, and straining his
chain to tho utmost in hU effort to wroak
his vongoanco upon them.
"Young follow," cried tho old man,
scrambling out of bod, "you've saved my
life, bosldo tho Govornmont coupons that
woro under my pillow. What can I do to
roward you!"
IIo was very palo and trorablod violontly,
"I'd llko something to cat, if you plcaso,
sir," said Wynton. "To toll you tho truth,
l'vo Just como out of tho plum tree."
"Yes, I know," said Brown, rocovoring
hirasolf a little. "You'ro tho follow that is
in lovo with our Bolia; ain't youl"
"I don't deny it, sir," said Wynton,
"Woll, you dosorvo hor," said Mr. Brown;
"and you shall have hor. It was I that or
dered tho dog chainod up to tho pium-trco.
I meant to balk you if I could, but l'vo
changed my mind. I should havobeon a
doad man, young follow, if it hadn't boon
for you. Como right down-stairs this mo
mont. Nothing in this houso is too good for
And ho wrung Wynton's hand until it
soomod as if it woro graspod in au iron vl so.
A strango midnight collation it was tho
coltoo an'l -ol 1 fowl, and biscuits and
toiiguo, baton with Bulla noatling closo to
his sldo, nnd Mr. Brown lumping all so rts
of Indiscriminate dalntloi upon ills plato,
whilo old Zorulah's face gloworcd out of
tho darknoss of tho kitchen llko a badly
likhtod polyoptlcon. But a happy ono yea,
a vory happy ono.
A constabulary force of Boan Hollow
woro promptly notlfled tho noxt morning,
nnd a soarch instituted, but to no nvail.
Nothing was ovor hoard of tho twomaiod
Butwhon Mr. Wynton camo back to tho
Bean Hollow inn, tho following day, to
order his portmanteau romoved to the
Brown furm-houso, and bid his lato col
loaguos adlou, ho wrung Bolton's hand al
ternately with that of Woir.
"I don't know how I can ovor thank you,
boys,'' Bald ho. "Not for tho roscuo from a
rathor sorry plight bruto forco could havo
done that with a blow on tho dog's head
but for tho munnor of it. I'm n groat man
now in old Brown's estimation, and Bolia
thinks I am a hero. And it'a till owing to
"Oh, don't mention It, old follow I" said
Woir. "How did you llko mo as a llrst
classrufllan1" "By tho way," added Bolton, "l'vo burned
tho masks. Ciroumstautlul ovidonco, you
know. Thoy might got us into trouble."
"You'll invito us to tho woddlng, of
coursol" quoriod Woir.
"Oh, yes I" said Wynton, boamlnglv.
"And I may kiss tho brIdol"nskod Bolton.
"Of courso you may 1" said Wynton.
And Bolton observed, thoughtfully, that
ho considered that roward ouough for any
man. lMn Forrctt Qravct, in ltoitnn Uktluct.
Mr. aiitilstuiio's Library.
Mr. Oladstono's study at Uawarden Cas
tle Is rathor curiously arranged. Tho walla
arc covered with books, and voluraos arc
also massed lit largo shelves jutting ot
from tho walls Into tho room. Botwoon
each partition of books thero' is room to
walk; thus tho saving of spaco In arrang
ing tho library in this munnor is enormous.
Tho stock of books, perhaps, exceeds lf,lu
volumes, und notwithstanding this large
number Mr. Gladstone has Uttlo difUoulty
In placing bis baud upon nny volumo th.u
ho may rapilro. Thoro aro throe wrltlug
desks in tho room; ono Is chlelly reserved
for correspondence of a political nature, and
another Is used by Mrs. Gludstouo. Look
ing outof tho study window tho flower beds
facing tbo cwtlo presontn nicturesquo up
poaraneo, whilo tlio boavlly wooded grounds
beyond stand out in bold roiiuf uud form u
mosslvo groett background.
The Origin of Hoodie.
It Is probably derived from tho old Kngllah
word bottel, a bunch or a bundle, as a boitol
of straw. "Tho wholo kit, and IkxhIIo of
them" is a Now Kugluiul expression In com
mon use, and tho won! in this sense moans
tho wholo lot. Latterly IkxhIIo has como to
bo somewhat synonymous with tho word
pile, a torm iu use at tho gaming table, and
slgulfylng a quantity of mouoy. "In the
gaming sonse, when a man has "lost his
boodle,'' ho has lost his pile or wholo lot of
monoy, whatever amount ho happoued to
have with him. Tho word may bo nn
Auslltllxed form of tho Gorman wontboutol
u purse, and lu n . jlguratlyc- sense monoy.
A Wojuiuinu Mirage,
Thoro Is a wonderful mirugo luCllaolor
Hay, Alaska, relleotod from the glassy ur
fuco of tbo Tactile glacier. It is said that
just after tho chrnjuo of tho moon iu Juno,
soon after suuset nud while the luoou I a
climblug above tho sk a c.v arr-a1
ubovo tho glacier It is so distinct that n
photograph is said to havo been made thU
reason by a resldvn of Ji- ami, wlm learned
iftl n ' '"i-lnii ltsM)wi
itU.jltH ...w-,,
Jk4 la MUUom U Howct-iO Yw the Staadartl I
I '14Mm
- m- zrr.
KMsmatlim, Neuralgia, Crns
Til OsUfirsU riltlt ltd VigstlT
MMt otM, cwr. octvrwM.
tjum First National Bank
bbM t3K9AC3anBVHV B
:Ooiyrlbt, 1SS4.
A ruorf ed fanner stalked Into the sine.
torn with a biff whip under bis arm.
" B you the editor? " " 1 am," was tha
half apprehcoilrs reply.
" Here's two dollars tend meyourpapsr,
for life." he said. ........
" Tou see," he went on, " our dauchter
was sick and like to die: tha drooped and
crew weak and pale, had headache, no
appatlte. back ached, bands and fMt Ilk
toe, couldn't sleep, backed with cough,
and we thought aha bad consumption.
No medicine helped har until she tried that
Dr. Pleroo's FaTorlto Freaorlptlon men
tloned in your papar, wbsn she beraa to
mend In no Urn and is now wail and
handsome as a rose put a down u a
life utiacrlber." ....
Now the editor Is looking for another
scare. The medicine baa cured thousands
afflicted as was the farmer's dautbter,
restoring- the female functions to healthy
action, and removing- the obstructions and
suppressions which caused her trouble. It
it guaranteed to s-iro satisfaction in every
case, or price ($1.00) refunded. It's a
legitimate mtdtcinc, not a berenure. Con
tains no alcohol to inebriate; no syrup or
sugar to ferment In tbe stomach and do
range digestion.
For a Book of ISO pares on Weman:
Iler Diseases and now to Cure them, (sent
sealed in plain envelope) enclose ten cents,
In stamps, to Wobld'b DisrrrrgAKT Mbd
icaii assoctatiok, No. 663 Usin Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Laxative, or Cathartic, according- to aizo
of dote. Smallest, Cheapest, Surar-coated
and Eotlfnt to take. Cure Sick Elcad
Clio, Bllloumiesa, Constlpatloc
Uy UrufffisU. a oents a rUL
T? J. McCArBTLAND.ClvllBanltaryand
ih. flyd'iiiille Kmtineor. U. 8. leputy
rnlnernl surveyor. City surveyors otllce,
Murphy's Hlock. Hnlem, Oregon.
Bonkam, Holmes & Haden, Attor
neys nt law. OIlce In Hush's block,
between State nnd Court, on t'om'l Bt.
rnlUMON KOHI), attorney nt law, Salem,
J. Oregon. Olllco up-stalrs in i'atton's
IIATT A HUNT, nttoraeys nt law, Salem,
n. OIIIco over Capital "National
Uniik.Coinineiciul street
Money to loan,
J J. BHAW, Attorney-nt-Lnw, Balcni,
, Oregon. Otllco tlrst door to tho left
at head of Htalra in tho rear of iadd d
HuhIi'h blink.
Q T.IlICHAnDON, Attorney ntlaw.of.
O. Ilee upstulrH In lront rooms ol now
liii-di block, corner Commercial and Court
Btrects, Balcni, Oregon.
JOHN O'SIIKA, Attorney nt law. Room
over Capital National bank. Collec
tIoiiHahpeclaly. Correspondence (.ollclted,
f-vJAItCY illlNOHAM, AttornoyH and
JL counfcclorrt at law, Salem, Oregon.
Having an abstract ot t ho rcoordsof Marlon
county, Including a lot and block Index 01
rialom, they have special facilities lor ev
aiiiinlng titles to real entatf. UuRlness In
tho supremo court and In thCHtato depart
irienlH will recolvo prompt attention.
Dlt. T. O. SM ITU, I)pntlHt,2 State street,
Hulem, Or. KlnlHlii-d dental opera
tions of oycry description. Painless opera
iIoiihh Npci'lulty.
Dlt. J. M ICKKNB, Dentist. Otllceover
tho White Corner Court and Com.
Di. 11. H.M1TII, DKNTI8T. Ofllco ut
bin residence l'U High street near
Agrlcu turai works
MILS. M. li McCOY, Physician and Sur
geon. OIIIco and rooms In lodging
so. Front and ( 'enter streets, near tin
foot of .Marlon and Polk Co, bridge Chrou
ledlsmihes a specialty. Cure or no pay.
Consultation liee.
CB. MCNAM.Y, Architect, New Hush
. llreyimm block. Hans and specifica
tions of all classes of of buildings on short
notice. HuperlntendOMceof work promptl
ooiifil ufter. 'i Mf
WD. l'UUII, Architect, Plans, Specl
, tk-atlons and superlntrndeuco toi
all cliibtcH of buildings, OHlce 'X) Com
merelnl hi., up stairs,
AW. MOST. Artist. Studio, Hush.
, l'.rey block. Clases Thursdays and
A t US. V.. V. KONCO, barber nnd hair
111 dressor, bunmpoolng ladleV and
ihildren's hair a Hpecialty. Hbo will bi
pleaded to see nil her old customers at her
shopnpposllo tho Opera House.
JOSKIMI KITSKK bulbar and halrdrrss
er. Hall cntllnga cents, shaving 1.,
vents. Path looms In connection, liestol
work. 113.stato street.
j) J. I,AItSKNA:CO Slauufacture.ofall
klndsof vohlclcM. Kualrlng u special
ly. Shop Instate Btreo
KO. HOKYK Haiber and IliilrdrefE.
Imriwrlors. hluest baths lutheclts.
iiioiumoivlul Htreet, talem.
I01IN HKAY.-Cntraetor and builder.
O Kino Inside nulshlng a specially. 4S5
i oiumerclal street, Siiloiu Oregon,
Jll- ImMUIIT, i.iacksinllli. Horse
shoeing aud re)alrlui( a sneehilty. ahop
he fiKit of Liberty street, Saleni. Oregon.
film ion.
Iu Itio County Court of tho KUito of Ore
Hou, lor tbe County of Marion.
In the nuitlfr of the guardianship of the
4runNMndCHiiitol Klmer II, Scott, Al-
utldH riooil, and Alexiin ler D. Mint, .ol-
iiirlielisif . I). co deceased, nud
l.iUms.oii Citation.
Whereas, iipplliuttxii having been made
In duo 'foi m of law to the above eutltled
court, ou tht 101 h ilny f Kebnuiry, A. D.
IMHI.hy Ktlen Bi-ott, th duly appointed,
ipud lied and uettng giiardlun ursuid ml
nors, for an order a d lleeiuw iiuthorlzluir,
einpoMoiliigand dtrectlng her to sell tbo
ral instate belonging to said minora and
dwrrllHHl iu follows. In wii: lteglnulng ut
the s.W. corner olcUiUnNo Nt, nolllUmllou
No. H,lnr. tts, n. t w, In M iriou county,
iiiegon; tbeiiev isl I1LT6 chilli to itio
mUlitlo of Pudding river, theme north
iWw, lOcliilii", tbciHHi north VSW w
1 8' chnl n; t heiiee u rt b i 74 chul of Jt hen
north WW, w. 250 chains; thenrn north
SS!0v w. ehJlns; I hence n. iPf w.kJi)
ehls; thence W. II.&3 chalus; ttionH.
UM pliatna. to the place of U glnulug, pop.
tatiitng ST IV uerew nl land.
Also lot No. I ntt 'Jin hUH.k No. 61, In
the town of tloiMtls, rounty of Mhmou,
utaleot Oregon, uixvrdiug to the map of
in Id town, ou reeortl lu tbe ottleo of the rw
corderof i-onvcynners nf mtd Marlon 0.1.
And t berths said court has rlxed on
Muiiiliy . tbe th day of April. A. D. 1N3I, nt
I u'oloc a p. m- of said tfy hi t bo oou rt nxun
ot HMtd court lu the vuu house In the city
uf tCilent, lu iild oniiuy nnd Hate, as
thi'tiuiiisnd pine of hiartng any and all
obje. thms to'tbp grauilu? pf said order
aud licenses "
Ihvrvrore to Klmer H. Bcolt, Allldu
(Scott, Al xander U. tkxut aud to their uexl
ofktu nud to all person Ituowi. or un
known Interested In mid estate, greeting.
In thfiiatuoof tbe sUlo of Oregon you
und m hof jou bim hereby cited nnd re
out tod ui be and apix-jr at s-tld lime and
plaaein said uourl I lieu and there to thou
causa If auy ) on lm a or If a ur f ils why
saldordrlid llwus should but Uuhm
iH-uved tor In sahI petition,
W Urn sa tbe lion. William W'aldo.ludgs
oriti-wmuur eouit of the stale otOregou,
1 said muri aliixed, thU Wd day oS Feb, A
CDunty Clerk,
WM. I. i-ADlK, -DH.
J. kT.YM'1 I H.
I siC"i''
Vh-c i nt o -ti'
. . t Ir1 'it
Kxcnnngeon J'ottlnnri, Ban I'niiitlsco
New YnrK, London und l'oiig Kong
bought and void. Stale, County and I Ity
warrants bought. Hirmcis are cordially
Invited to detioslt und tmiifuct bii'lt.es'i
with us. Liberal advance made on
wheal, wool, hops and other pmpcitypt
reasouaoie nites. Insurance on snrh se
rurlty eau be obtained at tbe bank lu
most reliable companies.
CAPITALjSTOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a general banking business
In all Its branches.
Vice President
DIKEOTOK3: Oeo. Williams, Wm. Kug
land, Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. W , Hobon.
J. A. linker.
Hank In new Exchange block on Com
mprelal street. 8:12-tf
Capital National Bank
Capital Paid op, - - - $75,000
Surplus, .---.- 15,000
K. 8. WALLACE, - - President.
V. V. MA11T1N, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALHEKT, .... Cashier.
W. T. Gray, W.W.Mnrtln
. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace.
Or. W. A.Cuslok, J. H. Albert,
T. McK. Patton.
I'o farmers ou wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or in store
either In private granaries or
Umbllc warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bought at Tar
Discounted al reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, .San
frYanclsco, Portland, London, Paris, liorlln
Uong Kong and Calcutta.
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours ol the Day
None but white labor employed in thU
A good substantial meal o viced In first
class style
Twenty-five oents per meal
Court street, between Journal Ofllco and
Mlnto's Livery.
Health is Wealth !
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta Line
nirrwRF.N pohti.i-i anus. k.
7.-0C p. in.
0:18 p. m.
10.16 a.m.
S'an Kren.
Ar. 0:33 a. in.
Lv. , m
Lv. l):U0 p. ni
Above traluH stop euly al lolloulng sta
llous north 'of ltofcpbnrg, l'.nRt 1'ortland
Orgon City, Woodburn, t-alim, Albany
Tangent. Shedds, Hnley. Harrlsburg
Junction City, Irving nnd Eugene.
uV a. in. I Lv.
WM a. m Lv
6: It) p. m. ' Ar.
Ar. I iSO p. in.
Lv. I 1:01 p. in.
Lv. O.'A) n. m
Albany Loral, Dally (Except Sunday.)
bW p. ni, I Lv.
T&i p. in. I Lv:
0:00 n. rn. Ar.
bill em
Ar.jt'.OOf ni
Lv. (:08i :n
Lv,fi:00a. in.
l'or accommodation ot secoud cities
pasetngers attuched to express tialus.
Vest Side Division, Between roitlaml
and Cerallis:
7:30u. mTTLv. Portland Ar." 5:S0 p. in,
laiO p. m. I Ar. Corvnllls Lv. 12:58 p. in.
At Albany and Corvnllls connect Willi
trains ot Oregon Pacific Uallrond.
4:W p. m. Lv. 1'ortlnnil Ar. I s:fia. in.
7.!ij p. m. I Ar.McMlnuvUle Lv. i 5:t5 a. ni.
Through Tickets
To all points
For tickets and lull information regai it
inerates maps, etc., apply to tbe Compa
ny's ngeni .uem, uregon.
E.P. ROGERS, Asst. U
K. and Pass. Avr't
EaRfti'" JJtr eat M E Iff5'
r '
DR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Ilrnln
Treatment, n guaranteed speclflo for Hys
teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous
Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration
caused oy tho uso of alcohol or tobacco,
Wakotullness, Mental Depression, Solten
Ing of tbo brain resulting in lusnnlty and
leading to misery, decay and death, pre
matura oldnge, barrenness, loss of power
caused by over-exert Ion of the brnln. Each
box contains one month's treatment, S1.C0
a box or six boxes for 85.110, sent by mall
prepaid on receipt of price.
To curo any case. With each order le
celved bv us for six boxes, accompanied
with $5.C0, wo will send the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund tbe innney II
tho treatment does not etlect a cure. Guar
antees Issued only by Geo. E. Good, Drug
gist, Hole agent, 809 Com. Bt., balem, Or.
il?; J?
f f n"T I Sicbau's
W. mri ami
faBLg "'
Ie Itlclinu's Golden Balsam No. 1
Cures Ctiancrts, fint and second stages
Sores on tho Legs and Dody; Sore Ears
Eyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotches!
Syplillitlo Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all
Srfmary forms ot tha dleass known at
rphllis. Price, S5 OO pr Ilottle.
I.o Itlclinu's Golden Itiiliain No. a
Curea Tertiary, JlercurlalSyplillitio Rheu
roatiam. l'alns in the Doqei, fains In the
Head, back ol ths Neck, Ulcerated Sort
Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con
tracted t'orclf, stlffnes ot the Limbs, ami
eradicates all dliease from the system,
nhethcr caused by indUrretlon or abuse
of Mercury, leaving tho bljod puro and
healthy, Price 8S OO per Ilottle.
I,o Hlchnu's Golden Huanlsh Antl.
dote (or the cure ot Gonorrhoea, Oleet,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni
tal disarrangements. Pries 94 50 per
1 ltlchau'i Golden Hpanlsh In.
lection, for severe cases ol Gonorrhoea,
Inftammatory Gleet, Strlcturcs,&c. Price
91 nu per Ilottle.
Le RIennn'a Golden Ointment
tor the cSectlre heallngot Srphllltlo Sores
and eruptions. I'rlro9l 00 per Box.
L.a Itlclinu's Golden PlllaVfrri
and Drain treatment; loss ol physical pow
er. excess or over-work, l'rostratlon, etc.
Price 93 OO per Ilox,
Tanle nnd Nervine,
8nt everywhere, C. O. Dn loourely puked
per eipresi
000 X fill ITIAIlKr.T ST ,
San Francisco, Cal
-.in ARa bcht rues'
Ill theCouuty Court of theBtate of Or
egon, for the County of Marlon.
In the matter of tho estate of IrH.n.ir..,
li. A. Lnbas, deceased. """lO"
WiiKitASBpnllcstlon having been made
lu due form of law to the above mimed
ixiuri on i be 6th day ol Januarv.A. I), ljil,
by ii ti. A. banning the dmy appointed,
lunitr)iHl nnd ectlng administrator of said
fktate, for nil order and licenseaulhorlzing,
enuHiwerluganddlrectlug him to sell the
rai estate belonging to said decedeut aud
described us follows, to wlU
Ixitsflve, six, seven nnd eight, In block
No lwciHy.uk shown on the recimjed elal
ufthetowu oTKtumlil, In tbe pouniy o
Urbm nnd stateefOregnn.as recorded In
ilieortlee of the recorder of conveyances
for said county aud state.
And whereas aald court ha fixed on
Monday, the Vth day of. March. A. D. lfcSl,
at the court room In the court house, la
the lity of Kaleni, in said county aud state.
ia 10 o'clock a, m, of aald day a the lime
nnd place for hearing any nud all objections
totliegrHntlUKOf said order aud license.
i-mreio nov. it. uelorme. the resld-
ur legttlae an,l itTUea pf said Mtate
Inl.MU-Pil In .1.1 fald.A. f!iu.tH..T
U.., . .m p-.. va.., irvi'i:
In Hie name of UteKlnleof Otwom rnn
ande.ii'hof you are hereby cited and re
quired to eppearal mid lime and place,
ihcnard there toahowrauta. If mr ri.
have or If any there be, why the prayer ot
said order ana licence ahnuld not tsMie as
pmycil ror iu asm pcimun.
Uncus tho Hon. Win. Waldo, Judge ot
the tXmtiiy Court of the State n thvgon
lortheooiuilyof MaruHi.wtth the m1 ol
aald court atflxed, this th rayot Febru
ary, A. IK 13U1 Y, J. UABCOCK
And Oregon Development compauy'i
steamship line. V!25 miles shorter, 0 hour,
less time than by any ottiei loute. Hill
crass through passenger and freight lint
from Portland and all points In the Wl
lamette vallev to and Irom San Kianclsci
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays).
Leave Aloany 1:00 PA:
Lenve Corvallis 1:10 Pi'
Arrive Yaquina 6:30 PM
Leave Yaquina - ...... .(I:15AW
Leave Corvnllls 10:35 A 1'
Arrive Albany ....... 11:10 A '
O. & C. trains connect ut Albany a.it.
The above trains conntct at YAQTJIN I
nith tbe Oregon Development Co's Lit
jfSteamshliw between Yiinulnn nnd Sa.
Karullon, Friday, June a
Willamette Valley, Tuesday July
Fiirallon, Sunday "
Willamette Vnlley, Thnrsdny " 1
I'nrallon, Tuesday " I
Wlllametto Vallev. Friday June T,
Kanillon, Tuesdayn July 1
Willamette Valley, Sunday " (
Fanillon, Thursday " ie
Wlllametto Valley, Tuesday ' K
This company reserves the riebt t
change sailing dates without notice.
N. 15. Passengers Irom I'oitland and ill
Willamette Valley points can mnhc .'Iiai
connection with the trains ot tin
i AOU1NA HOUTE at Albany orCorvallU
and if destined to San I' rtnelsco, sbonlc
armnge to arrive at Yaquina the evenlr.;
before date of sailing.
('avenger and Freight Kates Alnsjs tl
linwest. For InformntlMii apply U Metsis
HULMAN & Co., Freight nnd Tlckc
Agcuts 200 and 202 Front m Portland, Ol
CO. HOUUE Ac't Oen'l Frl. &
Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific It. it. Co..
i-orvaiiih, ur
O H. HARWELL, Jr. Oen'l Fit;
Pass. Agt. Oregon Development
Co.. 301 Montgomery st.;
From Termioal or Interior Points the
Norton Pacific llaioat
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the dining car route. It runs through
vestibule tralus every day In the year 10
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dlnlnguirx unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Ol Litest cquipmem
Sleeping Cars,
Best that can bo constructed.und lu which
uccoiuinodnthiis are both free nnd tin.
ulshed for holdm 8 of first uud socoud-clns
ir-.-i cacr'ittng with ah
4lint , - uulnteriuptec!
A coutlnum
lines, n tloi din
Pullman sli ir-- Ions can bo se
ured lu ad c any agent oi
tho ro.nl.
Through tickets to aud from u)l points
In America, England npd Europo can be
purcliased ut an) ticket ottlce ot this com
pany. Full Information loiiceining rates, time
of tmtiis.ruuus mid other details furnished
on application to uuy ugent or
Assistant Oeneml Passenger Agent, No.
121 First street, cor. Washington; port
bind, Oregon
Oregouinn Iiail Homl Company.
leuor il odlem Front and T, dts, Portlan
..li',", . .. . Toward
I'orllaud Htntlons. Portland
Mlvrr-Coburg Port'nd Port'd
tonao mall niall Exp
7 IS
9 3)
IS to
8 00 IVrU'ndSPCo 4 0U 9 S5
10 X Woodburn 1 40 7 8
H as Sllxerton 12 05 8 4
o ii; lirowiuvllle 7 40
a so coburg o oa
Connections at Woodburn with a P Co
trulns to aud from Protland and nt Tall
ii'iiu with trains to and from Albany.
Alrlle mall Portland:malI
LV AM . AU py
.Portland WV. 3 15
Dundee Junction 203
.. Slierlaan 9 u)
-Drtllas.. m
Jionuiouth. 7S8
AlrllA ii it
IMitlfAla tnf U'a.1 QI.Ia U.T.V....T- .. ...
. ."-" . ". .mw (..alum jor saie ai
tootnUHietwiiikt. Tickets for East side
.tutlous tor sale at Union depot. (jr. 6th
andlMieets. CHAsInIbpott.
V.i ' U,1' ()en-re'- 1'ius.Agt
Notlco or Final Settlement.
NT0!1!.'. I "f1? Klvenr.uat the under
L igued admtuls rutor ol theeslateof
i.i h,,ln. decmsed, has tiled hi
nnal sohiiiI ol the said estate In
the eonnlj- eonrt tbe state ot Orvgon. for
nxttl MuKtlar. Ihe tthe day ftf Aw?" 1S?1
olijiwii.His tbereUK at the conn room in
itwcHirt beu: in IU. rilxfi'ViSSm, S
wldcuucty and state, and that the wVu"
will b- iMd opun at aald lima .nil JSl'S?
j IMted tbu Ilia day of FebniarylWi.
aiWw AamlnitrtwoflaS.
Oouie to the W'illametto Vallev and n-of n i
countiy tnat can be reiiea upon. JLana that will nr d
magnificent crops. Where your living is assure e
- irom
the beginning and failure of crops is unknown. (j0I1
to a country where vou do not have to work 10 t
. , ,10un
very day tor rz montns m tne year I to supply y0Ur
and family with the necessaries of life for G months T
but few countries that possess all the good things- Wi
many of Blizzards, Cyclones and Hot winds comnla'
tne Willamette Valley lias never Had a failure of
and is getting there just the same.
We are living in nn
as regards extensive farming. Having found that retim. '
from Wheat no longer justify the cost of production ti
big wheat fields of the Pacific coast are almost a
the past . The producer of wheat has found that
to compete with the great wheat producing belts ol
world. Rapid transportrtion has annihilated distaia
and in 30 day's time wheat from the graneries of Eurqt j
and Asia can be deliyered at any seaport in tlio world.
Has Been
that diversified farming will pay in any country when
moisture and the sun's rays meet. In no other countryhas
with her gifts as in the
where grow all lands of cerearls. V"eetables,hop3aiid ber
ries yield profitable returns. The Willamette Valley isj
the home of the Apple, the Peach, tho Pear, the Plus,
the Prune and all kindsof deciduous fruits. While othe
lands than ours grow apples, plums and pears, in no other
country do they reach such a state of perfection. Nature,
the mother of monopolists, in all that great belt of count
ry lying between the 25th and 50th paralells of latitude
the Pacific coast alone produces the Italian and Petite
or (French) prune. Last year theUnited States imported
from France alone 70,000,000 pounds of prune as against
10,000,000 pounds grown on the Pacific coast.
We have for sale choice fannsimproved and unimproved,
larguand small, in the hills or on the prairie. j
in Fine Garden and Fruit Tracts. "' Our garden and fnfy
tracts are all fine elevated lands. Deep black soil
good drainage. Come to the Capital City with its $
nery and evaporators that will give you home markets
your produce.
Keep it in
That fruit tracts are valuable property and that no iuve
ment will bring you better returns. Improved suburb!
acre property with buildings and other improveuii
Also acre t acts without buildings but with growing
consisting of trees,"plants, vines etc., and city proper
every description.
ostoffice Block.