.341 "IflfJUl .WflajP '""Wl-'i " rPTi" T-f a-" - --ia5J-;y.-awpr"W!-"f -rpi i MAK.2J.W1-! ltI)AV rS! llMS Oh 11 " " jo oo lliy " ,ii per month, - x , S V W '"' l?1 rf T ndvanTo t he price , .. 'en '!- " met". Inf 'toV. " 6vJCtS JJ.UCCI ,,,, .......TVbJoUKNAl. rCRHj T1.F "fTthe "SSiW associated 1r & fsmm n,iPrt in Groceries, Crockery, ! J ware Paints, Oils, Varnishes, R X Vindowglass, Etc, Sole S3?W Epicure Tea and B,g ,l.'n( 'O.vnei. , i.MllAli MAHKKf. .... .. net 071 cents per bu. rAto85 cents per lb. Thebetai for 25 cts. on the lto coat t Strong's check res taurant. EiUd'Hl nud Shoal Water nay french dinners dereci Id advance, cooked when or- WES TACOTT & IRWIN. Hi: Sour tub Mum:. Several !.! nin n Itinll tlV tllO UnlllO of Tom Osborn borrowed a mulo from a neighbor, and then went to his next friend and borrowed a saddle and bridle. With this outfit he came to Baleni and got gloriously rlmnk. sold the mulo for ten dollars and skipped the country. The grand jury found a true bill against him. Since that time the sherifl has been on the lookout for him. Yesterday afternoon the city marshal received atelegram from Marshal Hoffman, o( Albany, staling mat a uiuu naming to Osbom's description win his care in that city. The ibaiS placed a warrant of arrest in ifehand and Salem's marshal went upl.'st nlptht and brought the recre ant to this city this morning. He will be glveu a hearing at the ad journed teflon of the circuit court iu April. He left a family a few milts north of Salem when he stole the mule. Harrison Institute. There teems to be a misunderstanding about the change of tho name of the Miuu traiuing school located at t'kniawa, four miles north of this ciljr. Chemawa is iu one sense a suburb to Salem. This training school has been known at Washing ton as the "Salem Indian training school" and not the "Chemawa Indian training school." A reporter s informed by those in authority at that placa that all bills of laden, invoices of good and official notices are marked "Salem Indian training school." This leaves Chemawa untouched, as the school will yet remain at Chemawa, and the post office aud village will still bear the name, and Father J. L. Parrish will till have the proud honor of giving to that place its name. Conflict in Dates. Next Sat urday, March 28th, is the date for the stallion bIiow in Salem. Salem has been recognized for years as the place for holding tho show of flue horses. The Polk county paper an nounces that on that date a stallion nw will take place in Dallas. There should not bo a conflict of dates in these two adjoining cguu-lea- Salern must, by necessity be the most attractive place on -that y. aud Polk county's capital as 11 as Salem, must suffer by such 'conflict. The dale for the Salem owand parade was published over 'Karago. Many flue animals are "Pected here on that occasion, and ofceofthera will come from the 'tetsldeof the river. Ijthe Countky. About a hun- Qrw studeuts of tho Willamette "oivemity were out iu tho country Way enjoying the rural scenery. lUtylelthecity at 6 o'clock this E With ('apt, James Smith, tuV1 little steamer Mauzanillc ptooV baskets (Hied with eat,- ator T m hnd ft 8,lort dl8tanco di i "'fcpeiidenco and Imvo a rti qrin th mmshlue and !,,,'? They nre expected back 8UUI 6 o'clock this evening. Bhlin0 Peddlers. Harmon h. wi u the na,ne fi,ven hy an Ilttl wio was arrested Friday after- J"" w selling linens in the city Mu n license to do bo. He wag ." U7 9) and not haying the kiT.V10".' iu the city sum. These vut that lilt! fVI ""iw W ho fare thus in Hhtem tlitu""1 ltUrn that complying with ' lt -1 P0110 D.d i You fiver , . . 4 . ' J wmV ftouwaiwww e,beTld "I K" ? rM The Or. riva-. . r:'Juihls immpn ft fitt Ber' 3l7 OommereW -- m bv tuuauLDUu i . fffrn nn mi witu bii'ij i .. t- k.ivj in trie wtinu " vw- K(n T r. mi onu .. I" ------ - , tWtrw.i.''i'i,7--lL,- nnd PO.H ViWfeSftr WTrrwt'iT(ta-p-iTrniW1B, CHURCH DKIHCATIUX. Tho "KrirtidY Church" In North Salrm Will lio Formally Openrtl Sunday. The people of IIIkIiIiukI, In Nurtli Balom, etui cohjstuUiIiUo them elves on BuouriiiKui-iiu iibu. nine enurcu t8 now stands In tho fir grove on tho south ldo of the street car track near tho cluster of cottages In that suburban ndditinu to Bnli'in. Tho Inside meuitiniieuts tire 8 feet wide hy 42 long and 17 high. It is nicely IliiNhed Inside with wainscot of tlr flnlHhcd In oil. The other Inside tiiiilmlngs are of redwood also with oil finish. The rear of tho audito rium room is cut oil by largo doors which may be elevated when the occasion demands more room. This room Is carpeted with mailing and will be u-,ed in a private pchnol room and foroUlolal church meetlncd or on slmlllar occasions. Tho main loiiin, which has a seating capacity for about 1")0 persons, has a pleasant colored figured carpet. Tho entire church can accomodate about 200 persons at one time. The church is well 'ighted by day by large win dow on tho sides and a variegated Untitle, Catherine-wheel window iu front. The ulajn in this window is of nine shades in color, while the Hide windows aro of clear glass. The entire insidu wall and overhead are ceiled and papered. The paper ranges in color from a slightly tinted dark below to a rich cieani, imlt-xt-ing fresco In the center of the quarter-arch celling. The change of pnper has its respective bor der to match In display of color. The s-eats of the church will be very comfortable, with clialts for the vestibule laud aisles when needed In all it is a very neat and comfort able church. Tho ripiltaatorv sermon will be preached Hnnday morning by Rev. J. II. Douglas at 11 o'clock. The n..iii. In ireneral are Invited to ittend. The people who have been lal.oiiug for the construction of this church building have been at a large expense and at their opening service Suuday would be glad to receive aid from any who see fit to give auy thing for such a cause. The efforts of these people are commendable and should be warmly supported by this city. Veunal Equinox. The equi noxtial storm, which ancient tradi tion and the later prophets have had follow closely on the vernal equinox, seems to have touched Salem lightly during tho past two days. Today is tho time when the storm should have beeu severest, when tho sun in his course eulera the point in Aries. After the sun passes the vernal equinox, which is March 21st, the people of antiquity considered spring to begin, unless tho Gods had some reason to punith the people with some additional winter. Three Nights. The Caroline Gage & Keene company will be at the Reed three nights next week beginning Monday night and will give a change of program each night. The same troupe was iu Salem about a year ago aud were well received aud played to good houses. Their dramas are first-class and the parts well sustained. One of the plays will be Camille. The box sheet is open at Pattou's book store on State street. : Spuing Poetry. It is all right In its place, but a spring suit is more necessary just now. E, Sclioettle can please you, , 1 Tpey Are In It. DoLeon & Ja ierg, the barbers, are In the business for tho cream of it, and they are get ting it by good work. Remember This 1 Tho undersigued has just received, a large stock of lute styles of the P. Ceuteineri kid gloves the only genuine In the city, and is the only authorized agent at Salem. Also ureal display of new spring millin ery. Ciias. CAI.VKRT, 274 Commercial St. Now is Your Time. Improve ihe opportunity and get your photo graph at Montee Bros.' gallery, For the next 20 days they will make cabinet photographs for $1.00 per dozen. Flrst-cluss work. Gallery, south of the postofflce, Salem, Or. 3-10-tf Henceforth. Clark &. Eppley will hereafter be prepared to fur nish the best green vegetables in the market. 100 Court street, . I o Aii Opportunity in Real Estate. For Sale for 30 Days. What Is known as the "Marble Corner," cor ner of Court aud Wberty atreeta. Also 11 blocks across tue street north of the East Salem school house. This property will be for sale for tho next 30 days. InR"'?' 3:121m M.L.CHAMBEBIjAIN. Chm cliowder-Sront & GHoW New ARRIVAL.-Large Jnvoloe of new millinery from San Francisco, ... r m.-r. Wllron'i) today. e are r.celvlngand llllugordere dally. Only the befet g-otl "Done Du- ft.r yur lawns, at rimat & UHe'B. - . V 8AHHP Installment Tbe Clevt-tend Onrdcn wtfU a Ihe ! ' J i , man jor pu, ""i ; - i ino "-,;,-" r.- uhmiu. Kerer i:..j.i,..irninii.rwlliouse. inquire Oruiw,o to k.-.-. yt" w ,.,., oUin. ., u ii, wm . t w tj.. .... a KtutoHireei. ii ivirnana nn"1" ------ - -.,.J r a ... v - . 'a. .. .... ... rd I'lir. . 3"- - ill -- ti. iuiiiii ..'--- : .ui n m. yui v iruuursi w reliable, t Taking Nkw Intkiikst. The Alka-Hespcrlan society held a met tng last night to consider tlieirlhian clul condition. It wag tlio unani mous opinion of those ptesent that tills HoolPty which has lived in Salem for u quarter of a century snouUl not now be allowed In ill.. for the want of funds to pay hall fci.t. It was decided to sell the piano, which is little used, to pay the back rent. C. II. Brown and N M. Newport were appointed to dispose of the same. The Kline com mittee were named to solicit for new members iu order that the qtMrterly dues may besulllcli'iit to pay cur rent expenses. An Interesting pro gram was arranged for next Satur day evening O. U. Drown and N.M. Newport to give an essay nud decla mation, and It.W. Whltakerand C. D.lJrowu tontllini,and John O'Shea and A. O. Condlt to deuy, "that when federal courts full in the ad ministration of law, the people are warranted Iu iuterferring by taking the execution of the law iu their own hands." Roll Call. The Baptist church held a roll call on Vednedny night in the auditorium room, a large number responded bv their presence aud a number of others by letters The occasion was a reunion of the church and strengthening the bonds of the Bocii ty. This church has a membership of about 2-50 aud is In a healthy condition both spiritually and financially. Rev. R.W. Whita- ker, the ruliiMer in charge, has been here a year and tins imparted a nuw life into the church aud has largely increased the inenib.-rshlp and attendance of religious service. Tun Elocutionist. On next Thursday and Friday evenings Miss Swautnn will appear iu the opera house assisted by Saleins'B favorites, watch for the program iu Monday evening's Journal. There are enough attraction on the program to assure a full house. Those who in tend to get good stats must do so soon or they will be left as tho seats are going fast. I'KKSUNAIi AM) LOCAL. Miss JenneM. Long, of Portland, is In the city. Prof. McKce, of the Albany col lege, is iu the city this afternoon, visiting. Ed. Herren came down from the paint mine", near Lebanon, this morning. Ho reports every tiling In that locality as nourishing. John Knight the blacksmith on Liberty street, keeps tho best modern tools nnd employs only competeut men for shoeing horses. Mr. Wiley, manager of the Great Eastern Tea store, was unexpectedly called to Portland yesterday, aud was accompanied by his better half. A large number of Salem firemen attendedthefuueral of their Intemem ber,GeorgeScoviile, whiob took place this afternoon from Tiger engine room. The firemen were in uniform. Dr. W. D, Jeffiey, who has been on the sick iist, is improving. Capt. L. E.Pratt is olso getting along nice ly and will soon be convalescent. Dr. J. W. McAfee has uot been out doors for soveial days. Remember the feast in the way of a supper In the G. A. R. hall Mon day night, given by ladles of the Y. R. C. These women are well known for the fine tables they set and tho courtesy shown in waiting on them, Instruments Filed tor Keiord at the County Recorder's Ofllcc. A E Harney and wife to J A Damon, a tract ot laud on Commercial street. $ W T Regan aud wife to Emma Snook, lots 7 iu blk 17 iu capital park ad to Salem. Bradley's ad to Woodburn was recorded today. Tills ad dition contains 40 lots, C W MeCown and wife to H T White, 40 acres in t 7 a, r2e. D A Osborn and wife to L H McMahon, 103 acres in Woodburn. J H Settlomier and wife to F A Ford, 23-100 of an acre in Woodburn. H J Hadley and wife to Lovlua Loyejoy, 1 acre iu 1 0 8 r -1 e . ,. i E O Minton aud wife to Thos Frost, lot 0 iu blk 30 lu McClane ad to Salem. R H Kenedy and wife to S B Gwynn, 1 ace in 1 5 a, r 1 w. Rev Adelhelra Odermatt to Anua Maria Gronee, blk 8 in Mt Angel. J H Masher and wife to F P Freuce, 100 acres iu t 7 s, r 1 w. F P Frepch, guardiuu of Edna A French to J H Mash er, ICO acres in t 7 a, r 1 w. 1305 100 150 2C0 U000 900 125 210 1000. 1000 "Bono Dust" tho great fertilizer, at Sroat Gllp'a. HOTEL. ARRIVALS "-THE WILLAMETTE." John Andrews, Portland, H E Giesy, Aurora. E M Taylor. WIHlrn. M W Ro-eblatt, S F, S H Wilson, Gardiner, COOK. Wm Morgan, E A Thompson, Mrs P J La Porte, Miss Viola La Porte, J B Blaudiu, D A Drainer, Portland. a B Catterlin, W J White, Salem. P K Fretz, St Louis. G A Stakweatheri Tapoina. HuckleD':ArnltT. lllaf is guaranteed 10 give p irfect sail.lav Uoo or money jwuau. rice, .eni per U1CI1 wwt- - . IliSiANB SOCIKTY. Steps taken i'riil.iy In Uiganiz.) Mirh an Order at Sul.m. The Initial meeting for the above purpose was a success in polpt of at tendance, depth of Interest mani fested aud iullueutlal clabs of ladies and gentlemen present. Promptly at 2 p. in. ttie following were iu attendance: Mesdauits liidtir, Knight, Stump, Lookluy, Flike, Puii'Tsin, aud MK-es Hal' and Flske. Messrs. Lulue, Minton, A. Bush, Castlemau, Lockley, Knight, Revs. Blown and Whlta ker, press reporters Irvine and E. Hofer. Mr. Bush was called to the chair. Upon motion, P. S. Knight, W. N. Ladueaud H. H.Brown were choseu committee on organization, to report at au adjourned meeting Friday, March 27, at 4 p. m. at same place. There was a general discus sion of waya aud means for creation of public sentiment and enforce ment of the very strlugetit Oregon laws ou the subject. All present fX pressed a desire to see the laws enforced against cruelty to auimuls, and weie willing to attend another meeting aud brlni' their friends with them, when tho society will be organized by adopting and sighing the constitution, electingoillcersand providing means to circulate litera ture, prosecute violation, and rais ing funds for legitimate expenses. MARKlKll. BBNNETr-HEl'IUJRN. - At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hepburn, on Ferry street, at 11 o'clock, March 21, 1891, Mr. Chaiies Bennett and Miss Laura Hepburn, Rev. C. E. Clitic olllclating. A few of thts most intimate friends of the family were present to wit ness the ceremony. The young couple will spend a few weeks visit ing in the Sound cities, after which they will return to Salem to make their home. DUKE-COX. At the Capital Hty Resturant, March 21, 1691, Ella Cox to James Duke, both of Sil vertou, Jus. Datclielor otllciatlng. DIED. COOLE Y. At Astoria, Fi idny. March 20, 1891, at 6 p. m, of typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. Haniet L. Cooley, aged about CO years. Mrs. Cooley moved from her North Salem home to Albina, nearly three years ago, and after living there until last May, she moved to Astoria with her sons, J. B. and Frank M. Her husband, Jackson L. Cooley, preceded her to the grave several years, nud was burled lu the family grave yard, near Hubbard. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. A. R. Dimick, who came to Oregon in 1847, when she was only fifteen years old. The family settled on a farm in French prairie, where the family was reared and where some of them yet live. She was a siser to Hon. G. W. ami J- B. Dimick, who now live near Hubbard. In 1851 she was married to Jackson L. Cooley, at the home of her parents. The result of this union were nine children, six of whom survive the mother. John lives iu Brownsville, Linn county; J. B, and Frank M., in Astoria, and Mrs. Robt Dowell Susie and David, In Albina. She had been a member of the First Baptist church in this city for years. The funeral will be held in Hub bard Monday, at 10 a. m. FREE! A box of Kiench Candy with your Teas OUR 40 CENT TEAS Are superior to those sold by groceries at 60 cents, 'i ry them and be yourown Judje WE IMPORT plrect, nnd In dealing with us you save all middlemen's profit, For a few days longer we will continue our Special Sale. lib box of French Mixed Candy glvon free, besides a nlco present In crockerj fur jl. Ab box and two preserve dlshcn with 60 cents worth ol tea. Our Codecs aro 6 cents per pound less t ban vlsewtier". Call and try as. ITB I l 'I VI' 'II' I I n.n v i J, Company, 317 Commercial Street, SaLem, 40 Branches, ri- .40 Branches, K FOR SALE. Seventy-nine and one-half acres of land 6 miles from Kalem. (rom,,n5?''lnd; euce; i ihlles from steamboat landing of a inffe Iront school house. House, barn, smoke bouse, wood und chicken houso Ffly acres In cultivation; balauce pasture; four springs ou the place; line young on chard, smalt fruit, el, rait at th Plc. or address O.U euVer, lancer, llBrioqCoj, M iai.1mi.a rluk niinui Orai4. PENNYROYAL PILLS V'.1Xa .!. ! I.lUbU. LABIIS UtitOH IOatcl44tft HuflUk t- ,mu mm la l(cd U4 vuu w 'IK koua, mU4 I'll Slo. rltu. Takaa4kM. MhM iwrm mtLkMMHiUa - J.-.-. . At DrmfiUt4 or mbS 4a laiuaiptlerraniMUM.te.UlM auli aa "Jt.iurr.r IaSIm, U Uu,r Sj rHara Moil. 10,VVU luUaMalaU CttiUr Lkralui CW.aIaJla.ft tMaarc 8UaaULwaltin4. ..i..i. SALS OF ri-.-iY S J CJU?S. 7 .. .. t. .1.H IWI aam M.'A TrMttl &ym, fciur bor.- and olbr sHxk at my rirra on liawe i praine seven murv ra Of Kalem at the J. U oiT corner, on Tues- ay Atrcn 17. wi. w. 'f. IUMSDEN s-iuinvw IMPORTED IIORSCS. Four fine Ullloas to be sold soanM the IUju nam, near oeiot. snot. HAVIW 4 VEdCLEK, " w Halem.lJr. .ii li'i M SS EiJ y m alihaaYtaaaWii tiaYiaiiarilriit--''" Merit Wins. Wodcslr.'tosuv to our citizens, thai Tor ars we have been selling Dr. Ki ujf'HNon D'wwery, for Con sumption. Dr. Klng'sNew LlfePills, Ducklen'o Arnica Kalve and Elec trie Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sold as well or have given sucli universal satisfaction. We do tint hesitate to guarantee t bent evi rv time, nud wo stand ready t n f P'd Hie purchase price, if sat Isfuclnrv lexiilts do not follow their (lie. These remedies have won llitlr gicai popularity purely ou their merits, at Fry's Drugstore. Removhd, The stove and tin store of Barr & Petzcl lias been re moved from next door to Ladd & Bush's bank to 247 Commercial, two doors north of Red Corner drug store. 3-7-dtf See our "Exotic" Gilo's. ware. Sroat & The Chlrf Rrnaon tor ino. great fu eess of Hood's S.iisaparllla Is (otind In tilt article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and th1 (act that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is whsj oas given to this medicine a popularity and lale greater than that of any other sarsap Meri Wine rlUa or blood purt lVierlL VVIIlS ncr before tho publta Uood's Sirsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum ami all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai Tired reeling, creates an Appetite, strength sns tho 'en ch, builds up tho Whole Systesf Uooil'n Mur-aiiarilln Is sold by all druf 'Ists. $l;slxfoi$5. Prepared by C. I. Hoof 1 Co.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. HK.aatkuM JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Eoi'dcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Sliingles, Hay, Teed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVKUTISI2S13NTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Tbreo nights, commencing MONDAY, MARCH 23. Triumphant return of tho unrivaled favorites, CAROLINE GAGE -and- HARRY F. KEBNE'S , Well known company of players, opening Mnndnv evenlnc In nn elaborate produc tion or Alex Dumas' lamous sensational d.ama, 'Can-iille," With magnificent stago setting and the most sumptuous wardrobe ever displayed In Halem. Change of play nightly. salo of seats opens Friday morning at i-auon'B uooic store. REED'S OPERA HOUSE Thursday and Friday, March 26 and 27 -First Appearance of- MISS ELLA LEOTTA SWAKTON, Axnerlca's I"enrless ElnoutlonlHt. Under thojiusplces of tho Y. P.M. i K of the JJaptlstChuich, assisted by Salem's Best Musical Talent. Kcfct-rvfMl scats without extra charge at Proat A Olle's Utate strtol. 3Iortgageo's Salo of Chattels. Notice Is hereby duly given that under id bv vlrtueofaccrUun chattel morlicauo beuring dato March tit li. 1KJI, exeouted and delivered on suld day by McKlmey Mitchell to Ivan It. Dawson, which mort gage was duly Hied for rrcord In the otllce ot the rcrorder of conveyances of Marlou county, Oregon, on if arch 7th, Ural, at one o'clock p. in., In which county the property was and still Is, and by ruison of tho de- lieruiliuiivr uunvjjifuu lljrii fault of said MeKlnley Mitchell In falling to pay on demand to said Ivan it. Dawson 1MB sum i toiuion. wiiii uiitrai iiuiii March 0th, IHyi.attho rateol ten rcrcent. per annum, und tho further sum of Jjl.f.irib.') with tutereat at aald rate from said date secured by tutld mortgage and due und wholly unpaid und by rtuwin that the conditions ot said mortguge have be come and ar broken by said default aud pursuant to the terms ofauld tnorlgugo 1 will make fort-clMsure of said iniitgr.gi and will on Haturday. the !th day of MIUOU.A, It. inui.ai uaiipuitiuievuu in iiiu forenoon at tho stor building formerly occupied by suld McKluley Ml'chell lu tho town of nervals, lu the county of Ma- rlon, state ot Oregon, sell all the mortgaged chattels in said mortgage described as all the stock ot g. neral mervhan Use blong Ingtomld MClvlnley Mlwliell. oonslatlng of hardwure. hats and cans, dry and f'ir nlhlng(jXKls, biots und show, rroekery, oIlH.cloUilng. grtioerlftn. wlllotv w ro, aud giKMls of all kind, nature or description; aluall the store furiiituro and Jlxlurwi lu the two ttory bull II ue and warnlmuww adjacent tberetw ocupitxl ut the date of said mortgage by the said MuKlnloy Mitchell as a. feugr.il store; nl.nnll the furniture nnd txtur lu building ooeupled by litmus h furnlturo store ou fit nud K reel", la said town, c nmiy and siate: alao one horse arid biugy.to Hie blgbeat bidde ' rcauiu uaauiuw my lun aiu imirv gKe.undwlll apply the proeds asdlr ecti-d by thetuild nior gagutu iliemymeni ft t . ut.n. Mt mVlM Hii . n .1 .l.u . . I tia. ft .1 .. of ritJfM i, with Int nl on p-.rhofsaid auma nv inv nie ui iu i-r iii pvr mn i cum from March o Ii, Isel, xnd to tht- payment of all cha-ift- tuohlng said mortgaged chat'els amounting to I he sum of I- an" Ui the payment of euuuaol fees tys provided for in SAtd murtKagp mounting to ten per cent nala and Interest akuv i ox tho ii muw nnd Id tre t alv inentiouod, and ibe surplus. If auy there be, I will render uudpaj'overlotheialdMoKlnJty Mltobell ui- to ou aigni , fJt4 iUtrh lltli, lttl. IVAN Jl. DA WHO.V, Mortgairee, By &M CH018AN, Agent Ut HlmamtaVUlsaaMrjaiii! MaaXSmu.: .- Spring JUST RECEIVED All the latest patterns aud shades in Satincs, Palmor Seersuckers, Manchester and Cheviot Suitings, Zephyr Cloths, Beige Novelties, and Dress Ginghams. SS?" See display in cornet window. CST" Special bargains In Fine, Heavy Plaid Spring Suitings 25 in. wide 35c a yd., Handsome Cheviot Spring Suitings 14 yds. for 1.00 CAPITOL - ADVENTURE - COMPANY, OPERA Head quarters for low pi Ices.- iDDHESS TO P. Within 5 years. Not less than 100 now houses are going up now In Salem. The entire va'ley will mako un unprecedented building growth Therefore we have just laid lu 1,000 Gallons Linseed Oil. We also carry the largest stock in this valley of Paints, Glass, Brushes, Qilsj Putty, Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Alabastine and Fire Brick. l&ST MIXED PAINTS IN THE MARKET By Can or Barrel. Hay, Grain, Feed, Groceries, Crock ery, Glass GILBERT & PAINTS m When in Need Harness, You will find it to your advantage to call on me be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I have the LA11GEST RE TAIL STORE IN OREGON. . Gents' and Ladies' Sad dles iu most modern styles, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS Best made in the world. I am sole Manufacturer's Agent for Snlem. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD I Buggy Harness as low as $5.60. Wagon Harness as low as $13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but was established by me in 18G9 and by long experience I know tho demands of the trado. You can't miss tho place at the sign of "The Big Dapple Gray Horse." Thanking my customers for their liboral patronage in the past. By square dealing, the same. TOiBIM NIMI. Largest Stock of Trees in the INorthwest ONE AWT TIIKE B-FOU11TUS IVEILLIONS. o 100,000 Pruno Trees. 3ri.u00 Royal Ann Cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford Peach. 10,000 Moorpiuk and Royal Apricot. LARGE STOCK OF ALL OTHER FKUE FROM 10ATAL0GUE FREE. ADDRESS: J H. SETTLEMIER, THE OREGON NURSERY CO. Is Offering a Large, Well Grown Stock of FRUIT SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Prutit. EVERGREENS, VINES, SIUIUILS, ROSES, ETC. . At Low Prices. Late Keeping Winter Apples a Specialty . Catalogue and Prlco-List free. aaaaaaaMW I ana laaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaBaajaTarrmilwilg EffBSnUDMT S;a II!) B&a SC'JaE&u 3ESXC,alB: Sasln and Door Factory." Front'. Street, Salem, Oregon, Tho best cIuhis of work in our Willi 1110 lOWOHt. yJiuy LANDS. Tlio undcrsignoil in iiropnrod to furnish buyors nil kinds of farm IiukIb at tho best ratos. Also city and sub urban property. L. C. FISHER, 197 P. O. Block.Salom. talm Pint Katlannl liauk A P Abmstbowo, Mansjer W. I. BtaUcv. Prlndpit Business, Shorthand, Typtwrlttrn;, Penmnshlp and Encllsh. Department. Day and Ifrtalng ecsloua, Students admitted any time. CatslopW ou application. Novelties, AN IMMENSE STOCK. HOUSB BL.60I-C -Produco taken. THE PUBLIC: d. IS THE FIGURES SET FOR Sal,r,m:'s Population 0 POUNDS I0P STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD ! Ware. PATTERSON,- OILS. Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc. 1 hope for a continuance of E. S. LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Streot. SB.OOO Esopus Spltzonberg. 20.000 aruvoiiHtolH Annlo. 25,000 Yellow Newtown Plppen 15,000 Ron Davis Apple. LEADING YAHIETIES OF FRUITS INSECT ii -o- Woodburn, Oregon. Addresser call on WIRT J.ROS., Ofllco 202 Conimcrclal street, 8alem. Who do All Kinds of As Cheap as any Laundry in (ho Country Using Whlto Ifolp aud doliiKlirst-claas work. jELiii1Ich and patrons Invited lo luspect our process of doing work. 230 Liberty Street. lino at prices to compote wu vunb iimiurmi uhuu. Dulldiuir. 5alcin. Ortcott. II S$Ay INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "Tbu3 State." Assessed nonrlyloiift-llitrd'or njtnllllon OKO. M. BEELEK, City Agtnt, And special ngentfor Mnr'on county. Ul rica with tho company. $500 Rewardl WK will pay thonbovo reward for any c9eof liver complaint, dyspepuln, sick headache, Indigestion, constipation or cos tlvcness we cannot cure wllw west's Ve cltabloLtqer 1'llln, when tho directions are strlctle complied with. They are purely vegctabl, and never fall to give satisfac tion. Hiipar coated. Largo boxes, con tain Ing SO pills, 28 conl. Iteware of counter fells and nutations. The genutno manu factured ohly by TUK JOI1N U. WEST Co. Chicago 111. Sold by Geo E. Good, Druggist, a Com. Htrcct,S.lem Or. FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS, Founded m U877. 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And the finest over .brcdon tbc; Fnclflo Coast. Book your order early for'.cholco selections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J, M. GARRISON, lftll-dw Forest Qrove,Orcgd. & UEAL ESTATE BROKERS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Collections xMndo nnd loans Negotiated. SOB OOMMBROIAL STRBSX SALEM OREGON. l-20-d&w-tf I1Y mm D.C.SHERMAN, TT D lAHntn nnd Claim agent. T?.'0 Hox33, Halom, Oregon ozon. Dermt: Deputy County uierr vrlto for blanks. w, GEO. C. WILL, of Will Bros., Albany and Corvallls. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. sewinq"jiaciunes and oroans REPAIRED AND CLEANED At Your Homes Agents fotNorthwesttnsuroucoCo. Two doors north of Fori Olllce, Halem, Or. Nee dles and now parts for all Sowing Nachlne 8:6-tf dw 10 Acres for Rent. A cholco tract only ono mllo from Salem Terms liberal. Apply to HOFER BROS., Journal Office.1 MRS. P. L. EIESTER. Tito Largest Stock of SPRING MILLINERY Of the choicest styles. The latest styles from Ban Francisco and the east, A fine line of novelties. Lndles ;invltod to call Inspoct and compare prices. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. J20 will buy tho OOBLT. Typ WniTRB with 78 characters, and J15 for the Sinouc CAHKOhKix, warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with DuiaBii. itv. Hi-Kim. Kahk of OPKitAlioN. wears longer without cost of ropalrlng than any other machine lias no ink ribbon to botner tho operator, ii is neat, unsum tlal, nickel plated, perfect nud adapted to nil kinds or ty tie writing. Llks a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legibla manuKcnpL. iwu ur wn uu(iii.-n utu wo miutn at una wrltine. Anvlnlolllirentper- son can becomo nn operator In two days. vveoncriiuw) lo uny operator wuo cu equal the work of tho Uouulk CABB ODKLL. . . . Ileilable Agents and salesmen wanted. Special Inducement lo dealers. r or pumpuiet eiviuk iiiunrheuicuu., uu., addrew OUELI T Xl'U. WlUTKIt CO., i and 87 6th Ave. Chicago, 111. IWWOd Salo of City Property. "VTOTICK Is horeby given that the city ol XT rwiiem.ui tion at Halem, Mnrnh. 1K1II III i, Oregon, will sell at public auc im, Oregon, on tbe athdayof , at 2 o'clock p. in., three brick nunaings uciouging io nam cuy o mm, Oregon. Two of said buildings nro two story buildings and the other a one-story building. All of said property Is situated ou Halo itree I nnd Liberty street, und Js described as follews: Commnnoing al thn northwest corner ot block tf) In tho city of Halem, Oregon, and running thence easterly along tho north, lino os aald block OH leet: thence southerly parallel with the west lino of said block loo foet: thence, westerly parallel with tho north line or said block 60 feet to tho west line ofsald block; tbenco northerly along the west line of said block 100 feel to the place ol beginning. Tho terms of suld sale arelone-thlrd of the purchase price at the time of sale: the bal ance when the deod Is made by the ctly. Tho City ol Halem reserves tbe right of possession and tho right to use free ol charge, to the City of Kalem, the said one story building and the two-stoty bulldlne known as the Capital Knglne houae, and all of the upper stories of both of tho twe story buildings, on or before the llrst of HepUember, lbui, and the City ofHalem, Ore gon, also reserve Die right to relect any or all bids. Halo to take place lu front of the Capital Knglne company's building on Htuto street In sahlclty. K M. L.AFOIIU, IMMVAKOYT (J. 1). HUTTON, JAY O. HMITH, Committee from tbe Council. W ti 1X)W Chief Knglnccr of the Balom Kire'l)e partment, 0, C. BREWSTER, -Denier lu ll a Y, Grain, Mill Feed and Farm Produce. T0UACC0, CIGARS AND STATIONERY. OI Court Street. SALBM, - - ORBOON, PRINTING. nNKOK THM IjAItaKHT EHTABLIHH- Uments In the Htate. Lower rM Uum Portland, larget stock Legal Wanks t the Htate, a- tit biirveaL uiacounu iHiiu im nrlculUtof Job printing, and ctaliv(ue o legslblauk. " , , M. wAlTB, Mtmnx frinUr Haim Oretiocu HypuwanttUo uonulne P.Ce t'iumtl Kid Olovo, ctdl at Calvert', who U t(lll tliu twle kiU at tklssm, ittf ifajote! r pox,