Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 21, 1891, Image 2

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    VW?l" P' JV"5'
tact, many of the details must bo n
subject of long dlscuBslon, aud a
detail of today may be overthrown
tomorrow by tho discovery of new
conditions. Tho question of settle
ment with tho government on the
direct obligations of the Union
Pacific company is one which must
remain in the balance until negotia
tions can be reoponed with congress,
but while that feature of Mr.
Gould's plan must be, from the
necessities of tho case, tho last to be
ptrfected, the provisions for prior
liens and tbo amalgamation of tho
debts of the leased lines may be ar
ranged and carried out at nn earlier
date. It Is not yet decided whether
4 or 6 per cent shall bo tbo rate on
tho new consolidated mortgage
bonds. Tho final decision will
depend largely on the condition of
tho money market during tho nego
tiations that must precede tho ex
change of underlying investments.
Mr. Gould's skill in financiering is
so well known, that no doubt Is en
tertalned by bis friends that the
operation he bus in band will suc
ceed. It is impossible to figure,
however, upon the possible saving
of interest rates that might bt
effected by tho successful execution
of this project, as It is yet in a some
what chaotic state. The importance
of tho work that Mr. Gould and hit
colleagues havo taken un, In itc
bearing on Wall Street aflulrs, is
like a nisno.
New Yoiik, Mch. 21. A spedlal
from Kennedy, Ala., says: "Miss
Bailie Cox, aged 18, daughter of Rep
resentative Cox, of Plokens county,
and A. A. Moore, aged 21, both pu
pits of the Kennedy High school,
were drowned between 5 and 0 1. it.
Wednesday in the Luxapalla river.
Tho deceased, together with Joe
Kennedy and Miss Floy Cook, were
taking a boat rldo, when tho boat,
capsized. Kennedy seized Miss
Cook, and, at tho risk of his life,
breasted tho swift current aud finally
galnod the shoro with her. Miss
Cook, seeing hlsoxhaustcd condition
prevented him from making a sui
cidal attempt to bring tho others
ashore. Tbo river Is uuusunlly rapid
where the boat upset, and whllo it
would havo been easy for Mooro to
reach shoro alouo, ho found It Im
possible to do so with Miss Cox, and
died, like a knight of of old, In n
vain attempt to rescue tho ludy
under his charge, Tho bodies of
both have been recovered, and two
of tho saddest funerals of this section
took place yesterday.
Saw Fbancjhc, March 21. Tho
steamship Occauio which arrived
from China aud Japan early this
morning brings advices that tho
J. 0. Warns, bouud from Now York
to Ningpo with a cargo of koroseno
oil has boon lost after leaving Datavla
No particulars aro known.
Nkw Yokk, March 21. Law
rence Durrolt is dead. Ills last
sickness dated from Wednesday
night, when ho was obliged to leave
tho theatre here, whoro ho was en
gaged. Last evening, Dr. Cham
bers called at tho Windsor hotel at
0 o'clock to seo his patient, and
shortly announced that ho would
remain nil night. Death occurred
at 10:45. Heart failure was tho
causo of death.
Faihuavkn, Mass,, Mar. 21.
Jtov. Frederick Upton, tho oldest
Methodist minister in tho United
States, died here yesterday morning,
Chicago, Mar. 21, A working
men's co-operatlou society has bran
formed here. The Unit utorea will
bo opoued for tho milo ofmenlnnd
groceries only, but It is intended to
extend thorn to other bmuohes os
the growth of tho society muy wnr
Taooma, Mar. 21. Fears uro en
tertained hero that W. L. Uartlett
nud Q W. Freese, respectively clly
editor nud managing editor of tho
Monmouth, Ills., Atlas, together
with two daughters of a man named
Klues, of Huron, 8. 1)., havo beon
drowued In 1'ugnt Bouud. Tho
party has been missing slnco Thurs
day noon, when thoy started for
Voshou Island In a small boat. A
thorough search will bo mudo to
morrow for tho party.
lilKHlNCWAM, Ala., Mar. 21 On
petition of tho Mercantile Company
of &ltleore, Md. Colouel Mo lit
Mry kw bocn appointed rm-lver
for tbo Plttnlughaui, I'owderly ui d
H- railroad.
HoevoK, Mar. 21. Levi Wado
ywMnt of the Mexican Central
Mtlroad oampany, died thUinoru-
TIUAIj op sandy OIjI3.
HiLi-SBono, March 21. In tho
Sandy Olds case yesterday, C. 13.
Bellinger, counsel for the defense,
read J. H. Sullivan's testimony on
tho last trial, and, also Michael
John Minto testified as to the
tight between Olds and Weber at
tho Crystal Paldco saloon a few
days before the killing.
John Fuvey. bartender for Weber;
Tony Lynch, bartender at Crystal
Paluco; Joo Day, police ofllcer; Ed
ward N. Deady, attorney; Itlchard
Perkins, then proprietor of tho IIol
ton House; and Put Smith, the
money-broker, testified as to various
threats made by Weberagalnst Olds,
Perkins testifying that on tho day
before tho killing Weber drew file
coat aside and showing his pistol
Huck down in his pants, said that
tie Intended to fix Olds with it.
Through carelessness, Olds' pistol,
in American bulldog, was mislaid,
and an English bulldog, a somewhat
larger aud more repulsive weapon,
substituted. Although yesterday
Sheriff Kelley testified that Olds'
pistol wns of tho snmo pattern at
the latter aud similar to tho latter,
he stated today thut It was not Olds'
Frank Illchardsou.a paper-hanger,
testified that he wns un eye witness
of the shooting, saw both men ap
proach tho corner, and Olds fin
threo shots after Weber had fallen
on his face; that Olds fired rapidly
and appeared much excited.
Tho evidence as to Webber's char
actor was principally confined to
Olds'fl fellow gamblers, who also tes
tified to Olds's good character. The
case will probably bo submitted to
Portland, Or., March 21. Mrs.
Hattle Downs, tho alleged adulter
ess, apppearcd In police court yes
terday, but from tho expression of
sburno upon her face she would
have proforred remaining ut home,
Mrs. Downs was pluced under ar
rest yesterday evening together
with Press Anderson, a waiter, on a
warrant sworn out by W. E. Dowub,
her husband, charging thorn with
adultery. Tho couple have been
separated for some time. Mrs.
Downs wont to Albany about threo
months slnco In company with Mrs.
Crauogue, who, like Mrs. Downs,
had deserted her husband. Doth
have led a (j ueor existence since then,
and Downs 1ms been anxious to
icaru who bis wife's paramour lias
Yesterday ho located her in a
room in a certain lodlng-houso in
company with Anderson, and then
ho secured a warrant, un which they
wore arrested. N. D. Simon appear
ed for tho prisoners, and the Uofeuao
was granted a coutlnuunco for ex
amination till tomorrow.
Aluany, Mar. 21. E. P. ltogers
wns before tho Linn county grand
Jury, which Is making a rigid
Investigation of tho "loug and
short haul" charges brought ngalnst
Mr. Rogers by tho farmer element
of this county. Tho trouble consists
In tho fact that the Southern Pacific
charges a rate of 6 cents per one
hundred on wheat from Lebanon to
Albany, which Is n longer haul than
tho run from Tangent to Albany,
whllo tho latter rnto Is 8 cents per
100 for wheat. Tho company's do
feuso Is that tho Tangent run is
on tbo regular lino of tho road,
whllo tho Lebanon Jrun Is on n
branch, nud extends out of the
main gonond direction of tho system,
Tho Tangent rato of 8 cents is In
Btrlot accordance with thu provisions
of tho Hoult law, but tho Lebanon
rate is lowered by reason of compe
tition with the narrow gungo and
Oregon Pacific systems. A demur
rer was therefore Interposed by Mr,
Rogers' counsel. It wns yesterday
overruled by the court, however,
and tho case accordingly will come
up at tho next torm of court.
Portland, Mar. 21. Nellie Ran
dolph, aged 1-1, has been missing
from her homo on Portland heights
since March 12th.
Tho VTorltl llurlrh.il.
The fucilltlcja pf tho present day fot
die production of everything- that will
conduce to tho material welfare aud
comfort of mankind ure almost unlim
ited, and wljcn Byrup of Pigs was find
produced tho world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative kiipwn, as It
la the ouly remedy which Is truly
pleating ana refreshing to tbo wU
and prompt and effectual to clcaiue
the system gently in the Spriug-titne
or, In fact, at any time, aud the better
It Ji known the more popular It be
comes. J)uy gmolJrw offiroat A Gil,
Martinsville, O., Mar. 21 Mrs.
IdaThornhlll, wife of A. E. Thorn-
hill, charged Dr. and Mrs. Vance
with having slandered her. Charles
Green, of Cincinnati, testified to
having been intimate with Mrs,
Thornblll. Yesterday, whllo she
wns on the witness stand, Green
was brought in for Identification.
When she caught sight of him, she
drow a revolver from her dress and
rushed at him. Just as she wns
trying to pull the trigger, her hus
band shouted, "Shoot the ."
Some lawyers grabbed the woman
and prevented her from killing
Milledoevilli:, Gu., March 21.
Joseph Tucker was shot and killed
by Meyrlck Ennls. The men '"ere
both Influential citizens, aud had
married sisters. Thoy have been on
unfriendly terms for more than a
year, nud those who were acquainted
with tho estrangement that existed
were not surprised thut one of them
had been killed. Doth were fond
of bunting, and when they went to
their fields Tucker always curried
his gun, and a Winchester rifle
usually rested on Ennls' arm. En
nls' dogs have been poisoned, aud lie
accused Tucker. Bob and Meyrlck
Ennls went hunting yesterday
morning ou tho land adjoining the
Tucker place; Tucker started across
his plantation toward the ferry.
Tho three met about a mik- from
Tucker's home. Tucker threw up
his gun as If toshool; Ennis raised
his rifle in un Instant and fired six
shots, all of llii'in taking efleet. The
coroner'sjury ruturned a verdict of
justifiable homicide.
Topeica, Kas., Mur, 21, Ben
Grunt, a negro, living in the western
suburbs, shot and Instantly killed
bis wlfo at 0 o'clock last night.
There woro no witnesses to the
murder, and It was not reported to
tho police until 8 o'clock. Grunt's
wife was a white woman, and prior
to her marrlngo hud been a domes
tic. Her mother consented to her
marriage with Grant, and lived
with them until a few weeks ago,
when sho loft because of tho fre
quent funiily quancls.
San Francisco, March 21. Fred
erick C. Beck, tho waiter who killed
John M. Uowen, a grocery clerk,
Nov. 4, 1889, wns sentenced by Judge
Murphy todny to San Queutin for
Savannah, Gn., Mur. 21. Rob
ert WlHInk, who wuo knocked
down lust night by Byrnle Murphy
In an amateur prize fight at tho
Athletic Tournament, died this
morning from concussion of the
bruin. Wlllluk is tho sou of Henry
Wllllnk, owuer of tho Savannah
Marino railway.
WABHiNfiTON, D. C. Mur. 21.
Tho commissioner of tho Jnternnl
rovenuo bureau received a telegnun
today from Greensboro, N. C, say
ing that H. J. Barnwell, revonuo
ofllcer, was killed and Deputy Mar
slml Brim mortally wounded by
Moonshiners In Stokes county yes
tejdny. FOREIGN.
LianoN, Mar, 21. Rumors
current that another conlllct
curred between tho Eugllsb and
Portugoso on Limpopo river,
London, March 21. Tho llrltUh
bark Dumfrleshlro, which sailed
from Sun Francisco, October 20, for
Hull, Is considerably overdue and
lnuoh anxiety is fell concerning her.
London, Mur. 21. Oxford won
tho eight oared raeo over Cambridge
to-day, Tho raeo wus rowed over
tho Putney to Mortluke course, dis
tance about 4 miles. Oxfords time
wus '1 inlnutos, tho betting win tlitce
to one on Oxford.
Nuw York, Mar. 21. Memorial
serviced were held this forenoon for
cloven Italians who weie lynched
at Now Orleans.
1li VUnt guttle!"' CtfVa Ujiecllla
Willi every ndvnnro of cmltfnitlimitnto
Ilie-fUr wcl,u new demkudU ertwlcd for
lIuolKlvtur'MritutiiHOii bluer. Ntiwiy x
uUted imlousniv fmiurullr It halubri.
uui iimu iuir (iiiiihi
::'..:.-..i :. ..... ....... - .
looulllle. uu ho
count of the mlHtiutt i
at rleti Itoiu rtveut
ly cltwred Uud. '1 hu rtgrVullur or mUi
liigemiruutoii lurtru.wtieniieUoeii.. , f
ktllU klllll lkt-aIwl lull itM.iltlk! tliuldkla uiirl
tui dUivUcikur itiu loiiiseh, liver mut
buueu. to vtblu'4 ilitMitlla clutiic. mid
VfVI v J ub ntB it uv
iinliiiilltiv mler urdirt niililuoi uiin. lin,
kiueilly, ha pUeei m ftllnuteum ttiU
givut lumclitilil vixvlilv Miidprewutultve
iMiiiineiibunitu with lu lutrliulo lurrtu,
unit U utrvfu! ta kevpon hmdM rrlonilo
uud pniiiiotor of tiliu u linpllrlly of
la be ivllea iion tu lluu of utU.
hW ljiWtHroat A GU. .
San Francisco, Mur. 21. The
Post's Sucramento special says: As
semblyman Bruner, of Humboldt,
has caused the arrest of Assembly
man Low. of Santa Clurn, on a
charge of assault for tho latter's ac
tion at the time of introduction into
tho assembly yesterday, of tbo re
port of tho committee who were in
vcstlgntl ng tho Bru ner charge. The
mnyor, of Sacramento, it is stated,
has granted permission for Bledsoe,
who Is a small mnn, to curry fire
CiiiCAao, Mnrch 21. The Demo
cratic city convention tor nomina
tion of a cundidutc for Mayor was a
scene of sensation this morning.
One hundred delegates, supporters
of ex-Mayor Harrison bolted tho con
vention aud repaired to auolher
ball. The remaining delegates will
renominate Crelger. Tho disaffec
tion of the Hnrrisonltes mokes it
certain there will be two Democrats
In the field. Harrison already bos
the support of the German Demo
crats and Personul Rights league.
San Francisco, Mur., 21. Wheat
buyer season $1,40.
Chicago, Mur. 22.--Wheat close,
steady, cash 80. April $1,00.
New York, Mur. 21. Gold coin
to the amount of $500,000 was or
dered this morning for export to
Europe, making a total for toduy's
steumors of $1, 775,000.
New York, Murch 21. The pro
duction ot gold In the United States,
according to tho olTiciul estimate of
tho United States mint, U $04,000,
000 for 1881) nud 1890. There has
beeti un increase of gold In the foirn
of bullion or coin to the approximate
amount of $2;!0,000 In tho United
Stute3 in tho last two yeurs. In
view of tho above incrense In tho
stock of gold In this country it is
dllllcult by u llnnnclal review to
account for the nervousness with
which the export of u little gold is
now regarded.
Uai'I'ist. Jlobert Will taker, pas
tor. Morning subject, "Tho Migra
tion of Abraham;" evening, "Joseph
In the IIouso of l'otlphar." Ser
vices nt 10:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m.j
Suniluy school nt 11:45; Eudeuvor
meeting, to which till young people
are Invited, nt O.lo p. in.
Christian. "Tho Cost of the
Towoi" and "A Ladder to tho Sky"
will respectively bo the morning and
evening themes of Uev, J. Ji. John
son, Services 11 it. in. nud 7:110 p.m.
Sunday School 10a, m. Young peo
pie's meeting 0:30 p. in.
Friends' Ciu'itcir. Dedication
tomorrow nt 11 o'clock. Extru
street curs will lenvj state house nt
10:30 o'clock, and will ulso bo wnlt
iug ufter eer vice. Allure Invited.
Unitarian Sociktv. ltv. II.
II. Drown, minister. Services at
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Themes,
"Tbo At-ono nieut," and "Did Jesus
Nine Iroin tho Dead?"
The Ilvst Itosuit.
F.vcry ingredient omployed In pro
ducing llood'sSursupuiilla is strictly
pure, uud Is tho best of its kind it is
possible to buy. All the roots and
herbs mo curefully selected, person
ally examined, unit only tho best re
tained. So thut from the time of
uurchaso until Hood's Sursapurlllu
is prepared, everything Is carefully
watched with a view of attaining
tho best result. Why don't you try
Newly mado up suits from our
choicest goods, for men aud boys,
are arriving every day at tho Wool
en Mlllstoro,
have this day appointed the Simon
cigar house as sole and general agent
ut Salem for the Flor do General
Arthurelgar. .M. A. Gunst & Co,
A Mlruoleot Ihn Miirtt'cnth Century,
Uwluir to bml stnto of the blood, 1 liuo
been mulcted with rhvumHiuiii for twenty
yeum, Mid liuvt ued erutclie for leu
year. I liuvo exoiulrd lurse stun for
reuiedie rrCoumiueudiHl to me. mut front
lining v)verrnll UtilmiMit to L't n mile
Bleep, my hip and knee hml liwt nearly
ll Mrenulh. When I oonmienixtl to
tko Hlbuird'H Rheuiuiuto hyrup I could
not luke ouo uW without the Hid of a nine,
or turn nntoir In iwd witlinut uuhUiuiipm
1 mm now move Willi jwrftvt ese, ami I
win wiiuuui iii euuo iiMiu my 110110 10
my oJttco every day. lam rwolved from
a terrible nmietlou, unit wUIi I inlulit her
ald to all mulcted with rheumntUm aud
other blood UUcxwe, the mrlU of till
wonderful medlolne. 8. 8. Onuover,
Atll North wfttterii Allltmil l.lf., IniiiiniiiM
lit., MuuUtee, Mich. '
A Sure vura lor t'llei.
Itrlunir 141m Hre knovu l.r mnut.ii
IlKeptitkplnitiou.riuMlng Inlenve lublu
when WHrm. TliU furui u uellax llllnd
lHidmkiiidiiri,iruttluic,jkvd ul oneo to,
lr. IlivmnCrt inie lUmeily, which act
lie lurut KJXWIUI, HbMirlM tu. '
tlblugnd cajrt a penuap.
cenu DrmS-Ki or ili.
irelUi tr Or. It.vuitiko. rUIUdtlnhU
j ,7. k.miiit sjii,,.V
I. Lk!,.l " " .-
t-'urlii); Ui-ilcJn. '
I)r CJuun iui.roel Uvwr 11IU ou n.
ivuyt nt iltvtr mild uHU)u re wixeiiilly -
adpud fur eiwrreviliuf nvrlng itfcordrr. I
kueb m iuihiii Wood ilre-t bntln mul fl-'
lug oud wrmmt ldi- ThAy Druiiiiu-
ly ou tito I. ner una hl.luyt drhbtmiili
liupurlt v iruut the W.ni.1, nd uwUru
from th.i fiiiiriii. iii.Ivii.im i.tii a. ., ...w
Ul ffiA'Stt&r KoW "v M MuU '
Upon tho water cast thy bread,
And alter many days
It will return again to thee,
In God's mysterious ways.
Hand in hand, and side by side,
The wheat grows wll ne taros,
And so nmldJt life's soiling dust
Some angel unawares.
Upon the water cast thy bread, '
De It word or deed, .
It will return a thing to bless,
In soino sad bour ol nocd.
Da the giving o'or so small,
E'en to tho widow's tnlto,
Sena It forth with hopo uud trust,
'T.s precious in Ills sight.
Upon tho waters cast thy bread.
To thoso who stand or fall
Beneath some darlc and fatal stain.
His lovo is over oil.
And thou shalt harvest gotdon sheaves,
From every seod that's sown
And scatter'd on tho yielding earth,
Or mid the rocks and stone.
Upon the water cast thy bread,
And God shalt measure meto,
Full, onto overflowine.
Perfect and complote,
If only glvon, In touch or look,
Hath Ho not said to thee:
"It shall roturn 'tis not forgot.
Slnco it woro done for Me."
if. C. Orugan, in Detroit Frtt Prttt.
Imprisonment, Bosouo end
Triumph of Lovo.
"Pleaso, sir," said old Zonilah, tho
house-keeper, "there's a man up in the
"Up in tho plum-trcol" repeated Mr.
Brown. "And what's ho doing up In tho
plum-trool It ain't tho time 0' year for ripo
plums." ,
"No," said Zeruiah, givinR the frying
pan that sho was cleaning nn extra scrape
with tho knife, "'taint time o' year for
plums to bo ripo. Dut it's always tlmo o1
year for young men to make fools of them
selves, and tho third branch of that-'ar
plum-tree is on a lino with tho window of
Arabella Ardon's room."
"Eh!" said Mr. Brown, dropping his
newspaper and openiug his oyes very wide.
"As true as you hvo, sir," said Zeruiah.
"But that waa precisoly what my brother
sent her down hero for," said Mr. Brown,
contracting his bald forohead into innumer
able wrinkles. " To keep her out of Hubert
Wynton's wayl"
" Uumphl" said Zeruiah. " The world Is
wide, but it ain't wido enough to keep two
fools apart."
" Up in tho plum-tree, is hel" said Mr.
Brown, with a sardonic smtlo. " What sort
of a looking fellow Is ho, Zoruiah!"
" Wall," answered tho old woman, still
holding tho frying-pan as Minerva of old
might havo held her shield, "tho loaves is
thick, and my sight ain't what it onco was;
but ho's got light-colored clothes on, as wub
novor cut in Bean Hollow; and his hat,
that lays out on tho grass, has got a city
maker's namo in it."
"Uoodl" nodded Mr. Brown. "You
ought to havo been a detective, Ruoy.
They would givo you good wagos, I'll hot a
big npplo. "Whoro's tho hatl"
"I brung it in and put it on tho hall
table," answered Zeruiah.
"Vory well. Go out and chain Cccsar
under tho plum tree. Givo him a good
length of chain, Ruoy. Then como back
and movo all Arabella's things into tbx
west bedroom. X'll tako tho end room my
self. If there's any serenading, or poo try
reciting, or any thing of that sort, I'll have
tho honour r' ni"'i' "
" A slow smilo broke out over Zoruiah's
wooden faco.
" But what'll you tell horl" said sho.
"Toll her? Why, that tho end room is a
hotter aspect for my rheumatism," said Mr.
Brown, chuckling. "And mako haste, or
sho'll bo back from Widow Poto's. Evory
thing must bo moved boforo shoroturns.
And pull tho shade down, so tho city chap
won't suspicion what wo'ro up to."
Off trudgod Zoruiah, who, in spito of hor
having first soon tho light on the rugged
coasts of Maine, was at heart a true Span
ish duenna, aud took a grim delight in frus
trating tho intents of Cupid.
Bella Arden was young and pretty. Bella
had darod to ridicule her old-fashion od
ideas. Bolla had nick-'namod hor "Medusa,"
and, though Zeruiah had not tho least idea
who "Medusa" was, sho dimly suspectod
that it was no complimentary torm. And,
thorcforo, Zoruiah was not sorty to seo tho
pretty Boston girl "como up with," as sho
phrased it.
" Why, Unclo Brown," cried Bella, when
sho came in, with her fair hair blown about
hor faco aud hor cheeks roddeued by hor
brisk walk 'across hill and hollow, "why
havo you changed my room!"
"Well, you seo, my dear," said Mr.
Brown, craftily, "I'vo an ideo that the east
room will suit my rheumatism hotter. You
don't mind 1"
"Oh, not In tholoast!" said' Bella, cheer
fully. "And I'll go right to work and ar
rangotho things that that cross old Zoruiah
hasllungaboutso recklessly. Oh, by thowuy,
unclo, there was no letter for mo, I sup
pose!" as sho glanced at tho weekly paper
ly:ng unfolded on tho table, "for I soo
tlioy'vo brought tho mall."
"No, my dear," said Mr. Brown, "no let
ters." And tho cows came, with tinkling bells,
homo from tho fern-scented pastures, and
tbo suu sank bcliind tho maplo swamps,
and tho purple dimness of twilight began to
biood over nil things, and still Hubort
Wyntou, prisonod up among tho tossing
plum boughs, waited in vain for some
prospect of his release
"Confound theso good pooplo!" said ho
tohimsolf. "What on earth have thoy
chained that savngo beast here for just
uowi And I hollo vo I must havo mado a
mistake that is not Bella's room nt all. A
stout old man has sat thero, reading tho
pepor, all tho afternoon, and I haven't
dared to stir, for fear of being Bhot for a
li..rglur, I'vo seen tho darling onco or
twice picking flowers in tho gardon, and
br.nging water from tho bpring, but 1
haven't ventured to call to her, for foarof
betraying my hiding-placo. Shades of
Eplaurus I how good that frying chick smolls
Coffee, tool I'd givo a king's ransom for a
cup of it I"
Poor Hubert! Ho could not Btir for fear
of rousing Cuisar's deep Jow-pltchod bark
and eompromibiug himself and Holla, but he
grew stiirer ntul pioro cramped with evory
bc ootid of his enforced vigil.
"Thoy must tako tho dog to his kennel
before long," ho tnought, as tho dew suf
fused tho air with moisture and tho night
birds began to wheol about tho luxuriaut
brunches of the old tree.
But presently Zoruiah enmo out with a
tin pun ot water and a platter of bonos to
ureuk Ciosar's fast.
"Is it all right, ltuoyl" said Mr. Brown
In a sort of stago-whlspor, from thq kitchen
"All right, air!" Zoruiah nnswored.
Ami thou, in a lightning-flash, us it wore,
Hubert comprehdiided it all.
Ho was eutrapped. That weaten-faoa
old woman aud tho malicious elderly uucl
of his beloved were In l'goe to bo b
j i.i i: -. . , a ,u ,t,
itviicluded on tourth page.)
cured vby rvSjF'
Cured v by
wlnrmni iwl i m
The pnstolllce tit Argent! has not
been discontinued, us was n ported
some time ugo. S.nu. Jirowu is t bi
ne w postmaster.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Fl'gS 1S taken ; it is pleasant
'1 'p 1 !- 11..1..1. . .!-
ana reiresnmg to me taste, aim uuia
gently Yet promptly 011 tllO Kidneys,
?. ' ,'t, ', J , . '
Liver and Jiowels, cleanses the sys-
tern ellectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers nud cures habitual
constipation permanently. Forealo
;n 5('c and 1 bottles by
'fi'o havo the xrf:.me Control of
Anu ton't haoe to offer a prize to tell thtl
Coodt, for Itt the BEST MADE. Every Can hotte
D. M. Ffkky & Co'
Illustrated! Descriptive and Priced
l For 1891 will be mailed FREE i
Jto all applicants, and to last season's!
i customers, it is uetter man ever, i
Every person using Garden,
Flower er Field Seeds.
(hould se.id for It. Address
Largest Seedsmen in tha world
Building up a Strong, Independ
ent Paper for the People
in Oregon ?
Printed at Hie Scat of Government.
DuriiiK the recent hO'tloti of the leglslu
ture It wns the only paper In ihuktntethiit
iittncked Hiicci'Si-lully ilio I'orllaud illt-tu-torbliip
In Oregon polilltM. Il meeessftillv
oppo-ednll dt-torlui;tlio AusIi-rIIihi bullt.t
hii In Iholnioresiboi iioiltUiil titibses. It
idvoeatetl I be law (thai imssetl) gUlni;
theOrestm r.tllroid rumiiiUiIon pou-.-r lo
tlxl list Mid retimiuablo wit , tit f-etsrlith
,ind power ttieuforee Itstltctsioiih It hue
'ekfttliy udoitnd leic-itioti of ihu old
rullro..deiimm1si.')ii us bent im ulrled
enforco the law. It labored lor all me.i -tires
tooptu rivers nnd tin hsietue tutlie
people the iljilit to free and unrootilclid
usoof.hu Miiterwiijh.
TiinCAfiTAi. JouiiN.w, fuvorRn lefori-i
In lintloiiiil Unniiuo,, to tlieeiut that the
probunt expeiuiNO mouupnly rir.sle n i I
mippl) lmruii lnHdequiiloeuiien -v mny In
supplanted by the gi vunment iti In. dl
reel to tho peu()lo un ndeipmie kiipplv o;
legal tender money, with u eoln bm-s' suf
rlclent io e mfoi m in Hi.u.tl b mkin-j pi i,
ciples. It favors cleeliuti of nil oiHciu'k
who lociblute ft r, or bto directly irspun-i-ble
to the peiiple, by illrecl yote of t !,e i.e
nlo. Il fitvors ni'Sluu nil stute nveiuio
by a tux on the gro- onruliiss ofiiirpom
tlotiK. bulb foreign nn 1 suite. It ihvoid
oieiiliii,'iill waterwayk to tne i-ert and h
eoutrolof all common cuirlers lothe end
thut the producer bhtiinecureioi hib labor
the hirgebt w-t let-irtis
irjou luvor reiiiliiliignli powers possible
lu (hn Iiuni1.i,.l,lli ..n ...I.. .:. j
a ...v miiu.i'1 lilt- IKKipieitllllgOVt inn ei.t
In UielnieretU of the ptople, cireuhilethis
paper, r'or term., see elewhere.
Uv Iloi'KH HkoS.
Uids for Scliool Howls.
fettled pmixwaU vrlil be nvelved up to
J (it-look p. H,orTiH.sdiv, the 7th tiny tf
olic il Dlst. So. , of Urlt.n Co. 0,
which Included the el'y f Ndem, fur the
puri-UHheuf fourteen lliiiuiinil six litiudr. d
unit fifty dollar buudu uf Mild ills. net r
ttllell it. lilllllltlull.lH ud IIia ei.....r..i ....
deMimy deiitiouiud uyible uot h prin
ciple aud I mere t at eh her New VorU h n
KmiiplKNtur In the itty of aiem, at the
option .,r Hid .ue.vsi.oal liar. rhintU l
run ' JMi liiMnt paiHble wmian-
No hldb will be eoMered at ,e' tlum imr
-alue. 'Uie UthmjI rtHvnaa tberifchttore-
I"" ""J ! WUA
u w
t'li eel mis.
Lu'uliou of Selio
Tlwona.rlgi.ed .'IrettiHii. i
rh v-l .lu- i
-nil so. .it .vrn.li
leix'i e m
1III..HU,. lwl.t.11. . 1
Hi.M n. ,.. . i 1
I.. t i.. .',-., ."""'-"".Mni
L , .'-"- 'H t .lot 111.) I ,,
!i,i"."'U. ,v K' "t,l,IV,l..l,. e
Zi, " .""'! '" ' "lHh eikfin1
hht il . t.v rd m., em,, i,.. .- . cT
i - ' A fc 'lit s..
K II i. I
... K.M.r.i.
" vl
i 1 '
Thijcr,TuKi' ocri
jr '
-U IV f
te nfl mu'i i tx
s ' r Mrion
i u , j i at
1 or.ntaisu w
3 I' l - I ,
I MUI) l.u,t
- M Hi'lHAN
Hiei.aa i
-i ertr.
Bfl A "
k -r
LrfiT'&a T-Ji
r- ui It'tiJJ'JJ y, pb O"
is mmm
! n
Blck Itcndnrlie and relieve all tho troubles Incl
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness. Nausea, Dron sines1. Distresi after
eating, Poin In the Sltle, Ac whllo their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headacne. yet Captsu's T.ittlb Livkr Tills
are equally valuable In Constipation, curing
nud preventing tlilt annoying complaint, nhlle
they also correct nil disorders of the stomach,
stimulate tho liver and regulate the bowels.
Even If they only cured
Ache they would ho almost priceless to thoso
who suffer from this distresslnir cemplaint:
,)Ut fortunateiy their gootlnesr does not end
' here, and those who once try
1 these littlo pills valuable in bor
ti,0y win not be wining to do
: inem win unit
many ways that
without them.
Hut after all sick head
U Is the bano of so manr Uvea that here Is where
wo make our great boast. Our pills cure It
while others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills ore very small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly cpetable and do
not (rripo or purge, hut hy their gentle action
E lease all who use them, in vials at si") cents;
ve for Si Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
CA2IE2 UEDIGCrc CO., .v Tort
M POni&Umll !
Salem, Or.
Hates $2.50 nnd 85.00 a Paj
Open to the public Thursday, Sept. 11
IbDO. Hest betel between I'wrllund nut!
fan Francisco. Alms to be first clam in
all Its appointments. Il t.-iblfH nresci vet
with the choicest mills grown In tho Wit
nineue winey.
Dissolufion Notice.
'J he parmurshlp hcretoloro cslstlnsbe
tween I. 11. llrldses, & ycottliozortli, ol
.S.ilem, tl'ognn, under the llrm name ol
Brltliri s ,t Xi'iorth. Iia". by mutunl con .
cnl. betn dlholved .1. 11. HrlilKf-s will
otmlim.eihe bulnehs. collect all bills nnd
a.i .mo nil liabilities of the Into firm.
j. a liumoEs.
Sat.k.m l-Vb. 10. "Dl. 2-1B-5 w
NoHce of Dissolution.
The pailuei. hip In rclofntv exsNtluir be
tween Jurnns lien ham and Jiiine I). Iticli-
mdson, utiiler the firm name of Jnme
ieiiiiaui t txi., iris uy jiiuiiuii enneeui
bieu dlfsulvtrl. .Inn. is Denh m will can
t.uue the litivhies-., o. l.ect nil bills and
iti--lirneuli Ilntiill iesoftbeold tlrni.
.1 MK-s i KSt;,iM.
.1 .:,..- 1. mi HAKOSON.
Hnlcin, O , i urch ", 1SUI 351mi
Piipcr Haiigor.
Leave order at Globe- Itenl Kstntc Iixchntige
Of fioodKat our itoiW Veinyii uui Hut
of Sioeeiics, leed, crom-'tti), glob-ic up. cl
ais, ti'Lneeo nnd confei linU'-iy.
T. JJDlfllOWS.
No. 2?fi Coirinn u-ih! St., Hnlen
Staple aiiil Fancy Giujcrics,
CrooiteiV, tiliisS;Wiiro, lumip-i, Wonrtei.
mill Willow wurxj. All kinds. ui"Hiil feed
Al-o WiH-tAbiennd!riirtt in-lhelr pumii,
'HlislieKt 1'jne pmd t.iit!' iiuii-j- piodiicc'
V.'eniln- I HPliiuenrji t-.r wnn.,iti',
''l I'l M.uusticet
Jloork Hey !
KI!ilon He is ft poor man.
l?oork Then let him huvo that
ot chi'up, and on easy terms.
Ealing I'ariorsiCanilyJIaiiiiracliiry,
206 Commoiolal Stroet.
rSnS6? TTT T"10c-' 15c- "d 23 cents
MtiBh and Milk m cou
l'lalo of Soup lOcen U
Hot Cuke, t'ottee or To.uZ!ZniS cenu
liecftteak uud Kcg . ,""
l'prk Chop nnd.fg.":::' cenu
Mutton flion HiirT EsBffi cent!
Venlkou aud Eggu .tZZZZ 95 co n !
Sausage and Kggs ffiee !t
Ham and !'"-. .."" ffielul!
Frh Oyster? ny ylZZTZI mSu
c j tent itegular Ulnner Seryd From II to3 0'Cloek
A ulco vmlety of veiretablaB. etc. ete
Also ten oolite J,r inllkb with all ffi'cenl
meals without extra charge.
alway8CeonM'imnd.,m,X,r,e5 nn DomeMc
Porter HoiibeKteak nnd Kbits rnl.
Tender Ilu Bteuk "and lV&g!ZZ3& ctntl
...Vi - I "s
, Apamphietrf Information andab.y
roM, lorrr.etu. u yr At
k rauNN ef. j,
'911 " -
ui uroaattofi
'W Ittfk.
Tb underkliriied are nur.ui u'ri.mi.i,
hUtmi.ii, uftninc for under drum.
BS at luwnt j,t tots
Jiwr Fair orouni, Baiem, orepm,
i m
'iiT-ft, i.Jii
1 1 Ul l V Ji I
Y? Iff
n) f
N' lli mi Irjxeiltil
llfeO.tw ... Inn .. . .
f in.
nt n v:rii
...... ... 1,1.-, IU.Q , ,
'.itn.t. ."n-l
"U .B
XTK'KLY liiriiiin..i . "" -Cs
JLl bonpl, ill plenum ,,,,' rem ,1
str-etcu, iiiwm ,'t", 7r ,'uj i,l,,.l
" """"" "l " iV7.,t "lUro; '
VI', - A HUirtll I
i-onlruels. Mn,-
'I biHik ,
at .tctuu tliunlrc. Jos,
'" 'I'uatih.,
. Mh
r.10It t. LH.-A parlor set . .
r Nn lor fittnioM.eot? l a TH
I, Wit H J,K -Two s j.lro n,
1! very cl..,,p,,it Hi.'in,mf ?. j.
r. tl-in. '"vi.erc.iu",f?,,tl
ii.g at luls oniio uud puylugior Huy
I '"ili AliB. A iiew
Iioumo ...'-
I 11 'III- I'.h.nK, 111
1)111(1 Add lluu, ui
M'tK-IM I kX lillu t- r
II -. Torm M-ii-ui
1 with .A
' yuiitu, t,ls"9
l ltintllr.15?.
norniiico, n-irtu ttivt
,uul l llieny Nlic-cts.
cornor ., ..'
-.-. , ,
JTIOU I.K-l?'i tines of hm,, .
J1 sutll h of -Mill-in. Kliqulre ni i iMi '!.l
J:2 1
.!'.' I . '"'3
rpi)TAUK.-A wifi CPntlH nnn .
X euw. inquire hi II is onice. i?'
WAN !''-n--A K "'I or woman for;
V V end ijervMiit wi rk In u ma:i tf6J
Apply or ndtlrcss with i cfcrctire jJ
A picee mi the Salt m Pritlrle ,1,'
uiTfc with 1j. O. t Ishei, next door to 5
F ISDt'IlOAHTEX! Mrs. rw,i
l . rlliuirv Meluuil n.iri u-injl. "- !
.session room ut tho l'at-sbjleilan tw
A UAIIOAIN. A house Hlidurokui,
.iuiiet.fw.ll. Simpson. "fif
r&S CKU All ticllie. rellKi- '
V Milmy J Oto JS) iiiniiihlv.iei. I
t-ifitso, tt lepresent In Ills oiu wV,l
l-OJIKlUrlUle AOW ml' lifiiin Ifnl.m. I
York. I
YWll SALK Ab. uv tlivee ncres oflu
Jj on AHj'lum Avenue, good dwelE,
lioupe. conveuUntl.v nrruiiccd: lanwlm
aprcntvnilety ui trult trees aud tbm
ocry; eonieiiieiii, i i' i. niw ini.iu,ieTt
lulling water on premises, for rw3
inrK luquiron; hewn-ii ijiiusunri(;gtbiii
sine oi Ayium .v i u- Bitig iiomcltf,
'X7'ATEU To Undo lown lot lo n,..
YY tnl I'ntk. Addition fur lumber 1 1
Ollnger, 122 .Mill .strt,ot. jj-l
"VW.MSKK ur LU'is-i-or Hrt1ct,
KJ pure-Ill cd lied I'olle Imn tII'I
.vr ...,i. .i mi. ..I,,... i w..i.. J:lfttl
Si), can. .it my ju.icl- in
an, v-. ..v ...j ,.,..,.. ,,i 'nitlll. j.i
SA-LEIvI, - - - . OREOCX
Trnnsaet n sencrnl biinklnc 1h:lI.i ,
.1, .i.... ,.... .'- i
f? T V O O l? I D r Tn Htrawbm.
VJ ttil)iJt ll Ci U IleaNfromli
until litur. uesci-iptlve Dries 1M t
Hktii i iNnuiir, Rtmellvllle.Oiv
All worlc, either new or repairing, to
it the fcsi wui-KinaniiKo stmpe.
shop south of post ofllce.
At 103 Stnto street Is nreoiren to fram'
pIctureB neatir and ut lowest 1 vlainla
Uull nrountliuid examine his wtut. fl
also has a line ntsortuioi.t melt imb
Wall Paper and Picture Moulding,
215K Commercial St., tlem.Orep
fNext door to K.eln's.)
Specialty of Spcci.iclcs, and repWtl
(Jlocus. wntencs anu jeweiry.
I I r . in nftl!T
U. V. BEEIiKIt, Acnt
Butcher and
State St. nn. Court St .-The best ki j
delivered to nil parts or tuecuj.
J. G. HARRfe
Lenvo order nt K. M. WadeiK1'
liublo work or no pay.
EWrideoBlitk, Salem, Oift
,...' , ,, nhildrtK'!
lJts,H1IU IIICU HH -.'
and prlvHiti'tllteiiheK
... ...7 7.A y , ' rou,
ill llll.ru ut iii'ii i bM,
r r yj -yiwg
One hundipd veryholce in". V
wllll wild ut J100per lot, 0P ""
term!, by . , ., 0i.je
i r rrs.TiT?lt ?. 05 SIX"-
Or Trade for Real Kj
A good span ol writ """J ,VnjM
ddtos Mlfl-?,n
2 lti-lm rurB-
lion Ton Jtestau
Kresta Meiitc Oyr
lu-uysou lUi ! .., poT
"1M , str'-
SALliM, - - "
I i i