Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 18, 1891, Image 4

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& 7Z. B. B
Is very busy Opening his Mammoth Spring Stock of Carpets and Feathers. Call and see the latest Styles and Iust Quality. Buy your Furniture and Carpets together and
XjiO"?irSSlr lEJrC-'O'IE&IESi
i I'l
xyasrt'wri ijb' inm
Baleful Amusement the ulJrct A
Great Couoonne Preaent The Hpenk
er Specifies Amimemmits Tlmt Are
Harmful and Thole That Are Not.
New Yoiik. March IB. Tlio aeries of Kcr-
mons Dr. I'altnaHo is preaching in this city
and Brooklyn on "Thu 'Plagues of tho
Cities" to Attracting general attention.
At the tnornlng Bcrvlce 'In Brooklyn nnil
at the evening nervicea hold under the
1 auspices of ?he Christian Herald, in Oils
1 dty,' the qumher of persons who como to
' h'ear the sermons is fur larger than either
, of the buildings can accommodate. The
eerrflon to-dny, which is tho fourth of the
J series, jg on, "Bae(ul Arnusetnonta." 'i'he
! text was II Samuel, il, 14: ''Let the young
' men now arise pnd piny boforo us."
' There aro two nrmics encamped by tho
pool of Glbeon. Tho time hangs heavily
on their hnndfi. One nnny proposes n gitmo
of sword fencing. Nothing could bo more
t healthful and Innocent. Tho other urmy
cccptn.tho challenge, Twelve men ngtilnst
twelve men, ho spor opens. But Homo
thlng went Adversely, Perhaps ono of the
wordsmen uo an unlucky clip, or iiiHOino
way had his Iro brouscd, and that which
opened in spqrtfulneas ended in violence,
each one taking his contestant by the bntr,
and then with tho sword thrusting him in
the side, bo tlmtj that which opened In in
nocent fun ended in the massacre of nil the
twenty-four sportsmen. Was there ever a
better Illustration of what was true then,
and is tf ue now, that that which is inno
cent may be made destructive?
What of a worldly naturo is inoro Im
portant and iltrcngtucnlDg and innocent
than amUscnicpt, and yet wjiut hiw count
ed more vlctlmsf I hnvo no sympathy with
a traltjackot religlpn. This is a very
bright 'world to me, and I propoee to do ull
I can to make It bright for others.
youth's eron'rivfeNKBa should not hi: sur
miesskd. I never could keep step to a dead march.
A book years ago Issued says that a Chris
tian man has a right to some nmusoincnU.
For instance, if he comes homo ut night
weary from his work, and feeling in need
of recrentlou, puts an bl slippers, and
goes into his garret and walks lively
round tho iloor several times there can be
no harm in it. I bellvvo the church of
God has made a tremendous mistake in
trying to suppress tho Hportfulncss of
youth and drjvo out from men thulr lovo
of Amusement. If God ever implanted
Anything in us ho implanted this deslro.
But instead of providing for this demand
of our nature, tho church of God has, foe
the main parti fciporod it. An in a riot, tho
mayor plants, n IwitU'ry At the cud of tho
street, fipd lias it tfrod oil so tlmt every
thing in cut' down that happens to stand In
the range, tfie good as well as, tho bad, so
thero are. niet n tho church wh.o plnnt
their batteries of condemnation and lira
nway indiscriminately. Everything is con
demned. But my bible commends those
who uso tho wprjd wthoQt Abusing It, and
In tho natural world God has dono every
bing to please and umusq, us. Ii poetlo
figure we Hometlmci speak of natural ob
jects us being in pain, but it Is a mere
fancy. Poets say the clouds weep, but
thoy never yet pbed a tear; apd thu winds
slfih, but they never did hava any trouble;
and that tho storm howls, but.it nover lost
its temper. The world Is a rose, And tho
universe a garland,
And I am glad to know that in all our
cities thero Are plenty of places whore wu
may find elevated, moral eutertalumont.
But all honest men and good women will
agrco with me In tio staterqeut that ouo of
tho worst plaguoa of these cities, is corrupt
nmusomont. Multitudon have gene down
under the blasting influence nover to rise.
If we may judgo of what is going on in
many of the places of umusomrnt by tho
Sodomla pictures on board fences and in
many of tho show windows thero is not a
much lower depth of iirollgaey to reach.
At Nnplen,-,Italy, tlioy keep such pictures
locked lip froin indiscriminate. Inspection.
Those pictures were exhumed from Pom
peii and are not fit for public gaiso, It tho
effrontery of bad places of nmusomuut in
hanging out Improper advertisements of
whfctJtlM Are doing night by night grows
worse lu the sumo proportion, in fifty years
Not." York and Brooklyn will beat not only
Pompeii, but Sodom.
To help stay tho plague now ragtag
project certain principles by which you
may Judge lu regard to any aimisorpent or
recreation, iludlng out for yourself whether
it Is right or whether it Is wrong,
I repiurk in tholnt pluco that you can
judge of the moral character of any amuao
ment by iu healthful result or by Its bale
ful reaction. There, ai people who seem
made up of hard facts, Thoy are a com
bination of multiplication table and sta
tistics, If you show them nn exquisite
picture they will begin to discuss tho pig
ments Involved in tho coloring. If you
show them a bountiful roo. they will sub
mit It W ft lwUnlca analysis, which Is only
tho mkit murtein examination of a flower,
Tlicy bfivo no roboiitti In their nature.
They never do anything more than smite.
There are uo great tides of fooling surging
up from the depths of their soul lu billow
after billow of reverberating laughter.
They neeiii as if naturo had built thorn by
contract and made a bungling job of It.
But, blessed bo God, thero nru eopla In
the world who have bright faces, and
whoso life Is a song, an anthem, a wau of
of victory. Kven their trouble are like
the vlues that crawl up the side of a great
tower, ou the top of which tho sunlight
1U, and the soft aim of summer hold per,
petual carnival. They are the people )ou
like to have como to your houso; they are
the people I like to have come to my house.
If you but touch the hem of thulr gar
ments )ou are healed.
Now It Is these cjtlillarant and sympa
thetic and warm hearted people that are
moat tempted to pernicious nmiueiueuU.
Iu proportion as a ship U swift It wants a
strong helmsman; lit proportion us u horse
Is gay, It-wauU u stout driven and thtwe
people of exuberant nature will do well to
look at the reaction of all their amuse
ments. If an amUbvmen hernia you home
At night nervous wthat you cannot leep,
audyou rUe up iu the mornrpg. not be
cause you are lept out, but because your
duty drags you, from your cluiubent, you
Lave Uvu where you oiitfht not to have
beea, Thcra are uiuttMuieiiU that KUd n
m4W next do to his work bloodshot, yawn
ing, stupid, nMiseuted; and they ure wrong
kiwi of amusement, 'i'liey nro rntertnlu
Rtcntstjist give n man dUgilst with the
drudgery of life, with tool because they
re,no. njvqrds, wlU wprktqK ipran be
csuaMVey.iire UQt robes, ftU cattle '"
aue tkey oi not Infuriated Lulls of the
ItnnyamuKeuirut,eeiidj jou knuulouu
jog for a Ufa of rwuauevnd iMIltpg a4--venture,
lover that wkM jioUou and shoots
Ulf, woanllifht julvpntunai and bir-
breadth escapes, you may depend upon it
that you aro the sacrificed victim of un
satictilled pleasure. Our recreations nro
intended to build up, and if they pull us
down as' to our moral or as to our physical
strength you may come to tho conclusion
that they aro obnoxious.
There Is nothing tnoro depraving than
attendance upon amusements that are full
of In il u e ml o and low suggestion, Tho young
man cntors. At first he sits far back, with
his hut ou and his coat collar up, fearful
that somebody thero may know him. Sev
eral nights pass on. He takes off his hat
earlier and puU his coat collar down. Tho
blush that first camo into his cheek when
anything indecent was enacted comes no
more to his cheok. Farewell, young man!
You bavo probably started on tho long road
which ends in consummate destruction.
Tho stars of hope will go out ono by one,
until you will bo left in utter darkness.
Hear you not tho rush of the maelstrom, in
whose outer circle your boat now dances,
making merry with the whirling waters?
But you are being drawn in, and tho gen
tle motion will becomo terrific agitation.
You cry for help. Invalnl You pull at
the oar to put back, but the struggle will
not nvalll Yon will be tossed and chuhed
And shipwrecked and swallowed in tho
whirlpool that has already crushed In its
wrath ten thousand hulks.
Young men who have Just como from
country residenco to city residence will do
well to Jxj on guard and let no ono induce
you to place of Improper amusement. It
is mightily alluring when a young man,
long a citizen, offers to show a new comer
all around.
Still further. Those amusemunts are
wrong which lead you Into expeudlturo be
yond your means. Money spent in recrea
tion is not thrown away. It is all folly for
us to como from a place of amusement reel
ing that wo bavo wasted our money and
time. You may by it havo mado an in
vestment worth more than tho transaction
that yielded you hundreds or thousands of
dollars. But how many properties have
been riddled by costly amusomonts.
Tho first tlmo I over saw the city It was
the city of Philadelphia I was a more lad.
I fctoppod at a hotel, and I remember in tho
eventide one of theso men pllod mo with
his Infernal art. lie saw I was green. Ho
wanted to bIiow mo tho sights of the town.
Ho painted tho path of sin until it looked
llko emerald; but I was afraid of Mm, I
shoyed hack from tho basilisk I mado up
my mind he was a basilisk. I remember
how ho wheeled his chair round in front of
mo, and with a concentrated and diabolical
effort attempted to destroy my soul; but
thoro were good nngels In tho air that
night. It was no good resolution on my
part, but It was tho all encompassing graco
of a good God that delivered mo. BowArol
bqware! oh, young man. "Thoro is a way
that seeraeth right unto a man, but the end
thereof is death."
Tho table has been robbed to pay tho
club. Tho champagne has cheated tho
children's wardrobe. Tho carousing party
has burned up tho boy's primer. The
tablecloth of tho corner saloon Is in debtto
tho wife's faded dress. Excursions that In
a day make a tour around a wholo month's
wages; ladles whose lifetime business It is
to "go shopping;" largo beta on horses
havo tholr counterparts in uneducated
children, bankruptcies that shock tho
money market and appal tho church, and
that send drunkenness staggering across
tho richly figured carpet of tho mansion
and dashing Into tho mirror and drowning
out tho carol of musio with tho whooping
of bloated sons como home to break their
old mother's heart,
A BAD tTonr.
I saw a beautiful homo, whero tho bell
rang violently late at night. Tho sou had
been off In sinful indulgences. His com
rades were bringing him homo. They car
ried him to tho door. They rang tho bell
at 1 o'clock lu the morning. Father and
mother camo down. Thoy wore waiting
for tho wandering son, and then tho com
radas, as soon as the door was opened,
throw tho prodigal headlong into tho door
way, crying! "Thero ho is, drunk as a fooll
Ila, ha!" When mon go into amusements
thoy cannot ufford they first borrow what
thoy cannot earn, and then they steal what
they caunot borrow. First they go into em
barrassment, and thou Into lying, aud then
Into thoft; and when a man geta as far ou
as that ho docs not stop short of tho peni
tentiary. Thoro is not a prison in the land
where thero Aro not victims of unsauctlilcd
Merchnut of Brooklyu or New York, Is
there u disarrangement lu your accounts?
Is their ii leakage in your money drawer?
Did not tho cash account come out right
lost night? I will toll you. Thoro is a
young miiu in your store wandering off
Into bad nmuseinonta. Tho salary you
glvu him may moot lawful expenditures,
but not tho sinful Indulgences in which he
lias entered, and ho takes by thoft that
which you do not give him iu lawful
How brightly tho path of uwratralned
amusement opeus. Tho young man says
"Now I am off for a good time. Never
mind economy. I'll get mouoy somehow.
What a Hue roadl What a beautiful day
for a ridel Crack tho whip, And over the
turuplkol Come, boys, till high your
glasses. Drlnkl Long life, health, plenty
of rides Just like thlsl" nard working
men hear tho clatter of tho hoofs and look
up aud says "Why, I wonder whero those
fellows get their money froiul Wo have to
toll nnd drudge. They do nothing." To
theso gay iiieu life U a thrill and an excite
ment. Thoy staro nt other poople, and in
turn nro htarod at. Tho watch chalu
jluglos. Tho cup foams. Thu cheeks
flush. Thu eyes Hash. Tho mldulght hears
their guffaw. They Bwagger. They JotI
decent men oil tho sidewalk. They take
tho namo of God In vain, They parody the
hymn they learned at their mother's knee;
and to all pictures of coming disaster they
cry out, "Who cares!" and to tho counsel
of some f 'lirtstliui friend, "Who un you?"
Puling along the street some night you
hear n shriek lu grogshop, thu rattle of
the watchman's club, the rush of the -lice.
What Is the matter now On. this
reckless young man has been killed In
grog shop light. Carry him homo to hU
fut bur's house, Paretiti v. Ill come down
ami wash his woumli and clo hU ryen In
death. They forgive him all ho ever did,
although he cannot lu his silence ask U,
The prodigal has got borne at last. Mothtr
IU go to her little garden and gtthe
sweetest ilQwem, and twjst them Into
clmplrt for the hllrut heart of the ruj ward
boy, ami push lck from thu bloated brow
the long locks tbntwero onon her pride.
Ami the air will be rent with the agony
The great UrnniatUt Mrs. "How sharper
than a herpout'a tooth It Is to have a tlinuk
Icm ehlld."
I go further, and nay thoe are uuohtU
tlan atnuMiinents which become theuhW
buUneu of a man's life. Life U nn e4rmt
thluj;. Wbilher we were boru in a pa).
Aoa or hovel, whether we are affluent oi
plnclird, wo have to work. If you da upt
sweat will) toll, you will sweat with dls
tase. You iive a toul that Is to 1st trans
figured amid I he pomp of a Judgment
day; and after the sea has sung its last
chant and the mountain shall have come
down In an avalanche of a rock, you will
live And think and net, high on a throne
where seraphs sing, or deep In a dungeon
where demons bowl. Iu a world where
there Is so much to do for youjrsclres, and
so much to do for others, God pity that
man who has nothing to do.
Your sports are merely means to an end.
They aro alleviations and helps. The arm
of toll is the only arm strong enough to
bring up the bucket out of the deep well of
pleasure. Amusement is only tbe bower
whero business and philanthropy reet while
on their way to stirring achievements.
Amusements are merely the vinea that grow
about tho anvil of toll and tho blossoming of
the hammers. Alas for tbe man who spends
his life in laboriously doing nothing, his
days In hunting up lounging places And
loungers, his nights in seeking oat some
gas lighted foolery! The man who always
bos on his sporting jacket, ready to hunt
for game in the mountain or fish In the
brook, with no time to pray or work or
read, is not so well off s the greyhound
that runs by his side, or the fly bait with
whfch ho whips the stream.
A man who doco not work does not know
how to play. If God hod intended us to
do nothing but laugh he would aot have
given us shoulders with which to lift, and
hands with which to work, aud brains with
which to think. Tho amusements of life
are merely the orchestra playing while the
great tragedy of life plunges through its
five acts Infancy, childhood, manboyj, old
age and death. Then exit the last earthly
opportunity. Enter tho overwhelming real
ities of an eternal world I
I go further, and nay that all those
amusements are wrong which lead into
bad company. If you go to any place
whero you have to associate with the in
temperate, with tho unclean, with tbe
abandoned, however well they may be
drifted, in tho namo of God quit It. They
will despoil your nature. They will un
dermine your moral character. They will
drop you when you aro destroyed. They
will give not one cent to support your chil
dren when you are dead. They will weep
not ono tear at your burial. They will
chuckle over your damnation.
I had a friend nt the west a rare, friend,
Ho was one of the first to welcome mo,' to
my now homo. To fluo personal appear
ance ho added u generosity, frankness and
ardor of naturo that mode mo love htm
like a brother. But I saw evil people gath
ering around htm. They camo up from
tho saloous, from the gambllug hells.
They piled him with a thousand arts.
Thoy seized npon his social nature, and ho
could not stand the eharm. They drove
him on tho rocks, Ilka a ship full winged,
shivering on the breakers. I used to ad
monish hi in. I would say, "Now I vylsli
you would quit theso bad habits and bo
come a Christian." "Oh," he would reply,
"I would like to, I would like to, but I
have gone so far I don't think thore is any.
way back," In his moments of repentance
ho would go homo and tako his little girl
of 8 years, and embrace her convulsively,
aud cover tior with adornments, and strew
around her pictures and toys and ovor-
thipg tlmt, could mako her nappy; aud
then, as though hounded by an evil spirit,
he would go out to thu ctillumlng cup and
the houso of shume, like u fool to tho cor
rectlon of tho stocks,
I was summoned to his deathbed. I
hastened, I entered tho room. I found
him, to my surprlso, lying in full everyday
dress on the top of the couch. I put out
my baud, Ho grasped It excitedly and
said, "SIt)ow')r Mr, Talmage, right there."
I sat down. Ho snldi "Last; plfjht I saw
my mother, who has been dead twenty
years, and she sat just whero you sit now.
It was uo dream, I was wide awake.
There was no delusion in the matter, I
saw her Just as plainly as I me you, Wife
I wish you would take these strings off of
me. There are strings spun all around my
body, I wish you would take them off of
me." I saw It was delirium.
"Oh," replied his wife, "my dear, there
Is nothing there, there is nothing there."
Ho went on, aud said; "Just where you Bit,
Mr, Talmage, my mother sat, Slio said to
mo, 'Henry, I do wish you would do but
ter.' I got out of bed, put my arms around
her, and saldt 'Mother, I want to do but
ter. I have been trying to do better.
Won't you help mo to do better? You
used to help me,' No mistake about it, no
delusion. I saw her the cup, and tho
apron, nnd the spectacles, just as she used
to look twenty years ago; butldn wish you
would take these strings away. They
annoy mo so. I can hurdly'talk. Won't
you take them uway?" I knelt down aud
prayed, conscious of the fact that be did
not realise what 1 was saying. I got up. 1
said, "Good-by; I hope you will bo better
Boon." Ho said, "Good-by, good by."
That night his soul went to tho God who
gave It. ArhuigemunU were made for tho
obsequies. Some said, "Don't bring him
In the church; he was too dissolute,"
"Oh," I sold, "bring him, Hu was a good
friend of mine while ho was alive, and I
shall stand by him now that ho is dead.
Bring him to tho church,"
As I sat lu tho pulpit nnd twv his bod)
coming up through tho aisle I felt as if I
could weep tears of blood, I told thu pen
plo that day: "This man had his virtues,
aud a good many pf them. He had hu
fuu I U, and a good many of them, but If
there U any man iu this audience who N
without sin let him cost the first stone at
thU colli u lid." Uu one side the pulpit sal
that llttln child, rosy, sweet faced, as beau
tiful us any little child that sat at you
table this morning, I warrant you. Shu
looked up wistfully, not know ing the full
sorrows of uu orphan child. Oh, her conn
tenancy haunts me today like some sweet
face looking upon us through a horrid
dream. Ou tbo other side of tho pulpit
were tho ineu who had iU'atro)od dni.
There thoy sat, hard visagod, some of them
ialo front exhausting disease, home of
them (lushed until it seemed as it the tires
of iniquity llaiiivd through the cheeks ami
crackkd tb lips, They were tho men who
had done the work. They wera the men
who had Wmnd blm hand and foot, They
had kindled the tires. They had poured the
wormwood and gal) Into that orphan's cup.
Did they weep? No. Did buy sigh re
jHUitlugly? No. Did they wy, "What A
pity tlmt such a bravo man should be
slain?" No, no; not one bloated hand was
lifted to wipe a tea frvu) a Moated check.
They nut and looked at the fulfil) like vu
turrs gating at the carcass of a html who
heart (hey hod ripped out! I cried lu llltlr
rant a plainly as I could. "Thuro U a God
and a judgment Oayl" l)jd they tremble?
Oh, uo. uo. They went UtU fniin the
liouiM of Uod, aud that lili'ht, though their
victim lay iu Oakwout ritietry, I wo
told lhatthsy blasphemed) nud they drunk,
and they gambled, and tbrrvwas not one
In cukioinrr In nil the hour of Iniquity.
ThU destroy! innu was a fianuou In phy.
leal trcugtUt but IMlUh sbanml Mm, and
thol'hllutluMof tril companionship dug
bl eye4 out and thwv him luta ttia prlitoii
of evil liahltM, But lu the hourcf hit death
he row up aud took hold c( inetwopll
UreJ curtr of God agalust drunkenneM
and unclcaiiness, and thiow himself tor
ward, until down upon htm i. .d his com
panions there came tho tlmt ders of an
eternal catastrophe.
Again, any amusement thnt Ives you a
distaste for domestic ltfj Is bad. How
many bright domestic ei-cles have been
broken up by sinful amusements! Tho
father went off, the mother wont off, tho
child went off, Thero are today tho frag
ments before moot blasted households. Oh,
if you havo wandered away, I would like to
charm you back by tho sound of that ono
word, "home." Do you not know that
you have but Httlo more tlmo to give to do
mestic welfare? Do you not see, father,
that your children are soon to go out into
the world, and all the Influence for good
you are to have over them you must have
now? Death will break in on your conju
gal relations, aud ul.asl if you have to
stand over the grave of ono who perished
from your neglect!
I saw a wayward husband standing nt
the deathbed of his Christian wife, and I
saw her point to a ring on her linger and
heard her say to her husband, "Do you see
that ring?" Ho replied, "Yes, I see it."
"Well," sold she, "do you remember who
put it thero?" "Yes," said he, "I put it
there," and all tho past seemed to rush
upon him. By the memory of that day
when, in tho presence of men and angels,
vou promised to bo faithful in joy and sor
row, aud in sickness and in health; by tho
memory of those pleasant hours when you
sat together in your new homo talking of
a bright future; by tho cradle and tho joy
ful hour when ono life was spared and an
other given; by that sick bed, when the
littlo one lifted up tho hands and called for
help, and you knew ho must die, nnd he
put one arm around each of j our necks and
brought you very near together in that
dying kiss; by tho little grave in Green
wood that you never think of without n
rush of tears; by tho family Bible, where,
amidst stories of heavenly love, is tho brief
but expressive record of births and deaths;
by tho neglects of the past, and by the
agonies of the future; by a judgment day,
when husbands and wives, parents and
children, in immortal groups, will stand to
bo caught up In shining array or to shrink
down into darkness; by all that, 1 beg you
glvo to homo your best uffections.
Ah, my friends, there is an hour coming
when onr past life will probably pass be
fore us lu review. It will be our last hour
If from our death pilIow wo havo to look
back and see n lifo spent in sinful amuse
ment there will bo a dart that will strike
through our soul sharper than tho dagger
with which Virginius slow his child. Tho
memory of tho past will make us quake
like Macbeth. Tho iniquities and rioting
through which wo have passed will come
upon us, weird and skeleton as Meg Mer
rilles. Death, tho old Shylock, will de
mand and tako the remaining pound of
flesh, aud the remaining drop of blood,
nud upon our last opportunity for repent
ance and our last chance for heaven the
curtalu will forever drop.
&&- I255i5s
Copyright, 1S33.
A nipped farmer stalked into the ganfl.
tore with a lg whip under bis arm.
" Be you the editor? " "I am," was ths
half apprehenihn rejly.
" Here's two dolbut tend me your paper,
" You see," he vent on, " our daughter
was slclc and like to dio; rho drocped and
grew tcrH nnd pale, had headaches, no
appetite, back ached, hands and feet like
loo, couldn't deep, hacked with cough,
end wo thought die bad consumption.
No medicine helped her until she tried that
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription men
tioned in your paper, wiien she bcwin to
mend in no tlmo and is now well and
handsome as a rose put me down as a
life subscriber."
Now the editor Is looking for another
scare. The modlclno br.s cured thousands
afflicted os wns tho tanner's daughter,
restoring- tho female functions to hcnlthy
action, and removing- tho obstructions and
suppressions which caused her trouble. It
Is guaranteed to glvo satisfaction in evsry
case, or prico (Jl.OO) refunded. It's a
Icgltlinslo tii'cifciiie, not a beverage. Con
tains no alcohol to inebriate; no syrup or
sugar to ferment In the stomach and de
rango digestion.
For a Book of 180 pnsxs on 'Weman:
Ilcr Diseases and How to Cure them, (sent
sealed in plalD envelope) enclose ten cents,
in stamps, to Would s Dispensary Med
ical .Association, No, 603 Main Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Laxntlvc, or Cathartic, according to size
of dose. Smallest, Cheapest, Sugar-conted
and Easiest to tako. Cure Sick SZead.
aciko, Biliousness, Constipation.
tiy drug-gists. 25 cents a vltL.
A Polynesian I.osuiul.
Tnra, coming from over Bens, found him
self in A laud named Otca, and leaving
his cunoo journeyed inland. Tnu cling
through the dense forest, ho saw fairies sit
ting in tho flowera of tho climbing plants
and swinging on tho lliaiuus which trailed
from tho high boughs across tiie vtutas of
tho wi od. The.so fairies vtero curiously
shaped liclugs, huving small heads nnd
largo bodies, while their hands nnd feet
were attached to limbs so short that thoy
seemed as If extruding fioni their bodies.
Turn had brought with him tho slides
vyherowlth lire is produced by friction, and
ho proceeded to kindle a 11 ru und to cook
somo food, much to thu astonishment of
tho fairies, who hirliilwaysconsunied their
food in its uiituuil statu. Tura fell iu line
with ono of the fuiry women and mnriied
her. His wife reciprocated his affection
and they lived happily together; but one
day when tho elUn spouso was combing
out her husband's hair she suddenly cried
out, "Uh, Turu, what is tills white hair
Among the black ones?"
lie told her that it was a sign of ago and
of approaching decay, thu forei miner of
death. Then Ids wife wept bitterly and
refused to bo comforted. It is a touchiu
story, the sudden surprise and grief of this
child of tho imtnoitals ou her discovery of
that which to us poor sons of clay Is so
common and obtrusive a fact. The old
legend has given rise to a proverbial say
ing, "Tho weeds of Tin a," in a synony
mous expression for gray hair. Lougmiiu's
Queer Artistic lllumlers.
Somo very curious blunders may ha seen
in old pictures. It Is related thut Bur
gouuo lu his "Travels in Spain" noticed a
painting whero Abraham is preparing to
shoot Isaac with n pistol, and In a country
church In Germany tho painter, in repre
senting tho sacrifice of Isaac, places a bluu
derbus iu Abraham's baud, us argument
for obedient-1, and paints nn" angel coming
down to pour water on the pan,
1 1 tier has painted tho Blessed Virgin
ivs testing ou a velvet sofa playing with a
cat and a p'iruqut't, and about to pour her
holf cor.'eo from an engraved toffee pot,
Iu Durcr's plcturo of St. Peter denying
tho San lour a Homuu soldier may be seen
smoking a pipe. Providence Journal.
Collections Mud ami Loans Negotiated.
Come to tho Willamette Valley and get a homo in a
country that can be relied upon. Land that will produce
magnificent crops. Where your living is assured from
the beginning and failure of crops is unknown. (Jome to
to a country whore you do not have to work 12 hours
every day for 12 months in the year I to supply your self
and family with the necessaries of life for G months. Tis
but few countries that possess all the good things; While
many of Blizzards, Cyclones and Hot winds complaiu,
the Willamette Valley has never had a failure of crops
and is getting there just the same.
We are living in an
as regards extensive fanning. Having found that returns
from Wheat no longer justify the cost of production the
big wheat fields of the Pacific coast are almost a thing of
tho past . The producer of wheat has found that he had
to compete with the gieat wheat producing belts of the
world. Rapid transportrtion has annihilated distance,
and in 30 dajs time wheat from the graneries of Europe
and Asia can be doliyemd at any seaport in the world.
U, S, Pension nnd Clnmi agent. l'.O
Box 3.31. iilem, Oro.'on. Doputy Oounij
(jleri' Vilto fot blanks. w
of Will llios., Albany nnd Corvnllls
1'i.inos, Orsans am! Scvsing Machines.
At Your Homes
Agents fot Nortbwe-itlnmiraueeCo. Two
doors uortb of i'osi oillce, Salem, Or. Nee
dles aud new parts for all Scli)i;Kachiueb
fcVtf dw
10 Acres for Rent.
A choico tract only ono mllo from Salem
Terms liberal. Apply to
Journal Oillce,
Tint Snitch IliHullc.
Of course he was fond of his snuff, nnd
made froo with tho "mull," as the Scot
terms UU snuff box, vlfht and left. An
old Iv.idld himself tolls of having pot n
sliaip uproof from the pulpit Ivecmisxof
his too devoted attention In this particu
lar. "When the minister was preaching,"
s.iy lie, "a neighbor asked a snuff, and 1
gave him my box. Tho minister saw us
and Jti"t leaned over tho pulpit, looked
ktralRht In our faces, and said, 'There aro
0iuo of you more concerned about your
iiojx-s tlmu about your oulV salvation.'
After that I was very careful nover to pm,
my box lu church uKaln." Ceinieiuan's
Two Opinion of Soutluj,
One jear wheu I was up in tho Iike
country I was sketching ut Kydul Water,
when n gentleman came up behind me,
aud after watching me as I painted for
borne time said, "The man ho can dotlwU
should have a name," I answered just as
he muted away, "Tho man who ow
thstPUght tobiueauanie, too." lie looked
very peculiar, and I asked wuie men wbu
wore wurklm; in a stone quarry clr b)
If they knew who he was, "Oh, es," the)
saUIj "why, that's Southcy, the poor, J!e'
a funny fellow. "How funny" I nked.
"Why, he's mad," they auweml. T. Sid
ney Cooper.
1 Jttle Man (exeluMly)-l'm kmtUnjt fur
a man named Ubbs, who Mid ! toMl
JJltfMan (ealmlyH-l'm HIUm.Uu 1 4Hu'
call you a toAdstool. I said oti MutHptl
to the mushroom urUtocmcy
Utile MaixtbAckiUiiofD-Tuat's all right.
VWre nil fond of muhrooai,-Good News.
Health is Wealth
H 35$
Hit 1.. ('. W'KSVS Nerve and Bruin
rremiieut.agimiantceit Mec:flo for Ilys
triiii,llzi ic-s, 1 onwilslons, nts, Nenons-
Neui liiii, lre nlni'he,Neious Prostration
lut.Mvl lis tne uso of alcohol or tobacco.
W.iki lullncs, Mental Depiesslon, Solteu
inirof the br.ila renuHlugln tiwmlty and
temtl.iic to inlMry, Hee'iy i.ml doatli, pie-
mutiiK.. Atil ilim 1... ........ .. Iiuij tF ..nn...
lauueil b OM'i-ccertlonof the brain, Kaeh
Do contains one month's treatment, 51.(J
a box orsl boxes for S3.l, hent by mull
prepaid on receipt of price.
Tocuio any case, Willi each ordor ie-
rimeuny us ior six ooxi, aeeompauieii
with ?T lO, wo will vend the purehSMir our
written guarantee to refund tlio nianey 11
the tip.miieiit doos not eirect a cure, Ouar
HUtoos ismukI only by (eo. K, Good, Druif
KM, Hole ngenl, iul Com. Ht., balem, Or.
f RgWBH)l
i ArN-wlS'
yf n"i? Io Sichau's
rf r?.. nnixmi
&& mm
n .-
- mmm
Le Itlchnu. OoMeu llaliam Xo. J
Cur Ctuneret, lint nj second nan,
bpn on tho Lcc and Body; Sore Uari
Sjplillitio i I'atarth. dWj Slp, JJj
prhu.ry torn; of tha di(u Vnown ai
l.1tlrl,n'. nil.i--"'; ' """".
-- "", - "'' autumn .0.3
Cures Tertian-. JIircurlal-nlilHiU nh.
raatlsm. l'ln. In tho Uoaw; rin. In th
Ild, kk cl tho .Vfck, flndod Sor
TUrot.b)lilitio Kuh, Lumia and oon
trcta t'orOi, Stiffuu of the Limb, and
tmdloatw all U.mam from tho iyiu,
twthcr caul by Indl rttion or abuic
cl Mjmiry, ImtIiij tho bld pure sod
h Ihv. Vrlrn S 00 per Hot tie.
Lo Hlchau'i Uoldon Ni.anUli Ant I.
tlato fur tho euro l Qonorrham, Qlt.
lriUtW.narvl.anaall UrUuryor (Ho?
Ul dUrBjeiuniU. lplce B i so tier
l Ulchu' GoMen NpanUh In.
Jortlon, forrr oxtnot Oonarrh!.
lBAMBiMtory CWl. Stirtutt,4c. I'rlce
Le ItlchMn's Golden Ointment
for h. ea.s.,r. h-uf 8nil!ik c !
and Prln tralmat. lot of iyfcl po
SI- .ui e-tk. ITortraUoo. ate.
Toulo mni ,rvla,
600 A: (11 !TIAUKi:T ST ,
Ban t'ruuclaco, Oa)
that divei'kified fsirminj will pay in any country whero
moisfcpre and the sun's rays meet. In no other country has
with her jrifts as in the
where grow all kinds ofcerearls. Vegetable3,hops and ber
ries yield profitable returns. The Willamette Valley is
the home of the Apple, the Peach, the Pear, the Plum,
the Prune aud all kindsof deciduous fruits. While othe
lands than ours grow apples, plums and pears, in no other
country do they reach such a state of perfection. Nature,
the mother of monopolists, in all that great belt of count
ry lyinj batween the 25th and 50th paralolls of latitude
the Pacific coast alone produces the Italian and Petite
or (French) prune. Last year the United States imported
from Prance alone 70,000,000 pounds of prune as against
10,000,000 pounds grown on the Pacific coast.
We have for sale choice farms improved and unimproved,
largo and small, in tho hills or on the prairie,
in Fine Garden and Fruit Tracts. Our garden and fruit
tracts aro all fine elevated lands. Deep black soil and
Hood drainage. Come to tho Capital City with its ean
neiy and evaporators that will give you home markets for
your produce.
Keep it
That fruit tracts aro valuable property and that no invest
ment will bring you better returns. Improved suburban
acre property with buildings and other improvements.
Also acre t acts without buildings but with growing fruit
counting of trees, plants, vines etc., and city property of
ovorv description.
Postoffice Block.
H. V. MA1THEWS, Ps, T. H, BARNES, Treas.
r T3