transferor this cut-throat orgnnlza lion to America. Tho ludlgnatlon nud excitement was euch that mob law and lynch Ing wore about to be resorted tot when the entire community folt that In the endeavor to reach the guilty parties innocent Ilnllunn might be sacrificed. To allay tho excitement aud to assist tho constituted mi thor ites, tho mayor ajipolutod a commit tee of fllty rcprcseutnHve citizens to take chargo of the investigation and to aid in tho trial and conviction of Uio assassins. This mcasuro arrest ed violence. The committee entered upon the work, aud at a mugs meet lute subsequently held in front of the city hall the actions of tho commit tee were ratified, and they wero en couraged to continue their labors to secure tho prosecution and trial by the courts. A ftcr mouths of prepara tion, the trial, which continued thrco weeks, and in which distin guished counsel assisted ably the dls trlct attorney, was commenced. Tho jury, charged to have been bribed and corrupted, in faco o1 oyldonco establishing guilt, run dered a verdict of mis-trial as to tliroa of tho assassins ScafTodl, Monaster! and Pollltzo and acquit ted thrco assassins, Macueca, Mar ches! and Bagnctto. Three more were on trial and wero acquitted be cause of Insufficient ovldencc. These wero Matruuga, Tncornona and the boy Marches), Tho acquittal of Machoca, tho chief conspirator, and Marchcsl and Bagnctto, aud the mis-trial as to Pollltze, BcafTedl and Monaster! fell like a thunderbolt up on tho community and Impressed tho law-abiding citizens with the conviction that tho laws had been violated; and that their vordlcl invited assassination, and engrafted tho Italian Mafia upon American Institutions, Tho feeling grow so strong that for solf-presorvatlon tho pcoplo must reaumo tho authority, which they had delegated to tho courts, and which tho courts were poworloss to enforce This feeling Increased until It found vent In a mass meeting Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. This uprising of tho people to secure tho punlshmont of tho assassins who struck down their chief offlcor ofpollco In the night tlino with premeditated assassina tion, was orderly, and tho peoplo dispersed quietly so soon ns their work of vindication was done. INTKIlNATlONAIi QUIBTION. Judicial tribunals as to transfer to tho passlonoto Judgment of a mob a question that should have been ad judicated dispassionately and by tho settled rules or law. Tho govern ment of t'jo United Stales must give to thosubjecls of friendly powers that pecurlly which It demands for her own citizens when temporarily under foreign Jurisdiction. It Is the hope of tho president that you will co-operato with him In maintaining tho obligations of tho United States toward those Itullau subjects who may be within the perils of tho present excitement, that further bloodshed and violence may bo pre vented, aud that all offenders against the law may bo promptly brought to Justice. This telegram was tho rchult or a courerenco between tho president aud secretary, yesterday afternoon, Baron Fava, tho Italian minister having previously called on Secre tary Blaine and earnestly protested against the killing or his country men, and demanding at the same time protection for the other Ital ians In New Orleans. A MAFIA WAUNINO. Nkw Oiimjans, Murch 10. Father Manoritta was visited by a reporter this morning, and he exhib ited a letter he had received. The stamp on the envelope showed that It had passed through the city post olllco March 0, at 3 p. tn. Father Manoritta receiyed it the morning of the 10th. The letter bore the seal of tho Mafia organization a skull and crons-boues at tho top and bottom. Tho letter advised the rev erend rather that lie had better stay at homo and not go to court every day, as his prevenco hero did not do society any good. Ho was told to beware. Tho letter Ii signed "The Mafia Society M. M. Co." Father Manoritta said he had Intended to give the letter to tho district at torney, but refrained from doing ho through fear. Ho further said the Jury in tho l'rovenzatio caso had been entirely too lenient with them. While ho deplored tho courso of citizens In acting us they did yester day, similar action in another caso would provo more ed'ectual in com pletely eradicating tho Mafia society, MAKING INVISTICIATJONB. Nkw Ohi.kanh. Mar. 10. Things have quieted down hero now. At torney general is making investiga tions of Saturday's proceedings. Tho prison olllclals say they recog nized sumo of the persons on the Inside of the prison and their names aro understood to have been for warded to the attorney general. Iloiin, Maroh 10,-Tlio Italian Home Indictments may follow as government has iustiuutcd Baron do Fava, Italian minister at Washing ton, to present n vehement protest Ui tho United States against tho notion of tho mob at Now Orleans on Satur day nud tho United States has promised to mako an Investigation. Baron do Fava, In a dispatch to Marquis do Itudlni, tho Italian pre mier aud foreign minister, slates lie has protested against tho inaction of tho local olllclals in New Orleans and that Mr. Blaine, tho American secretary or state, has expressed horror ut tho acts of tho New Or leans mob, promising ho would Immediately mako tho orders of tho president in tho matter, and that the decision would bo communicated to the Italian government, aiiout cokui.ot. Romk, Ituly, Mar. 10. Tho Bon Chisclotto Delia Mauclu remarks: "Italy ought to demand measures to bo taken to protect tho Italian colouy in Now Orleans." Addlug howover; "It is just also to reoog nlzo tho fuel that a similar Incident would not occur If tho towns on tho Atlantloshoro wero not Infested with thocx-galloy slaves of Kurnpo." WIMj NOT 8K.ND AN IKON OI.AI). ItoMK, March 10. Popolo Itomnno referring to tho Now Orleans trug cdy says: "Belying on tho fore ulght of American authorities, and out of regard for a sincerely friendly power, Italy has refrained from 6endug an ironclad to tho mouth or the Mississippi river," HLAINK'a TKI.KC1KAM. Washington, Mnr.lO, Secretary Dlaluosent tho following telegiam lo Governor Nicholls nt Now Or lcaus: It has been represented to tho prcbldont by tho minister of Italy accredited to this government that among the victims or tho deplorable . iiiuuocrwhlchtookplaco in thoelty of New OrleansycBtorday.thuro were thrvo or moro subjects of the klugor Italy, Our ticuty with that fi loudly Wymgmvt (which under tho eon NNqHgtha supreme law of the lt4RSaHMMitee to Italian subject lo&dlwfhi the United Htates. the tho ttiubt wiibtant proteetloti mid security for their iwmum und prop- rty, making them itmenublo on the formality, but so great ti nunibor of pcoplo were concerned In the killing It will be Impossible to arraign them ull or to secure conviction In caso they should bo arrested. Tho Ital ian consul saya a full report of the proceedings have been transmitted to tho legation at Washington, aud all further action will bo taken through tho legation. A NOIil.K 1'KOSSE. Nr.w Oiu.kanb, La,, March 10. Tho district attornoy has entered a nolle prosso as to tho indictments pending In section B, or tho crimi nal court, against tho Italians Impli cated in the llcuucssy assassination. This releases tho charges against Mastrianea, Incardonhi and Mar ches! (boy). Tho Indictment In sec tion A still holds Sunzerri, l'otorono, Joint ('anise, Nntalo and 1'letzo. ANC1KY ITALY. Boston, Mar. 10. A cablegra.n from Home says the news or tho Italian massacro at New Orleans was not generally known till this morn ing. Tho gouorul reeling Is one or Indignation aud tlilmt for reprisal In some form. An English visitor mistaken for an American barely escaped from being mobbed. WU1TI.I.AW HKII) COMING HACK. Nnw Youk, Marclt 10. Accord ing to tho Continent, Mlulsteis Whltolaw Bold nud Kmnry Smith aro coming homo and will ivsumu editorial chargo or their respective nowspapem, tho Tribune of this city and Mm Press of Philadelphia. "Mr, Held," said a well-informed repub lican, "will nudgu his post ns minis ter to Franco nud return to this country before July 1. Ho 1ub found his stay in Paris to ho very pleasant, but ho has had all tho dls tlnullon he wants nud Is coming homo to direct tho Tribune in the preliminary sklrmUh fur tho no-t campaign. Ho could not do it nud remain in Paris. The lutlueuco of Mm Tribune will bo thrown to the support of Mr. Blaine." Tho hamo reasons aro aoorlbcd for Mr. Smith' return, sUNATim H HAUNT'S PUKHItAU, Han Fhanoikco, Mar. 10. The era and clergymen, the family and their immediate friends, tho con gressional committee, tho senate and assembly of California, tho board of supervisors of San Francisco, Major General Dlmond's staff", General Gibbon' stair and Mie Society of California Pioneers. After these came many local civic organizations and citizens in carriages and on root. Tho procession moved from the church on Stockton street, to Pine street, to Van Ness avenue, to Post street, to Baker street aud to Laurel Hill cemetery. As in tho church, tho ceremony hero was very simple No eulogy was delivered and the burial servlco was brier. The re mains of the deceased senator were placed in the Latham vault, where they will remain until Mrs. Hearst determines upon tho late senator's final resting place. FKOH THE INSANE ASYLUM. Nashville, March 10. The mini her of dead by the insane asylum flro lias been Increased to eleven. One moro Inmat; Is missing. He Is believed to be in the ruins. "THE FAT CONTKintJTOK." Sheiioyoan Falls, Wis., Mar. 10 A. Miner Griswold, "the fat con trlbutor,"died suddenly of apoplexy, Saturday. JAMES OKANT, IOWA JUIHBT. Davenpoiit, la., Mar. 10. Judge James Grant, one or tlie oldest and best known attorneys or Iowa, died ut Oakland, Cal., Saturday morn ing. PItlVATK HANK CLOSES. Williamsi'oht, Pa., Mar. 10. Tho private bank or F. It. Wood & Co., this city, closed today. No statement Is given out. IlItEAIv IN LEVEE. New Orleans, Mar. 10. A cre vasse occurred this morning In the leyeo at United States Senator White's plantation. The break is sixty root wide. SHll'WKECK. New Beufoiu), March 10. Two roveuue cutlers arrived hero this morning with tho olllcera and crew or thoTriana, which was wrecked on Cutty Ilurk. Tho officers of these boats think that the Trlaua, Galena, and Nina aro doomed to be broken up as heavy seas aro now washing oyer them. EX'-OOVEllNOIl ILL. Nr.w Yomc, Mar. 10. Ex-Governor ItobhiHon is dangerously ill. JUDCIK IlltADY DEAD. New Youk, Mar. 10. Judge John It. Brady, of tho supremo court, died this morning, from a stroke of paralysis. in the I 0. 0. F. hall at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon did damage to tho extent or $15,000. It originated in tho ollroom or Ford & Notting'a grocery on tho lower floor, the stock or which was completely destroyed. Tho upper portion or tho building including tho lodge rooms, was badly J damaged. About 16 lodges of differ ent societies ore obliged to seek new quarters. ANOTHER SYRACUSE FIRE. Syracuse, N. Y., March 10. Yesterday morning the St. James Episcopal church and tho McLen nan fiat building was destroyed by fire. One woman is believed to huve burned to death. Several bad nar row escapes, $00,000. March 8th abducted hli wife, n wealthy lady in her owu right. A CANADIAN IlLIZZARIl. Montreal, Mar. 10. This city und vicinity was visited during tile last twenty-four hours by a terrible hurricane aud blizzard, and gieat damage has been done by the wind. Pillow aud Gersey's rolling mills were almost totally destroyed. Tiie spire of St Patrick's church aud tho magnificent new depot of the Grand Trunk are damaged. Mauy private dwellings, barns und houses In course of construction were du m.)llshed. Early this morning the streets wero filled with Hying sigus, gFffiq T . A TVTT-O jlc-: XX I-JJ, e I lie undersigned i i-njnud lo 1,., cmds of farm lands at the kt,t rutin. Also iiv i" !l11 irbanp roperty. L. C. FjSHFH, 7 J7 P. () H,,"!1, CRIMINAL. slates, branches of trees, etc. The Tho losses amount to storm has done tremendous damage lu the country districts, but as the wires are down in all directions, the reports aro only just coming in, and cannot be accurately deter mined. EXPLOSION IN EGYPT. Cairo, Egypt, Mar. 10. An ex plosion at Omdurman Arsenal to day, killed 100 Dervlshers, and wrecked everything in the imme diate neighborhood. STATE. A TRIO FIGHT TO DEATH. Augusta, Ga., Mar. 10. Three men lost their lives in a quarrel, uear Moxey, Saturday eveulng. Harvey Smith was a young plauter, living nearMoxey, who was married only a few months ago. He hud among his employes a mnu uamed IJoyd Hatton, whom he had to dis charge. While Hatton was prepar ing to leave Smith went down to bis cabin to settle with him. Hatton met ills approach with a discharge from his shotgun. Smith drew his revolver and fired, striking HattonJ iu the shoulder. Tho appearance or HiIlHatton, to aid his brother, made it two to one. Tho next shot from Smith's gun struck Bill in the heart and tho next onestruckBoydHatton lu tho abdomen. Smith fell in a swoon from his own wounds. Boyd Hatton ran up and securing Smith's revolver shot him and was about to (Ire a second shot when bis arm was held by the young bride. She had been attracted by tho firing. Tho desperate negro was carried into the cabin and soon died rrotn his wounds. PARDONED. Washington, Mar. 10. ThePres ident has granted a pardon in the caso of Chas. Ingram, convicted in California, or violating tho postn laws, to take effect at the expiration or one year from tho date or sen tence. Tho sentence imposed in tho caso or John Powell, convicted in Utah, or ndultery, lias been com muted to six months. Ol'I'lCKIt KILLED. Houston, Tevns, Mar. 10. While OfllcerJ. F. Tonu was attempting to arrest two negroes in a dance house.he wasshotand instantly klll- ed.atid a bystander, Frank Michaels, was mortally wounded. The ne groes escaped. POLITICAL. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Jacksonville, Mar. 10. Mike Ilanloy, Junior member or tho firm or Hanloy Bros., was accidentally shot at their stouk rami ou Big Butto Saturday. Ho was walking with ono or the rami hands aud o 11 callbnrSmith nud Wesnn revolver Tell from his baok pocket aud was discharged, the ball passing through his right leg above tho knee aud through his left hip, Indicting pain ful wounds. Ho was brought homo for medical treatment. THE MUMMY A STONE IMAGE. Eugene, Or., Mar. 10. Thostono imago of a man or mummy which was round and brought hero Is now said to have been found liore, but brought iu aud taken to the spot for tho purpose or being round. It Is said that the Imago was hauled by nu expressman from tho South ern Pacific depot to tho bank or the river, whom tho skill' was left pre paratory to starting down tho river. Experts pronounced It nu Image carved from Btono. But Its reseiu. bianco of a corpse Is so striking as to cause much luteiest. FOREIGN. P I R E S- samobasUuMmirowncItUoiiUo the! funeral of tho Juto United State law or Mm United Ktate unHho Beimtor Oeorgo Hourt tixik phuv In weveruUtnUs n their duo uud early , ,. HdwlDUtitttloi). Tim diep. ! iM ""' J''!- Iur wliiunL y wjjrvte Mint Mm ciilieim of New of ,uo B"1" Mde, N- l '-. Orteaiw should have ti dhmnragvd ' oUm1 an ewort. Tta-y wtf followed! (he purity aui HdeqUucy f their hoarrls'econhUulngthf)ulUa FLOURING MILLS DUSritOYEL'. Eugene, .Mar, 10. Tho large flouring mill nt Cottage Grove, be longing to Hon. 11. M. Veatch burned about 3 o'clock Saturday morning, Tim origin or tho tiro is unknown. Tim loss is estimated nt IIO.OOJ; Insured for f0,500. lll'KYATOlt llUKNEt). Moscow, Idaho, Mar. 10. Satur day morning, about l'J o'clock, the l'aulllo Coast elevator burned. Itf,. (XX) bushels or whaat wero in stor age, IiOas fil.WK), sup)osetl to be covered by Insurance. The lire was undoubtedly or an lucondtury ori gin. (lirrTHl) HY FIRE. Oi.hvhl.vni, Mar. Ifi. Klein, Godhurt A Kismiso's extensive cloth ing house wits gutted by lire last night. Tho loa amounts tu $160,000, ou Mm stock. Tho Ion ou Mm build ing will reach (20,000. IN SAN'jOdlt, CAL. Han Johk. Cm!., Mnr. 15. -A fln KING OF ROHEMIA. Vienna, Mar. 10. Count Taafo is seriously urging tho emperor to make peaco with tho young Czechs by con senting to bo crowned king or Bohe mia as necessary to the Becuilty or the empire. The young Czechs nro highly elated over their triumph and havo assumed an independent and insolent attitudo toward tho Germans. They reftiso to converse with olllclals iu Mm German lan guage aud sing Bohemian patriotlo sougH In tho streets or Praguo. It Ih belleyed iu Vienna that Russian agents aro nt work stirring up the Salvlo sentiments among the people and eudeavoring to detacli them from their allegiance to Austria. EMPEROR AND 11ISMARK. Uerlin, March 10. Tim prospect of any full and complete reconcilia tion between tho emperor and BIs inark is considered fttr distant, al though a modus viveudl may bo es tablished. Miguel Is Mm kaiser's mnu to succeed Cuprlvl. The possi bility that Blsmark may enter tho relehstag Is said to make tho salser anxious to prevent hint fioin Icing the active leader of an opposition. Tho kaiser's mind seems bent upon warlike preparations, aud It Is be lieved that his elder motive lu con ciliating BIumiH'k and Wuldorsra Is to have the empire lu harmony for Mm struggle that ho expects must soon come about. THE FARRAR CASE. Toronto, Mar. 10. It Is under derstoed thegovernment Is consider lug what it should do with Edward Farrar, T)fl government has been advised by kollilh,ra thaH'ls conduct came williiu the law relating to high treason. THE (USE OF JACKSON. Lo.HN, Mar. 10.--Her majesty's high court or Justice today refused to grant a writ of habeas poipuj hi compel li 11 Jsekbou, of Clllberal. tu produce hU wife lu court. The Oiiiirt held that If Mm woman was IllliTttttd the had her rtiuctly iu ipplloullon fur protection whloh the cculdmake liefore any mugUtrate. Jut will bo rememberetl oy SENATOR DOLPIl'S IDEAS. Washington, March 10. "In reply to your question in regard to the pre flerence or political parties In Oregon to the presidential nomina tion for 1892, I would say that Sec retary Blalno has been for many years a fuvorlte candidate upon tho Pacific coast, ir ho were to be a candidate mr the presidential nomi nation lu 1892, I have little doubt that a majority or tho republicans in the state I represent would very strongly favor his nomination. Governor D. B. Hill, of New York, lias (oiuo warm admirers among the democrats iu tho state of Oregon but uow that ho is wholly out of the presidential race by his accep tance of the United States senator ship from New York, I think from all the expressions I have heard In regard to the matter from the dem ocrats of my state, that at present a majority of the democratic party would favor the nomination of ex Prcsldent Cleveland." CAMFORNIA'SSENaTOR. Sacramento, Cal., Mar. 10. The ballot token In joint session of the legislature for U. S. senator today resulted: Estee 37, De Young 24, Felton 14, Blanchard 12, Perkins 1, Wetmore 1. Tills shows a gain over Saturday's vote or three for Estee, one for De Young and one for Fel ton, but us a number of members were then ubsetit tho gain is only appar ent except In Estee's case where n net gain 'of threo Is made. The democrats east their 22 votes for John P. Trlsli. Both the method and results when Sjrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tnate, nnd acta centlyyet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipationpermanently. Forsalo iu 50o and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . SAN FRANCISCO, CAL ICUlSmiJ:, KY. NEW YORK, U.Y. I SJ 8b a (, ) Salem, Or. Rates $2.50 nitl $5.00 n Day Open to tho public Thursday. Hcpt. 11, 181)0. Rest hetel between Portland and San Francisco. Alms to be first class In all Its appointments. Its tables arc served with the choicest fruits grown in the Wit amette valley. A. I. WAGNER, Proprietor u& k JOHNSON ItEAli ESTATE BROKERS AND NOTARIES rUBLlC. Collections itade and Loans Negotiated. Geo IMMBRCIAL STREET SALEM OREGON 0 l-20-d&w-tf HRS. D. L. FIBSTER. Tuo largest 8tock of STRING HIliLiarEKY Of the choicest styles. Tho latest style? from San Francisco and the east, A. Hue line of novelties. Ladles Jinvlted to cull inspect aud compare pi ices. D. C.S M ERM AN . U, S, Pension and Claim nent. V. U Box 2S1. S.tlom, Oregon. Deputy t'nuut Cleri' Vrlte for blankb. INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPAQ "The State." Assessed nearly ono-tliiid'of a. million GKO. it. IIKELKH, City Agent And special agent for iiar'ou county. Oi no win. i he Company. flrn Gnm D 1. .. "-0 w io jjumu iKU1Q fljffa? They never look ahead nor think. PtBT, V known to wait till planting season, run toil "k n .v .., uu ...tu icycm oyer it for i- ..".'" tn than stop and think what they will want f' .1 ,64 VICK'S SEEDS never disapJ;'0, ,. '. fj rrom the millions who have planted them ir u Sj line, MAKE NO MISTAKE AtoJStf k 4 cents ior viciz-s jnortu Guide, deduct .1. ' t ... j i.-. . -.. . ' ucuuct the ta nun. .... uiuc, 11 i.uoi3 naming. This Bio. loijue contains three colored plates ft.j , """ ties ever offered, aco In cash premium. ...v ll"r t club orders. Jtooo cash prizes at one of the Si.l'tJl orana oiler, cnance lor all. Made in different l I ever before : too paces SU x ioK Inrv.. lui-sl JAMES VICK, SEEDSMiy ItOCUKSTEn'.l 25c Want Column. N.tices Inserted for ONB OLNT l'EK WOUI) KACH INHKKT1UN. No ntlcr tlsemeut inserled In this .oiumii for le" than twenty-five cents. rpO UliNT. Kun.i'-lit'd looms at :'.a JL Court Htrt-et, opposite statu houe. d-".t J.H.HAAS, THE WATCrotAKUif, , 2I5J Commercial St., - ' alem, Orwji (Next door to Klein's.) Hpecinity oi spectacles, aud quicks. iiiciies ana jewelry. fepWtj LOST. A small bill bnok cnntiilnlng coutrncK Kindei will plenbo le.iNe it Aetna theatre. Jos. W. Schaubel. i'-ll-lt FOR SALE A parlor set at n bargain. No 187 Cottage stiect. IJtOIl SALE. Two Miiutro pianos forFalo ; very chenp,at Diimond's music house FOUND. A blind b idle ouHtate Street, Salem, Owner can get same by call lug at this olllco aud paying for this notice. m Ml 17WK SALE. A new house containing ' nine mums, nicely situated in Hlgh uinil Addition, connected Mlth the city vtitcnvorks mill Is convenient tobtreet car in-. Tetm reasoniiblc. inquire of AI..T. Uorrauce, uoilli west co.-ner of Center ma Liocriy siiet'is. oiiui F lOU PALE. 12'i notes of land -1 miles south of -ali in. i;nquiiontiuisoiiice. 3:2 lm rnOTKADE. A safe, gentle pony, for a JL cow. Inquire at this olUce. Motf WANTED. A girl or iioraan lor gen eral heivant ivurlt iu.iMiia'l fainliy. Apply or uddics v. illi rt-fi-ionceat Jouit-JALofllce. INSUIUVa C o in tu,, l-'lre aw A rlue. O. V. IiEELEH, Agout. - H ilem. Orajv B. C. CROSS, and Pafa State St. and Court St. The best me.U delivered to all p-irtu of tho city. J. G. HARRIS, EXPRESS N03, 16 & 21, Leave order at It. M . Wade & Co's. Rw liable work or no pay. AGKKAT IJAllOAIN'. Tilt- best 2.")!icie plecoonllio -aVin l'tnlrl" Call and ulk with L. C. 1'ihhei, next door lo l'ost lUce. 2.21-1 in KINDEUOAUTEN: Mrs. l'adghatn's I'rimary Scliooluud Ulndvtgiitcn in session room of tho l'aesbj teiitiu Cuurch. AI1AUGAIN. A house and two lots for sale iu South Salem ut only JS0O In- qulreof W. U. SImp-on. ll:a-tf M. J. PA1TON, M. D. Eldiidgc Block, Salem, Oicgou Diseases of women nnd children; cbrotit aud piivuto diseases . A SPECIALTY. In oilice day nud night. Consilium free. FOUND! One hundred very choice lots, wla will be Mild nt 1C0 per lot, nnd on m teims by J. J. KOBERTS, 05 Stole St. MARKETS. WHEAT. San Fiiancisco, Mar. 1C 'Wheat buyer, season, $1.50J Ciiicaoo, 111,, March 10. Wheat tlrm, cash 91 ; May, $1.01 3-8 i; July 00 7-8. V. R. C. Social. There will be a social of the Relief Corps at tho G. A. R. hall, on Match 2.1(1. Kxt'lletiieut runs high in this el'y over System Builder, as everybody is using it for catarrh of the Stomach, Consump tion Dystiepsla, inipuro blood aud to build up the System it certainly must bo an excellent preparation, when everybody speaks so well of It. d&wvr $lWILLBUYAL0rJ Of goods at our store! Wo carry a full lint of gioceries, feed, crockery, glassware, cl gars, tobacco and confectionery. T. BURROWS, No. 226 Commercial St., Salem sJaeobs tfheGreat REMEDY FORPAIN TYPE WRITER. $jq win buy the Odkli. Tyvk WHitkh wild Wcljlirw'frs. and iis for tho sinui CAhKlluti.K vrurniruprt tp ao better orl thnu nn lmu-hlwe inutlfi. it itimtiiuthiu.'i.ictrv wltii IH'iumi ITV, 81'KMI, li4tK Ol OrKIUTION, wears longer without uuat "(repairing than an) other mucUtue. lliu no Ink ribbon to bother tho operator. It la neat, substan tial, nickel plated, perfect and Hditpied n all kludit o( tyiHi rltlug. Llk a prlntlnc pres, It pntducta lmrp, clean, legiblt manuicrlpt. Two or leu copliM run U made at oue writing. Any Intelligent per Mir. oiu bcvometui oprmtor In two day WeottcrtlOCO to ,,ny oH-ator wlio tun tsmal the work of the Doi-ulk Cabs: OlIBLU KelUble AgenU and talckiuea wanted 8x-ul Inducement lo dealer, fur pant ptiliH clvinj Indorsement, vto., auarrJ . upt,u, ril'K JHIKll CO. DO YOU FAVOR Building up a Strong, Independ ent Paper for the People in Oregon ? A PAPER THAT WILL NOT SELL OUT Printed at tlie Scat of Government LOOK AT THK HECOltl) OP THE CAPITAL JOL'KNAL. During the recent session of the leglsla ture It was the oulv miner In the state that attacked succcsi-fully iheirorlland dicta torship In Oresron nolttics. It successfullv opposed all doctoring the Australian ballot law In the Interests ol political bosses. II advocated tho hw (unit passed) giving the Oregon railroad commission power to tlxjiisttiud reasonable rates of fi eights and power to enforce its decisions. It suc cestully advocated retention of the old railro id commission as best qualified to enforce tho law. It labored tor all meas ures tonpen rivers and thus secure to tin peoplo the right to free nnd unrestricted use of the waterways. ITS l'LATl-OHM. Tint Capital Journal f.ivorsn leform in national tlminces, to the end Unit tin present expensive monopoly sj stent of 8upplj lug nu inadequate currency may be supplanted bj iho government Uhiuii ill reel to the ptoplo an adeiiialu supply oi legal tendei nioM-y, with a coin Ui is Mil fluent tooo.ifoim hi sound bulking prin ciples. It fiiMirs electlou of u'l olltc!a' who legislate fi r. or lire directly icspourl bio to the people, b.v dlrict Miteof thy pta pie. Itfiuors r.i sing all ante reveiiurs by a ta-? ou the gros onrnlngs of corvora llous, both lorelgu uml .utlv, It tnnn opening all wateiways to I lie son and a Wllltr-llilf .ill COtlllllo.i ill-r pr. fiilhi, ... ui I'liitthe prodiici-rkluilUec-iiic .oi lu labor the largist net lot-irns If ou Tavor rcialintu nil p .wer ossllil. In the hiiudsnftb, nmip'eaudgoveiuii eu In tlietuterestsorthe xnpie, ciivulateilii wper. b'or terms, see cl-tm-lierr. liv IIokek UitoS. WANTKD An active, telliililo mini salary $0 to H) moiiilily, with in crease, to tcpresent In his own sfoiloii u responsible Noiv York Juum-, lloli lenc---- NAnuraUlUKKiii imck isox iix, iev, York. Foil SAIjIC About three acres of lnud on Asylum Avenue. ;,ood dMClllug house, conveniently nriunged; laige bain, a great variety of lrult trees nnd shrub bery; comenient to Electric railway, nevei falling water on premise. Koi- purlieu lurs inquire at second housrj on riglit hand side of Asylum Avenue going lioni city. 12:4 tf TTANTED--To tiadoa town lot In C.ipi YV tal I'ark Addition for lumber. A. Olinger, 122 Mill street. ll:I9-lf iS, c WNERS OF COWS. For service, u mire-bied Hed rolled bull. Terms cash. At my -place In Salem. .1 Ii. I'auiiisii. U-l-d LADD & BUSH, Bankers, IRON 1WILDING, SALKM, - - - - OREGON. FOIi SAZE Or Trade for Real Estate, A good span ol work horses, well broke. Address MAHTIN THOMPSON, 2:l(-liu Turner, Oregon. M.T. RINEMAN DEALER ;tN Staple anil Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glasswaro, Lamps, Wooden nnd Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also vegetnblesnnd fruits In their season. "Highest Price paid for couutry produce." We solicit a shate of your pationage, 9-9 1 '12 state -.tieet GEO. CYAN WAGNER At lftJ State street Is prepared to frame plctiues neatly and nt lowest llTlngrates. Call around and examine his worfc. Ho nlso'hus a nne assortment lo select from oi Wall Paper and Picture Moulding. Transact n general banking business In all departments. 3:2-3m EVERBEARING SSSSST& until lrost. Descriptive price list lree Hbhi Winquist, Hussellvllle.Ore. ERNST, Upliolsterer. All work, either new or repairing, done In tho tet workiniinlike shape. Hhop south of po-t olllco. s6ndb7 6tll A. Clilrdgo. 111. Mi Notice of Final Setth'inpnt. XTOTIt'K I tinty gieiC-tMt Mm ihhUt 1 kbjut-d adinltiU intor f tliM-im.,.' li II. Kliletl, doi--d, Imk (lUd bU final notttiut fit the mid etute. In i he county murt w tlie Hate nl urtv n, f.a iUrlmi couuty. ind bt Mid douii hn tUrd MourUy.thcbiliedu)' af Aiirll, teWI of Mlddsy for I erlpg the int. and all objectloun I hereto, nt ttc nwn nuuu m llivcvtiil UoitMt lu ti nl) ! hirni, ir wild coui-lv mid lrtl-. min ili ihr miuv will b paired uiou m aid time and plate Dttttd IhU ITlli duj or ribttiary. im!i U Eu.tN. Sl94w .MtiulttUtratorolMiacfttate, SnloorCItyPropcrtj-. VTOTlCK Is hereby given that the city of 1 Nilein,iirou,wlll soil at iiubUouiio- iii.ii hi oieui, urigon, on tho :"5th day of butldlUKs belonglug to mid city ol Halein. Uiegou. I'u-o of iqld buildings are twoi f'oo biiHdlDicanndtbe otl)er p 0ne-i,torF building. All of said property U ktiuated on state street and Liberty street, and is deertled us tollows; l mmeuclngat the northwest ooruerol bUx-k a) lu lite city of Salem, Oregou, and ritunltiu: thencti auKtprlv ulnni, fi, n.w lineoMiid blookSO twt: thence southerl niiiuniiuiiw n nne oi sum block HO ftw; ihenco westerly twmllel with the north lln of itdDl.Kk 50 fiet to the west Ineufraid block; thence northerly alone the et line of said block joo feet to the place ol beginning. The term of said sale areione-thlrU of the Piitt-haM. pr ce at Mietlme of sale; the bil. "" !J',U "d U made by the ctlj-T TheiMlyottlenj renen. the right of jxte.elon und UlS right to im fw of storj- building and the two-stoiy bulldlmr .'nSi'1,"" P",1 KBf'ne uouse, anS 11 f 'be upper storiea of both of the tre jtory building, on or befoie ue tlntof sWeinber. Iwi, andiheClty ofsUe! ,7ore goa. ako re.erve the rieht to relect any or aU Md. b-ale to take place in front of MwCpUal Engine wmpanv bSlId? w state U(N inVwjHty- DU,,ams R7M. LAFOns, f.ll.DAllC'Y? O. n. lll'T-mv JAY C SMITH' tontiulttw from the QiuneU. i&J" 0t tb MW1 K. K. HALL, Paper Hanger. Leaveorderut Qlob6 Ueol Hstato Exchange FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS. Founded !n 1877, 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And the finest everjbredjon tboJPaclflc Coast. Hook youilorder early forjcholce selections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, DBA IK TILING. The undersigned aro pteparcd to furnUh the best qualliy of tiling for under diall ing at lowest prices. AiUItPHY A DDUKT, Near Fair Grouns, Salem, Oregon. GEO. C. WILL, of Will Bros., Albany and Corvilfli Pianos, Organs anil Scwin? 3Ito 81'WlO MAC1IINR.S und 01!QA3 REPAIRED AND CLEANS" At Your Homes Agents fot Northwrst InsurauceCo.W doois north of I'ost Oilice, alelll,Or '" dies aud new parts for ml bewing " 3.5-tf dw Notice of Dissolution. The paittierehlp hereiofor m''"?. tween James Deuhiini aud .iJ'jre A '", nrd-son, tinder the tlrm uniue of J,. Deulmni A Co., has by nintuai !:. beeu dls-olved. James Denli nW tame the liminess, c lleit i'H b'-'""' as tiineii'l lliibili.lesortheoliIrtm. .1 li:s i.LMI M. jv.Mi- ii milt.."'1?,-' Halein, ), Inrc-h ft,isl. 5.VIO Iftll-dw Forest Grove, Oregon Bon Ton Restaurant, B. W. LEWIS. Eto. KreeU Moats, Oyatera, Always ou tiumi. OVKS AT ALI. IIOUIl-i. SIS Commorolul Street, SALEM. Oregon. $500 Rew-ardl WK will pay tbeubove reward or case of liver complaint, djbpep"j headache, Indigestion, constipation" tleness wo cannot cure wltw w.1", ut oltnbleLlqer l'llls, when the dlrecUo"), strlctle complied with. They, o,rtw vegelubl, and never rail to gn -wy tlon. Sugar coated. Large boxw.c Ing 80 pills, 25 ceuu. Ueware of oJ. felts and mitatlons. The BfnuliJ' SjS fuctarea ohly by Tlin juu Co. Chicago III, M . . rtfl Sold by Geo. E. Good, Druggist.1 street, Salem Or. 0. C. BREWSTER, HEMP- Tipnlpr In Hay, Grain, Mill Feed and Farmgj TOBACCO, CIGBS AND STUI0JE81 81 Court Street. w, Ctv.- SALENf. '&si M mfM' !tUtJrMlVViJs.v i-i -5. v syifci5yJ?f.'s Z, z wm$&ss2?r i:-J ij&&iftt&zs&&&K ft??37prr - .raTABte &NEOKTHK i-"i.uroVrr "ilia the! ' ii flnlt rvrtnLUAJi. fel blanks. t.fRilia OPf w s . utouo "