Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 12, 1891, Image 3

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ia OK on"-- , m
I week.
, 6'CtS
in1' .....t-..
lJL, month - ,, ,IU I 15th
lM Lonw,brlbers ' i,rr- "
HIver.'.'0,,!, '
j5dC"- ,
. . : Groceries, Crockery,
0eale J Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
G,TJ &glass Etc. Sole
BrsheVK?c Tea and Big
Agents for Epicure
,. RAinc Powder.
Can Baking
23 to 3o ceuta per lb.
uW. net 071 cents per -bu.
P.. .. -NTuVfl uud lllv-
A large supi'i , .
.-We oranges, w""" -?':
JLb8 restaurant.
in i" "-,- .
iN- ntD RBLic-The ditch on
X u.ueet for the pipes for
'rluut park .e.ervolr re-
' SftL onoe tand In the
-"".i.f..rher water system.
way oi vi , jrrouud
Mr. M. 0. Potter Speaks his Sentiments
Regarding the Capital City
Of the Slope.
The following Is from a letter hyt
.. -.ti.... r. .l.. f ftltl1M 1
.Mr. ii. u.nmer, lunucriy ui uuuci,
Nebraska, but now located In Salem.
The letter wa3 published in the Mil
ler Unien:
I arrived In the capital city of
Kilem u few days ago, and am very
favorably iniprtsaed with the city
and valley that Is known as "the
Emerald Land where glow the Big
Uod Apples."
This city lias a population of about
12,000 pc-iple, uud is the seat of Jus
tine of Marlon county. There are
several very line business block, and
the business streets In general would
be u credit to a larger city. Salem
is located on the east bank of the
Willamette river, thus giving a free
outlet to the Pacific ocean, and on a
great transcontinental railroad.
All of the State institutions are
located here. Including the state
house, upon which there have been
expended a half million dollars.
Tho iusciue asylum, a magnificent
brick building, whose outside walls
are over a half mile in extent; the
atnt. tuniitentiarv: deaf and dumb
school; blind school; orphan asylum.
It has five public school buildings.
Tho Willamette University is also
located here.
A ready market is found rlglit Here
In Salem for all the products of the
farm at good prices. I am well ini
nresed with both the valley and city,
and u inoie hospitable people I have
never met. The expense of living
Is nbout the same as in Nebraska,
only you get more good llvlug for
More Startling Reports From
Santiam Mines.
Onk Evening ToanniKiw- i no
entire Journal force wi-re Invited
out to the residence of Mr an l Mr.
A. F. Hofer, Jr., 1 1 V st Mhm,
Wednesday evening. About ttflecii
from the office avulled themselves
of the Invitation, and spent ii pleas
ant evening in this suburban hotne. n .. i.,..rnni 95V8
The genial manners of the host and j So"imtnr tvtu-r, as he stepped on
hostess, lended attraction '" uie .,ir,frm. was dJcsseiUn u i
lie ami UN loinicrs Speak at ait
Allianrr Itnlly IM nt vA-
itigton, l. C
A special to the Sioux City, In
Two Slore Mills
Spring Excitement
ning High.
this neat cot tune, which is meeij
I located Jon Twentieth aim i nun
go tip 111" Lb..i tree-. rne in9ldi. of tho house
. . ... il.rpp feet
ftp workmen struck an old fir PI the Hanie money. Rents are twenty
We u , .1.. .,,,. nllfl . i T,.l,nniiM rrot. fil.Rfl til
about eight lucuesm uum,. -
Si. a four inch bore. These we
In 1875 aun me biii v...,
..-! nf hur lone stride forward
in securing such a "fine system" of
....or m.ilns. Tho water supply
was taken from the river and press
ure was given by the water being
pumped up into a large tank which
was elevated a hundred feet or so,
.,d stood on the bank of the river
near the foundry. The pipes were
only used about three years um.
tho city had outgrown them and
Iron was begun to be used in their
place. These old relics are the
strongest proofs of the progress of
the city. Today instead of wooden
pipes with a four-inch bore, twelve-
iuuh iron pipes are used.
. -
Pioneers' Historical Society.
A meeting of the Pioneer and
Historical Society of Oregon was
held iu Astoria Tuesday. As it was
a called meeting only the. local
members were iu attendance. Reso
lutions were adopted to the effect
that it was the desire of the society
that a meeting be held in Astoria
May 11, 1891, and thut delegates be
invited from the kindred organiza.
tlons of Washington, Idaho and
other parts of this slate. Tho object
of (bk joint meetiug is the arrange
ment for the centennial anniversary
of the discovery of tho Columbia
river by Captain Itibert Gray, May
12,1702. It seems that Astoria is a
little too far from the center of this
great western country to be the
proper seat for such an occasion.
Why not take some city more cen
trally located, and make the scheme
a grand success? The Astoria soci
ety solicits the correspondence of
any bocieties wishing to talk on the
subject. E. C. Holden is the secre
tary at Astoria.
Too Hasty Action. Wednesday
a warrant of arrest was issued from
Justice Applegate'a court, against
McKinley Mitchell, of Gervals.
The warrant was placed in the
bauds of Deputy Sheriff A. T.
Wain, who went down to Gervais
and brought Mr. Mitchell to this
city. The arrest was" made on the
complaint of 8. Lemeryand Henry
Cavanaugb, who had stored wheat
iu Mitchell's warehouse last fall
After Mitchell appeared in the
court it transpired that tbece geutle
. .... . ... n. icnn
men tiolU uta uoio ior iuc nw.
bushels of wheat stored with him.
The affidavits were made In good
faith, but the trouble was that these
men had become alarmed and
fiovight this a recourse to secure
themselves, Mr. Mitchell felt very
much grieved at being thus dealt
with after having taken the precau
tion to make the farmers near Ger-
vais preferred creditors. He was
discharged for want of sufficient
Tin: Comiune Broken. A few
mouths ago the lower Willamette
ami Columbia river boats formed a.
combination and raised the fi eight
and passenger rates aud put up -the
prices of meals and bertus. u s
said the Kellogg company has with
, drawn from the combine This
only effects the traffic from Oregon
City to Klaloma. The Portlund and
Atftorlu boats are still working the
combination. The Kellogg com
Juy found that their patrons, who
had stood by them f.r years refused
to submit to the increased tariff, so
nor cent less. Laborers get fci.ou to
$2.00 per day, and mechanics aver
age from $3.00 to $4.00 per. day.
Horses sell for from $150 to $250 a
span; milch cows tfO each. Church
...:.,ia urn abundant: and a
healthy, tone prevades all ranks of
No cyclones! No blizzards! No
thunder! No lighting or cold win
ters ! No hot summers or sunstrokes!
Nn hot uiuhts in summer ! No irri
gation needed-no failure oi crops
scarcity or iuei i
atronrrm tilled With trdUt !
green all winter ! No chattel mort
gagesmoney loaned at 10 per cent
per annum and no hot winds !
Any information I can give the
people of Miller and surrounding
country I will answer, and any com
munication you mayseud to me will
be answered immediately.
"Westward Bound. Scarcely a
day passes that does not bring im
migrants to Salem from the prairie
states. Wednesday Goo. E.Denton,
of Kansas, and Tlios. Landerbeck of
Texas, were looking about the city
for the men who have fruit tracts
forsalo. They are the forerunners
of a number of families, who desire
to fiud homes in Oregon. 'Ihos
Funk, of Missouri, is also a new ar-rival-in
Salem. He brings his family,
household effects aud some stock
consisting of horses, cows and chick
ena. He has bought the Hurst
farm near Macleay, in the Waldo
hills, and is moving out to the farm
today. These are only a few of the
many peisous who are coming to
Salem. Numerous strangers are
seen ou the street every day, aud
many of them are only recently
from the east.
Ready to Move. Tho disabled
steamer, Manzanillo, will be ready
to make her trip down the river
tomorrow. Tiie new huuii m
place and the "buckets" are being
put on the wheel today. All the
outside arms will be of new material
...wi l.oif r tlio Inside also will be
new, the best of the old ones being
used for the other half. It was In
tended to have put in new cylinders
while sho was laid up, but they
were delayed in coming, which
necessitated her starting up without
them. The old pistons, which are
oo nm ns new. will be used In the
new cylinders when put in.
A Move in the Ricjiit Direc
tion. Geo. F. Smith has started
the work of putting up awnings.
He has just put up a handsome
awning for Holverson. Leave your
orders for one at 307 Com'l street.
The latest reports from the Sau-
tlam bring more startllug reports of
the rich discoveries of gold In that
section. The Albany Herald of date
March 12th Bays: "Tho Albany
Mining and Milling Co. of this city,
are now actively at work arranging
to put In a $30,000 plant iu tho San
tiam mines this soring. They are'
now about to contract for a saw-mill,
which will be followed by a large
quartz mill double the capacity of
the one now In use. Active opera
tions will go forward as soon as the
snow goes oft, which is fast being
accomplished by the recent warm
days." The news of these rich
mines is going wide spread. The
San Francisco Alia under date of
March 8th, In speaking of these
mines of the Albany company has
the follewing:
The cumimuv owu a group of
seven mines, situated close to the
Santiam river, in the Cascade range,
but since the locations were made
two years ago active work has been
prosecuted ouly iu the Bonanza
mine. From the first the ore has
been of sufficient quality to more
than delray all expenses Incident to
carrying on opeiations. The speci
mens of ore recently brought In were
taken from the main body of the
ledge, aud It Is thickly Btudded with
free gold. It shows nn assay of
$15,000 to $20,000 per ton, aud if the
ledge is actually composed of such
ore, the excitement which tho. news
of the discovery has caused will be
more thau justified. The company
is composed of men having plenty
of meanB, aud it is their intention to
put in extensive machinery and
work the Bouauza and their other
mines most extensively."
The Salem company has as fine
prospects iu their mine which is
only a short distance from those of
the Albany company. The company
here Is composed of men with ample
..tuona in rliivplon their mines. It
is their Intention to put iu a suffi
cient mill power to do all their own
work as early as they can get the
machinery into the mountains.
These miues are located In the
extreme northeast corner of Linn
county, and a few miles from tho
southeast corner of Marion county.
They are between 60 and GO miles
southeast of Salem, and 20 miles
from the railroad station at Gates-
..in.. ..i.fi ir. nr 18 milen south of
Mt. Jefferson. For two miles after
striking Dry Gulch creek the claims
are all placer mines and at the ueau
of these aud at the foot of the moun
tains is the old quarjz mill. The
Akima nrn all taken, aud some of
them are being worked, to the sum
mit of White Bull mouutaiu. Ou
tho east side of this peak is where
lies tho Albany company's claim
which Is turning out the rich ore.
Amos Strong, of this city, owns tlio
tho claim iusl west of the peak and
about half a mile from that of the
Albauy company. The claim is
partly developed aud shows rich ore.
The miues are on a branch of the
south fork of the banliain, ami a
stream that has running water all
tho year.
Klin- hs more tus.te.'ully arranged thau
eveu the outer part. Fifteen jovial
editors aud pi inters left uolhlng
lackhnr. from the sound philosophy
of the inauagliig editor to the wit
of tho "devil," who had his place in
the circle. Numerous schemes were
Introduced for tho entertulumcut of
theeveului;. but noue of them were
enjoyed more th-iu the fine lunch
eon which was spread, nnd discussed
lu u loyal style.
Handling the Ducais. Sher
iff, E. M. Croisau, paid over to
Treasurer O. A. Coudit this morn
ing $10,000 or Mai ion county's taxes.
This sum uiukos $S4,000, of the $102,-
000 which is already iu the bauds of
tho treasurer. Marion county has
paid her part ot the stale taxes lu
lull, which ..amounted to the neat
little sum of ?33 "41.00. This coun
ty was tho first to pay her quota of
the state taxes In full.
Free candy witlTyour teas, Great
Eastern Tea Company, 31" Commer
cial street.
J. C. Smith is doing the inetropo
polis this afternoon.
Mrs. Dr. W. II. Byrd is visiting
iu Portland.
Prof. E. B. MeElory went north
to-day on business.
Silverton will be lighted by elec
tricity tonight for the first, time.
Joe Simon has been .in the city a
day or two ou supremo court mat
ters. t-. i- . t. ..... ..(... ....t..tv wnS
rraiiK i.. mi kit, eiuiu n .-.., -
a passenger for Portland on t no one
o'clock train.
Messrs. Al Coolidge, 11. C. ltams-
by aud F. M. Starrott, of Silverton,
w. re in the city today on business.
Edwin Scott.of tho Oregonian.was
iu Salem this morning. He went
north this afternoon.
Miss. Kate D.ilrymple, who has
been visiting in Eugene for some
time came homo yesterday auer-noou.
R. R. Haves, who was chief read
ing clerk of the house, took his de
parture thiB afeemoou, tor nw nome
iu Tillamook, having completed his
work on the house journal.
Barotona shrimps Sroatfc Gilo's.
Instruments Filed for Record at tlie
County Recorder's Ofllee.
Or Laud Co to D M Smith,
It7blkl8, Highland ad to
Salem. , .
J S Myers and wf to Niag
ara school districi, a puiix-i i
land in t9sr4e.
Oregon Laud Uo to ij y.
y, It 41 in Capital City Fruit
suit of store clothes that seemed to
have seryed him faithfully tor at
least one winter and his petsonal
itinur.niit suggested a country.
clergymnu who has to depend upon
ilnn.dlmi nnrtles to make out a living.
JIU nililross WHS baCO UpOll liwvv
taken froma recent address of his
predecessor in the senate, Mr. In
galls, aud it related chiefly to the
financial condition or the rarmcts.
His familiarity with statistics sur
prised the people.
Senator Kyle looKeo aim luii..
like a rlergvnmn aud hi addrtss
ws mostly porsoilil. He will stt on
the republican side of tho senate.
In his speech Senator-elect Kyle
declared that the people who were
at the bottom of tlio political revolu
tion, who were referred to by some
as socialists aud as anarchists, were
the good, lionest people who were
the bono and muscle of thu republic.
They had beeti thinking over their
condition and were dcternnneu w
right the wrong which they felt op
posing them. He taiuco coi.smi.--ably
about corruption aud ring rule
in "South Dakota and said that the
people all over the country were ris
in protest against ring rule. Some
r tlu nlllnnco members of the South
Dakota legislature had to sell their
seed grain to get money to take
them to the capital and to pay one
week's board. Sotno got the money
from their ft lends to fix them until
they could drnw tho first Install
ment of their compensation as dele
... ,-. Mioai. men could not be
tempted by bribes, but stood by
their principles in tho lace oi lui.q.
tation, because they were In earnest.
He said that the alliance movement
...... , I VII
, ., n i.wi'.iWui
Vhca'-mi.y,! Ji -' j""'
tl toJl .iKrn-fli.
Hour ..indftrd.J so to 5 1. 10 f
Walla WnllaWtt'l
OU-Wtmet0 to Die, Bmy0..'0 OS,
Kroumr.ttley,llo; caepdwrt. 5
mMdllmi. l um
ltny $1817 ler ton.
creiaery7S;rwJ to ftdr, WM.C
K-Orew -Me l&wtem JOo per uoz
lMultry-OM ohtefcens, 8 l0-
l-omiu-7ScRl for cwuuti.
m,o-Or(on, 11 to Mo; QiHlbrnm
l5S8nri-aaeu C. Vi extra 0,6; dry
Rmnutatttt, o; cub, enKhetl nnd low-
disred, Me Pr Puml , , ,,.
i...,3iimii wliltp. KcM; plnK 4.
imyos. St 76; butler, t8 60; lima, 60 per
l.-ll KrnltR 'Hie 1UIUKC111 urill. ."-
ted: Italian inuuw, 18 to lie; fctltoaud
Oerm.ni. UV per pound; raisins n- P
bo; plumnuT drtod vmm, 10 to lie; mi
drlwl nnd factory plums 11 to 12 cvnpo
niton pouches. 18 lotto; Smyrna tigs ;
Oiimirulii gslo ler pound,
ll..n llUi. IW IHlUlltl.
Ul.tes-Dry hides S to -, Iw M
.ii,. .......,., ..v..r 5,-. nunnds Jk under Ml
l.iiu-' - ----- .
pounds So; slu'op pelts, ;Wosl.'..
miv-K.n MKA.TS AN U IjAUI).
Kustem linms "S " lie uriHitctost ba
con, 10V$ to llo;!sldo. 0 to lOo; laid, hX
lo 10c per poutid.
8S KllASUHO, Mur 11 -WlKMlt-tllO
i. ...,,i ,m, i. imiutcr mnrket. No. 1
white, VI 60 to SI 51; per cental,
Hopa-VO'SSOc per pound. '
llarlev-Keed SI 4iXl W. Pr cental
$1 47; choice SI U I 17; common unule
"otts-Gniy SI 75 tol ; Muck SI W to 103
per centnl
Onlon.-S'JX to K.
l'oltoe 75oto SO.
Cjihuoo, Mur.ll.-Wool-Eastcrn Ore
gon, 10 to 10c; valley, IS to;tSq per lniund
Ueef IJvo, 1 to5 10;drosod,lH3.
Mutton Live, i to fa; diwsed.Se,
lUff Uvc.fi 10;drecd1lc
Vent 7 to ltte per pouiul.
Special this wuek - IVIrch 9 to 14 Inclusive.
Ladies' extra fincscnrlefc wool underwear. . .$1 00 each
Ladies! Swiss ribbed " " . fi ; 1 00
T.nrlins' AVoOlGll lmttOllS ' SlJ?
Ladies' Cashmero gloves..
Company ,
VroditcG Taken - - Cash Paid for Wool.
When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc,
v..., ,.m1I finrl if.fn vnnr advantasro to call on me be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as I have the LA11GEST RE
TAIL STO RE IN OREGON. Gents' and Ladies Sad-
1 11 !-- ..Mni titlm11 aiVfloa
Best made in the world. I am solo Manufacturer s Agent
Bucsrv Harness as low as 5.60. Wagon Harness as
low as $13. This house is not ot Musnroom growui, uuu
i..ui:i...,i u,r.r.iii ifir.n n.rrl Iw lone cxtoenenco 1
was uswiunsiiv;i.i uj mv j.w. .,.. . j ,
fc.,w flio (lnmands ot'tho trade. You can't miss tho pli
at the sign of "The Big Dapple Gray Horso.
'iMmnHiin. mv .Mistmnp.rs for their liberal patronage
the past. By square dealing, I hope for a continuance of
289 Commercial Streot.
tho same.
fr,rm (nntuininir 10 ncres.
Wm Case nnd wf to Helen
Brown 20 ueres iu t -1 h r 2 w.
Tlio World Unrlrliad.
The facilities of the present cl ay foi
the production of everything that will
conduce to the material welfare nnd
comfort of mankind are almost unlim
ited, and when Syrup of Figs was first
produced the wotld was entiched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
is the only remedy whicn. la truly
m ... .llnnn..t.... 111 tlin
grew out oi me uisci'--".
South and West on uecount of econ
omic conditions. Mqru money was
needed to carry on the tnulo of the
country. Tlio high tarlll was urn.
enough hut the scarcity of money
wiih worse. Tliey wanted money
anil did not euro what sort, tallver
money was na good as gold and was
.... km.ii- Minn Miuior.
T..1..1. i)..i....nt made a hrlef
speech after Seuator-cleet Kyle had
concluded, saying Unit none of these
men had come to Washington niort-
,i. (i.,.t tlu.v were free to do
what they hclieved to ho right. Ho
Introduced "tho gentleman win.
been made famous by tho news
papers as tho sockless statesman of
Kansus, Jerry Simpson."
He won much more applause and
. .. .1... ...,, Mm' with a
came otic i i - ;
larger sharo of glory than either of
the seimtors elect. His speccli wafl
short but ingenious, pluustulu nnd
well delivered. His humor was
,...,.i..t. hlsfltories very npprnpriate,
aud although his syntax was a little
faulty It was not more so thnn that
found in the speeches of several men
who now hold seats in tlio senaio oi
tho United States. Ono of t lie gems
fivi, fiimitfnii's sneech was a re
mark that in tlio convention which
i.,.,t, wi him for conirress In tho
llllllllimi" -
seventh district of Kansas tlicre
was only ono man who woron white
collar and ho-hud on a llannel ehirt.
Tliorowas not a white shirt to bo
seen In th convention, no uuuwi,
nor was there a single lawyer among
. ii f ii.o lilooil which iro-
;;", Kl.unHor.olH..p.mtl.o
l.. I' t U11M"J ' ,l,,ll piliillllll!
.' i, nrins. IttS. or fecti (k-U'loi'M
ul.er.lu tho eyctw, or uoso often can.
Bjlugx, March 11. 1891.
The State Insurance company,
app. vs, Oregon Railway and Navi
gation co'mpauy resp.; appeal from
Multuomuh county, argued and
submitted. L. B. Vmx atfy for app.
. W. Catton and 'era Snow atfys
for resp.
M. II. Murphy app. vs. tho city
of Aihinar.sp.; appeal from Mult
nomah county. Argued and sub-
builted. John M. Uearin, any ior
P. L. Willis, att'y tor resp.
Salem, March 12.
J. J. Wisunan, resp. vs. the
Northern Pacific It. It. company
app 5 apical from Multnomah coun-
ty; argiiHt ituu fuuiiiiucu. ....v.
.' Heed att'y fr nsp. Jieeph
The Spring Medicine.
The populararlty which Hood's
Sarsaparilla has gained as a spring
medicine is wonderful. It possesses
lust those elements of health-giving,
..i..,.-.iii-ifvinir mid nnnetite-restor-
lug which everyone seems to need at
ii,i,tUn"n nn not continue iu a
dull, tired, unsatisfactory condition
when you may be so much benefited
by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purifies
the blood aud makes tho weak
Fresh crack nel Is Sroat & Giie s.
Board of Tkadk. A board of
trade was organized in Silverton
Wednesday night. A. Wolf was
elected president, nnd L. J. Adams,
secretary. The meeting was well
.....ii nnii muck- Interest was
manifested lu the organization
The board hopes to he of benefit to
that growing little city.
Clam Chowder Sroat fc O lie's.
We idvo to every purchaser of our
pleasing and lefreshing to the taste celebrated teas a box of 1- rencii
and prompt and effectual to cleanse ctltuiy -treer and above tho usual
n. '.... ,,it 5., M.P RnriiiP-tlme r,.ao..K With 50 cent purchase.
or in fact, at any time, and the better j.ib box; wiih $1.00 purchase W
it is known the more popular it be oox, Come nnd see us. Great
comes. Eastern Ten compauy. '
- cial street. Forty branch stores.
Wholesale house 52 and oi iMarnei
street, San Francisco.
Welsbaden fruIts-Srout & Gilo's.
win nfwtlvely cure nick hoiulnclio unci
. i iiwwiKiu urimiliH. ui i"u imj
, ;;:; n;ac.taiio. w
. conum.tlon, ami doatl i. U.
Hie mint ancient, It ii t nuwt p-noial ot
Vl uU.e or nnrctloiw, to. ry few
persons arc entirely Ireo from 11.
How Can
It Bo
lly tnkliiR Hood's Sarsaparilla. h lol .
tho ren.a.kal.U, cuiw II Has """"
often lien other incilWnos Have Mile. .
",a, proven Itself to ho i iMtont and peel
wr medlclno-for this dlj. Soino rt
thru rures arc really womlcrMl. If oil
,fter from .crotnU or Impure Wood, ho
sure, to tiy Hood's .Sarsaparilla.
ocen tnmhled wltn seiofula. soies h.eak-"moutonthemmyarumsphu.o.My
ilttln hoy, liireo yran ".
c IbloMdfe.er. Last sp.l.m ho wasono
IIla of soies iron, head to lect. I wan
"dv'lsed to nso Hood's Sa.sapa. Ilia, and mo
, lial.laken.t. rho.es.dtUt l.n ltd .llw
Upcii cu.ed of tlio scromla. my I tlio I)
l.eln- entirely treo from ooro. and nil tour
V. 11. AiJir.irroN, l'assalc City, N. J.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
fi0l,tl,y.lrugBlt- tH '& l,r"l'rj;",
tt I. ji)OB t CO.. All.irt.i. !-".
SOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Dealer In Groceries, PaiiiiH,OHH
and Window GIilsh, Wall Pn
iier and Honler, .ArUsls' Mn
lerials. Wine, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Jiiiy. l-wn n hi rvw
rosi.s, Grnsn Seeds, lite,
Who do All Kinds of
As Cheap rs ."V ulVdlKJ
tho Country UBlng Whlto Help
and dohiKtlrst-clasa work.
fir-Ladles nnd patrons Inyltcd
to Inspect our VrocCBS of doln8
230 Liberty Street,
and Door Factory
Fronti Streot, Salem, Oregon.
Tho 1)0Bt class of work in our lino at prices to compote
with tho lowest. Only tho best material used.
First National Hank Building, 5tem, Oregon.
A. P. Armstrono, ManEer: w. i. dti, r
r, . Ri.nr.iinnd Tvodwritlni', Penmanship and English DepartmenU.
Huslncas, Sho thnnd Tsw nu, c.Ulos-eon sppUcatlou.
Day nna J(veu'8 "tBlu"
"Tlie State."
AHHfHscd nenilyloiio-tlilrdlor n'milUon
OI-.0. M. ItKKIiKK, City AKent.
And Hiiecliil iicnt for Alur"on county. OI
tic, w.ii' "hi Company.
Ealing l'avlois & Candy Manufactory,
BOO Commerolal Stroet.
,,,,.,, lOo., ltki. unit IS cents
.. Teuorame7,irilou.idCuUo lUceiiU
MiHli inut Milk n u
HroiKiipi-o-r-lK: SU
lX.rlf I'llOllIllIll KKKH S?51!
Kuur nno RtAlllona to bo nold soen,at tht
Ilea bfn, ucr fifo!a & VEIICLEI
10 Acres for Rent.
A oholoo tract only ono mllo from Baloul
Terms lluornl. Apply to
jourmtl Oftlc
"'. . -. . . .111...
TlinothyseeU 1'er iounnt xc; ncimi.
I An Opportunity in Real Estate.
VtM Sale fob 30 DAYS.-What U
.... .. . .llinl.
known ua the "Waruie turner, w
ner of Court uud Liberty Btreeta.
AIM IJ blocks acroas the street north
of the HiiHt Balem school house.
This property will le for naio for
tlie next 30 days. Inquire of
' 3:12 lm M. L. UHA.-siiJU-i"'".
that coiunanv U now carryliii;
frelKht unci passeucers on the ol(l ! SJn)U un'y for'app.
Mjuetlule or rates. Mne rir . - - ...
traflloare uowhiaheron the Co- F..K Salh-Ou the iiw lulluient
i...i,. ...... ....... !..... iu,..,. f.,r ii ..!.... r.ir S50. a gorxl lot with Htorj
.1,.., n, . ..., Thin Is not ...,.i httlfnlabtered liou. Inquire
from the reason that it cannot teuf J. M. I'ayne. fatuteftreel
done cheapt-r, but because the com-
paulea can
and the people
tu,. .,
uc puswiiiica carrier ier: ta i iv - jiutu.j - - . . ..nalilt
by a horte a short time ago and was j fuiien In nu iroH, "v."o - Fou 8ai.k.a lew cnoice .n--
lald un f..r Kvn dnvs. The Tniv- , iIHin hlinwJf. i,Lhbrtd Partridge Cooliln hluken.
. ,.i...... t.....". . t:. ltil . ... i ir- ,.r Mr. Jidiu Httiiuon, at
which he held a noliey U' f"r
U'uhl m.-1. I X. !.. fn. l.U' ttlH
VEnv Dbv. The weather still
continue somewhat moist, but Far-
J rar t Co. can supply the cholceH
dried fruit way down.
' ,
i nnr Prize" is the baking powder
that make o many of J.O. Wright's
lady cuMoiners Imppy.
w .
Aiwu-r the Same. -You can uovr
ASynopsU ot tlieMBrlietH H.t,liirIan.I
belllui; l'rlcM.
HliOulders-HiiBiir cured.per lb.12
IlrcukCiHt bnenn 12K ''' ......
HniUH Huear cured, per In Jllc
Ilecf 715
1-orK iu "',
Mutton-10 I2J$C.
Veul-10 & VW-
TUnotnysccu i or ,.ni..i, Tt -
ll,l lnwr wcl'll 1'or lUlllUlt. 1,1c
WlilloeldVerHeed-lVr iKUind, )o.
Allko lHe per pound.
Ilcd top lOo por (K)iind.
Lincoln Oris-lik" Pr pUBtl.i
Hi o Onis IIW pr ikiuiiiI.
Orchard Oram.. 17c pr pound.
HeunB Gc per lb.
Ut,nned",FrRlu:i'iel.e, SI m apwjf.
Zi w. blackberrlM, fl; corn. bet Kruden
t-2 00- tomauvjH SI UK BliinK nouns 81 .;
B'c.".'r -"J.T.I :...., ,. H7'nAl.'Juoir
lox; iM-tirs 76c rr x; ik.uiI'kw .".; wirrot- j
7c pe "lt small lb ,er ,b'' HuH uwu
7gl0o ior lb.
'nWrrVa-. .b.l IW lbs.
Horloy l or imwiioi.
llnin-l'er-toii.Slii Mt mill,
IIOP Huwiw. '"" "
KB IS nor diwu.
IMUiloes-l'er uutifcl,Oo
Corn meul ic pr lul;
DrlMl prune l'r lb. luis.
Im,K.rtd prune 7Jopw b.
lluit4.r-JuJU l.r. ,0,,D', tof v l
Huiiii-Ter und.lll
Hliould"m-e rr "' .
cLtoWeu-- fcw U i-r wind.
Turkvys W lo IW' lb,
(it-OM) W Pf lb-
lJuoiri,Kc Ir I''
Hmnll doKO. rtnmll prlco,
I'aln from Indlicostlon, drspoiwiu. ami
In" ono or (iirlor's Mtlln 'lv',r . i
Sutttelv un-r dinner. IXm't fowl thU.
Ifyounro llrod b.kliiBUioUnroj W K'sn
lo'iod Krlplnir pllln. try Cnrlpr 'lM o l.lv r
i"llli.HndluU0MiiiMwiiiifort. Aiiinnciini
it id eviritliliitf. Ono pill u done. Iry
Htimd everi imug,
"" .,.,..
Million (Jliopiind I'.gK asroiiis
v....iM..i mill Kukh m.?
SmiMino mill l'-KKN SconU
1 iililiinn '-KB" .-...- . ,(,
25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From II to3 O'ClocK.
'"adffiKTw Domctlc,
nlwiiys on niiuil,
I'orU-r House Htcak nnd KitK -"'.M!
1'cndor Iilii HUiilc nnd KgKS WcenW
Taxpayers, Tuke Notice!
ir state and county taxes lor Mart
... r..l ..... M.r IKlAahOUld bO POl
n,uf ."'.' '.:.. .nl added.
once "... k. M, CIIOI8AN
Hlierinonu wxcouoovi
In a few Dayi--
317 Commercial Streot.
M0 Will t)liy tho JIKI-T. 'I'VI-K WIttTPKK
irv H'".i:i. Kamk ol Oi-kiiatiok, weurs
loni.fr w i mtclnrr..drliif than any
i lir 7i"lilii. ' no ink ribbon to
oolbor tl.. i '..mtor. UN nw.t. NUbUn
7... :.i..i,.i .iiui.il. L.Tfccl nnd ndopted lo
li'Aind. ol'ty I wrllliut. I Jlft-H Prlntln
il nrooiict' n....i', ..i.'M ''.
Sick Hendacheand re Urn ll tho tr'f ;'"''
d"nt to a bilious tuto of be sj tein. such m
DlxiInrBH, NaiiM-a 1)to..Iiihiih, I)ilr- arur
eatl" "ilu in tb h. le. A'1 '" lel! "i""
remarkable succ iw liaa if i. shown In curhnc
Collections iiado and Loans Ngotla
LADD k BUSH, Bank(
BA1.HM. ... - ORKOI
" T ... M.i Tiwiiiir of Mn. Ji
Frh green mwk vw - -j , ' ' ldenceof u. 8. Ouok, High-
, ah!rstoreaiuery " 1 , ,,a,on Haleiu, Or. ii-Uw
. . .j . iv in..rt utrt-et. ' '
M-riuiie Duiiuor
ThrMten every wiu,wMMorrtiM Ur
1. lSal. ot .i.ir vrbere lTf
HuH t T pHWftenl, siwy tlie en.M. of niab
?k dlSJUeare InUled Horn the ulr uud
VZ. .Siruiwwl iroin lb Water of. oeli .
I U m rw mwmr- - - . . ....... J Hd.jjlllkir
rlon. Medleui .W"""-."; -rr . - '
nullify ibl duijer. A
iituii m) a l- ue uw "' "-T. r. .'"" .
rf.VrorM"t..7lUtVr. U
tna,mnWy tin. bt rd lb intMl ;;uu-
"rS,f..Jri.andwnHl fc. Hell
ir.ruiardlitrflby.f W-
ZUmm aratM Mttd !&rMlKb reme
dy lb lb wft f iHiefmiivyu m
rcrultUfit tmot
awl Dreventinic U.iaiinoyir.coni.lairit while
fhw'sSS ,conr all diK.nler.of lU stonjarb
lOTlato the llier and rfSulaU. th. bowel.
Bveo If Uiey only curea
!, ii,r would be almort prleele to lno
wto .uffJr frmTul. dl.lre.rtn,r complaint
Hut af Ur all sick ttead
U the bane of BMrUw 'ai'JTS
we make 'ur rrtt boti Our lll '
wblki Uwr df iw n.... r.r.mall
(UaTsaslJTTix Ijvrn riUJiareterraina"
J I IM4 ererrwU.. sT -nm
vTUiint .. V Tat
Ihallff, MDsjs, 5nidlfc
'.....-1. : 'Vwtt tr imi ixinicn uiu
" Ml one wfftinir. Any InUilllKont per-
e7,u"l U. T work of ii:oUou,...K OAsa
llVnuble AKnts mid salesmen wonted.
Hphil indui-eliient U) denlers.
,i.udK7 6lli Ave. tUU 'Siiii
t H.I. !....-. Ifn.ll.k Ft 1st SU AH J ItrBAt
or m4 -U. la i4p. MMtlnlu..w.uiM
aUK .4"llll?r tr ll.. U Utl
ty nl.ni alalL lV.OVK 1miUm.UK
a.. 1 hi u
ri.l.tf.f r Cl,rll CJ, MadlM 7f'.
K II, M rim' I' , . If 90
A ii.isir.itii, ii' " i'" "i ria ti t m
1?a'r. ,. , irarrw f S C-va im,i.. (. Jsaw-fji
6R Yv 1891 uilii-m-iUJ FHttn (MAj6jma,lUdaMiMI
1 ml. ..I. -i,l i -a -, n'i ' i-'-'t"' m I 'O-Sifl - Mm itu. r
llHW ' I . .. ...... ..r SW , . iTr I'll. .. .-.l... ll.Au. J.UITMJ V
1M1 tut. ii'": ....-. .- n ti -m 3jf
O .ytry if u.iuii t,arurn, iy in
I J lKuUi i ' " AdJtu M V ff
Hi a, M.itnni " i
1 n 'JLi-,an.T uir.u. M
til i ... v..,l.,ii'ii ill k M W
WmMmm IfiATEHTSl I o
VIA lMnpDinui iniwrwwwM ""w JI Ii
VWFSa ilUII. JUP1 twins, MIM fVVlF
mm am iireadwMy.K
Trannact a Kouerol bauklnif buslnel
nil MAtliirLUlUllLJI. -ii.
MRS. 1). L. FIESTBffl
The largest tSUtck of-
Of the choicest styles. The latest!
from Bun VrsncUco and the east,
line of novelties. Ladle '.Invited t
Inspect aud compare prlees.
U. H. feoslon and Claim Me
UoxltJI. Muleiu, ureijon. uepui;
Clarr- Vrlto rorbiaaxs.
If you want tho rcuuIiw
tmerl Kiu uiove, can at
who Is still the nolo agent i
7:"" l-m "r : ; rjM m
i-rr-y ..... 4 . ? -w-r- -- H