Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 11, 1891, Image 4

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    I I
s '
Carriages Evei Brought to
Other Firms can Sell you Baby Wagons, but when it comes to Quality
and Variety We Have the Finest Stock of
AU Steel Gears! The Celebrated Novelty Spring I All Nickel Finish 1 Satin, Plush, Kepp, Cretonne and Eamio Upholstering $5 to 30. Only House Carrying this Line, Do not Fail to see tin's
0-fc STBP.A-TPlig 117 DE& 33 3ES T
Salem Gun Store, and Headquarters Sporting Goods.
. i
SERMON I ON A crying
Toting anil Old Are living Mentally,
Montll' and Fliy.leallr Infected by
rTcrnlclou. Jlook The WrnngrMuat lie
TUglited-tooW to Do It.
' Jtnw York, March 8. Tho plaguo
of pernicious literature forificd tlio. nub
Joct of Dr. Tiilmago'H tcrinon today,
'which was tho third of the scrifi ho In
preaching on tho "Ten Plagues of tho
Cities." Tho IJrooklyu Academy of
Miifiio was filled in tho morning by a
denso crowd cnger to hear it, and nt
night atl'ho Qhrltaii Herald Hcrvlco,
in tho TfawS York Acadomy of llunlc,
tho dQrshjtd to bojjp.sd long before
tho hour of service, tliero being no
space avnilablo within tho building for
mora hearers. So largo is tho number
of thosd every week disappointed of
gaining qdjiiiwlpn that tho project of
hiring tho Madkon Square Garden lias
again been ;rovivcd. Qno cjtircn has
offcrel to pay all tho expenses if tho
Garden can bo jccurcd and Dr, Tal
inugo can bu induced to preach In it.
TJio text of tho preacher's dlscourso
was taken from Kx. vlli, 0, 7: "And
tho frogs caino up and covered tho
Jaud of Egypt. And tho mfiglolani
did so with their enchantments, mid
brought up frogs upon tho land of
There Is almost a universal aversion
to frogs, and yet with the Egyptian
thoy were honored, thoy won) Bocrod,
ond thoy wore objects of worship wlillo
all ye: and ' after death thoy were em
bajmoJ,,and today their remains may
bo found among tho sopulohers of
TJioboH. TIicmi oroaturoH, so attraotivo
onoo to tho Egyptians, at dlvino be
hest becaiuo obnoxious and loatlisomo,
and thoy went croaking and hopping
aid Jonglng iU tho jialaqo of tho king,
and into the bread trays and tho couches
of tho pcoplo, and oven tho ovens,
which now aro uplifted above tlo earth
and on Mut'sjdo of tho chimneys, but
thou were jiiiall hoJos In tho earth
with sunken pottery, woro filled with
frogs when tho housekeepers came to
look at thorn. If a man sat down to
cat, a frog alighted on J lis plate. If he
attempted to put on a shoo it was pro
occupied by a frog. If ho atUunptwl
to put his head upon a pillow it had
been tal ton possession of by a frog.
Jfroj ldgh mid low and everywhere;
loaUifiomo rogs, slimy frogs, besieging
frogs, Innumerable frogs, groat plague
of frogs. What mado tho matter
worse tho magicians said Uioro was no
jnjrafllo ,in tlIV Wld U,y 0UI1 y
slolglit of liand produce tlio tuuno thing,
mid Uoy sownpd to uuccood, for by
sleight of hand wonders may be
wrought. After Moses had thrown
down his staff and by miraolo It bo
cauio a serpent, and Uien ho took hold
of it and by piimclo it again became a
slatr, the serpent qharmors Imitntcd
to some tjilpg, and knowing that
tliero were borponts In Egypt which by
IV peculiar prejMuru ou thu luvck would
become as ilgld us a stlek of wood,
thoy Whined to change tho porpont into
tlio staff, and thon throwing it down
thos(a(I bocutuo the serpent. Bo like
wise those mngleliuis tried to imitate
thu plague of frogs, and perhaps by
smell of food attracting a groat uitmbor
of them to a certain mint, or by shale -lug
them out from a hidden plaoo, the
magicians isomotlmos seemed to ae
complisli the samo miraolo. While tlioho
inaglelans iiind.o the plague worm', none
of tlioin trljnl to inajto t bettor, "Frogs
caino up and oovereil tho land of
Egypt, lyid (lio iuaglcjai djd so with
their oioluiitiiionf, and bjfought ftp
frogs upon tho land of Egypt,"
A moukkx l'luauit.
Now thut pliyjuo of frogs lias come
back ujwii thu earth, It U abroad to
day. It Is Miiltlug tills nation. It
come In tlio shaK) of corrupt litem
twy. Tjieso frQgs JiQp Into tlio htore,
tho shop, tho office, tho banking house,
tho factory, Into thu honie, Into tho
cellar, Into (ho garret, on tho drawing
room Jable, on tjio helf of tho library.
While tho lad Is reading tlio luul book
Uio (eaojior's tiw Lt turned Uio other
way. One of thoso frogs hops upon
tho page. While tho young won urn is
reading the forbidden novelette after
retiring at nlglif, roadlug by gaslight,
one of these frem Uvips upon the page.
lndood, they havo hop(Mvl UKn the
news stands f the country, and tho
inall at the pwtoli,oo jdiako out lit tho
letter trough IniiHJrtKls'' of thein. Tho
plague has taken at different Utrnw
IKMMmion of this country. It U one of
thu most loathwnne, one of Uio imw4
frightful, one of tho most ghastly of
tho. tea plague of our modern cities.
There Is a vast number of books and
itaw!ajM:r prlnttnl and publUliod
vhluli ought never to mhi the llht.
Thy iro tilled with a ptvtlltnoo tlmt
makes tho land swelter wiUi a moral
t'pldenilo, Tho grvit,t b)oiJug that
over caino to this nation U Uut of an
rnough to curry Uio bcastllncsoaud th
putrefaction which havo lecn gatlicrcd
np In bad books and newspapers of
this land in tho Jast twenty years. Tho
literatUro of a nation decides tho fata
of a nation. Good books, good morals.
Mod books, by inoruh.
I begin with tho lowest of nil tho lit
erature, that which does not oven pre
tend to bo respectable from cover to
cover a blotch of leprosy. Thoro are
many whoso entire business It is to dis
pose of that kind of literature. They
display it before tho schoolboy on his
way homo. They get tho catalogues
of schools and colleges, take tlio names
and postofllco addresses and send their
advertisements, and thelrcircnlars, and
their pamphlets, and their books to
overy ono of them.
BKsvma out had hooks.
In tho possession of theso dealers In
bad literature wcro found nino hun
dred thousand names and postofuco
luMreHnca, to whom it was Uiought it
might bo profitable to send theso cor
rupt thlngj. In tho year 1C7.'J Uicro
wero ono hundred and sixty-five estab
lishments engaged In publishing cheap,
corrupt literature. From ono publish
ing houso thcro went out twenty differ
ent styles of corrupt books. AlUiough
over Uilrty tons of vllo literature have
been destroyed by tho Society for tho
Suppression of Vlco, sUll there Is
enough of it left In this country to
bring down upon ns tho thunderbolts
of an incensod God.
In Uio year 18(58 tho ovll hod becomo
so great In this country that tho con
gress of the United States Missed a law
forbidding the transmission of bad lit
erature through tho United States
malls; but thero wero largo loojw in
thut law through which criminals might
crawl out, and tho law was ft dead fail
ure that law of 18C8. Hut in 1873 on
other law was (Missed by Uio congress
of tho United States against tho trans
mission of corrupt literature through
tho malls a grand law, a potent law,
a Chrlstiun law and under that law
multitudes of theso scoundrels havo
been nrrested, their property confis
cated and thoy themselves thrown Into
tho penitentiaries, where thoy belonged.
Now, my friends, how aro wo to war
against this corrupt literature, and how
are the frogs of Uils EgypUan plaguo to
be slain f First, of all, by tho prompt
and Inexorable execution of the law.
liot all good postmasters and United
States district attorneys and dotecUves
and reformers concert In Uieir ooUon to
stop this plaguo. When Sir Rowland
Hill spent his life In trying to secure
cheap postage, not only for England
but for all tho world, and to onon Uio
blessings of tho postolllco to all honest
business and to nil messages of charity
mid kindness and oirocUon, for all
healthful IntcrcommunlcaUon, ho did
not mean to ntnko vico easy or to fill
tho mall bags of tho United States with
the scabs of such a leprosy,
It ought not to bo In Uio power of
overy bail man who can raise a ono
cent stamp for a circular, or a two rant
stamp for a letter, to blast a mnn or
destroy a home. Tho postal service of
this country must bo clean, and wo
must all understand that tho swift ret-
nouuons oi uio untied tttotos govern
ment hovor over evory violation of Uio
letter box.
There aro thousands of mon and
women In this country, some for per
sonal gain, some through Innate de
pravity, somo through a spirit of re
venge, who wish to use this great
avenue of convenience and Intelli
gence for puriKwes revengeful, sala
cious mid diabolic. Wake up the law.
Wake up all Its pouulUos. i,ot every
court' room on this subject bo a Sinai
thunderous and allame. ict Uio con
vlcted offenders bo sent for Uw full
term to Sing Sing or llarrisburg.
1 am not talking about what cannot
be done. I am talking now about
what Is being done. A great many of
the printing presses Unit gave Uiein
solves onUrely to the publlclouuf vllo
literature havo been stopped or havo
gone Into business loss obnoxious.
What has thrown off, wliat has kept
off the mil trains of this country for
homo time laok nearly all Uio leiwous
periodicals! Tho.se of m who have
Ihvui on the rail trains have noUcod a
great change in tho last few months
and tho last year or two, Why have
nearly all Uiojhi vile jkirlodicaU been
kept off the rail trains for kuiio time
oocki who cuecuvj in tiioso so
elotltvt (or the purttlciUou of railroad
literature gnvo warning to the publish
era and wnming to railroad companies
and wanting to conductors and warn
lug to iiowloyi to keep tho Interna)
ntull off tho train.
Many of tho cities hao mieaWutly
prohibited tho most of that literature
oven from going on the now stand.
Terror has o1uh upon the publishers
mid dealers in Impure literature, from
tho fact that over a thousand amU
havo bu mode, mid the aggregate
time for which Ui pouvioted have been
cilovat; llteratuns and tho greaUt ww o uw ruui U urw on him
I, oi unclean llt HVHl nua mi7 y". ana jrom tl)e
last uiiu Aoout two mllllou of thou- cir
cular havo beiMi destroyed, and the
bustiui U not as profltdblo It uned
to Ikv
IJovr lave so many of ho newsstand
of our great eltlw txn puritlis! I low
luu m tuuah of thU lukmlty Wmi
balked I Uy moral mi&Iuj I Oh. na
YtMt might as well go Into a JubrU of
(ho liat lndls and pat a cobra tm
tho ttok, and with itrofund iuvuiHMt
try to pewiodo It that it U morally
wrmig to hlto and to Uug and to )toi
Ttve only auiwor to
scourge has boon Uiat
nturo. This lat has Its vlcUiu lu oil
oopuptlona and doportutmU It hoi
liolpe4 to fill Utsauo asjlums and )nid
tnUyies and oIuuJioUmw and deju o'
elaujf'. llio bodbw of thU Inflation
Up ln'tho liospUoJs'aJid lu tho gravis,
whilo their ikhiIs aro being tvsl over
into a loot eternity, mi uvalonohe of
horror and dosjialr Tho 1ondon
plaguo was itothlnjr to Ik That count
d IU vlatiun by UioukuuIw, btit thU
uodeni pWi luti already 4ttovfjeJ Its
uoIlr dead, Tha Iuiua rail train "" '"
Aliat cvw ran over tho Krtaor Iludu ur wgumwjt would bo on uplift!
tooUi stuck into your orteri. Tho
only argument for a cobra Is a shotgun,
and the only argument for tiioso deal
ers in Impure literature is tho clutch of
Uio police and bean soup lu tho peni
tentiary. The law I Tho law I I In
voke to consummate tho work so grand
ly begun I
Another way in which wo aro to drive
back this plaguo of Egyptian frogs Is
by filling the minds of our young pooplo
with a licalUiful literature. I do not
mean to say that mi the books anil
newspapers in our families ought to be
religious books and newspapers, or that
every song ought to bo sung to the tune
of "Old Hundred." I liavo no sympa
thy with tho attempt to mako the
young old. I would rather Join in a
crusado to keep tho young young. Boy
hood and girlhood mast not be ab
breviated. Hut tliero are good books,
good histories, good biographies, good
works of fiction, good books of all styles
with which we are to (ill tho minds of
Uio young, so th.it thoro will b3 no more
room for tho useless and vicious than
tliero Is room for tho chaff in a bushel
measure which is already filled with
Michigan wheat.
Why mo CO percent, of tho criminals
in the Jails and penitentiarlfts of Uie
United States today under twenty-ouo
years of age? Many of them under
seventeen, under sixteen, under llftecn,
undor fourteen, under thirteen. Walk
along one of the corridors of the Tombs
prison in Now York mid look for your
selves. Had books, bad newsnuners
bewitched them as soon as they got out
of tho 'radio. Beware of all tliow
stories which end wrong. IJewaio of
all thono books which uiako tho road
that onds In perdition seem to end in
Paradise. Do not glorify the dirk and
tho pLstol. Do not wdl the desierado
bravo or tho libertine gallant. Teach
our young people that If they go down
into tho swnuiH and marshes to watch
tho Jaek-o'-lanterns dance on tho daouy
mid rottenness, thoy will catch tho ma
laria mid death.
"Oil 1" says some ono, "I urn a busi
ness mini, ond I have no time to exam
ine what my children read. 1 have no
timo to inspect tho hooks that come
Into my household." If your children
were threatened with typhoid fever,
would you have time to go for Uio doc
tor? Would you havo timo to watch
tho progress of thediseLso? Would you
have timo for tho funeral? In the pres
ence of my God I warn you of tho fact
that your children aro threatened with
moral anil spiritual typhoid, and that
unless the thing be stopped it will bo to
them funeral of body, funeral of mind,
funeral of soul. Three funerals In one
My word Is to this vast multitude of
young people: Do not touch, do not
borrow, do not buy a corrupt book or
a corrupt picture. A book will decido
a man's destiny for good or for evil.
Tho hook you read yesterday mov have
decided you for timo and for eternity,
or It may be a book that mav come Into
your imisaossIou to-morrow.
tiu: rowmi oi' a oooi noon.
A good book who can exaggerate
its power? Keiijainln Frmikliu said
that his reading of Cotton Mather's
"Essays to Do Good" in childhood
gave him holy aspirations for all the
rent of his life. G cargo I,uw declared
that a biography ho road in childhood
gave him all his subsequent prosperi
"ties. A clergyman, many years ago.
INLsslng to tho far wast, stopped at a
hotel, lie saw a woman copying some
thing from Doddridge's "ltise and
ProgroMi." It seemed that she had
borrowed the book, and tliero were
boiite things she wanted apceially to
The clergyman had in his sachet a
copy of Doddrigo's "HUe mid Prog
ress," and so he made her a present of
It, Thirty jears passed on. The
clergyman oaniothat way, and houkod
where the wotuau mi whom ho had
seen long ago. They said, "Sim live
yonder in that boauUfuI Iioumk" ll.
wont theru and said to liar, "Do you
remember mof' She said, "No, J do
not." He Mild, "Do you remember a
man gave you Doddridge's '1Um and
Progress' thirty years agof' "Oh,
yiwj I remember. That book saved
my soul 1 loaned tho book to all in
neighbors, un) (hoy road It and were
converted to God, am w had a re
vival of religion Uiat swept through Un
whole community. We built a church
and called a pastor. ou see that
splra yonder .diift oul That ehuroli
was built as tint vault of that book ou
gave me thirty years g " oh, the
ouor of a good book! Hut, alwi fof
tho JnOueuiv-" bad book.
John Ange? Jaiiiwi, than wluxu Kng
land never luul a tiollor uilubUr, stood
lu his pulpit at llinulugtuuii sjkI kl
"TUty tivw wt ago a lad luatMd tv
mo an iufamoui book. Ho would Umui
it only fifteen minutes and Utcu 1 luul
to give it back, but Uiat book has
haunted mo like a siMcter ever tine
I have In agony of soul, on my Kimsm
baforo God, prayed Uiat ho would ob
literate from my soul tho memory of It;
hut I tk&ll carry Uio damage of It to
tho day of )uy death." The asKtwht of
Sir William HiuiJl djajl tluit Im
got tha Inspiration tot Ids orliuv i
reading wliat was Uiii a nw and pop
ular novel, "Jack Shoppord." Hooter's
"Iliad" mad ,Ja44dfr Uw wiurrior
Alexamler said so. Tha ttj f Aki
onder ip&de Julius Catsar ami Charta
l Uth iun i4 blood. Haw t ui
your pocket, iv lu ytir truuk. k lu i
your dwk at buslnoM a bad hook, a ,
bod llturo, A bad pjuupldet t In God s
name 1 warn you to dwtroy It. I
Another way lu wbiah a shall Agia
frogs of Egypt la by rolling over them
tho Christian printing prcuf vhichslioll
givo plenty of healthful roa ling to ull
adults. All thoso men and women oro
reading men and women. What aro
you reading? Abstain from all thoso
books which, while they hud some good
tliln.is about Uiein have aLso mi ad
mixture of evil. You have read books
thut had two elements hi them the
good mid tho bad. Which stuck to
you? Tho bad I Tho heart of most
pcoplo is like a sieve, which lets tho
small particles bf gold fall Uirough but
keeps tho great cinders. Once in a
while there is a mind like a loadstone,
which, plunged amid steel and brass
filings, gathers up tho steel and repels
the brass. But It Is centrally Just the
opposite. If you attempt to plunge
through a fenco of bun-s to get one
bloekberry you will get more burrs
than blackberries. You cannot afford
to read a bad book, however good you
arc. You say, "Tho Influence is insig
nificant." I toll you that tho scratch
of a pin has BomeUmes produced tho
lock Jaw.
Alasi if Uirough curiosity, as many
do, you pry into mi evil book, your
curiosity is as dangerous as Uiat of tho
man wlio wouiu tako a torch into a
gunpowder mill merely to see whether it
would really blow up or not. In a me
nngcrio a man put his arm Uirough tho
bars of a block leopard's cage. The
animal's hide looked so sleek and
bright an 1 beautiful. IIo Just stroked
it onee. Tho monster seked him, and
ho drew forth a hand torn mid man
gled and bleeding. Oh, touch not evil
oven with tho faintest stroke I Though
it may bo glossy and beautiful, touch
it not, lest you pull forth your boul
lorn and bleeding under tho clutch of
tho black leopard. "But," you say,
"how can I find out whether a book Ls
good or bud without reudingit?" There
is always something suspicious about a
bad book. I never know on exception
ttoniothiug suspicious in Uio index or
stylo of illustration. This venomous
reptile almost always carries a warning
The clock strikes midnight. A fair
form bends over a romanco. The eyes
flash lire. Tho breath is quick aild
irregular. Occasionally the color dashes
to tho check, and then dies out. The
hands tremble as though a guardian
spirit wero trying to shako the deudly
book out of tho grasp. Hot tears fall"
She laughs with a shrill voice that
drops dead at Its own sound. The
sweat on her brow is tho spr.iy dashed
up from tho river of death. The clock
strikes four, and tlio rosy dawn boon
after begins to look Uirough tho lattice
upon tho pulo form that looks liko a
detained specter of the night. Soon in
a madhouse she will mlstako her ring
lets for euiling serpents, and thrust her
white hand through tho bars of the
prison, and smite her head, rubbing it
bade as though to push tho scalp from
tho skull, s.iriekhig. "My brain I my
brain!'' Oh, stand oil from that I Wh'v
will you go sounding your way amid
the reefs and warning buoys, when
theio is such u vast ocean hi which you
may vojnge, nil sail sot?
A hook I
We see so many books wo do not un
derstand what a book Is. Stand It on
end. Measure It the height of It,
tho depth of It, Uio length of it, tho
breadth of it. You cannot do it. Ex
amine the paper and estimate the prog-
ix-s iiiiuiti imiii mo uuio oi uio impres
sions on tho clay, and then on to the
bark of trees, mid from the burk of
trees to jMipyrus, mid from papyrus to
the hide of wild lieosts, and from the
hide of wild beasts on down until tho
miracles, of our modern twiiier manu
factories, and then see the jwiper, white
and pure as an infant's soul waiting for
ihhi s inscription.
A book! EMimino the typo of it.
Examine the printing of it, and see the
progroM from the timo when Solon's
laws were written on oak plunks, and
Hosiod's kouis were written on tables
of lend, and the Siniatio commands
were written oij tables of stone, oi
down to Hoe's iHTfectlng printing press.
A book It took all the universities
of tlio jat, all the martyr Ores, all the
oivilitatlom, all the battle-all tho vic
torias, all the defeats, nil tho glooms,
nil the brigntnofsses, all the centuries to
make it potibl.
A book! It is tho chorus of tho ages,
It Is tho drawing room in which kings
and queens mid orators and ioets and
hlstoriuiu mid philosophers eoino out to
grout oti If 1 worhljd anything on
earth I would worsJiip Uiat. If 1
burul InwitM to mi idol I would
build an altar to Uiat. Thank God for
good book. Iwaltiiful books, inspiring
Itooks, citneUnK Uviks, books of men,
books of women. Hook ot to. It k
with those good books tliut wo orV to
ovweouw corrupt literature. Upon the
irugs fcwooo w.tn til
good boob, and thoy will take tho su
premacy of Uio world. May you and I
livo to see the illustrious day I
Against every bad pamphlet send a
good pamphlet; against overy unclean
picttiro send an innocent picture;
against every scurrilous song send a
Christian song; against every bad book
send a good book; and then it will be
as it was in ancient Toledo, where Uie
Tolotuin missals wero kept by the saints
in six churches, mid tbe sacrilegious
Romans demanded Uiat thoso missals
be destroyed, and thut tbe Roman mis
sals be substituted; and the war came
on, and I am glad to say that, the whole
mutter having been referred to cham
pions, the champion of the Tolotuin
missals witli one blow brought down
tho champion of the Roman missals.
So it will be in our day.
The good literature, Uie Christian
literature, in its championship for God
and the truth will bring down the evil
literature in its championship for the
devil. I feci tingling to Uie tips of my
Angers and Uirough all Uio nerves of
my body mid all the depths of my soul
Uie certainty of our triumph. Cheer
up, oh men and women who aro toiling
for the purification of society I Toil
with your faces in the sunlight "If
God bo for us, who, who can bo against
Lady Hester Stanhope was Uio daugh
ter of the third Earl of Stanhope, and
after her nearest friends had died she
went to tho far east, took possession of
a deserted convent, tlirow up fortresses
amid the mountains of Lebanon, opened
Uie castle to the poor mid Uie wretched
and the sick who would come in. Sho
made her castle u homo for tho unfortu
nate. She was a devout Christian
woman. She was waiting for the corn
ing of tlio Lord. She expected that the
Lord would descend in K?rson, and she
thought upon it until it was too much
for her reason. In tho macniflcent
Btables of her palace sho had two horses
groomed and bridled und saddled and
caparisoned, and all re.uly for tho day
in which h r Lord should descend, and
he on one of them and sho on the other
should start for Jerusalem, the city of
the Great King. It was a fanaticism
and a delusion; but there was romance,
and tliero was splendor, and there was
thrilling expectation lu the dream 1
Ah! my friends, wo need no earthly
palf revs groomed and saddled and bri
dled und caparisoned for our Lord
when ho shall come. The horso is
ready lu tho cquorry of heaven, and
the imperial rider Is ready to mount
"And I saw, and behold a white horso,
and ho that sat on him hud a bow ; and
a crown was given unto him; mid ho
went forth conquering und to conquer.
And tho armies which wero in heaven
followed him on white horses, and on
Ins vesture and on his thigh were writ- tionsnHpceinity
ten, King of kings and Ixrd of lords "
Horsemen of heaven, mount! Caval
rymen of God, ride onl Charge 1
chargo! until they shall bo hurled buck
on their haunches tho black horse of
famine, and iho red horsj of carnage,
and tho pulo horse of death. Jesus
ffPf First National Bant) -7"
111, V . ... w , .......
.... i'regiaeui osbi
WJl. K. liADVK,
7tT -
, - - ivr-
wCeop has told us tho talo of a mult
which, from overfeeding:, pnllopcd about
and felt gar, raying to himself: "My
father, turelj-. was a Mah-mettlcd racer,
and I am hi own child In speed and
spirit." Next day he yxs rick and weary ;
ho then exclaimed: "I must haro mado
a mistake; my father, after all. could bars
been only an asa." A man, after eatlnsr a
g-ood dinner, mar feci ettravapantly joy
ous; but next day (I don't mean you to
Infer ho feels like an as) ho Is eurly and
prim, his stomach nnd livei- are aluffjrish,
he ls morose, despondent ond "out or
sorts" generally. For Indigestion, Bil
iousness nnd all derangements of tho
Stomach, Liver and lioTzels, Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery is an unequaled
Iteraody. Contains no alcohol to Inebri
ate ; no syrup or sugar to ferment and de
rango the digestive processes. It cleansee
me iTsrem ana cures pimples, blotches,
eruptions and all Skin and Scalp Dlseaoes.
Scrofulous affections, as Fever-sores, Hip.
Joint Disease, Swellings and Tumors, yield
to its superior alterative, properties.
CIATIOS, Manufacturers, Buffalo, N. Y.
Exchange on I'orlliind, tnn Fianclsco,
New York, Loudon end Hong Kong
bought and sold, btnle, Cornty nnd City
warrnnts bought, l'urnitis me coidiall
Invited to deeof.ll tiid tiansact buhluebt
wuu us. i.iuerni anvunces iimae ou
wheat, wool, hopk and otl er property et
reasonable nitr. Insurance on such se
curity can bo obtained at the bunk In
tnoBt reliable companies.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Trnunct a general banking business
in all lu brandies.
tfi?nENSLFe. VIee sideSl
HUGH M eN Alt Y Cash ler
Fy ' v- offered for an
Itf . V l l Incurable caso of Catarrh
LWL 31
In the Head, bv the Dron-
rintors of Dr. Saso's C-
tarrh Itemedc. Only CO cents,
druggists everywhere.
Sold by
U. II. SMITH. DENTIST. Olllce at
his residence- 170 Hleh Strom near
Agrlcu turul works.
ST.ItICH.VHDON, Attorney at law, of
, flee upstair In Irnnt rooms of new
Hush block, corner Commercial nnd Couit
streets, Snloiii, Oregon.
rJ. bHAW, Attunicy.ntl.nw, Salem
. Oregon. Office first door to the left
DIKEUTOKS: Geo. Williams, Wm.Eng
laud, I)r J. A. Illehurdoon, J. W. Hobson.
J. A. Maker.
Bunk lu new Exchange block on Com
mereldl street. g.-lu-tt
Capital National Bank
Capital Paid op, - - - $75,000
Surplus, ...... 15,000
It. 8. WALLACE, - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALBERT Cashier.
W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin
I. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace.
Or. W. A.Cuslck, J. H . Albert,
T. MoF. l'atton.
To furmern on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or in store
either In privatogranurlesor
public warehouses.
it head of stairs
Buili'h bank.
In thi" le.ir of Iidd a
Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par
Discounted at reasonable rates. DralU
lniwn direct on New York, Chicago, San
'ninelco, Portland, London, Paili, Berlin
Hnu2 Kougand Calcutta.
qilLMON FORI), attorney at law, Salem,
1 Oregon. Olliee up -tairs In Patton's
PRATT .UltTXT, iittoriuysnt law, Salem,
Oregon Office over Capital National
Iluuk, Commercial ntm-l. Money to loan
JL counsel!
Having itn abs
BINOHAM. Attorneys and
lors at law. vilern. Arni.nn
Ingiinubstritctoillie emrds of Marion
county. Including a lot and block Index oi
-wicin, uir nave periai facilities (or ex
amining titles to real csti.t.. Buslnet-s In
ihesupieme court nndln tliostnte depart
ments will receixc promt t attention.
JOHN O'-SHIJA, Attorney at law.
tj over i imi'ai .Mtimmil O.lliK
Col lee.
His Voice Hit Fortune.
At a recent "high Jinks" of tho Ten
derloin club a number of professlonalu
In the theatrical and musical lino woro
prcMnt and helped to enliven tlio occa
sion by their songs, recitations and
funny stories.
Anion!? these wero comedian Ed
Stevens, of tho Casino company, and
Signer Tugliapictra, of operatic fame.
Mr. Stevens regaled tho assemblage I
wiui a series oi niniiMng anecdotes, and
tho signer, In nponM to repeated calls,
sang "The Palms" and other musical
selections In his own inimitable style.
Among tho guests was an elderly gen
tletnan from Schoharie county", this
state, who knowledgo of tho stage
and Its representatives, however, Is
somewhat limited. At tho conclusion
of the sigtior'sj last song ho turned to
his friend and Innocentv remarked:
"That fellow tliero sings preUy well,
doesn't lief Why, I should think he
could mako his living by singing songs.
That' what I'd do, at any rate, If I Jind
liU voice As for that other chap
there." ho went on, referring to Mr,
Stevens "ho'd ought to study for the
stage. There's tho making of a tine
comedian in him."
The countryman was vory much dls
concerted at Uio laugh which followed.
He was reassured, however, when
Hignor ragiiaptotra canto up to him
and said "I am Indeed obliged, sir;
that was tho flinl pouuiliuMnt I have
ever received In my life.'"--No'
u. F.
W. H. HOLM liS.
J neysatlaw. OHlre In Hush's hi.vir
between State and Court, on Com'l St.
Dlt.J. M KEENE, DcutlbU OtHeeoitr
the bite Corner Court am! Com.
inerelal st reels.
nR. T. C SMITH, Denllst,U2 6tale htreet,
s .....vwi, wi, i-jLiiMiMii ueiiiiu opera.
tlons of every description.
uuus u iiici:iHiiy
Painless opera-
RS. M E. Me OY, PliyslUannmlSur-
11 gum Oillce and looms lu loJuliiir
iiousc, frroul and center streets, near the
iuuv ui .iiiiiiiii nun i-oik co, luiugc. Curoii
Ic diseases a specialty, euro or no pay,
Consultation uvv.
. U
us t
S. McNAl.LY.Arclillect. New Itnuh
tlrey iiiau block. I'hus and specltlca-
Ot II C llssCs Ot of llllllillncrs on slmrt
notice, supei-lutcutlenreofworkiuomptly
oojd alter. s!5-tf
J I) I'L'UH, .rpliittot. Plans, Speci
II . tlwitluiis iin.l superintendence lor
ui ciiisM's oi uuiminHs. onicti "ilO Com.
isf-roiat St., up stiilrs,
I'apikl City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm 3Icals at All Hours oi the Day
None but white labor employed In this
A good substantial meal c s ked In flr&t
class style
Tv, enty-U ve cents per meal
Court stieet, between Journal Ofllco and
Mlnto's Livery.
imw nrin i viwnvnn
lllJli ftiLLMlHillll,
Salem, Or.
llntes$20 nnd $5.00 a Day
Open to the public Thursday, Sept. 11,
1KX). Best hmei between Pwrtland and
an Francisco. Alms to he rlrtt ninc it.
all Its appointments. Its tablts areserved
with the choicest fruits grown In the Wll
amette alley.
Health is Wealth I
W. BEVr. Artist ktudi'i. llnsh
Brey bUx-k. Cla-sas Thursdays nnd
A sJ--y I'-'l'-'r Hangt'i, Now tools. New
. oetIgus; has learmd the trade; will
Biverefeiviieps. UK, U.lLUoitlce with
Ulobv Risil KsUte ExrbMiKO.
1W E. C.ROXCO. Inrber iinit hair.
dresser, sh.miik.iinn i,i,ii..i UHi
fliildreu k hair a siel.itj. She will b.
plcnsod to sc-e alt bar ultf ustoincr ut her
hopi.j)p,te tlie OiM House,
JAyfe! . r Wr. I &RAl'
JOahl'll 1-UmKK burbur and halrdress
er llutr tut Hug 2. cent., shaving I.
lent. lliitliioinisiioounootlou. Best of
work. llMatestret. '
ovr ork
J. I. VRSKN A eo lauufacture of all
kludofoliioies. Repairing a specUI.
Shop U-lat slnet.
t11- h-.C' WESTS Nerve and Brain
Trwtment, a guaranteed nptc!ftc for Hys
teria, I)iizines, Convulsions, Kits, Nervous
J.euralgla, Headache, Nervous Prostration
caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco,
W akelullness Mental Depression, Solten!
ngof the brain resultlngln Insanity and
. 1 .uiiiicijj.raijr udu uenm, pre
mature old age, barrenness, loss or power
pained by over-exertion of the brain. Each
box contains ono month's treatmect, Sl.oo
a box or six boxes for J5.00, sent by mall
prepaid oh receipt of price.
S?cunany S"0, WUl ench rder je-
5rttheVS ."" f0.r.slxi,05e8' "fwuipanli-d
vvlthisjij), we will send the purchaser our
written guamntee to refuud the inancy it
the treatment does not effect a cure. Ouar
antees ssiatlonly by Geo. E.Good. Drug
gist, hole agunt, 303 Com. St.. taleni.Or.
A GentU Hint.
ffv' mamma had trained him by
"ojcimple and prepopt" o bo courteous.
vooo w.tli tlwiss eai-ltvL I dtv I RJ'a ,,e wow forgot the lesson. vn
iHMid lututti fur tli overthrow of In-1 UW ery trlng eireumshuictsL ' ' '
tyuitoiM UterHtuN uusmi 1)19 mort.ilitv I One afternoou a maiden auut, vyho
uf hsMs:. Kveu looJ Uxiku havo h. ' w Ninhioc of a trial to Prs.1 v.ma
UartI slMttfgW t Uvo. to tl house yhilo hi niaiuiaa waa
J'uly Uu wrt forty booka, only lUit BU'a' uu llted on his reheariinir' all
ot Ummi toft- Thirty books uf Taoitu ' Mw iv yep-vt w)d sons ho liad leorneij
iwv niJ. Twenty UhVi of llhiy
Iiav MriMHMl. Uvv wrote om lmtt
tlml aud forty books; oy thirty tlvo
U tlwm rauuUn AWlls wrxito ono
iiuutifwt Onunjw; oair vi rvmalu
ltuHiWd wrvloira buinlrwl. shJ
iiUm4smm nmain. VWro wiwt th6 Wo,?
tMi of w H4-o hniulrwl ' grvnt
(hvmimim All that wUUi of blonunhv
has prih4 U hvjm.1 w.J valuable "J )u'U liav to go. U you j.,
at kindorgnrten since hue last hsJl
He vent Uirough hU repertoiro pa
tlontly until ho wM rjalh. tjred, w,a
till Ids aunt dtMUAuded another and
At lat Prod said politely, but with
ov44drablo fliwtijws, "I'll do kit thW
ono mow, Aant f.uoivu, and Sinn"
"J '"0 ooe I aw
Ci kft U0h. K-lVr and Halr-drws-U.
lugpHrion. Haitittthimhecit.
.tWv.Vmmeroliif8;rtHt,S)emr ,u,uclu'
TORN OU.. -Contractor and builder
jj Hmeluslde nnlshlug a r.lalty. T4
CUjiuwretal .trvsa,, .le,, orejou.
; ,'h.lnjr uml renlrlug spotelty . shop
at the ftK,t o( Uuhi Hi Mt. rfSSllbrSfon!
ho.ki hav sueh a truaile w Uv uiuu
luvtc h tho fat of thow Uit arv db
wl mwI orrvjt ad blast! at tli
virj Huit Twy m AU M Mi frotw
KhMi Um loti tunusi luck Om nlnfua
Th wvrtt of ChrUtUnUatioq will bq on
M?rf W o
jour train T-Youth's
Thi Clilneo lav their touiba UOlt
h) Jh jhapo of tha horiMshoA whuA
raekMiot lonenotujh ro- lur "W "i. tv UUt Utwatuw ami Wdlilw i uaMl lUw wm Wi Nt, WSMM as a branch oiTurw
Ihi nichaa'i Golden Balutm No 1
Sllil h.l ie Copprelof id BKtch
?HZ,I&!?..' !
?tVJ 'O' "I tilt dlMiM known ..
n.),am jfo.3
UmhllU. Prl . nn , .TT V:"7"
L 'nieh.u.. Tniijt "vP?r
300 Commercial Str. i
&Mp -S I
1 Chp uiiip
IW rim
Vnu.i .! v
Haul an J Rn
Frtun Uymt ay .lyd
AtfvM. ,
.Mrvnu '
-56 cent
t...- c.S.," '""-i wen
WV. DIBQU I . Il.al, TM 1
K.k.C .
"liilTv ""aen Nuanl.U Anil.
wdiwrui,.8u. W i i 1 1 ; p'Sr
X1Vie."J,J oUe" PUh In.
vi so m,b,i,:- 1-- "
L-ii.KWT re$i Ob i nix.
. -rzL"wpr
" ku B-w Sn Tno M tf3 O'Ckfks
y MfT finMT Of Vvts-ixkLfc ...
-fc Z. '""b lL- L I
MtST'1 "'
)WJ- OB Btt4
Aw im, euite at
"ww "HiMmi enr run
.' ' . iBitwt-J
K0-ail MAUUl.TST,
s rrmttclMO. Oal
-uuin ir,T rnct.
V,.R! ;?.
l'l H0
-v- snwcm amooounetfos.
1 ad fv ,
Tar lam Himk m 5S