HH Pwp flM IS UUto; I be VorifC ay all Mil t A PATIIHTIO STOHY. Watsonvilli:, Cal.Mor. 8. A Very jtatliellc story reached hero to day from the hills lying between tills city and CuBtr.ivllle. A family nniiicd Church fomo years ago net tled among these IiIIIh, whTch arc sparsoly Inhabited In Tnconia, Mrs Church had lived with n former hus- b.uitl, who at Ills de.ttli left consid erable property to IiIh wlfo. An tin- Hcrupulous real outfit e dealer from Tacoma npponrrd at the home of the Church' and oUVred to buy the property for $100, wl.li-h wan nc ccpted. Chuich noon heaid their property In Tacoma, Instcm! of bo.j hi worth $100, wa worth $00,000. Mrs. Church began proceedings to recover her property, which she had signed away through misrepresentations. After fpend Ing a year In trying to rocovw her projKjrty, she returned horn? to her husband ami four children. StraDKo as It may seem, the whole family, ?avo a girt 11 years old was suddenly stricken down with Ju grippe, from which they became de lirious. The llttlo girl nursed them thu best she could, until a kind nei ghbor dropped in uud found the un fortunate family at death's door with virulent la grippe and pneumo nia. Mrs. Honora Church died and was bun lei at Castorvllle, ami the remainder of the family recovered. Hut llttlo hope now remains to the survivors of being suddenly lifted from thu'r humblu llfo to the poses, sion of $00,000. HKVKIIK HStlW HTOKM. CiiU'AOD, Ills., Mar. 8. Dispatch es from numerous points throughout Minnesota, Northern fowa, Central Ills., Southern wis. uud Eastern Nebraska report the soverest snow storm of thu winter. It raged all duy Buuday. Trains are running bohlud time, and In many places n mo are moving. Travel on wagon roads at numerous points Is wholly hub.ioihIl'iI, and In cities street car tralllo Is moru or less delayed. Fe v to storms reported from various points In Texas, Hnow and Hleet have fallen, and it is feared the fruit trees are badly damaged, l'KitiHii i:i i'kom K.vroHuiti:. Hkoina, N. W. T., Mar. O.-lluv. Father Oraloii, a Catholic) priest of Iteglua, was found duad yesterday morning, live miles outside the city, 'laving perished from exposure. He left Thursday to assist In the elec tions. On his return the team gave out. Father Graton walked on, being anxious to roach Iteglua for the Biimluy services. WABIIINOTON I.IXIIHI.ATimi:. Oj.YMl'tA, Mar. 0. The leglslu turo adjourned tine die yesterday morning at :i:IO o'clock. Nearly every one left town on the early morning boats and trains for their homes. MIKH HAY DOUUI.AHH AN IIICIUISRS Ni:v Yomc, Mar. It. Miss Hay I)otlgIiirr, the beautiful and some what famous Itoheinlau, who has been leading a rather precarious ex istence for hovcral years past, has been mado heiress to$ltf0,0l)() lea her by her grandmother, Mis. Catherine A. Thompson, widow of the late Jacob Thompson, iluehanaii's secre tary of the treasury, and later the confederate cabinet olllclal, whodled not long ago. Hay Dougbus Is a outhcin girl, hhecaiue from Naxh vllle, and her proper name Is Mamie Tlumipjoii. Till! MIHIIMAN HTA'I'lll). Nmw Yomr, Mar. D. Amos II, 12iio, in a letter t" the cnmiulttee having lu charge the raining or a fund for the erection of a statue to the lattflenuralKhermaii, states that If the coiiiiulltet' will announce pub licly that all surplus suhaerlptloiiH will be turned over to the family of the late genorul, he will subscribe (2,600, but if the fund Is merely to bo UM'd in the erection of a statue as now pruxml, ho will only give f 1,000. Mr. Kuo believe that If the public was appraUcd of Ihelntuiillou ef thu committee to turn over any surplus monies to the family, It would bubsorlbu more liberally and promptly. The ooinmlttee uuaiil uiotuly npprovctl of Mr. Kmi's sug gestions mid accepted hU ottVr. lUwiliitloua were adopted by (he committee to the ell'eot that any mi plus bUbHirlptlons to the fund will be turned oyer to the tenon, IV U(m. (iiiiMotrroK woiiic. KKv Vohk, Mur. 0. The Clark , Thread Comwiiiy liu uIomiI mill No 3,at Kturoey, N. J llirmvlioi ovivr .100 glrU out of work. Till, is the lv' mill nt which u riot t.s.k maw n - w)k or two mj;o. A fortMiiitutli of the couioaii v nalil tlio mill u-ouhl tetUoHlfor an ludvllultr llulf;if llini.iiuiliriliiilllli.ii(l.u-.MU..i.H.ll. IlurmHt. C U Vtt ami or - ! ia mw,.i MlrJoSiHu;oi'v ta ,,rW M He ,ra Ih4im Molt . W1I.KKS STAbMON. LbxincitoN, Ky., Mar. 0. Z. K. Hlmmons has lost by death the promising stallion Ferguson, by George Wilkes. He was valued at $25,000. TOHNAUO IN CALIFORNIA. Maiiysvillk. Cal Mar. 0. Word has reached here that a torna dostartetlat Hrown's valley Friday and passed between here and Wheatland. It tore up everything In Its course, demolishing tank houses, barns and fences, took fence panels ISO yards hi the air, and moved a 1000-pound barley crusher twenty ftet. It went very slowly and In a zigzag course. No lives were lost. It was going south at last accou n(s. KOCH THIJA'J'MKNT. Madhid, Spain, March 0. A commission of six medical men ap pointed to investigate the Koch remedy have reported lu favor of total suspension of that form of treatment. The committee finds not a single euro effected here. THH CUMIlKHLANI) HIVKIl. Nash viM.K,Tenn,, March 0, The rise lu the Cumberland river con tinues this morning. Much dam age has been done. 1C00 to 2000 peo ple are driven from their homes. The goods lu warehouses and cel lars havo suffered much damage. The river Is spreading ovpr tho low lauds. Nearly all lumber yards me overflowed. At police headquarteis many inquiries for shcHcraro made. Heports from all points on the river show n rising every where, and the fullness of the Ohio and Mississippi will pioveul the Cumberland from running down as rapidly as It other' wise would. run tknkkhhci: hi vi:u. Chattanoikja, Tciiii., Mar. 0. The Tennessee river has reached the danger line and Is rising three incites per hour. Experienced river men predict ttiat it will overllow much of the city III low Tying places and cut oil Hovcral railroads and suspend tlio operations of hcvcra! manufacturers The rainfall here for .'III hours, was ;t indies it extends up the river and In Kast Tennessee generally. Indi cations for more showers ate very promising. KVANHKLICAL tactions. Kkaiin, I'a., Miir.il. A prelimi nary Injunction was granted Satur day by Judge Krmeutrout against the Hev. Mr. Kruno, the liowman pastor, who, with Ids adherents, broke into Bt. Matthew's Evangeli cal church several nights ago. The Injunction restrains them with In terfering with the iiiitl-Dowmau pastor. I'KCSiniJNT HAItltlHON. Wahiiinoton, Mar. t. Tlio presl dent left Washington this afternoon for a few days duck shooting on the Chesapeake. K I II K S. rillK AT I.YONH, IOWA. Lyonh, Mar. I), Taylor Hum., foundry and machine shop burned hero early this morning and a watchman, T. L. Taggert, perished III the llames. ImiuI play Is sus pected. The loss to shop Is small. run: IN OMAHA, Omaha Nob. Mar. 0. The print lug house of Gibson, Miller iV. Rich erdson burned down this morning. Loss f 1110,000, fully Insured. IIIHIIOI' I'AIIDOCIC IIKAII. lhumiN Mass. Mar. (). Itlght Hov, Hcnjamiu 11. Paddocks Eplucopal Hlsliop of the Dlocosu of Mass., died this afternoon. I'ATAI.I.Y llt'ltMIl). Cincinnati, Mar. 0. Nicholas Vincent, aged 10, was found today lu his cobbler's ttliop fatally burned. Hu died on the way to the hospital. It Is supposed hu upMit u lighted lamp while In a drunken sleep. A III.IK.AIII). Ashi.ani), Wis., Mar. I).--Yesterday's til I ww i vl was thu worst of the season. It U reported that two set tiers on the newly ooued laud have IHtrUhed lu the storm. MINHIOi (IOI.NH 1X1 WOltlt. PtriniMKi, IVnn., Mur, U. Six thousand mluers lu the Mououga hula valley rxMumed work this morn ing nt the luutkit.el rte of wagvs iwiuxhUM them. MAiiKi-yrs. WIIHAT. 8ak l'ltA.vciso), Mar. 0. Wheal, luiyr seiiKiu, (1JW, UiutVMto, Mar. 9. Wlmit firm; ...... ... '....:.....;. v: "" ,UJ "' ,U3 Juiyi " , .. , jviiim ur ituNVTiuK, riittiMiaru l.o .llrxir- My n,MK,tM ...... ... ..... ... . ... CRIMINAL. MlBPLACKI) CONFlltKNCK'l Pirratjuno, Mar. 8. A. 8. UoQ son, for twenty-five years a trusted employe of Jutle &, Co., oil operators, raised a check from $42 to $4200 yes terday, and cashed It. He took the first train going out of town. Fri day he did the same thing, but was found out. When confronted with the evidence, he confessed and re turned the money. On account of his long service the matter was not pressed, but ho took advantage of his employer' leniency and repeated die operation, A LONE HIGHWAYMAN. ItKimiNU, Mar. 8. An attempt was made last night to rob the Wed ding and Weavervlllo stage, about a mile out of town, by one man. The driver, E. Graham, was shot, per- huj fatally. Jloth barrels of the Weils, Fargo A Co.'s messenger' gun refused to work, Four passen gers were on the stage. No one was Injured except llo dryer, The rub ber did bis shooting With a pistol. Had the messenger's gun not missed lire, ho would uml'jy'jM'y lav killed thohlghwaymau, Tlio olfieers are In pursuit, ami a jsww of citizens are scouring (he country ibis morn ing. A MINIATKIt'H DIHMKACK. St. Paul, Minn., March 0. Itcv. H. V, Oalbralth, the Methodist episcopal mluitor of llrowndale, Mower comity, Is charged with placing tnc only daughter of F. M. Drown, a rpsijectable farmer, in a critical condition. Thu girl 1ms been making Iwr homo with the family of the pieacher for some time to takb iidl'aptago of the vil lage school, and tlio seamlelous in tolllgeneo has Just come to light. The pastor has resigned Ids ch'argo at the church and Is said to have come to yt. Paul. Ho has not yet boon found hule lumuviir. Oalbralth Is 45 years of ago and has a wife and several children. His matrimonial record has beon varied, and he lu at preucjit living with his second wife. A vigorous ofl'nrt js being made by the church people and his friends to smother the matter, but It Is intimated that the ulrl's father will push the case. In conversation with a gentleman from Hrownsihtlu it was learned that Gal hratth Is making arrangement to leave the country. A (X)WAHHI.Y ACT. Hi:u:na, Mar. i.-Carl Telehert, proiirlotor of the Atlas saloon, quar reled yesterday morning with llU landlady, Mrs. Grady, a woman sixty yours old uud a cripple. The row resulted hi his firing at her with a bulldog revolver. The bullet en tered her breast and lodged In her back. There Is but little hope of recovery. Tuloliort walked down town and going to theilierKPsofllee gave himself up and Is now hi jail. The citizens are very indignant, but threaten no violence MCDONALD A MUHUKItKlt. PottTi.ANl), Mar. II. A. J. Mc Donald, the barber, who nearly kicked Frank lloyco to death in Thompson's beer dive on First street, between 1). and E, uu the evening of January 6th, became a murderer yesterday in fact, as well as In Intent, The victim of hU brutal assault died at Good Samaritan hospital at half past 2 o'clock yesterday ufler noon, and McDonald must now face the charge of murder. A COWAHIM.V HUKflAN. NVAfU, X. V., Mar. O.-At 1 o'clock yesterday morujug Joseph titorrs, youug unmarried nun. f this place, entered the reshUucc of Mrs. Bridget. Armstrong, for (he purpose of robbing her. lie was discovered by the mistress of the house, who tried to seize him. At the same time shu mule an out cry, Storrs shot thu woman tub lit the neck ami us she lay on the tloor the cowardly rutllati brutally kinked her lu thu side. Mrs. Arm strong's daughter Ellta appeared on the scene ami Storrs 1 1 red at her, the bullet taking uli'eet In the chin. He then tied from the houso. Thu daughter, badly wounded as she was. run m Iouk dUtsuco lit her ' tilKht clothes for physlcfuiw imd t)i H)llcu Thu polhv arrentod Stofrs ' within an hour uflerwrd. JJIsex Htultiatloii will oivur to-morrow. The people are much txclted ovwr the allUIr and a hitter fvllugiraut Wlorrs prwklts. It Is thought the lujuilnsof (lu lailh" will not prove TmIhI. Chioauo, Mar. John Ia. iln.m.,.. w.m mm.y oiuud u, ,,", niukeu whit tnc .... i.... ... ,vi . . .... . ru w,,u u " " Chhumui rvtalUtnl u4 vtm V IT KOI, TIlltOWKlt. itociiBSTKR, Mar. 0. Lena Cun ningham, aged 31, threw a quantity of vltrol lu the face of her sister Ma tilda, aged 27, while the latter lay sleeping lu bed. They had a quar rel because Matilda refused to secure a position for Lena lu Iliggs' seed house, where the former worked, on the ground of Lena not being strong enough to work. Matilda's fore head, cheeks and noe are terribl; burned, her eyebrows and bedies being entirely gone. As she wa usleep It Is thought sho may tint !os her sight. ACCIDENTS. HIN'OULAK ACCIUKNT. Scottimi.K, Pa., Mur. 9. A sing ular accident occurred on the South west railway Saturday morning. The Possum accommodation, which leaves this place at 0 o'clock, w' derailed near Conncllavlllo station by a misplaced switch. It was run ning swiftly and when derailed it rQi Into n dwelling house near by ft demolished everything lu IN oourse. The inmates of the itsi ijeiice escaped and the cugitu' stopped ulopgsjdt! u duUle where u baby was Joeping. Tt wus unharmed. TWO J'KltHONS nilOWNKO. KNoxVJt-bK, Toim,, Mutch 0. Very heavy' rains prevailed through out this seetlon yenterdry and lufct night. All the stre-ims nro out o heir banks. A seven year old col ored girl uas Jmwnei tld? morning by falling Into a rauliig citek. A colored iiuiu named Hunter was drowned yesterday. S.MOTIIKUKI) TO HKATH. Tkinaiiap, Col. Mar. 0. When the fn-lght train on the Fort Worth road art veil here last iiIkIiI, sipoke was seen Nstilng from a refrigerator ear. The door was broken open, and two men who was stealing a ride were found lying in the straw sufl'o-(.-ated. The fire is supposed to have started front i) lighted pipe. W0tJ.NI)I:t) 11V I.ION. Pauis, Mar. I). Sects, the well known lion tamer, was attacked and fatally wounded, this morning, by an angry lion, thrashing a drunken man, when John McDonald, a painter, run out of nelghboilng house and felled the Chinaman with u heavy stick. One of the boys now pushed up uud deliberately dropped u heavy stone on the bead of the Chinaman. In the nick of time a patrol wagon ar rived and dispcii-ed the crowd. Nearly 500 perbons had quickly gathered ami were shouting. "Kill him kill the Chinaman." Lee's re, eovery Is doubtful. UKSinr or a dku.nk. liATKMVii.i.K, 1ml., March l).--John Disohere, a piomiueut hotel keeKr, of this place, while diiiul; and mad with jealousy, attacked ))s wife with a revolver and t-hot her In the head, indicting a bcilous wouinl. Another liajl struck a cor sut stay just over the heart. Dis cbere then placed the weapon at the back of his :! ear-old daughter, Myj$lc, and shot her through the heart. He then shot his cook, Mary Jones, li) tlu huitk, intllctlug a tlesh I wound. A crowd gathered quickly In the parlor, and attended thu wounded. Dlsehere entered and fell dead on thu floor, having cut his throat with a casekiiife, Usrit.W. A red and white jersey cow, liable to bo with a you in: calf. Inform J. 1). Hrown, South Salem. liavatarla Giles'. Shrimps Smut A INed it for i e Years. Dr. It, . Heldun: I have Mild yiur Ktheronl Cough Syi up for the mst live years, and havo ud It lu my own family, ami know It to l tlio tnwt et.tigh syrup I have over usedorsojd. . Fkkd. M. Wwi', Stockton, l.argf sljo$l.00, small Wo. For side by all druggUu. f. iblg'sextraet tKf Snwtvt Gilo's Hui-klrit'tf Arnli'.r-jl),., Tlw IIim.1 Kly In tUo wortdllltr Cuk llmlM,txnM. l'loMm, Sua itlwuui, hVW J)r. iBllei.rlMti. tUH4. liillntalii Uiru uud nil Sklu HruHk.. uuU im? Ihsly ihiiw rilM, or ih M)- riulra. It U OttMnli(y to k-Uu IHirlWl wtlUbunlau r inoucy rWllNttlHt. i'lltW, U IV41U IMf nux W MIV i.vitnu:ti. u9.l'T,JC-''.oxo,tWY-At U n ItlttltiHt nt .ItimtM UiinlLk Muh.i. ?, Jsoi, Mr, AlphmiMi ItiMiltii atul mv jury p. iiikU'V, iMith f Minimi .cuuiiiv, JUWHV Jn. in llatehelor ortlolatigg SWSf2ou, SPRAINS. UttWAMlM-iUllMty ITttMtat b4 (JiHKnl Xtairtr. i.1liat(L U))i M UX iiiclr ORUlSES. iWwov. Md,. J IS. MW "IMWwslUJ yiaU.ft4iabJ fMtMkttVlrVMlw naix. iff. ;Wut ch; Cpjptlly nu.si Ivru AJ pK pm JAI'ftt VHWTtflXRfVS ,kJ,'i.i,ji.7k:,r. "r-.-.-.-.j x xsssrtssn tm tlttllll MoSu5cw2L.d4. S T A T R. HAD 11) MAItltY 1IKK. Est PoiiTi.AND, Or., Mar. 9. J'rldny efterufHin a handsome young womau enme to the ollice of Justice liuilock, and nuked consultation with the proj-ecuting attorney. It v is osceitained Saturday that a irraut wu lsued for the arrest of .1 jIiii 1'edinotid, of Port laud, charg ing him witii seduction. Redmond v. . found at a late hour and brought 1 i this side, The object of the mg woman wus to force Redmond to marry tier. He wanted time to reilcct, but she was Indexible. It wusjiil or marry. He decided to lake the latter. At a late lnur a license wus procured and the ceie mouy performed. The young wom an's name is Clara Marshall. Red mond told her he would not live with her even if they were ,iarricd. SJI'xiTINO M-'l'ltAY. Poim.ANU, Mur. 9. At the Cas cade Locks fc!atuiday niglit Henry Parr,amH.P. McCormiek Imdtroub'f in a suIlki over u trivial affair. riie, both drew revolveis cud be jan liring, which they kept up un Ml b'Jlli weapons were empty. Mc. CormloU's woqnda, it In reared will prove fatal. Parr received two llesh wounds, but Is in no danger, it!:sii:oTi-:D citi.i:n dkau, Poiitlanu, Alarch O.-Duiiglass W. Williams, one of Portland's oldest and nuwt highly icspectid citizens, died Saturday morning, lu the SJd year of his age. Ho came tq this city from New York in lfiW, FOREIGN. AOAINST INFOliMltS. i.6niion, Mar. (J. The Paruelltes and anti-Parnelites arc. united in sup port of a bill to put an end to the police spy system known as shadow ing. It is provided thut shadowing, except tt bo committed for the pur pose of making an arrest with a wiimnt, or upon a charge Iti'tif.. Jng appn henslon without a worran, shall he punishable by u term of ini- priboumeni not tufixcjcd ,-lx mniiths with bant labor, Tilt: I'lllTHCIl IN RNUIjANI). London, .Mar. !). The Rev. Dr. Pa iter, in hU set mm iu the City Temple yesterday expressed his re grets, that tlio disestablishment of the iihuich bhiuld be a political question, when it was purely a reli gious one. Although firmly be lieving lu disestablishment, lie declared that he would not work for Is accomplishment iu company .vjlh ijthcistH, nor would he allow the ungodly to participate In the iinvcmcut If ho were able to pre vent it. SNOW IN r.NOI.AND. London, Mar. !) Terrible weather prevails iu the uoith of lOuglaud. The snow i- from 0 to llfuen inches deep iu many places and the seas ure running so high along the coast that many wrecks are feared, heavy winds prevail, and thu storm bad seldom been surplssed lu severity at this time of the year. VOVAC1K AltOl'NI) THK WOltU). Colomiio CKV1.0N, Mar. !), The Canadian l'aelllc Hy. Cos., New Steamship Ijm press of India, arriv ed here this morning on her voyage around tlio woild. She will remain here two days to give passengers an opportunity of viewing the numer ous points ofinterest iu the vlclultv. Kiiteiiieut runs high in this elty over System Builder, as everybiwly Is lining !t for catarrh of the Stomach, Consump tion l)yhp,psla, Impure blood and to build up the System It certainly must be an excellent premmtiou, when uvcr.tlxtdy spooks ho well of lU il&wyr INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "Tiie State." Arfwl uMrlKmelbiiitiir million Ul. M. UKr:i.Kll,L1l.v.i!cui AadsafdlHlajCfiilfor Alrw uiiiy. Ui ttaw wnh Hu Ckiuuiy. B. K. HALL, I'aper Hauler. t.wyor4riH UU Ural Kmmio KxtflMu lion Ton Heatattn i nt. B. W. LEWIS. "PEN AT AI4. HOURS 11(8 CVmm.rcUtl Strooi, r Vflf- a n V n ns- Las- - I tl.it iy."'irlly i.l I'm tilisKt hlrli pi il i tlf'jtl'tly lufflisn eiltiis- i"i t- lui.ii-.',! ..ie iii-i i.; iMlUfi IT.Infilt HI i. I' . .i tuit:. i.nr , I'-n. i rt ft; ili-M-i- -nli litl.ei'jes.ivu-v'ii'WP.i'ituK.... Inj: t," uinrsn or dpnnei; Ik tl.o iA.f I'Iiii, is, cHticeritiis gniwtlis, i r t.. u . . ji. i i,i.uillesttiuii4 uiiially ascii!."-l i M.i..'hik" ami f.iHec'.iig upoo Hie lei---t.-i 4 m inmn tlon aed ileatli. IV ; Uu v "t .incloit It l tl.f iim)-I g( :erA '. A il'.ien"s "r sflwtli'iis, f"i t-.y ' .urs..is i..e uiiilirlv Iri'e from u. Hov Cnn Ag Ep g; Vvt-Mif Ilnwl'sS-irsupnrtiln.wtii' : ' ',! f rnmrkalile eiin-x it I'as acn :.v'l i 'i.v !i'-tt 'iiiT im-iiii'iiies li.ie i .' Iijt iruti-ii iim-II to Me i P' triil a.id ; 1 1 Mr itifi'icn-o f"i lliia 'ilM-e. . ': t:.co ctirei are rc:ill woiidtT.i.l. 'I ?ulltr from scrofula 01 tniyuio l.i- '. i suru to tiy Hood's S.irsr.i;.:!Il:i. Kvcry spring my tti.'osmii ;ln ti orc.i tiouMed wttli sciufnlA ore- . . ii.ii Mit on llicm tn .irioii olac i. it le toy, llireo vears old li.is l 'ii . ternblB Miflviei I.nst trii: In- w. -' iii..s i. sores iroin he-id ti ti-i t. I (Uvltriltuuso HoodN iai-iiiaiili.i. and iMVet-lltiikcolt. riieresiilttUlMt. 'I. "wti rimd ol tlio trnmila. my lti" I .ii-iiigeiitlrily lreerruin smes, mu... i r,( my cl.lldicii look lirlsM 1.. d I !:'- 'V. II. ATlir.liTO.N, I'.isi-alc City N. J. Hood's SarsapariSla '.oJilbyilvi'KplJts. Jl;Mxf'f I'lfjiarr .1. Iioot i CO., Aiiotlierarli., Li '1. M 300 Doses One Dollar 8AI.KM MABKET IlKl'OltT. I . yiiopHlj of Hie SlnrketH ll.nliu; '""' HcIUiik I'rlco. KETAII. PniCJ'S. HKYISKD QUOTATIONS. HunuldorH.Hugnr cured.per lb,12J HieukfciM bacon 12tol5 Ildins Sueur cured, per lb, 10?;c. Heef-716 1'ork-lUft WA Mutton lo (9 l-'ke. VeuI-IO & VlVfi. Tlniotliy seed Per pound, 7kc; selling Kcd clover seed Per pound, IJc. WIiltocloverM.'cd Per miuih1, 'J0c. " Alslke I8c per pound. Kcd top luo per pound. I.luoolnnrpsi l!i;p4r pouud,i Hyo Umi(S lOo per" pound. Oiclmrd Onu,i..lTc per pound, lleaus So per lb, Out men! ut Do. t'liuiind Krulit'eaclicH. ' 00: aorieot SI W; bluekberriei, M; corn, best grader, fi UU; tomatoes SI 50; MiiiiK bertlis St W; ijreeu peus 31 85; ler U07. In to 11) eauh. Uiecu Fruit.. CludLO 11no.es 73i3 1. Ui oer box; pe.irh T5e perbux;polatoeb UUc-,c.orots joe; parHinps ti ui, unioaiui per 10. .- ion -Milium rvinw ju-, iu .-JIIIIUIIH my, 7o ier lb' hiiinll 1UU SlOy per ihrsal t tfalmou, IIUYIKO'I'IIICGS. Wheat (iic net. 1'lour Per liHrrcl, $.(M, best lM lbs. Hal' Per bu-liel, ittif jOl-. Ilui ley Per buMiel, Mr. Hum-Per ton.Jlci oOat mill, saekod. rihoiln l'er ton, S'Jl 50 " lanc-lcul. C'hp Per ton.S.t'iO " narked. Hops (J noted nt -fla per lb. KltKs "JOo per docu, Potatoes Per laulitfl, t Corn meal .le per pound. Clieute l&Allc net noand. Dried plums Per lb. G&7C. impoitcil prunes V pel 1, lluiter .liVjAlTif per pouud for go i l.iiid..-1091'.Hiiicrlb. llnin-. Per poaud.llS'lie, Uncoil Miles '.ifeilU per lb. Hhoulders "i'o per lb. Clilvkuni . 7 to lee per po.md. Tin keys lu 10 12,'cper lb, (K'u-u8 per lb. Ducks, lffillo per lb AIAUKK'is'ilY TlditXill.Vl'H. POKTI.AND, Wheat Valley, Sli& 1 n Walla Walla SI. 1.1 to 31,17)5 per.eental. Flour standard, $1 UO.to J I. W.Ula Wnllii -j iWJl'vO. Outside u'i idL, ab0. Oats White U'Jo to ole, gray 5(1 c;,to 5? per bushel. MIIIsiuUV Ilran SlSOlfliJslmts.Jls to W Kround '.barley.iyjy to i!0 cm p feed. $2o middlings, S- per ton. Hny-S1017 per ton. Ilutler Uieijoii fancy tluliy, 3V,i c.fat.ey cie.imerylJX;uood to fair, 'Sl4ii0;Csll forma cholcoSCj. Ilt-'gs oicijou o ljistern i0o per diu Poultry old chlekens, S5 ij 50. Potatoes 7oc at tOo per cental. Cheese Oii'kou, II to Ijt-; Uailfurnu 15 to le. Sugnis Uolden C, Iie; .extra 0,5; dry xriiuulun-d, t,; oiibe, cnishtd and Pow dered, tiy& per pound. Deans-Small white, .Scrl; I'lnk bayos. $1 ?o; butter, .! CO; limns, Ji 00 per cental. Dried Prulls-.Thc market is llrm. Quo Que ted: Italian pruuo, 12X t" !!-", Petitt) and Uormttu, 1(X h.t pound; lnlslus, J- o0 per Ixix; plummei dried pears, II to ViW", mil dried and laelory pluais, 11 to 1; evupo mteu peaehos, 2lo; bmjrna tigs, IMe; California tlgs.'Jc per pound, Hire oXc per pouud. Hides Dry hides, b, to Se; Ji leis Tor oiilU; tireeu ovor 3j p.in.nN, -le; under & pounds, 3c; sheep lmlls, lciSl.uO. S.MOKKD MKATM AND l.AHD. Iiistern liaius, l'JJtolle; hrikfut ba con, W to llc;.sl0i, U to"l(io; lard, S to 10c per pound, SAN FitA.N'OISCO. 8an FiiASCibCo, Feb. . Wheat the week opened on n quieter nutikot. No. 1 white, Jl 17 to ;i i; choice 51 IJ;iHr cental. Hopsatf-SCc per ouiid. ltnilej Feed Sl80t U jr, ceuUil Jl 17; choice (Jl 12 to;,I, IT; imiumon grade Oats-Omyil s7tol !; black 51 SStol93 iwr coiita)' Onloiu..fdf:tol'l(, PotatoM..7Sc to Hi. MtOfclNKOUMMAHKWS. Chicauo, Feb. J5.-WooI C.M..n On ton, 10 to IAj; valley, 16 U).Ia pr pound lloef l.l e, 1 tnja 10; ilrMd, Ite. Muttou l.lvc, 1 to &o; drkMd c lhKS I.lve.6 18;dre-eil.Ns. fm 7 to ICVj pr smmt until rrost, i!HripUv prlew nt fr SBTIl S INQUlsT, KuiwliviU.ore. S. ERNS J Upholsterer. All wnrk,i:icr . 'liter ut-y ,r istis.i.Ii. don. iw uif vi ..r.u tnli - r'iape tmy mil. ui V, UU.i . $1 AVILLBUYA I.G'J !y.g;'.ti;rhw' rati Hoe , iHtwwst iui imwtilcry. T. Hl'HHOW8, N. B'CVwMirwii tn stela,. Capilal City Itesfauraat Jas. Batcholor, Prop'r. Wami!aiAli NaiM bl vrUMo kaWr A i4 MbialMU Wtl u) flv uutu pr uuwl MUD I-RONT Onirt tttrctt, Utwe Jounui tiffin ad Mtaui l.ivry LAND l.ei.hdciiKi,tdia . ntinu,; i,i funW. l,lu,K ,,, kinds oi farm lands at the k.st u.t h. Ahu c tv i't i ' urban property. L. C. FISHi- J, if, 7 p. 0. I IrCJ;sauI r mtM &fef?lL'. S5? 1ATT"- -'T.-.T' ' - J- 25c Want Column. N-tlees ln.unc l"l.r"iNK LIZNT PKH UlillD K.n'H IN.mtt'I iN. No ader- Hsi-m nt liwerledtu this uihimii for lc tlmn tweuty-llvb cents. i- jrOH S i I.B Two sqjtir,' plaiios for 4tlt U very chcap.alDlemoiid'snuuli. house, - ' r?OUNl).-A blind bildloon statu .Mieel,, t Hali-ni. Owner can el s owe by call-! Ing nt tills ollice and p.iylnt'for this notice FOU s vl II. A new hoiiMi contnlnlm; nine roMtns, nleelv sl'imtea iu llifju nnd Addition, mnnc-tcl with the city vaicrworksiind l convenient tostieet cir I.e. Term reasonable, Inqulie of il. J. iiirmnce, uortb we 1 Kiruea- or Renter ind Liberty s!reU. Si'l-lin J.iL',.NHilED Ilooms tur rent, with I cooklnc fi rllltiii!.. (1 per month. Cor ofTr do and Whiter streets. J. IS. Vun dcri 't. 3-3-1 w lUH 'M.'i I2Vj acres of land -1 miles i2 so'ilh of Salem. Knqulreut thlsotllee. s-a Im -pOTHAUK. A snfo, uentlo pony, for a L cow. jiiquirciillllis iiuic-V, z-w u A,TANTKr,- tfirl or woninn for Ren YY (fill s-iTMiiil work In a small family Appl or ntldniss villi refeiouieat Joi'it- XALofne. 4 f :KHAT BsllH VJN.- The best tS lino pte.-ai-n the-alcm i iniiie. Call and alk with U C Flutter, nest door to Post olllce, S:2l-lm 1TT-Xlitl i' Ml" oi to nel their clucks l i.urt wnli-lif. inAircl In I. I, Kinilier. io id ..ort ut.d i". nrti-K-. I "0 I'tie of rewrliy tnd Umo-plaH- on h-nd -it 110 Mate slrot. l.-'l.i.uv-tr 7"ANTKD. A pi't to work in a diuini; V ro.1111. Inoulreal bt. Paul Hestnu- Tiut. -':I-tf rr indkh(iap.ti:n: 11 rs. Pndzunm'D IV. I'll imary Schnol and lilndeigtrten lu ossloa room of the- Pao-by teilan Church. 411AHGAIN. A hotisomid two lots foi -alo In South Salem at only $MXJ. In reof W. 11. Slmpbou. ll:3-tf lTANTKI) An -ictlve, lellnhlo man V salary $70 to W0 inoutlily, with In- "iease, u r-p:esont In his m n section a rsDon Ible Now or'c houso, Helerencts- Ma'NUFACI'UKKI!, Lock Dos IM-'t, New York. f .loll SALU About three neres of land L mi Asjlum Avenue, good dwelllni! iiouie, eonMinleiitlv arranged; !ate barn, airitt.it ' u-ilol of fruit trees and shrub, heiy; viutenlenl toLleUite uiilwny, novel Lilllug water on prt allies. For partlcu In iv inqulie at second bauMiou rlglit hand -Ido of As mm A ionMK going lrom city. Ii!:llf WANTKiiTotradea town lot lu Capb U.l Patl: Addition for lumber, .v. DUnger, 12! Mill street. IltSU-lf DWNIias OF COW'S.-For service, n liunbre(t Ited Polled bull. Trims .i, oasli. At my place In Salem. .1. L. I'AUlllSH. 11-1-d 3UGD0N & ROORK: KsrI Ii-tnte Dealers. llush-llieymau block, tip stairs. DO YOU FAVOR Building up a Strong, Independ ent Paper for the People in Oregon ? A IMPKR THAT WMlTnOT SELL OLT rritMit flie Scat of Govcrnsnent MWIK AT THK lIKMKIi til" THK CAriTAL JOUJtNAI.. Uurlng the recent eslou of the leMa lure It wiu tlio only iwp.-r lu the state that nucked .uwerully Hie,Portlnrid rtlcui torshlplnOiwouiiollllos. It suec,.filv ppHlil tWUvlngthe AustmllHti Uillot lnwm thelnlertsot iuiil bovK. t. aavrKii th law oh it vwswli tfing MMiOroiioiiMiii.HMin.mmkwion p.wer to nxjitkikud retooabW rut s of freights andjpow.'r U euf .rce Us decisions ll llP. '"''17"'u",',l', retention of the old rHllritd(iniiiU' in (u, bet oua lined to enftiroe the l. It iMored lor all intu nrw tiicir-n rivers mid thus secure i,i.e Plto IU.- rlttht ui frr wnd unrestricted u-eof he water Hys. tr I't-ATKOHM. TMKi'AwtAi. Joumsal fmvors a reform ISJSfiV14 PMP. llieend I tilt U.e prnt nnruiv monnimly system of tupplylugitH lMAdquitiemirreuoy may be jaappUttlsa Uy the oxerouenl hinlmr db tlooholh !.irt fcn.i iT 1. '.' 2sr:swl,..,!2r '?. . Hd ! 'rVlr'ft'i Nfttie 0f Plrml .S(Unnu. as?k?b&s m-ifr pnv z-v " nmti K4,ilVl5&?TKriii-A.V ICiift,' ' V Sl 'S,-oWHt. k v . nK2areuivijtK ,; , . T l"w" npihlMllijy of Uwtl ldr iBoii.y, with u n Iwiw Uf- wbo llUMlv nr, or tte din ctlv ,iwtnai oi to t mui. hi 5iLUI':S!?..Jfr,0.B- TO!Li.,,i!f jr.r be uiV.. r-HCM flRHUv. Ihim J (U a.i. '- -" uTT hilfcvtt,- vnu " iiiwsn mm mh.'u, , ..K4-..TjL,i ;' whMtb " t ki ... am. . :..','! .. r.-'.r ::" "- - H SPRIAi' -. . , i . ; "; 'H r...: h v- f- - - t i. JVrP 1 ? 1 !."- i i i . "' '' sm wi , I'd. S sasBiflSgssesA ntnrr -.. -7.'piTiw iAi"iar s.'pv.s j-- mm$mmpm4zm i'lA'jrt J.ixrxlJ-iZ&4ti;i.il? f"i lXSr"j.ISHrr Arc Some People Kmn Ui They never look ahead nor think. People hi i known to wait till planting season, run to the grotenfc their Seeds, and then rejent over It for u months n: Cian stop and think what they will want for the la VICK'S SEEDS neier disapnom,. ;. .f6 I from the millicn? who have nlnnfpH thm tr.. or Ves-table Seeds, Planes, Bulbs, or annhiw fe line, MAKE NO MISTA KH this year, but si ceLtsfur VIck's Floral Guide, deduct the iott lcjue cmtai.ns three colored plates Grandest Vo j I tics ever offered, f loo in cash premiums to thoseta I club orders. $icoo cash prize it one of the S'ate F Km V.r4 sla .lina fs All ?.Tn1nH -lTflT .a H u..u,uu,..lv.UUww.u. -... -..'"-"i uiiierentsmMt,B ever before- too tiaires 8Xf x ia irn-fiM B JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, I J.V - 1LJUOB J J. H. HAAS, ' TIIE "WlTCIiAIAKl2B, jiciy rPn.n.,i.' c,i ,t n. ZI5S t-cmnie.i .. &. - a'cm, Oresw, -Su-Nt d,,,' " pl" ) "peclttty of f peel .cies, unci repalritt , Clocks. Wiite'i-esnod .le". uy , 0J !l l IVSlHANa l M iV I ,1 I i 1 1 l mrai,T V! ill Vl l,A Ftre ami i i"J " "" U- U r D, . (. W DKlJL.K'1, Atrn. socrn Onr- E. O. CV.OSS, Butcher aii'i fate, HtnteSt. nndOon-t -'. 'Mm bes meat, delivered to nil pai Is ! t b,i' i itv J. U. ! i; llliv, EXPRESS NO?". 16 & 21, Leave order at 11. M. ade A Co's. itj. liable vcork or m i ny. Kiv f 1 A IV fC K ,(r(C VMl 0lW5SJff - lhllVl.lUI ll(w I Apamphletof Information andab- stract oi tne ans,suovvint; lltw toj vuntain i-.ucnts, invcnii. Trade salaries, uoprrixiita, sent Jrec, . AdJr.M H1UNN U. CO.sbl b 1 11 ron it ,s ny, s2w . flew urL. jl.JJSV-if u THE ODELL TYPI WRITER. J-.M will buy the Odeh, 'I"wk WKirrR .'lth 7o char.tcters, and 315 for lbe Si.ngu. CSEOni.r.T., warranted to do better work th.iunu maculae marie. It combines Snii'LiciTV with DuitABli iT,fsi-KnD, Kase ol Oi'KUATioN wtars miitrer without cost of icpuirinK tlmn kdt otl.ir luachine. 11ns m ink nbbon to botlur the operator. Ills neat, stdivtac t till, nickel plated, pevlect and adapted to till kinds of lypo v, ritlng. Like a printlnt pies-., It pioduces sharp, clem.. legiWe nianufcrlpt. Two or tin coptts tun vt nijuli at one wrltipe Arj In.el i. iiitir hnr. cm btcimictin oreiaior iu ' ) eoilc-rHtifO to ..t.y ipimtfr ln' "n equal the worlt ol tlie Is-tn K lAr Opei.l. , Kellable Agents and iUmm w,it.lil. Special Inducement to oenlers For pamphlet Elvlns indoiement, t, nddivsi ODF.LL T l'fc It PI r K '-,;. S.) and 87 Sth Ave. I liuaKO.III. fti'jOlt Animal Sflionl Election. VTOT1C.E Is hereby eirnthut tbeirsjUr 1 annual school ckrt u n tc distilct No. -Jl, Mai mil court) W Kou, .will be held nt he, its vwn house in the cltv of s-nl tn. "ii Monday .March !, A. 1). ls'Jl, for tne pi n'-f lt' lui; one director lor the turn 'I tnrt years; one school clerk foi tbeurnioioi year, Mild eltctlan to l.igin a .oinrtP in. and continue until b p. tn i n'1" ?,' 1 It mMIIUi Cluirmtoi lUutrdui Direccs. i.viiesi.i . , ,v ' W.ll.SIMfsO.N.CVt This Febiuary 2li, ItAlt. M.J.PATl'O.M.ft lildiiilgc Bkck, LUk o.-id. DNeases of women mid clsildie.i i and jihtvute dlsonsti. A SPECI.UTY- Iti olllco day uud n ,ht free. C iC-t! Do Toy hi A Newspjirx!- thut Is 1 'i pendent; tliomiuro '' I ' the tool of any ouef M.iuh. WEEKLY CAPITAL Ji Published ut the State Cap ' peryenr, six mntlis76o, .on u u -Brigbt NewsyFi- ii - Il ooiitai-'U The Jiattlo of the iv"1 A(j a hist J'littodOt And Low i p The Rank Pretens'ons uft'Jv gans of the Mor'f1 . It l iwtt a hxmioi ' ' '" ',' i Its lnrtne to b n.J i : ', , foot. ItH not tw i i ' 7' ,, BT pollUetftB. I- "-' , ' j ltdrwa. -,.' 1'uUllslitI Kvr Wui'lcdut.luh z&KZS.- wr v r m J"Uoior . u a Uubof in nf -" I j l. . KIII.K.V, nl one oopv ' o" '"' M4ti-w. ous year for fi n $fmmv&mmiMtiaum&iMMM t-ow' 'tw-issFtaStV- " "3 HHffHMyw iA-iwH t" n t