Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 07, 1891, Image 1

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NO. 314
98 State Street. -:- For 10 Days Only.
M Boxes of Crane's, Hard's and Brainbridge's Fine Stationery Reduced From
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Office, Commercial Street, In l O. UulUttng
Kntcred at the postofflco nt Hulcm,Or.,as
Biccnd-clnFF li.Mtt).
261. COMMJSECSAI. "Ll? 3S IEE E3 T .
B 1 I IL-ai!Ua9
Of all kinds Pianos, Organs, Violins,
Guitars, Banjos and Mandolins, (whole
ale and retail) over 800 of the latest and
most popular SHEET MUSIC.
lfyou contemplate the purchase ot a mil
isical instrument write to us for an illus
trated Catalogue by mail.
p, H. EASTON & Uo., 3IU lOin'l si , oaitm, or.
Is Offering a Large, Well Grown Stock ef
Small Kru.it.
At Low Prices,
ite Keeping Winter Apples a Specialty -
Ualogue and Price-List free. Address or cull on wlKTiiUUS.,
Office 292 Cuuimerclal street, Salem.
The Oregon Land Co.,
-with Its-
Commercial Street.
The Best for the Money all the Time.
Jas. Aitkbn,
Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Feeds,
Fresh and true to name.
The Orungb Storo,
12$ State St., Salem, Or.
Hilif wmi
Largest Stock of Trees injhe Northwest
':0 Pro.
!( ''' Crwford Peach.
a'j.000 Esopus Spitzenberg.
isj.oou uravenieiH in-
Home Otoe a
(In the Stute Insurance Building)
and brunch offices in Portland, Astoria and Albany,
Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Fauns; also
City and Suburban Property.
The Oregon Laud Co. was especially organized for the purpose of buying
and sub-dividing large tracts of laud, and has during the past two years
bought and subdivided over 3,200 acres into
Five to Twenty Acre Parcels
The success of this undertaking is shown in the fact that out of 280 tracts
placed t.u the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ten acres of
choice land in Fruit,
Will Yield a Larger Income
than 160 acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. We also make valuable
improvements in the way of roads, clearing the land, fences, etc. We
can sell a small tract of land for the same price per acre as you would
have to pay for a large tarm.
Send for Pamphlet and Price List.
Vibrating Shuttle No. 2
U&GE yr0CK
iu.uw '"":.:.':: i..,.Aii
"j iTawrord Peach. 2-5,000 Yellow .-ewiowu .,-
orpark and Royal Apricot. 15,000 Beu Davis Apple
J H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon.
rinpnouMiwlirn of Vibrating Shuttle Machine Is the latest develop
...en? of U.atSgula? prlSle"utainl..gsiecIalpa.enU,di.nprove,nents,
" ut The lightest running machine In the market. ,,,,.,
id-The jimpleVt machine in the world. It requires absolutely no
3d -The oanly Vibrator that makes a perfect stitoh-a result heretofore at
V..if.if in fmrillv machines on y by our OHClllutor.
4th- The oily VlbrotorTb cl, can !. lightest to heaviest cot on
vhhoiit change of tension, covering the whole range of family
ii. ti... nt nflior mnnl.liiA nt If a nlflkfl.
i" !! SKhrn h it right.
S Ku-aihuAtdorHbotMmlvihU the machine I run
XfnltM" No fastening necessary; It .toy- wherever you
St TneU Mlinate Perfection of a simple family ,-ewli.g in.
omne MUJtT CASE, Agent, tit", Commercial strwt.
Ifm Truck & Dray Co. gUSiS
Iron ,.. - I flr'UUi.''rt
Innnrv l flcerltateHt."H'1tei:
lbrnf sSV ?d truc" m"y fo"nd throughout the day nt
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co.,
Sasli Doors, DliuOs & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing.
' . .iiwuo JtnLblnr '0, to order- . . ,
". ur.r ktp full mppiy of MtuooKl itock irfsll
'$& i- wK "' J,"n " fc"ew' urn
Three days of clear white sun
shine have put all In a spring
motion. Our bodies feel that Ian
guidity and desire to desist from all
exertion. Our spirits would soar up
wards luto elyslan fields and recline
on beds of roses. Fancy and mem
ory play hide and seek In tho best
disciplined minds. The lawyer looks
over hlsyeliow-Btalned volumes into
green lields afar. Tho banker fain
would turn from counting cwh to
chasing buttertlies. Car-drivers
have souls and would willingly be
converted luto flower-gathering ur
chlus once more on holiday. The
pale clerks at their posts of duty,
walling on custonicraor clicking the
type-writer, sigh for a day among
tho turfs and swelling buds of
meadow and forest. No sound hath
charm for weary spirits equal to the
music of the rippling brook. The
soul is soothed more by the various
sweet and homely voices of nature
than all tho splondors and glories of
Tho balm of spring, the hopeful
skies of Easter, the bright sunshine,
singlug birda and springing flowers
arouse us to newer, nobler, ellbrts.
Though tho body may feel like in
dulging indolence, the soul and
spirit array themselves In new dress.
They shake the dust of winter and
prepare for higher flights. "Yes
spring's come agiu'says the pioneer
whoso head is white as tho snowy
leuk of Alt. Hood. "Ivo seen forty
of 'em in this valley. No two just
alike. But they suit me. Hain't
got no fault to And. I reckon I'll
be allowed to oomo to town awhile
yet If I urn getting old. Spring
weather don't ellect me as it used to.
It's pretty much all the samo to me
whether it's winter or spring in this
climate. Tho winters deal gently
with us old folks hero In Oregou. It
is an old-folks country. Wo don't
put up chipper llko for all tho now
improvements a going In the coun
try now. Wo used to put up foi
everything when there was., t any
thing hero but country." So In
takes it easy, smokes his plpe.drlnks
Mm toddv. suns himself with a
friend, or talks politics on a corner.
And who shall say nay? Not wo,
Tho springtime is a sutison of youth
and rejoicing. Rut no season
is a timo to forget Ihoso enter
ing tbo closo of tho hun.au year.Thej
are entitled to our best thoughts,
our purest affection, our undying re
spect, coufldenco and devotion.
They gave us their best lovo w hen
wo wero only a burden to them.
They made pleasant tho springtime
of our lives. Their whole hope being
centered in us before they know that
we would even bo able to walk alone.
t,i.. iih strew tho nath that leads
down toward the dark valley with
tho flowers of lovo. Who can do too
much. "I can novor trample under
foot my mother's belief In God"
said an Infidel to ub tho other day.
"She brought me up In her holy
faith. She died In It, and If there is
a Jinrpntler. everv good deed I do
tells mo that Is to my credit in the
world to come and It will please my
mother if she" can know of it. My
ronnoii repudiates HiiuorHtltlnn but
my heart clings to my mother's
teachings in childhood." Who
would knowingly wound the feelings
of an old father or mother? J Jo you
or be you not a demon, better Htrlke
a knife Into your own heart, than
mar with pain or anguish the clos
Ing days of life to those that bore
you. Perhaps they might have done
better by yon. They might have
filled tho spring time of your life
with more of the sunshine of better
advantages. Perhaps they could
have given you a better education, a
liner character. Ro that as It may,
we must conclude that they did the
best with tho powers given them.
They employed their God-given
powers as beat they knew to do and
gratitude Is their due, and your
duty, Tho spring season awakens
tho fouutulns of lovo In human
hearts. Let Its perfume not all go
out as incense to selflghnettg. Let a
llttlo be spared to those who have
not gold to buy our love with.
charges, the editor and the paper.
At the term of grand jury just
closed the accused county officials
themselves asked a thorough Inves
tigation of the (!hnrges,of their books
and methodsof oharglngand collect
ing fees. Tho grand Jury, composed
of men whose high character has not
been questioned except by this edi
tor, again exhonerated tho gentle
men and, their report wo published.
The paper Is not content assailing
tho olllclals continually after show
ing Itself utterly unable to provo its
case against them, but seeks to Con
vey the false Idea that tho jury was
packed and that this .UnmXAi, Is
covering up alleged Illegal official
practices. We do not propose to
enter any defence but as the con
stant barking of a cur will at length
make anyone believe there Is game
In tho tree, so we feel compelled to
notice him here.
We believe more In deeds than In
professions and wind-work without
results. Tho Jouuxm, would not
shield, protect or d efend any coun
ty or state official If facts could De
had sustaining publicly made
charges. It oltered to join in any
slucero and well-directed ello.t to
convict any such officials before tho
public, at least If any facts could bo
furnished. Rut none wero forth
coming. Ttio fact ls,if tho young man could
nrove a single item of malfeasance
of $1 or ?o, or oven Co cents against
dipt. Rabcock, sherill Crolsan or
their deputies, there Is plenty of law
to convict then, of the crime. Tho
youug man has lived In this county
all his life and so liavo the gentle
men he makes his charges against.
Having failed twice to make a case
where it is easiest made, beforo tho
grand jury, and apparently without
a single tact to support his charges,
It is time for him to do something or
shut up. It is poor policy In Jour
nalism or politics to publish ii.ouii
tains of insinuations and bring forth
not even a mouse. Wo propose 11 t
going Into such enterprises unless
reasonably sure of success. 1 1 Is bet
ter not to undertake such business,
than go In and fall. It destroys all
the Influence for good of a news
paper or public man to lndulgo such
fruitless expeditions. Better not
carry your war into Africa than to
come back without a single Cartha
ginian scalp. Tho young man at
Woodburn Is not more honest and
Incorruptible than other citizens
may bo if they had good bringlng-un.
His paper Is Independent in so far as
it makes war on republicans only,
its independunce consists solely In
making capital for democracy. Ho
allows himself to bo made a stool-pig
eon for men whoseonly aim In life
is to down a republican by means
fair or foul. Ho will learn in time
that such Is not true Independence.
Better bo independent enough to
avow that you have political convic
tions, ore man enough to stand by
them, and then bo Independent
enough to not allow your partisan
prejudices to lead you Into wionglng
any man, public or private clll.on
tho' ho may be.
This alleged highly moral Inde
pendent Journal at Woodburn has
on several accaslons been strangely
silent when tho people's Interests
were Involved. It was too busy
airing Its trumped up charges to de
vote any space to tho Salon, county
bridge frauds, or to help people's
measures beforo the legislature. It
can only peep along certain lines of
policy supposed to bo the pet Ideas
of a lew demagogs, and Is Indlflerent
to all else that tho pooplo are Inte
rested In. It represents tho demo
cratic politicians for icveutio much
bettor than tho interests of tho
fanner and we have no ambition to
rival its alloctlous or become jealous
of Its conquests. Wo apologi.o for
devoting so much space to It but self
defence against misrepresentations
at times is nociwiiiry.
present cx-chancollor ot Germany,
publlshsd a llttlo documerlt, which
showed neither more nor less than
that tho emperors of Germany and
Austria had formed an alliance with
the king of Italy nine years before
to provent jUBt such a warllko oper
ation as the czar was about to in
augurate. Tho cohorts wero with
drawn and tho czar becamo more
unpopular than over beforo. Ry
tho statesmanship of tho Iron chan
cellor tho -Franco-Russian alliance
became n still-born child; and tho
peace of Europo was not disturbed,
although tho conditions which
brought on tho conflict aro not re
moved. Out of tho mouths of about20,000
cannons tho peace of Europo
stares nt tho nations. Tho Idea that
a bloody war la lnevltablo In Europo
has formed itself into tho one great
expectation of all nations. It lies
llko a cold chill on the classes who
l.aTo to furnish tho money and tho
blood which Is to bo shed for tho
glory of a system which can bo
prolonged only by real or prospective
war. Premier Rlsmarck prevented
war and bloodshed by foreseeing tho
coining oveuts, and slnco tho peaco
which ho dictated to tho Frouch
nation at their own capital, the
destiny of Europo has rested ex
clusively in his bauds. This was
the situation when William tho
second took posesslon of tho throne,
which had been occupied by his
beloved father for so short a time.
This young ruler could not endure
tho fatherly hand of Count Ris
niarck. Ho folt himself strong
enough to govern tho empire with
out Its creator. Tho mighty old
chancellor was kindly Informed
that his resignation was expected
at tho Imperial court, that ho might
retire to his estate in Poinn.orania.
Ho resigned aud retired and llko all
old politicians who never resign
willingly and never dio cheerfully,
ho now acts as critic over tho rulings
of his successor and over tho edicts
of tho young emperor. This Is
considered a gross violation of diplo
mats discipline, aud tho man who
drove Graf Arnlni from homo and
fatherland for writing a letter to a
bishop of tho Roman ohurol. is now
writing letters to his pot newspapers
criticising tho acts of tho young
emperor, who In every respect Is an
apt pupil of the old chancellor, ami
who refuses to bo a moro autou.au
in the hands of the self-willed old
man. During tho last two mouths
tho controversy botweou thu dlll'or
cut newspapers became so provok
ing to the emperor that ho sent for
tho court attorney to receive legal
advlco In caso ho should bo com
pelled to prosccuto tho old chan
cellor for breach of diplomatic disci
pline. Tho publication of facts which for
years wero sacred court secrets, nnd
which no other person but old Rls
marck could know,aro proof enough
1 thai the old man Is tattling to ro-
vongo himself on those who In
trigued against him to speed his
downfall. Rlsmarck Is still popular,
but tho young emperor Is moro pop
ular than tho retired chancellor.
The good citizens reel rather gloomy
over tho rupture In high places, and
tho socialists and anarchists aro re
joicing over a conflict which broke
out In a direction whero it was least
expected. Catholic priests aud
bishops aro highly elated over the
downfall of tho originator of the
Alay laws, which cost many of then,
a lucrative Income. The true friends
of tho old chancellor sufl'er under a
deep pe.pluxlty because the greatest
statesman of Europo lacks tho great
attribute which Is necessary to win
for him a sacred Immortality. His
patriotism Is now doubted. There
are us great and ns wlso statesmen
us (leorgo Washington, but our
American hero outranks them all.
l - i- - e
lowan'n View of Salem.
The following Is gleaned from a
letter written by Mr. J. L. Ashby.
of North Salem, to tho Sun, of Red
Oak, Iowa, where ho formerly lived;
'I like this country first-rate, and
Hud the peoplo friendly. There an
a great many Iowa Hoplo here;
most of the new coiners aro from
fowa, Kansas and Nebraska.
Sulum Is the capital of Oregon, as
well uh the county seat of Murion
county, which h- one of the most
productive counties in the state.
Salem has about 12,000 population,
having Just about doubled In jMipu
latlou In the past 10 years. It has
no big boom, but Is growing steadily
and healthily. It Is on the Willam
ette river, and wuterpower furnished
by tho river is used by numerous fuo
torles,luclud!iig u large woolen mill,
extensive pluiilugiullls,two flouring
mills, soverul fotiudrlusaud machine
shops, and un Ice fuctory.
The Wlllatnulte university, a
Methodist college, is located here.
Besides the capltol, Sa'em hus the
state asylums for the Insane, deaf
aud dumb, blind and soldiers' or
phans, the stute penitentiary, and a
mure safe in any other country than t u, , trulnlng school for Indian
his own. A wur with Turkey or Lhlldren. Tho surrounding country
with Austria might Improve te Uuurloulturul. Tho soil Is rich and
eritleul eomlltloi) at Inline, but In j productive aud good for almost all
spite of an army of two million Htm grains. Winter wheat Is
lssociatetl Press Report and
Digests of all Important
News of To-Day.
Los Anoklks, Cal. March 7. la
tho U. S. court yesterday morning
a decision was reudored iu tho case
of tho United States against the
Southern Paclflo railway company,
tho court giving Judgment for tho
railroad. Tho caso Involves a largo
area of lands claimed by tho govern
ment tohavobeon illegally patented
to tho railroad company by reason
of being embraced In tho limits of
a Mexican grant. Tho government
also claimed that the consolidation
of tho Southern Faolflo with other
railroad companies was illegal, and
that tho right to earn tho grant by
constructing tho road could not pass
by assignment to tho consolidated
company. Couusol for tho govern
ment gave uotlco of appeal to the bu
prenio court of tho United States.
San Fhancibco, March 7. While
the ship L. J. Morso was discharg
ing her cargo of coal Into a barge,
tho barge capsized and 100 tons of
coal valued at ?18 a. ton wero lost in
tho bay.
Nuw Yohk, AIurch7. Tho Pa
clllo Mail Lino steamship Newport,
which arrived hero yesterday from
Colon, brings information that work
has been resumed on the Panama
Wasiunoton, March 7. Tho
cruisers Philadelphia and San
Francisco, havo boon formally ac
cepted by tho secretary of tho navy.
Kkoicujc, Iowa, March 7. Dan
Porter, sentenced to bo hung for
murder at Qulnoy, 111., March 20,
and who escaped from jail Sunday,
shot himself yesterday to evade cap
ture. NOT J. WII.K13 HOOTIt.
Seattlk, March 7. J. M. Carson
The monarch who Is now in pos
session of iiki'o square m lies on tho
continent of tho so-called old world,
and who rules over more millions of
civilized and uncivilised people
than any other crowned head of
Europo Is at present the inont cm
barrussud iersou in his own empire
as well as In the realms of other
rulers. The reader will fee at a
glance that we have In mind the
emperor or the cwr of Russia.
As an absolute ruler und a mili
tary despot he would tour high If
his wings were not clipped by his
own subjects, who would rather
fight against him than for him.
The disturbed attitude of the social
condition of the Russian empire is
the sufuguurd of peace iu Europe,
Rejecting the Idea of giving lIseo
ple a constitution with a representa
tive government, the czar has for
feited the love and confidence of his
people, and he has worked himself
into sued a condition that he U
afruld of his own shadow and feels
The charges of a weekly paper
that certain county officials have
been guilty of taking UlegalTees hus
again fulleu through. For over
a year a weekly puper has Isen
ohargiug this official crime
against our republican county offi
cials severally and collectively. At
tho October term of grand Jury the
editor went before that body with
his charge und-ulleged facts, wl.luh
he hud been Industriously publlah-1 Idlers, he rannot commence a war
Ing broad-oast In hi paper, nnd clr-i u any direction. He made a wur
oulatlng personally and by mouth of' k (limoiitrutUin against Austrlu
political opponents if thee officials- two years sg-, -ut when he began
Tli mnri Inrv fiillml lllH lietiUMil- ...udmr l.i. illvikliinn nti (tin llnorif
tlnrw Inefficient and Ignored the Gallcla and Poland, RUmurck, the ' aud feel much, better
grown lurgily. Tho couutry Is very
pretty. There are a good uiauy or
chards and the fruit here Is tho
tluest 1 ever tasted. I like the ell-
mute hero much better than lows,
stated that ho could not bnllovo tint
Rov. J. G. Armstrong, who recently
died In Athnta, Ga., and who was
reported to bo J. Wilkes Rooth,
was really that noted assassin. Mr.
Carson wus well acquainted with
Armstrong during 1801-2 and 1803,
when ho was tho minister of tho
United Presbyterian church at Sid
ney, Ohio. In the latter part of 1803
Armstrong went to St. Louis nud
took charge of u church there.
Ills Inclination Tor drink was, how
over, so strong that ho was called
upon to resign, and ho then woiH
south. During tho last fow years he
has been engaged in lecturing
through tho Southoru states and
nearly ovoryono know him.
Mr. Carson saw him during his
visit last year to his old homo lu
Sidney, and talked with him.
Tho scar on his leg which is re
ferred to in tho dlspatches.ls caused,
ho says, from u white swelling, from
which ho bus beeu lumo slnco hla
SiiATTiii:, Mar. 7. Edwin Tonkin,
city agent of tho Northern Paclflo
railroad in this city, was arrested
lust ovcKiug for embezzlement. He
Is said to be (5000 short In his ac
counts. The money wus lost In
gambling. Tonkin hus hitherto born
an excellent reputation, und stood
well with the company. It IsBtutcd
that the Northern Paclflo will at
tempt to force tho gambling houses
to return the money won from Ton
San Johk, Mar. 7. Superintend
dent Wheeler says that It Is now a
settled fact that tho Otay Watch fac
tory will rcinovo hero from San
l)logo,tho necessury amount of stock
having beeu taken. When tho loca
tion has been decided upon the work
of removal will be commenced ut
once und It will bo but a short tlma
beforo Sun Joso made watches will
be seen in the leudlug shops of tho
Wasiunoton, Mar. 7. The com
n.lHsloners of the general laud office
yesterday Iw-uud Instructions to the
register and receiver at tho laud of
Hoe at Lu (Jrundo, Oregou, In regard
to'the sule of a portion of tho Umu
tlllu Indian reservation. Tho com
mlsilouer says tho law directs these
lauds to be ollered for salo to the
highest bidder ut no lt-ss than the
aunralbcd value, and In uo caso at
loss than U.25 per iu-re. Tho lauds
are olusslfk-d as timbered aud uu
tluibered, and the amount allowed
to each purchuer Is limited lo 100
acres of untlmbeml laud. No per
sou will be permitted to purchase
timbered lauds unless he IsulsO'the
purel.uirer of untlmbert-d holds. Tho
Instructions state that the terms of
payment for uiillmberod lands ure
one-third of the piirohase price cash
uud two-third in two years from
the date of the sule with lnleivstat
the rule of five per cent. Land of
lUts ure Instructed, to cull attoutlou
. -c aim i o.ninercui etreelB.