Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 18, 1891, Image 3

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.. i...i i..,.oc i;itinrl and
lsso''i:uni ii i
Digests of all Imporiam
Vws of To-Day.
MN MiAMisco, Ftb.lS.-Wheat
,,,,. -At clcse, W11C1U easy;
I l.OSKD ITS wuuxvo.
Kw Yokk, Feb. I8.-TI10 Amer-
, .n 1 Cr. rf NfilV
kin Loan ana irusi. -.. -
rtrfc. has Just closed Itenoom. .nu
, .... of the failure was a
Imuieuiaio ...-
demand for lar Rraouut '
Khlch tbe trust company could not
The general filing is mat
L company can pay depositors In
full, and have a balance left.
roo k.vi of DASCisa.
f.l.l. ID !l.,n XT-il llrt
VMON, Jm "' '-"u X1CIIIC
KVekh, a .v"DS lm,y wno lms L,een
Snlleriitf sine' New Year's with
SU111I wnfusil'Si tlied this morn.
L T1-. . - ii'.i rlnnntlir ID ncLli.linll
'JUL', filBO'l"! UUUIIH), lO Uljjll.U
las tbe euiwJ "flier tumble.
Washington, Feb. 18. Tbe
ouse coinage committee bus adopted
resolution to close the hearings at
iooii, Friday, and to vote on the
liver bill at one o'clock that day.
The house proceeded to the eousid-
ratlon of the Indian appeopriation
ill. An amendment o carry into
fleet au allotment agreement with
hi t'ceur d'Alene and other tribes
f Indiana was agreed to. The bill
as then passed.
Omaha, Feb. 18. It is semi-lncl-lly
reported that the pui chasing
'.epartmi-nt of the Union Pacific
nd JIo. Pacific railways will be
wusulidatert, with Abram Gould,
lalf brother to J.y Gould, as pur
chasing agent.
gerously Hooded, and a ruu-arouud
300 yards in length, has been built to
prevent an outflow.
Toi'eka, Feb. 18. Secy. Mohler,
of the state board of agriculture, has
received encouraging report b about
the condition of wiuter wheat
From present Indications the crop of
Kansas for 1891 will be an uuusally
largo one.
nuitiED in a lanusudi:.
Seattle, Feb. 18. A man named
Johusou, foreman of a construction
gang on the Great Northern railway,
was killed yesterday in a landslide
near Ilichmond iieacb, a few mile)
north of Beattle. The men were re
turning from dinner to work in a
cut when they observed that au em
bankment of sand and gravel was
sliding. Tbe men hastened to a
place of safety, all escaping except
Johnson, who was caught in the
avalanche, and buried deeply.
afifiriBa Bifctia
Killed While Car Conplin
-cd jeurnal: xesieruay your,
paper gave a trief account of the 1 St. Valentine's Eve was celebrated
killing of a brakeman in Alblua heie with a very pleanaut dance.
while coupling cars. The death or 1 Fifteen couples tripped Ihu light
New York, Feb. 18. A letter
from Havana, Cuba, gives an ac
count of a cold blooded murder by
the Cuban government on tbe 17th
hist. Four prisoners, it is said, weie
shot down in cold blood, and a
young wife who was attending to
her baby mortally wounded.
Senator Bquire ou Monday invited
the president to visit Puget Sound
w hen he made his trip to the Pacific
coast. The president said he had
not yet determined what course he
would puisue.
Gov. Sibley, the flist governor of
Miuuesotu, died in St. Paul to-day
The American Loan & Trust Co.,
of New Yoik, has just closed its
The Recorder, a new daily jour
nal, appeared in NewYork this mor
ning, comprising 12 pages, indepen
dent in politics. It is edited with
the highest available talent, and am
ply equipped in every department.
Its finaucial success is regarded as
Gen Schofield has received a dis
patch from Count do Paris, express
ing his grief at the death f Gen.
The New Yoik Post reneWH its
attack ou Senator Quay, and says
such a denial as he made has no
value in law or morals.
mutilation of railroad employes
while thus engaged is a mutter of
sickening frequency. This l a use
less waste of life and limb, because
automatic couplers are in useou
some lines which work successfully.
The objection to their universal in
troduction on care is the expense
involved; money is weighed aalust
human life. To remove tlii-i o jec
tion how would it do losc.ile d iwn
the salaries of some of the highest
lailnud officials and apply tho Riv
ing ellected to protecting the lives of
the operative-? Tho railroad presi
dent who receives $o0,000 to $75,000
a year for his services, could man
age to get along on half that sum,
and the other general o Ulcers could
remit a proportion of their pay in a
humane cause. Corporations have
no souls it is true, but lawa passed
by the various state legislature
making every such fatal occurrence
manslaughter, and every such case
of mutilation mayhem, and declar
ing the directors of the road guilty
of the otrence, would bring the re
sponsible parties to a realizing
sense of their duty. It is time pub
lic opinion was waked up on this
matter. F, L.
Sr PwEKsni'iio, Fob. 18
Mow, a JVwIih ph
tOwlrtEiuii'iuii'li living in (Jrod-
Ow, hate been une'.ted and exiled
f)rtirn years forw tiding to the gov-
Brumeut, in behalf of a Jewish eoiu-
amity, a petition demanding it-
fros for an outrage committed by a
iKufciau doctor named Graud'oski. i
no 13 charged with having branded j
Itesubmission in North Dakota
1 w:in defeated in the stale benate on
I'msday by a vote of 18 to 12.
Edwin S. Stewart, republican,
was elected major of Philadelphia
nfi 'PnitCl.n- nvf.l' T.nfltint. floinnfit-nf
l-ii-iail, mid i . .,., , ,, ' '
wj' tu,uuu iuujuiiiy.
Another woman has been found
in London with l.er throat cut, and
now (he police authorities begin to
i(iK stiun whether thedruuken sailor
I hey hold, charged with the murder
ijf "Cinoty Nell," is the veritable
Jack tho Ripper.
The i-re.ident and all the mem-
be word "thief" 111 three languages ,, TlIlMjuv for New York to take
pou the fur-head of u Jewish boy jpa.it in Gen. Sli- rman's funeral.
ho was accused of h viiU stolen a ! ,umca B. DI1Bi,v. wooi nommis-
mall fiuantitv of fi-u f Tim ,.ti. I :. .. . .,,.,r,.i.n.i r ninn u n,i.-
. --w - - -..... uu ,n .,.- Kiifii iin iitiuu. ... A'aiuii .a uuui,i
arrest, charged ' with embezzling
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch an
nounces that an accident occurred
today on the Illinois Central near
Jackson, Tenu., in which several
peisons were killed and a number
lion set forth that the case would
p.te the indignation of the civi-
lizu world.
PARi-j.Feb. 18. Le Figaro says
imarck ha sent his important
locumenU to London in view of
' possibility of his being prone-
utw for utterances on publicaflalrs
London-, Feb. 18.-A serious ncoi-
Pnt occurred this evening at 1'ruedt
flDCtion, On tho Metrnnnlltn TTn.
e"'uuu railway. It i l.unni.
iu 11. 11 . .
'-' uuu 10 learn
Tho 1800 assessment roll for the
city of Astoria has mysteriously dis
appeared from the auditor's office
with about $0000 uncollected taxes
thereon. It has been missing for
about a week.
Thomas Jeters, a brakeman on the
Uuion Pacific, struck a Chinaman,
one of a section gang, over the head
with a shovel, in Pendleton a day or
two ago, the Chinaman dying tho
next day. Jeters is at large, but of
ficers are after him.
The Long Creek Eagle tells that
C. V. Sweek while driving horses
over the range, was unhorsed and
thrown violently to tho ground
through his horse stumbling. The
animal was dashed against a rock
and had his skull tVactuicd.
Morrow county sheep buyers are
offering 2,50 per head for wethers
after shearing.
La Grande Giizette: No consider
able difficulty has as jet been en
countered from snow along tho rail
road track hereabouts. Numerous
hands have been employed shovel
ing, however, thus preventing de
fantastic till a late hour. One of
the most enjoyable features of the
occasion was the supper served by
Mrs. Smith; it was thoroughly en
joyed. The young people hope for
a repetition ot the hop in the near
Saturday night at the school
house, au Interesting literary pro
gram was glveu. After which, oc-
cuitvd a spirited debate. The
question was "Resolved, That liquor
destroys more men than war." which
the judges awarded to the affirma
tive. The question for debate for
next Saturday night was chesen:
"Resolved, That there is more pleas
ure in tho pursuit than In the pos
session of wealth." Some pretty
good speakers were chosen on euch
side, and au Interesting time is an
ticipated. Dr. Chas. C. Curtis, of Salem, who
is here for his health, is feeling much
better, and may soon return to
Tho Endeavor Society Is prosper
ing very nicely here, six uew mem
bers being taken into the society
last Sunday.
During the past week, Mr. Arthur
Wyatt and wife have moved from
Salem to their farm near here.
Mr. Post, recently from Nebraska,
has decided to make Mehama his
headquarters. He is telegraph ope
rator ut Lyons.
Next Thursday evening the W. R.
C. will give an entertaiument of a
literary nature, for the benefit of tho
G. A. II. post,
Ralph Terrel is here, from Bishop
Scott academy, spending a few days
with his graudpaiculs, Mr. and
Mrs. Smith.
Journal Editorial Headquarters,
Legislative Assembly. J
The house needs wise leadership
to save lt measures before the sen
ate. The senate lias again tritid to force
tlie city hall commission upon a
house which once lias unanimously
decided to Indefinitely postpone.
As an evidence of their good will,
confidence and esteem, the holdover
senators Tuesday eveuiug presented
State Printer Frank C. Raker, with
one of those large, handsome photo
graphs of the sonntors, taken by
Chcrrlngtoti Rros. Senator Alooro
made the presentation speech.
The house is uot indulging any
"trades" or "deals." The senate
must pass or kill the house railroad
bills ou their own responsibility and
upon the merits of those measures.
If tho house falls to get its meas
ures treated with respect by tho sen
ate, it will bo largely because the
house did uot organize under a boss
and enforce its discipline. Speaker
Ueer decllues to act tho part of a
boss, or to favor or recognize any
bossisin in the house.
There will bo no mileage paid more
cheerfully by the stato of Oregon
thau that upon which the seuators
will ride home, and if they kill the
house railroad bills no free transpor
tation will be furnished more cheer
fully by the corporations.
The $400,000 Raley portage rail
way bill should uot be considered in
the house if the senate refuses to
consider the house railroad bills. It
is a local measure while the house
bills are for the whole state.
At a recent meeting of the school
principals in San Fiancisco the
statement was made that theiewas
an average of 4000 vucant seats in
the public schools of that city, and
that during the last five ye.ns there
had been a falling ofl" in school at
teudanc". At Wardeu, in the Ccuiir d'Alene
mines on Monday, Ed Cook was in
stantly killed. A mil iug car, loaded
with timbers, upon whirh three men
were riding, In defiance of t lit-order
of the shltt hov-, got away fiom tin
grip on u steep gu.de and went
thundering to the bottom. Two of
the men leaped into a enow bunk
and were unhurt, but Cook'b head
struck on a piece of timber and his
skull was crushed.
The Walla Walla Agricultural
society has decided to hold a fcpiiug
race meeting from June 24th to the
27th inclusive. Puisen amounting
to $5000 will be offered.
better hist.
The following is the list of letters
remaining uncalled for In the post
office at Salem, Feb. 18, 1891. Per
sons calling for the same will please
say "adveitlMMl."
Alton TC 1 A1iiiiidir Geo
Archibald Jas Blackwell W H-2 80 fur'
Rarklev A R Raty A H
Rarr G W Rlackmen Win
Reelor O H Rell Miss F
Recket A Belt Geo W
Bingham Mrs W Bishop Geo W
Bolton John H Boydstone Jasper
Roosby Miss L Rurley Chas
Bursord Sluimati Blow 11 O J
Brown J W-2 Chase Miss Ida
Clark W T Confinen J C
Cox litbau Conswell Miss E
Crosby David Church Geo II
Clytner G W Elklns W S
EdmuiiHon Anna Earns. A
Fullei ton Nellie Goulette Mathias
Helm Mrs E M Kelly Will J
Khretenson Geo Kyle Mr and Mrs
Lawson Mrs E Levar P C-2
Lucin P Luclen Mrs L
Martin Mrs A Martin Mrs R.3
MarriuMre A M Miller J C
Myer S W Moore Chas
MooueyJiio MoBowell AlrsO
McDonald MlssFNewiiiim Miss O
Owen W L Page Thus P. ,
Phillips It W Itasmuesseii Peter
Rcwney Leon Rey"iioldsJ W
Itogers Mrs T R Rockwood F L
RomerJ W EontidtreeThos
Savage Wpi K Savage Mr H
Sai 1 ford Arthur Spencer CaptEW
Smith W B Snowden J W-3
8lmrbJF 'I home Jus
The republican party cannot
afford to be any longer dictated to
by a fewjeorporatlou clacquers aud
patrouage peddlers hi tho senate.
m I ' fr) h
Keep Close
the People
"V. V I Jg
t' r' ,.
Abraham Lincoln's
the extent
. "I'tOr" the OMn rlvor t.
M j?rf.i.. .
, ,u,,y Mgii, although Aile-
""V'hy h, ..,.., .,
rri.Ati . '""" ' mom.
." N fair ,n rival tht of
,u, l'U a,"V the city have
korfc "' m,JU are out of
La grippe has re-appeared in Leg
horn with alarming severity.
Speaker Reed Is confined to his
rooms at the hotel with a severe cold.
The steamship Havre col'ided In
the New Y'crk biy, this aftt moon
(Wednesday) witli the Chilian batk
jIascotta, and thre lives were lost.
There will boa general suspension
of business in New York on Thurs
day on account of General Sher
man's funeral.
In tho California senate on Tues
day bills were passod making for
tune telling a misdemeanor and
train-wreckiug a capital offense, or
imprisonment for life.
Sara Bernhardt was poisoned on
Sunday by eating canned mush
rooms. Anxiety was felt for the re
sult, but her sickness abated the
next day and she was able to per-
ork .cu are out 01 form in tho evening.
AdisPf(n r On Monday evening as Grand
'wporu t, ""'i lug kih: Master Powderly concluded an ad-
mi (.(hiihih of l he dress to the Knights of Jaix-r, in
Divorced and Re-married.
A Cincinnati press dispatch gives
the followimr details: James and
Sarah E. Cawthorne were remar
ried at Elm wood, O. Nearly 20 years
ago Mrs. Cawthorne left her hus
band in England for reasons which
tbo courts have since held good, aud
came to America with her children.
Two of the boys are known through
out the United States as popular
comedians, Sisson and Cawthorne
being the stj lo of the companies
they manage. They are at present
playing in Boston. Two weeks ago
an aged gontlemati arrived lere and
proceeded to hunt her up. He was
the long absent husband. Difler
ences weresettled and at 8 o'clock to
uiglit in the elegant Cawthorne
home the aged couple were married.
The bride is 05, the groom 70, aud
lie traveled nearly 5000 miles to
reach his bride.
Thoniiiriiiu Mrs A Yamall Elmer
Waggoner Geo W Wilsou Fbos S
Wood Mrs L
Wilson Miss M Mclntyre M
Luaik M F
A. N. Gilhert, P. M.
P. O. Change. Willard postof
flee has been discontinued and all
mail for that ofilce will heieafter be
sent to Lewlsbuig.
Tun Rush. For those $3 and $5
groups of the legislators at Catter
fill's Is unabated. People besides
the members are buying them as n
mere work of art.
Early and Late, That early
garden truck and late wiuter fruit at
Farrar & Co.'s is what attracts the
eye of housekeepers.
ie ln.li.
h . - irr "w rumy
7nUf.r lKni ,u many
1?r, are UnUy a'Ul Mo"nBhel
dam rampage ami
IV m ir r " alrrt"y reported.
n., x ""'". Obi.,, , ,. news
?l" w, 'Mr",w "" "
ln.r.i. "' "Wolleii : ui.,1 ti-
tl '-Hi.. I , ' UI.
Jm,U M 1
"H N .."' nr6oIien
- - Hfre U
' f 1.n Tfnn l.n tl fmt.llt lll (lliulp
from an attack of heart disease. He
recovered shortly aud was able to
walk to bis hotel.
A woman aud four children were
Sppciuieii Casen.
S. H. Cliflord, New Cassel, Wis.,
troubled with Neuralgia and Rheu
matism, Stomach disordered, Liver
was affected, appetite fell awuy, and
he was reuucea in iiesii ana strengtn.
Three bottles Electric Rltters cured
Edward Shepherd, Harrisliurgh,
111., had a running sore 011 his leg.
Used three bottles of Electric Bitters
1 and Bucklln's Arnica Halve, and
liis leir Is sound and well. John
Speaker, Catawba, O., had Fever
bores ou his leg, doctors uuid iocura
hie. Electrio Bitter, and A mica
Balve cured him. Sold by Fry Drug
Eh. .
(tow in ihe House. At 118
State street therp 1b friuently con
How's Thii?
We offer One Hundred Dollar re-
waid for any case of catarrh that
cannot lo cured by taking Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We, the undersigned, have known
F.J. Cheney for the last 16 years,
and believe him perftctly honorable
lu all business transactions, and fin
ancially able to carry out any obliga
tions uiade by their firm.
WlsT t TitUAX, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Waldino, Kinnan &, Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally, acting directly ujxin the blood
aud 111 ucoum surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c.
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Citizens of Polk are asking tho
Journal why their senator votes
against all tho houso railroad bills
Wo can only inform our
readers that the senator has not
made any speeches or explanations
of his votes. Representing au agri
cultural county aud as tho house
bills are eudorsed by all the farmer
membeis, our leaders must seek
some other cause. Certainly the
senator could do better than ho has.
Senator Hlrsch has been and is
still making au earnest, honest fight
for open rivers. It is not tho mem
ber from Marlon about whom tho
lieople need have any doubts 011 this
The senate lias now 1 asso 1 tho
Cogswell bill, to secure payment of
wages to employes, and the Sinclair
eight hour bill. It would bo the
p.lrt of wisdom in the house to
make these two labor bills a special
order and pass them. TIjOju bills
are of vital importance to organized
labor. Roth parties proposed In
their platform to protect organized
Ubor In its lights and the right to
its wages Is the first great right or
labor Let the house uot ignore it.
The eight hour plank was in every
platform at tho late election. The
house should pass it. One senate
bill is by a democrat. Tho" other U
by a republican. Let tho houso
make them a Hpcclal order aud pass
The principal use which Senator
Cogswell makes of his fine large
Roman head of brains, seems to be
to butt to death people's measures.
As it is a little early for farm work
tho houso will hold the senate two
weeks or more before It will adjourn
without its railroad bills passed.
There is still a hopo that sixteen
men can be found In the senate who
will consider just railroad legislation
and saye Oregon from political
Buyers who employ discrimination
in selecting carpets, oil cloths, lace
curtains, curtain poles and fix
tures, will not overlook Salem's lead
ing dry goods house J, H. Lunn,
opposite Ladd & Rush's bank,
2-14 e o d & w tf
That's tho Kind of a Republican Paper You will Find in tho - - '
Capital Journal!
DAILY, - 50 Cents per Montri
WEEKLY, - - $1.50 per Year
Over Legislative Session,
Only 25 Cents.
Tho l'rtilih'in Holmd. An Unrlviltml
llloml l'urlller.
Found ut taut 111 Illblinrd'H Illinnnmtln
Syrup A remedy wlitulicxpoM nil polium
ous iimtU'r Irom llio lilood, A woll known
eiiuvn 01 went lAimnou, Hid., tiwtlllea to
tin vnlue:
ItiillordHUH) pleiuiuo lo utnte Unit my
wlfu haii received KreutcrlxMielU from Hit)
bnrd'H Rlieumiitlo Syrup tluin rrom liny
medlclnoHlie ImKosur taken Wo llnd it
u bo the bent family I 'inrily nnd the ureal,
est blood purlllcr I linl wl have over used.
It In truly nil tl Ik claimed to bo by Uh foun
der. You cuuuot recommend It too highly.
Yours Truly,
"HANK WAI.I.ACK, Wl-Hl IllllllOII, Illll.
Hold by Hmllli . Hlulner.
Savon laundry soap only 5 cents a
bar at Crlssman & Oaburn's.
Offico of Salem Sleim laundry 230
Liberty. Branch offices, 201) and 2.V2
Lump wicks only 6c. Doz. at Crlss-
niah & Osburn's.
Buy your shoes at Orlssman & Ob
buru's,201 Commercial St.
Illl)brd't Ithtumatlc tna Llrr 1111
Theno pi lu are kclenllflcully compounded
and uniform In action. No griping puln
to eommonly following the uw of pill.
Tney are dunud to both adult and dill
drenwllh perfect aafety. We fua antte
they have no equal In tbecureofalck head,
utlie, oomllpullon, dypep.U and billtoua
dou aud, H4 au appelUer, I hey excvll any
other preparation 177 ly
H(nth a Stelner, tole g U.
su Iboatetl aud a man probably j tenton fr gome of those bargains
burued In a New YorK fire that oc , Jn 8loe8. jab Denham & Co. are
our red lu a three story frame struc- ( tne leader on low prices.
ture this morning (Wednesday).
Ex Secretary Oilon, of the whis
Hy trusj, who arrjved lu Chleago
fiiun Peoria Tuesday night, walked
into Judge ShejMird's court tixluy
ami gave $S5,000 bull.
Only a Fhw. A reporter was
informed this morning that tbe
Salem Wwleu Mill store, liar only
a few of this year's blankets loft,
and pernons wanting a superior
artlole should buy at once.
r '
t'rge, the Coflee ix.ts. Int. 10 amis: S.it.i Ii's Ibuh, YoO Know. The
WM rWng e J 1 eeu's; i, SO mul; Jul, tmli ' ladlrs wwrnler whst msUs lln
Col. Lehe of tbe Sixtli Urritneot
Savs: Dr. E. S. Helden: By the ad
vice of a friend I was Induced to use
your Ethereal Cough Hyrup for a
severe cough. I found great relief
from the use of only one bottle.
Large size $1 00, small 60 cents. For
sale by all Druggists.
Mrs. PotU' Bad Irons only ?1,76
at Crlwniau & Oaburn'.
Wanthd, Every banjn and gui
tar player to call at Diamond's
Jlulo Houe and learn swmlhlng
lohlsadvuutage. 2M6t
yi.. ,,""' "'owi, ,lM, .!!, NttHtM I Crtesiiwui Od.urii. JIhwh jwodpt H..lvfH'sUui. -
Am, ""'-'.U.uL. ' -- - - - f". Theyarrfmh, iukiw, but Wanthd.-Ap otllcv o0
U. Axt T ! Wueii g - Htmt rulw at Hul.Jiliey will be aluujfliteM t lw i-ut lloorln buUfr wrt otoUy.
II Hie lel.4 . .1 UtmrttAn
Candidatk for School Ci.krk.
Tho undersigned hereby an
nounces himself as a candlduto for
re-election as school clerk for dis
trict Ho. 24. W. IJ. HiMi'flON.
3-1 ft
Mahink. -Running Cargo Ma
rlne policies In the New Zeiand ore
now written at this end of the lino
by Qoo. Af. Heeler. This Is a great
ndvautage to Balem bunlness men.
Mrs. M. K. McCoy, nhvslelan and
surgeon, No. 200 Commercial street.
Chronic diseases a seclulty. (k)n
sulfation free, 12-8 tf
Tojjft relief from ludlreatlon, blllou-
In that liujjurlty ot tin Mood which ru
luces uiulKlitly lumps or bttilllnux ou ll.u
stands of the neck; causes painful nun. In;;
wrci on tho arms, legs, or feet; ilelo;i n
itoers In Hie eyes, ears, or nose, often cui
iii; lillndiiesH or deafness; Is tho origin t't
(ilniples, cancerous growths, or tho in u.)
illier manifestations nually nscribid lo
'liuiuors;" and fastenliig upon llio line's,
-.lines consumption, and death, hi iiv
lm moit ancient, It Is the niott emir r.il i (
,11 diseases or affections, foi very few
persons ale entirely free hum it.
How Can
It Bo
ny taking Hood' Barsaparllla, which, by
the remarkable cures It lias accomplished,
uften when oilier ineUloluot have tailed,
lias proven Itself to ho a potent and pccul
lar medicine, (or this disease. Home (l
these cures are really wonderful. If ynu
differ from scrofula ) Impure blood, be
sure to try Hood's. 8arsaparllla.
" Kvery sprliis my wife and children have
been troubled with scrofula, tores break,
iug out on them In various places. My
little boy, three years old, has been a
terrible sufferer. I.ast spring he was one
mass of sore from head to feet. w.n
advised to use Hood's Harsaparllla, and o
h.ive all taken It. The result Is that all liie
been cured of the scroiula, my little hoy
being entirely freo from wires, aud all four
of my children look bright nnd healthy."
W. 11. Atiikhtok, I'assalc Clly, N. J.
Hood's SarsapariUa
feMbyrirug-KUU. f l Ufurft. l'rMdb;
i. 1. 1IOOU a CO., AlHillKxyrlM, liwull, Uiut
IOO Doeoa Ono Dollar
Sasli and. Door Factory
Frontj Street, Salem, Oregon,
Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compete
-with tho lowest. Only tho best matorial used.
The Oregon Land Co.,
-with Its-
.,i.,iu.iiuuw wrpig liver Wliunui
disturbing the lomoh or pursrlUK the
"'!r'l"il.tf"?5 ';( Carter' fjltle
Uver WIU, they will plea you.
That tired. languid feellos and dull head
fffi? I .V5T ?Uagreible. Take two ot
Uirter1 Little Liver I'lll. UMrr rellilnr.
ai'diouwlll rlnil rr.nr Ti.........r.nr:
''" - - n -.-. VI ,, ,v
dO KOod,
r."rtb.j!r.,n- Take cine ol Cnrter'a Ultle
Uvvr Hfll alter eallor; it will relieve dys
pla, aid dlcMUoa, give lose and vigor
lo the sytew.
Ileal Kstate Dealers. Ilush-llreyman
bloca, up stair.
Johnson's Universal Cyclapxdia.
An original work by 40 of America'
most enilnunt achalar a editor aud I
jouo eminent spadalUU from all part of the I
world aaeontrlbuUirv, wbowt name arel
Igned to their articles, a a voucher for '
accuracy. If you coulemplate getting a I
eyclopardla, the uiivwur will be pleauxl I
to show you the work, though you may i
cotpurcW. AddrtMl U. lllUJWKlt,
HlaU Manager, Halein, or Astoria, Or. '
(In tho Btulo ItiHuranco Uulldlng)
ami branch offices In Portland, Astoria and Albany,
sliKHiiH for sale a largo list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also
City and Suburban Property.
Tho Oregon Land Co, was especially organized for tho purposo of buying
and sub-dividing largo tracts of laud, and has during tbe past two years
bought and subdivided over 8,200 ncres Into MH MSstMilM tMi jUSi
Five to Twenty Acre Parcels
The success of this undertaking Is shown lu tho fact that out of 280 tracts
placed un tho market, 22S have leeii sold. Wo claim that ton acres of
choice laud lu Fruit,
IWill Yield a Larger Income
than ICO acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. Woalso make valuable
Improvements lu the way of roads, clearing the land, fences, etc. We
can sell a small tract of laud for tho sumo price tier acre as you would
have U) pay for u lurge farm.
'Send for Pamphlet and Price List.
l,1 levt-ehuh,,,.
Iluckleu' Arnl.Xalr.
The lint Hlva In II.- u,..l.4 r... n....
IlrwlM Horw. I'ice, Kali llheuin, fever
nwiii, ana iwi-,
W- . iT;,perfciZUl:!lo1l,
r!.-""""' muuoni, rncv, j) et-nU per
groups 3 5fj5 Hlo' JirMPttonJ, .id a
JMOtf Ki,'
v Xj.WgVnHgBgf f ' " Jk u
10 Acres for Rent.
A choice tract only one mllofroin Huleiu
Tenn liberal. Apply to
Journal Ottlce.
aw k ok tiik iitaurr khtaiiuhii.
yniro in me niaie.
hower rale than
i-iiiuauu. imiuum mooK i-gui uiaok lr
IheHUte.a-d blggeat discount. Head foi
prlcelUlof Job printing, and ealalogue ol
Iegl blank. fc. M. VVAITK.
HU-o muter Halem Oregon,
Tuxpuyt'i-rt, Tuko Notice!
Your ctate and county taxes tor Marlon
eouuty for the year IflUJsbould be Mitt at
oucmpoU wlllMioa b added.
O. it. UltOlHAN
3-IVir. Hhtrta od tax counter,
Oregonian Rail Hond Company.
Ueueral oltlco Kroul and T, HU, fortlan
.Krput Toward
I'ortland Htntlon. 1'orlluud
Hllver-L'oburg l'ort'nal"urt'd
touao mall mall Kxp
to sue iHirtl'ndHI'Cu tin tss
T lo as... WiKstburu. 1 i 7 w
8 60 II !a Sllverton li 08 6 IS
S 07llrowuvlll 7 40
to Coburg 00
Connection at Woodburn with H v ft
train to and rrom Vrotlaud and at TalU
man wllb train to and from Albany,
wwr HIDK
Alrlte mall l"ortlaud,malt
t .lrUaad MWV. IIS
Vita Jjundue Junction SuS
2 00 ,. Hberldait M SU)
f le IWilla. , , N
1H .OUIiioutli. TIM
455 rr.Alrl., o
Ticket for Went Bide TaIour nir sale at
loot ol Jderou U Tickets for fcust aide
station for sal at Union depot, r MM
and I street. OHAb. HlwWT,
0u. uupt, A Uen t, Vwa, Agt
vi-raoii'a this wees.
price sale this wt-ufc.