Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 11, 1891, Image 3

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. , ii..,...l. Ilunnrl mill
Iociiuni 1 1 mo ..,.
UigtifN ol all imnoniiiii
Hews of To-Day.
.- me- If V.
Washington, Feb. ll.-Tbe pop
Llation bureau of Ibe census depart-
ffieut Is having especial irouu.e ......
... d .nirtn consulates and especially
L California, owing to the defective
LtnrM mode by enumerators. I"
'nuny Instances tne m.u. -ve
townships and in some cases
the population of small towns is not
segregated from the rural population
jn the same townsnips ouw.ub .
town corporation limits. One of the
division chiefs said to-uay umt, .u
e localities it would be imposs
im. to make out correct returns. It
Is BBld the bureau has under consid
eration the question or having a re
count In certain rural localities.
Washington, Feb. ll.-The sur
plus in the trcnstiry Js gradually
' creeping up and ut cue enu 01 uusi-
neas on Tuesday was 580,000,000.
As this will t)e required to meet
penson payouts the latter part of
this month and the first of next
month, no bonds lu addition to those
now being daily purchased will bo
Washington;, Feb. ll.-Thehou.se
tMlay passed the senate bill to es
tablish a record nud pension oflice
in the war department; also a sen
ate bill providing for the selection
of a site for a military post at Sau
Diego, Cal.
In the senate this morning Mor
gan offered a resolution, which was
agreed to. calling on the secretary of
the interior for copies of the regula
tions for carrying into effect the
laBd forfeiture act of Sep. 29, 189,
Including all instructions and de
cisions. Consideration of the naval
appropriating bill was resumed, the
pending question being on the
amendment in reference to the site
of the dry dock on the Pacific coast,
whether on Puget sound or on the
Columbia river.
New Yokk, Feb. 11. A Wash
ington special to tin- Times s-s the
president ia about to issue u prodii-
lu.itioii of reciprocity with Vene
zuela, similar in term- with the
proclamation that bus just reached
Brazil uud will take effect about the
same time, wnile our commene
with Venezuela is not lamer than
wuuurnzu, tne united States lor
several years has enjoyed u larger
proportion of the importing business
than auy otur nation dealing with
Venezuela. The proclamation of
the president would have been made
a day or two ago, as it was expected
the agreement of Venezuela to the
propositlous of the United States
would be received by the last steam
er. The papers are on the way,
however, nnd will arrive by the
steamer due in New York, Feb. 18th
or thereabouts.
Boise City, Feb. 11. The legisla.
ture met in joint session to-day for
the purpose of balloting on a United
Mates senator to succeed Senator
WJonnell. The ballot resulted ns
follow w H C)QgeU 2S( Mny.
btw 2, Finch 1, Barton I. Eigh
n members declined to vote.
t 4. Clagett was declared
ted. He will coutest the seat of
ator Dubois, and the fight will
trtUhrerred to the United States
Railr(,ad accidents.
v' , l',s Fb. H.-Awest bound
collided Webtrn fre!R,,t traln'
May Enj,tt,We ntur bere
"" obrakemeu were killed.
aha, Feb A UnIon pa
ne jumped MleniokIlthe
u 'V and overturned. Jacob
and t the t'nK,ueer. killed
severely in.
eBerl , ' Feb- "
an lied
very low
f ' h'" Edition u not ehDed!e,ld of ,he w"r,J w'1 . "
" Mttr , luce Tuelav. r-.i. f!HS"n tbeirkiuesm th atreet,
TU r,.., .. 4Uuai ESht.it,,t. , .... .. rt
vred considerable
pain last night, aud Is constantly
growing weaker.
At 2:30 p. in. there t no change in
the general's condition, which Is
extremely critical. He Is slowly
dying and only arouses when spok
en to. ,
4 p. m. Geueral Sherman has
rallied, and tiio doctors aro so much
encouraged that they have hopes of
his recovery.
Chicago, Feb. 11. A morulug
(taper suys, Prest. Hill, of the Great
Northern, who went to Europe re
cently, has secured from English
capitalists their controlling interest
lu tiio Chicago, St. Paul & Kittitas
City road, and enough money to
make au extension of his road from
Helena, Montaua, to the Pacific
Chicago, Feb. 11. Geo. J. Gib
son, secretary of the whiskey trust,
was arrested to-day charged with an
attempt to bribe a government of
ficial. When the facts of the case
are developed, It IMclaimed they will
be of n moat sensational character.
The name of the revenue ollicer to
whom the bribe has.been offered is
Dewar. It is rumored that Gibson
has made a confession. Among
other rumors connected with the ar
rest of Gibson, it is stated that a plot
to blow up the Chicago distillery,
which is not in the whiskey trust,
Is unearthed. Gibson was takeu be
fore U. S. Commissioner Hoy ne,
and waiviug (examination, he was
held in bonds for J20.0C0.
The Fargo board of trade will send
a carload of Hour at once to the desti
tute in Mcintosh county. N. D. 150
families there are in immediate need
of ai'..
A Lackawana passenger train col
lided with a freight nearDamesville,
N. Y., ou Tuesday night. The
engineer, 11 reman und a brakeman
are 'aid to be killed aud a number of
people badly hurt.
In the Nebraska leuislatlve assem
bly on Tuesday, the Australian bal
lot bill p.issed by a unanimous vote.
The shortage of J.EIdredge Pierce,
the absconding secretary of the
Willmington, Del., City Loan associ
ation will amount to 590,000.
Freeman's Journal says McCarthy
has been notified that Piirnel! and
his stipporteis nave abandoned auy
piesent hope of coming to au under
standing with the McCmthyites.
The First National &. North Mid
dlesex banks, of Aver, Mass., closed
their doors Wednesday and ugly ru
mors are afloat concerning them.
Finht for 500 took place in Syd
ney, N. H. V., on Tueday between
Goddard, the Australian man, and
Choynski, of Sau FruncUco. At the
end of the 4th round the referee de
clared Goddard the victor.
In Connellsville. Pa., the coke-
burners have turned out in sympathy
with the coa' miners, aud now six
teen thousand men are out on a
stiike. All the plants are closed
It is said that Colonel Wade, the
commanding officer at Fort Beuo,
ban Investigated the alleged threat
ened invasion of the Cherokee strip
by settlers, and finds that thestories
that thousands of settlcis are mass
ing at the border towns are unfound
ed. It is reported that r. large iron
steamer, while being towed from
Jersey City, toppled over on two
tuj-s and sunk them. Ten men
were drowned.
The proclamation for opening the
Umatilla reservation to settlement
has been received at the local land
oflice, and the sale is to be made
April the 1st. The land will be sold
to the highest bidder and is 140,000
acres lu extent.
Several parties havo located on the
fl'it between Wallula and the Snake
river and hope to buve water on
their land from the river soon.
Home or this nut to first class grape
and prune aud garden laud.
The l'omeroy (Washington) Inde
pendent inquire) why the Oregon
legislature can hold a session for
$45,000 while the lawmakers of that
state expend j 70,000 for a sew-lon of
the same length. Perhaps they are
too liberal in the payment of clerk
Jacob Meyers, one of Amerloi's
oldest locomotive engineers, died iu
Saratoga, X, Y., on Monday.
W. F. Wharton, first assistant
t-eoretary of statu, and Miss Susan
Clay, daughter of Richard Clay,
United Stated Consul-general to
Canada, were uiarrlod, ou Wednes
day. The rejort is started that there is
likely to be a drtloJeuoy of JM.000 in
the adjutant general's office of Venn
Bjivitnla. Gov. PaitUou will Inves
tigate. In New Roolialht. X. Y., on Mon
davnifiit- ntaWrMt.il Jo ivith '
orws-bar was Imrtied. The blaiinf '
onm M U0i:ro to belkrve tliat the
hhey prrtiKl till the fire
All good friends of Salem wore In
..ui.es mum new cuarter might be
obtained oftlns legislature exteudlug
the city limits, aud taking lu the
great expanse of city that has leen
built up beyonn the old city limits
during the past few years. Members
of the legislature have expressed
themselves as pleased with the
growth of our city and with its
handsome appearauee, and any bill
that Salem people can agree upon
Lwould be passed without a division.
An effort should still be made to
harmonize the conflict of Interests
and pass a new charter exteudlng
the city limits. A majority of the
suburban residents want to be taken
in. It will be a positive hindrance
to the growth aud developement of
the capital city not to extend.
What are the obstacles? There
are general objections to proposed
bill. It leaves out several largo
property owners who are now with
in the city. Meu whose former resi
dence was iu the country are now
living on street car lines, havo elec
tric lights, gas. city water, sidewalks
and sewerage. They are men well
off In this world's goods, able to pay
taxes and should not be allowed to
remain out. If anyone Is to be
shielded from payment of city taxes,
it certainly should be those least able
to pay. This charter proposes to
take iu hundreds of homes of work
ing men and families of limited
means, aud leaves out several gen
tlemen of large fortune, aud men
who do not especially ask to be thus
favored. If tax-favors'aretobe shown
any, let it bo to the poor man with a
family to support, and not to those
well fixed and making prollt out of
the city. Let the city charter lines
be drawn with justice aud equality
to all, not to favor the strong aud
ignore the weak. As at present
drawn the Marion county delega
tion cannot be induced to report the
bill, to say nothing of agreeing upon
Its terms. The managers of city ex
tension have but a short time to pre
pare an unobjectionable charter.
But an ellort should be made to
secure a more harmonious result. A
more offensive boundary of the city
than that now proposed could, not
well be hit upon.
Dr. Stratton's .'csiguatioii.
To the Trustees of Willamette Uni
versity. Gentlemen: In accordance with
the statement contained in the no
tice which convened you; this meet
ing has been culled to receive my
resignation from the office of chan
cellor of Willamette University. It
seems due that I make a brief state
ment of the reasons which have led
me to this decision.
Before coming hero last June I
received several letters from leading
trustees and miuisters, lespectlng
the condition and needs of Willam
ette University arid the prospect of
rapid and extended improvement,
if I should accept the chancellor
ship. All these letters spoke of the
possible or probable removal to Port
land; and all so far as I remember,
with favor.
At the annual meeting of the
trustees in June, a committee on a
new site was appointed, and every
body seemed to undeistaud that
Portland jvas included in the list of
places to be considered.
At the subsequeut meeting of the
Oregon Anuuul Conference, the re
port of the committee on education,
contained the following resolutien:
"That we urge the trustees of
the Willamette university to take
immediate steps to erect new build
ings upon a new site, for the
use of the university, that the value
of the present grounds may be added
to the permanent endowment fund,
and we pledge our hearty aud con
tinued co-operation Iu bringiugabout
the desired result."
A subsequent resolution nomi
nated a commission of ten members
to "co-operate with the committee
of the trustees in considering and
determining the future location of
the University."
In the discussion which followed
the reading of the report the sugges
tion of the Portland site was re
ceived with general favor.
Nevertheless, when I came up
from California, and looked over the
Held, it seemed to me that the first j f(lr Pf; Bronaugh, Nortliup & Mc
effort should be put forth iu Salem, Arthur for Def. Auswer filed.
and the prospect seemed so encour
aging that I began building here
a house for my family. Later when
I began to feel the public pulse aud
to weigh the advantages of the re
spective fields as seats foragreutl
University one worthy of the cause '
for which It was to stand, and or tiio
church which It was to repreoenS '
my judgment Inclined to Portland.
I was met here by an unaccountable
apathy, in some cases amount
ing to disfavor; und when
the needs of the University were
placed at a somewhat high figure,
was reminded that it was oflebs
An....A.in.,w. tr
Salem than Itsl
friends imagined. Ihla led me to,
think or another location, and my !
previous Judgnieut was confirmed ' & nuntj Bonham,HoIies& JIajden
during a meeting of the full board to, (or dt.f j,tloij to flic; motion
couBlder the queallou of location, by I to dlsmlw withdrawn.
ii statement or trustees living In 8a- j 7 Dttenhofer & Jlaiw vi IJun
lem, and In condition to know Its , ad McDenald: action for money,
feeling toward the University, that i gandersou lleel fur J'f. Dinild
we could uot raise 35,000 liereto,,, want of prooettutiou at wl or
lift It Into hotter condition. ; plalutur. I
Jlut the plau was not for a Port-1
larrd University, but for the transfer
of the higher and more expensive!
departments of the Willamette Uni
vBfuttv to a point iie-rer the center !
of population 8id wealth wlihlii Mm I
hr of Its 8yniiuiw. awi
uucb.fiU patronage a
And duiii.K ad the
rM(iwi .lie all ijil-I
nd it wealth
ww-k Ii !.
nremled the all
IjIL'M W-MlOIl 111
December, while
I waa J'H-.kii'gat
ttao different possible locations for,
the Institution. 1 was eiiden-nrlncl
to settle the question ou Its miked
meriU-so far as 1 was conscious of
any motlvo-as to which place af-
forded the best prospect for this in
stitution a thousand years to come.
That any serious obstacle would be
placed in tho way of deciding for
the best luterests of higher education
and for the future of Willamette
University as tho representative of
that cause 1 never permitted m vself
to believe.
I did rather fee. that we wore ou the
threshold of a great movement for n
great cause, aud was impressed with
a sense of solemnity that interests
so vast end so vital to religion and
humanity were entrusted, In the
providence of God, to the present
bord of trustees.
But the general and outspoken dis
favor of the nieetlugalready referred
to, with which my plau for endow
ing tho University was received by
the local board, so far dashed my
hopes of success In that direction
that I have not since been able to
gather faith and hope for the work
of my off 1 co.
If thoso w ith whom I must work,
If work effectively, regarded plans
which I had carefully matured, and
seen tested elsewhere with eminent
success, as "gambling schemes" aud
"wildcat laud speculations" it was
hardly worth while for us to at
tempt to work together uny further,
When to this Is added the spoutii'
neous movement of the citizens of
Portland in favor of a Portland uni
versity, and tho present outlook of
that enterprise, it seems tome that
providential indications direct me
to that Held for the realization
of the holies and purposes of
the church in establishing an in
stitution where the highest ideals
can be realized at the earliest mo-
In tend, ring my resignation here
with the view of leading the move
ment there, I have taken counsel
with Bishop Fowler, the resident
bishop of tills const, with Bishop
Newman, who transferred me to this
Held, and has the present oversight
of all the interests of the church
here; with the leading ministers of
the conference under the auspices of
which this institution has been
founded and fostered, and with the
severul members of this board with
whom I corresponded before accept
ing the place from which I now re
tire, and have not received from any
quarter a single expression of dls
seut. By arrangement with the faculty
I have taken two classes in the sen
ior year for the current semi-term,
and shall hope titake two others for
the following term. This arrange
ment has been made subject to rati
fication by tho trustees,aud I do not
desire compensation for my services.
Permit mo iu conclusion to ac
knowledge all courtesies of tho board
and subscribe myself,
Very Respectfully Yours,
C. O. Stiiatton.
ascurr court.
04 S L Heudee vs Southern Pa.
olHc Co; damages. A C Woodcock for
Pf; Bronaugh, Nortliup it McAr
thur for Def. Answer filed.
Co J R Sloan vs Southern Pacific
Co; damages. A C Woodcock for
Pf; Bronaugh, Nortliup & McAr
thur for def. Answer Hied.
CG Julius Kunlle vs Southern
Pacific Co; damages. A O Wood
cock for Pf; Bronaugh, Nortliup &
McArthnr for Def. Answer tiled.
07 Andrew Hull' vs Southern
Pacific Co; damages. A C Wood
cock for Pf; Bronaugh, Nortliup &
McArthur for Def. Answer filed.
84 George Magnuson by Chas
MagniNon, guardian, vs Southern
Pacific Co; damages. Ford & Kaiser
for Pf; Bronaugh, Nortliup & Mc
Arthur for Def. Answer Hied.
& Charles Magnuson vs South
ern I'acillc uo; damages. 1'oru
Kaiser for Pf; Bronaugh, Nortliup fc
McArthur for Def. Answer filed.
83 Nora Magn son, by ChusMag
nuMiii, guardian, vs Southern Pa
clfloCo; damages. Ford & Kaiser
for Pf, Bronaugh, Nortliup & Mc
Arthur for Def. Answer Hied.
80 Ole Ekdahl vs Southern Pa
ciflc Co; damages. Ford &. Kali-er
80 W A Creek, by McPherson;
guardian, va Southeru Paclflo Co;
damages. Ford & Kaiser for Pf,
BroimuRb, Nortliup & McArthur for
Def. Answer filed.
H John B Duclos Vs James Vut
son! euuiiy. Miller x usunmu ior
,.r. titll ir ijuruett for Def. Ar
(l,i fliru or(ier ti. take deposition
und taken under advisement. Mo
tion overruled.
87 Barbour & Starr vs Samuel J
Llghtuer: actlou for money. StJtt,
Boise & stott for Pf; D'Arcy &
Bingham for Def. Demurer with
drawn; answer filed.
04 James K Smith vh L M Reed'
er.apr)eai frai Justice court. D'Arcy
A mIlL,ilam flnd Ford for nf: Pratt
2 I II Dawmiu vs K Schneider
et aljaolion for money. D'Aicy &
Dlngham (or Pf. Default; Judg.
went; order mi sell altaohed prop-
65 J K David et 1 v Win
In WelU et ul; flMloH for muey. lml rpil B Hatom Ijubtr (b tbu dy du
h. & Kalaer f..r Vt d Daly Sibley & ' ul&)Ett&u'liiX3Xl
I-KIn, Itf. Dmjurrer wjihdraun;
uiiower filed
29 btate of Orcg-m va II I Ifiu
i'cj larceny. Geo G Bingham for
fjS r Kielmrdson for Def. Tiled be-
f"re the followinir jury: C Etseu-
haif, J Craig, A It Wilson, C O
McCown,U A Spencer, U FCooloy,J
Holm, C Wintermantle, (' W Scrl
ber, E Burkholder, Sain'l Stanller,
FA Bingham. The jury returned
a verdict of not guilty.
33 M T Phillips v? Emma T
Phillips; divorce. W R Bllyeu for
l'f Report of
referee Hied ; cus
chlld awarded to
i tody of minor
30 State of Oregon vs Frank
Heullne; selling liquor without a
license. Geo G Bingham for Pf.
Arraigned; plead guilty aud waives
time; sentenced to pny a flno of $250,
which ho paldr.
NosTl, 72, 73, 7G, 77, 70,80, 81, S2,
order removing cases to U. S. dis
trict court.
10 State of Oregon vs R A Pratt;
selling liquor. Geo G Bingham for
Pf; Tilmon Ford for Def. Tried
before tho following jury: Abner
Lewis, A Laysou, W E Thomas,
Henry Keene, W II Hobson, W A
Taylor, Allen Drips, Sam'l Staufler,
E Burkholder, C W Scriber, C Wln
terinantle, and R F Cooley.
What a Chango
Is wiought iu the people who suller
from rheumatism when tliev tnko
Hood's Sarsapnrilla. Acidity of the
blood, is neutralized, the blood
is purified, the aching joints and
limbs rest easily, a feeling of serene
health is imparted. Hood's lias ac
complished much for those subject
to rheumatism.
Indications Goou. The indica
tions are now favorable for the Capi
tal Lumbering mills to get their
logs out of tho Luckiamute. The
mills have over a million feet of logs
up there ready to be brought to tho
mills as soon as there is water enough
to get them out. The heavy rains
of the past few days will soon give
plenty of water. The river at this
city is fast rising nnd the Luckia
mute being much smaller, will fill
Its banks iu a few days.
The Faiu. It Is in the air, and it
is no more than fair that you be
there. Where? Why at .las. Den
ham & Co's. special sale of shoes.
Their prices are "from way down
cast," aud get below anything on
Through tho IVvnry Hours
ormnny n nlRht, tho rliounmtlc suiroirr
tosses to find iro on his hIcciiIchh couch,
pmylni; for that rest which only comes by
lltn nnd KtnrlH, "Ih muliuly Is one which
orJInnry medicine, too ollcu fulls to rcllovo,
hut there Is evidence to prove thnt the ef
ficient blood depurcnt.Hostcttc-r'sStomnch
Hitters, ullo'ds tho rhcumntlc ft reliable,
nienns of relief. Check tho miilndy In Its
incipient sbigcH, with this iiKreetibfn medi
cine. Whatever bn tho rationale of the
uctlvolntlueuconf tho Hitters upon this
muliuly, no evidence is moie dliect nnd
posltUe thnn thnt which relates to Its ac
tion Iu cases of rheumatism. Like all ster
ling remedies, Itdcservesu protracted, sys
tematic trial, nud should uot lio abandoned
because not ul once remedial. It Is equally
efflcaclous In dyspepstln, Indigestion and
kidney diseases.
Would nut lie Without if.
Dr.E. S. Heldeu: Send by express
quaiter doz. of your Ethereal Cough
Syrup. Please be sure and send by
return express,an I do not wisu to bo
in lie House without it.
San Fraeisco, Dec. 1878.
Largo size Jil.00 small 50 cents. For
sale by all Druggists.
Their gentlo action nnd good effect ou
tho system leully iiuiko thoin it perfect lit
tie pill. They please thoie who use them,
drier's Little Liver I'llls may well bu
termed "peifectlon."
N'o one knows hotter than those who
have used Curler's Little Llvt r I'llls what
relief they havo given when t'iken lor
dyspepsia, dizziness, pain lu thOKldo,coii
btlpatlon,und dlsordend stomach.
Do not despnlr of curing your slok head
ache when you can so easily obtain Car
ter's l.lttlt Liver i'llls. They will ellect a
prompt aud permanent cure, Their action
Is mtldjind natural.
of tun
the use ot Hood's Har.saparlll.i Seven)
cases of scrofula, upon which other prep
uiatlons have been powerless, yield to the
peculiar curative power of this medicine.
DKtiessiiig cases of dyspepsia, excruciat
ing complaints of tho kidneys and liver.
ngoirzlnc Itch
and I am of salt
: Ileum, d mgree-
'bPic-iM'sei catarrh, and aches and pains
. :!.imii i.ttr.i, aio cured by Hood's Sar-
:i;!a. It j urines the blood, ami at tliu
. ..j time tones the stomach, credos nil
:..., ai d j;,ves Mii'iit'tli to every func
... ..f t' e eooy. Glvo It a trial.
General Debility
"Per four je-.M my wliu suffered with
:je tumor bt.:.clies un tho glands under
'.m r:i)s, and gcnoral debility nf the whole
ystcin. b'..o boo-ruo so poor la health
.iut wo tttre or. the ergo of despair
regarding he." reco' ery. l'liynlclaint did
nut Weill to t nderbtuiid her case; at all
events sho never derived any benefit from
the.r treatment. Blio finally concluded to
try Hood's Bareanarilla. The linmi-Ulnto
effeet was sntnarkoU and tatlifactorydmt
she ootttlnucil to take It, ami tM r tho
.osult. Bbo l..is gAlned lu uuisiiC
Frcm ft4 to III Pounds
and in t' . ' -r and In better health than
slieh .'.. : yeurt. The bunches Under
hjr arai I. v- llh.:itllied, al.U toe ln'ili-vo
IJixl t Si?. '.tfilU 11 e i" I Mli for
Uicni In time." ,1. J N.)U i. Ul Cem
meHUl Sli;-"., ru4tt.li, M .e.
Hood's Sarsap rlila
WJb.J- ' i. Sl.iUforf. ) aisdbj
0. i.llOOJ UX, AotUe'-k, I .". ' Mn.
IOO Dosoo Or.o Dollar
VJiV3r2i J I
v. r4n, Mlth..
May IT, )HO.
"A lml( UmiI t,l
u In valuable
IUsnUwn, ild ,
April 21, 1W0.
"I.andotbwiof my
family, bavc ut4 hi.
Jaoubi Oil for neti
roljit sad found it
a Hdf. cfftctlre
Mm. Aa.tia KrixiT.
iui-4trlne, IK Ja.-ul
ll enrol M( of ibu
toallMM IM hU
win iwoRuty of Um
it. Um (be beit In
Jt UMrvrM.'
J. . L. I'OHTIK.
d u. uutke iimiiediMK'
Carr, lu ciiHrw vt the
A ii IH'M Ali
joka Klrntd.
I II .41
Jan, 17, Itoi,
'i -lU.'' W
. 1'Wi
I;. g;al
Abraham Lincoln's
That's the Kind of a Republican Paper You will Find in the
Capital Journal!
Cattle !
A good I' mpiur uutdt for aale, tl e yoke ctttle,
twowaitoiu, tto. AUdroMor call or J. U, Dor
ranco, Salem, Orcein. 1 2-3-1 in
I have KU0 ncrcs in good timber hind for
Kale, one of tho bent nltcx for a mill In
Oregon. This tract of timber Ulocutedoue
mile from H. It. 1 also havo tluco other
mnall traclH for falo of 10 ncred each. I
abo mako 11 Hpeclalty of locating homo
HteadH nnd nreemiitloiiH und timber claims
In htvorablo localities i'artlea vrnutlni;
government land will do well tn ctmitull
me iih I um well pouted In all tho land .-tt;
aud latent dechdonHnr the general land of
lice. 1 have three rellnciuUhmentu forsale
that are well located, handy to O I', t'o'a 11.
11. Will bo Hold cheap. I can be Reen ut
my residence one bloclc east of Cook Hotel.
Halem.Or, W. W. HKl'HUHN,
Collections Made and Iawdh Negotiated.
('JO will buy the OhKi.r, Tvi'K WIIitku
wlth7Sehaructern, und SIS for the HlNdl.K
CameOdki.i,, warranted to do belter work
than any much) ho made.
It combine HiMi'Licrrv with DuuAiill--irr,
Hi'KKii, Kahk ut Oj'kkation, weura
longer without coat of repairing than uny
other machine. Jlua no Ink ribbon to
bother the onerator. It It neat, iiibxtan-
tlal. nickel plated, perfect und adapted to
all klnda of type writing, Like a printing
preat, It produces sharp, clean, legible
manuscript. Two or ten coplei can be
made at one writing, Any intelligent ;;r
aon con beooms an operator In two days.
We offer 11000 to uny operator who can
equal the worlt of the Douulk Cask
Meltable Agents and aaleamen wanted.
Special Inducement to dealer).
For pamphlet giving Indorsements, Ac..
nddrt. ODKI.h TVI'K WIMT12H CO.,
83 ond 7 otb Ave. Chicago, III.
Ilil us.
0. 1). IIUTTON, Prop.
Casting of all klndi mads to.'order.
and speslal casting! ol any style or pat
tern made in short order, smooiti and re
liable In vverr particular.
Repair any Machinery In Short Order.
Turning lathee, engli
and honitovra built. W
InH lL,n nr.i.1
ill maaeeaiimaiw i
on any iron work neeoea.
paid for old Iron.
(Jwxl price I
$500 Reward 1
WK will par the above reward fur nor
raaeof liver oompUitnt, dyM-iMU, lck
beadaett, Indlgeatloo, conallMilou or toe
tlveneu wea.nnot eure wllw wel's Vtg
MtableUqer I'llU, when Ibe dlreotlone are
trtelU compiled wliti. They are purely
trgetabl, and never fall to give aatl-fao
tlou. Huicur rcmltiX Ijtige butea.cmtaln
Ing U) pill., a cenU, Itewar of counter.
h-Meaod imtattona The genuine tnanu
bcured oblr by TJIK JOHW V, WKMT
Co. I'bicagolll,
Hold by Uoo K. Good, UruggUt, 800 Coin
(tftet,IUUu Of,
Keep Close
the People
DAILY, - 50 Cents per Month
WEEKLY, - - S1.50 per Year
Over Legislative Session,
Only 25 Cents
Sasli and Door Factory.;
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
Tho best class of work in our lino nt prices to compete
with tho lowest. Only tho best material used.
The Oregon Land Co.,
(Tn tho Btuto TiiHiirnnco Building)
nnd brunch ofllceH lu Portland, Antorln and Albany,
tlOjHaH ror ealo a largo llHt or Grain, Stock and Fruit Farnm; alo
City and Suburban Property.
Tho Oregon Land Co. wax eHpecially organized for tho purpose or buying
and Hiib-dlvldlng large tracts or land, nnd has during tho pat two yeara
bought and subdivided ovor 3,200 ucrt-H Into JM illtJB $M M1 Mt
Tin to Twenty Acre Parcels
The micccHH of (IiIh undertaUing In Hhown In tho fact that out or 1280 truoU
placed ou the market, 225 havo been hold. Wo clulm that ten acrea of
choice lund Iu Krult,
Will Yield a Larger Income
than 100 acren of wheat in tho Mlwliwippl Valley. Vea! nialtu valuable
Improvements in the way or mail., clel.rlng tho land ft, nli, etS . w!
ran Bell a kitiull tract of land ftir tho humu price ier acre hh you would
have to pay for u largo Jarm, ' """
for Pamphlet
10 Acres for Rent.
A choice traot only one mile from Sulera
Terrai liberal. Apply to
noFEit imos.,
Jouruul ortlce.
All klnda mouuted to.'order
Umenu n the Wat. Lower rulea iban
Largrat etock Legal tilunka Ir
the Hute, m 'd
rice Hat of Job jirlnting. and eatali
.U UirVBKL UliniUDl. H
m,ttm ...
feai blank! . . . "fe. M WA1I
- inV
and Price List.
Oregon inn Hail Itoail Company.
General omcea Kmut undT.HU, 1'ortlan
Krom 0 TnivAra
I'ortlaud HUttlona. I'ortland
Hllver-Ooburg Iort'nd lort'a
Umao mall mulj jcp
I ? i WiHxIburn I f S
J W-.Urownavllle 7 w
WCobur- ., a UJ
Cj)unectloui at Wood burn with H y Co
tralna to and from l'rotlund and at Tall-
uian with train to and from Albany,
Alrllemttll 1-ortUad.maU
-l)rtland riwv" BIS
Dundee Junetlou IM
W bnerldau 8oo
fiM Koiunoutli. raj
Tloketa for Uii Hlrt'JV.V:. , " .. ..
loot.itJeaenoaeU Tlekria Ibr t&uTajS
atatloneforaaleat Union depot. Our
Mti I mIm.1. ..it m t.l' ..::;
i or. M
. Oen.TunU aen.i'gt. '&2L
Va, Aft
Tfn l!1" """'" vy --