Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 11, 1891, Image 2

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mi cihtal jormuL THE LEGISLATURE.
FKI1. II, 1801.
Dally by tnnll per year, W
'all by mull per month, '
A'eekly by utall per year, . 1 W
M9-U not raid lu advance the price
i EEKLT JOUIi.AL. Will m
pmrml frtr f hi. W
tlM per year. If paper are not delivered
promptly ntl!y tbeofneo.
Dally for lti(tle weok, 18 cu.
Dally for two weeks, . .- Sicl.
Dally by month, tocu
Ollectlou will be tnnde ou liit nnd 15th
of month. Hulwcrlbora will pleHe leave
money forcarrleraatboune or whereon it
it delivered, mm to caune no delays In
larly receive the afternoon associated
prcsi dispatches.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Wheat, not 02 cents per bu.
Hops, active; SS.to&l ronU per lb.
Tnflli-s nf nil flavora nmde fresh
every day ut Strong'" renlnurunt.
Only fruit extract unci! In ourcuu-tile.
TitK Fair Ground IIoad. The
mibsldy Tor the fair ground cxtcu
hIoii of tlm electric road Ih tdowjy
growing. There Ih yet ubout WW) of
the f 10,000 to be Huliscrlbcd though
tho BolIcltorH have secured promise
for nenrly tlmt nniount. They have
done little thin week owing to the
dlHugreenble weather to get ubout.
The solicitor have full confidence
that tho whole umount will be Re
cured In n few dnyn. Tho dlllloulty
now before tho coimtructlou of the
road Ih tho right or wny. When
tho plan for thin road wan llrnt tallied
up, there wua n general wllllngtitKH
to give u right of way; but at preH
ent It KceniH that there are n few
who liavo changed their opinion on
this matter. Whenthey carefully
coiiBlder tlio boni'llU and tliu iiccru
tlons to tho value or their laud
cuiiHcd by n road piiKHhig tliromjli It,
no ouo will hcMtnto for a moment
to glvo tho right of way for the road
It Ih very ovldent thai the road will
bo built to the fair ground. And if
itcunnot bo built on Seventeenth
Htrcet, there are st recta nearer tho
heart of tho city which aro willing
to bid high for tho road, ami
three will give a right of
way without a dlnsentlng
voice. Tho people on the proposed
routo cannot financially all'ord to
allow this chance ot Heeurlng a
road to puim unimproved.
Tun Country Full ok Tiiiim.
Tho Wlllametto valley was never
before no raided with viif-H and
trumps as at (infe'iil. They area
worthless oiiirw of idlem who are
not hunting for any thing to do that
la lioucMt. TIiIh Hlute Ih badly In
need of a tramp law, whereby iIichu
men could be matle to work on the
roads. TIiIh metlmd would hooii
leftHon the number of Hiieh pooitle,
If the Htate doas not hoc lit to euitel
nucIi a law, let Huleiu begin the
work by tu ranging no who vuu have
each put In itlmiil a week breaking
Ntono for every olleiiho bniught
nguliiHt any ouo of them, Thie
fellows havo a ttpuclul dlsllko for
8touul)reaklug,Hud where It has been
tried it Iiiih worked well. They hood
learn to uvotd a city that glvuHthem
111 treatment. The city hint nut been
without wnue kind of n robbery or
burglary for a day for more than a
week. Tho people aro Incoming
aroused over tho mutter, Tho hint
Uioft which him U'eu lepoited wm
committed yealordny afternoon In
tho California exhibit ear. TIiIh was
n plokpookut who neeuretl tho watuh
and ohulu of Ml Ida linns,. It
was done while the cut were well
packed with poeator. Thorn Is
IioolUniiH to the (lilttf.
Continued from fifth page,
for tate lnmrd of horticulture, spo
clul order fur the evening failed to
i)cal mkasurks.
JI It 8, to IncortKirute Kant Port
land. Pulsed.
Hcveral local bills were then taken
up and passed as follows;
Name of Alkali changed.
Winchester and Junction City
were incorporated.
JIouho bills Incorporating Hills
boro, Dandou, Long Creek nnd Mo
Miuuvllle, and changing the name
of Jtoy, were passed.
Senate bills incorporating Hub
bard, Newport, Empire City, Bherl
dun, Tillamook and the Astoria sea
wall bill, were passed.
J I U No .18 Hy Meussdorfler,
bridge bill, itead 1st and 2d thru
and referred to Multnomah dek-ga
Upon motion of Senator Tongue,
the vote by which 8 It No 1, bj
Veateh, to abolish ruilroud commls
sinners, failed to pass, was recoiiBld
ered and that bill be mude a speciu
order for Monday, Feb. 10th, atl
p in.
8alii, Feb. 11.
House met at U-TO.
Hy Weed, that Friday morning
each member bo asked to designate
one bill that shall he taken up and
acted upon.
Rep Armstrong moved to deftr
consideration to next Tuesday morn
ing. Curried.
JJy Holmes, thattlioHeiilor senator
from Oregon bo Instructed to cast his
vle for free Hllver. TubUd.
Uy Iteed, relating to extension of
public surveys of hinds. Adopted.
JJy McCoy, reciting that lolnt res
olution providing for a two-stati-postage
railway hud been In the
liaudH of the Com on federal rela
tions for Home time, and that it Ik
required to report. Itep Armstrong
Hiiltl It wnt already rejorted. The
resolution was adopted.
Itep Gurllcld moved reconsidera
tion ot II II No 72, to erect suite
monuments at section corners.
Tmnu huMUKK Yard. Mr.
Thus. 81ms, of .Mill city, It. the
Ciioot of tiU relative, W. A. Slutw.
He repreouistlie huiitlHin I.uiuUr
company, nut! i. tMtutli.hiug oxten
lvo yunU iu this oily. This yard
will be near the slaughter ynrd of
E. C. Crow. Thio two large lum
ber yards whloh uro now hi prog
ress of construction lu this city uivn
Btrong proof of tho fnlth other
parts of tliobtntetiuveln tliumlvuuttt
uiuut of Haleui. From the present
outlook It mint tlmt this city will
Utnblo tosecuioull the luuilwr she
can uw right hero In thoulty. Iist
yivir coutniHtors were wuiiwIUhI to
Ht to other points for UimUir tu sup- ixdattiiK to grist mills
ply the building demand.
No lbO lly Uutler, to regulate the
salarleH of county treasurers Passed.
No 160 lly Henry, inappropriate
money for u wagon road In the
Cascade mountains In Liiiu county.
No 22.1 My Hames, to protect llsh
lu the luKesnud rivers. There was
u misunderstanding us to report of
the committee striking sec 2. Lost
Recommitted for amendment.
No 221 Hy McCoy, to create and
aid Kastorn, Western and Southern
Oregon district agricultural societies.
Withdrawn as It has passed senate.
NnitO lly Meussdoiller, provid
ing for the tiling of supplementary
articles of Incorporation of religious,
benevolent, literary or charitable
societies, etc.
Heo 1 That three or more olllcers
or trustees of any Incorporated re
ligious, benevolent, literary or char
itable society, or any society which
shall have for Its object tho develop,
ment of the physical or mental ea
puelthw of Its inumberH, or tho de
velopment of agriculture or mcohun
cs, may tile Hiippleinentury articles
of incorporation at any time, when
a thrco-foujths vote of tho ineiubeis
present ut a special meeting of any
Mich society, calli-d for that purpose,
shall so determine, for the purpose
o amending, enlarging or changing
tho object, business or pursuit of any
such Incorporated society, not ex
tending beyond religious, Uuievo-
leut, liturury, cdtioutlnuul, soulul or
charitable purposes.
Hep Metnsdortler sold this bill
was to enable edueatlniiul stletlus.
Itep Mluto oppoMd It as u mis-eliler-muklug
bill, for the purpwo ot
removing Willamette University to
Portland, and reducing the majority
if trustees from 7 to S., to facilitate
this leuiovut In opHwltlon to Its
foundeix. Rep Holmes exnlalusd
i hat an amendment had been Intro-
duoeil that obvlatml this.
Hep Mluto further objected that
i he hill wus a dangerous ouo as It
placed the coutrol of till suuh Instltu
ileus tu the hands of a minority of
Ayes, 42; mxis 11, PmshhI.
No ItW-lly WoWh, amending
pllotuRw set mi Cwluinbla, tm us to
ivtUlro two illutaKe ikimmlsMouors
to nMl at Astoria, boat, si, 3 and 4
wens struck out.
No. 107 lly Jennings. To amend
Mictions 8S17 anil 3WI8, Hill's CimUj,
Salkm, Or., Feb. 11, 1891.
After roll call, prayer by Rev.
Guynne. Reading of Journal
dispensed with.
Report of state superintendent of
public instruction read. The rciort
la exhaustive and gives a thorough
and full explanation of the school
"text book question."
1000 copies of the report were or
dered printed.
President signed J. M. No 9.
Motion adopted authorizing the
committee on enrolled and engrossed
bills to call to their assistance clerks
of any other committee not engaged
In work. There will be no special
clerks In the senate.
President isgncd senate bills 143.
102 und 27.
No. 173 By Fullerton,comfinning
title to certain grantees of the state,
No. 118-Substltuted. By Moore
defining the word Hcacotist. Passed
No 33-By Walt, authorizing a
mother to appoint a guurdlan by
will. Passed.
No 11 By Weatherford. regulat
ing foreign corporations doing busi
ness lu this state. Failed to pass.
No 68 By Carson, relating to
compulsory education of blind or
deaf mutes. Fullerton ofl'ered an
amendment "providing that no
child shall bo taken to either of said
schools unless by consent of the
parents." Amendment lost. The
bill failed to pass.
No 140 By Italey, regulating in
terest charges. Passed.
Everybody dues to see the Attractions
at the Omul Army Fair at the
Tho attendunce at tho fair was
even larger lust night than on the
provlous, and tho Indications are for
a still larger attendance to-night.
One of the neatest thliigsin the fair,
und which has not yet been men
tioned Is the little mounted cannon
made hy tho Baleni Iron works.
Thero Is no piece of mechanism iu
the fair that shows more skill ami
better workmanship than this llttlo
gun. Tho young ulllgutom ara the
attraction to tlio museum. Tho va
rious modes of voting aro a novelty
und nre liberally patronized. Air.onir
these aro tho guet-slng ut the num
ber of beans iu u bottle; tho one who
guesses tlio nearest Is to receive a $16
clock; the guessing tlio number of
shot In a bottle, and various other
modes of voting at ten cents a vote.
The entertainment to-nlglit will
bo by Switzerland, presented by
Miss Grace Scrlber, director; Miss
Annie Thornton, assistant; und Mrs.
Jennie Llnu, Mrs. Scott Bo.orth,
MIkh ICdnu Moody, Miss Leila Wat
ers, Mfss Helen Edesund Miss ICdlth
Fnrrnr. The programme is as fol fel fol
eows: Swiss People's Song Trio.
MfH. Bo.orth, Miss Waters,
.irs, ijiin.
VerglssMoln Nlchl.. ...liter Solo.
iWh-s Ihorntoti.
Jwlel Duet.
Mr. Kuudrel, Mr. We tiger.
Fleeting days Solo.
Miss Fairur.
Hlnnneblauei-See Duet.
Miss Thornton, Mr.Duu Steluer.
Legend of llrugunz Reading.
Miss Scrlber.
Run, des Vuches du (irtiyero.-Solo.
Miss Thornton.
The Farewell Duet.
MUs Scrlber, Mr. Ivuudret.
Song of Switzerland Chorus.
Manguis Jackson.a Texas cowboy,
wanted lu Portland, Or., for burglar
izing a private residence of $000
worth of silver wure and Jewelry
some weeks ago, wus urrested in
San Francisco on hiiuduy.
The Seattle Times has been sold
to the Press of that city, W.E.Baily,
the owner of the latter paper, pay
ing $60,000. The Times will be
merged Into the Press.
Mrs. Mary Foster, a talented
writer, of Sacramento, was run over
by a street car on Tuesday of last
week, and on Saturday the doctors
amputated a limb. The shock wns
too great for tier, and she died on
Monday, aged 01 years.
Senator Jlitelifll.
Among the senators re-elected this
winter Is John II. Mitchell, of Ore
gon. Mr. Mitchell lias been in pub
lic life a lung time, and lias held
many positions of public trust. Hi
was born in Washington county,
Pennsylvania, Juno 22, 1836, uud
educated ut the common school, by
private tuition, uud in the luw
school. Ho was admitted to tin
bur, anil removing to California,
practiced law first in San Louis
Obispo, and afterwurd In Sun Fran
cisco. In 1800 lie removed to Port
land, Oregon, and became promt
uent In politics almost at once. In
1801 ho was elected corporation at
torney, and a year afterward to the
state senate and served lu that body
four years, the last two as president
of thesenate. He was commissioned
lieutenant-colonel in the state militia
iu 1806. In 1800 he was a candidate
for United States senutor, and was
defeated In tlio caucus by only one
vote. From 1807 to 1871 Mr. Mitch
ell was professor of medical jurispru
dence iu the Willumetle University
utSulem. Iu 1372 lie wus chosen
United States senator, and served
ono term. Again u candidate for
I ho sumo position iu 1882, he wus
ugiiln defeated, after u long dead-loo;;,
but was chosen in 18S6 to succeed
James II. Slater, democrat, who
had I u 1S70 succeeded him. Har
per's Weekly.
JoUliNAL Editorial Headquarters, 1
Legislative Assembly.
The assessment and taxutlon bill
Introduced and pushed in the house,
has leeu read 1st and 2d time lu the
Senator Hlrseh has Introduced a
bill iu the senate allowing Salem to
luctir nu indebtedness of $20,000.
The (bug) horticultural commis
sion still stands on the statute. The
senate refused to repeal it 11 to 10.
Senator Tongue's Idea in mukiug
Veatch's bill, providing for icpeal
o railway commission, specml.'order
f-r Monday at2p m, is to feel the
pulse of the seuuto on railroad legls
lation, with n view to etrengtheninir
the powers of the commission or else
do away with it altogether.
There are no tiles upon the house.
It bus made ii-cord for the people on
every point at which th"lr interests
are involved.
Will the senate carry out the will
of the people for railway regulation
and coutrol, or will it serve cheaply
the Interests of foreign corpura
tions ?
Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Wallace have
returned from their two weeks' visit
in California.
T'm Wor ) Knrlcliud.
The f.-!ci;;tier. of the present day fot
he production of everything that will
conduce to the material welfare and
coinfortofiu.inki.ul arc almost unlim
ited, nnd when S; rup of Pigs wns first
produced the world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
is the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
and prompt nnil effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, at tay time, aud the better
it is known the more popular it be
Take It In. Ladies, do not let
tho time pass by without taking ad
vantage of that special marked dow n
sale of dry .goods at Liiiiii'h dry
goods store, Salem, oppiclti- Ludd &
liu-h's hunk.
instruments Filed tor Kecord at the
Cuunty Kecorder's Ofllce.
I N Miles ond wf to J A
Cook; 20 ft in Highland ad lo
Salem $
I N Miles und wf to Tennie
CMinthorn;29 ftin Highland
ad to Salem
I N Miles and wf to Ger
trude Minthoru;.29 ft in High
laud ad to Salem
Oregon Lund Co. to J L
Stuck & Co; It 17 blk 4 Pros
pect ail to Salem
Oregon Lund Co. to I N
Miles; 29 ft in Highland ad
lo Salem
Geo II Hollister to G S and
CE Brown; Its 5, 0, 7, blk 8
in Hollister'sad to Stay ton
ji iiouson to John A
Shaw; It 1 blk 0 Stuyton
Junies Saunders andwfto
Lea nder Brown; It 1 blk 6
1'rtililem .Soiled. ,n
Wood l'urlfler.
round nt lat In Illbbnrd's Jlhcumntlc
hyrup A remedy whleli c-iik-Ih all pol-ou-ous
mutter from tlie blood. A well known
eltlzen of est Lelinou, iud.. testifies to
lis vii I ue:
II iill'ords mo nlensurp in alula iimt mr.
wife f tins received greater benefit from Hlo-
uiiiiin iwieumunc Bjrup iimn from nn
(I. A. II. FAIR.
Program for Tuesday Evening.
Instrumental Solo. National Russian
Hvmn Mis Annie Thornton I
T-ihleuu ...Russian Weddiue f-eene !
Vocul Silo, "Watching," Millard i
Mrs. J. H . Htriekler
Tableau Sleighing Scene
Violin Solo.. - Selected
Master Curl Denton
Tableau Columbia and Russia
'ii ii' ci vnnn it i vi'i,. , . .
inn nuu.rm Jl.U r V j I IiLv; C'MIIMW
TihraHr, i.J1....i -., '"-lAll
iUiu.injy -IJ(HlK-' jXO
Look over my wardrobe and
take some of my old cloth
ing down to the Dye Works, 183.
Commercial Street, and have them
dyed nnd renovated and we can save
enough to buy you a new dress iu
the spring. All right,dear,I will do
so right away.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed aud Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
1'ItOF. 8. A. HANDLE Is hereby placed
lo nomination for election to tbe ofllce of
school cleik of Dlt. 21.
Oregon. Muny Citizens.
Marlon county,
Bon Ton Restaurant,
Oysters, Etc,
Fresh Xleots,
AlvrayBon Hand.-
DI8 Commerclul Street,
SALEM, .... OreRon
medicine she ling wr tnim..
ii i- iiieoesif.unll
M e Mud ft
... ,.-..... H"J
u i '.' .v-s 'i a'-'-ack. West Lebanon, Ind.
Sold by Smith AHtelner.
In Puoiiati:. In thu mutter ot
the guardianship ot Klmer 11. Al-
wilda ami Alex 11. Scott, minors. KI
len B. Scott, gmirdlun, files Inventory
ol the real proimrty, which amounted
to t!,ui). ..in tho matter of
tlio estate of L. A. Lubras, deeeuted,
time set for hearing, March 0th. ...
In the mutter of the estate of P. K.
Kldreidge, deceased, Mrs. Annie
Uldreidge, administratrix, tiled her
llntl soml-uuuual account, which
was approved, .lu thu entitle of
Chas. Rlohlovleeea-Hed; W, T. Rich
es, attmlstrutor, tiled hU receipts for
tho llual distribution of moneys lo
heirs of dccouHud. Administrator
wus discharged and bondsmen re
leased, AiiuiMTKi) lint Anhai-lt. Kretl
TIioUniux was nr runted liut night
iu, im uii i iu,t.iuruner. when
thu ineetlni: of the trustees
of the Wlllumetlu tu.lveisity
last night tlie reslguntloii of Dr. C.
Stratton was considered ami ueivpt
ed. This leaves the ehani-illorshlp
of the university vacant,
"I don't mind," said a lady clerk,
when her best friend uil'orcd to pre
sent hc-r u pair of kid gloves, "but
you must ho suru to gut them ut
Collee pots, li,t, lo (.-ent; 2qt,
15 cents; 3qt, 20 eeuts; -lit, 2r oents;
Oijt, ;) cents, ut Crlss-miiii t Oshurii.
Go to Crlssmun A Osburu for vmir
I.IVnr Coinpluliit-llllllmmieH.
Tim chief hyinptnins of this dNe.iKe nro
Ueprestiinn uf spirit; roiilnvitetltoni; ue: bad
MHtlHe moiilli; dlsMiiremblt brtxah; dry
HKInulth blotches nnd eruptions-; sallow
i-omplexlon mid ellou- ej e; tired: ifhluir
kliimidPi; dull p..tn li, rlKht sled; l.ilnti.ess
ilirlneHsiuid Irreeular bowels. This com
plulutluull of Its forms chii be leadllv
ViT.'i iVo ,nKly "r Ounn's In-i.rovtd
l.lM-r Pills us directed; nnd n lliiirerinir
sin- lof sIcKuess will often bepreiented bv
mojruse. bold ut IS cents n bo by mlth
Ofllce of JNilem Stenn laundry 230
Liberty. Branch ollkvs, 20!) und 2o2
RKKItlSiHMK.N'l-8 will beserviil ut
the Russian booth lu the G. A. R.
fair every evening, Including litis
stun ten, poniernlekel, Russian eur
vlu und other national delicacies.
Kim Sninoi, Clkuk. I hereby
uniuuinee myself us a candidate for
School Clerk for District No. 24.
-'' W. S. Ilutias.
Canuiiiati: kou School Clkhk.
Tho undersigned lu-reby an.
iiouuees himself us n candidate for
re-election us school clerk for dis
trict No. 24. W. B. Simpson.
. 3-4 ft
" ' II
Montee Bros, still take the lead on
low priced photos. Only tho best.
Savon laundry soap only 5 cents u
bur ut Crisstimn a Osburn's.
Proposals Invited.
rpHE Board of Trustees of the Oregon
X Mate Insane Asylum hereby invite
sealed proposals ns lollews:
150 'Ji lb mattresses, nil gray hair best
quality, H foots Im-hes loug by 2 foot tin
ow ios ieiner-(ce-e, reuovutea
H00 pairs red blankets.
MX) yards heavy Arnonbeng ticking, one
yurd wide.
ISO white bed dpreads.
ISOulIlron be.idstends with wlie mat
tresses. Each mattress to be:! foot 8 inches
wide by U loot 4 Inches lone, composed of
HCiJ wires, distributed in the lollnwiug man
uer: E ich outside strand to cuiisist of 0
wires each, followed with a utmnd of -I
wires each:. 'istra nds will rundown thecen
teroft wires ench, then 0 strands on each
side between the center and outside, dls
tributed.-it equal Intervals, oi 4 wires each
all other strands composed of 2 w Ires each,
and the ineh not more that
The rlKht to reject any and all bids re.
Hlds will be opened at 2 o'clock p m.,
Tuesday, March 3, 181.
Hoard of Ulrecton,
Wm, A. MUNLY.Oerk of Hoard 2.-2-1W
Proposals for Wood.
mHE board oftrusteesof IheOrcgon stale
X Itisue Asylum hereby Invito sealed
bids tor wood tut follow s:
1-j.o corus or sound body nr wood.
I'M cords of second growth Or Wx)d.
UK) cords of pole oak wrod
llody ilr to be sound wood.
SH-cond erowth flr to b nil snlit wood
from tlmberlargeenough tOspllt;no,ound
wH)d accepted
Pole oak to be not less thau 4 Inches In
diameter. Mood to be piled M feet three
iijiiit- uiHii ami an uemeieu Drrore Ueto
her lo, lMd Hlds will be received Ir
amounts of from fltty cords up. The wood
must be four leet in length nnd nftheerj
best quality, subject lo the approval oMl
iiit-dicnl sopermieudent.
Tho right to reject any and all bids is re
sered. Hlds will be opened at 2 o'clock p
in , Tuesday, March J. ljl.
. Hoard of Trustees
III A. MUN LY, Clerk of Board. 2:2 Iw
Our new design of Vibrating Shuttle Machine Is i lie latest dev.
ment of that popular principle, containingspecial patented iinnroveiiita!
what makes it :
1st The lightest running machine iu the market.
2d The simplest machine iu the world. It requires absolutely n
lfn..nt.l.... I, U0
3d The only Vibr.itor that makes a pprfect stitch a result heretoforeat.
laiui-u in i;iiiiu- iijueiiuies ouiv uv our waeiuuiiir.
.III. fpi -,.! i.i.i. ... ii. .i...... i
Tin jufiiuiy luruior w men can sew iroi'i ligiuest to Heaviest cotton I
without change of tensiou, covering the whole range of farullTl
1. It has a fur shorter needle than anv other miHiine "f Us t- as
2. It bus the simplest shuttle made: you can't help threading It riirbt
H. It has the latest and best form of automatic bobbin winder. '
4. It lias the latest uud best stitch regulator. By simply turningascrew
me suiuii can ue leusiiueueu or suorienen wnne me niac-nuie is run.
Illtltr 111 fllll Unni.fl Vfl fnalunlllrr nnnnoonftM I, ,..,., ...l.nH
n "- ",vn.. a.w .nnn ..iiifc uvi.i....niii , ,i, iiiie. i.iiciever ION
ine L Itlmute Pern-ctinri of a simple family sewine Dm
BURT CASH. Attent. 181 Commercial siieet.
leave it.
Salem Truck it Drav Go S-l
rsJlllVlll 11UU1 VV 171 111 UVi hay, coal and lumber. 01-
t- t flpp st..lp St. niinit(iSli.
len: Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found thro i'h u't the dav atl
tne corner oi oiaie ann uomniereial st reels.
Iv AN DS .
The undtTsip;iied is prepared to fun.i-h buyers
kinds ot farm lands at the best rates. Also eitv and sub
urban property. L. C. FLSHEK, 197 P. O. BVk.Salem.
The Sii'em Steam laundrv, 230
I.itH-ity street. Satisfaction 'Guar.
Tin: Hpsii. For tlufeotf unit f.-
groiiw uf Uu legWutori at Cutter
lin's Is unabated. People liedw
the members are buying them us a
mure work of art
I'm: Or'Kti'KKs. In a uneeiul
group Catterllu has prluted pliutue.
Kid glove u-ore never mi cheon hh
t thtBHH?iiil8iiIeiitIIolverson's this j
hlop p.ilU only 5
cents' at Crissiuun
& Oibara'a.
Long bar toilet
Crlssinan a Ostium
Albany and CorvallU.
The Orgau aud Sewing machine reiulis
or aud adjuster has opened a shop iwo
doom north of the post ufflcv. He hnsover
tn years experience lu this line and guar
anlsnll hi-s work. He will repair nnd
clenu them at your home He alio keep
k full line of Pianos. Organs nnd Sewing
machines, hewing muctiiues to rent.
LMmik li
m m . &w vs
nf WfflSm
mfflWMcftm n RRHSI
hBF? &k3sDnBt8BfflP fs
.1..M. .Ul, .-J&,
Who do All Kmdnof
As C'h'up
the Count".
and doing tlrst-cluss irk.
is anv Laundrv in
U-di.fi White Heln
J6Sr"liaiI.es and perils inv ted
to inspect r dkkw if rloin
230 Libtrtv
Are Some People Always 111
They never look ahead nor think. People hatt'J
Known to wait till planting season, run to the grocqB
their seeds, and then repent over It for 12 menths.i:
than stop and think what they ill want for the pito
VICK'S SEEDS neer disappoint, is their:
from the millions who have.planted them. If it is Fb
or Vegetable Seeds, Plants, BUbs, or anything i:
line, MAKE A'O MISTAKE this year, but ud
cents iur Ylciz's riornl Guide, deduct the nu
from first order, it costs nothing. This nnnrerc
logue contains three colored pla'es Grainiest Aor;
ties e er offered, aoo in cas'i prem ums to ih se setJ
club orders iooo cash prices at one of the State F.:
Grand offer, chance for all. Mad 1 in different shaft:
ever before; 100 pages 8' x to'4 inches
the whUtle wits blown he run up to ot "' wtlltvru of both Iioum-s of th
the Cook hotel and there rvUted
arrent ud truck Ottlcvr Lak while
ho wm btlug arrested, InrHotliiK
painful wound over the eye, which
require! three Mltclies to ew It up.
le;llHture. They look about us well
m the feuutor ud legislator,
- ..
Skn.tkok Hol'r 7 Lottie don't
ear whleh, but It Is n ftict tlutt
no WrwarrwigniKt at li o'clock ti-! iiiriulwrtiufotili ..uL.v n...
dnywhou he plead guilty to Nith tr Kixwri. ftuin Kurmr A LU',, fur
ohurgw and was held for Msnteuco U hfuokt'Kirs taiy them,
later thU afteriiiHiu. lie will nroU- " '
Htaykh TtM) I.o.no. l,-t Knn
day evening two young mu, of
North Howell prolrle, luft u (uhiu
Btaudlng lu front of the home of
two youug ladle whom they were
to take for a drive. The ImrM be
coming uuetuiy b-t ut uu the Jour
ney. When the iowag men iwm
out, to their (lUmay no tituiti wu
there. The fthr of thu young
iaaie and tho more deliberate young
nun vers eual to tho emerg ny.
ami letting out towanl Hllvertou
captured tho fugitive team, that had
done uo more- wrlou danugo than
to lose the euhlout to UiemU.
Iel to oummlttii on agriculture.
Original hill respilrun that nil
inlllons U rHiilriHl to glvo not 1cm
than Wltmof dour fnr a bubl of
Hour. The eomiiuttee mi agrluulture
riHMmiituHHl again that It i. Mer
chant mill now eUlmeil that thwy
vvr not obligoit toeowply with th
Ml law.
ltp Hull Mild thl wouWl be mi
uujuvtkiw to lSKnteru Omgou whero
w liMtt wouhl not turn out 40 lbs.
ItepUauiWo oppsvuM ou ouUtu
tioiiHl g roil ml. Itep Mluto nhow ml
that tho mtlllng tnut lu wuina of
all our mill wtuUklng wht toll It
pletiMHl. IaibI.
No. SI lly Snider, to aimvud
lily Uvml with the ominty for the
next month or mk HU courtcMin
wat nUtt 4k1h1 Iu jail kt night for
txlng drunk.
XKw-Mtr AuiiiVAU-rttiHik of eM
HM at I.utiM'B-utuspwIwt lu tvle
and variety.
Jl'SV IltiUMlVHII.-.ltlnl.u.i II.... ..
ItoV. TllOei. , flllM h.w. ... ...... ... ...
Brown, the .l,,r.wl ,,. i..u,-. J ",..... v",,wo '" ' V l
m , , 7 ' "' ' i'.
M. K. oharvh In PortWiud, will give I -
frxM leotutv In the uwlverltyi Fw.rdtuuk. were sm h LoarUiL
em.wl thl. eveiilHg. llov. Brown U IhU ,,u,r..,.. t ,, ..T.1?.1
araau..M .ii ti... wu.i. i; "-- - "" m. zt.
"-.- . w t llfcvrltflVV Ut
NltXT DOOK 1X T1IK II. A. 1L htvp link Uw. PumI.
yAIKi W. A. IWuwiu, tho Bute NTT By Armtnag, t amend
fctmt fruiterer and coiifeettoner. U theeharu-rof Balem. PahmhI.
uppll(xl with tho flopt aud uiut IW lly Wtwd, to rt
dellekHii took In hu Hue ovr hi ""? f Bantwm. lUp. Hmry
ftaleni. Jf you want Kiimnblugj llHVixl Indutlulte potjiHnvHt, Ut
4olrw don't jaw him Uy. t wit ' A i nw 1jI
ta.kk1alll HUll U i.k. ..tk...
Wue. He luue of the few uikw eelt.
w.o bn hewn hU way litrwtgh p1-
twu- noir tirjiMiHVS wr high .
five iUty
HelnHros chow-chow and pick
les, Dnrkee's sii'ad dressing, Uur-
hun scocoanut and tomato cafeup
frsh at Jus. Clark's Court Street
Valentine at the lowest prices at
The newest wall paporatSargent'n.
Wood fou Salk. Big llr aud
nwple. Leave onlers at J. C.
Brown A Co's hanlware store, Sa-
'". , Fkank HahoU)
- t
U.vru. 15th FxH.-Tlwt reduo-
mm raie ou grertiest otoak of all
wool drma ohhIs Ih Sakiu will pro
ivtnl at J. H. Luitn's popular Salem
dry go.xi Iiou-hj. a w
Staple anil Fancy Groceries,
5'vMf.ry 0"sw.ire, I.unps, Wooden
and W lliow ware. All kind of mill feed
"Highest Price imid for country produce."
A""0it u,,ure of your pitrouaije.
Itt Slat street
My New Stock of Wall Paper Has
STO Oommarotul St
8w.'?2:lv,l!f ,",,u, frH"ii. Window
sluil,.Noliom uud t). '"uu
All klaa-of piomre fmui,, uwa itr
j aad 10 fat (juntos.
He it Ustate nenlcre. Bush-lireyninn
blocK, up gtu.r.
?5c Want Column.
Notices Inserted for ONE CENT PER
tUenieut Inserted In this column for les
i nan twenty-ttve cents.
IXmAI.E. One team of uorses.hamevs
. ?-n? WBKu. Inquire t corner Ferry
iud loth street.
TANTED. By a student Irom theeoun
! , lry'fl I110 to rto cliorea for board.
Address . M., Journal ottlce. 'i6
r ANTED. A girl to wort in a dlnine
J room. Inquire at St. Paul R,tau.
rat. ii-if
r .ur iht
Kihi liim.iiMilMMMMMleil at kt Ih ' ' p " k ir momiu.
lMMgtheoUuullil,lKM... life SrrtuTVXjS
utgt to-Might wm u. .hi i bv !(. gfcajftJ7ggte'.y.M --ST.
thM.ftiwMWiiuH. hi talk iTirr" -f3k 215t.2:
will nodwutit l, Uitli i,i i!,lfr?l.,,,w rs
i lklMrta.lfellta uti.l LLk
' -"-lil fc nnil v BMBI (SL MWIk !Wu..l
liutrui,tlv, .,funy , HW,4e u SSui - "&
""" "" "W 1 WUlHOTH III.
f MUnTUNMHN ll.Vl.VlV.nl, nntiHL..uu...Lu . .
I -- --H " F -" II1PIIMIBIII -- --- . m
irrTT.'v.tJt?. .? m tii
fll la !t yvur wlVro, daughlm pd
1 ..- - - - -- j - - w wwwrw mK
w Hii m WHwy ttr tho.. lyiwrW T'.!fZ. u s4.
in ... ........ .
iu Ki w Ii4mK wJiJ m oW ml
HlbUr4 lthtui,it aa Ur Mil.
' .lirffmrnouJi
Iry jag
imrhfc.- kkkiv i . . ""
lui i-iwii.iifc-wTzltr?
Mr. M. h. MeOuy,p4iykn and
tJB- SWCtoniworefcti trvw. (
ChroHle ilkwsei a Mvialty. t .,, ,
fUttatloM free. j ,f
At.L Wail-AmI Si vanis w l.t.
th UmuiIiVI dowuy bUvkots at
Ih wortle H.tll H.srvj HMtWfnHu the
bt w.l In tW wwid, fcW rtsht
Ikv iu Ongt. (
"Frwsllvwr votnasK) Wm h y., iHm ,
oIwirso f ikhmmm In Un pwstwt - j
r4k llw Ulw. XI.wk.-.u , uu-a l
t Vt ItMK
&UV 1
0a, e
" . ? w ' "Ml ft 1
mum ; iixs i cii"- i
.iiMnl Jt j
k - vrr
at 87 Chemeketa ttreet. IS tw
rtlBMiry Sch.KJ aod Klndnr iriVnlu
""ton room of tbe l'ebytUn cbuwh.
A HAltd I.V l h.io ...... . .... .
PATRONIZE Home IndiiDtrr, and uu
.,S !?uJta,n """ CunghCure. GW
T"1 w eive renei or money refunded
?oa. Smith
A Stelnr sole
Atlminislrntnrs Xotice.
Notice 1-s hereby given taut tb under
signed has been dulv uppoln'ed admlnls
tnitorof the e-tutofJ 1 -ulllvnn,dei-eisfl,
by the I'ounty Court of tlie.-'tntc of Oregon,
for the County of Mnrlon, nnd nil iersom
harlnir claims neralnst sultl pajiip. ut
I hereby notified to present them, din-' we-
Itled, to the undersk'ned at Ills oillce, in
Salem, Murton i-ountv, Dreiton, within !t
months from the date of the first pnblli-
1 tlon hereof, nnd all persons indebted to
I said estate, n.e hereby requ. stfd to miike
iiiiiueuiutu payment or iae same to tut
Dated Feb. 4, lmi.
ndmluNtrntorof theestf.te of J. . Sulll-
van, deeeved. 2:5 lw
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Northern Pacific Railroad
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the dining ear route. It runs tnrcmxli
ve.tibuie trains every day in the year w
(No chance of care.)
OouipsoedofdtnlnifCRrs usurpaKie'',
Pullman drawing room sleeperi
OI latest equipmBl
L & .U - V . .,. M . " M
k iii tii,SSf'Jmi. ?"
mi ; ..-"". co.
-" r&
VANTEDTn Uv. rliahl man
Ji .'lary JJOto JrO monthly, wttn ,
v.,, u. rt-p.-tui m hu o n . eUon u
;r.,.io.iw( .-drt- York u.im liiUMuu..
I oq Akjlma Atmim, iriud dwlr?
i in. nsvulMU HirToiCrj, Uu- .fc
-1 o o .Vsy U Agmm 4 i.l U M
:!SleeDin2; Cars,
U In-1 l
' HMfeuiiNt kku
ktMt 4 7Z7
.7". " -:" " 1'nWI I1U liaa at
uaMnkwM urn huul -u 1
AB? .
r. 1 Mill """"??.
!(: ST.1TE GTinvr
. - uiint ii ww k.4 h .i
bMf -:"", "
""" mnv ! (
tfr H, (urw
! ItiilMn.. n
sH .!.
"n-. a
r kiMi oo
KRs Of lH'v-r,
Bt that oun be or,ntn-..-td and In wh "1
uvoinuKMUiiuag Hi U.ib iree aud l-i
Bbbwt lor bol, jm oi nrt and ond.as
A uMttnuiK .r ting wti o'
ItKSKUifcnlui 'tr. - ' unintern-,.'!
tUlliiuMi !' o ran t J
Hirwt la an any gtc
Tr..ufc lot, fa n .! tyoro al P" B"!
tu AMtio fcoautt'l . i l-.urope "
wwiU.i' ih-. . i..v ..( tn. .-""
P4lll..uv.t lHrii.- r.. nt r.i uail,
urtrlMukv.li i ,a , a:.ui " ,0,a
u He! tttho t y n.eutitf
AiUtr . , , ,,. t AH .'
U' r r ,. . W'hln " '"
wkt km Huiw kuiTVH' ' i
At wy ptiMw la
:, J. U
AiluiIiiIstRttrix Xotlce.
EXPRESS NOS. 16 & 21.
lve onlrt R.M Mart.. . 7."
Nollot b kMTMty (Ivn that I b -'ppi.n
iftw)uiioitn.tril It '
... i .it-drut i. -ift 4n4 h
Mut.tT, -iwi h . JJ a-'
J .iilunujl-ulj.. . . v'
- - a r tv i ut i-U . . "Jr
lulv triJ i.. .. - s.
iiiH' , .iriii.ti hi.iUU'
iw xuty.tv'