EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 3. "THE PEOPLES' PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1891. t TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY.' KO.282 mlm : at F. S. Dearborn's, 263 Com'l St. Standard Diaries, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, STOCK BOOKS, SUPERINTENDENT'S " BoOKS, POCKET BOOKS, INKS and MUCILAGE, LEGAL PAPER, BLANK NOTES, DRAFTS .and RECEIPTS, BILLS RECEIVABLE BOOKS, BILLS PAYABLE BOOKS, PRINTED CASH BOOKS. Subscriptions Rc.terd For all Periodicals. THE OREGON NURSERY CO. Is QReiing a Large, Well Grown Slock of FRUIT SHADE,.'ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Fru.it. EYERGttEESS, vines, At Low Winter Catalogue and Price-List free. Life Keeping " DOBBIN ' NDBSERT. Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest -o OKE AND THREE-FOURTHS MILLIONS. o 100,000 Prune Trees ss.uOO Roval Ann Cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford Peach. 10,000 Moorpnrk and Royal Apricot. O URGE STOCK OF ALL OTHER FREE FROM -o CATALOGUE FREE. ADDRESS : J H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon. lSErSWEEinlE! If you can (jet a good article manufactured at homo you should Jyive it the preference. We keep a full line of the rellabld Oregon Stove! Including the Dexter, Eureka and Sultaun. The Best for trie Money. We also keep Eastern Stoves, and among them the "Banner" line. Give us a call and save money. Steiner &. Blosser, un fin nn nn H m v LJJUL l UIlUUi, Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. J AS. GROCERIES-AND PRODUCE. THE BEST CANNED GOODS Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. uaren Seed s, mj leld Seeds ana J? Mower oeeus, - t t , . Fresh and true to name. fha Orunge Store, 126 State St., CJrchill Sash, Door "i "re, uiiuOg AMeHldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. ki 2 KlCJf b "MU rauuuig made to order. ld- Art,,iS,r??l WBi,lsrankn full mnnlr of aMuioued stock of nil ui "urks. Corner if Trade uml lllgn streets, alem, Oregon. -frwrjyir . TTvy mwmmvcti MrrtlttonU Bnk BulUIa,-, blcm, Oregon. KmSamw j i iHi. uiniitM ""Htalfc' uJHr1' PwrWn FOR simims, Prices. HOSES. ETC. Apples a Specia Address or call on WIRT BROS., Olllce 292 Commercial street, Salem. 3-"),000 Esopus Spltzenberg. 20,000 GravensteiH Apple. 25,000 Yellow Newtown Pippen 15,000 Hen Davis Apple. YAIIIETIES PES IS. OF FRUITS- INSECT ON STATE STREET. THFGROCERS AlTKEN, i t I 111 Salem, Or. & Manufacturing Co., egw ,. . t - . rnncipu. if, Penmsnsbio and English Department. fctuJcaU adaJiu4 so Ume. Catalogucon spplkattoa. 1891 PAWS! Pause a moment in your in to CRISSMAN 2(51 Commercial street Re surprised at the sceniingty articles contained WHAT WILL, If possible, surprise you more in the really small amount of small change it requires to purchase them. HIS NOBS. The Picture Knobs, Tinware, Slop pails, Lamps, Under ware, Shoes, Rubbers, and other nobby goods are to be found at reasonable prices at the well known Store of CRISSMAN & OSBORN'S. (Successor tn If. S. Crissmap.) P. 0. El 310 Com'l Sired H,ns the Largest Stock of Musical Goods it the State. THE ONLY MUSIC HOUSE In Salem. He buys direct from the manufacturers. Those desirous of purchasing would do well by calling on Jijip, ftfi He sells fit Eastern prices. No profits to middlemen, PIANOS Steinway Colby-lidnerson-Riee-Hinzp, ORGANS Chicago (Jottage-Needhatn, SHEET MUSIC-Ovei 8,000 pieces to solcot from, including all the latest publicationB, 3TSpeeial discount to teachers, 3fViolin, Mando in, Guitar, Banjo, Piano and Organ taught by talented musicians. j. h. mitciikm,. ai-. ironvK. MITCHELL & II0EVE, General AND ACCOUNTANTS Iyoonl aud lorolgn collections attended to promptly, ltallroud Unltels wild to u)l ports of the world. llonkkuenlng for locijl parties a specially. Advertising liu;t:l In any purtof the unlleilHliitert hi the most reasonable rules. Commcielul paper looked ufter promptly. 2J9 Comiuerclal street, up stairs. Salem, Oregon. FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS, Founded !n 1877. J000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And the finest over .bred on tho. Pacific Const, Ilook yourj order early fbrcbolto selections. Send Stamp fur Catalogue. Address J. M, GARRISON. lftll-dw Forest Orove, Oregon. EVERBEARING until frost. Jjesorlptivf) p Htrawberrv. Hear from Ma rice 1 Ut free HKTH WI.VQUIST, ItnssolUltle.Ore, Morgan & Mead, City Draymen! All work done with promptness and dls patch. Only the best men ore employed l- J. P. WHITE, Express No, 15. IVorant work and sal Isfsetlanguaruntewl. liaorfers at Jw. Claris .tor IU) Court street. $1 WILL BUY A LOT ofr--- gars, tnbaeeo and aioUettUiovry T. BUMIOWj. - : - down-town career and & OSBORN'S store, step endless variety of usefn therein. Salem, Oregon, X1J I J.H.HAAS, TI1J3 WATCJIMAKEIl, 215 Commercial St., J-ilem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, itnd repairing Clocks, Winches and Jewelry. DTI A TN THJ3N3-, The undersigned am prepnrod to fiirnlslt the best quallly of tiling for umler Uniin. Ing at lowest prices, AtUIU'HYl)KHAHT, Near Fair Orouns, Halem, Oregon, J. G. HARRIS, EXPRESS N0S, 16 & 21, U-ave order at It. i, Wade 4 Go's. IfP llublo work or no pay, Red Front BuenniiBo s ckhiui mum Iteparlug stock lor springs, ai ids, etc. All work warrapteil. Old customers and new ones Invited to culli H. POHLE, N, E. Corner State and Front Sts E. C. CHOSS. Buiclicr and Packer, HUloHt. un4 Court Ht. The tit iriettU delivered toll parUof the city. S. ERNST, IJpliolsterer. all work, either now or r-irlu-, dope Id tne ll workmanlike shape. Hbop soul It of uil ofllc. W LL iffllV IHE CArMTAL JODRIAL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. PUBLISHED DAIL.Y.EXCE1TSUNDAY. UT TIIR Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In r.O. UulldlnK Entered at the postomco at Salem, Or.,a second-class matter. OKKOON NKWBPArEltS AND THE LKOISLATCItE. Tho uewspapers of Oregon are expecting Something of the present legislature. They are not expecting so much legislation for their own pecuniary beneilt, as they are awakening nn the true relations n nil policy of a state towards Its newspapers. Tho llrst step towards a more progressive policy ou the part of Oregon, should embrace a more generous treatment of the newspapers. In no stale In the Union is there so little business fora newspaper that Is ordered oillcially by county or state. In no state do the newspapers get so little revenue from publications of olllcinl matters to spread intelligence among voters and taxpayers. New laws only i each the people through gratui tous publications. Orders of county courts and 'bills paid are not made public as in nearly all other states. The Australian ballot law, which in all other slates requires publishing, of rails for primaries, conventions and tho Unally completed otllcial ballot, here have no provision for publication. The result of this system Is that all through Oregon newspapers are crippled and weakened, as compared with other states, and tho people havounly one largo newspaper at Portland, In tho two chief Sound cities there are four large papers in eacli, and strong journals all through Washington where a more liberal policy towards the press pro vails. Until tho present policy in Oregou is changed there will bo a congestion of power In ono paper and a corresponding attenuation of newspaper strength In all tho rest of the state. Tho progress and wel fare of Oregou demand a change. If Oregon wishes to enter upon an era of progressive prosperity let this legislature not adjourn without encouraging a more just and liberal policy toward the press. Tho bills of the state press association are criticised only by Mioso satisfied with tho present monopolistic order of things, and because those bills aim to strengthen tho country press and Increase Its revenues, while ut Hanie time they aim t greater econo my of county expenditures and greater intelligence among lite masses as to tho new laws they aro to conform to. The printing committee of the house had a mooting Wednesday night and heard arguments In favor of these bills. Other bills relating to publishing county court proceed ings and oltdins nHosved and for cir culating the state laws In pamphlet form aro before the house. Mr. Train, of tho Albany Herald, Secy. Pentland, of the Tndopoudence WestBldo, and Mr. Nlckoll, of the Jacksonville Courier, have been at tho capitol Ipboring faithfully in those matters. Wo want the state press to know theso faithful workers and to know that tho inteiests of tho press are nearest their lieurif . A more liberal treatment of the press In Oregon must precede all other efforts at a progressive policy. To illustrate tills, a committee of fifteen newspaper men were invited to meet ut Portland an dismiss a phut for seeuilng a World's Fair. They met the sluto board of trade, which body had already adopted u plan, and, whllo Ignoring tlie labors of (he rcss( atk,ed Uipip tj circulate an address t the people. Of course the proas of Oregon has not exerted itself fur the World'H l'ar iiiDVOinent ai headed and sought to be carried out by the handful of Portland managers. The press plan was to havo the movement come more from tho peoplo of each county. That was Ignored and the World'H Fair appropriation (a among the subjects that are practically suspended. A fairer, more liberal and generous pol icy on tho part of tho state towards the press of Oregon can tin no harm and will be Hie first sures'gn that tho representatives of the people wish to avert u relapse Into (ho mire of niossbael'.lsm. IVII.r, THK HOUSM AUDIT MUON'n AMKNIMIHHTriT The Australian ballot bill passed tho senate yesterday, wllh severul amendment, only Willis voting against It, When it came back to the house thorn who are tjcciully inferos ted in it imld one of the amend ments, in regard Ut providing tickets for preeliioU where thuotll.'ial tick its fall to arrive In time, wo one agreed to by Its "friends;" hut that the other, In regard to purity of primary elections (Ulmon's amend ments) were not proposed by Its friends. Hut there can lie no serious objections to any of the amend ments, and the amendments will In agreed fa- Htatenmau. "The amendment will be itgreud tl" Who ha the right to forecast the action of the house? TJienmud. meutfoStto. fiO allows other than the official bttllot to be printed and UMXJ, fliut oiulnr the door tolof fraudulent ballot, and defeating (he ' tV wholo purpose of the law. This Is called nn nmendment by Its "friends." "There can 6o no serious objections to Simon's amendment!" says tho Statesman. Let us sec: Those Amendments proposo that If there Is a belief that a citizen Is try ing to yote at tko primaries whose standing In tho party is not what party manipulators imagine it should be, he may bo arrested without warrant by the police. Is this uot a tremendous power of tho citizen when Its execution Is lodged In the hnnds of a possibly corrupt and venal police? Is it not destructive of all political Independence, and virtually placing a premium upon slavish devotion to the machine lit politics? We believe It Is and many men will seriously object. It only applies to cities of 6000, but they are tho only places having police, THE THAU. OK THE Sliltl'ENT IN POLITICS. Tito serpentine methods of boss Ism aud the appalling power of pelf In politics are tho most alarming features of modern public life. Legislatioh is poisoned at Its foun tains by these curses of politics and the people seem powerless to oven protest, say nothing of protecting themselves. A political boss is placed In the chair of tho upper house of legislature. Ho casts his sinister oyo about tho halls of legis lation. He selects tho subjects that present tho broadest flold for attack upon pecuniary Interests. Ily u few bold dashes be unites his scheming designs with the demands of state Institutions, the necessities of mem tiers from the rural regions, whose business and (mlitioal exlstonco de pend upon a road or bridge bill, and thus seeks to causo public measures of tho utmost Importance to revolve about his scltlsh schemes. Thus Is all Important legislation sought to be forced Into the channels of boss ism. It is tho trull of tho serpent In politics. LEGISLATIVE IlliVIHW. Jou una L Editorial Headtiuarters, Legislative Assembly. J Somo of the members of I lie house awoke to tho necessity of doing something for open rivers, Wednes day. There should be a general awakening. . Unless members wlto nro In favor ot open rivets make it a political Is sue, thnt will force legislators to face their constituents upon their respons ibility, they may as well linng their harps on tho willow tree. No Insurance- legislation has yet boon Introilucol, Itep. Mlnto say ho was an active Oregon horticulturist and a member of the American pomologlcal society beforo somo of the present legislators were born. The first senate amendment to Bee. 50 opens (ho door fur fraudulent bal lots, as It allows ti court to order tickets other than those nlllciiiUy pro pured. Tho AuotrulUui ballot law should not bo tampered with, it Tho bill to appropriate tM,000 to complete tho capitol passed the sen ate, Tuesday morning by a vote of 21 to 4. Tho provisions of tho bill are very plain; W.'l,000 for tho erec tion of porticoes at north and south end of building, and the remainder of appropriation for heating appara tus. Tho tax necessary to raiso this will bo less than I of a mill per year for two years, at the prcftpnt rate of URH. HsiriOilt, Ca,r(,on aud Hatch were tie main supporters of tho bill. Sen ator Veach made u strong plea for economy lu the matter of appropriat ing the people's inurioy, Tho people of Oregon will sustain the manly (Iglit of tho Multnomah delegation for a police control of that city uot uontamluated by polit ical bosslsm, The bill to destroy an everlasting police dictatorship at Portland passed the house by a unanimous vote. The hill providing for the Austra lian ballot passed tho house Tuesday and occupied tho greater part of the morning's session lu thu senate. Fullertoii offered the Blmon amend ment which was amended by Tongue so as U Include only cities of more than ftOOu Inhabitants. Tongue made u vary able argument In favor of his amendment to the amendment, The vote ou Tongue's amendment stood H for and 10 against, Tongue Immediately ofl'ered a second amendment to the amend ment providing that no police officer should mako arrests under tho provision of tho amendment except ou a warrant Issued from an authorized court of Justice. This amendment was lost, the entire Hlmoii faction voting against the amendment. The bill us ameuded will he of no eirbet so fur as tne large cities are concerned unless It should be to aid lu the erpetrutloii rather thuu the repression of fraud. The Blmon amendment will leave the police In control of elections lu all the prluclpul cities of Oregon, Cor rupt iiersonit can order the arrest Individuals for hoIWomI Indencn. deuce. mi 1IOII3K AKTEBNOON. Salem, Jan. 28th., 1891. Hep. Merritt submitted petitions containing 800 names, rbferred to Coin, ou Itoads. llop. Hall of Judiciary Com. re ported bill looking to holding of a constitutional convention. To sec ond leading. HILLS I'ASSKIJ. No 111 -By McCraken, to estab lish State Board of Charities and Corrections. Ayes, 40; noes 0. , No 127 By Holmes, to amend charter of Salem, providing for trials by jury beforo Becorder's court. Passed. JNo 211 By Parjuet, to prevent putting any deleterious substance or throwing dead animals into wells, springs aud running water, used for domosllo uso or used by stock Pabsed. No 40- By Thomas, authorizing tho building of i bjldgo al Portland in plncn of Stark street ferry. JOINT RESOLUTION By Klllaln, directing inquiry oy mail or telegraph to ascertain If Union Pacific railroad will eell Its portage railway ut tho dalles of the Columbia. Ilop Miller inquired If this road was not In Washington? Itep .Mlnto favored tho resolution and amended to read "buy or lease." Hep Paquot moved reference to Com on railways. Lost. Bop Barnes urged that practlcul work bo done, or tho members of this house would regret that they had not done something to open the rivers. Itep Miller moved reforonco to a seleot Com of; three. Itep Arm strong called for nyes and noes. In explanation he said the Com on fed eral relutlons bad concluded that a Joint expenditure by the two states on the Columbia was among tho Im possibilities. Ayes, 31; tides 23. Com Miller, Wcloh and Klllaln. HKl'OUT OK COMMITTEES. By Multnomah delegation, in favor of houso bill No 212. To8d reading. HOUSE llESOLUTtON NO. 32, reciting tho various extra approprl- tious as aggregating more tlmn tho total rtvemfo of the stato, that there fore tho various wagon road bills should bo so proportionately' scaled down as to bring tho uggregato ap propriation for that purpose to $100, 000 or less; that all appropriations for agricultural fairs ho suspended until 1804; that tho law providing for stenographic roportors for the courts of tho state, aud that for the stute board of agriculture be repeal ed; that no more money be appro priated to tho use of tho atato agri cultural collego until tho manager ment of that Institution gives ovl denoo that it is answering tho purpose of It oudownmout In tho education of youth for tho farm and maohlno shop. Hep Thomas moyod to Htrlko that pan relating to court reporters. Hop Mlnto spoko strongly in favor of this resolution, Urging tho necessity of economy, retrenchment aud ro form.and protesting against unneces sary piling up of state taxes. itep Aiooro urgueu mat tins was too much of an omnibus resolution, It should be separated aud matters of great importance should not be so crowded together on to Lo unfair to any of them, Oil motion to Indefinitely post pone, the result was yeas 40, nays la. On motion of Itep Holmes, the state printer was Instructed to print 160 ooplcs of tho Simon senate amendments to the houso Australian ballot law. Nol22-ThoAiistrallii!i ballot law, with senate amendments, was re ferred to Com ou elections. Hep Armstrong moved reconsider ation of vote by which bill wuh re ferred. Lost. SKNATK AI-THHNOON. Tlllltll ICKADINO Of MUM, No ,'f By Myer. Improvement of Hada Springs, Lluu county. Pulled to pass, No 48 By Wat kins. Times, places uml terms of Supreme court. Panned. NliW IIIL1.H. No 142 By Hlrseh (by request.) Establish Ungues' gallery at peni tentiary. No 148 By Blackmail. Incor porate Burns, Bead 1st and 2d times by title. COItroilATiONH. No 140 By Muckay. Completion of J'ortlanil city hall. Iteud 1st and 2nd time by title. Beferred la Multnomah delegation. no 160 Buley. Destruction of certain wild animals. Itaul 1st and 2nd time. Agriculture. No 101 By Mackay. Purchaso of land lu city of Portland forereo tlou of a U. B. government building. 8 J It 4-Walt. Allowing 200 to W W Page attorney fee. Beferred to committee ou ways and meaua. 8 J It 6 Weathorford. I'rovld speolul supervision or expenditure ut money appropriated by conga-ss for Improvement of rivers. Ordered printed and referred to Judiciary. flltHT ItUAUINO UOUSiq lUl.ttt. No OS Uy Durham, Mpouw of legislature. (Continued ou second pAt.) rai'PURR FOUNDED IN 1803. The oldest and largest nanKIng Houso north of Hncrcmento and south of rortlnnd; Laid (S Bush, Mm ) J) HALEM, UtON BUILDING. Accounts kept, loans made; exchange on every part or the world sold and beught: letters of credit Issued to travellers; collec tions made throughout the United States, HrltlBh America and Mexico. This banK has monetary connections wun DnnKs in th banns m Oregon, Washington. Idaho a Montana, and correspondents? In all ) principal towns of those states. and J the i Drafts of eastern banns taiccn at par. SALEM OREGON. WM. N. LAnUM, - . - . resident P'V.i- "K'NOLfas, - Vice President JOHN MOIH, Cashier GENERAL BANKING. irarrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit trad transact business with us. Liberal advance made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property et reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank lu most reliable companies. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAHTAL-STOCiv, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GE).AVir.LIATda WuTriNHLANl) HUGH MUNAUY . lreslden .Vice President .......Cashier , DIHECTOIIB: Geo. Wllllams.Wm.Kne land, Dr. J. A. Itlchardson, J. W. Ilobson, J. A. liaker. Hank In new Exchange block on Com mercial street. 8;12-tf Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - - 175,000 Surplus, ...... 15,000 It. 8. WAIJiACK, . . President. W. V. MAHTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. AM1KKT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS! W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin J. Sll Martin, It, 8. Wallace, Or. W A.Custck, J. H. Albert. T.MoK.Pattou. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other markets ublo produce, consigned or in store either In private gruaarleaor ipubllq warehouses. Slate and Couuly Warrants Bought at Par COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted, at reasonable rates. Drarta drun direct ou Now York, Chicago, ban Kraoolsco, Portland, London, PnMsllerlln lion? Kong and Calcutta. LNSUIIANCK lyjom pnny. I f iro ana Ma rine. J OH; ALBEHT, Agent. Balem. Oregon Cheapest, Neatest and Best, SCH0MAKERS COMBINATION FENCE. I make and put up all kind Qf fences, city aud country. Get my terms before fencing II, HcuoMAKJai, HaIoiu, Or, Jgs. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmHttls at All Hours ol the Day Nonoi but -whit labor employed In this establishment. A good substantial moal o Kiked In first class stylo Twenty-flva cents per meal RlCD KRONT Court street, between Journal Ofllco and Mlnto's layer. '! J Salem, Or. lbt8$2.50 and $5.00 a Bay 1HUU. llest KM, llest hetel between Portland and Han Francisco, Alms to be Unit class In all Its uppolntmeuts. its tables are served wiiu tueoiioces,t fruits gruwu in the Wll- ameiie vaiiey, A. I. WAGNER, Proprietor HELLENE-RAND'S Ealing Parlors 4 Candy Manufactory, BOB Commsralsl atraat, UIIjOKKAHE: Ice Cream ,l0o., ISo, and a cents Uottt, Tea or Chocolute uud CakeIO rents Mush and Milk. lUceuts Plate of Soup ....... Hot Cuke, Cuitca or T ....10 rents a.-..ts cents iieeweuK una KKgs . .... v, cvuu pork Uhopuud tM Mutton Chop aud K'i M ... ZJ ten U ggs -......v.1 cents 1 ceii In veuisou and r-au. Uausageand lit-. lateriU Ham and rrgs . ....Sicenu ech Oysters any slylurl... .,,... ,..', cents 25 Ct Rtgultr Dlsnir Stnti f ro It t3 O'Ctotk. A nle variety of vegetables, etc., etc. Also tew. colftx or milk with all 2S cent tucols without extra chuiye. Choice Cigar, IiuporU-d an Ooinestlo. always ou nauoT. Porter House Weak and Kggs.--J cent Tender Loin Hteuk uud Kk.W cents INSURtt IN YOUR HOME 'COWANV "The Stte." AMsed nearlyloas-thlrd'o a milltoa UrjO.iS.lir.Kl.yM, CUy Agent. And special acsutmr Maroa county, OK tlam iit. .tie CvwpHny. D.C.SHBRMAN, ..0,A nIo nd OUim owut, f.O First National Bank Capital City Restaurant mm