, c j.jgiT wi riiTTTt ' - ""ueximtpmrffifmrMtmairAmiiitrM iiiiitoniiriif Cut n San Francisco, August 5, i88g, We, the meixitfers of Trie Board of Health, of the City andCdunty of San Francisco, cordially approve and recommend the Royal Baking Pow der. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients of the highest strength and character. In our judgment it is impossible to make a purer or stronger Baking Powder than the " Royal," ks Jv Jri . At7 .. &W?Wv ffi&MJ&g:5 FR'tH ZENA. It Booms that vprlng liaa come, aH wo saw some Biinkes out Hunnlng thetuitelvcs tho other day. J2. C. WallhiK, of Jiolho City, Idaho, lion touht the Jay Frlzzcll place, uear McCoy, for $10,000. John Phillip, 8r., In recovering from hlBEcvcro'lllncea. Was, Dr. JJftick will preach hero noxtmutaynt 11 a. tn. CayoteHaro proving rathor trnuhlo soiiiv to our Hkcup men at prvHcnt, as tho lauiliB are too young to keep out of their way. Capt. 1. F. Clark liiw n lot of cherry trees In hloom, rather early In tho boumoii for them. Mw. 12. A. WttlliiigofSutinylde, uud her iWiukIiUt, Mrn. Walter JoluiHoii, of Kitst Portland, who have been tho buchIh of Mru. fc5. P. aimhlu the pastl weuk, returned homo hint TueBdtiy morning. "A UadTuborlmi. PoiiTf.ANi), Or., Jan. 27, 1801. Editoii Jouunai.: Thanking you for your friendly utterances In behalf of organized labor, and the tolling inoftseH, I nguln iihU you to reinember us. A special meeting of delegates of tho Federated Trades Assembly, was held In Portland lust Biiiirtay, and tho following resolutions uiiiinl inpusly adepted: "Wiikukah, Tlloro has been Intro duced lu tho state leulslaturu of Ore iron house bill No. i!IW aihendlug seo- tlou 180.1 of Hill's Annotated laws of Oregon, regulating the rights and duties ol employers and employes, tuid to protect tho rlghta of business men; and Wiii:hi:ah, This law Is gotten up entirely lu tholntiiivHtof employers, and entirely durogatlug, and dls. criminating against a much larger cla8ri,lhe cmptoyc,vlrtually reducing tho working class to peonage or Borfdom, ami an entering wedge against our liberties as a people, a vutss legislation, and an usurpation of tho freedom of speech lu tho In terest of employers) therefore, hull ltoitolvcd, Tlmt tho Fetlerutml Trades of tho city r Portland, lu m.x'tlnir assembled, who are coin- fiosel of delegates from tho different rades and houorablu oeeupallous of this city, representing sabl working class, do hereby solemnly nrotest against tho pawngo of said hill, or bills of that temjro. IteVo lvu.,T tJiWtho dllfoiWit tMil and i-illiit)o ih, tlmt yf rfircd h-s soul areoblnnaKd or law-ubUllhg, peace fill and Industrious people, and that tho agitation tlmt may have been or now Is being had hus been curried on solely by the eiipoyers, who have In several Instances tried to umirp, net eompatliilo tn freedom, health or justice, by Insisting on too long hours or Just iitmiteusatlou. Hesulved. Tliut we. as free and luuepeiiiuMii luwtiuiuiiin i'ii tho vlty iT J.lrthiiiil aijd vlc hen'Oy.apniiiilhi.bur '" uud repri'M'Utailves to tmo all iudepemleut luwubldluir ellUeusof iiu tiijii vicnijiiy, no huiiuioi-s ill honor able elrorts to defeat said bill or bills of like tenure, uud we will ever pray. Die hill referred to Is believed tn U ii direct stub at organized labor, AUIKIlTTofclKH. .Vitally fir .sJlrct utlluly. Kttiator btiuiford Is hluiueii for being alMHit from Waxhlugtou on Monday, when tho vote on tho cloture bill was tAkeh. Niw It comes nut that he wus In New York with his private seorvtury, John II, Mo.M tliur, Intent on looking ut a consign ment of trotters from Palo Alto, tlutt were to b sold by auction, llul while on his way to the ytalile, the cub that carried the pair came in collision with n street cur and turned bottom upward. Tho senator wa badly cut In the temple and his right arm and shoulder bruised, and hU companion hcrlouly out In the face. If thitte gentlemen hud boon ntlendlng to (hell- duty tho uoolitaut might have Uhii nv-)li)ti. N 1YrttV.i.lir Wm ever mum tudl Uuun vrrvuktsj xuutlluiloii. wuetlir lu lltr bv ilt lirixluol or om iuUJy, ur Unwjr tbul iwuuiaDutru vrllliuul llHl WIM. Au i Ural lutuuk nl riKktiR IhU kmiX uul drain of (he knumvurvlulllr Ulltw Irllcr's Htdltutcli llltlrni. wlilelt MuHilMt (UxtstUiUi, oJ glvva klilwUu.v k all i-Umlas ui km rulililt hiu. (ulliw llllll, (wllllrt unlit) kKtllnjr li4 Urtil iter, lvirMiiilHxu hiii! iIimiiiuiI.hi, mv biuuiuc Hi UkIU) tiiliiiruu wliUli it iuik dlto iiivuiplly und lUiinKulii)' iVntil mm lu lu uh U writ nrlll liy it "tTTfv m (R)wden ty&Qi la, Wmm U HmsiQ Years iltc SfiaOarO, ?? "T t y-. . -- Xs,yit& zt& I'lnylnj; With Fire. Tho I'rlncvlllo papers tell of a domestic tragedy which happened on tho Lower Trout, In the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Llnvllle, by which a four-year-old daughter lost her life. Tho mother had left her two chil dren In tho house, aged two and four years, while busied outside, and during her absence tho smuller of the children playing with a poker, Ignited tho clothes of the older girl. Heforo Mrs. Llnvllle arrived and put out the Haines, the Utile girl was so badly burned that she died the next day. Letter List. Tho following Is the list of letters remaining uncalled for In tho post olllco ut Balem, Jan. 128, 1891. Per sons railing for the mime will please say "ftdvortloed." Allen Geo F Aiuermau J 15 Austin A 15 Maker Mrs Dola Ilradloy Geo a Maxtor John V Mlakely Mrs (loo Mell Mrs M Calhoun Mudison Cogaat W 8 Cook Mrs JJavia JJloKoy l A Duriin John J Orllilli O Hazonhyer J) A llerrel John Hill Mrs Baruh Horton OK Jenkins A K Juhus 15 Knox 0 A. J.ohhoii Thos Major Walter J) Marshull Airs It Moner Lemuel Morguu 12 Norm A (1 Itayuioud Mrs M HoHsMrs Leltio Housh J L Hhuw CI T JIarcourt Jas lllrseh Mux llowitrth Mrs C Hussy Jake Johnson Mrs II Kinney M Lowell Clms-2 Mackoy O It Matsou Mats McDonald J A Mooro J U MoDovItt HIeanor Nolt C A Kamoy Francis Hotiisou A 11 ilure Peter Behellbergo Kdd Htlieet. 11 A Minim M A tilmiiklus Mrs II Himmous Wesley mono y u Htoneman Jas Thomas Cans Webb Maud Williams J 11 WllshlreJudgo Williams A A Hones J C Hliutt Mrs Junnlo Tiiompson Olllo Wheeler K I) Wickham Kddlo Wilson W S F Worton M A. N. CllMIKIlT, P. M. The house should not allow Itself to bo distanced by Gov, Ponuoyerln striking telling blows for open rivers. Heuator Mitchell Is preparing a Ml! whtch ho wilt Introduce In a few days, providing for tlio organization of a company to lay u submarine ca ble from some point on tho Paclllo coast to tho Kaudwlolt Inlands, B;i moil, New Zeluntl and Jupiui. Celumbian: Tho appropriation for the liiiproveiuent of tho Columbia has failed to materialize, and for the present tho farmurH of Oregon and Washington must pay exorbitant freight rates to railroads owned and managed by eastern corporations. Grand Hondo Chrenicle: The publlo will breathe now after hear ing that Mr. Geer had the good judgment toiippoiut our Hon. John McAllstcr on the military com mittee. Thai settled our danger of ludlau troubles. On with tho glumt dunce. lln ,Nw DUiuury. You have board your trleiuli and neighbor lulklug about It, You may yourself bo one of tho many who know from toroiiul experience Just how good a tiling U Is. If you huv ever trhnl It, you are one of its hMuiuiIi friends, because the won derful thing about It Is, that when Mice given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds u nlaco tit tlihoiiM). If you have never used It and should be iiHUctcd with a iMiigh, cold or any Throat, Lung or I Client tiotlble, Keeuiu a tmttle at niici) ami give ll u luir trial, it Is guiiruuteiHl every time, or money j, funded, Trial Mollies Vnii ut 1'iy's Drugstore. F.xclteuieut runs high In this city over Bystem llullih'r, as overytHsly Is ulng It for onturrh cf Jlie Sloumuh, Coiisuui tlou l)yiisl. luiHrt IiIivhI and In build up liiti 8ystum--lt tvrtululy uiilst be all excellent preMtrntlou. when everitskly aihsiIu wi well of it. il&wyr ,1 SurO vir ir I'll, lthnu( PUtM hi kuuvrn by luulclMr USuMHSrutluu. wtutltis Iuli4 ItoblHf wnnivtnu im mrm viwim nutui IUvwIiuk l4 xuUril4tuc, )-M4 at ira la fir. IWMMku' 111 llMiU)r. wUleli mu ilimHlv uu lit imiU nRrold. aburtu lu. lur, alUjt llolilu uU ettkwU it vmfiimiv ml mi. M mu ltutk-l.t ur mallt lrrll4 tin. Ilr. IWi uauko, I'hlUdolpliU IVk 4a by HiuUtiA limtuor. Baking I SALKM MAJIKET IIKFORT. ' B.llliiK Vrtcr. IIKTAII. I'BICKS. BEVISKD QUOTATIONS. Hhoulrtern JJugar cured.pcr lb,12J llrcakfant biicou 15 llanu Huicar cured, per lb, l(c iicer evMa. Pork- (? Yiy.fi. Mattun 10&12XC Venl-10l2l$ Tlmotliy Md IVr poand, Vj nelllng. Jlcl clover need Per pouDd, I3e. While clover need l'er pound, ISc. " Alulko-ISo per pound. Ilcd lop 13c per pound. Lincoln OraiwJ24c per pound,' Ilyo Onw 100 per pound. Orchard UraM.. 17d per pound. Means 8c per lb. Oat meal t 6c Canned KrulU-Fcftchcn, XI M, npnoot, 12 45; blackberrk-0, t3; corn, bent Kfides l xr, tomatoes II 40: itrini; bean 11 t(y, green petUtl Sj; perdoz. In two lb canii. Oreen KrnlL.Cholce appienTSaiJOrper box; pesn7Scperbox;erapestl Zi;pcrbox potntoen 75c; enrrot !r, pnrsnlpn II 00; quince II 00 per bushel; onions 5c per lb. KUli. Jialtnon 7(l0c lcr lb; Hturucon & 7c per lb' umall flnhflOuperlb; Itnlibutand ood 12ic per lb; nail nalmon, 710c per Ib. nDYltfo.PRiciw. Wheat-2Xc nel. Klolir-lcr barrel. 51.00. bent 190 lb. Oil tn l'er bunhel. 4S SOc llnrley l'er bunhel. (We. limn Per ton, lis 50 nt mill, Micked. Hhort-Per lon,17 CO " jwickcd. Clip Per ton, VajM " Hacked. Hops (Quoted nt SOc per lb. KiUf'K per dozen. I'otiitoes l'er bunhel, BOc Corn meal 3c per pound. ChccBO 12(14c per pound. Dried plum Per Ib. ft7o Dried prunes Per Ib. l?ilhv KmporU-d nnine TAn per lb, Hull iter .w sn&Vio per pjund for good Iird- -UYJii ibcier io. Ham Per pound,llial2c, ISaconnlde I0ir lb. Hhouldcr scc per It. Chicken.. 7 to 10c. Turkey 12cper lb, (Jccno IfiH pr lb. Duck, l2)Hcperlb 1.1 Ver Complaint Illlllomiipmi. The chlel Hymplom of till dlseaKa arc deprcHlon of pfrlt; foul coated toiiRue; bad InMIng mouth; dlmisreeablo brcutli; dry skin with blotche uud eniplltum; willow complexion nnd yellow eyen; tlrcl; achlni; houlder; dull alnln right ulcd; faintuc dlxini'Mand Irregular bowel. This com plaint In nil of it form can bo readily cured by InKlns Dr. Uunn't Improved Liver Pill a directed; and a lingering inellofalcKnc will often be prevented by tlielr ime. Hold at 'J cent a box by Hmltli MAUKKT8 IIY TELKUKAI'll. IVUTIiAND. Wheat-Valley, I122i; O 225WnllaiWulla VA'ty, to 11,15 portrnUil. Klour ntftiidard, i 90 to $1. Walla Wttllan fiOU 80. OuUildOKrndcH, MHO. Out White 6So to OOc, grnyftlcto 68 per bimlicl. Mlllstutl llrnn Kl2 horl, 2Z50 ground bnrloy, WA; cnop feed. J2j mlddllnipi, fi per luu. Ilay-fl618perlon. Uutter Orrgon fancy dairy, 37J4 c;fiincy crenineryl'good to fair, 27$.l0;Call forma choice STJo. Kg Oregon iWaMJcICiuitormOcpcr dor. Poultry Old chicken, l 505 00. Potntoe II 10 per cental. Oheeiie Oregon, 13 to Ho; Callfoniiu X to 10c. Hugiir (loldeu O, Kc; extra O,'0;; dry granulated, (f)J; cube, crimhecl nnd Pow dered, OJfo per pound. Ilcuim-Hmnll white, :ioQI; pink Vt; bayoM. U 76; butler, .') 50; llmni, J.') 50 per CUIlUll. Dried Krulls..Thu umrkct U firm. Cluo- led: Itallau prune, la Ui Ho; Petite and (Jerman, 10c per oumi; ralalnx, ti 50 per box; plummur dried pourH, 11 to 12c;huu dried nnd factory plum, 11 to lie; ovupo ruten iK-aclien, 31c; Hmyrna fig, 'J0c; L'ullforula llg,0fl per pound, Hire K per iwund. Hlde-I)ry hide, to 8c; H Icb for eull; ureeii over &" imhiikIii, 4o; under 65 Hund, .V; Hheep pelt, :Uxv3l,00. BMOKKI) Mi:ATH AND liAItl), Hutem liiuns, I'.'j; to lie, ibrcakfiHtlin coil, 10 Ui lie; Hide, 0 to 10c; hud, by. to 10o per pound, HAN KitANOIHCO, Han KnANoisix), Jan. !. WhMit..tlie week oiH'iicd on a quieter; market. No. I white, II ai to II Ml; choice II 07 per cental. I!np.,.l3:i0opi'r )H)tiiu1. Ilarley Keeil II 6(V(JI fB'; pr rental II 17;choliHi II 17 to 1 IS; common grade II . Oat..Oniyll VOto J OO.bliicklSa 10 to HO ht rontnl Oulon..tJ to ,-U. l,otuUM'..7J0lo jl 43 MIHOK1.ANKOIW MAHKhTa. nilCAilo, Jan, 31. Wool lCiiRteni Ore iron, II) to ldo; valley, 18 to ISo per pouud Href l.lui, ;; loa 10; drenned, So. Mutton Live, J to lo; dreaed Ho. llogx I.lvu,6l0; droedfc7c, Vwil 7 to Wilier H)uiul, lllbtiuril' IthriiBHtle aim l.lvnr Pill. Thkaiilliuracliuitlflcnllyeoiiipoundrd nun iiiiiiiirin in nciiiiii. no gripilii lug Mln mi commonly followlni! tho tibu or iilllii. oi Tory uro idiiptod to Ixith adult uud elill. dreuwltli jwrfiH-t nalVly, We guuruulee they lmi40eiiiul In tliBPiiruiirnliilc lumii. ticho, cotilliwl)mi,driwilaniiil bllllou. lira ami, u mi uppetlier, they uxtvll nuy tf.nri iii.kiiiiiuu in ly H.ullh A Htelucr, sole ngt. School Tux List. Tlio school tuxes of district No. 521 III Marlon county are now due and payable at tho clerk's olllce lu No. Xa Commercial street (In tho rear nl F. H. lXarbnru's Ixnik store In the Musli Mreyuiun block) Salem. The same will become dt'llmiuont vinlt imltt within (U) days from this date. lly order of tiouril. this 17th day of iovomiKir, io'si. v. li, .-ilMlvoN. U-lMf District Clerk. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. fA) will uy the Opkm. Tveis WHitku with TSoluritettwii. Kllit A Air Ihn HlSill k I'.vskOhm.l, warranted to do belter work Hutu any iiiarhUti madtv It mmbuiMrtiMi'LieiTV with IU'hauil- ITV, Hl'kSII, 1UK ill Ul'KIUTION, Mir longvrMithmit riMtofrv(nlrtug tlmu uy othor iiiavhtne. I In no luk rlbtHiu to b.iilivrllioivratiir. Ill uiwl. niiUuiu IUI, Ulkl 4alnl, iwrfivt and adjpll to all kind of tyiw wrltlug. Liko u prtutlug prv. II proitueM hurp, rlMii. IvtfiUI iuuutfrlpl. 'liu ur li txtplM ntu lx luado at Him wrltiug Any lutllttut w tin rttii boooiiis au iipcrulor lu two dy. WeorUTlltU) to ) oimmtor wlvo run iul Ilia work of tho IMciilk Cask UUKLL. ItolUMe AicuU and alMmu waulist. SHlal IUdUC4HUl to dlMlcr. MAIL LISTINGS. XOTICKTOCONTILlCTOIli P y. larlmenl, Wahiixuius. l, t. January U. Uttl PlUWALH wilt b rtvlvct at lUl Irari uffie of thu !rtmwil uulH 1 I tu vt JJih suh. Vw. tvr curryiuc lh I mail wtb l uit4 Huica upouiti rHitu, and aurdlbx ia ik wbvUulvul arnvnl and dtanuv4t4itf4 tgr llu lVtrUiMi. lu lli Wt ut OfvMH. Rhh July l I!, to JuM&xbim. l-uir K4itM,wuh J , UW w4 sitlvat au4 dnur, ln.ruiuiu ; hi W4Jr with turn, tat murK and ' iMia, aua an wibr HMuwr iuKmthw IKhi, vrW U ftwaUtMhl ttM fHtlttii et lb hmU AMtoUul lVkll UnHl JOHN 1VANAMAKKU. I w VMWittvrUvurral STANDARD Of ABILITY. Tim Clai of Men to Whom IVo Owo ths Iinprovemrrit of the Ago. Wo commend tho following, from the Stationary Engineer, to all young people who wish to succeed m any vocation in life, no matter what, but It applies more es pecially to tho mechanical trades : "When a young man starts out to learn his trado and goes Into a shop, totally un schooled in tho manual performance of his duties In tho new field of life on which bo is entering, it Is Important that ho should bear In mind this fact, viz : That his position, so far as it relates to himself, is Intrinsically an educational one, as much so as In tho school or coIIcko from which ho may have recently graduated. Tho simplo perform ance of so many hours' work per day, while It has a certain financial measure of value to tho employer, has a raluo to himself when properly considered that Is greater than can be measured .in currency. As his progress and standing in tho school depend ed on tho thorough mental understanding of each progrossivo step bo took, so, only in a moro material sense, bis advanco in mo- chanlcal skill and knowledge is dependent rn Ma ttinm,r,Vilif llnrlnpflf nnrljncr Tint nnlv lin fnntlnn Hnfatl nf Ma tvnrlr. hilt thn whv ! and wheroforo of each operation. There always has been, and probably always will bo, two classes of mechanics those who stand at their bench and go through the manual motions of their work liko auto matic machines, with littlo moro conception of why tho results aro as they are; and tho other, that class of men who mako no moves without knowii k why and how results aro obtained, aud tho relativo importance of each step. This is the mechanical educa tion that counts, tho education that schools tbomind to a clear comprehension of prin ciples, equally with details, and leads un failingly to that higher field where skill, dlllgenco and marked ability find their natural level. Tho young man who, on be ginning his mechanical education, realizes and acts upon theso truths, wilt develop that ability which is not gauged by mere manual dexterity, but rathor that which, when In later years bo may bo called to de sign, lay out, and superintend tho work of others, will enablo him to creditably fill the position. Buch positions come to thoso who bring thought and brains as well as manual dexterity to assist them in their work. To such men wo owo tho improvements of tho ago in overy branch of mechanics." ENGLAND AND AMERICA. Borne of the Difference Iletnreen John Hull and Ilrother Jonathan, Baggago is "luggiigo" in England, writes 1'rcntico Mulford in tho Rochester Herald. No livery Btablcs; instead, sign of "cars on biro." No cars on railroad; all "coaches." No rails; all "metals." No conductor; in stead, "guard." No depots; all stations. No boots; all gaiters. No street-cars; all trams. No stovos. No mosquitoes. Very Impropor to ulludo to inscctjon plant or elso whoreasabtig. Hugs in Britain belong only In beds. In England's English "to get mad" means instantly. They got angry; never mad. A roastlng-pieco of beef Is a "joint." Things aro never "fixed," a la American; they aro arranged. Tho English novor "guess," "reckon" or "calcu late;" theso words belong to American English. Whoat, oats, rye, barloy, all go by tho name of "corn;" corn Itself almost unknown. No wharves; all docks or piers, ilost pies aro "tarts." Regular fruit pies baked In deeper dishes than ours; crust only nt top. Twenty millions or moro pooplo In Britain eat hoarty supper at night. Tablo spread often as for dinner. Roast meat, po tatoes and porter. No indigestion follows; novor tlilulc ot it. fo green corn, fto watermelons. No pork .and beans. No buckwheat cakes. No succotash. No oysters cooked a la stow, fry, roast, broil, or steamed. No oysters savo raw or In "patties." No clams at all. No pumpkin plo. No desert pies made In our fashion; very small affairs In small dishes. Plenty of cocklos; ralsorablo apology for our round eluin. Oysters thin; not savory to Amor lean tasto; kept at shop in vats of fresh water. Cod and king flhb, twenty-llvo cents a Kund. Lobsters very high-priced. Bile, sprat, herring and other llsh very cheap. Noporgies. No shad. Nobluolish. Plenty of mackerel, Yarmouth bloaters In early summer; novor found in perfection in this couutry; superb relish during that tlmo. Aro allowed to decomtoso after being caught until slight bloat sets in; heneu namo "bloator" ; nftorwaiil lightly dipped In salt and wator; than briefly uml delicately smoked; then broiled. Flavor so acquired doesn't last over four days; salt strikes it afterward. Peas, cabbages, beans nnd tur nips moro tender than ours; boll tonder In lui tlmo. White birnns called "harvest bean," Yollow turnips not eaten; deemed fit ouly for sbeop. WITTY DR. HAWKES. How Ho Urrllni.it h Call " from a II ii mil i. (N. Y.) Cliurili. North Carolina probably novor produced nn abler preacher that Ur. Francis I. Hawkos, who a quarter of n century ago was pastor of Grace Episcopal Church, Now York. Hhort, thick sot, swarthy, bluok cyed and black-huirod, ho was a striking lersonago. lie was not only u great pulpit orator, but considered tho host reader in Nowork Episcopacy. His rather luxur ious family deterred him from accepting h bishopric, which would have been other wise tendered. One day, says tho Wali ington l'oit, a delegation from a Buffalo church waited ujioii and Invited him to ac cept a pastorate m that city. "Well, gentlemen, other things being satisfactory, tho question of ueueptunoe uurrow down to a business matter," stud Ur. ltawkes. "What salary do you offer?" "Ur. llawkes,, said tho spokesman, "ue revoguUo that you have a high reputation and are willing to bo liberal. Our recent pastor lias received rt.AOu, but ou uooountoi your standing wo have decided to offer yot 3.MXX" "My good man," orlsd the doctor, gasp tng, "do you kuow what salary 1 am rece-iv iugheret" "No, sir." "lKetU5,(KX)aud this parsonage, aadai I have nn oxputvo family I do uol see my way clear to neeept your offsr." Tho spokMwuu looked rathor sheepish, but made auolHsr essay. 'If vhud known that fact, sir, wo would undoubtedly have looked elsewhere; but you should routtfuitMr Unit the work of the lrl must bo doue, aud as far providing for your fauuiy, you kuow tho story of ths ravo." "Now, my fritmtU, rsspoodsd the ctsr gyiaan, quMstaally, "I bavts wad Um IhbJ my study ovr uim I was twniy-)ftt. 1 hsve rad It Uirouga oursfuUy uad imyr fully ttvur a husdrvJ Uhmm, 1 rnnlMr tkv ruviwt luciUMl iHtrfavUy, bat uobr h 1 nd say rfwftMici U Um lord's jtru vkdtME for )vung llawkw." Au (lumlun uh ittrt. The Iowa Hupviu iurt, u a reMit d citeu, exMOMs! Hie oiu&ioa that sirls who bbvuaUy gutt aUul las Uvru lute at , night bavia ucivs.'dcUittiAiitiMi'ourUfor r,.r,' if tl v ' rui .vt TU.U rulli ' CALiraRHIA K1 .lB3G,f&ro' fywvl CATARRH Kkeumtim, Keuralftlt, Corns HCAOAOHt. And All pAN T. 0aMf-rla NiMui ui Vi.ailvi IIX.KOTKIO OOUOII CURE CvlSCQi0t,CJ. CMvyw. tlU ty aU Druruu. M)i tj, Ki 4 tl W ft VMw . SE3& MMiiJ vLr Oopn'iht, i- "Hello I Hello It Hcllolli" "Well; v,htt lsit?" "How is your mother, this trornlnirr" "Very much bolrj sbo had a real resrt 1u sleep last night: sue is almost rid of her nlgbt-SKcata, eo' gh and nervouines. an! Is growing quits cheerful. How grateful ire aU aro to you for that bottlo of medi cine." " Don't speak of gratitude. What doel the doctor aav?" . m . "Ho says he uertr ra-w fo wonderful b ebsnre In cuch a serious lunjr trouble. Ho still tnlnks we aro ;ivlug his medi cine. I don't like to tell hlrn." "That's rltfht. He's an old friend, you know. I'm sure your mother will g-ct well now; but you won't forget tho name of tho mcdit.ne.whl you?" "Never! Dr. Pioroo'o Ooldcn Medical Discovery am household words already, and It has c :nc to sisy. Do come nnd acu what eutisblro i bad brought already." " I irlll. Good bye." "Oold'-u Medical Dl'covery" has cured severe. Unjerinif coughs aud nrrested Con sumption, or Lung-jcrofula, In thousands of cases after doctors have fsllid and other medleln havo ten tried and abandoned as useless. The "Discovery" Is guarau Iced to beneSt or cure In every cacc, If taken In t'mo and given a fair trial, or money will bo refunded. DR. SAGE'S CATAKRH REMEDY cures the worst cases, no matter of hov Ion standing. W cents, by druggists. VKdrKSSlONAI. CAIIHS. TOHN O'MIKA, Attorney ut law. Hoom Col lee- t) over (tipltnl iMitinnni nanK. t Ions a ppeclnlty. Correspondence solicited. II. K. 1IONIIAM. II. N. HAYDKN. W. II. HOLMES. IOKIIAM, HoLMKS A IlAI DEN, Attor J nt) h at law. Olllce lu HukIi'h block, between State und Coiut, onCom'lHt. n T.IUCHAHDSON, Attornoy nl law, of. O. flee up stair in Iront rooms o( new HiHh Mock, corner Commercial unci Court streets, Knleiii, UrcKOU. J J. KHAW, Attorney.at-lJiw, ISnlem, , Ongon. Olllce first door to the lelt tit luud of stairs In the rear of Ladd A Uush's bank. rnll.MOX FOItl), attorney nt law, Snleii J Oregon. Olllce upstairs in i'atton Salem, s block. (JltATT A 11 UN'T, nttorneys nt law. Halcm, Oratoii. Olllco over Capital .:itkmal lank, Commercial street. Money to loan. D'AHCYAHINGHAM, Atlorucys and coiui'.florM at law, Slem, Oregon. ilalngunabstr.ictot the rccordH of Marlon oniily. Including ii lot and block index oi taltui, they liau special fucllltlCN loi e:. iiminluic title to real cstuti. lluslness In tliusupreiue lourt iiudtii the state depart nieiit ulll receive prompt attention. MlNl'AH. A. DAVIS, M. 1)., Graduate of American Medical College, oilers her iirollobioiml herUce tothoge who may need them. Special nttentlou given to UlxoiibCaol women andehildren. Olllce up Mali In New llaulc buildlug, Commer cial ntreet. DII..I. ICKKNK, Deutlbt. Otncoover the Wlillo corner Court aud Com. uiirel.il streets. WD. I'Udll, Architect, Plans, Sped . lliiitlons and superintendence tor all clashui of building.. Ottlce 'JU0 Com iHcrclul St., uphtalt, S. MuNALLY, Architect, New Hush llrei mail block. I'luus and ii)ecinc!i- tllllK iii of all clas.-TO of of buildings on shoit iioilce. Supurliiteudeaceof work prompt! ouKidaRcr. -J6-tf AW. IIUHT.-Artlst Studio, liu-h. , Ilroy bliM-k. Clae ThurMMj k uud Ntluntujs, HUMNKnS CAIll)-.. I SRW lwr Hunger. New tools. New V tlelKii; luix Itmrmil the tnute; will clw refemuw.. i:. K. H.M.I., Olllce with (Hebo Ileal kwtute Kxeluine. K- K. t ltO.NCO, barber and hair- rirMM.11 NllUttllu.,11,1'- l.llll.u n.t.l elillilreiri, Imlr a Mie.ilttltj"! .slip m be plea smt to h. all her ultt euktomti at her shop opi iwlte the 0iem llnum. ii)si:pii KUSKK burlHr and linlrdrers. J er. Ilulr cutting ,d cent, cuiti lug lo aieiits, (.uaMi 1U7 Male ktrcit. icui, iiwi ui ivotk 1.1 JSTKAYKIt, U. V. MKKICS IIH.U. T . KktHteARriieyJtHlliiniliivnulktreet, -Iiii, Oregon. Mtes.t Mrajer Imve on Mili tlim farm., ally nnd acre;, tn lhi and uth.r uiuutlrt.. Also choice timber IhiuIi, llllll- atut liusintsxi pniperllm,. A I'hnlee l'iiuTwi near oily nl a uns-lal bsir Hln. ille ii a mil. W' out suit you Corrsspouitence sollultott. j) J. I-UtKX A CO,, Munuheture.ofall kliuUofwliU'l.. UpalriUKiikpclal ty. Shop H stu strwt, "I I. Htlk;YlS-lU.rtH- aud Halrdre U. Iwt paj-lor. HiwtUlUlntlieetty. TM. B. lUNXINmlN,lraiintrWII- urtlMarlHrShop-umlsc WIUhiii il uolel. Waly Art ebM workmen wu pkwl. uHwirfryiwiorip4lu, lulutaMUjrH- soimiwinif iw..,...' , b.bul kiiuUol T ... " "T.V --, WW.W.HW WBll " 1.91.1.,, OUS CIKAY.UiMiMttir as tmUdar. CkHMMM MMtvlal Of, 4S4M OteiM. I0i-!L KN"T. HakilUi. Hart MICINXY NOTIUrfa A K w-i la.ir4 Va s k VjtJ u-,UMr,vr: . v atiiiMttuibtasTsT riwuiLiA -" - irH?W? un.a. Muek, "fHi&TUussfi ?rri?er inralMVtwa isvHssiMrstar. l.A l. L s 1smiv MK '-- - u.iul taf u 4 the te titll arcs Um uritsauZ, VWUal,; aMtaZXT! v 14UL.AU S i lU',t ID 1 XUKtLMAX, rWI IVSHUmJ-. V K.N.I.K LiSnirrm Dentists, Kr 0tn Ksn.' iifc&a SALEM SAUSAGE WORKS, j Only German Market in City. Choicest, Fresh, Smoked and , Pickled Meats Manufaclurnl. ' i Alt hlndi of SauMiKW, Wholesale nnd l.e , tail Pree deliveiy In city. 171 Commercial St CIIAS. WOLZ, PROP. EAST AND SOUTH! VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALirOONIA EXPKKSS TOAIH HCN VA1I.V BETWEEN POllTLATO AND S. F. HoutfiT-1 SorThT 7:0C p. m. I Lv. Ponlnnd D.lsK tn. 1 l.v. Snlem 10:1a n.m. I Ar. Sun Kran Ar. I Ittffia. in. Lv. I 7:2rf a, m Lv. tf.OOp. m Above trains stop culy at following Mr tlons north of Koseburg, Last Portland Or-L'on Citv. Wnodbum. fsnlem. Albany Tungent. Miedds, Halfey. Ilurrisburg Junction City, Irving and Lugene. IttHKlIUKO MAJ.L, DAII.Y, 8:00 h. m. 10:52 a. m 5:10 p. tn. Lv. 1'ortlnnd Ar. j 10 p. in. Lv Kaiem Lv. 1KX p. in. Ar. Itoieburg Lv. (!:20 a. in Albany Local, Dally (Except Sunday.) MJU p. in. I Lv. 7:52 p. in. j Lv: 9.00 p.m. I Ar. Portland salem Albany Ar. a.-tl) a si. Lv ti.-OS i- hi Lv, 5.-U) a. in. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kor accommodation ot feecond class passengerk nttached to express trains. iVest Side Division. Between Portland and Cervallis: PAILY (KXCEIT SaNDAY). "7261 a. in. 12:10 p. m. "Portland Ar. Corvallis Lv. "6:30 p. m. Ar. ii':&a p. m At Albany and Corvallis connect wltn trains of Oregon l'acltic Ilallroad. EXVnESHTRAIK (DAILY EXCEPTSUNDAY 4:10 p. m. I Lv. 1'ortland Ar. I :20 a. in. 7:2o Pjjul Ar..Mc.MlnnvUleLv. ) 5:15 a. in. Through Tickets To nil points EAST and SOUTH Kor tickets and lull lnlormatiou regard ing rates mapx, etc., apply to the Compa ny's agent solem, Ortgon. .!'. HOGEIW, Asst. U. F. and i'abs. Ag't It. KOEHLr:il, .Manager Health is Wealth ! ji i v" s j -1 ys . I)H. K. V. WLVST'S A'erve nnd Hraln Treatment, n guaranteed specific for flyt. teri.i.Ulrrlneks, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nenous I'rotiatlon cnusea uy mo ue or aiconoi or tnoncco, viiKt'iiiuneis. .iienuu uepression, hoiten limof tho brain rcsultlue in Insnnitv nod lending to misery, decay and death, pre- inaiure oiuaije, uarrennes, ios oi power entiled by overcrtlonoftliebralu. Kncli box contains one month's treatmeut, 81.00 h dox or six uoxes tor so.w, teni oy ninll prepaiu on receipt or price. WE Q UARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro nny cnte. With each order le eclved by us for six boxes, necornnnnlpd with $." 00, wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refuud the inaney II the tieatinent does not etlcot a cure. CJunr- unices issued only uy t,eo. k. uood, Drug gist, Sole agent, SOU Com. St., ealem, Or. tewta"" &Ktw. mm KSSWIP.S ....7 . s mm HEALTH. Le Illchiiu's Qolilcn Balsam No. 1 Cures Chancre, fln. and second Bta-es Sores on tho Legs and Body; Sore Ears! Eyei. Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotche Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and a!' primary forms ol tho dlseaso known a Syphilis. Price, S5 OO per Dottle.. Lo Klchnu's Onlilen Ilalsuiu No. a Cures-Tertlarj-. Mercurial -plillltic nheu matlsm, l'alns In tho Bones, Tains In tht lleaJ, back of the Nock, Clcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Ilash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of tha Ltrubs, ami eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse pf Mercury, leaving the blaod pure and healthy. Price $5 OO per Uottle. I.o Klchau's Golden Hpanlsh Anll doto for tho euro of Oonorrhcea, alee. Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or OeaH tildlsarranjements. Price 9'i 50 iwr Ilottln, 1 Itlcliau'. Golden Spanish In lection, fortevero cases of Oonorrhoja. lnrUmmatory Oleet. Strlctures,ic. Prlco 91 SO per nottle. te .lUc'""'1 Golden Ointment lor tho effective healingot Syphilitic Sores, anderupUons. Price 31 OO per nox. Lo Klchnu's Golden Plll.-NfrT and Drain treatment; loss ol physical pow. er. exvess or orer-work, frcetraUoo, etc. Price 93 OO per Uox. Tenlo and Nervine, Snt every here, C,ai), securely cocked per express. THE RICHARDS DRUG C0.,Ageuts 600 d 511 JIAIlKKT ST , Han Francisco, Cal -CIUAR3 SENT rHCI" THE YAnUiNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD! Ami urwou Developmrnl romptinyi .lMii.Ut, Hue jj5 .mie. hbiHtw $ftS latneUe uXW to uud lrim uu Kruuo6M IIHt SCHEDULE, (Kiwpt Sunuaysi, lM.eAiCHiuy llMl'M Arrtvrt Vmin n.i . . ISJ.r! lvi YamiliiM ol. 1 V ArrUe Albany !1!Sa v CWirtfuiC ,mlM eo"Bwl Albany aal Tiie above iruin ouoiiwt at YAQIMNV &IU. PATtK. ..sr:"s. rnUYumvi s'Vfnlfcta, 8Bdy.. --. 'mi) j Wlllsusaa.b vTlC. I'J . ' "Hy 1 s. iss "ws? "?. "-.te iaVi iL "J1" 7 "; .. 7" . T"mm " rv , jfxwxvat-js&ss x:i u -' XMn A- 0 4 rJrTasi . I Z . f DUAL. I -A.M X." - - :,&.'J v x--?-i!v r -. ! nj.U n K h lu. ITU. Aji ..,. larx.j.'nj.a, m B 1 if YEAR Mil III Most complete and reliable facts and statistics about Salem and the "Willamette Valley yet ublished. Con densed and accurate. Of Course 100 Ml Now procure some copies advertise C ONE THING BETTER There is oiil' ono thing that is better to send your friends in tho .East than a New Years JOURNAL and tlmt is to send them the WEEKLY JOURNAL a year or at least six months. It will give them good every-dny information about our State and immediate community. Until .February Jst, subscriptions will be received at. e vm Oall Hopbr Post Office Block. Jj i and send to your friends) this region. A m pee m On Bros Seen COPY 1. J t-Q'Y jF?s jffiya3iugSgW!r