o CAPITAL VOL. 3. "TELE PEOPLES' PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1891. urn TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 279 EVENING JOURNAL -:-' FOR 1891 -:- atF. S. Dearborn's, 263 Com'l St. THE capital JOURNAL. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. Standard Diaries, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, STOCK BOOKS, SUPERINTENDENT'S BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, INKS and MUCILAGE, LEGAL PAPER, BLANK NOTES, DRAFTS and RECEIPTS, BILLS RECEIVABLE BOOKS, BILLS PAYABLE BOOKS, PRINTED CASH BOOKS. Subscriptions Recived For all Periodicals. THE OREGON NURSERY CO. Is Offering a Large, Well Grown Slock of FRUIT SHADE,.'OMAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Kru.it. EVEUGREEXS, VINES, At Low SHKUBS, Prices. ROSES, ETC. Pause a hi Late Keeping Winter Apples a Special Catalogue and Price-List free. Address or call oh WIRT BROS., Ollico 1292 Cminercial street, Salem, PAWS! moment in your down-town career and step to CRISSMAS & OSBORN'S store, 201 Commercial street. YOU WILL PUBLISHED DAILY. EXCEPT BUND AY, BT THK Caoital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offloe, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building toitered at the postoftlce nt Salem, Or., as second-class matter. WOODBMN mm Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest ONE AND THREE-FOURTHS MILLIONS. o 100,000 Prune Trees. 35,000 Royal Ann Cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford Peach. 10,000 Moorpark and Royal Apricot. -j- 35,000 Esopus Spltzenberg. 20,000 Graveustein Apple. 25,000 Yellow Newtown Pippeu. 15,000 Ben Davis Apple. LIEGE STOCK OF ALL FREE OTHER FROM INSECT o- YAR1ETIES FES IS. CATALOGUE FREE. ADDRESS : J H. SETTLE MIER, Woodburn, of fruits; Oregon. HOSVSE! HOME, SWEET If you can get a gpod article manufactured at homo you should give It the preference. We keep a full line of the reliabld Oregon Stove! Including the Dexter, Eureka and Sultana. The Best for trie Money. W also keep Eastern Stoves, and among them the "Banner" line. Give us a call and save money. teiner &, Blosser, Be surprised at the seemingly endless variety of useful articles contained therein. WHAT WILL, If possible, surprise you more in the really small amount of small change it requires to purchase them. HIS NOBS. The Picture Knobs, Tinware, Slop pails, Lamps, Under ware, Shoes, Rubbers, and other nobby goods are to be found at reasonable prices at the well known Store of CRISSJVTAN & OSBORN'S. (Successor t H. S. Crissmau.) ON STATE STREET. IfliLLciti MIL., 310 l'ora'1 Street PJ.S ;im ) Salem, Oregon. State. Those Plas the Largest Stock of Musical Goods it the THE ONLY MUSIC HOUSE In Salem. He buys direct from the manufacturers. desirous of purchasing would do well by calling on him, as he sells at Eastern prices. JNo profits tomiddlemeiir PIANOS Steinway Colby-Emerson-Rice-Hinze. ORGANS Chicago Cottage-Needham. SHEET MUSIC Ovei 8,000 pieces from, including all the latest publications. 3T"Special discount to teachers. 3Violin, Mando in, Guitar, Banjo, Piano and taught by talented musicians. to select Organ Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. Jas AlTKBN, GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. J. L. MITCHELL. OKO. HOEYE, MITCHELL & HOEYE, General Collectors, Brokers AND ACCOUNTANTS Local and foreign collections attended to promptly, ltallroud ticket? bold to nil jmrU of the world. Bookkeeping for local parties a specialty. Advertising placed la any purt oftlie united States at the most reasonable rates. Commercial papers looked after promptly. 259 Commercial street, upstairs. Hulem, Oregon. THE BEST CANNED GOODri- Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. uaWi Seed 126 - -m r. v -- tl 1 s, Jttold Seeds and .Mower deeds, Fresh and true to name. The Orunga Store, State St., Salem, Or. CJjrchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Dors, Blinds & Mouldings. Tuniiiur & Scroll Sawing. W W Ifil5? M. -House Finishing made to order.- Trade und Wgli streets, halt-in, Oregon. ILJ. t,. i...t " AjrlcultunTl WofkY f?n n,wo7." ku A,n "PPU" f seined Hook of all wp Jf i ""-- -!mimmKmMmBaeamaomutmatjmmMmmmiammmm VtoAyaur.., rrr7i M -rrtzAa&memy0a vow VAwSSJStK ama' ? - 'JJu.ftMJr!.11" PennnWp and English Dep.rtmenta. u. udumUtdDyUme. CUlogueon.pplleatloa. Bnln FOREST GROVB POULTRY YARDS, Founded n 1877. 1000 YOUNG .FOWLS FOR SALE And the finest ever .bred on tho. Pacific Coast. Book yourl order early forjoholco selections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, 10:1 l-dw Forest Grove, Oregoa. J. H. HAAS, TILE "WATCintAKBB, 215 Commercial St., - ilem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. EVERBEARING apfSKfi until front. Descriptive price lint free Uetii Wimquist, Husaellvllle.Ore. Morgan & Mead, City Dijaymenl All work done with promptness and dU patch. Only the best men are employed. 8-1- DRAIN TILING. The undersigned are prepared to furnish the best quality of tiling for under drain ing at lowest prices. MlUI'lIY4l)K3AUT, Near Fair Groans, Hulem, Oregou. J. G. HARRIS, EXPRESS N0S. 16 & 21. Ieave order at . M, Waded Co's. 1 to llable work or no pay, Red Front Sliop. '! J. F. Express No. 15. Prompt work and satUfaotlon guaranteed. I e order at Jo. Clark's store, 10) Court ktrrfct. $1WILLBUYAL0T Of goods at oar storeJ We earpr a full Hne of groceries, feed, eroekery. g UMWure. gars, tobacco and ennteottonery. T. BUJUIOW8, No. 239 Coinmewtal Ht., HaU-a BQCKSMITIIIXO 4 GENERAL REPAIRING He paring stock lor springs, axlen, etc. All work warranted, Old customers and new ones Invited to call. H. POHLE, N. E. Corner State and Front Sts E. C. CROSS, and Packer, Btate HLantf Court Ht, The best iumU delivered to all parUof the city. S. ERNST, Upliolsterer. Bill.WK?.KWBfcM'1c"P" ,of IPr money upon "AN OllOAN OF IRNOKANCK AND STUPIDITY." It grieyes oue of the organs of ig uorunco nud stupidity with which Oregon ia cursed to find the Oregon Ian "always taking sides against the people." The particular offence- of the Oregoniau on this occasion is its commendation of Senator Slier- man's speech against debasement of the dollar to the sliver stand ard. The journal, then, "that takes the side of the people," is ex pected to advocate the banishment of gold as money, and the substi tution oT silver, worth L5 per cent, less, for it. It is the Oregonian's opinion that the people of the United States ought havo good autl valuable money, and that gold Is not too good for them. But the pur blind and stupid Salem Journal thinks that the money of Mexico, China, India, the South American republics and other semi-civlllzed countries is good enough for our people, and that tlio newspaper Is "against the people" which doesn't think so. Whether popular govern meut Is to bo an ultiniato success or failure to the United States depends on the question whether the people shall be found to have intelligence enough in the long run to repudiate the ignorant fallacies and hopeless stupidities of such Implications as the Salem Capital Journal, or not. Portland Oretroniau. This paper has no apology to oflor the Oregonian or the people for an occasional controversy with the great paper at Portland. The management of that paper is such that it is not a pleasant antag onist in debate. An individual or newspaper during to differ with the Oregoniau vigorously is at once cut from its acquaintance aud banished from its columns, If a writer or edi tor will agree with the Oregoniau or flatter its editor by always stroking his fur tho right way, there is noth ing ho can present for publication silly or seuseless enough to not And place in tho Oregouiun. Any news paper that will take tho Oiegouiuu for its "friend, philosopher und guide" will bo systematically quoted as the voice of tho people, and its more flatulent utterances will adorn the Oregonian's editorial pago every day of tho week. A journalist who dares honestly to differ in defense of thepeople's interests is systematically ignored and held up as" an "organ of ignorance and stupidity with which Oregon is cursed." In its impotent wrath its denunciations come with poor grace, when It has not the man liness, courage or fairness to give its readers a word o the arguments of the Journal, which it asks the peo plo to rcpudiato as "ignorant falla cies and hopeless stupidities." How can it expect its readers to repudiate those arguments when It does not submit them to those readers? It simply does not allow them to go before Its readers aud so hopes to escape the condemnation of its own positions on, finances by allowing them to hear but one side. Wo only refer to this to show up its contempt ible cultivation of the slavish ele ment of tho press, while. It attempts by persistent Ignoring to compel sycophancy and cringing submission from the rest of Oregon newspapers. Tho Oregonian protends to be on the aide of tho people. It Is u sore point upon winch It is very sensi tive, aud all Its most vociferous protestations are that its owners lire lying awuke nights to save and pro tect the mushes of tho people, whom it loves as tlio apple ofilu eye. We will not say it protests too much, hut It protests quite enough to arouse the general suspicion that it most lucks public confidence upon this very point. It should Iw remembered that tho fight of tho Oregoniau is tgulust free sliver coinage, as advocated by both parties und nearly all the leading public men in Oregon, The Orego nian advocates tliosingle-gold-slaud-urd und tho financial system that goes along with it that has kept the nuances of the nation under the cxm trol of Wall street, InHteud of under the management of (lie govern ment in tho Intorest of the people. Tho Oregoniau contends for tho antl. quated llnunolul system, which, forced upon tiie people In time of war. has been outgrown and is not adapted to a great uatieu in time of peace. When the KuglUh mint coins 44 pence of silver bullion Into CO pence of circulating medium and compels the government laborers to take it at its coined value, the cry of a few gold-bug organs about a 75-cent silver dollar grows vapid ami ptiBlllaulmouH.froiiju patriotic stand point, Free silver men have never advocated the inferior financial sys tems of Mexico, China, Argentine Jienublfoor India. They do advocate abolition of the gold monopoly, a larger circulation first passing it through the bauds of any middle men money Issued di rectly to tlio people from tho federal government without cxpenso or without resting upon a bonded debt. Silver men believe the supply of gold is too limited to form an ade quate basis for n sufficient circulat ing medium, and if it were adequate it would not bo good policy to con tinue to debase and demonetize sil ver, allowing the gold-owners to speculate upon it ns a commodity und other nations to buy it at depre ciated prices and gain tho profits of coinage as they do now. These aro not new ideas. They nro ideas that are held by many of tho most competent economists and business men of tho nation, nnd by a great majority of the people of the' west, the able efforts of tho Oregon iau to educate them 10 the contrary notwithstanding. They are the ideas of tho west, tho south aud a largo part of the east. Wo can havo no interest in con victing the Oregonian of being against tho people, It has dono that work most eflectually on all occa sions nud will probably Contlinio to maintain its rcputathm for bolug found at tlio end of tholstreet In pol ities whero tho sack is held and the, sack is always agalusl tho people. Iu tho contest between the people of Oregon aud the sack in politics it is on the sido of organized selfish ness. It daro not commend tho po litical record of Joseph Simon. It daro not commend his political schemes to tho people. It daro not say ho Is a fit leader to popularize the republican party with the people He U. cither fit or unfit. Afraid to commend, it is too cawardly to con demu. Its fellenco both ways is doubly significant. It dare not speak out agalust bossism when it is most flagrant and defiant. It contempt ibly deserts the people by being pad locked into n silence that no one sus pects of being gratuitous. It is against the people nnd for tho sack. Aud tho sack commands silence. nud disinterested people will ac cept their actions in this mat ter with as llttlo reservation as thoy would thoso of any other five men who could bo named. That these gentlemen aro resident trustees does not Imply that thev nro In any way Incapacitated from act ing for this city or for tho best inter ests of tho University. Tho man agers of tho University have not been by them consulted In this movement and lu that respect thov act solely for tho city, tho result of their labors finally having to bo ac cepted or rejected by tho school. Thero is a splendid opportunity for this present move Tho University has practically been retained lor the futuro at Salem. A new slto is a necessity. Wherover that Is fixed, will carry with it a tremendous ac cretion of real cstato values, values which with growth of city aud state may rise In volume to hundreds of thousands In the next ten years. Wlso action and disinterested action at this junoturo is imperative. Tho remotest talut of selfishness in what ever is undertaken will spoil all. The cause of tho University, tho causo of education, tho cause ot our city's futuro, aro too sacred to bo subordinated to auy-oijo or any fow men's schemes. FOUNDED IN. 1888. The oldest nnd largest IlauKlng Houso north of Kncremtnto and bouth or Portland. Laid & Bnsli, Bankers, SALEM. IRON BUILDING. Accounts kept, loans mndc; exchange on E5?.,,'Vrt of.? wor.ld B01 nnd boiieht; totters of credit Issued to travellers; corit-c- 1SB? na.a """""Shout the United States, British Amorlcnand Mexico. .-St1? banf ,,IW monetary connections 1. !iV,Kl,ln reFon' Washington. Idaho ana Montana, nnd correspondent1 In all tho principal towns of those states. Drafts of eastern banKa taKen at par. first VOTlAlin Pnnl; LMM1 MU ii a III SALEM OREGON. WM . K. LADUK. -DU. J, REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIH, . .' BUaOKSTKI) COHMKNT, Resolutions aro good, but actions secure tho people open nlono will rivers. Iu Portland as In other metropoli tan cities, it Is German 'opera or none. Tho most desirablo ambition that a nowspaper can aspiro to is a repu tation for fairness and reliability. Governor Penuoyor's suggestions for open rivers aro tho best yet made by any Pacific coast governor. - President Vice President - Cashier GENERAL BANKING. i-xonancto on Portland, Ban .Francisco, Now ork, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. Htato, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially invited to deposit nd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property fit rcasonubio rates. Insuranco on snch se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In most rollablo companies. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL.STOCK, all Subscribed, ?200,000 Transact a general banking business lti nil Its branches. OKO. WILLIAMB. Wll, ENGLAND HUGH MoNAUY .. Presldon Vice President .... C'as h ler DIRECTORS: Oeo. Willloms.Wm. Ene land, Dr. J. A. Richardson, J, W. Hobsou, J. A. linker. Uank in now Exchange block on Com mercial Btreet. &l-tf THK QUKSTION OP MORAL CUAU ACTKlt. Speaking of tho re-election with out opposition, of a public man who has been n faithful friend of tho people, and one whom tho Oregoni an haR been unable to uso or defeat, that paper says: By experience tlio Oregonian has learned that tho sure result of Its protest against him would be to bring to his support democrats enough to carry him through. It did not euro to witness a repetition of this conduct und Its results. Bo sides, it lias learned that tho peoplo of Oregon care nothing for moral or immoral character. . Ab tho peoplo seem satisfied of tho moral character of tbe public man referred to, the question of their own rolatlve morality is involved. It would bo interesting to know how much above tho average moral character of tho peoplo of Oregon tlio editor of the Oregonian consid ers himself. A correct estimate of this fact might bo of incalculable vuluo to present nnd futuro genera tions. If tho governor wero not so unalterably opposed to commissions wo would favor one being created to sit upon this question of tho relative morality of tho Oregonian editor, and let tho peoplo know the cold facts If they aro us far bciiind his standard as ho would insinuate In what does his claims to n superior quality oT moral character consist? Certainly not lu the development of his spiritual nature, for lie is hostile to church work? It cannot bo in the domain of enthusiasm for moral refotms like temperance, aH does ho not pour cold water upon every aspiration rtf the peoplo of Oregon In those directions? Can he claim tils alleged superior caste of moral character in tlio p lltleal field? His history is that of ono who started in as a democratic editor and then entered tho repub lican field which ho lias certalulv found mora profltable,aud ho cannot base Ills change of heart upon great pecuniary sacrifices. Claiming to be a free trader In theory does he not out-tarifl' all McKlnley bills? And claiming to bo a friend of the peoplo does he not champion overy monopoly and corporation skin game that can bo devised? Wherein ilea Iiih superiority over the icople lu point of moral character? When a public man challenges the moral character of his fellows of a whole state, the )eonlo are In terested in such a man. If he Is not u moral fraud, a pretender, thoy want to know It and place him where he belongs, upon tho pedes tal with other moral heroes for the edification of generations to como. j. - - j One-man power, too much of It hi certain places, Is tho obstruction to bo removed to secure open rivers. Religious notices for tho Journal must bo hauded in at tho ofllco not lator than Saturday morning to en sure insertion. A fow Joint memorials will go somo wnyB to secure open rlvors so far as to move ono pebblo In a gravel bar. ' Portland has a season of Gorman opera this week. Tho famous Juch as prima donna will interpret tho heroines of Wagner. Supt. Downing will not bo so much in favor of appropriation for a rogue's picture gallery, after he sees his latest likoncss. Capital National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, surplus, $75,090 15,000 A protest for purity of elections headed by Nelson llennett of Tnco ma is very much like a plea for up rightness coining from tho fathor of lies. Thero Is hardly a bill for a char tor before tho legislature that is not a fraud on tho peoplo trying to tako In a lot of land merely to tax It without auy corresponding benefit. The town of Soven Devils, Oregon, will next bo wanting a charter, aud why not? That Is a modest num. uer compared with the number of his satanlo majesty's Imps in some of tho places getting charters. Wagon road appropriations should bo confined to great main thorough fares connecting Important sections of tlio state, and whero the county will agree to maintain the road in repair In futuro. ll. B. WALLACE, - - President. W. V. MARTIN.. VIw.Tr.lrinnt J. II. AL11ERT, .... Cashier. DIRLCTORSi W.T.Gray, W.W. Martin M. Mnrtln, R. B. Wallace. Or. W. A.Cuslok. J. 11. Albert, t. mof . ratton. LOANS MADE To tanners on wliont aud other market- nblo produce, consigned or in store either in private granaries or limbllo warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, Ban nranolKpo, Portland, Ixmdon, Parls.llerltn Hong Kong nud Calcutta. ' JOa ALUERT. Agent, INSURANCE MOompanri i nro ana jua- rlne. Balera, Oregon Cheapest, Neatest and Best, SCHOMAKER'S COMBINATION FENCE, I make and put up nil kind offences, city and country. Get my tonus before fencing II. Kohomakku, Hulom, Or, Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours ol tho Day Nono but white labor employed in this establishment, A good substantial meal oiokod In flnt class style Twonty-Ilvo ceuts per meal RIID FRONT Court slroet, between Journal Office and Minto's Livery. Tho most striking discovery of modern times that by tho Oregon. Ian of Jan. 25th, that ''it lias learned that the peoplo of Oregon euro nothing for moral or immoral char acter." It is bound to advertise Oregon. ndver notlco which which rtbop koutb of p"t ortltxr. A WISH MOVKMKNT. A committee of lending mid solid cIIItujus of Salem have orgauliX'd to devise a plan for relocation of the Willamette university, The com mittee is composed of gentlemen who have the real Interests of our city ot heart. They aro men who a're neither politicians, speculators nor adventurers, aud who, If they aet, will act honorably and above board. They aro gentlemen who have large property und huslnewi In terests In Balein, but are not specially Interested In any of tho suburban tracts. They enjoy the confidence of the entire community, (aud state gold and silver basin, aud without; too, It might lo aerted aa well,) 'iiio (Japital Journal iu en larged form Is issued again nnd is giving great satisfaction to Users and readers, l'lenso tho largo advertisements appear new each (lino and nro Inserted onco only lu each of tho Monday Uvknino aud Wkkicly editions, and mention thorn to ad vertisers as they do not appear lu auy other paper. A card to tho loglslaturo from Sec retary Albert Tozler, of Federated Trades Assembly of Portland, repre senting -1,780 votes appeared in Bat- uiiiMY'B Journal. For the benefit or members out of the city who may not havo neen it, wo will say that the Assembly Is unanimously in lavor oi Honator Cogswell's la bor bill and tho Australian ballot bill without Senator Simon's amend meuts. Will be found an excellent ruined v V.r Hlc? 1,"eh"Me. Carter's Little iiver nils. TnouHsntlH of letters i nun pcopie wuo imve used prove this fact. Try them. if, sick Headache is misery, what ib yunvru i,uue liivuri'lllslf they will positively cure It? Ii,.i u.i,,. Imve used them speak fraukly of their worth. They are small end vuny iu tune, Tilfyoiy...,,li0e W Parlor's Little Liver iJlls for sick headache, bill, ousnew or constipation, von will hutci iw milium ireiu. 'iney are purely vegetable small nnd easy to won't forget this, T mm TT take. ) Salem, Or. Kutcs$S.50 ami $5.00 n Day .uf?f,on.,1.t"? m,.bl! Thursday, Hept. 11, 1HUU. ilCMt hotel between Portland and Han I Francisco. Alms to be first class lu all Its appointment), its tabic u aro sorved with tho choicest fruit grown In tho Wll umelto valley. A. I. WAGNER, Proprietor HELLENBRAND'S Ealing Parlors k Candy Manufactory, SOS Commurolul Street. IIIL OF FARES Ico Cream . lOo., 16c. and 'a cents Collto, Tea or Chocolate aud Cuke.-lO cents Mush und Milk ..IO cents Pluto of Bom. .... ..., 10 ceiil llot Cakm, CitMraui-Too. 15cuut Mifsleuk ami Kggs UftwnU Pork Choi) and KggH ai rents Mutton Chop and Eggs is cents Venison and Kgg cents BuiiKago aud Eggs JS routs Hum aud Kgg oenU t rush Oysters any style 14 cenU 25 Cint Regular Dinner Strved From It to3 O'Clockt A nlco vuriety of vegetables, eta, etc Also ;tca, MinVe or milk with all as cent .t.nia nilliuuvutni VIUITKe, Choice Cigars, Imported always on Hand, Porter House Hteak und Kgg., Tender Lolu Hteak uud I!gg iorted an Domestic, 60 cents S0ttiuts INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Assessed narlyoiia-tlilrilof a million , OKO. M.HKKLEH, City Agent. And special agent fur Mtir'oa county. Uf. ru wOii , Ooinpuiiy. DI? I J D,C,SHERMANr .JySi vH n,.n"a uu!m "o!t J'.o. Cl Vrtto .r"ji -.,-.7 ---..-"- kui, i ikj i. naieui, uruKOU. Deputy county ror&WBM, w'