Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 23, 1891, Image 3

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Associate rrcss Itcpint and
Uigt'sts of all Important
News oi' To-Day.
Kan FitANCibCO. Jan. 23.-
Ciiicaoo, wlifit sleiiilj: w'"" 8S-
May, 4; July ?
Nkw York, Jau SS.-T.ie Post
nys- Oue feature of the market
this inoriilus WIUJ the active selling
of silver bullion certificates. Specu
lators evidently begin to t taluk
there will be no lluanciul legislation
by this congress, at the least none to
help the price of silver.
Eight thousand Muiioimalielu
river coal niiuers have liven three
weeks on a strike for an Innea-eo'
wanes, and it is reported ihul the'
mine operators have decided to liu- j
pott Hungarians to work the mines.
Serious trouble will result If tills plan j
U carried ut. I
Tlie comtnillee ou elections ard
privileges of thcCalifor' la 1- gMntivai
tt-seinl)ly have deeiied lo report fa-,
vorably the bill to ascertain the pop-
ular will on th uieth 1 of t o ing
United Suites' senators. !
Louis 'I'aylnr, a sou of Col. (J. L..
Taylor, a well known reslilctit 'if
Sun Francisco, conimltted suieiue
yesterday by blowlug ills brains out
witli a pistol.
Speaker Bickucll, of the Nevada
assembly, has for bidden the sale of
intoxicating liquors in the capitol
building duriug the session.
At Topeka, Kansas, yesterday five
new alliance senatoilal candidates
presented themselves. The most
prominent among them are ex Gov.
St. John and Governor Blair.
The Tennessee legislature has
adopted a joint resolution declaring
that action ou the bill to appropri
ate $.250,000 for a World's Fair will
be postponed until after the tinal
disposition of the election bill in
ttie senate.
In Olympia on Wednesday eve
ning Senator Squire's friends gave
a champjgne supper to celebrate
hit, victory. Wine flowed as fieely
as water. A tipsy Seattle man
poured a glass of champaigne upon
the governor's head, saying "In
the name of Watt-ou C Squire, I
baptize thee." The governor took
the joke in good part.
The president to day sent to the
senate tlie nomination of Col.
Flagler, for chief of ordnance with
the rank of luigtidier general.
TIih Hood of the, Hoosjc tunnel
has subsided. The loss by it is esti
mated at $200,000
Rev. " A. Branch, a Baptist
preacher in Portsmount, Ohio, broke
the jaw of a bib'e colporteur with a
blow of his list, btcause the man
hud made improper adances to his
15-year-old daughter.
A. M. Brooke, postmaster in
Ca iM l lino lu.tnFlliJ tf iwinont Mm
tiiiiii into --j i-v ij ttvvj'v fciw
of bilver for Cameson pending the position of cashier in the Boston
silver legislation. I do not remem-1 iSatioual bank or that city, TUe
olllce lie abandons is worm $sauu a
J ear.
In the Illin is legislature to-day
eight more ballots were taken for
United Sutes t-enator, without any
chuug in the vote.
Tho Need of Good nml Thorough Bualnoss
or Professional Training.
In tho existing stato of society, with keen
competition In every department of busi
ness, and scores of well-equipped men
Washinoton. Jan. 23.- In re
sponse to a report that the Idaho
legislature was auoui 10 puss . .-
lotion instructing ltssenaioisiu ...-
ij( ti. ..Witons bill. Senator
K""U . .. ,,.....,
McUonnell has written a .-.;. -which
he states that it would be
i ., ... ... r.l .lio to fifther an-
poor pjiiey ij " ,
..i.il...... in.t firill' ill
Wniii-so tne repuuuuu. ..j
i.. ..imfc nun me """
The senators served their state by
villng for tree coinage, and to no
! so voted to lay aside the elections
bill, but as the state needs a great
i deal of legislation he believes it is the
I U(jSt policy to favor the measures
; which the republicans ana tne ail
ministration so strongly desire.
Washington, Jan. 23. David T.
Littler, of III., who was mentioned
- . ' . I... Cumitiip fit, lYiiii nn
as an agent " ... -.-..
j in the purchase of silver bullion,
appeared before tlie fcliver rooi in
vestigating committee io-uay. su
tler was asked if he had purchased
silver for Senator Cameron. Here-
plied, "yes I bought a small amount
ber the exact amount, about $100,000
worth." "Did you buy for any
other senator, representative or gov
ernment oulclal? "I did not offer
to do so, Canieion knew I had pur-
clia-jed some on my own account,
and when he met me one d y, he
baid: 'I wan yon to buy some sil-
Iverforme,' I think lie opened the
subject, although I do not remem
ber ab ut it."
Qleuec, Out., Jan 2.J. An ava-
iluncbeof snow fell last night fiom
j the Plains of Ahnilium to the street
ihelw. Thesnow tilled the str.-ct U
a depth of twenty feet, and
ihiimslied In the front of four !iuue .
Illume ICumor Whisper homo Uiy
Bkussels, Jan. 23. Prince Baud-
fouin, nephew of King Leopold and
It is now repnited that Sir Jobs.
Macdonald has definitely decided to
dissolved the Dominion parliament,
and appeal to the cotiutry the last
week in February.
In the reiehtng to d y amotion
to repeil the piohibition on the
importation of American pork, was
At Bismark.N. D., the fourteenth
ballot for senator was without re
sult. At Pierre, S. D., after two ballots
had been taken to-day without a
choice for senator, the legislature
adjoin ued.
heir to the throne of Belgium, died , Journal Editorial Head jiiarUsre, j
... i n i Legislative Assembly.
this morning The cause i- alleged b
to be bronchitis. Ills death caused
a trenifiidons sensatiou and creates
fousternatioii among all elates. All
sorts of rumors are in circulation as
the public was- unaware that tlie
prince was ill. He was 22yeaisof
It is asserted that the death of the
piinceisa repitltion of the circum
stances surrounding the death of
the Archduke Rudolph, lao heir to
the Austrian throne, who met his
death in a mysterious manner in
1SS9. Humor has it there was a
liulsiin between tho piiuce ami a
beautiful German governess w ho has
recently been banished from the
Belgian court. It is said tho usult
of the liaison has beeti the birth of a
Ichild The court nlivsiclais in their
ileath certificate annouueo the
prince's death as caused by hemor
rhage following u sevore attack of
TVie first Republican House cau
cus was asphited oue, and resulted
ju favorable consideration of the
Australian b illot law as prepared by
tlie ballot reform league.
One of tho first measures to pass
the Oregon legislature will be a bill
to protect f-eagulls. The bill to
prevent extermination of this beau
tiful winged creature lias already
passed the house, and will no doubt
meet with no objection in the sen
ate. Th-s bird is tlie scavenger of
the oceau beaches, bay, estuaries
and rivers, performing the same
valuable service t destroy oflal on
the sea shore tta t the trow and
other scavenger birds perform on
land. Many parts of the coast would
be almost uninhabitable from
stenches arising from fishery ofi'al
and dead auiuial life cast up by the
sea, wire it not for these creatures
of God, provided for thU purpose iu
his aU-wise'provluV-nc.!. These use
ful birds have been shot by thousands
by reckless and ruthless ignorant
pera m, ami it h a good sign that a
humane egis ator c m pause amid
Mi.nneaimi.is, Jan. 23. Tlie
ournnl clainwiiiiuif.. .i.iii.'u inf.ir.
'. ? ... nlli... LlLIjIIhh nwl
J'HWll 101 IV tllHl T..I.I. f T.",..mn lUe IiriSSHlOU umn iiriauuu "
rodent and general manager oHhei thus extend the helping hand of
uusaa i nv road, ui d O. H. Hold- Human wibuoih m mivo uoui nuui
", general puur agent, have destruction these useiui unu uemiu-
ful u Til.
- imicii-u by l,o ITnltil Ktnlfs
nidJ ry n-li i,.h.i..i... -....ii..,.
IS ill" ,, ler.fut.. , i
, ....- lUMIOIfllU ll
rohhrin UUeihitl,.ii,,.. i.i
Book Cas-. B-ire'i the furni
ture dealer, has a fine line of book
caM-s, sccrelaties, library cises, and
Indies' writiuir desks. Tho latest
nilOU'VPIl nun
Woo- so( kct, J. I., Jnii. 23. The ' "'i''1"8 nnd ,0WC8t Pr,Ct'8
pmeniH Pnd first floor of many
pnerneut Iiouswon (lie banks of the
tie ami Mill river- a re '11111 u
See the Oregon Land Company's
new plat of 600 ucres, garden land,
hop laud and fruit land from $35 to
fOO per acre.
In Milton, n town a f. w mil s
fioiu r.lidleliil,n liiuotif d.-cllarkcd
railroad section hands mid other
ready to snap up every vacant position that roughs, Invaded the fhini"' quai
ls worth any thing, it Is a crlrno for parents tersaiul dioveoiit the iuiuates with
to turn their boys looso upon the world ", ,,. ,.. ,,..,. o,.,.,.r,il
without a trade or a prolession. Tho gain- rol" ,,,,,,,",, l,,l,,r lu" k"' h u '
ing of an honorable livollhood Is dlfhcult of tlie Mongolians vuu seilnisly
enough with tho best preparation, but to hurt.
senu a Doy out irom t&o paternal root wttn
nothing but his hands to depcnd.upon Is to
consign him to a life of toil, If not of crlmo.
There are exceptions, but thoy aro few.
Oreatncss of intellect and moral rectitude
sufficient to overcome natural obstaclos aro
so rare as to bo scarcely recognized wllon
they appear. Men llko Henry Ular. Anra-
nam wncoin ana nenry uson, an poor , ... , A , ,.,1Nlim .VIllIi.i bu
A P ulli'Hi'i press ilispatch re
ports I i i dlure of U. M K'niu,
o that tj This has led to tin
H8signiiii-.t, t.r D ivi.l lJ.own, whose
propertj was i.tli.uhed by reason of
his belli,; one of the .-urelies on El-
'elto,Hy. 'At Hridireman. Mass .
f'tral persons worn rwnnwl fmm
iliTiltl I. .11 1 . . .. .
"uimin sny boats, 'llic fuo-1 ,.. ......... ,i
irlli'iiiiiiiiy,i(BM along !,,) ,.f Comnificlal street, Salem,
1 21 3t eod
The Oregon
briok block,
KM' '" vliey In oonsKiieiice ni Oivlmiii
J'i w i r, , I
. " . . r
ti Oiven & c. win 8,rnrlse
V a w'Ui their low prices on am.
r'i-e tli-m
('' ,,f H.,ieni Sttwiii Sundry 30
! '' Branch offlaeo. 9D8 mul
''!. ml
astf.u -A eoiiinositnrat Jolii-
Ai mice.
No Wreck A.hore
V vri're itraniiMl ihiini wrecked
toHtrtiWiUnn. whHlier IU d !! r be the
mm!iwi rf u)inu imiUfly, or dcfy thai
m 'a fMrien without apparent cau.
ab rxmot i mm nf rlif-rklric ibU fra
oh l drain rfihrHir-t-f'fvltiiri.r 1 Ho-i-llr'
-MMimh titn, which promote
dUrtlt-h. hi iIkIm ulMtaBre h well at
Uniliv w. rr j-nlWOji. A frame ftmttlpa
UHi f.- UBwi.r im kidnryi and bud
d.iirBda(u Hiid rheuinalUin, are
aqiuair ili bndily allmetiu which It reme
die PPrapiy and iborougtily 1'enUt.
taee lo IU ue U well nnud by H-
boys who worked their way from tho low
est to the hlgnest positions In life, can bo
counted on one's lingers without going over
them twice.
One of tho oldest nnd most capable busi
ness men in Pittsburgh expressed his views
In regard to training boys for tho duties of
lite substantially as follows to a reporter of
tho Dispatch: "If I had a boy I would no
more think of sending him from homo to
earn his living without tho necessary train
ing to enable him to mako his way against
tho strong opposition that ho would bo suro
to encounter at ovory step thnn I would
think of flying. I would consider It a crlmo
against society to do so What chanco has
a boy Rot to hold his own in tho liorco strug
gle for existonco without skill of comoKind?
None at all. Tho most ho can Imno for is a
lowly station and a caroor of drudgery at
manual labor of tho roughest kind. Ho
mnystartoutwithhighhopesnnd nooio pur
poses, but when ho comes in contact
with actual business affairs ho will
soon find that thoy aro too com
plicated and prociso for his crudo ideas
and methods. Tho result can not bo doubt
ful. Ho will drift from post to pillar and
finally bring up at tho bottom of tho ladder,
where ho will remain. Ho has been triod
and found wanting. This is not his fault;
ho may have dono tho best ho could; but it
all comes from his parents neglecting to
give him that training of brain and nr.ml
which is so necessary to success in this ago
of keen wits and sharp competition.
"Business mothods havecnanged wonder
fully since I was a boy. Then It was con
ducted, for tho most part, In a crude, hap
hazard sort of manner. Nearly every tiling
was on a small scale, requiring no particu
lar training or experience. Somo pcoplo
have tho notion that it is tho samo now, nut
thoy aro sadly mistaken. Men who wero
successful in business life forty or fifty
years ago could hardly fill a cloritship now.
Business has boon reduced to a science,
and its manifold complications aro as hard
to understand as any other branch of knowl
edge. A good business man in these days
is competent to fill any position, public or
private. Aloro tnan ono President has
called men from tho storo or factory to as
sist in carrying ou tho Government. I
do not caro how or whero a boy Is trained,
so that correct business principles aro in
stilled into him. Ho may learn tneso at
home, In a storo, factory or workshop; I do
not insist that ho shall bo highly educated in
tho learnings of schools, but I do insist that
ho shall bo thoroughly grounded in somo oc
cupation, trado or profession. A business
half learned is not learned at all. This is
tho causa of so many jack-of-all-trades
which infest every community. Thoy know
a little of many things, but not much of any.
They havo to give way when thoy como in
competition with better trained hands and
brains. -
"The future glory and prosperity of this
oountry rests -with tho boys. Thoy will in
duo time bo called upon to tako tho places
of tho men who aro now at tho head of af
fairswho aro filling tho offices of tho Stato
and Nation and conducting tho various
business enterprises for which wo aro so
greatly distinguished. How important it is,
then, that theso boys bo brought up so as
to bo competent to discharge .those great
duties. Thoro is no oxcuso for neglect in
this matter. The country is lull of public
ichools whoro a good education can bo ob
tained without money and without price.
Every city, town and villago has its fac
tories, shops and stores whore actual busi
ness can bo learned by tho proper applica
tion. Therefore, I say thoro is no oxcuso
for parents allowing their boys to go forth
into tho world and tie themselves down to a
llfo of drudgery, which thoy must do if thoy
have neither trained minds nor skilled
hands. The dangerous classes of socioty
are composed of men who, when boys, loft
homo w;thout knowing how to do some
thing. Having no skill at any thing, thoy
seldom find employment, and thon only
at tho roughest and least remunerative
work. Tho result is that they first becomo
dissipated and thon criminal. This pict
ure is not overdrawn, it is bornoout by
statistics, and a matter of almost universal
experience and observation I have Known
many naturally bright boys who, from this
cause, hav.o grown up to bo drones in so
cicty. Thoy failed In competition with mon
better equipped than themselves, became
discouraged, and sottloa down in povorty
and obscurity.
"Theso aro facts which parents should
take home and seriously ponder. If they
havo boys thoy should see to it that they
aro brought up to somo honorablo occupa
tion and not permitted to spend tholr timo
in Idleness, in which thoro is neither dig
nity nor profit. It will servo as an anchor
to keep thorn from drifting with tho wind,
and give them a fair start in tho raco of
life. It will not only bo of lasting benefit
to tho boys, but will bo a sourco of comfort
to tho parents, save somo of tnem fro in go
ing down to tho gravo with broken hearts,
and bo an clement of strength to tho coun
try which can bo depended upon in timo of
need. Nothing good comes from idleness,
which is tho parent of evil; but intelligent
industry is always honored nnd honorable
To slightly parapbraso tho sacred text:
Train up your boy in tho way ho should
go, and whon ho Is old ho will not depart
from it."'
Dangers of Ico-H'ntor.
Dr. Hammond protests against tho Amer
ican habit of gulping down a great quantity
of lco-water. Ho says that it induces
catarrh of tho stomach, which underlies a
dozen other troubles, and, vory possibly,
cancer of tho stomach. Ico, used in email
quantities, is a valuablo remedy, but any
ono had better swadow coals of flro than
ice-water. It blisters and destroys tho
membrane. Dyspepsia Is a suro conse
quence, and it does not even lnsuro tempo
rary comfort. What, then, can wo do I
Swallow instead an occasional crumb of
ico. Reasonably cold, but not ice-cold,
lemonade, Is a convenient and wholesomo
drink. Better yet is tho old-fashioned farm
er's drink of one-half milk and one-half
water. This Is rofrosblng and cooling when
far from ice-cold.
Don't Scorn tliu Humble.
Wo never yet know a man disposed to
scorn tho bumblo man who was not himself
a fair object of scorn to tho humblest. A
man of a liberal mind has a rovorenpa for
the little pride tbaU&aaous every condition,
and would deem it sacriiogo to affront or
abate the respect which Is maintained with
none of tho advr '
s- -
I1PPS VJAtlAIlllii
BfceaiTutJim, h'eura'gla, Corns
Tl OtllftriU PtiHiT. wd !"
cuttt eout, etojp, coMuurmt.
ItU J til Drt Uts. Eul tit, tO '
disastrous, and in order to protect
himself and his creditors Brown
made an nsilgnuieut to M. J. Uicmi,
who Isulsonsslgneo for Mr. Elgin.
Brown's assets will reach $40,000;
liabilities, Including-surety debts,
Athena Press: In all probability
the Tuesday's edition of tlie Press
will be discontinued nfter this week
from the fact it don't pay. The
semi-weeklv has tbut fur beiu of
great convenience lo Athena and
has done good.
Thus f.ir this w inter Grunt count)
stockmen have fel but very little
hay, and all conditions are favorable
toward beiu;; able to piif-s he win
ter with little or no liws.
Kei Pi os-: A series of meetings
has I eon in prtgies for several
nights at Houston's hall nude.1 the
auspice: of tlie Salvation Anny.
Considerable iuteiest is bciuu niau
ifested. Klamath Star: Home editors
drink to get the sugar that's In it,
while others tako it straight to in
craise the ci; dilution of their patent
Athena Piess You may pco-hoo
at the funnels' alliance, but it Will
isto.nsli you ill the sweet b e anil
bye, and turn tlu tables upon you
Phi organ'. itlnn is growing strong
er every day ami by "J will he able
to hold' the balance f the v ithig
Long Creek Eagle: Nearly fiftj
men an busying ihein-elves this
winter handling their pick in pros
pecting new ledges of the higlier
mount-due tun! many valuuMe dis
closuies -ire being opined to view
O.i fuer-duy as a party of land
seekers on the North Sautiani were
ri iing on u pur-h car of the Oregon
Pacific railroad, they rn over a
looe rock which jolted tho men
fn.in their ket, and ono was thrown
on the track, tho wheels ruuiiiiigciver
his abdomen. It is fcirv-Jli is
fatal y injuied.
Eugene Regi-ter: Iwt Thursday
ichild or Mr. E M. Corbus, aged
ibout time .eais, got hold of a bot
le containing a preparation for re
moving w.-ris from linre.es. It con
allied strong acid and the child got
some of It on its face burning it
juite badly around the chin.
Dulles Chrenicle: Monday eve
n'ng Mr. Wulson Who had been up
the road on a hand cur, on his wnj
homo discovered thai some wretch
had bolted two fish plates together
and placed them on the track near
the willows nbovo town. There wne
an evident intent to wreck a train,
mil the attempt was folk d more by
good luck than anything else.
The Tillamook Headlight cliilni
the distinction of having published
more land notices than any olhei
paper hi the United States Within
tho past two years the journal lint
contained 820 timber land notices,
Mid 330 homestead and pie eniptlon
notices, and the editor challenge!)
the oute'de world to beat his record.
Times Mountaineer.
The Medli-ino Lodge Creseut, of
Kansas, will beat thin record badly.
Wood Koit Sai.k. Big llr and
maple. Leaw onlers at J. C
Iirown & L'n's Ivtidwnre slore, r'a-
ieill MtA.NICllAKoI.il
1 2 1-1 ill
Instruments Filed lor Kv-or! at the
Couuty Itccor.lei's Oillct.
Geo W Watt and II A
Thomas to John Bevce: a
part of Its 1 and 2 in blu -1,
University ad lo Salem $
II A JhIiiihoii Jrand wf lo
John iioyce; blk i in Brook
lyn ad to Salem
John B.iyce to II A John
son, Jr; a part of Its 1 and 2
in blk 4 of Univeisity nd lo
II A Thoma- and wife to
John Boyce. 1 0-11 ucies in
t 7 s. r 3 w
Allen Drijis and wf to L V
Potter; to aeres In t S s, r 1 w
II W Hatch and wf to (ie i
J Pearce; a parcel of laud In
Suite Lund Co to Oregon
Land Co; It 11, in blk 12
Highland ad to Salem q c. d.
r 'V6SiS
Both the methixl ainTrcstilU wlici
1 Syrup of Figs is taken ; it i pleaian
i and refreshing to the taste, and act
centlyyet promptly on tlieKidneys
1 Liver ami Bowels, cleansea the eys
tern effectually, dbtpcls colda, Lead
1 aches am! fevers ami cures haMtua
constipation permanently, Foreah
in 50c and 81 bottles by a!
iQVMtui, r. ttl rot. .r.
" A Nile uia nil Till-"-.
itchiiii; 1'llcK itra Known by moNtiiro
line HiRlrntliii, -im-i"K mlome ItchliiK
when rurm. This tm mi iw well ni lllliiil
Itk-filnm nml iirumnliiiK, v a'Ul iitiiiK- In
Hi. I:-n.iiiIi' Tile K'iin.il.s. alil rli lids
direct!. tiiipiirt- utlHIed, uli-niili-i In-lnrs.nll-iVHlli-lilt'nril
i-tlW-t- n iH-ruinli-t-ul
I'lii-i-. ii -i- - Ii.ukkIM "f mull
trctUe lit-i- II a.mi '"hlliuU'lpliW ll
lilfl In milt. stiMiior,
I, follow
he mo ef Hood's Sais.it-.irilla Si-M'ie
uses of scrofula, iipoti winch other (uep
u.tllons h.we been itmerli',leliltotlio
pcculhr ruratho imers of tills ineillcliie.
blstiesshiR c.iii-s of alMirpsIa, excruciat
ing convl.'.iiilH ot the kidneys and liver,
goiilzliig Itch B .
"d rain of salt f SUITS
Iieuin, tt.sagree- " "
11 j v. sos ot catarrh, nml aches and pains
' i" usM.it sin, aro ctnel by Hood's Sar-
.."v It i urines tlio blood, anil at tho
o 11 no trues tho stotmch, erentes an
. i .'. il v.u-s MreiiKlhtncu'iyfuiic-
i ifH.oex'Y. Give it a trial.
General Dobility
I'm' four je..rs my wnu suHcied with
- f. i t ii'iiA-hcs oil the elands under
-. i.i.s, n .1 general (lebllity of the wl.vilo
. ai. .s .. bee mo 'o poor in lie Ulh
.. t wo -io oil cl.e crgeof des,..lr
.jiril.iK if recoM-ty. riijslclaus did
uit sci-in to i nileifctjiul her case; at all
'onts slit i.ecr derh ed any benefit from
their tie.itn-j.it. Slio finally concluded to
try Hood's S-irsa,uilll.i. The hnmedi.to
it.-et w is so marked and satlsfactoiv hat
ho conilmied to I..1.0 II, and tlil Iho
uiull: Snu has gained hi weight
Fretr. i,' to III Pounds
and is b .;. , i and hi better health than
she 1. .-' -i ;,i je.ni. The bunches under
her ai..is li oe dl.nlnblicd, ami wo hellevo
lloil s Sarujiurllki will he loo much for
them in tune." .. J. Nokchoss vs-'B Com
mercial Stieet, Pin-toil, Mass.
Hood's Sarsap'ji'tlla
Solit I)j Jr 'ui3ts. tfll sliforf.l. rreireilby
C. I. llOOt) & CO., Apothcc.ltlos, Luwell, ,fa.
IOO Doses One Dollar
HmmnMinmmmmKMmmBMmmfwmmemmmmamm9m i irwiiUBilTriii tfH&mBHmBmMm0mmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmtati.
Comes IT.
Read in
w r
Specimen Copies and Beautiful Calendar nont Froa
1000 ITRAVa
n... .--.Biin.. i Aim lnaniKAL
MKimvwvwMm annnc -HistoRY
n mm
bPUMENlsS lf $1.75
. rig Eiunv I AYEAR. I
"Ho other Weekly raptr fires to gnat a Variety of Enttrtaining and Inttntctir Reading at to low a price."
FREE TO JAN. I, 1891.
To nny NEW HUrtPCRIBER. who will cut out nml .nnd iu tlilk llp ttIUi nnrao nnd
nilitrria nnd SI. 7.1 (In rostal or Krprtv Honey Order or RegUtertd letter at our rfaM, tto will .end
TIIK YOUTH'S COMPANION FltKEl Jnnnarr. 1SOI. nnd for n Pull Venn from flint Date.
ThUntTer Inrludn. the KIVK DOl'Ill.K HOLIDAY M'.llllEltS for TlianUsulTtnir, Clirl.tmns,
New enr'., En.ter nnd Ponrth-or-Jalr, nnd nil the Illu.trnted Woeklr Hupplemcnt.
1 Aidrett, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 41 Tmplo Placo, Doaton, Moss.
Sek it, Tky it, Buy it. Tho
now V. S. No. 2 Singer sowing ma
chine Burt Case, ngent 181 Com
mercial street. 12-10 tf.
X Newspaper that Is Kearles- nnd Indo
petiilenl; tlioioughly Itepublleiui, nml not
i he tool of nny one? Then mihstrlho for tho
Published nt tho Sluto Ovpltnl, only 81.rh
per ear, six months 75c, lour m ititlisCil.-
Bright Newsy Fearless
-It couUilon
The Jidttle of the People
Ayainst Plutocrats
And shows up
The Rank Pretensions of the Or
gans of the Monopolies I
It Is notn inonopolyonjiin.thtttcinployH
ts Inllu'iito to bind the pcoplo hand mid
root. His not tliu tool of nny Intorestorol
iny politician. It udvocjites people's incus
uies unil booiI Kovernincnt, It behoves in
-ibsoliitely cuirylui; out iho will of tho
ninsicsof tho peoplu. Head It, and see II
It does not.
PuUHutiacl Every Thursday ut
Wo hnvii tho hcconil liitKC-il circulation
n tho Htato mid our list Is constantly
Wo wl'l sfiorta chili of llvo now niinics to
iny I'lMtiittlco lor ono year lor So.OJ
A dub or ten now niimes to nny ortlco
tiiil imo copy to thnKi'tlcr-upof tho club
mo year for S10.00.
Airs. M. E. McCoy, physician mid
surgeon, No. 200Conmicrclnl street.
Chronic discuses n specialty. Con
sultation free. 12-8 tf
Sick Ilendnche nnd relieve nil tho trouble Incl
dent to n bilious state of the ay-item, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating. 1'nln In the Side, -to hllo their most
remarkable success has been sliown la curing
Headache, yet Carter's I.itti.k Livir Tnxs
nre cijunlly Miliuible hi t'onstijiallon, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct nil disorders of the stomach,
stlmulnto the liver and regulate tho bowels.
Een if they only cured
Ache they would bo almost pricolesi-to those
who suiter from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, nnd thoso who once try them will find
theso llttlo pills valuablo in so many ways Hint
thoy will not be willing to do without them,
Hut after all sick head
Is tho hano of so mini v Uvea thot here Is whero
we make our great boast. Our pills euro It
whilo others do not.
CAiiTicn'H IiiTTLis l.ivF.u PiLij? aro verv small
and very easy to take One or two pills make
a dose. Thoy aro strictly . egetalflo and do
not gripo or purge, hut by their gentle action
please all who uso tlieiu In Inls nt 2S cents;
five for SI Sold i cry w hero, or sent by mall.
Small Pill. Small Dose. H Price,
J. Ii MITUIIIMil.. (iiX). hoiiyi:.
General Collectors, Brokers
Ixicnl ami loiolen collei-ilons attended to
prouipi.y. Itnllroud tickclH sold to till
purls of iho woild. llo'ilikicnlng for local
p ullcs u specialty. Advertising placed In
any pari ol the United Htates lit tho most
reasonable rates, Commercial papciH
looked nil or promptly.
ZVJ Coinuit-ii-lal stieet, up staira. Hnlem,
In tho Circuit Courtof tho HUlto of Ore
gon, for tliu county ot Marlon.
McKlnley Mitchell plalntift
.Ins. 11, Ilarnes and Teresa Ilarnos, Mary
Haines, Mary 10, Ijiinhrlghl ana Win
liumbrlght, Margaret J. Markwood
mid Markwood, her husband,
Susan Groshoug and Jacob Oroshong,
Angellno Mlies and Mies, her luis-
hand.acharlah Ilarnos mid Kate llaracs,
Heotgo Ilarnes, lamina KltzgeruUI nnd
Charles l-'lluemlil, Frances Ilarnes, Kllen
Harm H.Anulo llaruo-i, u minor, nml J. 1),
Unities, administrator of tho partnership
estiitoof Kllshaand J, II, llarues. defend
To Win. Uiinbrlglil nml Jlnry K. Ijiiii-
bright, defi-ndnnts nbovo ii".ine
In tho natnoofttie Htato or Oregon, y
nreuy rcquireu
and each of ou. uro
lo appear and answer tho complaint
agmiihi you in mo aoovo on
huII. within ten days from tho
dato of iho service of this numinous
tiH)H you, If served within thucounty,nr if
KOivcd in any oinrr county in inisstaie,
then wllhln twenty days from tho dato of
mo service in inissuiiiiiiunsupouynu;anii
irisorven uy ptiuiiciiiion, iiiou you nro ro
quired to appear and answer said com
nliilnt on nrbcfoiothoHrst day of thoregti
(ar term ofsald eiiurt, noxt after six weeks
iiulilleiillon ol this summons, tti wit ou or
before tho second Monday, IhoDth day of
I'uliiuiity, IMil.anil liyntt mil so in answer
for want thercor tho plalutlir will apply
tnlbu court for tho relief nra.vcd for In .aid
complaint, to wit: For tho fiiieelosuru of
amortgagoon rial oslnto. This summons
Is it veil u twin von hvnuhlloallou.by order
of Hon. H. V. llnUeJudgo ofsald court, f
mo ui Decomner i?7, ikwi
J. J. MUlll'H Y, Attor for plalntlir.
Hiilcm, Oregon.lKo. 27, 1RIK),
Founded !n 1877.
And tho finest over bred on tliu I'ntlllc
Coast. Book youiiordcr iinly
forchoho selection!,
iend Stanp f jr Catalogue.
Address J. M. GARRISON,
I0:i:-dw Forest Orovo, Oregon.
intll frost. l)uerlpiivo price list
from Mu
Morgan & Mead,
City Draymen!
All work done with promptness nml dls
Milch, Only tho host men uro employed.
J. F.
Bcpresa No, 15,
1'rornpt work nnd saliufHclloiiguiininli-ed.
rHt- order ui Jim, ChirK'nMom, IH) Court
All work, olther imw or r-iiirliif, lioim
ii tii tMt Morkminlllrt niwi.
Mbuii south of imI ollleu.
icapesl, Neatest ami Best,
VK will pay Iho nbovo rewind for any
case of liver complaint, dispepsla, sick
headache, Indigestion, constipation nr cos
tlveness wo cannot cure wltw west's Vcg
eltablelilier tills, when tho directions aro
stili-tlo compiled with, Thoy itio purely
vtgelabl, and novcrfali to glvo satlsfao
t If in. Hugar 'Minted, Largo boxus, contain
lug IK) pills, 2A cents, liewaro of coil titer
lolis and mltatlons. i'ho genulnu manii
r.ictHredohly by TJ11C JOHN U. WK.ST
Co. ('hleiigolll,
Hold by (leo K, flood, I)niBgUt,;aCoin.
street.Halem Or.
la Jlidl
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours ol the Day
None hut whllu labor em iloyed In this
A good stihsUiiitlnl meal o ked In Urst
class stylo
Twcntj-tlvai cents per meal
Court utreet, between Journal Olllce and
Mlnto's l.ivery.
Salern, Or.
Itales $'-')() nml $5.00 n Day
Open to tho public Thursday, Kept. II,
hwi. 1 1 wit hlel btwi-ii I'Mrilaiul uiui
Mm I'rHiiohMii. Alms Ui bo II ml clan In
all It apisiliilint tils. IU titbits areiaervcd
with tliu uholomUrulUtirown In the Wll
ainWto Mlloy.
folinj I'arlors 4 Can dy Jlanufaclory,
Jlld Cornmmolul Utrut.
leti('rHm KXi,l6o.ndi!6rnti
Oilliw. TtM or CiiHiluleuiid Cuke.. 10 conU
lluahttlid Milk - JUCUU
llnUi uf buii lOtoilU
Huit'Hkaw.iiiitworTwi lficuU
ll-luk mitl Kgg . Jjtwnu
J'orkl Imp and Kif .ul
a.. ..,,... I 'li tti. u ml kim U Ctillts
Iinakeond nut uo nil kind of fence, city i v.nw..i .m Aium M cents
ndeouutry. OirfHiy MrinilforfaiDilug I Hrtu4geHiid KgK ..JAwoU
I , , KtwhOv.lerwuy style........ wnU
1 WTT T DrTV A T rT ZSCHlRigtaiOhiMStnrtdfwwIUoSO'Clotli
51 LLiLi i)U I A LAM. I A iiW) vurtmy of fribl.lA. &
AImj iwt, axint or IIIIIK Willi all .u PaJJ
m BROWN k Co.
b anil m
lor a short timo only. Tlaiuin & Son's hand sowed
.rdovan, button, and laco shoes, $5 per pair; rogular pric
KterCnsh l'nlil lor Woo', UlUcs nml Polls
Commercial st.
Sasli and Door Factory
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compete
with tho lowest. Only tho bost matorial used.
The Oregon Land Co.,
-with Kb-
- . ... . .. ... - I " ! aa.llV M .....m
r numiinur tuttbi w nrrr rat mi ....u uiu,.uii ., n lurmi.
- .. - -. .-.-.- ..--'-i ..'...- -- ul .n. .. ...r-.. -.. .r.
i ( uoloe Lie". iHivirum n ijouiwuo,
.f irdm4dmi fi .HiBll.r. tU UliUrU ril
'. Kll I-VI I -i ." 'wmv.f, Bn.......
W, lobttctu mid oonfrrtNiDcry-
always ou imnd.
(In tliu Htnto IiiHiiriuico Ihilliling)
and brimcli ofiki'H In Porthintl, Aatorln and Albany,
Has for Bale a luryo list of CI rain, Block and Fruit Farms; also
City and Suburban Property.
'i'ho Oregon Lund Co, w'hn i'ieclally organized for tho purpose of buying
and mib-dlvldiiig lurgo trnotH of land, mid lma during the pant two years
bought and subdivided over .'lKI ucres Into
Fi?e to Twenty Acre Parcels1
Tlio HUciitnH of HiIh uiiilortiildng Ih hIiowii In the fuel that out of 280 tracta
placed on the market, i!25 have liccu sold. Wo claim that ten ncrea ot
choice luud In Fruit,
Will Yield a Larger Income
than 100 aorcH or wheat In the MMfuiippl Valley. WobIho make vnluuble
liuprovementH in the way of rnndH, clearing the lund, feud's, etc. Wo
can veil a small tract of laud for the same price per acre us you would
have to pay fur a large liiriit, .
Send for Pamphlet anil Price List.
10 Acres for Rent.
A olioleo truct only out) mile from Hulem
Te'itu llbenil, Apid)' to
HOFKIt imos.,
Journal Uttlor.
All kind mounted toordor
Capital Dairy Co.
A. 0. Kulrchlld, II. J. Kelly u
nr prepared to deliver mtxli mil
cooled ou Ice, lo any port or tho oily.
T. IJUUKOWH, ' IHjrUr IIount.k and.KK ?! ' T-l-ruid.rtitllalo Lqw'mUU.
No.UramerUIBl., J4alm tmow im ma una r-tojiw -," '--
Oregoiiinu Rail Road Conipaiy.
(Junml olll9M Krou' indT, HU, 1'ortUn
liABT num.
From Townnl
I'orUund HUitlou. I'orllitnd
Hllver-Coburu l'art'ndl'urt'aj
toil no mull iiiaII Uxp
fl (X) H(M J'urtl'ndHl'Co iUl 1 85
7 tf IU 26... WoMlburn. 1 10 7 6
8 W II '1 Kllvurton .IJ ui 0 4
6 U7..1lriiwnvlllu... 7 40
(I CO CoburK 00
Connection KtWoodburii with 1)1' Cw
train to nml from I'rotlaud uud nt Tttll
muri with Irulun touDd from Albuuj.
Alrllenmll -tirtlaud;maif
0 31 .fnrtland TAWV. SIS
lifrt Duuilt Juuttlon H0S
A IW . Hherldan U)
4 Id .--.-.iJulUn 8 23
UI .M0Illuoutll . 75H
an !ZZ Ainu 5
Tlekelf for went Bide utAtluu for Ml (
loot ot Jetlonou t. 'IlckeU for Kant Hide
lUitlun for ul p I'uion depot, (r Mil
uud I tretii. i'HAB. N. BOOT1,
Ocn. Uupt iOuu. VU A liui, AH