Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 21, 1891, Image 3

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    Associated Press Report and
Digests of all Important
Sews of To-Day.
L..SI.OS, Jan. 2l.-n.o latest ud
vices fh'i" W'm Bl,0W tuerelaiw liu.
irovement lu the state of ullilrs
;i,pre It I" announced to-day tliut
a portion of the British South Au,er-
Ln squadron was ordered to leave
Iuama for ChUlau waters without
delav It is als0 uirstood tUo
admiral has received instructions to
takeall the steps considered neces
sary to protect the interest of Brit
Lb subjects in Chili, and, according
to reports, he will not allow the war
....l ,.f thP insurants to Interfere
with the loading or unloading of
British vessels in Chilian waters.
London, Jan 21.-Reports from
all parts of England show a rise In
temperature, and a general rain is
'"viSna, Jan. 21.-The rigorous
M,pr fiontluues. Instances are
reported wherein men are frozen to
,i.,th with their horsis while driv-
u. ...t. Tin '? . It is e
that 50,000 persons are thrown out
of employment by the severe
weutuer. The total loss to Franco
ju wages, stoppage of travel, injury
to trade and the blightiug of crops,
will probably reach 50,000.000 francs.
tixenoN of u. s. senators.
OiAMi'iA, Wu., Jan.21. The leg
islature in joint session to-day re
elected Vatsmi C Squire U S senater:
The vote was as follews: Squire 58,
W H Calklus 30,Th(s Carroll (dem.)
Spbinofielp, Ills. In joint ses
sion the legislature to flay balloting
for a successor to U S senator
Farwell began. The first ballot
resulted, Palmer 101, Oglesby 100,
Streator3. Two more ballots were
taken with the same lesult and the
legislature adjourned until to
morrow noou.
Concord, N H. The eenato and
house met in joint session tday aud
declared Dr.GalHuger elected United
States senator. E.ra Stearns (rep.)
was elected secretary of state. The
election of other stato olllcors was
postponed until this afternoon.
Hartford, Conn., Jan. 21.- O B
Piatt was elected United States
senator today by a joint session of
the legislature, over Cailos French,
the democi alio candidate.
Jefpehbon City, Mo., Jan. 21...
The legislature lu joint, ucsblon U.iy
reelected Senator Vest.
Hismarck, X D Jan. 21. A bal
lot for Uuited Suites senator today
resulted in Pierce 17, Hausbroiigh
13, Muller 12, MuirO, Ball 7,.kouns
beiry 5, McCormack 2,
Denver, Jan. 21. In u joint hes
bIou of the legislature today a ballot
for Uuited States benator was taken,
and the vote was Teller47
HARiuaRimq, Pa., Jan. 21. Don
Cameron wiw formally re elected
Uuited States senator today.
Albany. N. Y.-A ballot of the
legislature for Uuited States sen
ator was taKen at noon
tn..in. ..iiLw. t.. i I. r
Pavld 11. Hill by the following vote;
JliJI 81 Evarts 79.
' '
The Indiana legislature in joint
session lo-ilay declared Hop
Voouees elected Uuitoc)
p. W.
States '
Helena. Jan.21. A terlblo trag
edy occurred at one of the tent
towns known as McCartyville, locat
ed at the head of the Great Northern
extension in the Flathead country.
A eauK of thieves who have been op
en"ing in that country for nonie
'" pant, committed tje dastardly
Pliers weie eomtnao,.,,. ,i.,
P Wr hatul, and upon their re-'
"ji uie robbers owned flr. l-IIHinr
....... ,DUl-"e(l lire, Killing
u'i. Three masked mon entered a , ia l"1 ""& . . ,'
tt where five graders were Vo4 "F elw uew-eoniers who have heard
ta table playing poker U-inu S ' o Cw00fd nm W'P, '" WV
IractttlhvUm'.f!...1 bn,K. is like. For who can explain the
-J "J I J 1 IIII1I1 1 114
- wi ue graders and siriouslviBU'K"'" "'"" ' " . ,
wouidlnstlte other t L S Vc meadows, among elms and
I . tk the l(mev uml 1Iwl T;
:.,?, "' at on "oubed ami pur-
' "igm, After following tlia '
M -irderer,, uLoui -,, ..,'..?. . ,
"fli ,h, railroSfn W at
ihegralerH have not been reeMved
s'Mtoiii7n,8, " '
lUK lU?v Zl VNTo,
Lb n Kht a dozen wl.ii' . .
foe t r,Vol,,ua wrlb!o l..g.;
hou n " ll,PU vW,l "'
man0'' ,lr,,u" " odored
ti . 'on,e l'oiiiien, and bat-'
temnl.iV!',t"t"lo"r! Uw a lhey
w-v.i ' k,l""B Jim Huiitiy ana
trV ;0UU11B another of the
It U n.. t,.. ....... i i
.-.... """"ii now uie
We 0ri8'nd. 1
,,:rr lT'.IKv .T, nyv n.-'vw
w i
ne iiurt . . .
lUerp).!.. . ' fcv'" ,ai uu,M
tiwu i-intr
12 19 tf.
Washington, Jan. 121. When
the reading of the journal was con
cluded this morning, Mr. Mills ob
jected to Us approval, nnd said he
dealt ed to debate the question. Ill a
moment McKlnley was on his feet
with a demand for the previous
question on the approval of the jour
nal, and he waa recognized by the
speaker. Then followed a scene of
excitement almost rivaling that of
yesterday. Messrs. Bland, lingers
and Mills excoriated thespvaki r.tiud
thehpeaker In a calm manner said
he was administering the rules
of the house as he understood
them, aud as sustained by the
house, and that be would continue
to administer them as long as he re
tained the position to which he was
elected by the bouse.
Another wave of excitement just
passed over the house; the speaker,
Mills and McKiuley were the prin
cipal agitators. The latter declared
with emphasis that if necessary, the
Houso would stay In session till noon
on the 4th of March lu order to pass
the bill which would give every cit
izen of this land his right to a free
ballot nnd a fair count.
Pine Ridoe, Jan, 21. This morn
ing all the Hoops, with the excep
tion of the 1st Infantry, broxe camp
and moved to the banks of Craven
creek, about four milesouth of the
agency. The Redskins at iaBt un
derstand the move, and not a few of
them look upon it with apprehen
sion, anil Iiavo accordingly oouoiea
their pickets.
Chkjaoo, Jan.21. Mauuger Tuck
er declares that Scott Huntington,
an Indiana train depatcher, was
discharged for deielictiou of duty,
and it was to enforce his reinstate
ment thatthostriKoon the Erie Road
began. Manager Tucker declares
he will not be takon back under
any circumstances.
Washington, D. C. Jan 21 The
House Committee on public build
ings and grounds to-day agreed to
report favorably Taylor's" bill ap
propriating $4,000,000 for the erec
tion of a new public building on the
site of the present government
building in Chicago,
Secretary Windom has recom
mended an appropriation of $5000
for the survey of the Port Angeles
townsite reservation in Washington.
i The Lower houso of the Minnesota
I legislature has adopted a joint reso
j lution petitioning the congressional
delegation from that state to sup
J port the submission of a constltu
j tiomil amendniont providing for the
election of United Senators by a di
rect vote of tiie people.
I Geperal Manager Tucker, of the
Chicago tfc Eru road, admitted this
' morning tht the road WP3 practi
cally tied up by the strike of train
, dispatchers.
ciinries j. jooes, tor me imai, ium-
teen years one of the editorial stall
of the New York Times, and latter
ly the editor of the Sunday edition
of that paper, died suddenly last
night of heart disease.
General Booth, of the salvation
nrmv. has asked tba Ioid mayor of
Loiic'ciu to noruiit the destitute
Pr of that city to sleep In the va-
rlou8 '"""'P"1 huildiugs while the
heverely cold weather lasts, and he,
fu.,Dr,.i u.mti.. will undertake to
feed them u'lid preserve order.
Jhieh PilgrlningBfp" ilie llDWeuf ie
(heat Litterateur.
Concord, tho home of Emerson
and Alloott, of Hawthorne nud
Thoreau, becomes more and more a
place o! pllgr mage for those who
appreciate what Is best thus far In
American literature. Every day al
most brings to that plain Massachu
setts town these pilgrims from far
and near old lovers of the place and
geograph.cal mystery ot genius or
?.. "" ,!" i
UB Il,m" " " '
.? ... .., ...,1(if, thrnueh
willow , or twin ng rouud
of woouea "B -"" """
0l(l wsiie or a cmm.u i-, j
what charms us Is not the beauly of
..redrawn thither by U.h memory
liebe '",ows, on lU,,9
stream, and made love amid these
groves of oak and elm. So Is It
with the quiet loveliness of (Joncord.
'e value thee not bo much for
their owimraee nud uharm, af fr
the i.lwtsure they gave to Kiiierwm
and hU friends who have made tUu
AiuricMBH Simtford U In Ungland.
- From i
l?.,w.r..i. nnil ITlri KrlflllU
. .. .. D....I...... I
ui i-niiMirii." uv i rutin . onnwi i
1 xw Englund Mafcuxlne fur Dee. I
Mrn. M. E. MKV.,..liyfclolu and
Cliruulc dlseohcu a spec-laity, foil-
- hrullil - dl(i.tt anefilultV
'..,....,... r... "ioa.
i.. ...I..r..lnr In fllRlr ilrsL lOVC.
t Legislative Dictionary.
For the benefit of the uninitiated
legislator, I herewith In the spirit
of pure philanthropy, furnish the
following dictionary, containing
the most frequently appearing
terms, any misunderstanding of
which might greatly impede the
progress of the present mnsIoii of the
Oregon legislature.
Bill A bill Is n Law egg, hatched
in an Incubator called a looby.
Measure A measure, lu a math
ematical and legislative sense, is
that which has length without
breadth or depth.
Ring A ling Is an Irresponsible
entity, having n conscience orsoul.
Il is sired by Iniquity and damned
by the people.
' Multnomah Is an Indian term
signifying Hiassckookum tillikuuis,
interpreted, "We are the people."
Motion A motion is a feint to do
something, the limit of which time
is forty days. It need not neces
sarily be foolish or malicious.
Point of Order Demands a con
formity to rules, suggeskd bj one
who assumes to be pointed or sharp
Resolution A resolution U a
name applied to the tall of a
whereas, being of the genus bonis,
aud found in a wild state in the
Oregon legislature.
Memorial Is an appeal for suc
cos, the people being the siiecorees.
Appropriation An appropriation
is a gift of the people's money to
dredge out cieeks and ponds for
navigation, widen labblt and coy
ote trails for highways, maintaining
ollicets and creating new olllces for
the heirs, assigns and friends of in
cumbents. Caucus (etymology) caw as a
crow, aud cus to blaspheme) an as
semblage of noisy politicians whose
members swap votes, and crucify
loyal candidates, manufacture pools
and slates for public ue.
Lobby A lobby is n species of
acquarium, wheiein tho sharks gob
ble up the suckers.
President Is a product of the
Grand wire works protected by pa
tent held by the Metiopolitan Man
ufacturing Co.
Speaker Is a species of president
in which the patent has expired.
Portland Is a commercial pity
situated in the state of Multnomah,
and is noted for its large jobbing
trade in politics,
Senate Bar la a liar lu the senate
chamber where the Vcad barkeeper
enjoys his distinction bj having
done all the heating.
Bull Run Ts the name of i celo
brated tournament of tie bulls aud
bears In w)ich t'ae fonuer took
Governor's Message Is a docu
ment recommendiug all the virtues
and condemning all the vices of
aueieut and modern times. It ap
peals to the members of all societies
organizations, isms aud sects for
their suffrago lu case it ratifies, in
behalf of the state.
Executive appointments, papers,
sanctions and vetoes,
Mortgage taic is a scab on the
body politic.
Bills to amend hog law and dog
law, on the John Dee and Richard
Roe of business forms used as a
practice exercise for aspiring legisla
tors, Lvcurous.
Tho World Knrlclioil.
The facilities of the present day foi
Jie production of everything that will
conduce to the material welfare and
comfort of mankind are almost unlim
ited, and when Syrup of Pigs was jirf.t
produced the world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
is the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to tho taste
and prompt and effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, at auy time, and the better
it is known the more popular it be
Uimiester: Keller vt Mars,h
have secured thp services of Mr.
CottrcJI, of Buflalo, N. Y., on expe
rleiice upholsterer of twenty years,
lu fine work. Work of any description-will
be attended to at reasona
ble rates, 1-8-tf.
Legislators and strangers lu the
city will do well to sample the meals
at Strong's restaurant before making
permanent arrangement for board.
Regular meals only 25 cent".
Where Aiii:TjikGoino? Well.
f itfifurulturo they are looking for ,
Where else shquld they bo going btit (
to Blireili
Montee Bros, are still taking those
tine photos at their gallery near the
postofllce. Examine their work.
Assignee's Notice.
Persons indebted to tho late firm
of Jo?t A Hoggs, Inwilvequ, aro
hereby-notified that they must set
tle up Immediately or huiU will be
Instituted for collection.
W. 11. CONHAO,
319 Commercial street-
r.,na Mirll III tlllHCilV OVOr SiVlulll
Uuilder, as every body to u-Iiijj It Tor j
i, f iliHStoinauh. UnitUUili-'
L4..... -,-- ,,. i,iMjti ,;. ,
nnint be till exoeiiem joimM"ii,
' when eveo tly IW" M. .wr '"
it. . ' ' ;
i hiue bum lur l.
I . . .:,""... k.n bv wowure
- . k- . niMt.it.
J.SSSaSji- ii-Ja
..!... .arl IHll NHKI - - -7 w
izrwi K2.yuZ
,retu Irt. Vr UUMU
a lrMau
ut uiU.
nodHpbia f
Sweet IfoMri Excited. Tho lit
tle town of Sweet Home, In Lluu
county, Iihh been throw i into great
excitement by tho action of the two
factions of the evangelical organiz
ation. On liwt Sunday, Rev Pit titer,
of Ktwt Portland, Who 1st follower
of Bishop Bowman, Went up to
Sweetllome to holdservlcennd the
.antl-Bowiii mi members refused to al
low them th. n' of the church.
Rev. Blttni ii'-t fillowers broke iuto!
the church .if I held their services,
Rev. Youst, an' i-Bo .vinan, who has
held serviced Mu e Hie trouble began,
and his followers were very much
angered, and llireatenedto have Mr.
Bltttnauand his f il!owci,d arrested.
The later repot ts are the threats
have been carried out aud a number
of persons have been arretted nud
among them Rev. II. I.r Blttuer.
He denies the charge of breaking
into the church by force, lie claims
that he hail been called to assist
ReV. McElroy, who has been con
ducting a series of niietlngs at the
church for some time. He claimed
the Yost factlou had barricaded tho
church and had clubs and danger
ous weapons In their possession. Ho
also said that against hiaonsent
possession of the church w.is trained.
The utl'uir toot; place Saturday night
instead of Sunday morning. He
was up for a preliminary examina
tion in Albany thU aturnooif, in
an exciting trial.
Queen of 1'ajii:.-.loan of Aic
will be buiiicd nt the slake to
morrow night. A gentleman le
marked yistudtty Hint "Hie name
ofLiona Willis insiues a eiowd."
Another said: "I would give teu
dollars auy time tos.ee Ually Pnrrixli
on the stage.'' It is said tlieie will
be a steamboat excursion from hide.
neiulence. Eveiything indimtcs a
laige attendance and a splendid
feaat of good things. If you wisli
good seats see Deal born at oiieo.
Delicious P.eck wheat Cakes.
No need of goii g without litem
when you can get Otcjn ground
buckwheat Hour, delicious Califor
nia creainer lutlir, and uie Cal
ifornia hoiu-j, the finest lit the
market, at Joseph Cl.irkV.
Pure Whit. As white as a lily,
and line as silk tho-c beautiful
white Hoods, l.uea, euihiiidirlcs,ctc.,
at HolvcfM.ii's sloje. The ladies tue
always Interested in such goods, and
novel fail to npirc late such bargains
a-, Holverson oilers.
Wool) tor Sale. Big fir and
maple. Leave orders at .1. G.
Brown & Co's haidware store, Sa
lem. Frank Harold
1 -2t)-lni
Letter List.
The following if the list of letters
remaining, uncalled for in the post
office at Salem, Jan.21, 1891. Per
sons calling for the same will please
say "advcitlsed."
Burger J Batt Florence
Baker It F Beatio J F
BeelerU W Becker A
Browing John T Brooks Airs Eliza
BiowilMrsMA Brown Miss May
Brunk T W
Cavanaugh T M
Care Minnie
Corwin H N
Cox Del W
Etter John
Ellis 1) C
Foster Dan'l
Helm Mrs E M
Iiwin Thos
Jellerson Johny
Johy John
Laurentia Str M
Copeland C
Cohen I
Condon J 0-2
Ellis W T
Fiirauce P L
Hayter Mrs F M
Hollingwoith J
James Titos
JenksW -Lainson
Lavety Mrs A
Livingstone A
2 Los-tun Thos
May Mrs L
Mattal Walter
Matheny Edith Martin Unify
Muitii) Bertha G Meiklo Jas
Mitchan E S
Miers Chaa
Mlllef Jos
Moore Fmauuel
Milton Tom
Osmuudsen O
Patton Benton
Rice Harvey A
Robbon Cltas 1C
St range Mis E
Smith Beitie
Slites V L
Scott Sherman
Thacker Chas
Thompson M
Townsend Geo
WttUtle Fpuik
Alurry Alfred
Newburgh L
Palmer C W
Patton M A
Rinner Robt S
Roberts J M
Sharp Lydia L
Held Her O
.Stisli Jos
Sullivan Will
Thornton PJ
Thornton Ed
Wann Freddie
A. N. Gilhert, P
C. G. Given & Co.
price firm on almon.
are the ow
Fine candy at Duong's.
llin itrliic Uuilluliie.
Vll who resill.e ilio iiotowlty of purifying
the hlixxl kuinf that inuljuru'ti Hheu-
inillcrtjiupnm uo reneu ui'u. wr.
K,l)erUiiii,nf iinixlmll, Midi., my:
I hiivo Hiilliubd lutenei fioin hllloiiK
ntuwaiKl rlieumatliiiii for ilnw jeurn, and
trleil man rL-iaeuiw. Hoarlnn or Jlli
Iwrtl'iiMrupl hout'litu bo.tlo uml futiml
It Mi)lM'(l mo. t UHt)tMU(l our liottlos and
It hail iworoit my Uvr A'"l kltneilo
V&W&'Xitoi JlrKWu
im. .mnwud m u oudufuiooa incdl,
I'or' V. C. Hnjnn, MurHli'all, ilch.
hultli action, and ilouo inoro to puril)
kjIi- by Hinitli i.HWt!ior,
.r.,v., Y r i.-Tm ....
jxun ue meinwi mm rwuim whcu ,
nim isiiwhiuk hi mo wtv, ...vm.
gently yet promptly on tho JCIUncy,
Ww and Jwei., cleanses up bj.
tarn ftfloetunlly, uinpels colds, head;
CBw anu JCTem aimciinai imui
couMlpatlon rxjrmanentlv. Forealo
r.Il Anf ill l.s.fflZka WWW Ul
touimus, tr. eiv roa. u.r. ,
L(Ito-l wbO IAv'V
p-m ijmm
Journal Fdllorial Headquarters, 1
Legislative Assembly.
Mr. Bernard Goldsmith came vcr,j
near being elected V S. eitator by
the deni'terats under an !'.suiued
The lnii) minded man has not
put in hlsttpi earn ic in the hoiife.
The Bull Run water bill was sent
tothehoUM! with a rush, but will
wnit till Friday.
Long speeches and pollllcs havp
not yet been introduced in the house.
The o.v kunweth his stall, nnd the
ass his muster's crib, but some qf the
democratic managers did not know
the name of their catididate for U.
S. senator.
Mrs. Plyinnie, one of Oiegon's re
liable newspaper workers, Is at tho
reporter's tables lu the Interest of
the Ashland Tidings. She Is one of
the most competent journalists on
tho coast.
Tho first houso bill was nu Incor
poration act, and a general incorpo-
lation law would have saved all tho
lime it took to pass it.
Tried ami True
Is the positive verdict of people
who take Hold's Sarsaparilla.
When used nccotdlng to dhections
the effects of this medicine arc soou
felt in strength restore.!, tire.i fieling
driven oil', appetite created, head
ache and dyspepsia, scrofula cured
and all the bad ellects of impure
blood. For a blood purifier, tako
School Tax Llht.
The school taxes of district No. 24
in Mariou county are now due and
pitiable at the cletk's office In No.
203 Commercial street (i" the rear ol
F. S. Dearborn's book stoic hi the
llush I trey man block) Salem. The
same will become delinquent tiniest
paid within tin days from this date.
By order of board, this- 17th day of
November. 1890. W. B.Bimi'son.
11-17-tf District Clerk.
Will be found an excellent remedy
for sick headache. Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Thousands of letters
from people who have used them
piove this faot. Try them.
If sick headache is niNery, what
are Caller's Little Liver Fills if they
will positively cure it? People who
have used tlieni speak Irankly ol
their worth. They are small end
easy to take.
It you once try Carter's Llttlo
Liver Pills for sick headache, bili
ousness or oonstlpation, you will
never bo without them. They aro
purely vegetable; small and easy to
take. Don't forget this.
lllblmrd'H U!eumitlo mm I.Ivor I'llln
Tucho nllmnro sclontlflcully compound
Tucho nllmnro sclontlflcully compounded
nuil uullbi in In action. No irrlpfne pnln
so commonly following the u.su of pills
Tncv aro nduDtud to botli uilulU nud clill-
draiiwllti perfect Bnfuty. Wo guurnnteo
they Iiavo noenuul In thocuroofslck liwul
nclio, coiiHtlputlou, dyspcpHin and bllliouu
uchs aud. as an appetiser, they ox cell auy
other piepiirnlloa 177 ly
HniHM a Stciiiur, colo nutH.
of ton
tho uso ot Hood's S.ttsnp.iriUn. Socio
cases of scrofula, upon which other prep
arations h.no been powerless, yold to tho
peculiar rur.itlvo mwori o,( (liU medicine,
l)istp?.ssim c.isca n( dyspepsia, cxcruclaf
lug coini 1 ilnln of the kidneys aud liver,
agon zing Itch l
T,,a,n1,,w,t Results
ilicir.n, dl agree- " m " mr
tUo casus ot r.it.trili, nnd aches and pains
I f.ieuin.UWm, aro cuicil by Hood's Rar-
i i'ln. U I'tiitfies tho blood, and at tho
.rj tiuio tones tho stninacli, ctcatci an
1 1 to, and gives stri'tijtli toooty fttne
i of the holy, tilvo It a trial.
General Debility
"For fout years my wliu suffcreit .tlt
trgo tumor bunches on u glfiils under
iiu nuns, andgcier;i debility of tio wholo
i) stum. (4!io lieeamo so poor In lieallli
hat wo were on llio vergo of despair
rcgatdli,(? icr recovery. 1'hyslclaiis did
not seem to umlerst.mil her case; at all
cc:it3 she uovur dciUedniiybeiitlltfruiii
their troatine.it. Blio flnally com huh d to
tty Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Inininli to
effect was so marked and satisfactory 'fiat
slio continticd to tako ft, a 1 1 I t'.d' r llio
restilt: bbo liai (wined in wilgilt
Fiots .5J4 to HI Pounds
and Is r.. ,i I'.iul fa belter lieallh than
shell iLot. . ;o-is. The blind u wilder
hcrtirnsli Yi il.ii'l,,(ali0il nnd hi' lelfi'va
Hoods Sn-siri'lln will to too I uch for
tliemln ll.ne." J.J X- im mu-e -i Com.
merola! Str . Josli-.i, M. .g.
Hocttra Sarsap.-Siia
Solilby u.-u' l.l. iJI; ill for f. I . iLicuby
ai.IIOOlJ.V OCAirOtlieotrlM.Iwu -Mn.
fOO Doses Ono Do.tr.sr
Do You fat
A Nowipnptr ttuit U KoarloH und Inde
pondonl) tliqioiiKlily Itopuhllcnn, und not
ifieUxjl or nny one? Tlieu nublrlb lortlio
I'uMlHliodnttlio Htale Canltnl, only llfl
per your, lx montliH 7&c, four iionWuA
Hi iglit Newsy Fearless
II countlon
Tho Jidttlo of the J'eoplo
AfjuhiHt lUttovrit8
And iliowK up
The Rank Pretensions of the Or
gans of the Monopolies I
It Ik not a monopoly orKim, that employ!
ttk Inltii uio to blinl lliti iM-oplu bund and
(t. ill IMH the UxtX of any lnttrotorol
nny polltltriuu. ltudniUt ople'Mmui
irt and riKXl tn wnioeut. Il bellevcii in
atwoiHttfiy ourryinif out lite
will of the
iiih.m nf tlitt pwiplG.
It nud It, aud e II
uocw itoi.
I-ulillHrit.cl UvoryThurudoyot
Wm . . ,
, ,.. taU) BnU lt.t u eo,utautiy
" - w v
We wttlfcftcdft (Mubnfflvv vl,w rianiM to
any itteale tor eoa year lor ViJti
A dub of tn new nam to any orile
audftiiofcopy to tueKllcr-upcr , olult
vu ftmr (ur 110 00.
Pi.icc r
WtS S 450.000
Homes K
"No other Weekly Paper ffiret
FREE TO JAN. I, 1891.
To nny NEW HIinSORinER who wilt cut out and irnd n tliln llp vrlth name nnd
nddrron mill 81.73 n Axifnl or Rrprtu Jfotuy Ordtr or litgttltrtd Letter at our rlk ne will rnd
TIIE YOUTH'S COMPANIOX FRF.Kto Jnnnnrr. 1M)I. and for n. Full Year from Hint Dnlo.
Thl offer Include, the F1VK lOl!lll,K HOLIDAY NUHIIF.KH for ThnnUKHlrlng, Clirlluip.n,
Now Year', Kaitor and Fonnh-of-JuIr, aad all the Illuatratod Wccklr HupplcaionU.
1 AdJru$, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 41 Templo Place, Doaton, Mass.
State Temperance Alliance.
Following Is tho program of exer
cises to bo glvon nt tho M.E. church
this oveulug nt 7:30 o'clock.
Music, luvocatiou, music, nu ad
dress of welcome, by Rev. T. H.
Qwynne, of Salem; response, by Z.
T. Wright, of Portland; music, an
nd dress by Rev. (J. C. Rntemnu,
president of S. T, A.; inuslo and
Glck Hcmlnolie nnd rellove nil tho troublra Inci
dent to a bilious state of tho system, such as
Diuineva, JirniM-n. Drowsiness, Dlsttvaa after
catluir. l'nln in tho Side. &e White their most
remarkable success has been idiown In curing
Headache, yet CxnTKn's I.ittuj Liver Tills
aro equally nIunblo in Constipation, curing
nnd provcntinB tliN annoying complAlnt, while
thoy also cornot nil disorders of the stomach,
stimulate tholher and regulato tho bowels.
Eton If they only cured
Ache they would bo almost priceless to those
who sulfur from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodnww does cot end
here, and thoso who onco try them will 11 mi
theso little pills valimblo In so mnur ways that
thoy will not bo willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
Is tho bano of so many lives thnt here la where
wo make our Rrent boost. Our pills cure It
white others do not.
CAnTEii's Littlk I.ivEii TiUJt nre very small
and very easy to tnkiv One or two pills make
a dose. They aro strictly vpRctAbla and do
not jrripo or purt'O, but by their gentle action
guiago nil who uso them. In vlais nt 25 cents;
ve for St Sold e erj w hero, or sent by mall,
UM Siili U Fries.
In llio Circuit ('mirt of tbo Htale cf Ore
gon, lor the county oJ Marlon.
McKlnley MttcUcll plalutlfl'
.Ins. II. Hnrnes nnd Teresa lbirncs, Atnry
lames. Mnry K Lnmbrlglil nna Win
Lnmbrlghl, Mntxtiret .1. Jlnrkwood
and Mm lew ood, her husbnnd,
Susnn Orosbonu and Jacob (Irosboni;,
AUKclInu Mhos und Mies, her lius-
bnud..aclmrlnh Ilnrncs and Kate llnrnes,
icoruu llnmuH, l.iimuu Kltrtfernld nnd
ClKiiloH KIIZRPrnld, Krancos lltirnrs. Kllon
iiarii('H,jiinin iiiiriiix, iv minor, and J. II,
tlitriieH.iidmlnlHtrittorof tho purtnorshl
llnruos. defend
niiiu ui I'.iitiiiiv mm j( j,t imri
To Win. limbriKlit nnd Jlnry
brlellt. dofeudnutit iilinvn limeil
15, Ijuii-
ju uio nntnoni hid Mtnioor Oregon, you
ana cioli of 3u, aro
to appear und answer
ni-ruuy reqiureu
abovo en-
tiled uimliiHt you In
lined Hill, wltliln ten Uhvh
from tho
duto of tho fccrvlce of this
upon you, Ifsorved wltliln tliocounty.or If
nerved In any other cotiuty of tUls stato.
men wiiiiiu iweniy uays iroin ine ante or
tho hervico of tlilHBiintiiiotiH upon you; und
If hcrved by piiblUatlon, then you nro ro.
qulied to appear and answci Mild cam.
far term of said anuit, next after six weeKH
publlratlon nt tins kuihiiioiih, to wit on or
beforn tins neexind Monday, tlinUtli day f
February, 1HU1, and If you full m to angwor
Tor want tbeieof tho plalntlir will apply
totlia court for the relief urnw-.l !r In mill
complaint, to wit: For the foreclosure of
a mortgago on real cwtuto. This summons
Is scrvi d upon ion by publication. bv order
of linn. It. t'. tiolHo.ludgoofsuld ,xmrt, ttf
inn in jji-i4iiiiour ki, imnj
J. J. MUUl'IIY, Attor for plalntlir.
Uuleni, Oregon, Dee. !I7, J BIX),
$500 Reward!
WIJ will pay thoabovo rewind for any
rase of liver complaint, (Ivsiepsla, sick
hcnduclio, Indlgektlon, tonsllpatlnn or cos
tlvcniHH wo cannot ouio wltw wests Veg
eltablel.lijor i'llln, when tho directions are
Url lie compiled with. They nro purely
vigelabl, and never fall to glvo Hiitlsfuo
tton. Hiigarnoaled. Ijirgo boxen, oontuln.
InirJIO nllH. M cents. Ilewnro of counter.
fcilsand iiiltatloiiH The Keuiitne inmiu
fnctMred ohly by TIIK JOHN U. WEST
i;o. inicuHoiii,
Hold by liui K. Good, I)niBglst,5W0Com.
street. M.ilein Or ''
r and Packer,
HtatoHt. ana Court HI. The bent ineaU
ueniercu to an parwor tbooity.
until front, lkwrlptlvu prl
am from Ala
nrloo llt free
Morgan & Mead,
City Draymen!
All work done with prumntnr.ui nnd dl
natch. Only the lnV men are employed,
J. F.
'n n
No. 15.
Prom ptworlc nnd wit Uficllon guaranteed.
Muve order atJiM.Clurk'itiiUJru, lUJCoiut
EXPRESS N0S, 16 & 21,
!-avo order ut It. M. WadoAOo'. 1U
llablu work or no pay.
All work, llliernewr or repairing, don
lu Uie U4t uorknntiillku uliape.
HM outli of mmI onlce.
Cheapest, Neatest ami Best,
and cwuntry 't tniu bfon feueliif.
II wiioMAKitukm, Or,
Copies and Boautifnl Calendar
ti sncur.F
Travel i Akd
lanvpwnmtl HISTORT'
to great a Variety of Entertaining and Imtructin Heading tit to low a price.'
B A Ik
For a short time only. Hanttn & ISon's hand sowed
cordovan, button, and lace shoes, $5 per pair; regular price
Sasht and Door Factory
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
Tho hest class of work in our lino at prices to o, mpeto
Avith tho lowest. Only tho best matorial used.
The Oregon Land Co.,
(In Uio Btnlo TiiHurnuco lUilUllug)
nnd brunch ofllccH In I'ortlnnd, Astoria, nnd Albany,
IIhh fur bale n liiruo lint of Grain, Block and Fruit Farms; also'
City and Suburban Property.
Tho Oregon Lund Co. won eHjieclully organized for tho ptirpoHe of buying
and Hub-dlvldiug lurgo truolH of land, nud lnw during tho jm.st two yeura
bought und tnibdivldod ovvr .'1,200 i.crt.'a Into
Five to Twenty Acre Parcels!
Tho BiifOeHH of UiIh undertaking Ih shown lit tho fact that out of 280 tract
pluccd on tho murket, 225 luivo been sold. Wo clulin that ton ncroa ot
choice lund hi Fruit,
Will Yield a Larger Income!
than 100 uort'H of wheat lu tho MfinltMippI Valley, WouIho limUo valuublo
linprovoinonts In tho way of roudu, clearing tho lund, fences, etc, Wo
win sell iitnnull tract of land for tho miiiio prleo jior aero as you would
have to pay for u lurgo iuriu. j ,
Send for Pamphlet ami Price List.
10 Acres for Rent,
A cliolou tract only one mile from Hulem
Terjnn liberal. Apply to
Journul oirce.
All kind mounted to.order
Capital Dairy Co
A. 0. KalMiblld, II. J. Kelly nnd
re prepred to deliver flreuh milk
cooled on loo, to any part of the 'city.
Ltsvordr Mlato Uaf UU.
H (
sont Frco.
For ah.
BSy-Cnsh PnTil lor Wool, Illdca and Polla
Commercial st.
Oi'egoiiiau Hail Koiul CompaHy.
Oeueral ollletu KrotilnndT, HU, 1'ortUn
KA8T ail)K.
From Toward
Portland Htatlon. I'ortland
Hllver-Cobtlrif I'ort'ndl'orfd
ton an mull mall Kin
Bill 8l I'orti'ndHI'CO iw r&
7 i 10 'A Woodburu ID 7 6
oU IIU Nllvortnn 13 OS 0 44
A U7.llrwrn j lo 7 40
0 W.Coburij,. H i
(kmneclloiuut Wortdbiirn with 8 V Co
train lo uud from 1'rotlaud and ut TulU
mail with trultu to and from Aluuuy.
Alrllemall I'urUaud mall
OJO .I'ortland MWV. 815
1J06 Dmidte Junction 1 06
il (JO Hberlibni .- W 00
i IS IhittH. 8 98
4 a -.Moniiu)uth. 7 an
Tleki for VeH tilde ilMloui for Ie at
foot ot JIIron u 'flckoU for Knt nlda
tatlonaforaulaat Union depot. I "or om
and I nrU. Oil AH. N. MCOIT.
uen, tsurt Aueil.J-ni. A I'm. Ail
h &
1 I
v .
Bunauuu ucr. im-Wlt
t J