Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 17, 1891, Image 2

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BATUitDAY JAN. 17, 1891
Dally by null ir yr-.
Daily by mall pr month, -
nriri hv tnaii ner Year -
. w
.t n m in advance the price
rnnred for the .Wkmcmt Joubwai. will
JL60 per year. If paper are Dot dell'
promptly notlly the office.
Dally for ilngle week,
Dally fortwo week, !
lMliy DJ iuuniu
.n.j...ll h.lyiaft.AH UL llld 1Mb
of moh. BnbWlJr. will plcae lve
money for carrier at bouse or wbereon it
It delivered, o a to cause no delay In
Tim Evwmo Capita l. JoOKJAl.rejnj
Urly receive the afternoon aiwoclatea
prcMdli patch w.
Wheat, nctC2j cento per bu.
Hop, active; 28 to 35 conta ir lb.
Blrong'a restaurant nerve the
choicest mcato. They make their
own breads nnd cakea, and nerve
everything in the latest style.
In Justice' Coukt. A case in
equity was up before Itccorder M.
E. Goodell Friday afternoon for the
recovery of attached property. The
plaintlfT won D. J. Lienor, and
the defendants were Barber k Htarr,
of Ohio. A writ of attachment wa
sworn out by the defendants and
sent to the sheriff of Marlon county
who levied upon a team of mares,
a trottlntt horse, a buggy and some
other articles. Tho defendcnlf
claimed that Llcner owed them
$1600 and had left Ohio without set'
tllng it. The plaintiff claims the
marts wero tho property of his
wlfoand tliat tho other property
wiifl exempt from execution, lllng
ham anil D'Arcy were for tho plain
till and Btott Uolso & Htolt, of Port
land, aud Ford and Kaiser, of tills
city, appear tor the defense. The
Justice gave a decision In favor of
tho plaintiff.
The Boatb Thero aro now four
boat running an fur up tho Willa
mette uu this city. The Manzanlllo
has been at work for two weeks at
tho freight blockade and the North
west has been at tho wimo work.
Ycstcrduy afternoon tho Win, M.
Iloag camo down from Corvallls
where sho had been tied up for the
past Ave and a halt months. The
Threo Bisters Is expected down to
day aud tho Uuntluy will start up In
a week or so. Thoro were three boats
hero yesterday afternoon. Tho river
Is slowly rising again aud now regis
ters about thno feet above low water
mark. Tho Hong found a scarcity
of water abovo tiio mouth of the
Bantlam,but made tho trip in safety,
Fink Lands Tho Umatllln res
ervation appraisement cmmlsMlou-
umliave Mulshed their report, which
will no forwarded to Washington
Immediately. If tho roiwt Is ac
cepted thero will lo nothing to pre
vent tho opening of tho reserva
tion in tho spring. Home of tho
finest lands of Eastern Uregon aro
in this reservation, aud little of It
is being used for agricultural pur
HHiOH, yet many pcrsouH question
tho Jiisll'W of takluglany laud from
tho Indians. Should tho reserva
tion bo opened it would bring a line
lot of land Into cultivation.
to tho wheat blockade In Kastorn
Washington, tho increased rate for
ttsMfHsmeut and tho change of time
when taxes become delinquent,
many of tho farmers have failed to
pay their taxes. It Is proposed to
Introduce In tho legislature a bill to
refund tho taxes that have ttcou
paid, ami another tu extend tho
tlmoof payment till March 1. The
Dalles Chroulole.
How Much it Coht. Tho state
legislature In any state with a ueo
CMsary body la nil uxxmitlva one.
Tho present mmiIoii of tho Urvgou
legislature will cost tho state Ih
tweeu ?IO,rOO and fo0,000. A bill
Jiuh already jutiwod tiio house a;
pntprlathig (10,000 for that purpose
and another bill will doubtless be
eiiHUteU be for o tho legislature ad
journs, for tho same purKso,
I N CO H V o it a t : n. - Tho Kagle
Crvek Consolidated Mining and tr-
rluatlou company tiled nrtluktt of
lueiirporatluu with tho secretary of
statu to-day Dr. Jay (luy IaiwIs,
Win. T. Arble, Baiu'l Fields, of
Butrta, Oregon, liutiriMimtorti; cap
ital stock, fa.K.,000 I'enlUHiilar
Laud A Trust company, of Astoria
Ore., with Juimw Twylor J. W.
Whit, K. II. Taylor niitl Frank J.
'IVylor aa Incorporators, nlo Mod
nrtiolra; capital stock $700,000.
Antorlant Tho mesnago of (lov
rnor Pciuioyer which Is published
In full In this UtuoU an ably written
tloouiueiit nml contain inuny good
HUggctttlons.but the posltloti of tho
governor In several matter Hrtln
lug to tho welfare of the statu U
radically wrung, tHoUUy when ho
declare ngnltut an approprintloii of
, uny kind for mi exhibit by the state
at i ho world's fair.
I At Till! oi.D HtwiM. I)uM
HitM, whoMicwMfully iiiauagwl tho
L'hemeketo hotel In thU elly fur mv
iral years, have Ictwcd tho Hollmaii
lioiibo iu Kugeno ami gono luto the
Itotel buslmtM ajruln. TUvy ana well
known Iu tho Willamette valloy as
nooommodatlug mid l,ulullko
uoU-l men and will ilouUU make
a Kuooiwa at Kugvno.
i i i mi
New jKWKUtv 8ttii-Al 110,
I3tt atrvet, No fanny price. JMh
good ami repairing at Katern prlft.
J. L. Kiunuii
Tho Baleiti Hteam laundry, SBO
liberty utrwt, BatWactlou (luar-
Tbe Capital City the Centfr or Social
Urentu Legbialors Warmly
TltUE AllT.
Tho advent of Miss Louise Humphry-Smith,
In a program of select
reading at Reed's opera house last
Baturday evening, was the means of
bringing out a remarkably good au-dlr-nco.
Such entertainments are
not, as a rule, well patronized in
Salem, henco this modest recogni
tion waa no passing compliment.
It was plain that tho reader was not
at her best, yet tbe audience was
agreeably disappointed. Mrs.
Smith is not one of the gushing elo
cutionists who must needs resort to
all tho deceitful art and devices of a
novitiate to elicit applause. Her
reading is rather after tbe newer
thought, which Involves expression
of feeling and understanding more
than manifestation. The selections
were choice, and the appreciation
shown certainly reflected credit
upon tho audience. Drowning, as
Mrs. Smith remarked, it is not so
very dlfllcult to understand. Her
readltiou of twoof Browning's selec
tions convinced the audience of this,
and gave a comprehensive Idea as
to her scopo of jwwer slnd culture.
It Is to bo hoped Mrs. Smith will
again visit Salem, when there is no
doubt she would bo greeted by a
largo and appreciative audience.
The University chapel was filled
with a large and nppreclntlvo audi
ence at tho second musical recital
given by the Conservatory of Music,
on Wedncday evening. Among
those in attendence was a large
number of legislators and sojourners
In tho city who had availed them-
selvesof thlH opiortunity of hearing
some of Salem's musical talent.
The program was opened with a
piano quartette which was a credit
to tho performers. Tho program
waa a Httlo lengthy but was listened
to with good attention. Tho parts
deserving of special mention were
the vocal solos by Miss Combs, Miss
Albert, Miss BargcantandMiHS Sha
rer. Tho violin solo by Mr. Cooley
and tho piano solo by Miss Carpen
ter and that of Mr. Kruso wero ex
cellent. Tho whole program was
good. Borne of tho performers have
received high compliments from tho
visitors In tho city. Prof. Farvlan
had presented each of tho legislators
with a complementary piuM, to show
them the work Iu music as it is car
ried on Iu Salem.
Tin: wohi.d'h i'aiii.
Tho discussion by tho Alka-Hes-perlaus
last night was, Itesolved,
"That Oregon should appropriate at
least $2.10,000 for an exhibit at tho
World's Columbian Fair." The
debate was opened on tho part of the
alllrmatlvo by Mr. Frank Davy,
who waH assisted by Messrs C. B
Brown and T. O. llutchlus. Tho
negative was sustained by N. It.
Claylord with John O'Hhea, J. M.
I'alue, Judge Pratt and B. 1'. Crau
dall,as assistants. The question win
decided in favor of tho alllrmatlvo.
Several ladles wero present last even
lug to hear tho discussion. The
question for next Friday evening Is,
"Resolved, That eight hours should
bo made a legal day's work," with
Judge Pratt and W M. Kaiser as
tho opposing lenders.
coNomiT or nationh.
Tiio l'hllharmouto choral society
which has won an unviable reputa
tion in Salem during tho pant six
years, and which has been growing
Iu numbers mid talent all that time,
will islvo one of their grand concerts
In tho University chapel Wednesday
evening, January SSlli. Tho pro
gram will represent tho character
aud ensto of tho various nations,
with some ol their national snugs.
Tho exercises will bo novel aud In
teresting and will attract a full house
which tho merit of tho ell'orts Just
ly deserve, Tho Philharmonic soci
ety Is Hot componcd of students of
tho University and Conservatory
alono,comprlso shut some of the best
talent In tho city.
Few minstrel trotiH have come
along with its lino prvs not let's as
the one which will apinxtr at lieod's
oHtra house on next Monday even
ing, Jan. 10; "lloodycur, Kllte.li A
Schilling's minstrel troupe appeared
at tho Wh'eolor opom house last
evenluir. It was by far the bent
minstrel performance that wo have
ever had hero.' Thouiustoiuid sing
ing wero of a high order, while the
fun was rollicking and pure. The
stago setting in the 11 mt nu( was a
work of art, aud tho sumo might ho
said of tho costume of the perform
era, Tho Tlmm cannot undertake
to mention tho many good features
of the performance Iu detail. BullUv
It to Mty that it was excellent In
overy fwtturo, devoid of owioiierf
and devoid of "ohwduuU." Aspou
Dally Thiuw, Nov. II.
MAKituen ATsiurn.K
Tho Joints A l. Is Iu rveoipt uf a
ImiuUomu can! amuHiuolHg the
marring ut fc'eattle on the It lut,
of Ml Harriet N. rholp mid Mr.
Will J I. IWry. Mr. J'arry U now
olty elltitr of the. BUlo Pud Intel-
llgenecr and will 1k romeiiiUirud till
tho valley iumih ih the nUHwt and
uuwt euwrgelic nous urltunt who
ever filled au editorial uhatr in
theee part. He m formerly (Ml
Itiv of tho DalUta ItemUer, lliule
pendeiuJ Wwt BUle, IWallU (.!
ntte umi otluw mmu. Mr. 14 ny
waa one of the fiHiivdef llie C.M
1TAL JuuitNJtl. mid waa Its lr
luanugtng tHlltwr, Ho wmt tBo
attlo two year ago aa rorrtrru
the l lH wltero hU Hue aWUtUw
carried him to tho responsible poi
Hnn now hold bv him. His numerous
friends throughout the Valley will
waft him aud his new-made
bride the heartiest congratulations
and best wishes for a happy future.
Met with Mr. and Mrs. Werner
Breymau last Wednesday evening.
About thirty guests were entertained
until the usual hour, and numbered
a few friends visiting the city on oc
casion of the legislative session. The
club holds a special session next
Wednesday evening upon Invitation
of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Walte. The
Salem champien poet, a new star on
the Pacific coast literary horizon, has
been Invited to present some produc
tions that it is believed will distance
all former performances of the Web
foot Pegasus.
The successful dance given a few
weeks ago, by the young married
people, has prompted them to glye
another which will take place next
Monday evening, in the hull of the
Salem City band. Care Is exercised
In sending invitations, so as not to
have too many present and only to
those who would be admitted into
the home circle.
Salem has a wldo reputation for
her hospitality towards strangers
and the cordial manner in which
eminent persons are received while
sojourning iu the capital city. This
spirit which is characteristic of Sa
lem will bo exercised during the
present session of the state legisla
ture. Some of the people are taking
It in hand to give frequent recep
tions to tho members to make them
feel at home in the social circle as
well as in tho legislative hulU. This
movo Is to bo commended of tho pco
pie of this city and is one that will
be appreciated and remembered.
A few young persons spent the
evening very pleasantly at Mr. and
Mrs. O. Rtelner's Friday evening.
Tiio order of the entertainment was
cards, games, Social converso and
umuscmcuts of the home circle.
Tho dunco in tho A. O. U. W.
hall on last Saturday evening was
attended by about sixty of Sulcm's
young people who spent a few hours
very pleusantly in a social dance.
Everything passed oil very smooth
ly. They purpose giving nnother
piohahly next Saturday night Mr.
A.J. Bascy is tho manager of these
An UNrniiTUNATE. A woman
known only by tho namo of Wilhcl
mlua was examined at tho court
house this afternoon before Judge
Waldo by Drs. J. N. Smith and B.
H. Bradshaw aud was committed
to tho asylum. Sho was brought
up fu.ni Mt Angel on a complaint
sworn out by Thomas Tuehs and
was brought to this city by him.
Bho has been In Mt. Angel but a
short time. Where she came from
to that place was not learned. It
seems that tho peoplo thero as well
as here know very Httlo about her.
Wavha.mi Meanh. Next Wed
nesday Is tho time set for tho ad
journed mooting of trustees of the
Willamette university to meet In
this city for the purpose of provid
ing means for tho better endowment
aud equipment of Salem's long
favored Institution of higher educa
tion. Tho question of the removal
of tho school to Portland, has been
happily, and doubtless wisely set
tled for tho present. Tho unity of
effort now should lw to make the
school better In every respect.
Visited the Pen. The leglsla
live committee npimluted to look In"
to tho management of tho state In
stitutions wero busy at their work
Thursday afternoon and Friday at
the penitentiary. Tho other institu
tions will Ihi visited during the early
part of (ho session aud the rcorts
will bo handed in to bo acted on by
the legislature.
St. I'anl lU'.ituuraut-Similar Dlunrr.
miinu, 4
Cousomnuo of Chicken
Baked Trout
Frkwueo of Wild llixw, Chicken
Pot pie, Oyster Fritters
Beef Mutton Fish Veal
Sugar Corn Tomatoes Mashed
UraiKi Apple plo
Bleu Custard Pudding
I'll it IT
Apple Pears Nuta
Twi Colllv Milk
Price ran I.
In a New OmcK.-(Uo. l Will,
for ton yours uu agent for loading
umko of txiwltig machines, has
opened a lino olileo next door to
Wvllor Brtw. Ho will oarry it bit?
took ami will Ui ploanod to soo all
w ho tuvil itiAuhlutM. tl A w
Tho orownlug of tho ljuem of
Fame to bo glvon at theotwni Iioum)
uoxl Thursday evening will be a I
graud aud unique combination uf(
tho literary, hWlonoul, humorous, ,
muoimi ntoi spvtwuwr. v me
otPf ohmwton in this wilHt.
" want lU h7 tlw laltwl lyJc."
"1 to ant KmiothlNf rtrvkiiMblo to
woar." "I van ajm thing com-
ortaUv in (Vol wa." W ii;o dllter
et dmnauiU yim hw ude ty
alHHvt. KruUhW ksibo pVw whojv
you oah Uo kUlltHl.
I u th of tollh awl Powder
Ju AppJojjaUN oawirt hVt SaUuu.
T,t4 UiUMttoMo imhIo up Friday
vVtulHg, aty) mmtf ct for trial u
Clackamas, News: The more busi
ness that can be started in any town,
the more opportunities the laboring
man will have for steady employ
ment; and tbe larger the pay roll the
more prosperous will be the town.
To get these manufactories, it is nec
essary to advertise.
Albany Herald: Governor Pen
noyer, in his inaugural message,
gives ample evidence of his presi
dential aspirations.
Isn't it ridiculous, inquires the
Oregon City Courier, that .there is a
law on our statute books which for
bids prisoners at the State peniten
tiary to read Ortgou newspa
pers ? It is high time to repeal this
Seattle Telegraph: Tho adjutant
general 1b reported as thinking it
singular that Oregon's militia out
side of Portland, should be a failure,
vhlle Washington's is successful.
One good reason is that the mllltlu
get a good deal more public money
for support in this state thun in
Lebanon Express: The innate sel
fishness, hungry acquisitiveness,
ravenous cupidity and deep-mouthed
avarice of some gold eaters in
these United States would slay with
envy even Matnmom, "tho least
erect spirit that tell."
Tacoma News: Senator Allen iu
his speech before tbe Senato on
.Monuay last upon tne silver ques
tion, delivered the following epigram
which many papero consider a terse
statement of the coinaue questien:
"It is uot it value as gold and sil
ver that sends It current over the
world, but because it is coined."
Drain Eche: Do a little tile drain
ing. Sloughs that cut fields awk
wardly can be profitably tile drained.
The first crop will pay for the tile.
If present prices of farm products
continue it will pay to lay tile. We
notice that the crops that grew on
tile drained land last year were the
Portland Examiner: Tbo grand
Jury has been iu session four months
and nineteen days, and will report
by Saturday. The condition of the
poor farm and the county Jail is yet
to be considered. Other public ins
titutions they have already com
mented upon. The city jail they
could well touch up. It is a vile
hole, unfit even fertile habitation of
Celumbian: The governor's mes
sage Is like all of tils communica
tions, decidedly pointed. His rec
ommendation regarding a portage
railway around tho Dalles Is a good
one; for deepening tho lower Colum
bia abovo Astoria, a poor one. It
is questionable whether or not It is a
good plan to abolish tho board of
railway commissioners. Take It all
through, the message was a good
Catholic Sentinel: Wo live. In an
age which Is not Catholic the spirit
of whir i Is dlssolvent-the real forces
of which combine to thwart the
genius of religious unity anil cover
the bonds of national strength. The
spirit of inquiry, fostered by tho ir
relevant parentage of doubt, Is push
lug Itself through all the ramifica
tions of life aud spawning anew a
generation of Huns, whoso future
Incursions into tho tortress of na
tional unity will sever us from the
protecting arm of liberty, uuless
tho torrent Is stemmed by a force
tfhlch springs from tho conserva
tive ran Us of Catholicity.
Pacific Fanner: There is but one
course ror the republicans to pursue
to hold tho reins of power for an
other term, aud that Is to adopt the
alliance principles In tho main and
do Biinethlng for the fanner. Peo
ple get tired of au old party when
they see It run jear in and year out
by (became old hacks, and when
iu power aud position to see the
same old fellows always eetting all
tho fat places.and tho workers al
ways left out In the cold. People
want a change once In a w hile.
Astoria Express: Peoplo at Hood
river have a petition for u new
county to bo taken of! the north
western portion of Wasco. The
kickers couteud that out of 525
square mill's of laud, which tho pe
tition calls for In tho new county,
not one-fourth is fit for either agri
cultural or grazing purposes, the
bahitict Is mostly rocks and timber,
most of which though valuable is
from Its location unobtainable, If
this U true Wasco cm uot loco by
letting It go.
Seattle Telegraph: Iu New Jer
sey Mine Italian laborer threatened
a riot, ami a loud demand was at
once made upon Uovemer Abbott
to call out the militia. Ho refund,
saying that "troops ought nevor to
bo lined except as a last report. ".
That Is good doctrine. Tnoro nrv
too many people Iu thli country who
are anxious to cull out tho troops on
the slightest provocation. They like
tho European way of Immediately
Iwiyouetliig or shootlug every one
who maUw any ort of dint ui banc?.
In thU country tho bayonet
should be rolled on only an the very
lat report.
AlUuy IMmwrat; This promises
to U a prune country after all, aud
Uu" ttUU,,.v u lU I,u ,u Prt ,u
pruiio iinoiw, ,m wv tmveiwvu
wt out at Ortkvllle. Hon. J. K.
Weatherford aud Tho. Kay aie M-
tijig out ,000 tree on tbwr Water-1
Joo pAttiy and other aro doiug
WoU YWrt
Hk VfiP? tjuraUim.
Shk it, Vh it, Huy it. -The
now V. S No. 2 rtlngvr M-wlug hu
ohluo. Burt CVa, aut 1S1 Com
pwrelal atruoU M Itt tf.
Mr. Kcdwine the driver of the
McCoy stage is at McCoy quite
sick. ,
Qua Anderson, of Mo Coy, Thurs
day accidental' shot John Fletcher's
thumb off. They were out hunting,
the gun striking a limb, was dis
charged with the above result.
Christian. "Living For Oth
ers" and "Sweetening the Waters,"
morniuKand evening themes.
Evening "Tho Young Man Weal
thy," Meetings next week except
Unitarian." i he Glory of God
and Man," "The Evolution of the
State." Services at the penitentiary
at 2:30 p. m.
Presbyterian. To-morrow at
10:30 a. m. the communion service
will be held. An address will be
given by the pastor, on "The Physi
cal Sufferings of the Lord Jesus
Christ." Sabbath school at 12 (noon.)
At6 p. m.Y. P. 8. C. E. meeting.
The evening service at 7. Subject
"The Judgment Day."
WheheAreTheyGoino? Well,
if its furniture they are looking for
where else should they be going but
to Burcn.
Divine services will bo held in the
residence of O. E. Chase, Highland
addition, by Rev. Blair, (Free Meth
odist) to-morrow, at 11 o'clock a. m
View albums of San Francisco,
Sutro Heights, LosAngeles, SanJose
and views of all places of interest at
Geo. F. Smith's 307 Commercial
Montee Bros, are still taking those
flue photos at their gallery near the
postofllce. Examine their work.
Electric Hitters.
This remedy is becominc so well
known und so popular as to need no
special mention. All wlionave used
Electric Bitters sing the same song
of praise. A purer medicine does
uot exist aud it is guaranteed to do
all that is claimed. Electric Bitters
will euro all diseases of the liver and
kidneys, will remove pimples, boils,
salt rheum and other atiectious caus
ed by impure blood. Will drive
malaria from the ystem aud pre
vent as well us cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, con
stipation uud indigestion try Elec
tric Bitters. Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or mouey refunded.
Price 50 cts. and R00 per bottle
at 1'ry's drug store.
Over-Coated. Now Is the time
to save money for next year by buy
ing an overcoat at the low prices
and of the home made Koods oiTered
by tho Thos. Kay Woolen mill com
pany at their store on Commercial
Tried und True
Is the iKsitivo verdict of eople
wno uiko iioou'a sarsaparilla,
When used according to directions
tho ellects of this medicine aro soon
felt iu strength restored, tired feeling
uiivwii uu, appeiue ureaieu, neau
ache and dyspepsia, scrofula cured
aud all the bad efl'ects of impure
oioou. ror a wood purlller, take
Legislators and strangers iu the
city will do well to sample the meals
at Strong's restaurant before maklug
permanent arrangement for board
ReKUlar meals only 25 cents.
Pickled tripe, smoked halibut,
spiced herrings at Sroat & Gile's.
Tlis Hest in the Country.
Dr. E. S. Helden: The Ethereal
Cough Syrup cannot be excelled in
llio market for the cure of coughs,
colds, aud bronchial affections.
W. M. BOGGS' Napa.
Large slzo f 1,00. small 60 cents.
For sale by all druggists.
Will be found au excellent remedy
for sick headache. Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Thousands of letters
from peoplo who have used them
prove this fact. Try them.
If sick headache Is misery, what
aro Carter's Little Liver Pills if they
will positively cure it? Peoplo who
have used them speak frankly of
their worth. Thoy aro small end
easy to take.
If you once try Carter's Little
Liver Pills for sick headache, bili
ousness or constipation, you will
never bo without them. They are
purely vegetable; small aud easy to
take. Don't forvtet this.
Jas. Deuham & Co. continue to
make their patrons happy with
those BUiK;rlor Eastern shoos at way
down Eastern prices. This beats
cut rate prices on poor stocR by far.
5 lbs. Imperial leu und a Webster's
dictionary for f5 at Great Eastern
Tea store, 317 Commercial street.
Call and examine.
Goon Pavixo. Whether tho
streets aro payed or not one thlug is
certain, thii farmers' wagons are sure
to drive up to Farrar A Cof's for
groceries, tf
Lost. A small baud uitohel be
ween Salotu aud Dairy, with bhuul
der strap attached, marktM W. T.
Shurlleffund H. J, Little. Leave
with W. Townwmd, at tho Club
stables, 1-16-St
1 iiA
?" J
u. B
5 &
5- K
"J ;
3 "J
i J
Crowning of (lie Queen ol"
Will be given at Reed'a Opera House Thars
day January 22, 91.
The most pleaslotf.the most gorgeous nnd
most lustructlre entertainment eerglven
In tbe city,
Goddess of Fame N. Era Iee.
Christine Nelllson lonii Willi-..
Hypatla. Belle Golden.
Topny ...Jennie Uooth,
Queen Elizabeth Carrie D. W'oodrum.
Martha Washington Lillian Iloblln,
Hlslerof Charity Emma Starr.
Barbara Freltchle Mubel Herren.
The Carey Sisters Minna II. smith,
I Ilattle Richardson
Quen Isabella LInnie Lewis.
uumantha Allen Mrs. Cuas. Relley.
Mother Garfield Mrs. lI.Lc.cn.
Xantlppe Dr. S. A. l)uls,
Grace Uarllnd Lulu Johnson.
Mrs. II, II. c Uiwe Lthel Lewis.
Sappho, .Augusta Palmer.
Miriam Hue Allen
Mrs. Partington Clara Lee
Florence Nightingale Ella Arbergast.
Jean of Arc Grace Gllllnghnm
Mary Queen of Fcots Zalda Palmer
Bridget U'Flunnlgan Edith V rirzelle.
Loulra M. Alcott Edith Lewis
Jenny Llnd Mary Hhafer
Pocahontas Bertha Lee.
Mrs. Browning Sirs. L. It. Osborne.
Mother Goose Allle Melleu.
Adellna Pattl Hally l'arrlsh.
Pages . Fred aud Roy Molntyre,
Pianist Pearl Scott.
Cornet rolo By Prol, J, M. Coomer.
Maids: Ada I'ayne, KlllaMcCulIoch, Ada
Htone, Oella Payne, May Messlck, Lena
Puyne, Bertha Desioss. Chorus of little
girls. Grand.Tabeleau.
AdmlssloH C'Jc. Iteserved seats 75cts at
Dearborn's book store.
A NYonder Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young
man of Burlington, Ohio, states
that he had been under the care of
two prominent physicians, and used
their treatmeut until he was not able
to get around. They pronouueed
his case to be consumption aud in
curable. He was persuaded to try
Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, couglis and colds and at
that time was uot able to walk across
the street without resting. He
found, before he had ubed half of a
dollar bottle, that he was much bet
ter; he continued louse it aud Is to
day enjoying ood uealtu. If you
have any throat, lung or chest trou
ble try it. We guarantee satisfac
tion. Trial bottle free at Fry's
drug store.
LiVer Complaint IJIlllotisnes.
Tho chlcl symptoms of this disease are
depression of spirit; foul coated tongue; bad.
uisung mouin; msagreeauie ureatu; ary
SKln with blotches and eruptions; sallow
complexion and yellow ejes; tired; aching
a Vim 1 1 I ore Hitll nalnln cirri.. olf.rl rnlnlna.c
dlziness and irregular bowels. This com
plaint in au oi its rorms can tie readily
cured by taxing Dr. Gunn's Impro'.ed
Liver l'llts as directed; aud a lingering
spell of sIcKness will often be prevented by
their use. Sold at 25 cents a box by bmlth
tr Wlull.n-.
Foknishei) Room. One furnish
ed room for rent, down stairs, with
fire. 303 Liberty street, three doors
north of the opera house. 3-t-d
Innajtoits, Jtltl., Jan. C, '90.
"T have often used ST.
rSCOItS OIL, and fnul it
t good Liniments
Cov. of Md
SpxUl attention given to tran-knt ntcuk.
Horses boarded by the da), rek or month
Telephone, No. ti. SALE11, OR.
Staple and Fancy liroeerics,
Crockery, Glassware, I.inipi, Wo ened
and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed.
Also veeehiblesnnd fruits In their season.
"Highest Price paid for country produce."
We solid a share of j our patronage.
JUbUite street.
Thirxrt lrnnr1no. t liotttcnlt vj l.l..i..A.i .n
J. A. Kotnu plea.se call and settle between
now and January 1st, as 1 am obliged to
collect All accounts then unsettled will
uc luuvi-u. iu immi.1 oi a collector, n.a im
Ntar Optra House,
Salem, Or.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the line to take
To all Points East aud South.
It it thedlnluir cur route. It runs thnuich
wtlbule tmlus eery dity In tliejtwno
(No chUi;s of duh.I
Cumpowl of UlulHgpani uuurpAsd,
Of lHttot e.)Ultiunt
Sleeping Cars.
Ikt tbfit enlB Us OUMtrtk-tod an. I In m l.LJo
HixwiHW.KUlk u are both (Hw mu1 iuk
w nutatn M nrvl nuJ uaindisM
KIK(1.! r D.Y CO Ml I PH.
A vuuMHMtM . irv.
nur. ikHuraui 1 w &
4Jic with Mil
Mtrwl ta aJv, wj liwii at
wm nwKH h mmj imiw mt
A. D. CHAlthTON,
WUUBl (KMkfl tVtmimwr mrmi, No.
.! ir? av. U ji-kiiLiUuj
I Met-
Tim uiulcrsitriK'd is pivi'nrril to
kiiuh (iflhrni lauds jit the best rntcn.
urban property. L. C. FISH 15,107
-T -.... ...- n ... .1.1.1 .,i.i
Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Horder, Artists' 31a
forinis. Limn. Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
1'osts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
Songs of the Nations!
Wednesday -Evening, Jan, 28,
Assisted by Miss Leona Willis, Miss
Edith Harris, Miss Edna Adams, Miss
Mary Bhafer. Miss Manda Combs, Mrs.
Ninnle Smith, Mr. H. C. Epley, Sir. . A.
Glnn. Jubilee quartette. Also readings
by Miss Ames, sougs In character and
Haas of the civilized nations.
Admission 25c TlckPts.it tho book stores
or members ol Mie . U. band.
-One Night onlj-
Jfo n day, Ju u wiry 1 f).
JOHN KL1TCH, Jr., Proprietor.
CHAS. E.SCHH..MNG, Manager,.
Eveijthiuj; new In the program. New
Costumes. Xe Scenery.
SI0.000 In Rorgeous w.irdiolm nnd dra.
peiie-for tho Ktorgeoii's (list pint,
COMKDIAN-, As Monte Crlsto Jesters.
VOCAIJSrd, As Ony Cnalle.
Mt"-CIANS, As Monto frlsto KMiermen.
Tho Only Original U. NV. GOODYKAH.
Thd Unluue Artist C. K. hCHII.LlNG,
'I he Necro Ijellneator U. H. HDWAIIDS.
OLIVKTTE, Kuropean I'luger Hhadow-
ALillEltr, Famous Comedian.
'IhCHiutberu Qunrtotto nml u Host of
Watches and Silverware.
JEWELLER, 169 State St.
Krmnlti I ii 1 1 tuition tt uiniiiiiirliiii' il afnt Ivtn
sight and glasses fitted. AsKx-kthat -w ill
tit all ej os. Glasses forcritlcal ctisix. ground
nudlltted to order.
A uew stock of clocks, siler and gold
watches, silerwnrs and Jewelry; whlet
wJll be old cheap. Also a lot of
will be sold, nt lessthan half their value.
Call and couvince jourself.
Mstocolt & Irwin,
Successor to Amos Stroug.
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street.
French nnd German Wheat and
Rye Breads in City Styles.
Vieuna Rolls.
. Pastry and Confectionery
Raking in Full Stock.
Our new broad aud oake bakein
ure Ilrbt-oluss artists In thoir line,
aud wo aha to have
Everything as Fine as the Finest.
Cheapest, Neatest and Best,
I UMkeitDd put up ml kind of feu-sex, city
iud country. Jt my lerow bfore fenciuc
11. sanoxAKKK, isMlem, Or,
Cattle !
A WmiV0tmjmmtttUmtftJoktti 'j,
w i wi, .Kmitm acuilvJ f, tor.
Ajijiniutiuont orKxcoutor.
NJOIICK U Mrto ftVM, to wteuui u
i "T mtm, Omw fS undr iUsi
tW uB aMxnUd xaniuir .rf ih. u.t
vtUM4 InUaHl u( Tb". Hui. ulr
WNM amBiy,trofMu dt--a, b tu,
Ham. OOunlV muri of a.a Hlal)". All
lMWIM bMlUf Willi fetf ill,.( iIm null
ol tl. k.n.1 Tl... in., ll ! ged, r
h. r niiand'.i i . . ul ii.m wlih th.
t.r.,-. .u. Ii. .. i x n tb.fr. i.
l.w a.i i , , i . uuir
Mfiwot ! ltr i. .-..,.. .. jm. 11 Ii Ml
ntri.vw, i aud4trl ,, i.
" JMka H M , ii
fe.lm ill . .if Ih- t- . i
rS0 UlUI. deSTAStx
a lilt
ltrni1i buu'1-.s tll
Mho city and sub
P. O. niock.Salcm.
Who do All Kinds of .
As Cheap ns r.ny Laundry m
the Count r Using W hite Help
and doing ilrst-clusa vork.
CSTLf cs nRd .,-,ns Invited
10 inspei t r pit-. ' af doiDj
230 Lifc.itv Jtseet.
0. D. HUTTOX, Prop.
Castings of nil kincK uitiile to older.
and special castings ol any ttyle or pat
torn mude In short order, smooth and re
liable In eve y particular.
Repair any Machinery in Short Order.
Turning lathes, engines, hop presses
nnd hop Moves built, will make estimates
on an j lion work needed. Oood price,
paid for old iron. 3-lb-lm
Office 181 Commercial St.
All styles of the famous dinger constant
ly on hand; alo repairs and needles for al
kinds of machine.
C. G. GIVEN L Co's.
:-: Cush :-.
I. "Reliables" mr men, Pebble calf,
Creedmoor stj le, a ? J.C0 shoe for i'2 75.
II. "Common Sense," for Ladies, a
bright Uotigol i.stjlishasauy made.aSi.OO
shoe lor S2.7 1.
III. I cuu siio jou monej on boy sand
children's shors IVisUel low pnees.
ltepairing done. Custom work solicited.
25c Want Column.
Notices Inserted for ONE CENT PER
WOKD EACH INsEItriON. No adver
tisement insoiied in this oolumn for less
than twenty-fle cents.
"VfOTICE. All musicians who wish to
XN Join a musical society will please leave
their names at Diamonds music house at
SOS Ccmmerclel street. l:s-lw
IlNErurnished rooms at reasonable rates
at U7 Ohemeketa street. l.U tw
Pr INDEKGAUTEN: Mrs. Padgham's
I'rlmary School and Kludeig-irten iu
session room of the Paesbyteilan Chinch.
ANY pers.ou knowing themselves to have
Jackscrews belonging to D.C.Howard
A-.-son, pleise return them. The persons
having them are known and will precut
trouble bj returning them immediately.
Salary $100 monthly If suitable, with
opixirtunltles for advance, to represent
locally a leojioiislblo sew yrk house,
ltetereuces. MavufacIukeh, Lock llox
lus.), N. V. in
A BARGAIN. A hou'enjid two lots for
sale in South Salem at only J0O. In
quire of W. 11. blmpson. U:J-tf
"P.VTHONI.E Home Industry, and use
L -Mountain mini Lougn uure. uuar
auteed to give lellet or money refunded.
Manufactured IJy H. H.Oross, Salem, Ore
gon. Smith s. Stelner sole agents for
Salem. 1-fedlm
"TrANTED Au active, reliable mnn-
salary fTOto ?s0 monthly, with in
crease, to rep-e-ent In his on section n
responsible New York house. Keloreucrs1
MaNUFAOTUKEK, Lockllos los.5, New
York. F
OH SALE. About three acres of land
on Asvlum Acnue. enoil dnellliiir
house, conseulently arraiiLcd: larce baru.
npront Mirlety of iruit tiees and shruu.
bery; convoulent to Electric railway, never
falling water oa premles. Kor particu
lars Inquire at second house on rlglit hund
side of Asylum A .euue going irom city.
12.1 tf
7"ANTKD--To trade a town lot In Capl
I Utl I'ark Addition for lnmlipr. A.
Olluger, lii: Mill street. Il:2!tf
rWNEIlS Of COWS. For sorvlco.
W pure-bretl Hod I'ollod bull. Tor m
so, aish. At my place In
Salem. J. h.
Foil RENT Five ulcely furnished room s,
oloe to business part of city, by the
day, week or month. Corner Center aud
ront street 10:J-tr
l'lilly Abreast -with the Times.
lot Um Family, School, cr rrfets.onni I -vT-
Tho AntUeatio Webter' Vi
bridged Dlotiounry, compritinir tw
Uuoiof lSei.ng&j'Sl.copyriBli -a
property of the nnderl(rned, U v.
Thoroughly Revised and Enjnrfe
and as n distlngnlihlng title, bcor
the liamo of Wehiter's Iatrr
tional Dictionary,
Editorial work upon this xovs
has been in notive progreca for o-1
Tea Year Not loss thnn One Hit
dred paid editorial laborer b- V
been oasazetlnponit. .
Over $300,000 pxpd4 l l
preparation Woro tho nrst f i
vrai printed. , .
OHtieal comparison rihorye
DieUouaryii.uvitetL Get tho i!-
G. iCMIUiUMKi ,r 'I"-
hprlur.ii 1.1 lMi.l b
Sw.J ril VfcrW 1