Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 15, 1891, Image 2

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he capital joitil
.JAN. 16. 1681
Oally by mail per year.
Pally by mall per month, .
Weekly br mall per year...
acrlt not paid la
advance toe prk
rtwrged for the Wtan
iLMprrrenr. If papers are not ohithw
promptly notify U otnoe.
rvltvrYr1nvl vwk lCU-
Dally Ifcrtwo weeks,
It&llr br -"'
ODUedbtzu will be made on 1st and ltb
of month. Habseribers will f4e leave
money for carrier t boose or wbercon t
U delivered, so as to cause no delsys in
collect 'on.
larly receives the afternoon associated
pm dispatches.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Wheat, net 02J cents per bu.
Hops, active; 29 to 8-5 cents per lb.
i w
Strong's restaurant serves the
choicest meals. They make their
own breads and cakes, and nerve
everything In the latest style.
No Assurance. Tho bridge over
the Willamette at this city is now a
free bridge to the public Bveral of
Jlarion county's tax payers have
asked if the counties aro cecured
gainst the possibllitleaof the bridge
going out with tho first' high water.
A Journal reporter who mado an
Investigation of Hint matter, learned
trom the county clerk that no such
provision has been made. Whtlu
there are a few unsettled questions
yet hanging over tho bridge, tho
structure has been accepted uncon
ditionally an far as thocountles being
secured In the leant. It appears to
ba a fact that as soon as tho counties
departed from tho original contract
they were at the mercy of their engi
neer, who was n tool In tho hands of
the contractors. Tho Jocrnai, Is
only voicing tho opinion of a major
ity of tho taxpayers when It says
that something Is wrong when tho
peoploaro compelled to pay more
than 3,000.00,whlch Is sufllclcntto
have btilltn bridge that would have
had tho conlldeuco of the people as
a permanent and Bubstanclal struc
ture, for a bridge that In liable to Ixj
a wreck tha first Hood, Thocoun
tles have once paid tho jieualty for a
poor structure and their intention
was to forcvor obviate tho powlblllty
of another such lm; yes many
cotiBctcticlous iK.-n.oriH bcllovo the
contractors to !x In tho saiuo danger
JllVKii Nkwh, Tho Munzanlllo
brought a load of wheat down to the
mill yesterday and returned to In-
detiemlenco this morning. Tlw
tteainer Northwest camo up from
Portland last night with a load of
general freight for this city and ri
turucd to rortlaml tliU morning.
Tiieee two liiIeioii(lo.it boats aro nil
thaturo now running as fur upns
Balem. Tho Modopuuil one small
independent boat are at work on the
lower Willamette, running up as fur
ns Dayton and Fairfield and aro
breaking up tho freight blockade in
thoBO loealltloH. CHtbert llriw.,
agents for tho O. 1. company, In
this city, received a tehgrum yeator
tlay afternoon from K. II, Dunham,
mauagerof that company, In which
ho slated that their boats would
start down tho river to-morrow,
Friday, and for tho agents hero to
act accordingly. Captain Raabo
will command tho Hong and Cap
tain Short will be on tho Threo Uls
ter. Tho I'nlou raulllo boat in all
probability will not visit Balem this
Coluuiiu.v Coumitthk. Tho
committed of tho World's Columbian
cximsIUou, from tho state board of
commerce, mot hi this oily yestor
day afternoon. The commltleo has
under lis coiiklderatloti what Oregon
should do to make n proKr exhibit
at tne World's Fair. They are
formulating hill to bcnubti.lttvil to
tho utate board at thrlr meetings In
lu this city during tho next few
days. If tho labor meets tho ap
proval of tho board (lie hill will U
handed to tho legUlaturo 'or thulr
action, If not, tho board will en
deavor to arrange a LIU that will
cover all the poluts and urgo Its pa
nago by tho legislature. It is certain
the action of tho hoard of commorco
will uot bo In accoidauco with tho
recouuneudatloui of the governor's
WCMUge, Tho txxirU will recom
meud an appropriation of uot 1
than I260.00tl.00, It U very probable
that tho board ulll put tho amount
ho high In their bill, as to male It
defeat itself.
Kabt Baixm School IVuiily
school Superintendent D. W. Yeler
has been visiting all the schools of
the city duriug this wtwfc. Its put
In Tuesday at tho Kat Halsiu Mhool.
Ho took a Journal, tvnrvnontaiive
with him la tho afternoon ami they
vlJUl three room. tint of MU
IVetle, Ml. Coper and M1m Vie
tor. They found tho work moving
Along very smoothly. Koch room
h&xtuitnauy pupil a cuu taoberJ
oau well look after. A glaueo at
their rvgkWrs nhovml a good attend
aaeo with but few Urdy marks.
C. O. Given A Co. have uoglfu to
jko thdr patrous but jwopto who
Uiy shoe of them gst tho UuAt In
CMBc of iiUcst Btetm Uundry 960
UUrty. Ilrauah HflUw, 2i and flg
CbcuatrfeiaL i
Balem Jan. 14, 1601.
Res. by Paquet. A motion was
made to table 31 r. Paquet's resolu
tion to limit compensation of clerks.
Point of order U raised that this
question had been Indefinitely post
poned. Not sustained. Ayes and
noes called for. Ayes 29, noes 28,
absent 3. Resolution tabled.
No. 64 By Jlorey, to protect
singing birds.
No. 23 Bv Thomas, that the
amendment to constitution passed
bv last legislature be submitted to
No. 2 By Jennings, that U. H.
senators be elected by the direct vote
of the people. Adopted.
No. 65 By Stewart, to erect a
bridge across Willamette river.
No. 60 By Coleman, to define
jurisdiction of justice courts.
No. 67 By Thomas, to amenu
section 2114, defining duties of
clerkt of court In Multnomah
No. 68 By Blundell. to amend
Hec. 4061, defining duties of road
No. 69 By Moore, to amend Sec.
2344, fixing sherd's fees for collect
ing taxes In certain counties.
No. 60 By Llttlg, to construct a
wagon road and bridge over Mal
heur river at city of Vale. 112,000.
M. Jennings objected to any more
such road bills being Introduced, as
they were clearly unconstitutional,
and should not be allowed to occu
py tho time of this house.
Mr. Dustln cited tho supreme
court that roads, connecting dif
ferent sections of the state and over
coming natural barriers letween
such flections, wero not local roads
and wero uot Illegal.
Mr. Miller showed that congress
had enacted that 6 per cent ol all
money from sale of public lands be
used for roads. Ho wanted to
know how much of this land fund
wan available for roads. He 1-
Hoved thlb land fund had been ille
gally diverted. How then could it
1x5 money for this state to use money
for such a purpose.
Mr. Mluto was not catisllcd that
money thus voted for wagon roads
was unconstitutional. He hoped
tho weaker and more thinly settled
sections of tho stato could get the
benefit of suoh laws if it could be
done lawfully.
Reps. Welsh and Reed spoke
apalnst the proposal to reject these
Rep. Iilltlg maintained that the
precedent had been established of
aiding suuh enterprises. Qood
schools and good roads u ero the
greatest bloHslugs tho people had,
and he hoped they would bo allowed
No. 01 By Stlllwell, to appropri
ate ti,000 to build bridges across the
Nehalem and Big estuuca in Til
lamook county.
No. 02-By McCall f6000 for road
from Keno to Soda Springs in Jack
son county.
No. (W-By Durham, f 1000 to pay
per diem, mllwigo and other ex
pcusoti of leglslaturu.
lly Barnes, requesting supreme
court to exproM tin opinion as to
whether money could bo legally
appropriated to build wajcou roads.
ltop. Dutln, Thomas and Holmes
spoke against.
No. 0-By Welch, to legalize
defeotlyo acknowledgments.
No. 05 By same, that wills be
acknowledged and recorded.
No. Wl By same, to regulate lu
coro ration.
No. 07 By same, to authorize As
toria to build powers.
No. OS By Reed, f0 appropri
ation for road lu Douglas county.
No. 00 By Snyder, to create oftlce
of second circuit Judge.
No, 70-By Stephenson, rulatlug
to viewer of roads.
No, 71 By wuno, to Incorporate
town of Mitchell, Crook county.
No. 74 By Holkln, to authorize
county coiiiiuiilouora to erect stone
monuments at laud corners,
1'in.vn.vo hills.
Mr. Stewart moved to rwolud or
der of Iioum that muiilolpat and in
corporation bills bo not printed un
I mm eolully ordered printed. Cur
of 14th lgtlatl vo anMimbly to amend
seo. 2, art. x, of constitution, that
every white male of native or for
eign birth be eligible to oittaoushlp.
No, 34 By Aramtroug, rvoitiug
uxtravagnueo of prtvmttiig Uglstn
tumt, and that ourMlllHg and eiiBrotu
Ing olerks oo kU f&.U) and all
others fs.fk) a day while actually
employed. Mr. Welch moved to
table. 1'etuilng a oull of tho ayes
and uays tho Iioum) rofuHl to ail-
Jom. On qutlon of taUJIng, ayMJ
aa, nay, (.
Rep. Hall uwvihI to ruftir tttspotal
ommlttio of Ihtvo to U) apKlatd
by ohalr. Carried,
Houo adjourned.
s us atb a r rtm.vock.
l.NTHonutiiuN ur tuu.
No.4-By Walt, t Incorporate
tho ity of rul PtWtUmd, aud to re
peal tho uvvtMut Mb of moorpora.
No. 47 lly StuoUlr, to approjtri
ato meaoy to aid tho county emuU
of Curry aud Jopldue eouutle In
(UtistruetlHga Magou road ou RU
No, tS-By Watklutt, to auwitd
Ihe law Jh rvird to amioUttUg the I
limes and places of hokliog the su
preme court and to provide for the
compensation of reporting and pub
lishing its deciiions.
No. 48 By Blaokman, for the ap
propriation of money for the im
provement of a wagon road from the
Grant county line to Catlow valley
in Harney county.
No. 60 By Dodson, for the appro
priation of money for the construc
tion of a wagon road on Powder
river in Baker county.
No. 61 By Norval, for the appro
priation of the waters of rl ver8,creeks
and other streams for public pur
No. 62 By Cogswell, to protect
laborers and to define the liabilities
of railroad corporations or other
contractors tor the construttion of
No. 6 -By Eakin, to regulate the
trial of civil and criminal actions in
justices' courts.
Messages were read from the house.
The committee on commerce re
port that they recommend tho con
currence of the senate in H. C. Res.
No. 6.
On motion of Carson the senate
Salem, Jan. 16.
After Assistant Chief Clerk Davey
had called roll,Rev.Bollinger opened
the Behslon with prayer. Repre
sentative Crook was excused as un
well. Readlug of journal dispensed
The appointment of Representa
tive Crook, Fox and Hardy, of Joint
committee on the state printing of
fice was recalled.
Committee oil secretary of state's
iKwks, Representatives Wilkinsi
itaker and Uamhee.
Joint committee to visit asylum,
Representatives Minto, Snyder and
Joint committee on fisheries, Rep
resentatives Fox, Reed and Butler.
Committee to visit Agricultural
college. Representatives McCoy,
Weed and Henry.
Special committee on employing
clerks, Representatives Hall, Arm
strong and Coleman.
On committee to examine books
of land olllce, Representatives Mer
rltt, Manning aud Holmes.
By Itepreaentative Tracy, that
secretary of stale furnish members
With a correct map of Oregon
Representative Rlchey amended
that It bo Gill's sectional map of Or
egon. Adopted
By Barrett, to amend section 29,
article 4, of the state constitution,
that members receive $7 a day but
not to exceed f 2S0 dollars, and 3 for
every twenty miles traveled, and
Hint the speaker receive $10 a day
Representative Dustln moved to
insert J5 in place of $7. Represen
tatives Dustln aud Reed made vig
orous remarks in support.
Representative Blundell favored
placing the figure only so high that
tho ieople would sustain It.
Rep. Paquet moved that this be
mado a special order for Monday at
2 p. m. Carried.
No. 78-By
to euiM)wer
a mother to bo apxilnted guardian
ot her children.
No. 74 By Garfield, to compel
corporations to pay laborers' wages
when discharged.
No. 76 By Mulkey, to amend sec.
IW51 code, fixing salaries of stock
No. 70 Uy Rlchey, for wagon
road from John Day to north lluo
of Grant county, $6000.
No. 77 By Jennings, to secure
greater euro lu handling firearms
and to fix a penalty.
No. 78 By same, to amend sec.
4111, requiring bids in building all
bridges costing over $200.
No. 70 By same, to amend see.
603, defining conditions under which
divorced persons may marry.
No. 60 By Hall, to rvguhiie loans
by co-oiwratloti loan a.oclatlons.
No. SI By same, to aiiioud see.
8S05, that wills recorded lu other
states bo admlttod hero.
No. 82 By Thomas, compelling
counties to keep county roads and
bridges in repair and defining liabil
ity. No. 88 By same, to amend sec
4001, in rotation to vacating.
No. 84 By Butler, to repeal sec
No. 85 By same, to nine ml sec
JS01, to provide for election of pros
ecuting attorney in vaoh county.
No. W By McAllister, In rotation
to taking up estray.
No. 87 By Mine to provide tveord
of oandldatos aud campaigning com.
mlttMM fur state, dUtrlut and county
oltUtru and rogulate ootid uot of such
persons, aud puuUh violation of Its
No, S3 lly Mlnto, to create oflloe
of railroad commbulouer aud define
No. Swlly Mulkoy, to Incorporate
town of FomII.
No. W By Paquet, to amend Sec
41VS4, to Uvy oouHty tax of two niHU
oh the dollar tor road aud bridge.
No. HI lly McCraokon, to etvato
Uurd of tuedtail axamliiors.
No, lly Hardy for a wagou
ittad 1m lUUrcvuuty, f 10,000.
No. W By DimUh, torvqulrueou
sirwMiow of a oouHty road Ih Harnqy
(NHHly, lia,(k.K).
No. tl llyWHklHs to amtttd
&A lfM, tq prvtevt grotiM otc
N. M lly TtHWUAs, to authorize
N.W--By MtV.dMntog new
MMMty Nhmi,
N. W-1V.V MUW, to lnrvu
ftwwiHr ami htniun tiHe duttw tvf
N S lly , to pH$Hlto
I No. 99 By Armstrong, a Wtl to
relieve A. L. Stinson for money due
No. 100 By Starr, to fix salaries
of county judges.
No. 101 By Garfield, to tax,
' church property.
No. 102 By Welch, relating to
Columbia river bar. I
Representative Hall moved to fake .
a recess until Monday at 2 p.m. Mr.'
Strong moved" to amend to adjourn j
to 10 a. m. lost. The vote reourrisg
on motion of Mr. Hall, ayes 22 noes '
After the roll call Rev. Cline
opened the session with prayer.
Ex-Senator Chamberliu of Mari
on countr, and ex-Representative
Kirk of Umatilla coun'y were Invited
to seats within the bar.
Senators Fuilertou, Willis, Aiken
and Fulton, were excused.
The Journal was read and approv
Judge Kelsy of Benton county was
Invited to a seat within the bar.
Veatch moved the further reading
of the journal be dispensed with
President Simon appointed the fol-
on joint committees.
To visit publlcw orks at TheDalles,
Dodson and Myers.
Fishing industries and conference
with the Washington legislature
Fulton 'and Weatherford.
Examination of the books of the
Secretary of State, Fullerton and
Examination of books of state
Treasurer, Hirsh and Raley.
To vhit Orphans' Home, Moore
and Crosno.
To investigate the State Prison,
Cameron aud Matlock.
To examine the State university,
Hilton and Raley.
Carson offers a resolution author
izing the printing of 1000 copies of
the governor's message adopted.
Senate adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock
The following committee clerks
were appeinted:
Elections. Miss Helena B. Mc
Assessment and Taxation. W. B.
Railroads. C. N. Scott.
Roads and Highway. A b n o r
Ways nnd Means. A. H. Morgan.
Enrolled Bills. Miss E. E. Wii
llatm. Commerce. Mrs. Lulu D. Samp
son. Public Lands. Miss Josie Snow
den. Mines. Maude Jackson.
Claims. Katherine C. Nelll,
Helen Parrisli.
Couutles. A. Meachen.
Engrossed Bills. T. W. Royal,
Mrs. Lydla Parrish, Emma Dicken
son, Laura B. Myers, Mamie Taylor,
Clara Selboldt aud T. C. Smith.
Education. Curtis L. Hawley.
Examining Account of Secretary's
Office. I. A. Metz.
Judiciary. W. J. Snod grass.
Printing. Geo. Hibbert (expert),
and Mis Idu M. Haines.
The Mauzanillo brought down an
other load of wheat this aftornoou.
P. M. Dennis, sherlll of Wash-
Ington county Is lu the city, rep
resenting the Hilliboro board of
trade nt the meeting of the stats
board of trade to-day.
Judge Kelsey, (of Colvallls. is lu
the city to-day on legal business.
The one o'clock train took a num
ber of the legislators away. Those
living South will go to-night.
Clerk C. G. Coad, of Polk county,
Is in I ho city to-day on business.
Capt. J. T. Appersou, president of
tho State Agricultural society, is in
tho city, attending tho meeting of
tho stato board of commerce.
Deputy stieritl, Frauk Wrightinan,
who has been otl duty for a few days
on accouut of sickness, is again at
his post.
U.S. Frieudly, of Eugene, Is lu
Salem to-day, attendiug the legisla
ture aud the state board of com
merce. The south wiud is hailed with de
light by all native Oregouiaus. It
means good health, warm weathVr.
aud butter crops In general.
. Editor J. R.N. Bell, who has re
cently purchased tho City Hotel,
at Independence, Is In the city.
His family who are at Hceoburg,
will coma to Independence In a
few days where they will make their
future home.
"Mohammedanism In Prophecy"
U Mr. Grant's subject this evening,
at 7 o'clock, In tho I'ultariau halt,
when he will endeavor to prove by
comparing prophecy and history,
that Mohammedanism U near its
death struggle. Mr. Grout's last
lecture lu Salem will be givoti to-,
morrow evening on "The Signs of!
tho Times,"
WiLLAViprrK Minstkbls. The
Willamette Jubilee Slucers ami
Mlutrvl troupe, with Wm. B, Dun.
Ingtou a.i manager, ulll give an eu
tertalumeut at the state Insane asy
lumn for the benefit of the patleuts.
to-morrow and will appear at Revd's
opera nous Wevlnwday evening
Jan. Si., 1S1. '
' ' i
S.NOW in thk Mountains. A
gentleman who rvoeutly left this ity
for Dry Guteb. Linn county, writes
that then. Is )x feet of snow lu the
mountains, boteu Gatatvilie and
Dry Guloh. Ho alo uv there U
one foot of snow at Gatearllle.
IcUkttwrs and tlraugvrs la the '
lty will da well to sample the meals
at SroagrvUuraHlU)frei&aVtog
xruiUeut arraMgvmeat for board.
IWuUr uieal 9Hl v at evnt.
P.fjolntions of !Ktt.
The following resolutions vere
pawed by the Ladies' Aid and Mis
sionary societies of the First Presby
terian church, of this city: "
Whereas it ha? pleased God in his
all wise prdvidenee to take from our
midst our beloved sister Mrs. Thos.
A. King, a charter member of the
Ladies' Aid society and also of the
Ladies' Missionary souiefy, ot the
First Presbyterian church, of this
city. Therefore be it
Resolved, That we desire to place
on record an expression of our deep
personal sense of loss, our loving ap
preciation or tier quiet, earnest,
faithful life us a member of these
societies, and the tender memory we
shall always cherish of her gentle
form nnd earnest face, the godly
daughter of a sainted mother, whose
name is also one of our heirlooms.
Resolved, That we extend our
loving sympathy to the stricken
home circle, in whoe bereavement
we share, tpraylng that in this hour
of darkest sorrow they may receive
strength from that same Divine
Helper whoe grace was sufficient
for her and whose faithfulness was
her strength and her stay in every
dark hour.
Resolved, That the death of this,
our sister in Christ, is an event of
solemn significance tou a3 societies,
which we would humbly recognize,
devoutly praying the great Head of
the church to make this providence
useful in quickening each one of us
to holier diligence in the work of the
Lord; that when we are called we
too may be found ready.
Resolved, That these resolutions
be spread upon the records of these
societies and that a copy be forward
ed to the family and also to the daily
papers for publication.
Instruments Filed for Record at the
County Recorder's Ofllre.
S RJe?-upto JH Roork;23
blks und 22 Its in East Salem $
W T Slater and wf to Luke
McGinnis, It 10 in blk 1 in
Boise ad to Salem
W M Pendleton and wf to
Joseph Bachelor 160 acres In t
5 of r 1 w
C and M Cleaver to Wm
Grover; .14S23 acres in Mt.
J H Settlemier and wf to
James Young; 1.5S acres of J
B Ducharned 1 e
J M Gros et al.; to J C
Shofner; its 7 and 8 blk 6 De
pot ad to Salem
H Stapleton and wf to O
Dickinson; SO acres in t Se r
3 w
O Dickinson to Silas Nor
ton; b foi d SO acres same as
Corvallis Times: Quite a number
of our citizens will visit Salam dur
ing the next forty days. The Ore
gou legislature is one of the greatest
attractions that Salem ever has and
thousands will visit the Capitol dur
ing its session.
The revival .-ervioes of the M. E.
church, now being held lu Albany,
are awakeniug much interest.
EvaugelUt James Connolly, from
Canada, istakingau actative part.
It is reported that an independent
paper is to be started in Portland on
March Int. The editor, Frank S.
Gray, is a republican, but the paper
will have a democratic bearing.
The times in Baker City are not
as flush as when the boom was in
full tide, and as a consequence the
last Furo game In that city closed
down on Sunday night.
The Columbian complains that
Astoria kas uothiug that can be
called a road leading out of that city.
"That we have no road, "says that
journal, "over which an empty wag
on cuu be hauled to the southern
limits of tho city, is a disgrace to a
municipality that would pass as
The Boats.
The Oregon Pacific boats, it is said
will commence running Friday,
Captain Raabe, who will have
charge of the Hoag, came up from
Portlaud last evening with the crew
to man the boat. Captain Short
will command the Thro Sisters,
which will also commence ruuniug
at once. Albany Herald.
For rent . desirable newly
furnished room, with board, only
three blocks from state house. In
quire at 400 Center street. l-15-3t
Senators aud representatives who
wish to economize would do well to
have their watches repaired by the
Court street jeweler. Strictly first
clasu work In every particular. No
fancy prices.
m ,
Tho Salem Steam laundry, 290
Liberty street. Satisfaction Guar
anteed. 1-15-tf
Will be found nu excellent remedv
for siok hoadaehe. Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Thousauds of letters
from people who have used them
prove this fact. Try them.
If sick headache Is misery, what
are Carter's Little Liver Pills if thev
Will IKteitlvelv llln. it Pervitin u-l..
have ued them xpeak frankly of
tholr worth. Thev are small eud
easy to take.
If you once try Carter's Little
Uvor Pills for siok headache, bill
oosners or constipation, vou will
uovor bo without thm. They are
purely voftvtabta; small and easy to
Ink. Dou't Amw4 tilts.
Kiluu, ArtiehM Incorporating
the Contrail luiprovonMttt compa
uy ware KM wHta tbe seorotary to
dy with A. A. Alwortb, I. H.
MaxwuU and G. P. WUIhMR, of
PorUaitd, incorporators, capital
etoek $.000.00.
lluvkUa Arnica Nl,.t
Uvaty mum Mtas n Mr rtuBUtJTlt
or way iiNnsl. rW. mm mt
rrvuvlt )'U)Jeiau 'awr a llrii Ut
11. iMt. T.-tlpjitttm hwk wMt
fcMT ! thm fTIWllail kw wimmms
$ H
tewartl lujsef is dsU,
muiwuwA iimin ""- ntmmmmtmmmmmimmmmmmmM,. iiMiniiniii.ii.tiiitii
Jos. Clark, the Court street grocer,
oilers inducements to buyers by sov
! ing them hard cajh.
Montee Bros, are still at the front
with first class cabinet photos at
$2.00 per dozen.
To see those candies at Westacott
& Irwin's will make your mouth
water for a week, aud the only rem
edy is to try some of them.
Fine candy at Strong's,
See it, Try it, Buy it. The
new V. S. No. 2 Singer sewing ma
chine. Burt Case, agent 1S1 Com
mercial street. 12-19 tf.
Those ladies pebble goat shoes at
?2 a pair at Krausse Bros, are sold
everywhere at $2.50. Better still.
A good calf boot $2.50 a pair at
KrausseBros. 1 w eod
Catterlin guarantees
his photos to t
suit you.
The Bcreau. The bureau of the
hour is the sixteenth ceotury bureau
of old English style, offered by Bu
ren the -furniture dealer.
Uphelster: Keller &. Marsh
have secured the services of Mr.
Cottrell, of Buffalo, N. Y., an expe
rienced upholsterer of twenty years
in fine work. Work of any descrip
tion will be attended to at reasona
ble rates. 1-S-tf.
Lost A horse shoe scarf-pin set
witlj a cluster of diamond". Finder
will be suitably rewarded by leav
ing at this office. 1 1.
Over-Coated. Now is the lime
to save money for next year by buy-
Inrr m nvprpnnf st thp Inw nriip
and of the home made 6oods offered I
by the Thos. Kay Woolen mill com
pany at their store on Commercial
Jas. Denbam & Co. continue to
make their patrons happy with
those superior Eastern shoes at way
down Eastern prices. This beats
cut rate prices on poor stocK by far.
5 lbs. Imperial tea and a Webster's
dictionary for $-5 at Great Eastern
Tea store, 317 Commercial street.
Call and examine.
F. J. Catterlin takes superior pho
tos at bottom prices.
Given Away. A bird's-eye view
of the city of Salem with one dollars
worth of goods at Geo. F. Smith's,
307 Commercial street. 1-otf
Furnisheij Room. One furnish
ed room for rent, down stairs, with
fire. 303 Liberty street, three doors
north of the opera house. 3-t-d
2 1CT ft a Brnt "ti- gk
I.nmbaRO, Headache, Toothache,
v;vni Throat. SneUings, Frott-bites,
fc; rains, Braiie, Burns, bculds.
nriUKLES V0uE',EBC0 BjltlmoM VA
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
aud Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
)ne Night Only-
Monday, January 10.
JOUN EL1TCH. Jr IVoprletor.
CUAS. E. SCHILLING, ilanager..
Everything new In the program. New
uoiuiuw. ewtscenery.
SMUXO In gorsreoai wardrobe and rim
prie for the georgeous rlrst part,
COMEDIANS, As Monte Grtsto Jesters.
VOCALISTS, As Qay Cavaliers.
MUSCIAN8, A& Monte Crlsto Fishermen.
The Only Original C. V. GOODYE.R.
Thd Unique ArUtC. E.CHILUNO.
The Negro Delineator U. H. EDWARDS.
OLIVETTE, European Finger Shadow-
ALBERT, Famous Comedian.
TbeSOUtbern Ouarlatta nnrl a lin. .r
25c Want Column.
Xallees tnterW for ONB CKNT PER
UMSMtit laMTMd la thU olomn for 1&
JUT1CB.-AU mtwtctaas who wmb to
. uitotoilkOOttfU wUlptaMlave
aaa Dtamuad. mmum bou at
Xh eemmutnm Urmt.
?,x Uribl at we.oaaete mtM
-. w v mnmfmm Hmi. 11 v
IV rtimarjr Sr, mmi KuwUrgSuw la
ruo of la, ljtmtmFtSSctt.
a . rrtuia Ihma. TU MtJi.
UweMe Nlimaacttea. la.nJii&Siv '
IcSMauJw v
WVS5?ll8iT.,J, JW.Mr
----- - TTZW "T- y"' " lia,ttt
ArrAiftrHas. lJUx
V 'LlttZ? "
sw sjsasiia. n..
mn i .a -fiw
LsaL'iCLt! .tessw-. !
'"ir k
The undersigned is prepared to furnish buyers all
kinds of farm lands at the best rates. Also city and sub
urban property. L. C. FISHEK, 197 P. 0. Block,Saleni'
tl.W "M II 1 AmmmmV' -fM
BSIUMttSfiufHll mmWS&M
JOHN G. Barr.
Watches and Silverware.
JEWELLER, 169 State St.
Special attention to measuring defectlra
sight and gLves fitted. A stock that will
fli all eyes. Glasses for critical casea ground
and fltted to order.
A new stock of clockK, silver and gold
watches, sUverware and Jewelry; whlct
will be sold cheap. Also a lot of
Will b sold at less than half their value.
Call and convince yourselt
Staple and Fanejr Groceries,
Crockery. Glassware. Irxnxo. VTa ened
and Willow ware. All kinds of mill reed.
Also vueetablesaod fruits m their season.
"Hiehest Price paid for country produce."
Wesollcit ashare of your patronage.
y-y I uoiaiesirecL,
Westacott & Irwin,
Successor to Amos Strong.
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street.
French aud German Wheat and
Rye Breads in City Styles.
Vienna Rolls.
Pastry and Confectionery
Baking in Full Stock.
Our new bread and cake bakeit
are nrst-class artists in their line,
and we aim to have
Everything as Fiae as the Finest
Cheapest, Neatest and Best,
I make and put up all kind offences, city
and country. Get my terms before fencing.
H. Scuomaker, Salem, Or.
Tbo-e knowing themselves Indebted to
J. A. Rolan plea.-e call and settle between
now and January 1st, as I am obliged to
collect All accounts then unsettled will
be placed in hands of a collector, llsis lm
Cattle !
A good Iiiggmg outfit for sale, Are joke cttUe,
two wu-oos, etc Address or oil or i . U. Dor
rta, Silem, Oregon. 12-3-lm
Near Opera House,
Salem, Or.
C. G. GIVEN &; Co'j.
Bottom :-: Cash :-: Prloea'
I. "Reliables," for men, Pebble calf,
Creedmoor style, a S3X0 shoe for K.75.
II. "Common Snse," for Ladles, a
brigbt Dongola, stylish as any made, a $3.00
shoe lor W.T5.
III. I can save you money on boy's and
children's shoes. Positively low prices.
Repairing done. Custom work solicited.
Office 181 Commercial St.
All styles of the Famous Slngerconstant
jy on band; also repairs and needle for al
kinds of machine,
SfMii sttMXIaa girta to tnulent stock.
TApbooe, "C ti.
"'"""H wuiuitl SfKCETTi.
WANTED An active, reliable man
J kalary f?Bto fro monthly, with in.
. wreprewiii In hU oin seetion a
nwpoolble New York hou. Rei-renriJ.
MAl'FAtTBRBK. lirtTtx uSTiSJr
TJXJR SALK-About three acres of Und
L aa Asylum Avenue, good dwelllne
Jt.l0" "ngdTlaAebl'r
rLl " "j riv irer ana snrub
bry; eeeieetent to Uleetrlc railway, never
MilBg water oa premUea. r-or partleu.
We of Asylum A reaue going trout elly.
lITlVTPL IVitcaa .
.H-NKNt OK COV&,-Psir service a
1 on.lnJ Wl u5Jl..rnJi
ca ii mVa " . terms
I'AKkiaH oJWl. J. U
ir lw b4B Pn or elty, bythe
"i trtt. jt.iMf '
Who do All Kinds of
As Cheap as any Laundry in
the Country Using "White Heh
and doing first-class work.
Sgy-Ladies and patrons Invited
to inspect our process of doict
work. '
230 Liberty Street.
0. D UUTT0N, Prop.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
and special castings ot any style or pat
tern made In short order, smooth and re
liable In every particular.
Repair any Machinery In Short Order.
Turning lathes, engines, hop presto
and hop stoves
num. v in maKe estimitei
on any Iron work
paid for old Iron.
uood pries
FnUy Abreast with the Timet.
for the Family, School, or Professional Ltbrsrr.
Tfc Antkontlo "Webster' Vna
l)rided Dictionary, comprislnp the
., 1 KRA 7Q Jtr. RA. onnirriehted
proportx of tit BrndertdgBed, i now
Thoroughly Ravtsod aad Enlarged,
andaaadlrtinfraitMng tttl, bears
t aiBt of Vohcter'a Interna.
tional Dlotloaury.
Editorial xrork upon this revision
ku been in aotiTo progresa for over
IssTMun. Not loss than One Hun
dred paid editorial laborers bare
been encased upon it,
Oror 300,000 expended la. its
preparation before the first copy
vn printed.
Oritieal comparison Tritb. any other
Dictionary U invited. Get, the Best.
. O. MEERIAM Jc CO., Vnbllshers,
Springfield, Mass., U. S. A.
SoIdbyallBooksllers. IllostntedFamphletfrbt.
FroH ftrmiosl or Inferior Points the
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South,
It Is tbedlning car route. Itruns through
vestibule trains every day In the year to
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Ot latest equipment
Sleeping Cars,
Best that can be constructed nnd in whih
accommodations are both free and tur
nlshed for holders of fln,t und second-class
tickets, and
Acontlnuoc .Ina conceding with all
lines, affordlnr direct an-i uninterrupted
Pullman sl t - -. ions can be se
cured In advi. any agent of
the road.
Through tickets to and from all points
In America, England and Europe can be
purchased at any ticket omce ot this eom
Full information concerning rates, time
of tralns.routes andother details furnished
oa application to any agent or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, No.
151 Klrst street, cor. Washingten: Port
land, Oregon
Bo h M
A Newspaper that Is Fearless and Inde
pendent; thoroughly Republican, and not
the tool of any one? Then subtrlb fortbe
Published at the State Capital, only fLM
per year, six months 75c, four months 50c
Bright Newsy Fearless
-It contalon
The Battle of the People
Against Plutocrats
And shows up
The Rank Pretensions of the Or
gans of the Monopolies!
u.MJinot nopoly organ, that employ
Its Influence to bind the people hand and
any polltlcUn. It advocates people's meas
ures and good government. It believes m
abolutelr carrying out the wtll of tb
UdoST t peP'e' Rea ,li nd U
F'ubllaUad Kvry Thursday o
lik ll Ik. . -. . a . ,-.lj,n
, .i. . ""' "won largest etrcuuii""
in the Huii n.i u,r ii., i. r,.iunilr
We- wtll sesd a dub of five new name U
any PoUifflc tor one year lor SX0
A dub or ten new namrs to any ofllra
and one copy to the getler-up of the CluO
one year for f l0.