Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 12, 1891, Image 2

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..JAN. 12,1801
iilT by mall tr year & P9
i :: r - . -.-j: .
OaUrbr mail ve
JVoeklr by idbH per year,-.,
uy nun per muuiu,
jnrlt not
wiiii n ajivanm infl uriuc
rnnnrod for t
( Wccirxr JoCBKAI. will bo
If papers are not delivered
nramnur nollir me owe.
...ii- - . .i.l.alr 15 CM.
Dally fartwoweelov
flail? hp mrmlhM.
iL.ituiiM,. win h tnoilA nn tut and lfilb
of month. Hubicrlbor will pica leave
money for carriers at houiie or whereon u
Is delivered, no aa u cause no umj
THK KVKWllloOAPlTAfcJotfBlfAl. refti
fariv rnvivr the afternoon associated
preM dispatches.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder,
Wheat, net 02 cento per bu.
Hops, active; 28 to 35 cenU per lb
i 9 '
rjtrong'a restaurant eorycfl the
choicest meaU. They inako their
own breads and cakes, and nerve
everything in the latest style.
O. A. It. Faiii. Tho general
plans of the 0. A. It. fair aro nearly
complete!. Aa time progrcaBcu thin
huge undertaking assumeH mora and
more a symmetrical form, and thoto
Interested are assured oflta bucccbs.
TIio citizen" aro responding nobly to
the calls for assistanco In conduct
Ing the various departments. The
following named ladles aro chair
men ol the several committees and
their respective nations. Miss II.
V. Hali, America; Miss Moo Carpen
ter, Italy; Mrs. Goo. liumett, Has
nla: Miss Emma Crawford, Egypt,
Mrs. M. Itoducrs, Japan; Miss Grace
Berlbcs, Switzerland. The old
fushlonod New England kitchen
will bo under tho supervision of
Mrs. E. I). McElroy. Tho nrt gal
lery Is In chargo of Mr. W. E.
Mitchell, and tho museum Mrs.
John Mlnto, Br. All favors shown
to these committees in tho way of
loans or contributions Tor tho various
booths will ho greatly appreciated.
Also thoso tKMscBslug works of art,
pictures, statuary, etc., or thoso
having relics, aro earnestly re
quested to place them iu tho gallery,
or museum for exhibition, as those
two departments will add greatly to
the attraction of tho fuir. Tho man
ngors Insure tho safety of all articles
entrusted to them. There will be a
night watch at tho building during
tho week and the utmost palus wllj
be taken to guard agnlnst accidents.
Doom wilt bo open every afternoon
from ouo o'clock until 4:30; every
evening from 7 until 11. Binglo&d
mlwilon 25 cts, season ticket f 1.
That Oiuhnanck, Mr. Harry
Uintoniid other city oMcIaU object
cd to the Jouhnai.'h reports of the
alleged unfair treatment of the
Willamette, In enforcing tho torma
of tho now ordinance. Marshal
Mlutosays Mr. Wagner was fully
Inlornied as to tho ordlnauco and
that other hotels paid tho runner's
Decline without objection, and that
Mr. Wagner Insisted on making a
test awe. Marshal Mlnto says ho
proposes to enforce the now ordi
nance tin all allko without fear or
favor, ami that no ouo will bo able
to Justly llud fault with him In tho
ittsehargo of his duty. Mr. Mlnto
says ho lluds gruat dllHculty In en
forcing some of the ordinances that
have hitherto not been enforced at
nil, but ho believes public sentiment
will nubIaiii a fair and Impartial en
forcement of nil ordinances, and ho
proiKwes to do mi.
Ohixionian in Dihthkhh. Bam
tie! E, May, for many years a pict
tmtMmo figure In Balum life, living
hero from 1B02 to 1870 as secretary of
state, has now U-eu discovered In
Washington, I). (.'., sick and Inn
stato of destitution, A clergyman
learning of his needs, ioHrtiHl his
caso to tho Oregon delegation, and a
collect Ion was raised to py his hotel
bill and provide him with neces
saries. It U thought the unfortunate
man Is near hi. end.
To HUCKIVH Tun HlltlHlK. The
Marlon and Polk county courts have
been at tho bridgu nearly nil
this afternoon examining the
bridge. Judgtt Waldo mitm
up from tho bridgu about 2
o'clock and stated to n reporter that
In his opinion It would be accepted
but about 8il5 he was telephoned to
to como back to tho bridge. As the
Jouunai. gvKs to tmw they are
still at the great structure.
lUlTifn'. There will to a service
at the ltaptlst Church In this city
una eveuiug hi 7 odiook. tho pas
tor will prvaeh, Jita themo being,
"Tho super-natural character and
o'alnii of Christ." Christian people
aro Invited to attend aud ntulat nt
these mectlugs and all others will
bo made welixmio,
CjNUKlXIATlONAl..-AboUt 30
now members went taken Into the
Cuugrvgatloual church Buuday and
m usual a rtoeptlou will be tendered
thorn at tho church tbU Monday
Aulfiee Nillre.
l'ersons Indebted to tho lato (Inn
of Cox ii Itoggs, Insolvent, are tier
by notified taut they must settlo up
Immediately or suits will bo In
stituted for ooltoetlon.
W, H. Conk a D,
Afslgtieo of Cox & Hoggs luaoUeuts.
BaVew, Jau, t, '81.
Salem, Monday. Jan. 12, 1891.
In pursuance of law the senate of
the 10th session or tho legislative as
onmhlv met fit 10:15 o'clock a.m.. was
called to order by Senator bjlmon
and proceeded to elect the follewing:
President Pro tern, F. A. Moore.
Chief Clerk, Oscar T. MlHer.
First Assistant Clerk.C.B. Watson.
Tho following commltce on cre
dentials was appeinted: Senators
Carson, Eakln, Mackay, Norval,
On motion tho Senate adjourned
to 2 p. m.
Called to order by the President
pro tern nt 2 p. m.
Committee on credentials submit
ted tho following report which was
adopted and the secretary of State
administered tho oath of ofllco to tho
Senators present:
mamk. COUNTY
Blackman, II Morrow
Carson, J C Multnomah
nnmeron. T Jackson
Cogswell, O A Lake
Crosno. C B ..Benton
Cross, II E Clackamas
Dodson, O M Baker
Eakln, SB --Lane
Eastham, E L Clackamas
Fullerton, J C Douglas
Fulton. 0 W Plat?f?
Gates, 1 P Yamh II
Hatch, E T Folk
Hilton, unas uiuium
UlrsCU, i nuir uu
Loonoy, J B Marlon
Maekav. D Multnomah
Matlock, W F Umatilla
Moore, F A Columbia
Myers, J -'""
Norval. J W Union
llaley, J H Umatilla
Simon. J Multnomah
Sinclair, W Coos
Tonguo, T II Washington
Veatch. R M Lane
Walt. J K Multnomah
Watklns, Goo Wtosco
Weatherrord, J K i;inn
Willis, P L Multnomah
A resolution was adopted that the
Sonato proceed to oflcctu permanent
organization by proceeding In the
following order:
First President of tho Bonn to.
Second A Chief Clerk.
Third An Assistant Clerk.
Fourth A Heading Clerk.
Fifth A Sergcant-at-Arms.
Blxth A Doorkcoer,
Tho Senate thou proceeded to elect
ofllcorsas folio vvs:
Senator Simon, of Multnomah, for
President of tho Senate.
O. T. M1II0, Chief Clerk.
C. B. Watson, Assistant Clerk.
J. B. Eddy, Reading Clerk.
M. Ponicroy,;Bergeuut-at-Arma.
J as, McCormlok, Doorkeeper.
Nominees for President of the Sen
ate were Blmon of Multnomah and
llaley of Umatilla county. Tho
former received 21 and tho latter 7
Tho President of tho Bouiito was
then escorted to tho chair and in a
short speech thanked tho senators
for tho honor they had bestowed
upon hhu In calling htm to bo their
President for tho second time. Tho
Secretary of Btato then administered
the oath of ofllco to the President.
For chief clerk Mr. O. P. Miller
and Win. Church were nominated,
Mr. Miller received twenty-two
votes to Mr. Church's seven aud was
deolared chief clerk.
Ou first assistant clerk there were
two nominations Mr. Watson nmt
Heard, Mr. C. 11. Watson receiving
tho majority was elected llrst assis
tant clork.
Mr. J. P. Eddy and Mr, Ctishuw
were placed In nomination for read
ing clerk Mr, J. P. Eddy receiving
twenty-two votes to Mr. Ctishaw
Mr. Pomeroy for reading clerk re
ceived tho uuaulmoui vote of the
J. A. McCormlok for door keeper
being the only nominee was elected
to that oflloo.
By unanimous voto tho president
was authorized to appoint two pages
and mailing clerk.
A resolution was offered that tho
rules governing the last session of
tho loglslaturo bo adopted. Carried.
Tho officers of tho senate were then
sworn In by Mr. McBrlde.
Ou motion tho state printer was
authorized to print &00 copies of tho
rules of tho senate.
A motion was presented by Mr,
Hatch, of Polk county, Inviting the
clergy to oiten tho morning session
and tho legislature, with prayer.
Carried. Senate adjourned nt 2:30,
to meet to-morrow at 10.
Hai.km, Jau. 12, 1KUI.
Tho hoiiM of tho 10th biennial
session of, tho legislative assembly
was called to ordor by Hon. J. T.
Gregg, chief clerk of tho last houw,
Following temporary organization
was perfected:
Speaker pro tern, K. O. McCoy.
Chief clerk, IU R. Aaycs.
AsaUtaut chief clerk, Frank Davy,
The house adjourned to 3 p. in.,
after appointing tho followlug
U. E. Moore, A. C. Jennings, J.
a Ulehey, V, 1). Stlllwell aud a
& Ciutlu.
Tho houo was called U order at S
p, tu. by the temporary ipeaker In
th chair.
Tho coimultteo on credentials re
portsd the following aa members en
titled to Mats:
Armstroug, W Marlou
Baker, J A Marlon
Barrett, W N Washington
Barnes, E W Wallowa
Blundcll,JE Douglas
Botkln, O F Multnomah
Butler, N L Polk
Crook, A H Coos
CoIemau.E P Lane
Durham, 8 A Washington
DuBtln.CS Grant
Fox, John Clatsop
Furry, 8 Jackson
Garfield, J D Coos
Gambee, E B Umatilla
Geer, TT Marion
Hardy.E Baker
Hartmau.EM Clackamas
Hansard, F C Linn
Hall, J II Marion
Henrv. J F Linn
Holmts, W II Marlon
Jennings, A C Linn
Johnson, G W Wusco
KIllaln.JL l.-Umatllla
Lampsou, II W Yamhill
Lceper, W II Douglas
Lettlg, T B Malheur
Manning, 8 A - Yamhill
McCall.JM Jackson
McAllister, J Union
McCoy.EO Sherman
McCrakcn. J Multnomah
Meussdorflbr, C H Multnomah
Merrltt, J W Jackson
Mooro, O E Benton
Moore, J C Washington
Montgomery, J B Multnomah
Moray, P F Multnomah
Miller, H B Josephine
Myer. G W Polk
Mlnto, John Morion
Mulkey, W J Olllium
Paquet, Peter Clackamas
Reed, A W Douglas
Ulchey, J S Umatilla
flhedd, C J Linn
Snider, A Lake
Starr, M T Benton
Stlllwell, W D Tillamook
QlAitrnrl T W f ,itf nnmull
Story, G L Multnomah
Stephenson, T J ..Crook
Thompson. J C Morrow
Thomas, W E ..Multnnmah
Tracy, J A Clackamas
Welch, J W Clatsop
Weed, Judson ..Columbia
Wllklns, Jasper Lane
Wright, J A .Union
Tho secretary of state adminis
ored tho oath of ofllco to the mem
bers present.
On motion the following was
adopted as tho order of business for
cflccting a permanent organizatien:
First Election of Speaker.
Second Election of Chief Clerk.
Third Election of Assistant Chief
Fourth Election of Scrgenut-nt-Arms.
Fifth Election of Doorkeej.er.
Sixth Election of three Pages.
For Speaker. T. T. Geer of Marlon.
Chief Clerk, R. R. Hays of Tilla
First assistant Chief Clerk, Frank
D.vvey of Marion.
Second assistant Clerk, F. O.
Hutchinson of Douglas.
For Reading Clerk, G. O. Holmati
of Multnomah.
Sergeant at Anns, J. M. Stott of
Doorkeeper, A. W. Drnger, of
Ass't. Doorkeetior, R. M. Smithof
Pages ot House, Chester Fox, Uuy
MoPhcrson, Carl Gray.
The Opeiia House. Thero are
few buildings Just now that Salem
needs more than a good opera house.
'l'liooH.'ni house Is not lit to hold a
public meeting in during the cold
weather. Many ill "words hne
been heard against such 1111 opera
house for the capital city of a pros
lcrous statu liko Oregon, sluco the
two public entertuluiucnt.s given
thero on Friday and Saturday eve
nings of last week. The auditori
um was not properly warmed be
fore tho performances begun
and tho fire wits permitted to go
out during tho evening, and the
complaints have been strong and
numerous against tho exposure the
performers and the audleueo are
subjected to while In attend
ance. Tho reader ou Saturday
night suffered a great deal from cold.
It Is a well known fact that Salem
Is made tho pivot for ridicule by all
traveling troupes on account of her
ojiom house. Tho people hero com
plain that they can't get u good
sized audience to any entertaiumout
given In the opera house, yet tlie
reason is plain. Give Salem a good
aud attractive opera house and
thero will bu no trouble In securing
a full house at every deserved play
that comes along. Salem Is a lit
erary loving city as well as ouo that
loves proper amusements, and she
would under favorable circum
stances well support either. Tho
Journal does not destro to find
fault with the management of the
present oinim hoiihc, but it no
longer meets tho demands of the
city, and Salem must, In order to
secure tho best lrtujss have Uitter
opera liouo accommodations.
O, N, . Ui.KtTrio.N. Tlio election
of two Holtl otlleora of tlio Ornjjon
National Guards ttxik place tills
nfternoon at tlio ntato hmiw. Quito
a luimtHir of tho muuilK)rtt of dlf.
futxmt rt'Kimonln were privout to take
vrt lu tho election. The tlrat olllee
tilled was that of colonel and the
other was major. The election jki.s.
til otl quietly, and na far as known
till wero perfectly utUtlcd with the
new oillcor. The following la the
renult of the election; Lieut. lfc 8.
Iavo11, of tvtlom, waa unanimously
eKsjtisl ixtlotiel. Tlio prouiothiu of
Lieut. IaivoII made a vuouuoy In the
olllwuf lieutenant nud C'apt. U. II.
living .r Aikiinv. u-,w ...,..i.. i.i.i
" " "" I
univwir !', I 'I' lll,,,..u..,i.... I
.. n ..... ... f. .... . . . i
' fl Vs; ll 'MillCIIUIIlvIa tr
u. ..,...,, v wuuiy, waa euittsi
1 the only perfect kxatUx fcuown, a it ' !! 2-"1 ,l
IMMI.NTHl-.-Th,., U the only wm.tly hlch U truly . SZa u
KugOHO twnl rfirdelnKttBarefre.hlHKMotheUuteta
prwUlout of the
tmtle ha p!Httd live dHit to 1
retHt mat tV in tn nultm-
oUhetloUvrd f wunmirtM, to
U holtl lN thU tdly on Thur.day,
.journal jvuiinrmi jicmuii, ; , -."
Intlra Amombly,
One of tho most attractive places
for ladies is a well-supplied dry goods
store. Thero they can find all those
little nece&sarlea which It is an an
noyance to be without. Holverson's
is such a place, and It Is well patron
ized because you can always find
what you want.
Tho Woolen Mill storo is chock
full of clothing of all kinds, made
up from thoseBupcrlor woolens made
at tkelr Mills in this city. Parties
iu need of an overcoat can hardly
aflord to miss seeing ther stock.
Joseph Clark, tho Court street
grocer,suppl!es his patrons promptly
aud at bottom prices.
At tho Governor's office callers
flowed In early and the democratic
members made It u sort of political
headquarters. Tho Governor will be
at his ofllceduring the entire session
und his message is ready for delivery,
which will probably take place
Wednesday. At the Secretary of
State's ofllco republicans most did
congregate, and members buzzed in
and out, making it a kind of bureau
of information.
The leading democrats decided to
take no hand In the election or de
feat of Simon, aud but few, if any,
could bo found who would not pre
fer the latter In tho Interest of the
people and the state. If it proves
that they actually did refrain from
trying to force a candidate upon the
republican party, a vast majority of
whose members are opposed to his
leadership, they deserve credit.
Tho Secretary of State had both
houses in splendid order. TUo halls
were clear, tho desks arranged and
equipped with all articles needful
to tho dispatch of business.
That was a handsome compliment
paid n very competent man the
selection of Mr. Frank Davey of the
Journal as Assistant temporary
Secretary of the House.
SenatorSimon's political chicanery
gave Oregon a democratic supreme
Judge, a democratic governor aud
will go a long way toward giving
the state to the democrats in 1892.
Political treachery paysiu Oregon.
The selection of Simon for presi
dent of the senate will not tend to
strengthen the republican party
where it apparently most need"
slretmth among the farmers and
working men.
It Is Mr. Speaker Geer 1
We believe that Mr. Speaker Geer
will show by his record that ho und
his friends wero no part of the
Simon caucus combine.
iiiuou spriiiKling ol ladles was
Senator Simon got thero by 14
votes on tho first ballot iu the Re
publican Senate caucus.
Fleischer, Mayer & Co. weio heard
"Woaio God's children nud he
takes cato of his own."
Tho election of United States sen
ator will occuron Tuesday,Jun. 20th,
at 12 o'clock iu each 1ioum, separate
ly, und each day thereafter at 12 in.
in joint convention.
The speakership eontoit lay bo
tweon T.T.Geer.of Marlon aud Peter
Paquet, of Claokiuas, Mr. Story's
name not being presented. Mr.
Geer received 27 votes and Mr.
Paquet 11.
Low-water Rates That is
what O. G. Given A Co. give on
boots and shoes.
The Bureau. Tho bureau of the
hour Is tho sixteenth century bureau
of old English style, otlered by Bu
ren tho furniture dealer.
" mi ag .
Unsakk. It Is unsafe these days
to drive a horse without his being
well shod, If you want your ani
mal to have tho best treatment in
this respect take him to John
lUaiovKi). Clux-s, Do Leon la now
eonifortnlily lioued with his Imrbor
shop on Commercial strwt, near tlio
hotul Willamette, and ns over la
prepared to ploisotlie moat exacthiK
Lathsi'. Tlint la what the people
want In anything, especially the
atyloof tlielrolotluw. K. Soliootllo
kei! only tho latwt pnttorna In
Koodn, and make up
It) the latest '
W. C?. T. U. UcRular meeting of
the W. C. T, U. to-morrow (Tues
day, Jau. 18th), at 'M p. in. lu their
hall, on Court strvot. Full attend
ance dealrvd.
TJe ATorM llnrlrh,!.
llie iaciltties of the nreuont dav fu
JieroduetiouofcxraUngUiatvill I
. -'
COUttttCe to the lUtttnmil lb -.i
" "iiv wu
"'" "ukiuu arc ami
ttrt ! I . I .
Waktailrnt,-N.. ..-1! .
wauaa arcalmctunlim.
,.ed. alul uhM1 Svrl, . ,N . .-
produced the -orid wa enriched with
v"-j- k" ouurti
ami prowut and effectual to cleans
uc ytet jroatly in tkc Spring-tlwc .
or, iu faet. t , aad tUe bolter !
it U Uowu the mere pop uUr It bf '
Editor Mitchell, of the Hlllsboro,
Washington county, Independent,
Is in the city hunting legislative
George Steele, postmaster at Port
land, came up to Salem yesterday
morning. He returned home this
Clerk C. Powell of Multnomah
county, was Iu Salem yesterday and
to-dny, seeing how the legislature
moves ofT.
Ex-reprcsentatlve Fell, of Morrow
county, came down yesterday and
Is busy among the legislators.
Hon. D. P. Thompson, of Port
land, has been in tho city since. Sat
urday. He has been greeting the
old members of the legislature and
getting acquainted with the new
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shirley, of As
toria, are visiting at the residence of
Mrs. Shirley's father, Mr. G. C.
L. F. Conn went up to Marion this
morning on legal business.
J. W. Thomas went up to Sublim
ity to-duy for a few days visit at his
old home.
Sidney C. Sladden and wife, of
Albany, are in the city.
Mr. Metschun.of Tacoma.a broth
er of our now state treasurer, is here.
Representative McCall, of Jack
son, arrived this morning" In timo to
take part.
Mr. Grant will resume his free
lectures In the Unitarian Hall this,
evening, at 7 o'clock. Subject:
"Home in Prophecy," compared
with history.
The "Northwest" one of tho Kel
logg Transportation Company's
steamers will hereafter make regular
tri-weekly trips between here and
Portland and will continue as long
as river trufllc is possible. She car
ries both freight and passengers.
Frank Smith is tho Salem ageut.
Eastern News. The best news
that ever struck Salemites is that
Jas. Denham fe Co., the State street
shoe dealeis have adopted "eastern
prices." That means much more
than the average reader is aware of.
Eastern prices uro a mouoy-saviug
iustitutlsu to buyers.
Does Experience Count?
It does, in every line of business,
and especially in compounding and
preparing medicines. This is illus
trated in the great superiority oi
Hood's Sarsaparilla over other pre
parations, as shown by the remark
able cures it lias accomplished.
Tho head of the firm of J. I. Hood
is a thoroughly competent und
experienced pharmacist, having de
voted his whole life to thestudyand
nulunl preparation of medicines.
He is also a member of the Mussa
uhusetts nud American l'harma
,ccuticalAssociutious, aud continues
actively devoted to supervising the
preparation of and managing the
business connected with Hood's
Hence thosuperiorityaud peculiar
I merit of Hood's Sarsaparillaare built
upon the most substantial founda
tion. In its preparation there is rep
resented all the knowledge which
modern research iu medical science
has developed, combined with long
experience, brain-work, and exper
iment. It is only necessary to clve
this medicine a fair trial torealho its
great curative value.
Alice Atliorton tho Popular Actress
stys, V.. S. Helden: During the
prevailing cold weattier 1 have
sullered from severe cough. I am
plea-oil to state that I received great
relief fiom the Use of your Etheieal
Cough Syrup-
San Francisco, Feb. 10, 1879
LnrgivsUe f 1-.00, small CO cents, for
sale by all Druggists.
VTOTICi:. All musician who wish to
1 Join u muicalbOcletyMlllplenvelemt
their nuuuuiu Dliiinonds musio house nt
oUjCeuuiiuiclel btretit, l:S-lw
Whettt-Valley, SIPSK: Walln:Wnlla
to 51,12 porcontal.
Fuur ktnndurd, $S W to Jl.
Walla Walla M UO s).
OutfUlo gnules, $ 80.
Onto White fiSa to 0e, gray Me to ;53
per bushel.
MlluiuR4-lirnn NHH Khirts, sa.50
gnuinil barley, SHV; oaop feed. S25
middlings $, per I mi.
Huy-JlolS por tou.
llutter Oregon fuuoy dairy, 37J ojfancy-
omimery;good to fair, SJXJM,Call
forum choice .T!)$o.
Kxgs Oregon 35e, Kusteru 90oiper dozen
ItHiltry-Old chickens, $g 6CUI W.
PotatOMi SI 10 per cintal. '
Obeie-On!ou, is to Uaj California
H to 100. ,
bugum Golden C, e; axira O, ttt$; dry
ErauukittHl, T4; ouba, crushed aud I'ow-
drKl, 7K jhw poiuul.
-n.o ..K.11 n.,1.,7. .Ml. 1M11H d.:
Uyo. f I n, btiUer, f W; tluuu, Si) i.r
1Imiui ?nmll white, SWeAl: pink Hi:
1Ium..!O$0c r xuud.
Urlil Km It. .The market U Jinn. Ouo.
,j! "dau prunw, W,toli; VMta and
(.iefiuau, av imc imua, rius, i to por
U; pluHiiuar drtt ixMn. 11 q lJa; uu
drit ud 6tMury plums, 11 to M evano
mln ihwoJi., ; buiynw Ur. au;
CullHwum rni,Ve Hr inmiul,
Ulw H) pr pouud.
UIO-lH) UK1, ), t Si! K W JUr
ulU;jrvn ONr uuiU. (a; utiilwil
xMid, So; kUp i)u. avsiiju
KulMrn Itunw, IIS to II Wwkftut ta-
MK m IWW. t KV IhmI, iU
hilttMr mmiuU
8.VN KaANoiKcu.
iv.-i ruMWAM, jau I. WhaU.the
'""I1""1""1 tf (. o.I
rhu. fitiwtIK . Jt jw
iwnr-rM u USi; fr fwM
If U 1 wiuwon etuJe
oittv-H w
IVUtM..1tMtoit A
Uhmuim. Jan. T.-W4ltau4H Or
cum. W to )m; vaMwy, M M kvi pw ixwiid
I. -UHm'aK tfri
Uphelster: Keller k Mnn.li
have secured the services of Mr.
Cot'trell, of Bullhlo, N. Y., nn expe
rienced upholsterer of twenty years
In fine work. Work of any descrip
tion will be attended to at reasona
ble rates. 1-1 tf-
Good Paving. Whether the
streets are payed or not 0110 thiug is
certain, the farmers wagons are sure
iu urivu iijj hi jL'iiuui -v
.!!.. .... I.. ....... S. n.-i '
s lor
Tuesday, Jan. 13, the State Horti
cultural Society meets iu Portland.
Montee Bros, coutinue to taKen
orders for those $2.00 cabinet photos.
A reward of J2o will bo given for
information leading to the detection
of persons destroying any bills post
ed by the Salem Bill Posting Co.
1 10-2t.
Krausse Bros, are offering a spe
cial bargain in shoes for gents, and
also a special cut-price shoe for
ladies. Close buyers are taking ad
vantage of this cut while it lasts.
Legislators and strangers In tho
city will do well to sample the meals
at Strong's restaurant before making
permanent arrangement for board.
Regular meals only 25 cents.
runs high in this city over System
Builder, as everybody is using it for
catarrh of the Stomach, Consump
tionDyspepsia, impure blood nud
to build up the System it certainly
must be an excellent preparation,
when everybody speaks so well of
it. Ueiwyr
A .Sure jure lor l'llea.
Itching Piles nre known by moisture
llkcpeisplration, causing intense itching
when warm. This form us well as Blind
llleedlng und protruding, yield at once to
Dr. Ilosunko'g Pile Kemedy, whl ch ncU
directly on tho parts affected, ubsorL.3 tu
ronrs.allays'ltcUlngniid effects a perman
ent cure, 50 cents. Druggist or mall;
tretise tree. Dr. Hosanko, Philadelphia Pa
Sold by Smith &. Htetuer.
Directions wHticach, Bottle;
VdUnds,CUts, Swellings
??. CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore, Md.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, "Wall Pa
per and Horder, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
Special attention given to tran-imt stock.
Ilnrntu boarded by the da , w ek or ruorth
reltphone, .Vo. 25. bALEU, OH.
25c Want Column.
Nutlces inserted for ONE 013NT PEK
Usemeut inserted In this column for less
ttmu tweuty-lle cents.
TUNE furnished rooms nt reasonable rate s
J ntU7 Chcinckutu otitet. 1:1) tw
I'llmmy School nud Kindcrgiiten iu
(.esalon room of tho I'ncsbj telliiu Church.
ANY person knowing 1 hoinsel ve to h ivo
JncUhcrevNsbelonjjIni; tol) C.Iknwinl
A .-sou, plciso return ibein. Tho person,
having them lire known and will pioent
trouble by relurntns; them Immediately.
T17ANTED As Active. HonkstMan
V bnlary 3100 monthly if bulbible, v!tb
opportuultieri for udsaucv, to iepreeiit
lucmiy 11 resiioiisiuio sow iorK Douse.
Heferenceo. AIanufactukeii, Lock llox
16N, N. Y. in
A11AHQAIN. A house nnd two lots for
sale lu hou th balein at onli $rM. In.
lllirA.l, ll.r I Ufm.n II.
U..WU. , , ... hJl(.l,i.3l'..
PATHON1ZK Home Industry, nnd ue
iMoiuituIn Halm Cough Cure. Guar
anteed to give rellet or money refuuded.
Manufactured Hy H. ll.Oroxs, Salem, Ore
gon. Smith & t-teiner bole ugentA for
Bulein. 1-dlm
WANTED An active, reliable mau
salary J.Oto $-) mouthly, with In
crease, to represent lu his on beetion a
respoulble New York hoiuo, llelerencf-v
MaNUKACTUUKH. Lock llox 15o, New
17OU SALK. About three acres of land
U ou Asylum Avenue, good dwelllni;
noue, com eulently
arranged; large bai u,
lit treen aud shrub.
nrroNt nilety of fruit
bery; contenleut to Klectrlc railway, never
faillut; water on preuiUe. Kor ivirtlcu-
uira luquireiu econu uouseoii rigtit hand
lde of Asylum Avenue gulag Iroiu city.
11 tf
"7"ATEn To trade a town lot in tvpl
rJ.' Ul J'tl.r.k. Addltlou fvr lumber. A.
Oilnger, IJa Mill street. !I:Wtf
irv'.VNKIt.S OKCOWS.-Kor Mriee, n
W jMinbied UeU IVitll bull. Twins
m, mh. At my plae In Salem, I u.
i Arvisit, ll'lHl
)K ItKNT-PlvenUjely fimiUhed rooms,
day.wwkur mouth. Cofuw Auuw and
Ealinj l'arlotsi Candy Jlanufattoiy,
SOS Commsiolul Stroet.
L'A'nww We . IV. and ", ,r.i-
OaNTmoVlliwuiHiuii L.l i'S. 1
Moih and JUlk -ia 2E
IlTrVtTj. 'TT.'1-.. - - W !
Hot Cnkw. Unti'or Tm..Z
uw an nDtm.
IWk Ctkop aud FSm
VaulMMi hb
pn Kw..
. Mmnia
. Xcwnu
aMMN asU Kw.
Rib asU bn
It TJtW.
lati Oytftr airiliL"V..
. fc...,J
A HtM varwey of vauu a&e. -t "V
Gi-iwL i?.1S2S5f .v. ...
in uT.T'i 1 -- 1 mm. ,
ifj? are cured bu
W ts? nccording to H :
IVu-lr lliiuuviik .,.. w. u . 1
-""".. ,
-rmmrimm imnn
Iv AN DS .
Tl.i-undi'ivioned is prepared lo fnniisdi Ijuvhh all
lands of fiirm luiicls nt the best rates. Also city and sub
urban property. L. C. FLSHEK, 197 P. O. 131ock,Salt,.
. ,.,... ..I....I..II . -" '' ''
ci kfrA l-l I tfclkh vtn
?5F53S25is - fc!8&;rrfa,i
mine7 wBsfii
I Mnfcj)HTBif.TnririnMiiirmtiiiiii"iiiiiiM''""
john a, barr.
Watshus and Silverware.
JEWELLER, 169 State St.
Special attention to measuring defective
sight RmH'Uw" fitted. A Block that will
Ot nil eyes. Glasses for critical cases ground
nud fitted lo order.
A new stock of clocks, silver nnd gold
watches, stlvorunrs nud jewelry; whict
wni oesoiacneap,
Also a lot of
will he sold nt less than half their value.
Call nnd convince yourself.
Staple anil Fancy
Croekerv. Glassware. Lmrs. Wo ened
nnd Willow ware. All kln.ls ot mill feed.
Also vezetablesandfi ults In their season.
"Highest Price paid for countryproduce."
"WohOllclt ashuie of your pUronnge.
0-4 1S2 State utrect.
Wcstacott & Irwin,
Successor to Amos Strong.
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street,
French aud German Wheat and
Rye Breads in City Styles.
Vienna Rolls.
Pastry and Confectionery
Baking in Full Stock.
Our new bread aud cake bakeis.
nxu llrft-cl.iss artists iu their line,
:iiid we aim to have
Everything as Fine as the Finest.
Cheapest, Neatest and Best,
I make nnd put up all kind offences, city
nnd count rj. Get my terms befoio fencing.
JI. bcjio-MAKKit, Salem, Or.
Thoso knowing themselves indebted to
J. A. ltotnn pleat 0 cill and hcttlu between
now and January 1st, as I am obliged 10
collect All nceounts then unsettled will
be placed In hands of u collector. 11:28 lm
Cattle !
A gooJ logging outfit for sale, fle yoko cattle,
two wagons, etc. Address or c ill or J. U, Dor
ranee, Salem, Oregon. 12 2 lm
Near Opera House,
Salem, Or.
C. G. GIVEN &. Co's.
I. "Kollabtes," for men, Pebble calf,
Creedmoor bty le, n J8.C0 shoe for S2.75.
II. "Commoii Hcuse," for Indies, a
brlgnt Oongolu, stylish as any made, a M.00
shoe lor S2.76.
III. I can bavo you money ou boy's and
children's shoes. Positively low prices.
uepainug uoue, uustom work solicited.
Office 181 Commercial St.
All styles of the Famous Singer constant
ly on hand; also repairs aud needles lor ul
kinds of in ichlne.
1JITRT CASE, Aj?ciit.
ments In the SIuia. Iuer rtitAdhun
OrtUind. irvt suvlc Iurul lllunti lr
the bUUi, a -d bhoitwi discount, seiul foi
(irteelist of Job printing, aud oAtalotrue ol
Si blanks. K. M. WAITE,
eiea'U Printer fcUletu Oreeou.
SW Will iUJ" the OOltUL l"ll'F. WllITUlt
with 18 etwirM(Mr. and 814 ftr the Himu.k
O.vhKOnw.1, wurnmted todobeltr wtwk
l,B nf naeile made.
1hh-1 Simpwmty with Duka
b.nlup ullTuil ut at Miulrllli' tl.ir.
tuoitvr witlfvul oot iWrtMlrtut: tlwn auv
oitiwr tuachlB. Jla no Ink ribbon to
Unher the ojwrHUw. It U neat, wtMtau
HaI, ulckal platetl, prfct and HtLipttnl to
all kinds of tj te wrtUag. Uke a Hinlin
mm, II pnifufs ktuirp, clean, Ivmble
iu4Botripi. Two or Ma cuipl ntn be
mw m iw i,mu .-wj ,n..,.li tn
Wt,iiU - tt k nr oueralor lw
lbm work IW"- 0-E
8ow4l iwrfitwenMl to 0 tow.
-jw tauMPbM emaw iadorwMttMtU. Ae..
T""'" . .?":"- -".
.j,,., . i.tiVI I. Tl'l.W VVPIfl. u S. .
. I
0 s i 9 S itti t
Who do All Kinds of
him rati
As Cheap as tiny Laundry u
the Country Uslny " Lite Rt.
and doing lln.t-class work.
JCcirTjiic1Ics aud i-atrons hivllfj
lo Inspect our proteFS of dniti
230 Liberty Street,
0 D HITfON, Prop.
Castings of all kinds mnde to order.
and special cahtings ol nuy style or pat
tern uiiulo In short order, smooth nud re
liable In every particular.
Repair any Machinery in Short Order.
Turulnir lathes, eutrincs. hop prehbes
and hou stoves built.
"-; . I.. f..... ' i.-T .1 . i
V ill maiiu esiiijiiiiea
on uuy Iron work needed,
uoou pi tie i
paid tor old lion.
3-l-ltu !
A It.fAJ BCv
r.;-.-c coven to c .
I'tiUy Abrvuht trltli the Tli f.
for tho Family, School, or Professional Llbmrj
Tho Authentic) Wolntor's TJum
bridgod Siotiouary, comprising tLr.
issnos of 1864, '79 & '84, copyrights ;.
proporty of tho nndorsiRiiod, is no
Thoroughly Rovisod and Enlarge!,
and as a distinguishing title, hea.i
tho nnmo of Wohator'a Interna.
tionnl Dictionary. -
Editorial trorh npon this rovisics
has hoon in aotivo progress for over
Ton Years. Not loss than Ono Hui .
drod paid editorial laborers haw
hoon ongagod npon it.
Over $300,000 expended in iti
preparation hoforo tho first cop;
was iirintod. t
Critical comparison with any of ha i
Diotionarylsinvuea. uoi iuo vetki
. -.
O. & O. MEKKLV3I & CO., PubUlhMl, !
finrlnt-fleld. Mnss.. V. S. A.
fioldby oil Booksellers. Illustratedramphletfte '
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Nortliern Pacific Railroad
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It lithedinlng car route. Itruns thiough
vestibule tiaius every day lu the year 10
(No cb"ngo of cars.)
Composed of dining oirs unsurpassed,"
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Ol latest equipment
Sleeping Cars,
Best that cun bo consti ucted and In which
accommodations aro both free and fur
nished for holdo.-H of first and second-clas
tickets, nnd
A contlnuot ' . ua t-).'o:thig with &11
lines, nllordln J i uulnterruptei
Pullman sic Ions can be so-
cured in udvi any agent of
the road.
Through tickets tonudfiomall point
In America, Kngland and Kurope can be
pureha'-edat any ticket othco ol thU com
pauy. Full Information ceucerniuj: mles, time
of tralus.rnutes nndotherdetalls furnished
on upplI(.ntlon to any ajientor
Assistant General Passenger Agent, No.
121 First street, cor. Washington; Port
land, Oregon
Bo loo Want
A Newspaper that is, Kearless n n6;
Published nt the Stato Cnpltnl, only JK50
por our, six mouths 75o, four months 60c.
Bright vewsy Fearless-
It contalon
The Jiattle of the People
Ayalnst Plutocrats
And shows up
The Rank Pretensions of the Or
gans of the Monopolies I
It It, not n monopoly orcan, that employs
lis lultu Die lo bind the jxople hand und
lout. Ii t not th tool "f any interotorof
any puliUoUn. ItadautiMpM)il'HmH'
aiuiltitMv aurrutf t,L.I lh u-lll nf the
uru Hi.d lftio aoisrMiirut.
ll UWIBIW 'u
humk (M th iMioii. 1. end it, uud tee 'r
It do, not.
PuUlluliod EvryThursdoyt
Wbae the aeeoad Uest otreulatl"B
In t nuu and our list i ooutaDily
' wiUaartr.b of e new
y "w"lw una year lor raw
. ....... . ttk
a nuaoi nv name 10 any -
Twder Lulu btak aud Bg
MiWj IKS-aM oue)tKtrMtW$U
irr .mtJtFWrf