CAPITAL "THE PEOPLES' PAPER." SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAT, JANUARY 10, 1891. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." VOL. 3. KO. 2GG EVENING JOURNAL. & T I &0URNALS, LEDGERS, t BOOKS POCKET BOOKS, lJNlo and ALU unburn., xjr.ii.ju jr.-vjji.rv, DRAFTS and RECEIPTS, BILLS RECEIVABLE BOOKS, PAYABLE BOOKS. PRINTED CASfl BOOKS. Subscriptions Rgorsred Fbr all Periodicals, ITHE OREGON Is Offering a Large, BRUIT: SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small EVERGREENS, VINES, At Low Ate Keeping Winter. Catalogue and Price-List free. i mmw Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest ONE AND THEEE-FOUETHS MILLIONS. o 1100,000 Prune Trees. 85,00(1 Koyai Ann uuerry. 10,000 Moorpark and Royal Apricot. RAIIGE STOCK OF ALL OTHER , THEE FROM INSECT PES IS. CATALOGUE FREE. ADDRESS : fj H. SETTLEMIER, HONE, SWEET HOME! If you cau get a good article manufactured at homo you should fgive it Iiue proiorence. wo Keep a iuu nuo ui mo iuuuuiu Oregon Stove! Including the Dexter, Ttie Best for KVe also keep Eastern Stoves, and among them the "Buuuer" line. Give us a call and Steiner VEUHTlHtflL " Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. AS Groceries and Produce. -The Bet-t Canned Goods.. Choicest Fruits and fque hut Fint-class Goods Handled. Every article guaranteed as ygprcsentpd. If ypu would be well The Qrupge Stqra, ?6 State Street, M. Horse P I keepers nd Ucaographers of both, fcexes, Iness f r.'locrft. S&lein. Oregon. Both Armstrong ha-e same courses of study g prjuwt CaUiogue auu speometu oi Be, mimm jwatmaanwi FOR Standard CASH BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, STOCK BOOKS, ,,..-,., , ,nr,iTT a -i-n t n.'-i at n i Tirm NURSERY CO. Well Grown Slock of Fruilt. S1IKUBS, ROSES, ETC. Prices. Apples a Specialty . Address or call ou WIRT BROS., Office 292 Cmnmerclitl street, balem. f 35,000 JSsopus bpiuenueig. -u.umi ":"'''" ,.,.. 15,000 Ben Davis Aple. LEADING VARIETIES OF FRUITS Woodburn, Oregon. Eureka and Sultana. trie Money. save money. &, Blosser, ON STATE STREET. lTTTnnmmr UKSfift THEGROCE RS aTtken. Vegetables in Season. served patronUp Salem, Oregon. sw BEAMEEt FINE HARNESS, JFiirnlsilno Goods, Etc. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. Carria-e &od LUhl Ilaness TO ORDER, A Specially SALEM, " Oregon, IlIM I tiav u li.wi L.iul I. t i . 'ectm nf vniimr I111&1114- men, ami iiimdmu of bop! attribute their frucceea to a course at Ux are under the nmnacemrnt of A. P same rates pftuittii. 're toeitht fetuaantiipa $ent it tq a ; .1-lrtna. 1801 SG3 C203MC': Diaries , U arid I -Want the most we can get forolir money at- CRISSMiAN & OSBORN'S. (Successor to H. S. Crissman.) Yon can got. more for one dollar than you can get at any other store in the city. V e jjivp special bargains in Tinware, Shoes, Rubbers, Underwear, Overalls and Pants. Bel'w are a few of the articles which we sell all the time at the same low prices. Strap Hinges per pair 5c Laundry Soap 5c Pencil Sharpeners 5c Tablets 5c One-Foot Rules 5c Two-foot Rules 10c Two-bladed Knifes We Flno Combs 5c Hatchet 2.3c Monkey Wrench 35c 10-Qt Slop Pail 45o HaudSaws - 35c Chessmen 50c Dust Pans 10c Rolling Pius 10c Hair Curlers-- - 10c Shoe Polish 10c Toilet Soaps : Se Coate's Thread 2 spools... 5c Steel Hatchet 4oc Horso Brushes 30c Clothes Brushes, 10c Shoo Brushes 15c Sirub Bruhes 10c Stove Brushes 15o Best Shoe Blacking 5c Sanford's Ink Se Mucilage 5c 2-Qt Covered Pails 10c CRISSMAN p. h. mm, 310 Com'l Street Has the Largest, Stock of Musical Goods it the State. THE ONLY MUSIC HOUSE In Salem. He buys direct from the manufacturers. Those desirous of purchasing would do well by calling on him, as he sells at Eastern prices. No profits to middlemen. PIANOS Steinway Golby-Emerson-Rice-Hinze. ORGANS Chicago Cottage-Needham. SHEET MUSIC Ovei 8,000 pieces to select from, including all the latest publications. 3TSpecial discount to teachers. 3T" Violin, Mando in, Guitar, Banjo, Piano and Organ taught by talented musicians. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing nindo to order. New DltT KILN, by which we con always keep a full supply of seasoned htock of nil kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Truriu and lltuli Htreetn, S.ilem, Oregon. cSifiitkd4J?&w First National Bank Building, S.ilera, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Manngen W. I. Btalev, Prindpil. Business, Shorthand, Typwrlting, Penmanship and English Departments. Day and rrnlng Sessions. Students admitted anytime. Catalogue ou application. If mm Salem, Or. Rates $2.50 ami $5.00 a Day Open to the public Thundriy, Hept. 11, 18U0, llest livtel between i'urtlnnd and ban KranclHco. Alms to be flrU uIubk In all iU appointment. Its tubUnnreMU-ted with the choicest frultg grown In the Wll umetto alley. A. I, WAGNER, Proprietor Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours ol the Day Nena but whit labor em nuyed u thU eotablUtimenl. A B'"d auUWintkl raM) q k(d In Ofst cUigfctyl? x.i lenty-av ont pc umi r is p fr6 . t Court street, bfctwtn JtHirrwl Ufflw and Mlnto'k Livery. e. c., Butcher and Packer, Htat HUb4 Court W.-TU Ut mmU dlTored (urWu( tlt-ay. SUPERINTENDENT'S tt a ATTr vr"rni:ict j3jj.ijv wulo, BILLS 3 Qt Covered Pails 15c Clem Puns 10c Razor Strop - 20c Fire Shovels- 5c Pokers - 10c Iron Shelf Brackets per pair. 5c Tooth Brushes 5c and 10c Tooth Picks per box 5c Coat and Hat Racks : 10c Men's Uiider-sbiits -10c Men's over.sliirts 35o Men's Wool Hose 25e Men's Dr.iweis 40c Lamps, Trimmed 25c Coflee Mills 50c Whisk Bro(s , 5c 2 Qt Tin Cups.- lOo 1-Qt Tin Dippers 5o Children's Shoes 55c Flour Sifters 15c Pearl Buttons per doz 5o Diess Shields 10c Garter Web per yard So Chamois. SLlns 6c Egg Beaters 10c Steel Hair Pins Corset Stays 10c Wood Potato Mashers 6o & OSBORN, 261 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. J. H., HAAS, TH E WATCirM AICEI? , 2I5K Commtrclal St., alem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of SpectitrlMi, and reptilrliiK Cloclui. WuicIim and Jewelry S1WILLBUYAL0T Of goods at our store! We carry a full line of grocerlbk, feed, crockery, glussware, ol guru, tobaccu aud confectionery. T, nuitftowB, No. sw C'omintrelul Kt iiultin Dlt A IX TILING. The undersigned are prepared to furnlnh thebostquullly of tiling for under drain ing at Jowt prices. UVRVUX a nWMIT, Near Kalr Orouns, Halen), Ort-ccn. H Front Miop. typHN itc tQg nrt?W.ii. . M vtatl; WwfmmL OW satUHMn nh1 w tmm lHHtJ to fstM. M. i'OHliE, N, E. Corner State and Front Sts. Tlffi CAPITAL JODBUL H0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. PUBLISHED DAIL1Y.EXCEIT8UNDAY, BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offlco, Commercial Streot, In r.O.Hulldlng Entered at tho ikioiUco at Salcin,Ur.,ni second-clniis matter. HOW MANT1M1'.S SHAM. A TKA1T. ; OK TOT1IK ICIU'UIIMCAN l'AKTV UK HKWAKDKU ? 1 Tbnt is tho pmctlcnl question Republican Seuntors, who are naked to again niako Air. Joseph Simou Prt'Siilent of the Senate, should nus wer. To miiko Mr. Simon President of a Republican Senate In Oregon Is riot only to arraign against tho party all the organized agricultural, anti monopoly and labor votes, but it is to endorse his standing within tho party. Mr. Simon is to-duy a man without a party, and a politician Without a following at tho polls, ex cept for purposes of knifing tho Re publican ticket, wherever It is not made up to suit his ends. That is the record of Mr. Slmpn's republicanism, as everyone in Ore gon will admit. That ho deliber ately compassed the defeat of such men as Judge Waldo, of Mai ion county, aud David P. Thompson, of Multnomah county, no one will dis pute. It is for such treachery to the state ticket, carried on solely because his bosslsm was rebuked at the republican primaries, that ho now seeks renewed endorsement and honors. Ho asks the confidence of a party which ho has never hesita ted to betray when his personal ends were tit make. He asks a crown at tho hands of members of tho senate, no ono of whom ho would hesltato to slaughter should they over fall in the way of the siulster plotllugs of tho Portland Joseph. Thero are indications that somo of the members of tho senate do not longer propose to havo the party ridden over rough-shod by u man who has so far used tho party only to wreak his personal "vougenncc when tho party needed his help. Tho present plan seems to bo to elect Simon president of tho senuto, and say to tho republican patty of Oiegon as Jay Gould does to tho peo pie "you ho d d !" as it cer tainly will bo with another doso of Simon. It is reported that Mult uomah will force the nomination of Mr. Simou at all hazards, by thoald of the voto of Eastern Oregon. If he cannot get tho caucus nomina tion ho will be forced upon tho re publicans with democratic yotes. This cannot bo doubted, when tho distinguished services ho lias render ed that party on sovoral occasions are considered. The democratic members could not strike Oregon republicanism a more effect ive blow than make Mr. Simou president of tho senate. Their deslro is bused upon the well known fact that as tho representa tive of bossism, as the most odious representative of corporations and tho speculative elements preying off our state, liU elevation to Unit poal tion would do more, to weaken tho Republican party in Oregon than anything else.and go far to rentier it unworthy tho confidence of the pro ducing classes. It is not a theory, but the actual facts that stare the Republican members In tho face. The appeal will bo made to Marion county that with Mr. Simon as President of the Senuto large appro priations for our state institutions may bo expected. This is u perni cious pica, when considered as a proposition to recall into power un odious rule or ruin dictatorship that has already cost tho Republican party dearly. All truo Republicans will say let tho state institutions at Salem go buforo tho legislature upon their merits. The welfare of the state, tho people or tho property should not be piostituted to reward political treachery. A COMI'KTKNT OI.KltK. Much depends, In tho expedition of legislative business, upon com petent, Intelligent uecreturles aud assistants. A thoroughly able man in any ono of these places saves niombors chagrin, saves tho Btate thousands of dollars, aud often saves n whole lugisluturo from commit ting blunders that would cause pub lie humiliation. Tim Jouknai. bus in doubt of the ublllty of members to select the right men from thow who prosont themselves, burring tho (iluinct'H of combinations forcing un fit and improtr candidates upon the caucu", We know of ono man who In point of all qualifications re quired fulls within the definition or u com pat ant legislative clerk Mr. Frank Davoy, of Halc A tried und loyaj ropnbllttun, a, map pf keen In'olllKenco, quick perceptions, wide mid uocurute Information, ho i n thoroughly able man for tiny such loHltlou. Jfo man we enn now re coll could in a ulttrJcjl position da mort t I'Ufeh the work Intelligently and rehubly cornet than Mr. Davey Hnd he is deserving of any such honor the house or senate might glyi)lru. The branch of the legla latum Ihut would employ him would essily outrank the other that did not, In dinputch of business, as fV ho hnajust those natural gifts that arc required of a clerk to kp legis lative machinery runnlngsmoothly. He is a working man, and should bo chosen ns such and solely upon his merit, tho' none mny come with higher loiters of credit from persons who understand what Is wanted In that place. Either house that se cures Mr. Davoy will bo suro of on competent aud trustworthy clerk. BATUItDAY NIOIIT HOMLOUUV, Tho shallowness and emptiness of professions are never better shown thau when they are emphasized ns an excellence. They coroe out witl) tho distinctness of n Rembrandt shado when professions, arc presented as a background of virtue to a relig ious life. For Instance, how pttep wo hear a religionist or theologian refer to himself or herself ns a "professed follower of tho lowly Nazarene." Involuntarily tho ex clamation bursts from, our, lips, Oh ! That thoy would, profess Joss nn,d follow more. The JNnzareno nityde no pretensions and, few professions. When asked by Pilate if ,ho claimed to bo tho kug of tho Jpws hs cut-, ting reply was "Thpueayest," When tho rich young mon wanted to know what he should dqiu addition to kcepiug all tho laws that pro fessed religionists strictly kept, ho told him: "Sell, what thou hast, and give it to tho poor and follow me.'' Ho empaslzed doing ovor professing and believing. "What soever yo do for tho least of one of theso, yo do unto mo." Giving n cup of water to a thirsty child was commended above all theologies and beliefs, on a hundred occasions. With what pretensions comes then tho religionist and says he is a "professed" follower? Professions are but professions. All tho profess ions that can be stacked up In prlut, In prayers, or in marblo are of less consequence thau ono simple deed of an unselfish character that proceeds from a pure and honest heart. It is not a question of professions or be liefs. It is a question of doing something for humanity. General Booth's plan for uplifting that one ten th part of Great Rrittalu, aptly named by him "Darkest England," is not based upon more cunningly wrought creeds, moro correct beliefs, or louder professions. Tho world has hud those In surfeit, yet human ity needs uplifting. Behold, I will write you an infallibly, loglcaUy correct creed, says tho theologian. Glvo us work, say the starving ninu and woman. Give us as fair a chance to live as thocub-horse,which for its labor Is assured food aud shelter. General Booth proposes to do some thing for tho millions "Who beg their brother of tho earth To glvo them leavo to toll," aud suvo from that fate so finely described by Burns, when the toll ing millions turn from the pomp of ricli churches ami scorning the con temptible inventions of theologians to suvo mankind, cry out In wel come volco, "O Death, tho poor man's dearest friend Tho kindest and tho best 1" General Booth's labor for the poor of England Is only tho emphatic voice of civilization calling out against professions that are con stantly oflered in the name of relig ion in lieu of deeds. The world is sick or professed followers of tho lowly Nazurone. The only follower is ho who substitutes deeds for pro fessions. The more he professes tho less ho does aud vlco versa. If thou wouldst know religion pure und un dented, suys holy writ, go do some thing for Bomo one who needs thy help. The rich and well-to-do need thee not. The world is full or poor and unfortunate Before thou male est another profession of religion, und sayest to the world, behold in mo a "follower of tho lowly Nuzu reno" go see thy neighbor in need. He may bo in the next house. He may bo u mllo or ten miles away. Go see him. Help him. Cheer him. Comfort him. Let h(m know that while hitherto thou hast only up prnached him to make gain off him, or to uso him to further thy own ends, now thou comest solely and purely to share his sorrow or lighten his load. Conceive, If thou canst, the part of duduterosted friendship und humanity. That Is what tho world needs more than profewdous of religiosity. It Is wild, -why do not the joor como to church? They would not there find what they do most need In soul und body. H thou, oh preacher, wouldst Ail. low the Nuzareue, why dost thou not go to tho Kxir. They are dying of want, lack of friendship, of iu terest In tliem- Carry thy riliglou to Uifcui in the sJiupe of human love, friendly Interest, personul solic itude for their welfare. Leave thy professions ut honte. Help litem to get bread. Helii their children tni'1 btix4, develojd by liidie.iion, U the b. Kitnu. ivni mir vmiurtii w MUM of rlwnnistUm, ThU nUIh upon got education aud employment, They need not tliy creed so much as the common school and a Job of work. They need uot the catechism so much as cleuii,coinfortajjle homes. They require carefully prepared ar ticles of fulth Icsji f hun well-cooked articles or food. t .1 ,. 11 .1 If IIIO followers Of 1 the nazarene will follow Him Into tho homes of the poor for the same tl.ui ir.iii . 1 . 11 (.mijaw iuu. usuiu luuu uw svivijr for tho purpose or getting them Into tho church), they will find tho poor moro ready to como to church. 8UOOKSTED COMMENT. If Mr. Gcer is made speaker, Or egon legislation will havo less moss upon It. Thero Is not a moro hard-working or progressive man In Oregon thau Mr. Gcer. Ho should bo speaker. m .,uj It la a poor tlmo for Oregon repub licans to eleot n speaker or president of tho senate whoso views on lmpor ,taut issues nro unknown. Washington's governor recom niruds that all laws bo published in tho, general newspapers of tho state Immediately after they aro in force. Tho Portland bosslsm controversy should not be ronowed by making ono of tho bosses president of tho eepate, That Is a poor way to strengthou tho party. Tho Albany Democrat quotes Shakespeare In this fashlon:"Uneasy lies tho head or tho man who owes tbo prlntor." Ourexperlenco Is that thoy Ho very oaslly. A Cnrtl From tlio City Treasurer, Editok Jeuknal: I noticed in your lust ovoning's paper n commu nication, signed "Does W.," which seems to call for answer from me, as it reflects somowhat on tho man agement or tho ofllco of city treas urer. In tho first placo your correspond ent does not quote tho treasurer's roport correctly. In tho second place, ho does uot quoto from It at all. In tho third placo, tho roport of tho treasurer lias not boon pub lished by either of tho city papers. The fact that tho city debt Is very largo, in fact too largo, Is patent to all; but tho treasurer Is iu no wlso to blamo for that. Warrauts aro drawn against tho treasuror,aud all I cau do Is to pay them If I havo tho funds ou hand with which to do so; other wise I havk to endorse them "not paid for want or funds," After thoy are endorsed as above, it is my un derstanding that I am compelled to pay them In order of their hndoiis mentb. December 31st, nt which time my report wus made out, thoro was ou hand only 5 1331.5 1. Only n few days previous to this tlmo a call for warrants had been made and Interest stopped on them hut. $31 frU 4 of tills amount bad not been presented for payment leaving" an uvailublo balance of only $1178.10. As tho council somo tlmo since di rected that interest on tho city bonds should bo paid In cash by tho treas urer when It uamo duo, tho greater part of the abovo balauco would be absorbed by tho quarterly Interest, soon coming due. And as I had no means of knowing just how soon the Recorder or Marshull would pay over any money, 1 held tho abovo balance for purpose named. Since tho first or the mouth there have been received from the above ofllccrs somothlng over 2000 which wlllo applied to the payment of warrants in a day or two. As to the matter of sower assess ments, T will refer your correspon dent to tho recorder whoso duty It Is to collect them, and not mine. Yours Respectfully. E. J. SWAFTOKI), City Treas. UNIVEKSITY NOTKS. Jus. V. Ailshlo has returned und enters tho senior class. A program Is being prepared for tho Joint session of tho two societies at tho close of tho term and tho In vitations will soon bo out. The conservatory pupils will give 11 recital iu tho chapel Wednesday evening to which the membeis or tho legislature aro Invited. Ncurly all or the students have returned from their holiday visits und tho uxuul line or work is being tukeu up with renewed vigor and zeal. The rhetoricals for Wednasdoy of this week, were postponed owing to several ulwences ou account of boll duy week und thoso who were to tuko u part being given more time to preparo. Among those who liavc recently returned to tho conservatory aroMIss Beumer, Miss Luura Wagner, of Hlllsboro; Miss RobliiHou and Miss Barnes, of Prlnevlllc. A concert will bo given lit the chaple on Wednesday evening the 2$0ti participated in by the teachers und pupils of the conservatory und will be culled the song tournament, but will exhibit tho songs of tho nutlon ns well us those or many others, I'lipnlclMIIS IlUVfl l'ouml Out That fLitfintuiiilnntlmiuml rVirMlvii aImmihiiI tueseuslttvesulMjulaiitiouiiOQVerliiKGl the Inn constant und shining Pain, audairsre uaUnsasaralcureous.ohulkrdeiHMiuwhluh iu product stlinion and dlxturtlon of thu iululs. No fact, which exiwrleuuu lias dem iiiutruU-d in ri'trardtoiliMieder'sHiuiimuh Illllers. has strouevr evidence lu suunuri Ihan this, nuieely. that this iitedleJu of couipreheiirlu use vhuuKs the ninulduble and atrocious dlseuses. nor Is It lus ixl- lively established thau It Is prefwubUi to thoHjlwjnsorioii ud Ujrrellt.lmvslio liteUUMUeumUiliis only sululury Injuixll- euls. 11 U uUousIsuhI remedy for lualarlal fllVxra VMI.l1lHlbkll flVhl.Mlltel. Ui.llli.U Mllll ' bladder ailments, tfebliliy and other lit. , oriwrs. imh) luai ytu s,ei lite, gcumue FOUNDED IN 1808. Tho oldest and largest HnnKlng House north of Sacramento nnd south of 1'ortland. kid & Bnsli, Bunkers ) JJ SALEM. IRON BUILDING. Accounts kept, loans madr; exchange on every inrt of the world sold nnd boushl; letters of credit Issued to traveller; collec tions made throughout tho United Htatcs, llrltlsh America and Mexico. This banK has monetary connections with banKi In Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, and correspondents In nit tho principal towns of thoso states. Drafts of eastern butiKs tnKcn at par. SALEM OREGON. TO . liADUK. - - - - - President I)K. J. KKYNObbs, - Vlco President IOIIX AIOIK, - - Cashier GENERAL BANKING. Excnangeon Portland, Ban Francisco, row York, London nnd Hong Kong bought nnd sold. Btate, County and City wnrrants bought. Fanners nro cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property rt reasonuDio rates. Insurance, on such se curity can bo obtained nt the bank In most reliable companies. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAWTALjSTOCK, all Sojiscribcd, $200,000 Transact a goneral banking business In alt Its branches. QKO. WII,UAM8 Presldcn Wit. KNdLAND Vlco President UUU1I MCNAHY Cashier DIItECTOH8: Oco. WlUlams.Wm. Eng laud, Dr. J. A. Ulchardson, J. W, Hobsou, 4. A. linker. llank In new Exchango block on Com mercial street. &13-tf Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - $75,090 surplus, 15,000 It. 8. WALLACE, . . President, w. w. MAHTiH, - vico-Presldcnt. J. II. AL1UCHT, - - - - Cashier. blRtCTORSl W.T.Gray, W.W.Martin J.M.Mnrtlu, H. 8. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslclc. J. H. Albert, T. MoK. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or in storo eithor In private granaries or public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER DlHcountod at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, 8au Kranolsco, Portland, London, Paris, llerllu Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Assessod ucarlylouo'thlrd'of a million GKO. M. JIKHI.KU, City Agent, Aud special agent for Mar'on county. Of Uen with the Company, 1NHUHANCK yjompany. Klro nnd Ma rine. Halem. Oregon JOH. AL1IEUT, Agent, J. I,. HITCHEM,. GEO. IIOCYK. MITCHELL & 1I0EYE, General Collectors, Brokers AND ACCOUNTANTS lineal and foreign collections attended to promptly. Railroad tickets sold to all pnrts of tho world. Bookkeeping for local parties a specialty. Advertising placed Iu any part of the united Htutes at the most reanoualilo rates. Commercial papers looked uftor promptly. 2ftU Commercial streot, up stairs. Salem, Origon. FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS, Founded in 1877. 1000. YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And tho tlnost ever bred on tho Pacific Coast, Hook your order early for oholco selections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, lftll'dw Forest Grove, Oregon. EVERBEARING ; until frost. Descriptive price list frru Hktii Wimcuist, Hussellvllle.Uro. Morgan & Mead, City Draymen I All work done with promptness and din patch. Only the best meu uro employed. J. F. in Express No. 15, Prompt work and sullsfdutlouxuaranteod. Ia'hvu orders ut Jos. Olark'tfstoru. IUU Court street. "nnrflARRisT- Express No. 15. I!o ordirnt It. M. Wudui Co. J te llable work or no ray. S. ERNST, Upliolsterer. All work, either nw or rtaUloif, 'done. Iu the Wwt workmanlike shao, Hhnji south of ii nllc. " loWg7uiilic lands. I am now prep phI toInmienneliiindrrHl men ou homtrnd and Umber Halms In 11101 favorable Incatlltt-N fiHrwnolidenct) or personal iii'pllatlli'U toiiviteit. W V. HKPMMtW, Cor High and Perry His, bark of Cook Hotel, Halem.Or IKXMiuo First National Bank