wimTtS'-iii' j fAtH HIP r 5w 'a!m9h SUjK - r&.X n ui At 4, n' a- )i e 3.3 m b-. ?r n .ni - WASHINGTON. Acling (loVfrnnr Unlilon's ilessjii'P. IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS MADL Favors Puplishing the New Laws in the News papers. OtiYMPlA, Jan. O Acting Gover nor Latighton's message to the legls lature was very long aud discussed state affair intelligently and was received with tumultlous apu'ause. The passage censuring the land de- apartment atWnslitngton for refusing to survey lunds In the state and ue- v-lnrlncr In favor of the election of United States senators by the people were applauded by nearly every member. The duties of the executive ofllce, in the absence of the governor, are imposed by the constitution on the lieutenant governor, who, as acting governor, submits this message to the legislature Ho preceeds: As the second legislature of the state of Washington, the people con- fldently expect that you will, so far as may be possible, by legislative en actment, judiciously amend such laws as may have been found in ef ficient or contradictory to their pro visions, and enact fcucn otner laws as will conduce to the harmonious and Riirwssfnl worldlier of our state Government. CODIFICATION OF LAWS. At this period of rapid develop ment our system of laws cannot be too carefully considered and con structed In order that there Bhould be a reliable basis upon which to ad judicate all cases that may from time to time arise. Every enactment of new laws, should strengthen the foundation of our government. ELECTIONS. The law entitled "Au act provid ing for printing and distributing ballots at public expense, aud to regulate voting at Btate aud other elections," approved March 19, 1690, otherwise known as the "Australian ballot law," seems to have been emi nently satisfactory in Its operation. Changes iu, aud amendments to this law will, however, doubtless be sug gested by more familiar acquuiuteuce with its practical results. CONVICT LABOR. Section 29, article 2, of the const I tutiou, provides that after the first Slay of January, 1890, the labor of convict of this state shall not be let Sut by contract to any person or cor poration. You are required to pro vide for the working of convicts for the benefit of the state. This man 'date of the constitution should be obeyed by the speedy enactmeut of a law giving appropriate ell'ect to it. I shall refer more fully to the em ployment of convict labor for the benefit of the gtttto in considering questions relative to tho penitentiary at Walla Walla. PKRK SCHOOL HOOKS. The question as to whether the line of text books used in the com mon schools should De purchased from the public fund, instead of by the parents or guaruiaus 01 tne chil dren, merits the attention of the legislature. The text books are a necessary a part of the equipment of the school us the teacher or schop) "building. The public pays the one and builds the other. Why not also provide the books? The purchase of the needed text books Is u heavy tburdeu on the wago-earner, who has to face the problem of rearing and educating a large family of future citizens on a small and precarious income. It is true that tho law pro vides for the purchase of text books for t)jo children of indigent persons; W what AmerhJOUflltijjeji will will ingly sign a statement virtually cpr- 'esslng himself a pauper? An an nual saving of from W,000 tofoO.OOfl can be made for the people in (lip purchase of thenecosnaiy textbooks by the state. 'BUREAU OF STATISTICS, AQUICUL- TUHE ANP IMJIIQHATION. The constitution provides iu arti cle 2, section 34, for the establish ment iu the ofllce of the secretary Of state, of a bureau of statistics, 'agriculture and immigration. It Is needless fpr mp to piniirgo pn the importance of the creation of such an ofllce, and the beneficial Tinfluence it would have on the devel opment of the resources of the state, by the publication of authentic printed matter, setting forth to the intending settler ami investor the dvantages of the various sections f( the state and their adaptability for particular industries. STATE BUILDtXaS. It Is recommended that inoa.uroa be taken for the erection at Olympia of, a state capitol and such other buildluj,' as should be erected at tho I-ipltal of the state, NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION UY LAWS. I recommend the advisability nil :i providing for the publication of each taw Immediately after Its approval W the newspaper of the state. I believe that such provision would wore fully tend to carry out the flritofour constitutions. OOI.UMUIA RIVER. fOur state possesses Jointly with Oregon one of the grainiest rivers In the world. Aside from the wou- Iderful uatural beauty of the Colum bia river, IU importance as a com mercial waterway should be utilized. Ko effort or cost should bo spared to; make every mllo within our state! Iirr.. n. .1.... i. ' IniVr .rV.Vi.' r'..,:,,'cL- r . . iporition to uHord priceieu lucllltlw lor coiuoiurce. A KAILKOAD COMMISSION. recommend that this legislature, in compliance With this provision of the constitution, create n railroad and transportation commlss ion, whose duty It shall be to adjust dif ferences and discriminations be tween common carriers and the peo ple of the state, nud who shall be restricted to such functions as are contemplated by the constitution. IN MAINE. Gov. Burleigh in his inaugural says the time has come for Maim- U adopt the Australian system or vote lug, and urges the citizens to renew their efforts) to keep Maine in' the van of temperance state. MISOELUiNY. THE HOSTILE INPIANS MUST KIOHT OH SUKHKNDKIt. Pine Ridoe, S. Dal?., 'Jan. 9. Yesteidav afternoon ull the com mands In the field weie ordered to march from three to five miles nearer the hostiles. Late last night the order was put into eil'ect. At intervals of two or three days the cordon will be drawn niore tightly around the hostiles until they agree, either come In peacable, or be whip ped into submission. The disposi tion they display to accept tho over tures of General Miles is suscepti ble to but one Interpretation, and that is that they propose to surreuder aud retain their arms or die iu their own defense. This backs up the fact that the majority or those who have come in of the hostiles are squaws aud children who desired to get out of the way. The coming in of Red Cloud is variously interpreted but his good faith is doubted. INDIAN TROUBLES IN OKLAIIOMO. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 9. A special from Guthrie, O. T., says much ex citement prevails here regarding the present Iudiau outlook. Grave apprehensions arc felt, and trouble is expected as soon as the disarming of the Indians begins. The Chey enne and Arapahoe Iudians came into ICIng Fisher and purchased every cartridce that could be had. The aspect is serious. Judge Sea, of the supreme bench, said to-day that the Inland towns should at ouce or ganize in companies to aid, if neces sary, settlers along the borders. .TIIE.CltlSIS APPROACHING. Washington, D. C, Jan. 9. There were no telegrams from Gen eral Miles at the war department this morning, aud the idea prevailed that the situation was unchanged at Pine Ridge. The opiiiiou is spread ing that the crisis of the campaign so often predicted and so long de ferred is nearly at hand. Secretary Proctor is constantly in receipt of requihitlons from various sources, mostly from governors of states ad iacent to the scene of trouble, ask ing Tor arms, with which to supply local troops raised fr defence. The requests have not been complied Will), THE If AHVIJSTEB trust. Chicago, III,, Jan. 0. Bonis time since preparatory steps were taken by leading manufacturers of agricul tural implements looking towards the formation of a gigantic combine to be known as the American Har vester company. To-day President McCormick furnishes the following ptatemenj. to the Associated Pres-s: "The American Jf arvestpr Co., has been brought face to lace with grave legal obstacles to the consummation of tho enterprise (or which it was formed. They are of such a charac ter that thb whole undertaking must be abandoned." DIVIDING UP THE SPOILS. New York, Jan. 9. The fculiconi mltteeofthe advisory board of the western railroads met this morning (o complete the bylaws beguu by their y&eM'r(Juy. A discussion was had upou tt)0 Jueltu roads aud the npanner it) which the business aurog tho cotpitry was to he divided. The KUb'domjnlttee wanted to have the distribution of freight left to them and this way was decided ns objec tionable to the others. PARAGRAPHS. Gjbkaltai!, Jan. 9.-A largo wood and petroleum warehouse gitoated in dangerous proximity to a powder magazitio is in flames. The fire troops are doing everything possible to prevent what may prove a terri ble disaster, Armon, S. D., Jan. 0. A Dlsas trous fire has destroyed the whole business part of the town. Including Indians (244,70.5.) and Alaskans the total population of the U.S. Is put at Oa.000,000. Iu Missouri Senutor Vest has been renominated. If Yonr House Is on Fire ion put water on the burnln g tim bers, not on the smoke. And If you have catarrh attack the dlseastHn the blood, not Iu your none. Remove the Impure caue, and the effect sub sides. Take Hood'sSarsaparilia, the great blood purifier, whlolt perma nently cures catarrh, strengthens the nerved, Jfe sure to get only Hood's. Orcjjan State Agricultural Soriety Warraulu. All iersonH lieldlm: anvnfthcM i above warrauts, win pitntxo wild them to, or denonit ilium with Gtrn. ,"; a,u' at oawni, O-egnn. on or. "w-Muiinrv hi, ijdi, rvnruraiai PJ''"entwll be umle up nail .f in oe niHiio up n an u its nrewtited on or lrffi.r (aiu warruuis nald day. Payment will be iimiiJ auerJan. IC, IS01. J T. OMHOO. I beflretary Oregoii State Hoard of Agriculture: ii.23.d&w i Kln. TSJ.. O.J iru. IT """I w, raiiHxviiiiiB i rum i THE LEGISLATURE. I license ordinance that ea'ls for $20 11 t I year from any hotel soliciting pas- Xo CoilimilsorV Eillll'tttioililllsenirereattheboats or trains. Mr. Law in Illinois. GOYEHXOKTIIAYER TROVES A STAYER. An Alliance Speaker in 3Iin iirsufn OiIut Stifles. IN ILLINOIS. Springfield, Jul 9. In the senate,in accordance with the action of the caucus of democrats held last night, a bill win introduced for the repeal of the compulsory education law and substitution of an eutict inent which practically concedes t'jc sectarian opponents to the present lav all they demanded duriug the last campaign. IN NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nub., Jan. 0. The morning session of the legislature was wasted in wrangling oer thy minutes of the joint convention, which are badly mixed on atvjuut of the confusion. This wrL was unfinished at noon. All the newly elected state officers are in possession of their offices, except Governor Boyd, who is kept out by Governor Thayer, oti the grounds that'he is inegilible. Governor Boyd was sworn in as goveruor, at noon yesterday, by Chief Justice Maxwell, of the supreme court. This morning he took the oath of oillce before a notary public as did also all tho republicans elected. Governor-electljoyd called onGov. Thayer and the latter informed him, he (Thayer) would not give upotlice on the ground that Boyd was not a citizen of the United States. Gov ernor Thayer has baracaded himself in executive office with police and a company of militia on guard. It is understood he will remain governor if possible, until all questions afleet. ing his successor are settled. Boyd's father, it will be remembered, came to this country from Ireland while Boyd was a minor. He took out his first papers, but never perfected citi zeuship, and his sou was never nat uralized, ft is claimed, therefore, he is ineligible to office. TO DAV. Powers the Alliance candidate took the oatli of oillce today and it Is said the legislature will recognize him as governor. All the new state officers are fully recognized now txcept Governor. Tom Major is installed as Iileuteunn' Governor and president of tho senate, uuijer protest of Gov ernor Boyd is recognised by theNew Stale officers and they will report to him. IN MINNESOTA the deadlock lias been broken. Thursday afternoon Sivers, demo cratic candidate for speaker, with drew in favor of Champliu, tho Alliance candidate, and tilt' latter was elected, over Searle, republican. St. Paul, Jan. 0. Tho house completed its organization to-day by the election ot a "Fusion Alliance Democrat jp" ticket. INOONNEoriOtl'l' the situation of ullaiis Jap. Sth was that the senate declared the demo cratic stole officers elected, while the house has sent nut an Inquiry as to whether any one was selected, and meanwhile the old state otlleers (republican) hold their elfiees, although Lieutenant Governor Mer win lias nut appeared in the bcuatc, and that body Is presided over by its own president pro tern. llOThiuiTvAhV THE WILLAMETTE. R L Moore, P Woodruff, D B Jernif , B F. Jefi' Myers, Scio. T Cameron, Jasksonville. J A Cranston, 1) Man, J K Mo- Plelland, Portland. J R Morris, independence. Swedish Concert (.'n, (Q persons). R D MeConnell, Moscow, Idaho. HB St John. McCoy. T U Tongue. Hjllsboro, COOK IIOTiiL. "W ri Renigan, San Francisco. D T Gerdes, Frank Phelps, Port land. II L Galloway, Eugene. A B Slauton, Turner. J Williams, Sublimity. C Ream, John Cusidy, A II Miller, F Feller, RD McCoimeJI, Moroow, Idaho. T T Geer, MeCleay. A Lournberry, Council Bluffs, Iowa, S W Miiiturn, Ives, Oregon. m.hiui:i. CHITEXDKX-SAYHK. - At the iJaptist church iu tills cltv, Jan, S. TSUI, Mr, W, K, Chilend.'n and Miss Kaunic Maud Savro, Jtev. Hobt. Whitulter, officiating. Thp ceremony was private, Tlio young people have both been living In Salem, but Jook tho overland train last night for Kucene, where tlioy will make tliuir futuru home. BIRDS All kind JiKHiiiled to order ALLAN RHODES, HAI.KM, UUUUUX W81 MILK. - , i r - I nni T n I IIUWM I ft " fc WUM J w u A a HnXfcMd, K. J. KMy and ZSZIZ .""' Zm.l Zr: kiK&AuBAf .a.-U. -. M .1. .nnl. I LeTeoflrit at Uiato a 1w' UWe. " ' " "" "' I UnkaIH Taxation, Tho city authorities are trying to enforce a Wagner of The Willamette, runs a free bus to ull trains and says he considers this tax an outrage. He says: "If It is right for all to pay, I am willing to pay too, but wheu others run hacks and buses and so licit passenger just the same as I do and pay nothing, it Is an outrage to siugle men out for a ciuch of this kjnd. I have put u good deal of money luto this hotel, aud am will lug to do all thlugs reasonab'e. But when It comes to riding a man just because ho is able to pay, I kick.1' Mr. Waguer has labored to give Sa lem a first-class hotel and should not he uufuirly taxed. At the Opera. The Swedish National Ladies Concert company has arrlyed iu the city and will appear to-night. From the reports of their entertainments elsewhere and the sale of tickets it is safe to say the entertainment will be all that it is claimed and will be one of the best that has appeared In this city for a long time. m A Card. With the advice of my physiciau I leave to-day for Mehanin, where I hope to regain my strength. Thank ing all my friends aud patrons for the kindly interest they have mani fested iu my behalf, I will say to you all, that I shall leturu to my oillce so soon as health aud strength permits, and will be pleased to see you. Very respectfully, Chas. C. t uiiTis, M. D. Fine candy at Strong's, Catterlin guarantees his photos to suit you. Instruments Filed lur Ri'ionl at tiio Comity Uocor.lep's Ofllop. C B Moores to Sarah A Robins, 7.20 of an acre iu Capi tal City fruit farms; $ II A Thomas et id, to the public, a tract of land for a couuty road in t 7 s, r 3 w; Mrs Kate Lathrop to T II and W R Clyde, 2o acres in t 9 s, r 2 w; Mary A Hunsakpr to J W Thorn berg it ii iu blk 3 of Settlemeir's ad to Woodburn; S J Jones and wf to J "M Brown, 55 acres in t 0 s, r 1 w; W Fuslmey and wf to J M Brown, 53 acres in t 0 s, 1 w; SN Jones to J M Brown 54 acres in t 6 s, r 2 w; II A Thomas and wf to E E Loux 10 11 of an acre iu t 7 s. r3, w; Mary A Ilunsaker et al to J W Thornbeig, It 3 In blk 3 in Settlemsir's ad to Wood burn; Frank B Lewis and wf to E E McKluuey, 1(50 acres iu t 8 s, r 2 w; 300 1Q0Q 1 24 192 48 250 450 3500 Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, Now CasseJ, Wis., troubled with neuralgia and rheu matism, stomach disorder, liver af sected, appetite fell away, and he was reduced in strength. Three bottles Electric Bitters cured him, Edward Sliepherd(IJarrisburg, i. had a running fanro on hs Ipg, Used ihreo bottles of Eleotric Bitters and Buoklen's Arnica salve, aud his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawaba, O., had fever sore 011 hi? leg, doctors said Incurable. ICleeti ic Bitten and Arnica Salve cured liiin. Sold by Fry, druggist. llilliUil'3 leu.minu nun I.ltur lMllx Tliet.e nll.HiirtificU'ntUIcnlly compounded aim uuiioiiii 111 iiuiioii, tin iipini . .J ... .. ,.. ... i..f .. -... No pain ko (.oiiiiiioiilv followlm.' tho Tuey are ndupled to Imth iidults anil eliu. driiinvitli pprfwi safety. We mm antee they Imverioeouii) In thocureofhirk lu-ntl, nclji', exmi-iip.uion.oyspephuviitin iiuimilih ncs nrrt, itnn inipetlrer, thoy oxoiill uuy inner uirpninini . j 7.lllltl . r-it'l i'liiir. fnln'iL'iB. CKS fl WM. loots ant iSiliiSfer 231 jT.JtXjJ&km Sash arid Door Factory Front Street, fill til n e ioet olww ol work in our with tho lowot. Only An Kxcrllrnt Ilcmpily. Dr. H ildeii: I consider your Ethereal Cough S3 nip an excellent remedy for nil the dlsoa-es for which you recommend II. David Hum art, Modeto. Largo size $1.00, ''.mail 10 cents. For sale by all druggists, , g.Tlic second lecture by Mr. Grant in the Unitarian halt last night was well attended, lie lectures again to-night bigiiiitnr at 7 oY.oek. C. G. Given fe Co. are supplying their patrons with the very best shoes for tho money. Given Away.- A bird's-eye view of the city of Salem with one dollars' worth of goorfs at Geo. P. Smith's, 807 Commercial street. l-0tf Those ladles pebble goat shots nt $2 a pair at Krausse Bros, are sold everywhere at ?2.50. Better still. A good calf boot $2.50 a pair at KrausscBros. 1 w cod Tuesday, Jan. 13, the State Horti cultural Society meets iu Portland. Mbutee Bros, continue to tulto orders for those ?2.00cabiuet photos. See it, Try it, Buy it. Tho new V. S. No. 2 Singer sewing ma chine. Burt Case, agent 181 Com mercial street. 12-19 tf. Mrs. M. E. McCoy, physician and surgeon, No. 200 Commercial street. Chronic diseases a specially. Con sultation free. 12-8 tf lliiuklou'n Arnli'uSiiKo, Tlio Rest Snlvo In tlio world for Cuts, HrnlscK, sottN, Ulcer, Suit Rheum, t"evcr isores, 'loiter, i 'luippcd HiiluN, (Jlillululliw, Corns and all suin Kniptlons, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is Kimrnutecd to rIvo perfect sntlslnctlon or money refunded. Price, 25 cents Jper box. KxritPincnt runs high in this city over System Builder, as everybody is using it for catarrh of the Stomach, Consump tion Dyspepsia, impure blood and to build up tho System it certainly must bo aw excellent preparation. when everybody speaks so well of it. Otswyr LIVor Complaint lilllloiiHiioHi. Tho clilcl symptoms of this disease aro depression of spli It; foul coated loiiKiie; had tr.MliiK mouth; dlsagieeablo hrcitth; dry sKlu with blotches nud eruptions; sallow complexion and yellow eyes; tired; ii'.-hltiK shoulders; dull pain la rlclitHlcd: fulutncss dlziness and Irregular bowels. This com plaint In nil of Its forms enn bo icidlly cured by tnKlnj; Dr. (lunn's Improved Elver Pills as directed; and 11 llmierhiK spell ofsleKiiess will often.bo prevented by their use. Sold at IS cents a box by builtli stolner. Hood's Sarsaparilla s cnrctully prepaied fioin Sarsaparilla, .MiiM'.mi, Mandrake, Hock, Plpslsscwa, luiilpcr Reriles, and other well-known and . itu.iblo vegetable remedies, by a peculiar 'niilihiutlmi, propoitlun, niu process, rIy- Uto Reed's .S.usapaiilla curative power t possessed by oilier medicines. It lTeets lemaikablo cures whero others full. Hood's Sarsaparilla siliulsest Wood purifier. It cu,res Scrofula, s.j t Itlicum, Rolls, I'linplcs, nil llumois, Dyspepsia, lllllousness, Sick Headache, :i:ul;;e.stlon, Uencral Debility, C.itauh, :llieumatlsm, Kidney mat Liver com !1 hits; OYcicnnics That Tired Keeling, rcates an appetite, builds up tho system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Has met uuparalled success at homo. Such Isltspqml.nity hi Lowell, Mass., where It Is made, that Lowell Onigglsts sell moro ot Hood's S.irsapaillla than all other sarsapa r.".l. s or blooij purifiers., fhoganiepiiocuss is e.:cMilIng all over tln country. Snood's Sarsaparilla !s j e.-ii!l'ir la Us strcnglh and economy : Is the :.!y rrepai illon of wlilcli cat -'y lie s:.li "100 Do:.es Onu Dollar." A uloof 1' .n" il :s 1.11 III.i. taken accord- ,;li, illi.i.'. ..-., ,...1 1 tsl,', liumlll, j!ooi;b SarsapariElc5 ' J fi'iiP r hi ll.'i I'oiilliler.eo It aliis .immip, '. '. .:i id ji . ,1c. Vi'l.iioltlsoncouiLil lh-. 1. -saI.oiltu f..i ii'.y leiac'ly. Do .: L't !...'i:c(d lo Imyolh r l ii'paratloiiii. mru tu ct tl'u Peculiar Mmllcluo, i-iooc!'o Svsrsaparilla ..i.l'.y.'.u..- ' , fl j;:iirH. 'ivvireilljj ' I ; fii.p,'. ( o., ,llii r.uli'I.'i'.ro'l, Ma.'tt 100 Doses Ono Dollar BROWN k Co. Shoes! tr Caxli Paid lor Wool, 1 lidos ami I'ulU Commercial st. .fc5 Jfr&tJKrlZ Salem, Oregon. llll(s at pi'icos to (w ninoto tho bowt umtcriul UMtjd, livery THE LARGE ASSORTMENT, SU'PE rior Quality and Remarkably Low Prices of Holiday Goods at ifrfow.iz. jn e r.L asssxSSSSS: SURPRISES Such prices were never before Oowolls' Edition, Red Lino Poets GO Fine Silk Plush Albums 3 50 Fine Leather Albums, decorated inside 3 50 Scrap Albums, cloth binding 00 Chatterbox 75 History, U.. S 5U Life of' Grant and Sherman, oaqh 50 History, Naval Heroes 60 All kinds of choice leather goods. Glove Cases, Collar and Cufl' Boxes, Toilet Cases, Magazine Cases, Music Rolls, Card Cases, Etc. Etc. J Kit Four Mite Fin Salem tie Capital of Oregon Ouo Tlioiiflnml acres of ns fine laud ns tliuro 1h in tho northwest, divided into 0110 hundred small mendov and fruit fnrniB. TIicbo trnets for the FI11BT TIME are now jilneed on tho market, ranging in prices trom $50 to $100 per nuro one third cash, balance on;titno with interest. No Better Opportunity for Investments In a small way hasl)cen offered to the public. Thousands of dollars will ho expended within tho next l!i months in improvements In the Immcdiiito vicinity of this land, while upon tho tract itself, in tho way of roads, fencing, etc., 11 large amount of money will bo used. A Free Ride to and From tlie Place to anyrono wishing to seo or Invest. Call at thejpfllco;ot I 1 , WILLIS Court St., Salem, Agents, for Plats, Description and All Sorts of Real Estate on All Sorts of Tens! Wo have lots on tho Installment plan, farms and suburban property on easy terms, and every class of real estate for cash. Tho properly we handle is in llrst hands, thcretoie purchasers get It without speculative values put upon it. The luro list of our sales, especially of farm properly, recently, attests tlio fact that you cannot afloid to buy reul estate without llrst consulting us. SHAW & DOWNING, BfiyAlso general auclioneers. Halcm, and guarantee satisfaction. Specimen Comes every ? Week 450.000 jBESTAimiORSRllUJSTRAni nUME5 "No ether 'Weekly Paper sn"' " FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. To nnr Ni:V HUnPaUIIIKR. who will cut ant unci m-nil nn llila slip with name nnd ndilrriKi nnl 81.7.1 tin IMtlal or Krprru Jforuy Order or HegUtertU letter at our rUk), w will end THE VOUTirn CUMTAMON rilKF.InJnnnarr, ISnt.nnil for n full Yrar from Ihnt Dale. Till, offer Inrluili-. Ibr 1'IVK imirill.K 1101. IDA V NIMI IlKltrl for TlmnlmglTlni, t'hrUlinn., New Year1. Earner nnd l'onrlti-or-.lulr, nnd nil the lllualrnted Woeklr Hnpplenenta. 1 AdJrett, THB YOUTH'8 COMPANION, 41 Temple Place, Doeton, Man. SLIP he Oregon Land Co. with onio Uliico a (In tho Btaio Insurauco Building) nud hrancli ofllces In Portland, Astoria ami Allmny, Has for sale a largo list of Grain, Block and Krult Farms; also City and Suburban Property. The Oregon Laud Co. woh especially organized for tho purpose of buying and sub-dividing largo tracts oflaud, and lias during tho past two ycurs thought and subdivided over 3.20O ucres Into Five to Twenty Acre' Parcels Tlio success of this undertaking Is shown In tho fact that out of 1280 tracts placed on the market, 2.5 have been wild. We claim that ten acres ot choice laud In Fruit, Will Yield a Larger Income than 1C0 acres of wheat In the Mississippi Valley. Wo also make valuable improvements In the way of roads, clearing the laud, fences, etc. We can sell a small tract of land for tho biune price per aoru us you would have to pay for a largo (arm. Scud Ibr Pamphlet ami' Price List. r i tttii itiniBCM Bodv We State ALL WHO VISIT I ii .- . ' j &. j ii ii BTi u l ii l. i ii j 264 Commercial Street, Salem. tuko chargu of auction sales in any part of the state, including Will WrfjWWPWWIW- Copioo and Beautiful Calondar H lonn frEl "iffi ICharminsW Veewy I im INinin&L BCHllDREMSiftrDiPUFUTffl '" I nR III Sl-..mincl HI5T0RYU Pir.F IT Ji .'"E I T- III h, iKjmiu-- gjjjuir i MMiry lirJJ 0Ttai Variety of Entertaining and Jnitructivi Reading at to low a price.' Its- Oregon, umiwri Dl li id St. Book S HIS STORE. known in Salem, Fill' IIS. furtlier'particularp. K3 u?' gont Froo. WITH $1.76 Notice of Final Settlement. NUTit'K Ih hereby kIvoii Hint tho under HlKneii executrix of tlio eitliito of lieu, ry Fox, decciiKed, hint II led her Html areoiinlDf llio Mild tiMtulv, It. ttiu rouuty court of tint Muto or Ort-troa fur Mnrlim county, iiutt that tlio court lum llxud Hiit urdiiy, Jiniuiiry lUtli, 1WI, ut one o'cloelc p. in. ot nld day rorlii'iirliiK tlio mime, and oliJeetliiK tliereto. at tlio couuty court room. In tlio county court liouno In .Murloti county, Oreuoii. and that tlio kuiiio will bo pilKMC .'it ukiii at wild time and place. A'ltivu lllin ASWUIIIUVI iuiii. low. Kxccutrlx of the lawt will and tmlumeul and eatato ofxalil deceiued. laj 1 Ct Summons. In tho Circuit tourtof the Blnte of Oro gon, for the county ol ilurlou. MoKlnloy Mitchell plaintiff Vi Jim. II, llarnci ind Ttroa Dames, Mnry llaineH, Mury K, UimbrlKhi ana Win. JitinLirlf lit. Jlurk'nret J. Jlurkwood and Markw(Md, her liimbind, HiiMim (iroHlioni; and Jucob (ironhonK, AiiKt'lino MlicN and Allen, her hu- liuud,ichurluli Hume niidKute Ilaruen, Heoriie llariuH, l.urunu l'llzKiruld nud UliarleH KlUKorald, Kriuaen Iluriim, Klleu IliiriHH.Annlo lluriiei, a nilniir, tiiiu J. II. IlnriicH, administrator of Die uiriierllll) ewlutoof KlUlm and J, II, llaruon, defend a ii til. To Win. limbrlKht and lury K. Ijiiii. brlKht, dufriiilaiilxiilKivti n nicu lu tho uumn or Mm Slate of (iincou, you aud each of you, aru li-reby ruiulrtd to appear and iiintMcr the couiplaliit ll'txl UKiilimt Jim In thu iiIxao en titled ult. wlllilu ten iImvh fioni tlio ditto of l he Mirvlce of thin miiiiuiouh tiMn you, ifMirvixl within lliecouuty.or If vurvitl In uny ot hor county off liUntate. then within twenty days I out (he dato or tho Rorvioo of lhlMiimuioii Uou you; unit Ifkerveilby piibllcatlun, Iheii yuu aro re iuliel to appear and aiuwcr wild com iilalnl on or before tho rtritt day nfthereKU. lar term ofwild couit, next ufier lx weeks iiulillealloii in linn miiiiiiioun, lo wit on or liofore thekeioiid ilondu), thu Dili day of 1'ebruary, ihUl.uml irynu lull ki toauwur for want (hereof tho plitlntilf will apply to the court for tho relief pruyed fur la uld doiiiiIhIiiI, to wit; Kor tlio fuiucliMuro of a iiiorteaKo ou ral ctate. ThU miimnons of lion. It. I, llolne.JudL'eof ald court, of dato f DcoinlH'r irt, IKw. U M-rveU u(K)n rnu by publication, uy oruer J. J. MUlll'IlV. Attorney fur tlulnllrr .. . .. .- ... - .. ii et ttif in, iircKon, iw?c. ii. iam SfSOO Reward! WKwIII ixiy theabvo reward for any cute of llvtr complalnl, dyixirU, ulcfc heudaohe, ludlxrallou, nmnllpallon or eon. Ilvcnm wooaiinotcuro wllw wett's Vftf frltableUiier i'tlU, when th dlrtcitoun are ttrlt'ile iximpllvd with. They aru purely vfKelitl.l, mid never full to jflve witUfao tlou, Huicar coated. Jjirito U)xe,cnutuln. lii:J0pllU. M ceuu. lie ware of cou uter ful und iiilunloiiii. The rrnulna innnu. biclMredoUlyby THU JOHN U. W'KHT Co.rlilauKOlll. riold by (Jeo K. Oood, PruKUt,ptV Coni, trvet,tUlui,Ort w mar.. FcATTf' 0HLY Hi r t' 1 1