Mai '- "' " l k HJf hcst of all In Leavening Power. jga3 RoYal ABSOLUTELY PURE ABBlremry ScrmoB. w .u.o liotnw an nbstract ofn wrmnn nreaclietl by Key. Kobrrt Whfinkcr. of tho First Baptist church of this city, lost Sunday niomlnjr, tho occasion being trio thlrty-flrst anniversary of thoorKan- Iratlon of which lie Is pastor. Tho speaker Introduced his sermon with o few historical remarks. He said: "Thirty and one years havo paused awoyslnco on tho 20th of December 1859 there met In this city of Balem a little handful of lioptlsta to form this church. Thero were nine present, eight of whom became the constituent members of the uew church, tho ninth Mr. G. P. Newell, of Oregon City, beliiR the moderator of tho meeting. Or these cigiii uot one remains to-day in the fellow ship of the church, nor am I aware that any ore living except Mr. und Mrs. Adam Stevens, of tho Hayes vllle chlirsb. Since that time the church has received 579 members making a total membership, were all now In fellowship with us of 687. 0 these, 309 have left us, some having united with other churches both fur and near, nomo having been dropped, and many having Joined tho church triumphant, bo that we might say with Jucob, "With my stall I passed over tho Jordan and now I am become two bands." T'u prcsout membership is 218. TLc church has passed through many vicissitude of fortune and has sutler- cd severely through tho ravages of dcuth. Well may we remember the old proverb, that "tho King of Shadows loves a shining mark" as wa review tho names of those who have gouo from us. It will bo teu years the flrst day of Juiluary since Albert Klnuoy passed away. Ills nnmo Is all that need bo mentioned to those who knew him, and who havo long reallred his loss. Others have followed him who were promi nent In tho counsels of tho church, nmong whom may bo mentioned Deacon Merry, Deacon McNury, Grandma Kinney, aud others, "of whom tho world was uot worthy." Tho first chapter of Joshua twid the second verse w as chosen as au appropriate text, tho theme of the ftcrmon being thus expressed, God' work goes 011 even though his appointed leaders may fall, The death of Moses occurred a a time when Israel's need of him was apparently greater than It had ever bwm, yet hero wo havo tho com mand) "Moses my servant Is dead, now therefore arise, go over this Jordan thou and all this people into the land which I do givo to them, cvci to tho children of Israel." So when Paul laid his head on the block at Rome tho gospel which ho preached went forward till Itoiue herself became tho tenter of the faith. Luther died but his voice still t-clxK-s through tho ages. Wllbcrforcc and Wemloll .Phillip have ueel away but tho the cause of freedom goes on and shall go ou till tho last niniiaclo shall fall fiom the wrUts of tho lust slave, A great cause docs uot and cannot die, Israel wentou because, her; ndvanra was In tho lino pf UouVb promises. 8I10 hod tho dovlue nssurauco bo hind her and tho deuth of Mows could not stay her march, Israel went on because her odvauoo was In tho lino of human progress, Her intporiaui'e was relative to tho wel fare of tho ruee. While shu nerved the ends of divine benltlceiiee sslio prospered, uud porltilieil as a untlou only when her prldo mid vtubhorui-fc made her ob- ntlnpte. An aqueduct Is Important to tho great city which depcmls upon It for a water supply but It U Impor taut because of tho water which it carries. The nation of Israel was (he channel of Clod' giuco to men. When she tailed tu carry that grace her end wus near, Ru U tho church tho channel of divine graeo to-day and if she full to nmki) good her inlselon no humauiivlp can save her. Whllo she Is dolug God's work she cannot fall. As long as tho progrc of the church IsconsUteut with the truest progress of the nice she will go forward though it thousand Moses' perish. Wheither progress falls of this, sho too will fall. What Utruoot tho church Is true wf every rlghttwis cause; Its progress 1 n. mired while the progretts contributes to tho uplifting of men. Uod' atll tudo lowtmU Mm should Uwlt us humility. However uwful we inuy bo wo aro mum ot u udlktuable. Bo Mom seemed, but Israel went forward w lion he hsd pel uwuy. Ho It seemed with I)sld, w with Paul, it ml o It over K-eiim with tho troely useful, V know of men n ficesBakin OPowden r wmr-wm -v- h m 'wn w m Ka U h Wim 4 liom mmmWBmitmmmmmmammmmmummmaHmmMm ,m i - U. & Gov't Report, Ao 7- 885 Powder Jo-dav whoso scrvtco appears to Ikj Indispensable and yet when they dlo tho Israel of God will not stay tin progress. And wo wbonro hero and hold to-day such positions of honor and trust In the community and the church ore by no means Indispens able to tho carrying out of the divine process. Hut on the other hnnd the story of Moses should Inspire and en courage us. To tne man wuo is truu- ly devoted to his causo the cause is greater than the man. It is uplifting to the unselfish man to know thut his cause cannot full, Insofar as If Is tho causo of God aud humaatty. As Arthur HugeClough has so beau tifully said: "It rnrtKlr inv soul to know That though 1 jierlsh, truth is se: That howsoe'er I stray or range, Wbalo'cr I do Thou dost not change: I steadier step when I recall Thut though I slip, Thou dost not fall." Weather Ileport. December, 1890 During December 1800, there were Ifi dayH on which rain fell and 1.33 Inches of wnter. Thero w ere 1 clear, 4 fair, 10 cloudy, and 10 foggy days. Tho highest temperature for the month was 53 on tho 20 und 20; the lowest temperature for the month was 29' on tho 0 and 28; tho mean temperature for the month wiw41.4; monthly range of temperature 21. Greatest dully range of temper ature 20 on tho 20; least daily range of temjeraturo 4 on tho 10; mean dally range of temperature 11.G-31. Average mean temperature for Dec In 21 years 39M, that for this year is above normal by2.3. Excess since Jan. 1, 8.4. Average Jireclpltatlon for Dec. In sumo time 0.02 Inches, that for this year Is below normal by 1.09 Inches, deficiency since Jan 1, 5.71 Inches. Frost occurred on the I, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 20, and 2S. The prevailing winds were from the north 14 days, south 3 days, aud southwest 14 days. Durlug Dec. 18S0, thero were 10 rulny days aud 5.20 Inches of water; there were 4 clear, 3 fulr, 19 cloudy and 5 foggy days. Highest temperature for tho month 61 on tho 6 and 7; lowest temiicrn ture for the month 18 on tho 20; mean tcnicruluro for the month 30.2. Thomas Pouch. Kola, Jan. 1, 1891. Capital National Bank. Wo publish In another column tho report of the condition of the C.ipitul National Hunk of Salem, up atlled for by the comptroller of the Currency at tho cloo of business, on tho 19th day of December, A. 1) 1890, showing a very prosperous and sufo condition, aud in compari son with former statements, show ing a remurkiiblo growth In ltn uul ncss. Notwithstanding too present srltigenoy In money, tho world over, tho Item of deposits In this bunk show u gain or over (50,000, com pared with their Blutemunt us pub llshed one year ago, aggregating now a quarter of n million dollars. Able manaecment. and courteous treatment of its customers, has made ims 1110 toauiug uuiiK or tne cuv. Presldont Wallace, aud Cashier Al but aro wlde-awuke, enterprising clthens and both takoan active pari In nil meritorious enterpriser look lug to the development of the rich resources of the Willamette valley. A Mlrlil(il Criitrsl IUIIroa.1 Kal WluM llli Ca,.UIrr ! )r CouU.e. While employed a rt te Vvtt. fun Central rAluww) tmtju A . licb.. inr tMiMt tnmaat im.m.nC m4 rnuiiao liauriaM4 e4 im mm oft lie Wood. nt fmm mm4t imam. 1 OKHHW mm im (if lllU rtt J- KIKt AM llkK. ,c buuBoni my inlM' en.m in 1 uexan uiui iimm yrap.aadaiafeMUj'k U mum It wf Kudt wc 4uttn to ,o4r MtJkarlac inanity aity euu4 thai I u4 I wlea to WJ I tut I ttik II lb tttmtr 4w LtA Uvf U J Mt M MmOcUmt l Uw will H. tatuiLEUC, Aitrml M C K. R . t imm tot. KrfU If Btsllb A tMUtor. Stbovl Tax Ut Tlio kcltool laxM f ilMriet No. In Mariutt otMiniy an m 4im untt uivableut lite elotk'n MlleIK. aa Cwuiuercla! Hrwt (In the rmr ( r.8. JKurborH't Uwk U Ih tUe 11Uj.1i llrt-yiimn l4ooV) BmIhiii. 11M tamo will U-otwne (MltHiuttHt umU ikiiii i i in n w uoy irwH titHtlatH. lly order of Ijoanl, tlik 17lta Ay f NovemUir, IWia. V. It. Simpson, U-lT-tf KUrtrt IVrk. Ur CuiupUlut-iuiiiuutuMt. 11irttMumi4aMa( ihM ijymt M 1f mrUm uf Hrtl.kral hwim! tuttguv. m U.llti immtli. dtMtrnW Umik. 4o 1th UWt.'Uw b4 niMlotMK vahnr m.llou nnd ctktw m uwL imKimx .U.Mrtr, elUll IMtBltt ItchtClML MtttaMM dUlunx uud lrrvtfuUr taiu. Ittto h IIhiIuk1I ur it iun mh t i tut Mr niiisi l.v ikln H uubhS lwMvvd Ur J'llU M dliyrlvg, ud , IISHH lli'tr u.4. tHOUnlttfvtiWitlAi fcd' ttwMJt ttiwur. - io Y?ws the Standanl Raking VOCABULARY OF SLANG. Tho Slnsrular Language with Which Thoughts Aro Concoalod. Origin ofSomo 1'opnUr Plimses-IIow the rEln oml CrooUB Xbik i nno .- and IVonln biuI Kpreloii In U10 Itoguei' DIaloct. Blang always has been moro or loss prer valcnUbut never moro so, perhaps, than now. Every trade, profession and business has Ita vocabulary of slang. Thero aro newspapers thayndulgo In It to an extra ordinary extent, nnd it Is oven heard occa sionally tn tho pulpit. Tho stagols very prolific of slang, nnd many of tho expres sions that como into common uso arc flrst heard from behind tho footlights. Thero aro many kinds ot slang. Ono Includes ex pressions of Amorlcan origin. In this class aro found such phrases as "In tho soup, "No flies on us," "You mako mo weary," and "Well. 1 should smllo." Many of tho common words and phrases used on tho streets and oven In society como from tho vocabulary of rogues and thieves. Tho fraternity of rogues havo a jargon of tbelr own. But tho oldor and most experi enced knaves never uso it Thoy aro too smart for that. Tho bank-burglar, tho skill ful forger, tho confldenco man, tho houso breaker, aro generally well educated, cool and calculating, Wand and suavo. Their good deportment Is their stock in trade. Thoy know that to uso an uncommon dia lect would throw suspicion on them, and It is only when they wish to communicato with each other that tho words In their gtrango vocabulary aro used. First-class detectives, too, whilo thoy aro familiar with this language, novor uso slang in public It is tho rounder, tho saloon loafor, potty thlof and small criminal who makes tho greatest display of slang wisdom. Tho dctcctivo who seldom catches any thipg of moro onsoquence than a cold Is also very fond of Indulging to an alarming extent in slang. A fow oxtracts from tho rogues' "un written dictionary" may boof interest, says tho Indianapolis News. A "night worker" Is a houso breaker; ono who climbs Into a window, "second-story worker." A "go pher" Is 0 safo-blower. A "cracksman" is ono who opens a safo with tho most Im proved tools; an artist In tho lino of safo robbing, as It were. A pickpocket is a "wlro,"a "dip" or a "tool;" if ho picks men's pockets ho is a "bloko buzzer," or "knuck;" if ho robs a woman, a "moll buzzer;" If ho plys his tradoon tho strect oars or In a crowded place, 0 "car buzzer;" stealing handkerchiefs is "sneaking wipes." Tho highwaymen who uses force to rob his victim or tights tho officer is a "strong-arm" man. "Illoko" is man, "moll" U woman, "kid" a malo person under twenty years. A "stall" is a well-drcssod man who diverts attention whilo tho thiof does his work. "Papa" it tho man who furnishes bail for arrestod crooks, nlres lawyers for them nnd aids thorn as much as ho can without Rotting Into tho meshes of tho law himself. A "plant" is hidden plun der; "springing or flashing tho plant" is to bring out tho plunder after tho officers havo abandoned tho search for It. Tho "fenco" Is tho man who disposes of tho stolen goods, a la Fagln In "Oliver Twist." "Cady" Is a hat, and to "tip tho cady" is to jam tho victim's hat over his eyes that ho may bo robbed easier. A "crush" is the man who creates a disturbance in a crowd sothat his friends will havo a better chance to pick pockets unmolested. A "mob" is four or moro thieves working together. A "guy," "soft mam," "Ilouocn," "Jason," etc., is a countryman unused to city Ufa "Stag his nibs" means look at him. "Graft" Is stealing. "Kvonlng graft" is robbery In tho ovenlng. Tho "gun," "look-out," "piper," is tho man who stands guard w hllo his companion is robbing a storo or blowing a saro. "llplng on a lay" is selecting a houso to bo robbed. "Piping off" is watch ing a suspicious character "Shadowing" Is following a person. The "snipe" peddlog goods for a confidence gnmo or to got Ii)to a houso to sccuro information for tho gang that Intends to rob it. "Stiff" has n variety of meanings a forged ordor, a fictitious chock, a dead body (cadavor also) or a forged letter. It moans also a ridiculous or exaggerated statemont. "Giving tho of fice," n low whlstlo, cough, or any sound to put a thiof on his guard. A "mark" .8 a mnn who uppears to havo plenty of money. "Hed or yollow super" Is a gold watch; "su)cr nnd slung," watch and chain. "Touched" means robbed. Thus: "Ho touched mo for my ycllowsu por nnd slang," nnd "pinched my 'spark,' " signifies "Ho robbed mo of my gold watch and chain and extracted my diamond pin." To "ring a super" is. to tako a watch nnd loavotho chain by twisting tho ring that fastens tho watch to tho chain. "Sugar," "dust," "dough," "wad," "roll," "scads," "stuff," oto., nro a fow terms for uionoy, A "case" Is a pnpor dollar; n "century," ono hundred dollars; a "cartwheel," allvor dollur; "icllow hoys," gold; "quoor" is eouutorfolt money. A "eouluekor" mnkos tho spurious coin; a "boodlo-cnrrlor" dollv ors It, a "cutler" or"shovor" passes It Tho "headworkor" plans tho robberies. "Rattier" Is a train of cars; "ducket," rail road Uokt, "Up," railroad onlco; "glvo rr.' srHper; "scratchor for a civo. ium. a nvvi "prod" is a horso; -thT 1. x -k-lsm; "nippod.x arrested -)st JhC "tw," "pooler," pollco m. eiAirj Uw" signifies low or aott-sarr. ' sswr 54s" Si nring sontenoo; ttMjrf M7ir: ux "hinas" or six mt,m-U kx swsUi, "oooter," "quod." -Wste Mmr." Jul m- mmIm, hw,,,,. uKnu;d rr.- StM ; -utty u a trial; J -MMfef" U -artcMt and sentenced to 1 yrtmm: SMwik pMwTts a lawyer; "book," pt. "wiM-M- "jilr,"ono who " rmn; "Jug" l a bank; -jsww- a otor, sUsa," a light ''" MiwH0d, Jrv-o js mi fNitMsto jacket, "paiMBt," an lusido v wtaA. wtr-U," as overceat: "mmn." mMrir Um with felt sftl. U it mW tit k tlwivn of tWs own try Wi " " "v imii worut aau ax mAmi Awy , but tte f.vv gtvw, hare tWrHHiioItkw. Uwaayab mm wrry 4ay by buut of , MMftUr lMMMlMt J ""Si pwmjt Qupru VleturU' llluc. iih wid im tM Ua rti which Qmmn Victoria h. tUtI1HtIr re: FfcH W alt bw wdl rtag, Wkkn ,ho bM swrw- mim off. Umu a mmM awaruld rtm. wHk a Uuy kua4 ta tke vmir which la IViaw Coatort nti W . .i... aIkUtmi, aitd aa atU unwl Kor Mtaay yaar attar tM PrtaiM Oum fk bar Majwtr abjtit wntfc k timet m mwr aw. MJf HUMftK IMS OS U WtuJl bar fetK a tk watar waafaL of cwttr.Mat thOMUaL 1 ' ! Abraham aud tiunh. An AtaWNM MM ai Aan V aiiwwifc. bar raaaaUy Wa4 bora tsUaa a bi-waiad baW Tk f ataer aa) anTZi pi?m mm D.CSHERMAN, Mb INSURE IN YWR HOME COMPANY "Tlie State." l MMtoMl IMtivt a twMUa iMKBSflP Eo confldfnt are the manufecturer" cf D'. Base Catarrh Itcmedv in their ouility to euro Chronic CaUrrh In tho Heart, no matUr Iiott bad or of bow Ion? ttunUn, that they ofler In Reed faltb, tho aboro Kwnrd. for n casa which thcr cannot cure. Srinptoius or Cr.tarrli. Hi"iaaciie, obstruction of nosi, d icharzes fallln? Into throat, sometimes prof uso, watery nnd ac rid, at Otaers. IDliit. leiiacious, uiutuuo, miA ntA fmnnfrMl. and ccnoral dcbUitV Only a fow of tbeso rniptom3 likely to bo present at onco. thousands of cases result in consumption and end In tho Uy Its mild, soothlmr. nnMscptic. clppns lnir and healing propertlce. Dr. Sikt" s Hetn rdy rureg tho worst cost's. "Cold io. tho Mcail Is cured with a few applica tions. Catarrhal Headache is ixIicmhI end cured as if by magic. It removes offensive breath, loss or Impairment of the senso of taste, smell, or hearing, water ing or weak eri-s, and impaired memory, when soused by t!io violence of Catarrh, as they all frequently arc. Sold by druir plsts, at fifty cents. Manufactured by WOKI.D,8 DllPENSAUT MCDIOAL, ASSOCIA- no, 003 Main Stre-ct, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr.Pierce's Pellets. Purely Veg-etoblo. Gently Laxotivo, or Cathartic, ncconlinir to slio of dose. By InutKlits, 3 ccnu a vial ritorussioNAt. caiius. II. t IIONHAM. . N. IIAYUEN. w. 11. J1UI.111. B O.VItAM, HOIMM A JIADEN, Alior- no r nt law. Ollice In Hush's block. between Stntennd Court, on Com'ISt. O T.IIICIIAHDSON, Attorney at law, of O. flee up stairs in Iront rooms ol new iTiish block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. J J. ll,V, Atlorney-ntlJiw, Kaleni. , Oregon. Olliee Ilret door to tlio lert nt bend of stairs In the rear of Ladd A. Uush's bank. Tli..uu rum', nivijcj ttviu... -.t.lni, Oregon. Ollice upstairs In 1'uttou's U.MON KOIti). attorney at lnw, Salem block. PKATT .t HUNT, nttorneys at law. Salem, Oregon. Ollice oer Capital National Hank, Commercial street. Money to loan. AUCY H1NOHAM, Attornejs nnd ftitimiinlnr lit Inu Sulptn. Orpfrnn. ni.fnpii,iiiiwtr(.t nf flip rtHHirtia nf Mnrlnn county. Including a lot and block Index 01 s.uem, tne nave speti.u laciuuex lor ex nmlniiit; titles lo real estate. Ilii.slnos.s In tho supreme court and In the state depart ments will receive prompt attention. M1NTA8. A. DAVH, M. 1). Graduate of American Medical College, oilers her prollesslonal (.crvlce tothonouho maj need them. Hpttbil attention given to dlsensesof women nmlehllrtien. Ortlceup stairs In New building, Commer cial street rK.J. M KUKNK, UentlsU Offlcoovcr K.J. M tho V 1J tlio White Corner Court nnd Com merclnl stieels. Ir I). l'UOIl, Architect. Plans Sped . Ileallons and superlnteudcneo lor nil clups of buildings. Olllco '. Com- luercmi M., up Mam, MCNAI.I.Y, Architect, New Bush llrermnn block. I'liiusnud Dccltica- lion tions of all elassesof of bulldlmrn oushort notice. .Superlnteudencu of work promptly ookhil alter. 2 6-tf AW. HESr.-ArtUt Studio, ltusli. . lire bloek. CI issys llitirsdajs and .NUiirdajN. iiusini:ss cAitns. p .1, 1.AllSI.WACO,, AUniifacture ofall klmlsof v chicles. Itcpnlrlng n special ly. .Shop 43 rftato street, f IX). HOKYK-llarlior nnd Halrdiops VT, Ingparlors. hium.1 b ithsliuhecltj . .OiCoauneiclul Htieet,.Salein. DIUT.C H.M1TII. I)enlW,0)8fto street, ailciu, Or. Finished dental opera tions ofevcrydewrlptlon, Paiiiieshopciu tlons a specially. M. CI.OIIG1I, Undertaker. Kinbnlmer iV. and Cabinet .Maker, 107 htato Hi.. Milein. l 11. SOUl'lIWICK, Contractor and hllllilltP Will !... .-.,.1 .v ... ... kliutsot tmllrtlnjf mid Kimrnnteo sutUfm- & OllN OKA Y. Contractor and bulldei t-lae tuslilo flnlsliln. ii j. lininere'lul utieet, ivilem Oitigon. .1- iKNI?,,T', 'hinlth. "on-e O hIkmIi guni repalilngnsiieoliilty ..Shop at the foul of Liberty btieot, Saluni, Orugoil. i'-Wf hOCll.-lV Mllt'i A J! f! ,V! -l'rtwllii L-dge No. A. a d 'i ,,i i- NN " Hb'"'i " .Meets ,ioh s r L ,uv..i. I. .' 2UTU&. .V"'"",rhil and I..-1 7, ,'!,,"" muiug anil sojBiiru liu him, Ituwirdur. , y Derwrt IteulugHitliB ldl ovei thel)ri Moiulav ojiiiiviuy's oUVm. t1 1 ti. I VUltliig ixiiiinulw, nn mrumu V lnvltwl toutfim.l 1). C.Buuuu is. I'.ili .-.,... 8. A, 1UMU.K, Ailjlivail. SALKM WM WORKS, Only GamuN Market in Chy. Chfticttt, Frh, Smtd amJ PkkW Meats Manufacture. wa-Pi diivrr l ell) , 171 Commercial St, CilAS. WOU, PROf, 10 Acres for Rent Jmtti oHt. Capital Dairy Co A , M.I k... ...r ' "j m4 H. 1. UatU -- i..ho v 04Mf mtik rrL!. r !-,. '"- uw-imwt Proposals for Supplies. isai ,. CBOCKEItV. 10 iloz glass tninblcrx. .oiXK'Idogall.m.Sdoxgal. inn.trinzeallon, v WO, ft ,JnM nMnfllPrfl .-,---,,.. tl 1? quart wup bowls, W U. U et1!blodTsliDS,dbz8lnch, 6 doz 10 Inch. WO. 12 doz dinner platen, W O. PAINTS AND OIIA 100 B Plnoner lead, white. 5caesurpenune. 6 cases boiled linseed oil. 30 lbs patty In bladder. oealloiiphyltum varulsb, lulbs red lend, dra. bOAP. iOOO lbs Kirk's Savon, or ns good. COFFEE 2000 lbs Costa Illca. 1st grade, ax) ' Gov erinent Jav a. 1(0 ' real Moclm. HW' chicory. TIJA. RS lbs U H brand Pong Choug, or asgood. SPICKS. ISO lbs black pepper. .fu ginger. 60'elnnnmon. :0 mustard. 30'suje. 10 ' miiee, nil ct.ii dard ground. KltUI V. mo Vh dried apples, machine dried. !0) diled peaciitK. IxW' Italian prunes, mnclilno dried,) MKATS. iji Wit iipp ilnr mum or lexs of beef and mutton ax reuuired. Iu eduul parts of fore aud bind qtiitrters. FLOUK. 500 barrels best roller process delivered as wanted. VINKQAlt. &M g'dlous pure elder vinegar, 40 grains. GKOCKKIES. 10,000 Ib-i Liverpool salt. 1UU0 " tobacco, Itapldan or ns good. m) ' Mida 'mckerH, extra fresh. W) ' rulslns, Cul layers. IU,OUO0 sugar, 10,000 lbs Uolden O, 0000 tks graiiutaU'd, Iu wicks. 100 lbs cheese, Cinnston's or as good, 40M ' corn meal, Gold Dust, freidi ground. 2iO0 ' cracked wheat, frettk grouud. 2500 coarse hoinioy. 20 ' oat meal. lXW ' rolled oats, Amer. 300 ' dried currants. 2 ' Curb soda, U & Co's A and II brand. 100 ' maekeral.Nol extra mess, 'DO catch. 600 salt salmon. 'DO catch. 510) choice Island lice, No 1. 0 ' cod lisu, boneless, Pnolno coast. 75 ' crcamof tmtar, J A Folger, prime. SO ' gloss stareh, Oswego. 0IU ' eorn slaich, Oswego. 10 gross matches, superior safety, 20 dcu brooms. l ' tains ojsters. m ' concentrated lye, American, 10 cms eorn. Wlnsiow's. 1000 falluus sj rup. extra golden, reflned. 2U) ' co il oil, pearl brand. 00 ' molasses, Orleans extra. 10 boxps niJccnronl, No I. 0 ' vermicelli, No 1. ,'cioz u.ttnuricKs. 200 lbs Castile soap, white 150 as, mottled oOlbd lOOlbsGermca, Sperry's new process. 5W0' little white beaus. 100 ' China starch. i doz whisk brooms. 5 ' botes bluing, ultamnrine blue, h A, 1J ' mop rags. 1 ' mop sticks. 0 clothes baskets, willow, largo size square end. H doz dust brushes, M A L Co, 7 II. b ' blacking brushes, No81, nil bristle. 2 ' Worcestershire sauce, I, P, quarts, i! ' pure Iueca oil. SHOKS AND LKATIIEH. 31 do pairs leather slippers, 1 doz No 1?, I do No 10, 0 doz No 0, 10, doz No 8, 10 doz No 7. Sdoiiulrs Indies' shoes, 21 pair No 7.21 pair No C, 45 pair No 4. 2 sides harness leather, Oregon extra good. J sides domestic calfskins, Charter Oak. ioilsole leather, fro.n 25 to 27 lbs. per side, Stockton extra heavy 8 gross shoo laces, 1 4, 1 gross shoo blapljing, HTATIONEKY. U do Payson's Indelible ink. 2qts stalfurd's commercial Ink, t sniuuras preiuuim Hum, uu. P3ingtiuid. 1 uro&s No l-i Fabcr's round gilt pencils. 2 reams Journal nnner. 2 reams letter paper, Live Oak or ns good. 4 reams legal cap. 4 boxes Ksterbrook s J pens. 2 boxes London Incandescent Pen Co's He l pens, h Invokes. TIN WAKE. 2!8 tin chambers., XXXX tin. 4 doz dust pans, .'I nt ilinnpr WW Hn soupc.ius.lJxlllnchesetecp.XXXX tin. soup ' 12xlt ' ward palls, UxlJ ' milk pans, 20 In diameter, 6 "inches dtei. XXXX tin. 12 2i S doz preyed pans 4 doz 1 qt, doz U pt 4 ' pint cups, XXXX tin GKA.N'ITK IRON VAE, 21 w aler pitchers, 5 nts, wire edso 2 loi Jars with ball!., Xoa B lldlslipam. ,2U inches dlametor, 8 In deep 1 du boup ladles I ' wash bJslns CLOTH. 10J0 yds he.ivy cass pants cloth 04 In wide HAltDWAKE. V CO ft 8 bj 5-lT. tile .u-brk st'A "' W ft 1 in Miunro tool bteol 11 In f. . . in .)), 1 - ii . JUllotfiigou tool steel, 10 ft eacUofiln , and in und -ilu I horbuiasp(llvlei) 5 Itri liiirbo shoo mills (Putuam) No 7 llUft I Iu angle steel 10 lbs each of tint bonded rlveta, S-10byK, MU bjH,3-lll byJ-i 0 4 In l-J round tiles. II doz llled, Kearney A rootes' braud. 4 doz 0 Iu, 4 duz I In, 3 duz i In, In bIiiu tapers (MM) 4 do 10 In mill, Kearney . 1 keg No 8 lie nulls. Footcs' brand 50 lta Id iro nails Hat heads S bits, 2 each of ,1 111, i, , & 18 (Jonnlnp) u jhh si-iuws, i groM iticu oi if, xio iu, yt No7,2Noll,lNo 10 10 gals Albany el Under oil -M ' ' hpludleoll I ItMlltlmiiro 1VH lbs blacksmith coal IB uu charcoal 1 groisoKaeks,4 doz each ore. 8 and, 12 ex 10 doz table knives, Iron bundles. ;i uuxud axio i;reuso f tojuibj nnv aOODS, tV) lbs v liltei j urn, all vvivoll i. .. . iT... ...........1 - X r 7..L..n Mil ) USeilllHOIl IlllUllC-l, .X.X.. 1.HUUH 'Mi . ,. . . U , 1UU 1VU inailner'S8trliH)(Amoskeg) IVouol bheulug, heavy, 45 In ildlu bluodeniins.Oox Amoskeg ticking, full, Amoskvtt table IliuHi.bleacUed ' .MarulU's York MmCo check ' red and blue check tovvellluc uheokevl llanuel, black ana whits .M...tll,l.,lflkl uni Mi ) 40 RU 30J 1W tow oiling, bleached linen IS In wide M Unuaaie nuo sueeiiug.csuiu wiua LMitnx ,ulr KiisitenderH IS ' 'J urkoy red handerchlefti ll kp.HiUvvliltwlhroid,7UNoS3,29No il ' sikv.i1 white and blacklluen thread t khvam plus, American s.W Imxm imir pins, Kerby brnud grupiMrldpMi buttons ' hlrt button, vv hlte No DO. P U i bo(l Mltnt drvMt llntiw, Kutllnh 1 Imui in v a duok, vvUiio w do twrku. tatosu tn. ibirotug needles, lunjeslio 1 while tp 11 In wide !) yds vwtarprvxif aloth, heavy lilia ui.iiiiiii uiuit thlmbloj t tuiHt nwll, UX) paper 1, ft, i, 100 prr, o, , VLUMJIINO. I d v. in vl .in vttmuttnudM itnijtlu te lulliluiMl. IU ,ao.ijxji eouiwluifs I'nlou keystone, li do eH,l, S, .H,M. ,, SU(Moti Jotiktu llrvvi valves, removable UKKii, V nun 7t . .. V) H bUek lUix UVl ft eueti of )i. U.9CQ It 1 luekuw KUftaHlvaulMdWtM H tvtMlinMNiM) hnlu VHK lUtH ptkMtnx kl IHkln ktntm fuslue gover- mtr U tt Kit Urn stratulnc doth I IW4 JiiUtMtt ttua c4Mtur No 1 (or J . U kw,wlthftktMiu ho coupling (UkJL MVH kllW t-tdtMrMtrMetlis8uu4 cuae,xUln I Pwktttivjvr Wtlrox wlretng tcacttlae 4 dai bvx) )lut;hlu' n lighter. 4J ft round iron, Norway, 30 ft , 100 ft It I(M a Ji, to ft 7-10.75 ft iw, MJ it Ji UiftllMllinii.Nnru.iy, 100 h by Vi, HI ft well 1 bj , f, l by , 2 byt5, 1 by M :i .b l 1'oy V3. It each 2 by i. 1 doz zincs for Lnclaud bntterles. DKIKIS. 2 lbs Acid muriatic, 01. fi 1 ' 1 1 J ' loz Com'I nitric. CI , phosphoric, till cllrlo ... , ... cnrbollc crys t nmllliirkiodls arseiiloussiiibbM hvdrex'ialilo dll 4 10 2 5 C (I U 6 5 1 2 Ammonia aqua cono ' muriate iKived Chloroform hqiilbbs inallluckrodts Chloral hyd rate cos't . Potasb bromide mulllnckrodts nitrate crys'l powd ' ncctato Soda salicylate ' hyposulphite. 1 6 obis carnonaio 5ozcan Durham mustard Engllsn Moz Morphsulp t& W y. gross Homeopathy lals, ono dracnm (i ' two ' libs Potash blcrom 100 ' Paraflno bo ' beeswax, yellow mi trhifA 1-2 doc Clinical thermometers, lcnslront tested , , , 600 Hypodermic tablets morphine sul phate MffRiln, y U Co 600 llypodermlc ublcu hysoctno hydro bromote 1.100 fcrPDi Co , 600 Hjpodermlc tablets morphine sul phate fgr, PDA Co 600 Hypodermic tablets atropine sulphate 1. If Tor i nrvi 600 Hypodermic tablets an tropin sulphate 1-oOgr.i' uuo , . 1000 Hypodermic tablets byoscyamlnosul phatolWgr PDA Co 2 lbs aloes soc pulv 2 rolls canthnrldal plasters, B ifeJ 1 doz earsyrlnges, glass 20 ga.s alcohol, Eastern 1.4 oz Strychnia, crys't 1 lb Ulsmuth sub nitsquibbs 1 ' Kx licorice powd 6 ' Uum camphor 1-4 Sis ' catechu 1 ' arable select 1 wild cherry bark.grouud 1 ' pepsin gacn soliellertt 1 ' yanllla beans, Mexlcau 2 ' Glngerjampowd 1 ' Gentian root powd 5 ' Sal rochello 5 ' lloxseed whole a ' ether stronger squlbbs S ' ' ' malliukrodts 1 ' opium powdered 1-2 ' rhubarb rootcut, Turkey 2 ' stramonium leaves pulv 2 ' anise seed ' 1 ' cloves 1 ' cinnamon ' '2 imlfomil haver 1 II Mht extract uconltelroot P Dfe Co i ' ' buchu ' ' I ' ' ' bloodrool ' ' 1 ' black haw ' ' 1 ' ' eolcblum root ; i ' ' seed ' 2 ' ' ergot squlbbs 1 ' ' ' ' PDA Co 1 ' ' male fern ' 1 ' ' mandrake' 1 ' semka ' l ' ' Sarsanarilla Co Syrup 60 ox quinine, PA W I..- jo on Dergamoi 1-2 ' ' cedar 1.2 rosemary 1-2 ' peppermint W ' ethereal, light .1 1 Iemo,pure II ' sponges, she sponges, sheepswool hath hiionseri. sandless 2 1 doz soft rubber catheters, No 15, ;French 1 lb Iron pj rophos, soluble 1 oy nyarogen by 1 calomel, English io lbs bot uaraldehya 1-1 ' Iloudant's penslnl 1-2 ' Virginia snake root ipecac, pulv 4 oz Lvconodlum 1 ' carmine. No 40 CO Bib Kpsom salts 3 ' 8iilphur, sublimed 10 ' vaseline, pure 1 bbl chloride of lime 5 lbs bot Goulard's extract 4 doz C H pencils, assorted 1000 pills, alotn 1000 ' Dodonhyllin 1.20 GCPDaCo 200 ' phkophnrus.MOO gr ' 500 ' 1-60 ii. 200 1.25 4 lbs ' CC i . 4 pkgs No 33 Flltors FrenoU gray paper 10 lbs Colgato'sshaving soap 3 1.2 gross bottles Philadelphia oval, 1 each 2, 3and 4 oz, 1.2 gross 8 oz S08eachNosl,2nnd3M T capsulss, P D A Co 200 each Nos 4 and 0 4 rolls surgeons' Isinglass plaster, 2 each flesh nnd white 9 gross corns 2 eaoh Nos 4, 5 nnd 6, XX, 1 each Nos 1, 2 and 3 XX 1 gross powder boxes, nested slide 1-2 gross tin otntmont boxes, bcumloit-, 1-4 each 1-2 and loz 3 doz strengthening plasters, S and J 2 ' Alcock's porous ' 3 lbs perfectabsorbent cotten. :!U 5yds 12 in Wide rubber adhesive plaster, Mead's Sand J 8 skeins surgeon's silk, Turner's patent, 1 each Nos 1.2 3,4 5, B, 7 aud 8 1 only chemical pint flask, Hat bottom. Samples may be seen at tho allien all ho board at tho capital; goodH must be lu accordance therewith and must como in original packages when possible. Delivery ot stipplteswlll bo required within teu days of notice of ucooptanco of bid. A copy of this advertisement must accompany each bid, and the name ottbe class of supplies hid upon must bo written ou the envelope. hiicH bid must include all tho Items of tno class bid i-pou, and must give items and totals In full, wl h exception of wut nnrt dour. Auditing ofllcers aro prohibited from contlrmlne accounts of purchaser when the advertisement does not contain n full ana complete aesenpuou oj win kinds of articles io ne purcnusea. The right to reject any or nil bids, is re served iilds will be opened at2o'clook p. m., on Tuesitay. January 0, 1RU1. y wYLVESTlJUrENNOYEIt, QUO. W. MUlllUlMd, G. V. WEIiB, Board ef Trustees. WM. A: MUNLY. Clerk of Board. Health is Wealth I tin., k. v. WESTS Nerve and Brain Treatment, n guaranteed specific for Hys teria, iilZSlUVHH, WlU.mBluuo, ' I.B, 4 CI .UUB Mo.iraii.iu. llendaohe. Nervous Prostration i.i.niibv the uso of alcohol or tobacco. wakeruiiness, Meuiui uuurewjiuu, nouen lug of the brain resulting lu Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, pre mature oldage, bnrreuucRs, loss of power hv overexertion of the bruin. Each ....-. -r --- ,...... .. , ., .. box contains one moutk's treatment, J1.00 a box or six uoxes lor 5-j.w, tui uy iuuii prepaid on receipt oi price. WE G U AR ANTEE BIX BOXES To euro any case, with each ordor 10 celvcd by us for six boxes, accompanied with f5 00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the maneyli the treatment does not etlbct a cure. Guar antees issuea oniy oy uoo. tu. uooa, urug gist, Sole agent, SO) Com. St., balem, Or. THE YA0UINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company' ) steamship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours toss tune than by any other loule. KIM t &as3 through pusaengor and freight llni from Portland and nil points in th Wit lamotte viillev to nud Iruiu Sau Francisco , TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays). , ucave aiimu- ... i.-viu-j Leave Corvallls -1:40PM I - 5.S0 P M ' -6; 45 AMI 10:35 AM - - 11:10AM, at Albany aud Vrrtve Yaoulnu lave Yaqulnn Leave CurvuUU Vrrlve Albany O. A C trntus connect Xirvallls. The above trains connect nt YAQUINV lth the Orecuu DoVOloimiBUt Cos Lin i ,rsi. ntlilniiMiwivii vuuiilna nd Ha. -"rauulsco. SVill.SQ PATKS, HTKWKUa. THOM YAQCINA Piirullon, Friday, VVIlIaniutto Vulley, Tuedny ..June T, July vVlllumyito Valloy, Thursday. Furullou, Tuod-iy. ....... .'.f ...- MIXV(1 I OnAlf STK.VMI.1W, IHOMH.SM k'KAKMCO vvtllametta Valley, Frnb.) .. June 27 FHruUou.Tuedjyii , July i Willamette Valley, Suudu) . .." t, Fumllou, Thursday... jo Willamette Valley, Tutday . y Thu nmipiuiy retrvc llw niil tc ihance sailing daliti utlhnut liotlre, N. IU PiUMiigeu liiim iithtnd and at VIlLimelto Vullev points ran uvuku el.- uutvtlon with the iru!n of th VAUl'ISA IlUl'TUat Alban: wUurvallU uidlfdMtlned to Kin t-riudsui, slii.uld trTHUgetoarriiut Yaqmna tin- veulnr M-forv date of sulllug fiinnrrr si trtltit IUlr la lt( Uim. For lufortiiatUu .i4 in McKsra ' UCUMAN A (v, FrrUht und Tlrka , Vgeuu JJd and 'Mi Front sU. I'ortUud.Ur. I CC HOOLiK Ant Urn I Krt. A ' Pau. AS., Orvson J"uclflc JL lu Co.. . CVtnallKUr O ll.lIAHWUIX.Jr.aenl Frt; A IVn. AgU Omoo IVevcloraneut i tAX,35jMor4tooierr', j I m M MM Most complete and reliable facts and statistics about 5 oaiem ana tne uiiiainuiru denscd and accurate. Of Course You Ik Now procure some copies and' send to your friends to advertise this region. c WBAPPBD REM TO MAIL. Hofbr Post Office Block. HELLENBRAND'S Eating Parlors & Candy Jlanufaclory, 296 Commeroiul Street. iniLOFKAIlE: Ice Cream 10c , 15c. nud 25 cents Cotlee, Tea or Chocolate and Cuko10 cenU Mush und Milk 10 cents I'lute of Soup 10 cents Hot Cakes, Cotlee or Ten, ..15 cents Beefsteak und Eggs 25 cent lVirk Chop und 1-ggs 25 cents Mutton Chop nnd Eggs 25 cents nnd Eggs. 25 cents Bausuge nnd Eggs 25 cents Ham and Eggs . 25 cents Fresh Oi ters any style 25 cents 25 Cent RegulirDlnnerServed Fromll to3 0'Clock A nlco Mirlety of vegetables, etc, etc. Also lea, cotree or milk with all 25 cent meals without extra charge. Choice cigars, Imported n Domestic, always on uand. Porter Houso Steak nnd Eggs 50 cents Tender Loin Steak and Eggs 50 cents dlt OTT Elchau's m- . f3'25 yAS HEALTH. Le Itlchau's Qolden Balsam No. 1 ffe50C m&n GOLDEN r - a v mr 'Va,2Le - H J"1" v.onere, nnv ana second stages; Sores on the Um and Body; Bora Ears, Lyct.Jtoto, tc, Copper-colored Iliotchet, SypbllitlaCatarih.dlseued Scalp, and all Srimary lormi ot th dlteu known u rphllU. Price, S3 OO per Dottle. La Rtcnau'a Ooldeu Dulsain No. 3 Cures Tertiary, Mercurial HyphlUUc Uheu matlsm. 1'alus in th Bones, faios in the Head, back ot the. Keck. Ulcerated Sore Throat, SyphlUtlo Hash, Lump and con tracted Cords, SUSneu of th Umbs, an J eradlcaUi all disease from th sj-stem. whether caused by uvllarrttloa or abuse o Mercury, leaiujg the blaod pure and healthy. Price fS OO per Ilottle. Lc Klchau Qoldea Npanlsh AntU data for th cure ot Gonorrhoea, GlecU Irritation OreTcl, and all Urinary or (Jenl. Ul dliamcgemeoU. Prlca 9 SO per Bottle, r Vr Ulchan OoMen Rpaultli in. lection, forserere caao( Oooorrhcta, lnHaminatoryOleet.StrictuAc. Price 91 SO per Dottle. L Hlcliaa'a Oolden Ointment lor the eff ectln healing of SyphlUtlo Sore, and eruption. PrlreSl OOper Dox. i,l,er-,t'" Oo," Pllla .Vent and Brain treatment; loasof physical pow. 5t..excrH, of r-vroHc. Prostratloo, ttc. Price 93 OO per Box Tonic and Nervine, Seat everywhere, ft a D aooaRrr rmeXM pcrexprttti, v THE RJCHARDs"dRUQ C0.,AQ6irt AOO 4c fill MAHKET ST , Sam Fxamclaco, Cai eincyuRi int rRit- u viumy yu puiuisnetl. Con. Seen It ! A Bros. C0P1 Oregonian Rail Road Company. General offices Front and T, SU, Portlan EAST SIDE. From Toward Portland Stations. Portland Silver-Coburg PorCndPort'd tonao mall mall Exp LVPM BOO 7 45 850 tVAM AlirU AltJOt 8 00 i'ortl'udSPCo 4 OU 0 33 10 is Woortburn 1 -10 7 W 11 22 Sllverton 12 05 0 45 5 07...Hrownsvllle 7 40 0 50 Coburg fl 09 Connections at Woodburn with 8 P Co trains to und from Protland und ut Tall mau vrith trains to and from Albany. WKST HIDK. Alrlie mall Portland mall LV AM Alt .Portland rvtWV. Dundee Junction Sheridan Dallas Monmouth Alrlie 90 315 2Uj 910 S22 73d 1J05 2 00 4 1U t&i 5 fio 0-15 Tickets for West Hide vlntloiis for mila at foot ot Jeflerson st. Tlckeu for East Bide stations for sale ut Union depot, cor &th nnd I streets. C1IAS. N. BCOTf, Gen. BupU 4 (Jen. FgU & Pats. Aft 3-vvly A NEW BOOL, FROM COVER TO COVEH. Fully Abreat trlth the Times. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for tho Family, School, or Professional Library. Tin Autkentio Wtiitor'i Uu' bridged Blotloaorr, coxprialnB i isanea of 184, 19 k '8. cSprrfgW: property of tie- xmderaiesed, la ; Thoroughly Rovriaed aual alrsf andasadlatlaaralaiamc title, tho xtAxae otWcktu'i Interna tional Dictionary. . , Editorial work npoa thU rerla baa been in notlre procxca fcro Ten Years. Xotleaa than One Ho dred paid editorial laborer baT been encased upon it. ... Over iaOO.OOO mxuiJ . preparation before the nrat cepj wai printed. .. .- Critical comparison witb any etw DioUonarylalnTited. Get the O. C. MKItKIAX CO., PubUs 8priaxaeld,Maa.,TJ.S.A. 6oUbyalkialJtra,lUatrpaoif'fw vu. me!&iuftrW - j -Tiat-fifB PWaaja jr"tK 44. 4aew. t v '" liteiaBklBHBBMMIlKilaVHaMaaj