i Tttqr-1pT" rjpp.' THE CAPITAL J01M.4L MONDAY. DKC. 21. 1SW. TKKMS OK tfUUnCUIITlON. Onllr by tnall per rwr., t6 CO vhiit dt mail per mourn, llTbj ekly Vt'eekly by mall per year.. M im -If tint iiolrt Id advance the nrlce etianred for the Wkekia Juuknai. will he 11.10 per year. Ir paper nrv nut dell ered promptly notltr Uie oilier. FREE DELIVERY BY CAMUElC"- Dally for single week 15 etc. Diillr fortwo - ct. Dally by month So cu Collection will be made nn lt nnd 15tb or month. Kutwcrlbers will please leave money forenrrlersnt houno or whereon it In delivered, m a to enure no delay In rollect'ons. Tits Evesijio CArrrxt-JoriutAi. rcsu larly receive the Hrternuon aioclnted pmu dlspatche. GILBERT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LOCAL MARKET. Wheat, net 62- cents per bu. Hops, active; 2S to 32 cents ier lb. Headquarters for candy, n.anu factured fresh eyery day at Jones & llernattli'a on State street. COMPLETE SUCCESS. The Muster Drhe Whwl in the Sulrra Watc-r Works Started np Suiulaj- Afternoon. Tlie big wheel cast by the Snleiu Iron foundry for the water company of this city, was started up rfinulny afternoon about four o'clock, and the Immense Dow duplex pumps which have been Idle for several weeks are again In operation. A large crowd interested In the success of the home scheme were present to see how it worked and all were de ligtited. The jar which the old wheel was subject to is doue away with by the use of the new wheel. The wooden cogs nnd the Immense weight of the wheel gives a steady motion that the company have never been nble to attain before. Mr. Brown, the engineer at the water works, and Mr. Martin, the super intendent, are more than pleased with the workings of the wheel aud the managers of the Salem iron works are congratulating themselves on their success. Keep the Walks Clear. The complaint has come to the Joi'knal several times, of some of our mer chants almost blocking the side walk iu front of their stores with boxes, barrels aud goods of every description. The sugcestion has been ofiered that should some of the merchants keep night watchmen, they would not need any store room at all. The custom of piling all the goods out on the sidewalk every morning, and lugging them back at night, is certainly a barbarous one, aud should be abandoned. To ob struct the public highway for private advertising, is not a legitimate way of doing business. Wanted at Home. Last Satur day night a neglected wife in this dty.concluded she weuld find where her husband spent so many even ings to an aggravatingly late hour. So she put on her best courage and began a circuit of the saloons. She Early Closikc The Journal most discouraged, haying gone into is requested to again call attention so many places without finding her to the advlsibility of closing stores wayward husbaud, but at last she ' during the winter evenings, except found the place with the truant Saturday, at seven o'clock, that the Large Orchards. The mouth of December which is just closing has been a busy oue among fruit grouers and those starting in that Dusluess. Some large orchards have been set to tret's. Orchards ranging from one thousand to several thous and trees are reported from mauy lo calities, the work of planting trees has as yet but fairly begun. Nuur erous orchards are now only being prepared for the trees out will be set out before spring. Marion, Polk and tke northern part ot Yamhill coun ties seem to be the main districts which are receiving the nttentiou of large fruit growers. These counties are In the heart of the great Willam ette valley and the most prolific fruit country in the world, especially for prunes, plums, cherries and apples. Fruit in this part of the valley will soon be of great revenue to owners of fruit lands. It is only a few years since Oregon has had facilities for shipping fruits to the Eastern mar ket. The past season probably more green fruit wasshippedEast from the Willamette valley than in all time previous. Oregon fruit is attracting world wide reputation. at a table with his hands full of cards aud in the midst of a royal game of "bak." She brought the game to sudden end, and took him by the arm and escorted him home in triumph. 2fEw Sewerage. At the state house a complete and new system of sewerage pipes are being put in. The pipes in that building and those connecting with the main sewer have never given satisfaction and the complaint had been strong and many against the manner in which that building was ventilated and fivpn wprairp fnpilif ip. Thp rvk. tem that is now being put in J 'be former and instills a deeper de promises to be complete in everj jsire for faithful and efficient service. respect, nnd will be all completed jlf the matter is taken hold of there before the legislature meets which i W'U probably be no opposition to an will be in two weeks. agreement to early closing. salesmen and ladies may have an opportunity of enjoying the long evenings at home or in social amus meut. Experience has proven that the trade sutlers nothing from such a movement when it is universal throughout the city, -while on the other hand there is a great saving to the proprietors in the matter of lights and in other respects. This is no attempt on the part of em ployes to dictate to the storekeepers, but there is a natural interest which makes the Tights of both identical, and where the employe can be given added means of enjoyment without injury to the employer; it encourages FROGRGSS OF A YEAR. The Now Year's Journal Will be au Extra Number Re viewing, the, Progress ami Development OF SALEM llUUIXO THE YEAK lS'JO. The paper will be of moderate size, the aim Mug to get all the facts about Salem's growth iu every respect Into as convenient shape for readers as possible. Complet ness and correctness of the record was desired rot her thau n cumber some volume of matter. The paper will contain a vast amount of matter covering nil the t, "'l4 rtrt-- FOREST GROVE POULTRV YARDS, The facilities of the present tiny fen the production of everything that will FoiindOfJ Ifl 1877. conduce to the material welfare nnd comfort of mankind arc almost unlim. ,00 Y0UNG F0WLS F0R SALE ited, ntul Oicii Syrup of Figi was first ' And le nnmi ever lirwt mi the llirlne produced the world wnscnricllcd with ComU Itook your order curly the only perfect laxative known, as it j r(r ,.,, ,r,vtlo.,. is the only remedy which is truly plcasinp nnd refreshing to the taste Send Stamp 101 Catalogue. and prompt nnd effectual to cleanse the system gently In the Spring-time or, in fact, at any time, and the better Address J, M. GARRISON, Ukll-dw Forest drove, Oregon, it is known the more popular it be comes. W. W. Martin cau show you the results of a search thro' many coun tries for fine gems. DhunoiuN found iu Africa nnd Brazil, the deep sea pearl and gems from many lands. See his goods. "Then what care I tho' storms 1 important interests of the ulty, and ''?" l what Cherrington can i sing, since lie cau laKe us good a picture on a rainy day as any day. the facts, statistics and descriptions given will render the paper of more than a passing value. This edition of the Joi'RXal will be iu demand forn twelve-month, stand ing as au authority on statistics of Salem. "We nave employed the test writers to be had to make the matter in this number iu all re spects creditable to the Capital City of Oregon, and as represent ative of Salem ai possible. To this end the favors of advertisers are iudispeusible. Owners of real estate, business aud professional men will have no opportunity equal to this presented iu a year. The growth of the city will be shown to have nurjased all prev ious records and now is the time to get "in" aud do all possible to conserve Salem's interest for the future. Orders for notices and ex tra copies can be left at the busi ness office. Hofer Bros, Eds. Bow in a Brothel. A row took place last nlgut in a nnue of ques tionable character on Ferry street, between two women which resulted in one of them being nrrested and brought before the police judge on a charge of assault. She plead guilty, but claimed that she was acting iu self-defense Bather thau have the notoriety of n public trial she puid the fins. A young man is mixed up in the row whiwe name is withheld. Thought There was a Fire. A few persons who were near th Postofilee block yesterday afternoon thought they had discovered a fire in that building. Smoke was seen emerging irom the roof -tear oDe of the flues. Two persons rushed up with buckets of water, but were un able to find the location of the fire Don't forget that you can buy the choisest French candies at 20 cents per. pound at Strong's restaurant. Don't forget the musical entertain ment and musical play by the H. A. C. band on 'ew Years night, at the opera house. I'EKSO.NAL AND LOCAL. Oien Grange Meetings. Po mona Grange will hold open meet ings in Grange hall this city to- ' morrow (Tuesday; at 2 o'clock and 7-30 o'clock p. in., to hear Prof. J. D. Letcher, of Corvallis Agricul- ' tural college, on the reasons why we should assist them in asking the leg islature to grant more appropria- for some time. After a thorough ex-' ""ns for miliuings and other pur amination it was found to be only poses- Au earnest request is the soot in the Hue burning and had made that the taxpayers come out become ohoked. The alarm was and hear his arguments. In case about to be turned in when the re- this matter is disposed of at the pro port was given that all was safe. l'ed meetings, there are other mat- ters, Buch as asse-ssment, taxation Doj-'a Wantthe Earth. Some and other vital questious that could jieople want the earth summer- te discussed wlili much profit by fallowed, with a barb wire fence the voters and taxpayers. around it. Buren don't quite want the earth, but he does want a share ew Sunday School Officers. of your trade, and is willing to make . The Evaugelical Sunday school held liberal concession to get it. He will ' it annual election yesterday. A sell vou furniture aa chean us the, large number participated. The cheapest. Lucky. Lunu will make you think that you have found a horse Hhoeoru four leaved clover if you trade at his store by the remarkable , luck you will have iu gettiug the finest goods iu the city ut fnir prices. He keeps a full line of dry goods of the latest styles. F ilk I), Articles incorporating the Willamette Valley Milling Co.. were filed with the secretary of state to-day. Chart. E. Ladd and Theo. B. Wilcox, of Portland, aud Asahel N. Bush, of Salem, were the iucor- poratorri; capital stock, (100,000, with principal office in Portland. following is the-liHtof efficers: Supt. E. S. Bollinger; Ass't Supt., Miss Minnie Frickey; Sec., Miss Addie Bowersox; Treas., Mrs. E. C. Ma theny; Librarians, Fred Sweet and Irene Layson; organists, Frances Hoffein and Lena Bier. The fol lowing is a list of the teachers: F. J. H-rayer, E. S. Bollinger, I. G. Cad well, Mrs. E. G. Casebeer, Minnie Frickey, Ivy Holleiu, Hulda John son and Frances Hoilein. Fair Dealing The greatest help to sales iu any busluess is a reputation for fair and square deal- -lug. Johnson, Boothby & Co. huve established this reputation for them. Helves aud intend to sustuiu it. They keep constantly on hand a line line of gents's furnishing. That 'ElANO.--Krausel besides Helllug you a good pair of shoes, can tell you nomet lung of iu teres t con cerning a fine piano lie has on ex Jblbltiou there. Call around aud Me him about it. Walking Match, There wan a walking match iu Salem t'other day betweea two young men of leading fctllk. It wan a cloue race and both hmd got to O. W. Johnsou & ttoaa at about the name uecond. It i om of tuotie Hue ties they were PresuYtkrian. The election of officers for the coming year in the Presbyterian Sunday school yester day resulted in the election of the follewing: For superintendent Mr. J. A. Van Eaton; assistant superin tendent, Frank C. Matthews; secre tary, Miss Maud Jackson; treasurer, MUa Kate Ladue; organist, MUs Adams; librarian, Win, Peck. Foiibta'er & Co. The rush of the oeuHon Una been great uud tons of goods huve been wild but tl;u above tlrui still ha good enough toiiupply everybody aud at prices that are surprisingly low. To Bead at Woods urn. Mish Grace Scriber will give oue of her select readings Iu Woodburu next Saturday night. The people of that hurt; may expect a rare treut eveu if It does come from Salem. Liut. Col. S. L. Lovell made ally ing trip to Portland this afternoon. Miss Eugenia Bush took the after noon train for Portland. Clyde Brooks Is home from a visit at Portland ou Christmas. Mr, Louis Kulin goes to California this evening for a short visit. Miss Minnie Muukers was among those who paid a visit to the metrop olis this afternoon. Mr. F. P. McCoruack arrived home to day from a holliday visit among relatives and friends at Eu gene. Harry McHauna aud J. H. Sprelght went to Portland this af ternoon as witnesses iu a lawsuit growing out of the partnership of Sprelght & Roach. Mr. B. S. Wallace took the after noou train for Portland to attend a leeting of the State Horticultural society of which he is a member. Maj. F. E. Hodgklu was a passen ger for Portland this afternoon. He reports his little boy with the broken arm getting along nicely. Dr. C. C. Strattou is moving Into his new handsome four thousand dollar residence, ou East State street to-day, and will be comfortably domicile by 2Jew Years day. Col. Corbin ut army headquarters has received a telegram from Gen eral Miles, atBapidClty, S. D., eon firming the Associated Press dis patches about the capture of Big Foot and his bund. "Yes, I have got my house Used up nicely," said a certain lady the other day. "The pictures are hand somo, but then they are handsomely framed. The furniture is the 'latest' as well as being substantial. We traded with Keller & Marsh." Cntterlln takes photos at $2.00 per dozen. Fine work. Klein kan knuse knmplcte kotti fort to your feet by selling you one of those komfortublc pairs of shoes that he has. Kail around or korre spond with him and learn his prices. Hark! hark! the dogs do bark. The beggnre nre comlug to town; Some in rags, nud-some lu tags, And some lu velvet cown, nud It is presumed that some would have Iteen wearing Denham's shoes if they had known that any Salem linn was selling shoes as cheap as Denhaiu. The Cos & Boggs assignment stock of groceries is liable to be closed out to-day. Several parties want to buy the whole stock. Six hook coat nud hat racks 10 ceuts at Crissmaus. Secure your seats for the minstrels Thursday evening while you have a choice as the box sheet is filling up fast. The finest minstrel first part ever seen iu Salem .at the operu house Thursday evening. Don't miss seeiug nnd hearing the I .uiub at tlie opera liouse Tnursday evening. Catterliu for photos. icCrow & Wlllard have the choicest cuts ut all times. Choice lot of navel orenges, bau auas, cocoauuts uud assyrian figs just in at Strong's restaurant. Montee Bros., the photographers, don't stand back for auytbing, bu will always give you tlie best fur the tuouey. Salem express wagon No. 1C. Leave orders iu my box at Wade & Co.'s hardware store, corner of Court aud Commercial streets. J. G. Harris, proprietor. All orders promptly attended to. The Salem Woolen Mill Store bus as fine a display of gents furnishing goods as ever was displayed in the capital city of Oregon. Parties wishing reliable goods "at reliable prices should not fail to consider these statements. Bird cages 55 ceuts at C'rissmau's. M.T. RINEIV1AN llKAl.l'.K IN Staple anil Fancy Groceries, CriK'kery, UtuMwtim, !iimvi, Wo onetl niut Willow ':iro. All klmlH or mill lewl. AKiMt!etilili-niulrriiltK In their euon. "II Iclicst lrlre ivdil Tor country indiieu." Wo solicit nxtmroofyoiir pittmiiiiee. Wl ).'JHlutoiUrott. Wiicolt & Irwin, Successor to Anion Stronp. Pioneer Bakery 271 Commercial Street, French and German Wheat and Bye Breads In City Styles. Vinnna Bolls. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKF S Pastry and Confectionery Baking in Full Stock. Our new bread and cake bakt.ii are first-class artists lu their line, aud we aim to have Everything as Fine as tlie Finest JOHN G, BARR, Watches and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. SIhvIiiI iitti'iitlnn to mciixurlnc defective slillit mid Kluweu titled. A xliH'k Unit will tit all eye-.. (I1iihc ror critical owes ground nnd lilted to order. WATCHCS, ETC. Anew Mock of clock, silver nnd snld wntchei, sllverwiirs nnd Jewelry; wlilcl will buM)ldclicnp. Also u lot. c: PAWNED WATCHES will lie mid ill le-"ttlmn Imlf Shelr valuo. Oil! nnd convince ymin-elf. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Tuinfs, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Ta per and Border, Artists' Mo terinls. Lime, Hair. Nails and Shini;(S, Hay, Feed nnd Fenre JPosts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW AOVKKTISEMKNTS. LOCATING PUBLIC LANDS. I nm now prepared toUwnteotio hundred men nil luuiicMciidx nnd tlmlier elnlinx In iniwt rnviimtdelocnlillcx, (torrcflixindoiicti or pcntonnl niipllriitlnn willelleit. W. W. lllU'lll'IlN, Our. lllcli nnd Kerry Htn, Imck r Cook 1 Intel, Hulcni.Or, laaMiii H. A. C. 30 JUSTUS 30 -At tlie- OPERA HOUSE Thursday Eve, Jan. 1, '91 All tlie nld nnd new fus-orMcH will ihwI- tlely niHtir. (lenenil ndiiilMlnii Weent. reverse "'; Ticket on wile ut DciirtxiniK. J. 1.. MITCJIKM.. ni:o. 1IOKYK. MITCHELL & 110EYE, General Collectors, Brokers Foit Rent. A 503 Liberty HtreeU furnished room. tf Go to (,'rigsiiian'B carts; 15 ceutx. for children's Carrots. Leave your ordem for carrots with S. i'urnir & Co. ?8 per ton. Cheupedt feed iu the market. Excitement runs high in thin el'y over Syntem Builder, oh everybody is UHing it for catarrh of the Stomach, Consump tion Dyspepsia, impure blood and to build up the System It certainly must be au excellent preparation, when everybody speaks so well of it. cidswyr JACOBS QJl CURES PERMANENTLY HORN. COOK To Mrs. Win. H. Cook, at the asylum farm, east of the city, Sunday, December 28th, 1S0U, a daughter. .Mother uud baby in good health. Mr. aud Mrs Cook are the former proprietors of the hotel of that name here, but are now in charge of the asylum farm, Grungor life is evi dently agreeing with them. MARRIKO. SCIATICA. Oe'i!i. Mlcu., May J7, JKO. "My brother IU-v. rtUiucl Porter, wu urtd by F.t. Jicf.bt Oil of ezcruciat us; tclutlc pclui lu lila thigh." J. M. L. I'GETZe LUMBACO 410 K came j- Et., Emu FranclJM.0, CaL April SC.1KO. My wife mid I both have Uen oflllcled wllh lame-beck and oru thruit. and have f nnd permanent euro by urn of fit. Jacob (III. i:. J. iMiuca. IT 18 TKE BEST. COOK HOTEL State iinil Hicli Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. SuceessorioW.il. COOK. The Cook nolol is npposltr court hmite couvelent to limine part of city nud mreet cur line rtinulur pnxt the dour. Hate $1.11) to SUU n duy, according to room. HiH-clnl terms to boarder uud Inuilllnv. From Terminal or Interior Points the Northern Pacific Railroad Ik the Hue to Uike To all Points East and South. It Ik thedlnlni: car route. It runs thmueh vestibule trulnn eery day luthcyeiino ST. PAUL AKD CHICAGO ! f No change of can..) Complied of dlulngcan uuurp.iwcd, J'ullmiui druwliif room (deeper Ot lutcMt eqiilpnioul TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Heat that can be conntriicted nnd In which acconimodalluna are both free nud fur nished for holder uf first and econd-claii tlckeU.nnd , ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A contlnuoi Ice conneitlnir with nil lines. n!fordln( nirert and uuluterrunled service. Pullman k - - - lomcnn bce- i-urtd In advi . , any UKUnt oi the road. Thioueh ticket to nnd from all point In America, England and Europe can be iiurcuuseu m uny ucaci omce oi nils company. Full Information coiiceniinc rule, time "i uiiin.iiiiiivnuau inner ueuiiisiuruislieu on application to any bkcu! or A. I). CHAKLTOX. Assistant General I'mwenger Aceul, No. 121 r'lrst street, cor. Wuahiuiftou; 1'ort. muu.irtn;uu. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route "j AND ACCOUNTANTS local nud InrelRU rollectlous attended In promptly, ltallnmd ticket sold to all pnrls iifthe world. HookkeepliiR for local partlc a spechilts. Adertlslnc placed In any part of the united Stales at the mint reiisonatile mtiM. ctiiuniurclal ,ia'r inoKeti ancr promptly. UYl Comiuerclul street, up stairs. Kilein, Oreson. It tlie 01(1 ffliite far, Latest Arrivals for tic Holidays. TOlIiKT CASKS INFANT SKTd OLOVES nml HANDKKUCHIEF UOXES SHAVINO CASES MAN1CUIIE CASl JUWKIj llOXliS WOIIK 1JOXKS TAllIiE COVEHS TABLE SCAUI-'S jUABYllUGaYROKEa IJAnYlJLANKKTS UMIUtELLAS SILK HAXDKERCIIIKKS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS SILK MUFFLERS TAHLE LINEN NAPKINS FURS ETC. M SPECIAL SALE -OF- T -l.AHUKOT AN- Most Complete Slock -OK- DIAMONDS Loose ane Mounted Ever brausht to tills city, to lie sold at prices that JJEFY COMPETITION'. A complete line of Gold nud Silver WATCHES SILVERNVAliE JEWELRY CLOCKS. S. W. Thompson & Co. 221 Commercial St., Salem. Musical Goods at Cost. Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Bairjoes, Musi Boxes and Sheet Music. 11T li 1 fill lOil vvc intend to ciosc out, uy ine end oi tlics year, entire line of small musical merchandise! to confine selves to the wholesale trade only. our our- Holiday Presents I Now is a golden opportunity to buy musical instrti incuts at prices never before heard of. !eiiicinl)er-4T COST Everylliiiig Goes. VJOL1NS for S l 00 BANJOES for 4 00 GUITARS for 3 50 S75 ORGANS for 40 00 $125 ORGANS for. 75 00 Our entire line of "Saallield Series" of 10c music oc- !5 pieces, 1.00. FREE- -We 25c Want Column. Notices Inserted for ONE CKNT l'Klt WOltlJ KAUJI INrtKUTlO.V. 'o ndver tlnemem tniarled In thia milium for Ie than twenty.flve centa. Shasta Line CALIFOIt.lIA RX1-IIK.SH TIUIW P.UW DAII.T 1IETHTEKN VOUTUi.ri AMI H. r. "Bouth. 7.-0U' p. in. (KIM). III. lU;I5u.m. I.rtn7- X.v. i'oriland Ar. I K--l"i a. m. lv. bJtloTU l,v. I 7:ai a. in Ar. Win Fran, by. wju p. m Above trulnn atoji i-nly ut follow Injf "In How. north of itoiteliuri;, luii I'oriland Oregon City, Woodhiirn, tialein, Albany Tanceiit. Mheildn, llulwy. llarrlahiire Junction City, Irving and Kiiyeiie. UOHEIIUIIOMAI.I. DAILY, " IlEViVAiJBEiiVictsEvery ulgUt I tils week at tneEvuugellcal Cliurcli. Itev. J. llowefbtr will be prwaut goii, u'liero they will muke tlielr fu itud mwiat, j turn lioiiiu. BUI180X WILLIAMH. At the rculdunc of Clma. Hunllne, ou Front fitrwt, Deu. 'JU, 1890, Miw Mnry Kllu lsuraon to ,Ioun J. WllfiaillH, UyJuHtlcf JuiiK-n Butoli elor. HUOWX-BUNX-ut tlie residence of Dr. auU Mtu. V K. Mott, In tlila city, Buturday eveiiliiu, Diy cuiiiber Will, IJsW. ilr. ti. C. lirowu and Mibn Jda It. liuuu, 1Uiv. C. U. Corwiu olllclutlriB. The ceremony wuh rououuued iu the nrefceuce of a (vw intimate friends aud relutivi-x. J'lie bride g k winter of Mr. Dr. Mott and hug lived lu tliia city fur hoiuu time where tilie )iuh many frleudu v ho wish them welj lu their new alliance. The groom Jh u young ihylWuu of Oswego, Ore- Oregouian Rail-Koad Company. General otlleei Front and T, Hlx, l'ortlan KAhT HWK. From Toward 1'orUand Htatloa. Portland Hllver-Coburg ort'nd I'orl'd uinao man mail .xp I.V PV IVAK All l-.l ARAM 6 to koj i'ortl'ndH J'Co 4 oj HA', 7 V. 10 a. WWIburu I W 7 Sm 8 20 1122 Htlvennn 12 05 6 K, b 07IiroiTiiavIlle 7 40 t US Cobiirg 0 00 Connection at Woodburu with K 1 On t nil m Hi and from l'rotland and ut Tail, man wltb-tralnn to and from Albany. VKHT HIDK. Alrlle tfiall ('iirllond mall LV AM AU I'll KM -J'ortland t-AW'V. HIS 12 uo DuudMi Junction "'i& i (JU Uherlduu . V uo 4 1a VMh H'A' Mil Moninoutli TM ftUi .A Irl le.. 05 Ticket for Went Hide aUitlom for mile ut foot olJefterWjn L Tlckeu for Kant aide Million fur kttjp at Piiioii depot, I'or. oth and I alraU. VifAiCi. 8COTT. Uen, uupt VUa. f-Kt. l-aw. A;t O-yrly M I, lUHk D.C.SHERMAN, SKTi a. in. W-M a. in &W p. m. I.V. J'o.tland Ar. J UU p. in. i.v Miileni I,v. I l.-os p. m. Ar. lUMebure l.v. UM u. in Albany Iicul, Dally &uj p. in. 7S li. in l).t p. m, Ar. (Kxcrpt Amiday,) i'ortlaud milem Albany Ar. I.v. I.v, (fcUJa. m. 'KK it. m JKUla-m. PULLMAN IIL'FM SLKUPKRS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kor unMiinmndatiou ol necoud claM poMKiiiguni nttachtd to uziim trulim. lU A 'Vicmonlcunwln(lliiaiiiiwle4toliiic r Jackcrew belonelnc In Ii.C. lliiwuril V non, ilesMi return ibcin. The wrwiia huvlnK them are known aud will prevent irouoio uy returuinir tlicui Immediately. l'ttSMui'dw WANTKU-AN active, Hosier Man HalaryJIUU monthly If Hiilbihlr, with opportunllleu for adaiic-, to repnwiit locally a rexponHlble rew York liiiup. Iterureueea. MANUKAtTL'KKIl, lek llox IVw.N. . , A HAIIOAIN. A house and two lou fin .1. aie in nouin naieui at only ). lit. iiulreof W. It. HlmjMon. ll:S-tf ive to every purchaser Khect music for p; mno or Organ free. EASTON'S MUSIC STORE, 360 Commercial St. Eldredge Block. a. r. First National Hank llulMIng, Ralcm, Orecon. ASMrraona, Mntinger. Vf. 1. tSTALcr, Prlndpit Business, Shorthand, Typtwritinr;, Penmanship and Enrjliih Oeriartineatt. Payaudi:vnUigBeloii. Btudenti adnillted any time. Catalogue on application. PATIIONI.K Home Indtutry, nnd to J. Mountain llnlm CoiiKhOtire. Uilur nnteed to (jive reliel or money refunded. Manufactured lly II. H.Unmx, Haleiu, Uro Kon. Hiulth A Mteluer wile ucenu for Ha'""'. Wdlm LOHT. hotnu tliiiculnce nn edllorliil note book. A pocket In cover wlilnllix a b.ink check.no kimkI to anyone, ns payment bualieeu nUipiwd. Kinder will pleac nv turn lotlilhciUlie. 7ATKI) All nctlve, rellahl an- nalary rutu HJ iiiouthly, with In. cniwe, to reprenenl in III ovn wellou u rcaMiulbleNew York linime, llelnreiuie MaNUFAC'IUUKU, buck llox lirtj, Kew ork. IJWIt H.H Alxiut thri nen-n of land ' OU AhVllllll Aeniie. (sol ilunlllai,. houtr, eoiiveiileutly urniniied; larue barn, aireat ailcty of fruit trtoi and ulirub. bery; coiiTunleut to Kleetrle railway, never lallliiK water on preiiilMn. Kor p.irtlcu. Ilira luuulruat heeood hoiiki.nti rli.lii I .1 aide of AHyluii) A enuo (,'oluii Irom city. ... ii g ffk WM I) I) . BROWN & Co. sots HOI. SllOl'N Between Portland and Cervallis: PAH.V iKXCIIIT HUNHAV). T:ML. lit I'-IO p. in. Tortfnrid"" CorallU Ar. Lv. " SSiO p. in. UM p. in. At Albany and CorvallU connect with truluk of Uncoil J'ucMo lUiltroud, tCXfltKHHTIIAIN (DAILY KXCKHTHL'KIIAY oTrmTfEvri'iTril 7aip1iiiJLAr.lc Tnrouffh nil Ar. J!ciuu!iv)lleL.v. a. m. a. in. r7TB3Cr Tickets TO all polnU EAST and H'JUTIl If, H, J'enlon and Claim agent. J'.O. nairin, urrwou i Wrlu Jur blaslui, llox Ml, Halem, Ol WW. IIO aai Xieput, y County for tlcketa nud lull inlonnation rcturd lly' lucent riuleiu K.1. ItUUKItfl. It. KOKllL.r:it, lug rate uiurat, etc.upply to the Coiiipa. M vu atifuiit kJiilaiii Mri.iriiii dt: koukiw, Annua renou. r. ana run, ak'I llauiisor KVRRRRA until Ironl. lIuMirlntlvu urlce lUt free Hktii V, ikuuui', lluiu'llrlllefOrt, ' jri Htrawberry. U lieu ra from Mu WAKTHii-Totnidealown lot In Ciipl. till llirlc Allfllllnu f..p I. ....I '. Ullm?r. I"' Mill lr....i "'iiLi,.ii rVWNKIW J purebred :i-tr Or-OIW-r-or nervl.c. u d lteil I'o i I f .... io, kmIi, At my placo In Hnlein, .1. ,, JViaKimi. II-UI noil ltKNT-Kvonlcly fiirnUhtd niomT, 1' cliwe Ut biKlneiu jairt or elty, iiy i-,, day, week or muulU. Corner Center and Kronutieet. u i.!,r"' IJKJU ItKNT five nicely ntriilolit-d 11 kkiiim. APii)-Hta07O.uI'i:l v-iut MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Projierly. Apply lo W, A. Ilamlltoii, over Capital National lluud, riuleiu. Aw is. sKiimo. Dentists, . Nm Opera Home. 5lera, Or, giH3 au&aL f ' 231 erCaih luil (r Wool, Hldw autl JVH Commercial st. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon Tho beat cIuhs of work iu our lino at prices to ooi"! with tho lowcwt, Only tho boat utoriul usod.