-,;.fi T"?T" r? , . v a!? - "1 nUKRAPniC DISPATCHES. CRIMINAL. Associated Press l(erorl niul Digests of all Inpertitnt NWseflVDay. MARKETS. W18KAT. Ciiicaoo, I)cc 27. Cloie, wheat wy; cash, .88); January .88Jj May, FINANCIAL. THK POUTHF.HN PACIFIC C10K8 INTO UnUMi'HOOMIIINK. Ban Fkancisoo, Cnl., Dec. 117. At a meeting of tho board of directors of the Southern Pacific railway com pany, to ratify the plans of the new western railway combination, C. 1 Huntington ami J. u. riluubs wcro chosen an representatives of this company on tho advisory board of the new combination. STATE SUIT AOA1NSTVAN II. DKI.ABHMUTT. Pouti-and, Orcgonlan, Dec. 27. Yesterday a suit was begun against Van Jl. DcLashmull, mayor of Port- land, by Mir. M. Collier, who asks judgment in the sum of (10,400. For cause of option she alleges that In May. B8-, she lent the defendant 2700, which he has not repaid; that lie gave her his promissory note for f2T$00, and afterwards asked her to let him see It, which shedld, where upon he destroyed It; that he owes her $1800 on account of keeping the American Exchange hotel In this city for htm at his request, and J3G00 for keeping rooms for a num ber of years at Fifth and Main streets iu this city.. Evidcutly the suit is one of the kind sometimes brought against a man under the supposition tbat be will pay money rather than let the case go to trial and make defense. In other words, this Is beyond doubt an attempt to extort money un warrantably, and the public has seen evidence that bears out this conclusion. It may well be supposed tbat there are matters Involved In a cose of thts klud which a man would prefer should not obtain notoriety. Nevertheless is it right to resist efforts to extort money In such cases, tuau waicn nothing is more dlsplcable or immoral. Portland has witnessed enough of this sort of thing, and the man who resists It deserves public commeudatkin for the act. It Is understood that if this case is pushed to trial the de feudant will meet it fully. Persons who bave no moral injuries to be redressed, and whose only purpose is to blacken others or make them pay for secrecy, too often have their way. WASHINGTON. UHIUWAV MOIIIIKKY IN fli!.ini.i Nkatti.K, Doc. 27.-Tlieodt.re Me Council, proprietor of the MMon lodging house, on Jackson street, was waylaid by a man named Pat Foley last night. Foley jumped out on bliu and said, "glvo me your money or 1MI cutymir throat." A policeman was but a block nwny mid hearing cries of help, murder, etc., rushed to where tho men were, and parted them. "What's all this ubout?" demanded thecftUvr, hold- ing uio men apart.. "Ho tiled to rob me," said Foley, with rare pres ence of mliirf. MeCouncll averred that he, and not Foley, was the one attacked, when Foley again ex. claimed, "He robbed me of $12.30 and he has tho money In his pocket now 5" Tho otllcer handculllng both together marched them to the police headquarters. There It was learned that McConnell was tho man robbed and Foley was held on a charge of highway robbery. kim.kd nv iiuhukks. Chicago, III., Dec. 27. A saloon keeer named Frank llrown was found dead behind his bur this morning, shot through the heart. The theory is that burglars were at work at the money drawer, and ho surprised them ami was shot. resTOKKici: ioiihki. riiGDOMA, Kansas, Dec. 27. The poslotllce at liuflalo, fifteen miles norm or this city, was robbed of its entire contents last night. No clue to the robbers. A IlltUTAI, MUltDKK. 8ayvii,i.k, L. I., Dec. 27. News of a most brutal murder at Bohtml ville, two miles north of here, was received this morning. The body of Winnie Croup, an attractive Hun garian girl, was found hacked to pieces and the limbs had been sever- ltl. ed northeast storm Blgnals hoisted all along tho Atlatilln eimi. imm Norfolk to lioslou, and along the titilf from l'cnsacol.i to New Or- llMIIH. A HANI) OP KltlK.NIII.Y INDIAN!) 1OKTK1j KlI.t.KI). Ciiiston, 8. I)., Dea. 27.-Tho Indians are still carrying on depre dations, and nro growing much bolder. A hulMuceil ciutio Into the (iinip nu the Clie.UMino river niul was Interviewed about the hnstlles In the Rid Lands. He says ho lea Pine ltlilgu agency u few days before with IfiO friendly Indians who wont to Induce the hmt lies to return from the Dad Lauds. There are nt the least calculation fiOO or 000 warriors among the hosllU-s. All are well armed, and all are declaring that they would light. Ho entertains great fears as to the band of friendly Indians, as ho Is almost certain that a majority of them are killed. TWO DIVISIONS llMK'KI'.l) HY SNOW. Sl!S(JUi:iIANNA, Pu., Dec. 27, Owing to the great full of snow, the JeH'cftou division of the Erie rail road nud the Pennsylvania division of the Dele ware and Hudaon roads, are blocked since Friday morning. On tho main line trams are iwreral hours late. LABOR. SITUATION SKKIOUS IN JIL'STON wmiDKAWS HIS nKHIUNA TION. Washington, Dec 27. What came near being a row in the In dians phalanx has been averted by the withdrawal by United States Treasurer Huston of his resignation, which was presented to the presi dent last July. There h-u beeu some bad blood between the presi dent and Huston, and It grew out of what the latter thought lack of con. slderatiou by the president and Airs. Harrison toward Mrs. Huston. Huston is one of the strongest re publicans iu Iudlana, and a rupture with him meant a break In the president's support Iu his home slate. It was found necessary to keep Hus ton In Washington and in an Im portant ofllce. The matter has been adjusted satisfactorily to Huston, and he remains here Instead of start ing a disagreeable fire iu the rear ot the administration In the Hoosler Mate. POLITICAL- THE 8I1.VKK POOL. Washington, I. C, Dec. 27 -The final conclusion In respect to the Dockerv resolution, providing for the investigation of tho charges against the senators and representa tive interested In the silver pool, will probably be reached by the committee aoou after holidays are over. FOREIGN. DISASTER AT 8EA. London, Kujr., Dec. 27.-Further advices from China, as to the bum lug of tbe steamship Shanghai ueur Woo Hoo, abow the disaster to have been much more serious than was at.nrst reported. Now it seems the number of lives lot t to be over two hundred, all by drownlug. flkAVIN TO MKCT 8UM.IVAN. London, Kog., Dec. 27. A lues age lias been sent to America auth (log a well known Utter to match ttavln tokuoflkgulllvuiiout In six "muds, Blavln bring anxious to ' feteet the big Anertcau. THK BAILWAY BTBIKE. Onmuw, Dec. 27. There is a Hunt change for the better luthe Mlroad strike. The number, regu "ity aud puuotuullty of passenger Jus 1 iiwtwslug with this lin lavement. IttabopexJ theebauces fooaia will grow awaller. No CIKOWINd l'OUTI.ANll, 1'ohti.ani), Oregon, Dec. 27. The situation of the discharged laborers from the Union Pacific and Puget Sound extention is growing serious. At present there are about one thous and in this city and the number is Increasing hourly. A large number aro being fed nnd lodged by the city. Some sorely pressed are discounting time checks at fifty per cent. J. H. Smith is nnW ItlOmnlin nw1An....t- ed from the trunk nnd the body to scenre money from the U P. Co Itself cut to pieces. Suspicion Jin- Upon'hlsarrivnl there he telegraphed that the company had promised him three hundred thousand dollars this week, nnd on this assurance tho men quieted. To-day Mr. Smith telegraphs: "I will leave for Port land money or not". Iu speaking of me situation to-day, oue of the con trading firm said all dependson the actlou of the U. P. Co. If we obtain the money duo us we can pay ofl our menatouce, if not It is dltllcult to fursee the outcome as tho men are growing desperate. mediately fell on Frank Krullsche and he was quickly arrested. When confronted with tho mutilated re mains of tho girl, he admitted the killing but nothing further cculd be obtained from him. It is said tbat Krullsche, who was in love with the girl, was jealous of her. KKVEAI.1NCI ItKVCNUn FRAUDS. Nkw York, Dec. 27.-A Wash ington special says: "Frauds, by which the government has been robbed of over 1,000,000 within the past twelve mouths, have bseu brought to the knowledge of the treasury officers; and a searching inquiry is iu progress. Tho frauds were committed by consuls and consular agents of the United States in Canada aud by exports of Cana dian goods to tho United States. Some twenty consuls, a larger num ber stationed in the province of Ontario, are Implicated in the charges. ACCIDENTS. MOST UNFORTUNATE MISHAP. ClNCINNATTI, Ohio, Dec. 27. Louis Cehwiug, worn out witli watching at the bedside of his daughter, who was III with diph theria, gave her by mistake a dose ofearbollc acid. The child died In two hours and the father had to be restrained from taking his own life. TKRH1ULK KXl'I-OSION. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 27. The boilers on the premises of Gus Low eustelu, butcher nnd manufacturer of sausuges, exploded tills morning. The explosion was terrilllc, and no less than seven dwellings were wrecked and lorn so that they will have to bo taken down. JJertha Gray, aged oue and one-half years, was killed, and Mrs. Lowenslelu had her back broken and cannot live. A number of others were seriously Injured. F I RE S- l'RISON I1URNKD. AunURN, N, Y., Dec. 27.- A fire broke out In the broom shop of the Auburn prison this morn lug. Uroom shop, collar shop and chair shop, were badly damaged. Two firemen were beriously hurt by a falling wall. The tire was extinguished after causing a loss of $18,000. No trouble was experienced with the convicts. FIRE AT IIAI-SIIY. Albany, Ore., Dec. 27. Tho gen eral merchandise store of O, How ells, at Halsey, burned this morn ing. Loss about $1800; uninsured. MISCELLANY. GREAT HN0W6T0MM AM OVRH Till: KAST. New York, Dec. 27.-The pre dicted suowstonu for yesterday ar rived. Pedestrians are few aud far between. Burfaoe cars aro making joor progress, Iu spile of tho fact thut four horses are trying to do tho usual work of two. Navigation In the rivers aud bay is seriously Inter fered with, fit) fat no accidents are rejwrfed. This storm, which Is promised to be tho worst sluco tho bllxwd of March, JBSS.hus beenglv lug the South a taste of Us quality since early yesterday morning, h center has worked wny up front LouMana to Tennessee. The storm pressure Is trying to get up un area of high barometer n Lower Canada, As New York Is lu the center of the track, she will have u full share of n,.i..iiresslou. The weather bureau scut out warning butt ullfUt tofbe offices of all Hasten, railroads to Walkino Match. There was a walking match In Salem t'other day between two young men of leading families. It was a close ruce and both men got to G. W. Jnuusou & Sons nt ubout the same second. It was oue of those flue ties they were after. Never Disappointed. That Is the condition of those who trade with JJureti as then they get their money's worth and bave uo cause for dissatisfaction. KKMUIOUS SKKVICK. Fmsr Uaitirt. To-morrow will bo tho 31st. anniversary of the church and tho pastor will preach a memorial sermon in tho morning. Evening subject: "New Year IU-so-lutlous." Sunday school at 11:45 n. m.j young peoplo's meeting at 0 p. in. Hubert Whitcakcr, pastor. Christian Church. "Our In tercessor" will be tho morning theme, and 'Tho Irreparable Past" a sermon for the times, tho even ing subject of tho liov. J. B. Joha son nt tho Christian church, corner or Church and High streets. Scr vices at 1 1 n. m. and 7 p. m. Sun- duy school at 0:15 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 0 p. in. Unitarian .Society. Hall cor- uer Court and Liberty streets. Ser vices at 10:30 a. m. nud 7 p. m., by Hev. Thomas VanNess, of San Francisco, superintendent of tho American Unitarian association. Themes, "Modern Heroas," and "Tho One Thing Which Unitarians Emphasize." All aro cordially in vlted. Evanoelicai.. Third quarterly meeting services. Presiding Elder J. liowersox will preach at 10:80 a. m. and 7 p. m. Communion after the morning discourse. Sunday school nt 12 ill. Endeavor meeting at 0 p. in. All will be made to feel at homo with us. Presbyterian Church. The regulal services will be held. Tho pastor will preach lu the morning at 10:30, subject: "Tho barren fig tree," and in tho eveng at 7:03, "A special communication from heaven" will be tho themes. Sabbath school at noon. Y. P. S. C E at Op. in. Sunday Dinner at Stroag's Restaurant. MENU,. Soup Green Turtle Cream of Chicken Fish Baked Salmon Entree Tenderloin Steak with Mushrooms Lobster Patties Lamb Chops jjoneu (juicKen French Peas Oyster Sauce itoasi Chicken with Dressing Beef Mutton Veul Pork Vegetables Tomatoes Corn Potatoes Pastry Cocoa nut Apple Grape Dessert English Plum Pineapple Custard Fruit Apples Tea Coffee Milk Candies and Nuts. Broke His Arm. As Major llodgUin'rf little 12-ycar old son was riding his bicycle at n fast gait around the White Comer this after, noon, his wheel ran Into a crack In thp sidewalk, nnd being engaged looking down tho strict he was taken unawares nud was pitched head foremost on tho crosswalk, breaking his arm between tho elbow and shoulder. He got up aud walked around saylug his knee hurt hlni a little, not feeling tho arm until somebody noticed tho blood dripping aud called his attention to It. Ho shook tho arm a little nnd cooly remarked "I bcleivo its brok en," Sure enough It was nud the plucky llttlo fellow was taken to Dr. Btchardsou's ofllce, ' whero the fraoturo was set and the sufferer mndo as comfortable as possible. HOTEL ARRIVALS. A R :), ffc D eased See it, Try it, Buy it. The new V. S. No. 2 Singer sewing ma chine. Burt Case, agent 181 Com merciul street. 12-10 tf. Just received direct a shipment of the famous Whittakcr Euglish sugar cured hams and bacon which we guarantee finer lliau anything lu Salem. Sroat & Gile, 120 State street. It Will Stay. Whether the University remains or not, be it re membered that S. FarrarA Co. will, and continue to lead iu choice gro ceries and necessaries of life. Unequaled. Cherrington Is not excelled by any one In tho city In tho taking of photos. Examine his stock. Sunday Dinner. Till: WILLAMETTE SUNDAY DINNER Menu. Bluepoluts. soups. Chicken Broth Puree of White Peas Fish. Boiled Chinook Salmon Celery Sauce. Boiled. Leg of mutton, caper sauce, Tongue, bral.ed ribs of beef with brown potatoes, corn beef and cao. Entrees. Chicken Frlcasse a la maccdoiiie, btufled Shoulder of Lamb Parsley Sauce. Oyster Patties. Sponge Cake Fritters Brandy Sauco Boast. Surlolu of Beef Mutlon Veal Pork' with Apple Sauce Turkey with Cranberry Sauce. Suckling Pig Ktull'ed with Eastern Oysters. Behshes. Chow-Chow Olives young oulous Lettuce Vegetables Mashed Potatoes String Beans Baked Sweet Potatoes Canned Corn Stewed Tomatoes Dessert Apple Grape and Custard Pie Coooauut Pudding Wlno Sauce Cheese Crackers A&Mirled Cake Nuts aud ltulsins J-iults lu Heason Teu and Coliee Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizeas, that for years we bave been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King'aNew Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, aud bave never handled remedies tbat sell as well, or tbat bave elven such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price ii satisfactory results ao not ioiiow their use. These remidies bave won their great popularity purely on tbelr mprltfi- At. Krv'a rirticrfrlftt- FOR PURE FIRST WATER DIAMONDS. You will have to go to W. W. Martins who has the FINEST as sortment ever offered for sale In this city. Large clothes baskets; only 00 cents at Crissman's. THE WILLAMETTE. G A Steel, O L Long, H C Fraes, R B May, J II Man, 8 P Garrison, Portland. T J Black, H S Bend, Halsey. L It Looney, HUlsboro. Miss Mary Vaugb, C Bogle, Sti ve rton. J B Loonoy, Jefferson. J Condon, Tucoma. M H Gllbertson, G Malckle, Au rora. A Lealllng, C A Lealllng, Mil waukee. J A Yackam, Coos Buy. It A Bensetl, Yaqulna. cook hotel. Profl J Giles, Sclo. M Scott, H KloKars, M S Shan non, Albany. John Boyle, Silverton. Geo S Blank, Albany. F James and wife, S F. B Blrkes and son, S Dak. Sam Cohen, Minneapolis, Minn. L C Hunter, Portland. F D Hunt, Chicago. M D Gilbert, SM Seeuary N Y. S D Chapman, Gardener. Jos K Smith and wife, Turner. Joe DudoIs is in the city visiting his father. He has been for the past some time in the vicinity of Huntington. Good, Better, Best. That is what Strong's Sunday dinner is going to be. Just cast your eye over their bill of fare lu another column. Fine candy at Strong's. Brooms at Crissmans. very i THE LARGE ASSORTMENT, SUPE- rior Quality and Remarkably Low Prices of Holiday Goods at ; m e c ojyc Stale St Book Store! SURPRISES ALL WHO VISIT HIS STORE. Such prices were never before known in Salerri,, Crowolls' Edition, Red Lino Poets GO Fine Silk Plush Albums 3 50 Fino Leather Albums, decorated inside 3 50 Scrap Albums, cloth binding o Chatterbox 75 History, U. S go Life of Grant and Sherman, each 50 History, Naval Heroes 60 All kinds of choice leather goods. Glove Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Toilet Cases, Magazine Cases, Music Rolls, Card Cases, Etc. Etc. TIE IKM MEW ID MIT EMS. Four . lis Em Salem the Capital of Oregon W. L. Wade, of North Salem, has a full line of general merchandise and is giving away handsome books with cosh purchases. tf Pure candies at rant. Strong's restau- Tbe most clegaut line of holiday novelties in Salem Is to be found at Geo. E. Good's, 309 Commercial street. 12-8-tf See the 10, 25 and CO cent counter at Moore & Oaboro's before buying your Xmas toys. 12-15 Gt Go to Crissmans for ribbon, all widths, all prices from 4 cents per yard up. Geo. E. Good has the finest and largest stock ot iterfumi'S and ier fume cascH ever brouirht In Salem. Cull at 309 Commercial street and see his Hue. 12 8 tf Wasto paper baskets at CrUsmans. Lone bar toilet soai C ceuts at Crissmans. Mrs. SI. E. McCoy, physician and surgeon, No. 290 Commercial street. Chronic diseases a specialty. Con sultation free. 12-8 tf Closing Out Sale. J. V. Crawford is closing out his stoves and tinware, preferring to sell these portions of bis stock at great reductions to again moving tnem. a-s-w-tr Ono Thousand acres of as fine land as there Is In the northwest, divided Into one hundred small Imeadow and fruit farms. These tracts for the FJBBT TIME are now placed on the market, ranging in prices trom 50 to $100 per acre one third cash, balance onetime with Interest. No Better Opportunity for Investments In a small way basbeen offered to the public Thousands of dollars will be expended "within the next H mouths lu improvements in the Immediate vicinity of this land, while upon the tract itself, In the way of roads, fencing, etc., a large amount of mouey will be used. A Free Hide to aid From tie Place to anyrone wishing to see or invest. Call at the oftlce.oi.'J SM Wl LL-IS &. CHAMBERLIN, Court St., Salem, Agents, for Plats, Description and furilierparticular?. 1 Sorts of Real Estate on ill Sorts of Terms! The president has approved the act to authorize building a bridge across the Willamette river at Al bany, Oregon. Miss Theresa and llosnllo Friend ly, of Eugene, are the guests of their uncle, Mr. H. S. Simon. Call at Catterlln's aud examine his $2 per dozen photos. Pattou's for school books, birth day gifts, New Year's gifts and flue stationery. Personal Liberty vs. Physical Slavery. We are all free American citizens, enjoying 'our personal liberty; but most of us are iu physical slavery, suffering from scrofulu, salt rheum or some other form of Impure nlood. HOocrsBarsapriiiaisiiiegreat uioou puriner wnicn dissolves of disease, gives health puysicai liberty. the bonds aud perfect An Excellent Itrmedy. , Dr. Helden: I consider your Ktbereal Cougb Syrup an excellent remedy for all the diseases for wbicb you recommend It. jmvip uiciiAitT, juocieno. Larura size tl.OO. small 60 cents. For sale by all druggists, A Safe JnvMtmeut Tcnnowhlohlsifuarauteedto brim; you satisfactory results, or u case of iuliurea return oimruiif puiM.-, mi this safe pluii you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of I)r, Kind's New Discovery forConsump- lion. It Is ituaraiifeeu to bring relirf in every case, whu uhhI ror any ar crilnn of throat, luuirsor chest, such us cousuiiiDtlou. inlluninmtlon of uug, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, croup, etc., etc. It Is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly saro aud can always bo depended uiwn. Trial bottle freout Fry' drugstore. A Ort UveriModioln, Dr.OMPo'n ImroJ IJver lll r (.uMcurufori" M uwtocli, Ollllou im. (!)rpidlv0r,lo. TltwJplll Iukuw iwrfiwt dltft-llou.oomx-t ll lvr uod sUmjimu, tslu clur. Ttiey uUo pnlu a Reed sp-1 ueole. aoainvioniuu iiituimeu uj tutlniualciu ly tuelr Uinlo action, Hold .iHwaUi bo by Moltli MUlar. SCROFULA Is that Impurity of tho Wood which pro dines unsightly lumps or wellhij on the I'Liiidsuf the neck; causes painful ruiinlni; sures on the arms, legs, or feet j developes ulcers lu the eyes, cars, or uose, often caus ing blindness or desfnessj Is the origin of. pimples, cancerous growths, or h many u.l.cr manifestations usually ascribed to " humors j" and fastening upon the lungs, c.iuses consumption, and death. Jlelnu the most ancient, It Is the most general of ill diseases or affections, foi very few persoiu ro entirely free from it. W CURED lly taking Hood's BariaparllU, which, by the remarkable cures It ba accomplished, fien when other medicines bT9 failed. his proven llwlf hi bo a potent slid Pul lar meillclna for this disease. Seine ol ll.cso eurei are really wondorful. If you suffer from scrofula or Impure blood, be suie to try Hood's Barsaparilia. Kverv surlni my w lie and children hare wen troubled with scrofula, lores break. iiib out on them In various places. iy tune boy, Hire8 years old, ha, been terrible wffeirr. It spring l' W one hum of sores trow ed 1 'rb I was advised to uw Hood's rUrsaptrtllH, Wld have all taken It. The result Is that all have beeu cured ol the scroiula, my M boy Ulug entirely lr from sorei, ud all four ot my children look bright ami healthy." W. U. ATIIPBTOK, lasal City, . J. Hood'f arMparllla !ibrn.iut.. i.ifcr. rwwu-i Jt 1. HOOC CO, AflMilM, lwU( Hut IOO Pnm On Pollur nibbard's Itlieunatlo auu Liver l'llls. These plhi are scientifically compounded ud uniform In actlou. No griping pain u coinmoHlv following the use or Dills. Toey are adapted to both adulu and chil dren with perfect surety. We guuiantee they have no equal In the cureofidek head ache, constipation, dysnepala and bullous now and, as un appetiser, they excel 1 any other preparation 177 ly Hmllti a Btelner, sole agU. Lumber.--Contracture and par ties contemplating bulldiug, should not full lo cull on J. F. Jacobson for estimates on rough aud dressed lum ber. Yard and ofllce near agricul tural works. 0-20-e o d-tf. We bave lots on the Installment tilan. farms and suburban nronortv on easv terms, and overv class of real estate for cosh. The property we handle is in first bauds, thereioie purchasers got it without speculative values nut undo it. The larire list nf our will's. fnnprlnllv of farm nrniwrtv. reeentlv. attests thn fuel-, thai, rnu cannot aflord to buy xeal estate without first consnltiug us. SHAW & DOWNING, B67Also general auctioneers. Salem, nnd guarantee satisfaction. Will 264 Commercial Street, Salem! take charge of auction sales in any part of tho state, including -RlEYrrimrcfflMF 'ANION Specimen Copies and Beautiful Calendar lent Free. kS si "No ethtr Wuklg Paptr gives to gnat a Vanity of Entertaining and Instruclivi Reading mi to low a price." THIS SLIP FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. - To aay NEW HL'BHCHIBEB wko will eat oat and send thla slip with name stoat addrea. and $1.73 (In Iiital or Krprttt Monev Order cr RegUtertd Letter at our rtJ w will .end THE YOUTH') COMPANION FREE to January. 1801. vid for a Full Year from that Date, Thla.Ber Include, thn FIVE DOUBLE HOLIDAY NUIUUKKH for Thankagtrtnc, ChrUtmaa, New Year'a, Easter anil Fonrth-of-Jalr, and all tb. Illustrated Weekly Hupplesaenta. 1 Aidrett, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, l T.mpla Place, Boston, Mass. WITH $1.76 . - J m WlLbflflMlIli, 'f ' "5 The Oregon Land Co. -with Its- nueklen's Arnica PIv, Tbe Host Mulve ia tlio world for Outs, lirulses, Hore, Uleers, Suit IUieum, Ktver riores, Teller, cnuppea nanus, uuilolalna, Corua and all Hkln Eruptions, and posi tively cures Mien, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perreet sutuiuctlon, or money refuuded. I'rice, ii centa per box. HILLENBRAND'S 8Q0 Commarotal Stratat. ,UVI UnWlln.mw.H. IWi UW. HUU VotTue, Tea or tlbocolateand Cake.. -.....I5 cents uk and Eux . ....H5 cenu bop and Es...... ....ia oeuu i Chop and fcts-ii....-..s5 ocnu HlOlTKAHKj , iuo., lao. ana s cents eand Uake..l0 centa Mush and Milk lOeeuta I'late of Soup... ......... 10 ceuta not uaKea, Uinee or Tea., iieentieaa ana -ork Cboi Mutton L'bon Venison ana Kaus V cents 8auaaeand Matsi - !KeeuU Jiam ana r-tflfs -......-.. centa 'recb Oysters any style.....as eenU 25 Cast iilr Olsntf 8rrd from II lo 3 O'Clock A nine variety of vegetable, eto., etc. Also lea, coffee or Milk wltb all iB cent meals without extra charge. Choice Cigars, imported an Domestic, always on band, Porter House Mtoak and Egga- o centa Tender loin Hteak and Kggs,.. au oenu Home Ice Salem, Oregon, JOH. AL.BKKT, Agent. . INUUUAMCB tiomptar, Fire and Marine, . Bali m, Oregon fHrawberry. HaMfromMa III froat.nieaeHiBve pnoe llal flree ,WrnHT, wwrw,w. (In tho State Insuranco Building) aud brunch offices in Portland, Astoria uiul Albany, Has for sale a lurso list of Oruiu, Stock and Fruit Farms; also City and Suburban Property. The Oregon Laud Co, was esneclully organized for tho purpose of buying and Hub-dividing large tracts of land, and hits during the past two years bought and subdivided over 3,200 ucres Into Five to Twenty Acre Parcels The success of this undertaking Is shown iu the fact that out of 260 tracts placed on the market, 225 have beeu wild. We claim that ten aures ot choice land lu Fruit, . Will Yield a Larger Income tlmu 00 acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley, We also make valuable improvements in the way or roans, clearing the land, reuces, etc. We can ge a suiull tract of laud for the nunie price per acre as you would bave to pay for a (urge farm, Send for Pamphlet and Price List. DRUGS. Salem, Or. ia k .i due ru Tr r ? IIULCH 9.UU UHU ?u.uv K Vmg -,,,'- Open to tbe publlo Thursday, Sept. U,,. 18yo. Bent betel between I'ortland abet Sua f ruucinco. Aims to be arst ciusa iu -. all Its appolntmcuu. Its tables are served ,;,; witn ineonoicvatrruiu grown in me wit. ww tauiULUi luucia 'Ji A. I.WAGNER, Proprietor Notlca of Final SotHewokjU VTOTiOE lit hereby uleu tbat the undeiv'l' jli aigueu executrix or tueeauiio or shhi- . .. ry Vox, dceeused, line tiled bcr aiuil":,'f ui'couutoribeKiiia OHtnie, lu tbo oouuiy, i fturl. f.r IIiii utulM fif fr.tfnii ISiir mJ"-j""' y ' couuty. and that tbo court has flxed atr-j',3 uruuy, January 10tb, lbUI, at one o'oUWtfcJX p. in. oi aim a ty lor muring tno Kara,, auet ohjectlng tliorutn. at Ibo couuty aawtjl. riMiiu. lu thocountv court bouae 1st Maakisi county, Ortgou, nnd tbul tbe aauie y 1)1 ha -, riikcu upon at anUltliuo nud place. ' Dated mis ueceuibi,r lum. imsj, -'., TIIK&WA BKLU Kxccutrlx ortho last will aud. teal ama, nnd estate of t-nld dectiuufd. litUM Cheapest, NeaW UMij, SCHOMAKER'S COMBINATWs FENCE. I inflke nnd nut un nil klud rr andcuuutry. HctinylvrmabeAH'e ii. mjHOMAaam, sse .' JJH00K8 COX, DlUJOaiHTS, JOf) 8TATK BTn carry a full line of drutpi, toet arMoies, pwfwniery and m oil ua. ffiafiPtlowi ev)fully eoaiHd. D,c,sr-BRM $500 Rewai WMWUIMTMea oaaeial avecw ueaaaaae,wt uveal am w UaTtatUaarm. OooaL DataasssaV aSas5CaHlMaTkfi! "B in v V sa look out 0r JHV(y nuowj o" uer- r . Jo