'AT1 " ' "!"- ,- -JA J !" ,fj(rsrarP THE CAPITU MSm. SATURDAY DEC. 7. ISM. TKKM9 OK sC-OU171UN. rtslrr br mall rrr rear ft- " ttaUy br mall per month. o e-Uy by mall per year.. 11M . . lii .. 2lr zvtl raid in marred for tbe Wucir Jor kxal wU Ke il per year II paper are ik1 delivered tiromplly notify the otBee. nUI DELIVERY BY CARRTE1L rteJlr ftn-slnrle lwt, IS ct. tHlly fartwo wpeks. set. .VfU uany r-y mania rMtorthmi in be made on 1 and lsto i of month. Sutwcrttr will plea leave nor for carrier at nou or owo H rteifverrd, uu muse no delay In coUeci'oiu. Tat Knjctii CArrtAt JootsAi- rcgu Urty receive tbe afternoon associated xr dtopaicae. GILBERT i PATTERSON', Dealers in Groceries, Crocker)', Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ; Brushes, Wndowgbss, Etc. Sole . . . ', r- t j rr i p t J D' Agents ior epicure Can Bakinc Powder. ftgems tot epicure tea anu Dig LOCAL XARKET. Wheat, net 62 cents per bu. Hops, active; iS toS2 ceuts per lu. Headquarters for candy, manu factured fresh every day at Jones A Bernard!' on State strwt. Is STRirnn Clothes. Had all thincs worked favorably Christina.- nicht an amosing scene wonld have j availabJe was ped and oth taken place at the asylum masqner- , were UQab,e t) find T ade tall. Four fnends of I,. . McR p, WM tfae jnslalling 01 Downing, superintendent of the j ficef and j Murph v, crand mar Oregon state prion, lorrowed suit, sfaaL At the d of the installation oi Knpeu ciowes to ear at tue clothes to wear at tbe dance- Tbe warden at the prison and tbe guards at the asylum con- j eluded tbey could have some fun at tbe boys' expense. So they had it made up that shortly after eight o'clock tbe rvper: should be sent from the pen by telephone that four 1 prisoners had e-caped, and for the people at the asylum to be on the lookout for them. The guards then intended to arrest and handcuff those In sript.d clothes without fur ther notice. From some cause the line between the two institntloBs would not work and the guards hesitated to proceed to carry out the joke without orders from the warden. Had tbe scheme worked the joke would ha v- tven complete ana me oest.o. toe wlmu. 1 An Unlucky Day. Alvin Mc- 3 . -. Cormick, the lS-year old son of J. i H. McCormick. keeper of the noor , farm, had his share of ill luck in the - line of accidents yesterday. The first was while using the wbetitone J on his ax preparatory to chopping j wood, when his hand fclipr, the! second finger of the right hand Ka nm nlaavt i 'l'hie rl1 wft ttk- ! u.c w wt j .. ui. . . . , Urhim from working, and in the evening aoout qu-iung ume, n ax. canght on a hmb, deflecting it from its coarse and bringing it down on ms loot, splitting tne ooot open, . poor Hon-, blongnt tears to the upper and sole for some two inches. iyes of mMV of her bearers. But fortu.ately the ax went be- Tbough tha. ijon i, been ren tween two toes, only shaving !deredbt.fore aiem audiences sev pieceofthenailandflesJi from one J j Derer Mon was it so and doing no serious lajnry. ! perfectly given. If Will Carlton Log School Houses. In the j could have heard her render it, be rt itto r.f Orr.r,n ihpw -rt tc i mains ninety-six loc school hoBses. I confess he made a success in wnt Of this number Lane county leads, ' ing iL Her mimicry of "Bobolink" having the small number of sixteen, and her impersonation of "A firnnt mnntr nihik in nTt with ten. ilanyof the other counties j tained. "The Goblins Will Git have from one to four or five. The , You." from James W. Riley, was counties that have no log bchool 1 deci dedly a hit. The entire enter houses are, Curry, Malheur, Marion, ' tainment was thoroughly enjoyed Morrow, Polk, Wallowa and Yam-' by the full house who attended. bill. Some of tbe counties east of the mountains could not build log school houses if tbey so desired, un less they build them with cage limcti 'i"i n. Ijji rlinn nnnnllui In tttft. ' . fc . " . ! valley have gotten beyond "ch structures for educational purposes. Stokes Robeed. On Christmas eve two stores were robbed at Tur ner, by some unknown burglar. The stores were those of A. H. Mil ler and P. G. Cornelius. An en trance was made by a pane of glass teing removed from a window. At Mr. MiUer'e store they secured $1G5 and a few small articles. At the store of Mr. Cornelius the two vrutcbes and (several other things were taken. Jake's saloon was also brokeu open and a email amount of money taken. A tslipper was found in the saloon the next morning which waB supposed to have been left by tbe tblevee. Orr foe China. Among the overland passengers for San Fran cisco lait night was Lee Jule Wong, who is on his way to Chiua to pro cure a wife and come back next summer. Lee has lived in Salem IT years, 10 yeans of which he worked for Werner Breyman and the last few yeans he has been in the mer cantile butUm-ae with On Lee. He Is an intelligent and trustworthy Chinaman. Old Reliable. Luuu'b dry goods store has a full block of goods. Among other things be keeps a Hue of fur and plush cloaks, gloves, car- jtcU, oil cloths, curtains, window Bhadesond poles, trunks and va IktM. Look over bis (stock. Foustner it Co. Tbe rush of the eeaaou baa been great and tons of rwi.t.. l.n..b I.oa.1 oiyA lint tliA hIiivo firm (.till ba goodi. enough to .supply .i .j j i,L, !. everybody nd at prices that are Mtrpriaingly low. A Bio Time. Monday night will km tbe bust meeting of tbe G. A. R. pt for tula yur and big tiuieht exfweted. It to unnecewutry to add M gie boy wil) be out to enjoy it. SOCIAL REVIEW. Christian Chiar Ann: tkr Cksrcaes Wht-r Swil and Literary Crta!. Till v ill le the l.v-t jwisl review in theJoCKNAL for the year 1$5X A tvirllrif- wrl fWm tn vwlv flt. .,-....., -v... ........... ...-. tor may not he amiss as the old year wanes away to give place to the i new, and pos-iWy a more prosperous one if such can be. The year ISM has been an eventful cne in the social circles of aletn. Her atmos phere has teemed with circle of every ssxual character, and many have Wen the happy gatherincs around the social hearthstone when the outdoor weather would not per mit the events to be on the lawns or in the parks. The literary tates and talents of our city have given i of the arts numerous CTente to f terto5nn,en, ' vounsr people are as cealal and social young peopu Md doing8 of any nature as successfully as any city extant. In her circles are as handsome younc men and as beauti- I tul young ladies as can be found in society. The Journal has endeav ored to treat all courteously and In the social reviews of each week has not intentionally omitted any event. MASON FRATERNITIES. Salem lodge Xa 4 and Pacific lodge "o. 52 A. F. A A. M., held their public installation of otScers in tho lrvlrrf Twmi Wftt Tlil-ht. EveTV ,.,. fi. mlipal and literary rcram was carried out, which for the most part was extempore and volunteer, though none the less en joyed by those present. The third part of the program and one that was duly appreciated came next. The gues-ts -were invited into the adjacent room where tables spread with all the delicacies of the season awaited their dUcu-cion. The good wives of the maons had done their part nobly and was an enjoya ble part of the evenings exercise. On the closing of this part of the or der for the evening no one seemed I yet willing to go, but all seemed in clined to tarry in the lodge room and library where games and social con- veT5eVere iul-ed in until they were asain invited to the banquet "m by sweet strains of music Another hour was then spent m a merry dance. The unanimous voice ot those present pronounced the oc- casiou a umum ut5. xhe chapel eeadins. Mig. LBcia B Gri2in.s re3ding at ,.T-n. .,., nn last .. K ere.ilJg-Was largely attended . jonum rooaj 0f tae chapel was Hef great elo.;uUonist lies in her power of mim5cn. impenotion. Her ielecti()-a of 0ver mlh to e would have bees constrained to &UchtV GlTl" Were perfectly SUs- CHRISTMAS AT THE PEN. 1 According to the custom inaug. united by Superintendent G. S, Downing, the prisoners of the Ore- gou state penitentiary m - reudeied a ' musical and literary program in the i forenoon, and then were treated to a I Christmas dinner. Mr. Downing . has found that such treatment is j commendable, as he gets better i work out of tne men and thej are ' not so despondent. COMING TO SALE1I. Mrs. Louise Humphrey-Smith, of California, is expected to give a reading at the opera house Jan. 10, 1691. Hear what California says "Of all the readers that have been heard here, and many there have been that have come and gone. perhaps no single one gave so much pleasure to cultivated listeners as the lady who appeared under the auspices of the Charming Club of this city. In Mrs. Louise Humphrey-Smith was found an interpreter of Browning of the rarest quality. The perfection of delivery and articulate inuic, (satisfying as It was, was still subordinate to the delicate spiritual Insight and power of thought transmission that made her readings revelations. An ellort isbeiug made to get this gifted reader here at the approaching Christmas holiday season, and for the sake of the lovers of literature it is hoped it may prove successful." Los Angeles Times, ov. 15, 1600. THE COMING TREAT. At the opera house on New Year's night the Second Regiment band will give a grand musical entertulu inent and minstrel play. Nothing will be left undone to make the event one of the mo-it pleasant ever given by borne taleut, and that is (saving a great deal, lue ooyg are w "hearsing their parts daily :aud everything (seerns In fuvor of and everything a large bouse. The program will bu new and spiced with wit and humor. Tbe musical part of tbe program will 1 no lets interesting than the other parts. No one who desires to drive away tbe cares of bubliifHs for a few hours should uilbts this ticat. ASYLUM CHRISTMAS. Dt. Harry LMie, Superintendent, gave those under his cane who were able to enjoy such a trvat of a flue ( Christmas dinner. More or that ex cellent dinner vas produced on the asylum farm than probably any farmer in the county pivduecd at home, setting t lie same Kind of a din- ( ncr. Alter the enjoyment of the day were over the evening's picas- i ures were In order. From six to' eight In the evening was given to' tbe patience when the floor was again put lu order for the employees and their friends who spedt a few hours very pleasantly in a social dance. SURIEISE PARTY. About a core of young people very agreeably surprised Mi-sManda Combs at the residence of Prof, and Mr. W. S. Arnold last Tuesday ev ening. The evening was spent in music, games and other amusements until a reasonable hour when the guests took their departure, all call ing the surprise a very pleasetit suc cess. LITERARY SOCIETY. The Jew members of tbe literary societies of the University who are left in Salem to spend the holidays had a very pleasant time in their neat and commodious hall last nlghu A short literary program suitable to the occasion was ren dered, after t Inch a social time was had for an hour or so. On New Year's eve they anticipate giving a Dickens party, in which some of the scenes pictured by Dickens will be acted out. CHRISTMAS AT THE INFIRMARY. Mr. and Mrs. James H. McCor mick, who manage the alo ve named oounty institution, left no one of those under their care vtilhout a presenL There are nine inmate there at present and all were made happy by the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. McCormicK. A genuine Chri-t-mas dinner wa- rved and a very enjoyable time was had. Ar THE CHURCHES BAPTIST. This church was filled to Its ut most capacity, including the north wing, which was thrown open to the visitors and friends. A good sized tree stood at each ead of the rostrum, and between them was an old-fashioned fireplace, arranged with a good degree of naturalness. The trees were ladened with many fine presents to both young and old. A more pleasnut Christmas eve event was not had in the city than the one held in this church. At the clo-e of an excellent literary pro gram, Albert Jessup, a Santa Claus, came rustling down tbe chimney and out ot the fireplace, which caused much amusement and some excitement among the little folks. EVANGELICAL. King Winter cautata was render ed in this church on Christmas night. The exercises were gind and highly appreciated. The characters were well sustained by the follow ing persens: King Winter, Mr. I. G. Cadwell; Santa Claus, Mr. E. G. Casebeer; Queen of Slumberland, Miss Ada Bowersox; Dream Fairy, Miss Minnie Frickey; Mirth, Mi-s LeuaBier; Love,Missdua Knight;, Hope, Miss Daisy Beers; Joy, Mis Lulu Saver; King's Page, Charley Bier. FEESBYTEEIAN. Christmas eve was very pleasantly spent at the Presbyterian church. Reel tatious w ere given by the young people and addresses by the pastor and superintendent. The little folks feasted their eyes on the the Christ mas tree, which was -ery tastily de corated. Two prizes t ere given out by the superintendent for attend ance. Nuts, candy, cakes and oranges were pa-sed around, and al together the children's mouths were too full of the good things to express their appreciation. Their happy looks plainly show ed that the Christ mas services were a success. AT THE METHODIST. A literary and musical program was carried out in good style, and a jolly time was given the children. A forest of small trees, with numer ous gifts, managed by Geo. Hatch, as Sunta Clau, made plenty of fun lor the children. The occasion pa-.sed oir quietly, and all felt that tbe children's time honored hero ol Christmas had done hi- work nobly in leaving no one of the little people go home without a present. CONOKEOATIONAL. Mother Goo-e and Santa Claus vying with each other for sujerior- ilj'i gave plenty of amusement for the children. Sauta Claus was the favorite among the little folks. The church was crowded until sit ting room could not be bad. The children were made happy by numerous gifts. CI! KIBTIAN. In this church one large tree fair ly groaued, uuder the load of pres ents. The exercises coneieted of music, a magic lautem exhibition and tableaux. THE UNITARIAN. A distribution of pieoenU took place in tbe hall tf the Unitarian society, and a pleasant program car ried out. The German Reformed church also had interesting exer ciaes. The two societies are young lu tbe city, jet each Is well repre sented. Soi.il CoMFoitT, That is what oue bus wV.eu they have bought one of Klelii'n eusy pair of shot, -bee hia luouutolu shoe "Itnox 'tut all." FiiAaKANT. Crub upp!e-b!oiwoiu, iliuwutiia, Mu bloom, Queeu JieM, Curimtiou J'lliU are umoiig home of the delicate ierfmnu ut lirooL A Vox'ti. CHRISTMAS DRIVES. What Awlted Their Ryes at tie Sew I WilUwcttc. The bill of fidr printed In thcRvnx ing Journal revealed the fact that a menu of aUml one hundred and fifty di-ihes awaited the guests at the inaincuo ior t. iinsiniiw tnnner. The program was carried out lu full excepting, a few items of imported ptme which miac4 a train and ar- rived too late. This was regretted only by the proprietor, who seemed uKiti-inHMi-naro inc uiaiicne hi procure for Salem's high-class bote' a high class dinner on all extra occa sion. THE DECORATIONS. The dining hail was elalor.ttely festooned, with wreath of evergreen twining about tbe coluuisand reach ing to the chandeliers, from each of which was supendcd the Mistletoe. The gas jets were surmounted by Christmas wax caudles. At the proper moment, as the dining room was thrown open, the jets and elec tric arc lights were turned ouu Only the dim light of the hundreds of tiny candles, flickering like fireflies. and tbe green and rose-tinted illum inations from Chinese lanterns re mained to heighten the glory of the i scene. The fifty tables each with chairs for eight were resplendent with snowy napkins and shining silver service of polished pattern, Tables of cut flowers and fruits com' pleted the etlecL At the far end of the room "Merry Christmas" in large letters of evergreen welcomed the guests. An orshestra of harp and violins made the air sound with music from 5:30 to S p. m., when the last guest retired. The decorations were the work .of Mr. Win. Dunlng- ton, Stcrani. The art of the chief, Mr. Wm. Anderson, was also thor oughly appreciated. Few of our citizens are fully aware of the eflorts of the Wagners to give Salem a metropolitan hotel service, a fact which the travelling public seem better acquainted with than Salemites. Besides the family, a pay-roll of thirty three persons is maintained. There i a growing list of a-nvals of public men, and t the time w beu state officials and I iecislators aud others having busi ness at the capital camped at some UUhUUHU iuuuiu UUUSC IU lUt' SUV 1 urbs is rapidly imssing away. Pub- lie interests aud dispatch of public ' business demands that all such put . up where they can be found if ueed i ed. Many legislators have engaged I quarters for"the session and others tare following suit. Two car lines that run by the state house start from the Willamette, making it ery-convenient, Sing With Joy. The people who have been at Krausse Bros, during the past few days buying goods have been so handsomely treated that their joy knows no bounds. That fine piauo is still on exhibition there aud many are cast ing lousing eyes at it to see whose it will be in the sweet bye and by. Six hook coat aud cents ut Crissniaus. hat racks 10 New. One thing i noticed about W. W. Martin's jewelery Btore and that is, he is always up with tbe latest styles. Yon will find no old style goods there. Everything new and modera. Catterliu for photos. McCrow &. Willard have the choicest cuts at ail times. 1 I Montee Bros., the photographers, ' don't stand back for anything, bu I w ill always give you the best for the I money. Go around and take a look at that fine line of chairs at Keller it 1 Moreh'i T fKit nt Him -nrb lnv look ai lue orK tuej are doiug in picture frxming, Deubaiulsaald to be the boss on bhoes. He will not take a back heat for anybody. His clock is complete and bis prices reasonable. Salem express vracou No. 10. Leave orders in my bos at Wade & Co.'h hardware utsre, corner of Court and Commercial fcireeU. J. G. Harris, proprietor. All orders promptly attended to. The Salem Woolen Mill Store has ai fine a display of geuU furnishing goods as ever was displayed In the cap! tu! city of Oreiron. Parties wishing reliable goods at reliable prices should not full to consider theM; btatemeuts. PEUSUXAL ANU LOCAL. Mr. Louis Kuhn went down to the metropolis to-day. Mr. Erncat Miller, of Corvallis.ijH taking in theaights at Salem to-day. Contractor Z. Craven was a pas becger for Portland this afternoon. J. W. Miuto, weigher aud gauger iu the custom house, returned to Portland to-day. Maj. Geo. Williams. Salem's ener getic mayor, is a visitor iu Portland this evening. Miss O. M. Capwell, superinten dent at the Blind school, took the afternoon train for Portland. Arthur Hodge, clerk of Crook county, returned to his home In Priuevllle to-day, after a pleasant visit in the capital city. Sheriff Misuer, of Multnomah county, brought A. C. Mc.ltlsou to the jeu last night, to serve out a two year's bentence for burglary In a warehouse. Lawrence McNary, of Portland, Is visiting at his old home iu Salem for a few dy&, Lawrence waa re cently admitted to the bar on finish ing a course in the state law school. UIrd cagou W cent at ('rlwntsUiV. A .EW UNIVERSITY. rrtl Ataadae4 the Thotcat Seriria; tbe Willamette I'ni-icrMtr. Since Portland can not get tbe Willamette university away from Salrm she is making an cllbrt to cs- laMi,u one of her own. Such a ' u Rnimi If pmperly carried 4 tmli bnt bastv work ls not always rall.nirIui.t,i The Methodist cUureU in Oregon, while a strong j Uk1v aml commending great wealth, ls uot v,.t abe to main two gresit lu- Mtutons of learning. Instead of learning combining aud making one great university which could do the work of half a dozen small, half-equipped schools, the M. E. church is hmw on the verge of dividing and estab lishing small schools. The Willam ette university will now remain in or near Salem as Portland, the only point making any active bids for the school, has alundoncd the attempt. The Salem school has many ad vantages over the school which may be started In Portland, both in age and reputation aud several hundred graduates, w ho as time passes will flock around their old alma mater and will contribute the money to her funds. Salem has all the ad vantage of location, being the center of the state, tbe capital aud in a lit erary city and not a commercial center, which, as history bears out, is not a progressive place for a school. Portland claims Willamette uni versity has not, in the conviction of many of the more progressive Meth odists of Oiegou, measured up to the demands of the present and fu ture. The satne can be said of every other school in Oregon. The build iug of a school iu Portland to be fostered by those same perous.who have not properly sustained the Willamette will doubtless not raise the standard of education. The Willamette has a favorable reputa tion. While some who are not so well acquainted with the, history and work of the school, seak to the contrary, the fact is proved evvry year by the hundreds of students bo come from Washington, Idaho, Montana, and from nearly every county in Eastern Oregon to seek instructions at Willamette univer sity. The work now remains for Salem and the friends of the school to stand by their time-favored institu tion and not stoop to the low work of throwing mud and thus both iu juring the school and tbe city iu which it has done its noble work. The counsel of jHjrson who, uuder tbe garb of loyalty try to tear down more in a week thau they can build in a year, cannot with safety or pru dence be followed. Beyond a tern-, porary enjoyment of such ebullitions mostly by their authors, there is nothing iu them. Go to Crissmau's for children's carts; 15 cents. 7JfACOJ3S H CURES PERMANENTLY SCIAT5CA. I LUWBACO ' Ogder . ilirt), 'ey i:, 1W0. "l!jr lin.ti.u-liiv Samuil l'orur. u cured bj- Et. Jtcolu Oil of excrucitt ns tcintic pains In lib aien." J. ILL. I'ccTtt 4101Cenr Et, au Francisco, CaL April 2i. ltX. Jlr m lfv end I Uith ha e Ut-n .ffilcut! villi lanie-terJ: and rorv thruit. and hare f mid permanent core br us of fct. JutuU Oil. E. J. lxniVt- IT 18 THE BEST. Summons. In the circuit court of tbe hlate of Ortiron. for tbe county of Marion ii. l. rauiip, riuintiQ, i rn. J. Emma K.Philllixi. Defendant. I I to cmina r. i-unuim. tnruwTe nama .fcn(iani. in the name of Urn Ftate of land aonwer tbe complaint of the aUne. I SjfJffSS S22 entitled cM!n, now on tile wltb tbe clerk: of oald court, on or before tne nrt day of tbe aext regular term ofaald court, wblcb said term begins on Monday, the nth day or February, 11, at the court bouse in mlein, in "aid Marlon county, Oregon, andyouare hereby noti fied tbat If you fall toappmr and answer t-tid complaint as hereby required tbe plaintiff will apply to said court for the relict prayed for in his aaid complaint, to wlu For a decree of said court dUxilvlnr, tbe bonds of matrimonr now exlHtlsg bo tween you aud plalnlltfln mild canse, and for the careand custody of the minor child, Jennie Maud Phillip, and lur tbe cost and dlsburM-'ments of this suit, and for such other and further relief as may be meet to eouttr. This summons Is published by order of it. r. uoise, juate oi saia court, maae at chambers lu the dlv of kialem, Ont;on, on tbe IKtll day of .December, 1Sj. W.B.BILVEt'. Attorney forFlalntirf. 13--7t w Administrators Sale. NOTICE is hereby given, that In pursu ance of an order of the County Court ol tbe state of Oregon for the County of Marion.madeontbeSrd dayofKov.7, lsuu, lu tbe matter of the ertale ot Hainuel A. Keel, deoeoaed, the undersigned admlnls tratstr ofaald estate, will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, subject to con fir unit Ion by auld Court, on rJaturday the Stb day oi Itecvuiber, boo, at 11 o'clock a. in. at the weat dour of the Court Bouse of said county, all tbe right, title, eatate and interealof the said Mamuel A. Kelat thetlmeofhls death, in aud to the following described real property to-wlU Tbe north half of the JN'. K. quarter, and lots No. 1 and J, of Section 13. T. I) M It, J E. of the Willamette meridian, Jn tbe Couuty of Marlon, Male of Oregon, con taining I4I.1S acres, more or lea, saving and excepting a small tract thereof, da scribed a lolfows, lo-wli: Beginning at a point la the center of tbe county road, leading w from tbe town of Mebaruu.wlier e It crosses tbe line between T. V 8. It's. 1 and 2 cast. Thence weat 60 feet, thence south to tbe book of tbe .Nertu tiautiain river, thence cast to tbe above described township line, thence north to the pUce bfbetrldolng. . J. U. Kiuxew, Adufroftbe eataU of Samuel A-fKecl, deeeased. rioleut, Ore, Mor, 7, UM. MONEY TO LOAN On Parn Pfrferly. ApiJy toW.A. HamUtou, over Capital jsauuiuu ssaua, caucm. dw LS.SK1FFUU Dentists, a Operi HoiUs, WW!, Or. QBBBp JOHN HUGHES, sfeAt the Oil lite Corner. Dealer in Groceries, and Aumlow twr nml Ilonlr JerinR Lime Hnir. Nnil nntl Shiners, Hay, Feed and Foil re rusts, Urass fceeus, Kir, NKtY AnVKUTiar.MKNTS. H. A. C. 30 uimns so -At ht- OPERA HOUSE Thursday Ee, Jan. 1, '91 All the old and nw favorite will ! Uvclj-appear. General admllon 50 cent, rrwnc TV. TtckrtK on ale at Peart-onm. J. L. MITCHELL. OEO. 1IOEYK. MITCHELL & HOE YE, General Collectors. Brokers AXD ACCOUNTANTS 1K1 and topetcn rollectlor Mr nded to nromnllT. lUllmad ticket Kld to all iinrtu of the world. lVioUkeeplne for loml i.inliw u kr.w!Mltf. AdverUMDC ptaeed In any part of lu United Slat.-, at tne mou reasonable rate. Commercial lrito.i nflj-r timtnntlT. Mper S" Commercial ktrcct, up tatr. Salem Ortiron. -LAi:c;rsrr a-- llosl Complete Stock -OK- DIAMONDS Loose ane Mounted Ever broncnt to thin city, to I old at price that DEFY COJIPJSTJTIOX. A complete line of Gold and Silver WATCHES S1LVERWAKE JEWELUY CLOCKS. S. IV. Thompson & Co. 221 Commercial St, Salem, 25c Want Column. I Nation lnwrK-d fur ONE CKNT I'EIl 1 WOHD EACH INr-KlOiO.V. .So d-r- tlfcemrut iHM!rt'd in IhU t-olumn for le& toan tweutr.ae cenU. tTTANTED AS Active IIo.vimt Mas It ahirr 5 Ml monthly If nuluble.witb ojpnrtunltirv for adancv, to reprefnt locally a rwponalule ew orfc bousr. l-ferenp. MAjevrACTrsru, Lock IVix lis", .N.V. tn 4 BAKfSAIN. A boUHtandtwoInU for ale In houlb rail-m at only lI Ii- (JUll Ire of W. B. Xlmnn. lltf PATIIONIZE Home Indtiktry, aud n Mountain Balm CuubCurv. Uuar-ante-d lofie relief fir money rrfuuilitl. Mnnufueturcd By U. H. Cr, j-alem, Ort aron. bmitb &. etctuer Mile &grul for balem. ldlm I" OST. Some tlmerlnce.au edltiiial note j boot. A pocket In oner contains a I bank cbxk,no rt"d toanyone.u i)lneut i mu wen kuipjiea. j- inuer r;ii pieue ro turn to this omre. T7AJ"TKI) An active. Tillable mau I Milary no to ) monthly, with iu create, to represent lu his oi'U M.cllon a rpiinlble Ifir lora" house, ltelerene Mjk.VUFACTUBEIL L-lc Box IMS, .Sew York. T7HJU rlALE. About three acre of land I I. on Aayluin A en He. crid dwelliui; uoute, oonvenicnuy arruneeu, J a ret1 uaru, u vreat variety of fruit trim and shrub, bury; couieulent to Electric railway, neer falling water on premise. For particu lars luqulre at xecond bouse on rlgbl bund side of Asylum A reuue going Iroiu city. 12. If WJ AJtTEb- To trade a town lot in CnnU tal l'urk Addition for luinlT. Olluger, 12J M IU slrw-L IlrJU-U OW.VEIW OK COVVS-Kor kerl. a pure-bred Bed Foiled bull. Terms .), cash. At mj place In rialeni. J. u. Fakhihii. - EK BEST Five nicely furnished rooms, close to business &r of city, by the day, week or mouth. ixiruer ujiut and lo-.-jo-tr rront sirwu IJB BENT rue nicely furnished ; roouis. Applj at WOim'LHt. it-BHf , Suiiiiiions. In tbe circuit court of th( state of Ore. gon for the county of Marlon LlizleM.Vctxcll.l'luliHIrr, vs. , t William K. Weuell, Iviendaut f TO Wllllalll F WliLZell drlriutunl In !... Above entitled actien: In tbenameofibe state or urrgon, you ore hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint of the above nnmed plalntm In tne aboe en. titled court, IJiiWriuHle wltb the clerk of said court by the first day of tbe next re ular, the February, Ihvi, term of auld Vlr. cult court in the city of Halrr. Kr)" county, sjaleof Oregon, on Monday the ttlb day or February, IsVl, And roil are hereby notified that If tou fall to aniar and answer said complaint as hertbvM. .tlllr.wl lh. li u nt If ulll ...iu ..... - ,.., I......U..U.U i, voiue court or the relief prated for In safd irmini.i,., to-vrlU 1 hal the marriage coutroef herta tolore aud now existing between vou William F, MiUell, and the pklutlS' Lizzie U. W' ed, II. I, Vll.iI Ji"iV') .. . .r .v.- . . '----..., uu in i the plalntitr be restored to her malaen name, aud lor such other unri f.,..i . ' ." lief as may .beta equity just and tgdE ble. Maid demand aud prayer being based uuuniueKrouuuoi your willful dtseitlou and abondonmeutof the plaintiff for more tbanone ytarlast intst. mure Fubllsbed lu tbeL'aWTAf. aoe4Lfor alx weess by order of Han. itTJuJp le.Judgeoflhrir4ili(MlrtLflbSii(; of Oregou lor Marlon count,, muaf chambers lu the vilr of haliui Marlon oauuiy. Oregon, on Mouoay.ihe 15th a?l of Ueurmbtr, iwu, t'H iTT j, on J. "y Allorliejsturl'uilnii'ir FOM ItE.NT. A furnl.l.ul 08 Liberty. tree,, " -'' Latest Arrivals TOII.UT CASES INFANT SETS GLOVES and HANDKERCHIEF IIOXES SHAVING CASES MANICUKK CASES JEWEL IIOXES WORK IIOXES TA11LE COVERS TARLE SCARFS Look ! SPECIAL SALE Musical Goods at Cost, Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Banjoes, fusi Boxes and Sheet Music. We intend to close out, b)' the end of the year, our entire line of small musical merchandise to confine our selves to the wholesale trade only. Holiday Presents 1 Now is a golden opportunity ts buy musical instru ments at prices never before heard of. r AT COST Evcryiliiug Goes. j VIOLINS for 'BANJOES for GUITARS for 3 50 $75 ORGANS for 40 00 $125 ORGANS for - 75 00 Our entire lint of "Saaifield Series" of 10c music 5c 25 pieces, $1.00. FREE We give to every purchaser sheet music for !pia organ free EASTON'S 360 Commercial St. First National Hank A. P, AKsoTBcnsa, Msnsrrr. W. L Braurr, Prlncrpil. Business, Shorthand, Typtwriting, Penmanthip and English Deparuaeaia. Psy and LTcntag Scaskms. fctudecU admitted any time Catatowutoe applkatkm. FDR rn u Silk Handkerchiefs Silk Mufflers, Silk Mitts Kid Gloves, Lace Collars Purses, Tray Cloths Splashers, Tidies Albums, Work Boxes Perfume Cases, Dress Patterns Linen Table Sets, Jewelry Gold Headed Umbrellas, Furs And many for other tilings presents at T. HOLVERSON'S. Sash and JDoor Factory Frwit Strtf,blMi)0rtf"' The be8tcloH of work i our line at price to Mmpeto with (Ih l9wt. Op)y the bt mtrUl uI. for the Holidays. RARY RUGGY RORES RARY RLANKET8 , UMRRELLAS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS SILK MUFFLERS TARLK LINEN NARKINS FUKSKTC. -OF- $ 1 00 . 4 00 Com mi m MUSIC STORE, Eldredge Block. Building. tWlcm. Oregon. -o- suitable HOLIDAYS life. vrftfL vd&$kMT M'dL