... Highest of all in Leireninr Powtr.-U. RpYal g ABSOUUTELY PURE ,rr.uti to bave rRV.r. There are a Rreat many disinter- e-led uptrior Intellect w bo are rt- !"y afraid the people will - ruined 1 v Ihe bleine of an untaxed article . r .1 rr-i ..... hdi'lni it,.. Kti- tj prtveut the iv.fle Kettin? free -upir. Here a vmiple t'f the i -ueet talk in tavor of rtonnp the Mcar dutie--; HcnrvA Itrown,ofM.twachuett-, the noted Uipir tarrifl exponent, has tcn here conferring uith lead- lng official and member of com;re-I alout the creat cut in tbe duty on -ur togo into efft ueit April, under the new tariff law, and Its ef- feet- ou tbe revenue of tbe country. Mr. Br.wn ln-its that the lts of .. revenue from marine sujrar almost , subordinate to the new association duty free, together with the bountj i-rj,e sele-tion of tbe committee ami to be aid to the -ogir producers in j aisitalits to manage this aieia this couotry. will amount to $70,Ov tJon sj)a! lie msiCe hy the president 0jOavear. He i clearly of tbe op- j f tbe sevt-ral mads coanxxiti!: the luiou that it will be found advisable, and it will be the duty of congress to re-tore fully three-fourth of the pre-ent or old duty on sugar, aad discontinue, or repeal the bounty feature of the new law. He has no doubt that the rapid increase in protection of susar U ibis country will very soon cheapen permanently the price of that article to American Ounuraer, and that a -unaiued duty on sugar would tie a powerful factor In treating with the sugnr produring countries for reciprocity, ilr. Brown ay- hi opinion and view en th'w matter are shared by leading republicans in and out of cunrrtips, couvervant with the sub-' Ject, who are uot nnmindiui oi me ; demands that are likely to be made . up.m the treasury to meet thej .... . . i largely Increasing government ex- peuditure- for pensions the new jt arnounts tn a proposition abso navy and other matters, in tbe , lutt-lv lo slitle the tutluence of com near future. More money will hae ptitiou in transportation, to l ued, mimehow, to meet thi jt p-op,, ja ihe whole region increased go-erniuent expejfditure, , itweeu the Mississippi nver aud and It Deed Dot be liwked for, he ' tfjt. pj(3flc ocean arbitranly to fix says, In the custom reveuues, in , ratdivUiousaud ruUtmgJf freight, view of tbe reduction of tb tariS . . ...v:n1..- .k l. taxes on many articles, and tlie extended free I.U found iu th- rJc Kiulev law. ULOKIOL'S DAKOTA. Pat Douan. the world reoouned Dakota boomer, ha lust got oil tbe - folio wingt Six counties of the Red river valley produced th s vear ZS,M,(00 of wheat, which is to-day worth $1.03 a ' a bushel iD NewVork. That is an ag-' regale value, at N. Y. price-, for one crop,of f25,C"V'iO. Theentirecotton crop of Georgia, the "Empire state f the south," 500,(X balei at $50 a bale, would only amount to iiiS.&iO.. COO. tl&O.im I-- than the wheat product of six Xortb Dakota coun- aties. -We lack nothing bu' Ihe old - time spirit, tbe old-time bold aud broadcaat advertising of our incom- paratileadvaJitages auaTemrcetourraytbt; 0 uot ouv of the world's tnndreds of million, off ,be Eiiit but fclBO (jf uru on uomeauoior-uuri-rran. .u advertising aione-w-ounaretiy, eon- Kiifcueeless advertising at tnal last jear toot over llH,i" eople to trie Kod-forsakeu dewrts of Oklahoma, a mllion acres' of4 which i hardly worth a tjuartei-.'-clinu in h 1, a parched ana barren w ute of Band iud cactus, fit onli. to rai-e .-attk- snakes, centipede, tarantulas, purses and cut-tbrupt We bave the couutrv ! We are ll people I Forward ! Let the buzle aound ! . A 0,.,BV Arm-me-t." ' Well, tbe railroad magnate bave met at -New York, ,u pursuance of what pasa the Jav Gould s-.-Beme for harmony,' and Iheir proceed- lops w III be well wortb wu.chine. Just to show what they are driving at it is worth w bile to quote the full text of the pre iiuiiiarv agreement which will be ,.re-n,ed for ai.na .... .. . . ... ' ture, the name l-hjna follews: ;;Lu.porr.,nfrn: r: u.i, m toto wic pre-eut bev Itf.lwa flv. rBi .r- -m A .1.. . .a. eml naa,a.ti,.nt - f . !.!. :. . : ' " """-b" and Bt. Louis. The new Ua-K.iti,. Ii fit a. t rt 1 1 rj Ma ull thu Ha.H. . . -.r , St. Louie and Chica.o , the Pacific , a . . . , coast, and is to continue not lei- IV.Tr 1 . .ouer, With BllPh l.JLMlutt.nli. oa nniK 1 -- --...w,a,,o ,-, nmj jt- m a may ne agreed upon or fud nectary. ThBaarwl,.tln,. u-ill .uL...... i..ie " ',. e "' "f - - -w....- ..... ,Mn. uj.ju .laeii the makinjr of through and com petltive tariflri, the mauugemont COtnnetitfVH rillalneaa th o.,,iiliin. . ,a , , ' -"". " OUtslde aceiiclet, for nritf.nr hi, 1. .. " ' , " tbe routiuj; of it over the reepectjve riH. r.i 1 e.i... '...., tlou in sucb amount, uiuuner and proportion, a. may be agreed u,,oDiBldeand tbu WoIllara tamti Ur er ,: ia AL-'m-v'"-:.,ncna,a-B,?. r"iT,yfM. "(ftwwlen Iked ig Milieu of HoEC tt e r- . t-. a-- -ecv S. Got t Report, Az r, SSo Baking Powder tc.AK between the members of the associa tion. A sufficient puarantee shall be contained lu the agreement to prevent rebaUs or deviations from tne regular rates. Durii'g the period named the member of this as.-a.aTa- . i . i. II . i. ..... I... n. ...,..,& tion of any new railway line thai msut cvmiwte 1 the territory or , wjth tbe buMue of another mem her of tbe association, at least w out tbe consent o the other partic be atlected. Aboard of arbitration shall be named, to uboui all que tjot)i shall W finally referred for I .-nitration, where the nanie can i Qoi nj,. . among themael vet. Allloaah drawer ot tbe Bissell Hou-e ,otner B!ociaUons now ceverini: the two weefca ag., and was yesterday ' aiflerent parti of tbe territory wnteuced to tlie itate peultentiarj-. .. .. amed s,all I aboIUned or made .c.ciation and sliall require a two HUTU? liiC 11 Hi wuuiiN iir . s-ociation contemplated Is to enteJ Into an agreement w Ith the Central TrafSc ansociation md the Truuk . Line aociatiou in such a manner I that each association shall, within iu re.pecwe .., "-, tor tbe mutu.il benefit of tbe wholr, Anr road in the territory of either of tbe-e awviations that shall re-. , . .L- ... ... .L tu-e lo con.oru. 10 u.e ru.es o. me ; hart $5( but j ,,, fvM Xow j parties thereto or to become mem i lmve mil a cviit. Me uud the chil lrs of the as-ociation shall be ex- dren have had nothing to eut for a eluded from all JKmicinitinn in tbe' Vul,dr l,rt"a'V Go1, u" ""Br - ,-.., ., of th- i v- :JUst llttle ?"ur- J' nJ tbe baby u.ou.kv ..... ..t, the undersigned, agree to ue ouriIveU ick for two dava. j.. endavors and Influence to nrn- duce the perftlon and enforcement '. of lhe oTins pro.m,, J Tnat l? ther a gweepin; pro eram. is It not? , w el; a to limit the cnuatructioii .. . of . w- uies. u uroiH that no ....,. . .. .producer or fehipper iu the whole "....:.. nrf ....thi.,,. ,, l-,.., . . .. i u i .- . ,a i . -""'"C""'1 ii'iiniug to keep u- 'counir shall ha ve njwer to deal usjwHrm. Joe's Myiug all the time. to rale with ajv -lucle railnnid c.rioniiou, but that incorporation " 9,mI1 buVt. uy opU(lQ l(, rales. '.. .V ' '., ..:.. , . . , . BDall attempt to aci lUiletmuQelillV ' to rate, or to construct a new , competitive line, it will be boycotted by tne couibiueI railroad tunueDivl of tbe continent The gentlemen w bo are endeavor-1 in;: to put the Gould scheme into j euforcible shape met at the residence' of J. Pfe-rretMiut Morgan in Xcu- York Mr Mor?an N a and au julfc,tor in, aud a negotiator of, raiirwld sreuritiea. It -eem- tht the bankers are backing tbi-move- ' ,..,,, p,, 11,. ,!,. .,.& !,. n. ;.,.. . , . .... '"" """- ""- "- "" r movers. It U in its origin a fluau- ctal movement, and the idea in to Bjde lQ ufle conjUtiuQ aU(i , arrtBt conKruIuii-iloux City, la., 1 jourllai LALRA BBKN.NA.ViJ &AD STUU. w rrrttt uiri lieeame a --ra'a --P,"-- V if- and a fumaiBB ot. Corliiglon, K., special: A cut-Jedyln life wa recalled here or two ago in the po ice court I n-t.1. I, t .. . ii .i . ' Which is causing talk throughout tbe entire city. Ten van, ago one , t a -, . .t ...- , . ! . t i , . . - gins in lllli City was Laura Ureu- . t ..... - " " - accomplished, lull '"' ' BUO '"" ,av"m,f " b" BthenoB. Many of the best B " city sought her """" ." """-f- ?- v I o'"' nt f-n.ll. in Xew r. M nllTv and her fu,ure , u. t;.. i , i . i . 'f ' ."". Hhe disappeared. sne Had cone on a viit. her familv said. After a -hort time they went - : ? " -. .,H ,i, ...: ..... , : l--.oK Jl-.ua uieUlU UbL f. ..nil ui. ...1..... ....... 1 .. wbj, f., .. ." ." .' l'"-!" cc" "i UllT Il ho had loved her. JTV'T " " week were half a dozen men aud Wo , " rt. iutbenutHklrls of th- fii.y. ' 'V They u.e a t......t..i,-.L... .... . " ;.," - , Z. Tl , " ' "' """ n" , , -. me rename iiiubt of ihearreit niuJe ihedUmal hotire hiric.ll With ribald M.W, ruleZd hi"'c.mrt oue'w mau "km . . ". ' "" ",c "-ua uie raiKiied hi court one woman kei . - nej uer laii ie partially hidden by her e-- .".. j itwiiuy a name ' called and a hurley negro urn, efcd. He called his wife to hi i t To ecu with 40 Years the Standard. . LU LUC LIIULlill 1 . i, ail, LUtiniinkltlUIVIT. a III, I UK I Hill TIIMIIII f-T!ITV- still partially covcrod by tbe shawl. Jn Hu,wcr R -,n ,,, WM raid bl name was Alexander! White, and toe woiwu by tils tilde I was his wife. Then In the courjw of the examination it was developed that the woman wt none other, i than ttte once tvautiful and ac cmiplUhed Laura llretiuau. Not oue wool. 1 have knotru the bloated) lace aud mjdden form. The ex amination resulted In a fine which she could uot pay aud she went ti Ull. WHISKEY DID IT. ThfStcrT fDrikardaB Hit Start i Wiff in St. Lui A 1'albrtir t "e',c- 5t. Louis Republic: Tbe horror ftf IntflntiDmnm fia nlnt,! Iir !., turers In a warm, well-liShted balH are impoteut and without effect when compared with what might dtb-.be termed a commonplace e pide .toj that occurred JterdHy at the Co lumbu- tind.l jail. John Howanl, au iuebriate, who at one tfHie made St. L.iuu bU home, was recently arrested in Columbus fur robbing tbe' Before he was removed from the jail, a letter was received from his .iMrvtttt' ulf.. in At t,tii& In tH. letter Mrs. Howard piiurs out her iiisen.- lu language that would elicit the sympathy of auyme. JJhe did not use invectives but described her woe in a tone of gentle reproach, - - - - -- r. .-, ., -..I, -r i r ii .,.. ,u" ul """""".' lre'i"ti ""i coo v".v" 'be st-ry of hr misery right to 'e beart of the persons who read it. ' Her letter is as felljwv: &r. LOUIS, Mo., Dec, - DKK HCaBAMi: I r-eeivrd your lettel u We.lnes.1ay. I was pleased to neir lnm vou. I can't think wh ,ou pitdruub aud took that mnue. ' ,or ,u uat luthe iiauie of God am'l' 'todo now? W hen vou left me II llaVt, .y ,,,,. for .p-.t. T i1hV, bav I Ciin get ! no work witn TaulandJoe. and the w"a l "V"; rau' ", , ,ne owiers HouJ "j- tfc ,lave n one to speak to or to give me any S mpath, uud I will n arvei before l w in go out and uk for help It's a nice way for you to leave me in a strangecitv without mon-v or friemls It Would be all rit'ht if no men.ia. it wouin oe an ntnt u no one had to sutler hut your-elf, t hat's what you Kel for your drinking. But VOU won't let Hint ulnlif. I d in't see w hat you are thinkilii: aliout. bniigiug me and tbe baby in I to such misery. HI eTer see tny"f tl'o iil It full lXaint irat u ndn xrus t .. I it . w-av out you won't get a chance t' . "Mama. L puna coming?'' If y loVe. ,"le aud. the children as y..u . aitltrllt 111 aill U'lilllii uut uhri .. L- i iillllt In Vull U'iiillil ufttt.' HhiH u.rb I -.. .. -T i.i ..... ." j ""u"-.i"""'u,,u.,V,.r'"A ""M . ---- - -; ..-, "ai " i u wiiii me tiav "tfVTr kl,eu' w'.'t jt was l" , woud prraL.n yur f)laettl "i-mon srom vour loviuc wife. I Della HoAKn Too proud to beg and uuahle to find work, the unhappy wife of a inebriate and criminal is probubU starving w ith her children in wim- ( miserable tenement; aad if nothing , is done for them the records or tbe ' coroner's office mav lelL In a ahori i.i .. . time, the htory of wnie terrible trag wir t!mt haa alii.bc t V.r- . ! --' - .utl.u,ii., "' and made good people in pnwper - 1 oua circumstances wonder how aucb misery ctiuid ever baveiated with - ,u: aUraCling the attention of she cbafitubW r.iulalent I"r -Hulcld.. 1 If we allow oor bodily Innrroitlta to maaeawae wltnt4 tbrnnrh nMlMrt now 1 e aucban liiim-OAeiwraladvauueeovFr :."IV , ,uc-ucnuvrau; .uiciae? careeiy. i- diu.. rii.h. ;. .T..... i Jr" t j i, ----- w.- M-tLa ,uu X.BtCl Ii ure -often t-rrib'y wift in tn-catatru-pb- 1nat pupi-uf averure lnfiirniMii.m know icattbiat-.Imply the cnvarnlth-d trag-rutb in rvrdioth-. widely pr-r,l-nt kind, of building- nf Kua. a Hv nladl. Tod-lay Juda-i.x. medical ioi. tlon. ' K a ua u peoily -uieidal in anrn m Tr.- ,"','?' n?..f, reln4J"lu " r"""l In Ho J-tter itnnia.-b Bliten. Ulvaan iniiwtu. to tne action of tbe kldn-y wlib-thli safe ,. ...- - ""-.. oair nuTnT r.nrnU.'i1 Z'SSk 'JZiL ?,ror. I Le.. .ii .."-. -,-. , ""a?mle1 e rx. Tot ztttr "...... .u. .titri,. wmen anniniiMi. br gTuwin irouble-, al eradicaiea RWe.Sa?, tSS vg pj-l-P-ta. rneumaU.ni, malanal and" ""- ....... FOREiT GR0E POCLTRi URDS. Founded in 1877. W Y0UNG F0W FOR SALE ioa tut 6axvtrtlM M t6. :. 8 ,tr order Wl, foecboic aeUcOoiiii. Send stamp f jr catalogue. arlXra I Ii flDDIPnil M. T. RINEMAN c,..ia ..r? " . ! oicjiir ouj um uweties, m i .,..'. ."":'.?. " . w, i aned .' Wod?rS.SSeff,"2S: - nixii - airri. paid for country prodTce " ,"''' "are of yur pHu..na. ; " -""-treet. nGSltrl IS WGfllth !' nixn-ai rrbv paid for couolry Drodu-- ...... ..a ...-.-.."."' """ it uiaiii " 1"" "' ""'nwiiiim'briil'.a- xrL. -urn m ,m 'a uiuuiili tin fWHiib . . ..- hii - U'fr.tt.t..r;..M: 'Bka.. .!. vllT'V" aaaL ju sv-ci iit ivt raa i "Mununn irxm. imvi'H . ...-. cure anr r-,- i-oi. . t mi be u roV air'taVr-'": " .'if :.'r UJH we will aeid I h, VSitaK'SS Wrilltn IfllMnintMk. t1 raaCiraH aw. 1 ' .' , W 1 I tf UUUIlfr fllTDf the treat,,,.,,, a ,,, Vv"," "I CCtW. CiOU. COxiCrlT 1 I'd a'rU V-aectlDe e-aia HTajVJv SaaV !7g ,mkkc cv JD to ron92-at r tb mannNrtum nf X. Sar CVmira ISeaedr ta tbelr cbUuy cure Clirocia Cxurrh to th Head, no (HlftaW. WW VT.M U Ul OWW lUUf 'T ' fL that thv vr In nv4 ef-h fw. tv-i I k... ., -a i- a..w. w "JSirt'Maf&lieadSSS: fggZg-! rid. at cttm tbtck. tenadoua, oucoua, I S'ednlSrroi I gT"!S5rVi JeSSTiSSgl . OaJr afr or umw jrasptonn tikeir to ftwSta oooauayiloa aad ad ia Um b bjm. loothtar. antiaeptie. et. taaea nnprorx-nW. Iir.rr'i iura- S2t j JS? , gJJJJ J " euna wi:a row appiic. HTtual MtmAmttf la rrltevrd asd ctuwd a It by atattc It remove kibw anaia, ioa or uapaimrai oi .irmjiw u. ,ic " ' "' w uvniir. ku . m or erta, aodlaralred memorr, " ?!."":!.?St1?r:, a tbr aU frKjusnUy ara. SnM hj dru- rota, at fiftr ctnta. UaoufArturvd bT noa, tC3 Haia Street, Bufaia, 5. T. , j Timra9a Poll of a UTt flCTCQ O XT6U6lS nrei7 vtat.K Oenoy Lazattra, or . ., - .9v.. I athartlc ucordlnf to i or -usi. S3 ceau a ial. , i FKOFESSIOSA.L CARDS. I .. . , nvnvriFV , "" K BnNa-t- wn. vN-IlA DEL V BaxHAK, HoLxr A llAnr.v. Atlnr-n-yi' nt taw. nsice m no-h" hl-:, betwwn state and Omrt. on llomTSt. i i C T.RICHAIIIWIX, ttnrney at law.nf. i . fle npitatr In trnnt mnm nt new - Bth blcfe.rornirO.mmirelaiand Coin 'trwts Salem, Orvgon. ' 1 J. oro! JmenrSw he iJn v. htod of .talr. in the rear of Ladd A au.b bKnt. TIL.M(l KOIin. attorney at law, -alem tirexuc Ofnc np-ulrs In luiion'i i . - . nc"y"" ' P cyron"ii NT. altorneent law.tm. iffln nr Capital National Hank, fnmme-rlal treet. Aloney to loan. I rv'AItn' KINOHAM. Atinruey and J couniM-lno-at law, v-Itm, iiiion "rl"S anabtnetoltherrdor.Mrln j,,,,,,,, ,ni.iuljln ,,,, .n(, DfcM.b ,lld nl . mi, tb have pHh facilltli- tor r ' amlnlus tltl to rt-l e!at. lluineji It. ,uv ".ui"..",,r '""" "u "-'r 'l" I menu will wxlct prompt ntientioc. I.VTA K. . PWH. V. n. GrHdntif nf mcpiAin laaHtial iI1m tffo. her pt 'ae-lonol servbv tol hn-wbn amy dlaeof woninand nlieren. onleenp MJn sew K...a buildlnp, Comm-r cut -iret DR.J. 11 KKE.VK.rentlt. OrScnve the Wnlte Corner Co-.C. ud Com i tueroml itimia. iv""i'.r t). HDUH. Arehlt'M, n, ttr', ,i J? , ncKllon., and. sup-rlni.'iirt-''. ' v..ila all ct-i nf bn'MlneM. Ofli. - ,nr i'ou I mereial bU, tip talr. '"ai- ". McNAI.LY.AL-nllee. HnVmqnhlii., ,!.. ." NVw Poali Unn, ; in cU- of of e .,ld?"a,7,7'n'L A "Ei-ArtW sti.di . Itnah Ttiur-dAYs and ."- u-.n-JK. H3u .-Saturday, HCS1XEX.H CAKH-i. D J. LAItsES 4 1 Mannfiriure ofali '.,. Klna&ofvehlclea.ltfDalrlnrE.r.,,!. ' . ' f4 HoSVE-?artr a"d Hair-drw. :mmeb3mreUXeim!t,,ntt','eU- DR. T. C. SMITH, IlenlUt. SiaU; .trrl, rvalem. Or. Kinlhl denul oiraJ . tion nf.nn-iii-Vir. t,T7 "" f "o a Pelalty. ' - A M-CLqUGH.Und-rtnker.Etnlx.Imw and Cabinet Maker, iu: Mm, hi. "alei H' n..oa'l'".,?.:.,- unny-t.r. end - " "mv. nru on-uiriu W, rt. .If SU M,tl t-: ,-,.-.,.. i T"N ORA.-Cauactor and bulldw J flnelniide CaUbln- a an"laliv Sf . ,. . . . .-.". m nuai'iiiin IW.'i J".,. . rail.V KNICSHT. m...t.-...i. .1 -- . . . -"imi.u. j,i llnrae atli- SJSri "J "rP"'"na"pw:ialty. nbop -"-iy iireet, saletn.Oreeou, HOCIKTV Mirier w.'i ,V' a ? " "''". 'reou- ii eti- -..cb ..,"1;f eyeuineatluball lntaeln. rnSlt . Iuck' '-"foer tammiercial MljU or,t" "i1? . VlaliimundBojMuni 0. 'I', K--J?dewicfc f,, ;,- 0 ipa " ntent Of Urt-rnr .. .., . .'x,..T .l ei'm3vHltbiUU tbeoV4.n uSS i-ordMtn.oia-. V""B mtade ar, iwdlally Invited u attend. a if. A.. '""- ',,,'",, vatauider S. A. ItAKPLVt. Adjuu it ul" Jti4' iaoript.ve prle- ll-t f r. e HCTH I5QCI.T, Km llrill-.lm. SAL SAUSAGE WuRKS, Only Germn Market in Ctty. C'noicet, Fresh, Smoked ar.d Pickled Keau :ti. factured. AU klod4 of XausMre, Wholeale anrf Jte tall-Cree delivery la -iiy H71 Commercial St JsVSHiSSSss I '10 1 Ci la. llll.TTJ CflAS. Ull, PROP. CALfrOHMIA CATARRH r - z - iiimrc a sas sKBBai ina w ar . k.T i h ar bi bt h . araiHiui, nrura F a. farm -- o-- -. , I ' SJ -.MWMwnK.t na ut PAIN. TU CUUfontU ftflltiT. od Irrt)Tt lilt i l Iff WMMBIf M aA ... '- I as taMw lluicbUi'a Proposals for Supplies THKIHIAROOP TltfuTWS OF THE impm Mate Invine ayium Invitee eakl iaop,vair ffir furtilhlnc at the a-y-In tii, rear -Miletn, linen, tbe Mkiwlue itl-pllvaforlbeatx lii-ulh- eudU July t, 11. CltOCKKKV. indnitlm.tmiib'cr. , W p.KhePs a I rll-n, J u S lou.atiox a.c4inu. u. Iil-l irealmr l. I 1 quart .n,p ti I, W (I. J a) leM Clip Hllil Mlntrt, W' It. I 12' v p-Uble d,bra, do lucta, 6 tkw iu men. u 11 ilui diuuer ptalc. V U. PAINT ANHOM.x. 1MB Plnou.r lead, white. Ste l .rtn'oliuc. &44- NllHnl lll-lM0ll. ?: p iii.r lu iiUildt!. 6 oilKin- .li nuui nilri. IvB rvd leud.dni. MAI IftX1- Kirk Nrtvwn, nra KHHt. tMKFKE Srndr. "-i-t J'. iv?nVn '" TKA. ?i l' brand lnt; I'boiic, or an juod. 1 M t Unci piTtr. .ni'Klncrr. 0 vmuniiinn. 50' mu-turd. IU inure, aU sun d-ird crouud. FltftT. 1?VI drl-l app'r, mncbtnf drksl. .") urlrd pnulin. L50." ItHilan pruurn, nucblD drUid.' iti: Alb. 'tvoib ?r dy mire .ir lw of lfnd li US1..U u rrllirrd lu l-OU-Ujuu-U OT fore nud mud a Rrirr. PLUCK. SCObirreN brt rllr prvx-ffn! delivered a uuird. VIMXJAK. . .T callotu pure cider vlnexr, J truln. j GKoCi.KItb. IO,OCOS l. erj"l wh. loo - inlwfvo. Uaptdsn or a c"d. no ft-kduerocLrrv, rtr Jrrrn. I nA) tal-llia. LJ1 Inrrr-. lojU'ouur, I0.U0 lb- l)Mcc C, truce-. Knnuu,ltnl. In -MLk 0 ttw cnerr, Ciun-litu!. or a irnod .CiO 'roru meal, Gold fiunt, frt-b ('round. ' J xv -craefceu wntui, irva crouua. - nrf boimuy. i f uut lotniL j : nlle,l out-, Amer. dried rurruutw Srtl 110 .(CO iitiMnU.i C'o's A and H brand. liu :oi DKI MO tiuckerul..slextriiur-s "jOratcb. esull iilni'ia. "cutch climrv inland rit-r, .No I. ohI flha Utiit-tfs, Iiciflc cnat. crmin f tMstMr. J A Kolcrr. tiriine. K) KUa-i urxti.'urctk t0 Mini xlMtCtl, IKUiTJil tucn iiHicfit-h,Miirtor hafrtr, lm ' run oy-atr '0 ruus nirn, u inflow , luoriall..n frup. exiia k-t.UJ'-n rvaod. U-U ciul oil, yiri brun.t. JLU ' mola.fr..rliruUA tXUa, 10 boxr mui-CMnnilu L b ' erinict It, .No U 'jam Ditiii ririckrv. vVCu llillc uUi eisii. IbJ Cblua ian b. A diz a bi-1. t,n,ni S Ujxr- b.ulnc. ultamarlne blue, LA. 12 iii,ip ntjr- 4 ' tnnpklici; i ekb buskrtu, -Q lar end. a il'ow, larce alxe Sat dn-i b u-b, l 4 1. Co, 7 K. e tu.-tiiu b u-iie-. .,,sl, all hr4 t W ort-l-rhtr- tbucr. L.S. IV f 3 purr luccu oil. ,jaK snots and :.- l rfrv rtnlvai 1all. . .- J 1 1 f.Ii. rt.z.Nu .0,1. i,..; 'J, lOdui u3. iOd.'i Un iir Jir u.lr.Nu ' Jie tid, :i pair .No lidrW fir.Nt J auto .ii,-. inuii(.-r. iireenu extra ga. v ,. U"iiitr,iu-n.ll-kln harii-r uk. 1 -i.r- it-iiiurr, u11.11 am -.. 10 per lde. -..-l.tou t-xiru bcaN y 1 j;ro bur bbicaliig. STATlo.VEItV. 12 dii rayanu"- ludt-lible inc. qu -litg-rd -coiiuu ret ! ink. 7 ' fuDi.iri.'. p't-mluiu fluio. 2 copjIinrQud 1 eroi , i-i mUT' r iund clll pencil. Vreu'lltJ Mlllial Jxija-r Srnon,- iwir tper. Live UnK or a. cuod, 4 ream lsal cp. 4 boxea IrlerbnoaV J penl. 1 boxiA Ijtmluu lucuudecent l't& Ci'i r. I n. Intuicn. TINWARE. 2 tin chamber., XiXX Un. 1 UlfZ JIl-l pun. 3 ut dlniH-r. XXX7T tin u OUpain, tlitilUtll(n(lUD. XXXX , . ,," , , . .2 ioup IZlH - 1 . .'.... "" .i?f'-., . juiiK i-.-wm oiumeier, c.;incn- 8dox tr-tl m4i1oz lql.dxrtpt fM. vuav, .Va-j.w UU, UIIA.VITE IIUi.V WAKE. 24 water pllcbem, A qi. wire edge I'.'.L.p im wiin liana, Nu3 lXdUn pni a.ailiicbta diameter, t In deep i u it i-iun laul- 4 VbD batlnt CLOTH. 1CCC yd beary ea punu elotb f-l In wld- HAHliWAKE. i3 ft mund Iron. ft nmnd Inm. ,o'WMT.:fr.t un ft vj, lOOfl'i. t)ft7 lb Tif 1.1a Saul If da!IJSil B i .oi..Miraa, no it;4 i', !W. sn V.v,fa" f eucn toy . i;, uy h.2i i.iiv; i! -t; .t'lt-b'A nrw u w ftlijln'aquureiwii.teel 1) ft oeuie iu tool ateel. lu ft- eacb of Win and, in and -"i in -o " ;-,iu I horaer.piH-..r) ofc borah'-- nab. (Putnam) No 7 iuj ifc i in aui-ni i m.. ..... ... .... J-ln oyi3 la b a ' n e Hn I-iiuuiMtfl e. II a.x nie. Kexrn-y A M',' brand, 4 lint t in, I duz I ln.3duz3 In, In miua taper, ulci 4 rt'iz 1'lln mill, Kearney a f'uotea' brand I km Sti H wir- n.ilU. So i d wire na I tt n hnd bit, eucb I3K.H Ji-5 (Irnitnr.) o 7,2 .So 1 1. 1 .i. 10 IDe.I. Albany eylliider oil 'H ' i-plbdleull a unaiee I-"AO ftrt b acaamltb CMlI ia iiubarcail 1 rmort ,,-kji idmai-h - a ,i.nlmlM nmenine. jia. no ilia riute.n ui firtlal.-kn.'vJ i,Tl, Jl.a. " ",i bother tbe operator. Ill, neat, ,ub-tan- 21 bolej aIle?reT.'e (Fni.er.1 ,V1' .nl!:'"J, p,a,''d ,''r'''', M0" ",1 ',tMl " -iuuieauie.reue(rniieiJ 'all kind. ol tyi writiue. Ltaeu prlutlii IlKV ClOODS. I pre-, it prudurra almrp. clenll. legible Lit'.V GOODS .V fc"Wilte yarn, ail wo,i -' yda -mlon tloin-l. XXX Naabua SU I'rtjuut ahee;c.i- 1 "ll In., oier. nlri-1 Viiiik-f;) 1 CO I'e'juot ell llur, titul'TJi in I fO . 'Win -CO blued-iilmi.voz Atn-xke au liiknie. full. AliH-te- '31 ' latile linen. Ii'eiirhed J.0 .lH.eIIV Vork lr,M.orh-f kt w - r u anu uine cn-c-t lowelllnr luO chei-k ddiuiiel, bi ck and white! iuiilii, u.ai i 'J? lowe'llnc. iilenchKl linen 1 In wide inV . "J "'l'i3'lu wida , ll ' i or.-j -eo iiaiid-rchl'f j ill p.iL wliietntad,7U.u4,aNo 71 ' ;: ,l,e"Ddbtac . nrd, . i .,, .1 emaa plm, American oj b ,xes imn inn., rCerby brand (' pearl dre blllliuu. a), r ii tariub zru d irr lie ne d . t ir a .:. -..'-.f W nil 'HP -j i wi(li 00 vd wairDraf 1'itiJh. ivv a a4 .. . l... . i.j.i.'l mm m ilium miu iiiuiio 94 iVTH!'l'lv"i:' ," -' Si. Ji paperi.f.t. I'LUJlBIVfl, in netenor .uaiia eotin. .. x... . . .". l n Un braan tnlnla cloth b, .older Jie.eiteainllu-cennr .No f ' fl'iea, will, aft attain b(a,e cuuplliu a cuuplliij ;. KUue,Jiili, relnr raaehima gaa U(UUn 7 1 do line frtr tJc"nit katterle. Ultt'CI. 1 Pi Acid muriate. C I Vtonn tiitri,rp ph.. photic, dll citric orllc cjO malllnckrvslt ar-cima, qlbb I 1 l ' tut 4 hyilrxa-yanicdll 10 AtamoulaaquatTMic ? . ...VV'S "JT'oi" I ,.u,,i i?",,",.'i."ii' r . ... : . r. -'..- lla-li bromlilr itmlitnckrodt t nHmie rrj i 4 pod I aeeUle 5 ' Sod klH-lnte 1 hJIO-lllfblln 6bbi r-itlhtim n &iran lniclum mu-tarit E icllh I Mm Morpb-ulp i t i S tfr ll.iii'iinib iU, one dractvni j VT two i 1 E IVtuth bl rmm , ltd ' l'..r5Hno , :) bet-ax.jellow ! to xlole i 1-3 doe Cllulcal lliermomelrr. lenrrnl lr-lt .Vv llj (xKl-riiilc tftbleo mrpbl3 ol- pliif l4 rln. I" O i IV C UJ Ki.rinlr iMbitU beo-lne hjdro I'm.. nlel.HW.r Pli A Co Xli II i rnu.e UMtti inorphlne ul- jiilr l i.r, V Iia t o SXJ llytH,viiiile iMlneto lropl.e ulpbl 1 l.1er lli,li Ji'i ll I-dermic lanleUantrvptne nulphale I 14 kt I' Ia o , i 10V H.leriiiic t.-lil't hTovjimlnennl- pblr l tOsr I'D fo' 2 S aliH- -. pwle , rtU-ertiiibi.rHiHlplRterH, H A J 1 d4 er ri,..e-t. kl. 0 c f Mleobttl. fei.if rn l. ia u'iu,u, cr I 1 r Ki-iuuib miu nil ik)Uibl I Kx lUirlce ii d & Hutu CKiuptior i-i si- - c:ifetiu 1 1 1 1 1 I ,5 :! i i.i arable xteet widtbeir. turk,mabd " pplu cu -etieaerr ' uailla b,-ais-uxlci.w ' Vtiuft-rJ ,iii X1 d UrIillMii nl (aiwd ' rl nvbel e ' tl ,x Tfj iiile niu-r -tniuccr Mjtubh ' ina.lmkrodu ' opium poademM ' riiuUkfir-oicut.Tt rkey slrM. nulla leuv, pulv ' aui-e-nJ ote coinainnn ' u fouul birr tta dej.t'avt aconite ro-t P IHCo bucbu btumaH ' ' bla-k kr cuk-bluui tool . . . r-d ' ' ersot aqulbba ' ' i'iUui 1 nialf lru luaudrakc nnti iMi-MtirUla Co Syrup I , .. iq.. , 'T; J 5 1 1 vm ,r II j n-fumry - ' I W r.ii.nt 1 4 lurrvuMUtlt I t iuiiin, pur S Iiij;tvi ttUfTpWUCU !2 balli il m.ts, n.Kulc4 j . noz wtfi rb&iliT -kitrttr- Noli, .Frracii II tt iruu yy o pu , Mitubic I i hyur.cu t Otlnit el, Mull"U ! m iu.ua nil. ,. (tni . . 2' Vir,.lilH UUktT IliOt I i lp-uc ptm Hit ' ici'ifMiutn curm ne, .N40 me,t u K'-liin.lu-v 1 bb. eblo, l.iv ,4 itui & b. b.ii U ulada- liOJp II-, kiu' , ..... ... , . - 1 CI' Da Co uu r . .pbyllln l.X ,-u.opn ru.l HO st VUl .val l.-S ' .... . f r !. k n M CtltaaJ Criinh wnr ITainr I pi ( .mi h t ,,-x,, , .......... - r - in ih.i'.l1'uiw.h .ttha' umH i 3 T Urle rui.uttrlpuU nvlt J rch 'Uid4 I. 1- Tvm oX 'jv..ii it.9uitJli TeululA. V D A 3n.M(hNos4ai.dO i ro'l iur.rsii.it iiiCffiaM piasifr. 2 rmrn II fle-n Hlld wtl-te n, ,.. i,ir. a ..ich No 4,Sand C XX, 1 rueb o-1, Sal d Xi j vr. p, ,. r b nr-.u.-l.d allde 1 r , m, ,ii omoal bjxj,, aiulet, I r.ib 1-lai.d lux ( 2 doz iruc be.itutr pla-lrra, H and J 1 Z Al'fCV pf"U , 3 lb .'fceii,b"irboiit eotien, a J ju-i:iu o iuv ruuucr auuvivr pia.ir .l,ii. and J K.kHiiun!"'u-ai.k.Tnrnrr' patent. 1 ecb l- 1.2 S, I S. N" and Iloni ebemiiHl nlm fla.k, n .1 b -.mm. I ..mnl.. ni.T iK-r I .1 tun oll.i r ill tbf- ' lauir.i 1.1. tnr coibti. rali mu.t la- 111 I aco.rdatice tbeiealm aiidniu-l -ome In or cmal picknj- beo ji lb e, la II cr I or ruppl et. will t- ri-qulrnl wl' blu tfii d i ill 1101 111? ! aiffpiaiii-r in mu tipy thi udertleuiut mu.t accimiMii y eucb tna, ana me iiuinir 01 1U0 c a 01 auiiiin.- bi.i uitu mu u.L la? mien on tut- r lei It- hcb old mu-t li.dud ii II lb it n.of it cttt-vt,d lion, ami tuimi tt in in ui.d UoUWlu lull. m I) exct-pUon nr in-.t u. d , flour Au tunc oflitr r prohibit-.. ' tiro hi tn li 1 r.,.i rnnrirtiun.' MtntnitM s.f nur. h..ts w-hn ihtsidertl"-iu ntU'fi nt cnuinin Ml Mtil mu W le dcTliithiu or llir kh d-ofBrtUi iHpurciiH.-d. t Tlie rtit lu r.J1 ur or all bid U rr- .Ud-VtM l nnn-d Pi ? o'clft p m.,on Tuedai. Juliu-iry b. 1")1. aVLVrjjl Ml i-KNNOYEK, (iUl. W. ll HltlllE U. W, WtBll. Uoird efTrusteen Wil. AiMUNLY, Clerk of I! a-rd. COOK HOTEL State anil HL'h Stm-L ' . n u ivni'iii'rtv iwinn G- AN utitbO.N, prop. 1 StKCtSJOf tO . IL COOK. - r. l. .. . Tbe Cnok iloml la oppoaltr court hem. cmnelenl buitne. purt of city an trwl cir line rnniilr pn-l b- diair '""' ' " . "' uj,.,,i,ruiiie Ml n.iin Mtlul (..mi. In l.u.i ... una lu bourdura and j bmilllea. THE ODELL !type writer. r.TJ will buy the Ourxi. Ti re WISiti k . ,w,,n cnt'1 .ft?.!!!!'.. trader. and 112 for tbe Mix, i. LL. Warrilllll lu du better wurk ibanutit maciil.e made. 1 ltcoiiibmeoixei.il iTr wltb DCKAbtt I trr, e..tn, !lAr ol upi ciriMi, umi, lonser wild ml cikI of repairing than an) iibinux-ript. lwour ten copln, run l- i maaeHione wriiinc Any intelligent per uu c n iKHne uu nr-niuir In two day. IWeonerHUU lo tiy ope-ator wlm ,-im I eollHl Ibb work uf the lairm.e iUm, UOILI. Ileliiible Asent' and ul-inen wanted lvl il Indiiruineui l.i (It.iIit.. Kin-iniinplilet rivinx Indurnenienta. Ac. Hddrea UUKI.L f 1 ft. W It! I Ml iu. , aua n .au rt e. CIllCUKo III. -- -tl Jas. ttotchelor, Prop'r. raeuty-lltecenUper meul 1 H. D W l O M T. Court utreet, iatweeu Journal oitloe and ltulu-a la fry. -sHbto. ! . '- V VT N STEEL PEMS 4 Bample I'en.rl I (Tercet pattern. i "'.";,' eta I 'aid, uii" . t4SU yo.U-iU, va ilp; ct ) J tOiiJ FtRXY ACOlondsn. rttab.tsjt ! V. f. ? 1 1 9 Mail-.,, Hym YM r. i riM ii i i "ttci ti.ap'rrf- khi.aaiu x 10. jm ln my iWiiuraol r: WPfR.o ! Warn. Meals at All Hours nl (lie Day JsiJ'S,? ZI" : JSf'VM?-""5 DICTIONARY , .None but while labor era Hoyd In tbU m,mi-'B In TiTi r'.' J-''i ! eablulLllluenl ifcl leiC .... '?. "W1" ,n ,h X. I A .-!. uuuuitlal iii-alc. ked III nmt- ittt i j, '..''f kl U-ml,J tal X. I r.... .1... . .. .- .,..-. i lrar.td 10. ff. L ff ira r.f .Sjlrtn-I.. 1 a e ,.,,.im. , t-vjie-.tu. rd,a-.r;.c. "'".?"' . -- K E D ie 1 O M T. -tj- i. , a .,-.'. " .. '"v '!", m&im - ... i .. frktrk BB"PsTS 3iL' PJ x All kind, inotintpd to order ALLAN RHODES, A1..M, UllLliO.N SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Comme'cia! St. AW Mjlr-ofthr Kmn'MM vinprrnmfctnni l.V on h-int ! ntiln utiil untllo fur m.1 fcllKla of HlUt'ltUl. LSlMiT CASE, Agent. i Vlrnim Uoll, SAVE MOTltlY ONiSJ'KCIALTYOFFAXCVCAWfc B03TS, sei;ts ud RUBBER! t. G. GIVENiCo'j. .torn :-i Cq.1i :-: 1'rlcas' PUR SPCIV.T.S. Bq I. -ru-llnb'e." fr men, IVbVe calf. Owdmniraiv . atu)h i fir fi. It. "tliiii ""ii ii-," for l.ille, a brti't II .u,ilu,lj lUliu.nuy iuuu,u aui ""in.1"! !i.,ei .....nej on . -nd riiiiaron mun-h nnr,inv i'w i"-ht Kfiairtue d.ur. I'li-ittu, vmrk Milieitca. i 1 1-4 If SALE11 IKON l&!s 0. I). HLTTOX, l'ruji. Oi.lln.- of all kind made to order. lll.l. JlAflltMlltV, I'UMMI Jlll.l.S, Ollt.MflX, MI.-IAl. KI'.OVTH, 11 1:1:1 ji. I'Ui.i.rrvs, md p'lnl cimtlnc 01 ny-ilf or iab Inn Miiiilr in -iHirl nnlr, iiMitli uud rt itablr lu rv partietllar. ' Ifnn-n ir.r ll il-triiar ir. VhnM fliijns ui'du au; .nmuiiiu; 111 jnvu uiuvi. ....... . . J,1""n'; '""'.""i.r0?.ln.r ';"'' XmV alld ll.ip lora limit III lllakrlMllllalea I -a any ir-ni w.,ri nmliJ. U.hI pru-. laild lor old Ir.iii. ' .Mt-liu m. i, -j I'll I , V Ji. it 4 1111' IjL f Dairy Co I QHI TO vur' u A. V Kitrdhill, II J. Kelly and -r- prrpired lo dollv-r tli-"b tnllk iimledou lie, lo any inirt ol tlir city. Laaeordr at Moiio a lia ..tuble MARION TOWNSEND (SfCVK-bOKT JV " MVITil ) l'KOl'UIICIOIt OK "THE CliLMJ SHABLES." H r- i.f ih Ii ih i y m- il, t II LU Ut .i .tKUV u lTh Klt' tun . Zj. AALtW, OP, Cattle ! A 1 1 cjnj.'ut It fi-nle, fie y die cofe to ou-. i . Audreaa or eii or J . tJ. lair r.lH... ....' -on iva.i. ' ' v-n : 10 Acres for Rent. A choice tract only one mile from 9ile n Ic-iiu liberal Apply to IIOFKIt nrto.s., Juurnal Ultlce. INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Aaaceied n-nrloiie.ilr'li,ifb million in; i. m. i:n:i.i it.tny Kn' And apeei.o Hcnit fur Marou toui.ty. Oi Die wuli ,e i i,i,ir IfelBBPIlJ 500 4cTn Ulz.h K?--: .. W A-l j-iej? . . ."." -. -"' lwr uitiM. I 'bkll'at ivtl.anl all LVIiia yorotni tUod..a,-rM(j,nKnU, ,.rl, 4 0o Le It Ictiau i f'ot.len Noml.li in. . tnd lira n trtaunenij Iumo phyil al'pow. I SI-. MkJi ' fcr-f. I rxMUaUoo. ata Prlc. a-lt on .1. .;-! ' -". a.a. T.i,lcud r.'.rrlne. THE r.lCHAROslJRUQ C0.,Aneut eu niAan.r.T t , Cat rra-cUca Cat utwuiia cnt met. .1 IIIJU i i .urrTr- biimis. x isr-wvv jvn'v.s, iUMr' niT niv 111 at fete?&2&?Zi& TMTFRMATTONAL Ba? "r".'. '.-'."Jl L"-. ?. "" "- . . to , ui iuu r i n r ...... 1 nr jitr-,,"r-'' ,,tc' "rle; lor I . tO 1 1 re lins , , i briiMI.tio a .,.. aod.ru-.tami. Prlr.il ii, p r Uox.' Who do All Kinds of LAUNDRY WORK As Clioip ns any Lnui.drv in Ihe CViiiiilry Using hlte Help mill doing (Irvi-clna work. OSrTjtdli and pAimim Invited n In-pect .iur procvMi of doln 230 Liberty Strett WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY llradualra Student la Classical, Literary, Scicnti Mssic Art and Theoloev Normal, Hnsiness, Lav MEDICAr COURSES ltiMhfolJM, Urrnt ana IwiAt ni. live lotltutU)n or Itwrnlut Xht NJrtt Sml for cftUloue to wpwm,Jr' THOH. VAN KX)Y iffcslacott it Irwin, tjueceaxor to Amoa strong. Pioneer Bakery 271 Commercial Street. French uud German Wheat and Itye Umtdt In Ily Styles. l'jatry awl Confectionery itufcinj,', lu Full Stock. Our mv hread ami cake liskm are tlrst-cliisa nrtlits lu their lint, and we aitit to have Everything as Fice as tbe Finest JOHN G, Barr. , Watches and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. to mcunurlne d-OH-fiva lied AMo-klbat win r critical eativaad WATCHCS, ETC. A tn-w itnck of cloefc. allver and fold wati-br. nherwars and jew,-lr); wblct ulll bvi)debeai. Al-.iuh.lof PAWNED WATCHES will be -old at lea-than half tbelr alu. Call and mnMnie jouraelf. EAST AND SOUTH" VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CAMromtiA r.xeaKxa tiiI5 rwofltr BtrwEtN eoKTtafl) iMiit. Hviuiin f I Jionhr T'lH' p. in. V Is p. 111. IUISh.iii. Vv. Portland As.1 JRaTE. t.r. I 7r.Sa.Bi Lv. liOp.tu l.. ealem ) Ar. Han Kruti. AUnr train l"p enl al billoaiiif k tlou tiortli of UoburK, taut !DrtiaDa iir-i;on City, Wiaidbuiti, i-ulem, Albauy Iani;i-ul. bedd. Hal r. Hurrinburc i Jutlt-tlllfl lite. Irvine and t-.llr-n. i - '...,...- .--...-; . . r.ii, hu j ,.&. I'Aihi. WI n. tn. '.u-A.' u. in 5 40 p. nt Lv. Lv Ar. IVirtlund Ar.) 4-COp.m. ealeiii Lv. ( 1.-W p. m. ltneburs Lv. DiJ a. at tlliaiiy lairal, llally (Kai-rpt SuadayJ 'iU p. in. 1i p. 111. leo) p. in. L. Lvs Ar. 1'iirlluud ai.leni Albany Ar. hjuo m. Li. fl.iMi.ro l.v, Mil.. m. I'L'LLMAN BL'fFtT SLEhlERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, for aettilnioodallou ol end claia laiMCticer altacbed to e:pie Imlna. Vest Side Division, Between Portlud and Cwvillis: PAttr (rxi-aiT ayKPATJ. lit) a. m. UMO p. in. Lv.' Ar. "Portland rorvullla Ar. Lv. At Albany aud Uurvallla connect wlU .rain, wf Ureituu I'uddc lUllnaid. rxvarvtuTUAirt (daily ExcnfuCSPAT TJ p. in. I L, jMrtlaud Ar. I a.pi. 7-rJ i i. I Ar.McMlpmlllel.v. I fetSa-w. rhroufi:h Tickets I'oatl po'oU KAST and S'JUTH ror ticket and lull lurarmatioa refmrd-ma- rut), map, etc.. apply Ki tat Compa ny' Htfenl -uilem, Oregon. . ,. ri'. IblO KlbS, Aaal. Ii. ". and l"a4. A t K K'lle lll.l-'K. aliar anewbook" FROM COVER TO COVER. Fully Abraaat with U Tim. A GRAND INVESTMENT foe tl.e family, bcl.ool. or l'foffiiool law .... . .... ..a.BW M.hB -.B.P -. enava a Isaacson roMrty Ibn. r --. isvrracaiy iwTHia ..TTifci aad a7tiaTsIsala UtU. J" th. name sfVsWUr'i IaWr Editorial work JW 2!S? baa b: laartlwvrotTtor woBoratiMS hasara ka w WOri?lti cotaari-a wk aa ZUoUaMrylatvrita. Oat taa ttkaaya; ,r BDLM jr &?&. X of ta mBdMima..i Jf - I J a.. I O. C. MKKMAM COy 'J'" wlya'Sta5toti?isljinlaSi