Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 22, 1890, Image 4

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    f wKP-jwfcjntnunn jpta-wrwr,iart$JS' 1
Highest of all in Lwenini rower.
Sr Hanks. IVnodlraW and I'libhca
all the time than any weekly eoulfl
brinp it. Th- Republic alo prints
three special tate e4ltimi, for
Miwmiri, Iiliuof and Texas, ithut
the local new of tlioee states neei
not lie put In tue paper ent . ntlie
mate; thus m.ikiti tiwtt- riHim foi
general new. The Hepublic al
otters to send oue copy for a yea?
tree to auyoue sending four new
nubserlutioti-.. Theregularsubscrip
tiou price is SI year. Sam pit
copie und a premium catalogue nl
46 page will be seut free ou appll
cation. Addru, "The Republic,
St. Louis, Mo."
"Kindergarten Stories aud Morn
lug Talks,' written and compiled b
Bora E. Wilts-, published by Ginn
& Co., Boston, cloth, 2V2 p. This i
a text book for the teacher and com
prices a full regimen for each week
from September to June. A tin
talks and stories are composed or
arranged by a practical working Kin
dergartner, there is no reann why
this book may not be of value b
new beginners or mothers conduct
Inp work at home. The work i
ncb in suggestions from nature,
adapted to child minds. There ar
hundred- of good stories for which
the juveniles are always clamorous
The work is not intended to take the
place of original effort, as tbe soul
of the new educatiou caunot riud ex
pression in any prepared formulas.
But it will prove excellent as ai
outline for original exertion, if such
thing k system is to b- permitted.
The book i- remarkable for il- widr
reach of quotations from the child
literature of the age, and in thh
respect is a revelation of the pn-eui
world-thought, "a little child shall
lead them."
Capt. Jack Crawford, "1 he Poet
Scout," who was a victim of tht
Labish wreck at Salem, sends us t.
copy of his vulume of poems, IS)
pages, well illustrated, with prefao
by Leigh Irvine. These ruggel
rhymes, many of them in the un
couth furm uf miners' dialc-t, m
Jargon of tbe scout among half
breeds and eon-buys of the plains,
have still a tinge of poetic romance,
achievement aud daring that wil
endear them to the hearts of man
generations. Capt. Crawford ha
that ready gift of poeay so notlceahU
in Bums, and many of his swiftly-cast-oS
extemporizations are genu
in their way. On one occasion hi
composed in fifteen minutes a quit
long oem on the miner's life. Oue
verse will declare his poetic calibre:
"There's a vein of love and pathuc
In each'tiardy mluer'sreast.
And the Thoughtsnf hbmfaiid lov'd
As he lays him down to rest.
Are as sweet to him though bum
ble As to Uincupon bis throne.
For the miner's heart oft lingers
With the'loviug ones nt home."
The poems on "The Death of Cut
ter," "Comrade, Why this Look of
Sadness ?" "Grizzly Jake," "Wild
Bill," "Metered Out," "ChrUtmas
Day in the Black Hills," uud the
"Veteran aud his Grandson," are
all more or le familiar to news
paper readers. We hojic to pre.'iil
our readers from time to time with
something from the pen of "The
Poet Scout," tho' full arrangements
are not yet completed.
Mrs. Bouthworth's new book,
"India, Peurl of Pearl River," i
Twoi.Ai-Kw.wBTHBi'KirK.irosK. .ny .me . ...,.-. . """- I Ivilel.e..." i.y .Mi- I.,rl,, an.l a cg.i.1. r'l.'HVWlJ
irt.the lirstof Noveiiib.T.ub-;'T',,"?rl'U'IWi 1.11. IV.er ,, wrjw f lu,,fert K-hlon ' , ,"
cri t!. the St! I,.up. H-puhlic, ".'"-. I'l.l.u.lelpl.1... 1M. ,,,.-,. wltll ,,,,,,,, Hft.l,lir , ' VLl&'XSW
eeklv. have been iptlliiR two In Denum-si. Family Mieitlm , w.mhI Hou-keepluf. 'llu, l.u.nbvr S.SLPtaJF'ffidSSrtal.ffiSSi.S?
p.peofHU paw every ueek In for Janimr.. if y.mr.a are urthtle .,f ,B u ill be ,.. III-... .l..ul.l.., rttufe
nliiiMifoiitMif In puce TliU give- viiu will lieileliirhiei itll the exeel nml l lie price will heneef .rth l.j Sjihiuokii ot C':itnrrh.-IInuU'-i..
,.'. h..,,..wH half a ueek mmiut ieul puiwriiu "M-Hlellns f.ir S.'Ul- ui.l,..niilj 2l wilt ir iiiiiiiUt, or SJSSMSSSSSSi
issued this day by her publishers, J "eeri the duuhter of a cont,'rexrtmu,
T. B. Petereoii &. Iirothen, Philadel-I "il 0w hero, Graham Grille, a cyui
phia, in uniform bIiui?. ntyle andjcal New Yorker, with a m.tery
price with her "MWug Urlde," j hanging oyer his life. Both the per-'
"Changed Brides," "Tried for Her sotiagtt are nppoevd to matrimony,!
Life," "Cruel as the Grave," "The'
Family Doom," "The Maiden
and HelllnE ut the low iiriee ut
Widow." "Miriam." "The Uridtsi's h'ully. l'"w ever, (.rule fullH in lve' M.in f nm Pirt(H.' f.'Mnio?
Palo " Tli ltriil.il Pu II iiTI... Itll .M IkH Ilprnn.r nml nv,.r.Mt I .. . ' '' I
""-' "" ""- "'., , , , ' m-- t;rriiry, uia.,wire, l.impi, U'.i end
Discarded Daughter," aud "Itctri- "I" pnti-loll in the lliu.t decided mail-, 5na "'" wars. All Kind, nfnillr feed
hutiou." already published hv them. ner. '1 hfti dramatic K-enet. und In- MlYinteri'1Miff!!r
- "...i.i. ,, - - ,
twenty-flve cents a copy, each, re- vastly iiiierent ull who rend the
tall. At the low pi lee ut which charmint; hook. The picture (if
"India," fa now uuhltehcfl It HhriuW'ew York wx-iety are acurutuly
have an enoruioim Kile, in, it un lrawn, though to a coimderuhle ex-
doubt will, for all will wuiit it, it tnt tlngL-d with keen mtlre. Tli
having never Itefore Iteeii published """k I" full of minor i-liar-ictern ull
to Bell uuder SM a copy, hut now, -ketched ill a lifelike uay-theau-
topluceltln the liaiidi of tl.e "mil. hor huvinif U-en p.irticurlarly hiic
li(li,"lt lias Iteen pul.lUhnl hi w-ll -rul In ih'plctingwiutlierii nejjroeh
Htthelowprkeoftweuty.llveeei..- who remained iu their old ,,,, '
a aim'. Tlipr in in. iu. .r r..i...m.
iiiendlnrr Mr. Fouthwurih't. worki-
iih their fume N well known over
the entire world. "India," w ill In
found for ale by ull lievan uyenln,
rr . . 77.. VT.
Used ia Millions of Hames
U. 5. Gov't Report, Ar , - S89.
E VffWvi
owl b: nil new stiiniN eeryhen-.
'orcipie will he -ent, jwr mall, t"
ure," with il numerous and leatitl
ltous and leatitl
fill illustration, inc
.'hiding 11 sUH.rl
full-juiie jwirtrait of the eminent
,,i.,ri..n ii .iMilntnr H'irtlMV and ii
Americuu siuipior tiaru- , unu u
you have never model. d in clay, tht
suggestion for amateurs and lSin
tiers will lie of great assistance
"Sage Maidens of Cornell University
is another liaiidsoiuely illistrated
arcticle, written by one of them, tell
iug of some of the trials and matij
of the pleasures of the life of a "co
s.1" at that noted seat of learniug
tbe illustrated Chinese tory is p.ir
ticularly interesting; theotkers stor
les are all cood; the "Sanitarian"
h;is seasonable articles abnut ethe
' Effects of Cold," and bow to ta I.
sitz, foot, and otiier baths, for med
ical purposes; "Chat" and "Tin
World's Progress" ure especially
attractive, anil departments are
brimful ofgoinl thi'iir-. Iudeed, fur
beauty, variety, and completness,
lXmorest'- Family Mapiziue must
he awarded the palm of superiority
is the Family Magazine, aud should
le in every hou-ehold. Pul)lilied
oy W. Jennings I)jmorest, 15 East
14th Street, New York.
This lik Jut published by f. B.
Peterson i Brother-, Phlladeinhia,
is an original American novel which
will attract a eouuleruble share of
public attention.
It deal with the
universal passion, though not In
the usual stereotyiied way, and is at
one verv incenious and verv ab-
-orbing." Tbe power of love" wa,
never perhaps more indubitably
et forth, but this i- done with uch
exceeding tact and -kill that there is
nothine objectionable. The hero,
Paul Deu'on, with his uncounted
mllli...,. t;,i,.l, h-Hl.... .. i.t, o
uitai-ri.-- t- aatbu in utn.u-n. "Illi ai
lavl-h hand. Is an ideal lover. The
i..,,i.w tii... T i ij ., .. ..: i wesuctinn liiimeo-eiiiiir.tladaiiU;euvvr
heroine, Miriam Lee, is a married the deliberate -uleldeT -earcely F..r.
woman, but she reciprocated Paul's ample, the dad y pnre-. m lirlclu',
', ' . u... d.,.c, dl.ib--ies, acute uepitlk and xmvql
love with a strencth that promi-ed 1 -ure-i.rieii trrlb-y -wifi In tbeciii.tn
a: m. . ti, ,;, i " ,, r . .. pbe Jlnt pop.of iner.iee lulorioiitiun
disaster. Their Ioe life forms the Rnntribnltbi- i-impl tl.e uniarnl-l.d
staple uf the novel, and about it j. I trutb In regatd lothe-e widely pn-v.ieal
-truuga srie- of inndeuts which
,. , , ...
keep Up iuterest und eX--Ctutinn
The other c haraciers are but av
figures, though Ihev utlord ea:utial
-M n the devel nent of the plot.
File ce,,e 1, laid ehietly , Pr,.u...
aim many pit;ii:rtiitr ii.eainurs in
the far WVit ure hiciileiilully ile
-cribed with much viviilne ami
enlhu-i.t.m. ftoine of the eiii-mle-
are quite -piritetl, nuLihly that of,irwiiih inct .uet-. mu miiw
the deiHChetl railway ear. The in-'
tereot is strong untl Keen, while the.uo-. ard, uunapptUer, they escull nuy
origiuulity both iu conception und!
iu treatitieut I-eoniiueudalile. Iti'
a book that will l)e read through, '
and there can be uo rinetlori of its.
ability to entertain. The title to
this work is misleading n an. .. '
tu.sworhis misieaumg, as are
many novel-that cuter lo the de-
inands of booksellers. The work iA
aolile in many of its I
e decriptions of Mt.
i..i -i i .1 i , i
icuiarly beautiful and
the story to Oregon I
ch.11.ten.. Th iKprinilniu nf Mi
Hood are part
will endear
, T. .,,,.. .
eiiiie. ru: taie uy an oook iiierj.
.mronS?o.. by au-
ihorof "Society Itupids." puhlNhed
this day by T. B. Peteon & Jlros
of l'hllidelphia, h a Highly ,,..!,
elevated ami noble in many of it&lsi,,Ile wl w-iime aelmquent uiiI-h-
aud readable society novel, with theAnd tt, flnestVPrJt)re. on ,, K
scene laid by turnr in New York, ;
Wusdiugton and the eoutii, and 1-!
sued ut the Jow price of ceiitc a
v.,,.. 'PI... , .,,;.,.. l. i....i it...
i "'iv '"- "- - " j -ui.ue uei-
and their epitlted aryunicutb form
"in of interest of the book. Event-
cideuu. eimue that ftinnot fall tu.
aller tile wur hud lmvi-h Hi, .mi timl.'
f't-edoui, The i.ovel N by Cora Cam ,
''ri u'lthor of "p'oelety Wupiibi," and
will limply rejmy iieruK.-iI. It will be
IjUuU fur sale by iill book hellerH and '
" i Sf 19 Vi tlie Ireutinnl d.ti iiul--ir'tcure, iliinr'
- 40 Y5ars tbe Standard JJIWm.DJ&aUa;a;if
tic r ngenu everywhere, or coptotof
t It 'Mil tx seut per mull, to nny oni,
to nny place, on rvuilttlug the price,
to the publisher.
GimkI Htuin-keepliic for DecemU'r
G i nuule h Christinas uurulier, iiml
ii the lust of the fortnightly l-iuetif
tlil very pouulur joiiriml. Hem-e-funli
it will tuke Its phut? with the
uhiiiiIiIms. While it lias beeti a ile
!ervetllyi(ucceswful publliiitlmi thus
fur, we shall look to see it Httulu an
even greater tleyrw of popularity ill
the new frni. The puhll-.lu'rs an
lion lav veverul new fi-utur.- fur llu-
e..minn y.r, pnmunonl imioiiu
u uk-h will be " U-n .Miiriiiiiir-in ll p
J2.40 jt;r year. Clark W
lirvan A
(;., Springtielil, .Mas., puldislier-,
William Dean Howell, in the
..r. ... , . 11,1,, . ..
"Editor's Studv" ill Harper s Maj.a.
( zne for jaUUary( ftl.r. reviewing
, some noteworthv books rcentlv
itlli'lNlnHl. will hii n ft'u u'nrls
about tbe dlmeilU art of keeping
euemies. "lo make enemies." he
remarks, "U iierfectly easv; tbe dirtl
cult thing to to keep them; the first
vim kmiw thev nr,. no Inuirer liutlnir
you, they are not even thinking ot
you. Any author can test the fuel
iu his own case. Read u bitter cen
sure of your book thu morning it i
printed, aud the world is tilled with
it forever; read it next month, aud
there never was anything of It.
A Won to Legislators.
;HEKI1AN, Oregon, Dec. 10, '90. (
Et). JeFKNal: As the Oregon ,
iHi.i.h.tnrM U EiHiii lii ninvfiii' -it t Ii..
leuisiaiure is sxjn to couvut at int
Capitol to transact business for the
tieople of the state, a word of warn -
' . , . ,, ,
illg to them 111 time should not U-
.,Ut of place, and when they an -
calleil on to Volt appropriations for I
different purposes not to foryet that '
they are lotilig away the money of
those who elected them tootllcc utiil
who voted for them with the uudei
standiug that they would defend tin
eople's rights. We have a good et
of legislators no doubt, but thex
Will have to withstand a heavy pres-
sure from the autocrats uud muuop
olists. So we give warning to till
that if thej vote for the rejieat uf the
mortgage tux law, usury law and the
esemption law they need not again
Us for our votes. Look out ge...
tlemeu; fair warning. AFaf.MKH.
An KquUalent for Suicide
lt """-..s" .!"!: J?",?n
maeawa withutbnRu:ta ueitlc . ba
l -iT--i.iily mtcidil in -ucb .-. The
mean-of resmoiit U tube f.und " 'lap
rtierPtuii.a h Klitn.. tiUe.ui .n.,- iu-
io inp -nion ..i ne Kiun.y unu im-ie
uud re table diuretle.iuid Hie lufaui com-
plaint M.boniHt Im Mrib ofth iir lor
I j,:"- .-."b'Jcfi"
rJ tS'
t ale Aliipniiiiott-it t IU
llllibiira'j ItH'ituanc aim l.Ur I'lll.
Titers pll...in ..icillltlc.ill coini-.uil.lcit
out uuli.il in Iu action. 'o ripinx pain
. foinniuMh- r.illowin' Ha' u- nf pill..
5 n-,,Le "1,,,,1n ' . tuecuivr,i.. i,.d.
HCbtf. uin.tliiliiiu.dv.itou.l un.t h. liu..
tj.ulih iK-tner. ole aat.
n.uitu .x iirinnr. - ilu.
Sellout Tnl LWt
The school tuxes of ilistrint No. 24
Marion county ure now due and ,
liable ut the clerk'H olflee in o.
aw (j0,Ilnlert:JaI street (In the rear or
F, ?. jta,rb.rqB b,.ktore In the
IJujb lireynutu blouk) aleni. The
si"'e will beenme delinquent unit-,
KiIu wiltliIu ,60 du.V8fu" ti lut-.
By order of board, thin 17th day of
Nvemljer, 1S"0. W. B.riiMreo.v.
11-17-tf Diitrict Clerk.
utu kiiuiu ou uuys ironi iiiih null'.
Founded in 1877.
n i a o , .
enQ otamo ior uataioeme.
" "
Address J. M. GARRISON,
lftll-dw I'oml Grove. Oremin.
iini.-.irei. of.iu ,. i.-.m.ir, iiiiw"iviii,-.itr.'
.-..!-. . IMI IMI iMIVifM' i'im'i
' ,
Ofl Fuflll PfCuar.V j On'y German Market in City.
' I r. . . - .
vtu.nlaUtand'"'''"11'0"' mr CapUnI I v-nolcejI ,res" amoved ,i d
' - " - '' - - Pickled Mtalj .'...,nifac!iireii
l i i,i i ... , . ,i, ., . ,
H PP C Apo j h ' ' """". woi.i. ,,, ,j
"w """" !
DIt. t. I'. WtVHi'M Nr.fc ur,-. ........
rrtiiun--iit,H Kiiiinintw-il i:nc fur Hi.
la.iii llli.l.ib.a . ........... ,. .
... ..., ..,....-.( , .,.uitiu., r in. .riiu
.Nt - ur.iUl.i. llridii.-pe,.NftrMin l-n..iiiii.,n
I.Uf.1 III lili. I1M. lit llll-ll.l,l ,,- I. I
WnUernlliiMu. llenlHl Ih-iinnalnn, M.iit,.,'
rMHj CH mm!s '
i in. .ii iiiciiiiiiii if.uiun.- in inuinily und
llcHillnet.MiilM-ry.raijr untl ilt-jih, prr.
iiixlureiildHiiJ'. birirtllicw, i. ,if ,alVrr
iiiii anil liy nvrrxeriliinufllia-linilii. Kiwli
iKixonnUln.iine ui.initi'a Irwiliiu-iii. oi
it InlXnr.U Ifixra f.ir fVU), wrut ItV lllull
nr.rili1 rtn jfiil ..t ri
, wi:ai.'AHANTi:i-:fii'nnxi:a niieiiinutliun, iMim'gin, Corns iti":rnn
iaj I T.i cum uny m. U'lih ou-h nnlr if- t, HEADACHE Ard ALU PAIH 1 2 1 b ii
j-im. mi imi ) i ir li-,
iriii .iiiiii .,A.i "!,V""MI""1
. in (1.11), ire will neudllie pui-hiiM-r nur 1;t
wriuvn yuan.niM ii. rfimri i,,.. uu. 1. ..
" , oJhCTs. talcs, tcnacfoiu, inimuu.
rinBinir In rars, ilci.fnci. cipwioratlon o
-"- -. h -ait .. ' vua.
nJ -u, iaiitw!."nnd irenenU d'rUlt
Only n row of tlicc ermptorpg luelv 10
be prnwut n: race. Tuoi'nitj or cac
ur'el. ,a ""''"rtloa aud cud la ino
: . iimlM. soothla. nnflntlc, clmns- .
mlr riiTrs tip wat ratL fnlil li, '
, SnJ'cattrrhSVTl'eu rc'Ao
". ; ;--it LJ "-;"? n" "n'rVJ
' pe tunao of utc. ttrli or tariaff. water. 1
Inn n V dv.. n.l lmnrlu.1 .....
r iuA'fc, r ruSSS, nf T5uS
i ."'."LL'r'"" are. Miki by ilru?.
rut, at flttv cvnts.
Manufartu'p'd ty
woiiuis DisrEvsAr.T tr.DtcL .Wucxa.
no, 03 Mmu Street, llusalo, JC. V,
Dr.Piercs's Pellets.
Purely VfftahK Oentlr taiatlve, c?
Oatharttc, iccinlla? to lUe of do, liy
'bicnti, SJ ccnu a vUL
11. F linNHAM.
V. H. HOI.M.
! LJonmum. IIntJi-s A I1a upv, Altnr
f-, nPV.ti.lw imiis. in iinir hi..t
j Between State aud Court, on Omi'lHt.
. . ,,. , ,w.. ...
I C! T. ttlCHAItllsON, ttorncy nt Ian-, rt
, flciiptalrs In Imul nnn oi n.'
1 :ib,fom:orn:'m,er0,al nn" C,U'r'
r J. H,
I (IrrtfOTi. I
Altnrni'r.nt Ijiw. ueni
' hn.d of atair In the rear of l-add
, '
, ,pii.MON FOlin.Bttnrn-y t lew iem
J (Urej.-m. unice up-staim m iiittnn'
-' 21
nl'.ATTa llt'NT. nttornei-s.it taw. ntem.
iWkVcnmn.Vnlial "treet. Stnncj iV. i'itn.
n'AIWV UINOHam, Attorneys nml
nniiniturinie to mil mi . iin.ine ir.
'."'wul'rec'.v'e "X'.pi n,."!JSir.mp,,r,
MINTAs. .nVls. M. P, fl ml nn te
nf 'nierl-on Mele,i ftii . iitrer
, n-.! t.'u -,d -m ,',:.;; '-,' ' ; ,
iii"ii.e.oi n-nni n unu mi.'p.n. ni...up
"iui.ii .N.- ii,i uiiiiuini;, Liinun.-r.
clil trwt
I' .! 1! k'l'l'Vl' ll.x.,1
tl(7ir.ov. r
tbe Wnlte L'trner (uirt tm.l r.in..
men-'i.i! .IrveT.
T ! itn.lt, Vn-h'i
J.t . ncitl"ii nnd -u
rill cl i-e nf h.iiiilln,
Iri'I, I'Ihm.. int1
lrln'iinl 'nfi. in"
Utllii! U.J Ollll.
... - ..p u..r.
, ,.v.m. . h. ..
Qh ..p
' "S' " ., .V.
I . IIF.-r. -Artl.t sunn . ii,,.!,
IV. liFSr.-Arti.t
.- . Ure li!i'k. Ilive. I'liiir.ilutvunil
situr.l i
itriN. t:i:i.
p J. !.AnK.S i) il iiiuftnitiirr nfiill
klndof vvlili'lt.. r.rilrlnzn .pwiol
IV. Mhnp tl.lloalr'i!!.
f KO. IIUrlVK Uarter and UnrilrK.
V T. Ing-i'l.ir. Uni-st lj.iiblutli.-ity.
-m omrii-rcl.il -iir-ei..ii.-ii
n''-T: c w"ril, Ivnil,t.Wt tlfaire-i,
P ",,1"1"' "f- '"'"' """' on.,
!,oS:rKi!y,c,",,,",, " '""ni-
1 it ci.ouiiii. Ciiiir-rtuker. i.'mtMimer
i it ci.ouiiii. Ciiiwtuker.i:mb.iiiiier
. "u """ '. l ute m
p K0VCTIf.,;KA.,t,",r.l,,,.i..M2R
I . oaiir wi'ii pr.-in
Kina.01 tmiidlug and guarantee .itl-.fo.
TOlIs &ltA-Cnntmcior and builder.
J Hilflmldo ftni-ililni; n apn-Iully iiii
, Commercial ntreet, -mIehi Orejcna.
atlbPfuntoi' Llte-rtytrt.-t,.alem,Oron.
hoctfrrv .soTich.
y.-y. w.-rr..teonu i-.de su. ..a.
.. a . " .- " .. rrtijiu, .irexou. -Mr.!- rtii-u
SV tlllllLiy .licalllt'llllL. Il.lll Instate In
unirur hlftck, ciirner l.'miiiiitr.-lnl nml
e rill
(Hiaina.pria lre.-u
Vljll ! .. n, CI.......
uett"tliren Invited K. II. .-..i-ri.'u-,,-t-
iUA Kkii, ltcciirdr. i V
( A. H. Hnlgwlck l'it. So. 10, Depart
" mi-nt nf Unyua, riie.-t eery .Mniidny
c feuliitfi.tUi.- IjiII met tin-Ortvuii Uind
1 c trnpany'ii ulrlr.-. VWtii,-; mmniilM un
rnrdially Invited In attend.
iJ.c.aiiKtiviA.1, 1'unt i.niniiiailr
H A. It.iNin.K, A.Uuia it.
""! Jr.Mf. O.ipiivc prlni n.i fr. ,
171 Comrrr.rcia! St
XB O.iirow rojitlT dM rt'lM
ro r - a.... ".'Il
, w . w wwuuii f-iir
PIMP 11711' IIIIAn --!r-Hiriiii'riie.iiH..inF.Ho I d i7.ii ,. -" u in lint , Jh.ol.f ,-)'i ,.t o PiiV'T I ,,V, .. . i o0"
. ' i iimiiuui ...11 hiuiiij e, mtu K l' O . T t'hv tr ta ufi,. i, , " ,y-:m,
yMi.r Ltrr.ii-. 34 h.u.iiii.n-o. j -- ,,flin,,,l .0u"? !'""!.
rOSlTiVE? -.- tWfc W S ll'wV4lniM.Hnii.lsi.iniert I ,.'T v-', V ', ,,- I r fill ir f i fin0!-!0. " " ."".
P iVCi5t:i-. ? -w ,'d.Vh.l.,kln llr vaivaV.'renmvnhle fjl iPjIf J-y. lf n . rj-,..' 'J J'g.'n'P??0' ""I"M,
wRn ' k i.ai.i'V...n.. y ' en GLI n l-iJSvJ A ij t-, jC? ''-. ,c,,,r,,ic-rri"
Proposals for Supplies.
mtn:noAttrt of TncsTr.trs op tiik
X ipmi ii luvoif Hyiuui InvtipH
isilt-d i.miihisiu for tiiritlHtiluR 1 Hie m.j
lulu, lutir Miltm, tinK'M, llu' r'liwiii(;
stil ilu for tltesix iitMiittM vadiiic Jab t.
10 ilm uln tttuiU't'rs.
'J ' iui inii-lu-rs.
10 ' piiclicrs, I il.. I pll"tl, 3 dot J,' eil.
uiii..liiia.e'ilau, II.
?it x iri-tiatvr .t il.
I? iUiirl Miup lxiwl, " (I.
XU titi ciipituil lawm, w' U.
1.' .to-l,.tlo il.-vlu-., Mlui luch, C diu
IWItli-ll. H U
I'.'dui oiauir piiite, tl.
k15vl I'liK'Mi rlnul, white.
tuns I ,r hltai.
6im. Iim.,,0 iin.,tHltilt.
i3. p my In iil.uUt-r.
oioiloiititj, itii ai iirnNti.
lutb n. u Uiiu, dnu
SI I A I'.
iClt'SM Kirk's Suvji.iirn Krxx'..
t . fmtii t,ii. 1,1 Rnule.
1U li.iwiiiiHiii Jau.
1 v rvt.l .ihu.
tu" ciiii.iry.
Sj S. L' 3 bruud I'uik I lion.;, nr mgisnt.
1.712. htitCk HpHT.
-O- .11111 tinnu.
W iiiii'turd.
lu" luiire, all 1t.11 d.trd ground.
uw ttai.au MrUii. machine driedj
1 a .. . a
.. mKn "" Vui'Si" I . wuii
b-."f nv d
I p,.ru uf
fuiiuud Uhid u urti-rs.
Fl ul'K.
J 6iMb:irrel' bt ndlvr prucww dvllvered u
S.0 salton pure elder vinegar, 10 sraln v
' (Jltncf.HU.
' IO.OIS Liverpool ult.
loo " toUicco, lutpldunnriinjroiHl.
HjU ' mhIm eraeker, etra Irt-sli.
1 Wl ' lul-.IU',, Oil Invers.
l,(U)9bssiitir, l(J,i0 w liolden C, 0X0 SS
k-ninuluted, la ick.
I lit) r enetste, CraiiKtoirK oru pmnl.
i ,C10 'oiru iiienl, (lolil DiHt, fresh ground.
.i -cniCheu ttiimt, m-h -munii.
U'.i) iiHirse hiiiuiiiy.
- (Hit inetii.
rolled ixiu, Anier.
' dried eurraiilH
' ilitlxiHlii, i.t en's A and II brand.
' m.ivkeml.No 1 extra me., 'tWcatcti.
att Miliaon. 'Wcatoh
eiinire liliuul rice, No I.
cslll.il. iMineU'., IMeinermit.
1 creuin of tiiitur, J A Kolger, prime.
' ylo- 'areh.iovevo.
i-oru stureli. iwefft.
I ,o
Incro- inalcties.Huiieiior Mfetv.
U doz bnsinis.
VJ nins in ters.
at ' concentrated lye. A nierlcuu.
run-, corn, in. low .
-10 ' CiHil oil. jwirl hntn.l.
. tiiulurft, ifrk-iiun extra.
10 bxes nim-ciironl.Nii l.
n eriii.cili,ul.
2tlnz IkiUi hrlckt.
anr (liHtlle MHip, while ICO Rw, mnttletl
!! ifcrmoi, rry uew;un.tcei,.
(.o tittle it liheKuu-i.
!. China ti:in.tt,
-i inz wiiwR omomi
A Utt
Mlt h.uiiiL. nllnni.iriiif hltiA. la
Ii iiiut nik'.
4 ' inoinin-kH
0 elo'lii i).iK.-K', willow, larjo slic
.q i.ir ei.il.
". o zilu.l Ii u.lii., M A l.fo, T II.
llllirKllij U ll-IIP. .S..HI. llll hrl.tV.
S i.ir..-.l-r.iliu.aiu-v, 1.4 1', uiuirla!
" ' puieliiLxunll.
II il.'z tnlii. lntli. r Kllpirrs, I ilivj Jn 12.
'..! N.i I0,ml..i .Sutf, I0U..Z ..., 10U..Z
No T.
Mlin ..ilns lulie' li"f,;i pilr No 7,21
iw.tr Noti t iMir Not
. -.a - liurn t-tilli.T. .innfon rxlni e.mkI
i!tii!i dniii.ilftrii
'.'Hiild..iiir.il..,i,tcin. '. ,r,.r . K.
-TtfJ ll f I if - 1
h- u- bi..Ln s
hi- vTliiNKItY
1J il tt IViv.oii'. imi, nine iiik.
-t lJ.tr nlV iii.iiiii rel link.
- .-.mi in", p , 'Lilian n,i, d,
'J t-"i un.' llu il
I Kr" v- -i fuiM r'- r und gilt pencil.
.- r.u-ihj mi in it iHip-r
Jim.... I it,r iivr, l.lieUaliuruigood
r.liin I15 il cip
4 teixr- K.i. rl.n ot '.1 iwiiu.
I IllSr. U.lllluu Illb.Ullval'cnt I'cn Co'.
N I --n-.
& iuoa-v..
illn rhnnilr-, WXX Un
4 u.7 11111 1 an..
fe,fi,-dec, Xxxx
Hn-M,X.X. Mil .".iic
T 1 nt.-upi TUiiq,,"P'
(1KA.V1TK lit IN v.i:t:.
-.1 warr p.iciiHr-i..'.qi..Mlreed'0
l.-1-K.pJuo.wllll Killa,.Sll I
Will-Hi PU .Aliwiii-UUiiielcr, 8 In deep
I d ' ..up Indirt
i ' Waall Lun.nii
IWJydii heivyciu puiils cloth 64 In wld
r. . ..T
i 7, " u-i"iii.-uiiunirK rllwl i
ft iU naiiuareiiHil.ipnl
3) ft im-I.i;iiii tat.il slrl, 10 ft each of Kin I
nnd;;iunndiiln A '
I tmrMinupdliriierii) i
'wu . iu hiikii'iii'i ,
IOllmP-icii iif flnl-hidedrletii, -HtJliy K !
3-lti T?i. :l In oy i ''
II ilnz illvH, Koirney4Foite'bnmd. I dnz
Jrli Kiln mill, Kearney A Foolen' brnnd '
i an;,.iia winiiuii., i
J9n Id wlren UNllit lirnd. I
raw, -J men nts in, yt,Y,.h 16 (Irnnlnir.)
I'iraa-o .-mr, iri..n tucn or M No W.ti
.Sn7,'-'.Nnl,l .Nl. IU "
10s.il Alhaiiv l-MIiiiI.t nil
HI ' ' npludluoll
I Dm llthnrKi
I Jl.Hu I.I .......1,1. .1
16 i.iii-liiirc.i.i
1 rr.i.f ti.cac. 4 il.i euch nfrt.H and 12nz
I0ri.aiahlknlv-,. Inn h indiV,. '
.i wiiii.. uxiej;reu (i- nn.-n.) '
nny (iiKina.
.T)rj.whllpyHrn,all wiwii
J.ilyd. mm. in n iuu.it, XXX Ninhua
a) ' IVpi.it -.hm-llui M I
1 i ' iii..i lniT'iMlrlii.-l Viun.lt. 2l
Ol ' IVrpint.lm-tluij, lituvy, 1, In
Wl liiHritlllnK,lilnii'lidllnn plln wldr
SU) IM...1 .1.-Il.i.--li.-tliiK al.l wnlu
vild.tz pilr.u.pnil. ...
VI lurki-y ini Ii iii.lr-ri-li'i f.
IU ' !-. U vfliliuiii. f,T0 .MiW,2l Nn
Hi, I Mi 10 ,
21 ' .U wiilieiind tiluuk linen tlircnd I
Nii'21 i
J tn. plua, Aine'lnin
M -ii? b -je. n.nr plu. Kcrtiy lirnnd
K(;ri. iMf.ir) drM. tuiiiuu.
1 nliirl ii'iiii.n, M-lille .sosn, y II
I h du m-II a d it. iiiiluif. Kiivii.li
I Ii nl niiiv,iiliicK. vvh(;
in i.z c-rjMiH, ill II..U
nnhri. utr.ilul iz clutb
tit ft rnnnd Iri.n. ii-u-iir.rofl 5i. ICO ft '
ifp&fflfe&W&ttfti G. W WDEHSOV PRO!
1)., l)-a,16.ib J,;iift IK by: ' " ' IV aJllOJ. . 1 lJ I
"' :...'. ' -Jiln i.'r.Ti.i.. . . Jfr"-
3X1 niiiednlnis,0nz Am-Hkcy ' -,.;.! i.i.,' '".'" 'iuMincn mnN A iWi t-
au ll-kiiiit.rilli. Aiii.-i.eir ,lvl illnilii-.jiii.n' Pi il...ilr. (?bJ f!si7' V
-,.i . , ..iu i....... I.. i..... . nr ii.iiiiiiuii. tfivui i.i,l. .r.... ... IVI.' - r,i ' - -
DO' .Margin-, yrk.lf,:i-..hkn I '.T- ,, , " "l'1'1' r '' I.I I Mt . ii., Vtl -vl yft- L
?o ' r.dandlilurl.;iiiwi'llln i-uud T. ..Hi ,K. eiiinu-i, In. i&Ay rAOiT:
1(0 ' cliM-k dllinuol. lit ck unit whin. ' U,Vj.'iI ' I4.VV55. MfS J.P
rnit . iivauiiHd p 1 j; n ; JEJIL jft 2t 1t rn i,,,l K,,".1 10 V ' "
. . ,.,-.,.. .., r,.H,,, H in r fm m . tfn. - . . .'--" f'J " vvm
. ... . & C.m1- Tl.. JI-.
1 i..t 1 1 mi iiiii.f-ii'ii ll'll. ci-I'lT ,f..i rir;i H iaL'"L"a"? Jf.unterfna. lutttrntL I
In Mi.-, wl ii,r....'.m li.MO ioiiplin. ?nr ".'"!, u'' ,ri I fi.j, u r J7,1-
.1.1 .. I..-,. in ' Knl PUab-nuld. (in rrln ) . ! V'..?"1
i.ju;,s;i?iji... ., . ,. pERHy &fl0 t .
Il'rti imniwf Wilcox w'r,,1n ml .".. ' ." 'i-'".IJ4
1 dot zincs for 1 nrinud dnllerloi.
! tt Arid tiuirlutlo, C I'
6 ' '.ini'l
1 ntlrl-. f
1 rh.pli.Mlc, dll
. Ar.l' "P
a iwi..iio r-y'i miUilickroilK I
lot s" ntell.oll Millib-.
4 ' ' li)drK')au.i'dd ,
1J ' Amiiionlii iitii..oi.c
J ' ' mill la pi' d
6 Clilon.f inn .ipiiiili.
A iniiHlia'si.MlM
V ' I'hl.mil MMlniU' tviVl
H punt'li bniinlile In.ililackriUK
& iilinnerr'l
5 ' p.iw.1
I " ' nci'l He
'J ' S.id i slu lull'
1 ' ' nv, o-iii,iIiIh
tH.li' ciiIhmiii .
fi.iuui lui nt. n ii.ii -turtl Uinll-li
1 i.ut .tlorpii -nil. , ,v v
1 itn,.-. ll..iiie.ijMiti ial.,ot.n dinclim
I ib. l'.ititti In enim
HO ll.nniii.
.ji ' ic-.ii,3i'ltnr
'.0 ..loll.
I Siloo CUulnil lliermoaii.trr-. lcnslp.iil
le.-d I
CUU II. HMlrinlt tniilel. mirpiilai Hill-
.Ii ;,'r.in, I'U.v I'd
0U ii M,. ,iiiU luitut. lii-.o'lue liyilm
l.r le I.UAI.r I" na. io
ito II . .'ini.e li.lileH ii.orpliilie I'll -
pniiii )i .r, I' ..i
'vO lt imv.ii.ic ttiiiiets alropl lei.ulpliiit''
I l.o'r I' li.vio
ort) II.. I-..UTM.I. iii'ileNtiutn (i. lie si IplnU
1 .0r I li.t o
IUO llyisieriii tiiil-M li.Mi.cyanilnesui.
ph.or I ul m I' DA lo
- tt). Ill.v w. pi
; r..i. i'.inl.iir..uii p'u'. its H A J ,
I il i e r-nn las.M"'"'
.uifi .loiiiiuii, i-.ti. . rn
I llil tl). 11. .1.1, vr.ln I
I S III llilltll lll III! IHlOllb4
I ' t.. ll lirilS h,v,l
a t.ulll Lioilpllor
i i. - e.n llll
wlut . lu'irj lurk.crunil
lriltt uti i'ltvlH'ir
viiutllit bnili, Ak-hH
' MtUtflT J .in p iUtl
1 Iteiuiiu r nt poutl
'll KKllf I t
rt ' U X .v I v Imlp
.1 Hiitvrtnti,gor q'ilbh
.t i.tu.liukrtH.u
1 opium porttlvrvii
13 rniiu.nr Mtuiit.Ti.rkry
- stni .nit in .fuw pulv
uiiIt evd
1 vlntH
1 ' otniminon
'2 isiiKtiutil bsT
I tUnU ritmel nr.iultoroit I' I) A Co
I " iniL'hu
l tiiHi iriMit
I black M i '
I oilcliltiui n-U'
i4 M.lt
- er,ut qntlil
i ' i'nau
I ' iiiuk' leru
1 iiiiimlrukt'
I 'iuku
I ' ur,iarllU Co Syrup
Alnziiulnlnr, Pa
1-lb nil btTK'UMUt
hi ' i-il ir
1 'J ' riimry
- l" ppruiint
l 1 ' I.lUflllll. Iltftlt
l Ii'iiiiin, pun
' f(lttlf,l-(UVflWHll
2 Uitli xp m.i'( K-tinlUi
I iloz -Mid riiUbrT iHibfUT-, No 15, Krvtich
I tN au p itipu -, Miiuhiu
I b liirtr.tn
1 ' i-.il.Hi v, tr.nullli
10 2" lntl pir.ililiiiii
l-t It. .nil nil-i p-ilut
.'J irvii.lu -iiukt tout
I IptMlC H
1 "'Z ' 04l.Mla.
I vurm i?. 10
,' Rwt I p9 111 ftltlW
JU MUi!lU''.MII'. Illicit
in n lint, i ii iv
1 lilh t'blml.if nf ntnn
iJl(i iila l . rxlnu't
! ' V !- !
ti pjt el , a-w trti'U
hOp ll-,Ut.mi
fIC I'll ..Co
I I" v
i nl .pliylllu I ?)
i ti.opn rn I n.0 -r
I .i '
I I ""
' 4 I'1 -N" ' p'"c t'o'ii'li Kmy piixi
lUIU.f.ilKi. i'--li ..lui; .o,i
II.Jul .liil'H'. I'm i..lrlpll!.lov.ll, I ivilt
., . ....i . z i.. ir... . u
!K eiicn .Ni. I, '.tiiiaU .u l'uiw.ul.., ' l a
t o
-JJil.-Mih Ni liu ilO
I rn'l- ur ...I.. Lliijla-t pl.i.jer, 5 iiii Ii
IK-li unit u a ti
Ur-oi. J.'iuli No- I.. 'mi. (I (J, XX, 1
iiicli No- I, J . il .iXX
. ,. 'n. .1. rT. x .. ,". . a .... .
! ' ' l
j "".;',r."t!f .i7, .iiiiJ""1.' rs -1 ,u"1 J
t I 1 . fv.-i..li i.b mt .iitii'-i, , I
Mil I.' in li.ii.'ru invr ii.ilij.lt.- nlint. r.
tit-nil a anil J
,-i-u.in. .11. v-11'. .k, liirii.-i '- p.tcut 1
I I'.cli .v.. l.s :i, 1 .'., ,7 ....I .
1 1 0.1 - In-ill ml 1. 11. 1 II i.k, II . h inn,
! i.liipit-. inn) li..,i-i ,n 1 ,,, ,,.,,, ii,,.
Ilir.it t .1 uip.ln, x rfir, mil. I . ,,,
ii-ttiritniiiv II e .iii 11...I inn. 1 ,,,,, ,
I -.r t' 11 il p ii'ki u l.i. . m.. in e. I. i ,-r
'o' mipi 1 .viull r.iinr 11 i iiii, i.m, il.w
of i.oii, u. r ..it.-iii.ii.,,- . r 1, d , iii.y ...
I til .II.IVcrll.MIII. lit lllllnl Hie llll'll I...-I,
I li d, nml tli-iuiui.-., 1I1 c 11 . ,,1 .,.,,
In . upon lull.. I.e rlin-11 on ifci-.- m.. 1
im-Ii 1. 1.1 n.ii.i 1 L-lii.l-. I. iln- i no. 1
rln.. mil iui. mi 1 inii.t ...... 1 ... .,
f. . . .. '. -. i, i.ri.i.
1 r:z t.;m v.-, w-
jhcKiu I., r Jo -i !, or ml U d I. rt-
! . """'"llb-nimdiiiSn'cliH!!, p.m.,01.
i ..... tt, vua ,
i. ci hit fKVNOYl.t:.
. t.hll. U. .IH-llltllli:
I O. W. u hull.
l!.ir I i-fTrnslw.
WM, A:.Ml'.S'l.V,C.rU of II .r.l
p . ... ,, ..,.,.
MlrWHAr n ('1111
-v , .. ' ""." ,
TeCik lliilnl I. .pp.ltr .iiurt liiiflii.
cnuveleiil lu liinlne, l"irl uf city nnd
,!r'1 SI""","""11'-' I"'"! Mm ilimr '
- ..v ... tf-.i., i. iiuj, tniiiriiiiiie ii,
r""'!i, "I""" leriu. In buirdrr. and
'-, t T T y- t- .-. - r
I m! .."r. "K'-1:.V ,K. WIUtkh I
tliauuuy in.i.-iii.i- iimii,.. "
It u.iniiiiin. -imi'I.i. trr with lii'iiAiui
liiK - r wuii mi t.-il iifri-pnrir, umn ,,,
i ..lr.r.l.,,.'"'","e-. "",."!' I rllibmi n.
" V' i'".'.,rn"."r' ' l ' "". il..u.i,.
;..,,,' " i" "" "'"i ad .pli-d I
,,nrm,iJ-j!;:",lr: :,.";:!, .
iii-iiIi-ul unu u-riiiuq aiij I la iTilt )-.. 1 1 imi
, ! f aij fin. Ill lllt I lill'lll a ......
i tiiuii iln. .I,,, i . .l .
II,,... ' " "' t..-"
Capital Cily licslauraiit
Jas. Balchelor, Prop'r,
j Warm Jb!-at All Hums nl the lla
"Iiii. II. Inn. nl ' ""
r 1 , ...... I .......,.. 1 .1 . . . . a-i-juit, ici r r I'm
TEL Km lh$-'"imtxc- I
JTX at ?AiSr. 17 tu? (M
' ojfek. ' .
All kind, inoiiiiti'il In order
hAl.l-.ll, OCI.IIOX
Office 181 Commercial St.
All l Ii" of llii' I '11111. .us .ling.'rr.iiiHtitn
l on h mil. 11I.0 n-palr 11U1I n-..!!!-.! for nl
klu.L 01 niiirlitia-.
C. G. GIVEN L Co's.
Dottom t-i Ciip.1 1-: rrlowt
nun specia!.t.s.
I. "Iti'lliilrc," fir iimmi, iviih'n calf,
('r.'idniiHir -iyl., 11 Wu..li f ir t'Z 1
II. ' otiMt.oii rit.i," for N11II1., h
lirl.'i-t l .111. iln, xtj lUluiMilo nn.ilu.ui.l.Ui
li.- l..r $.;.V
III. 1 ran .ii.(oii ttioiti.j on Iioi'miiuiI
rhllilr.'n' ln. '..lll.c l.nv irni
lt.i.inlli- it. int-. 1 li-dinii u.irk olluln-d
SALEil IliO: irOHIiS.
0. I). IIHTUX, I'l-rtji.
(.Iiitliu-of iill Kind. ni.iJi' to ordi'r.
Mil. I. MAt-lir.NHUV,
W II 1:1:1 Ji, I'tri.l.KV.,
Hi.) -.ii-il cii-'li..-- in mi. -lyli-..r hiI
n-11 oiii.li- .11 .in.ri oril.-r.niini.nli uud rt
liiiliicln .-t- j iHiriii-iilnr.
...pair an iliJiiupry in Slwrt Onlci.
Iii'iihu lii'l..-, i-in-ln.-i. Imp pnw.
.Illll ll...,..,v-,l , k-M.lll.ll7
-o mi iimi .iri iii'vilud. .Kt prn-.
i-.-hl on . . . I nun. U-l-v-llli
Capital Dairv Co
in- prvp irnl lo d.-liv-r I1ib.Ii milk
"""""'"' I"' " Prl ol tl.u cllj
-.it -..ii 11.1 ipin pniHUIII
"tiib cT,!;"if'swABUi!s."
l..l.l Irltll I. .1 in i.u ..... ..L
II r -.. ..I I, h ii w r , , , . (I,
t II I. II HIV tMU-t-linVMU'l-IH
l.lti.,.l. , Si ji. A.KV, Hit.
Cattle !
A irood I- Bpn; ..ut l for m1, n.a jn'ir c't
""" .". A.iUr.M or ell ou o, imr
rjim, ".'.-, 'ir ptn, ISS-lin
10 Acres tor Kent.
A I'liulcu trncl only una mllo frnin Alio n
1'i'iiu lllior.il Apply in
iioniu imos.,
.liinrnitl iiitlre.
il TV- O J. j.
Aii,.-d 11-trl.j.iiKi.tiiliip ,f i, minion
til. '- M 111. III. I. it r iv a.,i
Bi" w'1"
JT , . . ri
I r. .. , .r.. "
' A '
0 f( -o :aa'a
-.. '-.. "i a 'a jvn
'.r..:ml ' ?n I '. " tone. Pan , int .
1 ill 1 1 . . :
vm W
'; ".'?.:??."'. :-.. WEBSTER'S I
r;!?-RD3 DnUQ co.,AB3ui
as i'ruBclaca, C'aJ
Who do All Kind of
An Chfiip n? nny Lntindrv in
Hie C'niiti r.i In iiu Miii,. ti ln
and doing IIwImw" work. U ,,d'
fcS-I.mll(Mii(l p,roiia invlttva
LIST ,,ur vtoc of U"S
230 Liberty Street.
UrnauHtr. Htua.nu in
Classical, Literary, Scicnff
Music Art anil Theology
Normal, Business, Lav
tt iHtlirolilnit, utrrnit una In... ..
.jvr liMltutloD or ornlu. In riU VSg.
Nriiiml npn flrmt MouiJht in Kentni-,
.-. I'rwld.nt.
lra. Oracotx
ffesbcott d Imi,
Burctiwor to Amm Ktroiif .
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street.
.'rench tuid German Wheat and
l.yv Breudii In City Style..
Vlriintx HolU.
1'untry nnd Confectloiiery
Baking lu Full Stock.
Our i-w bread and cake bki
re tlrm.fliii.fi nnlMtH lu their Hue
mil we aim to huve '
Everything as Fine as the Finest
Watches and Silverware.
JEWELLER, 169 State St.
"pei-lnl llrntinn to mcuminii,; d-tkettr
-kill nnd vln.-. flllrd. A nl.Klc ttut will
III iillrje-. lila-n. fnrcrltkal ciuHMnruuDil
aud lined iiiiru-r.
A ni- nio.lt a.r i-Iuekn. .liter and rrttltt
wiitclin., .ilwrukri. nnd Ji-wi-lrj: wUkt
m-111 i.i,ld i-lii-Mk. AliMinlntuf
..111 liraiildnl IrMthnn hulfihelr Ttm.
Oillnnil ituiMnir iain'ir.
Southern Pacific Route,
Sliasta Line
7.1' p. in
p. III. I l.v.
! P. III. I I.V.
Sh.iii. I Ar.
, hulern
Him Kmn.
Ar. 1 K-li-m.
Lr. 7:-.-H h m
l.v. tHO p. m
Alxi.r trulll-t l. rilly ul l.lllim IllfX al
'Iiiiii. n. irlh uf H.rlnirK, rUiat l'nrtlwiA
r-Kiai Ull.v, UiN.dbuni. nalt'lii, AltMiiy
laiik'i'iil, Hlirddii, liulx-y, llurrtiburc
Inni-lliin I'lty. Irvliiy ui-d Kiwne.
InxBlll no M A 1.1. ua i i.r.
no h. m.
I i-8'J a. in
IU p. in.
I'nrtland Ar. I lHlp-ii.
HHlrin Lr. I I1 p. D
llimbiirc Li. . I bi
Mlmiijr l-iil, llallr (lUra-pt tvnodaaau!
lUI 1 1, in
:-'i- n iu.
IrUlu a,
run i. in.
l-ur Hn-nimnodullou ul .ecnlid clu
IHUMtUKiioiiitludtjed toeiprMl train.
Vest Side Dirisioi.. Between l'ortlui!
and Curvallis:
HAtt.r (ritXIT BUKDAT).
1:10 p. in.
" 6:30 pTa-
At Allmny and Corvullui ciuneel wtUk
irulna ufUn-irim l'ucinc lUllroud.
T) p. in.
7.aj p. m.
"Hv; 1'nrtlaud Ar. 1 ..ai o
Ar.McMlnuvlltol.v. rvi,v-.i
Through Tickets
To nil poln'
for tlvketn and lull liilonnatmn rnl
t ralw. mupH, etc.. apply to Ibc Uitupav
y Hin' Maloin, Unteuu. .
.--!'. ItUUCIlH, AmUU. K. aud lVl.AjJt
t Knhlii i- It Mnnnt
Fully Akmit with TU.
for llii Faunlly. Bclatoi. cr l'rofMlonl liww
Tfc Atj T1 viSur't OjJJ
Vrid iclBjT.tr!jJS
J .. rjll-l.VI 4iUa.
...111.... a. r
v y 1
EOitorUl work p L2TIf
royanttlM kOMr m"
waasrlateA. .aaatki'
OrlUc twMi-rt wU ' SS.
8 due boxe UutcUtu' ullyl4Uni ' " Vi-is m in.-J4, (' v,