r-5Fvwrir'rT'F8B'r? SaV Highest of all In Leavening l'ower.-U. &ES r ABSOLLTTELY PURE A llisturirnl Krnl. The nlonetvr mliileler, Dr. II. K. Hint, pref-icvd Ins tliarnurso mi Suiitlnv morning at the Methodist cliurrh with n number of tacts nf historic luterwt. He nntil a sub scription iwiwr, yellow with ns, "r billliliug the Methodist uliuruli house, at the Willamette Falls, tln Identical one In which ho was now coutluctlnc farewell services, In the handwriting of Father Waller, which was dated, Drcerulier 21. 1842. The total subscribed was $757 sud five duya' work. He said that as far as he kuew every oue of the subcrlben, except J. L. Parrisli, had "ujs.ed over oil the other fide." He said that when ho began hi ministry here he was but 25 year old and that he looked with great erubarra8tneut Into the faces of hi cougreiratinii, which contained men of keen Intellect and evorld-widt experience. But, after the deliver of a sermon. George Aberneth. who sat ovei there, to the left, came to him and took him by the html He encounured him- Brother John son, he said, was often at the organ lu tho-e early days. The speaker mri Ha ihe rrriiture lesson the 43th Pailm, the same which wa mid bv Rev. Mr. Baker on rpeuiiii: the conterence in thin church ii 1SS3, and took as the text for bin dis course Dcul. 8: 2, 1st 8-llllUVl Putiu 87: 6: 6. Oregou City Cour ier. Frublr Salved. Mrs. O'Shea was the solution Attractive, educated alike in art. literature and politic; of an old and wealthv family. Reared iu opu leuce; surrounded by the aroma of love and sdmiratlou. Married to the pniflipite who after squanderlnif a fortune took pains to dlniliiUb hers. Neglected by tne man she loved, burdened wltb the weight of her sorrow; anxious to ulit-nate her mind from the grief of domestic life, she threw her heart Into the cause uf the IrNh leader, untl with theeye of love niUtoik the man for the cause. She became infatuated. It was reciprocal. Ami thus in the fa tal drama of De.-mot MacMurrougli and Dtsrvorcill rteated. Modified only to weave a garland of romance over the political bier of a greater man. Catholic Sentinel. Astoria Celumbian: The proposi tlou which D. P. Thompsou makes the peojileof Axtoria Is the best they have received since the road nntt eutangletl itself in construction con tracts. His proposition in substance is to give the people of Astoria the railroad upon which they have a very weak grasp, free of all ncuiu braiices (sucb as William Reid and his construction contract), --tipon the payment of $50,000. It is worth that amount to get rid of Reid alone, aud if the people di not accept the offer, they do nut deserve s. railroad; and, la fact, they will not have one Ions, for Mr. -Thompson holds $391,000 worth of bunds, upon which .interest to the amount of $12,000111 be due January 1st, and this mortgage will be foreclosed promptly on .the, 1st .day of July, 1691, uulest bis ofier U accepted. "Hof you ge: some gut eswgars?" Asked a aeddy looking stranger of the clerk in the Hotel Portland cigar stand, "Yes, I have, and some Hue ones, too." The stranger looked at them, and (satisfying himself that they were good cigars he put two in his pocket. He lieu pulled nut an emaciateil-iooklng leather purse, aud taking 6 cents out deposited it on the counter. "But hold on," ejacu lated the clerk as theatraugerstarted logo, "these clgarBitnt you two bits You have only given me & cents." "Hex dot so?" replied the stranger, "idoughtyou soli 'iwofers.' If you waut niuie as 5 cents den gief rue Fclmioke tobuk." He put the cigars back aud went out medltallug ou the meaning of "two bit." A man of heart and soul and im pulses aud a generous, open nature has no more chance in ililic than a lender mUslunary lint, uinoug cannibals. An Equivalent C.ir Huiehte. I It men ulLxw .,.. I.U1II lnM..1.1.. . ' ntukeavsv witiiiu taraiiitb acii, have wtKuctianhninenkCiiiQnilurii-uit.iK-tover tuodellberite.ulciil: -earcely. Korus. amplB. the dend'y prcxsn-i. oi llrlulil's diii, diibnu, itcate iipp'lUima travel i Uaureifien t-rrlb'v wiri In HiHciiiutro. Shu HcMiunip.enf averaj-j InioriiMtiiiii now lh.it tYiil. -limply the nni.irnMid truth In lenrit to the wlilvly pre int in Uulles. lod-liy Judi-..u4 ineillcalioii U speeiillr ruicldil in ueh oiss The mean of rrstrsliit Is tobt fmnd In Hs letter's Mtoiiia -Ii Ulnars, (ilvn.ui liiipi-iui to urn HCtlon of "he kidneys wlih thl- h-tft tun re tame Uluretin.iuid the infant coin- ..1 .In , I. hi. an ... lit l.o.n ...h.. n... ... ,.. i.mi ..-sifUHiH l.n J.U ... inn (.jwcj i.,r IIC.V HIV VlnlllHIl MlUim UIIIIU Hmir evil ltvlloini,Hn. autli-liwls Hie.di'eiiwltb perfect wifely. We kum anlw w.irit. His ll.tleri. s-oicli rinnlhllalc Ihej hive norqul In tliecureofslck head. lhce KrolD trouble, at o ersillcne ache, mnllpillon,dv4iepsUiinil billions ilysis5Hli. rbe-jinilloo, ni-iLirial und nn nrd, a sn iippetirer, Ihey eirvll sny livcroiniplnlni p -etlie, liccpMQd vlvor'olhar preparation 177 ly aredlaopntuiiiledbylu H.nllh AStelner.snleaaia. (T77!! ffiRakind mii r Bf (Powden Used la Milliaoi f H(mtt - & Gov't Report, taj S?. "S39 j I-'ULi.TiiTitKlluiM. 'edropd Into Keller fc Marsh's furniture store I he other day and could scire ly make our way about on aerount of his immense slock of furniture. A- a wimple of what he lias It might In stated that he has a line or fiimr whlch incluil-s over oue litimlnrl and fifty varieties. Among them are some superb antique oak rocking chairs. A Goo" AUVKUTI9KMKXT. Almlll the be-l showing that can i maib for your town Is to send your eastern friends some i.f Its choice product The best thing to be had is one ol those extra choice blankets made b runa, Kay Woolen Mill Co. Se them at their store uuCoiumercl.il street. Beautiful. Display. That I what llridnes A U nh have. 1 vou don't believe this a look at thell diow window will convince you They lia'e a line line of handkei chiefs wlil'j'i tliey would I please) lo show you aud other things ti numerous to meutioii. SltAKESPKAltK SAYS. "Oh It came oer me like the sweet South." he surely must have had that deli caie iierfume that Bnsiks & Cox an earrxing in stock when he wroit that line. At Eastern Pkicis. -That J. just what Deuhaui is doing at hi- rita'e street shoe store Celling hi goo la at prices wttuiu the reach of all. "Well I Should KEAIAKK'.'' Was what a certain man said when aked If he did not think those were fine pictures Cherringtou was taking. OldSoakkiw. Some of the late rains buve been regular old suakeis, but that I nn reason why any one should get wet, when Korslner & Co. are selling gossamers and cloaks at cost. Time. "Have vou the correct time?'' "Orloilil I have. I UiUiiht my timepiece of J'G. Birr the Stale Smel jeweler." Mr. Uurruow has on baud a lull Christmas stock uf Jewelry. Is IT So? The way to prove nn assertion is to investigate it. Klein says he is selling the it to be had at reasonable prises. Go ami tinu out. A Dozen Photos. Only coit $2. at 'Jatterhn's art gallery. They go. Those hot cakes of cabinet Photos at $2. pr doziu by Moutee lirou. iu xtiitlice bliAik. VAVfkly Financial Unll'lin. Henry Clews i o.. of Xe York, who are influential, have the follow, lug to say on the financial '-onditien: The pit week's c-hipw of all lira in oi uu ii in . ry striking Wall Street shows no ve uhaiige frooi that of the week previous. What change h n occur red, however, has been distinctly in tho direction of recovery. At the Stock Exchange, a' though the trans actions have been comparatively liberal in amount, yet they have been laritely confined to the 'room traders," the "outside element doing very little ou sieculative account, though still buying for investment. Prices of stocks have leeu almo-it entirely at the mercy of professional oM.Tators; but with this difference, ". H. lH 'T Um. i that a solid bottcou is generally admitted to have been reached, and ctiusequent'y the "Is-ars," instead of being such continuously, are be coming "bull aud bear." In banking circles, there has been a rceptible recovery of tone, aud the ability of the banks to meet Ihe demands of borrowers is extending; hut the emlnirrassiiieiils and failures among commercial limn is felt to justify the continuance of strict caution and discrimination. So far as con 11 lence may lie de pendent upon the local sunply of mony, we may congratulate our selves upou an Improvement lu the situation. It Is 'rue that little pres ent importance Is attached to the first, because Hindi measures could not rive Ihe Immediate relief which In flu. nrvlnir unnl .....I ,.vl l . r. l ! --., trv c.iuse all Street l-t more and more ini-llnlnc li.lli.. vli.ve linn id.. ...-,.. ""-"""'B '" '! W'W Hint tllf main thing needed l-t le-s "more moiiev" ., , . than freer faeililie-t to u-e what we ,.... niiH h miimIv uf ilw iIiu.IIim ,u,ve n,,n n remedy ol tue i-rlpplllig legal restraiuls upon banking. IIUitmriM HIi-iisHllc Him Liver PIIU. ThtMi nlliHreiM-icnllrkilllvriimnfiiinrtert Hii't iinlfoiiii In Hcllnn. No grlplni; iiln s., eommoHlv followlnr Ihe iim- of pltu. .......... ... ............ .. ..I. ....I. tr ... I i I I - oYc2i the Standard. LMVKI.8ITY N0TKS. Mr. Calder lias been quite sick for several days, Uing con lined to Ills nioiu. The band concert given by the boys on Vtdnet-da. evuilllg was fairly well attended, and Ihe pn grum was as well uppn-clateil as it was varied uiid upproprialu. Many of the Mi. dents went away Thursday and Friday. The achou) will not okii again til the Mondaj after Kew Years. Miss Cuiiiiliigli.tiu gave the younger pupils of the grammar lio.il a pleasant surprl-w on Friday lu the way of presents and a kind of Xinai tree that was highly enjoyed by them. Dr. Str.itton gave the students same kind and very appripriate re mark at cIihh;I at tin-close of schiiol for holidays, relative to their visits and enjoyment, aud iu behalf ol the faculty gave all a wish for Merry Xmas aud nappy New Year. The societies will give a joint es--ton ou the -"mil of Dec All Inter esting program Is being prepared. Many of the studeuts hero are sorry to learn of the probability of the school golu to Portland, but hope that it will -always be as it has imii here A uieaus uf qualifica tions for good to a I who will atteud where ever It may be located. the Strangest I'beaotBtnj Ever toil- aessrU. Annie Ablsitt at Reel's houe, Weilnesilay, Dec, 24. opera Engagement of ihe world's great est mvstery. Mrs. Abbott, ol lieorgia. The magnetic marvel will ppearas aliove and give a practical leiuoustratioii of hei phenomeual ml inexplicable force or Miwer. She weighs only 98 siuuds, but fourmeu c.iuuot lift her. Can lirt lotKI Hiuud without phs ul or mechanical effort. 'I'w i slroir.' men c.iuiiot draw a siiek through her hands. By placing her fingers on their heads she will raise two men from the floor. Standing nn one foot it will be iuiH-sible for two men to throw' her off her balance. Lifts a whole base ball ulne at once. Ch'illenge the strongest athlete to raise her from (lie floor. Mrs. Abbott, by rtstlog the palms of her mighty hands inin those of a 1C , ear-old Isiy's hands, trausfera the mvstic force tu him, aud no two men can lift him from the floor. Many feats equally uuexplalna 1.1c. Essay on S.vaki-3. The Browns ville Times ofiers a prize to the one who u 111 wile the htst essay ou the snake, its hahiisand manner uf subsisteuee. The Albany Democrat, in a jiM'Ulur way, says it has puzzled him not a little to know how some men live through the winter mouths. Everylxaly knows that the HiiaSc lieciimes torpid on the approach of winter, that he hiber nates quite rrequcully li biKit le.s ami lives on men's brains. This ia its habits iu a liulshel!. Lebanon Express. Boats Rux.M.va.-Hince last week ,,t Yamhill river has beeu steadily r,,,)Bi M(, (1 ainday M. W. Tall- man telegraphed to Portland lor the Hilein to come up and take down a load of freight for him. The boat arrived ou Tuesday On Tues day the tiver hud risen about 1 tact. Mr. Tallmuu shipied 3000 bushels of oats to Portland by the Halem. Dayton Herald. Fab off Bkow.vsvii.le. The trains are running iu u wry unsatis factory manner just now. A trip to Portland consumes the beat part of a week, and failing to connect with "W "-"quarters at LeU- non, the passengers are gheu choice between wulkiui; tweuty.five tulles ami stopping twenty-four hours iu Lebanon. Lebauou Express. Card or Hunk j. Mr. and Mrs. H iwell, wlio were injured to the l.tte Lake LaMsii dis asier, wisli to extend their thanks to .Mr. and .Mrs. McAtee, Mrs. Hiullh the ueiglibors, R. It. company aud every laaly In ifeneral. Words cannot express our grati tude to Mr. McAfee's family for the kind attention given us; they were deprived of many comforts, Is-wides lo'iu:. much of their rest to accout m wlate. i hose who foiisd refuse iu their home. Even the pisseucers who were in jured iu the wreck, did all in their p iwer to aid their fellow sufferers; somes icrllh-ed their wrapsa'ttd over coats for thoe who were more serl ously injured tii.tti themselves. 'Ihe R. It. Co. have been very .. ! iiiiiii 411 ll I, rwijt llllll Htm " tiZ MlllltkIIi.il fur itilr d iif..er I Mlt. AMI AIK8. lIoWELI.. Kxriienient runs liii?li in this i-by nverSyatem Uuililer, as everylssly fa Using; tt for ralarrll of lliu Hloiuacli. (.'onauinn. tiou DypeMiM, Impure blood and to built' up the riystum It certainly must be nn excellent preparation, when uvc'O body speaks so W4-II of I'- ddtwvr A Oreu, ,.., .!.... Ir. Ounn a Improved Uvrr Hill are a oireiiireforalcK lieuilaebe, blllli.ua cm- iilalnta,(lspepahi,liidlgMUnn.costivruesa. iorpiiiiier,riu.ine.e pin insure perfect dlgeatlou.ivirreit Ihe . ver and abmiacb, P'irify aad aiirlrb the bl.ssl nd make the - sKiu cie.ir. They iiImi unidui-e m u.t ..n. ls.tlte.ionl iiivlaonileiind iriis-ihn n! ..u.u....iu ... u. : :.r. unlireayalem by their Ionic avtluii, tojd alXiveulauliox by nmllh Mieiur, rk'lei'l your l.ojl.luy prna,iitH early ' ami mi K.-I tliu cream uf Hie iIIhiiIov. Uft wiineililmriiavfnl nuil utiislblV,, you tun llml someililnt; sultaMH ' for lady or Kiutluiuau, ul tlwold, Jlulraaeat. F1M far Keeer at tke Uaair Kwerttr's Ules. 'J N Strlokler and wife to John J Roberts, lis 1, 2, 8, 6, 7 and 8, in blk SO, Uulverslty , add to Halem. $ 8200 J M anil Alice R Nvr to .Raleigh A MiK.re, It 1 lit blk 10, W aim. , 000 C F Helu and wlfe'to Jss A Alcoru 46aeres. 780 liX. Rowland and wife to Jay 'V Smith, the s of It 2 lu bl, 81 v 2300 O Scfiwader to W H Gfoea, 2 acre lu Oervaia. 430 Wat Glover and wire to John P Groves, 80 acres. 80 wiu re-iows itunti crnie ter.to HiHbeth vHawklus, It 295 lu Rural cemetery. 16 ucq, is. Uoou lias t largest, 'slock tit per Hi Geo, E. Good has the finest aud nnu-a unit rwr. luuie cases ev L'Ve'r bmuebt.'tb Killeui. Call at '309 Commercial street "and see his, Hue. 12 8 if IskMHliiMsVi D. fein'i caiairh lUssadr In tkaiF abUlt tacurvCkTaasi CMurkls 1W ilMd. a suttm mw had or of aow loar staadln, Uut Otr eOsr la mvo faitU. tbs abora 't wrsVTiw.s rass vhlsa lk caaaot ear. ttsriSMi ol Catarrki.-Hcadaebe, BBstnictioa tt uom.Aimxwm taUlna: lata loraat, somsHmw Brsfiiaa, wsMry and . iM. at Own, thick, tnaetoua, stuoous, urutaBt. btoody and aittnd; tt waak, nactac.ta aan. dasnMss. axpaetoiatloii o oScasiTa atutr; bnstk eSadT: imel aaa tsats Uaiiasnd. aad jiairsi dcbUltr. Only rn s( Ikw trartow Uksly-is a pnnol at aoe. Thouasnds or cases result la lenaaiimiillsa aaa s4 la taa arsT. Br.tiaid,-saothlav.'asilsrnttofclauia-tn- acd kaslina' propanin. Dr.Swa's Rem edy cures fie wont mm. "Cold la Oam aaaaal la tomd wHb'S tewstiplioa Uona. OBtarraaU Mmeacfca is rettrVea and rarad at If by ssaaiG. It rtmoyra oSeaalTa areata, lass sr impairment of oi laew, Kmui. or ncannff. wi tar r wask area, aad lmpttred niemoTy. waaa asnarn oy taa Tioience or ouarra. as they all frequently are. Bold br drua alfts. st flrty cents. JbwnfMtuml by Woaua DuraxsAinriMaDitut. Associa noa, tss Haln Street, BuSsto, K. Y. Dr.Fieroo's Pellets. faraly VayetahK OanMy Laistlra, er "athertle. ecconllnfitn slat at dasa. 9 'rursttu. S cents a TlaJ. FKOFEMIONAX CARD. II. K. no.VHAM, Tl. N.HAYDEN. W. n. IIOLMK. B oktiam. IlnLXm ji llAnrf, Attor- nrs at law. nfflee In fluh Mock. Between state ana Limn, nn ivmini. o T.niCI!Annno.MInmey.tlir. rf. i, rlfw tip stain In imnt nmnta nl new Bmli block, mmrrrvimnierctal aad Court jiireett, saiem, uregnn. J J. HR.t v. miuruw-ni jt. naiv-iii. tltecon iifflce Unit door In the left t head at auirs In the rear of Ladd at Bail) bank. IILMON FOKD, attnraey at law, Halem uregun. Offlce npeuirs la FslUinV ck. PI'.ATT 4 HtlKT, stuimevo at law, Halem, (Veimn. Olrlee over Capital National Bank, Commercial street, alnney to Irstn. rARCY A H1NOHAM. Attorney" and J counelnn at law, aslem, Oteron. flavlns;anabtctnithereirdiinrjlsna county. Ineludlnc a lot and blnek Index nt -Mlein, they have apeclal tacUIUm lor ex amlnluz titles to real eaut. Hunlaeu Id thekupmnemurt andln tbeitnte rteporv menls wilt receive prompt attention, MINTAH. . DVi, M. n, Oradnau of xmerlciin Medlcsl rollor.. offer her pvifle-ikinal aervlre to tbne who aaay need them. NnecUil all- tlnn (Ivan to dlaewesnf women and hlldren. Ofllreup tnlraln New Ilaak butldlne. Commer cial lreet DR. J. M KKENE, Dentlat. Offlce over the White Corner Court and Com mercial street. IfT n lITlll Ak.i.1... m... i W. . wu.a, f'.M-wi. WW, .mi , ncattona and auperlnlendenca lor all clHs.m or bnlldlnci. Offlce 3W Com- merclal st , up autre. R McNAbLY. Architect. New Itoab tlrermsn block. I'biMindiHtfiiiM. Uon' Ihtm of allclweanfof bulldlnra nmhim notice. Hnperiulendeaceorwork promptly (xi d after. IMt XV. BKST.-Artlit. Studl Kuh. Drey block. Claaaea TtauraAavi and &u urdays. HDMINKM CAKIM. p J, LAIWKN CO,, Manufaclura of all kludaof vehicle. Repairing aapeclal ty. Shop tS "Ute si reet. (1 KO. HOKYK-Uarber aad Halr-drera-IT. lnKpartar. rlneatkwlhalnlheclly. -immercUl street, Halem. r tt. T. C. Hil mi, lien tut, tl Htale alreet , J Ktlem. Or. Klnliihed dental npera- unn ion4 of every deacrlntkm. FalnleHaopera- tlontaspacl-ilty. M CU1DOH. Undertaker. Kmbalmm- and Cabinet Maker. 107 State Ul.. seieau. sales PM. StlUTirA'ICK. Cnnlractor and . builder. Wall Dreasireil In rfn sll klndaol biilldlng und guarantee antiafca- uun. -2i-im TOIIV OltAV.-Ontractor and builder. t) Kinalnildo flnlahlng a specially. 4tt CoimiMrclal alreet, Nalem llregon. IN, K.NIHMT. MlackainllU. Home - auwvwi ftsawya;,j llfs-Ji, DHUHIt rTWIID. aWaVtl N4J01ISTY NlrTIUsM 4 U.U W, A.o.u. w, ueonesrtity l'r-li .111 LssdVe Ho. t. A. .. rtaleo ty.-j im. MU aav;b ay ayeaing i.. oa ball la HUle In aurnuoe blunk, con Diuna. nmur tkimniaralal mil C'bemekelH alreeU VI . ... ' L'i--; lanine aan anisu i. Incnaethren Invited V. R. 8ouTMw.cs:. lux KMM, Recorder. M W OAi K.-rledgwiek Pot. No. W, Depart- .nienl oT Unamn. (naes-evssre tln,a . -... L.-i .'. :. .7... y ..-. . i,,viii.Kiuiiir mui nvri in uragon uun I ; W ,"BTlo alien"?.' """" " ' 1. U.HHkhham, Pot umbbi4. S. A. ItANnt.K. ArUntait. W1BWOT' ' . . . m'nhniUniiTn i EV ERBE 4 111 nil R. Mtn fii Hcirint . v , . "'"' - f " '- . . f???0' ' '' y..l l Hlra? berry. rs ir. a ua Ila fre nntti ninHbri, H ilrlli. Or. WON E Y TO LOAN IU 'Pirat fPasji.a,. VU IVU-ltfyltl). .,,...,. yaa IsslBBV'SMaSBsVeS aamajaBI mwm His iiTiflnisis at Proposals Tor Sojipes. fpHK BOARD OF TROHTRCS OP, TUB X orrgon tiate inaaue asylum Invites sruled piopo.-aln for funilahliig Atthe ay him, near alem, nngon, tbe iHoeinf aaipnea Mr mean uiauins euuing juu' i. IWl. CIIOCKKKY. 10 do glass lumbers. 1 ' ayiup plli-him, IU inicbers, 4 U. I vitlnn, I do "H'taW iou,auiV(riiu". w u. 2d.cnsjiiiiuni II. It quart Miup bowls, W U. 'JO ' lea cups aud saucer, W O; tl ' vegetMble dwhee, s do lueh, g do lUlBcu. WU. 12 Uu dluuer plates, W U. PAINTS ANTi OILS, 109 tu rinonrr lead, while. oouts i ,rpiiiiue. 5caaea board litieednU. 9) u nty In utaitdera. 6wdliwiaapblluui varuUh. klaW red lead, rfru. 80AP. 1000 fM Kirk's 8nvun, ur a good. CUFFKK Seon CoatA lllra, 1st grade. 3M ' Oovermeiil Java. lUI'nmlMiMlha. Mlu1 chicory. TEA. SB i U 8 brand Pont Choag, or a good. Hl'ICKS. tUlM black pepper. SU ginger. 60 ciuuHtunn. 30' mustard. 30'NLjrr. 10 ' niace, aU Ui dard ground. FRUIT. 1600 Ba dried apple, machine dried. AUU'orird peacbra, ISOkl Italian uruuea, machine drledj MKA1H. Otilbs per day more or lea of beef and ii.uttuniu rniulrvd la edual parts of fare aud bind q artera, FI.OUR. 500 barrels beat rvller uroeeaadaUferaVi'a v. an ud. VINEOAK. j0 gallona pure elder vinegar, 9 grauu. OKOCF.K1E8. I0.O0UB Liverpiait salt. . , luu ' tobacru, knpiaan nraa yod. w - aisiu rracKrrs, extra rrean. W0 ' laUlua, ChI Isyerv. l.000lKiNar, lO.aO Maiden C, ." rranuuted. lu nek. ss.wseneeae, Ciunton's or aa good.. j M 'earn meal, OisdJJual. freak grsttad. S30U''crci.td whtaU, fresh gnaiud. Stt) ' cutrae hoinluy, 0) iiut ineiit. 10 n.lle.1 oats, Amer. v ' dried formula ,v , 72 ' fMibaodM.Oai Co'a Aaad-IIaaiBd. IU0 ' niHCkeral,.No lextrantea. WIcaTUh. .'00 ' aallaal num. IM Caleb. 5MM chnlre (Hand rice, -No 1. sol rial fl.h. iH,neleas, l'scinoeoast. 75 ' creuio i.f u.-Ur,J A Kulger, prima, H) ' glu-aatun.-h.i'swegu. S.U ' isiru aliirvh.lHwego. lurros. iiiiitvhra.auueriur safety, SO do bpsutia. U ' ran oyaters. a) concentrated ly. American. IS ' cans corn, v Inflow's, , t0rallna 'ijnip, extra irnlilen, reflMd. 'JO0 ' coal ull, pearl braa.1. J0O niulaaes, Orieaua extra. 40baxeamaruironl,No 1. s . i, ejnilce'll,hol. "Sdo bat U brick. BSsl anlllemiip, while 150 B4, mottled . 100 S. Uernim, Hperry'a new;prooesi, 5 00- llnle wlil-c lenu. Ij " t'hiua march. Jiln whiak bnainti, A bon b.uliii;, ullamarlne blue, LA, 11 iiiop mi;.. 4 ' mop slicks. 5 cln'bes banket, willow, large lit j quan-nd. U xduM bru-hes, l I, To, 7 II. blarklui: b u-.he., Ni8l, nil brtat'r. a Wun-eat-rlilrttMiui-e, LAI', quarts. 3 ' pure luccu nil. SIIOKS AND LEATHER. .11 dnx fairs Inillirr allpi era, I do No It, 4ii..xNo IO,(iU..z Soil, lOduaMu.s, lOdist Vo 7. 8 dux isilra ladles' ahne,ll pair Mo 7,11 uilrNoti 4iNiirNn4. taid.-a barum, leather, ilregnn extra good. 'Jaldes domeatlecaliaklns , ban.r 'ak. i roll wile lnithrr.fro.il 6lu 27 lbs par aide, niKktnu extra heavy 8 xror "h.sj I o s, i i, i gross -uvc UlaCxIng, STATIONERY, 12 do Pavon's Indrllble Ink. Vqu sti.ff.nl's coiiini.rcl it lak. t rssDl.iri.' premium fluid, 2 ' aqolnt-fluid 1 grosa , 1-2 Kubrr'a rjund gilt pencil. 2 reania J-iui nal paper. 2 reaina I.-ller paper. Live Oak or a good. 4 reams Irgsl cap. 4 boxes Kstrrbrisjk'a J pena. J hoxea Uiuduu lucundaaeeat ttu Oo'a Nr. 4 pens. 8 invulcvs. TINWARE. 2M tin chambers, XXXX lin. dosilustisnia. 3 ' ql dippers. XXXX tin. U Hiupwtna.LtxUluihMdMP, XXXX tin. 13 ' anup ' 12xM 21 ' ttMidnalla. 13x12 ' 4 nilik pans. 20 In dlaaMtar.'Clache deep, XXXX lin. '8 dot prea-rd rsiiis. I rlox 1 ql, i do pi 4 pin; cup-. x.XX tin? URAN1TE IR IN WARE. 24 -water pitchers. A qt, wire i dge 12aloptrawith balla, No.t 11 dlah pa. a, 2Slnchea dUimetar, t la deep I dux aoup (adlm 4 ' wash biiain CUYTSt. 1000 yd heavy cias panu cloth C-d to wide 11 A 111) W ARK, 4S5ft rrmnd Inin. Nnrwar, SO tW. HO ft ii toanx.itt1t.r,t ms.hu a " ii isuai uu. iiirwnT. iui n . nv iu hi ft each I i.y, IV: by fcj. 3 u i, tli "ii -' T.r.'-' - "' 7 '7 "1 7 i. ia uw ana uirk alael In aoiiare tool ateel locUgiii nail (el, 10ft each of Win QHruanil J, In lOffe raapdleiieni) Asm bonwsbiw nulla (Putnam) NoT iw Ii I IHBIIIinilinil 10 Ihe awn of flai.be ided rival, tUbrU. W byjjfcxw by M ' n' A4lnl-2ruuuiinie. It dux files. Kearney A FooteV brand. 4 do ln,4 do 4 ln.3d.it 3X In, In alim Upra also 4dox lolamlll, Kenrney a Fool' brand I kKN.i8 wire ualli. A0 SM ,d telre nails it it h'ad Kiilu..3eachof31D,H..Al (lenolajrs) IS gnxa acruwa. 4 groi each of lii No 10. H No7,2Noli. &u 10 " " 10 g ila Albuuy uy Under oil it apindleull 4 an litharge lYMfta blacaamlth coal ID uucbaroml 1 arnHinifbtck. Id.arach of 6, 8 and 12 o IQd'ix tubleknlvna, lru h-iadlea. 3lboxe..axlei;reHu (Krasera) uuv uiKiue. S50 In white earn, nil wool 'isWydaointon II nine), XXX Nashua wi lO) I 0) IOU0 2U ao 200 60 300 100 I'eqiiot sheetiuic.W-t mariner's alrl pa ( ViiKMkrc) I'rquot shwllug, heavy, ., in ' ' ' ln bluedenlm4,lnz Anfatkeg lli-kliig. full, Ain.s-kag table iTnen, bleached ilaraelll's iurk AHi:( check rd and blue chnc c lowallinr cheek, dltuiael, bl .ck and is.nll.knt,.l vhlle em 201 towelling-, hlcuched linen M In wide lyoaaa obiiiih -nwnug ania wide vodoz psilraiisp-iiidna iui urkt-v ml hutiderchlefi awaila vhUelbltad.70.NoM. 3B No 11. INoia 21 ' np.ilwhlleand Wackllnen thread 2 grraui pin. Aine-lcan s nix b .xes buir plus, Kerby brand tfina peurl dress balloiia & ahlrt butlon, while No DO. K D 4 b ilia aeli a (I -ess lining. Kngllab I lull otnvas duck, while 10 dox ciraeta. Itf In : 2 4nadirtlng ne.rl e, large ilse 1 ' wl no lap ii I i widd 200 yd walerpns.f ciolh, heavy Silox medium alxed Hi mb e. 300 p ipera artil.ej, 100 paper 2, 3, 4, 1 p.pr,8,. i'l.UMBISO. I do M in ellaiw and d Ji la ' buehln3xl, VA dox IViJ .-.niiiTliitfs, union keyatoae, 1 . dot n niehiM.il, y'A-i 1 rtiuplins. rtKiituud left.).? )4tuv.ru Jeiikln Una valves, rsatovaUa ui'as.anu 7a lltb'ack ulDr. l0ofieacu6i.W.X0 It 3 Inches I lUOrtgalyanlaedplae X a jSnkRa hrusasulei. ul.Hiu , .i Our iMln 1'lcker lu ateam itU'laa (ovar. ' niMr 11 s ft Ann brM tralilla cloth i a aoiuar . 1 Uil Js.i.etatea'n flue C saner Mot fnr I I lu flora, vli has ft ata.uu I S.lia Isvs line i no, oonatiaa. 1 1- do r d rcflecllnKflaaa giiagaw UilB i'ii iiur .court I Prckntmwe A Wllanxwlrelaa- -'- - f e boss ulehia'a ias UfhUrs 1 doa alnos for"Lkuo batOrUo. DHUU. I SM Add tnurUlic, Cf 6 'xin "I i nttrit.ar 1 ' ' phosphoric atl I ' cllrlu it osrisillc cy'l malllnokrodls jo ' Hrsriiioussqimai a IJ X A 6 S 6 A 1 2 lodruuati.udil Atnmonta aqua eoitc ' inu.la.i'vid Chton.f.iriu qiubbi liinllliiOKnsIt Chlnral litdrntt-crys'l Potaah bminlsu nialilojckrodu ultnilocos'l ' powd ' aentate Hoda salicylate ' livio.ulnlillH 1 t bbla varbona e Aosi-an liurli.iiu mustard Ragllsh i-iiix 4i..riiiaiiui i-, v grosa ii,, iiiisiimtuy iHia, one umuiu.i tV.: I wo IMtnsh bi from loo I ..minis SO bwswax,yellow SO ' whim 1-3 doe Clinical ihumiometrn. leinlmut taaird tOU 111 MHleriiilo tablets m irptiln al- plisieiiralli, I'll A I'o &00 il.Vsiuvriiila lablrts hyo.-lno hydro bni.eatel.lOOsr I'll Co A00 II rrimu tablets inurphlne au - PhateHr, I'lui'o 600 il.vpa.uiiiiilutHbieta utropljaaulplials ti.VKr I'll AIM &OOHyHHlrinlulaulUautniplnest.lphali liOsr ! Dan. 1000 HyiHstprnou inbleta byoscyuwluoaul libstelSOgr I'D A I'o 2&salMM mm- pulv U mils niuiUuriilKlplaa'era.B A J 1 dossars.vrli.gea, gias aO au a alcohol, luunrra 1.4iutMiiy,-hula, orjsl I ft lli'iuiitli ub un equibha 1 Ex llisirlre powd A (Jinn Cumpuur MCm citevhu I ' ' ambic select I wild cheiry cark.cmuud I ' jiepslu ascu elieller I ' auilia bean, Mexican 3 ' ulugerj.mpiwd I ' Ueiutau nan Isiwd A Hal nslirl.e nx eeii v. bole 3 ' ether Blrougsr aqnlbba ' ' uniiliukrodta 1 ' opium powdered 1.3 rliubur! r i cut. Turkey 1 ' trainoniuni leav pulv 1 auueaeed I ' clove ' 1 ' oilitiaiunn 2 ' aii.foiial b.yer I flan! eiliact amnlte'root J' DA Co I ' biicliu ' 1 ' booirnnl ' 1 ' ' black haw ' 1 ' ' ' culcbluiu root ' l ' rrtl ' i ' ' ' ergot qnlbbs 1 ' ' i' n Co 1 ' ' male leni ' 1 ' mandrake' 1 aeiuka ' 1 ' ' Haraaparllla Co Hyruj Mm quinine. Pa W lSftullbergumut 1-3 is-iW 12' ' nrntaiy 1-2 t ppvriolnt I 4 Etuerral, llfc-ht 1 ' ' IHti.lli,. pure 3 ' sponge, shtcptwool 2 ' bath siMiue., s.iMlli-sa 1 (tozeoli ri.btier lalhclrrs, Ncli, French ltbiruu pyioiih-M, uitihie I ' b uy.ir.. eu I ' calomel. i-.uullb lOtMbot ikiruldeuu 11' H..UU oil's H-psln 2' Virginia siiuke loot 1 Ipeiuc. pulv 4 ox !.CopiHIIUIIl 1 ' carmine, .No40 60 kw I pes m aulu au ' auiphur.sutillmed 10 ' Aaarline, lire I bbichloiliieiirilnie AsWhotU ulaids extract 4il..x t' II pe..ci a, aaa.ineil luOOp ll'.uioin (ICPDaCo 10 0 ' p-Hl..pliyllln 1.20 ' -i00 ' rb.uph ri.a.ll00ur ' .10 ' i-.u ' i 200 ' 1.16 ... 4 llw ' CC ... 4piajs.in.-n Fllteri French gray paper 10 lDt.'olgalvVhh llii;oiii -1 l.2nr.iboile 1'hl.inltlpnln oval, 1 e.ich 2. .land 1 . x. 1.3 kirns iz AOecllNiisl,3uua3J4 Talpsulas, P 1) a 200 eMt-h Nisi 4 nt.d 0 4 rolls aur.eoi.s uingtasa piaster. 2 rnrh flesh aud wbUe 0,riv-c.ir. s 2 each Nos4.Sand d. XX. I euch.Nu. 1,2.11 d.t XX leriss-pitii-rt xr-, nrsii d alldn 1-2 ru tin ol iiniunl boxjs, uiulo-. l-t eiota !'! i d list 2 tlox slivugi heiilinr plaktera, 8 aud J 3 ' AloK-fc'M piiriius ' X Iba perfect abaorb mt i-ntien, a J jyu. ma t me ruuuer aUhealve plaatrr, Meairs"uii(lJ Hakelnaaurv-i.n'asltk, Turner'a pitent. 1 each Nn. 1.2 3, 4 6, i,7 milt 8 1 on. rhemii-at Plut fliMk, S i' b-.t'nni. -ample, may be-ie'i at tne oilueoi thi biMril ul the einlbil: itmmIm i.iiisi iw. m acrordunce lhe.ua till iinilmusi eoo e lu origiual packiig a w hen ss. lb v. Is II erj niMiiipt rs will He nqulmtwIihlulrnUi.s of nuttis" t.f iiiri')lai.isi nf hid A copy nt iiiiauii-enisiiii-iiiiniiat ai-c .uiHi y vuuh hld.und the iiaiiiemthii: a s ,u n,, i,.ii. r. bio upon iiiuai lie rillviioii Hiee el p--. I aril bill lou.l I .CludM i.ll Ihe it. m. .,1 titt class bid nam, ami must mo liuus unit total lu full. I h exo-piioii nf limit ui d Hour Au iltlng ii.rlr.rs hiv prnlillni-ii f.inn miitlrmina' uccouula if pun hurra when theadverllsem lit do a not miiialn a full unit rim plele deri rlpllou ur the kli.d.ntnrtkl. a In be purcin, v it. The rlrf ht to rlei auv ur ull t.Ms ! r erv d. Bids will be ODerwd a 1 3 o'clock a m nn Tuewlay, Jaiomry 8. 1-91. - mi r... i r. s nut rl. lltai. W. MI.'UUIIJE U. W. Wtllll, WM. A: MUNLY. Oh rif 7l' t'Z"' COOK HOTEL State and High Street G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. Successor to W. IL COOK. 'The Cook ilotol la upuosltr court house cnnvtlent to business purt r city and ?,,rlf1 fHr-."u",n"1"r Pas' aonr. lUtea 11.00 to kioo a day, acooritlmc to room rlpvclal terms to boarder und lainllie. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. fJSrJ"",,he ODBI.L TfK WIllTklt with 7S characters. uurl f Ii fur the hinoi r. t.'AHKODKl.L. warranted lu do better wurk than any niacin. e made. ItcombineaMiMI'l.ti.iTr With llUKAIIIU ity, Mi-kkii, Kahk ill UrraATti.N. wum longer with ml cosl of repalnnif than uny i"V?r "wn"'e- "w no lnk"rihbV,n "ii bother the operator. It Is neat, -.nli.tan-".. i.nl!;K1.n,',1u' Perfect and ad ipird lo allklndiof lyjw wrltln. Like a prlnlliuf preas, i produce mrPl cicuu, Imihle manascrlpt. Two or u-n ips nu" i made nt one wrltln. Any inlcllluentiMir-ouc-in beutmieaa oi-aun- In two days. WeiifrerilOOO lo ..nv operutur who inn SiiIiiIl W" " ' lMUD,-lc CA1't aif?!'le.c"nl" an'' leamn wauled special luiluceiiieai to dvalrrs. Korpaiuphliit uivine Indorsements, Ac. i and ST 8th Ave. CUicaini. III. 0-aud Capital City Restauraut Jas. Batcholor, Prop'r. ' WarmMatAII Hours ul the Day ,,,..t;uLru,ulbo'nl....,edlntbu AkiMHlaubatantlal meal a Tweuty-nve cent per meal wvi.nMInM ked in tlral. NBD K R O V T. Court street, heiweenJiMirnal omon and ' sum ItllHTJ, I rt"TrTiffffia 7V 1pzrMFF& IA&e iv STEEL PENS 1 0?Wft!d!ff,W wtterlit. In JZZtZXJ'""': ? U !, . , , . ...Mri in m VaSWXsU FIMy00,Klondrr,. Ri.ihs. -..,,, . ... 10 N.J.,,, r:W V.. I . . "$ rAlCfcb MsM-iasntBBaaiBfc V 11 1 BaaaasSBBaBSssSBBaaalLl IMBST-AHaliiB JlflflefleelllllllllHiia All klml. imiunted to order ALLAN RHODES, SALKH, UKkUUM SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All styles nrilir KaniottaHlngerrunatan. ly on hand; also repair and needle fur al Kinds uf niaelilue. MJI.T CASE, Agent. LS.SKIFF4C0. Dentists, tu Opart Haul, wxrnn Jtlaai, Or. Cattle ! A pvo 1 ."gY'!iT "Ut1t to ' ul. ftw yk et' iwowm,i , AikitVM or cU oi l. O, lur r-ti.ix, 't'f.'jnETi-. .2 3-ltii SAVE MONEY 0JST BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. C. G. GIVEN & Co'j. Douom -; Cuah i-l Frloai :UR SPECIALT.ES. I. "Itelliiliies." for men, rehlile culf, C'r't.liiiiHirsiyli.,nli0sli i fir 12.71 II. "i ono. ..hi srne," for Uidlre, a br.Ki-l ll..tuolii,aiyllsliuaatiy tuude, a K1.00 all s- i,r ..'.TA. III. I i an suve von tnnn.v nn Ini'innd children's sh.w-s l'.Mltlvel low prlcee. IU-p.iirnij; tliiuc. Cn. 1.. in nurk aollcllvd. 11:1 If SALull IRON WORKSw 0. I). HUTrOX. Prop. Ciullmta or all Kinds made to order, llll.l. JlACIUMIItV, l'l.AMMI Wll.IJi, llilt.Ml'134, IILTAL FKVT8, WIIKKIJ), I'Ut.LKYB, and apeclal mallnKs ,,i M))y ,iye , paj. li-iit Hindu in short order, aiuuuih and re liable In ew y purtlrulur. Repair auy Machinery ia Short Order. Tiitultii: lathes, enxlnes, hop praana and hopstiivesbiilll, iv 111 nutkeeaUrnata ou any lr.ui wiirx ueeiled. UoimI prise paid lor old Iron. x-ls-ltu Capital Dairy Co A. 3 KilrclilU, tl. j. Kelly and are prepared Ui deliver flreab milk ciailedim ice. In any part ol tbs elty. tantvenrduraiilttlniust Loar'aatabie. MARION TOWNSEND fSt'O-'K-hOKT JY r. MITII.) PltOPllIKTOR OF" THE OliUB SRABLES." rtpHiil 'limit n i,l-n 1 Ira -Irai ataek Ii I.4".""'"1 ' '" " a...lliT It. I.D ItTYANUrfcUKYBlRKWa. IiI.MIiih.. N., 4 fcALItM.OK. tvl. T. RINEMAN, UCAMta IM Staph and Fancy Groceries, nil vVitl , v ,v mi. VII kin I. . lf,i fto'r '.'J' Voli!,"'nJf''llU lu lhel"a!u,i Ithtl i.m I'ric, ,, , , fr c ,im,py SnXTi'Js Wi.ii..rt-V r.'..;.V' " ""' I'rouucs." iT.: - -" " oar iiniuase. ' -lle alrert. 10 Acres for Rent. A oll-lio tin it ,,niy me ,c frilin A,,m le-iui lluur.il. Apply I.. JIOKISR DUOS., .Ioii'iihI (ii)ce. - m IN Y0UR H0ME copany " State." A cd nearly ,nne.!hlidl if a million WW!Xtim Iko w Hi ho CALIFOHNIA rOSlTJVO-. imm afaTaa C lmWEwrB' URrc liAIAHHH WiemiitttlHin, Nfniii'i;l, Orh a HEADAOHC. Ana all uaiVi TJi. 0alf.,B ....,.. '".. I'T P fl ir o i i. - """ cuiiki.iunt ni..rr -." v !.... ,-., iivneiariraw. ' evJivttW;!.' . Em H.!4H. J k 1 1 V """" wiumrimi. FRESH MI a. al. p..rr A' m$Q r bbbbbbV. F" , WU in soAukU.tr innv nr -UKK AsChenp ns miy I auinlrv m Ihe t'otiidry Vsln v , '"7, n -mid KlIrst-claKs w,,ik. Ul'' arLadle.nnd rmirnps IhvIim HMjiHt tlur l.rocs.ssa')lr,,,fol,uJ 230 Liberty Street WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Uraotialaa Hludenta in Classical, Literary, Scicnff' Music Art and Theology K.raal, Risiaess, Lav ANIk MEDICAL COURSES It is the olrlesl, largest and least .. rtvetoatlluilon of Sarnlti. inTn. S3K Atiffl.r ".Bepber J THtKs, VAN HTOV. 'Tt .Hrealdent Ralem, Dregnq, uoceaaor to Amoa Htrong. Pioneer Bakery 271 Commercial Street. French aud Gcrmau U'tieat aad Rye llrctids In City Style. Vlruua Holla. SPECIALTY OFKANCx- CAKEH Pastry aud Confectionery iiakluK In Full Stock. Our im-w bri-art and cake Imken. arts firat't'lasn artlstH iu tlitlr line, aud we ului to bave EwrythiDg is Fine is ihe Finest.. JOHN G. BARR. Watches and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. HneclHl llcutlon In measuring iWectlv alKln andilasaeentled. A alack thai nil) Hi alleyea. (Ilasaen fur critical ruMsiiruuBd and fltled uor.lrr, WATCHCS, ETC. A neve alnck nf i-locka, hitter and mid nilchaa, ailterwhra und Ji-w.lr); wulst will tiesiild chn.i. Also u lot nf PAWNED WATCntS will beanlrtut leaalhan half their vain. LVItuad eonvlni-e ynuraelf. FOIIEST (IROVE I'OLITIIV VAIID1 Founded in 1877. 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE! And Ik nneICver bre4 on the rnolflor Cuaal. Uiaik your order early forjcholi selection. Send 8Ump for Oatilogve. Address J. M. GARRISON, Iftll tw Purest Urove, Orrron. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shxasta Line CAureeutiA axraaaa tsaih sdk dailt BKTwaxN ruBTLArn ANis.r. rk.utb.r " KiiHBr im p.isri tv. KiriUad Ar. rtsfTs: .lk p. in. I Lv. Maleiu Lv. 7:l. m 10 15a.m. I Ar. Han Kmn. l.v. I ftU0p,m Above trains slop enly al fiilloalng at llnna north of lloarburx;, Kaal 'nrtlDa ir-gon City. U'uudburu, Halem, Albauy Tansetil. ribedda, lluley, Harrlatmrf Junction City, 1 rvlm and Ensene. MiaiKblTHO MALI. 1IAII.T, MU a. in. IIU3 a. ni &u p. m. l.v. t.v Ar. "l-iirtlaniT Halem lluaeburg Ar. I 1.00 P. m. l.v. I 1.-IX p. at. Lv. rJ0a.ai Albany laical, llally (Kxeept Sunday.) SuTp iu. CvT l.v: Ar. I'uriluuU salem Albany Ar. Lv. tWOtt S3. iwwi.m. &.Ba.m. IM p. in, M p. ni PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS; or aciximiundatinn oi second el paascager atuahed to express mlM. 'est Side Divisie-TBttwetn Portiud ud Cervaliis: DAILY (kkCBTT SUWDAT). 7:30 a. nt. fLv. IICI0p.iii. I Ar. Portland Oirvallla Ar. Lv. 6:90 p. ro. IIM p. rn. At Albany and Corvallla connect wiui iraloa af UreoB rVclflc lullroud. asraaaaTHAiK (daily McarrsunnAT Tea p. m, I l.v. IMrtland Ar. I HjS' Throuffh Tickets To all point EAST anil N'JIJTII aaVt. tUarala aasl titll llllatrMlMllf.il ltCW inj rule iimim, etc., Hpply Ui Iht Cuwp nv'a M.anf alalni llrafittl. iCf. KiKJK K KOKHI '-a aa-eni iiooni, uresna. , lt,.. A-a. '. KiKJKKA. Aisst. u. K. and If' r.K. ...- Wealth I: TRfaTUCr. nit. v. i' u-Pj-tm Nerve nnd llrslj' TrBiimi'iit.nKiiitmnleed I'"'.'1"' r!,rf(B5 teriii.lilxlii".l..nviilal.ma.l'l " J Keumlsla, llcdiu-hi'. N ervm I 7'"'',! cauaed l.v the uae of alcohol or l" ; Wakefiillneaa, Menml llepwa lo i, w Imc nil be tirafn n aultlnic lit Ii""'' 'J ''"; l.adlnu in i misery. ;ecuy '", "'"'l' 'L&Tr mature old Ar. Imrrannv, !""" ' " "rb cati'dliyov.'ra'erilonofll' n., t h oonlalnaone V,mLtm,iit by nill S box orris boxes for liUn, "" "' prennlrl on rewlpt nf nrlco. .......a VKOaARA!TRP. SIX 0W To sum any a. Wh J'h orrtjr es-lvarlhy ua iw- bojes "'"B "air with avaiii we will ) ths '.".'l".' ."f-. U wrlHen nuifNa! rfBiasi it; "'"iu iii Yii aattalTk tasasaiieair. ..---- tHMg. a1ar.ruo?.'1,.,,. ,Z. MjU uatal, a Hiist m . """i"' LAUiMJlll & Irwin. i Health is "STaVT.3 1 BMAIH tfffBrV isaafla (3222 EmmmmmmmwEMUini-rutHim-