Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 20, 1890, Image 2

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    ' "9' Js"1-"1" ip' Ts!nP,(ww; KJ "f""Wi.w-,-
AlURDAY.-..- DEC. 20. ISttO.
' ym
(Jtally by uikII pr yr.
tu I! by iimII par m.mlb,
A'eeklr by limit per yrur
i m
-lf out mid lu dvn tu price
rbawd KM- th VV'tKKI.V Jlll'mCAL will IK
i U'KKfcTl.Y JlllRXAI. Will
proiuptiT Dutiiy tin-8i. '
Dllr lurDltwIr wpwk,.- wcu.
Iktlli firti i-
. ... Si VI,
ii.ii) u month,....
.... .V'CUl
tlvtl.io will ix nmtlv no 111 mill loth
of Minimi, iib-vrliwn. will ipuw imve
lu.iiiej fiironrlerMt hiui or whrrmn 't
S rtctlwred. " " I" cmu no dUyn In
Tin. Kvkjuiio CvrrrvLJoOBVAL mrn
Uirly revlv- itw aiteruuou Kasool(ed
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Wheat, net 02 cents per bu.
flojM, active; :SS to 32 ivnt. per lb
HiHulquarter f r caudy, tuanu
facture I frwh eyn-y d ty at Jones A
Bcrnardi'n on Stute street.
Valuable Gole Minks. David
Orlerxon and L-wli Savage, tw,-
prominent farmers of this vicinity
returned Thursday evening from i
trip to Douglas county, where the
examined the great placer dijg'n
of the MyrMe Ureek Mining com
pany uud they ure very eutbuiiastii
in their decriptioii of the deioiiltti
The mines are situated 12 mller
northeimt of the Myrtle Creek tn
tinn and embrace a large nren
Mr, OrierMiu, who is an old Culi
fornia miner, gayH thein? mines an
equal if not superior, to ati
placer mines he ever saw in tha
atate. Mr. Griernon made the trl
to Douglas In order to meet his old
mining partner, Mr. E. J. Davis,
who U superintendent of the MyrtU
Creek Mine. He brought biici-i-nme
rich sm-clnieii", and euys tha'
the earth is just reeking with gold
in that rev inn.
How at Independence. lnde
pence was the scene of a severe stab
bing aflray the first ot the week
David Simpson, a young man of tin
Luckiamute, woa stubbed by Ben
Dice, a youuc man of ludepend
encc. The ditllculty grew eu: of v
friend of Simpson' kiukiug a doc
belonging to Die. The bottom
of the trouble wan too much bad
whisky. Simpson, the stabbed
man, bears a good name exeunt tbr
habit of frequenting saloons, though
hr does not dissipate in lialiita fur
ther than such associates. Dice
hears a character not so well sus
tained, though be has had a splen
did opportunity aud good parents.
A Good Investment. Many of
tiie pretty little things you buy
soon grow shabby with use. Not .:
with those diamonds and gems at
W. Maitiu'g. The value, f dia
monds Is steadily increasing and at
present prices a precious stone is a
good investment. Like the snow
i'ii the hilt-ides melts away before
the breath of the Chinook just so
Martin's gems are dUapjieurlng.
Come u hile you can have a good
tocK to choose from,
A Little Uncommon. D. M.
Leitzer orouk'ht to the Journal
ollice Friduy afternoon some half
dt.zeu headH of wheat which were
nearly iljie. The wheat gTew on the
tiatik of the Willamette river. The
grains were plump uud round and
the meshes full. Many of the beads
hud four grains to the mesh. Itipe
wheat is not a common thiag for
Oregon in December, but here iu our
mild clminte great things are possi
ble Kail Roau Accident. A rail
r iad accident occurred the first of
the week at Macleay in which the
cars were Klightly iluiimued aud two
perxmin were injured. Geo. Heudt r
hou, a brakeiuau of Albany, had ills
g badly crushed. This fall seems
a very uupropitious one to the rail
road lu Oregon. Accidents are re
ported from every quarter.
Make Voi.'it Mo.tii Water.
That's wlml uu exumiuiition of the
bill of fare which Will be served at
Htrung's re-itiiuratit will do. It is
nothing uncommon to hear strangers
to the city as they come out of his
restaurant remark "Why that meal
would huve cost rue six bits in riuu
Holiday fi)llprars. Don't buy old
style slippers, get something new.
No old style carried over from
lust ytrar. We have the driest in
velvet or plush, patent leather
trimmed, to be found iu the city at
prices that ure Eastern, James Deu
ham ii Co., hoots and shoes, 118
Htate street. 152-13 tf
iKK it, Try it, Uvy it. The
new V. 8. No. 2 riiuger sewing ma
chine. Burt Cow, uuiit 181 Com
mercial street. 12-10 tf.
Brooks & Cox are doing a big
trade in holiday gifts aud perfumes
The reason la quit plaiu, however,
tbey only bandit the tuost fragraut
aud delicate perfumes by the inosl
celebrated manufacturers,
The Hun, a uew paper, will make
its tint appearauou at Marslifleld
Jau 8th next, to be published by
Ummn, tUlln, Luse Heft in.
ft the 1 J, ii u 160 cent onuuter
at if ort A Osboru's befure huylug
jrwur Xis-w toys. 12-16 ot
(Coooudd fruuj flnt pae.
Kt.sntnQ.VKDKX.IS qalkm
It may not be genffulfy known"
that Snloin lnutii m-IuniI fur clilldrvn
Ilt1ll.lt tuiti.utl
r... . in
"- -.
nj;c mr hut iuimiu -
KOtiiHils, but Mich ii vIiimiI hits Wvn .
rkimliiMurl lif lrs. l..il..lialit .at Ml.,
Prvshyierlan church fur mine lime
past and their Brat public appearaiice
took place lu the aiiultoiiuiii ol that
cuuruh im Tliuixlay nfteruHiu. A
giNMl large iiuiuber of persons hud
availed themselves of the opportun
ity to see how such a school was con.
ducted iu siuleiu. llev. It. W. Whll-1
aker gave a short adilress to the
children after which the cxervlsc ol
the schiKil were takeu Up, The tloi
was bUckhourd exercises lu Wliich
the instructor would write short
sentences fur the children to read
which they did very aptly. The
smaller class went through a cours.
of drill ou the chart work. Tueii
inarching und sinking were proof ul
a tin. Tough training. Some of their
exercise weredtttWuIt.yet they went
through with them without otic.
Iewrtiug from the line of theh
traiuiug. The last of tlieli exervleet
Were recltalioMs.duiliiuesulid soilur
I'roui the little fjlks which were rea
.utertuiuluiug. The uirt the clili
Ireu liHik would have nliicted credit
iu much oliler children. Kiuih-r
.iirieu work Is coiiiiarallvely lie"
Hi t-ali in. The arelils of childrei
ihould lucouragesuch work, for i
s certainly a gland work. Tiler,
vere about twenty-tive oftluste win
tuok part iu the exercises Thursday
tonight's treat.
Miss Lucia B. Orillhi, of Iowa.
A-ill give a feast to-uight at tin
Cuiverslty chapel lu the way oi
uiiuicr.v and lmienuiu:itioii. Hei
reading will be decideilly novel Ii
Salem, and she will doubtless givi
more I tutu satisfaction for that i-
the report which comes from all tin
cities where she has read. Those in
mr city who huve heard her sa
she Is the best reader they have hud
the pleasure of hearing. N. Y.
Home Jeurnal: When little Mi
liriffln upeured, looking so youtli
f.il aud pretty, in her many clevei
imitations, the success of theeveu
in.; was ciiinplete. The reckless
little "Innocent ZelP' aroused much
merriment. N. Y. Voice Magazine:
Her personal stories aud remi
uiscenoes would fill a volume, and
yet she has but just started iu the
twenties. Is It because Western
life like the Wesleru prairies, is
much broader than the Hast?
C-rtaluly the spirit of self reliance Is
well aeVeloKl iu the Western girl,
rihe has studied with the tr.-sl
teachers of this country. Her hnuit-
ls in Alblu, la., If such a bird of
passage can be said to have a home.
A large aud appreciative audience
greeted the presetltors of the can
lata, "Bed Ittdiug Hood." at Reed's
opera house last Saturday night.
This noted cantata was given l
Mi-e Lulu M. Siuilliaud Iter pupils,
assisted by Salem's best musical
and literarv talent. Miss Graci
Hcriber took the task of managing
the entertainment, and lo her till
dent aud genial work is largely du
the great success of the occasion
She also acted to perfection the pari
of "Grandma," with Miss Edith
Farrar as "Mamma." Misses Mag
gie Alderson end Mabel Hutlou
appeared respectively as "Bed Bid
ing Hisxl" and "Buttercup," and
sustained their parts well. Miss
Myra Allert presented "Hose" with
excellent grace. Mr. Boss and Mr.
Kundret won loud applitue and
many high compliments as "Wolf
and "Woodruar.." The chorus li
nearly half a hundred voices, and
the "Blue Bell" chorus by a dozen
little girU were simply immense.
Nothing was lacking iu the wlioli
program, and it can well be said
that the affair was a grand success,
aud oue that Salem's people cm U-
proud to remember, fur it was given
by home talent, by our own people.
met at Mrs. Win. England's last
Wednesday eve. A number ol
volumes of 52 pages each were dis
cussed for several hours by about
twenty friends. One gentleman
was almost utterly unable to control
his mind lie became so engross
ed with the subject before him. The
hostess servid a lunch which sur
passed'the limits of club hospitality
so far that she was lined heavily bt
a unanimous vole. Alter tins uu
grateful conduct by people who ule
and drank right merrily, a report on
the application of a gentleman who
seeks to join tiie club was read. It
is seldom one's ambition of social
honors is sat upon so harshly, uud
alt lelt glad he was not present.
The club has adjourned until ul'el
the holidays.
AN Afolooy. The editor, owner,
publisher aud proprietor of tin
thing called "our contemporary"
was driven frantic with Jealousy be
cause wu were able to order unit pat
for three bundles of pijie' ut once.
We happened to meet 1 1 1 ill lu Bop
uy'a hardware store Tuesday ufier
uo.ui, where lie was dickering foru
grindstone to use as a bulauce wheel
uu his "only steam press," and lie
bailed over and called us a liar.
We hope lie can be patched up,
tewed together uud saved from the
grave, thotiuh the last rejsirls uu
discouraging. We dhu't mean to.
If he will only get well lie may
abuse us the rest of his nalunil I! fr
aud we wnu't say a word, Hiker
tun Appeal.
WlialelMiite whips ut cost ut Moore
A Osboru's till ufitr the uohdi ys.
Fruit Thre Pi. vstino. ItAss'
benlodry nil fall t t-ueoessrully
plant fruit tree, ami many f ihi
, tliHt Iiuvb Iweu tukvn from the
nun-rU- have bvvii Uurle.l lnrue
Miltuble il.iw to ket-p thermits In i
.... ii.i.. i. ... . ... .1
niiK.-i LTimmum uniii wie rams sci
in hiii! put I lie grutinil In slmpe fur
t l, rl.lkt litli .f 1 I... ., fTI... w
cent nilus Imve dune that oiiiniitete
Jy uud nmiiy trees will be pliiulid
during the next few weeks If tit
w e.ither ruiuiilus mild. Many fruit
grow ers prvfer to do their pluming of
trees lu the full and winter than tu
thesprlug, lielleving they have beU
ler iicvera lu having their treea live,
It Is safe to say mule trees will be
planted hi the Willamette valley
this stasoii than In any other one
year since O.egon was settled. The
variety of trees is of a wide range,
and orchards both large nud sniuh
will beset in trees.
Will riETri.E in Salem. Mr. J.
0. Bolierls, late of Nebraska, has
nought an Interest iu the State
Laud i Trust company, and will
make his home In Kulcm. Mr.
itoberts brings a nice Income with
uu hich he will invest In property
u Salem uud vicinity. He is well
(ileused with the outlook of Salem,
iuce leaving Nebraska Mr. Huberts
uts visited many points iu the West
ittd was the must favorably impress
d with Salem us a city to make a
.iteiiSHtii home. His family com
rising himself aud wife, aud two
laughters and two sous all, about
;rown. are now comfurtably douil
lied iu this ciiy. Mr. Itoberts aud
ds family ure just the kind of peo
ple Suleui desire aud l hey ure heart
ly welcomed lo her society.
The Biver and Boats. The
Willamette Is slowly rising at this
It y, and the Indications urv that
hiats will soon commence running.
Messrs. Edwards uud McDermitt,
overiiiueiit iusM.-ctorg of river
steamers have been overhauling the
"Three Sislers," "Wm. Hoag" aud
"N. S. Bent ley," tied up to the
.vater front at Corvallis. The in
spectors were enthusiastic lu their
praisu of the excellent condition ot
these three steamers aud pronounced
i hem 0. K. in every particular. The
Oregou Bac.fie river otlice at this
c ly will be iqieuetl in a few days.
A.bauy Herald.
I.nug bar toilet soup G cents
In Pkuuate. lu the matter of
the guardianship of Mary F, and
Utziue S. Dickenson, minors. Joseph
tt. Dicken-nti, pelitilions the court
that he be apsiiuled guardian of
vtid minora; jetltiun was granted.
His bonds were fixed at 18000. M,
L. Cliainlrlin, W. J. Herren, sure
tii-s In the matter of the estate
of A. UoL'g, deceased, J. T. Beck
with petitions the court :or further
allowance to minors, petition was
granted. Iu the mutter of the es
tate of Helen Keslie, deceased, 8. A
Starr executor, presents to the court
his inventory of tlu estate, amount
ing lo $368U.S6.
Attend. The Journal would
urge the trustees of Willamette unl
verslty favorable to Its remaining iu
Salem to all attend the Portland
meeting Monday. It will be much
more dignified and manly than for
all by a preeoueerted movemeut to
remain away, ami will better con
serve Salem IuiereslB and the inter
ests of the University. The ques
tiou ol title to the lauds at Salem, ua
well a-i the fact that all possibility
of o .tniiiiin: funds toereel buildimn
at Portland may fade away, makes
it possible that the schools may re
main at Salem fur some time to
Keit Busy. One glance down
Commercial street is a sufficient re
minder that it is the lust Saturday
lief.iru Christmas. The streets are
crowded with ersous from near and
far. If this were not sufficient evi
dence of the favt that a look into the
store of Geo. F. Sml'li, would
issuredly leave tio room for doubt
in his mind. In spite of the ten
clerks which are there busy as bees
many have to wait quite a little
while for a chance to buy something.
This is sufficient evidence that he
has an immense stock of Christmas
uiMKlsnud that they are way down
in price.
Fell Fmui a Train. A brake-
man named .Mee'nin slipied and fell
from the platform on the north
biiind overland train ou the South
ern l'acilic shortly ufler leaving
H irrisburg yesterday morning. The
Haiti was immediately Mopieduuti
th'.) unfortunate biakeuiau was
picked up and taken aboard. He
was found to lie severely injured aud
taken to Portland. Albany Herald.
Buyi.no Christmas Goods The
leople fiiim the country ails neigh
boring burgs, are in the city today
by the hundreds, laying lu their
holiday presents. The day has been
a moist one, uud yet the people have
found their way to town uud ure
freely seudlng their money, to the
great satisfaction of I ho merchants
as well an to themselves.
Six hook coat uud
cents ut CrlHsinaliB.
hat rucks 10
A New Bo t. There is u ruiiiur
(-urreiit today that a light draught
Isiat wid U- put ou the upsjr Wll
laiuetle in u few days, which call
liuviuule these waters uliuost the
entire veur In sufetv. Koch u bunt
would beugruud thing for this part,
of the stale, und would doubtless be
a good liivestintut to the owners.
J'liur-Mlncltd WjloiisoO cents at
' H. H. Brown urvacfata at Entree
Ji A. Venrsn, of Buen Vlstn, waa
In rlio ittv ttwilut mi Itnali.Mi
' J ..no.....
Mrs. Caldcr, of I.oUiitnn, en me
down to Salem yesterday to wait on
her sou Willis Calder, who in vtry
sick at the University.
.uargaret B. Woo II urg aged 60
y-arsand George Howell egetl 60,
were granted a marriage llceuse to
day. MIm HtelU Ames, of the Unlver
slty, went down to Portland this
morning to spend the holiday with
her sister, Mrs. Powell.
Dr. Clinton Cooke arrived in this
city Thursday evening aud la now
visiting his parents. He wilt re
main here some time before rwturu
log to Chicago.
A large number of student left
ou last evening's aud to-day's trains
for their home, to spend Christmas
aud New Year's day.
Don't neglect soelne Pattou's
Christmas stock before you purchase
You will hare no cause to rrgrat
it if you buy your Christina goods
of Patton.
The United State local Inpoctors
of steamers throw no blame ou
Capt. Duualdsou for the to of the
steamer Ajax.
"I am a stranger to your city, but
I think I'll stay with you, Can you
put me on to the way of flndiug a
good store to buy nuie furniture?"
"Certaluly, I can. Uo around and
see Bureu ou Commercial street.
He will give you your money's
Go to Crissuiaus fur ribbon, all
widths, all price from 4 cents 'per
yard up.
First Baptutt. Services at 100
a. m. aud 7 p. m. Morning subject,
"The Miraculous Birth" a Christ
mas sermon. Evening: "What does
the Church otter Young Men to
day?" Suuday school at 11:45a. m
Endeavor meeting at 6 p. ni. All
young people cordially luviied to Ine
present. Hubert Whitaker, pastor.
Unitariav Hall. Iu the tem
porary absence of the pastor, Dr. T
L. Elliott, of Portland, will preach
uext Sabbath, morning aud even
i ni: and at 2-30 p. m., ut the stale
prison. Ou the succeeding Sabbatn
Bev. 1 bos. Van Ness, agent of the
American Unitarian association will
till the pulpit. The public generally
Is cordially invited to bear these
able speakers.
Christian Church. "The
Communicative Nature of Faith'
aud "The Elements of the Christain
Religion" will respectfully be the
morning aud evening themes o'
Pastor J. B. Jhunsou, Services 11 a.
m. and 7. n. m. Sunday school at
0 45 p. in. Y. P. S. C. E. 6 p. in.
Episcopal. Bishop B. Wistar
Morris will hold services both morn
ing aud evening to-morrow. The
morning service ut 10:30 a. m. and
the evening at 7 p. m. The holy
Cummuuiuu will be administered
utter the morning service. Suuday
school ut 12 in.
Christian Science Meetings
10:45 it. m. Spiritual sense of the
Scriptures. Asssociatio u meets
Wednesday evening. All are wel
come. (
Evangelical. Bev. P. C. Hetz
ler will preach the morning sermou
Collection fur the Bible Society.
Evening service First Anniversary
of the Endeavor Btwlety. Sunday
school at 12 m. Endeavor meeting
at 6 p. m. All are welcome. K. H.
Bollinger, pastor.
What l)n It Mraa?
"100 Doses One Do.lur" means
simply that Hood's Saisaparllla l
the miHt economical medicine to
buy, becau-e it gives more for lb.
money than any other preiiaruliou.
Each bottle contains 100 Unaes aud
will average to last a mouth, white
other preparations taken according
lo directions, are cone lu a ween'
Tiieiefore, be sure lo get Hood's Sat
sauarillu. The best Mood purifier.
Wuste paper baskets at Criismuns.
Lunu's dry goods store is attract
lug considerable attention Just now
uud no wonder either, for the Very
good reason that be lias a complete
line of dry good aud Is selling them
t price below competition.
Brooms ut Crlssmaus.
Oue wonld tliluk that the legis
lature was iu session or the state
fair iu progress by the amount of
people that are seen eating lu Weata
cott & Strong's restaurant. The
fact of the mutter Is it is the ex
cellent meals they serve which
brings them their largi patrouuge.
m '
Wanted. At The Willamette
hotel a reliable Ml boy, also an
clevutor hoy. Apply ut offlee of
KiHilajr Dinner at Strita' ItrttauraM.
( 'ream of Chicken Venison Broth
Buked Sainton
Minced Turkey Pheaaunt-Htew
Banuim Fritters
Chlckeu with Dresslug Beef, Mutton
Veal Pork
Corn Tonmtoes Potatoes
"""' n
English Plumb
A pales
Tea Collet)
- Candlea -
You will have to go to W. W.
Martins who has the FINEST as
sortmt'iit ever oUered for sale iu
this city.
Bird carfus &' cents at Oii-mn.iu's.
Ohanok in Seshion. The Pomona
grange was In session to-day and
discussed many of the silent ques
tions which are now agitating the
mass of the people. In the after
noon officers for the coming year
were elected.
Look Here The firm of Harris
A White, have by mutual consent
dissolved uriuendilp. My old ens
turners will please remember, that I
till remaiu lu the same business
uud will be glad to see iheni. Can
lie found ou express No. 10. J. G.
Harris. 12-10-Ct
Lovely Ten Scls Sroat A Gllc's.
F. 8. Barzee, woll aud favorably
known In and about Salem, hiisjusl
engaged iu the commission hunlnew
In Portland and East Portland.
They handle all kinds of country
priMluce aud furnish market rcorts
ou application. d&w It
Calvert, the milliner, Is selllnc
hats way down. His price are so
cheap that .o oue uei-d go wlthoul
huts. He otters them so low tlmt
those who cannot aflord to Invest lie
til give them oue. 12 18 7t
The most elegant Hue of holiday
novelties iu Salem Is to be found at
Geo. E. Good's, 309 Commercial
street. 12 8-lf
Wood for Sale. I have loo
cord of dry grub oak for sale ard
will deliver to any part of the tiy
at $-1.5(1 per cord, Lewis Pettyjohn.
12-12 12u
For the Holidays. The large
stock of toys BriNiks & Harrllt have
received, are all designed for th
holiday tnule, and will Ik1 sold with
in the reach of all.
Go to Crirsmau's for children's
carts; 15 cents.
For Bent. A furnished room.
803 Liberty street. if
W. L. Wade, of North Salem, has
a full line of general merchandise
and is giving away handsome books
with Cash purchases. tf
Large clot bra baskets; only DO
cents at Crissmau's.
Lumber. Contntotors and par
ties contemplating building, should
not fall to rail on J. F. Jacnlwou for
estimates on rough nud dressed lum
ber. Yard aud office near agricul
tural work. !-2C-e o d-lf.
Mrs. M. E. McCoy, physician and
surgeon, No. 2WJ Commercial street.
Chronic diseases a specialty. Con
sultatiou free. 12-8 tf
At The Willamette SaniUr.
.-'boa! water Bay Oyster aud Chicken
Boiled Chtuuok Salmon with Celery
Leg of Mutton with Caper Haure
Tongue Egg Sauce Ham Cham.
pairne K nice Corn B.-ef and Cab
bage Bruized Bibs of Beef with
Brown J otan-s Soor Kmut aud
Bait I'ork
Baked Chicken i'ie a I' American
lajlisiem aiirred ill Cream
Asparuuus ou Toast
Cblokeus' Liver eu caisse Ilallau
Cream Flitters with Lemon Sauce
Sirloin of Beef Mutton Veal
Pork with Apple Sauce
Young Suckling l'ig French Dress
ing Ynuug Tnrkey Cranberry Sauce
Chow-Chow O.ives Pickles
Young Onions
Mashed Potaloes Kuked Sweet I'otv
ttK-a (,'an tied Corn Slewed Tomatoes
String B-atis Bvels
English Plum Pudding Brandy
Green Apple Lemon Crunlerry
anil Hi luce i'ie
Fruit iu Season
Nuts Kiislns Assorted Cukes
Swiss aud American Cheese
Green Tea CotlVe Noir
EuglUli Breuksast Tea
111 K II.
slock, Conn, Saturday, Dec. 20.
1800. Mr. Allwrt D. Litchfield,
brother ot G C. uud O. B, Litch
field of this city.
Annapolis, Jltd., Jan. 9, '&.
4 hare often used ST.
MVOR8 OIL, and Und it
t good Liniment."
Gov. of Md.
S500 Reward!
'EwlU tstr tbr above reward for
WKwlU psy tlw above reward for ny
ueiif liver ooiimlulDI. dvapepslu. alck
cof liver oiinpUilDI, dvapepslu, lcl
bettilMCbs, ludlstutloii, coastliMllna r cos
ilvtiiiws wis amtiot curt, wllw west's Vear-
elublej.lyw I'llls, wbeu tlte dlrtelloos Mr
UkHle cuinplUid with. They are purely
vvKctabl, and urver fall lo glvtMH'o
tlou. tsiuurtJiiUd. LMrKtoe,unnUln
iat)pHU,2t crrU. IWwsre of coiiuler
felisanrt nilwilon-. TUe srnuln nisnii
fset. red olil by THE JO. IN U. WEXT
Hold tr"'ir V. oaud, Prutif U4, w oow
Th TTorid Tarlched.
The facilities of the present day fbt
the production of everything that will
conduce to the material welfare and
comfort of mankind are almost unlim
ited, and when Syrup of Fig wm first
produced the world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
is the only remedy which i truly
pleasing aud refreshing to the taste
and prompt and effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Spring-time
or, In fact, ct any time, and the better
it Is known the more popular, it becomes.
Dealer In Groceries, Faints, OUh
and Window Glass, Wail Ta
per aud liorder, Artists' Ma
terials. Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Ha.v; Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc
Wholesale Commission Merchants
Olult kludnof
Firm, Dilry, Orchard and Hill Prductt, Fort'md
d Eait PonUfld, Or d-lw -tm
Grand Eutcrtaiiicnt
For ItirbenWK nfllir mii-eum riind
oftbe WlllamstteUuUeraliy.
-TUe Celebrutf J-
Costume Impersonator and
ChanicUr ikotch orllntf.
Anlnttd by nm. of KuIpim's br-t ninul
ml intent will iclvcan euterta nincut Ii.
tbe Unlvrmliy cliiwl
Saturday Evening Dec. 20.
Adin Union JJ null.
13-18 M
General Collectors, Broken
Local und toraln eoltrNtlnii ittcnrtrrt I
pruiiOtly. Utllnuil ttrkrii ottl id ul
IHirlH tif ihwoiit. Ho kkrepInK for lniu
puttie h MiTilaltv. AtUcriNim,; piucil h
mhj ntrt if ih (JiiMcl Htuim hi tlin ni'
rniMiiiuhle rutrt. t'finiutetcml Kr
kM)Ned nfitjr prutuptly.
JSO O-nuuorcial Ktrect, up aUUih. Hulein,
Most Complete Stock
Loose ane Mounted
Rver bmngbt to thin dty, to be aold al
Jrkv that
A complete line of Gold and iillvcr
S. W. Thompson Co.
221 Commercial St,,
25c WanColumn.
N'llree Inserted fur ONK CKNT I'KIt
UOUK KAUH I.N-MKIiriuN. hu Hitter
HmmihmiI InMrled In tliU -ulunili for I..
Hutu tweuty.rtve rent.
rA.NTKU. Tii Iiiij-.h jjo ,rt. m-iuli- mill
, , n,..... iim nun pjrnK wiiift n h
i'ii e. Apply ut my reld mi- on Ferrj
trwt.urur letli. liAilllS ilfJIAIlnN.
14 I 101-
IXIl'KD.-A purteronl.'iliiji.'tr Hnnill iim
of mime , Cull ut Julia IMm'. hliu-k
WANTED An ncllve. n-ll.ilile mun
hjilMpv trn in mmi ........i .
. , -.... v. , ,.v .....iiiii,, .inn ,i,.
o tii-e. lo fp-nval In liU o n .wil.ni m
'"'??!,.lol -Sb 1"k binim-. ltvi..rrnn f-
U.MI kli.pllliLii .. ...... 'i
York ux iu.), xe
IlK HAI,K.-.biiiit tlirto rre of Innil
I' nn A.vliim .Iua.ii.b .......
Imu.e, oinM-nlnitlv Mrniniil; Inru.- Urn.
itrietailely r fruit tic, und Mirnli.
-s.j,vM,,iiiiiciit i" r.iciric rauniiy, m-er
falling water nn priu.rti. K.ir uitriltii
Ihiv liioulrui bm.i..! ii....u.n .tr:. I....:.
lu of Anyluiu A i-Mto kiiIiik liou city.
12:1 if
irAXTf.li To trad ii town lot In Cunl
VV lul I'ark Adilltlou for lumbar A
Ol nger,l2IJIIIIiilii-et. u-itif
An ."! u '" iS"t.und reli ,blc. will
e1l the ternii or tr ide f ir il.i.n pnmir v
WA?TK,7,A" AcriVB IIo.ni.-t.Man-HMliiryllOOiniiiiliilyifaull
upuortunlnw lor udviiilw, to repr'"!,i
looHlly u rmpon.lblo ,' Vurk 'imii.i
tefen-m-j.,. MAurACTU.tf.,, lick"",,",
'"''" ' in
A HAHOAI.N.-AlKiiiiiflnnillwoliiui f.n
A 'l.""lll ruilfin ut only $hU) i
HUlreof W.II. rllinpiii. ' llSHf
-WNKIW OK tXJWH.Ki,r aervlrn .
W piire-brfed lUd I'nliel bull T.rrin,
I AHHlnll ii I j
tetissis; "",uih- "&qnu
pATIUINIZK Home IndiiMry, nud uk
.1 MiuinMlnHiiliiiC'iiUKli.'urr. 1 1 ui.T
oiveu u ivr rnuei or inmiey rifiuidul
MHnufMdiirwl llv II. ll.i'r,. V.i '...".".. "
-on. swltb Kleiner ole' sieili fo,
',n" ..Vftdlia
it k Old lite Goner.
Latest Arrivals
Musical Goods at Cost,
Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Banjoes, Musi
Boxes and Sheot Music.
"Wo intend to close out, by the end of the year, our
entire line of Btnall musical merchandise to confine our
selves to the wholesale trade only.
Holiday Presents !
Now is a golden opportunity ts buy musical instru
tnents at .iriccs never before heard of.
Itacmlicr-AT COST-Everytliing Goes
VIOLINS for $ 1 00
BANJOES for 4 00
GUITARS for 3 50
575 OKGANS for 40 00
$125 ORGANS for 75 00
Our entire line of "Saalfield SericH" of 10c music
5c 25 pieces, $1.00.
FREE We give to every purchaser sheet music for
Piano oi Organ free.
360 Commercial St. Eldredge Block.
Ft ret National Baak
A. t. Aajorraom, Maugr W. I. Stalky, FrladyJ.
Business, Chort'and, Typewriting, Penmanship and English SepsrttnssM.
ny and Enlng Bceebna. BtudenU adjsltud say fuse. Oatalogvc ea apclkatlw.
Ii fft
. BROWN & Co.
loots and Shoes!
Iff ' J
Commercial st.
Sash and Door Factory
Front Street, $!, 0rfW. '
Hjo beat daw of work i,i our lini at priooa to omp
with tha lowest. Only U Umi M&tiv uj-
flr the Holidays.
BoQdlaK, SaVra, Ortflon.
id See
! f
gV.' i.lJ.dt.f.JT,,
r .gMShjt .'J,