rw . -nry wnKwgi" tsywyW''1 "' SA3WV FrlBQjiit-'- ses Highest ofall In Leavening l'ower. Royal J&&&& ABSOLUTELY PURE .Oroetudrd from lift yasr. tuteatiil starving will Iw supplied with uflMeul work to etuiblu him to earn the foiirpoiiw need'Hl for hi twil utid board. This I n ftmda- mental feature of the scheme, and one I think which will commend It to all those who are nnxiou to ben etltUie iwir by enabling them to help themselves without the demur. Milling Intervention of charitable mlief. "Now let me Introduce you to our labor yard. Here i no prpteuce of cbarltv hevoud the charity which elves a man remunerative labor, It l uot our lir.sini-'- to iwy men wape. we prnptve Is to eu able those, m le or female, who art destitute to earn their rations and tin enough work to pay for their lolls Ins until they are able to go out into the world and e.iru wages for them elves. There U no compulsion on anyone to n-ort to our shelter, bir If a penniless 111:111 wants food he mint, as a rule, do work sufficient to pay for what he -of that nnil of other accommodation. 1 say as a rule because, of course, our officers will lie allowed to make exceptions In extreme but the ru'e will be first work, then eat. And that amount of work will be exacted rigorously. It is that which dis- titieuishes this scheme from the mere charitable relief."' The successful workinc of the Salvation Army workshops is Intro duced as an argument in favor ol the plan, anil the writer then uoe eu to sjy: "Although our factories will lie permanent institutions, they will uot be anything more tii.iu tem porary resting-places to thoo who avail themselves of their advan tages. They nr- harbors of refuge into which the storm-tossed won? man may run and relit, so that he may again push out into the ordi nary sea of labor and earn his liv ing. The establishment of thee industrial factories seems to be one of the most obvious duties of those who would etlectually with the social problem. They are as hulls penslble a lUk in tile chain of deliv. erance us the shelters, but they are ouly a link uud cot a stopping- place. And we do not propose that they should be regarded its anything but steppiug-stons to better thing" "These shops will also be of serv ice fur men uud women temporarily unemployed wiio have families, uud who possess some sort of a home. In numerous iustuHces, if by any means these unfortunates could find bread and rent for a few weeks, they would tide over their diffi culties aud au untold amount of misery would lie averted." "The book then deals with the methods it is proposed to emp'oy to assist tlue in the worKshopa to per uiuu.nt 1 mploymeut, the general i icu being that of regimentation or organizations aud to establish labor bureau- to lie Used as a medium be tween thus- wanting woik and those iixviug work to lie done. "The Household Salvage iirigado" is one of the most important (-hapten in the liook. The author contends that the waste of a great cotumu uity would more than supply, if limiierls utilized, the wants of its lor, "1 propose," lie Mtya, "to estab lish lu every lurje town what I may cull 'A Household Hriuade,' a civil tore; of organized collectors, who will patrol the whole towu as regu iurly as the policeman; who will have their appointed beats, and each of whom will lie intrusted with the task of i-ollectiug the wuslo of the houses in their circuit. "Ju looking over the wiute of London it has occurred to me that iu the debris of our households there is sufficient food, if ulllicd, to feed many of the starving poor, aud lo employ some thousands of them in its collections, uud, iu addition, largely to assiat the general scheme, "What I propose wou'd be to go to work on something like the fol lowing plan: "London would be divided into districts, beginning with that or tion of it most likely to furuUh the largest supplies of wliut would be wortli collecting. Two men, or n man and a boy, would be told oft' for this purpose to this district. "Households would he requested to allow a receptacle to be placed iu ome convenient spot iu which the servants could deposit the wnsto food, and a Buck of some description would also be supplied for the ptt.-r, lags, etc. "The 'Whole would be collected, say once or twice a week, or more pSBakin nrW (Powden UtA to MillioM af Horaat SSo Baking Powder frequently, tlWinllnj; to the Ki'rtiUl iindclreum-tiinces.miil tnmiferred to depots an cent nil as p-wlhle to the dlirerent districts, "At pn-oent niiieh of tin- wiwte ! thrown Into the dust-bin, there to fester nsil breed disease. Then there are o d ucwspaiiers, ragged hook, old bottler., tin, canisters, etc. We all know what 11 number of iirlieh-s there are which are not quite bad enough to be thrown Into the dust ! heap and yet are no good to us. We put them one side, hoping that something may turn up, and as that something very seldom dm turn up, there they remain. "The salvage scheme Isnmplllied at length, but the general propodtiou s, as stated, to employ labor, save waste ami raise funds by the proper sales of such articles of salvage a are not edible. THE KAKM COLONY. Oen. Honth advocates small hold tigs of laud, but the present object mid purpose of the colony is stated in the opening paragraph of the chnpter under that head as follews: My preseut idea is to take nil e tatefrom 500 to 1,000 acres within reasonable distance of London. Ii should lie of such laud as will be suitable for market garden lug, while having some clay on it tor hrick-mukiug and for crops re quiring a heavier Mill. If possible, it should not only be on n line of railway which is managed by Intel mil progressive directors, but It should have ucivsh to the sea and to the river. It should be freehold laud, and it should lie at some con siderable distunee from any town or village. The reason for the lutter desideratum U obvious. We must be near Loudon fur the sake of our market uud for the transmission of the commodities collected by our Hou-ehold Salvage IJtlgade, but It must be tome little distance from any towu or village In order that the towu may be planted clear out hi the open way from the public house, that upas tree of civilisation. A sine qua non of the new firm colony Is that no intoxicating liq uors will hi erm!tled within its confines mi any pretext whatever. The doctors will have to prescr tie some other stimulant than alcohol for rc-idents iu tills colony. Imlu-trail village-', agricultural villages and co-operative farms are all embraced iu the plan of ug riculturul work. The mode and maimer of election of the colonists is indicated, ami the re.ulaii'ins governlug til- disposition of tin products stated. The detailed char acter of the farm scheme can Is understood from the following para graph, which is but one of many, anticipating and providing for tin minor dlillculil -sin the way orsu!h au u idertukiug: "It is quite certain that amongst the mass of pcop'e with whom we have to deal there will be a residue! remnuul of persons to some extern mentally luflrm or physically nica puc'tuted from engaging iu the hard er toils. Forthee people It is neces aury to Uud work, aud I think there would be u good Held for theii benumed energies in looking after rabbits, feeding poultry,, minding bees, and in short, doing all those little odd Jobs about u place which mmt beuttuuded to, bat whioU will not pay the labor of able-bodied men." HKETCJ1I OF TnKOIINEUAL PLAN OF EMIGRATION. The over tea colouy schemo is briefly slated uuder the three gen eral heads: 1. In the preparation of the colo uy for the people. 2. Iu the preparation of the peo ple for the colony. 3. In the arrangements that are rendered possible tor thu transpor tation of eople when prepared. Thu author then ujs: "It is proposed lo secure a large tract of luud iu some country suit' able to our purpose. We have tlio't of Kotllh Africa to begin with. We ureiuuowuy pledged to thb purl of the world, or to It alone. There is nothing to prevent our establish ing fcimllar establishments in Can ada, Australia or some other laud. Urltish Columbia huu lK-en strongly urged uK)ii our notice. Indeed, it Is (ertuin If this sclicinu proves the success we uutlelpito, tlie first col ony will bo the forerunner of simi lar communities elauwhere. Africa, howuver, presents to us great advan tages for the moment. There is any amount of laud suitable for our purpose wiich can be obtained, we tblnlujvltuout difficulty. The cll- pYcara the Standard. U. a Gov't Report, A"-, ?7, aWC tunto Is hrnltliy. L ihor Is In great di-tunnd, so that If bv nuv menus (work failed on the colony, tlire wuiiiii i-v nounuuur oppmiuniiiexj - i i fcurlti.r good wukch from ' An Kq"iaient Huicide. '.OHIO lr llit Iwli'lilmrlKitiiminnii.l ,f.'no "1,ow. .our "ly hinrllllllei to mum hi lue neiKMueril't: eouipiiu- niaktumit wlihua throibtli negbet, have o." i weftiahnnlimnneinraindvitntiiiM.(vrr I ,. , ., , , . . , tuu deliberate suicide.? -mtvcl). Pur ex it 13 then pxllttlHI out tlint B plo-, ninpk, Hie deadly progrv ui Itrlitlir ........ ...... i.. ... i .. disease, dlabctm, acute nvpltl ami univel , i,i v...( i iicti iiiiu?i-,niiu inum . 1 iire-iineiiterrlbv swift: ltithciitalro sonii' crops would be aunt out ubollt . P!"- ?!""' PW1"!" n"nigv Inmrmatinn i a year In advance of the colouy . . . . Itself. The colonists would be pre pared by an education In honesty, iruui ami iniiusirv, nun III every - thing fitted to adapt them to citizen. ship in ciinii.iii.liy which would lie controlled oy the laws regulating all good governments. Provision is made for transporta tion, and a plan by which the colo nists shall repay their passage money sent nut. The unique feat- ure of this scheme, how IVIl.ttlltfll UfJI, 11, UI' lisi'll llll .ll 1- 1'ig emigniuts to the colonies, and uiinard which they could be em ployed at various kinds of work, 011 wlileti, under religious uud mnrpnnrlucncesuud teachings, they could Ik saved from the sins into which too many pusseiigerson board migrant ships are prone to full This chapter concludes as follews: Not only would the ship be u per fect hive of industry, it would also i a flouting temple. The captain officers uud every member of the jrew would be Salvationists, and all therefore, alike interested in the en terprise. Moreover, the probabilities ire that we should obtain the serv ices of the ship's officers and crew iu the must inexpensive maimer, In harmony with the usages of the army everywhere else, men serving from love and not as a mere busi ness. The efleet produced by our ship cruising slowly southward;, testifying to the reality of 11 salvation of both worlds, calliug at all con venient iorls, would constitute u new klud of mission work, uud drawing out everywhere a large amount of warm practical sympa thy. At present the influence of lliof-e who go down to the sea in ship is not always iu favor of raising tin morals and religion of the dweller, where they come. Hero however, would be oneshipat least whose aji pearauce foretold no disorder, gave rise to 110 debauchery, and from whose capacious hull would stream forth au army of men, who. instead of thronging the grog-shops ami other haunts of licentious iiidulg ence, would occupy themselves with explaining uud proclaiming the religiou of the Love of God and the lirotherlinod nf Man. METHODS OF CAURYIKG OUT THE OENr.KAL l'LAN. There Is au Infinitude of detail connected with the elaboration of the scheme to which it is impowdble to refer in more than a passing way. Nor is more concerning them nec essary to a practical undert'iuiling of what is proKied. It is uj.iuIi then, lo say tiiat Gen. Booth proposes; to make the Salvation Army more effective under the pew auspices in the prevention of crlnii unii the regeneration of men and women. He ploposes both by spir itual uud physical work to reduie rime, vice, disease uud poverty to tile lowtst posslblo minimum. As agencies in this work thch and of slum workers will be strengthened and reinforced, traveling hospitals uud pritou gate brigades will be or. guuized, new rescue homes fur fallen tvoiueu will be established, lefugeb mr girls iu temptation or danger unlit, lefuges for the children ot the street, industrial schools uud asy .unitf lor moral luuutics oeued uuti a great deal of other uud slmilai work done. B.ioitary surroundings v i 1 1 ulii Ik- looked after. Improveu lodgings and suburbau villages will be a part of tliis plan. The poor man's bank uud the pour muu's lawyer will be aids to business de velopment and progress, aud iu the way ofkocial reform ju such a society, tiie matrimonial bureau will till uu imirluut place. These tilings, together with u general in telligence department uud general systems of co operation, will be im portant parti, of all mlyation com munities. IMtiXSl'KCTS KOK OIVINO TIIK SALVA TION 8CIIKJIK A THIAL. The itiM'nranx- of thiH rtinarkahle hook ureatid a Uicidell bulibutio.i iliroiiglioiu Eiiijluml. Never hefure iuil thu trutii Itx-n hrouyht honie with huoli turrlLilt- forco uud vivid tiea. The poetH uud novolUtu had made uu impression, hut it wuu iiuler to tlUnarase their work hy the elnirgt of overcolorilig than It wuh au indictment emanating from one who lind biient yeurH of his life in the exploration of tlu u, l.iijd io wai desurlhliiK, whow itutviuenU weru fortllled hy ull thu "imiiitii itltiiiuuLiie, and whose pernoual char usler uud veiiicily uro ulxivo re proach or .uni)uio;i, The hook uud thu noheiuu both mel u u'iuoi.if; from the iiritish preen uud pulpit. The hllillilliiiy uf llirioue, uud tlio pr.iu.lcabillty of the oilier weip ey cry where udiiiiud. JJut what wom Id he done? Qeu. HikjIIi hud stated t hut XI, 000,000 would IwuMedto Inuiigurute the groat fiiterprlav, uud that if thut aunt could uee cured it diulll be relied upou to take euro ut itself. A great (leal of money hua already been contributed. It j giaied hy London Journal tiiat onu quarter uf the BUin needed bun already beau HUliut-ribed. The arUtocrauy aud wealthier Classen aro liliernl coiililb- utopi. Ill on quum-r only, aud , that Uu one whero leaijt exsjled, Iiuh there bien heard n note ol ills. ' wnt. Arnold While, himself n hu-'l lliuilliunuil OI no ineuil leplllatlon In Liiuluuil, htui rtiUt'd 11 voice nyaliist It, und III voice U Joined by ' that of the Snelnlltita. But the )lan with iwpuhir uud tlal ThmI. Is iiKeiy 10 m ifiven in lensi a bur- i Know lunnuisissiiupi me-ninnrnntieil truth lu regard to lhrie widely irveiU'iil imluilliit. Tu delay Judicious medlrntinu In speehilly MilcUliil In sueti'msm Tim ,"rl3S?llBll!lb?ii,S!l,Si!1,,r. , tome ncimnw inwKiunejswiin tiiiie . $& SKiTilK'atfhllcWJi J7 I ' !ff 'Vl8l'M:U'ffl,,V.-VJS lhre vruwlnir trouble-, ul-o cmillcuics ly9rP,b. MiciimntUiu, iniiturlnl mitt IivertiiniiUftlttu AlM'Otlle, slMpaiiit vlor hto iilf)mmuttl by lu KxrltMuent runs high in this city over Kyutem . Uullder, us everybody Is using" It fur unique feat- uuituer, us everybody is using It for iv.v.t l fi.,. I catarrh or the Stomach, Cousuuip ixiyir, ' ' . tlo..-Dys,epslu, Impure blond and ed for carr.s- t uuia U, l(lu System It certainly I ,) UUIll UI must be an excellent preparation, when everybody sjwiks so well of It. ' d&wyr lllbbant'a llltruaalio ami LWr IMIU. These pILsare sclcnlltlciilly minnouiulrtl and uutfoiiii in ncllou. No griping tuilu o (simiiiaHb lollowlns the m or piiu. Tuey are to bum adutu unit cbll- divuvrilli prft Mifoty. We i?uii auier the U.ivenorouHl In IbecureofMlck ache, ooD9tlp.iilun, dys.wpala and bullous othtr preparnllnn ncs tu, i an npputor, iny execo nny Hoillb a Btelncr, role agt. IT71y KIHES. (u irulJutUt.) promineat pbnlciAn calls tlio "ui clrrant dlaKmioi-Mr of dlacaae." IIo n)-s, "rpvtr if ipmul by It, o arc lunf Slavaaoe." Out upon tlio imsrled and up. Icu Tirabondl Kvldntly kten-3 sm not for such at he, and the old taz says the grap am sour. Let him dyote himself 10 making- our women healthy aud bloom ing that (taaet may bo klate. Tin can urrly bo doao by the uso of Dr. Pierce' favorite FreKripUoD. which U ilmply saslcal In curio dUuuea peculiar to fe male). After taking- it for a reaiotmblo tentrta ot time tberu will b no more ir regularity, baokaohe, beariag-down aaoaa Uona. nenroua proatratloa, geoaral dttulitr ind kindred allmenta. It ia the only medidne for women, aokl jy druggUte, under a positive guar antes) from tke manufacturer, that It Kill gi?e natuf action in every caie, or money refunded. Vouo's Disravunr Medical Aaao (XiTloa, Proprietor, Uuffalo, N. Y. Dr.PIERCE'SPELLETS parol r Vglabla aud m. Uneaualvd 1 Perfectly IlurBiIeaa. Uncqualul aj a L.vor .111. bmallett. Ch bmallett. Cheapest, Eaiett to Take Oue Xlnr, Snaar-coated Pel- let Doao. Cures bick aaeaoBciio Cllloua Headache, ronttlpal.ou, ludlcistlon, Blllona Attack, and a3 derangeaienteof the Stomach aad BnwaH a caua a iiai, oy aruggiKm. PltOFKUinNAI. CARDS. IS. V. BONIIAM. B.N.HAYDEK, V. II. noLMH. OniifiM, Itor.uoi Hamjfk, Allots I J no enl law. (imcc in lluh' bloea, iM-twcen State and Court, on L'om'lHt, ST.HICIIAHIVdN, Attorney at law, of , fleoupsliilniln front rooms of new Hush block, corner Commercial and Court itreets, Balein, Orexon. T J. MHAW, Attorney-aH.iw. Hnlem, at heurl of (talra In 1 . wregnii. inncc nri nnor 10 uie ien the rear of LaUd & tiuxn k nans. mlMtON FOltn. attorney at law. Hulem. block. uregon. unice up-auiirs in raiion UTTltUNT,nttornevant taw.Snlem, (IrMmn (Irllre over Cnplul National Hank, Commercial street iloncy Id loan, D'AfU'YAIIINfJHAM, Altornevs and coiinn-Ior nt law, S-'lem. OreKon. Having nn abtnict nt the renirds of Marlon jiunty. Including a lot and block Index 01 -alem, thy liave special fHcllltlci (or ox tmlnluztlilMlorpit esbii. liuslnrs in ihcmprxmoi-ourt and In tbistato depart menl will receive prompt attention. MINTAH. A. DAVIs, M. I , Oradnate of UncrlCJin Medical ('nllegr, offer her pr.iflenlonnl aertce to tho.e who may need them. Hpeclal att-rtion given to diseasesof women and blldren. onieeup -inpi iu 4iw 'mm- Diinaing, commer cial stroet. DII..I. II KKENE, Dentist. Offlcoover the White Corner Court and Coin. menial streets. itr ii pirmi imIiIimi i..d ohi iiuimiiia nim supuriilicillli-lice lor ase of biilldiogs. Oflioo 2U0 Com- Krrmi si., up sinirs, r1 K Mc.VAI.IiY. Architect. New Hash ,, llreymnn block. Inns and pecltca llon of nllclAsseanforbnlldlng on short notice. Hnperliitendeaoeof work promptly oond nfler 2fi-lf AW. HKHT.-Artlst Miidls, Hush . Ilrev block. LliLShe TbtlriIlVK nnH uitrday. IIIJHIHJWH RAIUI, p J, LAIWHN 4 CO,, Manufucturo of all Kinusoi veincics. lU'pairliigaspeclnl ty. Shop ViWiato street, r KO. HUKYK-llarber and lldlrilnm 7. lr,ifp..rjor, Fnoth;ithctlwfflty. v. w'liiiinerciai kireei, jiiei)b rll. T.O. Mitt I'll, rx-nllst.W state stroet, J Kilem. lr. Klulslied denbil opera tions of every duscrlpt Ion. I'aln cissopenv- unn a specioiy. 4iI.i:U)Utll(. Undertaker. Kmbalmrr . and CnWuet Maker, 107 HUit t.. eui. . ..TlITM.7 l.0r- C"nlractor builder. Well ureoun-ii m t I' . bulliler. and to do all klndsol bulldliu and gnamatec satlsfua- tlon, 4-2MU1 JOIIN (lltAYe-Onntrnotur anil Hun lnJo nnl tlnir a w, .7 fliioiofWo finuhina i p. I bitiltlcr, Coiiiiourolll street, Malum Orceou, fOIIW KNKIIIT. Hlftcksnillh. llorh t) HhoeliiKiiiidrepitlrliivaspeuialty. rtliop -..H-. iwivi Mi j "Hf'i. union,, iirexon. ZZZ ttUUIKTV NUT1UK4, ,4 O. Ii, W,-I'rrnctl.u Iwdgo No, 3, A, A . 0. U. V Halem, llregon. ileeu Mich .v(iue(0.iy cvculiix a I IU hall hi Hlalo in- bbiCK, uiruer Coiiimarcial and l1!",'.''' "M, , vtlUn5".?.d.!'-u' "in Utrr, iteowjler. ii v - - - - --. - . "ttV5. '.lib I?.: "HS.: - .,.. ". ,..M, I'lWl- 1J Kff 4lllllt7 zffMSmM 1 c Miiisifiy's nittri-. AUlllbg outnrailc ari 'niniraiiiir ram ni inoiinvoil Isiiii. i-orniaoy inviieu uiniienu, 1). C.HIliiKWAN.l'Ksl ixnnmader. a, A. Hami).k, Adjula u Proposals for Supplies. ml IK nOAIlD OF TIUiaTKKH OF TIIE I limrnii MmIu lutiiiir asylum InvltfH tnilisl iiox.o for ruriilsbtucat the ay. In m, nesr Milrm, Onfpm, lbs rollowlug aiipulk- for tbualx uiviitbviidlii( Jut) I, I8VI CKOCKKKV. 10 itoz clnss tumbler. 10 pitcher, 4 doc 1 Rillnii, 3 do X pil Hin.Siliu Wirilluii. U tl. 2 dnz cmoini-s w ll, 1 ' ituiiriixiupbonl, W (I. JO tin etuis Hint anticcn).H O. i ' MKtlobleitialir, HdiitSlnrti, d dot 10 llH'll. V II. , Wdut dlniivr plates, W (1. I'AINTH ANDOIIX. t(M IM IMnniirr lid, white Auics 1 .riH-atinu. SniaPN IhiiHiI Ini.rfdoll. VVtb p uty In I1I111I1U-1-H. Sioiiioiiaiipli until Mirnliib', luttwrtil Initt, dm. tOAI '.COOBvs Klrk'nKavuii, uriM(Uod. COKFKK Snoj n CoOa film, lit gmd. UU ' llowrmt'iit Jam. HO mil Moclui. ttvi'cnuvry. ti:a. ''" UN lVnicciuiug, orMtnoa. ' BPiufcs. i 1 V Us btArk pPlr. I .tu-KoiKcr. W iiutiarntm. M ' intwuirU. ."Wmw. W ' mace, 11 II stat dimt ground. viiiifp uii. , l.W B-i ilrled iipploit, uiaeliluo dried iw ' Urld .Htiilie. 1SOJ 1 tat liui prune, miicblae drledj JIKATS. omibi per duy more or Imh of beef and 11 utlun us required, lu ihjujU .uru of tuiuitiiii 1111111 q.iiripr. Kl.llim. CODbiirrolH best rller process delivered an WllUllll. VINKHAU. 8 0 gallon pure elder vinegar, M grain. (lltOCKItlKH. lO.OIXtav L,herMilsiilt. llu) " tobuisi, IbipldiinoraNxood. UU ' Md cntckcrv. extra In-aU. HJ0 ' nilsUia, (Jul layer. W.OUUltx sugar, 10,1V 0 9n (loldeu C, OOWBw Kniiiuliiled, In aiicki. HO Rw enet'Nv, Ciuiihtiin1 or aa good. Ml) 'iiirn Ineiil. (lold i)ut,rrrh ground. iaJ 'cracked neat, ltohgruntL "x) ' (iMir. lioiuluy, JUl nut ineiil. IMM ' lulled mil, Amer. .) dried riirraiiu. 72 ' nob mkI.i, 1; A Co'n A and It brand, lul ' in.ii'ki'no.Nd lextrtuie, "WcalcU. 00 ' milt Hiliium, 'Wciilrli. ill ' cliiiln Island rice. No 1. HI eod, lHineles, I'liclrlccmut. 'T.'i ' cit-ainiif bubir, J A Kolger, prime. to ' glu-HTanb,iueKO. iliw ( iiirn liocli, o-iuigij. IUkrhh iiiiilchm, superior wifely, VOdo bniiin. 1- vans iihtern. J) iiuuvniraitdije. Aniuiiciin, to ' cant corn, W iiulowV. inoralloiii Kruii.p.Miaiiiililen.rellned. aM ' coal oil, pearl bninri. -Oil ' 11111I1IHM . ilrlenu extra. 10 boxes mnicjironl, No 1. 0 ermicT'll,iNo 1. 'J dnz b.llli lirloka. .WltwCHmiij s)iip, wbltn 160 lbs, mottled GO lbs I0itt,4 uernini, HjierryV newlprocets, ou llllli-uhlie bonus, iw ' China 1 dnz wbi.k bnina J boxtx bitting, utiamarlnc blue, L.A, 1. ' mop rag.. i ' ntopslk.'k'i. M clothes tMiketsl. willow, large slae m nan- end. :iu.adtit briiieM, J 4 LCo, 7 II. d ' bliirliiiigtj ubes,MiiHI, ull brliUc. i iins-sti-rlilruMUcv, LAV, i.uurbi. 2 ' puruluccuull. Hlllllij ANDI.RATIIEK. II doz ptilrs liiitlnr slippers, 1 dm No 12, ;' Nn 10, Odnz Null, io dox No 3, 10 dnz No 7. au.iz ,ilrn 1 idles" aboes,2l polr No 7, 'Jl lnlrNod l pur .Nol. nlrH liarnt- initliLT, Oregon extra good. Imde. ttnniesticaillslilu' barter oak. 'jiiillml,. KiiiIkt, fro.n ilo 27 lb per side, nincktnu extra bc.iy i gro-i hi I ii', 4 1. Igroviabuu blacnliig. SrATIONKIlY. Jltlox Pavon' Indelible Ink. i qts s,ir rit, miiiin- rcl it Ink. V ''.'H preinluin fluid, 1 ' copying llultl I grim .n., 1 .2 hulier'H round gilt pencils. 'i n-a'iis Journal p:i)r. -.'iruiiinl.-tterrapur, 1,1 0 Oak or as good. I ream legul o-m. i boxes Klerbmok' J pens. 1 imixcs 1-iiiUuu iucaudUM-ent I'd. Co' No pens. S lUNulCttK. TINWAKE, 231 lln chambers, XXXX tin. 4diudtitau. A ' qtillppera, XXXX tin. Ii ' Hiupcani,! Ixl. iiK-besdeep, XXXX 12 aoup ' 12x11 ' ' 1 4i ' v d nails, ixlj 1 1 i ' inllk lu diamcier, 6 Inches deep, XXXX tin. H iloz pnii-ed pan, i doz I ot, 4 dox d pt i pint cup. XXXX tin. (IKANITK IKON WAIIB. it water pitchers, fi qu. wire edge U stop Jars with balls. No i urtlli mii.llnehedldiiiter, 8 In deep 1 doz snap ladle 4 ' wuili buslni CJ.f)Tlt. 1000 yds heavy cm p,i.lbi olotb (M tn wlile IIAIIDWAKK. 4i"i f eo-md "n. Norway, a) ft. no ft V, t too ft , no n 7.10. 7.-. (tins, to i y' Uu iuu II J. bv iu ll KO ft each I by '(, VA by i. S by y., by W iv, by A ,r io. -z bj y ar, n t by n !0 n X In 6-IK i.m; and u,rk at tl ft IK In square tool sleel tlflnctiiKnii til sieel, 10 ft and urk stevl each of X In I borwraspllleners) ?.?A"r"u "'.'H ""'"' (I'Uluaml Nq7 lUOft I in nnulnsn-! ' r Olime-icb of ilat.hended rivets, IMbr W 3 Hi by J' .(in b. i ' "' If III l-'irouiiil lilts. II doztlle. Kearney it Footes' braud.edoz In.f doH ln..tdo3K In, in slim taper also I doz io In mill, Kearney a Footes' brand I keir No 8 wlro nulls. .'jOPmrt wire nail It it head s blU, 1 each of 3 IU. K. Yt- A 1 I lennlngs) IB irrii soruw. t urn. euch of IK No 10, No7,'JNoi,. Nn 10 " ,n lOgiU AMiaiiy cylinder oil II ' spludloolt I lb ll'liarxc I '00 Bi bincKmlth coal 10 uui'liarciial 1 irrn-Mor tucks, i doz each of , a and 12 oz lOdiztabloknlveH, Ir-n handles. "u" 'Jlboxe axle crease (Kraxers) nitv oiMiua. 11U Sm IU Illltl 11 III :Vi0kivhtte yarn, all wool iojju.isinion noinei, x.XHulitit I'eoiiot "lieetlna.U-t UO I roi M) 20 M0 00 Vil 100 mariner's stripe. (.Vmoskeg) IVqiiMlsheetiug', heavy, Vi In ..' j, ,' - ' h blue denims, Ooz Amoeke; .li-klng, full, Aiinwkec table linen, bleached .MarsHir, Vnrli Mftii) cheeks n n and hliin ciheokuiweHlnit clni'ki d ninue), blaok aud while continental lowullliiK.bleacliedllnen Hln wld 200 .4 doz palrsiispendera lyins't mv ,iiir sueeiiug.ssia wide niirsiiNpeiiufra urkey red hinderdjlefi luraey snisils i lo, 1 No 110 eriiiiii luieuo, ?i jso is, av NO 21 koooI whllonud black linen thratut 2 grn plus, Ame'lcan '(io, b xes lialr pins. Kerljy brand tf gn neiirl lire taitluus .1 slilrl button, white NoaO,fn I bolt sell n d'esa lining, KuglUb i i iiiivinvaNiiui'H, wunv IO1I07. norsel. IDIofW 'I gross d irr lug needle?, large ilie .C' , wlltainn-MI 1 whfe 'AWytts rniiprii(clolh, heavy Uiliu medium alsed Ihlinblai jOI pipers needias, IW papers 9, 9,4, J00 Aip,, V, V. I'liUMIlINO. liloziinelhowann find C dscsy n tee 3 ) bushings ilal, tkilot Vt ivuiolhik. union keysion keystone, 1 2 doz each , 4, HrM 1 coupling., rlKUlnnd left, H j;do0'cii4unHlQ Uro valves, reinbVahla 4Uiis,KaiidH levari, adle atop eooki, k Wtth'ok plpo,lWfiichorJ,K.a It! ImihM IWfl HdlvaillMd Pipe k' St ankys hiHsasnreli chain Ouoij-jln flokerlng steam engine go ver- nor H ui It Una bras straining cloth yifc solder 1 IteilJ.nMet steam flue e'enner No 3 fori la nue, wllhfcVjflsle'iin bose uoupllags Sil 11 lava lli . Viiir il riliecllng gists guagrs.Jixttln long .cnirh 1 I'eekoiniwa a Wllanx wlraliur aaaaadaa I do boxes Uulcbla's gut light. 1 dot tinea for Iceland KnttrrlM. UHU(H. 9 ftA Actd muriatic, C 1' 0 Com'l 1 ' iitlrlr.CI' 1 ' phosphoric, dtl ' ' ?llrlo , ,. .t csriHille crys'l mallltiekriKll 1 01 ' nreiiloiiMlbb 4 ' liyiltvoynniu dll 10 ' Atumoiilii sqint ivno 2 ' intirtntf pod A Chlomfiirni rqulblM 6 iiiallluoknHlts t Chloral lmtru,tticry't IVtaab bnnnldu inalllnckrodta 6 ' lillralecr)'! 6 ' ' ' powd . ' ncotate 2 ' SodAMtlcylute 1 ' IiyHulptiltH 8 bbts ' mrbonnii) 6iiiwn liurlMin nuistiird K.mll'h 1-4 nz Morpb siiId i' V U gross lloineoiHitliy vials, one dmebin iy IHitnub bl crom 100 ' I'linitlne : ' lieeswax, yellow W tVllllH l-l doo Clinical ilicrinoinetcm, lenstrnnt tntled V II) iMidoriulo tablets morphliu nl- JibiUM gritln, I" l A Co U llyK)Uirinlc tablet liysoclue byilni' broiialoI..00rlM)A Co 00 II: h. eriiito tablut uiorpbtuo sal- plane i ur, 1' I14 10 fiOO IlyiMiuermic tubiots atropine sulphaf 1 l.'slirr l II All, 600 Hypodermic tab!etantroplneiilplintc iMjgr. 1- 11 Jt 1 o 1000 llypodcriuii' tablet byoscyunilnosul- puiiie 1 isigr i' ! . 1 o 2 lbs aloes mm; pillv 2rullcaiilbaridatplalei'S,B t J 1 dus e ir ni rlages, glass 20 k ulrobol. luMieru l.i oiHiryibiilii, crys't 1 lb Ul.iiiutli ub nil sqiiibbs 1 ' Kx licorice powd 6 ' Unto CMiiipnor i-l 10 - caieunu I 1 t 1 1 1 6 A 3 a 1 i-l 2 1 1 I 2 I I 1 I I t i ambio select wild cherry bark, ground 1 pepsin sacu rrbelleni ' yaullla bians, Mexican 1 iilugerj.uu p iwd 1 Ueuiluii mot tsmd 1 Kalnx belle ' flaxseed whole 1 ether stronger nqulbb ' ' ' niuiliiikrodu 1 opium powdered rhubarb riiciit,Turkc 1 strainonluiM leaves pulv 1 uulseseed ' cIocn ciniiaiiinu ' ' sulfotial b lyer " 1 IlHid extiucl aconite 'root i' II Co 1 ' ' buchu b 001! root ' ' black haw ' ' oiluhlum root ' seed ' ' ergot Squibb t' 11 A KM mute feru ' mandrake ' semka ' Huraauartll Co Bvrlll I I . 1 I Moz quinine. I' W ISIbullbergamot 1-3 ' cedsr 12' ' ro-emiiry !'- ' P pperiulnt .4 Kliirreal, light 1 ' iHiiiOH,pani 3 sisnige-, sius?pwis)l 2 bath spoil,:!', sautlU-ss I dot sort rubber lalhelrrs, Noli, Kreuul. 1 lb iron pyrophi, Milulile I ' b hyilrnueu 1 ' calomel, hugllib 10 Rw hoi iamldelia .I lloud.iut'ptplii! i.' Virginia siiaku risit 1 liwcuc. pulv 4oz l.ycopouiiitn I carmine. No W HI R hloia sail 1 ' siilphur,sunllnied IU Mistime, pinv 1 hbi chloililB orilnio SSMboiO .ulaid Kcxlniet 4lozO II pencl s, aiuioried liOJplll-.uiom (tCI'lIACi 100 ' sidopliyllln l.SO 200 ' phopb rus.l luOxr ' l-tu . 200 ' 1.25 ' 4 km CC .11 4pkgsNn.'Vt r'lltcM French gray panel .0 lbCourate'ishiv lug him 11 X 1.2griMibottl)4 1'bluidelpblaoval, 1 each 2. Jiitid 4 ox. 1.2 gro s 01 6WeacbNosl,3aud3M Tcupsulw, ! D A Co 201 ach No 4 and 0 4 roll aiirvein Isinglass plaster, 2 racb llr-li and white 8gnmcorH 2eNCh No 4 5 uud tl, XX, I eucu iMi,viiu.t.. 1 n po-.ibr lixe-,mted slide 1-2 gr-w llu nl'iliiient boxiM, a am loo, 1-4 uirh 1-2 and loz 2 doz strengthening plasters. Hand J 2 ' aIchck'h pomus :i lbs perfeciiibiMirbi-iit cotten. A J lyd. 12 lu Wide rubber adhulve plaster. IICIUl -- Ullll u 8 skelu surgeon' silk, Turner's paleut. 1 each No. 1.2 li, 4 6, K7 aud X 1 only chemical pint flask, nat bntlnm. -amnleK mav bevisai ut itin onteoot tlw. U..A.., ,v .MC M.pM... f..H ,Ui IH' III accordance thvrewllh and must conic In originl package when UM.Ible. l.llir ot suppl euwlll bo required within leu day in ihhh-u "i itevvimiiirv ui ,,in( A Ciipy III this advertisement must accomnanv auh I Din, and me mime in llieclu- i supulu uni upon inusi ue riiien on tueomel pe men uin iiiusi iiiciuiinull I he Items of Hie clabtdniin, and must give Hem anil total lu lull, wl Ii exception of mmt in d hour. Ainlltluif oltleer urn iiniiiihttMi from continuing account i.r piurbsserK wucii iuu uvcrHeiiieni no. a noi contain a full and complete description of the kind uf article lo be mirchi.wfi. The right lo rtjwl auy or oil bid Is re- scrTru, Hid will bo opened at 3 o'clock p.m..on Tueday, Jaiuniry , i-ei. MYLVhttrMt TRNNOYEK, WM. AlMUNKY. BSSST- EVERBEARING uutll Iron, hescrlpiive i Htniubeir U-'nrn from in. nrk-M lUt tim. riKTii vrmquisT, ltiisctlvle,Ore. COOK HOTEL State and High Street, G. W, ANDERSON, PROP. COOK. Tke Cook iiotol Is opposltr mrt house cnnvelent to business part of cltv unit street car line riinnh.r pist iliod" r lutes 11.00 to tlou day, .cWdUiS i Sammea,'' """" to b0ar,,"r" '' THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. !.JPjJ1Lbl,y,no OOKht. TVPK WltlTBII with 7 characters. ami IIS forlho H "nVji " CaaKllnKht., vrarranled lo do heller work than any niacin e made. 'UcombineaHiMi'Mirrr wllb DuitAim. ITV. Hl-kKll. KA.SK ot UI-KllATIiV". wS r longer with.ait cost of repairing thiin mil other machine. Ha no Ink ribbon u. bitlier tlio operator. Ill neat. ,ub.b,n. V "5" pimeu. Iierieci all kinds of tvne wrllln-. i ."t fl25",.R,A?.' !?! "Hltl artipted to aapriniiiiK manuscript. Two or wo copies' cau I UTaOOHtoue wrltina. Anvii.i,.niL... ..." ,..w-, ,v (iiuuiive snurp, cluin. leuible u5.?J!?,'!o"f wn PniUir In two day. WeonerllWO ( .iiiy nperabir who cut SlJaUb! W'k ' ,h ""VUl.8 uiS" (tellable Aients and ,i1a...., ...... inui,! i,. .....:..:... -y -T::r"""" niM... Kr pamphlet giving Indorsemei sements, Ac.. ItllKIU'll. ' and6th Ave, Chlouao, III. IW-'JW ita Jas. Bajtchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours nf the Duy eaUblT.h,!;!.u,t.U,ta kbre,n ""y"1 10 """ A good subslunUal meal c kwllnnrsi clasa style Twenty-flvt cent per ineej HBD F- W O -J T. Court street, between Journal Urttce and MluUis la very, D.CSHERMAN U. fl. lYaMiOn MUfl ITlltim iti lVtMlon Mud Claim utaut ' Oounty Capital HHnSTrr&MnlnHHl KvTaBTaBBTaaaaaaV 1 1( . 11 af llls'lUBfl juiyf rM"vs. Vrli r tjBLJxl 'aalBalBaHBallBlHBaWV yl-vxexexexexeawj'xexexaxexexexexexegVK'-.a iiBH N aaaaaH I H l L-URDS All kltiils ill itinlod to order ALLAN RHODES, UAt.KM, OIIKOOW SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181' Commercial St. All style ortho Kninoii Singer comihinl ly on hand; hImi repair and needle for al Kinds or naiclilne. IUJltT CASE. Agont. LS. SKIFFU'O. Dentists, wrwmmmm iltir Opsri Heute, Salem, Or, Cattle ! A rood 1'OTinc milllt Io' sals, live yoke cslt'e two wsiroii, t , Aitilrcss or cull or J , U, bor rsnee, Sale , 'Jrivm. 1! 3-tm SAVE MONEY ON ROOTS, sSIlOES and RUBBEIISL C. G. GIVEN &Co'j. tlottom ft CtiHtv t-: r-'rlossa CIUR SPECIALT.tS. I. "Itell.lbles." men. l'i lililn mlf Cri-eiliiiiMir style, u Mil) shoe fur S.'j. tl. "I Olllililill s, nc," for lanlles, brlnni DoiiKolii.styllshaHiiny madv,atU.OU .no, ii, r 3,l.l. III. 1 1 an save you moneyon bn)'nntl children' shoe I'l.lthcly low price. Itepairlu.,' done. CiKtoin work solicited. Ihl-tr 0. I). lIli'ITON, l'rop. CaallUK of nil liludi made to order. Itll.I, MACIIINCItV, ri.ANIMI StI,I.R, UIIISIUM, JIhTAI, r'UONTH, WUKK1J1, l'UIJ.KVB, mil special cnslliiK nt any stylo or pat ient umilo In short order, smooth aud re liable In uve y particular. Repair any Machinery in Short Order. liirnliiK l.illn-, enulnn, hop presses I and hop stm rsbuili. Hllmakiiotimal n any Iron work lus-deil. (IikhI price alii lor old Iron. it-IK-lm I FRESH MILK. Capital Dairy Co A. 'J Kalrchllil, II. J. Kelly and ire propared hi deliver llieah milk ciMiledon loc, in nny arl ol the city. ueuvuordursat Ulnio A Low's stable. MARION T0WNSEND (HL'CUK'fcOn T JAY P. HU1TII.) I'ltOt'IUKTOIl OK rii THE CLUB SHABLES." n,..-ui -iienii'ii klt-n io irsi.lrnl .lock. It r.. iKnriwIb tho.l y. w ok it luwth. Coll I. II lirVANllKhllllYHIIIKMB III pliiiue, W .. .',. HAhKM, OB. M, T. RINEMAN ii:auh i Staple vaml Fancy Groeeries, Ciocltcrv. (It LttiiiriM.) r ...... up.. .u.diviii,,;,,r,r-';vii'ii' ,,',, ? Vnihui';,i!'.:,'.,','1.r,r,,lu hi thul" "eiUim w.:$T rJ." ' l."J r"r n "miry prndtico." """"wiiiNii.ii.ioryiiuriiiinii.rike. Hi Hbiio street. 10 Acres for Rent. iioi-'En moH . . -loueiial tniloo. FOREST fillOV.. POULTRY YARDS. Foundod in 1877. YOUNG FOWLS FOR fiAl r 1000 And ilia iluesii.eviT bred on tlio I'acflp fiust. Hook your order curly fnrjnholio st-liotloas. Send Stamp for Oitilogue. Address J. M, GARRISON, HUI div e'oro.trnve.Orwon . PRINTING. . firli... H- ..r I :.. ."'?--f Hlllll .. Ulguesl i f Job prinilpi les hul kst u ,,"n,",lfe.nI fflljujgxui) of AKK l)K TIIK I.aiiml-u-.. -. SWSatt !. ii. nrt.:. !'. . ."'"! illtwiini. Sa.d rf.. I HUSHa PriBi.'" " K. Who do All Kind of LAUNDRY m An Chonp as any Iunrtrv m ml tloliiKllit.clM work. 'v SaTiKdlen and mIms. i..,.. . wort!."'"1 ""' mm" " 230 Liberty Street. WlLLAMEHE UNIVERSITY UraanaUMBiuasau in Classical, Literary, Scici Music Art and Theology Nonal, Bifiiiew, U amt MEDICAL COURSES .M.h..uibrn,0rri,T,n, THOU, VAN HCOY, lreidni, Halem. Oregaa. 7l 4 hi Burceaeor to Amis Wrong. Pioneer Bakery 271 Commercial Str. French uud Ocmuiii Wheat aud Kye Urcuda In City Stylea. Vlpima Holla. SPECIALTY OK FANCY OAKfcH Tiuitry mid Confectionery Iliikinir In Full Btock. Our new hrtutl mid enke baktn nru HrHt-cliiHs iirtlHta In their line, uud we nim to huvo Everything as Fine is the finest John G, Barr. Watches and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. "Hpeclal attention to msaaurlat dsfcctlva .IkIu and Kles llttud. AsliKktliat will III all eye. llnse lor critical casesgrouad and lined loonier. WATCHCS, ETC. A new stock of clock. llver and gold wutchiM, stlierwur and Jewelry; wEtct will bukoldcheup. Alsoalolot I'AWNB WATCHES will ho sold allesa than half their value. Call and convince yourself. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Properly. Apply to W, A. HumUton, over Oiptlai M.illomil Hand, Kaleui. dw Birds, Aninals, Fish, lUtksr Skcktn aud all kind ot aulmal bend MOUNTED To order, at Chicago price, by J. K. Hearts, Taxidermist, Liberty street, lllahland ad dition, Mucin. Ur kou. Hlulted birds Ibr sea. Urdeislakta alcbu'h Mlnglnatid lu eases. for work at tnnrrss tllllesiile. Heal FjiUUi ofliie, No. an commercial atieet, ll.JMai Red Front hop. Heparlug stock (or springs, axles, etc All work warranted, Old customer sad uew ones Invited to call, H. POHLE, N. E. Corner State and Fror Sts. SALEM SAUSAGE WORKS. Only German Market in City. Choicest, Freth, Smoked and Pickled Meats Manufactures-, All kind orHauihge, Wholesale and IU- -tall Free delivery In city. 171 Commercial St, MAS. WOLZ, PROP. Morgan & Mead, City Draymenl All work done with promptness ana d) PHUih. Only the bwt men are euiplj7 imMtsHft1 ?ON STEEL PEMS . uessstSBxai MMY a 00., lonifon. '" S i. MM. .10 .ru.-". wl , MMmsBHB. 0a1UtMm. fkt flalllkMU,riltlfaaUt4!!.i. lI.OTBpOVMLOr WWiJknlr wft.umc tSATAnnn 'siayriiSSj v iMiJJ. iA.vdfe---. i''. Via, , to m-" &ikitiL