''tmjftfS. -frJli, .ii?. ""!?0fT5r-.1- -' MSMBCBOHAB yssi 2& K. U f iti t r-i i i i .-I kr fiBIIArlllu uismmift uklminal. Aguei-iM press Report am! DigeOtrt f all InperUBt Kewsef To-Day. MARKETS. -Wheat WIIBAT. Ram FitAKfiiHCo, Vce, 18 Imyef, (",,tli H.40J. CiiK'AflO, Dec.lH. At close wheat Iseisy. tHli,'IKJ; Jiiii.v ,0I; Mny, $IW. STATE. i I'ltUM AMIAKY. ..frliANY, D.cy 18. The tnlnl fuiiount of uiiMillslU'd nmrtKnKeH In Linn county, us revealed by figures Just completed by tho uiuuty clerk la as follow h: Oh rt'ul property $1,810,071; on personal propcity, $100,070. '1 bu totul value of tiixiible proierly, i por assessment rolls of 1890. I JU.olH.UlB, WHICH HllOWH ubout one-sixth of the real estute under iuortKtft-. DaUaH fyOVH. DAM.AR.'Or.i DetflB ThninuH J. Lovelutly, one ilf the old pioneers, wlm citme to till country hi 1810, or nlmiit llml'tlim','il!t(l ut lib home hi tills oliy last Sunday morning, of pwulysin, nt I he ago of 84 years. He haven live children, Hirer daughters mid two sous. Ills death in univer sally lumeiited in the community. At nn e'ttrly duto Mr. l.nvelud.v bomesteuded the lund on which I he principul portion of Kuhiuih City DOW HtUtKlt. a'I'IONKIIU WOMAN l'ABHKH AWAY. JACKHIINVII.I.K, Dec 18. All. Oeorgeuu A,, wifo of Hon. Wlllluui Kuhler, riled ufter u short lllueys, sged 73 years. Mm. Kuhler cuiue to Juckaou county, ill J 8-3 2 uud wus u member of the pioneer Hoclety, She was it imtlve of Loudon, Kiiglund, mil a woman of rare excellence and purity of churticter. She leaven a inrne family of grown children In tills state und In WaHhhigtoii. lwmjk Nicici:t, iiki'ohitiis(-ovkkh. Uobeuukq, Dec. 18. J. It. Rldd'e madejieff.dlHcovery of nickel near the old Oregon nickel mine, three miles from ltiddle stuthin. A speci men on exhibition ut Graham & Co.'h real estute oDIee-contains ubnur 11") per emit of nickel. Tlie quan tity Is inexhaustible.' A WIKK Mt'llUUKKR IIDKO, "am-and, Ontario, Dec. 18. Aithur Hoyt, who murdered his wife by pushing her over the dltt at Niagara talis July lust was hanged this morning. The condemned man walked to the sen Hold firmly and with a smile, on his face. INIJIAM HOUTIMTira HKMMIMO IN TIIK KIOiniNO WARIOKS. Dknvkr, Colo., IX. 18. A special from the flxth cavalry in the Chey enne river, via Rupld City, sajs: "Major Perry's command wus Joined early this morning, mid Scout Guh Craven reported that near Smiths vllle a lurge number or Indians were been In a small creek in the brakes. A number of shots were exchange while some government wagons were crossing Hpting creek. They and their escorts were attacked by fortv Indians and over one hundred sho'H were exchanged. One soldier was wounded und another was shot through the hat. A troop of Cupt. Well's cuvalry came to their rescue and the Indians ran away. Craven reports having seen sixty-five tepeif which contained one hundred Indi ans camped near the mouth ot Spring creek early this morning. Troops were sent out but the hostllet again returned to the bad lauds. (Jen. Curr has sent armed putties t guard the ruueh where the Tudiai wus killed yesterday. He was a nephew of Kicking IJeur. Yenterdu.x Oen Curr sent troops of cuvalry up into the bud lunds to wutch au movement of the host ilea. The onh known nutlet for these Indians is u 'rail which got up the Cottonwood, ucross a roud from liupid creek to Wounded Knee. This pass will U closed to-morrow by a large body ot the sixth Infantry. UUSLlUHl) 11 V HoHlILK INDIANS. Dk.svkh, Colo., Dec. 18. A spe cml from Cheyenne river, via Itupid City at SiM) this morning by courier Just in Iuin uroused the camp. He states thut ii pary of fifteen men ure lieselged fifty miles from here on Spring creek. At Daly's ranch the Indians have made three attempts to lire the ranch one of which was nearly successful. General Curr sent Major Tupper with 100 men to the rescue. "Jnck the Ripper" or Mexico, was o-day convicted of eighty murders and fourteen rnpts, He w,n sen tenewt to death. BKLLBTONTte, I'enn., Dec. 18. rhe snow here Is twenty-four Indies deep on the level here this morning Trains blockaded. NKW YoKK. N. Y.. Dee. Ifl.Thv Northern Pacific directors huve ratnied their president's agreement, and nppolnted David 8. Wegg a member of the advisory Loard. Ei.mira, N. Y., Dee. 18 -A heavy now storm yesterday bus developed Into a regular blizzard. All trains are late uud street cars cannot be run until noon. Nabiivii.i.k, Tenn., Doc. 18 MleglirsA Co.. of Rome.Gi.. whole- salo grocers mid cotton factors, have mxignco. Liabilities 1C0,0(M). Ah sets iihout same. , FOREIGN. THE WAR I.V IRELAND. Dunu.v, Dec. 18. At a meeting of the corporations of Kilkenny to day some members Introduced and attempted to pass n resolution de claring lu favor of Hennesy, the parliamentary imudldate or tile Mc Ciirthjltes. The Purnell men ob jected uud the supported ol Heu oessy withdrew from 'the meeting. I'arnellites I hereupon ejected a chair man and missed a resolution ax- pressing confidence in their le.ider. POLITICAL- 'ACCIDENTS. ' . TWO TRAINS COLLIDE. '' I'oiiTLAND, Dee. 18. Last nlglit (lie Albany cxprena on the Southern PmcIIIo line, which leaves ut ubout S a'cWek, cttflided u It ti the Port land ArVancouver train ut tlie cross ing at the lulersectiou of J uud First streets. The engine struck jlctwtcn the passenger coaches, turning them over on their sides. The accident was most fortunate hi thut uo one was killed, nor were any seriously Injured. Theonglueer on the motor claims thut before he reached liie Southern I'm itle track lie,Htopied the train, whistled and then went on, Tu motor uud first couch got ucroim the truck when the txirek Atrulti run Into the ears, hiking between the plattormtt. The paesengera inside the coaclus ere slmkeii ut). and u few ricelvid limiKiiUUiiiit brulws. Had the en glue erawlied into (he side tiiHhnd of hiking between two cam, the re tills would have been most dis ant runs. Kuglueer White, who wus in charge of the Albany express, says tw whistled as he approached the Fori land and Vancouver track, uud wmh moving very slowly, which of course must huve been the case, as the train was stopped within sixty feet. The lurge warehouse at the corner prevented White Troiii seeing the Portland uud Vancouver train, until it v.iw vl thin. nix feet of the Southern Pacific truck. The loco inntheleft the truck und tore up the plunking for about ten ret. Had the train beeu going rapidly, itxould have nluiiged Into the tluta. THE At'l'ORTIONMENT. Washington, D. C, Dec. 18. After u long delude, the hoiixe pussed tlie upportlonmeut bill without amendment yeas 187, uays 82. The house then adjourned. THE INCREASE AND DECREASE. Tlie following table shows the states thut huve lost and gained members by tlie new law, and the fractious remaining: Hlules Present No. Final o In bum 8 Arkansas a Callloriila 0 Colorado 1 Connecticut 4 Delaware 1 Florida 2 Georgia 10 Idaho 1 Illinois 20 Indian. i . 13 IilWti 11 Kansas - 7 Kciiiuckey 11 Louisiana 0 Maine 4 Maryland 0 Massachusetts . 12 Michigan 11 Minnesota 6 Mississippi 7 .Missouri U Montana.- 1 Nebraska .- 8 Nevada 1 New Hampshire 2 New Jersey 7 Nw York 34 North t'urolivia 0 North Dikotu 1 Ohio 21 Oregon..- 1 Pennsylvania 28 Rhode Islund... 2 South Carolina 7 s. mil Dakotii.. 2 Tennessee 10 Texas Vermont 2 Virginia I'' Washington J We-t Virginia 4 Wisconsin Wyoming FINANCIAL. 0 G 7 o 4 1 a 44 11 1 no 13 11 6 11 U I 0 13 12 7 7 15 1 C 1 H 34 0 1 21 3d TO HTOP WORK ON TIIK UNION l'ACIKIC SOL'NII I.XTKN-.10N. Yesterduy Mr. V. '. Ilouue, chief engineer of the Union Puiifle, re ceived a dispatch Ironi New York, it at lug that the executive commit tee of the Union Pacific have directed that the work shall bc xuspended on the road from Portland to Seattle. As a result of the new railroad movement, that the great roads, the Northern und the Union, will cease to antagonize each Mlier is most probable. Cooperation, raiherthau continued opposition, may be ex iiected each road developing ils owu territory, and each rroi'UoK' accommodation to the business ol the other. A leading question is whether the line which the Union Pacitlo is building to Puget Sound, in opposition to the Northern, will tie completed or abandoned. Some claim that thtt suspension will only be temporary riming the winter mouths, or until ubout .March. The work will not be abandoned all ut once, but us fast as lliecontructs can be closed and tin pay roll made out. Portland Ex nmluer. If the Jay Gould management will put a stop to the use of the Union Puelfio for the purpose of speculative town-silo booms it will be u blessing to the public ill gen eral. But what will become of the real estate laud sharks and their ttewspapers? Mure About riilikms. CorivALLTfi, Or., Dec. 17, 18C0. Mr. Behmkr, dear Mi: ,"f think from your letter in tliu JouitANt. that you must be havlugngrca! deal of trouble with your hens. Now, I have hul some exierlelice with hens and If uu Oregumler w 111 take a Utile advice from a Mlchtgander inujbe I can help you om. Mack Fast, Id Michigan, where I came from, hens were as uncommon as liens are In Oregon and we didn't set up all night racking our brains to Invent some way to make them set down all day und as for laying that was no trick nt all. Now, I will tell you what I did. When 1 came to Oregon two years ago and saw thut eggs were so scarce I made up my mind that I could make a mall fortune and with little trouble at raising hens egg's. So I bought mo some hens last year. All spring and summer 1 admired them and fed them well aud bojnUluies would even go out at night to see If they weie bleeping with their heads iu the right dliectioti (towards the south.) They s.iy that makes some difference in the. sbe of the egg. All the tall they have beeu al.owt-d fiee range of my back yard and I considered them very ornamental If not usehil. Now I urn reaping the benefits of my labors. This morn ing on opening the door to my hen house I saw oue beautiful little egg in the nest. Now, the secret of my success is. just give the liens time und they will get there just the same. They may be a little bit slower hens' but remember that "time works wonders." At the rate mine ure going now I expect to be able to retlie by spilug with a small fortune a::d a flue band of chickens. Now I w ill tell you what I am going to do with my egg. I tin going to preserve il and send It to the World's Fair at Chicago to let the people see what hens can do ii uregju ii you ouiy give mem a chain e. Then I have in i-le.i that the country will bu flooded with people seeUing new homes ill the laud of egs and siiindiiuc. Now, Mr. Reenter, if you need any more advkejust dmpa line to Your-, truly, StMANni a Perkins. i,)ii Till i rl i it nil rQt' ",! i What has become or tho Port- Inud and Salm democratic d all let? There's Knottier thing In con nection with tuxes that should be attended to, and that Is to have a state tioaril or equalltatlon, actively perform its duties and put an end to tlie dilatory returns aud the rivalry between the different counties of the state as to which shall pay the least of Its just propsrtlou of the state taxes. Astorlan. Dont bo lu a hurry to buy your Christ man goods. The Court Street Jeweler is receiving holiday goods to day and bySaturday will have a full stock on bund. fcrv tr..- ky My f e Pk - r - ' &SSH zs rh J.W. Closii Oil Sal. Crawford Is ctnMna ut his ir stoves aud tinware, preferring to sell these portions of tils stock at great them. reductions to again moving n--w-ir OrrgOB State Agrictltiral Satiety Warraati. All persons holding any of the above warrants, will please send them to, or deposit them with Geo. W. Watt, at Kalem, Oregon, on or before January 15, 1891. A pro rata payment wilt be made upn all of said warrants presented on or before said day. Payment wjll be made after Jan. IS, 1801." J. T. GREOo, Secretary Oregon State Board of Agriculture. ., U-22-w-d&w 8alem, Nov. 22. '80. SekMt Tax Llit. The school taxes of district No. 24 in Marion couuty are now due and naxableat the clerk's office la No. 203 Commercial street (In the rear of v. . Liearoorn's door score in .me Hush Breymau block) Balera. The same will become delinquent unless nam within w days rrom mis aate Ity order of board, this 17th day of November, 18W. W. B.MIMPSON, 11-17-tf District Clerk. THE LARGE ASSORTMENT, SUJE- rior Quality and Remarkably Low Prices of Holiday Good at dCfo . . WwV.. iA aV. t- iiHMMMaBiHiBjMkaaBV State St. Book Site OKING ON lOtm KICKS The JouilNAI. believes in full a lid open public discussion of all public mutters. Its coIuiiiiib are ulwuys open to proper criticism of city, school, eouuty or state officials. We shall make uu exception however, the week before New Yeaks. No room for kicks, or coinpluinls Inour New Year's cdlliou. We do not wish to be a bearer of messages or blues or nseldity to the Kio-teru world. So If you want to venti'ate unything or anybody, do it before Clirlsimus, or wait till utter New Yeahs. het us huve one week of sweetuehs, peuce, pleusuieuud ligtit. Total 332 3-r)0 SI'Kl'IAIi ELECTION OEFKRUKP. Tacoma, Due., 18. City Attorney Mulligan and his. consulting coun tl, Judge, Parsons spent today in investlgatiiiij the charier and statute requirements governing tho ca ling of a special election to vote bonds. Tlie opitih ii which they lenolitd 'fcrstheeleot'oii until llio lust of January, thus requiring new regis toalWn. It is tliereforo apnaront Inst ir this matter la pushed as JPldly as possible ,U will bu April efura UllV monov eiln lu reci'lved 'roni the bonds. ' JAY OOULn ON KINANCK. Nw Youk, Dee. 18. Iu nil In wylew Jy Qnuld wus asked: what nroy our views on the Mlvvr Suction ? Ho said: "Frwi colli if hould not lie ndoptod unless Uit Urltulu and Gorinuny can be liioT1 ' ' (!ont W' ututwllxm. v'wrwIsegoWuMil sllvor would be NMtKtedla thU Annl.l.u I .! Kill "".HrpuMHiverlsa, w.e,one, ,Jt ulHmve,iriiiorUons)Uily iie.bwl vueuvctuafrwctilMge," " 1 'i 1 1 1 . 1 1 i" ii Wood ro Mku .lmv 100 rf di-v ruh OMk for sale and lui'!!,IVBr t0 iy p ' c,,y Huerojr,!, JewU IVttyjohu. i.i8i8i. . PARAGRAPHS. Heavy storms lu New York and PeniiBylvaula. Dubois, Slump and McDiinncll are to be the U. 8. senators horn Idaho. The corner stone of the new Port land city hall is to be laid with ap propriate it'ieiuoiiiw uu Hultiiday. Itlsreportid that tho wgroetiut Maiuluu me allU'ted by the Mtssluh eiii and are holding inietlugs In the empty go eminent buildings. Pltishiirg nud vicinity huvu been buriul uudi-r a gu-at miow storm, which tsunwoH'r " oiuiuws is ugulii lesumed. Tliu uiuiietury low Is veiy great and will itach nway up into the tliotiiwiids. At Chlcngo the gre.it bunking house of Preston, Keun & Co., ! fallid. S. A. Keun doing business under tho imme ol S. A. Khii & Co. usslgHcd (his morning. I A., il... Wm mills have ueeu issuwi n nriest or K'tt '"d ' iwUWr f"r r wiving ht"' w,,rn mw l"",k uati known to lie Insolvent. At providence, It. 1., Owen Uu., agents of the Atlantis Cotton Mills, Sve-iualguejI. Tl.dr liabllillesare large. AugtiHl Victoria, Emrress of taeriiinny. han given uir..- hi the ntyal P"'. "'"""" A City ok Mkxhm, Dec. ib.-au twrto- Guerro, Um Clwlwjuerot, Instruments Filed tor hVioril teuuiy Keconh-r's tlflli-e. H C Downing to Mrs M J D iwuiiig 370 wires in t 8 s, 'r I w $ T H Put ton and wire tp Mrs M J Do t uiug 37U acus iu I S h r 1 w 1 W J Cromwell uud wife to J C Itoherison blk 13, Turner C A Davis, L 11 Turner, nndG 11 Turner to Adeline P Curr lots 8 uud 4, blk 7, Turner Baine to Emma L Ileosnti lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 8. Tur ner W H Csk and wife to F T Ciaik hair Interest hi lot-. 0 and 7 iu blk 1, llrooks DNeft uud wire to Peter Tuoiuuh south hair or lots li undo, tiiaylou U Whitney to G It Thomas parcel of laud iu Biayton H L B-ineiolt uud wife to M C Kbv 3 acteln Woodbum KJ ileum uud wife lo Mrs F D Murphy a par, of lots 7, 8, II uud 10. nlkaJetlereoii Geo H Welch et ut to J R Weh II lot 6 blk (i, Sillem Geo Wllllaiiis and wife to II Heckinall lot 11 of luist side fruit turms J D Montgomery to A IJusli n e of ii e ot sec 27 In t 0 b r 4 w ' D M Jones and wife to II W Siullli 1M HrtM in I Oh, r2w baine loK 13 MiKluucy lo'J ucren iu t 0 s, r 2 w at the 70o 700 luO 60 ins 200 300 SO 100 200 000 230 275 275 A Fearful Heritage. 'rhetiiitumUnlimiirui.iOull TAlNTNea tnll fcjiilnl lonsLq.icuii, uud Ibone no iittllcud lur, e mgiut lictil to puilfy tlio oio.ii iiiiinitiKUi) eery HriUi, .'vesieoi ol thUrrtoti leult to Ti-orul oinplimit)ons uf ilhtu-u A vi nut in in wlicse fjlillly HeiegiPiilj Himut'U writt-aurt Ihui a-sn.i-Mi.N. M. uifu runt bube. fonr leon iiionLlio d. und u bovof live. hno HUlleieil Til ;ciiii ullli heinliury hL-rofula or Miig'AfWuuilUi uM Irrqiitiiily brtalc out li Mires 1 lme einplnjed the beat lli.slLiiin, but lootnl noibliiR to ioll tbi i.i until 1 tried Hlbmru'n ttlieuuuitlc rtip, lli,e u-ed fmotcen bottlo, and and to i.) "MonlhlnncMt thev nreintlrely enn d. WokIhiuuiioi di'tribe thH vulue of jour mid cIiih us n bliHid purifier. I rttiitll itH.oimneiid ltiouh wbo are troubled fmin Impure blt. JOHN MUELLERWEIH. Dealer In Krocerlex juud pro lelons, Al leuH, MIcU. 1101'LL AKIIIVALS. THE WILLAMETTE. j S liaiibkolfsky, T C Arnold, L H Scrivarer, M J Franklin, HPilklng tou, 8 F. B W King, M Curo, B W Bow man, E C Harrington, S H Mitchell, J By i ne, Albert Heldner, J B Lay son, S W King, M Young, Poitlaud. J H Whllkey, Cresswell, Oregon. A I Rupeit. H L Sroggett, E C Dciiuii, Aii.ona. Joseph Smith, Rainier. A B Cornell, N Y. V H CiirUtainler, Agt., Annie Abott. W A Marin, Detroit. J N Hpoug, Lincoln. 13 H Diew, B istou. cook liori.1.. Klostermau, RS Boguu, Poitlaud. Bcott Jours, O'ervuls. S Kcruuuer, Poitlaud. Theodore, E igle City. I 11 Iluliibleiiuu, Sweet Home. Joseph Loscunbe, French Town. FieJ Stutige, S.ilein. J M McKadileii, Halt Lake. Boy Rlggs, Dallas. M T Viches, B G Emory, Sallena, Kansas. A J Winchergle, Couucil Klult. M. H Mutteror, Sallle. b II Biockwuy, Portlaud. M rJmurMiirges, Mt Angel. C II Roper, Turner. C J aiui.ton, City. A C Parker und family, Dallas. C Joliusou, WoodburL. M H Downing, M Arthur, City. A Gtt-t Llrr Mcdleln. Dr. flunn'i IiuDroved Liver Pilla are a 'ureeureirCK newiacne, diuiuui ooru plaints, dynpeniU.liidlKeeUon.eiMUVeueMt, torpid liver, lc. Tbee pill Innura perfect dlgmtiou, correct tbe liver and atomacb. puruy aaa euricu iae uwa ana uiaae ine klu clear They aim produce a good ap letite, and Invlcorate and Irene then the i nt Ire S3 stem by their tonic action. Bold it ii cents a box by xmltb. Btelner. A Sore tun tor files. Itching files are known by moist art IlKepeisplmtlon, causing Intense Itching when wurin. This form as Well as Blind Uleedlng and protrudlne, yield at once lo Dr. Uusunko's file Keinedy, wbl oh acts directly on tbe parts atrected, absorbs tu- mrs, auays nening ana enecu a pennan eul cure, SO cents. Uiuczlst or- mall; trotlselrce. Dr. Bosanko, Philadelphia P Sold by Mmlt h A Hteluer. SURPRISES ALL WHO VISIT HIS STORE. Such prices were never before known in' Salemv Crowells' Edition, Red Line Poets 4,. fiO Fine Silk Plush Albums 3 50 Fin 1. eather Albums, decomted inside '. '.'..... 3 i?0 Scrap Albums, cloth binding , .' t0 Chatterbox . 75 History, U. S . r; " "5U Life of Grant and Sherman, each '..'..'.....!."..' 50 History, .Naval Heroes , , '. '60 A 11 kinds of choice leather goods. Glove Cases. Collar and Cuff Boxes. Toilet Cases, Magazine Cases, Music llolls, Card Cases, Etc. Etc. IE MI HINT AND MIM. Four Miles From Mem tlie Capital of Oregon; One Thousand acres of as fine land as there Is in the northwest, divided Into one hundred small (meadow and fruit fainia. 11ne tracts for the FllibT 11MK are now placed on the niarktt, ratigiugln prices troui $C0 to 1100 per acre oue third cash, balance onjtlme with Interest. No Better Opportunity for Investments Thousands of dollars will be expended within the next 12 iltvnfttila lund. uhll, lltuin thu frint. iljlf. In thn vrtkv nf roads, fencing, etc., a lurge amount of money wl'll be used. In a small way basibeen nffered to the nubile. mouths in improvements in the immediate vicinity of this land, while upon S4E2L XSr y&B QVT& ElVTOYiSI Both the method andresuIU when Syrup of Figs U taken ; it it pleasant and refreshing to the taato, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneya, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the aya tern effectually, disnela colds, head aches and fevers andcurea habitual constipation permanently. For sale in 60c and $1 bottfee by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. touisvuu, nt. him In 'OH.M. Health is Wealth I Hit. E. V. WEHTii Nerve and Hralu Treaiment, a suarauteed speeiflc frr Ilys leriii, UltilneM, Couvuliloos, r Ils, Nervous Atfiirulfta. If eHdauhe. Nervous lro.trAtlon iwused Dy tbe use or alcohol or tobacco, NeumlKla, HeHdachc, Nervous l'rotratloo CAUsed bv tbe use or alcohol or tobacco. Wiikerullness. Mental Depression, Holten loKoltbebrum rt-sultlOKln lusaoltjr and leadlnx to mlgerr, aecay aud deatb, pre- cauted by overexertion of llwbrala. Karb box contulusone uwmth's treatment, ll.Ou box or six boxes for $5.00, sent b nutll prepaid on receipt of prioe. WE G UARANTEE BIX BOXEH To cure any ease. With each order le J100. (100 Upward. Tli re.ulprm of the OaIUTAI. JOUIt- NAL HI pleased to leuni thut there Is ut leUHl oiieslteudeil ill sease thut mleiiee luw been uble to, euro In all lt Btaueii, iiuil I hat Is Lu turih. Jlnll'H Culaiili CiueU tin. onlv IMM-Itlvo cure now known to1 the mtdletil Iriiternliy. falurih beluga coiistltutl u.il disease, re (mires u coiiHtliuiioiiMl trviiimeiii. if It's Catarrh Cure Is tiikeu Inter niillv, uftiiigdlieutl.vuiH.il the h.vh- em hereby deiiroytng the fouud.i. tioii t.f tho illanuw, and Kivlug w patient strength by building up the constitution Miirl ussHilug uiiluie in doing lis work. The proprietors lmwrsoinue.il f.iith In Its euw Ive Ueralhut Mwy offer One Hu... red .ii.. for iinv cut-e thut it Mill to oiirv. 'iid for llt of teHtlitioii uM, AihlreM. K. J. Cheney & Co., Tolu- ,(rBoldbyiliruwi-,76. Stat i Itself. It l I"" It '" w,ui " " li.it HoikI's 8ara.arllU tetuallTaa Ulies wli.it U cUlnietl tor veil to tills inetllclue a joulirUjr aai The Chief Rrnaaa (or IDS great I ess uf jlom.'s 8 irnujurllU Is touad to article Itself. It Is uiei It that wins, aaa fact tli aompiislies has I'lvpil t ..i. UrU.tr,ii!iii that of any other 9.1, .vw-v .-." -. - - ,J Merit Willt erbetoretben hood's SirsaimrllU cures 8oroluls, Rlieiun anil H Httinors, Dyspepsia, n . j..i. Ullln.isness. OVerOWIM rtrtsil reellKB, crnntei an AupetlU, Strsafts ins the Swe. hiilMn P the Whols ,J B1...1. - .-rt I "--- rt,(. msUlurei rwpar v ' M)o,.ApotUiiuri(. Mweu. celved by ut for six boxes, occopipaulefl emod toe n it effect a ctin nlv by ue. . t;lt, Bole agenl, Com Ht wltb SS 00. we will send tbe written guarantee to refund me treatment ones c tutws issued only b; purchaser our tbe maney it the treatment does not e fleet a cure. Guar us. k, uona, lirug. baMin, or. From Terminal or Interior Points the ill Is tbe line to taks To all Points East and South. It Is tbedlnlug car route. Itruns through vestibule trains every day Id tbe yeiir to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of oars.) Composed of dlnlngi srs unsurpassed, PuUmun drawing room sleeper Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. iled that enn be conttrurtcd and lu which 4(fommKlHlUns are both free and lur iilnbed for luuilus of Arst uud second-claim tickets, and ELKGAJTT DAY COACHEB. A oontlnuot -too oonn3tlf wltb all Muiis.nUbrdln ilroi tnd uninterrupted ervlce, I'ullmau sic - lonsean oese- ured In adv, ..- 1-. ...... any agent ol t lie roud. Through tickets to and from all point In America, Kugbtnd aud Europe can be purchased at uy ticket osHoe of this eoai pauy. full Information concerning rates, time if Iralus.rnuMs and other details niruUbed on application to. any agent or A. A. VaAll'Vl Assistant General Hassenger Agent. No. m Klrsl street, cor. Wasblogloo; ron Innd flr,en. A Free Ride to and Froi the Place to any 'one wishing to see or Invest. Call at tlie ofBceoi; . WILLIS & CHAIuBERLIN, 7 ism Court St., Saleai, Agents, for Plate, Description and inrther pnrticnlars. All Sorts of Real Estate on All Sorts of Terms! We have lots nn the Installment plan, farms anJ suburban property on easy terms, 'and every real estate for ranh. The tiroiiertv e haudle is in first hands, then tore purchasers itet it u Itbout n values put upon It. 1 he laree list of our sales, enpeelully nf farm nroperty. recently, attests the fact canuotaflortt to buy real estate without first cousultiug us. class of eulative that yon ft SHAW & DOWNING, aSAlso general auctioneers. Halem, and Kuaruntee satisfaction. wmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmrtH Will 264 Commercial Street, Salem; take charge ot auction sales iu any puH of the stale, Including Come EVERY Wee. tfOUTtf S (TJARUflON Specimen CopiM and Boantifcl Calaadar Mat Fit.' scknce ff V i Reab m I -"""'.r I 1000 1 -nuWH. 1 "TSS- lCHWWilM WEMf WtZTf (taLY . "w m srr assiE. m - m mm sbsssi " " . sal am ... sssi user mwm m -" 1450.000 liirrduiimaTJ AH VnWU l-rlWWlIlo rur I IL75 nouts p J Tmrr i "ij au I aywhj -Ift tthtr WUy Pftr fitf yreX m Vmruty Bnitrttinlmf sum! iurruic Kautinf al to low friet." THIS 8LIP FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. Te aay NKW HUBKOBIslKK whs will eat M aail Mad as lata all with aasas aa4 address a ad 8I.T3 Ut rietal er gJsrii Jtsaeg Order er JastMend ItlUr al our rUi we will eead TIIK VOUTH'H COMPANION VKEK ! Jaaaary, 1191. aad far a Pall Year ftwsa thai Date, TklseSer laclades Ike PITK BOIIRf.K IIOI.IBAYNUMBKRS far Taaahsclilas, Christmas. New Year's, Easter aad Paarth-aCaaly. aad all Ike Illaelrated Weekly rtapaUacats. Aturm, THE TOUTM'8 COMPANION, WITH $1.75 VJt Mm -... MKA slaaSaa eBSBaa m vniBra v-iemsva swvtwnt UVUV 11 I IIIL'TI'L' VULiLMfltillCt, 'i ti The Oregon Land Co., -nltli its- Home ice Salem Oregon, NEW ZEAUND JNHUKANCB ConipauT. yire m Marias, J OK Aftal, 'WmiMttOtyfrn (In the State Insurance Itulldlng) and brunch unices In Portland, Astoria aud Albany, Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also City and Suburban Property. The Oiepon Lund Co. was especially organlaed for tbe purpose of buying and aub-dividiUK- lurce tracts of lund, aud has duringibe past two years bought uud subdivided ovur 3,200 acres Into Five to Twenty Acre Parcels The sucoesa of this undertaking Is shown In tbe faot that out of 380 tracts plamt on Ihe market, 226 have been mild. We claim thut ten aunw ot choice laud lu Fruit, Will Yield a Larger Income than 160 acres of wheat lu (he Mississippi Valley, Wfalso make vahiable Improvements In the way of roads, clearing the laud, fepws, etc We cau sell a small tract of land for tbe same prioe per acre aa you womI4 have to pay for u largo turui. for Paiphlet ul Price List, mt4i'' Salem, Or. Rates $20 aa o.OODaj. Opea to the publlo Thursday, Sept, 11, 1MW, Best helel betweeu furtluna atwl wd Prauctsoo. Alms to be Qrst class la til Its appointments. Its tubus areerv4-j j with the choicest fruits urowu In the W1K atuette alley. " ' a i ii a oairii ft. I. WAUMCn.. "-H Proprietor sb s.1 $ t :v. n DRUGS. imooKi cox. wtyoaiHTt, we btatk bt., "irjr m insHnsMsnip, fnm aniwesi, ymnnf. sum . rnMwnMtoe apwiai t V .--"'J'f 4h - Notice of Flwtl ScUkawMt. I VTOTiCE Is hereby given thut the unckfJ1 -' 11 slguert executrix of the estate ofsMa.V z ry rox, aecewsHn, una nied tier anal'-, account or the sntd e-Ute. Il the county V, court of the slate or Uregmi for ,MarHst; i county. Hint that thn court luw nxe1 Mat- V urui, , aiiuurjr jmii. ikv , nv nia iiesfM-B.f p. m ol .Hid dny furhearluc the sam,aai;'ir , . obJectluK therei'i. at tl.e 'mumr' aSeV' roniii. lu tbe county court bnusa lu Vaskui eouuty, Oregon, uud lliHttbesume wlUkw ". assed upon ut Mia tlnieMiitf lUac,.,, ? ,, TBitMHA aruu Executrix or l he last will uud 'llraiftl undestolafaldditaseg. Wll ' Cheapest, Neatest and Bd, SCHOMAKER-S COMBINATJW FENCE) - Jv I maae auq put up an auw or eyrie auucouuiqr, .mjxcw ' ' a INSURE IN Y0U HOMJt; " j ahto. Ajssfs4e4aji-thtabrai ' .' wiM.jmm,M Aad speetat aaeat Sif JBrHeW fa tTYV HtaTT w ; h ifAJI & win irAQOSHNftvjti ejeew 9 sv Sa w sa K- . . .aUKJLi-- tn.& tv h d , LHkL 'i -irf i wsiti'f'isViir