f "p JV-rtipw,- VttTff ' l' 'lpHlf1WJrviK" c I 3vV CAPITAL rs 4-. " ' " VOXi '8. "TILE PEOPLES' PAPER." ivi'ilm) SALEM. OREGOX. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1890. "TO-DAY'S NEWSTO-DAY." KCX 24&, LOOK THIS OVER AND SEE WHAT YOU "WANT rVyT' ji EVENING JOURNAL Frotri OOAOCIiaiXIXLOXilLX. AND STATIONER, BOOKSELLER The Salvation Leader's Remedy for Desti tution and Crime. . KV GOLD PENS and HOLDERS, PHOTO, and AUTO. ALBUMS SPPAP pnmrs Xrnns CARDS, FANCY BOOKLETS, PLAIN and FANCY STATIONARY BOXES of STATIONERY, PLUSH TOILET CASES PLUSH TJUFF ami C0L1 a R BOXES, PLUSH MANICURE SETS, LEATHER CARD CASES I EATHFR POCKET BOOKS, LEATHER PHOTO ALBUMS, FINE LBATHEKBOUND SlSi,PH0T0S5H SES, LEATHER WHIST CESEAtViE uiv snmjixuxi loai, rnia rnxi jsuuivs, J U ViJNILE BOOKS BOOKS TN" ARTS, BLOCKS and GAMES, FAMILY BIBLES, TESTAMENTS FINE DESK INK STANDS and CHOICE LINE IMPORTED VASES. " llSiu iJijbK Don't wait until thin line is broken hut conic at once and get your choice of those fine linesRemember our prices -' t are. always the lowest, and quality, the best. 2G'.i Commercial street. DETAILED PLANS FOR REGENERATION' OF THE FALLEN MILLIONS. An Industrial Reformation the Only Hope Prospectei of the Plan Sncceeding. THE OREGON NURSERY CO; Is Offering a Large, Well Groun Slock ef FRUIT: SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Fruit. ETOKGREENS; VINES, SHRUBS, BOSES, ETC. At Low Prices. Late Keeping Winter Apples a Specialty. Catalogue mud Price-List free. Addresser cull oh WHIT BROS., """ Olllce 1!!)2 O'limii'rrlnl street. HmIpiii. GREAT SPECIAL SALE -OF- CHRISTMAS GOODS AT THE- WOODBDBN NURSERY. Largest 'Stock of Trees in the Northwest. ONE AND THREE-FOURTHS MILLIONS. o 100,000 Prune Trees. ' i,Ml0 Esnpue SpHzeuherg. CAPITOL ADVENTURE CO'S. Toilet fu'tn. flilk huwlkerchiefr. niuniera. fWiimtnrH. nllk tlemind warfe ...- ...... . .:.. ...-. ... . . ,-- -..-- uliiui 1U.M I'WUJiN. All crisp and fresli us it new hunk note. Knn, linen goods, towels, napkins, table cluths ut'ppecial ChrMmns Reductions. We are headqu triers fur fancy wmk. l'on Pons, bells, crescents, stars, tinsel, gold cord uud braid, silk cold and everj thing iu that line. Nnw's the time Buv Father nr Ron n suit of clothes or an overcoat forriiristinus. Menu' all WUOt.,'MSsuit for $.15; .Mens' line b'2o suils for $18; Mens' cheap suils, 15, $0, $7 mid $8; Good value. Overcoats at price way down. We are leudersin Overcoats. Fancy holiday eroceries. crockery and giussu are. Opera House Block, on Electric Railway. 20.00(1 (Mruvensteli Annie. 215,000 Yellow Newtown Pippeu ,"i,000 lien DuvIh Apple. 3-i.uOO Royal Ann Cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford Peach. 10,000 Moorpark mid Royal Apricot. LARGE' 'STOCK OF ALL OTHER LEADING VARIETIES OF FRUITF FBEE FROM INSECT TESrS. CATALOGUE PREB. ADDRESS : J H. SOTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon. I MW II KI 17 , WffW w uu. tt'12 IXVlTli ATTEX1 IOX TO OUIi STOCK OF GODS OXIDIZED SILVER, und PLUSH GOODS, l&NlCURE SETS, ODOR CASES, LEATHER GOODS, ROCKING HORSES, BUILDING BLOCKS EXPRESS WAGONS. -(A New and EndlcBH variety of)- Dolls, Toys and Notions, Gomes, Tea Retn, Japanese, goods, Hubbtsr animals. BROOKS HARRITT, 94 State St. HOME, SWEET HOME! If you eau get a good article manufactured ot home you should glve It the preference. - We keep 11 full lino of the rellahld Oregon Stove! Tncjudlng-tbe Dexter, Eureka and Sultana. The Best for the Money. We also keep Eastern Stoves, mid among them the "Runner" line. Give tin it cull and nave money. Sterner & Blosser, ON 8TATK STREET. THEGROCERS Cqinniercial Street. The BesfTor the Money all the Time. JAS. AITKEN. Groceries and Produce , iTb'e.Bwt Cauued Goods. Choicest FrtSits -and Vegetables In Season. None bll inl.0uM QmU Handled. Every article guaranteed as "presented. If you would be well eerved ilrouUe Tht Orng wi 126 Statv'Sfmit. Salem, Oregon. Christmas WILL SOON BE HERE, And it seeniK, Santa Glaus, has already mnde his head quarters at W. M. SARGENTS, 270 Commercial Street. He has the-finest Jine of pretty Dolls and Toys ever brought to Salem. Also novelties of every kind, Novely AlbuuiB and Autograph Albums, Fancy Perfumeries, Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Mouldings and Games of every description, besides Jus 5 10 15 20 and 25 cent counters, and a fine line of fancy Whist Broom Holders, Building Blocks, Mirrors, Toilet Cases, Stationery, Win dow Shades and poles of every description and many other things too numerous to mention. 3TCall and see early; while you can have your choice. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., ur " Sash, Doors, Bliiids & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawin, House Finishing made to order. New DK1 KILN, by which vc tan ulu ns keep n full supply or seasoned stock of all kludi. Agricultural Worlw. Corner of Trade and J 1 lull sheets, MUem, Orison. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact u. genera! banklni; bnslin'ss In all IU branclieb. OEX). WILLIAMS Wu.ENMLANIl HUOll Ml'MAUY Prenlden ....Vlco Jrenldenl . ..(.'UKbtii DIKRCTOR8- Oeo. WlUlntni'.Win. Kiik In nil llr. J. A. ItlchlirdiOII. J. W. IIoUhOII J. A. Ihiker. . , . . Bank In new fexonnngo uiock uu ; iw meirlnl street. c:I!MI First National Bank SALEM OREOON. WM. K. LADl'K, UK. J. REYNOLDS, IOHN MOIU. . Premdenl Vice J'reeldeut . . Cavblcr GENERAL BANKING. KoUKlit and Hold. State, louulj and Lit) warrant buuvbt. rarn.ern are tordlallj Invited to deposit nd irutiwitl basluew with u. Liberal adnoiB made on wheat, wool, hops ud oilier pioperty t reosouaoie rales. Insurance on such te curlty uu be oblnlued at the bauk In most reliable coiniale. Capital National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital I'aid up, lAg 13 ... w,uvu .. .. urn f ini . - PrMiMAIlt. W. r"MABTIN,'. Vlce-1'iwldenL J! u7 Ai.Ht.UT, ' . . CusUler. DIBfcCTORSi V T.Oniy. W.W.Martin i:M.'Mrin. "ri-w''ff' l,r.W.A.U.lckMclJA..a!rl. LOANS MADE To toruiers ou wheat and other iimrko'. able nrodiiw. winslKUod or iu store either in private Knuiarlespr jjubllo warehouses. Slate and Couoty Warraots 'Bought at Far. rnuururiAl PAPER Dlscountcii at reasonable rates. Iiralts irn direct ou New Yyk,Lhloiuro,Han traDclscoVrorlland. Lnndon, J'arls.llerlln Monk hook " w"" Tmx-Pwci-s Take Notice. !rhe tax roll of Marlon county for the year SShttbJn placed u niy.hiinds for col eotlon; Snrt .ax-pnyeni will plwf come Srwi?A 5S5 piy Their wmmMi, the J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 215K Commercial St., ' (lent, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Matches and Jewelry. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goods at our store! We carry a full line of giocvrles, feed, crockery, euuwuare. d gais, loliHtco uuu confectionery. T. RURROWS, No. KOCoumierviHlHt., Salem DRAIN TILING. The undersigned are prepared to furnish the bem qualllyoflUlo.fr for under drain ing at lowest prices. MUKHHYDK8ABT, Near fair Grouns, Salem, Oregon. S. ERNST, Upholsterer. All work, either new or repairing, done lu tde let unrkmimllke shape. !. op south of post olllce. . HELLENBRAND'S Ealing Parlors & Candy Manufactory, i!Q6 Commeiolal Street. Bl-LOKKAHE; Ice Crcnm 10o , 16a end 25 oenU Uoflee, Tea or ChocolatenndCk10 cents uuiih and Wllk 'iS11! I'lato 01 aoup.-.. ..... ...JOcent I U,t Cake', (,'ottee or 'i ea.... . 15 wuts llMfsleak aud tos S0111 Cork Clam and Kites .. ....; ceuts Mutton t bo land Kggs . ......26 cent Vi nlw.ii i nd i:i!...... ......... -J cents flausaice and Kggs.. .... .......as cents 11am aud Kggs . . Meant fret h Oj sters uuy st le...... ...3j ctnU 2 Cwit Regular Pinner Served From II to 3 0'Clock A nice variety of ege(nbls, etc., etc. Also lea, colloo or milk with all Ui tut meals without extra charge. Choice L'lgurs, iinpoitcd nn Pomestle, alwu) on nand. I'orter House Weak aud Kggs U cents Tender Lolu 8tcak and Kggs o0 eeuu E. C. CROSS, (Meter and Packer, HtatcHt, an Court t-Tbe beat lnt delivered to all parts of the city. Tiik Daily Journal of Dec. 16 nnd the Weekly Journal of Dec. 18 contained tho first part ot Gun eralBKili'g now fatnoui "Darkest England." This issue of the Jour nal contains tho remedy for the poverty, vice and crime that Is pn imsed by the great-leader of tbe tjal vntion Army. Ed. Journal. WHAT IS I'ltOFTMKD FORTHB AMEL IORATION OF conditions'. The plan, at first glance, seems to be complicated in its details, but when resolved into its component elements i found to-be simple and comprehensive. Gen. Booth de clares that his spiritual work mui he an Important feature of it, be cause, he argues, a system which furnishes everything else but a new heart to men and women who have always been strangers to all stand urds of rectitude aud moral conduct h il! rtill fail. Work, food and cloth ing cannot regulate them. They must be born again, and he asserts that his solicitude as to tbe means of providing them the opportunity to live In this world is muinly that they may listen to tbe appeal for life in tlie next. For, lie in ists, tbe great difficulty in tbe way of all re formatory agencies now at work b that men aud wouieu engaged in a tierce struggle for Ufa buve neither time nor disposition to listen to ap peals to their moral sense even sup posing ib em to be gifted with such a thing. Hence he concludes : "The supreme test of any scheme for benefiting humanity lies in the uuswer to the questien: What doe it make f the individual? Amotiic the denizens of Darkest England there are mauy who have fouud there way I hither by defects of char acter which would under tbe most favorable circumstances relegate them to tbe same position. Hence, u u less you eau change their char acter your labor will be lost. You may clothe tbe drunkard, fill bis purse vilth t;old, establish him In a well-furnished honi", and Id three, or six, or twelve months hewilloine more be on the embankment, haunt ed by delirium tret tens, dirty, squa lid aud ragged. Hence, iu all casts where a man's own character and defects constitute the reasons for bis full, that character must be changed und that conduct altered if auy per mauent beneficial results are to be attained. If he Is a drunkard, be must be made sober; If idle, he must bo made industrious; if crimi ual, he must be made honest; ifim pure, be must bo made clean; uud if he is so deep down iu vice, uud has been there so long that be has lost all heart, and hope, aud power to help himself, and absolutely refuses to move, he must be inspired with hope and buve created within hint the ambition to rise; otherwise be will uever get out of tbe horrible pit. "The scheme I have to ofler," he. says, "consists lu tue formation, oi these (the unemployed and homeless people Into self-helping and self-bus- tabling communities, each, being a kind of co-operative society, or patri archal family, governed aud discip lined ou the principles which have already proved so effective iu tbe Salvutiou Army, "These communities' we will call, for want of a better term, colouies. There will be: "1. The city colony. "2. The farm colony. "3. The over-sea colony. "By the city colony- is meant tbe establishment, in the very centre ol the ocean of misery of wblcb we buve been speaking, of a number of lubtilutious to act as harbors of ref uge for all aud any who have been ship-wrecked iu life, character or circumstances. These harbors will gather up the poor d'Mtitute crea tures, supply their immediate press ing necetsliles, furulsb temporary employment, inspire them wilb hope for the futur?, aud commence at ouco a course or regeneration oy moral and religious influences. "From these institutions numbers would, after a short. time, he floated off to pernmueut employment or sent home to friends, happy to ie oeivethemon hi a ring of their refor mation. All who renmlu on our bauds would, by varied means, be tested us fo their siucerity, industry uud honesty, and as soon as satisfac tion was created, be passed ou to tbe colony of tbe second class, "Tho farm colony would consist of a wltleuie'ntyf tbeoulonisU on an estute in the province!, iu the cul ture of which tbey would nud em ployment aud obtain support. As the raoe-frou tbe oouutry to tbe city has been the cause of much of tbe MtreM we vi to battle wb, we propone to' lad a substantial part of our remedy by transferring these same people back to the country. ''Here I he processor reformation of character would be carried for ward b the same Industrial, moral and rellitiouH method as have al ready been commenced In the city, especially Including those forms of labpr aud that knowledge of agricul ture which, should the colonist not obulu employment lu this country, , will qualify him for pursuing his fortunes uuder more favorable circumstances in some other land. "From (he farm, as from the city, there can be no question that large numln, resuscltatid in health and diameter, would ba restored to friends up and down tbe country. Some would find imployment In their owu calling", others would nettle in cottages on a small piece of land that we should provide, or on co-operative farms which we Intend in promote; while the great bulk, after trial itnd training, would be passed on to the fore'gn settlement, wblcb would constitute our third class, niiiu- y i ho over-sea colony. "All who have given afteutlou to tbe subject aie agreed that in our colonks in South Africa, Canada, Western Australia uud elsewhere, there are n.!!lioiis of acres of useful lund to be obtained almost for the askiuir, capuble of suppoillDg out surplus population iu health and comfort, were it a thousand timet greater than it is. We propose to secure a tract of la.ul In oue of these oouutriea, prepare it for settlement, estub.lah iu it authority, govern It by equitable laws, useist it in timer of necess'ty, settling it grudualU with a prepared people,' and so create a home for these destitute multitude-. "The scheme, In its en.lrlty, may aptly be compared to a great ma chine fouudatloued iu tbe lowest slums and purlieus of our great owns aud cities, drawing up into its embrace the depraved and des titute of all classes; receivlug thieves, harlots, paupers, drunkards, prodigals, all alike, on the simple eoudliious of their being wllllug to work uml to conform to discipline. Drawing up these poor outcasts, re forming tium, and treating in them habits of Industry, houesty and truth; teaching tbem methods by wblcb alike the bread that perishes uud that which eudures to ever lasting life ca be won. Forward lug tbem from tbe city to lb couutry, aud there continuing tbw procet-ft of regeneration, and then pouiiug tbem forth ou to tbe virgin soils that uwait their coming lu other luuds, keeping bold of tbem with a strong govern meut, and yet making them free men and women; uud so laying the foundations, per chauue of uuother empire to swell to vust proportions iu later times. Why not? HOW IT 18 PROPOSED TO HAVE THE LOST ONES. The originator of this vast scbnme, after a general outline of it, plunge ut ouce Into details His first proposition Is tbe erection, lu all the poor districts of the English cities, of refug? houses for the destitute, such as the Salvutiou Army has already established uuder tbe uume of fwod und shelter lodges in Lon don. He insists tbat tbe Salvation Army bus fed and sheltered more of London's misery than any other organization. Iu this be is doubt less correct. That devoted body ban done its greatest work In London. Besides l be shelters, It bas estab lished refuges, where evening ser vices are regularly held, and all of which are well attended. Figures showing the amounts of food sold at these shelters are Intro duced to prove what a great benefl cence the plan could be made ou a larger scale The ftod Is told o terms tu cover us nearly a possible the cost price and working expense of the establishment. A long anaV Interesting description of tbe vices lu these shelters, wblcb are to serve as models for the great ref ugee to be erected under tbla scheme, Is given. Tbe writer then con cen tinues: "The foregoing, it will be Mid, le all very well for your outcast when be bus xot a fourpeace in hU pocket, but if be baa not got bie fourpeuce ? Wbat If you are on f routed wilb a crowd of hungry, desperate, wretohes, without even a penny in their pouch, demauaMug food aud shelter? This objection ie nuturulcnnugh, aud lute been duly considered from I he f rat. "I propose to establish ia ftlon with every food and shelter depot a workshop or labor yard, li whlefa any nentuu who coatee 4ett Cd4c-a fourth j.) ' IS. SANTA US " A nj4 wBIBHir??'' x- Salter- lJ Tl'lSv-Zr Jl r - 4- " '3 4 Preflntfl jer compliments to the men, women and chil dren, a well m to tho young men and maidens of Salem and vicinity, and begs to inform them that in anticipation of the Holidays she has opened an unusual large stock of Holiday Gifts at the commodious and well appointed store of J. G. WRIGHT; 227 and 229 Com'l St. Where she would bo pleased to have you call and meet her between the hours of 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. every week day in December. She also begs to call your attention to the fact that, through the intimate connection existing betweem her husband, the Hon. Mr. S. Claus, and the manufacturers of holiday gifts, she will be able to offer you exceptional opportunities to purchase new, novel and notable GhriBtmas gifts at very reasonable profits. Very Truly Yours, ' ' MRS.SMTHLAE 1 rfSJtsT Tn-?-?"- jagg! JSael V f5lrK SPECIAL FIGURES -: 1 Gsll Will be Made I 5SS . ON IU STEEL ENGRAVINGS ; 1 'wLaLaaaa! "JfaLaaaaaa! - and; -M FRAMED PICTUREsJ H4vvr4 ''H " r "JH1 v;,,JgB FOR THIS WEBS. -. M set- ;,' '-'VsftalBl Gil. L SMJill eeMaee- ,., . mm. at.MM.rn Bsrsi 'u''srarv"sVHVtiaBnssBVBi I m sT V . m arm W B 11 1 Bffle m sVBrV-esaTflaslBBBsssssBHHl SsTiisfi fiH)aM,m,m-M JM f I-SMa -VBWafaT4DsaBBl '"" ."AsfHlTsaTsaTsaTsaTsaTaTJ 'wwBslllllllllllllllllllH " J - Wkm t iflBaTsVflfsVflftaTsi ' -7Vi ,xJask'MMMfefly'gffi fiiBaaaaaaaaaaaaTsi Hkf t.lMkjt.Jt mWilf U.C ljs Tti-tpttrH4t. mf.iwmd:i4 A.lei1ato.ATtW-Ja --, HiarfrlliaW-fflHr