IWIJW VW- T-"""'" ?5wnp:i ,sr"!vtf,f j, re-n-jj tie capital mmi FRIDAY DHC. 12.1S1K). TKKJIM OK lL"H.Oltirriii.N. Utllr bv nutll ir year-.. . Uill7 by nwll per month. K5? - l by i ' nuui I per year, 1 Ol -lf not mid lu ndvune- the prlcv eriars-dioriu- vyaKr Jochxal will - HJOperyrur. If papers-re m.t delivered promptly imtily tlienrflce. KKKE IUU.IVKKY BV CAKRIKIl IiHlly n Ingle wek Jkilly forma wki. l.Ct-. I . .. 3iCt. IiHlly uy momn . t"fl iviil.-ilnn will h made nn ll nnil 1Mb M tiimilti. Hub-crllwm will plue leu-re nunr riireirrP-piHt houe or whi-wu U l d-lfvep-d, u to esue no delay In roller! "on-. Thk Kvkkhio CAMTAUJorKSAL ru Urly retvlvc tbc iirterr.cx-in .oclnied pitdii.pHlche. GILBERT . PATTERSON. Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LiiCAh Jur.Ki'.r. Wheat, net tell cenN pr bu. Hop, .active; lis to 32 cent ht lb Headquarters fur candy, nmnu factored fresh every luy nt Jones A Rernurdi's on s-tate street. Al.L Sliofl.li ATTKNH. The can Uta to lie given at the njer hotist-to-morrow uiglit will be one of tin bet entertainments' ever jjiveu bv Salfm talent. Just go and beai Mlw Farrar simr "Dreams, Happ.v Dreams" and "o Place l Half w Dear to Me a- Home, Sweet Home" lu the cantata Saturday night. Ml-. .Soriber will sin); a Bpinuini: soujr, intrmlucin Annie Ijiurie ami llankbtmd Brae'-, o )tounie Doon, and .spin on nn old fashioned sjiiti nine wheel, s-ue will al-i sine In her character of grandma, "I t"nu- notSius the Old Siugs." You will have nn opiortiiiiity of hearing not only one good voire out many. The "Woodman" golo and the "Lulaby" ing from Ermlnie, by Mr.Kuudret, Hiid the "Wnlf -olo by Mr. Rn-a, will lie enjoyed by everybody. Mr lcv will whbtle a bird nolo and to all who have heard him this U a siittielent inducement 10 go. Gel your seats at Pearborn'.-). The ad mWion h tifty ceuts. m Axthkacitk Coal. Grant Trul linger returned yesterday afternoon from up the river where he weut to investigate the coal dUcovery re cently made on theTrulllnger ranch near Newljurg, mention of which was made in the Aatorian several days bro. Mr. Trulllmjer brought down with him a "grip" uack full ol the black diamonds taken from 11 seam which was uncovered twelvi feet below the surface. A drill sunk twenty feet further brought up more coal, and it was decided to go t' work on the mine at once. Pros peeling la to be done away with and a shaft will be sunk to bedrock im mediately. Attorian. Faithful South Winds. Few suspected last night when the heavy fug was banging over Salem that they would find the welcome rains failing this morning. During the Utter part of the night the falthrul south winds anvi that are alvraya a sure s-lgn of mild and damp -weather. T.day has been a natural Oregon winter day and one that was hailed with delight. A week of nteady rainy weather at this heasou may be exp;ted, ur.d that much or more is needed to make the ground In projer condi tion for late planting. VlCTIMh OF TIIK WKKCK. A number at" tin- victim f the Luke Labl-h wreck left ,Iat night on a Hpeciul cur for California. A dozen or mre of the injured were able to tail their departure. Tit-morrow morning will be a mouth since they were brought to this city from Lake Uibirh. Nur--t went with them from this city. Several others yel remain in The Willamette hotel which has had the nature of a Iioh pltul for the past month. Committment. Two more pa tients were added to the li"t nt the awyluni ywterday. It. W. Conner, deputy sherifl of Yamhill county, brought L. Jloiie, a rltt-eti-year-old boy of Dayton, and riherill Mistier, of Portland, brought John itedmau to the same luililution. He also brought Wax. Cramer to the peni teullary for larceny of twine goods from a store In Portland. To C'ALtFoitNiA. Dr. and Mrs, J N. Hmiih were passengers on luut night's overland train for Los An- geles California. Mrs. Smith will remain iu California nil winter in the hvpes that the climate there may be be luetlciul to her health They went down uu the speclnl car w?ut up f it the Injured of the wreck who went south last night. Left kok Klamath. D. W. Matthew Hlelt last night for hispit of duty as agent ut the Kluiiiutli Indian ugetiey. His appointment was made wmio time ago, hut owing to a mistake in his initials the it- Vminliiiniit bad to be made over. Thin i.ihoV a delav of a mouth 1.1 mi! lu his assuming the duties of thl position. Kvkkvuodv Invited. All inn invited to lnsiect the general stock JVi. ' kept at the Woolen Mill store. ,ilehoiild remember Unit they !.., mi only Keep K""'!-"'' -r .. iimnufacture, hut a full Inn- ol nan, wIovm, and ull tin- Intel tyl. o I'liriiUliiug gissls. CfjpsitiHii h-IIs laundry hi) p. SOMBTIIINU MUST HC DU.VK. The Prospects Look Gluomv Today fur alrm to Kerf" tin- Willamt-ttc l"uivrrlty The la-nplo of the I'nlvornlty nuiy be only trying to scare Salem Into UolIlK .-omen. no.' ior mi- iii-oiiiiui.il, but such I not verv probable. Tin' .1 men who wore nvrv mi me com- mltlce renrvontlntr l'ortliiml nr . ..... 1 . 1. . ..1 1 IIDl mll !iveu iu wicii kiiviuit, uuu u.n... ivtii.. wlm ur-.ili-viilvlntTc-.t- ed In the N!honl rviuuliiliiK lu tsilein . etiiihtitlenllv HlUrin that Mich 1 iioi.-luwu herein Salem. hen the thecal, lion. 1. L. Willi-, of , "v ''ere u Mil for $150 w I'ortlunii, who wui lu rsilem yiler-, demanded fn.ni the slilpiwr. Tliw day, mid who IshIwihii iiIuiiiiiu- ofi '" cluliu he dd the railroad the l.nl verity, ulid who i iidvoeiit j ioniviny foi the p.iis.ifre of all extra I-ir Portland" cjiiim-, say-. Mint elly i 'nan to i-ome aloiiu with tbc ears to i lu dwj earnest, lit- firmly U-' lulp him look after the stock, mill hevenshe will et the sehiMilaiidbejoxi-eeted lobe Riven his property ililnkoit will etiiiiil on I'ori-iuoutli when he arrived lu-re without n mur I1..1..IHH. nverliuikliii? the Columbia ' mur or niiv extra chsrees. An oth- " . - ) and Willamette rlvero. The committee-, iu their tour here visited two liK-uliou-s v hich have prevloiLsly bet'n mentioned. The tiru-eii lilt lid red acre truU Miiitli ol 1 he ell y, vv liKiked over, and then ihe one north of the city. These were not ntlereil as donation-., lull lbecoiuuiitlee were asked the full market value for the laud. The.v were asked more than the laud could be N)ld for to-day, lu a Usly. The M;hooI would be allowed the choice of either tract for about SloO.ouO These ure caudid f.icts, but ure given to the public not by the consent 01 wish of the committees, but us u matter of news. The JoUKNAL re Kirter, who have wulclird tin. movement since It was. tirst talked of, more th.iu a year ago, have nothing more In view tliau to make the public-acquainted with the facts. There is uuu thing th.it seems to be a fact now and that is if some ictive slep-. are not taken -imiu tin- .hiHil will leave her u.iturul home. The board of tru-Utes will meet at the University next Wedue?uav when the matter will probably be settled. Let the (leople of Salem sm to It that It is settled right. Xot a Law Offick. The way person who were injured in the i.ublsh wreck are coming to the loUBNAL otllce for relres might in luce nue to think this was a aw oflk-e. Specific cliurges of un due influences are made, claiming ibeS. P. Co. Is trying to force one man to settle by publishing that he must have ills foot amputated. The loUKNALcanuot protect the public against otlier newspajiers. It can only do right Itself. Neither can il defend urivuie claims against cor porations. A Coming Event. "Crowning the Queen of Fame," is uu enter tainment of a hiuh literary charac ter that is liooked fur Heed's ojteru house the 22d of next mouth, ihe parts will lie rendered by our best home talent. It will be one of the most delightful and instructive en lertaiuments ever given in the city It The Seulund Journal says: "Under Mixed Fahminc Our farmers 1 (,e headiup of 'What Atorlu Has,' are sick and tired of the present ' t,e Columbian 'ays: "Nearly HX)0 wheat situation. Whent is high in children in tier public n.-hools, cov the East aud lu Liversjol but the 1(.red with the finest timber on the farmers are the prey of the carrier j Pacific slope." Oregon must cer mouopolistH. They are the rose be ( tuinly be making rapid strides in tweeu two thorns and the thorns ininrnvenieut. nnd but a few years absorb nearly the entile perfume of the ro-e. Wheat iu ihe sack lies here and no cars to ship it in. Mixed farming will come in due time. Telephone Register. Atthe Watkk Souiice. A force j of meu were ut work this morning out in the middle of the Willamette river a short distance above this city with a scow uudeugiue making some repairs at the terminus of the water nine from whence rjnlem's water supply U taken. Piling were being put in which were tilled around in order to givo a more er- feet tilter for the water liefore il comes to the city. Some ENTF,itiKidE. Several Ore gon postmasters huve during the past year been reading dead Jouit NAL subsciibers pajs-rs, and only discovered thut said subs, had beeu dead for a year or more when their annual duen were received. These papers have been promptly ordered stopped. m Crlssman sells plu-h goods. Worthless Cuitd,- Dogs at- tucked Win. MudUoii's band of sheep near town lust week and killed twelve and crippled uliout thirteen. Something should be done to rid the country of a lot of these worth - Iocj miN fiit iAliM flruru ftnPi mtlt icon i,uio w v .(!. 1 wo-w f.ri . killing sheep they ure Incurable. Monmouth Dein, rrl ,..J( ..I 1.,. ., I.MI.In,. novelties ill Salem is to bo found ut Geo. K. Good's, SOO Comiiieri-lal street. ii-b If Il now conies m iiuni. iiiui uic prvseut niauagemeut of the St. Paul I . - . . If.. I.. .1.... .1.. Restaurant excels anything in the city. None but flrtcluss meals i itie served; oysters in all styles, and ; such salads us uro served there, will ' make anyone return niter tho first j rneal. Family dinners are nerved i I" "''' everyone. it ,. ,. .. , T..7 i,M,ijlirnniuiiil I'm XmiM piceulb tli.it ICrnufeu Itm's. vvlwi unit plush slipper at Ct ceuls aud npwurils iin-ai wt rent i1 than eisewheio iu the i.-Itj. 11FlM,Kr)V w,:;",;H."-ii.o new oUh a HlirlltVt ' .Jn,, , .t.. TllKV REMAIN.-flio low pri' mi photos at Mniitce Uriw' friillrx In the noflJc bbi'k, A Gnoss Injcrtick. A com plaint Is made by new cntiier to the valley by the railroads In making ouiirmouH charge fur wlileh they full to give 11 Mttlsuictory explanation to the parties thu trvutid. A faiu lly arrived here n IV w iliiya hko from Kati- mid with them two ear with miinu leu la-mi of stock mid their Ii.iil.iIui il ..I, ....... '11..... 1..1.1I tlu .i"u-.-..uit i-mi-vib. im-, rn" "c freight eliurjjwi In advance and wb till mi w hi. I ta rtill.wt u fililimltitr nnti --- .-.-,..,.....-...,.,.... i reel vv men iney yet noia Tb li conirci omih lor iiieelleeiu id oe nun er man had his goods shipped nun .... 4 . they were held iu Porllaud ou the plea that this was a sepurate road, yet his shipping receipt called for ihe cur to bring them to Salem. In this cujeSlljw as demanded for bring ing the goods from Porllaud to Sal em. If thei-e me lacls as given by these men It is not oLly iujusticv, but it is the next thing to rubbery and the commutiily is outraged. Meu will not ..lily condem the rail loads but the country iu which such deeds to lie perpreluated. There are a number of complaiutH made. It is 10 be hoped they are not so bad as the meu are led to give out. On One Side Only. The task of Informing new contributors to the press of the reasons why they should not write on but one side of Ihe paper must lie explained every year, last year the painful duty fell on the Astorian. This year the JuUltNAL a-suiuis the task. The I'Ustoui has been in vogue so long of writing on one side of the sheet of paiier that u compositor never turns the sheet over, but throw it on the I waste tile, and where both sides of j .he pajier are u-ed half of a com 1 iniiulcatlou is liable to be thrown nut unintentionally. Contributors 10 the press can do a good work by writing only on one side of their paper thereby prnvcntingoathsfroiu editors losiug confidence of print ers. To-JtouRovv Night. There are sixty voices iu the Ited Hiding Hood cuiilutn. See the grand match by 44 cbiklreii. Hear ihe solos by Mr. Kundret, Mr. Hoss, Miss Farnir, Miss Alberlsaud Miss Scrlber. Miss Maggie Alderson will take the solo nf Little Ked itlditig Hooil. She IKtesesses a very sweet voice aud slugs with unusual sweetness aud expression in so young a girl. Re inemler you also hear Mr. Itoss whistle. The sale of seats up to date promise a full hnu- G t vour seats at Dearlairn's Ismk siou; I before they are all tuken. Wants a Quautek Sf.ction. neo it was generally understood that the natives were covered Willi moss, and had webs between their toes. We'll lake a quarter section of thee children." PlIliSIJNAIi AMI l.UCAI.. Fiddledy Winks at llrookh A II in ill's. Tho llnest line of precious stones ever in Suleni at Slierm-iu Shomp- ; nun's. See ad. 1 Prof. E. R. Lake of the Oregon j Agricultural college, in the city en route for Sifvertou. j j, j.-. larger and Eva Vedder, Henry George and Fastlsfa Maser were grunted u licence to wed to day by the county clerk. Miss Mae Smith carried oil the j first prize picture given by Geo. F, Smith last evening, and Mrs. A. j Dull" secured the second. See ad. j F. S. Rarc;, of Portland, passed I through the city to-day en route to 1 Monmouth, his old home. He will open a commission busiuew In Port- ' land iu the near future. ! W. P. Hereford, sheriff of Lake county, brought Liieinda Wilson to I tie asylum this morning. W. L. Wurreu, gherill of Yiimhlll county, ,,ught Lucy Huliburt to the same , luHtitiilioti. dt. - L;tdien', now Is your time to get a flue French kid hund-sewed shoe .... ,.!..... .. ..... ..,111 ..nil !.... .. ert uneiiif num.- oiiinii men. v I '" nilesin order to introduce them. i Never before have you bought thene Lhis so low as wo oiler them. At 1 t , . . .. I. . . a I .... m ti I. . , .hi, .yt.. 1 jmil J'.iibiiiui n A-iiiiucin ouri. 12-11 St Toothpicks, 6 CrlssmutiH. cents per box at Col.l Waves Are predicted witii reliable accuracy nnd people liable to the pains and iiehtsof rheumatism dreads every i:liuiige to d-iiup orstormy weather. Allhoilgll tUMHl's Mirsaparilia is not I claimed to lie a specific for rheunia lUiii. tlm remarkubk) cures it has ellecla show thut It limy be tuken for this coiiiiilaltit with reiitouable ceriuluty of lieiK-llt. Its action lu neutralizing the ucldlty of the blood, which Is the ciume nf rheutuallxin, constitutes the secret of the aucce IH iiihiu P tM,r, fi. ill. .T,Mr,u,i;, ..,,, ..iHiimullsm. ulve HikmPs Bar of HinkPh han-iipurlll. irynu sutler , t-(inrila u fair trial; It will do you pd. Ul'SINKSS AND tlTIIKU l)0AI.K Splinti aid Splintrn PlfkH Aronnii Town for t'riday't ItradrM. II stntidx for Hnreii, the furiiitiire mall, who Is wllllii: hli miiI cheap ns nue enn. He's (living lib patron'n the Ik-aI III Ills store, bargiiltiH lie's loaded from ;urn lloor. The Salem water company lins'rjfj gl JT p J cut over fS0,(X0 lu Improvement 1 ATLWiliLkJ spe the prevent year, iu Salem. Agood part of this was Incurred In extend ing the water system to Highland i addition. Palmer's Fnuigipauul, Crabap-i file IllosHom, Hiuwntlm, Mayhlooiu. Queen Hess, Hello-Violet, Carnation ' Piuk, Sachet Powder, many other delicious perfumes, urv to be found at Itrooks' A Cox's, the Slate) street druggists. Htuu and eggs areau trille out of date, but for ull thiit Mcf,row & Wlllard have a choice stock o! uew hams. G. W. Johnson A Son are not slow, in fact, they are rushers. The truth i they have to be to wuit on their numerous customers. The increased Immigration west ward is not only benefitting Siilcm, but it is materllly assisting thesmull lowus thro' the Willamette Valley. There is a constant and Increasing demand fur farms near all of the smaller towns. Jeilerson, Silverton, Scio, Slaytou, Newberg aud many other of our small bergs are reported as unusually lively during the past summer and full. Those who have been living lu Salem cau scarcely appreciate the advancement we liuye made in building and improvements during the past year or two. Let a Salem Ite return after a two years' absence aud drive around our suburbs aud he would fall to recognize them. Where two years ago wheat and other crops were growing, hnudsome residences are now to be seen. The grounds are being improved and beautified and in time our suburbs will, with their lawns and gardens, lt a worthy addition to oui fan city. To-nlghi occurs the Kiriuess at the Congregational church. You can spend an evening there very profitably. Tho Congregational ladies have it in charge. DeFined: Grief counts mcoiu1s; happiuess forgets hours. DeLllle: Fate gave us parents; choice, friends. If any wonder is caused lu your mind by Deuham, the State street shoe man's popularity it will be dispelled by u visit to his store. You will Hud the cause of It is iiiat he is trying to plea-e his customers, to give them a go:wl article, at a nason abii' prici'. Fontaine, the great French writer, ruly says, "We are easily jn-rsiiaded 1 of what pleases ns." Klein Is here for hiisiue-ss. His hu-iiiew is selling shoes. If you are Jin need of anything in his line lie is there to -ell It to you. Geo. K. Good has the finest and largest slock of porfumes and ier- fiune cases ever brought to Salem. Cali at 300 Commercial street aud see his line. 12 fi if ltenii'iiiber th.- Itasket social at the W. C. T. U. reading room this evening under the auspice of ihe F.iideuvoi' sisjety of the Chrl-tiau cluirch. All young people v. e!ci me. Ltniu's Dry Goods store is stead- , lly forging to the front as a 1 reliable firm, from which to , purchase anything you may need , in the line of dry goods. Their ! stock embraces a full line of silk umbrella, fur cloaks, fancy gisids, Isllk nnd kid gloves, carpels and oil cloths, luce curtains, window similes and poles, trunks and vulices. Can you send your friends iiuy- j thing that would please them mure mail a iiKeuess 01 yoursen. i-iuicr. lid is making cabinet sized photo, ut h" per dozen. There was no accident ut Putton's State street book store today. Merely the usuul crowd of purchas ers looking over his complete stock for-bargnius for the hollduys. It Is rather laughable to see the views which the Eastern people have of Oregon. Two young men just from the old Yorkstatc evident ly had heard that Oregon was a vvel place and made their calculations accordingly. They each brought u heavy "slicker" and upon their nr. lival here immediately donned their precious slickers in momentary ex pectation of the Hoods of Oregon weather of which they had heard. After several days wear they dis appointedly put aside their nil cloth coats mid concluded to wait till they got a goud excuse for wearing them. Don't be diecninagei, boys, you probably will have nut for them liefore spring, The World Karlched. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind arunlmott unlim ited, and when fivrup of Pigs was firt produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it la the only remedy which in truly pleating end refreshing to the taste and prompt mid effectual to cleanse the ytem Riintly in the Spring-time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known the more popular it be comes, '- Mrs. M. E. McCoy, nlivslcian mill mryToii, Up alulrs, over N. litirluy'n ewlnu miiohine otllce ou Commer cial street, Salem. Chronic- dlseuwH u specialty. Cure or no pay. Cou situation tree. 12-8-tf IJacobsOil bUiC3 A fi o F "'''iLiTootll3. Promptly tiOTKIj AISH.VM.!. Uil.l.A.UKTTK. O C Mi-Farliidd, A'biuiy. PS Willis It S Perkins, Geo 1! Thurston; J VSImrir, Miiurioe Wint er, H Lang, It F Prall, J M Shelly: Portland, W S Warren. G G Itanium, Mr- Miuimble. A Hlns'ow, Sheridan. II P.isner, A K Kelley, ChrN Welnshenk, J F Furgiisoii, J S Milchcll, San FnincUco. It F Chllds, Itrownsvlllf. IC K Pt-are, Woodland, fill. S Ii Culvert and w', Huubard. l-M Weliisteiu, Cincinnati. H J Perkins, Sublimity. .1 F Flyii'i. Grants Giis. FJ isfuuk, llnl-ey. FM Green, Lake View. V S Todd, Woodbiirne G II Gueiiphrie, .Minneapolis. r.MIK IIOTr.1,. J Gursitnery, suit Lake. P II Weldon, ( S Jolisou. Orenu City. M S Heingore, S F. C C Muye, Portland. G A Webb. Silverton. DC Williamson, Fred William son, Arthur WllliaitHon, Sandy. CI 1 as Shoit. .Mis E mi I per, H Sniper, Mlt-s M Durlaud, MNs J Sharp, Portland. Wlir suHVr? Willi Hi.- tti-iiirilyul Ihiml Ociilleiiicu: I liavebrcnnitrml m fferer from elatir rtif-itm.itl-iiii f-ir netJ-tn. A ixirlliin nr tlie time mulliirtt In 11') brd. Ilitve l-eii imind liy I lie Is-it iiIi.xmcImus wliliuul rvllt-f, 1 inn mm" Liiiini: the I fniirili txitileiif lllbbint's Itlicmiiiiliusyr up mill llrmlv In-llevt II will wntk 11 hthi:i lieu! cure. It ucts uimi the liver ami irxu lut nip klillivys nnil ilii:estlt- iitkhus llilinetll il?ltami 11 is none me mur k'kmi nlmiily th. 111 nil IIh'iiIIiit ineillclni". I li.i Ink. u. I clireiliil'y icCiiiiiim.'iultlilsiiKill clue. lrs. Altlia llt-rrtaijliiii, .11m,.11cIi. Mild by iiiltliJl sl'itier A sure ,ure mr l'lle. liclimi; I'lU-s are known by nioloiirv llupoiiiplratUiu,i-iiiMiK lulenne llcliliiv wlii-ii warm. Tills form iituellim lltliul llletsllni;iiad pniiruillmr. yield iiloius. in Dr. IbusinkiM. IMIe lti'iiiril. will cli urt-illr-ctlj tin tin- parts utlr-ted, iilnrb til -ui-rs, iiIUsj - Itoiihifr ut-il i-llixu 11 permaii tat car. 5,1 c-iils. ll'iiirul.t or mull, 1rvll.11 Ir-H'. Dr. Ilinko, I'ull.ulelpblii ''11 s.)lil i 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 .V MeiiiHr. REED'S OI'EllA HOUSE. Snturilay, Decpmlier 1!, 1890. RBD RIDING HOOD'S RESCUE Cantata, (llseu by Hie piipllnir Mls Lulu Smith, vHHlHtucl 13y Mll, .1. H. HOS, MR, H. G. KCNDHET, MISS KDITH FAHKAR, Ml-S MARGARET SCRIIJEH, MISS MYHA Al.HF.RT. - MKs t nla Hmllli, Ammp.inlit. MIxsMiirgurel G. scflber, Dlrclrii. A,im Mlonaicciiu.eliiiilreu Si cni ; Rei Front BLiCKOIlTUING & GENERJIL REPAIH1NG j Heparlngatoc'c lor uprlngi.nxiei, elc. All work warranted. Old cuitomers and i new ones ln Ited to cull. M. POHLE, N. . Corner State and Front S's. 10 Acres for Rent. Acliolcn tincloal.v one milofrom Balcm Te'nis liberal Apply to HOFKIt RROS., .lournttMimce. Administratrix Notice or Final Kcilit'iitiiit. NUTIUKI lioieby slveti lowlimn It may ciiicrril tluil llioillidenilioivdiidiiilii I'lrntrlx of Hie esfcile nf lltrlley Ktsjveii, deeeni.ed. lias ll'ed her fin tl m-ciiini. ux micliiidmiiiUtnitrlx Willi the cleric of the cininly court of .Marlon county, Hlnte nf Oreifun, mid that Uu". Win. VViildu, .IiiiiKeofbaid enurt linn fixed the Mb day, m January, IhW, in 10 o'clock a in n ihe tlnionf heiirlnis nhjeetlons In, nnd wti'e ment of aillilHCoiint. HA II A II ItKKVKs, Adinliilntratrlx. iMted Nov, l. 10. Il..l4tw FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS. Founded in 1877. 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And Ihe llnenl aver brer! on tlm I'uclllc Uiuint. Ilmik youi order early for.cli'iUo kcleolloiu. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON. Hull dw KoiMt drove, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Properly. Apply In W. A. Iliinilllnn, over Capital N.illiiiml IJ.oid,hnlviil. ilw Bird;, Animals, Fhli, licpllts, Skdrloo nnd all kind of iiiilmat fiends M OUNTB D To order, nt Chleiiiro price, bv J. K. Honrln, Taxiduriiiltl, IJburly ulre-l, lllililaud ad dlll'in, Hiiieni. OrrKon. HI lined lilrdii for wile,lirli Iniifeftiiil Iiicmmsi. UrduiHluken lor work al .Viixircn A (lllliuple, Hull rUIMe ortlisi, No. nil cninnierelal mrret, ll;Mrn JOHN HUGHES, DwtltT ill Grocer! w, YnhiMNlN nnd Whitlow Glww. H wv nntl Ktinlt'r. ArtM.s' Ma-(t-rinls, Unw. llnir. Nnil- mill Sliinplts, liny. Kffil mill Fi'iifi1 Posts, Grais Sffils, Kir. NEW ADVKUTI-IEMKNTS. MINTAS. A. DAVl-i. M. D . Onulimte nf Aliierlnin MiHllrnl OilIM-. nin-nt ne iimltesslonsl "r ls- to Hiihv who limy neel lliein. Mp.rlnl nil lillmi Klveu itl-ilesiif nomell unit i lillilrrn. OltlrlMip , iiuini In New lUmn I'liilillnc, ComiiK-r-i-ll lrel rpllK I mleniil t.lle A-swlHlli'ii nf S.m 1 rMuele'es'ies iaei-rimi "r ,-,hs iiibii III ever) elly unit town. M-i .mis iirvfi-n-il.l LUstmI njuien- tlim New mid novel plmi. Il old unit reliable lisiiiniititi. tor iuiriseulr mlilress In- ll-rillll l.lf" AlH"llltllHI, Nl l'lt 'I. ISllll ' Kruiielieo. till. J. I.. MI1CI1KI.I.. (U:o. IIIIKYK. liriTHELIi & IIOKVE. fo'iicral CoIWiik, Brokers AND ACCOFNTANTS 1hsiI mid londiti eollivilnrn alleniliHt to pnnuplty. lUllnkiil tieki-l" i"ld I" nil parts "I tin- world. Ili kkeeplni: l"r lissil guiles ii -eliiliv. AilverllshiB pliin'd bi at isirliiflbel ult'MMMli' ill lli immt niiMiii-.iblo lilies. C'lmmen'lnl pan'rs lisilted nfier pnnuptli'. , . sai IViiiliierehil street, up slnlrs. iiiin, Orexua. m) Tin? W l.lHlirsT AN - Host Complete Slock! -OF- DIAMONDS Loose ane Mounted i:ver brought to this ell, to Ih miIU ut prices tti.il DEFY COMPETITION. A complete lino nf (Inld nnil M!ler WATCHES SILVEilWAKK .TEWEL11Y CLOCKS. S. W. Tliompii & Co. 221 Commercial St., Saleiii. MARION TOWNSEND iHtrcijEtfioit to ja r, smith ) I'ROl'RIETOR OF "THE CLU11 SUABLES." hprbJ ttinllnn jiircn to lnitun( atsxk. I re fArirf1 Jt th !. ik r ninnth it lu mv AMramvKTi.Ki;!s- Ti! p:ionr, .Vi. 25. hALKM, OH. Cattle ! A jffjo.1 l-i;ir.i out ft t to aJc, Arc yok cmXVm two h 4IC0II. iti, Atidrr or caII or J . ( , Itar uicc, Sla ,'vrra. Urlai 25c Want Column. N-tlce- Inserted fur (INK CKNT l'Ktl VVimi) KAUI1 lNMinino.N. .So mlvcr tlneiiit'iil lurried In litis mill in n fur leu loan iweuty-tlse centn. A ONKnniitlut; line cisikIiir or cuke fV mulcinx dime won d dn well In re ilm. .1. It. llidriik, on the liilr Kminid rimd, fnur blnck nnrtli ol Nnrth siilem wlusil Ifine. Mlie N reared In do all kludsofllne iisi-'inx. lJU-t Iillt rt.VliK. Abnut Hire.- iicrim of Innd l1 on Asylum Avcauv. insid dwelling iniii.e, cnuveuleiitlv airanieil: lurije burn, ii-icit ioleiy nf fruit trees unit Hhrilli. iwryiciiiiieineiii tu l.leetrk- nillmiy. never lillniS v.iiler uu preiul.es. Fur inrtlcu Inn-1 iiij ill ro lit timil hou.ann rlcl't tiiiuil ililoul Asylum Aiiiiiennliic liomclty. 12:1 If. FOIt ItKNT. I'lirnMied front room down Unlra. Nnrllirasl comer Coin merclsl iilreci Kniillre of C II, llrmvil with It. M, iluilct Lu. I'iM lw WAMTKU-Aiilrl lii .In Beneriil hnuif worn In n hiihiII l.imliy. Apply a aoi'tiemckeijiiitrcet Uriilw WAfiTKO Totmilnu Inwn lot In Oinl till I'urli Adilltlnii fur liimlier. A Ullii.er, 12. .MllUlreol. tlrMf IIMlflAI.B.. :.-- "i' ..,, uu nit ri.t--. TlinlA .1, Iwa.i. .... i. ni.il ..,,..,.,.. .. .4 nn,l lA.it. t ..I l.....i. ,1 K' "II" lllll, .IlillllW, Wl en uiu iciiiii ur ir,iuu Mr hiiiuiii piup-iriy nr wll rent them m rea.nn ihle terms fn Ihewluier. Apply to W. V. Jnhmilon m '.lOnirlstrcci.iir lluirinua's aluljle. ens nf WllliinietieliDlcl. ' tl irANrntl-llyiiKfsKt Jnpnne.e boy. h YV liliiwi to wnrli fnr Imiril wlillanlleti dliiK.chiMil, Kiiiillriinf N, il. .rtpri li.,,..,..l ..,1'nn - .IniiruiilolUco WANTKD-AN ALtlVK llo:iK.sr.UN srtMifytUOiaoiillilyir Mill iblc, will npunrtunltles for uitvauca, to repie.ou liKvilly a ri-Hiion.llilo ew York hou.i i'-&rZn'ir, ilAMUr-AirtllllKll, Uxk ll.l ISM, N. . , AHMtUAlM. A limine mill twnloM r,n mile la Huiiili Miilem aloali tsin In iiilrjnf iV. II. MliapMiii, ' iifl.f Ow.?BJ.K5r!,r...j.7 tt-I.. .--.; . i ,,lr,, 'hi nriii wf v-- 4V I my pluco in Huicin. .1 i. I'AIUllHIl, 11. HI r.MIKItK.VT-I'lvoiilcclyfurulOiedriKH,,, I' cliM()I(ilnnllii-vp.irl nf elly, by ."' day. we.ik or iimulli. Corner Cenlur 1111,1 tiimtntretit IWo'if Fill ItKNT -mvd iilwly furnutioil room. Apply at SWt'oia'I.Hi. i-ia.tf pATItONI,K limn., Indmiry, and lue 1 lluuiualn linlm Coiwli Cure, uiiiir. united to alio icllel nr innney refiiniled MiiHilfuctuieil 11 II.II.Uriw.Nilei In L' .on. Klillth i. Hlelaw iol.'Ze ill mr ilem. ltinJ M.T. RINEMAN Staple anil Fancy Croeerics, Cioekury (lli-Hnra, I. urilM Wi n..i "... ."-hjmi" "iwii iruiut 111 lliflr M-uiufin "",,I?,J. "f" i lr omniiy pr-S-S"" WaMilleilu.lmrntir , .. 1 .-.'. ucv- nj. ' "' ". !"--"lllltV innimtir At the 1 White Corner. Latest Arrivals TOILKT CASKS INFANT SKTS GLOVES mid HANDKERCHIEF ROXES SHAVING CASES MANICURE CASES JEWEL HONES WO UK HONES TAH1.E COVERS TAHl.E SCARFS rlrtt Natl'innl. Miilik c&rfMJmtA A. T. ARnerrmwo, Monaser; W. I. Btaikv, JMndpit. BuRlness, Short'-and, Typowrltln, Penmanship and Encllth Departait. jMy and Eralng Hewlont. Nudenlt dmllted any Haw. C-UOogueoa p8caU. BLANKETS! BLANKETS T. HOLVERSON'S. Sale coituiieiiciiig Suturduy, Dec. 6th, and continu ing one week. IIouHukuupors Kliottld ttiko stdvuntngo oi this Bale to puivlinso blankets tit iistonirihingly low prices. Aiiioiig the lot arv 20 pairs MaryBvillc, Cal. Blank ets None sup iior Come early, while the aa-urtme&t is good. T. HOLVBRSON THE OREGON NURSERY CO. Is Offering a Large, Well Grow Stock tf FRUIT: SHADEORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Fruit. KVElttUlEENS, TINES, BHBUBS, K0BE8, ETC At Low Prices. -ate Keeping Winter CatnloKiie (antl Frlce-Linti free. mwm Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest. 02STE AND THHEE-FOUIITHS MILLIONS. o 100,000 I'runo TrccH. a.OOO Emohuh Snlt-onberg. 3-,000 Ro.val Ann Cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford I't-unli. 10,000 .MiHirimrk anil Ro.vul Apricot. OF ALL OTHER FltEE FH0M -0- CATALOGUE FREE. ADDRESS: J H. SETTLEMIER, To Fruit Men! Buy your Prune trees diroct from the reliable grott- w. 1 hose crown in tho Wuldo Hilk Nuwery are tnci y finit class and true to name. Four to eight foot high and bettor than wot clay land trees forced by fertilizers in worn out uuraorv nmutwl. V.xtra. foiiiiH tJ-n in dM ging to prorioryo tho roots as nearly iutact an poHible. Ordoi-u for largo lots solicited, drown, and for sale l)' R, n ALLEN, Sllyerton, Oregon. Dr the Holidays. RAnYHUGGY ROBES IIAHY IU.ANKETS tTMUKKMMR SILK HANDKERCHIEFS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. SILKMITFKLERS TAHLE LINEN NAPKINS FURS ETC. Bnllillur, IVnlcm, Orrnm. BLANKETS! -OF- -AT- Apples a Sped Ariilro or call on WIRTBIWIR, O ill no 1l Coiiiumrclul xtnMt, Hniein. uaiuui n.....,..t-i.ilu A in tit. .5,000 Yellow Niiwtowu PIP 10,000 Ron DuvriApilu. u VARIETLCS FESIV. of nm INSECT Woodburn, Oregon. BLANK8TS! If" IRSER lS'j