' -MM EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. . VOL. 8'. "THE PEOPLES' PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890. IT-'."" K J9M - jL- &M "TO-DAY'S NEAVS TO-DA Y,N , J' , ,N G. 211 f) M -... ' ' ' - ' '' ' "ML Books for the Holidays ! CHATTERBOX for 1800. NEW BROWNIES BOOKS, ISM). 'AG ZAG'S in Northwest. . LITTLE ONES BLUE JACKETS of G1." BLUE JACKETS of -." TRAVELS in MEXICO. FEATII RRS, FURS and FINS. OLIVER OPTICS ANNUAL, 1890. ANNUAL for 1800. BLUE JACKETS of 1812. CHATTERBOX, 1880 85c. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. AN-B A LARGE LINE OF JUVENILE BOOKS -iV?V For 10c to $1.00. a Remember the Place. Cy Ms -JZSVAAJIAJI ; I 11 " 'L f A. TV T v-v r-. 'lVe ,0 'M'st nssort- i xr 1 A JN O S . ",c,,t "!' hi cln Tfes in i ., x, ' tlie state and sell nt East-1 cm prices,' for cash or on installment See the celebrated! Colby Piano. i -: - -. -r- 'Q Chicago, '"'or two wvki only, tin following low prices will be our watchword I 1 Hrl TA FV Cottatreuiid Need-1 IS.me are lower. Kew our equal --- -- - . -- . i Sti in the Lead! PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPTBUNDAY, ' ;Br TUB Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated,) Office, Commercial Htreet.ln P.O. Uulldlng Kntered at the postuMce at Mnlem,Ur.,HS second-claH matter. 8at,em needs a more stringent en forccment of sanitary regulations. The Journal has not nnd will not knowingly print a lottery advertisement. The only ride some of us will get thro' the skies will be on the coming air-ship. Theke Ir hut one Pacific coast and the tendency of the whole world Is toward It. Solid Walnut Cases for $75.00. ' ham Piano Organ VIOLINS. Guitars, Banjoes and B.md instruments, of Musical .Novelties Fine line We have the only complete stock of SHEET MUSIC In the city All the latest music direct from the' pub lishers'. Got the latest. EASTON'S MUSIC STORE, 360 Commercial St. Eldredge Block, All kinds of spool cotton, Clark's, Coat', or Kerns', 2 cents each. All cnloiH button hole twist, black excepted, 3 for 5 cents. Good Indies' wool hose, 125 cents. Hand made wool locks, 40 ceuts a pair. A fine line of overcoats, worth S10, for $7.50. We have the largest stock or men's boots in the capital city which we will sell cheaper than ever. REMEMBER THIS IS FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY f HOME, SWEET HOME! If you can get a good article manufactured at homo you should Jglve it the preference. We keep a full line of the rellabld Watch our advertisements and you can make goods of the money by buying your Seals are caught successfully on the main streets of "ome of the ad ditions to Astoria when the tide is In. A cup of boiling wpter, and pa rental isnontnee, or carelessness de stroyed a child' life at Astoria. Judge represents Quay ns the monkey sitting upon the republican elephant's head. It is time for him to come off. Capitol Adventure Co., Opera House Block, on Electric Railway. ChristmaS i Ore Stove gon Including the Dexter, Eureka and Sultana. . Ttie Best for trie Money. We also keep Eastern Stoves, and among them the "Banner" line. Give us a cull nnd save money. Steiner & Blosser, ON BTATH STREET. M I SEASONABLE GOODS rfi WE INVITE ATTEN1ION TO OUE STOCK OF OXIDIZED SILVER, andPJJISH GOODS, MANlCUBE SETS, ODOR CASES, LEATHER GOODS, ROCKING HORSES, BUILDING BLOCKS EXPRESS WAGONS. (A New and Endless variety of) Dolls, Toys and Notions, Games, Tea sets, Japanese goods, Rubber animals. BROOKS & HARRITT, 94 State St. Mi WL THEGROCERS Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. JAS. AITKEN, Groceries and Produce, , The Best Cauued Goods.- Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. v ... pi .1 n,i TTuriinl. Every " vui rinwviMa v ....-... --., represented; If you would l well aervca truiiic TU Orungo Btar, Salem, article guaranteed a 326 State Street, Oregon. Sasli WILL SOON BE HERE, And it seems, Santa Claus, has already made his head quarters at W. M. SARGENTS. 2 TO Commercial Street. He has the finest line of pretty Dolls and Toys ever brought to Salem. Also novelties of every kind, Novely Albums and Autograph Albums, Fancy Perfumeries, Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Mouldings aud Games of every description, besides his 5 10 15 20 and 25 cent counters, and a line lino of fancy Whist Broom Holders, Building Blocks, Mirrors, Toilet Cases, Stationery. Win dow Shades and poles -f every description and many other things too numerous to mention. jjarrCall and see early; while you can have your choice. Hon. John G. Carlisle, of Ken tucky, solves the problem of thi recent election In the Dee. N. A. Review. It is as Interesting as the dictum of a partisan can be. It would Interfere with the husl ness of the Portland railroad ma nipulators somewhat in miiklnc rates but the Willamette river should be kept open for navigation tlie year around. Tim JOURNAL AND THE VICTIMS. Tho course of the .Touknai, lias been one that was dictated by com mon Justice towards tho victims of a misfortune brought upon theiti by no carelessness of their own, Our sympathies have been entirely with them and wu have no apologies to make for our course. A powerful corporation like the Southern l'n clllo deerves little sympathy In u case where all tho fuels are agtilnM the management, as thpy cer tainly were In this case. Wu blume no one in I ho employ of the com pany doing nil in their power to secure easy settlements with the In jured . by all fair aud honorable means. That Is their duty. Wc be lieve also that the company has dono nearly everything In Its power to alleviate sulleriug and secure pnper care for the sick. Of course, a public corporation that is forced to rely on so many Individuals to act for it iu such times of emergen cy cannot always be consistently and conscientiously well served. There wilt be those who act dis honestly and oppress In the interests of the company. Therefore the peo ple are entitled to a newspaper's first protection. According to Edward Atkinson 'there are two things needed in thee days: First, for rich men to find out how poor men live, and second for poor men to know how rich men work." Ex. Joseph Clark The Court St. Grocer, han concluded to do a CASH BUSINESS And will sell Groceries, Crockery, Glass ware, Mill and Farm Produce at the lowest feed CASH PRICE. Please give us a trial. Goods delivered to any part of the town free of charge. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Sash, Doors, Minds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to order. New IIRV KILN, by lileb we ran always keep a full supply of seasoned (.toel: of nil kinds. Afc-iiculluial Woiks, Horner ol Trade unci JlltU streets, hulem, Oregon. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 215 Commercial St., - ' stem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein'.) Specialty of Spectacles, nnd repairing Clocks. Watches aud Jewelry. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goods nt our store! We carry a full line of groceries, feed, crockery, kIushwui-p, ci gar, tobukco una confectionery. T. BUUHOW8, No. 226Coiuineilul8t., Salem h W lllllIUl Salem Express Company. WAGONS NO. 15 & 70. Leave order at L. S. Winters store. MISS STELLA AMES B. S. Teacher of Delsarle System ol Kxpren sloo aud UAKMONIC -:- GYMNASTICS. Salem, Oregon. Terms In Advance, Thoxo leglstorlug wllu UnUersity class arc given Uie same rate Twins for spec ial classes made known on application to MUiAiutsut UieUnUerslty. .find Door Factory, r,An stMAt. Ku em. urstoii. 'Tim li.f ... . r-L- in nur line at pritios to o iiipeto i wittiWlowwitV Only tho best material used, E. O. CROSS, Butcher and Packer, Hlate Ht.an Court t-t-Tne new memn I delivered to all Prw of tb olty. DRAIN TILING. The undersigned are prepared to furnish the best quality of tiling for under drain ing at lowest prices. ilUBPHVdUKSIAUT, Nenr I'alr Orouns, Salem, Oregon. S. ERNST, Upholsterer, All work, either new or repairing, done In tie best workmunllke shape. HVop south ol post office. HELLENBRAND'S Ealiiig Parlors k Candy tlanufactory, SOS Commsiolul Street. BLJiOKKAICK: Ica Cream I0n , 15c. and 85 cents Coffee. 1 en or Chocolutound Cake..l0 cent. Mush aud Milk ..lOwnts i'lato of Soup..... ...... .....JO cents 1 li.i i:ukw. ihtleo or Tea........ .-lo cents llf cf.loik and Kggs . .... oents Itirk chop aud Kijgs ...........Jo cent Mutton Choi) una begs. VrulM-u and Egus..... There Is certainly nothing mod est in Pupt. Porter's eulosry of his own census-rakine. Iu concludiue his article in the North American he says: "The eleventh census will stand unequalled by any similar publication of any government in the world." "POOR TOM" AND OTHERS. "Poor Tom McNury is a wreck and the whisky habit is responsible, etc." Bo say all the Salopi local columns. Hut why advertise ''Poor Tom?" Others deserve to he adver tised fully as much as he. The mau who makes him drum? and the well-to-do, or a citizen who stauds a little higher, socially, than "Poor Tom" docs, will not be mentioned In the papers. But a poor working man, who has no influence and no friends, catches It all around whenever he lapses or really commits uo graver offence than those other offenders who go unscathed. TVRKCK i3 THIS GENTLEMAN J 1 i - fWt fli Salem must have a narrow-nil nd- d postmaster, one who doscn't keep posted, If he consider a mere eift enterprise by merchants as lotteries, for it was only receritly decided that they did not come under the head. Albany Democrat. Doi's the Democrat consider com pliance with tbe laws "narrow minded" on tho part of a public official? Thk Athnea Press has chanced to a semi-weekly and offers to still further enlarge If the city will build wntpr-works. With true newspaper wit it offers to lead the community Ingrowth. Wo aro pleased to note its enterprise in discarding the pat ent Inside advertising thus controll ing Its own columns and not aiding a monopoly that is n detriment to patent papers aud a curse to nll-at-liome printed ones. The city la at all times overrun with "fake" advertisers men who have souvenirs, charts and all sorts of devices for getting money out of tho unwary. Business men who advertise Intelligently never throw away any dollars on these schemes. The publlo who want to consult nd vprtlsctiiPiits look at their favorite newspapers. Tho columns of these journals affoid the only valuable medium for business notices, Seat tle Telegraph. Here Is a life so full of earnest ness and purpose as to even employ (he fashions to benefit munklnd: The German empress wears jaekets and dresses with a liberal display of braid, not only because of their beauty, but she hopes, by popu'arlz ing tho fashion, to compel manu facturers to give employment to large numbers of expert needlewo men who are now uuemployid, or working for low WJges at less Intri cate work. Ugg.............J rcui -.... cents KuiiMige and Etf-s... ...... ...... . cenU Ham nnd l''xgs.. r............-o nt Kre h Oysters any style.............? cents 25 Cnt Rfgulir D'nnsr Served From II to 3 O'Cktcf A nlr variety of vegetables, etc., etc. Also ten, cotteo or milk with all 2 oenl meals vritltuul Mint charae. ., I'huloe Cigars, Imported ad Doinesttc, alwajs ou uund, Porter House 8Ualt and Kgiir...W cents Tender Uln m aud s,,r,Woal HKM TIIBPHIHONEU'SLIURABT, Kyery states prlsou In America has a library except Oregon, Tbe Journal move to get tho prisoners some wholesome reading matter Is meeting with some success. Already several hundred volumesare secured, Oihers may not have seen nur no i Ices of the mutter, so we take the liberty to urge this again editorially, By a llttlo general effort the library can be easily Increased to 600 or a thousand volumes. One of our book sellers has generously olfered a liber al addition, A Portland book Arm also oilers to contrlbutq to this Christmas present for the prisoners. WeHppeul to all who have old books or magazines do longer of Immediate use or value to their family to aid this work with a contribution of such volumes as they see fit. Some money could be well employed aud $ welcome. AHOUT CITY FINANCES. People generally Interest them selves In city nuances when It is too late to mend matters complained of. The communication of creditor No. 2 Is printed today. There is oemaud for uu Improved order of things and we believe it will be secured. In the mean time let tbe public have all the light possible. The people want the facts. The city election is over. but let there be a full statement and discussion of the situation that the Incoming administration may act advisedly. THE WAY OF THK WORLD. A newspaper must do Its duty without hope of reward or apprecia tion. Bo lar not one of the victims of theLablsh wreck has even thanked the only newspaper In Oregon that has taken the side of the people In this cast1, tho' we have no doubt some of them have felt grateful at times. 9o goes the world aud It Is the way of humanity. They are thankfnl to get off with their lives und eland not upon any order or cciemony in taking their departure. Tbe Managemeut of Children. Harper's Bazar: If you would see a woman or child graceful, beautiful, aud charming, you must Hud one that Is loved. Tbe child that dreads to be corrected or criticised for every word or movement never has a mauuer of elegauc6 or an express ion ol charm. Fill your child's soul with an ideal of good manners, of benevolence, and beauty; teach it abstractly to dlsliko vulgarity, self ishness, rudouens, and to feel that you love and admire it, and expect of It charming manners, and the work is accomplished. It Is Impossible for a slave to have any style. If you would have your chllil 'dignified, you must 'treat it wlthdlguliy. It Is wrong to correct u child in public. Any proud child feels de graded by It. It should bo a case of dire necessity when you flad fault with a child before strangers, aud to destroy a olilld's pride Is to do him an irreparable Injury. Take advantage of some Intimate hour when parent and child are alone together, and then let the parent tenderly explain how tbe child has behaved ill tbe day before or that moru'ni.', an I why the child's con duct was wrong, and how it should have behave 1, aud show the child that the patent respects It und loves it, and helievcB iu lis capacity to do all good things, Tuh will have ten times tbe effect of punlabmeut, when the child is in a state of ex citement and the parent usually angry, Out In the habit of explaining the reason of things to your child, Let there be as little confusion In Its mind as possible. Above all, ke-p the factof your love uppermost iu tbe child's mind, and let It under stand that you have no wish to domineer over It, only that being older aud wiser, and, loving tbe child so much, you would save It from its Inexperience, that this Is your duty, that you are teaching it to be Its own master, If your child Is cross, do not pun lalt him, but distract his mind from ibe subject that annoys Mm. Jf lie contluues to be cross, suspect hie stomach, aud assure yourself that this in in perfect order) a troubled digestion ( tb,e foot of bad temper. Will be in great demand for a lew days now. Every Father will buttonhole him and speak a few words of kind advice bearing on his dear children. Every Mother will consult him during office hours with heart running over with lo.ve. Every Sweetheart, with eyes downcast, will ask him what will be suitable for her "Johnnie," and Every Child will endeavor to make friends of this bringer of joy and happiness. HE ZS A BIG MAN. Just now he is a bigger man than Czar Reed or Major .McKinley Bill, and recognizing the unusual de mand there will be for his services we have retained him and he will be found constantly from now until Dec. 24, at midnight. He has our holiday stock directly in charge and will be glad to serve you all. J. G. WmlGHT, if 227 and 229 Com'l St. Toys, Novelties, Fancy Goods, Etc. ii 1 MAMMOTH STOCK! Goto GEO. T SMITH! r n For Holiday U. IV- . J - sua V . ,1 j Don't Fail to see the Prize ia His Show Wwi- .1 " 5 ' , .1 r - 4 Q ' .i "I 107 Commercial!! JM M J vi m 'J i k -..,