Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 04, 1890, Image 3

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1 .
Associated l'rcA. Kciort and
Digests of all Important
Xcws of To-Day.
grSSMISK KO.'l TtIK nam:m KKOIiinM
SaK rnA.vc'ico, Dee? Tli?!
Government Signal Hervloo predicts i
local ruin for-Oellfiuiiln, turning to
tliii niitillituliiu I iu.nl
nil nival predk-ted for hjutw n,
WiuhloRton and all parts of Oregon
!" nortliwCTlcrn portion.
ISllITKNtlKNCK, Dec. 4. Last I
evening it 7-W, tle home of H-c.v.
K. C. lVntlaiid, secretary ol the Or-
egou Pre Ahs'u., was blessed with
u tcu pound boy. At a large meet
ing of tho Board of Trade a resolu-
lluti of congratulations was extended
upon the new arrival aud the Infant
was publicly christened Harvey
cutt Peutluiid, which name Iihh
it-en adopted. ,
Washington, I). C, Dec 4. Dr.
Jedi'dluh H. Baxter, surgeon gen
eral of the army, who wan trickeu
with puralyMU Mouday, died this
morning. He never regained eon
soiousucss after the attack.
London, Dec. 4. A dispatch from
Paris says that M. Beybold, minister
of foreign affairs, said, regarding
the Newfoundland questien: "Ah
to the nation ot Newfoundlanders
auuexiug themselves to the United
States, there is no lcar of that. They
would have the whole BrltUh fleet
to deal with.
A report from the British consul
nenernl in Uruguay, warns British
emigrants aguiust settling In that
country, whether they are laborers,
agriculturists or artisans, at they
cannot comete with ItnllaiiB and
Basques aud endure the miserable
K. T. Held, M. P., declared him
self yesterday in favor of home rule
for Scotland. He said that the
United kingdom ptood unique iu
endeavoring to legislate through
one parlimeut for four countries.
It transpires that Italy paid King
Meuelak 1,000,(HK) francs to remain
neutral while Italy was lighting
King John, of Abyssinia.
Dix'isiVK iksui: at hand. upward curve, while in the euunier-
LondoN, Dec. 4. At a caucus this Mx tul curve ig Verted and lacks
moruing or the opponents of Par-1 tl)e f,M.join 0f sweep Intheorig
nell a resolution was adopted not to ( jui Tlie trt.uiury numbers appear
accept the Clancy compromUe l(, lHi Urj;vr uuil heavier in the orlg
which will be otlered at today's, lnal .uare, besides, considerably or
meeting, but force the matters to a wIoft A wrreSpouding diflereuce
decisive issue fortnwith. t.au t(e observed In the bank designa
Ij jndon, Dec. 4. '"ommcntlngon
the passage of the copyright bill by
the Unlud Slates House of Kepre-
i-entallves, the Evening
Loudon '
evs coiiKratulates America on
l.u.l.,.. luL-.... u ,nil f.,r.. ui.l nt..n
in luteruatloual honestv and Justice. I
Tnvruw m i Ti.,t ominpiit i
iormer political leader, the Hon. Sir
Barnes Peacock Is dead, aged 80.
Bkklik, Dee. 4.-He!nrleh Berg-
I..... ' i . a. i,, 7a
dead. He was boru Ij 17U7.
London, Dec. 4. Lord Tlimuns
Francis Freemantle Cottesloe Is
dead. Lord Cottesloe was twice
secretary of tb treasury; a! bo sec
retary of war, aud chief secretary oi
Ireland. He waa ulnety-two years
a cakuo HUBNINO ik dock.
Havke, Dec. 4. The Freuch
steamer Paris from New Orleans,
with her cargo on fire was docked
Monday. A hole was cut lu her
deck to allow flooding of the alter
hold. Twenty partly burned bales
of cotton were landed when It was
louiitl necessary to again qlose thelopporatlous
London, Dec. 4. K-prt lrouil
Cork last ulglii that the municipal
auiborlties had adopted a resolution
agalust i'arnell was erroneous. On
tbe cintrary, the resolution" was in
support of Prtrnell. The National
lU met at uoou to further consider
the question of Paruell'rf leadership.
BioJaneuio, Dec. A. Tlieclly Is
agitated by troops patrolling the
(treeU for the purpose of preervliig
London, Eng., D.-c., 4. The
forerumeut to-day Introduced In
tbe house of commons a supplemen
tary etlmate of JC6000 for the pur-
POMofenquiriuu; Into the situation
tbe WMtern nart of Irelaud,
'Wng from the Ja'luwof the pita-
"Mcrop, and making uepratious
' relieving tbe dlstrej-. '
A Ottmt I4r MeUlclue.
VT.OuilllV l...nH.Uu !.. IHIli. .Hi .
SI?u,2f"lo'. beartuchr, btlllous ruin-
"JPl'iiivw.o. j .t put lo-uro porftctl
iktli,i,,rl,'ullwl,,w,suu ih.i'"'
Clft.ua luviiMtnitoiiDd ktrauaiaca )
T7Sf"wum br ihr fmlo ctloo. loia.
iianoaliywaHf tHetnf.
Flooding the Pacific Coast With
Worthless Money.
A Largo Amount of Counter
frit Money in Clrculnlloii
in tlio Wot.
Turoni.i 01ilr: A ilangertntignng
t j.
,,,. ,, dur U)(J
a ,nrBC nmnullt ,)f mi,lrfVit ni(iev
lms ,K.e , , , ,.,.,,, ,'
, Pucluc const is UltiR tlixxieil with
halt for tho unscrupulous to Jump
at and nld In (ho circulation of the
counterfeits. No lollor gang of
reckless- and daring scoundrels was
cvcrorganl7ed. Their headquarters
are supjiosed to lie located In some
one of the Middle western states,
and they bavo agents at work in
nearly every state in tho Union.
At intervals during the past sum
mer several pcrsous In California,
Oregon and Washington received
letters from persons in tho East of
fering for sale counterfeit money at
one-fourth value. The money was
declared to bo "good," tho word be
ing placed In brackets and under
lined, and "absolutely perfect."
The letters sent out stated that
only grofiibacks.or as they arc term
ed In Mich transactions "green
goods" were for sale. A few vic
tims were found but the United
btates secret service officers bad
been aware of the existence of the
gang aud it was found to be an ex
ceedingly dangerous task to try to
circulate the bills. The secret ser
vice oftlcers who were engaged lu
running down the counterfeiters
were overzealous and in consequence
the men succeeded in evading arrest
and throwing the efflcera oil' their
tracks. They became less Ixild In
their operations aud tor sometime
nothing was heard of them. Now
it appears that they have completed
a plan to deluge the West with bad
money. The operations of the gane
are conducted by one of their uum
ber who is located in Miuuesota or
Michigan, but New York City is
made their stamping grouud. These
men are believed the origiuators of
one of the most daugerous counter
feits discovered iu receut years.
This is a $10 note, purport
ing to have been issued by the
Germauia National bank of New
Orleaus, which Is so nearly perfect
as to deceive any person except
exports, Iu general appeuruuee aud
iu length and width the counterfeit
closely resembles the ordinary fit)
note. In "the geuuluu notes the
word "and," printed iu small capital
letters at the end of the third
(line from the top on the
back of tlie bil describes a graceful
tion "1501 series 18S2'' and the
''number "44." There are no silk
threads lunuiug thiotigh the tex
ture of the paper oti which tho couu-
lerneii is priuieu ami uu huciiijub
' imticHr In linwl.ee j iiuneto imitate
..rl ..-
IUU1 HUlUlt.
About two weeks iiko h number of
$.j hills w lilcb liau oten laiseii lo cu ,
made their uppeur.uice
II Portland.
The llgures 5 and toe sume number
spelled out had Uvu cleve. ly erased
""' ",1 HiemicH una XX
nud the word twenty substituted.
The XX work was well executed,
but the spelliug of the amount was
not so well doue. A casual exam I-
i uatiou of the bills would be sufficient
to discern the trick. Secret
service otllceri. of Bali Francis-
Informed of,
ie j UOCHMUd N. II. Harris, .
oue of the special agents ot the gov-j
enimeut lu that city, was sent to
Portland to Invctlgate the matter,
He learned that all the bids had
been "shoved" In oue night by a
handsome young woman of about
24 years of age, a man of about 20 (
years and a gray-haired fellow who
ws about CO.
principally among
Chinamen, who they found easy
victims, generally, owing to the ruct
that celestials are, us a rule, uufa-
'mlllai with the engravings of the
i i.i..i,j ..r iiiu in rftiiiiii iiiii. i
agenlsbusy n-tidlng out clruulars,
rvhih I he r..i low lugi '.' "
whs received by
well known
furious ujsin
. ..iitlemau, wlio wan
....u.K-tl'ir it!
V. h h.iv beOll re-'
, ,,. nm us u truslwollhy KTSoll
mill one W II" van - - '
therefore J would i puavi ' "I
.anna wth you in
'iwi - .
Various Kiuuo m i.iu mi v..v aoOUl JIWU lueil. J no iohh Mnsa
The trio disapjieared after working, uave but recently been put in pro
the city to their satisfaction. De-jjucng sMp.t and even yet thidr
ttctlve Harris pursued his Investlga- (.ombiued output Is limited to 60)
tlonn dllllgenlly audfouudlt nccet-jtol)s M.r ,iay,wlille the output of the
wiry to visit this city. Underlined Umer group approximated 2000
to make any stateineut In regard to totJU A tuu capacity of the Ana
the matter further thau has been condtt workg lg 0500 tous per day, it
slttted. lie iutliiiated that few u ouvioug that tho supply or ore
bills hud resumed this city. must come from the other source or
Iu addition to these bills Ihere Is they too, must suspend. Thecom
u counterfeit $5 gold piece being pany's action has created cousldera
gradually placed in tin illation. It ble coristernatlon at Butte, and any
has made its iipiM-arance In this city number of rumorare afloat coucern
and In several other parts of the ing Its cause,
state. The) coins are light, and TIik ohkatbjt BTKIKK.
dated IMS, They are not good j,IBMIKOllAII AU4., jjec. 4.-Tlie
gpechiieiisofeouiilirfilllng.HUdeaii ttuatou ainouic tbe miners In this
be i-aslly deticlcd. While "1",vl"!sta(e Is unchanged. 8000 are ou a
die .nicer" the gnj! k',,l' ''"' rll-e. A few have rcturueil to
Rard to the business which I pro
pose, andtr jou will be guided by
niyadvlco and experience there Is
ihi i rea-on why you should not make
a sure mid sate fortune. There Is
absolutely no risk, as the article Is
(good) money and Is perfect, as thu
enclosed newspaper clipping will
prove. The sizes are Is, 2, fs and
10s. My terms aro 2000 cost $iV),
8000 cost $300, 4000 cost f 400, 6000
cost JsSOO, 10,00(1 cost $1000, 20,000
?2O00, and so on lu tho samu ratio.
Two thousand in the goods costing
Si.O Is the loust nmoiint I will soil
under any circumstances uud If you
will take lO.tXK), eosting $1000, or
IW.000, costing $2000, I will give
you the right or jour state nd no
oue else can get the goculs lu your
state. Furthermore, I do not glvo
yon the goods at these llgures after
the tlrst deal. I only give them
now us an extra inducement and to
give you a start. After the first deal
1 charge at the rate of 60 cents on
the dollar. Now, my friend, if you
wish to enter this speculation It w ill
be absolutely necessary for you to
come here and see me personally, as
I will only deal face, to lace with
my customers, which Is tho safest
and most satisfactory way
for both, as by your coming here
you will see what you are buying
aud I see who I am dealing with
and both feel better satisfied. I
know It Is quite a journey for you to
come here, but look at the advan
tages; and again thiiiK of the large
profits to be made aud no risks and
as far as expense is concerned I
always make a liberal allowance iu
the goods to cover expenses. Make
up your mind to come here. You
will find me a square, white man in
all my dealings aud will never have
cause to regret a vi it to me. I will
meet yon iu New Y'ork city any
time you may appoint, which I
trust wilt be soon; and 1 will show
you my entire stock from which you
can make your own selections.
Then If my goods are not all I claim
them to lie I will pay your fare to
and from your home. Now what
fairer can you asR? Iu God's name
do not betray me or mention to n
living soul what passes between us,
as I have never done you any barm
and never shall, but will prove a true
and lasting frieud to you. Makeup
your mind to come here and in my
next letter I will name a hotel for
you to stop at, how you will know
me and full Instructions. Be sure
and send me your name aud post
ofllce address as I might lose the
one I now have. Burn all letters
and newspaper clippings I send to
you and I will do the same with all
your letters. Trusting you will
answer at once, I remain, yours in
confidence. Answer as per slip."
Enclosed was n slip upon which was
type written:
"James Daley,
Anlrinl Co",
This address good for SO days on
ly." The "newspaper clipping'' which
is referred to lu the leiter contains
an article giving au elaborate des
cription of the -rrest of a man charg
ed with having $100,000 in counter
feit money iu ills possession. He
was tried aud dismissed hi cause, the
clipping sajs, it could not be proved
that the money was really the work
acouuterfilter. The clipping says
that the money was made from a
plate which was stolen from the gov
ernment printing bureau. The arti
cle is written in a manner calculated
to arouse the cupidity of the evil iu-
cliued, Neidless to say there is no
truth whatever in Hie article, which
is ,,, u CPK from a newspaper,
I..,. pioupU. nrpnured linllutluil.
San Fkancisoo, Cul., Dec. 4.
The United Stales ship Chvilcstuii,
with King Kalukaua of the Island
of Hawaii on boald, entered the
harbor at eleven o'clock this morn
Helena, Dee. 4. The sudden
and unexplalued shutdown of the
Chambers syndicate mines at Butte,
the Ainicoilda company's principal
producer, is the most startling receut
evt.nt n connection with the mlulng
illdubtrv u thU state. Thegroupe
coluprg, the Mountain Consolidate
e(ji Green Mountalu, High tiro and
Wuke Lr jju, Ulnm which hive
guJe)' t,e company's great works
wMi ore siacil )ul)t year's fire in the
AllHm,11j11 & a. Lawrence, aud
WHicn lim. given employment to
. . .mi ri.i.n iniinn ..iiii.mi
w)(i jt.atlous pslnt to aa early
Ai.uanv, IH-c. 4. Governor Hill
declared himself not to be a candl-J
date for United Bttea Senator. H'
will not try for n third term for gov.
ernor, but will tight for the prcl
dedtlal iiotiiluatloii In '02.
Ctiicuno, Ii.t.i., Dee. 4. The
Western Passenger Association have
decided to advance tho rate from
Chicago to tho Pacltlo coast points
after Dec. loth from 72 60 llisb
class to $7Q, uiitl from St7,i0 wvoild
"class to M0.
Passaic, N. J., Dec. 4. Tho llll
tenhouse Manufacturing Co., which
went Into tho lunula of a receiver
yesterday, with liabilities of one
million, and assetsof eight-hundred
thousand, employed eight hundred
hands In the manufacture of woolen
blankets, sliawls and plush goods.
Edward II. Amnildown, president
of the American Protective Tariff
league, owns ninc-teullis of tie
stock and Is president of tho corpo
ration. The company lias been mu
lling ut n loss for two years, storlug
a great deal of their produces In an
ticipation, of tho passaue of the Mc
Klnley tarlfl bill.
roTTLAND, Dee. 4. It has Just
come to light that ou last Mouday
night thelves entered the room of
Dr. Anton Sonueiifeld and stole
diamonds, notes and valuable papers
toamount of ilfteen thousand dollars.
Police are attempting to keep the
matter quiet, lu order toobtalu some
clue to the robbery. Besides the
diamonds, consisting or a ring aud
breast-pin, the notes and pnpeis aic
of no value to anyone except the
owner, some of them cannot be
replaced by him. Payment has been
stopped on notes.
Kansas Citv, Mo., Doc. 4. -De
tectives here are puzzled by the
theft of ten thousand dollars worth
of dlamouds, belonging lo Mrs.
Kirk Brower. They weie taken
from n private box In the safe de
Detroit, Dec.4 TheCiitic of this
city alms to be a gay social journal,
aud is rather reckless in lis com
ments on thedolngsof the'MOO." Its
editor is Sidney Corbilt, n young
Wood of the first quality, w ho recent
ly married the daughter of the lute
millionaire, C. P.. Mabley. He se
lected as oue ot his victims Miss Lil
lian Thompson, daughter uf ex-may
or Thompson, against whom ho has
made some serious churgts. These
attacks- were begun after Miss
Thompson's recent leturn from Eu
rope, when it was reported in New
York and Detroit pap.-rs that she
was to marry Count Kleinst, of Bei
llu. This the family denied. Mr.
Thompson called ou (,'orbltt, aud a
row ensued, iu which Thompiou
struck 'Jorbitt across the face with a
cube, following it up with repealed
blows until bystanders interfered
aud separated the combatants.
ThnminJU says if the Crilic doe
not let his daughter alone he will
horsewhip Cuihlli ou the stieeis.
Miss Thompson has lakei- a house
In New Yoik for tho wintir.
San FitANCibcn, C.d. .I.ieob
Sharp, a coal dealer, who has been
missing from his otllce since Nov.
24th Is now believed lo be on his
way to his relatives in Germany.
Investigations are being made ol
his aflalrs, and It lw. stated th:tl
parties in this city would he burners
to au amount tu th agrente of
about .fl),000 unless Sharp leturus.
The Oregon Improvement Co., it Is
staled would lose about SS.i'OO. Oth
er firms and partiis lu sums rarglug
from one to five Ihoii-mid dullais.
A Trleiirnpli lu Ho lliiil"
From tlie 'toiu.sh n tlwgr.Rl hiii tl-nii'inru
In lite fwijf itrium lt uiifctlcn ursmut. H-n-ou.'j
tlwrJeri.il, tnl that ul.or.lrr I iin ti
llii'l nltidion iu j-mj.tmi liUh ri-.it Jie
adviraveiU , ujioh iliu unfn ct Ihnulit In
KOinnl., n rviMimu, ciu. Ka Jciirc- n uiiU
nlet, ro H lomilliM ml iu it i'rKju
The bet in tiniIri.iiioiintf' ml r-uto.iuiran-qulillty
to brain nd rtoumn, d cl nir llutlng
Um.y bo.iidHi, Uiliuua -icirtlo.i, In In Ul.u
nlutfUMfal ol Mi I'ttter'i hwuuih liiitira be
I rc u l liuniri; tlie Ujjt am Itfie ru Idnn.
Tlil i-oumi I i-irun, re( mi li Hie ulri-rtiuool
coinuleto bo-llli we I WIiu bb-lfu" lth It.
Cui.dlptioii, nUk bwluriet, nurtf. i"tu
nullauj and iita'arlil corcp'ilnl are .uioillie
roublea In wlil-b the linen I. t)i fill) and
h-ir-v-eh' b'n-"lil. Dn't diUy, IjjI tke tbe
ure oootm at one.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
U t c'clly pr pared troni Sariaparilla,
i) t IJimi, t..nlrakc, pock, ripklsscHS,
I . t;-er Ucrrics, and oilier well-known ar.U
,.a.Ue vegetabla remedies, by a peculiar
i iiii.Mir.tlon, r"0I'ortlt,n al"1 Iiroccs, B,v'
. u Hood's H.iruparllla curative power
i. t poMCMcd ly otlicr medicines. It
ltcii remarkable cure wbere others tall.
E-tood's Sarsaparilla
l itie best blood purifier. It cures Hcrofula,
H. ,1 lllicum, IlolU, I'lmplei, aH Humors,
j;ypepsla, JHUousneti, Sick Ucadaclie,
lutllsCTtlon, Ceneral Pebillty, Catarrh,
Ulcuniatlsm, Kidney and JJvcr com
p)..!i.tsi overcomes That Tired Feeling,
creates au appetite, builds up the system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ha met uupstraUed success at home. Such
UltsjKipularltylH fcowcll, Mass., where It
Is made, that Iwel) druggliti ell more ot
Jlxd'J Sarsapaillla thau all other sarsap.1
r ' or MkhI purifiers. The iam succeta
i a t xteudlne all over tho country.
Mood's Sarsaparilla
U jn-ullar In Its UrfBglli ana ttmxmj
U li tho on!y rc-paretlon orwUlcl) car
rJy l) al J "1M Doci One Dollar." A
Woif Howl's 6aikjparllIataki-uacjU.
JS to iilrlioa, will last a inuuta.
Mood's Sartaparilla
Is jcallar In tl wnudence It biuii among
M! vlarte cf e;ile. Win re Jt Is w wo unl
It Uewam a fatorlte family rciusiy. Du
-.t te fm-'m-a to turrtiierrrer.wu.or..
i m:re tu tct tl.o rucullur Medliiao,
n00dg SarsapaHila
.,,,-,1,. fiitiiforr. rireiti
100 DO Onm OOUmr
S'i&r' V
Both tho method nnii results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers mid cures habitual
const! nation permanently. For Balo
in 50c and $1 bottles by all
...... . SAH FRANCISCO, CAl.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Northern Pacific Railroad
Is tbe lino to take
To all Points East and South,
It Is thcilliiluc car rmitr. It runs through
eUbulo train every day la tho year to
(No chinge of cars.)
ComrHed ordlnlngcnni unsurpassed,
1'iilliuan drawing room olceper
Ol latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
ilet that ran bo constructed and In which
accommodations are both Iree and lur
nlshed for holders of tlrHt and second-clani!
tickets, and
A oontlnuot
lines, atl'ordln
Hr.e conns :tlng with all
dlryt. n"rt uninterrupted
I'ullman sli "
ured lu ndvi
thfi road.
" tons can be so
nny agent ol
TUrouch tickets to and from all points
In Aiiiuili-ii, llnglund and Kuropo can be
pui chuspd at any ticket otticc ol this com
full Information concerning rates, time
oi train's routes ami oilier ueuuisiurnisnea
on application to any nuent or
Assistant General Pamcniter Agent, No
lil First stieet, cor. Washington; Port
land, Oregon,
Hiitl?, Animals, Fish, Replies, Skeleton
and nil kind of animal heads
To order, at Chicago prices, by J. K. Uearls,
lHMdermlsi. Liberty blreet. Illuhlund ad
dition, Salem, origou. Htutled birds for
-v'l'e.bo'h siugleund Incases, t'rueistuken
lorwoik ut .ionres.t Olllenple, Keul Kstnle
ullke, N". all Cumniercliil street, 11:20 tin
1891. .
Harper's Magazine.
Tbe lmpoi Innt scries ot papers on South
America, by Theodore Child, will he con
tinued In Harper's Mugit.ine during tui
greater part of Iheyear Mil. Tue article-
on Kmithcrn rallfornla, by ciiurK-s Uud
ley Wuiuer. will also be continued. Among
ther luuewortliy attractions will bo u
i'ovi-1 by L banes Kijbert t'ruddrck; u col
leotion of orlgiutil drawings bv . Jl.
t'linckciiiy.now pulillM-id for I he first time;
i liovil wilttetiiuid illuvtralcd by Oeorce
lu .Manner; a nou-lettc by William Dean
llowolis; and a herlts of papers on Lot dou
by vValler lle-i.inl.
In the niimbir and variety of Illustrated
papers mid oilier arllcles on subjects of
iiuieiy inicresi,a-4 wen us iu ineuurivuucu
character of Its short stories, poems, etc,
Harper's MiiK-azlne will continue to main
tain that standard ot excellence for which
It has no lent; been distinguished.
Per lean
IlAltl'KH'S liA.AH.. 4 0(1
If AIU'KK'B Youno Pkopx.k 2 00
l'ojini) fico to all subscribers In the
L'uliLil.-.tutcs, C'uiiadaaud Mexico.
The Volumes of the Miurazlno begin with
Ihenumbtrs for JuiiO and December ot
inch year. When no time l specified,
sub-crlptlons will begin with tho number
cm rent ut tho time of receipt of order.
Hound volumcsnl Harper's Mnp;ailiio for
llneo vears back. In neat cloth bludlnir.
will bo sent by mail, pot-pnd, on rocelpt
of fJ 00 pur volume Cloth cuses.for binding
ju cents tsieu oy man iosipuiu.
Index to Harper's Macalne, alphabeU
u-ai, auaiyiicai, iinucias-iuieu. ror volumes
I to 70, Inclusive, from Juno lii'A to June
HM.on ol.,vo, cloth, 51,00.
itemlttnnces must be made by postottlce
money order or draft, toavold loss.
Mowsnnneisaro not to cony this adver
tisement without the express order of liar-
crK jtiotui-rs.
Address: llAni'tn A HitOTHKlis N. Y.
Harper's Weekly
Harper's Weekly hns never lulled to Jus
tify lis title hs it Journal of Civilisation,"
licit It has done so Willi it constant regard
lo inliirged po.slbllltles of usefulness unit
a iiliilu-rsiundnrd of nrtlsllo alio literary
cxeellent-e. It leues untoiiclieil no Iin
ponum plinseaf tlio-world's proitress, and
presents a record, ei jullv trustworthy und
interelln, of IhenoiuMe events, persons
nudiiihlevemeutsof our ll'ne.
Special suipleinenis will bo continued In
IMii, tliey will liu llleriirycieulllh'.urtls
He, lilNliirfcnl, critical, topoKiaplilcal, or
deerlpttve, usnnciision muv deuiiind, Had
will contluue to deserve lliolu-ariy com
meudutlon wliieh lias heen l.rslnwedoti
pust Issuis by ilio pressund llio public, A
u lurniiy uouriiai. nnriiers vi-UHiy wni.ns
lierHolore, be cdlled Willi u sulci reiiid
lor lliequalllles that nialie It u suio and
welcoinu visitor Ui every home,
I'er Year
HAltl'Klt'H WBEKI.Y..-. .fl 00
1akii:h's Maoazink 4 00
Hahpkh's JlAZAIt 4 00
JlAIIl'lUt'H YOUNO PUOI'I.K..., 2 00
l'oslage free to all subset Ibers In tba
United Mates, Cauudu and Mexico,
Tho voluincsoflbe Weekly begin with the
Hrt number for Janu iry of eucb year.
When no lime Is mentioned, suljcrlpllons
wlilbeKln wlin i lie number current ut Ihe
lime of receipt of order,
llound volumes of Ilariwr's weekly Cur
three years buck, In neat clolli binding,
will bo sent by mall, postage paid, or by
express, free of rxiene (provided Ilia
freight does not exceed oue dollar per vol
umej, for 17 K?r volume,
cloth cflkC" for each volume, sillable tr
bludlcg, will be sent by mitll.'post-paldoa
receipt of II each. " h
llernlttnnoes should be made by poatof
flee luouey order or drift, lo avoid liws.
Newjirsarenot lo copy Ibis idver.
tuemeiit wlibout tbe expresorocrof Har
per ft llndbere.
Addrru: llAHrtu Humtirmi, N. Y.
Tho prices
Will astonish tho oldest inhnbitixntH 1000 Juvenile hooks, Bright find lwmitiful,
Elotjantly illueitrntod, for
15--20 and 30 cents Each.
Crowoll's Edition, Poetical works; Oxford & Jingsters Toafliers1 Bibles, Fiolmnn
Family Bibles, English and Gorman from $2 to $10. If you want the
choicest and best tho market affords at prices ranging from
Than Any Other House.
Four Miles Fran Mitloin Hit Gapital of Oregon.
Oue ThousnnJ acres of ns fine land bh there In In the northwest, divided Into one hundred email medow
and fruit farina. Three tracts for the FIRST TIME are now placed ou the market, ranging In prior from $60
to JS100 per acre-one third cash, balance on.tlrue with interest.
No Better Opportunity for Investments
lu a small way basjbeen offered to
months in improvements in the immediate vicinity of this land, while
roans, lencing, etc., a large amount
A Free Ride to and From the Place
IJto any one wishing to see or Jnvest..Call atthe office of.
Court St., Salem, Agents, for Plats, Description and lurther particular?.
Ill Sorts ol Real Estate on ill Sorts of Terms !
We have lots on the Installment plan, farms an J suburban property on easy terms, and every class of
real rstnfe for rash. The property we bundle Is In liist hands, therefore purchasers get it without speculative
values put upon It. Tbe large list of our rales, especially of farm properly, recently, attests the fact that you
(annotation! to buy real estate without first consulting us.
BgyAlso general auctioneers.
Haleni, aud guarantee satisfactiou.
Read in
450.000 !
Jv other Wukly Paper gitet to
FREE TO JAN. I, 1891.
T mmr NEW HUBHCRIBEIl wb will eni eat and seal aa this alia wltk sam aaa
address nad 81.73 (In Potlal r Zxprete tfeney Order or Rtatetere Letter at our rM w will ea4
TI1K YOUTII'H COMPANION FREE la Jaaaarr, 1891, ana far a Kail Yaar fraas that Data.
TbUnfler laclndea taa FIVE DOUBLE HOLIDAY NUMBEUO far ThankstWIac, CarUtasaa.
Maw Year'a, Easter nad Fourth-of-Jiilr, nad all iba Illastratad Weakly Saaalaaiaaia.
i Aidreet. THE YOUTH'B COMPANION, 41 Tampl Plnoa, atoaton. Maaa.
The Oregon Land Co.,
(In the State Insurance Buildlug)
and branch ortlcts In Portland, Astoria and Albany,
Has for sale a lario list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also
City and Suburban Property.
Tbo Oregon Land Co, was especially organized for tho purpose of buying
and sub-dlvldlng large tracts of land, and has during tho past tru years
bought aud subdivided over 8,200 ucrcs Into
Five to Twenty Acre Parcels
Tho sucoess of this undertaking la shown In tho fact that out of 2S0 tracts
placed mi the market, 226 have been sold. Wo claim that ten aorvH ol
cliolw land In Fruit,
Will Yield a Larger Income
than 160 Acre of wheat in the MMatipp! Valley. We also make valuable
Improvements In tbe way of roads, clesrlug the laud, fences, etc. We
cu sell a small tract of Und for the tame price per acre as you would
have to pay for a large (arm,
Sad for Pamphlet and Price List,
uarry inn huj
aud aoU us.
is Music in
thni will jjovi'm tin
i.. ft
the public.
Thousands of dollars
or money will be used.
r j
264 Commercial Street, Salem.
take charge of auction sales in any part of the state, including
Copies and Beautiful
great m .Variety of Entertaining and Instructive Reading at to low price."
COX. DRUOaiHTS, 100 8TATK 8T j
hi urug, nniiti artiuisw, periHBiery
the Air.
liolidity (roods (it
will be expended Jwlthln the next 12
upon tbe tract useir,;in inn wayior
ant Free.
Salem, Or.
Rate $2.50 and fcxOOaDay.
Open to the public Thursday, Heat, 11,
18VU. Best hatel between I'orllAud aad
San Fruuolxoo. Alms to be Ural dans lo
all IU appointments. Its tables are served
with the choicest frulta grown In the Wll-
anievve auey.
L IK J. (11.-..
d , diiiik mm
bk( Mi & (M? MmMiry,
BOB Commsroial Strt. 1 J-;
ni .f . nr kA BE- -. I-
lMPrMtn tlla . UWandUn AAula f '
CoMae, Tea or Chocolate and Caka.,10 eeU '
Mush and Milk 10 oaHla .
1'late of Soup....... ....... in e4iis ',i 'S
Hot Cakes. Ooitea or Tea.li eauta- .'? '
iwenieaa ana jti..........'j cMf.
rk chop and Ewp ........,-.. jg oapsii
M utton Chop anTW -...'.:S mSS
Veulwa and Keg.... ...- ' wmu '
Hausage and Ks........t...-.. ai .
Ham nd Ksgs......... ,.U oatOa '
Krech Oysters any style,. ...aft orata. -
25CMtHOl'8arv4friHtJtya;' ,
A nlre variety ot vegetables, etc., . '
Also lea, oollee or milk with, all e45
meals without extra ehmve. ' ; '
L'bolea Cigars, Importea u DomeaM. '
always oa Mad, '- -
FortarHouaaaYtaakand Kooa Iflsasita'
nawrunsswsssna r. ...iwe
s. - 4 i
-. I
if"njti7Tir rr?r wf
French - r9M .