Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 04, 1890, Image 2

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    ""WTatwHW swfnfi
' .JWPW '"v
he oirrriL -wrm.
DEC. 4. 1SX
tekjms of i KcKima.
pEy by mn r Jr ....
IvCJ fry mo!. P muaU.
irtj- bj ina r1 yr.
. so
Wl' not ikS ia aTTUws. U prtre
rar for tfc 'ttTJoriWAi.ul
fUepTJ"r If jsijmv mrr no drtlwr'd
latllr brl - ct.
Ij- by oocti, . Vet.
t?ketrn w-Uibr Buleos 15 nl I3lfc
of tanaUv. SaiwxiSws will pintMr V
svoj- tor mrriw hoc oc wfc-rroa U
& iXUVwwl. o to em n df Ir
Thi Et llw CArtTAV JorretiH. r-st-lurty
rwwirs i tsooo oe.s:I
pcT &?2r:M.
Dilrs in Groceries, Cfocxery,
Giassware, Paints, OHs, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowgiass, Etc Sok
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can BaKine Powder.
Wheat, net 62 cent p-r ba.
Hops, active: 2s to 32 cent per lb.
Headjuarter f.ir candy, manu
factured fre-b evtry day at Joue A
Bernardi's on State ireet.
The OrriciAE Coot. Myor
Williams Jutic ot tb Peace God
dell and Recordor Conn have con
cluded the count of tbe vote? of last ,
Monday's city eWtlon. Tb- rulti-r-re.
wth on" eiceptioc, a- civtrn '
by tbe jode- on Monday eveuins.
The oScial cuunt how ijf vote iu
tbe focnb ward between Hucb
Lsmoracx and John EIUv, tbe can
didate for ald-rnnrn. Acoordine to
tbe Juds " count It pave Elli- 10S
ote while Laajoroax bad only 101
Tbe otScial coanl rtve to eatrh 101
vot- TtU dt-crerDcy occurred by
two or three of the ticket of tbeotb
fT ward l-ins u-ed in the foarth
ward, aad of cocre, had or her
s for aldermen than the eaadt-
date- in that ward. The only way
aow to -rttl" who shall be th- new
aJdertuin from the fcirth ward U
Vr- bv citv ordoaucr ! which
makes a provteion for uch ca."e.
didale who hsv? in eqcal nctnWr
l. - . V -
of vote-Thai; apj-ar t fore tb city
recorder and tbrrc in tbe pre-ence of
the cisyor drrode oy lot who i- entit
led to the c3r, Tbe new couocil
giia from the foe h wvrd ir- in a
saoch dootit now a lfore the elect
ios. Tbe Brcorder ha.- not yrt an
Eocnted the thne hn th candi
date shall d-ide ttnr fate, but the
law require that it hail Ur within
tea days from the time the official
canvass i- made.
"W LorxJE K. ok P. A large
jlelegiiion from Central lodge K. of
P., this city, went to Silverton tht
afleroooc to x i-: in organizing a
new lodge at that place. Tbe dele
gation embraces D. L. Greene, J. B.
Woodford, C. H. Monroe, . Mc
Faddeu, A. A. Burton, Montee
BroUiers, W. B. Gallibex, A. Sim
mons, J. A. Carson, f 'has. Booth i y,
O. A. Waller, A. Wright, C. Elgin,
A- Vidal, Wm. Spaulding, J.
O'Donald, Mr. Hirscbey, J. L.
Mitchell. J. H. Ross Tbe new eZir v. G ; H. A. Thomas, record
lodge is expected to tart oft" with juj. prery; T. O. Barker, ivt
is members, and the character of manect secretary: J. G. Wright,
the crowd of Knigbt- going out treasurer. This lodge bur a larije
from here insures a peasant time a: membership and is very wealthy.
tb initial meeting.
Victims or the Wreck. The
It Is Coin.NG.- Oberving Mr.
Perry Spmt acting in an excited
manner this morning at the French
corner, a Democrat mac investiga
ted the matter and learned that it
woa dimply over the barometer,
which wa ''way down'' even to
13:52. Mr. -pmfc delated that wa
u low a it ever got here, and he is
a barometw observer. Another old
timer, though, declared he had seen
it down to isiu. Anyway, the in
dications are -troug for a big storm.
probably ecougb to make up for tbe
recent deficiency in tb-.tonn-ketiie.
Albany Democrat.
Mail Ma7TER-. Below U giveu
a itatemeut of the aniouut of biLl
neiw done by the curriers of the Sa
lem postefilce: Registered letters
delivered, 11. other letters deliver
ed, H.M-5; oital c:trd, l.47; newt
papers 1007; matU-r collected, local
letters, 0, mail letters, 11,195; local
ootal cards. M: new-uapere, 6.
Total number of pieces haudled by
three carriern,3,37&; postace on lo
cal matter collected 5f5
Keep olk Dookh Locked.
Tramps are uumerotu aud most of
them are watching for an opportu
nity to ileal nomething. Sunday
uiKht about 11 o'clock someone tried
to enter James McClaren's bouse on
Sixth atreet by climbing up ou the
roof of tbe back part, where it would
b ejy to enter a window, but prospering under the superiuteu
fortunately be slipped ofl tbe roof dencyofMrs. Grubbe. Tbe b-rt of
and soon made ois escape. Keep order seems to prevail iu the scboil
your doors arid window., locked or and an excellent discipline Is main
some night j ou may IresoniethlfiK. talued. The teacher aud pupils
Eugene Repster. ' would be encouraged In their work
Hiok i'RiCEn Meat. We under
stand buyers are endeavoring to
.-ontract beef cattle Ih this couuty
at 135 per head, to be delivered next
spring. ThU is another indication
that beef U rapidly Increasing In
value. Jf you have auy ateera and
sUilheni of hay and plenty of time to
feed it to the cattle, the ews would
say to feed It and fcell your leeve
jixt summer. Grant County .News.
AkticlEs. Ladles wishing choire
articles iu the Hue of fancy grocerie.
und good things for the table cannot
tford to paM by the st''U of .Ujuire
J-'iirmr A C.,
jPfaW-.ttl.A.. uSWaMJlhifl.Ls -'- J- Tftf
Yer" nlv A Large Aire
ae Exper re.
Tbe Indications are now tht a
larsc aereatre will tw el to bop in
lb spring Partie were in this city
a few day aco In pet den to crub
Und in tbe mcr bottom for a hop
geU Tu. Df,It re,r
In addition
to '
the new yard oto-; all tbe the
yard will be et out acam in tbe
prin. The high price patd tht
year ill act a- a great timalu for
the larce acreace thit ill douKle
be civea to that product iu tire
valley in tbeceaiinj: princ.
Tbe laad alour tbe Willamette
valley can hardly be excelled fi
hops. Tbe low bottom land i- f a rich
Icam and boWii tbe mot-rure well
durine a dry satmaer. Tbe-e land
have andetoot:h in them tbatthry
do not bevwrne a tnarh and can be
easily worfced ic the early -pnu?
Moch of 1: oversow a: extreme
hich water and a rich deposit of mud
is left, often frrtn one to two lnebe
in depth, which far more than
compensates for the fence that i
often washed awa. By tbe-e over
I flow the land become- more fertil
j led every year. With a yieid llfe
that of tbb year and the bisrh pnee
an immense prt can be reallied tw
ja fe" acre of bop. Even in an or
dinary productive year with fair
prices several hundred d.ilUr
worth of bof- can l harvested fri'ai i
an acre of ground. i
' Hop growers have ben the fortu '
, nate men thl year. There are meii i
in thb couuty wbo had carerty a
dollar la?: sprinc whea the hop-
were set out, that now have a haixi !
ome bank account It t- tme that
hop cowinr is nsfey, tbe crop is un
certain toome extent even in tlf-
nio favorable localities afld tbev
are not entirely free from their pests,
and tbe acl to tt feared L- an un '
certain pnee. Toe price of bop-
dee not depend on any local trad
er eonsumptiou, but on Ea.-tem aa
foreign markets that is supplied b
tbe world. o farm pnx'uct I so
liable to doctuate in the market
pnee a-, hopr. Tbe prk-e ha rarel;
tfrrv v low hre but that a niau
could eet a fair return for the out
put of capital and labor n tbe air-
. Z :r h. ,.,.h w
VlWJ - . 1 . """"- -
-t well. A well conoucled bop i
yard can lay hop- down at a ship
ping station at S ui 1ft cent- a pound
in an ordinary yield. When tbe
yield i- heavy and tbe price much
higher, the profit is -o much the
more increased.
Loikje Officers Elected. Pro
tection Lodge a - A. U. t. .
electea omcers iur ine mil sis ; j-iioji iim.iuu. -- ouiisjuuiu.
month- of lsSl U-: evening which j ent writing from Chicaco to the
reul-.rd as follews: M. W., W. S. Oregon'ian say-: "Mr. Mary Pay
Boggs; foreman, T. P. Welch: over-' ton, one of tbe ludy managers repre
er, J. Mae". recorder, O. A. Wal- , entin? Orecon in the woman's
Ier; financier. A. M. Clougb; re
ceiver, John Moir; guide, C. F.
George; I, W., A. Z. Sweet; O. W.,
Wm. Watts: trustee, G. Stolz, to
hold office eighteen mnuths. Drs.
a. R. Jeup aud J. ?C. Smith were
elected examining phy-ican?. Cbe
meketa Lodge I. O. O F. held their
election of officers for a similar time
iu their ball List nlsbt with tbe
lowing geutleiftu at ttie helm: E. .
h. McCoruack. . G.; Henry R-
victim of the Lake LabL-h wreck
are beginning to leave for their
bnnv-s. Ja. McGarry of Utah, left
the early part of the week. Mr.
Sprout l-ft Mondny for bi home in
Hollister, California. He made no '
settlement with the railroad com
pany, simple axbitratlou provingiu-eflet-tive
in thi case. Rather than
to take their termi- he preferred t
let tbe law settle it. Cha-. Powell
started homi; yeterday. He will
join Mr. McGarry iu Portland and
they will travel together to Utah
Mr. Powell settled with tbe com-1
pany before lie left. He was paid '
M&40 not including the expends ut
the hotel. W. .-. Hall aud his
daughter, Mrs, W. T. Ellidge, or
Spangle. Wash., came up and took
tbe overland train last night for
California, to wbere they were head
ed when the wreck occurred.
A Co-TLV Paintiso. One of the
oil pafntinp which caued so much
commotion at the recent exposition
in Pnrtlaud, uuder the tojiic of the
"Nude in Art," bos b-en purchased
by Mr. Watt Monteitb, of this city,
and now occupies Ibe walls of his
saloon. It Is valued at 2U0O find
was purchased of Gunt, of Portland.
Albanv Herald.
The Schooi. ThU
loretiiKju a
Jocknai. reporter dropped into the
.. .r- . i i .7 .,j,i, ,
Last Salem acbuol- and found them
If more citizens would vb.it them.
r. -in , vn u. Mn .....1 the
. -... r-j j
new firm for groceries, notlom
Hour, feed and etc. Salem Storage 4
Com. Co, 11'.' Court Ft.
Ther wi'i a prayer meeting at
the i.-sidcm-e of J. li. Browu In
South nrflem, Friday evening at 7
ff-bs-t. All Invited.
Mrs. X. J. Mcl'hc-rs:iu has re
iiiriied from Portland to her home
til 13 Commercial street and I. now
prepared to reeelve engagements for
nursing. 12 3 4t
Bird u&5 c-uts at CrJuii4n'i.
. WwaatsAt'hs iaiajMeiJu. J ... lmlj
A KrATAV Team. Quite x ser
ious runaway occurred thiro-rn ng
iu "unh Salem. A young n.an by
tbe name of Girod wadrtviig the
team of Mr. Duncan, nf tbe North
Saleru lumber yard. The ttam be
came unmanageable and threw him
out ot the wagon and brut-ed him
up considerably. Mr. Gin-d' father
and familv, consisting of a wife and
several bys about jrrown, came here
fntm Ohio a short time ago and
tpped in Salem until ihe. could
find a suitable locatiun on a farm.
A IVw diys aco they bought a farm
out Dir Bn.iks, of Mr. Duncan,
and tbU morning oue of tbe box s
took Mr. Duncan's team to haul a
kad of their lwuehnKl eflects out
to the Crm. He had put a few Mn tbe choice ofits public oflicers
plank- oa tbe w aeon to be c-d asi t provides that where two or more
box to hold tbe goods. One of jrson receive an equal number of
tbtbor-es wukh had not U-ec ac- voles for tbe same office, they shall'
customed to U-inc drtvm with an determine by lot w hich one is en
open bridle got cared at the lumber tiu to tbe ptace. Tbe lx" U a
on tbe wagon and
wagon and the team came
dashing up Liberty street. When
up near Center street the wheels
struck something which threw tbe
driver o2 tbe wagon and one of tbe
hind wheels struck him between
toe shoulders and pa-ed over tbe
back of his bead cutting a deep
cash in bi- scalp. He was taken
at to their home on asylum avenue.
He wa- complaining of tbe pain in
hi-back. J ut bow bad his injuries
are was aot learned.
No SCATJi Mr. Sam Clarke has
examined an okl orchard recently
t purcha-ed by him for s.an Joe -cule
i and find no sictis of it. He en
j ployed a powerful niicrw jpe and
f made mm: tbonweh searcli. This
refutes aaotaer of General Vomey's
Sentexcx ExpiKnn. Two of
Saperiutendent Downing' state
boarder- obtained tbir liberty to
day. They were Cbas. Ri--, of
Multnomah county, and J. E. W.
Cottiitgham, Wasco county. Their
-eateaces had expired.
Too High. Toere is one phiee
is salem wbere holirtay good are
ti ln:h to reach, vet when they
do ret tberu down from tbe hich
le tbe prices are found to te too
tow to sieak of. That i- Mt Geo. F.
Smith'-. )T Cotnraerbia! street.
AT Li5T. It ha- lieen a loug time
coming, bot for that will be all the
mor- appreciated by all true-blue
housekeepers aud family men of Sa
lem. It u the fact that our town
has a place where you can buy any
thing under tbe un, and at prices
that compete with tbe world. B-u
Fortuer's i- the place.
rommi-iun, left L'hioisn over the
Kortbwe-tern on tbe 27th for her
home in Satem.
Big and Little. All siz- and
prices, tut only one quality, and
that A. No. 1, at Kruus-e Bro's.
boot and shoe emporium in tbe new
Bu-b-Brey block. Their motto is
"alwuy the be-t."
ot :
firm cf
low, The -ales nf the new
Geo. Johnon $: Son are
growing right al'ing, which i evi
dence mat tbe-e old reliable meu in
the clothing buine- have not lout
their prestige.
So.Vs Or Veteran?. Sumpter
Camn, S. ofV. will bold their anuu
al elation of otlieers on next Mon
day evening, Dec. Sth. all members
are requested to be pre-ent. R, E.
Howaek, Sergt. 12-4-3t
The Ti:o . K ty Wooien Mill com
pany have iiad a heavy run on those
iiome-iua-Ie underclothes but they
projur-e to leep up the assortment
and supply the demand. Tbey t-sll
you the clothes for a unall margin
overtlif eo-t of tne flannels.
Hum's Toh.
We otter One Hundred Dollars re
word fr any ca-e of catarrh '.but
i-uniKit be cured by taking Hull's
I'rtturrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney for the" lU Vo vear,
und Mieve him perfectly honorable
in all lui-itu- taaii-uctions and
niiauciany aiue 10 carry out auy
iiilli.-ati.in- nnide by their firm.
West&Tkl-ax, WfaoIale Drug
uini, Toledo. O.
Waeiuno, Kisxas & Marvin,
Whole-ale DrUt'cI-ts. Toledo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intel- .
nully, acting directly upon tbe blu.)
ud iiiucou- surfuc-s of the psieiu '
TestifiKiiiiais si t free. Price T-ic,
p-r bottle. Sold by all Atuuehu-.,
1'nr.fl is Uns liajr.
Dr. Hnlden. A few mpbts sluce I
wa.- Uken with usire ttirout, cough '
i and stltf neck. I u-ed your Eatherul ,
CouKh syrup, unci tn-inornint: J wu
rly well, aud by nluht cured.
Ja'n Tutfeison, ont. sIen
.. .Hiockll, larce'size SI 00.
stimll CO tfuts. For sale by all Drug-1
pist. '
run hlph in this ci'y over System
Builder. ai everv ImkIi is using It for.
catarrh of the Stomach, CoiiHump.
l" buI1.f' u' lue .H.
...' . ' ..
ie ftiHtem it certainly
excellent preiiaratinn,
mu , ,,
uIihii evervlwxiv mki ui well of
- - -- :,i'"
t ......in r..n..A.A. A.i
ties cniiteujiilutine bulldlutr. ithould
not fall to call on J. V. Jacohson for t it i known the wore popular it be
estiriiaies on mugh aud drti-wd lum-, cotnea,
ber. Yard and office near agricul- -
til ml works. Wi-eod-tf. kui b. r 1m.
an.tn flnt K I.
OilPS uat ft ).
W. Crawford I cluing out Fits
stoves oud lluwnre, preferring to
fc.il fl.- rrfirfl.tfiu
of Ills Stock at
great reducttoB. to again moviD,
(bun. d-4-w-t
. yA.
, ia.-
The Sut a a Lottr-rj Xikirrr.
KnrroR Jeurnal: It b probable
that the statu of every Mate are
more or le Inconsistent and that In
each several sections ran le found
which will uot harmonlie with one
another; but out-of tbe nvt plaring
of tboelnconst-teucie-aud oue that
can be frnind In almost every :te
in tbe Union relate to lotieiy Inttl
nev. Tbe code of Oregon etntjn
in one plsce a very stringent law
against tbe establishment or eun-or-agernent
of lotteri.-s of any de 'nr
tion. within or without tbe 'ite;
yet In another section J1"S3 '.In
state is set up as a lotterj" matiacvr
in that taoet sacred of all dutie-
.Vvnlrinc titv-, ih. Ar...-,'... j.i
curious mtxtnre.
A Lay BitoTitER.
S.-dem Or., Dec. 4, 1SP-X
On motion of C M. Idlemac,
Mark O'Neal was admittei upon
certificate from tbe supreme court
of Ohio, to practice in all thecourf.
of this state.
C P. Hocue, re-p., v City of
Albina, et al, app.; appeal from
Multnomah Co.; argued aud sub
mitted. C. H. Carey atl'v for app..
H. W. Hogue and C. M. Idlemau ;
atty' for rep. :
Sute ex-rel Julius Durkbeimer,
and N. Brown, re-ps., v W. E. '
Grace, app.; appeal from Harney t
Co.; argurd and submitted. W. W.
Thayer att'y for app., Geo. H.
Williams att'y for rep.
Rev. H. H. Brown, of the Unlta-1
rian church uill pr-,ioh at the)
prison next Sabbath. S
Freeman's Hiawatha und other ,
renowned perfume kept con-t-iitly
in stock at is rooks & '.Six's, r-Lite
-treet drug mre.
Ex-Governor Thayer in Sa
lem tlii- morning to attend to su
preme court matters
Moutee Brts.. tbe first iu the field
with the 2 cabinet photo-, and will
be tbe lat.
Hon. Geo. H. illiani. of Port
land, wu- a pa--uger north this
afternoon. He bits been in attend
anee at tbe supreme court."
T. H. Perkins, superintendent of
the Salem Iron foundry, went down
to Portland on the Ro-eburg expres-to-day.
The annual fair of the Congresa
tional Ladit- society will ie given
thi- year Dec. 12, in the form of a
Kirmes. Reiuemler the date.
Catterlin turn- out no cheap work
and hi t2.f) cabinet- are n- cood a
any turned out in Portland,
often at a hizher figure.
Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. M. Kai-er
came home last night, from their
tour of tbe Lowe" Columbia river
ami the sound country.
McCrow i Wlllard buy only the
b t stock that can be had. and that
i- why you ulway- get god meat-, at
their markets.
The car conductor often have to
get right on" into the mud to he'p
pa-engers on aud off. So do oth-r
X-opIe have to ret Into the mud.
All -nch can get the mist for their
money in footwear at Klein's.
As the ho'.iday Beason approaches
ladies aud gentleman begin to cast
t heir eyes covetously upon articles
suitable for -.ifts to a dear one or
friend. Bile uiitbrell&n at Luun's
are fine for this purpo-e.
1 Do not -i out when you do not
se- the very thing you want upon
first enteringBuren' furniture store.
Some of his richest linen of go-Kir
are far back iu tbe larze store room
and upon tbe second floor. He aims
to have the mist complete furniture
establishment this side of Portland.
E. M. Rand, ot Clackama., J. S.
Howard, or Jackson, C. J . Cbumber
lain, of Mu tnomab, Peter Hume,
nf r , auA
W. H. Odell, of Ma-
rion COUDtJr wefe PP.mi nolaries
for Oregon to-day by the governor,
J. L. King, of California, wui ap-
ooimed commissioner for Oregon.
WfiNle paper baskets at Crissmans.
r '
The Arlington club intend to
build a club bouse.
John M. Geary has been divorced.
Ground desertion.
Ladies attending tbe Marcjuam
Grand leave tbeir hats In the cloak
room fur the evening.
It ia i
1 1,,,,,!,.
1 boUtbt
It is reported J. R. X. Rell has
an Interest In the West Side
Tb World Enriehsd.
The facilities of the present dav fot !
theproduction of everything that will i
conduce to the tnterial welfare and
comfort of mankind are almost nnlim.
ite and hen s of j,. fi
trWVlfirfl t1Wm11 f . Mnl.u1 .!.
- ..-..- "....u .m
the only perfect laxative known, as it
' U 1.i -.t ,..!. .i.ti, l. .i-
t . '' '"--'' .----." "UV
I k'kaltlr f.wyf Vul.Ml.lnM n I. . A..a.
I r -6 - t.i........s w uuc wic
I and prompt end effectual to cleanse
I the ytera eeutly in the Spring-time
. - - -
. ' la fact' rt cay tirce' and the Wter
llebinc nut ate It ix.tr n ij n.oUture
llojplrllrH.efciwln mteiUMi llehlDK
whenwarm. ThU l.m s. veil u lllinS
i ZZk'Si' n!?iuX&T wmcITLm
diretiron thswru. ntf. iHmnn io-
n."r.ll7ilU;lilDXr.d sriocU pernmik-
. At4tr t-
another Ri"naway. - A bou t
three o clock thi afteruooii tbe de-
hverv cart aud horse, of K. C Ctcms
was standing in front of Lis meat
market, tbe bore Ivfng tietl to a
mall hilchlnt weight. For oroe
caitse, tbe hore concluded be
bad stool long eDough
o he started up State treet
and the weight itanjtHuc around his
feet frightened him and be turned
low n Literty at full j eeU He
started up Court street and run
up ou the bank iu frout or
Dr. Row laud's rvsidcuce which
up-et curt and liors'. The
weicbt of the heavy new cart tnrnod
the lior- completely i-u Id laek.
Tbe lwrce had to bs cut before be
could get up. But little damage
was done.
A hand of a iloren red kins from
Umatilla re-er-ntlon are ald to I
playing U-oc In the Lnc creek
and John Day country and are tak
ine every thiug tha they can get
(heir baud on. Their principal vic
tim are Chlne-e storekeepers Tliey
are said to have recently robbed a
Cbinee -tore at Summerville aud
al-o one t Loug creek, securing
quite an aiunmit of gixxis liquor,
etc.. atbmh places. Athena Repub
lican Di-Ml ei. The ca-e of Arland
asnwiu-t Rutlrlge Tor a-ault with a
' shntcun which wa- lu the Justice's
I court tbL afternoon wa. dismissed.
Save money by buying gol at
112 Court St. Salem Storage A Com.
Co. lw
Six hook wmt and
hat rack 10
ceuts at Cri-Mnian.
L H Ol'ivir couuty.
C P Crie-eh Canyon City.
L M Homthat, Harry Frank N Y.
Mr G N Aalexander, C H Tate
i Pamburn, Pendleton.
W P Hans Atcbiou.
W E Price. Jr. Milwaukee.
W H Jone- JeflerMiu.
T N Jorj-. Detroit.
Oie Ole-on, D P Thnmp-on, J A
Waddle. A J Jackon, C W Ho-tini-s
R M Donovan, R T Praed,
H McAMnch, Lee Harri, C T
Idtlmati. Geo. Vinecut.HW Hogue,
Frank O'Neil Sum Waters, Port
land. S M Cooler, J A Fenzer, H E
Wickee, Chus Cullius, D liars, S P.
J E Reid, Winters, Cal.
Geo K I'oge, San Dk'g.
M J Conner aud wf caleni.
A Url'-"f tlii-Mu'lrfiilh Crnturr.
fi is u fcJ l e -4 un. Loi, I hxit b en
r. 4&u a-aT uwtf tfiJhJiM fT tea y.ai I
rttt e-tp-iulnl Urz tuai t m4-tf tot in- !
rwouazu- w HMud tram u,iu pIul
.ui ixmu la ;( uUm tp, mj h p al kn i f
Ufi l.L Dftu-7 U SOT fa V.DI 2 CbfO- f
in u- u witc !1io-m 9 turTMDiatjm S; jup I j
ctmirf b4KUk ooc iln witbeut Ih- am i4 enr j
o; turn mtivif ii ia nirtut u&Us I cue
tto bmi ub i7(e skw.. uj! n k Hihk2i f
ai aa truai m, bu-M to of aCZt trr dT
I atn r-l Irc a ibrriu- 31t-Uua, ua i ft i
u(fulmtlKia. S s. Cvsotia.
.Kt rC-itftv frn lis ul Liij luurxv 0&,
InttrnmeDts Filed tor K-tonl at thr
Cnnntf I'.scoriler's llffir.
Ro-aU-1 V Hull t'. the Ore
son Land Co . lot 2 iu blk 2,
and lot 9 iu blk 17, J'.lVerride
ad to salem f
Coolidge & McClaioe to
Hurry Alleu, 30 ucres iu t T s,
r 1 w.
Geo R Sacry and wife to
Henry Allen, lots 21 and 41 in
Henry Allen and w ife to
Harry L Allen, lot 29 iu Sil
verton. D H Jory nnd wife to D J
Lighteuger, t5 acres tulEs,
r3 w.
In the head
Is a constitutional
Di-!eu, und requires
A con-tituliiiiml remedy
Like Hood's Sjiraiarilla,
Which makes the weak Btrong,
Restures heulth.
Try it now.
Broom at Crissuians.
Go to CrisHUiaus fur ribbon
width", all jirirH fr..m
yard up.
Cents per
We will Bave vou from 10 to 40 peri
cent on all ircxKls i.urcbi f..r inub
r, ,
utotirstor. Call uud se' u. su -
loin .m.in.fp A- flint, fn 1 1" fTnnrt
t ' , " ,
St. lw
(-.1M-.r vnnr linllrlav nrMAnt. Mtpli.
.Alt.. ..H. ....(..H l'..-., ..,.
i and so get the creaui of the display.
j Get something useful und sensible,
you cull Uud something HUitaMe,
fur lady or gentleman, at the old
While Corner. eod
W. L. Wade, of Xorth Salem, has
f.lll li.iM .if istliral .fir.tlif.,1,11.
aud Is giving away haucUime look
a Hill line in general intrciiuuuii
.... . ..
Willi wu iuti:iliwa-n. n
fiorlsti -
Mate A-rifnlloral
All persons holding any of the
above warrants, will pleuse M-ud
them to, ordt03lt them with Geo. ,
W. Watt, at Haleni, Oregon, on or
U-fore J ii utility IS, lbll. A pro rata i
jiyuvfciit will be made upon all of.
sabl warrants presented on or before j
sjIU (lay. tajiilelll Will I made
. after Jan. 16. WL J. T. Gkwio.
.. . y . . -m
be'reiary uregun ntn
&'tn. -0V. .
Hflieul Tax LV
The school laxes of district So, iM
Iu Marlou county arc now due and
pa able nt the clerk's ollk-elnXo.
iSi'5 Commercial street (In the rear of
& "" " ' .""' ""'" '" f"'
ll.iuli tlrevmull blockl Hilleru. The
""" w" '"' delinquent unless
ilu wliliiii Mi uy Iroin iuw aau-.
ti-ornr f '"Hirfl. tills J.llMlsyof
Koveber, lb. '.
ll-17'tr Utotni-t UK.
IKlrT in Grocfrics. Vint$
and Window Glass.
,-m,. ul lbinliM. Art
terUK Liute, Hair atU and r
ShireUs. May. Fred ami It'iicc
Posts Gravs Seeds Ktc, !
R -.ALE. Abo-st tarre acrr ot S!"
xlttm Anue. i- u---"
liDlfPttr rntMr-l-i-r Iwrn.
arre-l a:le(y nf rnill trtv i4 arti(-
-r- n.-irnWO( to KJ-VtrtC B'IJ. 1"''
umut imicr on remh--. '" E'r-""
i-- ii.il--.-.i -iH-.iil rto-te on n Bna
-4irii(A4luin A -mw cuter troni rty.
) T
-UKfiir -
Most Complete Stock
Loose ane Mounted
EvT-r brwocht la tl rty. W be .1
prices tarn
A rnmplrte Hoe of Gold tad .SUvrr ' '
&W. Thompson & Co.
221 Commercial St.,
5pUl ttotn jUn lo ir-ln tuick.
II t D.mKtd bi h 'fr " ao Ih
cor. l b ett asp n.r.p.v fTRrr-ts.
TtU .boo. So. iS. SALEM, OK.
twojLror, ic Aikirtw or rB or J C. t
r met, "nIoi, Ortf m. It-Urn
Will i;l.peeitrilarsalii In farBluuearxl
Lou-r lurcKhin: (OKI far ll
Next 60 Days.
nrlor lo rinnval, Iwd doors rtnlb of J.
Urown a.Co. HA-lai
i 160 Commercial Street,
I Saera, Oregon.
j Only first claw handt employed. Work
.tons no iibort notice sod al rouMt tvaon
j nble pr nf irlTe him i. trial.
25c Want Column.
N-l lo-r.l for ONE CENT I"EK
WoltU EACH I.NrtintTIO.V. o adver.
tlnirul Inverttd In thi jlansn for 1cm
tnao ten'.y-flT dU.
iJJt liENT. Eurnotied frunl ru'jm,
" dosra lain.. Nirjiiwi r r ..t c-hi-
ii.c'CinI itwt Krianin- of i li. !!, r
. itu i, .it. t aur a i ti.
"W'A.TTTD- A Kirl In .U, fn-rHl
1 1 worx in a -mmi ui.u
.Jl LhemeKeta tret
. rASTKii Totnidsk town lot Is ESl
' ul I-- Addition f. lorntr. a.
unueet, ii: MiiU;rn.
, POK "ALE.-A ii1 !m und liarn-
1 r Tb! Dt ! cnil.r ADd rtllob... will
I n-n the Intra or trdo for rMlvin proinfy
SJ Court 'lneur- Huffu-RO u.bte, eui.
ui .uaiucmv nuiet. u
i Vi0.?'""- -n.U.f of .s.
M. ..-i)rt.
. JuurlJ-, oa.ee.
' -
anlnruSSiZr ,g,'nu""'"oi-i' with
pppnjtuDltn-. for hdrauo-, lo r.m(--al
lT.lly a rponlble - York tm-.
1 1.1 W
A bAnoAtN-Ahourtodnroi.,u fo'r
A.-.,a.lMn.?0,,.,,"fc,lra tt OB,J Wjo- Ji
quire of W. U-ninir.t).
WNKIW OKlW.--w vivid, h
tS, c
aih. ai mv dlj t m v"v
iruiCUIFJ !. rltl.;f mH "T,.-.
rii ifinii -. . .-
i T"V
j r
' OjV.
1 r.n to tinftlrtiA iu r. i. b .. . '
i j . .. .. .- , . ... , ,, , M1 uf.
"- . uiootb. Corntr tVr.icr huA
' t',"D,!t
VJK KEST-Mlr nl-lr
An.lj-aisffftoui'i.i.1. s-K-if
' T'
, r
pATlUINIZK Horr. lr,do
;jounu.in Balm Cwutb.iire. llu-r-J
. . -. -." -. BUU UM
. f?$ "'."? .'S,, .".' '"ny irt.md4
- "'" '" ftetw-r wis' i; jw
IM,ern' AUu
, iHiiuiai.iumi iji II II I rrvui b.. i .
oVT it.T'."r &.mJSSi. ""ZX:. !" '
SSTiSlW ."S Wftpifr fiwt dnw unci truo to noiae. Four to ciKht feet W
Hia- lr1.-u-r itat.'m
.Ifllnxfin's 1'iiitpNil PihIilo,!:.
::.zi :.:""""
An oriel ns I work
ui'-il einioni m
world iu conn Ibuiot.
..kumiu innr uriieu., im. s orl..r i
rcr. If you ouirn.pn.tt irtlli.s :
.T.h.pdU,, lh iwuwfcrV.il li S'J'U
IXH purchfc. AddrnC c IlltijWIii T
s'lt i Old
Latest Anivals
rtrrt Nitkinil IUnV
A. r. AarrEa, Msaip w L Staixv, PriorfpiL
Buiae$, Shorthand, Tj-ps1--:' rer.manh!p and Ennluh Depiraaeat,
IMri"l grraing fcMJonv StuJenU xballled any tiro. CaUlocueon pp!icmtie.
i '
s and
7t. ..L -. n-jt -KW I
1 uwjwa-jtv N4,-rT' T M
i.rtr .. - i
i iu:r.u; a lj;c, iku i.iumi; ui.ci vi
il.'Elini'.KENS, VINES.
At Low
Late Kpp Winter Apples a
CHtnluxu.'iiid J'rlce-LlHt fnt:
Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest.
100,(i00 Prune Trees.
' lloyul Ann Cherry.
i',f'r, J-arly Cr.iwford Peach.
ju,ii .Miroriuirk und Roval Anrlcot.
I I IM'l ITfllll' fill
u.iiiiir. MmK r
o Fruit Hen!
Buy votir J'niiic trues
'! ii. .. iti.1 1.1 III,. VhmI'V fll'
i wi rrt mil m i
nnil I,,.,. .1. !.... i
.... . .. . ,,, Hum nvi, .uj miiu
Mil 'Worn onirnnrw.rv irrv.inul
,- v ,
Wife Corner.
for the Holiday
barv nrooY nonr.s
! table linen
i furs etc,
srr7) tf
BuiUtnc, jlem, Orrcoa.
iQrC'ash Paid lor Wool, Hld awl P:t
Commercial st.
it'.ii f cirJ f
Address or cull on WIRTUKtiP,
Olllif 2i2 C-Htmui rcial sireel, !
y.,000 Esopus Ppll7elrg.
20.0ni Gruvensteix l,i',.nMB
25.WK) Yellow fwt'i WW
Xoff Bell Davis Apple.
Woodburn, Oregon.
direct fiom the reliable gr'
ro int-
iiiiiii i i inn . in ov t i
i ..u f.r-.w iv lerni-
uvio -
T!( rM.IHII)M trtKeU
:,,.,, rosa
Thrown, and for
ite . --.. tm