SJSrSyy," mw&FimVP'W1Mi&1' -.t rvwp"Bv ,rfC h.rtf Si m A m m h W4 m mi m sjse t UBe- . ; II IS K435? B.IrtliaS. BNVj . 1 r fc Highest of all In Lwening Iwr.-U, &GWl Rport, An tfc r889- bl ' jp y jik jtsagasasf ABSOWTECT PURE TRTINO TO OCT rXKCTBtCITt OUT OF MOTUINO. Thomas A. Ediwu bu been Inter viewed and moh lie ! enjagwl on the vital question of electriilty. vl.; the way to obtain. It without the Id of other motor power. Ho haa made some headway Jiwt littU. He can get some elecriclty direct fmm coal, hut It ba-Jio force to peak of( Ni otheDlnventlou, Mr. Edison Mys, would no bnctU and revolutionize the world. At present we hive to use coal to grnerate teamed it in turn givei motion to the dynamo w hlrti prmlum -electricity. Only about 15 or IS per cent of the energy of coal Is thn utel. The result is an expensive an 1 vat waste. Tons of coal are ued upon vessel on the trip to Europe, but If electricity can be tenanted directly from the coal, then only a few basketful will be neeeaaary to carrj-the biggest vessel cross the oeoaiu One pound of coal can carry Itself around the globe with Its own electrical power. Borne kind of a holler only made smaller thau the present steam boiler may bat the only mean nec essary'to transform coal into elec tricity, llut of course the appara tus, its shape, or what it will be, has yet to be Invented, as well as the great problem. Mr. EtUaon asserts that it is the greed of electric companies that cause fatalities by electric wire. Small cheap wire carry deadly tcurranta, while Urge wires are harmless. He suggests laws regulating the siie of wires and an Inspector to see that the luw is obeyed. .- i WOMEN'S KuUND TAILK. Kditcd fey AndrealHefcr. TOLSTOI FOR CIIII.URKX. There ha come to us from ovsr the waters, and farther back, from over the great plains of Europe, the writings of Tolstoi, transmuted into English. The public has been read ingibis novels and are praiiiug and tearing them, censuring and criticis ing them, and withal, .to the minds of many his reputation -is anything but savory. But most of those who object to the writer are thoaa-who have read but hi critics, or heard of him for the first time through J the postal service. We waive the discussion of Tolstoi as a writer of good, bad or indiffer ent character, to take that which he has given us of the good and consid er it. There is a series of sermonettes, preached in story form, and Illus trating a text taken from the words of Christ, which, axein the, opinion, of many the trow wiUlmrnf -the-novelist, besides they are Jiia, latest products. There are'Hiore and more rtbetn btiaajput iatooue language; and Just at pTeientarebeinghrought nut in gift book form, costing little, and therefore proving quite popwkr. T. Y. Crnwell & Co., of New-Vork, are making them the great feature of their holiday triide this year, and certainly tliey have succeeded in combining daintiness)'., of bindiug with lownesAof pftCH-in a remarka ble way. To speak ut the intrinsic worth of these little books is however, the object here. The great question of what shall our children read, makes everything that comes in theform of a simple story worth looking into, whether it ln-urn tlto name of Alcott, liuruette, Twain, or even Zola. Tolstoi tti-pM into our literature with tbve geinH of Christ-born tales adding to tin something we have never hud before. Their simple language, liiii neltiltij: by the translation, speukt. ivith eloquence and beauty in helnlfnf the spiritual thlnpn In lowly living. Their topics uloue ntd hi qU'itPil tn show to what order they Mnng: "Where LnveUGod V'niid "What Peo ple Live Uy," Itolli tales of shoe imikern; then "The l'llgrims to Jerusalem," picturing the thought that true worship U in spirit. Many of the mien 'iov ikirlruiH of child life, dmwu'wlth u truth Hiiliirilic Ity tlmt nt time alncwl itriling. The jKiwer anil Kitimliii'r of liix crude language K int only typical of the man, but In n way is child hood's style ol expression, and above all things enjoyable to youth. There are a largo number of these stories already obtainable, and to those who have not yet tasted them for ttonualvM, and who have little one to furnish with tueulal food, we would toy, try the Ilusslsu utorleH, knowing that one reading will create lu earnest hearts u desire that they might he more universally read. What Hand AnUerwui is, Used in Millions of Homes rtrDfiaiSBaking KfePowden Baking E vtTWvi Tolstoi la also, but with more vigor and practicality. He paints a love for labor and lowllneaa, and puts, noh m. halo about the head of poverty, stepping right Into the life of the humblest and showlngthe klnglyxthought within, that the effect can hardly be told. One feels a freedom from the mists of con yeutiouallty after havlug read these stones, that makes the great world tangle seeai-eaaier to unravel, and stirs the desire to do so in each heart. Itead these stories yourself and theu say of your owu accord .whether the children should have I1L.UK MONDAY. "Blue Monday" isou every calen dar, as blue as the owner cares to have it. The poet must bav! oeen thinking; of wash day when he wrete: "I saw her upon nearer view, A Hplrlt, yet a Woman too 1 A creature not too bright or good For buuiau nature's daily food." People who go to bed on Sunday night with something to regret usually have the bluest Monday of all, for It Is a hard enough day when It U met with the best prepar ation. To have the whole house savored with suds and warmed-over victuals takes the soul of a saint to overlook. As luck will have It, nearly everything that is disagree able happens on this day, aud most generally company comes, the chil dren are noisy -and late to school, the house is In a tipped-over state after the Sunday houseful of visiting relatives, and so one might go on and find lots of particular reasons why Monday is the bugbear of the week. It takes, more Christian preparation to meet Mouday aright than ever It does to meet Sunday. And woe to the housewl'e who has no week day religion. When the remains of Sunday's dinner is stowed away It ought to be ready, and prepared for Monday's dinner, if that is intended. The children's school clothes and books I if put iu place Sunday night will save great confusion, and perhaps preserve a little of the Sunday influence far into the next day. School itself would he more orderly on this fated day. Some people will look upon the Sunday night prepa rations as breaking the Sabbath, but if Monday can be drawn out of the depths of the bluepot by Sunday labor, who says It is not Jioly work? "Sufficient unto the day Is the evil thereof,'' but if to-day's sunshine can dispel tomorrow's gloom, we are not borrowing trouble but pre- eti4Bgit. by doing tomorrow's duties today. The sunbeams labor en the Sabbath. BKCIPK FOB OMEliET PANCAKK. To one plntof newmllk take three large- cooking-spoonfulh of flour, three-or faur-eggs -and a little salt. Put themlllfron thestovejwheu it is hike warm stir up the flour with naif the milk; Then when the re mainder of the milk is boiling, mix itwlth'the batter. Do not put in the eggs until the milk and flour are well mlxetfc Break- them into the batter without sirring or beat ing, and gently break them with a spoon so they are partly mixed only. Your dish is spoiled if the egg Is too much stirred. 'Put a tabieapoonful of lard into a. splder.'and -when-very hot pour in enough batter for a cake the sire of a tea plate. Turn to a delicate brown and serve hot.sprink led with sugar. The womanly woman is bom not not made; the quality is an essence of human nature. The most mancu line women are those who never go out of their huse to do or say any thing in connection with women'B movements, Coarsoew or mascu linity can be found iu a stay-at-home woman the same as efllmlnate man ners sometimes belong to a man who shuns the opposite sex. It's all well enounh for Mrs. Beecher tn say that women should brinj; up their chil dren to be housewives aad mothers. Sappoaetbey haven't chlldren.aud If ttiey'lMive iu the majority of cases girls must become mouey-earners to support themselves or others depend ent upon them. The American mnther of today is Just as faithful Ut her family as she ever was. This talk about women uot wanting to bring up families is not true. I know, not'fwm hearsay but from actual experience, that Instead of the material instluct dying out it is k much a vital part of woman's nature as lu Ut-echer's bridal days. There is a distinctive superiority about American mothers asreom. 40 Years the Standard. pared with the mothers of European countries. They make companions of their sons, who consequently do uot regard their mothers as servants and Inferiors. This change has been brought-about by the 'movements' of 'advanced' women. Woman is In her ABC theoedays as to what she should do. If any one says to her, 'You shall not step out of your house and see whnt your boys do,' she souhhsay, "I will go where my boys go and wherever I have mind to. My boy has no right to go where it would not be proper' for me logo too." THE FARMERS MOVEMENT. Uen the DfMttratic Party Prsptm t Csrral the Alliaare In Politic. From the St. Louis Republic (Deni.): Senator Harris of Tennes see expresses the opluiou that the Farmers' movement has run tt course mid that it will not figure at all lu the campaign of 1S92. Iu our opinion Mr. Harris ex presses a view batted on altogether insufllcleut information. Nothing, to our mind, is more certain than that the Farmers' movement will decide the elsctiou of 1SUJ iu favor of the party that intelligently advo cates the principles of Jeflersoiiian democracy. If by any folly the democratic or ganization could be putlu opposition to this movement, the democratic machine would he "smashed." But we anticipate nothing of the kind Mr. Hirris' own state of Tennessee has set au example of the highest political wisdom In this respect. It threw open all its doors to the move j ment with a "come in, gentlemen;' this' is your party; make yourwlvw at home here"- which the Tennes see farmers did with a rush. If, after getting iu, they shocked the n. nnu u.,.,.L,.r. i... 1,.., io..ueo . ...l ..uv.w,.. k.j ... 1 considerate treatment or certain veil- j ruble article of furniture, by sitting down on them tlrst ami requesting' their removal to the garret after-1 wards, It was no more than was to be expected. The niaiu thing was that these farmers, being democrats, were made tn feel at home iu their party, and that instead of hamper lug It they gave It a new momentum. As a result of this movement in the south, a democratic leader for whom we have the highest resard may be displaced here and there with a new man, but such incidents are inevitable in the changes of our politics, and though those who are thus threatened may temporarily despair of our institutions we trust and believe that they will live tore- juice that the this generation been iufinltely vrnuie counirj, lur and the next, has for benefitted by their .9f"riiirv ...... jiui 11 19 iu inu ncai luai, lue Farmers' movement will achieve Its greatest results. The West Is the( battle-grouad of our future politics, where the struggle for a larger free dom aud for the justice so loug de nied is to be decided. The Farmers' movement in the West gets impetus I from men who are democrats at heart, but who have so loug afllil iated with the republican party ou civil war issues that it is hard for them to change; at- once-front the re-1 publican to the democratic party. ' The Farmers' movement Is their, "half-way house." They are on their way into the democratic party, aud they will never stop until they get into It unless they are headed off and deliberately stampeded back ' into the republican corral by demo- cratic leaders. Having no mind to, see this done, The Republic has urged democratic farmers among its I readers to go into the movement, to I preach democratic principles, and, ' keeping always in view the fact tbnt ' ouly through the democratic party i it it possible to win and hold free- dom, to sliow tue republican come outers ttie way to make themselves icii nuu iu lurw juauue lur me agn- i cultural states of the West aud i (South. I The farmers' movement in the west has already achieved grand result. It haa made a wholesale slaughter of the old bloody shirt politicians who kept up civil war sectionalism in the Interests of tho plutocratic oligarchy. Jiut as yet it has only made a good begfuiilug. It will keep on until the agricultu ral states, west and south, are m longer disuuitcd in politics by the follies, crimes and blunders of past generations. or course democrats will not in- dorse the "sub-treasury" scheme strong itoverument aud class sociul issm. 'Ihey cannot do that, but they :do not need to do It. It isii mere "fad," Introduced hy artful politicians to discredit the move ment. The farmers will soon throw it aside and, no longer encumbered by it push on to achieve honest government, with low taxation, non-interference by government in trade, and a i clow obeervance of the highest natural laws of finance In the regulation of the currency. Cow Fok Kalk. A good milch cow. Inquire of Wm. Bargent, 27(1 Comerclal Street. Jtlch Ilsrfatt for. a Michigan Farinea. ' I tmve sfTerixl lor years wltli rljfumullrii lonof appellu-iiMil illuilenil blood, uud after great exp-ndlliiiiMtt ilmuundiiioiiey Imd almost given irii all hope or rellel, Ilearlorof Illbbards lllieiiiouiliihyrup, I gmspedHaSM 1 it resort, ufur using 1 bottles fou'iil iiliuo.i i nli- icllii', l :(in now able to woi .i mj larm Mllliia.e which 1 bare no' d i v lu jinw, mid I d vise all person ufl-riiu I. Iirheiimiitlsiii uud other bin t urjul. -. ii i rv I his r im-dy Jli l'M(it), lliriiinii.liuii, Holdbylmlllil y hr. AOrejt f.Iti-r Merililiir. Dr. (Iudu'm lint ii Ved l.lvcr I'lll. ure n iiirocureforsik licuLulif, billions nini palnls,iIyiH) mIh.i digestion, cMii'mesu, li rold liver. .'. These pill lusuru periet 1 ingestion, oorrs'l !' ,Imi uud suniiacli, t urlfy and enrich I lie blwKl miiU jiutke. Iho klnclmr. Tan iilsoprodure tiixooU mi-. petlt,nd In igor.ilo and stswiiMneiislbe I entire yUm by tbelr ton In ucllou, kjl.t atUoeoUalmc tiyniuilliAHleluer, i .v. - fft-wf pnt, in flnet Ionic, wm f en fc cm) ttwlf uplti kllpvco foM'on th roAl of Klon 11 uuii monut, inrre rrunDit ptroni .w tilt's crmtii. illntlnrtl Ilftlsr, th uNiT I ft jam.' tf pwiito wouM bf ltrvt the TollosTtriK truthful tAtmput hn ThMlv & Uwy swallow am-rint ttirit It wnuM W Hie mutii cf imTln thouAn1t of tlvr Pr Pli-re Hil1rn MMIomI DlmisTitr. If ukrn tr tlm i tm a flr irUl. win fcc;ullr tur ciitiiUHiiptlou of tho tunira, n'm h i u tvauj cmriilous ttlivc. ir tnM xnimtfrnt! niM'tlnt d( notta nil we recnnimrtHl, when tAkn n illreclrT, we wlH cheerful I v uu nmnintly return U money xh fur ii Caii iv offer H more jfen.rmi or fAlr NoothrrmM lctn pwe5M sufrtclent power iirrtliat f.t j Oiuttmptioit to warrant Uninnufv j turen In elltncU umlwrMtcri tnUirriir.ttMion. I TheMllMen W1icU)lnvery " Imioi only Mir I nrtot woiulrrfnl alterative, or blotM-elatuer. ' Known to t Mirat ik'tiicr, out ait (rviw upei o. nutiltlvvaml tonU or Mrenctli-itllii4 properties, whU h imlat tbi fKnl tnUltanl bfcoine a.v1nilUtel. thtu bntMlnit up 0,1 1 t t re ticth ami tltli. Knr all cm of Itrnchlt Throat anil Lmie IiAe, arcompinl'tt wita tlii (fert nij cvmh, it UaMlutlv liniiulo-l nu remtnl 'or WeaW Lanps, Hi'lttltu of Ulo. t anJ klmlreit alfcctlon. It urpae- all otl r REVARD !; otferrl by Uie man ufctarrornr. Sc'a Catarrh fur cm of Catarrn tn th he.l whlcJi Uie cannot cere. By It mm, auotniast I i"!t 4 properties, Dr fcase'a Itrmi-Jy cuiv the w ri casevno matter how ha 1, or of tow tonflU!il Ui. Flfl) cUtitbslru3lU. PKOFKiUKlNAL, CAltIS. V. HONIIAM. II. N. IIAYDKN. w. II. IIU1.S1M. Bn osirsM, Iloi.sir llASPRV, Attor- ncvunt aw. onico in Hun s mock. ctwewn State iintl Court, on Com'ISI. ST.UtCir.ltl)SON. Attorney nt law, of. , tlpt p stairs In trout rooms ot new Hnsti block. corner! onuuerciaiiuid conn irre(s.ilein,Or,Ron. J. J. MHAW. Attornev-nHww, Knlenl, Oreeou. Ofllce tlrt door to the left t head of stAlrs In the mtr of uidd A Hush's bank. ILMON KOItl), attorney at law, Salem. urwu. uiiicc urmirs iu l'aitoii's bio lock. I)ltATT.t HUNT, attorneys at l.iw.Snleni, Ornmn. Oflic6ot!rl(arr'it Jewelry store. State street. 'AIIPY A lll.NOHAM, Attorneys and couiikelors at law. Si'lein. lluiroD. i Inir an abstract nt the records of M irlon county. Includln; 11 lotand b.lock Index of isaiem, inrtv nave special mciiiiip ior es amlnlU!; titles o real estate. Kulncss In the supreme court and In thostittc deurt raents will recelxe prompt attention. DU.J. M KKENE, Dentist. Onicoover the White Comer lYmrt and Com. merclal streets. 9 tloi . MC.VAI.tiY.Ai-rhltect. New Ilnsh Jirevnmn block. Hlans and pcclllca- 10ns of all cUxses of of buildings on short notice. Huperlntendeaceof work promptly ! """1 "r. "'" V K-r- 1 tITlll AHKI.An. til.. nD CnAl 1 I . .....nwi.T ...... ni.i . flitlons and NUierlnteudeuce tor ,U clisses of bulldintta. Ottlco MO Com. i merci.ii si ,up smirs, j IIUSINKt1 CAItlW. ri KO. IIOKYFV-llnrber and Halr.drefs. VT. Ing pai-lors. h luest b.illis lu tun cltv. iML-Vimmerclal Street, bileni. XTUTE ClvARK: Ilarbers and Ilnir Only iy diescrs,2li Commercial tilreet. the best of nork. pvlt. T. C. HM ITU, Dentist, W SUIe street, j naiem, i;r. rinisueii iiemai opera tlons of every description. I'jlnIessoeru- lions a specialty. AM. CLOUOH. Undertaker. Kmbalmer . and Cabinet Maker, 107 Htatc HI.. balem. II. SOUTir.VICK. Contractor and builder. Well prepared to do all kinds of building and guarantee sitlsfci- kin. tion. -i-.'l-lm TOIIN OKAY. Contractor and builder. fl Klnelnkldo flnlshlm; a seclalty V Commercial street, isaleni Oregon. fOIIN KNKII1T, lllacksmlth. Horse t) snoelngandreruilrluviispetlnlty. hop atthe foot of Liberty street, .ilem, Oregon. i'JUtl PJ. I.AIlHKNciCO,, Manufacture of all , kliidsofvchlcles. Itepalrlnx a special ly. Only the best work turnedoul, Miopl') Wtate street, next door t HcrlberA I'ohle, .4 V. llKsr. Artist otuitl". Hush I-. Drey block. Classes lhursda a and HOCIKTV NOTIUhS. &A O. U. W. I'rotecllxu ld(e No. 2, A. nesday evening at Its hill lu ntate In siiraiice block, corner Coiiimerulul and Cheinekeia streets Visiting and Hojuuru ingugeiuren niviieu r. u. noumwicK, I ha i;nu, Itcourder. 31 W n A. Il.-Medgirlck Post, No. 10, Depart' ... mem oi urexou, uivcis ery .sionany (renliigiiltbn hall ovei the Oregon Lund company's ofllce. Visiting comrades uri coraiany inviteii lonitenu. 1). C.SIIKUMAN, t'ost loiniuxdcr .E. C. CKOSS, Butcher and Packer, HutoHt. an court Ht. riie best menu of, ineuijr. Cheapest, Neatest anil Best, SCHOMAKER'S COMBINATION FENCE. I make and put up ull kind of fences, olty uimisjuuiry, Kiy leruisoeioruieilLlllg, II. bCIIOMAKKK.Hllleill, Or, FRESH MILK. Capital Dairy Co A. U Kalreliild, II. J. Kelly and am prepared to deliver fliesh rnllk cooled ou ice, to uuy uirl of tho city. Lsinvo orders at Ulnlo A Isiw's stable. )) N 1,1 Jl i.u D. C.SHIS KM AN, l), H, IViislon and Claim "Kent. I'.O. IkK 'i, ilfiii, ()ic.;oit. Ijeiniiy County ri.rk. Wiltoim blanks. w IfiSURE IN YOUR HOME C0MPAHV uThie State." Atsd, ! i ii1 irlw on'thlii! tf n million , ni'.Ki.Kll,city Agsut, And special iigent for Mnr'on wiuiily. OfM rl'.'i) will) Mi ('ouiisiiiy, I jfcffifor j55B5S;ni'"-C: c5l sgp-S-Sr i.r:ijrl e5NMS$y.T"'!'"jj'j'''- aff5sa3P " 'sgcT?n''lThg!? s'iii i lfftfiSCO John G, Barr. Watchus and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. Rprrlal Ktteiillim to mtitMirlni; ilrrctlTc ulutit mid Klniiw lltteil. Aslwktlmt will iUmIM'Vph. (ilMssrs rorrrltlritlt'iiMiiKmuiul mid Mlril toorner. ' WATrlirc. FT I Anew took of clock. ller mid Rulrt wmrltci, llcrwnrs mid Jowflr.i; wlilcl will Is' sold client". Also it lot of PAWNED WATCHES will btiftnUlnt lc-tlmii hnlf thftr ViUito. Ou I " convince youi-MMr. SALEM IKON WORKS. 0. I). HUTTOX, Prop. livstlussof all kinds made to oi'lcr. HIM.MAt'IIINKKV, ri.AMNtl MILLS, (IlKNIt'KS, Min'Ai. Kito.vir, WIIKKI.S, 1'UM.KtH, ind oislliiRs ol any lylo or im lein imidpln fliort order, mnoolli and ro llAbloln tii'i- parllrnlHi. Repair any Machinery in Short Order. Tiirnluir tut lies, ruultit'-i. lion prwes .mil hop stm es Hiilll. will iitnKuesmiiiiin on hii Iron iork paid lor old Iron, nctslcd. HiHHi pruv S-ls-lin Tiix-Vn.M'i-sTalioNotlfo. The t.i roll of Marlon county for I ho year pom has b en placed In iu hands for oil Urlluii, ami ,a.'uiers will please isinie foruarrl niul piv Ihelrnsnossiiiellls. as the couut 1-oiit ol ninds. I- M. ntoisAN, Slierltrand Tax Collector. IVeshcott & lrwiii, SuccesMir to Amos Slump. Pioneer Bakery 271 Street, French Juiid Qvriiiuii Wheat iinti Uye llreiuis In City Hlylt-H. VliMiua HolLs. SI'F.Cl ALTV OF FANCY CA KKH. Pastry and Confectionery Baking lu Full Btock. My iil-w bread mid cake bakerp are tlrst.chiiu arllstH In their line, ami I aim to have Everything as Fine as (he Finest. FOTlEST'UHOVE ToOLTltY'YAltliS. Founded in H877. 1000 young :fowls for sale And the tlnestfevcr blcJ on the Taclflc Cjast. IiK)k our order curly loll choice HClcctlons. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, j iftii dw Korest Iroe, Oregon 10 Acres for Rent. A choice tract only one mile from Salem Te-ms liberal. Apply to IIOI'EIt llltO.S., Jouns-il Olllce. VIIAT"iSATillLAriWELL? Be Sure b Read ami Gel no Oilier A genuine! uU I constricted ' pulllui; douua three Inch Iron pipe, with uii openings except top and bottom. No dirlcaiiK.l luaud only pure water can be kotont. This Is I hu only kind of well that Hor'iiHiintUurcctnciiiuoiKCl Into, thai Is absolutely siirfai .mater proof, and that Is torcud throuijh the ivment strata to thupuiollvtiiL' uater. It Ik oltttily the only kind of well that is worlh bulidingm this coimliy Junius A. Ruber l, nalem (rtsldence ne irfiir grounds) mukis these weiis itiuis reaouablu lUetrs eerl euro. :3.nwl-5ni-iv l'loposiils for Stationery. Oflli'iiol Ihel-ecreUirvofHtnte. I s.ileiu, Oi., Oct. IS, ISiiO. Penlcil prossals mil be nielveit at tills otUce li ii Lit uiHiiiMond ly.llec. I. Im.j.i.i fur- noli theloilowlngariltlts for lhu slate of Oregon , VI reams legal cap, lllb, No. 7 ruling, white laid, Cirew, Lh irler Oak or ccoicn llntu. .) reams letter Mipcr, 121b, No. 7 ruling, wnue iaiu, Lwiruw, uudrier imk or stolen linen. a) reams nrsv class contross note, 71b luickages, No. 7 ruling, while laid. Si 3! .i0 Wit itu eiielows, Mib, No 1 rag, .-s...v l 31 NoIO whltotntlom.s.fi01b. No I thit -S.AA, VI gross railroad tttel pens, No 149. 'JJgrotH Gillotl's steel jams, No IUI. 1 gloss (illlotl'H stttl pens. No 'Ml, U gross hisicrbriHik "1" pens. !ros8 Kaber's iienholders, No lH7il. ludueiil'ick.Mou a Wilcox's inkstands No Vis. Idoitn rtk,Hton-iV Wilcox's inkstuuds No fVI. IU lioz I'eck, Htow & SVIlcox's Inkstands. No 120. il Dos lory folders, 0 inch standard, 1 dozen Ivory lolilem, 10-liicli congrLss. i IK' muclliigu nips, Nov, Morgan's pat lodozen uiucllagu ttaudi, reservoir No t), Morgan's patent. U reams rarkei'slriasury blotting paper, Unlb, usnorled colois. 't gross No 't liigle lleoorder lead ptnclls, slylu WJ. 2 doMii Hnnford's premliirn fluid, quarts. 3 dozen Mallord's writing Hind, cjuaru, ludoeu guuiiiiid stub Hits, No il, llxl.'i Inches, Iti iiuges, iipluxcisho-trd letter clips. rdozen rahtr's rubber rulers.ll-lu. fl it. l'i dozen steel erasers, ltoger's No 18, Hi) boue. 4 dozen iteel erasem, Itogers' No 18, Hli ebony. JO boxes Kaber's No 800, rubber buuii, as sorted sizes 6 gross Kaber's lead pencils, No 2, hxa gou, gill. .Jigiisss Tuber's lead pencils, NoZ, round, 14 do.on I'aber'H patent Ink rubber erasers, mammoth. aim pencil UUJUMUllirH patent Miier fasteners, No 2, flat head. .1000 NtOlll's intent paptrfasteueni, No i, flat liuid, i&doztn Ublopjd to tiolil papers, 10x21 iiiiuefl, piiiiiik leaiucr i ps, l'i doen waste-paper ti.u No I. j.iskcts, crewtbar, J) lb hemp tw lue, No 12. At thu same time, separate bids will bo received lor li dozen Una penknives, lobo dcserlbtd by trade iiunners, suuiples lobe exhlblttd. HIUs should bn marked "l'rosmals for itaUoneiy." None hut the best quality of goods trill be iK-oepled. 'Iho right to reject any or nil bids is reserved. All (be above arllelcs Ut bo delivered at balem on or bo lore Juuii'iry 10, 1801, (ll-O. W.HcllllIIHi. peereiary oi i.inie. 'f&'fjskP. STEEL PENS 4:OBrjiplo Pent, different pattcmi, In I o. NliUel 1'1'ilod reulili Uur. lentpoeUpaid, on ruelpt of. iO UIJNXN, PERRY DU. i LOntiOn. relsti. t32-i "" ' ""J I -"'iH U, 9, OMet, BtO Btotimi, Kcw Yelk brick! burtoIbros. aro nrewred to furnish ft hrst-cla" "rllcle orilrlck I11 town or couutry or imywhere 011 the line of o U. 11 It. Price, reason- able. YiitdsonHmlestreot.oprHMiiii y. . I'. All orders led with WllllaiinjA Kiij. land promptly iillended to. money' to "loan On Farpi Property. Apply l W. A. Ilanilllnii, lWHIntoHt, Haleni. j'w Morgan &. Mead, Ci ty Drayment All work donewllh proniptnewmnd dlf rsitch. Only Iho best mou are employed. Wood All kinds of flood sawed unit In fourfoot leniltli, ilellsrrtil toany part of the cll, (lixiil oh1 and full measure Riianinleed. Olllco with J. M. I'ayne, V7 Htate street. A.I'.UOUDON. I S. SKIFFi CO. Dentists, Nir Optu Houit, JWYUj Silfm, Of. INHUIIANOK V (i in puny. Ktm nud Ma rine. UY. AI.11KIIT. Aient. Haleni. Oroion SAVE" MONEY ON ROOTS, SMS and KUBBEKS. C. G. GIVEN i Co's. Unltom !-i Cuuti 1-1 Prlo OUR SPECIALTitS. I. "Itellalilek," for men, Pebble calf, CreiHliinirlvle,uW.U)alio for K.7. II. Coiiiinoii M-iim'," for IjuIIch, ii brlitli t Dniiiiola, l llsli us any mud, it KI.UU shim lor ;.fft. III. I can snvuynu money on boj'saud children's shoes. I'osltHely low prices Kepalilui; done, L'lisium work solicited. Ililtf SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 18! Commercial St. All styles of I ho Famous HIiik'I constant ly on hiind;alM lepalrsaud net dies forul kinds of machine. MINT CASK, Agent. ELLIS k WHITLEY, LrrJ3IlYMEN, South of CliumuUvtw Hotl, SALEM, - - OKBOON Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours ol the l)a None but white labor em nyed In thb establishment A gisd substantial meal o krd In tlrsl diss stylo I'wenty-flve cents per meal RED V K O M T. Court street, between Journal tjftlce am Mlnto's l.lverj. CKy Ekction. VJOTIIIK Is hereby given that the n'gu 1 Iirbicnnlal clecilouof thoclt) ofXa lein, Oregon, will be held ou .Mouda), Die 1st, IMiO.riirthepiirposoofelectlugii niavor, cllj rccurdvr, city marshal and illy treas urer; nl'O one alderman for Hie Mrt waul oiieiiiilerman for Hie Setoud mud, ti alileriucn lortheTliird waul, anil oueul. derm iu for the huurlli ward. IheMilluv pluces am as I illewt: Klrst ward. Mansion house. uccond ward, old court house, 'lhlrd ward.noeni liou.e l-oiirlh ward. Kills Whlllev's stable. The sills will Iw opened at ill o'clock in thu loicnoou and continue open vvllhoiil Intcriiilsslou uulllfourln the afiermsin. I.. K. t.'O.NN, lUcorderof thecllj ofKilem,Or $500Revrcll WK will pay tlmabove reward for nns case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick heuihiclie, indigestion, Inn nr cos Itveness woc-iiinot cure wltw west's Yeg (itablel.ier I'lll", when I be directions an striitlocoiiiplltd with. They urn puiel) vtgelabl, and never fall In give sail fai Hon. t-ugar coned, IJirgo boxes, isuitiiln Ing 80 pills, 28 cents. Ilewam of eounler lelisaiid mltalloiis. the genuine inanii ractMredohly by TIIK JOHN C. WKHl Co. I.liiiugolll, Kold by Oisi K. (Jood, Druggist, WD Com street, Hjlem.Oi. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line OAI.trOllNIA RXPHKMH TKA nUN DAILY I1KTWKEK I'UIITIXKU AMDH. r. '"TX"" '" r'r-n..- m p. in. l.v. roitlaiid Ar. U'm, m V iMi. in. I I.v, Haleni l.v. I 7.2J ii in iiiArKanjrun. J.v. iw',; ',',' "Aliove"tralim"tiren1y uriollnwfng sfa lions norlh of Itoseburg, Kast I'oriiinil Opikoii t;ity, Woodburn,' bile n, ill , j angent, Hhedds, '.y. larrl.b rir lumtlon (;tj-, Iryjinjni.,1 ifiiVne. w iunKnUIUIMAM.'llAlbYT S Kl 11. ri IO2 U. Ill iilO p. III. '.' v ft"'"" l.v. UN l. ,,i Ar. Hoseburg l.v. o.i) a. m Albany Local, Tj)aUy(lee.rhii,,,ay.i i m .i III n tn l v. i!',rt'"ml ,Ar.Jf00"i.uT Mlem l.v. (mist,, m Ar. Albany l.v. im IM i,ii. W n. in PULLMAN BDFFBT SLBBPBBST TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Vest Side Division, Between Portland and Cemllis: UAU.V-CKrT dUNUAV). 7:A.1m. in IT!7li:n:iTr.. . . - - aio,zm.A,: Kstam k-m. At Albany and (Virvnllls imom Zi7 trilnKfOfegoni'"l!'Hi WU WemmMTKAlw-(i,Aii,v h,Z'inunMt Through Tickets lOllll Hlll EA81' aud HUIITII .v asfflMB!""'; 6th"i NEW ZEALAND B4S2eHeB-4a I l'i 1 jH,, MWTEBJ6ilffl m Tf m FRIEND .-). Advertise Your Business! -o- THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL Sl.OO Per "Year IS THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST And Best For the Money on thel Pacific Coast It Iiuh ii lnrjjr clrfiiliiUon In tin- towim autl unions thu best fanutrt of Marion, 1'olk mill Viiinlilll rnuiitluH. AhMis fiom thin Itnlno lias wld ulruiihitlDii tliroiiKliniit tin- ICiixturn Htiilen unions ptitiplu vlintirestuilyln, Oregon with u vlow tn coming WoHt. Tub JotlltNAb tilk a spdlty nl Klvltii; iiL'rnnili' liiforiimllon limicitiiIiik fruit (jrowliiR suit farmluj prnthiotH, nlmi tin miirket ruports. It Ih uii unuxrolleel ndverllslug mt ilium for thu IikmiI trnilo mil r-al entuto InloresU. BIRDS All Kinds mounted to order ALLAN RHODES, MW.KM, lllll'IIOI Nolivo For 8nwcr JIIIk. Silem.HriKon. Niivcmuvr I. IHO. Illds will be received by thu following commute)' of thucity council up lo.lo'clock P. to. ou ililurihiy. tun 1Mb duv of Nnvnni. ber, for thu isinstriictloii ofiinnllnr sewer inroiiKii iiiock mi it in the city or Hulem, I'lunsnud spcclflcntlons mm beseenal Hie city urve)ors olllco. Illds will bo opened .Hi p. in. i:. .M i.AKOHIC, A.i: STItANU, J NO. (I HAY, ll:'Md Committee. DUGAN BROS., "The Plumbers," SOO Cammaralul.Nt Dealers In Steam and Plumber's Goods, Callfornti ironslonn Hewer and Kim 1,'luv Chimney ripe, elo. Health is Wealth I Ml. II. t. WBhTH Nere uud Hrnln Treaiiueiit,iiKiiariiiiteeiliec!na for Hys term, Dliilness, fonvulslons, I'lis, Nervous NrumlKlu, lleiuliiclie, Nervous I'mslratloii aiiiseillir Ilia use nf iihsihol or lulmeca, Waheriillncss Mcutiil Depression, rWiltvn' ngollhe brain resulting In lusaulty and !.'."lf """"'y. ""iy and dentli, pro mature old HKe.barixMiness, 1oh of lKiwer cnuied liyover-exerllonof tlmtimln. Kneh tsjxiimtu us ono miinlM's treatment, tl.ui n box orslx boxes for JVU), sent by ronll prepaldonrecelptofpilifl. ' WEOUARANTKK SIX HOXER Klved by lis for six boxes, accompanied with ui, wo will send Iho purcl aser i ui the irtmiinent does not edict a cure. Uimr. iinlces issued only hv (ieo. K.tlood, Drui Kl.ttHohiugemJ,li6o CojnJH iuomOrT Oregonian anil Koad Comimny. Oenarilollljos Front mil T. HU, I'ortlan From r.AMl Ml UK Portland HUtlniis, Hllver-Coburi: Ion mo mull TnwiirH I'orlbind rort'nd I'ort'd mall Kip I.V I'M UbQ 7 V, a on l.v All if. !' '"'UndHIM.'o M V - WiHuiiiurn I tu 11 i.....Hllvitrliiri l'i n . Alt l'i Ah.M V HA a !?. "r"W.""V''l'- 7 ,, - ""'irK...... ii in I i'lliiTlloiiat WiMiilbiirn wllh H I' tt truli.s in uml from I'rollai I J !i Wt tii man with train. ,, ini fmm AHmily. MU WKMT Hint;. inn" mini i, ,, I "' -.. A Alt I IV . nai I'Jtij 'jui i in IM -roriiiind rwv. DiiiiiIi u .liinciiou .... Hllerlilan .,. ..... Ulllas, ...... .-HlllllUOIlH I'M .lift 111'. OKI KM 7 IIS Tir.i..;: ,... nr.-jA '-- o UK, fflTlTWtt.Ti Who iln All Kind, of LAUNDRY I0H A Olii'iip as any Iju,,,!,. . (lit. Ct..,tr.v UBli,wh,te 2.S ml l)liiKlln.t.olaiiirMork! ""' larLHtlli-H and pntrana InvlUri loJj.HfH.ct our prow- w$ 230 Liberty Street, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY tlrndimtesHtiirtsnisin Classical, Literary, ScicnH! Music Art and Theology Normal, Itafiint'KH, Lai AN1 MEDICAL COURSES It Utho oldest, largest and lstst nn. slvw Iiisiltullon of Intrnlug in tht SortJ' Hnd for catnlogue to i r TllOft. VAN SCOT, ., I'rwddsnt. Onion Pacific il, II Company "OVEULAND ItOUTE." rtnlns for the east ltave fortlnlWI hiii Hint mo iim dally. Tie eu lo M'Irwi principal poinls in thi United UUtM.Uu 4a and Kuropv. Kle ant New Dioin Ctrl PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Kreo Family glceplnr Curs run thromli on Kxprww trnlns to Dmsliu, Oounw lllurts nud Khiisos City wllliont ctuop Uoiinectlonsnt IMrtlund forUsnKnMM cound 1-uiet Hound points. Kor lurtlier partlculani addrsti M ""'""""''"''i.'V.i.isB.o.r.i. C. H. MKI.I.KN, 0nerol Tmffle iiutf Iiolso A Miirmln huui 8 Courtstml, H.ileiu,()re)fon. THB RUNSI ,iiu Kat tralnaillb Hullmn 'VWI1JJ Drawing room deeper, dining f'V" couches of lteldesln,.betweB t-W, und Milwaukee BndHt. Vu na "' Rift Train, with I'ulln,n yMj drawing room lPr.d "'SS, rsiaSo conchea of latest dwlgH. bet0 f""g nil Milwaukee m! Asliland Mid ll-' Turongh I'ullniM el",al?hW;ru room and colonist sleepers v wji jJJ em I'hcIHo railroad between Oilc'" rorlland.Or. . , v-.u. Convenient twins In iinrt Irom "Jf WosMirn, Northern mid nwiM "J In polnU. nllordlugiineq'ialwtMn'af I. ,.st. klnunnli Kl nllllU lilt . Illll tllWWP ' "7 Kail fcliilre, jinrley, Wis., and Iroowow uud llessemer, Mich Kor tlckels, sleep! tllnluhlu Mtlll ttllt Bssemer, anou. M.siloMi' llckels.'lpluif J,2fi iwS1 Ui lunnU HnwUero In the !!'Wv or Canada. H. It Aiis""tfUi Oen'l. Mgr MIIum, W (ien'l Trafllo Mr., t' """ U.O.UAIUXIW. .,.,.,, WD. Tr.morGl.w.JiIN Ain't qen'l IVM'r uurt Tkt AlV, " aa, wis. Two Through Trains Each Way UAIbV, VIA , UNION FAUIWU8YBTEW. rv.m..Ain with Hundsy, Mrt fy both Drat and n1ta,HJi iSut X" honored on "Xtoe .-lSiia IW &" tral is Hand 4, well ,lw l.nS m..MSNail. lSBdl. . ..... Sf "Thi Limited Kiul ' L J?Bd eol enulpped with, l'ol)inn P'1?, , wj nslkMiM.rH, "hilng cars, eMir JJi ooeches, and run, sol Id '"VJT j and i:iiUgj.,dully iM"iSeS.llf TnaUvrlund Klyfr trains "& wfth I'ullman isi Ui Rt"Slur between Horllund undLouDCli oi" tw-i wllh I'ullman colmim w "J7.V wW0" rortlund anil hausos City, oanji aliunuli a aIIa tflI tlmuecl aim ere wh HffJiw, ; through trnlns tttU J"!, rVlB WfJ ntflieyeniir wllb ibKVJio'dBt.l cured upon applhutlou m"JFjJ, NOUS MANNJN" AU" trMtiHalemUrwaa' JAwly ' a'U lUn- ' ' Att i iu.l