Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 25, 1890, Image 2

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    - "''"P"
vtfrfT ,-.-7i
' f """"i,".!- "' '&3W w 3raWPrwii: Jf j$ T""vHfsWie"MHft-'"f. f? & '""Km1!
TUK81)AY....'.".-."yOV. y- 'SPO-
iMlly by mull pr jwr
"ul'Tby mall per month, ..-.. jo
iWiily by mull pryr,.. . - l w
-tf not tild iu mlvMure the price
rtutxtd for till- WKKKI.Y JoCltSAL Will .;
fliprTir. If pur" an not d?llrred
promptly nollty thcofflre.
lmlly forlnle wrk, .. ?
Dallvfortwo wre. 2 ''
IMIly by mouth, - (wet.
Ollctlon will be made on Wt nnd lith
of mouth, "utwrlben. will ploe Imvc
ninney lor currier, nt houe or whetwn it
l delivered, o n. to rrtu no delny. In
Tiir Kvicniiic. Capita. Jouksai. regit
Url twelve the rternon oc.ued
Another Electric Motor
to be Kslabliihril
The syndicates were well plonsed
with the examination of Ihelr rvprv
MtiUttlvcs who took a look over the
horso oir line In this city. They tire
A KuitNrrUKK Factoky. The
business men of Snleni huve u prop
osition from nn caitern linn to come
, here ntul locale a furniture fnotory
! tn ntllllliH nt In.lal tlfll- llli.ll. If
these lire rellnblo purtles ami ivossess
the means nut! miuMlo experience,
our city could not make n belter
Investment thnn ulvo a bouus of
iMl'OltTANT llt'StN'KSS CltAMIK.
Another huslncM ehmiRu takes
place Iu Salem to-iliiy which will be
of Interest to nil readers. W. II.
Coni-iid, the clothier, has sold hlHen
tire slock and business to Messrs.
Geo. V. Johnson & Sou, who are
old men in thu business In Salem.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
It is not yet known what Mr. Con-
.wrvsnon.llnL. with rommi.les ,h,s k,lul '" "',9 " MiHlnUblwlly u rati will di,, but It Is hood ho will
In rejptrd to mak!nK the road nn J tl'ieeetiterof trade forsuoh a factory, remain In Salem, tw men of his
. o......... m... .,i .,, .lucre In uuy quantity of mw nmte- push and euternr.se tire u vnluable
.!..... ii. ..Ui,-., ..r 1, ..1 i. rial to work up and 11 growing le- nctiiisltiou to tuiy place. Me.srs. I l'liienmn's uiocery stole, 131! State
Mn.lo.Un II.. u.Ip In .1.., ,.nriv nnand for this Hue of bh1s. Morel Johnson will contlliuo the
I'KI'SUN.U. ASH l,tlAli.
Miss Ilally 1'arrlsh Is'home furu
short vl-.lt.
W. I', lloothby Is In Portland for
a few days.
J Ion. T. T. Ocer Is putting out all
apple orchard of 600 trees.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Manning left
this afternoon for Tacoma.
Kre-.li Ohio chestnut at M. T.
...til i...tt.l n mail 111111 me iiiriiiiure nst'ii in wre
UlKIIJ. ..1.1 U....V. . ,
of houses ill the sub. , ? Is 8 "N1 fr"'" tho. wl
svildlcatesl""8 ' "vi ' "-oeminiguiK iiitmii-
laciures is pursued 11 win oriug
Wheat, net rt2J centh per I u.
Hop, active; Si to3" cents per lb.
The Journal New Year Kdition.
The JiiUHN'Ai. will Ustie a baud
somely got up special edition on thi
advent of the new year. It will
contain n carefully compiled record
of nil Improvements made at SNilem
during the year lJ, with a show
ing of Salem's business.
The edition will contain many
special feature of Interest to every
citizen of Salem and will show up
the matchless resources of this pari
of the Willamette valley. It will be
especially adapted to advertising
purposes and fur general circulation
to attract tho-e wishing to make
Investments or seek locations for
homes, business, education, manu
factures or any other enterprise at
Salem. We will not try covering
the state.
Till" extra edition will be priuted
nu fine paper and will lie limited to
ten thousand copies. Orders for ex
tra numbers and adverti-ements
will be solicited by our representa
tives during the coming week1..
Hofek liiia., Elj.
spring the company
large number
urbs of the city. The
are not making any great preten
tions, but will make some substan
tial improvements In the road and
aid much Iu making Salem a com
mercial center. Thelrcomlng here is
no small feature to Saltm's progress l , , '
.... .1 . I sale
1101 aiuue iu int u ui inu muiiv; i
they put out here, but It Is n great
advertieiueiit to the city. Syndi
cates in the bustling city of Cliicagi
do not Jump nt any little rumor, but
make a thorough study of the nlaci
where they anticipate investing
their capital. They do not onl
look at a city as It Is, but what !
may be and the causes to make it
'oniethlng dittereiit. All thest
things were considered relative tn
Salem, and alter that uasdoueand
iheir representatives mime and size
up the sltuatiou carefully they havi
decided to take the road and tin
suburban property nnd Improve ii
The syndicates are also consider
ing the purchase of the present
electric road aud consolidating the
two into one grand system. Tin
rumor Is now that there will be an
ra!lro.uls. Ten such factories added
to Salem would Insure us another
railroad at once, which without the
factories, It would take n hundred
thousand dollar bonus to secure.
m can well atliml to Invest
money to give worklngmen steady
employment. A factory that gives
work to laborent and that produce
what we otherwise send mniiev out
t) roHun t
If 1 stand, and will no doubt, with
, .,
their ripe experience, materially In
crease the stock 11 51I business scoie
ol tho concern.
Tho TVoriil Knrleliail.
The facilities of the present day fot
the production ofcvcrythiug that will
conduce to Uie material welfare and
comfort of mankind arcnlmost unlim
ited, and when Syrup of I'igs was first
produced the world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
le tlin no la -.. .1.. . ..!.! 1. I a 1
.f the couutry for, is a double bene- I , , ..-, -wu.u ,3 irmy
..u..! ... .v...v-n.i.ii ty tilt: U151C
and prompt and effectual to cleanse
Uie system gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, nt r.:iy time, and the hotter
it is known t'-ie norc popular it becomes.
tit. Iu no way c-au our city lie built
ip so solidly as by securing factories.
To merely et people here with
nothing for them to do but ride 011
the electric cars will not make a
city nf Salem. The surest line tn
follow Is to oflVr liberal aud (nielli-, r',er .vo1"" Thanksgiving celery
geut encouragement to such fac-1 1U Clark's, the Court street grocer,
t-ries. See notice of Board of Trade. "Fr.ingipannl," the most lasting
meeting Wednesday afternoon. j odor In the market, nt Ilrooks i
Fouoot to Q j. A few days ago
1 bashful young man from Polk
county's capital came over to Salem
to inarry one of the capita! city's
fair daughters. Tho time set for the
eeremony to be performed was at
four o'clock In the nfteruoon. Thu
electric road to the asylum be fori , bashful groom arrived iu the city in
the next six mouths have passed. ,iue tmei mu meeting a friend they
whether the road is sold or not j engaged iu a friendly conversation
The indications now seni to warrant alli so forgetting himself he allowed
me asseruou inai oy uie close 01 , t tie t me of the fortunate hour to
another year several milesadditioual
street cur Hues- w ill be iu operation
lu this city. Let the thriving cap
ital city of Oregon progress.
pass some time before lie arrived at
the home of the anxiously awaiting
bride. His only excuse then was
that he had forgotten to go to his
' own weildiug. Thu eeremonv was
GniEr-STi;iCKENTUKKF.YS.-Far-lat ,Mt perfonnea ,,,,,1 the voting
mers havealready begun to bring the ! couple nr(, no. h. Doubtless
turkeys to town for the hungry city after 8Uch au experience he will do
people to satiate themselves " t tetter next time.
Thanksgiving day. The guillotine, L
Is patiently awaiting its prey and IIaiily Injuiikd. A m.iu was
before the festive morn many an In badly used up at theS. 1 ilepot this
noeeut bird murt suffer death in the tmornlug. It seems that four men
Av Opportunity. The
T. H. Hudson &. Sons, of Ohio,
who the JnuaxAii reported some
time ago as desirous of coming to
Salem and establishing a furniture
manufacturing industry have sent a
proposition to the board of tradef in
which they seem to mean business.
Their financial standing in the East
It seems ought to be enough to war
rant the citizens of Salem to make
an effort to secure this prize. They
offer to build a factory here that will
give employment to fifty hands by
. the end ot next year and by the
close of the second year a hundred
hands to be given steady employ,
meut. This firm only ask a bonus
of fo,000 which Is a small eum for a
city like Salem to raise for such an
industry Were the establishment
all that would be added to the city's
prcperity the Jo.OOO would then be
no great sum, but such an establish
meut will bring many other thingn
tn the city that go to make It pros
perity ami add much to its progress.
A number of first class, workmen
would come from the East with the
iuaugurators of such an establish
ment, and other manufacturing In
dustries would We compelled U fol
low cloMily in the wake of this one.
Let Salem's business men shove this
enterprise and secure Uie goal which
it Is offered.
extreme, in order that a happy peo
ple may give thanks that he died
for them. The people of Salem have
I as much right to be happy as any
firm of a 'n favoretl hmd, and some preten
tious will be made to make the oc
casion a pleasant one.
Free Whistles. There is an
uuusual din in the uir, aud quiet
loving citizens are holding the'r
ears, for a thousand toy whistles
are lending the air. They are n
double-birrelled allalr, and have u
metallic trill that rends the ear, and
gui on iue iiveriauu ai l.ugene nun )luj uj j,
gave n brakeman a dollar each to
allow them to ride on the platform
of a baggage car to Salem. In jump
ing nil just before the train reach
ed the depot one of the men fell and
received some severe cuts and
bruises. He was taken to the Ore-
gou house. The other
found employment from
of the
They do not appear to be
very rough men and are not of the
hobo tramp order. The injured one
Cox's drug store
1 The Klriness of the Comjaya
tioual Ladies' society promises to b
11 great social success.
Palmer's ".May Bloom" Is a nov
elty In perfumes, at Brooks A Cox's
Slate street drug store.
(.'.ill at Clark's, the Court street
grocer, and sis- his line present
given away with the White Lllj
baking powder.
Dr. Dobbs lectures again to-nlghl
at the Congregational church "A
Thousand Miles on a Canal." Ad
mission -i cents.
Nine persons of ten look over and
get prices of Buren's stock, befon
buying an article of furniture in Sa
, lem. And most of them go no fur
ther. Some of Catterlin's famous view.'
of the wreck have been Used to iiiaki
i engravings for illustrated historic''
of the L:ibili wreck. Still to bi
s gallery.
Good comfortable roomy shoeh
area great source of health to nier.
women and children tho' the lattei
often suffer most for want of them
Klein, thu Salem shoe man, has n
stock aud experience to tit you in
tills matJer.
employment from one' Cow Foit Sai.e.-A good mllcl
" v "" ui,""-.". now. Iimu re of Wm. Sareent. 271
Comercin! Street.
Dealer In GrocoriWrniiits.Oii
mid Window (IIilss, Mini nt
imt ami Hordcr, Art Into' Mil
Wiiils. Llrno, llnlr' Knife -nnil
Shingles, Hay, Feed nnil Fence,
rostft, (Jross Seetls, Fte.
Nfcw ai)Vkiitisi:mi;nts.
All wnrk.elllterniw or r"pitirliiif, Mime
In llii Ixwt Hiirlsin iiillke smlp
Order rrry
. l:ey of
w .
Tu r
St net.
Couiniisslouer J. M, Wntsnii Is In
town looking after the bridge mat
ter. Tho finest of all views at the
wreck are those at Montec'Bni.'
A family by name nf Dorsoy, from
York, 'eb., have Just arrived lo
settle at Salem.
.1. A. Hershey goes to Portland
this afternoon lo lay 111 some stock
for their new firm.
Dr. J. II. Miutliorii, of the Oregon'
Laud Co., went to Albany on busl-iic-s
lust night.
.1. C. Cawood of Turner, expects
to remove with his family to Salen
in .1 few days ami reside among n
Our spices are the purest: our e.
tracts have no vtiual. Ureal Fasten
Tea Co., .'117 C11mmtrcl.il street.
II. B. Holland, of the' Salen
(''louring mills, went down to Ore
gon City on the local train till
arteriioou on bu-iness.
Fir Thanlisglviug, choicest Cape
Cotl cniuberrics at (50 cints a gulloti,
at Stelner .V Souiieman'.s, 1LM State
st ret t.
II. S. Marslmt .Mellarrv. was
one of the worst Injured men I., thej lJ'-y
?5c Want Column.
N'sllc-s Inserted f.ir (INK CKNT IM'.H
llltl) KAl'll INsi;itTltN. . mlvor-
iseiiiiMU lusorlnt lu tllU nluiiiti for 16m
nun tiveuty.flvi'ooiitii.
Just Received
For our Fall Trade.
We, run show you u greiilur variety of Pattcrim, and sell thpm fori
iJtoiioy than you call buy .'.scwlicrc. The only irouse In the city
tlmt cnrrlcH n fomplctn lino of carpets Is thu
t I
Also have a new line of Woolen goods just opened,
rpOltKAIii:. A kikmI Icnni nnil liiirno.il.
P Tlie lu m logi'iitioiiml rrlliilitv. win
t thi tjmiii nrlri.itit lur Kill.Mll t)llinrlV.
r wll fcnl tlieiiint rriuoiiiitilr Irnns fur
liovrlnter. Apply to V. (. Jniuiimi nt
JllVurt "trool.ur llufrrmitri. stulilc, .it
nf Wllliunetto tiolcl. tl
J01ITI0N WANTKK-lly u liulyio itn"
lliiiixt .viiril wurrv- im'ru inn ii. .'mi-
Thu foimlri- picferit'il. AUilions
Wll.ey, I'orlliiti'l.tlr. IWi it
wieck. lie slept all night last night,
for the first time
WW II til IT.'
.lust received for Tlianksjlvlni;, , 'liiii;cho.a. i:n.iulroof N. it. .Nf...tt,
,. ... . i jmirniuoir.ci".
uesi (.aiiiiirma svieet. poiatiHS, at
T -Wr A S--T-Lllll. u ...U..I li..,nn... lull
Y pluco t.i Murk nr Mini vlitl0 4itluii'
Sleiner .t Sonneman's, 1-1 State; G
pounds for 'S cents.
It. B. Duncan who hail a first
right- hand finder caught in the
iws at his North Salem lumber yard
mills, had it ampiitattil to-llay.
Announcements of Thanksgiving
dai "ervlces must be handed In for . "' At niy nhitv lu H.iliiii.-yi. 1.
it. i i. IMmosil."" II l-il
tlllll.'lll.l M IUHJ1, 1US 1M1 J'. l..l.ll
I opportunities fr JiiUuiirt,. to rcpri'-enl
liHWlly rcs"iir.ll)l! c' York linii-e.
lleflIHS'H. .MANl'KACTUItKI!, Lock lln
litt, ti. V. 111
ATi.CTicTa I K.-A liou-n iiful iwifiiiu for
siilo In south s.ilcin nt oiilj S-'SO. In
iinujof iV. II. Hlnipsim. II: t-ir
VSi:iw"7ll"l,0W' Kor Korvloe. n
VJ puri-bivil Hut I'olhsl Inill. Ti-rniK
Bueki: Dow.v.--Tlic telejrapl
doubtless would have found It much ' nole used as a notiltrv rowt. Ill Cour
makes every man who is compelled 1 ,.Ueaper to have paid his fare as an steet, came down with a crash last
. u -u l .1... I I.I. rt.... ' . ' ..... ...
to be shut up in the house with one
with the small boy attachment wish
he were somewhere else. The euter
prising firm of Johnson, Boothby fe
Co., the Salem clothiers, are supply
honest man should.
Committed. Miss Gertrude
Dickson, agetl 12J years, was exam
ined this forenoon before County
ing every boy In the city who calls 1 Judge Waldo and Drs. J. X. Smith
Iu time with one. ' a" W. H. Byrd as to her sanity
- aud the result was she was commit-
Political. The democratic ,f.,i ,ft ti, ,la..ilml ci.o i,.la i,on
. . w ... -...... ..,.,.. ...... -.. ..
night under the weight of so niaui
fat Tlinnksgiviiig turkeys and othei
line fowls. Send in your ordei
early. S)eclal free delivery overi
hour in tho day. ll-L'l-lt
Sfi-onil Ward Alilerin.in.
I announce myelf an indepeuik'i'.t
cantuiiaie lor alileriuan inun tin
TllllItK ih Somk Tnuii in it.
The old flying that the people of
Oregon arc not happy unless It is
raining, may have nut little signific
ance, and many of theotheraquatic
al epithets that are hurled at them
are groundless, jet the fact remains,
the raluey seamm is the healthiest
tlmeof the year, and the fall rains
are always hailed with delight.
The rain Sunday afternoon and
night was a welcome visitor to
the Oregonbins, and a continuation
of those shower for n week would
not be regretU-d. Oregon people, as
a rule, feel better when It is raining.
They even sleep sounder at night
aud have better apetitt for eating.
Business is not cramped by rain.
The merchant does not sit down oua
rainy morning and say that he will
Have nothing lo do, but exacts
Ills customers to i-omc in Jut the
camp is lively. Dr. Byrd is the lead- here ou'v lora short time hiving j second ward in Salem, Oregon, ai
Ing and most popular democratic como lltre frolH Mlmlvb,)la'. ,,.11
candidate for mayor, tho' not seek- the gecoul ,me ehe ,m8 h im j 1J"V" ,an U II uinni
ing the office. Chas. Gray is apt to ijateof an asylum. The first was' ' "
be nominated for recorder. Thos. , a C(,iinement of fifteen months iu ! School Tax List.
vau, jouuuciiea, nniuouu vuate a asylum iu Minnesota. Her in
are also named as candidates for re-1 gani,y jg aUrjbuted to hysteria,
eorder. Mr. Mahoue is the only i .
candidate for marshal. Hugh
Thorn psou Is suggested for treasurer.
Special Boahd Mectixo There
will be a special meeting of the
Board of Trade to-morrow evening,
Wednesday, Xov. 20, at 4 o'clock,
for the purpose of considering the
proposition made by the Hudson
Manufacturing Co. By order of the
president. J. G. Wright.
Don't fokqet. Ben Kostner ii
Co.have a full supply of the Justly cel
ebrated Oregon City clothing which
they are selling to compete with the
lowest. They are made to fit, and
In the latest styles.
An.M BuoKnN. A workman,
named Baker, had his forearm brok
en by a severe fall from the uow
bridge work Monday. Ho was
made comfortable by a surgeon, and
will be laid up for three weeks.
The school taxes of district Xo. Hi
in Marion county arc now due am
payable at the elerk'n ollltc l:i X
-U.'i Commercial street (in the rear n
F. S. Dearborn's bonk stout in tin
Bush Breynian block) Salem, 'lb.
same will become delinquent utiles
p.ila within CO days from Ihisdati
By order of board, this lTthd.ivoi
Xnveiiiljer, 18'HJ. W. B.KlMI'so.V,
11 17-lf District Clerk.
Jni'it.NAi. will be issued on that day.
Call and examine our prices on
Crockery, Glassware and Tinware If
you want the lowest. Great Kast
jrn Tea Co., 31T Commercial strett.
Thesingors fioni dificrenl churches
ire requested to meet at the Congre
gational chiiroliWeduesday evening
it ":'() o'clock to practice for union
Thanksgiving serving. Don't fail
to come.
All tin- new juvenile books such
is Ch itterbox, Xurrcry, Zig-Zag
IMiie Jackets and Oliver Optic's
ij.xil--. lor 189U, tire now on sale at F.
S. Dearborn's book store.
Chas. Melgerand wife.of Albany,
have 1 ought out C. !'. Townsend lu I
FIKIIKNT 'Ivi'titcelyfiirnKlir.tivoiim
clisi' tn business part of clt, l fn
ituy, wctflt or mnnlli.
f mill at reel
corner l tntir nnil
JriOlt lti:.NT fsf nk'Cl.x rurnlshfil
) rooiiis. Appiymturruiii'i. :. n-tinr
OATItONIZi: lluiiKi liuliiMt), iniit.iiac
J Miiiintiiln IIjiIiii OiiiulK'ure. (iu.ii-
iiuletil tn clM relk't or intituy U'liuiil.il.
Mmuifuctiircit lly U. Il.lnn4, t-Hlmu.Ons.
zon. Sinllli . htclncr' wile iui'iiIh lor
HuliiM. l-illni
rint Natlonnt Hank Ilull.Hnrr, rVilcm, Orcrnn.
A. P. AHMSTMOio, JlaiMKir. W. I. Staluv, Itlnclpi.
Business, Short'-nnd, Typowrlt!r., Penmanship and English Department
IMvaintl!iciiliifhcloii. HtiulrnUpiliultlol nnyllme. Cntalocucou nntillwuu.
IfcWI .1.1 H.lll WMMWI 1 I iB.1- --u.
OWN k Co.
City EliTtimi.
VTOTICK Is hereby Riven Hint Hie niiu
JLi Inrbieniiinl vlivtimi nftlii.eit orKi
lem. (Irevnii, 11III In) lielil on .Mninl i , Die
Ut. 1KW. for I he purivii. of eleet I in 11 in.ii or.
ell) tworiler, ciiy imirslixl mitt (llyticnx
iirer. IilMioiiftiililerin ill for the etr.t nuril,
oiiuiiliteritmii f.ir II10 t-ieoml mull, lo
iililrrnini fur tin. Thlnl n.inl. nnil oiinul
ilrrniiin for the 1-outth uunl. ihu ulluu
plneesnruAN t lllw: it.'
1'lr.t u.inl, Mnuilnn limine.
Uu-ihi, .. ..v ..... ...b. 1.
thuht. l'aiiliestniiniut.aiid will takei iiuni urii.nvmhnii u
L-hartre I) c 1st ilelzeer is nn ex- i."!"lrl11 ,vuri1' KHI' Wlillloy'il t;il,l(i.
Liiarge 11 t. isi. jiuztr is uutx Thoil. wUI lniiiwueclnt Il oUoK in
perienced ristnur.inteur. 'tho foreinxin nnd romlnui'.npoii iviihoiit
1 lnlermlMloii luilll fuurln ilm ilfternioii. .
Imm grntiou coiitiuues to pourln- ,,,., 1.. i-iiin.s,
. .. , .,., 11.1 1 11- -Id Hiconlorof thurlly ofh.ileni.ur.
tofcaleni. 1 lie arrivals lo-dny arel . . ' '
mostly from Xnriheru Ohio anil Xe-1.. ,. . , , ,,
o.aska. They are nice ,eop!e and j lUilt k'rl.r l-'acliers- Exillllinu-
.veil pleased. If they tnrry here ' ' U'"'- '
long, they will notgo jivay again
- TWrtiir.T, '''.-
"J'sRcB'-'T" (Ati.
Wl fi'JlMMiWji IMt -HIMVMWit-
xglgi ffleaL
Btfl-Cash Paid lor Wool, Hides slid PelU
Commercial st.
Union Skhvices. There will be Foil Bali:. Two car lonis of
union services at the Congregational straw almost as good as hay for feed
Church on Thanksgiving morning M McCourt's feed store, 01 Conn
at 10-30 o'clock, services by the pas- street. ll-ln-tf
tni- .VII nrt Itii.l.a.l .
iiii'iiiiiirai .-ijrifiy
X. X. Steeves, S. Jt. Mason, Jr.,
Chas. Steele, of Multnomah county,
and Stewart S. Denning, of Grant
I county were appointed notaries
Don't hk a Dodk But If you
want a choice article In neck wear Tmnk8;;ivins m uf Faro a, M, T,
or any kind of furnishing goods, , iB.man. 11., p,BDi.H .,.
! 13:' State Street.
1 Sweet Potatoes Krout
dont fail to see the choice stock
ottered at tne Thos. Kay W0"'1-'"
Mill rtore. Prices that will surprie
you. Cranbenles Chow Chow
I J'icuieil t.'auuage
Dates Hulsins
BECEPTION. On Wednesday evo
at the Frst Baptist cuhrch, will be
hld u reception to Rev. J. Fechter,
pastor of the German liaptist church
of this city. All members of the
church are Invittd to attend.
Figs and Dates.
The bills are out for an entertain
ment on Thursday evening at the
opera house under the auspices of
the ladies of the Unltariau society,
that promises to bv of unusual in
terest to tho public, as It will repre
sent in costume most of the business
and Industrial firms of Salem. A
program of unusual excellence Is In
course of preparation and as the
evening Is one of leisure to all
classes, 11 large attendance will
doubtless fill the house
from Surprise Grange.
At their regular meeting,
In Pkoiiate. In (he matter of1
f lts Aalnln .if t nrtu Dlnltni. li.yM.,iii I
W. T. lUcl.es administrator, files i 2f"'!' tUoy pa'1 """''"
1 . a . - . 1 .1 . r . lOlUtlOIIS;
nisiiiiui ucouuui, iimu m;i. inr near-
Ing December 27th,
a. m.
at 10 o'clock ' W,IK,,EAS. '1'',ere recently
i mu u wii-uk on nn.' nouineru i acu-
iu railroad,
at Lake Lubish, four
balem, attended wit)
A large supply of fresh butter and , miles from
eggs at M. T. Itinemuii's grocery ' great loss, ami believing there has
store, J32 State Street. , been criminal negligence on tho
- ' ... ...1... f, i . ..
i juiuji mo nuiro.ni company, uiere.
Mokk To Follow. County clerk j wre
j, J'. jaucoca, was eaueu on ino
second time to-day to issue n miirri-
age licence, Tho parties were Alice
Wampoloaiid J. Harding, and Lena
The prion Is Vaugn and B. K. Llbbey, There
of admission ln-s leen fixed at 50 will be more call before Thanksgiv
cts for all parts of the house, hut Ing.
parlies who may wish reserved seats
can secure them at Patlon's for 7'j
If Your lluuse is on Fire
Vou put water on tho burning tim
bers, not on theriuyke. And if "ion
have uatairh you shoultl attack tho
diseese In your blood, not In your
nose. lU'iuovu the Impure onus, unci
aud the local eflcciH subside. To
do this, take Huoii'sBursjipui Ilia, th
IU-soi.vki), That Surprise Grange
ask our State Grange Legislative
Committee to use their influence
with the legislature to have laws
passed giving the Railroad Cor imls
slon power' to examine railroad
bridges and trestles and compel!
such repairs us would Insure safety
to life and property, Other paprs
please copy.
lOro';i)ii State
' IV
i All persons holding any of tin
above warrants, will pleiisu send
them to, or deposit them with Geo.
W. Wutt, at Salem, Oregon, on or
before January 15, 1S91. A pro rata
payment will be made up n nil ol
sain warrants presented on or iiclore
said day. Payment will be made
after Jan. 15, 1801. J. T. GliE(if),
Secretary Oregon State Board of
Argrlcultiiic. ll.w-d&w
Salem, Xov. 22. '00.
Xoticl. There are funds on hand
applicable lo tho payment of thy
warrants endorsed pilorto April 10,
'00. Interest will cease on such war
rants from iftto of this notice. E. J.
Bwnflord, city treasure. 11-21-lw
At tiii: Statu Faik Giiounds.
A grand shooting mulch Thursday,
commencing ut 0 o'clock, rain or
shine. Turkeys, gtcee anil chick
ens will be shot for. Xolf & Con.v.
t. & w.
Which being Interpreted menus,
I have found It. Found what? I
have found the place to buy holiday
goods of nil kinds. Smith Is the man
and .'507 Commercial stnet is tho iiiyoriimi purity or our mm win hoimi,
I. i .i cmteil liyitlll'ivursof fuooy It-jn. Wn huve
place. He carries- the most coin-, In slock u very htrnu nnu vuikst aswirt.
i iiiuni nt jiiei cveiy Kind una nwilltv
A.J. Hackett,uu uttorney at Un
mu, Oregon, unci E O. Potter, pros,
tciiting attorney iu 'second dhtnet,
ire in the city to-day on legal busl
mss. Both these ueutlemen were
ellow students at the Stale Uuiver
nly with our county treasurer A. O.
Thu Jouhnal does not pursue the
iuueiido method. If It. has any
thing to say about tho public ser
vice or public ubiires, fts-trikes right
it the thing to be lonecivd, glvei)
the fuels, let them hit whomsoever
hey will. Xo iuueiido shop con
ducted heie.
One of the grimiest events of the
season will bu the lecture at the Bap
tist church, next .Monday ami Tues
day, December 1st. and 2d. "Let
every one make calculations to be
I here. Remember, the admission Is
only 2j cents; children under twelve
free. The lectures are very Instruct
ive as well as amusing. '
i TO'''t''' '"' ''ereby ulveii Unit the re.Nt
'l-lA tc'ulariii.irWrlyliiiiiidu..Uuti mini-
nicintJi lor imoiier cerliHiiit.s will li
ir'd In Uie (inul iioiu u -snli-in on ied
Astonishing Bargains!
Every Customer Will be I'festaled wth a
iir co'IVii-uirothofrealieKund m0t do
llclous ever ollerecl lor siU-, nnd will bo
joiiou ninivrior mi niiv lor iiiiuniv nui
cliisipni-as.HH no luiKrt only thocliol.vi
uuiuiuiij ill'vii... l-.'Ott'HlKIIUKOIirC'UIIUI.
nicrsllio buiicllliil our Ioiik in iwrlenco In
Helccllni.'. ulo .dlnu. iiumtliii.' ami nnruinv
of (vutlues. Yon iiioiiKiirod Ihu very choic
est Kuod at kiniill prlccB ,
Our iii'iv siitipn teas nro thu flnct m
porlrd.and lor Mrencth mid rlehiiewi of
tluvoreaii not bo ixvvlled '1 ho delicious
iiCMlsy, .Nov. ai. Is'", nt I'jo'ilncli l sli it.
Applliiintii inu.t uoprexii'ediit tin' cijm.ii
Iuk teit.iou. I), w, YulijJil.
CoiiniyMuperlnnn U:nt offcel.oolnfur Mii
rlon County, tlnnon. ut
TliniiiMk-rnlKoect arc prepared lo fiirnhh
thobentqimllly ofl'llni; foi uudi-r drain
ing at lowtt.prlvii ',
AiUltl'flY.t lil.SAUT,
Nenr l''iilrOmuini,H.ilein,()reKoii,
Sash and Door Factory,
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
iu our line ut jimcck to tn iiijiutu
Only tho liost, niiituriul used.
Dent cliiHH ol work
with thu lowt'Ht.
uulll Iniii. lnciiilivu piK list Iue
Hirru iMicir, l(ullvliiv,on-.
French - and German
At roonii 6 An(t,7-Iljisk ktiiiang;. .,
MUws 1.AUU.V
g5"itl "''!
- m --" d .P t
- - o '
" ;f a "'L-
UUinitV nnd AN.N1I'
Is Olfeiing a Large, Well Grown Sleek of
Small Kru.it.
At Low Prices.
iog Winter Apples a Special
Late Keep
A Or rut I.lwr iledlciim,
Jr (lunn'n Improved l.iyer I'illw ur n
rurui-unuiiriiicK iii'inmcnr, uiiiiuun Mini
Hki.ikk Ooiuis. A fM'iinl mill
lugofthuW.lt. U. will lu lielilnt
tbelr hall Wo Incbiluy nviiilin;, Nnv.
ailll. MIV. Wooilt'll tllf ilfliart- """"V."n ."".,'." ""r?' "'?.'.'" dlK.MIoii..m:ct llVu liver niiu Mi Iili
uiontlniiMCtar will lo mivellt null "? """ ' '"""i ", r""1 "l) purify nnd enrlcli Ilm Wonduiid nmkollio
munuUHXClor Will 10 piMUIt, lUlll uu, ,)er,m,L.ity cures ciltuirll. ft Ulncltur 'llieyulMiirudurn u Kn.ul nn-
u full turu-out Is m-uetted. Uy alwt strcimthcuu the iii-rves. llo KS JS""l'"Vra'V"2
orderofM -. Annie .lth.'W8,l-rph.,HuryoiiKtHniilyII.H),IMBarwi.1irlllu)V,'i; Bom
ii IUiUiil,djH.-iln,i dlKtsktlon, coi.tlvrnu.il,
M I lijrplil llr, rlc. I hi'rti pill lll.llli) pCTlt-cl
plctu nnil nttrnutlvu line nf liolid iy
gootlH nyer brought to H.ileui. Him
counlerH aro uroiiuliiB under their
weiKht of Ihu most exmiUlto url
KootU. 'rhoiiKist'eleKiint Iioiiho or
imint'lit'i, thu ino-itiiiiiUkiiiKtoyN mid
themiiKt UMffnl toilet mIm over ex
hibited In thin city. JIn 0, ai, nnd
CO cent counier-i uro hityond lie
bcrlption. You will llml ovuiyihinv
from a tootliiiltU to n pickled elo
pliiint, Prlcw, well, they nro way
dnwn, the now lurlll dnen notelleci
this stock ui It w.ih purchnwd hefo
It Htruck tho louulry, Tho public It
Invited to iiuiko nn iusiiectloii ni
this stock beforoIiiyiiiK n tliclr b.li
day fciipplles. 1 12.5.1 w
Till iimipiny wu orgnnlwd fur llio
iuriii'PJniitjrllii'ro.iH und t'uaciu In
iiiiKiU'iutltluiiiud dlnlrlbulInK tticin In
llon)iiHuintri-In uuaiillty to mlt.ut no
mull pmlll.ilJOK'liyHiiilnituicliconiiitiivr
lliullifiiivniu protll.i (ifull nilddlciiitiii.Hrid
rurtlK-r HiiuriiiK lliom wltn tho very in U
et. unit nirrt komU on tlio murliet,
tVo iuIc only n ttlalnf oiirKixidx.Kiiur
nulccliik' llieriuullty lo Iworiho very beit
ind iirK-ei Ilm very l)vnl, or no. Ioh.
Triuflnir vou will kindly favor' ua nlllui
lilul order, we lire, rei)tliilly yours,
Great Eastern Tea Co.
317 Commercial St., 3alem, Or.
Next Door First National Bank.
9 1
a5f a
Icn .
i .
: "'n:
REBD'5 OiUttU.ll.OUSH,
Thui-hi'ay, Novoiiilitii !27.
ss Men's-fornix
Coiuhillni; of
IteprmiillPB ; irit of tlip'b .hI,,,. ,h
-V J""l' KIllll'H
CutuloKUe mid I'rlco-J.lst free.
AddrwHor cull on WIHTJIROH.,
Olllco 1!92 Coniinurcliil street, Salem.
Largest Stockof Trees In the Northwest,
n?1.0 !:r"m.,'f-':. . -i.0f)0 iomiH HnltzoiiberK.
10,0011 Oruviinstelii Applu. ,
i5,000 Yellow Nuwlovvn I'lpi""'
1.5,000 lluii DiwIh Apple.
j.Ti.1100 llnyiil Ann Olmrry,
.10.000 Kiirlv C'riiwfiinl P.. ...I,
lo.OiM) ftroorpnrk mid Jtnynl Apricot.
luioe .stock
OF FKliT?,
iTH. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon,
Fine- M-ufsicI
iiMiprni niimimifin 5') imi, t-rw,l'
MHUT'eenti). On wilmit I'MUin'i, "rrw"
Johnson's UuiveaUIycloiia'uia.
All orlllllUll work kv in ,.r i .
Moat 'liklli.iit My,M i,ilili,iiLJi..i
w nn I ran t McJ Hl-tVlr. i ' nfl V. i 7r llio
world in. mm rihn o. r iLi.;.... :. .!!' "",l,.,,!
limed to li;r. article,. vS"rlw
"""y;, If you oiulenipliiln lm ilnir "V
.,..- ,1,1, ,i,a VIirH, IUUUR1I you Mill
iinl-purotuiMrJailUroti-. U 0. IllloWf h
Huu Miiroiger.r'Jileni.or AMorliiVUr,
fo Fruit Men!
Buy your Pruno tiiniH direct irnin tho raliiiblo gw'
TIioho crown in tho WnKlo ITillu N'hi-h.h-v aro strict-
'yjflf !-""f 'u,(1 1,," to iiuiiio. Four to oijfht foot liig'1
f lottuc tliim wot olity land treoH ibrcod by fortiliwff
in Jl'rip'i n..'i.....' . ... '.. .Via.
" "'"""raury fti-ouud. JSxlru piiiiiH (tilcoii in 'h
iiiff to roBoryo tho roots us noitrlv intact im j)08.siblo.
Halo uj
lr...i i
r lH ,or ,ttIK9 lot Holiuitwl. Crown, and
Silver ton, Oregoii
"-f .j - .'jfaw..i!-i). -i.-.-mtfca. . L.t.. ..i , -'j.. -jtmiitiirt
. i8U&n
tf.t Jt.wl iiBi in tofe J,'iHr&ii mumiAijJitu -wMJaj