Tz?rxn,?i"'-ix' mrp - wff-i- (,7v -i '"inimns'iLii'' "rTip hw - ny.w 'iyy rygrff," nnywwtyww NHkAs& 1 1 kiKHr.r KSkmtHvsmSTBIH JKf b AM' i AC!-4 ieV M3J vV j ' am rctuijwWta wrrcW, a thoowUMl do (hun toch cu Coder (torb drcuroVAHc yxnt wM trUiltYrf? SItv til your - &nd U your Uct la rg,Un lot h-th THU t.u cm do lr van r,u but r- ort to th uv of that Ti rlrlir knuwc ' m Ir. Hlrr u omi Prr,r Mm. Th-x ( Mods of jrrteful icaa bins u iU It a iuil known to U.?i l. or all drinxroti. trreculArttJ and w t Dfe pa-alter inUira. U U U Uvraedj, old XT cruiUt, tiiulr a poltiT yutr antr frtmtiw ni a'. iuren,thi It w( igjrt Mmri-boo to vi-r cMr, or nooj will be re furuit TbU riwrwitM? b bii printed on toe btt It wrapper, aod fstftMUlly crri-4 out tt oiAQv rear. AalnTUuraUajEtnlc tt Impart ttrenrth to Inr. PKrti tot.. iTwcxlptioo Is ihr ptu at Artilr bmoa. Dr. Pierce's Pellets " Utct, stomach sad bjwjlt. Oue & doss. MUb7lnll& S.' jntsarU. ntOI-ESSIOVAl. CARD. K. K IiONHA M. n. N.HAVDEX. . H. IIOLMS. TJONnAK, Holies 4 IlAIir, Attor-, ) ny nt law. Office In IUnb' N'k, MtrrnSuitf and Omrt, on Com'lSu T.R1CHARI(IN. ttornPT at lair, of- L flee np stairs in from ronm ol new Bush block, comer Dimuerelal and Conrt "STreu, SiaJem, Oregon. J J. SHAW., aletn. . Oregon. Office flrit door to the lefl at head of talr In the le. of Ladd 4 Ilanh's bank. TILJIOX FOKD. altnrner t Uw. Balem. Oresotu Office up-stalrs Jn Fatton'i PKATT a HUXT, attoraeyn at law. Salem, Oreeon. Office oeBa' Jewelry store, State street. TYAKC ) cot H'. lnsa AKCY A BINGHAM, Attorneys and cimneior ni mw, .sfliem, ureeon. ranabtractollherecord'iof Marlon count). Including a lot and block Index of halem, thev ha e special facilltte tor ex amining title to real estiitf. nuine In the supreme court and In the state depart ments will receive prompt attention. T.R.J. U. KEENE.DenUst. Offleeover the White Corner Court and Com. merctal streets K McKALL,V.Archllect. New Hash V- l"yman block. Plans and vpeclnra tfous of all clnnses of of bulldlne on short notice. Huperlntendeaceof work promptly looked after. aU -T U.PUUI1, Architect, Plans, Specl- . Mentions and superintendence tor all cfae of hulldtngv Office iO Com. iHnriist i., up suiirs. HDSIKBtS CARDS. VrLTE CJ.ARK: Rirbers and Hair 0.1 uievrs, .'!. Lommerciai street. Only the best of work. DIl. T. 0. SMITH, Dentist, W State street, Kilem, Or. Finished dental opera tions of erery description. Pain'e8 opera tions a specialty. M. CLOUOU, Undertaker. Embalmer &h ana Cabinet Maker, 107 Hiate Ht .em. If. klni B. ODTHWICK, Contractor and builder.- Well un-airtil to-do all kinds of building and guarantee satlsfca- u'jo. -u-im I01IV ORAY. Contractor and builder. si Klnelntlde finishing a specialty. 4t5 tjmmerclal -treet, haiem Oregon. rOHN KNIGHT. lllHcksmlth. Hon J snoelng.iudrep:ilrlnt;a specialty. Hnop ui tin' (not cf Uberty street rialem.Orvgon. 2.t? J) J.I.AKKNA CO,, ManuUcturo ofall I . kludsorti-nieles.Repaiiinguspeclal-'y. Only tiin bit work turnedoul, HhoplS -ut- street, next door w tfcrlber 4 1'ohle, fy UO. HOEYE llarUr and Hair drets 'X. lug pvtrlors. hlnest baths In theclty. vi oommerclal street, Halem, SOCIETY NOTICES. 4 O. T W. lViteetltu lwd,'e No. 2, A. r 4 O. II. V c liem, Oregon, llwu each VednejA.v evening ut lulull in iuil In surance block, oor:i-r Conimercial and Clieiunketa trU VlaltluxaudEojaurn mitbetliren liultnl K. II. hWiL'THWICK. 1A Kim, Itcc,)nler II W v A. IL Seduwlck l'oit. No. 10, Depart- mnt of Oreion. m 1 eerr Monday f renin:; at the Uill oei the Oregon Land cjmpuny's oBIch. Vlaiting romrxdej. an ivinllullv ln1ted to attend. I). C.Hiii;hm.n, 1'iHt Kijaraailc;, S. A. ItAMiI.K, AdiiUsi i. E. (' CROSS, anil Packer, Butcher Hiate Ht. iuU Court Hr, The best mwits lellered uull parts of the city. Cheapest, Neatest ami Best, SCHOMAKER'S COMBINATION FENCE. I makuund put up all kind of feuce, city tiKli-ountr, Jet my terms before fencing. II. hCIIOMAKf K, haltiu, Or, . Capital Dairy Co A. V. KuirclillU, II. J, hell) Mid are prepared to deliver lliesli milk cooltxlon Ice, to any urt of the rlly. Leave orders at HI11I0A L otahle, COOK HOTEL Hiaii) uud High Street. P W AKTrifllJCftV UU(U U. )l . AiMMmoUiN , I if WJ . . COOK. freo lL meCookHotollsopposllr w.tirl li ,""'? "-"" "' ""'B wuioo- oouveUnt to busineu part or citj unci i Ject lu view, Linn county Is the trt air Hue runnluv usl tliu door. .., ,i r t...i .. .1 . ,i , . lUtes 11.00 U riOU a Oaj-, umjrdluB iiw"1(-i " 1 J10 tliat all the illlfc roomjMpeclal lermi. to U.Mrile und j rlur coiiiUIl-4 nru In IIuu. TlierujKfaJ 'of theluw would simply leavp on PVPP'RP k 1 I VTr Minierrt. the books the old luw requiring tuxes uh?MaJ,Vvi,plrir l!:;'". . b w wwon the niuri. Htu WixQuisT, itiMeiiuitf,irH, gage Is i-ecurity fur, ho that tt mini i -4 uril'sVirisIl iniifr1i) 1 1' i 1 Ml GEER TIIINRS MF. 1 Opposed to Repeal of Mortgage Tax and Usury Laws, 4T.IKE THE TAX FROM ALL CREDITS. Only Change in Assessment Laws Will lie tlie ltepcal of the Indebtedness Clause, Oregouiaa Nov. 17: Hon. T. T. n?er o' ilacleay, tbo "tU seca nt, n o- the Willamette," wns lu t rn vcstertlny, awl was glad to s the tiivtroiMilis looking so lively. huri tie it tho lower house of tha icHlntun? from Marion county lu J.imiarj.iiucl a curulUlate for the speakership, uwl Is thelong horx; lu the race In point f stature. The other two candidates are said to bo Hon. H. B. Miller, or Grants, and Hon. Oeorye L. Story, of I'ortluud. It is unofficially reported that Mr. Miller does not sstk the speaker ship, and if Mr. Story Is alter It, he has not formally -auuouueed his candidacy. Kepreeutntlve Geer Is after the plum with a liiug pole, and Marion's delegatiou will back hint to the man. "I ain In the field to stay, and hope to win," he said yesterday. Mr. Geer Is a thorough farmer, well educated and well read, Is a fine parlianioutarian and a good debater. He talked very entertainingly on topics of state interest to a reporter at the St. Charles yesterday. The first question was, if it had been his observation that the people of Ore gon are waking up and marchiug forward. MOSSRACKISV SI,rDINO DOWN GRADE. "Well, I should say so," he re plied. "There is no questlou but the people of Oregon are getting a move on them. Mossbuckkim has to go, and is fiolng down a Bleep toboggan slide. You know, I am a farmer and among farmers a great deal and have been wonderfully struck with the fact during the past two yeare. The influx of rustliug, energetic people from the East has had a great deal to do with it. He- side, there has been a great improve ment in the character of the immi gration. In the past the people came to look around, now they brine their means and make their homes and stay with us. As I go around among the farmers I see not only the result of these new people so iar as their own work Is con cerued, but see it exercised among our old farmers everywhere. Ore eou has the brightest future of auy state in the Union. "We will'have a very busy session this time, and I trim one that will be devoted to the best interests of the people. Our sessions are usu ally short, and we waste moat of the time uselessly. I am sure the ex- travagence which has characterized us as to clerk hire in the past will not nnu run sway this time. 1 am opposed to the employment of clerks unless we have work for them, aud I am not In favor of paying them any more thau we get ourselves Eveu with this reformation we will have plenty of applicants for posi lions. GIVE THE RAILROAD COlIitlBSION POWER. "The railroad problem Is one that will require careful consideration Public sentiment is In favor of giv lug the railroad commission sufil dent power to make Itself felt. If not, the commission will be abol . ished as it ought to he. "At this time I cannot say how fur we should go in this matter, Last winter I introduced a bill giv ing the commission judicial power to enforce its findings, but the gov ernor vetoed the bill increasing the number of commissioners and the veto was overruled and before the legislature could take up my bill the session was nearly over. I intend to present my bill again at the January session and do not appre hend that there will be any trouble in passing it. I am in favor of vest ing the comnuision with ower to fix freight and passenger rates, but not in preference to a maxium rate law which I think would be more just. The fttialwreck at Lake La bish illustrates the need of a rail road commission with more power. "In relation to a&setsment, mv opinion is that public sentimeut does not justify any Innovation In the preseut law further thun the re peal of the Indebtedness cluuse and the creation of a state board ot equalization. The repeal of the in debtedness clause would destroy the loophole through which the wealthy men evade their taxes uud cure one of the greatest evils com plained of aud the state board of equalization if it performed IU duty. would insure u uniform vuluutlou of property and cure the other evil to a great extent. 'I ho enforcement of both of these propositions would nearly double the taxublo valua tion of property lu the Htute and run it up betweeu fci.OOO.fJOO and $300, 000,000. THE MOKTOAUK TAX AND UHUKY J-AWH. "rm'tro8lynooplijIonthat u,0 mortgage Wx law will not be re- I pealed. Marlon county 111 vote I un'lilli iirnilnut n I. Ill 1.....I 1I...1 ..t ' Highest ofall In Leavening lWr. J&S2Z& I ABSOLUTELY PURE who has loaned 2tXX), secured by a mortgage, even should the mortgage lax law do rupreueti, would still nave to pay the same tax on the loan. In other words, the man would derive t .)! .1 1 ., no oeneiit iroiu in ruiwai 01 me law except the opportunity to hide notes, which are not matters of pub lic record, while mortgages are, "My opinion is that so long as credits are taxable lu this state there Is no apparent injustice lu the mort gage tax law, buiI purmiuieut refor mation in this dlreetiou can only be effected by the exemption of all credits from taxation. I cannot say what eltect such a chauge would have, but for my part I would rather have foO.OOO.OUO of untaxed credits lu circulation in the state than $1, 000,000 aud have them taxed. In that way the farmers would be greatly benefitted. Thot would be nearer the condition of things under the system of non-taxHtiou of credits. "The repeal of the usury law would be a more radical chauge than the repeal of the mortgage tax law and I do not think the people of the state would countenance a move of that kind now. First, because they have not given so much study to the financial prob lem as they will have done In the next few years. Second, If, as is claimed by the advocates of the repeal of the law, that money would be cheaper without the usury law than with it, then the law as it is works no bar to thone who waut to loan money at cheaper rates; aud if rates without the law should advance that would be ample proof that the law would be unjust and unneces sary. "The Australian ballot system will be adopted without auy trouble or opposition. It strikes me thut It is a cumberbome pieceof machinery, but as any change would be for the better, I am lu favor of trying it. "I am heartily in favor of a lib eral appropriation for the World's Fair. I believu in Oregon doing everything necessary to advance its matchless resources, and it should not be done in a second-rate matter either. I believe that if we properly exhibit our productions and muko known our resources and let the people who visit the Fair know what we have In addition to what thy have begun to leurn about us, our population will be easily doubled lu the succeeding five years. Free Choice at tbe City Eleetioa. UDrroit Jeurnal: Now that the city election Is near aud the fact that once a year the voter is apieal ed to for a decision, would It not be the right thing for every citizen who is favorable to a good city govern ment to have a say, at tbe proper time. Every man or squad of men iiavc a perfect right to place u ticket in his or their ward. There should be at least a half-dozen tickets in each wurd besides the "reg'lar" of each party. The fact that the Statesman told us some time since that in all probability parties lu tbe city could name tbe next city offi cers, should be a hint. Borne say our expense pet should be less, oth ers that the police should be confin ed to beats and not in squads, still others that gambling should be sup pressed, and some say wedon't need so many policeman, etc., etc., etc. This is the proper time to have your say or hold your peace. If the pres ent order of things is satisfactory, why kick? It It is not, and you do not try to acknowledge it, why? The "reg'lars" will be titers. "Eter nal vigilance" Is the price of good city as well as national government. At your primaries tbe whole ques tion is decided. Citizen. Mr. Elijah Mays, a much respect ed citizen of Lake county, and one ot the pioneers of Oregon, died at his home near Junction City, last Sunday. In 18-31-' he crossed the plains with bii family, and in 1853 settled in Lane county, where he has since continuously resided. He lived to a ri pe old age having passed his 81st birthday and experienced the great pleasure of seeing his fam ilyconsisting of tlx sons aud live daughters, recognized as among Ore gon's most respected citizens. Hon. Itobert Afays, of The Dalles, Or., be ing his eldest son. Thj good old mother preceded him about six years. Truly these were of the "home builders" of Oregon, and oh oiio by one, at the wnd of a well-spent life, thoy lie down to sleep, wo feelingly nay, peace to the ashes of the old pioneers. Oreiconian. Cant. Jack Ciawford has no eoi fldencethe in 'ireinoyed-rall" theory of .the Luulah It. I. disaster. A good many other people, who have known this shulty trestle work for yeawcoucur with C'apt. Crawford. Times Mountalueer. Two wood chqppers from across the river came to the city last even, ing, tilled up on fermented corn Juice, Kotglorlou-ily drunk, and were corueu up tins arieraiMiu In the cull-boo-Hr. J'. H. They have Just broken nut of the rear eud of the building and skipped out. Albany Democrat, i Lb- - U. a Gov't Report, A-J 37- '8S9 Baking Powder The Oregoninu admits that rates of Interest are higher in Washington , than in Oregon. ! 1 , It seems that Mr. World's Fair. . r,!..!,.. . I1I.1.. ..t H- ' 1 ..".twiuu.- ., hmih, . iukiic, was the only man who watohed the law of congress and asked the gov ernor for that nppolntment. The eurly bird, etc Late estimates place the Wash ington hop crop at 3S,000 bales, 6000 still unsold; Oregon a),000, 3000 still unsold. Money for the hop crop has largely gone to the East again from Washington. In Oregon the bulk of it is lea lu the state. Gov. Ferry, of Washington, Is suf fering from nervous prostratlou, and will go to Southern California to re cuperate. BALE.11 MAUKKT JtKPOUT. A Synopsis el th Markets Buying aud Helling Prices. ItETAIL'.riUCCi. REVISED QUOTATIONS. Hhoulders Sugar cured.per lb,12f llrenkfast biicou II Hams Mupir cured, per lh, 16 0118c lteer fta lliv. Fork lOOlJUc. Mutton a lJKc. Veal 10 Uc TlmotIiyeel I'er iviund, 7Sc; selling. Hed clo er seed 1 Vr pound, Ia Vliltecloerseed Per pound, ISc ", Alslke lsc per pound. Ited top ISc per pouud. Liucoln Or.uw l2o per pouudj Hye Orass 10c per muiiuI. Orchard lras17c per pound, llcuns 6c per lb. Oat meal t -I to Cc fanned Frutt..l'csiclieii, K SO; apricot, J3 5, blackberries, SI; corn, best grades tl X tomatoeK 91 4V, string beans 11 Uf, green r-!is SI S3; per uoz. lu two lb cans. Green FrultCholce WST5cper bex: rears tOc nerbox:cmiesi s&nerbox jxltat'tes OX; carrots ic: parsnips 11 OO, luincesii uu per Dusnei; onions oc per id. 7c per ! small flshSlOcperl'b. tlafibiUand Cixl li',c per lb. ncviNO I'iiicks. Wheat !K" net. Flour l'er barrel. SI.30, best li lbs. Dan Per bushel, U u 5c. Uarjey Per bushel, fitte. Ilran l'er ton. lit. GO at mill, sacked. Hhnrt l'er ton, S2I U3 " sacked. Clw l'er ton, SJiOO ' sacked. Hods ljuoted nt S.3c per lb. hsgs SLc per dozen, l'ot.itoe Per bushel,60c new Corn nieal Jc per pound. Cheese UOlle per pound. Dried ulums Perlb.67c. Dried prunes l'er lb. liiilic Emported prunes 7Ke ier lb. miner .sucvx: per ism fctV: per jsiundforgijod Ijinl 12"ill5oper lb. H.ims Per pound, 1101-0, lfeiconslder 10 per lb. Hhoulden. HtUc per lb, t'hlckens X: Turkevs 10t913c per lb, Oeee 7kvj per lb. Ducks, Ui15 pcrlh. SlAf.KBTS BY TKLEUKAPH. POKTLAND. Wheal Valley, 31 -Ji1: Wall Hall.ill.IS to J1.17S'. Flour staniLird, t!90 to $. Walla Walla SI Ok-3 HX. Outside grades, $.1 W. Oat White 21s to OX, grayMc U 52 per busheU MUUtuttV. Ilran tll2S shvts, tt315 ground barley, $!2; c fp feed. ?3j middlings, S3-, per ton. Hay 51M18 per ton. llutter Oregon fancy dalry,37J.J c;fanc- creameryf-'-ilKood to fair, 27.;Call forma choice :t1jc. Eggs Oregon JOc, Eastern IV- per dozen Poultry Old chickens, Jl OJl 50. Potatoes Jl 10 per cintal. romates or. 50c; Cal. U5c per box, Cheese-Oregon, E! to" He; California 9J to 10c. bugarfc Golden C, S extra C, 6J: dry granuLited, B(; cube, crushed and Pow dered, 6'ic per pound. Deans Small white. 3VcL nlnlr xtv- b-ayob. H 75, butter, Kl , llmas, f 50 per cental. Hops. JIS5c per pound. Dried FrutU..The market Is firm. Quo Que ted: Italian prunes, 12J.J to lie, Petite and German, 10c per pound; raisins, 12 75 per bo.;; plummer dried pirs, 11 to 12Jr, sun dried and factory plums, 11 to IJc; evapo ratcn peaches, Ur, Hmyrna fls, II to 16 California ngs.Vc per pound, Hle 6Xc per pound. Hides Dry bldoi, 8 to Sc; Ki less for culls; green over impounds, ir, under 55 pounds, 3tr, sheep pelts, BMOKED MEATH AND LAUD. Eastern hams, 13 to He; Jbreakfast ba con, 11 to 11J4; slden, 9 to 10c; lard, 8J to 10c per pound. HAN FaANCIHCO. Ban Fuancisco, Nov. 30-WheaU.tlie seek opened on a quieter market. No. 1 white, II 30X to II !? choice, fl iO per cental. Ilariey Feed II itiei 53, pr cental fl ir, choice II 55 to 1 50; common grada II 50. OaU..Oray II 75 to 1 H9-, blaok II WU 2 per contal' Onions. M 75 to 3 50. Potatoev ioctoll 35. JUHOtLANKOUH ilAltKETS. C'lllC'AOO, Nov. UJ.-Wool Eastern Ore gnu, 10 Ui 16c; valley, 16 to Wo per pound liter Live, Vi totc;drtMwd,Sc. JlutUin Live, V to 3Jc; dresstd Sc. lligs Live, 6c; dressed, 7c. Veal 6 to Sc peripound. Spring liimbs 12 each. macobsOil (BaGifAcheJ' .?KW and .11 ACHES HRO M PTLY i f$ffo IADE &oi STEEL PENS ent ponimld, on receipt of JO XMXs. PERRY A 00., Lopdon. f.u..u24 U. 9. Mkf. eiO Broadsar, Htw yf tiWMM rAt - .rt--jft j. ii . John G, barr. Watches and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN Mpeclal attention to measuring iltflrcUvt. igtil aim glAssc mirti. a biws torn wiu 111 alt i' m. Ulaura fur critical cuse urounu, . . ..! ' WATCHCS. ETC. A uet stock of cloaks, silver and told rGlcil- WBtclie", sllervrars ana jewelry; will Insula rump. Aisomumi ITOED WATCHES will bo villi nt lessthan hslf their value. tSill and com lore yourself. IRON 0. 1). BUTTON, Prop. Castings of all Kinds mad to ordnr, Jill. I. MACHINEKV, 1'liANINO MILLS, COItNICKS, METAL FHONTH, W1IKK1.S, I'ULLEYS, and nulliigs ul au style or pat ient made lu short unler, siuoolu aud re liable lu ee y particular. Repair any Machinery in Short Order. iuiuiuk 1111. lew, and bnu stove bullk IS, ...It... I..l.u enelnea. nop P bop WIU make estlma tea on any Iron work needed, paid for old Irou. uood price S-lS-lm Tux-rnyj-rs Take Notice. The ux mil of Marlon couuty for the yestr ijiisoeen piacra in uiy uauasior cot lerllou. aud uu.iiers will nlease come forward and pay their assessments. a4 the count) isouioi lunus. t m. uaontAN. BherlfTand Tax Collector, Vu Ct Iniiriti (IUUIL V!t 11 HIE 8uccesmir to Amos Btroag. Pioneer Bakery 271 Commircial Street. French 'and German Wheat aud Itye Breads in City Style. , Vipuna Rolls. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKEH. 1'astry aud Confectionery Itaklng In Full Stock. My new bread and cake bakers arc first-class artists in thair Hue, aud I aim to have Everything as Fine as the Finest I'roposaLs for Stationery. Office ot the Secretary of HUite, I s.ilem, Or., Oct. U, ISM. Healed proposals will bereceled at this ofilce until noouMonday.Dec. 1, fur nish the following urtlciea lor the state of Oregon, (i) reams legal cap, 1111), No. 7 ruling, white laid, Curuw, Charter Oak or SCO ten linen. :x reams letter paper, 121b, No. 7 ruling, white laid, Cure, dinner Oak or Scotch linen. A) reams tirst class C'nngreas note, 71b ptu-Knues, .so. . ruling, wuiie lam 2") M No6X while envelopes. 601 ulle envelopes, 601b, No 1 rag. XXX i M No 10 white envelopes, 601b, No 1 rag l'-'uroKH railroad steel pens, No I9. 'JlKrovi (illlolt'H steel pens. No 401. I gross Olllntt's steel jens. No SM. 3 gross EasterbnMik "J" pens. h gro haber's cnholdeni. Ho DCS. 10 dozen Peck, Stow Wilcox's Inkstands No S5i. 4 dozen Peck, Mow A Wilcox'slnkstanu NoiM. 10 Doz Peck, Btow ft Wilcox's Inkstands, No 42i). 12 Doz Ivory folders, 9 inch standard, 4 dozen lory rolders, I0-tncb congress. 4 Doz mucilage cups. No S, Morgan's iiat. lu dozen mucllago stands, reservoir No t, Morgan's patent. 5 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper. 1401b, assorted colors. ' 2 gross No 2 Eazlx Recorder lead neneils. style WX). i aozen rsantoras premium fluid, quarts. 3 dozen Htatlord's writing fluid, quarts, 15 dozen gummed stub tiles. No 21, 11x15 Inches, JjO pages. J) dozen Duplex mp-bonrd letter clips. 15 dozen Fuber's rubber rulers,14-lu. flak 15 dozen steel erasers, ltoger's No IS, 1(9 hone. 2 dozen steel erasers. Itonrs' 'n ts tso ebony. ' SU boxes Faber's No 300. rubber lutnJa . sorted sizes. 5 cross Faberi lead DencUs. No 1. hau. gon.gllu 11 gros Faber'a lead pencils, No 2, round, Kilt. 15 dozon Faber's patent Ink ansl pencil rubber erasers, mammoth. 3000 hcGIU's patent paper fasteners, No2. flat head. 300U mcUIU's patent paper fasteners. No 4, flat head. 15 dozen table yids to hold papers, Ix34 Inches, strong leather tips, i3 dozen wiule-paper baskets, crowbar, No 4. 20 lb hemp twins, No 12. At tho same time, sep.iraU bids will be received for 15 dozen fine penknives, lobe described by trade numbers, samples to be exhibited. illdsabould be marked "Proposals for stationery." None but ths best quality of goods wlfl lie accepted. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. All the above article to be delivered at Salem on or be. fore Janu-iry 10, 1SII. OKO. W.MclllUflia, UecretaryofHtat. SoOO Reward WK win pay theubove reward for an any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, headache. Indigestion, constipation or cos tlveneas weciinnot cum wi.w v. eltableLlqtr Pills, when the directions are trlctle compiled with. They are purely veffetabl, and never fall to give sail. fac tion. Hugar coated. Large boxes, contain ing 30 pills, 25 cents, ileware of counter feits and nidations. Tbe genuine nianu facta red ohly'by THE JOlIN U. WEHT Co. Cnlcagolll, Isold by OwE, Good, Druggist, SOW Com. street, Balem, Or. From Ttraiaal orlilrior, Points. lie it Is tbe line U take To all Points East and South. It Is thedinln? car route, it mm t h..-k. vtsitlbule trains avary day in I he yeirio ST. PAUL AND (No change of cars,) Composed nt dining tars nosuipuMd. Pullman drawing room sleepers Ol latest MUlninent TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Beat that can be constructed and In which mmodatiqna are both free and lur. nUlitd forholdsrsof nrstand aseonit-alus tlckeu,and "" ELEQAHT DAY COACHES. Acoutlnuoc. )l0? oouM-tlng with aU llns.n-ordin ( dlraot and unlnUrnipUd service KVt Pull llman !( J"- llonaoin bate. cureu in -tcivi ufcv ,..;i,4ll any of fflisB ssls1af1- Through tlcku to and from U polnU In Amsrlca, England aud Europe can b purchased nt any ticket oOlcs) of this com. pany. ' Kull Information concerning nu. ti. of t ralns.routes aud other datalu furaUhsd nn application to auy agent or A. D. CHAKLTON L.TON, r Annl. Ho. BsjfoBi pitj. Aaatauni usnerai paaunger r Z'lZzl'1' ""' "ssmii J-, WSSSBM. fYini iiinssBBW-v i TssgfieBthrtiirilir brick! BURTOTIBROS. art prepared to nirnlsn a nrsi-ciaM arnci of llrlck lu town or country or any whers) Ik Pries reason able. Vidnuttetreet,opposlle O. I P. All orders lett with W1111hukA hnr , land promptlyattended to. 10 Acres for Rent. A choice tract only one mil from Balem Terns liberal. Apply to 110FKR nnoa, Journssl onire. Salem Athletie Academy. Instructions riven In all kinds of athletic scrrlses. Including all movoruenU condu cive to physical ifetelopmcnt Apply to secretary at rooms IV) Comnierclnl Ht, ARTIST. lnirnittnns elven and Portraits enlarged from Photographs or Life. In Crnjron, Oil I or aier colors, i. iiueriutfuiii hmhwi block, Salem. MISS M. KIUN. Wood All kinds of woadssiwed and In four root length, HslWered to part of the city. Good wood and full measure guaranteed. Offlre with J. M. Payne, V7 State street. A. P.OOItDON. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All styles of the Famous Ringer constant ly on band; also repairs and need Is for al kinds of machine. BURT CASE, Agent. LS.SKIFF4C0. Dentists, Nsir 0pri Hsuit, SiUm, 0t, NEW ZEAUND1" INSURANCE m p a n y . ana asm- JOH. AJ.BEHT. AgsnU Salem. Oregon SAVE MONEY ON BOOTS, SnOES aad BL'BBQIS. C. G. GIVEN k Co'.. Bottom Osssstt :-: "frlosMt OUR SPECIALTIES. I. "llellables," for men. Pebble calf, Creedmoor style, a ta.00 shoe fur W.7S II. 'Ounimou Sense," for IjiUles. a bright Dongola, stylish as any made, a ta.DD shoe lor S3.75. III. I can saro you money on hoy's and children's shoe. Posimely low prices. Ilepulrlng done, Custom work solicited. UM-tr INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Assessed nearly one third of a million (IF.O. II. ISEELEIt, City Agent, And special agent for Mar'ou couuty. Of nee with the Company. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA KXrUXM TKAIX UU UAII.I DirrwKxif i-oRTUtrn and a. r. Houtu. I 7-OC p. m. Lv. V-lSp. m. ILv. 10:15a.m. I Ar. "TTortliT" PortUnd Hulem Hun. Frnn. Ar. I VJ.t a. m. Lv. 7:W s. m Lv. I IrOlp. m Above tminaston enlv ui rntlowinr so. tlons north Of Kosehunr. Fast 1'nrllnnrl Oregon City, Woodburn, Halem, Albany Tangtnt. Hhedds, zlutwy. iiarrlsburg Junction City, Irving and Eugene. BQMkWUnu KA1.I. DAtl.V, MX) a.m. Lvl Portland Lv Balem Ar. Itoseburg Ar. I 4 in p. m. Lv. I J -in p. m. Lv. tSJ) u. m IO-.S3a.rn 5.40 p. ra. Albany Local, Pally (Eaeftit lilliiilar,) &00 p. m. Lv. Portiaiid Ar. IKUJa m. 7.62 p.m. Lv; nulem Lv. I MK iw m XPp.m.jAr. Albany l.v, Sola m. POLLMANBOFFLT'SLBBPEHS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For aceoui niodat ion ot second class asMngrs atUehed toezpre.s trains. itfest Side DiTision, Betweeo Portlaod and Cemllis: daily ezcxrr hunday). IJti a. ni. lalO p. m. LvT Ar. TornanrArT Corvallls Lv. "fcp. in, lt&6 p. in. At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains at Oregon Pacific llallruad. KXrK-OMTRAIK (DAILY KXOCrmUNDAY Trp7mTl 7:Z)p.m, . Xv; PoflEua Ar. 1 Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. 'BBS) a. m, 6:15 a.m. Through Tickets To all polpu EAST and .S'JUTIJ 1.iLcku,Da""1 iwornutioij regard ny's agent Halem, Oregon. WAPKr-VVliet,OaU and Hay. In ply nery. Highest market price paid. w;t CB. KNIGHT, Eclectic PhsslcUn.offloe monary dUeaaca a specialty. ' Ul. OHIPFITU. deutlsLnmca In Uush's .-.u,''.",1ra- Autatuetlcs Bdinlnl.irrZ.. wbn desired. IW-lf ihOregoimnd h Co. wuntH to Holwni HlKhlnd or lUvJnililii property for four good work ho!. . w-Jit AdminiHtratorn Sulu? NnH,eoror,,ue,,i5fl1'ciS uth,jmilurpfthuieyoi 2, '.T.-J',1' . ffifiJ$x - iSSESS i,.,inr. " - niguem Hinder for ciuih KW.i-,f.fl.'tlonhy'Mid (SLr" ; iTo'cit ;"." "t tL0,i?",,.ber' "" lo-w t: Thin..r.i7r?.VHt9. '' .pniperty aud loU No.Tand ii.r al2.. ! f" VL,.rU.r, uming 111.I6 crM '.7T,."!. "ru". o snrt i.irn-hiiH-1' . "-w.w vr less, si fir I.. ....i .-r.Tl II L .?",.tnl tliweiir. tl fSW.TiTr'.lsKRVi"; dln w rrpm the town of ul S crosseii Ue iin. K.r,-.:,7-,s;"" y&K? S?&b theuoa ntlam FXSSSfflg ,taSrOr..Kor.7, lW). - -- ...l.XJirt-.--J- 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbvbB inBCWSni . KsJU-sU Trrr MilLll'M ' A u I v 1 1 1 HH&EAMlniffl WKKmKmamHKMmM MssssiMT-.V SB-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSS raBBBBsliBBBBHlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'A HK; IT TO .o. Advertise Your Business! THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JCURNAL $1.00 Per Year LARGEST, clrlEAPKST For the Money on the Pacific Coasi xl&It Iium n lurgf ulruultittnii.lii tin ttiwiin anil unions the beat farruen of Mnrlon, I'nlk mid Vunililll iiuiutivH. AhIiIi- from UiIh ItiiNohuaa widt circulutinu tliruiichout tliu Kwturn HtutM hiiiiiii! k-oji1o whoureiitudylng OrcRon with u vit-w to uuuiini; WchI. Tliu Jol'llNAL uiukfH n Bjicolalty ot bIvIiik uuuiiniti Infiirnmtioii Lsiiifcrnliiir fruit Krowlng and furmliis produetH, iiIbo the niurUt-t rvorlH. It Ih uii unuMflltMl advertising rut dluiu for the lociil trudu tiii rul cHtutu Inu-rett-. BIKDS All kinds muiiiiti'd to order ALLAN RHODES, bAI.OI, IIIIKIIO.N Notice For Sewt'r Jtlils. .... "'. Oregon, Novunilx-rl 1KHI, llids will be re.eKect by tliMollnwIng comiiiltti-n of lliHcity council li). to Jo'clock li . on aaiuruHy, me lath imy of Novem ur, inr iMiicousiriiriion or mi iilley suwer luMMiKii uioca no k in lueclty or Kh.piu, Plans mid x-clcutloiis my lwKmnat the cll siireorHiimie. Illds will li opeucd at i P. n. E. MlLAKOKK, A. E, M'ltAMl, ,, .,, "" OKAY, DUGAN BRO Q yJn "The Plumbers," MOO CommuroluliSt, Dealers lu Steam and Plumber's Goods, California IniusloueHewur mid Klro Claj Chimney Pljie, etc. Health is" Wealth! Hit. h. V. WtXTH Norse mid Drain Trealmeiit, u KUuniuleed cliln for IlyH. Mauruleln, IIhiiIiicIip, Nervous Prunlralloii cnusedl.v th use of alcohol or lobmk" 1?.?? "".wu,i ""lliil Depression, Hurtmi. Zl',Vb." ''"!'" -e-tiltlnK In Iiimii Ity mill SiHSV,,ulM"ir' "yi-."t Heulli, lira mature oldage.biirreniiwu), loss f power paused l;y overexertion of ilia bruin. Each box contains mm month's trvuliuunl. II U) a box or six boxes for liuo, wilt by'initil prepaid on receipt of prion. ' WEOUAHANTKE BIX I10XK8 lf. .-'." "" l"r "lx b"Xa, liwoiuissnlnl wl h 5.U).we will send 11,... p iruh uii? ur written guarantee Ui refund tho luaney If tha treutiniuit (1im. i..,t ... :. ".." "!.v " anlee. issued y ,,y ti uKm Si rug-' glstHole agent. HOB Jom. HI., bTiionV. Or. UuH llwA 'IJ .. KAHTHIDK ""'"""" ton ao lml I'orl'nd Port'd mull Km LVI-M Oil) 7 V mi '" "rowiisvlll,,.:. 7 40 "(...Cohurg .. it On ,M'nn,-.tlonsut Wwidbuni with H 1' i, WKMT HIDJi Alrllenuui oan i'....i .....- .. p live, liuiiilM, Jui.ton if is M,,,;r!l.,l' " ...Diillu. .... B iu ..loniiiiiiiti.. 7;W 2U) 4 1(1 4M IttA Tn":?Hyf?....?t.u.., 'h. Bupt. dOoul!'pl'-,ii!.V?A4.t Who do All Kinds of V W If , As Cheap ns nnv T.nn..,i. the Country Using5 W, K'Kj" and doing rirt-clasV,ViE';,e Iel-' isirLndli-H and twlvnn- .... .. O IIIMIMl't iuir tin,u. "." work. dolnjr 230 Liberty Street. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Krartuatei. Htuaenis tn Classical, Literary, ScienOf Music Art and Theology Normal, Bnsinesi, La AND MEDICAL COURSES It It tbo oldest, largrxt and least . ivelnsututlon of taimln, IrTTS N Hchuol opens nrst Nonday lu a..pu,,nb., Komi for catalogue to I'wniar TIIOH. VAN 8COY, 7- Malorn, Oregon. m -o- Onion Pacific ll ll Conpuqr "OVEKLAND ItOUTE." 1 ruins for the mutt ltave Portland nl 70 am ami trou mn dally. 31c eta to auatroa pTlnclixil iKilnts in Hit United mates, Un auauiid Lumpe. Lie not New Dioio Can. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Free Painlly Bleeping Cars run throoib on Express trains to Omaha, Council lllufls aud Kansas City without ctiaDft Cotinertlonsut Portland forttan FitBOh i-ii and Pugnt Hound pultita. tut lurthnr particulars address any ngeulof the coiiipuny . or C. H. M ELLEN, General Treitlc Muuxer Ikilsn A Manuluc ageuts 88 Courtstnet, Halem, Oregon. THB RUNS " KiiHllltruluOwlth Pullman VtsUbut Drawing room sleeuers. diullif ears M UNiohes of latest design, Wtwuen CBWS4 and .Milwaukee and Ht, Paul and Mlsw aHills. . Kant Trains with Pallman vssUHakst ilruwlng room sleepers, alining couanra or luteal daslgn, iietweeD i ok-st and Milwaukee and Ashland and Uokj Through Piillmun vestibule, o'1? nsmiundoolonlst sleepers via tin W"r em Puclrio riillruud between Cbloafs" Piirthtud, Or. .. ., Conviinlent trains to and Irom MfJ": Weabirn, Northern and central " sin poluU, uflordlng unoqualed ssiiKf J" uud from Waukesha hond du UC "f kiMh, Noeuah. Meueslm, Ohlppew ruj Vmu Ulalre, Ilurlay, Wis,, aud IroB'' aud llwuemar, Mich, ..,isi Kor tlakels. aloenlng onr reitTtt"S tlmehililes and othorlnlormailDD. " Ui ngeuu auy where In the UnltB,M ordanuda. 8. It. AINULIB Oen'l. Mr Mllwaue. wis. J.M.IIANPOUD, , .j Ueu,ITraraofr8t.',1- II. O. UAltLOW, . wk, Aas'tGen'I l-esa'r ana Tkt Agt., "' ke. Wis. Two Through Trains EacMFJ DAILY, VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Conimenclmr with Hunday, UuAfC bath first und econdla "OvJii JSn." Iiouurett on "The LlmlUd 'jIuTsV trains anil4,a well bUo un IM M' lond Klyurs," Nos. laud J, .M at "Tho Llailted Kast Ml". "Kj entilpiicd with Pullmun Pul5f.S5,5 nfslsleopcrs, dlulug cars, choir "Vi ooaoliea.und ruu olld belw) W""" and llhlcuio, dally without ooanj... 'iho"iiii,.iwi i.,ivr"tra ntixfrS idKiyer"trln'!i with Pullmun Diilaeo sloepors sou "r between Portland ami Council wu.", with Pullman colonist "iMPfS", SSS Portland aud Kunsaa City, dliyf"" change. tvw.tell ? Connection ere mude at Po- JV ,U through tralus lo and fro"'" w at Oheyenue with through tWWeefcJ irom Uenver, Kaiuau. ''.fbS iS lhe ulajve tmluf a"or!'1'Kcilw-' time between the Northwest Iw w" uud Kualerii iud oulheru P m'.nroil iiuiuiisui iima. nt tmlaM. tlokeM, omwJ !V.,iSl-flit -uuue eheoke IA".I.bV vnrou jiihj'J'hm " r u "7 j - .w....ll.l..n tit HtlV MTH'& ' .n"i mm. tlnlnn nimrtae'steu. '1 r. w, n-n HOME MAHNINO Agem I tireet, Htlm Oragua. M.t.w . ...jvj5g:' nui Bf