Mj-rf St l-"i fl" X -jf 4Pvr H IRE CAPITAL JOflLXAL. WEDXESrIY-7.ON19, 1SW I TKIOts UK bltKirnu.N. lUy by umll j-r ymr.. - ttr.7 by innll per nuiDtu. - AeeKir DJ man --f j-.. NEW FACTS ABOUT TnE wr.ECK. ReTeUtim Otrrrt ii tkt Llkt f ,Vw Fct tiathrrvl k; jMnal Krftrtpn. The railroad coiiHnlion sjicnt 11 I6! day Tuesday hea lug tntimony t' - w sustidu ibe railroad company's PERSONAL AM) LUC.lb. CITY FATHERS. Mr. A. Buh will bo borne atiout . ... . .- . tbe Ctniril Jadr and Clerks DPC' l9t ,. , ApHlrU. Mr. George Dk-kcuMti of Albany, j - l iu tbe city. j The city niuchils met Inst night in Emn for Salem still eorm-. from ' e council shiuuln-r, with the fol- Portland via. Allwnv. lvlng i-twent: Mtiyor Willinmi.;, mm liii t ! -tr ont i..d lu mivmirc ibe yr.e ,.., .. Wreck t Lalilsh. i ., r ,,k., . ' Recorder Coiili.eoniirlliiii'ii; llltch,l rnUiiortlir Wiukm Jot iivi.wiil"r tlieorj at te me wreck, mi xauiu. Mr. Dav d Sirupsou was a passon. , ' " prompts D..myibr..n-e. inmiinis. the witnew for the com-i1 q ' . j litis; Strang nud Hutton being t.b-i - rnviE uklivek iiy c.iu:n:t inqulnea, the witneww i..r uie com Brcyman U borne from fc " , .-.. , -.-... -i. )&ci imtiv miiemtlv nudntaiiiiiiE nia.i . . . ... , seuu Sicls. . fKCW I"".' ."-.' ."...-. - mrlnt.i the Svwiid title. lidou or accidental displacement ol . ' nt Pallv forsttiirU wts-s. ltl frtr" vrrSs IL ll'l. hi .......it. i-iHI-rilnn will be nu.de on tl runt litb , the rail, and B ReUeral SoUUdll SWimrtulV'SKJ-lSu the trestle, or a sufficient .uudne h a-iiv-rrti. i" en kmt no dii tl carry tbe train ruu over the road. mllKtf'm-. .. rr.. ...!.- an. ular llstutlml llV The t:vEst:ir. ctTTAi.JnrKNAi. m:- , "r .uru..v. -. . . . . Urly rmuM the ncru'L uiBia cj,.,.auJHiautial evideuce, but nowbej pt ninpHicnr. GILBERT i Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. I.lll b MARKF.T. Wheat, nrt'KJl ivnt- T 1". Hop, active: 2V tS rent- lr lb. Wheat relimin- stedily ut 62J, with receipt- averagiiK; ulmut tit bubel! a duv lit alem. Savkw FK'iM v Coi.u. At oue of tbe inuuy weddiin: recetuions George had escorted hi- lady iioine in tbe pleuuutet manner jif-ible. The had chatted merrily. He bade her a jxibte go"d ni'ht, wished her j)letiaiit dream-, stepld into hi hack and Marted on hi- quite lein: ride home. He luid nt uiitioed hw cool the clear fnnty night was until then, and proceeded at once to but ton cloe about buu a warm, stylish lwfciug ell-lined overco-t be had ju-t iKtught of Jthnon, Bootbby i Oi., Salem. Ox Exinr.lTloK. The elegant prizes to t given f.r tbe lt W- , liued representation at tbe Ru-i-ce carnival at P.eed's oera hou--Tuanksgiviiig evenina: are now on exhibition. One iu the snow wio-do- r Keller A Marxh, tbe other at Urn. F. Smith'. Three judir- art tote elected unknown loearli other, who have no jeriuiual iut'-r-l " estlu the rewresenlalions to decide , trul: wlit re.re-eHttlon "ball re-lvr the e awards. c inclusively. , THE COMMISSION I are making a reputation for falrnew and imiwrtbtlity lu tbU case, Mr Colvig aeen-B to be ably sustained b .Messrs. Clow and Faull lu pnisetui iiiglbecage iu tb public Interest and their fiudiug- will have grva' weight if they make tbe w.-ie ot witue-M called for ibe state brw.d enough. New facte are found by Jocknaj reportera to nustaiu tbe theory it b rouud uiost tenable t. e., that ! the generally unsafe condition of tin tre-lle and not malicious wrkul train wreckers. It i ceruiu that there 1 one mai in tbe city who saw a rail lyiii) where the extra nil was foun after tbe wreck, several weeks U- fore. He is an old railroad malt and can positively identify the lo cution of the rail. XK.K-E. VAN AVERT of Salem, rode with Eugineer Mc- Faddeu a short time before tbe ' wreck. McFadden told bim then 1 was not a safe bridge on tbe Hue, ' aud that the Labish bri jge was tbt wort bridge iu tbe 1 it. VK. At- HF.KRES, former stock insiwctor, who rodi over tbe bridge on tbe bxil train a half hour before the wreck, says In s it with a l.idy in the last seat of the rear car. As it went over the place near where the engine of the f-ittil train went down a half hour later, , both beard a crash, and remarkid that Bomething had brokeu awa lneatb them. That was too late at ! night for section nieu to inspect the Tlie following bills were reported ' U.S. Marshal McO.irrv is feeling, correct utid their iki meiit wus or-1 better to-day aud w ill safely recover. ! dervd. S. W. t?colt Is laying the founda- 5M1'",,(11'',1 C f tion for a $750 houselu North Salem nugim' itn "1"I" Mike Bvhii, of North Salem, has . Ci.oiml Luiiili. Co . .(mrt f..ru l,rl.'.. Ml W.illu Willi... I nielli WmUTO ,J llilgbes The Bush block next to the Ilia- Million & Waiidt Lette will be endowed for occupancy ' K A Uniiiiuu ojxt week. Mrs. A.N. Gilbert and son are o tb doing well. Mrs. Gill". rt has been able to be up to day. It will not le loii- before nil the f.cts about oH.'lillig the big Scotch .nills can te made public. Mrs. A. I. Buyers, of North Yak ma, bus arrived ut the home of ber at ilber, Mrs. A. W. Dennis. Dr. J. M. Keene is borne from ictiug as groomsman ut Itulph loodv's weddiui:. at Tort Tou u- etid. James Collins Blid Belle Gale were the seeoud couple favored with a penult to wed from the county c.trk to day. All the elderly lady patients who were injurvd iu the wreck, who nn at the Willamette ure doing well aud in good spirits. 7o R SO 13 f.7 o-" 71 i7 .111 :; -is m; 4ii 7i mi S Oil m ini 37-' IKv Mi iu a; Si." .Ml J 00 H K Mocre.... .. -. .lrC 1) r-nyder ... Suleiu E ec. Liubt l'o .... Snlein Dni & Truck Co... U 11 estiicult J B AtU-LMi-t -eriU-ri r..ble ... E E ( Lerriiigton -33 The committee on strei'ls mid pub lie pm'ierty reKiriel the bids re cehetlfi.rtbe ciinslrucllon of tbej alley sewer through bl.K'k forty-seyl eu. Smith & ItobhisoiiV bid was J6S7.nO; Archie Miim.ii, $aS5, mid A. B.Snillh & Co. 5S.U.15. The con tract wus let to A. B. Smith & Co., the louest bidders, on condilioH that I bey fttrui-h l-md-in the sum of 500. The sewer is to be const I tid ed of term cotta pie mid is to be completed by the lirst of January. An ordinance bill was introduced toumeiidtbe city liceiiM: mid tax laws. The bill ia-sed the first tuid -econd reudhiK", and was then rt- The Old Man's Barrel has struck a leak. That is what h liable to happen when his family strikes some of the me- troxilitaninonoy-savinc cloth ing' ston-s. "NVe giiai-antee you reliably nuide goods at Vsiir uripps and a snvinir of ten . -i to twenty per cent all around -s&-asjJr - t it clothum over wh t it will cost you toRcr'them at Portland, CON'l.AD'S Pn-nt Salem clothing house, At 257 Gominercial Street. LACE CURTAINS AND SHADES Just Received . For our Fall Trade. We can show you a greater variety of Patterns, and sell them for In. Money thnti you can buy elsewhere. The only House In the city tliitt carries n complete line of cntiicla Is the I ChristmaS WILL SOON BE HERE, And it seems, Santa Chins, has already made his head quaiters at W. M. SARGENTS, 270Comiriercial Street. He has the finest line of pretty Dolls and Toys ever brought to Salem. Also novelties of every kind, .ovely iAllr..is nnd Autoo-ranh Albums, F.mcy Perfumeries, j Picture Frames. Wall Paper, Mouldings and Games ol ju aim za com ernl l.llls were reau iigtiin-t me cny. , ,l,wM.:t ,, Wiilus US 5 10 10 Two bill were or lend paid uuder, . - '. .... ... . UM,: R.w.,,1 TlnMors m-pension of .be rules. fouuters, aim a niie line oi u. .- 7; " , " w;,, a iiti..u ,ig..ed by several Pni-, Puildii.g Blocks, Mirrors, louet Cuscs, Stationery, in zei.si.s lug for mi .lectric light to tlw Shades and poles of every description and many Go to Bon Ton for good, square m-als for S cts. V. F. Harri-, Pr.ipnetor. d3t SL'PttEME COURT. F a k ii E i: 5, A r rENTio.v ! M r Martin Tunmp-on, proprieter of tin-i Star Boiler niillf at Turner, make i announcement tbU, he will do a I genera! custom and exchange mill j S.ilem, Nov. 17. 1830. ingbusiues. grind and sell feed or A. Meier etal resp., vs P. Kelly et flour for toll. He guarantees the ' al app., appeal from Multnomah best rillerflnurand a large turnout ( county; judgment of the court below from clean wheat. See bis ud. in ( ryersed aud complaiut disinisrtml tbe Wekkly Juck.val, and take without prejudice; neither party to bim a sample of vour wheat iK-fore1 recover co-is on this uppe.d; Beun.J. engaging vour year's supply of flour. S. M. Barr resp., vs H. B. Bootb- ' wick el ul upp, appeal from Mull- A Correction. The Journals , eounty; reversed aud the s'.alemeut in regard to Wesley Shan-, caU9e reniun(J(l to the court below non introducing the bill for a new . ra uew trial; opinion by Bean, J. state liou-e, wa.- evidently inteded Na,1L.y AVant upp., vs Thoe. M. to refer to his work in the territorial Ajjvunt. judgment of the warn be leuislature. The bill for the present jow ajnriued; opiumu precarious, stute house was prepared by Hon. T. j -jj,,,,,,, Resp., vs the Thomson McF. Patton, presenteu anu pre-se.i Himg0 Electric Co app., apeal to its nn-il p.is.s.ige by mat man in 1S72. He secured un priftlmi of JlCl.llOO for a sturt. This U the correct history. i t m. Davis reap., vs M. W, HABSBbS.-WWIe the arrival of, Davis; upj)., appeal from Douglas Mr. M. Pean,er's new harnes., stock county; judgment of the court l i.i-...rf-ivlonibi.niail. be is ! low modlhed; opinion by btrabau. Tf v.iii wrM in 1 . a i nouBiuii iirci.ib -o "rt'.f "t'c". gentle- fr()m jjUtllonlu, county; judgmei t i appro.(ifllle(.(iUrlbelow atfirtued; opinion by Lord, J be eslabli-bed at tbe inleieelion of . ti.or thiols too UUIIICIOUS to m.Tlt.n:t. Front and Union s.nets, ..,..1 al-o j . c. n hayQ VQUr choice oiRimiitl by u good iiiiiiiUt of Vjuh i " v cili.ens asking for a light at the ' -mmmm "!M'!gg!MMg iiiterrection of Center and Cbiircli t,Bi mtniirn i i.. s.reel, were read and referred to tbt IfSU M N ftHFS Q,u,r,erl JUII" w l wi pioiier coiiiuiltlec. The i.tu house iii the, Heiiscbel t)i':ili'r in Groceries, Iiinns Oil rr..ji t.i iitit Commit iiui tn lliH.iictMi . I ItliHI I" HH. "liiliiin. " nvwi-. TbeRiseburg mall wa expected ( The b nflnl11B1I, hllie ,,,. locmeoverme o.-.. .. . - Hiuiibw Iii the city laws. Sev day, iu which case toe ium move regularly hereafter. Mr. E. F. OslMirne, of Eugene, has pun-baseil al.ilHer.Ht in the & and 10 cent store of H. S. Cri-nuiii, and will make his home here in the uirar future. The ureat cattle rancher. Mr. Pel Beeklf-y, of Oakland, Oregon, w bo uad four ribs broken, N able to move about, aud wi:s to-duy taken to the jiarlnrs. ScIiimiI Clerk W. B. Slmjison Is ofl to New few da te looked after by J his alisence. Norman Parrisb was in a little removed. "",' priva.e wreck of bis own. Jle ,,' . The uiicil.i.pHntedJl.e fo l.m L got -400 weight square on bis le,. I .l' lons a, Jmlut and clerks Hel oetlng around, a little lame the coming d y c lecl.en: lirst , ward, judge, Win. Crofi; elelksi tiougu. 'Geo. Weller and U.E. Pratt. Sel-' Mr. Dodds the Englishman who ml u1iih. U quartered iu the Eldndge W'. .,erU Utlfc n lirlll.,lHllrt i)r. T. issiill in a critical .-ondii ion from , L c.lU.n .,.,,,, woPt.iju,ut.i E his injuries at the Labish wreck and M vut,.; clerks, T. O. Barter and may uot recover. ! G. G. Van Wagner. Fourth ward, Mr.J.C. Townseud of the new J jndiit?. J. H. Bridge-; oleiks, T. B. St. Paul restaurant has U-en 111 for a j Wuj( uj q,. GisKlhue. Tew dujsof maluriu. He expects to After some other minor uil'airs be around ina day or two. Tbej 1)u(j 1hv11 jL.MseiIr .the couneil bouse is haviui: u gmnl run. . ujjollrHl. Jan. Mi n to says the theory that , - - Inipot'ne nil mir.wn ursM.. nine ... ,.., 1...1...1.1 i ..r In PltlUIATK. In the matter o. .,;,,.,',..,,., ,,a.t..i. In a n .otlxii to Aiuerman uoiiiiis iii'ico ioc . ,......, ,...i.... . I.'.. .,,,.1. .,.. ..r ....n.ii iiie luieriiietiuit; i.r.n.li.'l a i.i- .n... I. i:n..ulr.-ut N. M , ineKuar.iii.1 ,.... ...- " -. , ,,,t,m; J. urn toiler. ami lire I tvportnnd Yaquiim Bay, for a proiwr'tyjiortli of the okw house. a, WillilnW .(Jlitsv Wall I'll ays. His oflicial duties will lu block EJ, was d.clnred to lie' a .r ailll IJnnllT, Al'lNLs' Jill .M.Itogersin1 n'lisance, ami llieciiy marsuu.1 was U'rt.-lls. Mine, lintr. im i ! iiistrui-ied to have the same Sltllle. lln.V. Fci'll Hlltl hV Posts. (Jniss. .Needs. Mc m;' i.vt:uriM-;i:vt-. BARGAINS FOR EVEHYBOLYj IS j Tms Coffees. Spices ILkins Powder. Cliocolite?. etc' (JiirliitrntetrHte, with !2TDUi;. In "uf TO UNDERSELL ALL OTHERS! lVnclieiV Examination. N'OTICK ll."vty Blvcn Hint the rxi ni;iilriimrii-ri rsuinlii.itlau of m f.lhMiiU lor u-iHlii'p. crllfloois wilt l lie d III Itienmil nmiw l -uletii oil H"l ueMli),Not l, M1, hi ISiVI..k M -burp AinilliMllU l.ui.l UiMrtMU-eUalUiuOfWU lns.. ..ii " "!l,l'!t,1 Couni) Mi'r n'eii'lriil ol li'l I"r iu- r.uu 'iiiit).Un.i!oi. ' VIC ii. D.C. SHERMAN, L', ". IVii.l.in anil CUini hrmiI. I'.O llox asl, -.item, tlrninii. lputy OmiiHJ I'lerk. write fur lil.ii.k-. 25c Want Column. N'llrw lu.prtcil r.ir OSK CKNT I'KII uiillli KAUII INsKltriuN. No ndvr llu'liieut ln-.-ni'tl III Oil nluillll fur lew I null tweul.nvr iH'llU. WANTH-lly me"o1 J.iaiie-n br, i .ln(v to iifk lor b..ru HliHeatlrti is uot sustained by the faets. as windy a theory as the rail theory. ' appral recJ viii" noods daily. need of a uew harness, whi, sail dies or bridles, do not purchase until you have -etn bis stock iu, and to arrive soon. iiSSV Commercial street. Alice V. Faniuar, resp., vs. Thos Farquar. app., appeal from Dougla couutv: iudumeut of the court below 1 affirmed. Opinion by Btrnbun, C. J James Steel, adm'r, appM vs. Jos . eub Holladay, resp., appeal from Multuomab connty; Judgment ol lower court affirmed. Opinion bj Stratum, C. J. Emma Miller as adm'r of the es To Lf.avk Ufe. I. A. Mitniiing ha bought an interest in one of tbej oldest insurance companies of Taco mi imri will soon leave for that city, i He has Iss-n over there several days tate of J. W. Miller, desceHeed, resp.. looking around, and now thinks be vs. the sioutberu Pacific B. It. Co., ,.l-i. til. iMTiiiaiieut bomeiapp., appeal irom oianon cuuui.; .1... .......! It, tltulr ,....lllltllltl llUll IICLl.'nu t.i - j t tl ' 1 ...I... jj i a minor, r. i. riniuini.. M.n.iin- I el ull ini.illl, Willi noun iinwi ai ll..tru. .taili 1 -1 l..ui.lll.P tiUllrlf Mr.Balpb M.hkIv and bride, nf, J-",...,,.,,, j..M. M.s.re nod '.I P.rt Town-enu umveti in uieciij .,;,,.,, Moudav, and will Is-given u recee .i. . i. .... ..r ttou tnis evening J lire umuc i Mr. and Mrs. ex- . Moodv, on Court street. Mr. Collector of Customs Earlrirt, of Portland. Is iu the city. He wa- Ne!it, Tofurltier nilvertle lie nicrll of our .nmI. c Ii ne u.l 'i'"l a stst.m ol ; imk loevery e.Mto.iier lliltltlii I, 1'n.uul mill Ciruumeiital L,J M. Brown were nppniulcd .' ers. FremiuiviS OST snmll xtft "steKHK on II" lln.knv.(l h lnwh U.K.- uiUMiuiu ion siei. Iipiim ci.ur Ii inr 1. rn.ae , pl.-H.f in. lily Klclmril Srl or lrue u ll.Ui.lU-e. iur.it un old Saleniite formerly. He ex pressed surprise at the growth o Salem, aud bad a vinit with hir daughter. may there. Fn.Kti. Article- inwir(K)rating theNews)rt IiuprovemeutcotiiHiio were filed iu the office or the secre tary of slate to day, with L. E. Main, J.S. Cooper and S. G. Irviu as iucorpomtors; capital stock $W, UJO; object to build and oerute u motor line at NeWiort, Oregon. and Win. A. Guthrie, adm'r of tin estate ofE. Q. Guthrie, deceased, reap., vs. the Southern Pacific It. It Co., app.; appeal from Marion county. Argued and submitted It. Williams and C. H. Carey, att'yr fur resp. E. C. Bronaugu, att'y foi app, Salem, Nov. 16, 1890. T. J.ButIeriiidiiilniBtralof oftln estate of Isaac VauHoru, deceaseit app., vs Ira b. bilillu. resp.; appeal "ilovKU. The Court streit jeweler bus moved from the I'liilariali bull building to a nlc-r and more com-1 from Polk Co.; argued and suomli modlous location ut llOjwra House , ted. V. E. Fentou & J. H. Town block, the ro-.m held by the V. C. ,eud att'ys for app., Daily .fcSiblex T. U. His patrons will find him ut att'ys Tor resp. Ill uew location. ' Jan. Flower app., vs F. Barukofl, 'resp.; apjeal irun lamhlll Co.; I argued aid submitted, W. D. Fen ' ton att'y for resp., M. W. Hmitb J. W.Crawford says he was not Ii. he wreck and is not a candidate foi the United States Senate, but In will be.it any firm iu Salem seiliu;. stoves cheap. Nkw Bulks. Since the train, have changed this time, the post office will cln-e ut GwO In the even lug and will uot open until 7 next morning. The evening mall wll uot be distributed until morning. IntknukdNuitiai.s. Thlsevcn in. . ul K iiVI.m-U Mr. I.. t I.. Peiirce ", ,,. ., . , ...ii JB we Ulnillv Invite 'nil to vlHll ntir Hiiirc. ami Mi-.- May l.b.ipmaii will ie WM,., i,,u "n nmu up le-nuuiu l oni united iu ...a.rim ...lul bonds at tbe -'7 Vrtt Iioine of Mrs. M. N. Uhapiiiau, vlUuiiiipir.iiii.-e. - iNTKAll. Tn corner Church and Liilou streets. P.eV. Corniu wRI officiate. WAN J Kb An AirriVk IIii.nt Ia , 'S'l"r iltliiui'liilylflt.l.le.wlU eH...,7ner.'.....ulU opll. l.-rll ..f ,h j..u.luulii Mn- aUvauw. r',"nr .s',, N. V. VISIT oar STORE LSSI'ECr oar GOODS COJH'AISE our I'RICES Tlie inoreynu Inv.'.tl ii's will Ih iii.iv Ini-eil uf iliu v.iliie- weiifTi'r. , i tie ni.tre you extra. .riltimr) Ifyiuvv.tnt ll.in.-iin. II IKs,tsiiiieH-eii! II. v.i wuiit Itir iln In (Jilt'r'KKs, ci.uie ; Made Happy. No man, wonuu or child is so happy us the oue wli :ets bis money's worth; hence tin smiting faces always visible ut Fur rur i Co.'s For Sai.B. Two car loads o' straw almost as good as buy for feei ut McCourt's feed store, 111 Cotir street. 11-l.Vlf Miss Mary E. Steluer, leacher in piano and organ. Address !H4 Twelfth street. tf Salem, Nov. 10, 'DO. FoKni'ATiiKiih' Dav.- It is in coutemplatioii to celebrate forefntli- ers' day iu wnne uipromate manner u,y jor Bpp at the cougreguuouui ciiurcu ai , r.r..a ilit.o ilorii... Ilie bnliduvs. The I p ,-iorial hoard are iu charge of the The State of Oregon ex rel, G. M. Jnaft,,,, Fatty app., vs. J. McKee, resp. and -.-- - - , 'he State uf Oregon ex rel J. F OVKRCtJATH.-Befureyou buy an , VVilM;curVt.r ,,,,,, Kretl S. Smith, overcoat for the cold vveut her Jtisi ij Mp . Bipw1 frun VuItliM couuty; step into the Salem Wooku MiM'ttrUed ,, HublIllUw. Qeo. O Store, on Coiiimercitil street, and se. ,Jllglmln I)iat Auy uud JlUllH) Ml the suK-riur gmals they have lu that ,u,u uUyf- f(r aJ) . w D Fel1 Hue ut wuy-doviijirli.e. u1(, Jnu j D4)y( aUy.H fur rM None On It. There ie no ucli - " thing ub fancy prices on tiny of the. Fine Painting ul Auction IliU Krfuing. furniture sold by Bureii. He tries The Tojetli 4 Best's collecti n, lo sell the public solid articles at lull ! M jd, ,B iu ou exhibition foi prices. the punt two weeks ut lUXt Coiumer HK IB IN JT.-Wlien.ver il.el'1 Ht-baiik blWk-art i b. sciem-eofsecurlugagood, lomfort outbyauc Ion. Prof. Best. . . i . .ii n.it.V.. i , iu ...... vv '" I" '" teuc I ug a class, hi., abe, hulwtu tnl Htling shoe is cou ' .., , .. , , , . , , ,1UI received Instructions from Tolettl co in K eln the shoe mull Is in tbe ' Y " I the great Figure Paluter In San B , ' Fruticiseo, to close out all his wlni WaNTUU. A girl to do pantry' lugs to the highest bidder, regurd wok,ui W bell l'i.v h, ut once, j less nf iheir value, us he has all hi- Hulcl Wlllutnette, Sulciii. ll'17tf ' iirruiigeiiienlH made to start for . I'Eiirois'. The sales continue this L. Wane, o. rvunli Mlem, b'Wl , HlKVl.iMr.. hv w a fu tine' of general merchandise aud giving iiwayhuudsoine books wltb can. i purchu-is', if Shaw A Downinq, Auctiouver. CIs.ins Ojt.Kulf. J. W. Crawford U closiug out lib it'ivcs and tinware, preferring t sell these sirti.iuw of his slock n jreat reductions lu aguiu iiidviiij. them. il it-w-tf Kxtilrnenl runs high in Ibis cl'y over Systcu liuilder, as eVerylsHly Is Using it foi ealurrh of the hlouiach, Coiisuiup lion DyseIa, Impure blood ann lo buib1 up the System It certaliil.v muni lie un excellent preparation, when ever,) body speaks so well o it. Utfcw-jr PARTNKItbllie CiMl'I.KTKll -County Clerk Babcoek Ibis after iiihiii gniiite I umirriage liceii-e to Mr. Silas L Jo:ie and Miss Emma H. Beruardi. ' It un. u'itt.1 IL.rt..lnl In HPKMl' Vtiytliing under tlie sun, and j ,'ee u.l ,....,.,...,. . , . If von vTiint Ili'KilnH in il.WOKlNG other articles li muneroiis to men i!xi'llA(.st.niiuer- ii! .!.. ..!..., ..H..V noil u elm If..ll "mil lliruallu In riI.tuH.VAIli:, ....,., b..v.. .....j, - , cmeMs, ll-I i brown iii, ut the store of Ben Forsl- If on w tlnnriln lo citociCKltY I IUIIIIU kM II . re if you i f y ,vint IlirsibM In CHINA WAItb. AIIAHUAIN. V LllMnuil Ivrul.iU l..t s.le III soulh -vilelll uluu r MJU 111 iiiiic f V. II. -HiipMiu. ll'p.f OWNKIls OK iDWH.-f'iir ervlee. n puru eU II -.1 I'olie I bin. Tnn i. ci.li. ai mf place in bulem. 1. IVU.OHII. II I'll tier. Don't fail to call th wunt to make, u little money go u g sk! ways. Have you sen tines.- late novelti.s it Mrs. M. E. Wilson's, iu the line f fall and winter millinery. i m.Mf hl, 114 I If yon want llarxslnk in NUVKI.TIi:-, i efl.lie Hee II! ' II yon wmiltoiuive IJ l'KIt CKNT, c.mi, 1 see Ua! I5rtvare or flic Tiirratentu: Hanger Do not neglect a couyh or any nf eellou of Ibe lungs. Delay Is falal . Iloldeu's Ethereal Coinli Sril. .v 1 1 1 cure jnu If iiiken iroiiiiily, fviravHiz,!1 sniidler Wl cents, Fo sale by till drtlguesls. A lire.it l.iver .Vlnll. ln, llr (iiinn's Iniiniveil l.iver I'llls lire n iireeiiref.ir (.l.-k lieu.i.iili , lillll.ii com. pla iiu,il'ii4l.i,l itlire.ii..n.coliv. iie-, orp.il over, WC 'I lie e pill In. lire is-rleri 'ration n.rref'l " .Iver unit siniu.ii'li imlf iiMile.irli-li llicbl.BSlHiiil l. in ku Ih. kin tlaii- I n.- ill-" rnuii.-e n k mi up s-lll, null IllVlK.inile, mil lrentflli',ll tin lllln-sVAieiu u lueir i..iiiu iirin.ii, il itiilii Lhix l) KialllKv-nieluer. Holil (JiHsl-wriilng iua-r only f cviil-,s-r quiru ut CrBSiuau's 5 mid 10 viit store. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Fdria Property. Hiiliillloii, lOIHUite HI. r. . Ill Apply tu W. A, bjk-lll. Illl.lmrj' llli.uwiitic ami Mver l'JII. inU uulluii.i lu uctl.iu. No ijrlpiiii; isiir Tliee pllanireM-ieiillllnillyciiiiiHiiiyde . einnliMinly l.ill.iwlln: tlie ol pill' I'ney erewuipied In Ixiib udulu uuUclill Iruwitli perfect .ill)'. We kuuuiiIih iie liuveuueiii.il lu tlieciiieolalek l.euu telle, couliiuli.iuUys;.lu hui! b.llloUf iet uril,auu upjs;lier, liie ex.il uu.t illur prep.imli.ni 1771 H.ullli sieiuer, Mle ui.'U. A suie ut nr i-ilet. llctiltiK I'lles ure known l.y mointuri llnepei.plrull.in.niuali'K illleue ilellluv vi.ii wuriii. 'lUU form iu. sell h lllluu llleelliivHinl pniiriulliiii,)led m mire I. !r. Iluwuko's I'lie Iteun-tly. wlilcli uvl lllfC l oil llielmrl Hllei'ltii, ulMirlis III iiini,luiyfcltcUlUKarU ellecU u pernuin eut cure. . ueliu, IiiukkUI or iiimII, IrelU.lree. llr. Hoxtako, enlludelpliUi I'm Old byHniltllAHKIuer. THE COURT STREET JEWELEIl Uttis wiirkinitmnm'irienit. Hlrlrtl-firl clx.iivvnrkt.il wulcliesiindelixi kuteiiatern prlce Alvi jlm'tr In viilelu, cloak. jiHfelry,'ji.lfver wire, ut nilijum lll(s.k Salem, Oreip.ir? ' w4 ' T -V"-' Atliuiiiistruli'ix Nntlce ol' J- inu'l Si'llli-iiii'iit. N"(T1CKI l.eiei.y given lowliiim il uu.y eouv-rn Unit tlieiiiiderlioit(luiiiiii iiralrlx of lie' tl.ne of llnrtl-; Itreve-. deeeiM-.l, liu- tied tier llieil meo.iu ti rucli iiilnii.l.lnilrlx mIIIi Hie ele k or ln umuty ouirt of H irina couiny, Hiule a tiieen, mill Hint Ho-, vim. WiiMa,. .Ii.iQ.' of mi. iur ha- Ilxed Mm .Mil It i ..f J.iumiry, I'U'.u 1i oVi.N'k n, in u. ilu Hiueol ImirlPir IiJ-Ioii I.', unrl -eiMe iiieatofauld uccsuul..HAHAH ItKKVK-, AdlUlUlalllllllX. IWUd Nov. IS, IW. I ftl-jl w OUR GOODS -:- OUR PRICES Are the CHlceit Are the U.tit 317 Commercial St. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC IU1LR0AI Vnil (Irejtoii Devel.iiiniriit i-.)inillj" .teauisliiii tine. 'i mile rtliiuter.'Ji li.nir l toee tliioi l.y ituy otu. i mute. Kiri iiw lliniii'.'li i-eiiKer Mini frulKlit llr fr mi rorlluiid unil all i.int In tlie tt'i Itiuiette viilev lo mid Iro i. huu Kniui.'ii.e. TIME SCHESUU. tKxeept nuuoiiysj. Imvr Aioiuiv - laJii'f ixiiveCorviilll ....... . l:WI'i vrrlve Ymiiilun .-.... U.) V v ,ive ViMpilnH ...... . ,:C At. Inve liivillll Hfc'ViA) vrrlve AlUniy .... II:1UAJ (). A ('. trulus eonueet ul All.uny uai .'orviilll. riieuliove t.liuis iiiiiHs;t at YAUtllNI .villi Hi' llr.;..ll lleveliijillirilt L'os l.ll .rHiM.'.iMliliM imins ii iiuulnH mid rw r'ruucUuo. v,.;.i.:i : -.tj HTr.AMKKM. rlillM rAd'JIN Knnilliiii, Krldny,. ... . .Juno . Wlllitineilo Valley, Tuesday. ...July Kiir.illnii.niinil iy. .. ....--...--' 'tV'iH.iuielte Vulley.'l liuriiluv . " I K.ir.ill'in, Tile-Uiiy ........ ....- I s-rtvHj'.iis. eui.a bas fit.vNiiWJ H'UiHiiieite Vniloy, rrui.iy........ June ! Kuhilion. '1 iie-iin) n ..........., I my ) VVUIilll.elle Vullej, fcuuduj ........" I Kunilliui, 'lliui.i.iy .............. " ii lllmiielte Vrtiluv,ruei'i.v .. I Till' couilaiuy isr) R tlie right to itliienieMilllin: il.ile. vrti out iiullce. N. lle-l'uuKei In. in I'lirtliiuil and si vVlllioiieile Vullei silnir cull luuke cI.m nxiuei'll.iii Willi Hie Irulll- ol tin I AUlllNA IHIlll'Kiilll)unJ trUorvulllk lid it declined lo Ism Y iuc1m.ii, mIiiiiiIi .rniliKi' lonrrlveiil Vu.,lilliu Hie evelill.i sjlore ililte of willlllif. I'4wsi!rr uil rrrik'ai luie Altrtre I lrl. Korliiliiruiiilli.i upiuy U M ilL't.MAN A '"., I leubl mid Ktiiu.aJJuuil Jr. r n.i. I su, L'.C. IUMVK ACt Htn'l Krt. l-ajut. At.,tlrei. u I'ttclllelt. II. fu.. L'orvullU.Ur CI II. IIAMW'KI.1. Jr.Oeiri Krli A I'uuh Alii UreKOli llevelnpiiieiil CorfUi .M'.iiIk.iiiiuo :.; mil r-noii'lMt. I'u IteuieinlMf I In- Hieuim r.n-llle i.inl .iiion.er eiii-tirsl.ms ..w imo tlikein u iiovV oil wile from all vull'-y ilnu Vmniluaundruurn. (j (M At. U.K. und I'. Ahh .i.lll liKNT Klveiiluelyfiirnl-liednHi n. elow it. iMixiue iiri ol en, uy I I. Uuv. e k or ui.iutli. MulHnlrv.ll. t nrn-r Cenn-r am IU-..U-H JIvlH ItKN'l rive nicely fnrnUI ril riKiiu. Al'l'ly ul JU7 foin'l. hu y.)-.' f )ATIt'INI.i:.Hiiine Induntry, unil u 1 il .iiuliiiii Itulii. L'ouK.i.;u.e. Uiiiii .litis d u Klve rellel or mo iey refuude.1 lmu.ru -lured lly H. It.uruu., riuleiu, Orv ...u. HilllltJ A nteluer tuie K'Ul f.i ill. in. lillni I1AKKN H'lCK.-Ue wUh ull luire. oi llll. p uu removed l.v vielober Ul re pi i ud wil, liu vein int. JN. e ure PI i vluir tlie nitre -LHitlom iu miint". j..i w.tjii.ur.iti ClieiiMwa Iiidlnii rs-tiu.il 1891. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED, OLD i i Also have a new line of Woolen good! tit opeierl. SALEM LUMBER CO., DEA LE11S IN' ' 1 Raogln& Dressed LuiiTiber, laitbs and Shlugli-s. Call on us and savpjuoncy al our yard Iu NOIITII SALEM. ennr. I Ick.i 1'urtluiid, Ur have w wm mm If not, you had better be looking ? fter one ''' We have tlie finest line ever brought U Salem, and tht CELEBRATED FAULTLESS ; Tlie lini.rlnnt erlrs of iir on Hnntl. iiirrlcu,by'llieKi..rel lilid, will Ik. eon iuiird in lliirmr' XmciKine during Hi tidier iirtol Hinjeur Inii Tim urllcie iu n-Hiilii-ru rolirnrnlii, Iiy cluirlen Hud Wurner. Will ulxi lie eiiulllilled. Aiiiiiiik llier iioiuuiirtliy iiiinietiu will lie i. mvel Iiy i limin, Cjlert t'ruild' ck; u cil "liiiii of orlgiuHl ilmwingi, by . M I h icweruv ,now pulill.eed fur Hie rirvl lime, I novel wrilleumid llili-llulid Iiy Uisirve lu Jluuriei; u uiivelctle hy VMlllsiii Demi liieln.;midaM'rltaiiiriMpeni.iri laii dun Wiiller lleslllt. In llienuiiitiHriiiid variety of lllu.lnilid ni en. mid nltier nrllcle nu aiilij.cls ol liuely lulert-il, ut well iwlu iue iiurlvulled liiinicleroflu nlK.il aluriee, ihmiik. etc.. Imp.;, .Mhk' izlue will continue in inulu llill Hull liilldHrd nl eXKllenee lur Wllllill t sh mj Ic.iil- Ueu dUtlugiiUlied. IIAKPKK'H ""PKUIODICALS. I'er ear; IlAltlT.lt'MA(SA.INr: H flO HAiU'Klv'HWKKKJ.Y 4 (Ml llAiti'Cit'ri Bazar 4 u Haiii-kii's Yuuno Pwipi.k ... no I'liiliige free lo ull mitix-rliiers In Hiu United rtuUM.Ciiiiudamid UcaIi... Tbe Vnliiinmiif Hie Miunulneliegiu with Hie number, for Ju e nnd Devumlwr ot' 411 1 1 .MHAr. U lii.n a... al. I . iu :'.'.l,.ci'.'".,'!'."'S"1 '"y1" wl,h ' iiiouber current ut Hie time of rt-eelnt of order. Ikiiind vi.luinesi.l IIiiriwr'sllHmxiue fur '-"iffTJfas ,".. P .""? :1!'1" .Wln. V..;.. f ....,., inr.i.Niiu ,,n roceii ..ll.0J wr voliiiiie t luHiiiuwe.r.ir biudlug yn-eiiUencli-by mull i.puid. " iJ.,a1x iJ. llarir;s,lHiultie, ulplmliel. Il,l,,,,."."ly.,lc',, '""' C"llled, fur viiluiues lloTO. InuliMlve.lmlii June liM, to June IS11.IUI VolKVl,,C')lli,ll.l. ' HemltUni'e. uuui bo iniide Iiy pn.ti.mce miuiey.iMlefiirUr,ifi,toiniiiai.Ii. NeHpniiemaie not In copy thl ,.dver. !w!i''li,mH,.r.;Ul luu"l" ' of " Addrtw: H.v'iieKH IIiiotiikus, N, Y, Ed BBHLpk CB1H1IHBb9.1IihhKPBBBBV 1 """-lisBBBHK HEADS THE- LIST. Thi is without doubt fie liiieit heating stove made. C ill uid exuuii ie it. R. M.WADE&Co. . Agetita Charte Oak B,tovend Un Sasli and Door Factory,; Front Street, Salem, Oregon. -j The beBt class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material UBed. THE OREGON NURSERY CO, li-l. n pi. .1. - s uuerm: a tarn, ntu urown csicc ei FRUIT: SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Fruit. EVEUQEEENS, VINES, SIlltUBS, U0SES, FTt At Low Prices. Late Keeping Winter Apples a Specialty. CiitiiloKue und Pik-r-ll'.st free. A.l.lr.... nr o.lll nll'lV IRT UIIOS., Otlh-e 'Ml CutuinvrcUl int, ! ir wnniffliRn j NURSERY l Largest Stock ofTreesmJh 3 Northwast oxjs axi) TiiiiE k-foTju His MILLIONS. im.OtK) Prune Tim, iivilK) Ksopus 8pltxeulwr. S'l.tMi Ho.vnl Ann Uln-rry. UI.Oli Oriivensleln Aiple- lO.noo Kurly L'rnwr.iril Peir-h. "-KilHI Yellow Newtowo PW" Kl.OJii MooriMik und Jt yiil Apricot. , JO.iKM Jldii Duvln Apple, LARGE STOCK OF ALL oriIEK AEIIIISB VARIETIES 8F n I'llEE EltOM INSECr TESIU CATALOUUK KUEB.- ADDRESS : J. H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon. i ' o Fruit Men! rn Buy your Prune trees fli.reet frpiu the reliable g' er. Tliosc grown iu ' the Waldo Hills Nursery nre " ly first class and true to iiauio. Four "to eight feet WP hud better thau wet clay laud trees forced by "Jf in worn out nursery p round. Extra pains taken in ging tj preserve the roots as nearly intact ns po81 Orders for largo lots solicit d. ' Grown, and for m6 V R. D. ALLEN, Silverton, Or99pni jjtL &mjkffit&4im-i