- vec,&wtq-mr 35 ;?!-: IS !,' n IM II 8 m n m THE CAPITAL JOMML. "? ..NOV, WKDNESDAY . 1880' iKiuis or wuittHJiiu-iiun. iSSriiHWMnoi ht evening with Mayor VrsAly by mall per year, V w I WllliuMts In the ehulr mid council- ..niVl."UWKJuAUreincuHlieh, Gray, Colllne, l.ufure, ' jijo pi ymt .If .wp.rir not delivered I vi,n,,1(j iirmv mid II niton present. promptly nollly the. Utlro. . '' ,.. .....'. ... KIIKE I1KI.IVKKY IIY UAUllIKll Kit. -.T IfoSt!!: llly rorslnsle ",., RhJIv for two weeks,.... Imllv bv montli.. Collection will ! made on lt nnd I.Mh of inmitli. subscribers will pleHe lee money for currier. Ht house or hf-enu 't Is delivered, o ni to siu no delays In folleetton. TlIK KVKNHIH CAPITAL Jot'livAt. regu larly mvlvn tho anernoou RAsoctiited pre dlptoh. GILBERT i PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, etc. bole, .. . . i l . f. r:...7 T, 3nrl Rir'llr!) U,T ngciiM ivi uHn.uiC . " w,&, Uan BaKmg fowder, LOCAL MARKET. Wlicnt, net Ci cents perl.u. Hopi, Active: il to.ti cent, per lb. Kike in South Salem. At 7:S0 o'clock last night, the tire alarm was turned In and thedepuriiueui was out In full force on short uotice. JJoth the engines run to the north limit of the city, but there they dis covered that the tire was far out tn Xorth Salem, away from any watei supply. They retumtd to the city The tire was in the small barn o' John Toy, who lives n short distance this aide of Highland ball grounds. The Are was caused by the explosion of a lantern, held In the httudi ol Mrs. Toy. Mr. Toy had come in frnn his work late and was putting b team in the barn, and Mrs. Toy waf holding the lantern. In some man ner, one of the horse knocKed thi lantern from her hand, when It immediately exploded. Mrs. Toy's c'uthiug caught tire, and it wa with difficulty that her husbanil managed to put out the tlames that were envelupiug her. She was se verely burned, and in saving ld wite, Mr. Toy was ludly burned alsjut the arms and hands. The barn was new, and Mr. Toy being m poor man, will feel the los. though the value was only alsait HoO. Tht barn burusd completely to the ground. Rod and Gun Ci.uii. There U considemble talk of organizing a rod audguucIubinthlscityforthepur - pose of better protection of certain kinds of game. The club, if per fected will be Incorporated under tho state law of Oregon, aud then will ask the legislature for certain priviliges, and that stringent laws bv enacted iu regard to killing game. The law prohibiting the killing of Mongolian pheasants will expire next year and many think those bhds will then be slaughtered b the wholesale, and that they will soon be entirely annihilated. It also appears that some of the valley farmers so desire. The sporting club will endeaver to protect these birds. A Suke Indication. A better indication could hardly be dbVised for telling a city's proerity than by watching the freight shipments iutoaiid from the city. A Journal reporter took a look through the in adequate freight depot of this city, this morning, and found twice the number of men that were employed theroayear oraoaga, aud all these men were rushed with the Immense lot of freight that win crowded upon them. The building now used as depot might have fulfilled the pur pose when it was built,buit.sday foi giving tlie necessary accommoda tions to the shippers is past. MAKKIKl) I.N Port Townsenii. Invitations are out for the wedding or Ilalph K. MoiMly, aon ot ex-uov-ernor ., F. Moody. The ceremony was to take place this morning iu Port Towusend, Wash. The bride is Miss lleutriee James, of that city Ilalph Is well known in this city, having lived here most of the time duriuic the governor,?! term of ortlce. He in now n rising young lawyer of Port Townseud, and wax a candidate for diitrict attorney iu Ills district In the election of yesterday. A Coukteiiv Hy the kindness ol Win. Dumars of tlie Wfstern Union, duplicate of the Jouknai.'s Abio dialed Press dispatches are furnished Senator Mitchell in his rooms iu the Willamette, and he is thus en abled to hear of the political of fatt associates iu the natural congress all over the nation. The Journal belluves in extending all the courte sies possible to representatives of the people when they are public gueata within our city. Senator Mitchell heartily appreciated this attention. So Foiimai. Invitation. A member of tlie comn.itieeof arrange incuts for the joint meeting of the Alka-Hesperlan and Atl icuni lit rary ocietles Informed a Journal reporter tlili morning that no invi tations would bo Bent out, us the doom of tho kocletles always atand pen to visitors aud friends nnd that tbla will be uu exception to the rule. The members and friends of the societies and nil persons Interested lu literary work are Invited to be pntent aud will be given n hearty we come. o Fur Dkntihtkv. Nowmt proces- ea and best work guaranteed, atT. ,.. li-tf I V. ouiltll s old ileninl bureau ! si stJ-s uUXtitf?& nt store. I I CITY COUNCIL. I llecanlfr and Treasurer .Make Their quarterly licports Mill Strut Bridge to be- liullt. regular The city cnuueil met In regular evening with Mnvor line eomninieo on oriiuriuee re- Jiwted Unit ordinance bill 200 should become u law mid In their opinion ' ordinances liS and 1ST should be repealed. This lieenme it law by bcltig read the tlilul time and pars ing with n unanimous vote. The committee on wnj s and means re ported favorably on the report of the recorder and treasurer for th lust (purler. A number of htlU were read and referred to nnuwrlv r-oiiiinliteps. I'tider mis- nensionuf the rules warrant Here urdered drawn hi favor of the Smith unci one in favi r of fur $13. This wu-ior Monroe Nv WKlluio eiltv inoi'ci. The eomuilttee on accounts and current epene, reported favorably on the payment of the following bills: ti M Walte ... J C Brown Jt Co l-'rauk H L neli W Cr.twford I' MuFI'attnn Dublin llros 1)0 Howard E JSwatlord JUUKNAI. Co .$ 4T od . :i mi . rj to . ! ll . 7(1 'J: . Ill 6 . loll 00 . IS S.- The repirt of the city siirvtyoi upon the apiMirtioumeut of cotol constructing the alley tewer in olock S wm read and thenpsrtion ment isas follews: C. 1!. and A. S Moores, $20 73; E. M. Croisan and D Simpson, J"J0 75; Mrs. Sanc.v Witen, $14,3S; Mrs. Martha Miller, $2b'.7o; Mrs. 15. C. and Henry Earle, $14.38; O. J). HuMini, &S.73; Mr E. M. CruNau, 2S,75; 1'uul OIer lleilll, K" o. Tlie report a adopteil and the several amount;' ordered collected. J. H. Campbell submitted plan for the construction of the bridge across South Mill creek. The build ur had failtd to submit secificu tion, so the matter was referred to the committee on streets and public property, with instruetlons to have proper ecifieationa furn shed, t'hey were given power to act when the seeirleation were furnished. Mr. Campbell's bid on the bridge was $541.73. J. E. McCoy sent in i a bid nillniiit any plans I orspeciflcations. His bid- were a- fol- follews: Pile trestle, iCOU: forty foot p.n,?7U; stxty-tootsp.ill, tfe-au; luu fiH)t8I)llni?U00 (jouiicilniuu Strang ma(e ft gtro1(J lirgument ,,,1,, the proposed method of letting contracts for public improvements. Headvo dted that the city surveyor should draw up plans and give siecitlca tions of the kind of a bridge or other property, and that the city (audible laud to be won.ed with advertise for bi Is, and solicit com- success. A few more good showers petition. It was inquired of the , like tho-e of to-day will make the city recorder, if the ordinance pro- ' I. mil iu Hue condition, and a viding that the owner of dogs secure! big lot of grain will et be put iu a license ou such animals was com-1 before wiuier sets hi. Tlie great- plied with. On being informed that none hud been applied for, it was urged that au oftlcer be appointed or impowered to arrest uch animals and impound them. Thecomniittee that was instructed to look Into the needed repairs of the city hall, reported that the re pairing, Including the re-painting of the front of the building, would cost about 53-50. The committee was instructed to proceed with the work, After some other minor hu-liiess hud been transacted, the council ad Jourued. Sew Sroitn The Great rea Co., which operates 42 stores on tlie Pacific coast, has to-day opened its 43d establishment at Salem. It is located iu the Hank block, 317 Com mercial street, is painted in brilliant colors, aud decorated within more orllliautly artistic still. The display f wares comprising such bazaars I rich, varied uudsubitmilfal, iuclu iug a beautiful line of chinas unci ' novelties, us well us all grades ot ' teas and coll'ees. The gentlemen lu i charge are pleasant to look at, and no doubt will prove agreeable to meet as business men. A tea store is a splendid addition to Sulem re sources, and the uew firm should be given a cordial welcome. In PitoiJATK Iu the mutter of the estate of Carl Gilbert, deceased, C. Caesar administrator, reports saleof real estate, the same Is confirmed by the court. In the mutter of the estate of T. K. Kldrldge, deceased, Anna ICIdridgc administratrix, petitions tlie court for an order to sell real estate, which was granted Iu the matter nf the guardianship of Joo Itigurt, uu insane person, Thoe. I-'uchsHr., appointed guardian with bond fixed atfSoOO. WiLi-AMirrrK Vai.i.ky Whijat. The carload of Willamett'i valley winter wheat ordered by Umatilla county furiuura arrived ut Peiidlelou to day, und Ih ready for ilUtributloii. Tho wheat limy bu found by farmere who ordered u supply at tlio ware house of Hamilton &. Itnurke. Kast Or. At it Again. Judge llouham, a will be Been by the card In thi issue, bus ugulii gone into pr.ictlie lu Salem. Tho style of tlie new firm is lioiiluiui, Holmes & Harden The Judge's many old-lime friends will gladly welcome him buck Into the prnfebslon to which ho is so great a credit. IuphoVKMKNT. Geo. K Hmltll Is , .. ,, , , remodellllL' nnd extend llg Ills sture - ImltuM - i.iLlii.s lllilt.4 riWtltl fill tllH "- " f "ull,,"- '""U brought to Bulem, H -' - Tin: Aut amatki'h. With the November iitunberof the Art Ama teur, three color platisiirc given tie cording to tlu ni'.v departure liniyg. united In the October Issiio The oiuht-pnge supplement of working eignt-puge supplement ot woming, "niwimrM is a crowded one, being 'K" crouueu one, win " 'f original designs for enibrnhl- ory, cliimi painting, cirv.il wood "" repouy hruss work. Profes-or I.rnn.l K-....,iilf ..... I.I- i.l., ... -- -- mid Ink Drawing." The article on J"les IlreUm (with n double pnjn.' M"i ' vaiuauiu similes tteshles two , tuusini i" in uie text) is con eiiiuui. -Art itt noine." t.y w. J. Lorile.nnd the articles on l'ortndt and China Painting are continued. There are special detigns for church ....... ...! I r..i i .'..it .. design for uu embroidered portiere;1 I some very graceful embrnldery put- t-,," f,,r ",'de linen, by Mix. Panics ."'", a full sl.ed draw In:: for n fun mount by Marian Held, mid some charming designs for fruit lioulMilid butter plates by Patt. Tlium. How to ai range door harps or door zithers is a novel subject with two Illustration". An exqui site reproduction by Kurt, of a bud-pencil study by J. Carrole Ueckulth, forms the frontispiece. The thieecnlor plate inchuh: tl i A large laioNcipe (SON It), u river scene, b, 11. Laurent, the well known French artist a plate piob ubl,) dtstintd to be popular anil exhaust the edition in a week, as did the September "Kittens:' (2). A wonderlul l.u-iiuile of a delicate- iy painted tiuure subject in water- colors, entitled "Going to Market," In t.. It .! M I.... i... t ' 111 k.j t.iuAo.umi-uiit.-i.ii.tuM.o,;. vui; iiis- piaie-IinuiiiMiiireeoiaeiol six designs by H. A. Cio-by, In goiu aon colors lor cnina naiuiiug I'he text is ptentillilly inli-i-per-eil with lll'istiations, and h.i auioiiu other arllchs, a vei iuteix'siing one Ir.iui P.iri, by Theodore Child, ami a i amusing sketch "Howl Made a Piaster Casi." M. Sole Hook, tin r-viewH of new booKs and the cor r-spontleiiec, are eptclnllv Interest iug this iiiouih, and the promin for the Art Amaleui for lb!ll will be found set out therein. Altogethei the number may be f.nrly cl.iimei to Ik.' tlie fullest et i-sued. (Piiit 3-i cents.) M..NT..HUK M.utKs. PublWhtr, aiUulon S.pi.ire, Se VorK Cltv. Iron frying pans only 5 and lb cents at Crissuian's . and 10 cent store. s Farmeks' Dei.ioht. The line showers of this utteruooti will be ' hailed with delight by the f of the Willamette valley. funnels The wheat already sown is reported as looking Hue, but was in .eeil ot rain. This wheat was mostly on summer fallow as the ground lu.s not been wet enough this fall lor est complaint ot dry weather come fiom the Waldo and Ked hills. When procrastination was sick, procrastination a saint would be When procrastination fully recover ed his menial fucultlcx, he con cluded to provide for his posterity by investments iu fruit and girdeli i tracts. One year ago liumpilcu ' park was nkiccd on the market at i 5100 per acre, !)J days afterwards ii was advanced to Slli per acre and to-tluy it 1 1 us fcold us high as SIo.l j per acre. Wo huve a lew nice lots , iu this tract jet unsold for $12o. tja Eastern i lem Laud Co. It Contented. Sow that the gen tie Oregon mist is coming down ou our heads like a blissful benediction, it can well be said that the winter of our content is upon u-j. Every ' man can be contented if he has a warm hint of clothes iheseduys, and that he can almost a song, get at Conrad's for See his inducements. Call ut the Great Eastern Tea Company store, 31" Commercial street, and get a box of candy free, with your tea and coffee. d-lt. Najikis M uk. If a man husu'i a good dry uil warm pair ofslus ul tills season Ids iiame will so.in b "mud." To avoid this bo euro and see A. Klein ami get u pair of ids le liable mud resisters. 'U'l, ,,r,. llil v.iii ,f,.t th.ir li.-it ' '"" "- I ijuoth ii maiden fair to her adorer, with golden hair, "Uli," he replied, tlmt cunie rrotu a 8hop where alt are tlp'top,audyoii are never lid into a suuie." Nolli lug would do but the youthful udoni' mu-it confes.s that it c.imu from the uiumniouth stock of JoIiiimjii, Hooth liy k Co., Bulem'b gieat clothing house. It New ciop teu and fresh roasted collees ut the Great ICiHtern Tea Co. "tore, ,'il7 Coiiiuierclal street, d-lt. Ilutter, eggs mid poultry at Mu (Bonn's feitl store, 01 Court street. 11 1 tf. .M Us Mary K. Hleiuer, teacher ou piano mid organ. AildreH8 Ul I Twelfth mieet. tf A new art exhibition Is-tu lie thrown in, cu to the public iu tho old r'uuiii I, ,ll,l onni:iiiui. nullum,. A oid in l.uilles. f ljidiewhoii:.houir.iuiiiulcU'Hr skin, i frwifnen pimples i.Liills.bliUciiesiiiiiliilliei erupl oils, should uiiiiim-n.ci ut ouco o ' ue lir. ciuiiu's, iiiimiii t.ivir rills, liey will iil'O lu'imvu Unit lu-.tve look ll'".ut your eyes ini.l limkii Humibrliifii, anu will euro neiiuiicim irom wluitaidr oisbII ihIim. Iti-member. ou iir onlv I M"" M Mnw .-mt. siMi. ill "ItlU l-IIHIIH.'. W&WJtfX&:$U&SniX& xer. ..,.i.l.l ... I.ilisn.ni. ii.i ill lll..l l.,..ltl..... A DEMOCRATIC WINDFALL. llstr the Kestilt Striken SnaUr Mitchell An Interview. ''A democratic legistfituro In WU ; cousin defeats my friend fcjpotmcr for the ouuto," said Oregon" setm- ( ,or wllell ,,,,,,,1 of lc 1I0U8; .., ,h, not care to iv anything us to .. , .' ':. . .K ' mo cutiscti ol this political revulti- j t0,,. The MeKlnley bill will be better appreciated when It Is letter , understood. Of eouise, It Is the ml lesull In uu nil' vear succeed i K a republican udmlniHtratlon." Salem republicans are MirprUe.l , .,,! llemw.rill8 u. coricspoiidluiih I jubilant. J lirsiNnss C'iiA.(ir.s. V. G Westacott and W.J. Irwin conclud ed the purchase of the restaurant and confectionery business, of A hum Strong at ii late hour last evening, i Tlie buildings have been leiled lor a l.itig term ot years and the stock, ' furniture and llxtuies were bought. Mr. WeMaeoit Is thoroughly no j (pialutcd with the bitsluos, having j worked in the restaurant with Mr. Strum.- for a iiiiii.lnr nf vimi-m uml is luker by 'profession. He mis born in Salem and this h,e - always been his home, so he is not only well eised in tlie busliit , but is well aupiaiiited with tht people and has a good Idea of the uiurtMif the city. Mr. Westacot! n,..u ,aii i,l.i.i , .' ,urv llt ,llt u,vmi ,,,, ,s ,.,,,. . llMll , In tla, restiiumut. Mr. Irwhl wm .,.,, his ,,( lU ,lu. 1 ' Msylum until tne llrst of the yi-ar, w.lun ,e will resign j Vlltu. i,is entire time and lie to tlie business. wnrlc in ,l,..ir new The two gentlemen have the conti deuce of the whole city, who wish them success lu tlit lr new venture. Mr. Strong, owing to ills poor health will take the world easv for a while L. S. Winter is busy, taking an inventory of the stock in his grocery stole, on Court street, the same having been soM to .Mr. Joseph Clark, who recently came to this city from Sew Jersey. Mr. Winters lias not et decuhd what he will l'o into. He will iirnhMilv ,1M)k nrll( l1(1 llKi M()K nukts anv venture. J. Free Candy Free Candy dur ing our opening week. Great East ern Tea Co.,. 117 Commercial St. d-lt. IT.USU.SAIi AM) LOCAL. Gen. Geo. H. Williams, of Port anJ, was in Salem this morning. Mrs. E. M. Walte went to Port I.m I this morning to spend a few nays with friends anil relatives, and iu tin- meantime Uncle Walte is boardii g at The Willamette "three t mes u day." W. A. Hooth, hlierill of Crook county, and S. M. llnuvn and Geo. Chne, deputies, brought two con victs to tlie penitentiary to-day, one sentenced for two years and the otlur toreig it years. Unltul Stales Senator Mitchell. if Purtlunl, arrived at The Willa mette Tiiesdjy evening unci has been re. eiviug vlm fiom 1,1s hosts of frieiid-t in Salem ami vicinity He received Cillers at his rooms ami in the ladies' oidinary aud there -veined no end to the stream of I e.dleiri who came with coiigr.ilula- j (Ions and well wishing. Aiming' the callers were I). W. Matthews, H. W. Cottle, Postmaster Gilbert, .Mayor Williams, Dr. I.. L. How land, J. W. Crawford, T. C. Shaw, lames H.itclicllor and hundreds ot others. Senator Carson, of Portland, was among those iu tlie reception room. Senator Mitchell remains in tho city until Thursday at one o'cl ick, When he returns to Port land. Dry Fi:ijt. Now is tlie season when .VHii want to prepare for dry feet. Krniis-e liros. huve something new to show you. U .Notice of Itfiiiuvul. The Dr. Ilo-iuuko Medicine Co. wlio have been manufacturing Dr. Ilosanko's Cough Syrup, mid Dr. Giiiiu'h Improved Liver Pills, ul Piqu.i, Oldo, for nearly twelve .eara have moved their plant to 31iU Aich stnet, Philadelphia, wliero they linvo increased facilities for trans uding and extending their u I ready vi-ry large business. It .Siueklioliler.V Mi-elins. A liieellng of the stockholders, of ilioCupihd Citv Ihulway com pany Ih horeliy called, at the ooiii p.iliv's nllire, head of Htillo Kltvet, on TiicMlay Nov. Ith, 1800, nt nine o'clock it. iu Tor important luisl-ne-". By order of the hoard of di lectors. P. ti, Knioiit, Plesideut. David HiMi'.so.v, rjccmtiiry. InslrmnenlH I'ileil fur Iti-runl tit the Ciiuiily Ilirnrilcr'.i Hflbw. The heirs of Louis Westa cott to II H.lory, ouu iiciu in Bontli Suleui. $ J WtJ.iet. fo L Cormier, loli 3, -1, o u ml fl, Inblk 1, add It to Woodhuru. C V KcrlU-r to J J liar, kins, u tract lu University adil to K.ili-in. II H Jury mid wife to. I ',. OOIJ S.0 3(X) 1100 2000 uiiriKy, nine lu riilt'iu, ( W Itiirlioi- 111 .'l,l It.r. . 0n ,.res t 10 h, r2 w . ' Life Ik JHsory. To tlioilsiiiuls of people who luivo the luiut of scrofula In' their blood , iiyollleH cullHi'll bv tho llrem fill ' ' ..i., ..,., .....i ...i,,,, ,,,". Vll. ! riitiiiliiir wire s lit 1 other tiiiiiiifesiu lions (II lllls UIhcii-oiiIii lieynilll lies- ciliiiiiiii I Here Is no other leiuedy ," 'j ,,, ii,i,' u....,,, .in ' Ml loMooll HMliri'lllarlll forscrof- IIMI r.tlt 111114 111111111 npn' IIITfll 111 lobcnemullwlo vc U u'fulr triuL lt hiire lo get Hood's. II 1.1 unit IllllKl.llliil i.lh.so ..... .. , rTI ill) few Ho hits ull the latest styles of Autumn, Mis ilnt'nnd tie fit to perfection, When you nsk him whore ho bought 'em, He'll say of K ON RAD, tho Klothing man. At 257 Con JOHN HUGHES, I li'ultr i" Orowriw, Fuint8,0il8 i" WJlullHV (JIllHH, Wall P- i hit niiu linn nr. Ariisis' ma- Ifi'itils, Iiinif, Hair. Nails ami Shinlt, Hay, Ft'i'tl ami Fonct L'osl.s, IJnwN Sw'ds, Ktc, MHV AIIVKItTISKMKNTH. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. FK1UAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and 8. The Hoy Magician. WITH THE MEIIHILL IWANV. scats uu mle at Mittnn'ajionk tore. LI nT Jl 160 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. (Inly Itrst claiu linnilk emplnyed. Work dmio on short unties find at mont reason able prices IMeme give htm ntrlul. SALEM SAl'SAKE WORKS. Only German Market in City. Choicest, Fresh, Smoked and Fic'ded Meats Manufactured. All klniNofU.uiN.gei, Wholesale and Re tail free delivery In cltj . 171 Commercial St., IIROP. HARRIS t WHITE, Salem Express Company WAGONS NO. 15& l.'i. Leavonteraat I.. H. Winter' store. E. C. CROSS, anil Packer, HtalcHt. anil Court HI. The best meats delivered to ull parti, of the city. J. i ROTAN Will give speelal Rarfalnv Infurnlturnand limine furnlnhln i(ejds for tli Next 60 Days. prior to removal, two doora noitli of J. C 1! row u Co. 11:1.1m PRINTING. rv.N'K UKTHK LAItOrXT EMTAIII.IHII. Htate. Lower ratiM llian UmenU In tho Htate. I'ortlund. uiritesl siock leiil lllunKs It llioHljilf.KiU lilicirest discount. Head foi price list or joo printing, and catalovu legs! blanks. fc. M. WAITK, price list of Job printing, and catalogue ol Htea-o Printer HaJem Orecon, M. T, RINEMAN DKAI.CK.IN Staple anil Fancy Grofcries. Crockery, niiiware, Ijimps, Wooden and Wlllow ware. All Kindt of mill feed. Also vegetables nod fruits In their season. "Highest l'rlra paid forountry produce." wiJsoiirii ii so ir 01 your nitroniiKe. IM i,iir iHlaiu street. Morgan' & Mead, City Draymen! All work done with promptness and dla pnU'h. Only the best men ara employed. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCUMAKEK, 2i'i Commcrdil St,, tltm, 0rgn. (Next door to Klein's.) Hpts-lalty nf Spectacles, nnd repolrlna Clocks. Wwiches unit Jewelry. MISS KNOX SELECT SCHOOL!! WIN open her private school nn Monday, Hepiember I, nt tlie l.lttln Conlrul school building s-K-lm LOTEDDEABBOn , e Young Man. -o- O- $1 WILL BUY A LOT Ufcnodsntouratorel W carry a full line or (rocrlr, fn-rt, crockery, gUiuwarc, al tar, tobacco and raniecttonrry. T. BUKROW8, No. 33) Coiumarclal Ht.,1 Hnltm COOK HOTEL State and High Street G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. SutesnrtiW. 1 COOK. Tk Cnok Hotnl la oppoaltr court bounr invehml to bunlnisw part of city and I reel car line runnlur paat the door. .ate 11.00 to $100 dty, accnrdlDf U ni. Hpcctal term to boarder and mllle. L S. SKIFF t.CO., Dentists; N.ir Optra Niau, rm Salon, Or. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, Warm Meals at All Hours of the Raj None hut wliltu lut.or employed lu this Mlnuiisnnieni. A nl aiilMtnntutl naal cooked In flrnt diiss style Tweuty-flvit mu per meal. RBD FRONT. lnrt sire, totween Journal Office ami Mlntn'a Iavery. brick! BURTOlBROS. are prepared to furnish. flnit-elaM stuoi ofllrlck In town or country or anywhere on tliellneofll A C It It. Price reason able. aids.. n Suite street, oppnslle U, 0 I'. All orders tell with Wllllanis -a land promptly attended to. Tux-Puyers Take Notice. The tax mil of llarlnn county fur the year iseo bus been placed In my hunds fur Mil lection, and utx-puyers will please com. forward Hnd pay their assessments, a the county ! out of funds. K. M. IIkoisan, anerirrana Tax collector, EVERBEARING mSiST.'iTa, until frost. lie-crlptUe price list Irre Hktii ,. imduist, llu.sellTllle.Orc. R. M. riNKERM Painting, Kalsomlning, Natural Wood Finishing. All Work done In the bettol style. Ia orders with (;. M Mc.Nally, architect. In Umh-llrey Olock. 1:2-1 1 Sab Athletic Acaileoiy. Instructions gl en tnatl kinds of alhietlc exercises, IncludlnK all inovemenla condu cive to puys oil development Apply to secretary at ruoms IMConouorclnl Ht. 25c Want Column. Not lees Inserted for ONE CKNT I'KH WOKIJ EACH INMKIITIDN. No .,lv.. tisemeut Inaoried lu this eolumn for Ie tnan twenty-Ore cents. A HAJIOAIN. A house and two tots foi jry. Hieiiinouiunaiemalouljr two. Iu qulroof W. 11. Mlmpson. Illf 0WNKIW OK fOWHKor service, a pure-bred lied Polled bull. Terms j, twh. At my place In Halein. .1. I. I'Auuisil. IM'd PlOllItKNT-Klvenlcely furnished rooms. diiy, week e: Kioul street close ui business part of city, bv t"ii ..im ui iiiuiiuu. corner uvnter unu IQ-.J0-U CltltlSTIAN HC'IKNttKMINI) IHItlKl A class for Instruction In theaplrltua ,'.",e.0!.,', "crlpturM.eomnieiieiiiK Mini ly. ;ltr"Hi.l1P in, IU.IIU mi, itinik blm-lc. 1'ersoiM deslrlnr to loin nmy call ou M rs. lou llulcli, SM'nial it. to 3 rVJIl KKNT-rive nicely' furnished r rooms. ApplyntKffUum'I.Ht. (l-13-if pATKONtZR Home Industry, and" JL slounUlo llHlni Ci,iu.h,,,V. i 11-4 anteed u five relist nr .. ......, uai jon. Smith A Htclner sole avents foi lem. ijai.,. mAKK N(JTIUK...We wish all horses on JL this pluce we ara ra Plowing the entire baitom land III have n.iKias..JN1,.w.(JI!.RKT, Uheaiawa Indliin Hchool (riini.vu ny uctolier Is uaa w Ufifness Can't be 1'irrd by local upiilicutlotiH. its tln-v .-mi nut reuch thedlseuaed portion of tho ear. There Is only one way to cure deufnena. mid that Is by constitution al remedies. Deafness Is caused bv milnllamed condition (,f the mti coug nj,K f ti,0 Eustachian Tube. .nn iiiihiuuii gets innuini'cl vou mvi- a runioung souiul or liniierfccl hearing, and when It Is entirely chswd, Deufuewi Is thr result, null tin less thr iiiflaiuutloii can lie Hk ou out and this tube restored In H. normal condition, heating will U ileal royed forever; nine cases out of ten are causep by caiurrh, whinli is not dug but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces, WewlSlgive One Hundred Dol lurs for any caao of deafness (caused hv calarrhl tlmt mount . i... tnkliiK Hall's (,'ataar fu'e, Heull lorcircuiurs, iree. a.rt-A' t)'IK-NKy . Toledo, Q. Bold by druggist, 7f wnts, imercial Street LACE CURTAINS AND SHADES Just Received For our Fall Trade. We ean show you u grtulnr variety of Patterns, mid hcII tl)cm for, Money than you ran buy olsiwlieic. Tho only House In ule cty that carries a complete lino of carpets la tho OLD W I I l Also have a new line of SALEM LUMBER CO -DEAMtttSIX- Raogli& Dressed Lumber Lntlm mill Shingles. Cull on us nnd save money nt our Vni-,i i. ' NOHTH KA1.KM. inn' '" w( w I "mm m If not, vou had better We have tho finest lino over CELEBRATED liLleueLLLwKLSKi aV LLLLLLfl HEADS THE LIST. ThiH is without i'iuiU the finest heating stove made. Cill nnd exaniino it. R. iVl. WADE t& Co. AgeiilH Charter Oak Stoves nnd lUnjen. THE OREGON NURSERY CO, Is Ollriiag u Lirgf, Well (irouu Slock of FRUIT-SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AiD NUT TREES. Small Fruit. A-Auuiusi.n.'f. vims, At Lov Late Keeping Winter Appl Catalogue und Price-Lint free. Till) fl UJ lJ Sit Downliiiul Think, KELLER& MARSH Are Interested In your y cifiro mid have mi Immense utock or Furniture to Interest you w lib. Come und nee us. We liuve it new motte: IM MISS I Sill Tliat Means itiKinesH. Cor. BpAT .Q!fe$ jJTHE fS 1 1 mMjEAlijiM Geo, G. Van Wagner, Has unt received u fluu Btoek of Wall Papor and Picture Mouldings, Lounges and Mattrasses. Picture lYnnilng done with euro nnd ncntuess Prlooa tiuI'Lo-w im;tlio Lowusl, GEO. F. SMITH, DttALER IN PlctureN. Mirrora, MouldlnR, FruracH, Artists' Materials, MAUY UAHHIAaKH, TOYH, A'I) FANCY GOODS. . ZU07 Commeralul Bt, . HT-Tont, Swings, Klaus, Lawn and Cauiplug OooAt. "m mi I 1 1 Ul y i Woolen goods Just opened. M be looking after one brought to Salem nnrl ihf. FAULTLESS SIIIIUIIS, I50SI-S, Prices. ETC. Addret-Ror call ou WIIlTIlROa, Olllte mil! Cominercial Htreet, Sulem. -o Com' and CliRinckelu Streets. Who do A bids "f Y if M Ab Chenp ns tiny Lnumlrv in the Couiitrv Uslmr V lilt 'P mid tloiug llist-uliiHH work. BQyiiinlleH nnd pnirons Invllrf to Inspect our procesH of (H"D work. 230 Libertv Street. nt i m es a SiicciaKj AMI MM -t,-n...).,.iri'j' .