Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 31, 1890, Image 2

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Ii J
OCT. 31, 1S90
rtauis o isbboKiiTios.
tKllI by matt per jmtr.
. 100
n!i7 by null permoalh.
.trebly by umil per year,.
am-U not itld In advance the price
eoarved rr llir WlKKl-V JuOKAL will br
IUJ per year. If paper re not ' w1
promptly twilly tne.imee.
frkk dklivkhy by cariueil
Dallr rm-nnuleweek 16 cts.
HhIDt ftirtwo wcekv-.
Dallr by month-
Collections will he midr on 1M and. 15th
of month. Mitxcrlberi will plcaae leave
mmiey fur carriers at bnue or whereon U
1 delivered, xiu m caue no delays In
Tna evkkijio CxriTAi.JoCKiAi. resu
larly receive the anernoon awoctated
pre dlapalche.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes,
Brushes. Windowdass. Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
r.n R.tmrr PnuHor
Agents for Epicure
Can Baking Powder.
F -l '
mr.i u.bitt
Wheat, net 621 cent per bu.
Hop, active; 25 to 32 cents per lb.
H allow k'ek. To-morrow will I e
theltdr of November and this
evening Is what In known a Hallow
eve, or in the language of Scottish
"folk-lore," Hallowe'en, a time for
home merrv-makitic in the older
countrie, for thegathenngof nsigh-i that he has finally given uuequivi.
bors In aocial feastlne, tricks, games leal disapproval of it. It appear
and general joviality. It i' a time that other member of tlie tour
when the iuuooeiitlv superstitious bas-e bren grumbling at the Judgi
mong Eurojeaus, principally the
Celts and the Gaels, believe that
the spirits walk abroad and play
pranks among the victims of their and conferences. Judge Wuld. ( t'.ige una llllam iteld. uuU l the ' all contribute will meet with its Ii-ih-jocularity;
that at this time by Mast evening became tired of thh I "tistruetiou company, and ua- tility. It demands ttiat public oub
jneansof ceruin modes of proced-' gruwbhug nnd gave vent to hi- j acknowledged lvfore the British ' lui3 of tiny kind whatsoever be
ure and the repetition of certain in-j
cantations the blushing maiden aud
the love-sick swain can have exhlb -
Ited to their gaie an unerring repre -
sentation of their future affinities,
aa:a. n L. .1. AiIiim n nit tot
Tnese practices and the general ob-'
servauce of Hallow eve have been pense snd that the only seusiblt arrne here lu n --liort time, nnd
told In aong and story by Robert thing to do was to take out the fal- I -even days ufter hi- arr vul the52iW,
Burns, Waller Scott, Thomas Moore, work and let the thing stand until I KX) will In- paid over tn the finance
and other writeis whose sympathies .-"pring that if the removal of the committee. Thi- ill be good news
run with the common people. pier was desired the probability now j to the )eople of Asloria. Oregon
As the world isadvanciug in knowl-j seemed to be that with good high j Ian, Oct. 31.
eoge auu oecoming more maier -
and becoming more mater
iallstic and grasping in the race for
wealth, tho?e old superstitious are
disappearing, those harmlcs plena-
astries are largely neglected and
many of the practices which char
acterized the season even as late as
twenty-five years ago have eutirely
diaappeared. But the evening is
Dot altogether devoid of its pleasures
fvn V0t nr mvtn in nraptirnl Ampr.
i t. 1. ..11. ...j : ...
nzm. l in aim iii:iiif hii ihi-jihiiiii 1111
much merry-making, and many are
the tricks that will be played to- other members of the court.
night throughout the country. It would seem that Judge Mc
Many a milliner will ware up o- Leuch, of Polk must be having
morrow murnius to find her sign- some misgiving about the matter
board o vera saloon door,and a doctor, at this time, a he had failed up to
to be shocked by seeing his shingle noon today to put in an apiieuruncv
flying in partnership with the uu- In answer to the earnest summons
dertaker, and such other incongrui
ties as can only sucgest themselves
to the minds of youth. But nobody
except the dyseplic will get angry
about it, as it is expected and no
barm is intended. These
oldprac -
tlces, handed down for aces, are ,
uu ,ucu,:"u"" l""" """".
., , , . ., ,
thmwlnp innni- inv Hrolinn the'
hearthstone; let them be perpetu-
ated in their pure simplicity.
this evening and some decision j I,luiu wly it is healthier in the Wil
Bova, QUIT It. Night before last reached. Let it be hoped it will be , '"'"'.-tte valley during the wet bea
Kimerieruous on mischief bent went a wise one. -ou than during the niinle week.
through the old-fashioned Hallow- . , ()f midsummer, By a method lit
eve tricks of turning things upside Accident attiie Hisidce. Thos. invented he delected t hut there wen
down around the city, putting sign- Truman, one of the men workinaut ,y0,00udust unites in the nne-lhous-boartU
in the most inappropriate the windlass on top ofthe new j atidth ofa cubic inch of the air of i
places and performing other autiCH bridge across the Willamette, met ' mom. In tlie outside utmnspherH,
of a like nature. The Jot'KN'AL with a serious and painful accident ' lu dry weather, tlie same measure-
said nothing about it yesterday, be
cause no damage was done and only
a little annoyance caused, but the
same thing was repeated last night,
which makes it unpleasantly monot
onous. It is said that the flret night deuly slipped, oud tlie handle, flying
the mischief won doue with a great 'around with great velocity,
deal of noise aud yellinp along to-j struck Mr. Truman on Ho
ward 4 o'clock in the morning, and forehead, cutting a deep
last night it was done before the I gash three inches in length and fell-
opera was over, me wore oi me mis-
cnier inaKero being visible to people t
ou their way home. This business '
ia beneath the dignity of a city of
Salem's dimensions, and the wonder '
U that the perpetrators have not
been caught by our night policemen
and stopped or arrested, ruch work I
might be tolerated on the night, of,
Mullowe'en In a little country town, J
U It is not to be tolerated iu a city
JV'iln size atony time, much less to .
"Vieated night after night with-!
r ""lu-"lrick.nlgUt" to suggest it. !
-. ""-s ine time wiien ttie mls-
i T"or'"B sprites are supposed
lu Uahroao,)Ut theIadilof tJllg cUy
Have been toiorev()UI, and ke,
will U compelle to for tUft pIeas.
ures incident to tuoccon.
AS8Rt.-vr Tlij. !
Tl,.l... r , . .. . ... . uu umic aiici-i in iiuiu ui-i'oniiui; 10
Vr ."". Z !T '!ie.v'-' Tuehorse-car track L .he
l.i V ,, , a vylue,
!,. ,, ., - -j .
uoara or equalization. a.ai.,..
, , , . ' "" uooui si inciies loo uigll IIIIU Willi
Acres in cultivation, 104,626. total.. .rK,.i.u.i.,... .,. i w....,.a .,.....:
uuTJZ , 'X:: . '-'30-
iL m'?'' Jfnpr0'e-
EZ ll !n::, "erchandl!,e "
implements, 1443,303; money, notes,
ndec unU, 11,241,030; household)
flec's, $189,425; horses and mules, ,
1266,835; cattle, $128,10o; nwlue, f 16...
183;tbep and coats. S34 75n toml
irnl Minni Ti-w I i.
irreaf, $0,180,009. Indebtedness, $1,.
ttfvtVMi nr larni OAO 44 1. .... n I
wi,wi anajiiiiini, ?7,ot total
Uxablealterequallzation, (f3,0Ol,0O4;
TbUlj $60,298 less than last year's
- Tlje indehiHilnL ot
MMMUent. The Indebtednes ex-
eeeda Uat year'a by $103,018.
Waxth). A good fresh milch
T. H. Barne. Salem Laud
Hiu.. I r
lO-itf. I is
BalldoillC the Cunrt Jndf Wnldo
Lxpnurs Uijust with the At
tempt at I'atcbln.
It eeiiis to have been the espeo
lil bunliicsaof the Statesman tnliuip
out lu advance the work tn be done
and the order to lie niide by the
county courts In rt.-l.Uoii to tin Wll-
lam tte bridge fr.mi the beclunim:,
and rhu (.lllilln ..p.. ..f ... .!..!.... .1...
.....a .... ..-u.,. ..... ... .rfiiuiuu tut;
courts should tonu their own pluns
without the systematic htih-dozliiK
and ferestul'iiij: which has beeu
a lopted by certuin parties. Follow
ing Its usual course, the titutesiiuiti
said this merning:
"The fortial urder changing the
plans fur the uew pier, to. dt-cribed
in yesterday's tatemau, was uol
made yesterday by tlie courts, li
Is expected tlie itiuituiiotiers uml
court" of the tuo counties in John
sedou to-dny win have the onitr.:-
sued. There are no iurther develoi.
UK.ut at this i-ue."
"It isexpectetl" that such and suel
things wi lp0 Uillt,; l)V wholu? Cur
, taluly not by the people; they ex
lect the courts wheu they come ti
their senses, will issue no such ordei
JL'iwr. Aauhj doesn't likk it.
t It now transpires that Count.
Judge Waldo has at no tiin glvei
I more than a tacit or silent eouseir
to the mode of operatlou udoplei
for tbe cure of tlie botched pier nr
because they considered that he ban
been shirking the responsibility ami
' failing to show up at the meeting-
views of the matter. He said ii
ubstauce, that the work of blusl
1 mg on a portion of the pier nnd
1 tiubering with it was the veriest
' MrtM tilnntt o r rl t ll
uonsence and that he
would uol
sanction it; that it was a useltrs ex
, uier ine river wouia uiKe 11 oui
without any expense. He says it is !
too late now to attempt the patch- j
( iuc process this year.
This is lu accordance with the t
views expressed by Judge Waldo at i
the time the sinking put was di-
coverea, aua it ue bas now con
cluded to stand firmly against the
nrntw! f;irp hp ulll lio h..rtiu
, , , .... .,......,.
annlaUdMl bv tiip rmpr.il nnt.lir u-lm
i i.... r.i .....' ..'....
iiaac iiu uuiiinii-i it-- kv ii:iivfriii iiiu
stub nnd stilts prtixed by somer
from tliis court, notwithstanding
the fact that Commissioner Watson
went over after him vcterdav.
A miilorirv nf flu. P..1L- .siiinlv-
i rt , . .. ,,,:.;.,"
' u ...... J(W .( X.1I11I LA4t Il'IIIVi
impsnu having arrived uliout 3
o'clock this
afternoon. Judge .Mc-
Lench, the other comnil-siouer, is
sick and cuniiotcumc. C.uintv.loib.i.
Slouflsrhas beeu here the past two
.davs. A iolnt meetiuc will' be held
at 30 this afternoon, hut can be'inentof air yiwlded i-',U&; whereas,
very thankful that he is on terra ' ufler a heavy rainfall, the tiumbei
firaia to tell the tale. He was try-, of such floating atoms is only 5'Jl
ing to loosen the "dog" which holds i The ruin simply washes the dirt ou
tlie windlass wheel, when it Btid- of the atmosphere.
mg nim to the planking upon whicl
he Blood, leaving
him as if dead. ,
I.', lint saved iilm
This planking '
from being I'Uried into the river
nearly 70 feet leneath,aiid It was but
a narrow margin. The blow received
also loosened several of his teetli and
broke two of them. He was picked
up by fellow-workmen and ,uj.ei ,
D.J. Fry's drug store, where Dr.
Cuslck took several slitehes lu tlie
wound and otherwise ministered to
the necessities of the case, making j
the sufferer as comfortable as pssl-!
Built on the Gkaiik. Mr. T.
H. Wilson, who is siirwrinteniliinF
the work of bulldlii!? of the elertrie '
road extension, informed a Jocn-
Nal reporter to-day that their line
.... Q.n... U.AA, i,. i...tt. it .
.nptitiiuu toiiiiui-ii-iiii nireei is
.,..,,.... ... , . ... '
west end uear Commercial street is
Krude- The two tracks ure on u ley
ela part of the way and tl.e electric
line keeps a regular elevation to the
-,,, wuIe tIie otl)er vurw
1ctuhk on Evolution-. Rev.
Mr;9rowrn Is (oRive nt Unitarian
"ll,unlKht the fourth of his series
?L,ectt,rw " 'volution eiitllled.
"The evolution ofthe human hn.ln."
r. -urnwn is no evnliitlnnlst nud
Irrlnlar. utid In these leeiures will
,iWJ A rT.rJ y " if "'T
f.i .i r,c, "fhM-n-er, Darwin
and other leading scientists the ex-
Icfence of Ood and the imiunrialiiy
of the human soul Ho claims that
"tonollin, as a s.THtem ofphllim-,'
"K'Sl. Z .o"" .h" ,mX
i r .,.-.. ...... ..i. in,, i
the coming universal philosophy,
Too Kind and Clevkk, by Kar.
The oiler of the I'ortla, dihnniber
of commerce to take entire cl.nige
orthe World's Fair exhibit for the
people or Oregon is very clever. Hut
now comes an enterprising young)
i-oniamier who is willing lunsfume
the responsibility amil th. detail- or
getting up the exhibit. The crUp
and freh young Mr. K. N. Morgan,
prints lu the Oregoiiinn a plan of
Ju-t how the money is to be ex-
jiended aud sa.s: "1 ..hall soon be
able to furnish in detail the plan 1 j
have in vkw for each department.
The di-phiy of the collections at the,
U'irlils l-ulr lUllst be by object !
foi ms, object designs and object it
lustration', a ucll as in natural
state. The plans which I nroiose
will require ten acres of oiieu
i ground, aud oOiK) to 40,0rt) sipiare
feet ol siuice for each department of
, the exhibit'- ;jo thoughtful nud
Ikiud of you, dear fellow! We
.rutuiv ... j-uii iiuii an mii-ii int-
j .'mil oilers, oi asisiiiuee ill come
iiio i" me ieipie in ine long run.
Hut then it I- an age of cheap hum -
bugs, and the great tuleut fur "elf -
a-M.-rtioti is the one cimmon pus -
sneioll of in ditH'ritv.
GoodNkws fo Artokia. The
ia-slileiit of the Astoria 5c South
.'.t railway, Mr William Held, slolell ltercwlwl , Mm,f of u.
eterday received the following...... . . , . . .. . ,
cablegram from London, from u,t 'tle Oregon boy, and s,id that he
chief of the vmlicite which pur- W"UlJ lUf 1,e1,1,8Ml ''""l ';
hased the 3,000,000 of bond- of the
Astoria & South Coast railwav: "1 j
ipprove coiittacf- n-celved to-da., avoid Schemu. The Journal
VI1I pjy j00,tHX) -evi'U days uftcriis opjuised to ull schemes to get
engiuier's arrival." The i-olitmet ! iniflliiiir- for notlilncr. and to irnt
I referred to wa-. 'igned by the tinaiice
! omnilttee of tlie Astoria i South
' "at railroad, I W. Ctf-e, C. II.
vice consul, James Laldlaw, on ()e-
i iiiiivi u, nun cu m- Mirwimuu ai
luting. Tlii'i tiiiiMtr .nut nm hv t It.,
...H.v. ....... . .... i.ik
-yndiaite to liHik i fter the bond
holders' iuterc-is during the con-
I ttructlon of the road will probably
Cattle Thievis A kkkstkd. way beyond the ability of tlie own
Ed. Taltiott, know u a Ed. lingers, j ,.r to find them. There is no fun In
and Chas. Suellitig, were arrested nt -uch work as that and thoseeiigaged
McMlnnvil e a few d ivs nco for j in H would better desist there ure
stealing cattle from D. B. Kiucery, J veral shot guns readv to be load-
meiition or which was made in tlieied with very undesirable material
JoUBNAL 3 few weeks ago. TnC fr M ju jU3t such eases.
stole si. head of steers septem
ber2S(h, tisik them to Portland and
...,.,. .
.iicui, 1.1 iuj.
umed names to
Hie purcluser. Mr.
Kinuerv did
not give up the search until
found the hides of the cattle in the
bun-ber shop vhere sold, and
eeured a description of tiie hoys.
Following up tlie clue- the guilt ol
the hoys was fully established and i
they were held by tlie examiuing
iiiagisirute under bonds of JoWeach, I
u'hich they gave, pari-ms aud othei
friend- aoing their -ecurity. Since
Iheu, other parties who J,wt cattlt
liave traced the theft to tlie saint
hoys and have had other warrants
l-ued for them, hut they httvi
skipid the country and cannot U
' Sa.viiaisv ErrhCTS of Hai.v.
Hie Oregon Cily Courier says: 'I In
' investigaliou-of Jolm Aiken, of Fat
' kir!. England, at least partly ex
Right Ki.nd ok Talk Copying
tlie Jui'KNAL's remarks uUiut tin
large amount of building d me ii
rfaiem the jiasi two eurs, tlie Al
bany Democrat well says: "It i
, "J "4" '" eougrai
ul4,1""B "hould be general that tin
gruwiu uf me cities ol ttie Vallev
has been general, aud all have beei
building. We know that forme
residents coming here are ustouishei
at tlie changes observed, and in
doubt tins Is the ca-e iu ol'-.er cities
The Democrat has no jeulnu-ies, fm
it knows one ptrt of the vul ley fan
not have a reliable growth without
the whole going ulitad."
Mima Iii:uuiLT. In tlie Ore
goniuu's "Wasliingtoiilatia" we Mm
this: ''Thcf'eutco I.uoiiier empant
at Bucoilu, whose mill was ljuriied
,ust "'". have their new
Ing erected, and commeiiceil run
iiing this morning. Thuj will wori
two fangs of men, who will relievi
each other ever twelve hours, uflei
next month. The mill Is lightei
with electric lights, uml everilliln,
, . - -
used in mm ,-rn mllllm, ,.r tn.ni,.... i.
" "- '
to lie found therein. This is one o
the largest
, t .. . i
plants lu Tliursloi.
' county.
OlIKOO.V Al'I'LLs T E.VllLAMl.-I.-vy,
Hjiicgl A Co., ol I'ortlund.
shipR-l i-nsl ward on Tuesday last n
car of selected Oregon apples thai
went purchased by a Kew Vork
denier for export lo Knglitnd. Each
upple was carefully exiiniined uud
wrnnM - d in pajter before packing,
' U7 un' Brt,,u': ,vv" r"or'' curl.wids
rnufv for the same desthiutlon safs
tl.e Oregonian. Wln.cai. tell where
the Oregon Fruit In.l.wry will end"
-t- """-uu.
JiwOi'iLVLa-A First-class now
"lV:r '''''. . .T1" '",,merclal
n.,.,.1, n-'uviiig, m cents, il. Auto
i: A. II. Clark, jjf
Is Bad Company. The Seattle'
Telegraph under dale or Oct. 30,
has uu nccouutofthearrvnt ami trial1
of three bo.. s,M iiiuclSlmluion.Sliort
and Hoy Cioft, who werj charged
with stiiillng some cloth from n
orygoous House In that city, the
smallest boy, Hoy Croft, only 13
years old, aud by his fraukness
aud houest npieanini gjdued the
sympathy of the court and nil lu
atle.idauiv. With childish frank-
neas he tidd how two weeks ago he
had run uway from his widowed
mother, who lives in u small town
in Oregon, and worked bis way to
tills Cltv. Ilestoi)iud nfl i.t Povul
lup lor a week and earned his board
by milking cows aud doing otlur
li,;ht work. Tiuday he arrived in
this city aud smiii fell Into tlie nom.
imny of the two voting thieves.
They took him lu charge and tlie'
three eut Tuesday night ilia Jack
j son street lodging hotiM. Weilues
nay unuer ine leaiiersuip or snail-
I noli, the three planned to slenl the
, eio;iitng. uut Hoy was seleoleu to l
' do the work while the others stood
1 at appointed places ro recwive the
' sihjIIs. Judue Rivers before whom
the boys were tried wulencrd
sluuinou nud Short to 30 days ltu -
prisoumetit. The proprietor of the
I lt.m fr.... ..I.r.... ,l.n nli.ltiA. u..v..
iiovnieiu wueu ins seiiieuce nau
pay for service-, that are never rend.
ered. All jolrs and fakes to plunder
the nubile treasury or funds to which
transacted in uu oKn, busiiieas-like
, inanuer and uol to slilelU lieln or
j r .,.. ..!. ..,. ..n... T .., ..li .....it
uiticii iiii.nic I'lttvo. A.V1 . i.i cu
-tand upon their merits in open light
of dav.
1 Malicious MisciiiEr. The spirit
j of fun call be easily run into that of
' harmful and costly michief. This,
'lie JoritNA 1. is informed, has been
the result in EnBt Salem lately,
i where several gates have been torn
! from their hangings and carried
Tin: World's Faiii. They are,
j as fair anil as numerous in natem as
'in unv citv in the world of its Its
I , V . .". ... ....... ....,..... ...
lel six , unu iney tidiiure as quicKiy us
of yore the attentions men pay to
tlie same methods bv which they
v iD'juisb -the urt of apK-arinb well
M -M, young, middle itged, or old I
sh uid see the elegant variety uf
clotliiiig and furnishing goods kept '
at t o iruil's, tlie newest and best
stocked house in the city. d 1 t.
A i r. Tirirnftsif Our Iwaf fnrnl
torn I, not in o.ir hIh.w windows.
but is scald red ull through tile
t.ouse, nun miiy a tiioroiign visu
will i-nuble you to sec all our g'Md
up stairs and down stairs. We aim .
to l.eep the 1 st aud big-.'i-sl stock
ill thecity. ISureii. d It
Pluasant ViMtou Mis-simi.
This i the second dav
. .
lllat tile Sa-
lem bundle of Albany Heralds has
failed to show up here, nnd the
JnimxAL feels lonesome without it
agreeable dally visitor. Punch up
he postal clerks, Bro. Traiu.
FiLi.voh. Articles iucorHir.itin
tlie C't.o. County Abstract Co., were
tiled in the office of the secrelary ol
ttate to-day; C. W. Toner, H. A.
Iiws and John A. Gray incorpora
tors, capital stock (10.000; principal
illlceat Marshtield.
AllSai.nte)' DAV.-To-mnrrow wil'
he a lioly-dayin the Human Catholic
uid Aiiglli-anciu 'dies, being what
s termed All Saints' day. Kervlees
will lie held iu the Catholic church
hi city the same as on Sundays.
HaLKM'S TVS 'I'll OL'hAM). The
ireat majority of them at some
hue In the year visit the immense
stalilislimeut of Jolinsoii, ISimihli.x
t Co., the nloneer clotliintr house of
at th.
ictruBinls Filed lor Record
loamy lino list's unlet.
II 15 Cone to M rs h V Cone,
It 1 and Mi.- n of It 2 in ad B
lo Woodliurn; f
J und KIsie 1'ortcr to II B
.'one, same us above;
John Brooks to F T nnd
A'ui II Cook, lis C and 7 iu
Irooks' ud to North fiVlem,
Marion couutv;
M 8 t kill toO-carFTavIor
mil wife, one and a half
icres in sec 14, t 7 s, r 3 w, In
dnrioii county;
Oiviriin Land Co. to 11 ri
uid E Cook, lis fl.G uud 7, hlk
II, Highland uil to Kalem.
John II Hliuliz nnd wf lo
Viiuu .M Baiicrofl, 4," UK) of
n. acre iu hlk 1, ud B lo
Wondhiiru Packing Co lo
I L Dahlin, lot 8, in hlk 3,
Wnodhurii Bucking Co ad to
Or Laud Co to II J Mill
thorn, lot 7 of HuunvsIdH
fruit farms.
.Sluclvliolilera' Meelios.
A ineeilng of the Htockliolderr
if theCaillul City Bnilway com
pally Im hereby called, nl the com
nnne'H nfllce bend of u.it. wire'
on Tuendoy Nov. 4th, 1800, at nine
. ..".,,, M. II.., .11. IIJIIf.ll llllll OIIMI.
neM. By order of the hoard of diet-torn.
I. H. Kvioiit.
Children' oirt for nnlt 25 cents
ut Criwmoii'i 6 and 10 cent (tor.
Ok a Pooh Quality. -J. M.Mar
tin, superintendent of the Snlcni
wnter works, sent up to I.elmnnn
and had a ton of coal aeiit down
from the coal tlelds near there for
the purpose of giving It a text. III
w ha The ca
eadorwJ tK
" ,tr";, .!:
first Ininrvwtou
could lie lined instead
coal Is of n coarse qunllty and cou
tains considerable dirt and rock, so
much that II Is now doubted If It
enn be profitably used. The lest
- given it nt tlie water works Is not a
favorable one. Out ofthe WOO pounds
uei) yesterday afteinoin tlmrv was
enough slag left In tiu funuicc to
h tin. r.intiniit i,f.v. ml Inn nf
tlr-l cltiss eonl.
1'KliSUKAIi AMI l.dl'AI.
W. A. Wash, editor of the Dalian
It?nJr, Im In tho city
f'niiti-iplnr 7 p,.v,,n l.utt tli
(.oninicinr .. vrnen iook me
B. H. Hrixuncll, Insurance nd
luster, was u north bound passeuger
this afternooii.
Judge W. P. Lord, of the supreme
wu"' "" UP i.8fe"ii nioru-
I Judge II S. Bean was a pnssenwr
'lilt f till Mill 1 1 It llltlltltl tf.lt, 1 tllltl fitr.
M,n f..r Kiiuene.
Architect Walter D. Pugh was a
i'es ,K.enger to Portland this
morning, uccomitaiileu by Ills little
Mr. nnd M's. Chas. K. Lelatid, "
. . ....... .'I
Host nun iioslrss or tlie Hotel I'ort
laud, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A
Wugncrat The Willamette to-day.
Itev. F. H. Post, who with his
.wife -pent the summer and fall in
the nintintnlns near Mt. Jeftentnn,
returuiiig Saturday, went to Port
laud this afternoou.
H. II. Oil fry, formerly private
secretary to Governor and Senator
L. K. Groyer, nnd now reading
clerk ot the TT. 8. senate, has been
in the city visiting among old
friends and nciiiaiutauces.
General James A. Varney, detri
ment commander of the G. A. H ,
is in tlie city tiwlay. He will visit
otil'Mally the G. A. H. post at Wood
burn to-morrow evening at their
campfire, aud will proViably remain
over aud enjoy the good time with
Sedgwick ost Monday uiglit.
Cal Huttnn. who bus run a black
smith buiiuess at Corvallls for some i
time, is in the city and will visit a j
few days with his brother, O. D.
Hutton. Cal. lias deeid(l tiponl
locating at Uaker Cltv, for which
,,ilU.e i,L. wi) start early next week.
lie is a gowd tmd(man and the
Joi'ltXAL liespeaks his prosperity iu
"the Denver of Oifmir."
EASTH M. At Ilmnon. Oregon,
October. 'tl), lSyo, E. G. E.istham,
of typhoid fever.
Mr. Eastham was nii-ed lu Marlon
enmity, near Hllvertun, and was
well known ln-re, his arcnts bciii"
nmnUB ,Ue euri' P'neers
He was
a brother lo Mrs. Prof. T. VauSeos.
.Mrs. VanScoy has been Vy his bed-
, - , ,' . 7 . ...
iuc uu cririiti tiiit unit 1 Mil, Hl'IH
uV men- mm murium.-. I lie lie-
I ceased leuves ii youns widow and
me child about a vear old
i :.
A Itu.tr ..tire In, l-llrs,
t iiruiuK nim nr.- Kiitiwn iy iihuaiioci
lleH-ilnitliin,raulni; Inlfii.e I tr-ll I ur
i wn:u wiirin. ini. iiirm iu riin i: nil
HlOlni; and pnitrurilns. yield ut once to!
Or. UuMDko'R CIIb Itemi-ilj-. wtilcli nets!
illrectly onilieparu Hir-ted. ulj.rl tu-
iii.r,allHiilictili'Hrl etlcto imtiuhii-
.nt cure. 611 cenn liru.'L'Ist or imill; '
trHIrlr. Dr. Ilovtako, I'nllartelplila la
0 I)
HL'TTUX, I'i-oji.
Cutlnm of nil Kinds tiiHtle lo orilss.
jihtal run nth,
ind special caa'lnm ol win vtvle nr mi.
urn luude In h in tinltr, lnc,tli und re
liable In eve j p irllcular,
Repair any MarWncry in Ski Order. '
Turning lath's, -nnlnes, Imp iie ,
md lllipton.iillt. Will Ilial(erIilii llfs ,
any Iron wori neeilnl. (imul ut,-K
i.ild for old Iron. 3-ln-lm
10 Acres for Rent.
A choice tract only one mile from Etiltra
lem lltxrH, Apply lo
Jotirint) orilce.
Omce 181 Commercial St.
Allatylexoflbe KamnunHlnfrercnniiliint
y on bnd; alo repairs aud necdl for nl
UudJt of machine.
In the County court nf thetatn nt Or
(tin, tm llieomnty of jurlnn.
In the matter nf the enUite)
of Citation,
arntie) A. Kel, liccevedj
Tniill hlrmd m-xinf kin nr .iiri ti..
-edfHl.nnd tn nil nthera, Known or nn
imi.n, lnl-r-lnl n Mild eliit.
UliKLTIMl: In the nnme ol Die HUtle
ifiireioui. on are hereby riled nnd ro
inlred lo nppeurln 'he County Ciiurl nf
ue f-iaiu in urexnn, inr ine ('oiinly or
lllirion. lit lll4 lfillrt lliinm th.M.,1 n
Salern.rnlhftOiiinlrof Marlon.onM..ndrv
he .Hi dny of November P.O. ul 10 o'clock , '""",""'" '"' "
li the f.in-niKin nftln.i d.iy. ibennud there I "
ohnw cBiiw, If rtny thee be. why nn I lHltlTIAS MIlKNIiKMINU Ct'ltKI
irder Hlinuld not lw ininle aiuhorizlni.', I J A eliou, ft.r luornctlnn In tlixmnrlluiil
ooKiwnriuif nnd dlre-ilnir the iidnilnlx. eneof tlieHTlMiire.c.mi,inn-o' .Mi In
'7 J iMl'leiiMle.tuteiithereHljiniiierir 'day, (itt.il.cr 'itli.i' p in, li(mi u) Uiuk
imn.lewu: The north Imlfof the N K.
-"" chii "iiiuh in nnuTlueil H. nil-
H. T.9.H. lt.l,K.i)flhe Wlllumetle iter-'
Id.an, In the County of Jlurl.iu, Hhite off
ireunn.cinlHlulnL- HI I&.I00. ocreN. more'
liinr,,-.. ni'ii ,. ,,,. . i HMM v. (IT MM-ll,,..
"r icu.xiviUK nun rjireininrn lnn Iniet
hereof, de-crllxtl iu. f.illnwi, to-wil; lie.
I'lnnliiK at n point In the venter uf the
Mehuina, wiere It crinuie I he Hue betneen
.iiiiiiy nwa, lenniiK nom ine Inwn uf
, . H. I Hiu. 3, fjtui' Theme wm m
feet, Ihei.co toulh lo lh bunk nf ine
North HinllMin Itlver, thencn .l lo the
ibove deaerllM-d townnhln line, ihencti
north to the Plui-oofbeelnlne.
WIlneM. the Una. M lllluiu VV'Hldo.Judice
if the Con III V Outlrt of theHtutf. .iflln-v.,.
fur ine County nf llitrlnu. wh the Kent ol
Mild UoiiriunUtd.thU I.t day of OcUiber,
. l)., iwo. ....
, rr"", A".'i
V J. IIAUfrtlfVC.fMork
Ily U. U.HMKKMAK.PipUlr.
Dwilcr in Grooorios, FalnlfkO 1
nnd Window OIilss, iill r,
lcr and Hortler, Artists' Mh-I
tprials, Linus llalr. Na
Sltiiiglp, Hay. Fwlwid
Posts, flrass Smls, Etc,
flllll 1IIIU
k Simpsons
I For lmltrs nnit Bentlenirn, every Frlilny
, cviiiluftl A.U. U. W. Imll
! Admiuloa SO cvtitn: . . Ijtrtlr tree.
I Ift-Ulw
' TllX-l'njcrs Take Notice.
I Tho Ux mil of Marlon ciaintv Tor Itic yrnt
' imi ,h 1,i n plHCi-tl III ln.v imiuli. tor ml
InMlim. "' aix.wyiT will picii-r nini.
,,.., .. -.... iiiiriiunuiMi'iii. h tlie
" ,-.
BlierlirHinl Tux Cnllreior,
inwi. IrM.Tinlv rru-v mm irt-r.
siii WlNuuiifi, Iluwllrllle,liru.
R. M.
Painting, Kalsomining,
Natural Wood Finishing.
All wnrkilunelnthc-totKl5-lP. lx.iv
nrilen. Willi C. S. McSully, iirrliltwl,
lu Huntt'llrey bliwlt. t:it
Notirc to Contractors.
Hralpd titrniv nrcincatlnnn mill blil tor
llic ronmrncllimiifu i-oiint brittle k.is
-llyer creet in tl.e njwii m H'lrriiHi
berecelvnlanUroncnlMTilMl ttir Nt
berreplvnlandnincKlffTilul tlif Novem
ber, IWJ, term "f tln Marlon cnuiity miirt.
Ulilii mm ue riireunprH woou iiiiwr iro
roverril.nr iin Inin lirltlifo. All uniwl
llnnn In ue uniliHlBnil died with tiiut-lcrlc
or will court ou iirlieroreN'nvrinberAih.nt
nmin 'Ihe cmirt n-.frvp.llir rlis'll to r
Jrctany urll bid. Ily onlerof llin linn
County Court of .Miir nn roiiulv, Urrg-ni.
K.J, UAHCDOK, County Ciorlc
VTOriCE In hereby glen that llif tindir
i alk'lird.TtliM 11. llubliaril, lufcat of
KUMVll LV wilt, oil
suturtlH), the Hill llli) r NnvrmUrr.tBUO.
At 1 o'clock p. in. nfiuildd''y,iit hl rml.
lUncc. corner of lliiioiH-icliil uml .Marlon
strrcm In the city nOo'em, county of w
rlnu, Bttc ofOrtciin, oll hi public atirtlmi
tn tilt- hlKbmt bltlilt-r fur r.tsti lu nunil, bv
virtue ol h clmtlfl mnrtcicr iniiilr bv J.
M. liiirmiirriiuil 1). W. lhirrimr.1 to Itim
nt-ll d co. on JiHiHlh Is-V, oul ri-iu'WHlh
lberr.it tlie fiillnwint; dt-Hcrile.l iicriuiiMl
nrnporiy, to wit:
One No. 3 piillnic iump:one 10 by Cheat
er ore Nn 7 American Inji-cltir nail stall
iiird plp.ns;: 51 by 1' tubulir Ixiller .No
170V; one In by lh itiiloniutic fnnliif isun
plfte, No (tils, w.th ill few II i,.., bi-ltli ir
1 ply. nmnuf.irlurt-il tiy Hn.rl . oi.
rnild nniM-rt wllllsmiltl to satltfy the
amniint rriuiilalticdticiiud unpaid iihii
nalil cbutlel murtkniRc.
Til S. II lltMIIIAUIl.
Aeent fir ltuseil A Co.
Dated s.ilem, Orejf.iu, Oct. Slili, INO
Salem Atlilctie Academy.
Int-u;tlnn sH en In nil klnd nf nthb'tlc
exerrl.es, lucluiM icull mnveineuts (sindu
clvo ti piic;il tl--iiip utini Apply to
ecrct-irj lit nxinn IV Commercial II.
State ami High Street.
Siifeeisor lo W. IL COOK.
ThpCnok iiutol U upHMltr cmirt hnuxr
timvt'leut lo liiuliiet iirt uf city aud
trrt't car line ruunl..r punt the dmir
Itatcti jj.a) lo r.m ilty, ucferilliif: in
rutii Hjet-ciul t'Tiiu lo buinkTt hiu)
rj 1 111 LJ LJ XJ J X X LJV A.
or c,M,t ,ir tre!
U carry a full llnp
of cnxs-rltrs, It-il, cntrkery. ifliMtwure. el
jfuis, tobtitt-u Mini ronfectltmpry.
No 'iM t'liininiTclitl Ht alrm
.. .
.. .-. - . . . .r.
l)li' V'lllX U
, I n.l.M ll.
I IliHjIW.llJ
. , ,, , ,
Tj . C.S H E R VI A. N
- - ' -" v- -1 L-' l-ivl "-111
V, H, IVti.liin nnd Clulin iijimiI. I'.O.
imix i, sieni, urenn. I'tMiuty Lounty
Clerk. Wrliff.irlil.tnk-.
-1 Capital City liestauraut
Jas. Batchulor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours of Hie Dav
None hut wlill iHbor employed In ttiU
A ijihhI itulMtitntlal rnral eotiKed In tlpit
rlisit tyle
1 'rnvtit-IUicnlH ier iiikhI.
I l E D I" U O N T
Court trwt, t,tt-fn .liiiirniil Ultli-H nn.l
MIuIdb l.n.-ry.
Capital Dairy Co
A. C FHlrehlld, II. .1. Klly runt
,tre prepared to deliver fliiwh milk
moled on ice, lo any pnrt of the city
I Leave nrdoni HI Ulnlo A liw'mttnlile.
25c Want Column.
I NiiMre Innerted for ONK CKNT I'KIt
WOH11 EAUH IN'HKIinuN. No nilver
llneiiieiit Invsrleil In tlllt uiililinn fur !
' inan tweuiy-nve emu.
I.-nmiti:.NT-KIenl'lyfiiriilhe,lr.Mii, h.
clone in bimlneM p,irl of clly, by fie
ny, week or inontli. Corner renter nud
I ront nireei KMO-tf
rtj-rto-iiou ciKii.nuA i:i;itt:.-t'. h
O.J l'opyrli;lit,'ii rwu'liita mid illrec-
, l'.',';J'y '""" . . ,J- " '-n.ini.
10 it ti Uck lluxttsO, l'.,rilmnl.Or
VfOTIUK Deneon I In :b li;i r.'lurniil
i,. j urili. nii niinin It 1,1
t.nnii nud frlenil In ii!ithtan ,v.,,,.t.. ......
Itoom ISSSS at'. !'"'.',"' M.. ilt.nl. klmlH of rniVilu; i
Ul?ninMT.r''ii?l V!K' "...n .!' d.f..ctory ,.,.,er,,na
.,..'n. '" . ' "'''iclry in.iioter. and
I niticK, i-ermin (i"mn( tn
on Im. ltii Ibiltli.X-l I'm
'h;i., I erwnn u4lf IHK lo Jill, li.av rll
ut l.
r.,, ...., , ,
I?"1 ..N1 i-ne nicely furnlhnl
J ruoim. Apply at :l7Com'l.H, u-l-if
pATItONI.K Home Indu.try. uml m
I .Mimiiliilu ILtlm I'oiiL'hi.'ure. (inn
iinleetl lo Kite rullt'l nr luiiney rcVumli-il
AlHiiiifiirltiieil Ily t. l-nwu.Hiilem, lire,
von. Hinllli i. Httlm-r miln iiKent f,,r
n-iem. !-8llm
.lilUND AT LAST.-V I'nll.ll Unit win
clean n iiIiiiiii wlilwmi f.iii,ii,iin.. t.
.., n..-,' ,., 1,1,1,1,111m S lllllli;
... -..I,. ..i .if............ .".";,-.. F"!"""" tv-
I lliU iilaiii p
"" " Plowing
U'a wUh all h(iiMiin
relnovetl hi- llfti.ii.r Li
Inn tho entire UiMimi imni
una wiiiiui
ve niiKru.. J.Ni i. w. OILItKltT.
Just Received
For our
We enn show you n greater variety of Patterns, and sell them for 1
Money than you enn buy elsewhere. The only House In the city
that carries n complete line of cnrjcU la the
void m
Also have a rcw line of
Riiogli& Dressed Luniber
Laths nud Shingles. Cull on us and wive money at our varH i.,
iJ&ih-i,''.:: "
'r.'iCA'iDna L':::
! Mil IT-T. IU Ul
S3. SDLftSit
m - it r"iL-i., r. 7-5l
X&r ., A-rwwVvIN
m rt
jrfZZ. 'Sy,
JSl&'r -. m
Tr c-j- VvJ!
Going! Going! Going!
What's xomr''. Tluif-e fine 1 1 en tin j? Stoves of K. .M
WADE .S: Co's nnd if you sire in neeJ of one you hud liet
tor call and t'Xii'.ninu thi'in lofore thty are all gono, for
they air, withtiot doubt, the finest ever placed on our
floors in the citv, and thev ure jjoiiin eery day.
K. M. WADE&Co.
A(!iutH Charter Ouk Stove anil Jlnngw.
Is Oflrrin a l-arge, 'Veil Grown Slock ef
Small Rruit.
At Low Prices.
ing Winter
C'utulogue (nud I'rlci-I.iht free.
Si! Down
Are lulercKted
rented in .vour m'.V nnd
nleri-Ht you it. '"uu
to I
H. IT -
That Means 1'usiness. Cor.
lv 0 j vHHmH
Geo. G. Van Wagner,
Iin ut received a Hue Htock of
Paper and Picture Mouldings, Lounges and Mattrasses
Picture framing done tfilh care and neatneM
I'lttluiTH. Mirrors, Mouldings, "raes, Artists' lfaterl1,
aTeiiii, Swing., Ktap, Lw
Woolen goods just opened,
t i
.' Jj;.iii-.irf - 4W,.
iuw jmztr-?t
r rr
" rWjV '
'J -
Apples a Specialty.
Addresmir cull on WIRT BROS.,
Oniee ail! Cmmercinl atreet, Balem.
aud Tliiiili.
have uu Immense stock of Furniture
hW uu. We Iwve tt uew motte:
Com' and Cliftmcketa Streets.
Who do A
illflH (if
An Cheap n nny Laundry id
the Countrv Unlnir White B'IP
uud doli.K tlrst-cluw work.
arl.ndleti nud patroim Invited
lo li.Mieet our prooeM of doluf
230 Liberty Street,
ui OwiytBf
...s- s -
Ttilt JM.li JilS
Ja . r fL f