I t telegram; patches. ' MARKETS. WHKAT. Bak'Fhanoiboo, Oct 23. W6eot, buytr 90, .11.861; mmam,MMi- wamw WBlJ. CHICAGO, Oct 2.1. Close, wheat steady; oah $l.Mi JDec $1.03) l'lJMvflPluhel. CRIMINAL THE LOVER'S DEADLY CltlME. Baoramento, OcU ,23.-;On, Sun day night, aeven niHea from Walnut Grove, Antonio Donate, an Italian, waa stabbed in the abdomen by Clucba 'Donate, tbo young man fv oclvlug Injuries which may prove fatal. Away bok tn Italy, yean ago, Clnoba loved and courted a daugh ter of tbc elder Donate. The young people were greatly attachtd.w etch otber, It la aald, but the father ob jeoted to their marriage and the matoh waa broken off. Severul yean ago the old man came to Cali fornia aad lu aabortalmo the young man ieHewed, aad welt appears, decreets that" tbey sboaMVeettleWiu tlM.wnw.laeIUy. ' In the BwtJtla, tbe'dadfite'r or AsUeto, eBalrlag-flf-vef -again beholding fJlbcha, married another. (Hnobawaa heartbroken when be beard tblsoews, and when he learned that A.rtonlo had received a long letter from b'la daughter, be determined to see It. He went to the old man and asked for the privilege of reading the epistle from his sweetheart, but the father sternly refused. Pleadlugs and threats were of no avail and finally Ciuoba, In a ruge, drew a knife and plunged it into the old man's abdomen. These facts were communicated to the district attorney to-duy and he at once ordered that a eomplulut be filed, charging Clnoha Donuta, with assault to murder. a colonel Icons away with a WIFE AND $5000. -.BkkaneFallb. . Oct. 23. P. Kurse, a resident of Portland, Or., was 'ItrBpokaae yesterday looking for his faithless wile, who stole $5000 from him and eloped with a man named Wetae?.jolonel of Uulted titateslroopsat Vancouver. Four years 'ago Kurse returned ttfay.ts iila home la Portland ana found there a visitor, Col. Webner oftbeyaMewyergeverunieut troops. Xurseknew tWoelooel, for he had ,been a frequent yiMtor, but bad bee previously forbidden to' enter the beuse. Finding the iuterdiuted. (coloeel, Kurse k'lokeef -hfm ou(, sword, epautets'and all.' d ' .ver slu(4the gallant cavalier swore roveuge. Since then Kurse' never saw the aalUtary Interloper. A few weeks ago, at the solicitation of bis wife, whom he long ago hnd 'fglventorber"feadnesTor,ithe'of.i fleer, Kurse sold out his business with the iMaujloB tf jretlrliic'. t ! Last Thursday be came' borne and, found bis wife gone and bis private box rubbed of$5000.' r Iaveitigathw showed thai ihe. of, fleer was also nilwlog.' The two came to Hpokatjie and (registered at the Eagle beuse aa Mr. and Mrs. Van Beel)le;AteurM, arrived hereto day tm.tlW.triMik'tOjflud that he missed them by three hours. They have oue to Victoria. ' MURDURBD JTOR JtONBY.i, V OuiUAao, III., Oct. 23. It hns bee"lears'iBWy that "Brrnllp who waa murdered at Desplalues 'last lge)t,kad About $0,000 in ( moey.aBd iotef 'on usA person,, of " whlob.over $1000 was In cash, This afternoon the o!lce have nr- " esateelntbiiee iBsMteMaplooM nof. having murdered Brezell. They were found in tbe neighborhood Wkeeellrs Mime waa oommltteoV mm PKAXMI KEED . .PKHOUTINO IOWAN8. Cedar Bawds, Iowa. Oct. 23. vtmMfcsfo tb ' oar Wtbin hearing distance was Moa aeked with a throng who gave Bead an ovation. In respotise to ealls be appeared on the platform ftppUmaeand reare of laughter., BLAIiaoH.aHByARJPATK, WAaHiNiTokrb. ., Ootr as: Blalue will leave to-morrow morn ing for Vlntou, Ohio, where, fywll.l j hewlllff0tilMeipt r jrisiiKfoNy V TAKJM BY VMS SILL. , , WAMn.semur, D. (VhJ . fkNaatiy Wlndi aald this morn "I Ml Mflttttteito provlalowa to the efrabUHy, Jtaowtltutlon. J mmmd Urn .MAi,,i . !PrU lean' eVIIyliitfee IBEN SEW S.N0TES. irpe. and Canada Waiting Iff " ftr tke Vete. v A I10.1R1BLE CHIME IN GERMANY. The ATurtrian Government Do dines to Recognize a Ver bose American Control. WANT ANOTHER VERDICT WAIT ING FOR A FREE TRADE WIND FALL. Toronto, Onn., Oct; 23. The British statesman, Goldwln Smith, In illscuSMitg the McKluleyact, says Europe and Canada will wait for the re-ull of the fall elections to con gress, row alii)ofnt hand. The re sult of thorn elections will show, us fur as protectionist corruption will allow free voting, what Is tbo real tendency of American opjnlon on the subject of protection aud free trade; AN INBANE MAN'S CRIME. Berlin, Ger., Oct. 23. A retired farmer nnriiert Oast guvo to his chll dren some sweet iiints in which he placed a quantity of poUon. He then partook of the poison confec tion himself. The murderer and bis three children have died lu great agony. The other children are dy ing. Physicians say there is no pos sible clmrice of suvlng them. No reason Is known for the crime. REFUSES OFFICIAL RECOGNITION. Vienna, Austria, Oct. 23. It Is reported Unit J. Black, tl e newly appointed consul ot tbe United States at Pesth, while Journeying to ibatoltyto assume bis duties, commented publicly upon Austrian affairs in a manner which offended ,t lie government, uud that tbe gov ernment bus withheld its exequatur. AMERICAN NAVAL VESSEIJ) REACH THE PORTUGESE CAPITAL. .LisnoN, Portugal, Oct. 23. The United States cruiser Bultlmure has arrived to-duy. STATE ALBINA POSTMISTRESS. . " Washington, D. C, Oct. -23. Tbe president bus appointed Mary A. McKeuzle postmaster at Alblnti, Oregon. The office has become a prenldentlul one. FATAL COLLISION NEAR PORTLAND THROUGH INATTENTION TO SIGNALS. Portland, Or., Oct. 23. A col llatoB occurred tills morning be- ,tween two freight trains on tbe Un ion Pacific railroad neur Fulrvlew, about 14 miles from this city. En gineer Jack O'Brien, of Albiua, was kHled and William Helnwortn, flreraan, had his right shoulder crushed. Three box cars and both engines are badly wrecked. The accident is attr.buted to inattention to signals. 4 ... MliSUULLAM. BUCCEBSFUIi SUICIDE. ; Tkw York, Oct. i3. Biukely Crt'lKlitoii, a hanker of 2 Broadway, was ibis tunrnine lound dead in his offlqe, liavlui: suot bliuself during 'theuiytjL UAKKIAUE IN illUJl UIC Chicago, Out. 23. At noou Mar shall Field, Jr., sou of the grei t dry goodr Djerehunt, and MIhs Albertlna Huuk, daughter of Louis J. Buck, a millionaire bunker, were uulted in marriage by Archbishop Feehaa. IUQT IN OEOltOIA. Atlanta, Gu., Oct. 23. Only meagre reports obtained concerning the reported recent riot in Coflee couuty, as the rouble occurred home distance from the nearest telegraph office. It appears that in the riot four white men were shot down. accIdents. TKBKIFFI0:PLO3iaN IN A. OAR- TllIOOU FACTORY IN CON NKOTICUT. Bridoei'ort, Conn., Oct. 23. .One of tbe fulmlnute departments of tbe Uuion Metallic Cartridge Co. was blown up with terrible force at OaHW.ftf-doifo.causing great con araraatlo.il 'awotighe ,000 employes in the main factory. Geo. JJuker and son Fred W., were employed lu the departmental the time. A moment before the expNelou the saVhecanuf Jfrlgliieueti and left the plaeel The. latlier was blown to atoms, and the body scattered In every .dlreetjon. The explosion sbaUerM k Targe quantity of glass in tbe main building and on the op posite aide of tbe street. The Great Najerilr OfcW8ofrofnlaanii''otlior blood dlWaare hereditary, nnd'tberor aro dlrfloult to cure. But wo wlah i ntuin in the liliiet noxltive, em nlaa.lA ninillllr tllllt liixid'e :inm arllla ilneK cure I 7. ...... 'PfiAi niisMl ,.r-r t ...:.... .-,.w..i in scroluln CUID BUMIIHin every. n(t evuro cattes, Uto terrlfiie'fur rlsMurlutlon. have .vloUled, to this -meimine wkeii .ainothera hlod In W 0. Hood ganauarllla. v rl HrbksvW's'lUi'aaMe awllnr n?. Tb-.. jriMajre amw ESBKrsn aannaw.'"' .?."::" ,,v.,r-,i 7 niiM -?TT.iT.v: . I. ...Inn Nn arrlDIDV R'."."" , .V.-1".'.; 7.7 i I u VHP ipptiw. .u....f jl.ik BMd. h lMpVfrt 'siifetr. ,.ut.,r'"T lull it. iw .. ---' .i: I aaMtt aa.ap)NUw, (W.WJ S" HOTEL ARRIVALS. The following arrivals are regis tered for the last tweaty-four heurs: "the Willamette." cook hotel. ou wivei,,rainesvHie.'Vf js R T Bingham, FredSMetfger, George O. Seara, Jb Vhiteiey, Jno H Handy, T C Lounsbary, II B Nicholas, H U Northrup, G.fi Caukiu, Portland. MIhs Flora Mtwn, Miss Hattle Miller, Mrs E Irvine, Albar-v. "Lewis D Joiies, Turner, ? J E Clark, C E Clark, Lebanon. F N Lathrop, Boston. , . OGodhold, PoHMBoiitbO. F Oweus, JS Hlrshorn, Jns. A Dixon, Max Abrahams, Ban Fran cisco. L H McM'ohan, Woodburlf. Edmund V Church, C F Kretch mer, JD Keilly, Mike Hunt, Cbl,' cago. ' Frank Bcdle, Walter Yockston tiacramrnto. S !Rbmer, New York. i red 8. Meeker and wife, Puy allup. W H Bowles, Ag't Clara Morris, . Y. W A Gilbert, Chas E Biobsou, Eb Jorgcuson, Julius Frledland, L Cob lcutz,.Leo Wassermau, Portland. D Boss, Sun Francisco. '" COOK HOTEL. , O Elyrum, C A Homan, C C Foi led, C F Follett, C )V, Uuupt, B i-icscuttnau, Portland. Jus Whitney, A E LaRoque, Buttcvllle. VH Long and wife, Chehalis. C H Allman, Butte i;ity. W W Mnoie, Alblna. ChusLaFouutaln, St Paul. W T Grimm,- Hwbhardr-? C L Miller, Stockton, CaL 'O C Brewster and wife Mrs E White, Wash. f ' ' M Tipton, Boeeburg. During the next decade we may expect prosperity in Oregon such as has not been witnessed for many yeiirs. From the trend' of public sentiment it may be' considered cer- taiu that the natrul resources will be developed and the water-ways openedlto the producer. The era of mossbackism is past, and tbe future will display a unanimity of senti ment regarding everything which will tend to advancement, Dulles Times-Mountaineer. SiritEME C0UKT. Salem, Oct. 23. '90. On motion of H H. Northup, John U. Handy was admitted upon certificate from the supreme court of Ohio to practice in all tbe courts of this state. Abe Meier et al, respondents, vs. Peuumbm Kelly et al, appellants; appeal from Multnomah county; argued and submitted. U. H. Nortbup nnd H. B. Nicholas,- att'js for reap. Sidney' Dell, att'y for app. In tbe matter of the partnership estate of Win. Beck & Bon. apps., vs. J. A. Strowbridge admiustrator, resp.; apial from Multuoman coun ty; argued aud submitted. E. B. Williams fur app. W. B. Gilbert for resp. Nrrer Fails. Dr. E. S. Helden: I have beesva contsaut patron of your Ethreal Cough Byrup for many years, and have never know it to fall in coughs aud bronchial disorders.-, . E..R. HTOCKWEDli, Steckton. Large size $t. tiiuall 60 oeuU. For sale by all arugglsts. , Forty-lire Tears Bondage. Genu: For forty-rive yarn! have been afflicted witb blood poison, liver and rheu matic dlttlcultles. fiirtofi'ie'tlme con fluen to my bed. My blood was badly dls- eaed. mix .bottles r uioonrps norumaiia Byrup did uie more cock meaicines j iiavi- iurvu us d It and in every ;e ii mis proven. wonderful lem-dy. I Have known ofm. Wnnderful cures of dyspepsia und neural- eln. Mrs Mury Blddie, itcnellville. low .i.. . .. ..T -.I. . , miicm uHvruDi and piHuters are remedies of great merit I .believe they. liiuouru s nueuiiiuiiunru have no caual In the cure ol rbnumullsm aud all' bluod diseases. . Dr. H. Helcoard, Druggist, Mltcbellvllle. Iowa. Tbe spring Is tbe time to lake Hlbbard's Rbeumuilo Syrup for the blood, For .sale by smith a bteluer. ClUtJOB. tn the county ecnVri of the sUt? .of Oi gou, for tbeoiiuty of .usrlou. In tbe mattered -the estate). , ' of ' VCltUoDf. . HainuelA. Keel, Dcceasedj , ToallbelrsHndnextof-kla of aald De. cedent, and to all others, known or un known, Interested In saMesiwte. . UltEKTlNUt In tbe name ot the Hfctts ofOregou. You are hereby cited and re quired to appear In the (Xiunty Court of the Htete of Uregon,- Jor the County of Muiioo, at the Court Koon) theieof, at atlein, In the County of Marlon,on Monday the 3d day of November WO. at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, If ny the .be, why. an order should -rot be mae awboruing, emuowenng sua aiimwuK. ie kuui tmtor ol said estate, to sell tue seal propesty of Mild estate which U 4esrlbed as fol lows, to wit: Tbe tiorw-hidror tbe nunrtor. and hits No.'s 1 and tof M ?.. .i l n v u. ttfiSLt. ldlap, In tbe ciiupiy .of Mai-biu, BbiU of lg.-J.VfB. n.i,. mmm ,. uregon, cnuuiivios ww, wm(iu nr lam. savlnc and exoeullac small tn iimraar. de.iirlbed As follows, to-wlt: Ii rinniiiirati. uulnt la tbe.eeatar of the riiunty road, leading from the town of Mebamn, where It crosses tbe line between T 9, a. It's. 1 aud a, East- Thenr wstW font, thence south .to the .bauk of ' las North Hantlam Klver,' tswnee ea.t to tsw above described township llae, theaes norl b to tu place of beglaiag, v , , . . Witness, tbe Hon. tvflilamAValdo.JbdM of thet'ouutyCoi'rtof theHtate ofUrecou.i rortheOouBtyofMartooiWlttathe HealoH said court aaixedy mis isiy r-uotooer, -I ukai. H ''" HAMOOK, Clsrk. mxwk iVkrWjBsp-; SI 'm OlissVarl ktads'jsitfs sJ IIIIXMACMIUWY,J.I 7 J! ' P1.AHIN Mltliaj ''J vumivitc r IT )jtrAXi ,.iv vruwms, rvifimn, and siieelal sastlMS jl ay sts-ls v. pat- urn made la sJasM.oeder, ssaajsih ad avj (hLwe)nvyiiasHtoilar. "1 Ic'l'laKiMltyil Til 1 fr iFa, a 'ijea sir trauwi MHWsu..avoifSj mm apsajgp .; ss mm jswss asr sMSMMSskrsaasiHaBPMBaBa j svssisKavM ssjr W.wPSliaBs IPSSBLSSVI flSftHBl EAHQAINi- Wm4-Nfi rcw y lj J Ike fi , ; I BhMU Ci.'l I . GHz acre of open fir timber land four miles from Salem, $09 per . Twelve acres good fruit land Bl ne aere clear, $500. Forty aerea-Fifteen neres in altiTailofl, eight acre In pasture, teventeea. aeres fine young, timber five miles from Slem $1600. Inquire tif Oregon Land Corn- any, htale lusursnce building, siem, uregon .Th Chief II tor wis gteat sea Mi of Howl's SaraanartlU U tsood la tM article Itself. It Is merit that ftas, aad tat (set thxt tlcod'i SanaparllU aetaalty, s somjillsbeswh.-it Is claimed (or lt,.l wbsl hssKlyen ur this medklne a popatarltr sad tie greater than that of any other sarsspa- MerttvyinajXfiaJS hood's SirsornJ-Uli cures BefoTuls; Baa Rheum amir all Humor, ipepsls, Msfe Headache, Biliousness orercoBies Tkaf tired Reeling, creates aa Appetite, stieni ns the Nervc-t, builds up the Whole 8rtMs ml1! nana pmrllU li'sotdbraUarat intik l;sli forts. FreparedbyCL i iVi. Avotliecaxle. LowmL BIRDS Alt kinds mounted to order ALLAN RHODES, SAMnt, OltXOOK Morgan & Mead, City Draymenl All work done with nronantnessand dls patch. Only the best men are employee. ! SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All sty lex of the Famous Blnger constant ly on band; aim repairs and needles for al Kiaus ui raacame. .. BURT CASE, Ageit. DON'T YOU On tbe opening of tbe Umatilla Reserva tion and the'ssle of tbe ,lstbody of labd la, Uregon. v IK YOU riO. THEN i -Subscribe to i'i- "feais (to&xyvax The ltvepapeofJEastern.Oregon TERMS. fDlly(r?5fl(a:yea'-.MJXCrorHljt months Jmnl-Weekly, IISI a year; fl K for fix monthn; Weekly, f 1.75 a jrenr, fl.OO for six months. r- i .EASTOREGONIANPub. CoM- A t 'i PdletoD, Oregon. Ji. ,T NOMCE if To Mv Patrons SSA want to bePosted? ll?fr IndVrliivJ "-' HAHHUl, alra Express .wagons U uyhf fSSJ&y" r "n W ivo.bV'found pn comer ''..?'" i'Jv?nl8urtrand BosamerclHl'streets.Fljeuve all .iviirtr,nd (i,mBierelH7strets.tuve all rndtl05 eery store, 1UQ Court street. All orders prompUy attended to. i dl M. T. RINEMAN SSAUSB IK Staple and .Fancy Groferics, "Crockery . aiswirv ilHipf, iXVnoden and Willow ware. Allklndsof mill feed. Aim vegetables and fruits Jn ihelr reason; "Hlgbest'r'rice psrd for country prudaee." We solicit a share of your iiatmnage, y-e i ids oiaie sixeec H f, i mMM THE WATCHMAKER, ' 21XCwr.erlISL, Wns,0rli. ' " (Hext 'door to Klein's.) aasciaUs- of apecioel'. and repslrlna flk-jkejtobesaadjswrirj, ' . j.M vT,T J sASS. m.i.a ,i)B Zmmm s- fillflM, Hlill-I llssmnUlifUsUt.V'VI IUJI lt -i fiiS-JLf.-v' J -. mm$tt- mmmsm pro?. -v ti ?4 "vi'VIt 'MstUVK ar.' nMmmwuM.a. woi ' 'The Cook yotbt'ts' opposltr court houae uaitv (Si-w lajtw a oy. aoonromg so KoM1 syeelaf'XerBH bearders aad ilniTlv'.",) ' '- -'', Of o4 at ear atore! We carry a full line f SFroosfUv, feed. erorkerr, f huwware, el- BJU tAsBsAsBBta JsVlsiWsMlBsBSIUiltJKAlV tysssra! swaisssv vnsiv sjsafHirsBssBsBva j $ iuao t. T.rJWfHROWp, Mo. sst Coasaesl BL, Balesa Iht TZ r-7, r? i) .. -I lK it- A tstVi i IfJl (in BURTON BRO uXamr ad. St. .?rU. faaMNs. a mt enaaiwr or hsms .ttwnwcTin y. l' i BRICK j.rt iiWIWcBriMIe MURPHY & OESART, gateemn to D., Naob.bave a well wtjib hed Brick and Tile factory m Nortk "lem, ttemr tha fair sroasdii, and are pre a red to furnlKh flrnt-clMa brick a?d ill bort nottve. J MmplMof ilrlcicorilliMcnt nVe to (my point dexlred, nn Dhort notice. Onderacnn or. ion. vim jim. rmnouro, no stale utreel, where sample can be seen. HAw WHAT ISA TUBULAR WELL? Be Sort to Read" and Get m Other A cenuloe Tubular well is cnnrtricted br putting down n three Inrh Iron pipe, with noopenlnghexl-eottoD and butUim. Mo dlrlcanget In mm Mtily piir wnter mn be ipmuui, inisisineoniy Kinuor wen uiai worms and Innectscuunot get lb to, that Is absolutely Kiirfuce-wnter pnmf, nnd that i. tun.-vu lurvuga mo evinent sin'tn w the pnre llvlnir WHtcr. It Ik positively She only lilnd or well that Is worth building In this country Jnnies A. KoberU, nalcm. (residence hear fair grounds) makes I bene wens terms reasonable 10 10 yearn exnerl- ence. n.-ii-im-a-om-'W 10 Acres for Rent. A choice tract only one mile from Salem Terms liberal Apply tn HOFER BROS., Journal Office. DIssolation of Co-partnership. The co-partnership n-latlon heretotora existing between U. W, Hcrlbcr and II. "oh e under tbo firm name of Hcrlber A PoUlhAn this duy b-en .nutunlly dls solved and nrlthe. party hits nny right o hereafter Incur uny ludebtedncss on ac count ol said firm. Dated ut sulem, Mar. Ion Co., Or. October th, Ifeua U.W. HCRIIIBR, ll.POUL.G., Nonca-All pernons knowing them, elves Indebted to tbe firm or scriber A Vohle piease call nt the ofllce ni Moores itlllvpV and settle at once. Those having lalmsiigalnstsald Arm present them at the Phtne place. I0.9.4W SCRinER&lX)Ul.E. FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS A Founded irr 1877. 000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE, Vnd the finest ever bred on tbe I'aclflc Coast. Book your order early for choice selections. iend Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M, GARRISON, 10:ll-dw Forest Grove, Oi egon. CALIFORNIA rOSITlVEi, I V " .. . BBB.r SSSSl BlsWx. dm -ssbw s mmum1 PATIDDU UURES AhenmatlHm, Nenralgia..Corns , HEADACHE, And ALL PAIN. Tat Osllforsls Fosltivs snd Htrstlve KZ.EOTRIO COUOH OURI cunacoiDt, croup. coNtuunion. 111 ly all Droggl.ti. Esoh 2Bo, COo 1 Oreaslnger m Co , Prep's. Los Angeles, OaL, THE J RUNS Fast trains 3 with rullman VestlhuU Li,w us room sleepers, dlnlut ears and touiuesi.i i.Miaiu.nl.D, between t'tilcugu tnd Milwaukee and at. fuul and Micnc tpolls. Kast Trains with Pullman vestlbulod Jrawlng room sleepers, dining cars and ooacbes of latest design: between Chicago nd Milwaukee and Asnland aud Uuluth. 1'hrong.b Pullman vestibule drawing room and colonist sleepers via the North ern Pacldo railroad between Chicago and Portland, Or. Convenient trains to and from Eastern, Western, Northern and central Wiscon sin points, affording unequaled service lo ind from Waukesha Fond du Loo, Onb-Aiwb.-Neensb. .ilenesha, i;hlppewo Fiilis, tCau Claire, Hurley, Wis., and Ironwood ind Bessemer, Mich. For tickets, sleeping .car reservations, timetables and other Information, apply o agents anywhere In the United Htates or Canada. . H AINH1.IK. Qen'l. Mgr Milwaukee, Wis. Uen'l Trafflo Mgr,, 8t, Iaul. H.C.BAIILOW. TraflloMgr., Milwaukee. Wis. UlljISKOKrti'EIN. Ass'tOen';Pass'r andTktAgt, Mllwao 'keSj Wis, L S. SKIFF ft CO., Dentists, Wear Optra Houie, iumv Salem, Or, THE YAOOINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development com any'i Jss time than by any otnei loule. Flnl cuus through passeuger mid freight lips steamsni mine, xa nines snorter. M noun iron t'ortiano ana un poiuui iu ma vyi. lamette vallev to and from Hau Kranotsco '.TIKE SCHEDULE. lExcept Bunoays). Leave Albany ...r-r liOOPIll UaveOorvallU 'ltr ft Arrive Yaqulna &.'PM Leave Yaqulna ........ KM A M Leave Oorvallls . . . . 10:86 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 A X O. C. trains connect al Albany sua Oorvallls.' The above trains connect at YAUUIN.t with th Oresron DeveloDment t cos LIS ume-iisninsneiwern laoinna uu r r'ttiBoisao i j , SAIUXfl bATIH, ' sdcamxkh. ruoMTjirimaA Fasllos, Friday, ... -June fi Willamette Valley, Tuesday....... July willamelu Valley, Thursday ' t vstnuioB, 'i uesnay ...... -.. .- , aTCAMsaa. ruoa sam jtuaWciboo Willamette Valley, KrJday., .June Parullon, TuesduynJl: . July 1 WIlTamelte. Valley, Buday... .." Farailoo, Tbursday 1 ". W WjAlamulte Valley, Tuesday...... ' U . This uiwupaay. nsatrvea tbe right la ewagre senilis swees viiuuui Novice. naer from Portland and al' Illaiaeite ' .lie poiau nay poiau) eua makeuKsM rl tii the; 'train- of ttu aoaasottea , IAUU1NABOI UTI K at Albany irUarvaUts audlf destined to Hau Kl indeoo, should arraawtoraiTsai xaqaina tbe.evealaf bew4M(eof sallluf.. (; f 77tr tef rr7lM;IUlM IsMtjs, Hror lufornuilloo Apply VOCmaN i Ox, Freight C .. llWSJUit. to BLsssts AN i Ox, Freight and TMa JMaadisalFfoatM., Portland. Or., C.O. MOUOW'Ae't Uea'l Fn. A fAvfeia, ' tUaoesaaar ' Sa OiasnsT nsvTiioDak' suatmer eiiearslons Inw rate UekMs s. wm uvw iiiio wot amm mahimwmi THE STATE STREET STATIONER. Next Offers Great Inducements for MTSCFLLANEOUa BOOKS, BCHOOIi BOOKS, PLAIN and COLOltED H(3HOOL ORAYONH. l.Pin PWNi'tiH np From 10 (o 20 per cent " IE RECTOR MEADOW ID HI llSl , i-...,. 3i,f ft; 'A Four Miles From Salei'tte Hal'llrSil iv One Thousand acres of aa line land aa there la In the northwest, divided suu nun mime, j unc nun iw un x inoi a jjhx. arr now puuxa wu to $100 per acre one third cash, balance on time with Interest. HMj r.... ... n-t.. a... a. ... No Better Opportunity for In a small way has been offered to nionins in improvements in tne immediate vicinity or tnis tana, wnue svuuo a4vsaaaj wfe luifjV eituwHusjivi tuwuvj t aaa s-rw Mann y A Free Ride to and From to any one wishing to see or invest. Call at WILLIS Court St, Sales, Aits, fcr Plats, Descriptiti aid BAY Tillamook connty, Oregon, is located at tb bead of dsfp water oa TillamookBay.. Ths bri.a,pai4. .io naneeit bv Guvemmeiit rniHnMis. nna of thsbslsst and bfs lorth of tha Qoldrn Gate. Eiahtv-fohr'ctaaBian anlvisij sast- if prtd from here during tha past ytsr, Ti lamonlt n.lnntv Is Wroi.r thsn ilia nv nniinlv linnn lliA Pti-ifli. iviakt. Ansla(ln QJiiiig, Etc, E'o. 4 t. j , .,vr i 4."-t' BAY C1TV is the only plaos in theonenty where a onmmercia eitr en be built.. ExteoiiTft1 lmprCTepiBl ,ose . si-tingof wharves, d-oks. wartbi'uses, bnlldinK-, Etc, are itesdilv beinrRiade. TfcU'ia aoyw;wricV'!aa?i.TItile'aawTu tot maps, oircuiais, prices, n.:c, can oa The Oregon Land Co., -with Home Ice (In the State Insurance Bulfdlng) and branch offices in Portland, Astoria and Albany, Haa for sale a large list of Grain, Stock aad Fruit Farms; also City and Suburban Property. Tbe Oregnu Land Co, waa especially organized for tha purpose, or buying and sub-dividing lurge tracts of land, and has during the past two yjtara bought and subdivided over 8,200 acre Into Five to twenty Acre Pareelr The success of tbla undertaking la shewn la ike feet that out of MQ tracts placed un tbe market, 236 have bees aeld. We elalna tkat tea aaeas ot choice laud in Fruit , 1" Will Yield a Larger Income than 160 acre of wheat lb tlie MMmmpbI VaJ imprpvemetits Id the way or roane, cau aeu a smau tr"i or laaq wr me i kaye to pay for a large tare. Send for Pamphlet - k . . IK' . t -r-ssmssmmmmmmmummMmmmmm IT JWiJUlll IiuIIMmIvI Largest Stock? of Try jp p -'JwdliwB ' on Aim THBaa-irOuaTHSMtijjiJHS.! ,', W,tm FmM Trees. M,u6 Heyal Am Okanw, W.M Karlv L'rawfiNPsI Peaak. e 0hMmmifim a Aaftea " ""i"pi"prsp1 Mr W y v 7' fWiawf oalmi rm jBsHtii, J. H, SfHliHIER, Door Btishs ' ' J ' !' & FANCY STATIONERY, PLUSH and LKATHEB PHOTO AUTOUBAFH ALBUMS,, , . . ,. , t p'- ' INKS OF'ALLCOLMmV;t ' ' V ' "?? ii.T. nniTiira BtJRAP BOOKS. ' JUVENILE BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, LETTER TISSUE PAPER, can. be Saved by Buying your State street Book Store. CALL, AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES v-mcam n.T.i ... . i. a .. the public Thousands' dollars will &-CHAMBE Rill rT:rrrr WITHOUT 1 HB KXPKNSK OK A PILOT OR TUO? "; J " WUv . stmt nff TIaUwaia xA twitfM AS Isrffa u. Rhiwlil ilslsrill. m!Kf'?taa.l-l)taatt -ast"-' nt ARlBfiM nrairla. Imnui fni ssls f.f or saarses las ssi ui x uuiu lu., oaiem,- urtgoo. ir vxrtft i- IU- I. i. 1 0 V ,,y - WealaaaaakevaliiaMe waari aw tie ku JW SW Hsftej, faneeei ete. We yew wowra and Price-list, -M vKe i - ".fr tr pgjPvnsV t WWmW IT ,,fewit-l Salem Oregoii, 4 '111. li. SjMBIsMsuasw. i fJJ2ssASssi7'' r UsaasrEevaaBsHaSHsSL Wmdtoa, '-4 . . i Al mw&? T V rf "V i LMJi 'UxJIF,- Bank: . -. the Purchasecr '. A . .' 'f r '.Wv: ALBUMS, t 1 T jit I if . ' ' a , h A PILfiS, 'Xl. v .r . LEATHER GOODS OF ALL KIND , Books and Sfaiioneiyaf tte & 7. A W i $ rAif . . -Hi-, t L &tiai luto one hundred .saaa ', r '-. ?"..., yjdviWt'M&Ptk ;l - - -j. .. :r..'w .. il lHM5L-' 'M iuc uiaxaei. raugjiuK Ju is . '.r((,'.- . -.i-a - t -J- i: 'ii m vmt. .ml'. Investment It. &$( be expended JwlthlB.the 'aei iM," upon me truct itseit,jiB. tqei.way or tie Place'. tbe office of -iit fcriier parireilir?::J:'. , , ji, wm- t v ..A fin tiluir. -ntluiAiva.a at fi. IAm.- uMiaam J . -;t Uij fr-v . DU6AN BROS ' "Be mmm ''iWt .n )' w hi wHm sea CpxnmareUri .xJ t rt t jiTiDsslsrisVi, .wr a i. Stf3amiar PI biGoodiH lUireisv'lroateae Hewer aaarMta Oat ' Chimney Wi, suj. t ? &sf ? ' mmjn - i o JOH. ALUKRT.' Ait: . IMI... 0. . CheapesV -Neatest -Ifiiill SQHOMAKER'S - COMBINATWItl . hllVW -- v'- I I make anA put op all htaaasi anU country i UtVrayiwiiwbeJ - H.kCHeiMKaKI slwWB wIsFWyr sgrW4 HPHPsp 1 Opea to thepuWtei" - jewk (. asxei: Csa Fraoclsoo. II IU asealatKO wltataachuiaast Btetie vaaer, v A i. WAGNER, y 4 Kft V',f'-t'J .,',", ?,., .. tl III ,ls.s.ji v bt. . v'JJ Hv ' tJ4 turith'ri net, i. i-i f 5.Ki. . U,. '" TfI II I.'' r,'f ' W Mdatl v v rir uW.'mM "" '?." '.'.fivv1.' ' " ""Vm V eiiliu.'LrJ'.'iv- ' Ji4S9 7i- .v . 1 'a' .' A)! aaa sag asv vsaa. "- vsvi i BaaspsssssM ,v-7. i.. saaa