- 't faWW''" " s M m mm mv Mm mm mm WI ssa m ffili VXtVaH Uk usmii i sl rM , tli4 i Mii.15yK Hi BS't swi a noitsc Tvno can talk. Everybody ha heard of a " horwj Uueh. tut who La ever icon an cqulno Killed with the poirernf srtwch? Pucli au nnunal would bo pronounced a miracle: but so would the tel:j:raph nnd tho teleph-jr.o a hundred rears aro. Why. even orv re cently n euro for consumption. Tftilcn la universally aeknowledyed to hn eorofiila aflrctlDR tho lunst. would bavo lien loo ted uponasmlrncuiii,s.hutnonTeorlari t RlnntnB to reallie that the dltem" 1' no in curablo. T)r. l'i'rce's GoMeu Jlc.!Uai Dis covery will cure It, If taken In time nnd Fircn ft fair tr.'al. Tita worM-renovned remedy will not make new lunjr. but It will rwtom t!!s-a-d ones to n healthy t tate when other means law e failed. Tiio.ianiu pratefullr testily to this. It U the n.ort pottnt tonic or Mrrnrrth-rrjtoriT. nitcra tire, or tiloo.l-cliHnscr ta.d nnlritite, or flesh -builder, knorrit to medical sslejco. For Went Lung-.s S-ittiusrof Iiieo, li-.in-chltls. Athma, Catirrh in the hi' end all IJn;trtnjr Couirhs, It U ar : iptitled reined, lu d;ri.itt'nent of ina i oh, liver nnd boweij. its Int'l-wini.. or 11t Ipsi. I.l'.loufov o- " I. er Coir rlilnc" Chronic I);?rrhta. and kindred nUrscnw, It u u sovcreuro rmtuv. "Oolden lledical :.Ueovery"U thi only nedlcine ot its Him. M by drutr?iU, i.nder a prluted sntatanteo, from the manufacturers, that it will bnent or cure In o cry owe of disease tor 'which It l ree cinmcmlcd, or -n.iney Jaid lor li will be, promptly reJunded. Copyrleht. 1SS. by Wer.:.rrs Ills. SI is. JLSST. .i3t( v.-.' i,- ti,0 irftr.facii.r. "- of I)r. Sa7c i rt'rrh KmeUv, for in lu.-urabtu &u.-c Catarrh in tin llcul. LEAPING PAPER DFTHE Vl -- .i " -mt, . .-ii i .. BJrMFlC COAST Slato UoitrJ of Horticulture. Ed. Jouknai.: Ymir nrtlclf with thi uluivo liL-tuHiiir, In Tliunihi,lij Issue, lilt t lie Wiiiting uiiil ho B'iiure y on tilt; licutl Hint I mil templed to furulsh some fuels u '" "- liltory, to nIil the Uliileisliiiuliiig of llii sutijeet. Two years ugo I wiiNiipuiliitiHl by the ijtute Hiirtli'iilturul .-ocletv its oueof Its ru rt-ontiitlvi's to beetiru the jiuss-uBe of a l.iw to create a tatL board of horticulture, ami provide menus for preventing or destroying fruit pests. I luut lint civen inueh attention to the subject, but knew that Iniect pets eulited Iiiiiik'Um (luiniige in Culiforniu ami took for granted the nertlon that the. would beasdetiiiuelital to Orenun. Myself a fruit ciuwur, and deepl.v hitwesteit peiouiially, I euteied zealously Into the eauM. Alter hard woik the bill fulled in the linu.-e, but the Oregoiiiau, with which 1 wus then eoniieetid, cxpntis-ed out -Idc, and published iimmiIiIol; edlto riul that nieii.Urs have told mo ve cured the rt consideration and pas suae of the bill. The past-age of tin bill has been eiedileil fiivatly to niv labors, anil I certainly tiseil everv efl'ort in its favor, mid wnsdcl!htei. al its pussujic. It ix-uitiiiit.il to test its workings and I must ciiiu.-- that when tin present state board ot hortieuituri was appointid I Uuikicl for fuvor able results. Your remarks are just for the board of horticulture has ei. peiuled JTOiiO ami aeioniplished in reliable or valuable resillls. ll luis beeu a gross and lamentable failure. 'General" Varn-y has shown him self a round the slate, and looked wise, and talked wondrous wi.ely, but I am positive that he has dont no good. The "bulUtius" Issued have all been borrowed, g,-neiull.. from text hooks oueuti inoki y, and often Iioiii the eNpeneoi e of Calnor ilia's s-cieiitil'u: troii Arower. Asa fruit ylowcraud juiirnullst 1 say, plainly and wiihoutmiy cali-i f .r prejudice, save what the wholi sale tadurcof our"b.,aid ot hurtieul iiiru" has made eviileiil, that ever. Highcit of all in Leavcninj Powor. U. S. Gov't Report, A ' 68o Ro4vl i i Baking Powdet THE cnitONICl.t: ruilii with Uu srtual wtpartrs In the United staut v,;r,Tno.nz,r TOE CHItilNICLErs T'grDhie Uepont ars u uini taa mm t ttiuthle, smm ABSOLUTELY PURE KSsctmmiau THE ODELL . TYPC WRITER. I 1-m will buy tlie Odkit, Trr. WtttTrn villi TNeliiniii'terK.niKKIS rnrtlio Hi.noib I'AsKODKM.. Wiirrntitril Ik do heller work tlimi utiv niiielilnii iimile. It mimiiiiiri-Miufi.K I ri Willi Dl'KAUtU m, m'kkii, Hash m (i:hatiiis, xeari liiimor wiili'itit eiisi ofiepiilrini; tluin Hiiy 'olliir tiiiicliini- IIiik no Ink rlhhim to I bother llu'iiiKiiilor. It Is unit, Mlli-lmi- ' ttiii. nickel plmeil, porlirl nnd mtuplrtl to nil kliulsiil mm willliik'. I.Ike it prlutlUK fre , It pimfiiceK stiMrp, eletin, leitlhlo iiiiimivrlt. Tn or leu copies run bo iniiiieiit ononrlluiR Any luleltlRi'iilpcr- mii em tieiiiinnnii npenitor In two itu - i W iMilter lltvu In uy operator who cult eipiul tho work of tlie DuUui.K Camk Ulll- l.f.. have kod polKton. nnd I cU hoe echo .1, etc., exclusive of state tux. Is B.H"!VMnanKi,nA.ilVAi.i?S?M WMU' men," whereupon she went ut the almost 13 mills t.u the dollar. deputy with the hoe nnd Mr. JD., lusiead of u load of wheat, I m I to be eanled away. People will be that desperate In nine cases out of ten before spring. Other had a threslng machine and it big cangof mer all day long and when night comes would not have 100 bushels. Threshers have to lie paid. Men who are followiuir the machine are trying to earn it Tew dollars to bridge the chnni be tween novr and next harvest and iuut be paid. The best w'heat here does not weigh over 53 per bushel; ats are pooror than ever before known, barley Is merely nothing, 4ii(l flax, what theru is of It, is very good hut yielding only irom huh to live bushels per acre. Our whole democratic ticket is Ikely to be elected uud all ou nc--ouiit of the democratic omiriidatiB pledging themselves to take the of. tlccs for a salary of flOOO n year, which I- a saving of about fCUOU to "lm tax parent of Dickey county. The men are all equally mutinied md good responsible fanners so the armerh who will still vote the repub lican ticket in our county election loes it ut a cost of about one-half of his taxes, which amoilutB to about t0 ou a raw- quai ler section. XUKTII PACIFIC NEWS NOTES. lt IAAl 'w th fallen ajid tpiclest, and lu JtditorUls from th -" . p ua ,u w, tUUIlir. THK CimONICLE bu lwj been, and always will b the fr nd and champion of the ptople aa apinlt comhlnatlom. cliques. e rp rations, or oy preaalonsof any kind. Jt wlu U indapendant ta yaxyUUax, ctatral in nothing. JSa BgtfMvips 1 1 1 i le-o) has been Wasted. It may b )i ilhle that Mr. Whitman, o lacksou couut,, has icx plained somi things peculiar to sjouUhtu Oregon bat all that has been told and retold concerning pes is that attack liurti culture in C'ulifornl.i. When nil is said and done the pjsts ofourseetlon are the "Codlin Moth" and the Plum and Peach Borer. Concerning these, I have repeatedly told the public, for years back, that the apple worm must lie held in check by arsenical spray ing, and the borer miHl be dug out and the trees painted with some of fensive mixiiue they will not en counter. Since the law went into operation (and 1 doubt It leally ever ditl) J have had rea-on toiegrct the success of the only lobuy work I ever en gaged in. As you so we.l txplain, no new thing has been told, and no good has been done. If there was ever anything to do, tills board has not done it. If cajablo f any good, its action fai: to prove it. At tlie iires-ut tune my ii tercets From tho fo'towlug unique nolle of susHuslon received at this ulllce, It ! presumed that the I.exlugtun i llildgtt will hereafter be ciiiolltd mnoiig the Oiegon paiH'rs that were, but are in t: Tim Itest Man In the World. Well. If not poiiihelv the boil, one of ho wle-t Is lin wlm iliccks ilWratu nt lln murt In Ins own bv-U'ii. In pieerliuoi re-.toriin; Ih" lintvt n-Krnuleil clli of iimltli lie ile erv-s prnlountl ennlderii tlnu. IIIh wxiiuiple Ii wnrtlix to lm Imi tated. Tin' complaints uliii It ntllit ui lire In rp'l iiltnliiiliible ton wnnt nf tone m t li' Ktmtl.uli, lllu'r Inlieiflit or liillli-lul Ii nur-elM-K upon tlinU uilieli iiliu-ul lis lit'Sltnry of I lie rood that hIiouIiI iiourltli im. Wliiitislls reiiiiliemeutKluiiiIveis'll)? A w liiile-.inm- tunic None mi pnoil. If v relc upon experlimce itml tetllllou', ni llo-tlettcr'K Moiniicli llittem. lliiumllcii led Mlliiuhillls won't do. ltectilntliiu, nt wi-ii us uivigiiriiiiiin oi toe uieitte i. eeni, Is not to be tilicleU uv Hit m-. i 1. ... i. ,! ..r .. -.... i.i- ' li-iti;l iiic iiKi'l, ill IIC 'MlllllliI'lllV n iuiiu. strt-uiitliiil ilieenllre nysteni l- re ttt.Mii lied..d)-.pep,lHiind bllii.unnesHoter-eiiuu-, MiilHtial, kidney, lilmiiler mid iliuenmllc coiupl iIiiin are etndhuted by tills military reliirmer of 1 I iiealtli. ''nriMtinililel ulMne liii'onenienla. Ac, adln-w li)i:i.I.TVrKVI(Il'KltCM., ii nut s', "illi Ate. ClileuKo, III. Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG, 271 Commercial Street. SALEM IRON WORKS. 0. I). MUTTON, Prop. nislluit-t or nil klndi. nuidc to ordnr. JIII.I. MAC'll!Ni:UY, IM.AXI.S'tl MILLS, DiltNll'IV, MirrAi. rttoNTs, W1IKKI.S, l'tll.I.KYB, .mil special castings oi mi) tyle or (tt tcru made in -limit nrili-r, Ntnootti and re liable In ee particular. Ilqiair any Jlacliincry in Short Order. 'litiulntt liilit-i, onjlne-i, hop preea mil Imp -tiiM-liiilll. w III iiuiki-tMlnmK-. in uu Inni wort neeiliil. Unod price imhl lor old Iron. 4-ls-l su FRRSH MILK. Capita! Dairy Co. A J. I'.tlrilillil, H. .1. Kelly nrd are prepiiri to deliver flieth milk cooled on tee, to any arl of thu city. Lv.i eordernat Mlnio.t liHiv'MHlnhte. THK NEW CHRONICLE H nuiLDiNa, THE DAILY, Bx Sta't, I'os'aze Paid, ONLY 6.70 A YEAR The Weekly Chronicle the Greatest Weekly in tho Country. TnE WEEKLY CIIUONICr.K, th oiott brtl Uant aA completa Weekly Nawipaper In tha werld, pib.u regularly 70 columni. r aiht pr, ot Newv, Literature and General Information; alao a magnificent AplcultaraJ Utpartmanl. 1.50 For ONE YEAR (IuciudJnx poitJUfo) to any pirt of the Unit tautes, CanadA and Mcxlca SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. DO YOTJ WANT AITY Ol- THI GEEAT PREMIUMS The Weekly Chronicle ? READ THE LIST: KollPrloa. portlnc Ontflt and Weekly one year ..... H 7J Mawlnc Machine and Weekly uni yajr .MM 2 03 Wlneheiler 4-callbr UIQa and Weakly o-ia yer. . .... .. It K Tantt Hllle, ii-cailtitt, and Weekly one yeai.. . . .. . 4 90 Flatol and Weekly one year . ........ .. . 3 00 Map of tha United SUlot. CanaU and Maxloo.and Wtiokly one er .... 2 Co Pocket Atlas and Wvekly aix mo ithi.. S3 Knlf and Weekly thru, niontha .. .. ... 7i The abora ICatet fncludo tha I'rapay. aaantof roattf oa tlie l'aper. ADDIIESH M. Ii. tie YOUNO, Proprietor . Y, I h ron Icle, HAN ntANCHCO, CAL '... ..ii :.. i....iu..h t ......i UlC till 111 ilUI llUUILUIt. J. IIIU1IUI.C i f ,., i l , , e . e .1 i ,, ., , , , . , , firty-six Inclies, six (tret from tl: all the orchard friiils kunwn here i ........ , i. . . , . , ,-, i , . , Kruutnl. It win planted in 18-ji nliupyiiAi iui ioIiuj ttltiitio i.rti iiiiu I upplt-M and pears ami de)end en tirely un my tiruhard fur my .-.tn.-cesti in earning u livinij. Tlie only t-eri-nilh jients known here are those I have named, and thoie I have this heasiiu fcucoess fully eomliatled and have no fears but I cm always do so. Then, I bay that all tlie lain o, i n lurginu this commission is folly. , Every member of It tlioukl resign because nf realizing the utter incom petency of its career s-o far. 1 As to inseuisand pe-ts, leave them to the tiewspapcrsauil the profes-.ors of tlie Ktate Agricultural C'olleu'e. If these gentlemen are competent to do their work they will be far more ellicicut than any Midi com mlesioil could be. Let the legisla ture repeal the cnuiiiii.Tiion the 'Viii of cniiimissloii" coiuiuitted by its prtdeie-Mir anil, if neces-ary, let tlu in create a chair in thu Agricul turnl College and endow it, fur the jiurposes of proper investigation ol all eutuitiologieal tpjel!ous. fc). A. Cl.AHKK. OltiXlO.N. Work was begun on thr electric tintor road al Astoria lutt Friday. The tiridne uuri tlie Yamhill at Dayton in liulilied and virtually ac epled by tlie county court. The Freewater Herald plant is to b moved to La Grande, and they will i-suo their lirst paper ou the iitb. A new postofflce has been estab lished at Ukiah, Umatilla county, Djwltt C. Whiting, postmaster. William Mldfteley was arresttd in I'ortlaud I.tst Friday for rubbius the U. ri. mail. The pilot commissioners have pur chased the schooner .tii Jos. to take the place of the Gov. Moony. The postnflice at Natal has been -uspended, Its postmaster It. IX Cole having resigned. The su ury "" "1 " "l:" -,l,"r '-mployed in thu ... ... ..... ' eV.ilil)linl-ll of thu ulllce watt not alllliciellt. a .pi id .n'nt.in'.i.il meal eo-Aed In tint- I 1 s.n-.-The average yleldof wheat in Ore- ' '" ' ' 'fiiisrwr meal. I gnu according to the secretary of i ,. . , . . , ,,,',-, ... ... t n-Jit Jti'.-i, i . I .wen .I.uiriial ontce nad r agriculture's report, was lo bushels! i.uiius lavery. to the acre, of barby 'S busueU to the acre, nf oats 30 bushels. The other day we measured the eircum uience of un upple tree at Isaac Ilutler's place uud fount! It he 18-30. Cau you bat It? Hillsboro Itide- peudeut. Yesterday wo met Unele John Nichols on the street. Tlie old mull is getting quite feeble und in a fev days will be 8:2 years old. Of all the married men who came to this re gion in 1844, he, Uncle Carey Em bree uud David Johnson, of In dependence, ure alotiu left. Polk County Iteuiizer. Mrs. Henry Fletcher, nf McMinn- ville, went out calling recently and left her h m-e unlocked. When she returned ull her best drosses, besides u quantity of butter und piutry stores were gone. The Reporter thinks u K-urch warrant could locale them. Capital City ficsfaurant Jas Satclisior, Prop'r. Wauii llwls.it All ikiiii'sof thclltiy NOTICE! $25,000 REWARD French and German Wheat ami Hye llreads in City (stylus. VitMlIUt HolN. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAICE8. I'aittr.v and Confectionery linking In Full Stock. My new bread and cakw bakarr are tlrst-clax artists lu their Hue, aud 1 aim to have Everylliioz as Fine as the Finest Wl IvLA M ETTE VALLEY Fruit and Farm Lands "Vo lmvc on our books somo olioiro lunfiiiiH in h'no Gi'rdoii nnd Fri it fr ' 10 and 'JO ucivh eneli. Our jiaidon nnd fvnit tntots atf all fhii-i'lovi ted 1 "t ' do.p blnfk soil, und pood dnunao, lying oust ot tlio ( ily in "" ot 5, FAIRVIEW, GARDEN CITY, HAMPDEN PARK AND AUBURN Close in to tho Capital Citv with its Cinnory and EvaporntoiN that will jyivo youp nd liomc mai kt for your products. Fruit Innds aio vauablo iiroperly, and are risi steadily. No investmont will In ing bettor returns than ono whoro tho investor both tho rise in tho price and tho increase in uiowth ol" troes. list of AY a so h v a nico Improved Suburban Acre Property, INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." AMnicd nrnrl) nnr third ill n uulllou et: i. m. i!i:i:i.t:ii, ciiy auii, Vtiduppclnl iiitriitfnr .Miir'uu ciiiuity. Ui lieu With I hi- Uoiiii'.uiy. EAST AND S0U1H -VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line I NuriiiT T.it'it-iKi t r.--l-in; tlie larjwt lUt .f ii .nid for ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIV.EllVMEN, South uf GlieinoUvt Hotol. SA.U1SM, - - OHEOON JOHN G, BARR. WaLhos and Siiverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. SULNTIFi;. OPTICIAN. Sprclul ti ttc-iitlnii to inciiMiriiiK il-;f cli ij;li t unit ul.i-i- ::i ic-il A nliH-lw th it ll Ih .illi-i-A. lii.it lui'crltic.iUii'.o-iijroiiiiii anillllttil lour tvr WATCHCS, ETC. A now Rloik vf vlctck!, hllwr nnd iroltl Mill bofcitld clic-tp. AUn a hit of rAWNTI) WATCHES Will bOMllllHt lostllllll lllllrtlKlr Mlllll. tUII ami uiiitiut iiint'lf. Miuiiii; AiijiHeatiou .u. '4. U.MTF.l) Kr 1 E.S LANtl Ol vicl; OlIM.UN L1TV, (JrVKDII, AUi'. 13, lW. N'OllU.N ll'-ieh slitn llialllnn'iiplUil L'li-iMilliialtfil (lii'.il ftu i silver luut. iiin'iiinp.ui, H, f. ciuiilHiuk, pri'i-lilbiil, wiiii-i- iii.tiiUli-o.Kiilrt-.-. I- -aleiu, (Jit-goti, ins llii- it.i) llltrt HI- iiiiiu-.itliiu Lira imli ut Un- uaM lliie-n- It'fi ui tiiu c'apllal i iiii.olnl ili.il tlmii inni nllvur iiilneur elu Ik-.iiiii.' uolil ami -User, Willi mirfaw irnmiultM) uet in tliltli.sltu.itttl 111 lien-iiii-iiiliiiiiililiict. iiiunt nt .M.inon nail "l.n l oiiisnu, mid ileiluiialiil li till- ill-lit lli.U'S llullllll0l.il pl.ltit ull Mil! Ill tllll nlllivus lot .Nil 'UJ. -villi lilt .Nil. illtl Iih. iii.'ilL-.ctlli.-iI .u,fiilliiio, in wlf lleKliiniui; at a n-'K in lucu tilth nmiiuil ol Mniic, Willi K-trin lu-L- curiinr o. I; tln.-uce H Ii" S., l) H'U-t III I.UIIG iU llllillllll ul siuiii' illli lio-iiliiBtri-Hi-iirni-n .'; tlioiuo .'.Ti W...4JH) li-tt to Klnne lu lm. null uf iuiiu turner u.J; IIiuiii-m .s. 17 tv,, liu. li-ellu iiul. in il.u-t. wi Ii iiiiiiinil uf Miotic, iiiiurr .Nu. I; llioiici-K. , u, Mil fct lu pliuxi nf bi-slunins. .M.ic ii-iic Mirlulloti If ti ii K. t-iiiliiliilii-' II U at-rt-H. riu- liKnitiuiiul nil-, 1 1 1 1 1 - Ii r curd ul In Hit rrt,i pm, Ii;,.;.,;,, . Ii j, ... I1..1I 1 ii.i.iru-r'Hiiil.Lv.f Marlon c.iuntjrfOp.u. lUSt OlIlC il!VSIUD, litt.Vl'Cil Wll'm .,'.. ui.k ti. iiruu, ..ll.lliuji milCIW'IJ my piiriioiiiit vuia t.upitul L'iiuullUalil 11 i'l in 1! -IHi-r nunc m- Mirf.ui' KtuiiiuJ in-,.iUlicil in till- iliilr iuiei vl.iliii with iHiirc;;! Ipriintt ni-eivcr nf tliu l.f. i.util 11III1 out IJr-Kun t.'ity.lu tlie nUlriil 1i1Vji.11, uurini; tiiu fciilj tlayn' K-riud ul P I'liiMttun Iiii-n-iil, ii.- Uicy will be b.irreil 1 iv Mrmuuf tin- p.-uvi.liuiNijf llie alalulB, J. T. Al'i,l.ll-ll.l with growing Fruit, consisting of T ooj, Pjin's, V'huh, ttc. In farms w - nvo proved a d uuiii))rovoil, huge and sin a I, o . the pr rie or in I ho hills, as ,u i;i.n ! CITY PROPERTY of every dcscii. tio.i, ine ud i g s mo fiist cl hs busi , m ,,es ' Englewood! ThaBitof tl.cm x 111 Houses'and L- ts m the i stnlhne t p'nn. SALEM LAND COMPANY, POST OITICE BLOCK. P HK .Vp "MEATS. UALiroRvtA r.xritiiss ln.ns i:uk ntn.- URTWrKN -jr.Tt-KU AMtH. r. Kiiilli. I " .tn p. nt. l.v. lNirtlanit Clup. ui. J l.v. Salrm 7:Vi 11. in. I A r. Km Knin. Ar. l.v. ti tin. 111 7:IU a. in f-ui p. lit Al)uv-trains Htupt'iily ut following Htit llniii mi'tli iif ItiMcliiirc fjiKt I'ortlaiul Or-irun lilt, Wcvalbiirn, Milem, Alli.my Taii,-iii. Mli(i.li., Iliil.i-y. Iliurlliiin .In iii-lion City, Irvliisiiiul KiiKfiiu. 1 m 'm'HIiij; nt nty iiis.rJ.ils tu Sluto nnd Cmnt street. iiieiitMil the rtilltiuitt jirk'es.: 1)01 LI-:i) llliRK rrimi oto 8 0rob UOAST IIKEF BOm OOOI) STEAK... - - StolOLVpt. IlEKFIiytho QlUItTEIS 6Ccull MU'lTON liytlm QUAUTKU.... 7t.at ruiiiv iiy tno t,u;.i, 1 1.11 ... . , 7 Ceutt E. C. GROSS, -"-:riflfMiar-Aj,fv.T3rijx3'.rws-j-rvrT.-cnf.l wtamrjrtrar KusrilUltl! UAI.I. 1IAII., .il a. 111. IUU 11. 111 6 lu p. in 1 m p. in. I'orllaiid Ar. I 1 f l.v ha .'in l.v. I t.u r. )!i-o:iiirir l.v. u..1) a. m Al'mii) Local, lially (litrupt Mniuliiv.) MO p. 111. 7.ui p.m. tru' p.m. l.v. l.v: Ar. I'urtliiuil Kalrm Altiiiny Ar. I V-Mu in. l.v. Iii.iMi,. n l.v. I ..ul i.. ni. iii-il Tbe Circulation of tlio CIIKONICLB U equal to that of ALL THE 0THKK tan Francisco Horning Pupera Com Used. brick! BURTOfBROS. art prepared to furnliu a Hist-ejins urtlrln of Jlrlct lu town or i-uuiilry or unynlivre on the line oft) A U. It. it. l'rli-t- le.isun. able. Ynrdmin Hlutuiitrt-ot.nppo-tlti t. W. . All orrlent left with VVIIIi.-iinnjilr hnjf land promptly uiteudtil to. Vou caniave money by Imylni; your Musical Merchandise DIAMOND'S Mutlo House, lSldrldve llloolt, Hnlem- Our Djkuta Letter. Special Correspondent to tlie Jeurnal: From (Juelpli, Dluliey Co., N. Dakota. Every body heeins (IudiuuU to disappointment in this ciiii:itr. Grain will not nvi-ni-'o llirti: Liushels per acre, 'i'l le nituutliiii Ih it w ful in tliis L-oiinty, to knmv Hcort-H who will lint get baolt tlic-ir seed und that is nuirtirnL-tl for full vultiu, und nifii who luul in 11 wIk;Iu half hcctlon iit'lanil, .'!') uijros of wheat, wlio paid $1.01 per acre for ImrvcHtlnji it und when they unilie to thresh received le-.s than one hundred Imahels und thut would fjrutlo rt'Ji'eted, Jinny who k' untiling, liuvoall their ronl und ier- Honul property iii(ir,gn;fil to full value, und Intvo neither provisions, money, feed for their htoek nor fuel to keep warm iiy the udiiiIiik winter, say nolliinu of what will Hture them In the faco beforv wo can riiUn uiinther crop. Tlie condition of the smaller faini eru In thiH uud ikIJoIiiIuk counlic-s l Indeed pllluhle. One woman who llvt-N In Dickey county, while tier husband wan iiwuy from hciueluKt week, was met Iiy a deputy nherill und u Htriiijr of wagons tu huul uwuy her wheut by force. It lieiui; 11 llrown county deputy, he hail no JiirUdli.-llim in IJIekey county. The wountu belujr uwure of the fuelH uud Btclni; they were going to tako it uny wuy, aald to tliv mens "I Imve lined com, I The taxable valuation of DouglaH county is un follews: Gross auiuunt, $4,u8J,&1-; Intlebtedness, MULISH; esemptioiiH, $201,UiJ; tout taxalilc, l',808,-175. This Id un liicreiuio of $M,o over the net valalli)ii lust ear. Sllne owners and prospectors of the Koblusouvillu district ure com ing Into Baker City for winter quartern. The old town of Itobln- Bouvlllu has only one inhabitant, "Forty-nine Jimmy," and he will, us he has for the past twenty-three yeurs, be the only Hifin of human life in thut desolate and snow-bound camp, muster of whut wuh once u Ilvtly center. Democrat. Died J'eucefnlly and quietly on the l-ith lust, tlie postolllcn ut Doty vllle. A few duyn no the reslfjiia lion of .Mr. Itucker us iNttiuu.stei wus ucceptetl uud nobody else lu the neighborhood belli", wlllhij; in become the leeipleut of sht-liels fur Uncle Sum, word went out ofllcially fiom the ticlonlllce thut the olllie a. Dotyville wuh uo more. Scio I'reiw. BunaKT At Lexinuton, Or., Oc tober 10, 1800, LexliiKton W. Bud get, uged 107 week. In order to eucaiM) the liinominv ofbecomlnif u IIouIIiik uboniiualloi, upon the rislnu tide of debt, it chosi wlu bare btxlkln to muke ila own end while yit It could pity for lie own burial. E. O, Tho gross value of the taxttblt property of Benton county un aliowi by the tux books is KB,08(J,87u. Tin tolul Indebtedness la $1,017,.5, uud exemptions, $241,704, leaving tin mtul luxuble proierty ut $3,777,027 The tux levy for county purposes, Tht- Grand New LXfu lih.istratedj HiSTORr of UTAH, Byjl'JSZnTII. BAHCR9FT, T112 Eminent Historian, Itr.uly :it I ni t) Iy truo it.i.tury of Mor. tiionmn p 1 j. 1. im, Kin-Ill illiir, liiimuy Inli-iv.n i,-, po-.ie lul lanlorreil ullltu by 31orni in-, 111. 1 (,c. tiles. WONDF.UFUL ADVENTURES Of l'r.ip iers mil 1 riNellur llloudy Indian n.iri. 1ar.11 n- u n or mo.arA una mil i-ii'ihis V p lie ruiuoii., liuuite AH-oct Itlon, Kit -.-. MYSrErtlw OF POLYGAMY. Tlio riilunr I! 11 -. -.Celcitl tl Slar i.v Htnnue Itcll." .. 1 i.loiiH..llior.ip if m llrlli.ini 1 -a. .', ihrllllne in a 11 im jet truo lilii.-r; . A ','ranil iiinii. ,- i, isrwylimlv vv-.ul, ll..Mrrt-li.iu,i. " r ii r, .Meuhunici, and jIIl-!.i.i- in. 1 . iiy itwilli-il tn- p peirjuin ofir, 1 rkublu tioolc. 4MLCT I'iJLLMAN IIUFFKT SLIiEl'EllS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. ttJf MttMIlt.lur1litlt)l) Uf HtTL'iJlHl rltutH lHtovM atU'Claa tituxjirpui truliu. and Cervullis: PAILY (Eat-KPT SUNDAt). ":)n. 111. 1 1,v." r.110 p. in. ) Ar. l'urlliinil" t'urvallls Ar.l l.v. 5::n p. in. 1AM p. 111. fcst- -: 4. R At Albany nail CurvalllH ctintiect wltn iruliiKofOrt-ion l'aelilu Itallrund. RXrilKSMTItAIN (DAILY XXCBITHnNUAY "i70p. in. 1 1.. I'ortlaud Ar.l i-.'jla. iu. lilt p. ni. I Ar.Mr.Mlnnvlllel.v. S:u. m. Through Tickets To all polnla- EAST and SOUTH Kor tlcktis and lull miurmatioo reeunt. inx rats lunps, etc., apply to tUe C.huj.i. ny's aent Malum, Ortwuu. H.KUMII, Ml, ilanaur. r"fjTtMMwn usUTmu a. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY ilruuiiatoi htiitlullti riassical, Literary, ' liiiiSiCiirliimii'takv, M-i-ml, iliisir.j'ss, Law, MEDICALCGURSES II I- tlie ulil .i,lui;cHt mill least cxik-d- -... iiimiii ui i.iinu-iK 111 tno utia i 1 ("i-ii.ii, )i;k un ilrsl .Mm-Uiiy In Hciui-nilm hiii liiniiiu'iiKiib In TIU. VAN MCXIV. I'rmlilont. '' Haliiin, (IriKon. ..w. iinag.TnwirpWar;a tt r-nfTTnrrr-i VANCOUVER, U'ASUINGTON. T 1 lie COOK HOTEL Stall1 nnd Uijrit Streot. G. W. A.VDKKSOX, i'HO!1. Ivum in v I!. CimX. TtxiRim.'; iiniullH sipi.tr .o.irt I1.111.1 romeieiit tu Iiii-iiii- pari of rlty nnC itrwi oir Hue . niul .v pi.t tu,. do.,, Italr jl.iJO to JSoj k .l.iv, .vonllu;- . ro-uii rtiri.il I -r-s t-i lion.ur-. niiti f.uillli-'. MOT TfflLURD." -.) .'-, in - Frojh Tiivi Salt Meals. clal Hi. Miirlcc-imit -iii.n.J."! . I'l In. of MfH l'i Hjtiilll lliitluri Iiy Ihi-qii irtur... I'ork Iiy tlie qiutrlrr . lloiH ItniiM ...... 'C. . J5tnV -,...Kc, J.)1idso;i'.s lluiveriul (lydopulia. ah orlitlmil nrlc liv 13 of Aiihtici'ii uom viiin.uni ki-iiuiiirK 111 i-illloi mill Ji(ellllni-lUi'i-i.llli,floiunpiii,it ivurlil ascontilbiilnr. wlii.va u.mp, ur,. 4IU111-1II0 lli-lr nrlli'U-K. n a vonlir lor miiriu-j. 11 you tiiiin-iiipi.iio ?citli a yclupie Uu, llui t-.tiiMimt-r will hi pleaeit iiiIioiv)iiu Uu? ivorh, tlioiiuli you may uiitpuidiu-n. AilitrwHl) v. IIK'IWRH Mliilu .tlaiu-(-i,r!ulutii,or Amml,-i,l)r. PEtt fl 5 !"? IE1I A niiiii la I.AIt(JhMT KiiTAIU.IHII. tKKOKTIll mi-nU In llin Htaln. Uiwor rult limn t'otll.inrt. Jji.'fMl tuck U-kuI llluiikx ir lllOHUllU.il ;il l)l(KHl lIlMllllllt. t-vuil foi prloe llHior Job prlutlnto unit mlal.u ul ,elbUiik. m. WAlfV:, BWonj I'rlsutr HsUni Urtwon. IN DARKEST AFRICA V Tj-i evntlf t : f Htnl y'iirwt kltrlXlu flvUnl-iK"! a 1 1 I s d 'o w mt hi ImpurUil ftuitroi w.Jt; ior tha Writ IJm la t ( wn V r ,fct n .y h -il f. cutltl d "in DuVvmI A ft i A" Ji 11 t h rt L.ir I by nj ot tb k. ti.,1 ! H'-i .If, lio V"u k-ltii ofIfili m i" a til ' a t 'iu ttjc Tj uu oio of Umm )m Bui!rjrcLntn)iittl nlfn', Ih nfi rio'i imI niMbiUt this rttterant Wm rT?5lnbTtft r,nr Q lt W KUAIkUUNlIt, til. w 'I ftrt f "mart on iyII',atlou PiMTIOM in t0rr n't to U mtttaJ. m UrUIIUll i.t U lmxt blBvri Ui lm. pit. of CHARLES BCRIBNER'3 80NS Ar1 lht th eanTawiox nt oarrLe a MrtiAok it iu;;(fm.i ui. A. L BANCROFT & CO. r 132 POST STREET, c CAH 1 F.AK.13C0. !.r. .! Au n't f tun Pariftn Coast . 11. .-. I-Vitu 1 -iilo axnl lor Marlon O llllj, "I'ull' () p.n, f'ol'l b.v T MeF. PATTON, OS Hluto St., Hiilnm. INGIISHUADE Wbt STEEL PENS Ineamplo Pens, dlffwsnt patterns, la a Nfrkel JPIptoJ Match Box, sent putt-paia, un receipt of 10 CSNTH. PERRY & CO., London, m. ib24. 0. S. 081m. 810 BroUinr, Utm Yrk. Oroytmiaii Hail iitiml Coinpany. Oennit iilfiocH nortlnrt ornr Klrm unit I'luuHlrtoU, Porllniiil. KAtrr.siDR. Krom Tnininl rortlanil BlatHlts. Piiitlaiirl MltVfr-Uohiin.' I'nrt'nrJI'nrlV Ion no mull moll Exp LV TK I.VAH AKIMAK.IM tlO SOU I'ortrnrtHr'Co .1 lev 7 m in M. Wooillmrn.... I 10 7 f ii 40 II w . sllvrrtnu ...12 m g a oi...iruwnvillH.. 7 HI 11 U). Unburn...... (J on WIWT Ullifc; Alrllamull fnrtlnnrl mull M' AM Alt .M 1 .I'ortliiiiil r.VWV. (til 12u'i liumtre Junctlnn tor, 2 01 .. Mli-rM.in .. 9 to 4 III Jllj n LU . . Monmouth 7 an nM Alrllf R Tick? U for Vt Hlile .liitlouw fur il nl foot ni ,Ii-ll(-rnon t. TIchPlM fur Vnt hio nUllliilli lii' mile ut Union ttrpol, Cur. i.i null l illirin. Two Through Trains Each a CoiiHHj; ') St. James Foi- Bows and Younc College Men. ,. I rii'fi.iratiirt. I '.iiiiii.... t .. t ..... 1 in 1....1 t .i.. wiiii-li- 1, ., ... 1 . ..'.. ."mini, iio-niciii, r.iiHy 111 iriiuii, lltlllrli lltllis Mill 1..- I'llll ,i,i Vol, v..r AM .1 r.l., n. uiry. Ore- wu iipugoinuiis mdii u ,rli'r ,,r ' r:i,,v" "" ;'"- ---;,: BAH.V V- V ?., 1 ,a I-"!,rMl,,"t'."!MAV,,ri,"l ""''Ml. llOIII ( 'ulifo, 11,11, Ore- irvtnv iffon'.muv !!"'V : ' ' '' ' '? ' ,',,"",,,l, '""' W'lHliiniltoii ut lartif. UMON I'AUlKlUtiY.vriC-. 1'or (,uiii.,u.-nun .lt.l,, iuloiii.utiou u.lili.-i-v tt.n.n..nel.g wuITuTitlay, M ,..- - , HKV' '" ,tK'1 11 HU J' ''W V.HIITUVr, With, ulll lint ami wt-iiud-cuiM Ui-k v t l, . I1..11. it. .....1 ....1 -1 '. . ' .- ' ...... ...d, u..u w.iiuu'vuin iii-k " l- I iiouoird on "I'lie I.I111I11..1 . . .... trul in ilunilt.iu, wen uliio ou !.. .,,, iiiml i-lyaniM. lund'J "Hie l.lmlti-il ljit Aliill" .,. ,, . '.iitllpiiid with I'tillniaii paU.. ,.i, ,,,; nlntHlvvpcrH. dluliiif uira.cn ! ,,,, , , iMC'lieK.iinil run tollil bi-lip, ,,. 1 , , .... onl tltilckKo, dally wlihoiit i,..n lliif'llviTlniiil I-Iyer"! 1 11 1 11. a u- ,, . ,... , ivitU I'lilliuiiii paluiunlei-iM-riiiMli. i,,J iMiiwi-Mi. .,,riif,,, ., .....i ,..'.. ..,..: ' ' fT- llh I'ulliuan colonist' ila,..,. '," '.".', 'iV.tii1"1 uU K"u"u t-'Hy. iluilj, w It,. ..1 , I imiH-ctliiiiHcroniit.iHni I'neitd,, !-,., ' ilirotitjli iruluH lonnil (ruin Silt j,i,, , ' it t tn-y emiu wild ilinn.ut, ri,uH 1,1 im, 11.1111 uuvr, KariMU t:n ..nil "1. t.. ,." llio above train nil. oil , i, 1' , llliio between tiiu .Nurllini.i IMd llo ., Ulll KhUTI1 MII.1 , ,.,!!,. 1., ..i.., OIU.I'll-l Itelailett lliuo of liuiiiH, rau-n, uiriiiii-li llckeu, bagKitko cliwkh ei- c-..n b" n" (tlirfil llmin i.ii.,IU..ii "" ur 'n ucille ii w It: i MA alelll Or 500 ?Jl?t,y"-'",cJMtijuai.MM.j,...J.r-ifrrrrM OdIvaIbIi nctlloolis k MAKION t'OUNTV. Work promptly mill n-liiilil.x oM-uutttl liv lUc bALK.M AltSlltALTA- LA'M) CO., l-'liANK V. '.VA'I ICltts, iMitimsM m i? w nil ur. ,r ttcuie7; ;r;;,,:" "T'iVTi ",,ht iiomij MA.NN.rt'AX' tf-"rii!; ireet.r-Hlem Oregon "" ' "'' . v-Tut 5 r, - Jggwwq Advertise Your Business! ''ir fflnn i.i ir.-;:r.-i x.te'- r fh 'Bin jJ.il -O- 1M. LA8C! Lca:,V.tt.-.f "''-" n-:w :, , tea.? 'SUi' toiffitiz. ' THE BffiHSiass rulltilu t u .,... " .1 "',' "' ' ot Mercury?!?!, l.U" OT '.' '" "'" WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL $1.00 Per Year helth Vi II U aoln WSS,Ki :,-0!.ri" nl.h An'l lifJ.-'Wr:..',: IrrlU Hri'vrrai '?'" " . 'tll Oto .1 ' '. .. . u r , ' 1 " ' I lS"j-I-IE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AjjcI Best For the Money on iho Pacific Coast i' i,i,i t ,i ti) . , T. la, ,,I ;.,' , , -r.; tfrrv!if 1 1 . ,, , ., .rbi. H 14-wly MjrM r-!.cii Ull. ''fMitrl.!ikT,u!v,l',l!,,'.,,ln',',,mv'IH,,,,'1 ",,,0" "", u' tmwn OlPiruii u-lil. ' KlHti'llI Mt,.w ,mmx .,,,,,.,1,, ,vUMirt.alml.vllf ' KM..K .;.,. Hb,;: :::::: :: NV::s, . T,r i,""" '"h . rm iruit itrovwiiK unit iiiruuui. prmliiHN. ul-,. .a """viHinir uzjiZz:" MtUtg m JJ hJrj6 Jsh'MH Mh'ts? . ,tr,