Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 03, 1890, Image 4

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    " 'otfFmfi'Kit -ij
WSXZX JlKB bice.
Tba is u wbr a woman is afraid of
sua I a arofound mystery Indeed.
at has never been very dearly proven that
skats. BstioMwonn in mneia'Jr la
facta a MTroua, Irritable condition that the
uunr annoys ua startle tbeaj.
of tin ua fortunate state or
afatirt ki oauallr ea functional deraoge
mt; an an dacesstnr or painful trrrt
lartty.sBBie derangement or pculavrweak
oaaa meidajt t bar arr : or. It mar be du
lo taflammatlon. ulceratioDtrr dijplaco-
, ol aooat at tn ptvlc viscera, or to
ernnle aacoua peculiar to her rl
wall taati i cause Jt sir arte. iTtr.
Marca'a Favortta J-ratc-rptlcn ts a parities
rsamlj. to certain tn -j etr-ativ results
that iu mannfsr nn , sell It, thmura
. under a uu ant4 of, n. drier
Bon tn arerr jo. nr mGnvin.d
for It will be pon;pJ. rtfvndetL At a
toothing aad atrcajta-aing nerrlne, " Fa
rortta ?ranptlea" subdue Berroi
axeKmbLitr. tntt.UiT, axhaustlon. prca
trattao. hyaterta. apaatsa and ether cerr
eo smptcia axtmdant tipca dia( nt
Ma wotcb. It Iniuors rsfrh!ar ap
sod rabaraa ssxiety aad despondcacy.
Oeerrigtit, !, by TV-cam's S3. Mia. Aarx
Laxative, or Cathartic according- u. a v of
aaa. By Drajwu. S casta s rai.
monsuosAi cakds.
'AMCT 4 BINGHAM. Attornera and
roaDInr'. at law. slm. Oreron.
Iar1ncanbtRct of the rwnrdof Marlon
connty.toflndiDcalMt and blvSc Indrx nf
ialrm, thT bavr plal facilitif- lor ej
amlntuc title- to rtl xtat. BtKinwa tn
hfaap-memtirtRndlntbtate rtepart
menta will receive prompt attention.
O T.RirnARDIN", Mtnmey at law. of.
O. fire npatalr In front rnom o new
Hash block, comer Commercial and Court
atreeta, falem, Oregon.
T J. 8HAW, ttorny-at Law. Silem.
t . oregnn. iirace nrn aoor to me ler.
at head of ttalrft In
the rear of Lndd &
Sun 'a banc.
mlLMON FORD, attorner at law. alem
I Oregon. OSre cpuln In Patton'a
JOHN A. CARROh". Conaeinr and A
l tomeyt-Law. Memberof the Bar ol
Oatarlo, Canada. Office 103 State street,
bolem, Oregon.
J A. APPLEGATE, attorney at law
. Frier block. Commercial and State
atreeta, Bulem, Or.
J)RATT A HCNT. attorneyaat law.Palem,
Orecon. Office over Barr'a Jewelry store,
CB. KKIGHT. Eelectlc rhlcU, office
. 127 Court street. Salem Oregon. Put
nsonary aUacsaca a specialty.
DR. J. M KEEJE. Dentist. Office over
the Wane Comer, Court and Coro-
roercial streets.
CB. McNALLT, Arehlttct, No Lt:
. Htate HtreeL Plans and specifica
tions 01 an ciaees 010; Dunning on snort
aotlee. Hupertntendeaceof work promptly
loosed after. 2 6-tf
GOBAUn1 A WILLACH, Civil Engin
eers and Draughtsmen. Railroad sur
reys and extimatlnc a specialty. Office IS
State street, up stairs, balem, Oregon.
T D. PUGH, Architect. Plaa, Speci
T , ficatlon and superintendence tor
all elawea of building. Office iSU Com
mercial St., up .talm.
-pLSIE BAKEB. Human Hair Emporl-
JCj um,('ourtstreet,thlrddojrfromopera I
Eoane. Ventilated human hair curl a
specialty. Hair dmaing in the latest
A M.CLODGH, Undertaker. tmbalmr
J-. ana cabinet Muser. 117; state Mt.
B. SOCTHWICK. Contractor and
builder. Wall prepared to do all
ilnds or balldinr an
d ruarantee satlsfca-
TOHK QUA T. Contractor and builder.
el Fine Inside flnUblng a specialty. i45
Commercial street, Kalem Oregon.
JOIiy KNIGHT, Mlaeksralth. Tlorse
sboelnr and repalrlnt a specialty. Mbop
at the root of Liberty street, Halem, Oregon.
J. LA11.SEN, Manufacturer ofall kinds
nf vahlalad W na I tH ri e a truniallv
nty tbe beat work turned out, bbop ii
. ua rsuiLiuo. w. v a ja mm sui.liiiui.
lata street, next door to bcrlberd. i-oblaanj 1 did not know that it might
rtEO-HOUB- Barber and Hair drees-
Hair dreea-
VT. Ins parlors. Hn! batbslntheclty.
) Commercial Htreet, balem.
A O. D. W, I'rotectlou Ldje No. 2, A.
A. O. U. W Halem, Oregon. Meet Mich
Wednesday evening at IU bull In HUite In
surance block, comer Commercial and
Cbsmeksla streets Vlsltlnrund Sojaurn-
Idc bgetbren 1 nvttea r. li. rHitTii wicz.
Ira Ekb, itccorder.
.. R. Hedrwlek Post, No. 10, Depart-
meat of Ureicon, meeu every Monday
evening at tbe hull nvet the Oregon Land
Jmpsny'a offlce. Visiting comrades an
anrtUally Invited to attend.
D. C.RncBMA.1, 1'oat LOtnmader.
. A. Handli, Adjutant.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
f the Capitol Adventure company will e
held at ilia office of tbe compan Inajlem,
refT.n,onthehofheptember,at9H.m.""u v,c,c " """u,",u' '"
znd H.ntlEUMAN.Prea. carjy uttyh 0f republicanism and re-
XTOTICETbe undersigned sexton of
J the 1. 1 .O.F.ometry will, after Oct.
lib, be found at tbe first boute at tbe
aouth east corner of the cemetery.
Capital City Wat ant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
WarmMeaU at AU Hoars of the Day
Hone but white labor employed In this
establishment. ....,.
A aiwd substaatlal snaaU cooked In first
staaa atyia
'rsrealy-flva mU par meal.
Castft saraet, between Journal Offlee and
Mlnto's lavery,
tlsassiu la tba HUM. lower rates than
fiallaart lauyaat stock Lagal MUnks lr
UMsHsvU.a-'d bl4Bjt dlsoount. Head foi
atMUatoCJob prTnlU, and caulogue ol
aval Masks. . M. WAIT.
1 Concluded from first pgJ
'called a niau absent because you
could not hear him, uotwithstaiid-1
lng the tact that you could ice him,
1 and see through him. Laughter
and apfilauo It was formerly
thought that you can lend a burse to
water but cannot make him drink.
We bare lived to se the horse led
to water and if not made to drink,
bis nose at le-u-t held In the trough
lont; ein ugh to couut 166. Long
continued laughter. It was form
erly fen red that, to openly count a
man prc-'nt who was present,
would provoke the outbreak of a
volc-mo. Hut In the light of our
experience, there Is a color of humb
ler In the idea of Mr. Hreckenridge,
of Kentucky; Mr. Hynum, of Iudi
ana; Mr. Springer, of Illiuoi, with
others, forming a syndicate to start
a volcauo. Loud laughter. It
might have been e.isily foreseen that
the predicted ordeal of the elements,
like the advertised features of h
menagerie, would dwiudle from the
dignity of a volcano to the le-s im-
pressive pbenouiena of a natural gas ing, or intended to destroy the lib
explosion. Loud laughter. It ii- erly of the people of the south,
certain that neither silence lur meaning thereby that sacred right
noie can stop the proceedings of of Muffing ballot boxes and cheating
the houM?. To-day the htiu-e is free,
if a majority is present, t procel
with the public business. And 011
luaniuOTHiuiiicKwiuKux: m i.k
American people 1- witn tne s.jeaK-
cr. Loud applju-e.J
The election in Maine shows it
long continued apt)lau.e, when
four candidates for congres went
up in the b.illuoii of democratii
congress and walked back. Lou 11
lausbter and appl.iu-e. The elee
tion iu Peunsv Ivauia will show it
Applause. For if there is any ec
tiou of the country that prefers u
paralytic conutv.-, laughterj, aii
impott nt Iiou-e of repre-eutattve
laughter, a government with
curvature of thepine loud laugh
ter! ir it nnt fhta niHi.iiifint.nt piii-
"-" " - " 1
mouwealth of yours. Applause.
omau need fear that element of
deliberation I- eliminated from our
legislative proceedings. It M coueleame toseotini; a uetro simplv be -
only in so much as it ou'ut to go
The value of Hpeeeb nit ring is settled
by th habits of the
house. A
to a week'-
week's debate amounts
vacation. In this view of the fact
It appears absurd for people to la
ment the disappearing freedom of
debate in congress. An assembly
of speechmakers can no more be ex
pected to listen to ripveches thau a
conference of doctors to opsn their
proceedings by passing around pills.
Loud laughter, It requires the
largest charity of the imagination to
find in the senate the features of a
deliberative body.
I went the other day into that an
cient, political retreat. I found even
men nodding in their chairs, thirty
four in ariuus attitudes of repose
in the cloak rooms, w bile In the
seven stood a venerable figure. I
paused to listen aud as the old man
turned a corner in his discourse,
solemnly asserting that the tariff
is a tax laughter, I could hear a
melodious snore from the cloak
rooms iaughte aud by a simple
fact cf the imagination I could hear
a snore from the whole couutry.
Loud laughter.
Mr. Boliver's allusion to rjpeaker
, , , ,., ,,
Heed was received with vociierou-i
upplaue. President Stewart step
ping forward, said: "I now have
the pleasure of introducing to you
the man who Mr. Doliver has called
'the greatest liviug republican,'
ThomaB B. Reed." "When Mr.
Reed Wis able to make himself
heard he said:
Fellow citizens: I am very thank
ful for your cordial greeting, and it
makes me sorry that I have noth
ing to present iu any way worthy of
It. Kot until a very recent time did
I expect to be with you to-night,
for the wicked have been very ram
pant cheer for tlie last few das,
not be necessary for Mr. Uolliver
and mvself to stav with them. I Ap
plause. Or without them. I'r
lunged cheers aud laughter. But
all that Is happily over, aud I feel
f more responsive to ou to-night
than I might have felt this morn
ing. The republican party was
born fighting. Its very lst history
ha been on battle-fields civic as
well as military. Tlie very essence
of its coiiiio-iition I that it should
do battle, for the repuhlic.ui party
makes every forward movement lu
the interest of the itenple of the
United Btates. Applau-e. It has
never been neces-ary for the demo
cratic party to do fighting except
during tlie civil war. We have Just
come down from a scene which men I to transact the business of the coun-
.. l. .. ..... 1.. It. . at. t.. ....... 1.. l.!...n
publican rule, were reminded ot tmullU- j your ,M)Wer nione. 'e can
w.em-8 tneu oiiu inure maue memo-
rable-or tlie legislative nails de-
writd. j 00,000,000 people. It is uo longer a
On the democr.it Ic side for the last ! nation that can listen to orations
week we huve been treated to emp-, fifty-eight hours long. (Laughter
ty benches; they have not been vii- und appluute.) It is a nation that
ble. Applause. And I want you J wunts business not language. (Ap
to understand the occasion for what plause.)
they probably regard uh a iiiasnifi-ct-ut
upriHlng. Tlie rcpuljlluau p.tr
ty, so far uf tlie luiusc of rtjpitrsc'iila
tives could do ho, liuve enucted leg
islation of great value. Tlicio deni ,
oorats have tuken ocatsion to give
I these bllla niuny wicked iiuniei. I
I We have passed u tariir bill which,
more than nuy other in our hiitory,
uecured the American market to
the Ameikan people. Applause. '
That bill linn been tho niihject of do
' nunciutioiiB ou the part of the demo It Is ery fllecouraglug in .this
crat'4 ulmoHt too bitter lo ho placed world to see how small a percentage
upon record. Accordine to them, of actual result come from the moat
the hill and the principle which It splendid victories. Borne great gen
represents have i-anied desolation eral has said there U only one thing
Into every farm limim hi the coun- worse than a victory, and that is
try. It has covered tliem deep witu
mortgages, every aero of farm laud I
Hifhert ofall in Letre&isf Power.U. & Gor't Report, Ang 17, 1689
In the treat and growiug west. It gles for the liberties of men, we hare
threatens to destroy the couutry, Its, crowned It by the constitutional
peace and prosperity, and yet theamendment, putting into the or-
tiiitiiiismrtn -. no I to ! ia u eniiiln to aar flan tn till lliaa rliL1 aaaa
tive, while that bill was being
paetl, sat in their eats and uere
counted pcacefiillv and like lambs,
We poMd another bill of which I
Utii- tn stMilr fuMliwf nlntir in
uvoia. .w t-awr. aaaaauba awUa,.
honest and truthful and therefore
uu-democratic language. This was
1 a bill which they said was destroy-
the negro out tit his vote, which
they have so long enjoyed and exer -
i cl-ed. They Mid, it meaut untold
mid UURieakalile ruin to the peace-
fuI lUld l)Ve.. snUtu. 'fhev said it
ineuut harrowing up the teudtrest
feeliugs of that aflVctiouale people.
The ruining of their homes and tlie
desolation of their hearthstones.
It meant they charged, bayonets at
the polls, and despotism enthroned
throughout the laud. And they sat
there as sweet as summer (prolong
ed cheers and laughter) Compara
tively. No departure or to u a
word more familiar to them, no se
cession. Time would tail to enumer
ate our w icked deeds which thwy
worried about, yet never at any time
did the democrats leave their seats
abandon their post of duty.
.But, though they had been patient
'under all other sufleriucs. when it
I cause he wsa elected bv the jieople.
1 tlie democratic side, as oue man.
I rose and departed. Applaus. But
they have all gone buck. Laugh -
ter aDd applause. Resemblinc the
prodigal son, however, only in ex
ternal appearance.
My friends, such little incidents
as tiiis prevent the democrats from
pointing with pride to their party or
its history. Applause.
It is that which makes them mad
with envy, vociferous in their ex
pression of feeling when we speak of
the history of the United States dur
ing the past twenty-five years.
Applaue. For whenever we do
it, they have a conscientious, deep,
penetrating feeling that weare point
ing with pride to the record of the
republican pursy. Applause.
But, my friends, the great
in this world is the people. Thev
make aud unmake parties. Ap-,
pluuse. They create bistort-. Aud '
rlio ninl nfthn T'tillurt toti or..
tlie people or tne Lnttea btates are
alone responaible for its sovernment,
anu 11 18 tneir UUsiliefc to Know ana
not nn tn tint rrw.n-ilillitv r,.r.
act. up to mat reaponsinilltj. tap-
nlauie 1
Tlita fall, very soon, tliere will be
an es predion of opinion by the peo
ple. ot a full, free and frank ex
predion, in till places, because in
thirty districts uf tbi union tb
opinion of the people will be sup
pressed, and it is necvasary for you
to be on tlie .Lord's side tne more
heavily on that account. (Applause
and cheers.) We have not only to
beat conservatism in its worst form,
but fraud besides. (Applause.)
Now, when the column forms, is';
Pennsylvania going to be distin
guished by absentees? (Criea of no,
no, no.)
Ib that great state to be found
anywhere except in the front rauk,
and is it going to present anythiug
but full ranks tn the people of this
country? rot if you mean pro
gress, ot ityoii ineau itcpuullcau
ism. Xcit if i on mean to rule the
Culled ritates by a congress present
and acting. (Cheers aud applause.)
Why, your duty becomes all the
more tremeuduus when you con
sider tbe odds against which you
fight. (Applause.) Your duty to
your party is first aud foremost in
this light. We look to you now,
aud as hitherto, ue have not looked
lu vain. We believe that Repub
licanism is good enough for every
duy In the year, aud for every year
iu the calendar. (Applause.)
Do ou want honest legislation?
Do you want a house of representa
tives which intends and endeavors
w .
It lies in your power to say yes,
Il0 0UKer fuler n our work. 1'lila
lmti()n i,u8 rowll to be a nation of
Do you bellevo that overy man Iu
tlila country who In entitled under
the coiiHtitutioti and the laws of the
land to participate iu the sovern
ment of the couutry, should have
bin vole cant, and huve It counted as
caHtV If you do, it Is your bushiest)
to teu to it that nuch ft house of rep-re-w
iit.ttlveM Is choseu uh will ratify,
will back up, will support, and sus
tuln every effort In that direction
by the luniwt of representative
uenat. iiuMgMef.i
Hera w huv fought great strug-'
W !
Exam rowaer
t tlnu that every citizen of the United
States duly qualified shall In., entl-
tied to participate In the poent-
mentofthe country. And today
there is sitting, or was sitting the
' if)ur ilnv In limflt nt nt Mtaw.2lr.nt
..... .. .,... ... t-... ...... ,.,. - ......,,
. I .., af l... , f .. ....!.. ..
I :... r.t. .
one of the states of this Ulllou, a coil-
'.. - .1.-.. i 1..
stitutional convention, wherein
every orator proclaimed his deter
mination and the determination of
every other white man tielougingto
his party, rightly or wrongly, to in
vent some method to disfranchise
the negro, to destroy a large portlou
' of the voting population of thil
! country, who are entitled to vote as
every one 01 tne: men aumitteo, '
under the constitution of the United
StaU .. Applause.
There is a spectacle for you '
These men, the representatives of
the democratic party, declaring
that they intend to disfraiicbi-ie the
colored voters of this country.
There litis never been a denial of the
declaration of tlie-e men, whostufl
ballot boxes, of their utterances or
actions in the south, aud that con
vention in Mississippi has proved
openlyand above board, t heir attitude
toward the colored race. Do you
mean to allow a southern man, sim-i
ply because he is a southern man,
to count for more than you do in
the government of this cojiitry?
Do you mean that lie shall have in-'
! treated
representation, so that he
will have more weight than oue of J
us ? You don't mean it. You are
j ieuds or liberty ana you nave
1 fought for it, mauy aud many of
-vou- lAppIuu&e.j
Now, my friends, it only remains
for me to repeat the exhortation
which I have already glveu to you.
Everything depeuds upon your
doing your duty. Everything de
pends upon your doing it now. The
only condition upon which swlf-gov-erument
is iwsible is the constant
attendance on the business of state
government by the honest people o'
this couutry. I know you mean to
do your duty, lo stand up for your
paity, your people aud your country
so that when we get the uew-s of the
election we shall find that Pennsyl
vania, in hero'd-fashiuiied way, has
kept the faith. Applause aud pre.'
longed cheers,
....,.. , ,,.
A Sore Cure ror I'll..
Itcbtne 1'lles are known by moiiturr
"Krpeispirailun.cjluiiliiB imeuw; ULUiii
wueu .,rrn. inN fo'iii a.r,i,iis mind
I SfX'tiiMS.
directly on the part Htfcct-d. aowiriw m.
aiora.nllay; Itclilne and ert la a r;rnin.
eni cure. So couu UiuzsKt ur mall;
tretliw Iree. Dr. lloNinko.l'nlladelpbli. 1M
Bnlrl h Smith rtl!iifkr.
u,TOTvT"T T t,
i - ' v' i- x a. j. v ,
Want to lie Posted?
On tbe opening ot the Umatilla Reserva
tion and the sale uf the ,uut body
of land In Oregon.
Subscribe to
The Uvepapr of Cattern Oregan
Snlly, y, J0 a year, 14,0), fur six mentbs
Seml.Weekly, HWa year; $l for six
month); Weekly, 11.75 ar; ll.W) for six
iVndleton, Oregon.
Be Sure to Read and tiet m Oilier
A gijnuloeTubilUr well Is contricted hy
outline duwiin three inch Iron nine.
, Willi
no openings except top rind bottom
flirt ran irel in and uiy uurp water cin Lv
XOtoitU Tills Is lliuoul) kind of well tlul
woruiiana in-cuciinniit get Into, tli.il I
hlmolutely aurface-wuler proof, uuil that
i forced through the cement slmut to
the putxllvluir water, II is positively the
only kind of well that l worth building lu
thl ciunto Jamos A. Hubert, lutein
(n-tldeiicB nr filr grounds) imikot thee
wells Term returnable I0yeure.terl
ence ti.iui.dOm-w
Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia.
An original work by 10 of America's
mrwt eminent scholant hs editors unci
JUU) eminent speclallsU from all purlsof the
world u conlrliiuloni, wlii iiumei nrc
tlxned to th-lr urticlea, us a vouclier lor
awumcy. If you couteniplute geitlng a
oyrlopeOla, Hie utnaer will Im pleased
tiiabowyou (he work, though you muy
uot pnrclia-e. Address V C UltUWKIt,
rilale Manager, halem, or Astoria, Or,
U, H, l'enslon and Claim agent. P.O.
Box 3S1, Halem, Oregon, Deputy County
Clerk. Wrlle for blank.. w
To lMy Patrons.
J. O. HAUKIrJ' Halem Kxprra. wagons
No. 14 and IS can bo f mud on corner
Court and Commarclal streets, lxi v all
train and boat order at l.rt. Wliilo,'gro-
aroanaaby attaaaat as.
i-ast (j5imx)
(Sitcworti GUnihr)
Hpeetal attentlnu given " tmnalaat
(lock. Honca boarded by day, wee ar
Horses Bought and Sold.
Cor. Liberty and Farry BU, Salsm, Oregon.
with rburHctera. and t:a furthr bihaib
itcnmbmeasniPLiciTT with ntrinu
lmiger with MitcrKmr repairing than any
jrmjijMiio BJ'J
I tliil- n Irk el Dialed. Perfect und Rdpld to
- - - - - . - - - ....-,., I It... H.l..l
I "" '7" J i """? ", , .,!-
. all klndinf type wrllln. I.lkra prlntrnt
prrv, it prtxiurea sharp, rlenn, lecibla
iminuurlnt. Two or tell cotilea caa ba
mnde at one writing . Any Intelligent per
win ciiti bo-nmean operator Iu two days
WeorterllCCO tn ..ur operator who can
equal tba work uf tba iKical.a CAa
Odell. . .
Kelluble Arent ann aiemtn wauwu
Special Inducement to ilealera.
ror PHUipniei eivinc munriiirui., .m i
iiur.Li, 1 1 . r, t i r.i. ..,
lianilSTStb Ave,
Chlouto. III.
House Painter, Decorator,
and Will Tinier.
Leave order at John Hugbea' store, rltata
Capital Dairy Co
A. C Falrahlld, It. J. Kelly and
are prepared to dellvar flteah raUk
cooled on ice, to any part of the ally.
Leuve order at Mlnlo A Low's subla.
OpprMlte Weller Bros.. Com'I St.
Mal at all hours, andinetarr style.
lUt meal In tbn city for a caau. UlTa us
a cull
Ealing Parlors & Candy Manufactory,
S9B Commatclal Strata.
ler Ciwm.. .10c , 15c. and X Mats
ColTce, Ten or Cbocolateand CaktI0 caata
.Muiiti and Milk lOeenta
1'late or 8oup...... l,rnu
Hot Cake. Loflcito-Tea Ifl cants
1 bvftciik ao tsri . 3S canta
Mutton Chop and r.;ji. -.2Scnta
Vcnlwin and hsr. 1 cents
liuoigeand gy Cmm
Ilni nnu rJJXI S cents
KrcsbOT,cr any style eenu
' 2i Cwt HJ!arDmrS.rYed Frsm II t.3 0'Ckek
A nice variety of vegetables, etc., etc.
Alte-. coffee or milk with aU K cent
meaU without extra cbarse.
Choice Cigars, Iiuaorted an Dumeatle,
' iiluruva nr nnnrl
, Portar Houe Hteak and Kcg M eenu
Morgan &. Mead,
City Draymen
All work done wltb cromatneaaaad 41a
patch. Only tbe beat man are sinployed.
South of Chamakata Hotel,
Office 181 Commercial St.
All styleM of the Famous Singer constant
ly on hand; alo repairs and needles for al
Hind of machine.
BUttT CASE, Agent.
Notice for Bids.
Healed bids will be received by Hon. coun
ty luun, oi aiunuu couaiy, uregon on
Wednesday, the 8th day of October, UNO,
utlioclooK p. in. for furuLihlng aud plac
ing two tbuusund tons of large atone
around tbe two piers ol tk Willamette
Maidstone to be placed on or bafbr th
10th day of November, IeSO.
The court reserves tbe right to rsieataar
or all bids.
By order of tbe Hon. county court, at
Marion souuty court, Oreicon.
louaty Clerk.
2IJVS Commercial St., Isliai, Orsgea.
(Next door to Klein's.)
Hpeclally of IpecbKl, and repairing
Clock. Watchea and Jewelry.
Mining Application No. 2.
United States Land Orrics,
OltKOON L'lTT, Oregon, Aug. li, law.
NOTICK Is hereby given that th Capital
Consolidated Uold and Hllver tnln
iiiKCtiinpuiiy, M. K. Chadwlck, presldeol,
liine poatofnee address Is Salem, Oregon,
bos this duy filed his application for a
patent for ato linear leet of th Capital
Consolidated Oold and Hllver min or vein
bearing gold and silver, wltb surfao
irruuna uuu
i fret In width, situated In Hen-
nemlnlngdlatrlct, county of Marlon anil
-ilMie of Oregon, and designated by th
Held nolea ana omcial piau on nl In tbla
oltlca a lot Nn. 211. bald lot No. tlf be
ing described aa follows, to wit: Bagtaalag
.tt a rock In placa wltb mound ar slaae,
wltb bearing lr corner Ma. I; taaso
v, 17 K., etl) feat to alone In raound of
Hone with bearing Iras coraer Mo 3; taaaos
, W yr.i au80 leet to stons la mound of
itone corner No. 8, theno a. IT W., W
feetto t'ck In place with mound of ston.
place of beginning. Magnttlc variation
If to -if a , containing sl.Sl acre. Th
locatlouoftlilrt mine Is recorded la tn
recorders omoa at siarion county.uragna.
Any and an peraoas claiming aavtraely
my portion of said Capital Coaaolldataa
Jnlifand nllver mine or aurSto imisl
reoulred to nie their advera clal
wltb the regl iter and reoslver of tat U.H.
mud oltliHt Oregon City, la tbe
DrefOB.durlnc the alxtr aava' i
publication tliervof.or tbey will be barreal
rtueuflh provision, nf the statute).
Fruit and Farm Lands!
Wo lmvo on our books aoine choice bargains in fine Garden and Fruit tracta,
ot 10 and 20 ncros each. Our fianlon nntl fruit tracts are all fine elevated lands,
dcop'black soil, and good drainage, lying oust of' the City in
Close in to the Capital Citt with its Cannery and Evaporators that will mvo you good
home raw ket for your products Fruit lands are valuable property, and are rising
steadily. No investment will bring better returns than one whore .the investor gets
both the rise in the price and the increase in growth of trees. A e also have a nice
list of
Improved Suburban Acre Property,
with CTowin" Fruit, consisting of Trees, Plants, Vines, etc. In farnis we have im
proved and unimproved, large and small, on the prairie or in the hills, as you like it.
CITY PROPEKTY of every description, including some first-class business places.
The Best of ihem all! Houses and Lots on the installment plan.
on caa saTs maney by buylcf your
Musical Merchandise
Musis Noum, Kldrldfe Block, Halew
Union facile R. R. Company
Trains for tbe aaat Were t'ortlani al7.0)
am and rfli pm dally. Tic auto and fron
principal points la Ibi Ualmrt HtaUa. U
ada and Kuropa.
Berul N'fw Diiiig Cm.
Free Family Bleeping Cars run througb
a Kxpress trains U Ouiaba, Council
BluBa and Kisim City without change
Connections at Portland for Ha a Francis
eo and ttigel Hound points.
For turtker particulars addraaa any
agent oi tn coiupauy. or
I. tf.I.Eta.f.A.
C. H. MELI.ErT. Oeneral Tratac Manager
Uoisa Manning agents M Court street,
Maleiu, Oregon,
Oregonian Ilail Koad Conpanj.
(leneral offices northwest earner First
aad Tin streets, Portland.
groan Toward
PorUaad HsaMoms Portland
Milver-Cabarf Fnrt'nd fNirt'd
tea ae mall mall Krp
lv rat ltam iur. At4S
oo i m forti'iii iru iii .10 6
7 So 1 K WoodSurn 1 40 III
I II K Slhertaa I'J ot 41
77 Hrownsviii ; 46
av .caburg I eo
Alrlleaaall Portland mall
LV aa tt m
a .Portland PAW V. S 18
13 OS Uand Junctloa Is
J 00 hkrrldan .. win
4 is Dallaa a
4 to Kouaaoutb 7 3
S Alrll (45
Ttekels for West Ride stations for tale at
foot ol Jefferson st. Tickets for Kant aide
stations for sale at Uamu depot. Cor. stb
andJstreau. t'HAK. N. sVrrr,
t.en. Sapt (ln. r. W. A Paw. ligf
nNseailelsrtmr f SUnler'smmt sMIIIn,
tr.nUr sad tu 4 Hiss it f tk liacvctsat
SaoMTt tin win ihi, fOT the Iras Mows la tba
T?.k-"-.",,T" ". V"?"-. "-" "1 Dsrte.1
i" ...,''. ""l1 ? Jsl'et snj at the .
tl .1 Htetkhcki-a . a( 9,d -...
.."'u'4 "'"' T a a al U kss
SunUr iatrikst4 a lias.
la-rtliaOSSMfesnskuHkfthU M.Im,u W.I-.
wJ'L''?lSs"'c?ss sa spplicstioa.
la trim ats u be asWad.
has las bak kcs uTi.
ariat at
Aad taal lb. ssavaaatag aasal sarriai a esrMSaais
m awfiw l""l sa
tiairal Ai-stifr tns PxcifU Csstt
-TTBlSft"rlS!r.'WBl Mr,0
Kold by T. McF. PATTON,
oe ki.... c ,. .
" ntatc sn paioni.
A8r giffliff
vSth. - UUMQLU
CSUmm Ho. ,
primary forms J iTLTXLT'P.- !l
Bv.hll Zw
Urn U:
sssallesisa alT Usaar fILH" n''
wsMber sa it?',? .PI','
" rsaa.n bV-t"? r ""'l-
H JtelH
Th Rlaharaaalraaasni..
..a ill ...LU r.-TX.-T.T r
mw im.ii
BJis& nn
. .
..... .. ..
Uhaa'a aolii- a.r"-1 '.
rnr.. pa nn - t.-""
0.-Ttlary, sI.T.uiT.T,". i-
aaat mil,.'. 'K trifl Ifli'' l ""
IV .. .'
sassssx -
sUst,Haa rmsMsHo CsU.
Willamette Valley
I nm wiling at my mrket on State aBtl Cmirt ttreett,
mcatH at tbe follow lug prlfts:
BOILKI) UEEFfroni to 8 CeoU
rOHK by tbe QUARTER 7 Onto
St. James
For Bovs and Youncr
COUII.SE8: Preparatory, Commercial and Claaaical. Eaay to reach;
hourly ruins run between I'ortland and Vancouver. All denominations
reee veil. Iv umber of tioarders limited, early application necessary.
During the past year students were in atiendenoe rom California, Ort
gon, Montana, Idaho, llritiMh Columbia and Washington at large.
for CutaloKUe and detailed Infornnttiou addrerin:
KKV. UlitECTOlt Ht. James College, Vancouver,.Wi sh.
sum it to w
Advertise Your Business!
$1.00 Per Year
And Be&t
For the Money on the Pacific Coast
OmotV w iih JwS-."i .l" fe?l.e..M rU1. I Pe. wiwVT .tudyiw
giving aCCUrttlnTi.f ,.ru r """'
afllsra il a a . . '" IU
Urauuatea Btudsnu la
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Music Art and Theology.
Normal, Business, Law,
Jtts the oldest, largest and least expen
sive Institution or learning la tbe Kacta
r.cboul opens drat Mokday la Bcpteraber
Band for oatalogue to
'': Balam. Oregna.
E. BCHOETTLE, 272 Commercial street,
merchaut tailor. The tine) aults to order
Hi till ls-ltll nrln. A aausi A isr.
- T"uuiyfltci toriu -
"ta JWKKAfc SLUM a. sjaBOlalty
Mil UIlHKflsTi
Mil uiiexotil
iwsu nr sua lawi uaoa and rU aatala