i -wl rMfrs''rmmiipri.rT tf "( Jf-jJi - WAflHijtjrW "SrWf',, 1IW ?'ifcB( WWII W .' J 'f6T!-?r' 1 -' "Tr-'s-.rS' -7 fc rf'-"?' JW'iS?f tPl nirtnv if - M JJm TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES., Associated Press Report and Digests ef all Important Kcws of To-Day. STATE A Victim. PKNDI'NTON, Oct. J. The E. O. a ..IjI nonw KnttrilH fftiiiii ihvh: a ""w "-""- " . who Ib hoM to be a farmer living in tliii Echo nelghliorlwod, Iiuh been In Pewllutun for tlio Inst few tluyn on n protruded Hpn-c, and In very near the point where Hiinkes are HUpptmud to emwl from n rauti'B bunts Into bin hair. He wuHubiiiit town Inm night (elllnt; over.v num be uu!, very con tUlt'iitlall.V, that be bail Juit riliot u man tbioiicb the broat lit Jlnnii'ii fft'dyiinl. He wiw kindly thkon In rlmrne by the oflk-ern. The mime tin fort ii mt wnajtiileil Monday night. Next tuorniiiK be accuned the ciflicew of Bt-ulliiK I1I1 wallet, which he ild contained M. He wiw tuKeti to the place where be had been found lying 1" the gutter mid there bin wallet was dlncovered. It contained $10 and of course lie hnd to get drunk again to celebrate III good fortune TIIKORI'IIASB'IIOMKANDHOSI'ITAL will iik mriir immkihati:i.y. The Herald miya: Ai'HANY, Oct. S. The contract for the lumber to be used in the con struction of the $0,000 himpltiil at this ilty ban been let to the tiuutiam Lumbering- Co., and the. inuteilal 111 be on the grouud in a few dn. n. TIip baHeiuetit and oriHwwnlls are nlmidy built, and tho work of con rtruciiim will le commenced Imme diately. The building will be 70x40 feet, two Htory high with a b:iHemeut and m ill be a line Htruuture, mitl iu uriiaineiit lotbe city. It ixexpeeled ilial It will be enclosed by tho ilrnt of the year. The work l lielng superintended by Ed. Zeis, of HiIh city. The grouud on which the building la being built was donated by a number of Albauy'a cnterpris lllg citlMUi. POLITICAL. THE AUHTItAIilAN HALI.OT. Tacoma, Oct. 8. The Globe Ijiib ilits special about tho Seattle city flectien: The city lection passed oil to-day with no disturbance at the uolls, although there wan a bit ter contest and tremendoua interest won shown throughout the city. There wan no opposition to the adoption of the new charter. The whole republican ticket was elected, the democrats making their main tight for mayor. They wiobed to keep the ofllce in the hope that the larn amount of patronage in the bauds of the mayor uuder the new charter would strengthen them for the election In November. The majority of White, the republican candidate for mayor, is estimated at alinut 800 over Collins. The Austra lian ballot system worked perfectly, uinl the publio generally expressed H-riut Hatlifuctlon over it. The diffi culty of making sure that the goods were delivered largely checked vote buying, MISCELLANY. IMMEDIATE llHNKt'ICIAL WOltKINOS OKTIIK TAUIKKIIIMi. l'lTTHiiuiiu, Pu., Oct. 3. One re null of the passage of the tariff bill with its tin plate clause will be the eatabllshment of an immense tin plate factory at an early day in Bal timore by a company of Kasleru capitalists with a caulUl stock of 17,000,000. Foreign capitalists nre to erect a tin plate mill at Duquesne at a cost off 1,600,000. CATIIOMO CHUItCII HOW. Ci.kvki.anu. Oot. 3.-The trouble that has recently been brewing be tween UUhop Qllmour und J. J. Groves, editor of the Cutliollc Kuiglit, whlcli O rotes claims is the official .organ of the Knights of Ht. John, and which the bishop denies, bus culminated In the blshop'H pnb lUlilug decrees of the third council of Baltimore. These decrees permit canonical puulshmeut of publishers who iiinke hostile at tacks upon burch authority. In his publica tion UUhop Qllmour reserves to himself alone the right of absolutlou or not ouly OroWs, but all 'those who handle, eucourage or read the 'Uiullo Knight. Manly Telle, editor of the Catho lic Unlvemo, the bishop's puper, has iiiMltiited a suit for libel against the World, which published nn art'lole Jjya Yotingstown priest, ntlacklug Telle and thu bishop personally. The dlueesu Is great I v excited over tl'e "Hair. " , UKATIl OK A PKOMINKNT AMEHI IAN IN HANDWIOU IULaND. Ban Fhanoibco, UhI., OjI 8. AdvlciiM from Honolulu stale that Clus. N. Arnold, a well lui iwn hotel keener uu tho Inland, a ijullve w I'euiisyivanla and a numiber ol 0o. hiUmx 1'iwt, No.4.', U. A. II , alwl of nuvurUut f the heart, Sept. 24. Arnold Ims ()f lata been employ 'd In thu department of public works. CONTBBTINU A WILL. CiiiOAgo, Jll.,Oet. .-The will ' the latr John Ororar. wl.lnh ills' of an estate of 8,000,0(H, miifh Mt to olmrltable and religious In ututl u or tlila city, will be con Uwted. nnl0 whw study economy will uokryudi ithMswaw bssa claim tWraitwiluM,, J.G. Wrbjlst. WASHINGTON nui-mii msmiM MUiir mit As.-,ir AMHHK'ANCOMMIJHOH. Washixoton, 1). ('., .Oil. .1. Thu'ltntlHli vice commiI at Lin An geU'i In tiN ui.iitJililHi.virnnifnt n-ccntly pral-ril Iiiu,h raised In Holilliprti (.'allfoiiilii. Ilu expressed the opinion (hat the Hril&i urniy could ho well nupplied wlthhoixcs from thH mm rue. The YorkMiiie Post eilltonilly cnys iIkhu ronsiilur reports are lutciitk-il to give infor illation to the people of England hi to the denintul for tbeii prodtuitft, liihlead of convening to furelgiicra liiliirmatioii us to bow I hey can criiMh llrltlfdi iiidustiii, and olI'eiH the advice that tho sooner Lord Siillnliury htoiM their pulilic.itlim the belter. ovmistniiTOK i.ottt.hy mail. Warim.noton, II. O., Oct. R. Atwt. Attorney I1cncr.il Tj tier, under direction of the post manter geiier.il, linn prcpareil a circular let ter to post nm-tlers cuntaiiilng In HtructiotiH for their guidance In the treatment of "lottery matter" and the recent null-lottery act. It Is very explicit in Insti uciIoiih and al lows post mailers to examine all uu Healed mutter, hut forbid tampering with scaled matter. IIAimiHON'S Tiur. Washino ro.v, D. U. Oct. 3. Tin Preliminary detullsof tliepu-ilik'iit'i-western trip nre now urrauid, sub ject to slight changes. Tlieiresldeni leaves Washington on Monday mid will come went an far ns Topeka Kali huh. CRIMINAL. KKhUI.T UK OAMM.IMI. KniiSMJ. Cal. Oct. 3. Jack Kmtlb shot and Inutautly killed Percy Wllliaiiis Ibis ntoniinjj in the tn room of the Hughes Hotel. The trouble anise over a game of cauls. i:xiMtr.ss itoniu:it8 cauciht. ClNCINNATTI, Ohio, Oct. 3. Tin manager of the Adams Express Co has received lettcis from the gcucr al manager of the Cincinnati, Ran dusky and Cleveland railroad, sav ing that two of yestcidny's train robbery are in Jul 1 at llel!efoutaim und the road's detectives -nre -aflci the third one. man social position no iiau. Chicago, Oct. 3 Mrs. Dnnti fUtbbourne, daughter of A. S. Pull man, began suit for divot cefiom hei husband, Richard N. Jltilhbourm Jr. She alleges habitual (trunk eness, personal abuse and uufuith fulness. The parties to the suit oc cupy a high social position. FOREIGN. ;' EQUINOCTIAL BTOIIMS. IiONUON, Eng., Oct. 3. A'lcrilfli gale has prevulled In the North Ben to-day. Five vessels have foun dered. NO CONVICTION I.IKIXY. London, Eng., Oct .'8. The bear ing In the case of Slaylu and Me Aulitretook place today In Lam lieth court. The counsel for tin Crown sild If a contest between men was declared unlawful, tin persons who urranged and abetted the fight should be also prosecuted. After bearing the evidence the court reserved its decision lor oue week. PARAGRAPHS. Wheat nt Chlcajio U llrm at 901. Wheat ut Sin Francisco Is J-1.3.') pur rental to-day. There Is no dairy exhibit ut the I'orlluutl extiixltlon. Tho foreign bop :.niket K"rt more favorabje. The repiilillciu ticket swept Se.it tlo clean. llnnlnii hns iv'iiin been dcfcatid by Teenier. Tacoma will bold her charter elec tion Oct. 18. The democrats concede Idaho to the republicans by 1000 plurality. Tho Conitc de Paris und party ar rived lit New York this mornlnir. At Dayton. Tenn., 1200 miner!' have struck against u proposud re duction. Plouronnoumnnlft has been dls- covered III ft nlitp of Ciiuadlau cat tle lauded ut Dundee. Theenftln trust Dili is declared dissolved on account of tho anti trust bill passed by ciiiiRrcss. The saloonkeepers of Oakland will CBtublish u brewery lu opp-islttou to the. British syndicate ooucern. Tim Kivsno HilHiiUr CHllliiatcs the raisin crop of th.it oouu y nt one oill lion boxes. Prof. Plumnier, of T.iconia, states there are trees mar llu foot of Ml. Hauler 010 feci hl;b. I'lie H.iitnii opt'r.iliDU-'i'.it Frcsiii"! waso'-eiieil mi tbu 8Jlh,by Henry K. Dixey ft Co , in ".Xdotils." Hermann Kindle" drew H8,0n( in a loltery.lii tviciv liiissK-nt Ii all aud unv il '' bakery In Hun Kiuuilsco. Nalural huh hm bu-n struck ut Hu'ri'iiietil". "I I In' cot iter of fltb and It sired , ul ii deptli ol 01 1 luut. j ,, Kd,w bud hotli bis wrist's nnd his colur imuo biokeii while sup'Tluleniliui: thu lenioval of u hriduom AnoyoUruudc, TIW'iHiyr,tliei!hk'fofl"ll', Iho im:v JiuIjivh mid iilnitixt nil the tlmpiillwiKiid epvolal ulllceiH wi-ro rfu-d their wilnrli for U ',ulh l of Heptciuber, at Kaoremento, be uu) gambling was allowed to go j unmolested during tho state fair. 'I he police say they will mandamus the trustees to pay tho salaries.? .A'nmn named Edward Brown, oT new Vijrk, has been sent ,to Mack well's isl.ind, being, a Drofesstonnl begitir. He lived in n brown stone bouse, surrounded by luxury. He had accumulated a largo amount of money by begging from -door to door. Ills family pretended to bn Ignorant of the way be got his money, but had lived in luxurv oil' the money he brought in. In Hie cao of Mi'tuhcl shooting Johnson at Astoria no new tacts are developed. The daughter Nellie whom Johnson is alleged to have seduced, in illitalns tho theory upon which her father killed him, and says she ran nway to Portland and hired out under nn assumed name to escape Johnson's persecu tions, and that he had ruined an other' glil. Thu niiirdcrei's lawyei i.iys when nil tin; facts urn known the public will sustain the kiljlnn of Johnson, und justify Mitchel lor taking tile law In his own hands. James Fl.ini.iiit, aged 20 years, has been arrested at Napa on three charges of arson ami the police are looking .for Leo lloiiell, charged with tho same crime. Fl.uuant and llorrell wero the ringleaders of a puly ol boys, ills fharged, and In. eieli case pelf, mud all the work of setting Hie to the buildings. The others were simply onlookers. The plan of operations of the boys was to s iturate straw or rags w itli kerosene and then on top of the pile place a 1'ghtC'l candle one inch long. They would then go-home, and to-be"d. From the Slate Aurirtillur.il CiiIIqsc '('OKVAI.L1H, Or., Oct. 2, "JO. Thu Oreg- II Anrlcultlli.ll college lias now HO students, 'hud more coming every day. All the classes arc now arranged, and curj tiling is uoviiigotl nicely. New healing pipes arc being placed in the forcing house, and the many .ilanls are looking as good as could tic expected uficrthilr tiips to the air. The liialectic anil Hesperian socic- ies will uivu uu eiiterluininciit In l lie college chapel on Friilayewiiiug it".;i0. This'ls the opening union ncetlng for theses-,itu'i of 1800 91 and is looked forward to with high ex pectations of a good t!me 1,500 mii.es. f . . rin t Miu Gut It. A Samjle uf Let 1 ti-rs Ilnlly Roceiwtl. Only those Mho hnie tried it can know what It Ik that iroints oue to scud 1,600 miles for it 1 1 ,;ct It antu. Here 1 nnolher of inany tuch luvtuQits: lir.iu Sun: I teiiil 55, fr which jiler.ir re--urii u l.uif ilozi'M of )oi:r CKHiilile hureapa rllla. I lme inoied hero Ir nn Siefrs Cltv, Cat. 1 lmk three bottles befcro leniluk, hen-c I fend ail the nay back to California for nun'. It woi'Just lieforo I left Sierra City, about a j cur npo. tiiat I began to feel vcrv ml-'Crablc. M sktu a tty yellow, and Inasull iHluiiir.il ulIich, cri-eclally tin ilcnnr flioiiHernaiie! Inmrhcad. Tho doc tor Mild ft vui in Her,uu4 raiomcsome modlelne wtlt-h n-Ueied mo Konewhnt. )iieo my aelKlilxirii hnppcnod in mil told i!o slio hail fiitirleil tntake Jo)' 'i-'e-able -ar.a).ui Ilia, aud adri.o 1 mo to try it. I did, 0 id ttlt'i 8iicli K"'l eileet that I now feel nkc a n hv biiine. I have u.'V lmled olio of rov nelKlibon here to tal.o It, so j art of thlt it for her and part for miMiif. MltS. CEO. IlKl.llRinflK, Butte Clty,..Mou!u-jn. Tlie rcudor, who hai .not, tried if, h-n no Idea what the erulnble julcei la this rp-mv!) will do fordlsoiderod (jktems , Children's carls for only -J I'ejijs i al Crissman's 5 anil 10 cent store- ' IlOIKLr AKKIV.I.S. "Tfn; wiLLAMUjrrK." The following arrlVAl are ivais t'reil fur the last tw-niy-f'ur heurs: WFCMrli,,, P- fekoslaud, Raker, vny. . A Oalbralth," F lCsblitid, Port w'a shaver, Butte crwk. j VK tiivls, Geo Russell Reed, San I Francisco. Jos titriilianlt, St Paul. J I) Lee, The Dalles O W Hubbard, E DIjjks, S.iuta Ana. Mis O A Sawlelle. Fulls City. G W Rowlaiui, Tin-Dllos. Hairy Young, It Kcpplor, -Port-' land. Hi-nryGoldman nnd wlfe.Chltwco. Al .Samuel, San FmiicIsc-o. , COOK HOT11L. OnlGeheiid, C. Jackson, C. l'l Gmdoii, Jas Waricn, (!. H. Fotr.il. Piiltlniul. O. Phillips,,!'-. Ii! Fisher, Yamhill Co. F. II. Joints, Neb.' BMrs. M. Wiule, Toledo. Or. l( A.,Djiyjdaou, yis. , H.Joncs, .M. H.t Grsobke( Kal uiiiazno, Wis. " i E. Davldsou ami wife, Parkei'i C P, arl?s, Miinmoutli. O. AY, Hunt, Tinner. - . . Johu nnd May Palmer, F. Mvjich eui, Salem. ' ' ' ' ' Rl'A.TIlOl-'OlIIO.ClTYOFl . . 'I'm.r.nli. LuoasCi).. I ' FltA.VK J. CilllNiri' inalies oath that he Is llioft'ulor partner of the (Inn of F..I. Oil kni:y& (.')., dolnjr liusliK-RH In tbu city of Toledo, coun ty anil stale afoiesalil, and (but Mild linn wll'iuiN tbcsuuiofONEHUN DUHD DOLLAIlrt for t:uih mid uverv I'nsHijf Uuturrh I hut cmiuot lie I'liri-'cl bv I be use of Hull's t'titiiirli Curi"' FHANK J. UliiiXJCY. Sworn to before me und subscribed in mv pnWup k this 6th day of De cembVr, A. lh 180. . " bkal Notary Public. Hill'rii-Vt'irrh Cure Is tatiw'Sn terually and nets idlrectlyion llie tiliuid anil muooiis. riU'fiici's of tho system. Hend forti'stlinonlals. (ree. if. J. CHUN ICV &.0o., 'lledo, X). Sold by till druddlslK W..i i i i Notice. All pai lies that urn owinir the uu derslnni'il plo.iso call iyid pay up. J wain moueybadly us I uuikiiI.iiu; U move. J W. OhawfRod. SCROFULA ' Hi .t Impurity of tlio blood which pro- a it uiulfditly lamps or twelllngs on the ' i ' i I lie neck ; causes painful running rrs nn the arms, legs, or feet; dcvelopcs l ers In the c'yes, ears, or nose, oi'tert caus- i blindness or deafness; Is the origin of .mjilcs, cancerous growths, or the many r iiiinlfestatlons usually ascribed to I tmtnrs;" and fastening upon the lungs, iispa consumption, and death. Being. .c innst ancient, It Is the most general ot 11 diseases or affections, fot very few .icrsims are entirely tree from it. How Can It Be CURED l!y taking JTood's Sarsaparllla, which, by ho remarkable cuics It has accomplished, .flrn hcn other medicines havo failed, Ins procn itself to he a potent and pecul tar medicine, for this disease. Somo ol llicso cuics are really wonderful. If you mitTcr from scrofula oi Impure blood, be sure to -try Hood's Sarsaparllla. ' K cry spring my wife and children have necn troubled with scrofula, sores hrcak ii. R out on them In arlous places. My nttio hoy, thrco years old has been a icrilhlo suflcier. Last spring he was one m.iMrfof sores irom head to tect. I wr.s mhl'cd to use Hood's Sais.iparllia, and mo lia c all taken It. I'lic result Is tli.it nil lu e hrcn emed'Ot tlio scroiula, my little lj 1 clng, entirely tree from sores, and all 1 ur i f my children look bright and healthy." W. II. ATiiEnTox, P.issalc City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla siMbyrtmrjrtsts. fl; (IrforfJ. rrcparcrtbj ' I.1IO0C t CO., Apotliecurlci, Lowell, Maui !00 Doses One Dollar COOK HOTEL Sfnto and High Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. Sawcssor lo W. IL COOK. The Cook notol Is oppoltr court house onxtlcnt to builn.B-j part of city and meet enr line riiui.lt.r past the door. itftu-n 8i.no to sum n day, according to ronm special terms ,to boarders and lanilllrs. Nl 0. I). IIUTTON, Prop. Catlnz-iof nlljclnda made to. order. .MII.I, MACHINERY, ri.AM.vo mi i to, , OOll.VICIH, . Ml.TAL FKONTS, WHKKUS, 1'ULLKYS, Itirt nieclal aiatlnm of anf ililenr not- irn iniule In Kliort order, amnutii and re- uauieja re y p.iriicuiar. Repair any Micliineiy in Short Order. Turning lathe, euslne, hop presses mid hop utoies built. Will niiil!eetiiiiutes ui, iiuy imu work needed. Clood priev paid for old iron. . 3-lit-lm EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CAUrOSNIA KX1T.E83 THAIS BUN I) AIM BETWEEN I-OETLArD AND 8. F. BouThT S-OO prm. 8.'l p. m. 1:V a. in. rW5rthT I.v. Lv. Ar. Portland Salem "nn Krnn. Ar. Lv. I.v. oaSa. n. 7:19 a in M0 p. m AiKit-trains Ktopi-ni.i ul following hta tlo.ii in rtli or Itnuehure. hnsl 1'ortland llrKim Cit. Woodbiiru, Milcni, Albany Tiilii-'cni, heddi, Iliilsey. Harriaburg J unit I'll t'liy, Inlniriu rt Kngene. IIOSKIIUKO MA1.L. UAIl.V, I t..no a. in. t,v. I 10.5-2 a. 111 I I.v r.irtlund Vilein Kugene Ar.j I.v. I I.v.'l 4 OU p. m, l.US p. m. U.OJ a. ra (, aj"p."m. ,,,..,. , r. I Albany I.ocnl, Dully (Kxcept Sunday.) S.UU-p. III. 7j.' p. 111. I H.tO n. 111. I.v. l'urll.iud Ar. MM a.m. Lv: Ar. siilem A I nn ny I.v, Lv, )0Xi.. m A-ai u. in. ULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. JQURIST SLEEPING CARS, I Fur ncmiiiiuodhtion ot second ciau I paskcngera alUiched to ezpren trains. .Vest Side Division. Between Portland CerValll'S: hah.v-(exckit su.nbav). 7:' a. m. I.MO p. in. Lv. Ar. Portland Corvnllis "7lr7 I.v. t; o p. m. I'JUn.m, At AUiiny nnil t'oivulIlK connect witn iralriv ofOiegon l'ac-lflc lUllroad, KX HilKSi TUAJN (DAILY EXCSKTSDND'AY 4-Irp.""iii. Lv. Portland Ar. I s Ma. m. Tlji. in. j Ar.Mc.MlnuvllleLv. 6:5a. in. Through Tickets To all pol U KAST and SOUTH Fill IIUKI, HUU IUM .Ml luxrale tiiups, etc.appl; uy s Hvent snleiu. OreKOi K.i. Id HI KIIH, Asut. U. tor tickets aud lull information regard. apply 10 me towpa OU. 1 W anil Unas A a't It. KUKULKIt. Manager. iv'viriv awvi ui c nu -m From Terminal or Interior' Points the miT U1UU UU ' In tlio lino to tulto To all Milts East anil South. It I the dining car route. Itriina through vesllbule li-ulun etory day lu the year 10 ST. PAUL AND (No change of cure.) Composed of dlulugcuni uiiMirpn-Ked, I'lillniau druwiiiit niom ulrepera Ul lilenl eiiulpment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Iloit Wml in be oonmi ui-ted and In which vriiiiiniidaiwaa aro Ixith free and lur nlshod for liol Iw of flrt und cooad-cliur UckclHjiini .ELKQAITV DY COACHES. Aoonllnnm 'r.4 oo;nl:tlng with ll llniw uUiirdln l "n-' id uninterrupted Hervlnr. Piillinnn hIi lnPHCllll be - -iiri'd In advi nny agent of tun r-Mio, . Through tleketi to nnd from nl polnu In Ailii-nea, i'.nKliinii rind Knrnpe can be piireliai-eU at uuy ticket ottioo ol thU com pany. Kull Information concerning rate, time ofliiilnii.roiiteMandntlii'rdetulUruruuibaa on application lu nny tuient or A. D. CHARIrON, AKHlHllint iji-iHJnu rtiwuirr rtunuii w . lil Kli-nt trut, cor. WtmUlbgten: forV Uu4,Orfoa, JlcfllOW t WILLABD, Diiilem tu Fresh and Salt Meats. KLDNlUGIU BLOCK. Prico of Aleuts by tlmijiinrur.........c. Mutton by thequurlci ...j.. Pork by the quarter .... 7c 7c JIoUa......h..h.....h........ to 8C. Roasts ...... . . . . . 8c, Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG, 271 Commercial Street. French nnd German Wheat and Ryo Ilreuds In City Styles. VlPima Rolls. SPECIALTY OK FANCY CAKEH. Pastry und Confectionery Baking In Full Stock. My new bread and cake bakers are first-class urtlsta lu their line, aud I aim to have Everything as Fine as the Finest NOTICE la herebv civnl hat wo w til not bo reannn- slbte for tiny bllN contracted In our name, unless oi dcred by until wrltlnir, or In per son. HIIWUM A lATTON, City Iltll 1'OHtern. brick! BURTON BROS. ire prcp-ircd to fiirnlli a nist-clasj article ofllrlcfe lu tnwi) nr country or nnjwticre nn tUeiineof 0& O. It It. Prices teunon ible. R.d i.n stnte street. oppnHi O, 8 P. All nnler Ipn with Wllllnins & Eng land promptly attended to. Insure -in Ytur Home Company ! "The State," Which has for tho past six yean PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued Mote Policies, ' ' 'Received More Premiums, And Paid More Lossei Upon property located In Oregon or Vab Ingum than any other company. It was the.; First Ccmpiny to Paj 'all Losses' in Foil and in Gash fly the three great conflflRratldns of BeatU Kllen.-burgond ripokune i-'alle. ; '' OEp. M. BEELI R, ' '" City Agent. And Bpeclnl Agerit for Marlon Coui.i). OUlce in the company's bulluint. THE RUNS Kiist trains wlih t'lillmnn VestlbuU Drwlncp riMini Hleeurii. dininfir cars anc coHuhes of latest design, between Uliicagi uud Milwaukee and 8t. l'anl nnd Minne apolis. rilHl' irUUlH Willi llllilIU.ll YCMIUUIl-U drawing 'room sleepeu, dining curs and coaches of latent ileiiigu, betweeu ('blcugo and Milwaukee and Alilntidiiiid Dululli Ibmngh 1'ullman vestibule drawing rnomundcolnnlbtsleepcrii via the North eru I'Melde railroad between Chlcugoand I'orilund.Or. Convenient trains to and from Kastern, We-lern, Northern nnd tenlral Win-on-ln points, affording unequiiled service to and from waukeslia loud du Lac, Ub koKb, Neenab. Meueshn, rhlppewa Falls, 1-jiu Claire, Hurley, Wis., and I roll wood und iiewieiiier, Mich. l-'or tickets, sleeping car reservation, time bibles and other luloniiiition. uppl) to nei)tn anywhere In the United Htaten or Canada. B. It A1NHL1K Oen'l. Mgi Milwaukee, Wis, J.M.UANKUItl). Uen'I Traffic Mgr., St. Paul. II. C. BARLOW. TrutUe Igr., Milwaukee, Wis. LUbISKUIC-TIN. Aan't fJen'l 1'ims'r and Tkt Agl , Mllwau kee. Win Two Through Trains Each Way DAILY, VIA; UNION PAUIFIU SYSTEM. Commencing with Hiinday, March 2nd bnlli linst and seuind cIum llckeU will be honored on "The Limited iuikt Mull,' tral is Sand 4, uu well uho uu the "Over land 1'lyeis," Noh. 1 und J. 'The Limited I0n.l Mall" trains art equipped with I'lillinan palace and coin nll Hh-eperH, dining isiru, chair cure und iiMclieK. una run toiid uciweeu I'oruana and rhlcago, dully w 11 bout change, Ttie"Overlund Hyer"traln oie tqiilppe With Pullman palucu Kleepere und concnei d e. lictneen Portland und Council llliitlii, und with 1'ullmun ciiloiiUt hleeiwr" between Portland aud Kuna City, dully, without change. nmnecitonero made at I'oeiUella with through trains toiuulfrom Salt Luke, utu! at I'lieyennu with through trulua to uni from Denver, Knwt City und HI. U)ul. The above tralim allord lliu qulckeai lime between the Northwest l'uclno count nnil Kiikli-in and oulhern polnlH. Detailed lime of trains, rutin, through ticket, luicvire cheeks etc.. ci.n be pro cured tinon annlluiliou Uiunv uuenl .....,,-,.-..- . -- - ..--. y.,.. Union l'uoiflu r stem. T. W. LEU, oi in. H-7-t-w flen'l Tims, gent. I1018K & MA.SNINU Agent, 6S Cour street, Huleiu Oiekou, f ? tht Exclusive Control ol O N ?iirmm l " in irinii t M ' At ' kavt to ogtr m prli$ l Mil Od Wt$,(vlUtM(tfUoe. v4rykMkUt WE AND ONE HALF POUWt. GILBERT & PATTERSON, HUH, Mf. iiSm M i IT ilffll g MWilM T tumesk Tihsinook ouunty, Oregon, Is locattd ut llie lieul if ..r.p wter on TiUainc ounced hv Oovsrnmeiit tiuirlnca a. one nf Lhn pnle.e anil hMr nnrii, uf ih. rinM... fi... ilipatted f i oin her during thi pt yiar, li Umook ODUntyU Urgir than the aUta of Del ware and twioi as Urge as any county upon the Pacific coa-t, contis'inft of ipltndid prairiw, lmmen. fonstaif n.lilLg, Etc.. Ea BAY CITY is the only place in the county where n oimmpro'al citv cn be built. Etten ivj imnrovcmeiiU eon al.ting of wharvet, d ck. wareh. nttf, bnildinif, Eto , are t-nrlilv heinc made. 1 his it a tn.w, rich, en 'v loptd c oiitry. For maps, ciroulari, price-, E o , cnll on oraildreM ihe BAY CITY LAND CO., Salem, Oregon. Look OverThis List andseoWhatyou Want TOE STATE Next Door Bush's Bank: Offers Great Inducements for the Purchase of MTSCFLLANEOUR BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY, PLUSH nnd LEATHER PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, POCKET CUTLERY. INKS OF ALL COLOnS, COLORED KCHOOL (CRAYONS, LEAD PENCILS OF ALL GRADES, SCRAP BOOKS, JUVENILE BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. LETTER FILES, TISSUE PAPER, LEATHER GOODS OF ALL KrNDfc. From 10 to 20 per cent' can be Saved by Buying your Books and Stationery at tte State street Book Store. gl CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES S II RECTOR MEADOW 1 FRUIT FARMS. Four Miles One Thousand acres of 08 flue laud nn there Is la the uorthwe t, divide I and fruit f trnia. Tht-se tree's for the FIRST TIME are now phued uu thi to 1100 per aere oue third c-ui-h, biilunco on time with luierest. No Better Opportunity for in a small wav bos been offered to the mouths in improvements In the imniediute vicinity of this land, while roads, fencing, etc., a large amount A Free Ride to and From tie Place to any one wishing to we or Invest. Call at the office of ' WILLIS & CHAMBERLIN, Conrt St., Salem, Agonfs, for Plats, Description and farther particulars. The Oregon Land Co., -with at Home Ice (In the State Insurance Building) and branch ofllces In Portland, Astoria und Albany, Has fur sale a large list of Grain, Block and Fruit Furms; also City and Suburban Property. The Oregon Land Co, was especially organized for the purpose of buying md sub-dlvldlng larse tracts of land, and has during the past two years bought and subdivided over 3,200 ucres Into Five to Twenty Acre Parcels Die success of this undertaking Is shown in the fuct that nut of 2S0 tracts placed uu the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ten acres ol choice laud In Fruit, Yield a Larger Income than 160 acres of wheat in tho Mississippi Valley. Wealso make valunb'e Improvements in the way of roads, clearing the land, feiu-vs, etc. We i;aii sell a sumll tract of laud for the same price per acre as you would nave to pay fur a large lanu. Send for Pamphlet WOODBURN Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest. ONiS AND TIIIUS JS-FO UHTHS MILLIONS. 100,000 Pruno Trees. nA.uOO Roal Ann Cherry. 10,000 Karly Crawford Peach. 10,000 Muorpurk uud Roval Apricot. LAnuEi aivih ur mm uiutii FREE FliOM -o OATALOUUK PKBB. ADDRESS : I, H. SETTLEMIER, First NsllousI Bsuk A. t, AMWTaaxo, Mwtgtr. Buiuims, WwrtVmd, Tyftwrktag, y wU r lT . W ln Ml i&mS BAY CITY, V lrilOUl' fHB KXl'EXsK OK A 1'II.or OJI I L'O" STREET . STATIONER, NO. 98. From Salem die Capital of Oregon. public. Thousands of dollars will be expended Jwlthlu thetnext 12 ilty of this land, while uuon the tract ltself.nln tbo way ot of money will be used. its- max K. ) and Price List. ft'i.OOO Esopus Spltzenliert' 20.000 OriiveiiHK-lii Aunlu. 25,000 Yellow Newtown Pippen, lfi,(MHl Hen Davis Apple. LK.IUINU YAR1CT1ES OF FRUIT? Lii.um' INSECT PEsro. Woodburn, Oregon, Bulldloc. ftsltm. Ortroo. W, I. 6tawy, tMuelpil. Psmsausklf 4 Kf US PtywltMt. mf 9J w. Salem Oregon NURSERY k )'. -. Tho liai-for U, ami i put hi. h'y lou' ili-ainer' iirpioil n I H'l'He linl, Hid flu tlinW. . xtei M tlio nohet nf (! nl Urlds x." won iutn one hundred imill meadow murkit, rtintjini; in 1 ricts worn $60 Investments upon the tract itself,;in tbo way LADIES ! "or sixteen years we have sold tho-f-nous Ccntemerl kid glove of I'ar'rj Prance,a.s exclusive ageuts,and Xor quality they are without a superior. Also the LATEST NOVELTIES pertaining totho millinery trade. Ladle nirnUhlntrgoodsaspecIalty, irebitrealso fa, Just arrived a f 11 line of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERS CHAS. CALVERT,' 274 Commercial St., Salem. DUGAN BROS., "The Plumbers, " SOB Commerolal St. Dealer lu Steam and Plumber's Goods, Crtllfornla Imnstnue Bewer mud Fire Cloj Clilmuey flpo, etc, FINE HORSESHOEING AT Scriber & PobleV Hneclal uttcutlen given to shoeing rosvtV, icr, driving hormw, luterferlus uud of iy pled horses. A large Stock of (land-Made Shoes Carried. We give our penioual attention and em. iiloy nuue but expert In tUU dupurtuionl. 47 and 51 State Street, Salem, Or, rnii iii,'NvBANc Fire aud JWi rlne, i uu. Ai.ilK.HT. Agent. Haiew. QreflOsx -V Vi Cheapest, Neatest aid Best cnunuAiiTDic rnuDiuiTiAU', v ounwiTiniuii j vvm nninir' fence; 'v I make and put up all kind of feuoea, Uv andcountry, Ut my lermi befare teaslssi .1 ' H.hCUUMAKK.Mw70r rl nn wmm ?Salerr7Qr; lUfc He-Mo . . it A'aa "? ' L. - ynm: a,uiw, Open to Ilie'puWto Tbh ( -...-. ' . 'j. . ,i A It .. . L ' t "i law, Mel, twai. all Its finDmnfmattta. -J an rraaewM. I lis lippillHI ththeehnli with l he e hnlMM h ! t I. WAGNER, ! r'wvmt anwaia, re a i- Ina ta U-IAtlHAiTKI WW Vf J-A i i '5 J1" Kj Ji I, I ssr I