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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1890)
'UJfpMfc''vvVjr'' i, t T ' " w r r '-'t'' H TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Associated Press Kepert and Digits ef all Iapei-tast Wws of To-Day. MARKETS. 5 WHKAT. CHICAOO, Bejt. 22. CUxm whcnt Btcndyi ca1" 091: I)cc ,-02i Ma I1.O0J per bushel. San FiiANCieco, Cnl.. Sept. 22. Wbrnt, iwuon H.4T; buyer 'HO, M.ssj, perconlal. STATE- TIIK WATKKI.OO IIOOM. AMiASV, Ort., Sopt. 22. Titos. Kay, of Salem, J. K. Wcntlier ford, of Albany, hayo nciiultvd a VHluablo property at Wntcrl(x. The Immense water power at thin place, the Mtlft spring Utl acres f laud covering n beautiful town lte, have all paaoed Into their hand. It In the purpose of the owners to form a stock company with a capi tal of 160,000, build a $10,000 hotel, construct au electric railway to Leu anon, farm I heir water power and thus build on the banks of the South Santlam au Industrial rlty of no nmall proportions. With such men ut the head or the enterprise Water loo nhoulii le heard from. A COHVAI.I.IH WOMAN COMMITS Hl'U'lUK WITH l"01SON. CoiiVAt.Lis, Oregon. Sept. 22 Mr. Siinuel'LoJn, wife of County CoiiiniNdoiier logau, died yeator ilay from the effects of polfon taken it U thought with suicidal Intent. Mm. I."?nu leave a grown up fnm- My- . FOREIGN. KIKE IN A OCIIMAN VH.I.ACJK., Sep. 22. The village of lluthl. In the canton of Destgal, in on tiro. Three huudred houht are already destroyed and the loss or one life ! reported. The people arc destitute. TIIK I'BIZB FIUIIT HltKVF.NTKD. Utvvos, Sept. 22. Siavln and McAullfle who were booked for a prlie flcht, have been arretted ou a charge of conspiring to commit a breach of the peace. Both were ar raigned and bound over in two thousand dollars each to appear for examination to-morrow. WASHINGTON NO QUORUM. I Washington, D. C, Sept. 22. I Xo quorum appearing the houae adjourn el. A HITCH IN TIIK CONKKKKNCK COM MITTKKONTAKIKK. WasIIINHTON, I. C, Sept. 22. The meeting of the conference com mittee on the tariff bill to-day was postponed. The reason for the ptwt p uimeiit was a desire on the part of , the republican conferees to consult further among themselves. It ap pears no progress was made i since Saturday lu the disposition of sugar, liimliug twine, tlie uouueu period and the metal amendments, and that these are in such shaie that If agreement can be reached upon one, it will probably also re sult In uu agreement upon the others. UHINUINO Ul' AU8ENTKKH. Washington, D. C, Sept. 22. Morey, of New Hampshire, Intro duced a rule In the house to-day luaklug It au olfense punishable by a tine of JWO for a member to absent himself for the purpose of breuklug a quorum. MISCELLANY. KX-CONORKftHMAN IJIKd. EVANBVILLE, Itld., Sept. 22. Win. Hellman, ex-coujjreiwmuii, dl.d this afternoon after a protract ed illness. the hite for the WOKU'i l'AIR rlNALLV SETTLED 1X THE SAT ISFACTION OK A IX. Chicago, III., Hep. 2.The South Park oommlssiuuers this morning acceded to the request of the national conimlaaisners to allow the use of Washington park for tho World's fair bn addition to Jack on aud Midway Piaislanoe. This practically nettles the vexed site question to tho satisfaction oi the Natloual commlwlou. At the opeulugof tbesesslou this mnrning the commission paused a resolution or regret at the deatli of Gov. Hte tfusou, of Nevada. CRIMINAL. TRIAI, OF A MUKDEKKH. WoowrocK, Out., Bept. 22.Tie trial of Burchell for the murder of the you ij g KuglUbiuau JJeuwel", I" khii thU morning here. An Oversight, By an oversight rebiiltlng from the hurry of fair time, the JoUHNAii rustlers left out oue deserving llrui -that of Russell -Co., who went to heavy cxpeuae to inuke uu exhibit of their steam tbrenbers, traetlou englues aud the various articles of farm inuchluery whlchthoy handle with auch suooew. Ibelr exhibit ou the grounds at tracted much attention aud was pre sided over Kmcofully by Mr. Thu. II. Jiublwrtl, wbu iepitenU the txttufmuy with Marked mkxwm lu OftKUON'S IlKAllTiriMi CAPITA!,. ' It has r'lne r'acNltlrs and Asplrr to hf n lenie r. I'ndcr tho above headings Salem lira appropriate mention In to-day's Portland Orvjronlnii twenty page Illustrated etlitlo:i. The metropoli tan dally referred to is a magnificent advertising edition mid deserves great praise for its enterprising Inborn on hvlinlf of Oregon nnd Washington. Thu following show ing of Salem Is however only a part of Salem mauufrtuturiiig enterprises us w III be shown later In the .lorn nam tiik kotick ok malum. Probably no town In the state, with tho exception of Portland, lm exhibited so much enterprise or madoso much subitnntlal progress us Salem has during tho past two years. The people have put their shoulders to the wheel and tho town has gono forward with a rush. Bridged have been built, factories es tablished and street car and motor lines put In operation. S.ileni has splendid water power, which Is be ing utilized. The output of the fac torics is as follews: Xunilw of hands employ ed i72 Men employed, "skilled labor" Boys, uomen, (tlrls cm liloved. "unskilled labor" 10S 104 Capital invested $2.V5,40O 00 Amount of outside capital Invested In business 82,000 00 Output lu 18S9 200,800 00 Output lul8J0(e8tlmated) 419,000 00 Annual expenditures at home for raw material. 53,200 00 exeudituie8 abroad for raw material 15S.9O0 fjb Value ofproduct annually woiu ai iiome. ... :ai'j,uutf 00 uiueoi pnKiuciHunualiy sold abnud 1S7,000 00 Amount annually paid outlu wages 103,700 00 Average uany wages palU skilled labor.. Average dally wages paid unskilled labor 3 00 1 i0 I-: 50 36 15 75,000 00 I'.y industries the output is: W OOLICN GOODS. Number of bauds em ployed Men employed, "skilled labor" Boys, women, girls em ployed, "unskilled la bor" Capital invested $ Amount of outside capi tal Invested in business 40,000 00 Output lu IS'jO (estimated 120,000 00 Annual expenditures at home for raw material. 20,000 00 Annual expenditures a- broad for raw material. 40,000 00 Value of product annually sold at home- - 15,000 00 Value of product nunual- Jy sold abroad 105,000 00 Amount annually paid out in wages 25,000 00 Average dally wages paid skilled labor 2 25 Average dally wages paid unskilled labor 1 00 FOUNDRY AND MACHINE fcHOfrt. dumber or hands cm ployed Men employed, "skilled labor 15 15 Capital invested f SO.O) 00 Amount of outside capital Invested In business... Output in 1889 Output lu '90 (estimated) Annual exeudit ures ubruad for raw material Value of product annually annually sold at home. Value of product annually sold abroad- ... Amount annually paid out In wuuch...... Avenge daily wages paid skilled labor.. . . CANDY. Number bauds employed Meu employed, "skilled" Bos, women, girls em- nloved. "unskilled labor" 2),000 00 20,000 00 8,000 00 5,000 00 15,000 00 5,000 00 3 00 Capital invested i oo Output in 1890(estimated) Annual exuud i t ures abroad for raw material Value of nroduet annual 12,000 00 3,500 00 ly sold at home 12,000 00 Amount annually paid out in wages . Average dally wages paid skilled labor Average dally wages paid unskilled labor 2,500 00 3 00 1 00 .'CT. 80 17 03 70,000 00 102,000 00 THK I.UMHKK PRODUCT. Number of hands employ ed Men employed "skilled bor." - Doya, women, glrh em plued, "unskilled la bor" Capital invested .. .-$ nmtuit lii 1889 ... Output ill 1890 (estimated) 1W.500 00 Atr.iliai expeuunures m home for raw material 9,700 00 Annual exeiidlturcs abroad for raw material .13,000 00 Value ofproduct annually sold at home 130,600 00 Amount annually pam outlu wages. - - -- Average dally wages paid skilled labor Average dally wages paid unskilled labor 3,5O0 00 3 00 1 50 FRUIT-PACKING, VINEGAR, I'HKIKS AND JELI.Y. Number of hands employ- ed ---- M Meu employed, "skilled labor," - 8 Bovs, womeu, girls em- I! loyed, unsKiueu ia- Capital Invested I 64,000 00 AmountofoutsldHcapltal invested lu buslines ... 10,000 W Output In 1889 20,000 00 Output In 1800 (estlmat- tor,' Od) .-.---------" vw.v" w f. Annual expenditures nhroad ror raw material Value of product anuu- ally sold at In mio Value of product auuually sold abroad Amount annually paid out in wa-es Average dully wuges paid uklll.ul UiHir ... ... 15,001) 00 2,500 00 02,600 00 10,300 00 1 50 Average dally wagi-s paid unskilled labor JIAUNH AND KADDLKltY Number of bauds em- 76 11 Meu 'employed, "kllk-d labor" - ,, .JW. iA y. ..1...1 I.,., -t ll.oOO ou buuVpu,.,V 8s.r. .....Tl ij Output lu 'W (elluiated) 31,000 00 Annual e x pe ml 1 1 u i es tthm-itt forww materiul J8,00 oo NVlue of .roducl unnual- y sold at homo - - 31,ouo oo Auiouutnuuuully paid lu M wajje . . - ' Average dully wages paid skilled labor 50 HASH, 1)0011 AND IIMNDS. Number of hnnds em ployed 24 Men employed "skilled labor" 17 Capital lu vested $ 21,500 00 Amount of outside capi tal Invested hi business 14,000 00 Output lu 1889 22,000 00 Output lu '00 (estimated) 48,500 00 Annual cxKMidilurin at home for raw material. 5,500 00 Annual expenditures nhroad for raw material 19,000 00 Valuoof product annually sold at home 11,000 00 Valuoof product annually sold abroad 4,500 00 Amount aiiiiuallv paid out in wages 17,000 Of) Average uany wages palil skilled labor 3 00 Average daily wages paid uuskilled labor 1 CIGARS. Number of hands employ ed Men employed, "skilled Capital Invited" """$ 2,400 00 Output In 1889 11,800 00 Output In 1S90 (estimated) 10,000 00 Annual exiHMuiiiurcs abroad for raw material 7,500 00 Value of product annually sold at home .". 10,000 00 Amount auuually paid out In wages - 2,200 00 Average daily wages paid skilled labor 2 50 What it Docs. Hood's Sarsaparllla 1. Purities the blood. 2. Creates au appetite. 3. Strengthens the ueives. 4. Makes the weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. 0. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc. 7. Iu!gerate9 the. kidneys aud liver. 8. Believes headache, indigestion, dyspepsia. Instruments Filed lor llrcoru nt the County Recorder's Office. John Brooks toChas. B. Moores 21.2 acres lu t. 7,s r 3 w. $-1129 TIip Kir.ctn or Mel.tal Exhaustion. Many dlscaws, 'especially throe of the nervous 8 Mom, are tbe products of dally renewed inental cxhniistlnn. linlne u(K'alloas often Involve au mnouut of inculnl tvenr and tear very prejudicial to pnj Meal lieulth, and the pnifeworw, if ar duously pursued ure no le-d destructive to hmln and nerve tlrxtie. It is one of the rnoDt lniortnnt attributes of lloMPtter'n stomoch lllttere, that It comdensalcs for thlo undue nvt of tissue, unn that It Im parts new energy to tho bruin nnd ncrv en. the rapidity viuh which It renevrs wetik encd menial ene cy nnd phvMcul vitality In remarkable and hhowa that Its lnvlor atlnir properties ar of the highest ordc. lk-.ldes lucroikln vltH stsinlua.and roun temctlne theeftoctsof mental exh.uillon this rsitentlal nipdlclnecui-esandprevcntH feveriiudiiKue, rhvuiuHlUm, chronic dls- pepsla and rotitlMllon, kidney and utir- ine wrukneMi una ninercouipiaiuiK 1'lu slelausKlio coiiimend It u n medicated -tlmulHutand rimedy. Awarded First Premium. When lu .Salem at thestate fair all the sights should be taken lu by visitors. The wonderful variety nnd (luisli ofthe HaU'in Woolen .Mill Co's iroods at their uew store on Com mercial street Is attracting crowds right along. Anew lot of soft silk finish ladies' dress Hanuels in all the most fashlounblc bhades just dte plaved. dlw. Notice. All parties that ure ovvim; the un dersigned please call and pay up. I want money uauiy as i am going to move. " J. V. Crawkuod. Ij. McGinuis, brickmason. Haiem, Oregon, 9-10-lm. Miss Mary K. Steiner, teacher of piano nnd organ. Address 244- Tuelfth street. 9-1-Ct. Bemember that W. L. Wade sells and delivers general merchandise at bed rock prices from his North Sa lem store. tf One of the Sights. When in Salem ut the Hlate fail- all the sights should be taken in by visitors. The wonderful variety and finish of the Falun Woolen Mill Co's goods at their new store on Commercial street Is attracting crovvusng. u uo.k. ,... , soft si k-lin s I ladles' dress Uannelst .1 ,..!. 1 . .,... II. w. ..I in all the most fashionable shades , Just displayed. d 1 v j HOTEL AltltiVALS. COOK IIOTKI.. Daniel Pottorll, (ieo Brown Tur ner. Henry Baredrick, Jellerson. J W Mutesburg, Luke Booth, H KlulkuiH, Mrs P .' Laporte, Port land. K M Kugle, Woodburn. I) Archer, Albany. TA Wren, Prineville. 8 Boblnson, Jasper V Feller, Butleville. W H Basker, Kjst Portland. N Oalloway, II Homer. Kugoiie. C M Warner, Brooks. JOMGrifl.Cal. A T. LOCIS pnTBICIAN. H TU Clirornl rroducllnn. UUIltport. A St. LouU rntlcmQ whose sffllctlnu wai tick hcadacbe si io nirprliod ut their cur hf Juyi VegctiU Brtprlll, that ho cUtd it to thoitteullou of arelutlrc, who tupptacl to U Dr. r. A. JUrrett, the well known 6L 1-ouli pbyilcUn of SM Rheuta do4h Btrett. The dottor iw t once that It dlfTvred (rota the potuh pre pttf"u '" ,lla' it wu purely vegctible, snd tecoinlnj lutcr ittd, itia a icrlei of loveitlgatloui, and in a (Ubteqaent letter candidly admitted Hi euratlr proptrtlci, aud iayi: WUhluf to teit 1U virtue, I used it In my own family, and prcicrlhcd It tor natlanu who required a (teueral iltteni rea-ulator. Ai a rciulu I can lay It ! an aluioit abwluto ear for ronillpation, bl - kcadacbei. Tboie troubfca luually couio from a disturbed coudUlon of lbs ttomiu'li aiiauovreij.anuj U the but laxatl IJoy'iVegetablesarurarllla the and itomacli regulator I , sod ai a (antral iritew bat aier nju, .am.iIm 4. almul nrfif!flAIl. wi"w"T,'""i T . I .i7tMi U 1 jrrecuv tblgadl JW3 Sbenaudoah 81, W. Louli. F. A. f1AliKi . . '.. A Preitlle Top-Piece. A well-dritK-etl man it noticed everywliere. Very much of the tidy, bualuetu effect of neat dreaalnif U wrouuht by the hut, collar, scarf, cull", aud 'niimll detail that go to toii)prIea prest'iitublo upper atory, Meu who would be a nucoena Id thin lineniut nuke aelectlona from the Block of Johnaoj), Boothby it Co., the leading clotblem. m I l'EUSON'AL AM) UlCAIi. Mr. I. Vandtiyn Is a bulucs vis itor In Portland to-day. Mr and Mrs. .1. T. tiregg took the nf'.enioon train for Portland. W. . Hurst, of the Aurora Hour mills, was doing business in I lie slty to-day. Begular meeting of tho W. 0. T. U. lo-niorrow (Thursday), Wept. 23rd, at 2:30 p. m. I,. Samuel, of tho West Bhere, en mo up from Portland on ft short business visit yesterday. Will Byars returned to Portlaud this morning, where ho Is assisting in tho surveyor general's ofllco. Tun Journal list is making right .wonderful strides right along. Bight hero let us remark that Is nil rl'ht. Harry i-'iske took tho morning train for Portland, where ho will re sume his studies in the Bishop Scott academy. Mrs. John Holmnu, who has lecu seriously ill several weelts. Is recov ering, somewhat slowly, but very ho)c fully. Mrs. John G. Wrlghl started this morning to Seattle, for an extcuded visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Rosenberg. The ladles of the XV. C. T. U, wish to thank the many friends w ho so kindly assisted them at their res tnuruut, during fair week. Miss Mary Paquet, of East Port land, who has been visiting with City Treasurer Swuttord nnd family the past week, returned home this afternoon. Mr. A. H. Breyman returned to hia Portland home this morning after a pleasant week taking in the state fair aud visiting his brothers, Eugene aud Thos. Kay, manager of the Wool en mills of that name, returned this afternoon from it business trip to San Frauclseo in the Interest of his concern. The Bea! Estate Exchange of Sa lem Is to meet this evening at 7:30. All real estate men members of the exchange, should be present ut the ofllccof the Oregon Land Co. Mr. II. It. Hingletou and family, accompanied hy her father and mother, Mr. and Mm. Albert, return ed last evening from Mehuma, where they spent the summer since June. Bey. Father Lorlgau, of Wiscon sin, while ou his return from a trip to Sau Francisco, Btopped off and ivislted with Father Fessler, of Sub limity, startin g back for the Badger state to-day. Mrs. Maik Fullerton, of Colfax Wash., nnd Miss Joule Fullerton, of Alsen, Benton county, have been visiting the past-week with Mrs. L. B. Fullerton, of Gaiety hill. Both started this afternoon lor Colfax. Mr. F. P. Petit, aud family have moved to Independence. This will be quite a loss to tho Capital City should a third count ofthe census be ordered, as the .Petit family com prise a loutid dozen, great and small. (ins Kai-er, thu boot and shoe maker, tool; the morning train on his way to Colfax, Wash., where he will take the bench in the branch store, of Krausee Bros., of this city. Mr. P. J. Donoyanwlio has been in the employ of the Oregon Ltud i Co., for several mouths, went to Poitland this afternoon to tuke a po sltiou in their oflice thero. Mr. D. I is a good man lu any department of the business. i Iii speaking of Miss Ames, the elocutionist, tho Napa Register , thistesay: ),, '' ' "Miss Ames literary selections are of a high order. She captures her audience at ouce nnd holds them thioughout her programs." Win. T. Ros9, au thor of voice culture, aud elocution, says: "Miss Ames' public recita tions have received most favorable 1 notice and sho merits till tho praise given her." A lady from Portlaud standing on tho stops of tho now "Willa mette" this morning dropped this remark: "There Is no plate like It at the capital city. If you want nny thliiir In the line of d,ress goods I menu J II. Iiii nil's. Iiisiirc in Your Home Company! "The State," Which has for the lat six yearn; PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued Mote Policies, Received More Premiums, And Paid More Lossei Upon property locati d In Ok con or Wouli Interna than any other compiiuy. It was Hip. First Company to Pay all Losses in Full and io Cash fly the three grwit conflagration of BeatU Elleukhurgttnd MjKikauo Fall. (iKO. M. UKKLKK, City Agent, And Bpoclul Agent for Marlon County. omcalnlheonmpuny'atjulldlni. I t , . WI1AT1SATUBULAH WELL? Be Site li Rtidui tiet do Other A i genuine. Tubular well la conntricted by tllug down u three Inch Iron plne.wllh pulling uoiipeu if.iwnlnn0Vinttnn and bolUlin No dlrlcaug rlcaugt-t InandKuly pure wuter nan be """ 'r."" '."" .::'. .?'.:v i,-.... .1. .. n ThU la I lie only kind of well that wurvM mm iuww uuw., tt .-, .... absolutely urf-e wuter proof, and that Is (breed through the criiient strata to Ibe pure living- water. It U poslilvely I he only klud of well that la worl b bulidiug lu Iblsooaotry Jamea A. Hubert, rtalein, treldvno near fair ground) make I bea well 'J erina reasonable. H yani eiperl enoa. arillm-d-ini-w Pott School. The best line of regular school shoes for scrvlco to be found in the city tho celebrated Bradley &. Melcalf shoo, of excellent stock, warranted In every respect at Wm. iirowif s, Commercial street, u In I'roiiatk. In the matter of (he guardianship of tho minor hclra of II. I,. McXary, Chas Claggett, guaidlati, tiled his annual report which is nllowcd by the court. BtrrrEtt Do It. If you are not receiving tho Dally Journal give It a trial. Fifty cent n mouth by carrier. BLACK8MITHIN0, Wagon and Carriage Making and Repairing Horxcahoelng n specialty. All work gunr nnlced. JOHN HOLM, Corner of CommcrclnlnndUhcmeketa sU Halcm, Oregon. LADIES ! Kor Nlxtecn yctirx wo bare sold tho fa- moun Centcmerl kid glove of I'nrln, Frnnce.ns ciclimlvo ngcntaind for qtmllty they nro wlthont n superior. AIbo Iho LATEST NOVELTIES pertaining to the millinery trade. Ladle rurnlshlnfrgoodHn specialty. wolinveUn tu.JUBt iirrhcda f 11 line of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. CHAS. CALVERT, 274 Commercial St., Salem. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goods nt our store! We carry a full line of groceries, feed, crockery, glassware, cl gnrK, tobacco and confectionery. t. Buunows, No. 220 Commercial 8t., Salem Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG, 271 Commercial Street. French nnd German Wheat and Rye Breads in City Styled. Vienna Bolls. SPECIALTY OFFANCY CAKES. Pastry and Confectionery Baking lu Full Stock. My new bread and cake bakers are tirst-class artists In their line, aud I aim to have Everything as Fine as the Finest, NOTICE Is hereby give that wo will not bo respon sible for any bills contracted In our uame, unless ordered by us In writing, or In per son. HIRUfJII & MATTON, City Bill Posters. NOTICE. All whom it may concern will hereby take notice Ibai I will nay no debts hereafter contracted by any pernon except myself. AHTllUll QLUVEK, onium, irreguu, Auguit 22.1890. Two Through Trains Each Way DAILY, VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Commencing with Sunday. March Snd, bnlh first and second-class tickets will be honored do "The Limited East Mall," tral is 3 nnd 4, ng well also on the "0cr land Flyers," Nos. I and 2. "The Limited East Mall" trains are equipped with Pullman palace und colo nist sleepers, dining cars, chair cars aud couches, und run solid between Portland und Chicago, dally without change. Tbe"Uverlund r Iyer trains are equipped with Pullman palace sleepers and vouches, between Portland and Couucll Mutts, and with Pullman colonist sleeper between Portlaud and HuniuurClty. dally, without chnuge. l-ouuecuons ere maueai rcjnueiin Willi throuirh trains to and from Salt Lake. aud att'beyenua with through trains to and iroin uenver, Kansas wity ana at. uouis. The above trains afford the quickest time between the Northwest Pacific coast and Eastern and outbern points. Detailed time or trains, rates, inrougn tickets. baeiraKe cheeks etc.. can be pro cured upon application to any agent ofthe Union Pacific S; item. T. W. LEE, iw-ot-w uen i xHbs. gent. 110I8K 4 MAN NINO Afireuts. 68 Court street, Halem Oregon. Union Pacific R. 11 Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." iTalns for the east leave Portland at 7.00 am and 9:00 nm dally. Tlo eta la andiron nrlnclnul Dolnuln tbi Unltedbtatrs On. adaand Europe. Llegant New Uioing tars. PDLLMAN PALACB SLEEPEItS. Kree Family Sleeping Cars run through on Express trains to Omaha, Council Illufls aud Kansas City without change Connections at Portland for ban Francis co und pugot Mound points. Kor further particular address any agent of the company or I. W. LEE. a. V. A. C. H. M ELLEN, General Truffle Manager IlolbeA Manning agenta 68 Court street, Kalem, Oregon. From Terminal or Interior Points the ill AMI Is the line to take To all Points East and South, It Is the dining car route. It runs through vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of cars.) Coinposed of dining cars unsurpassed," Pullman drawing room sleepers OI latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Ileal that can be constructed and In which almoin modal Inns are both free aud tar nished for holder of first and second-class tlckeu,and EL)EOA7IT DAY COACHES. Acoullnuois ',lr. ooanenlng with all liOM. affording d'reo wwt uululerruptud service. Pullman sl v "''' Ions can bo se cured In advi o , any agent of iuh road Through tickets to and from all polnu in America, England anq r.uroiw can u purchased at any ticket oinou of this coin- Full Information cooccrninc r Its, time of tral na,rou tea audolher details ful utsheil on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant Otueral Paasenger Agent, Wo, Ul Kirsl alroel, cur. V' WtilHtfUjB; Hr iaua,ijrirn, look Owls List II iZM m ruu J III, M Next Door Btisln's Great Inducements for Offers MTHCFLLANEOUH HOOKS, SCHOOL. HOOKS, PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY, PLUSH nnd LEATHER PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, POCKET CUTLERY, INKS OF ALL COLORS, COLORED SCHOOL CRAYONS, LEAD PENCILS OF ALL GRADES, SCRAP HOOKS, JUVENILE BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, LETTER FILES, TISSUE PAPER, LEATHER GOODS OF ALL KINDS. From 10 to 20 per cent ean be Saved by Buying your Books and Stationery at tie State street Book Store. sr THE RECTOR MEADOW ID FIT FARMS. Four Miles One Thousand acres of as flue land ns there is In tho northwest, divided and fruit finnis. There tracts fur the FIRST TIME are now placed on the to 1100 per acre one third cash, balance on time with Interest. No. Better Opportunity for In a small way has been offered to the mouths lu improvements In the immediate vicinity of this land, roads, fencing, etc, a large amount A Free Ride to ami From the Place to any one wishing to see or invest. Call at the office of LLIS & CHAMBERLIN, Court St., Salem, Agents, for Plats, Description and further particulars. w Cheapest, Neatest and Best, SCHOMAKER'S COMBINATION FENCE, I make and put up nil kind of fenecu, city und country. Get my terms befoie fencing. 11. scuoMAKKit, balcm, Or. T. H. HUBBARD, Aeent for Cyclone Separators, Russell Engines j and Saw Mill Machinery. Residence 296 Commercial Ht , Salem, Ore. i.twra COOK HOTEL State nnd High Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. COOK. The Cook notol Is oppoxltr court house onnvelent to business part of city and street car line runnlntr past the door. Ilutes 1.00 to $.100 a day, according to room. Hneclul terms to boarders and families. INbUUANUE Company, Klru and Ma rine, JOH. Al.DKHT. Agent, Halem. Oreeon M, T, RINEMAN, MK.U.KK IK Staple and Fpcy Groceries. Crockery. ainsware, tamps, Wooden and Wlllo ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also vegetables and fruits In tlielr season. Highest 1'rlce puid for country produce." Wo solicit a share of your putronace. 9-n Instate street. HENRYM7STANLEi" lii DARKEST AFRICA V 1 1 c-inultii Sory nf BUnlcy's rir.t tlirllllui ltd .lu it ul lu il.iclu. iis ( bU luiuuiunt ill, , )-iuillaiii'ur fur ths Knit llmo In tlio i t w liun liy h'mMlf. cutitKd "In HrVw 'tl a" III nut lis dixlra I It any (it Ilia tin Kit ,1 Htsiilsy l-o ik ' ii ' belui! otfue.l ai ftu ul 1 1" !' au.licutio.' To nit ess ol , "M uilr caurlbuta a llii". , , , j-b ras no Uetlon about this tUtoment ba'Di irracllatrsrrMrtloiilsr Waiuaiautaalt, siij wHIl.p'tkulriiroapi)llralou. VnUllUn that lbs booU burs Us Im CHARLES SCRIBNER'S QONS Anil that tka aaataisliK axsut carries a wrllllcsU f H"t frotu us. A. L. BANCROFT & CO. ,w 132 POST STREET, . SAN rRAN3l8C0, J . Mcrl AMutt ftr the Pncifl i Coait Jams 8. Kaltou, tola aMt for Marlon rntsr, 81M, Orrn. see la Jf(7a&eYi trn im i m i m MET STATIONER CALL AMD SEE FOR YOURSELVES S From Salem nubile. Thousands of dollars will be expended within the- nxt 12 illy of this land, while uuon the traot itself., in tho way of of money will be used. BROOKS lOO State St., Salem, Oregon. PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES :AND: Chemicals, FINE PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES! eSSrl'hyslcluus' prescriptions and Family receipts carefully com pounded. A full Hue of choice Imported and Key West Cigars, . The Oregon Land Co., with at Home Ice (In tho State Iuaurauoe Building) ttnd bruucli ofllces in Portland, Astoria and Albany, Has for Rale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Faraa; ako City and Suburban Property, Tlio Oregon Land Co, was especially und Hub-dividlug luruo tracts or land, and has during the paat tw yum,, bought and Biibdlvlded over 3,200 acres Intp ' t Five to Twenty The success of this undertaking is shown iu the faot that out of, 8 tfe placed on tho market, 225 have been oliolco land lu Fruit, Will Yield a Larger Income than 100 acres of wheat lu tho Mississippi Valley, WealMiMM VftliMMfc improvements in the way of roads, clearing the kutd. fume, eft, ' ffi. can sell a smull tract of land for the Iiavo to pay for a large tarm, Send for I'liiuplik't SALEM LUMBEJIteO,, DEALKH8 m Rough& Dressed Ju TaIIw an! mnnm, Call w ue " ' I III -! Ill yon fat Bank: the Purchase of tie Capital of Oregon. iuto one hundred mi-tll meadow market, ranging in .rices man 0 Investments & COX, Its- ! j organized for the purpose of buyfaf Salem Orego Acre Parcels: sold. We claim that t mm ft-' same price per NN , fm ! and Price List. ,r ad fMMf , j kl m j'l n tl 't .XI ti t i - 31- A '. . ? i M K sjfi u - b .