TIE ClflTAL JOURNAL MONDAY SEPT. 2, 1S90. TERMS OF BCtoORIPTlO.. Pally by man per year.. UaUy by maU per month, . t-rajj UWi " Jtmic Week UST OP THE FAIR. Clii; Events of 8turtir Eri-nii-r To Lite for ibat lvsoeE. fir thing SatUfarlorr. kiwmno I vn.r. PASii. The final rvenlar race of the day wa a J-mile dah, pun?e of ?2iX, no entrauee fee, There w ere only three planer tn the follow inc: Bob ' Wade, Jce D and Jim Miller. Auo tiou pool oUl for a -hot time at fc fur B.b Wade and $5 for the field. There vs. little excitement, the general lelief being that Wade would walk tuny with firvt place. A good lart wa made, all cro-wg the line in a bunch, but Bob Wade ept to the front Immediately and held the place borne, with Joe D hujreiug him ck-ely, time 53 -ee- Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, h-juiarv. Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, w. h. Rabb's Bob Wade, by r.an Brushes, Windowglass, Etc So!et Dick, dam unknown 115. Acents for EBicure Tea and Bie' McLauchim. i Han RaVinr PnwrW Huch Smitb'sJoe D. bv Sherman. ban Baking rowper. dam unknou u, 115. Smith. Joe Thomas Jim Miller, by Rosa ; Dick, dam unkuow u, US. KOD 1CU If not Mid In advance the Triee currcd for tie Wexclt Jockxax. will he U0 prr year. If paper arc not delivered promptiy cnUXy toe offipe. FKKS DELIVERY BY CARRIER. Pally tat slturle r -. IS ei Daily far two wfc, sScsn. DaUy by mrmth fcj . Coilecllnaj will be made on Ut an ISth of mania. H.bc-riber will plea- leave money forcarrlert at bocw or wberron U ta delivered, u 10 eaue no delay tn collections. Tkx Err3cirioCarrrAJ.Jorii.vAi. r--tru-larty receive the afternoon awxsans! press diiprtcbea. GILBERT t PATTERSON. Swiss Beu. Ri.vaKRs. The ad vertisement of the Oake Swls Bell Ringers and Comedy Sketch Ciub will lie found In this issue, and their appearance takes place at ReeJV opera boue next Wednesday even ing the 2-Jth. Of this company the Walla Walla Daily Journal says" The Oake Snlss Bell Ringers and Comedy Sketch Club performed be fore a large and appreciative au dience at Small' opera houe, Mon day nicnt, and cave entire atifjc tion. Thifc i truly a fine company, fur every member i an arti&t, and deserve good hou-vs w berever they put In au appearance. SAi.Eii r.isToiuL rciox. Wae WILL BE SECRETARY Iitenriew Wita J. T. Gregg as t tkr FltlK Staigearat af Ue State Fair. ick Tilc:25c WantColumn.:LACE CURTAINS AND SHADES MURPHY & DESART, A reporter collided with J. T. Gregg, secretary of the Oregon state fair, a be wa taking the afternoon train fur his home In Portland, and extract the following general Informateon: rvstrrri.-en Htive. -I have left all the bills and un- Notice for Bids. settled business of till venra fair !eated bid win b received by Hon. roan--;.l, n. W w.tr - o- o.-.-'T coorv. of Marlon county, Oregon on withlTeo. AN. Watt, at 8a Mate VednMiar.tbeh ar of October. 1WCL i.hki;nrJnrl;n.iiLK)r nice Soccomm-p to I. Nash, bate a ell estab lished Brick and Tile fcirtnrr In ortb Salem, near tbe talr BTinnd. and are pre. pared to rurnlh nnt-cl brick and til n bort notice Samplf of Brick or Tile eat free to any point oealred. on bort notice Order can of left wltb Joa, nbbarn. 110 State treet, where cample can be teen. d4w 5otlce Inwrted for ONE CK.NT PER WORD EACH 1NS.KJITION. .Vo adter tlaenteut Inserted In tht column for 1cm than twenty-flTC cenln. J vi st Received rR REN'T-.tcs(m at ."S9, Court twt. IR RALE. A pan of borw. a top bur C tj. wto! narne. a wwint machine anaaioiot noue planus uiut.i ttiU week, at 1(3 Wlnler itreel. lx wld It I niv aMiafant atiocjoet p. rn. tor iurniininK aua pmc- """"i i . ,w tsoiiiiuiil tnn nf laree none An Earnest Effort to Krin thf t'tarttirs into a .Nearer Delation- hip Frecrrssite Prtarken. atreet, who ha tieen secretary for the past nix years. w ho thoroughly undersUnda all the ' b?fJ Hptalla nF tii vrurk Tllttd anil mnn- ,,. , , .1 Tbecourt reeervee. the rtcbt to reject any ey will lie coming in for some time oraUbina. for ,nni, .ii T" ey ocaer oi ine jinn, rouniy roun, i - 1 :.-... County Clerk. TXH'Nll. I1 and Ferry, fiaker. On Hkh Mreet tetween Trade rrr. two receipt clenW.CJ At Jot aALOITtce. and around tbe two pleri ol tbe Willamette naca. Raid none to be placed on or befo-e tbe Vlh day of November. I(W. "K)R SALE A hlsh trade Uuerney cow ; little ti r a lib calf atout a aeek old. Aim For our Fall Trade. We eini vhow ,ou n grealer varlity or P.ttern, ami sell t hem for leu Money thnu .ou run buy el-ewhere. The only Houw In the clly (hnt carrlecacomplctpllheofoirpeta lithe bleb frade Guernsey older. belter calf. A. lllH. yet, poMdibly for a month, but think I can furnish you au approx imate statement of this year's busi ness. Tbe exact footings cannot be maoe for several weeks, and the an I LOCAL KARKET. Wheat, net 67 ceii: per be Hop-, active. 3j cent per lb. Only a few ministers wereprwent this- morning at the parsonage par lor of the Bapnt church, in an swer to the call of the ministers for governor will not be submitted un the purjKe of organizing a Ipastors' ' til Dec lt- ixilt KENT mr nicely mrnNtied 1 room. Apply at .TOT Com'l.-t. e-13-tf IX)R SA1.: C(d cow. Inquire of ' I). r. Sherman at the court hue, MS I I t O. C. CHASE nnal rennrl of the. aorratarr tn Ik. AfliStlC PaDer HanCer and School Item-. A reporter tv.k a run ovtr to the North Salem action! this morniuc, and found that Lie building now Is-mg eon-trocted fust taking the appearance of a Mrhoo' bouae. The tnetulic roof will almoat all be on by six o'clock to-uicht. Tbe carpenter- liegan to put on tbe lath this morning, and every part of the work is being pushed as rapidly as possible. The East Salem school had a number of new pupils on hand this morning to b registered. The building will soon have all tbe pu pils that room can be found for. The other schools are likewie fat filling up A number of new students en tered the university this morning.. uwas watched vouuiy rupennieuaeni u. Yoder started out this afternoon to isii iuc jiuunc Bcaooia. xie uri i goes to the Sous hern part of the couuty. He will continue his work until all the schools in the county have been visited. Fortune. FCHiTKCr $50. A matched fo.it race had been ranged for oO yard ooy about IT er old, from Grax's Harbor, and Chas. Brethwate, of of McMinnvilie. a rtvat -trappinc fellow that could eat him, a eontet nts. Bretha!ehad an ea.-y vic tory. Billy Martin, who was in tbe crowd, offered to run tbe w inner 100 vards for UOQaiid there was soine 'alk of taking tbe bet, but the nrntch didn't materialize. The races cloed wtth a half-mile dash, match rce for MO each, with Sorrel Dick, old Bye Straw and Hurry Blufl as starters in that po-i-ti"n from the jmle. The great age of old Rye Strv IS years made the content one of vast interest, and with as much ex- uuion. The object of tbe union is to bring the various churches into a closvr w orking relation. A Jocrnal representative was present this ftT" ' nio.-niuc at their meetlnr- and he iibjuj,s tileked nn from the cfneml drift nf the talk of three present, that in . tueir opinion mere was a laca oi in terest in tbe churches to co-operate. One jiastor remarked that all sue ctssful business and professional men united their effort to promote their caue, and that the churches could never accomplish their object fully a long as tney stand sloof and ork w ith a selfish end in view, or as lone as an unfriendly feeling ex ists between the diflerent denomina tions. It -eems that other cities with a ie-s fame for their piety and christian work have such organiza tions and much good is accomplish- FVTI50NI7.E Home Indutry. and ue Mountain Halm Couch Cure. Hilar-1 ' Manulactured lly II. H.l'nss su,lrm. Ore- i i ,. n con. smith Jt Mclncr "oic acnila for Wall Halcrn. l-sdlm I uetuidiui. norxn at i.ast- iwi.h tht ni Good Work, economy and oaiuple work i f dean a piano without eummtnc It. ahown before ensaclnc. for ale at tliatuondV music bou-e. arfay baaed nn work measured on the - - wall. Leare ordem at Hareeuf. Meyers' orKellar'arealdenceat Htcbland addition. I OLD WHITE (MM . Also hac a new line of Wooltn goods just opened. 'CAPITAL .MARKET" JOHN HUGHES, j Dealer in Groceries, rainLs,0il8! THE anncax. MFXTING or the State Board w HI be held on the third Tuesday in November, when new officers are elected." "Will vou be a candidate for re- election- qqe ft WHEELER. ProDs..aad H,nd"w ,GIa?i1 ia'i "I'd rather you would nt have . m . w ',.,' Fr "J" iwrner, Anisu. Jia- asked that que.tion." said the mod- rl&SerlET el'"" - feils- Lin.e. Hair. ail and est representative of arricoltnreand, our motto is Shingles, Hay. pod and hence clerical efflciencv. "A irood manv"1 M" . 'L " '" I'OStS, l.rass Seed's KtC of the board of managers have asked ' me not to say, as they do not like to ' he submerged by a host of applies-. tinna. but m-rtnlri mther matra a 1. I ection quietly and without any ex-,TH-E WATCHMAKJER, A FULL STOCK :0L llm., Commercial etrect. ' OUR MOTTO IS I -Tbe Beat Meat at all seumnn at r'alr I Ssrj-" J. H. HAAS, NEW AUVKKTIsEMEVTv. citement as any race of the day. i The patriarch had run many a bard 1 contest with success in tbe past and his admirers were legion. When the start was made and the old chap took first place a cheer went up frum the grand stand which seemed to XoOxxHcr-T.-It was reported "' animate him and he at the Joctnax. office this morning jhe1J tbe leadi"? po-ition to tbe that there was some shooting geias: w5rt' 'inning the heat find the race on in the neighborhood of tbe North ' in second5- simes"-v u ocld .salem school house at a lat hou- have bet'15 an ' matter for nurT? Saturday night. A reporter went Blufl to haTe won- but ""'' for over to hunt np tbe aflalr Put could o!d aRe ktr)t him bark' not develop any thing out of it more , stmmaky. than that a party of men, as it ap- John F Miller's g. g., P.ye strat , peared from tbs noise they made, Is, by Doc Lindstfr, dam un were feeling hilarious from what known Belt 1 they had seen and tasted at the fair, Jas Fosters Harry Bluff, 4, by were only airing their lungs, Conner, dam unknown Jones 2 tnat tne people might know they Wm Kay's Sorrel Dick, breedinc ed by tbem. By the mingling of be transacted. pastors of different churches and creeds the old view that every other church was an importer has almost completely died and such an eflort h one more progressive step. By tbe same work in other cities ministers of the various denomina tions exchange pulpits and thereby w tden their view s and lessen their prejudices. The above was tbe summary of tbe argument set forth tbi- morninc It was decided to hold another meeting in about tw o weeks and by that time to get a sufficient number together to per fect tbe organisation of a Salem Pastoral Union. citing contest over tbe matter, NOT A CANDIDATE. "Would you deline a re-election ?'' persisted the Journal's querist. "It is quite likely I shall not be a candidate; In fact I know I shall not be. The secretary ought to lire in Salem, where tbe business all has to The principal busi ness and actual work of tbe fair and arranging for the exhibition must be done at Salem and tbe success of tbe fair in a large measure depends on a man being right ou ih- ground." rtiS Ccnnere jl SU - i a!tm, OrtfM. (Next door to Kieln'a.) Hpeialty of Ipectaclea, and repalrtni CSocaa, Watrbe and Jewelry. PRIVATE SCHOOL MISS TERESA E. D'ARCY Will open ber private school on Monday, September lit, at the north west corner or Cbenieketa and Winter Hta. 8-30-3W were in the vicinity they fired a revolver several times. The people wpo beard them mistook it for a row in which some one was being shot. IfBUchwas the case the reporter failed to find it oat and thinks tbe first the more probable story. Sceden Death. Those here who knew tbe man read with sorrow in yesterday's Oregoiiian of the death of Emil Adler, tbe famous bridge engineer, of the firm of Hofiman. Bates & Co., who died in Portland Saturday evening. At the time of the excitement about tbe Grondabl pier, Mr. Adler came up and was verv gentlemanly in consulting with the officers kere and giving them all re quired information. Mr. Adler was a native of Denmark, but received his scientific education at Zurich, Switzerland. He was only 35 years old, and died of heart disease. His best known work on this coast is the Morrison street bridge, Portland, which he designed. His death will be a sad loss to the firm. OREGON AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. Interuen W itb the Capital City Mr-alter of tbe Board of Ladr Managers. CojuaTTEU SriciiJF.. B. C. Miles, of New berg, came up to the city Saturday and was visiting with his brother, I. X. Mile, superinten dent of tbe horse car line, w hen he had the misfortune to lose one of bis horses Saturday night. The horse was in the barn of Dr. Mlu thorn, and got his head fata in the Jacket of one of the new fashioned unknown Holman 3 Capt. J. T. Appersoii, in announc ing the result of the closing event of the day and of the fair, paid an elo quent tribute to Rye Straw's past achievements and said this was pruhably the last time he w ould ever be seen in a racing contest. Capt. Apperson also, in the name of tbe authorities of thefair.thanbed the people lor their liberal attend ance, whisu had nude the meeting' suchasuccess, and fort hegood order which had added so much to the pleasure. Whoeveb Cax Sing. The Phill harmonic society will open up . again at 5 o'clock for their voca drills of once a week. This class affords a fine opportunity for drill in difficult anthem and cantata sing ing. All the singers ot the city are invited to join the clas,. Xo fee is chareed and all that is asked is that they attend regularly. The class meets in tbe conservatory rooms at the Woman's college this evening at s o'clock. all ner friends. A reporter of the Who are Thev? The Oregon- the Journal sought her out this ian's Washington correspondent Mondaj , morning early, for an in-j says there are messages pouring into terview, and it was graciously ac the census department from Salem corded, at her home at Mrs. Arbe declariug the census recount here a gust's hnus-, Xo. 347 High street, fraud. It would be interesting to Mrs. Puyton is a native of Baden know whence these dispatches etna- Baden, speaks German fluently, lias natc. Perhaps the authors would been a resident of Oregon for "s A Sight Off. Only to-morrow evening and this delightful drama will be presented by the best of juvenile borne talent in the city, un der the efficient training of Mrs. Hazen. The young ladies and gen tleman engaged in tbe piece have thrown their full spirit into it and tbe Journal risks tbe prediction that they will eclipse anything In tbe home talent dramatic line yet attempted. Do not fail to geta seat and give the company encourage ment and appreciation. Tickets at Patton's. i In Justice's Court. Sheriff E ,t..t .i .. .k ' M.Croisan brought Aland Cal Pat- sunday's tele-rams brought tbe . ... , ? ., , first intelligence to the public of I tn, of Marion, down this afternoon, v ui74A mtj wwt aiicu wiuic wuauvv brick! BURTON" BROS. are prepared to rnrnlnh a nnt-claiai article of Brick in town or country or anywhere on tbe line of O A C.K. It. !rlees reason able. 1 ai d un State (treet. opposite o. S. 1". All orders left wltb u mtm A Ens laad promptly attended to. HELLENBRAND'S Eating Parlors & Candy Manufactory, r t ' SOB Commercial Street REED'S OPERA HOUSE. ONE XlfiHT ONLY. Wednesday. September -41b. Enfafement extrnordlt ary. OAKES Coned. Sketch AND Swiss Bell Ringers! Farm Harness Carriage Harness Buggy Harness Track Harness Saddles, Bridles, Wbliis, Rot.cn, Dusters, Blankets; in fact every thing kept in n first class, barnexs shop at the old stand of rj mnnrnT II Villi ll li II IIMIilillllA it. ii. i't.vmi, Commercial street, Near State, Salem, Oregon. m U A 0 ill Ull I m I OfCtileapo. Orpntrcd luTI. POSITIVELY THE GREATEST Mudcal ipeclalt; company trcllnn. i Carrying over ten tbouund dollar' I worth or instrument. The mutt ariltlc as well a finest, funulcst und best nhuw on I earth. Sit Oonn and Think, lee Cream. BI-LOFe-ARE: -10c , ttc and SS cent Oregon that they wire to be repre sented on the national board of wo man managers of tbe world's fair at Chicago. Interested people, who bad been keeping close track of the details of tbe national commission's work and the act of congress under which the whole vast machinery of tnis stupendous enterprise is being carried on, knew that there was to be a national board of woman man acirs, but it was uot known that the selections were to be made so soon. The matter whs kept very quiet however except among aspirants and it now transpires that about one thousand Oregon ladies bad len mentioned for these honors, among them tbe wives of Oregon's mint distinguished honorable. the lady appointed. The appointment of Mrs. Dr. Mary I'ayton was a genuine sur prise, if not to that lady, at least to i Goodell on the charge of larceny of thirty bushels of wheat from John Gentry. They were let out on bail of a flOO each. The old feud ' of D. M. Evans and Charles Ole- tenn was in progress at the time of going to press. lbey liae some half a dozen witnesses each. The case has been up a time or twohefore and is becoming a little stale. 6h. .StatkofOhio, CiTYorl ToLElKi, L-UCab Co., f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is the senior partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney 4 Co., doing busioess in tbe city nf Toledo, coun ty and state afnretiuid, and that said firm wilt pay tbe sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that canuul be cured bv tbe use of Hairs Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presenc , this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. f-v- ) A. W.GLEABON, seal Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Rend for testimonial!, free. F. J. CHENEY 4 Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druddlsts. Coffee, Tea or CnocolateuDd Cake10 cent Milan and Milk 10 cent Plate of Soap.- ..-10 cent Hot Cake. Cbrtr or Tea ia rente Beebteak and Earn SS cent Pork Cno! Mutton C Venison am Sausage and Lex. jiam ana Ed pand bop and dEt-es nd Ecsi -CS"k- Freah Oysters any style. 2S Cent RsfsUrDisaerSerrtdFremlltoS O'Cloti. A nice Tarlety of -recetablet, etc, etc Also tea, coffee or milk wltb all S oent meals without extra charre. CJ-olce Clxars. Imported an iMmratle, always on sand. Porter House Hteak and Etr 50 cent Teader Loin Kteak and E SO rente ADMISSION, 23. 50 and 73 els. i Reserved ecnt now on ale at Patton's ' book store. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday. September 2-J. GRAND BENEFIT --T0 THE fmr bind"' "A NIGHT OFF" Un der the direction or Mrs. U. ' Hnren, abl assisted by tbe (ullowlne tul leuted juvenile company. Mr. J.. Mitchell. Mr. IW-I lltnamiirr Mr J5 nol ale Wealacull. Mr. Homer Craven, Mr. i mkpu rarrar, aii- cua irief-artl. AllMi KELLER & MARSH Are Interested in your welfare and have an immense stock of Furniture to Interest ou with. Come and see us. We have a new motte: tar I That Means Ilnsiness m k m Cor Ctim'l and CheaekeU Streets. In tbe production of Aurmtln Dally' comedy entitled -SS rente 1S tvnts ..SS cenw J . -2i cents f -IS rents I CAPITOL iDTEmBRE 00. Mamie Crump, Mia Jmnit lkxjlti and GRAXD 8TBEET PARADE And display of of flrrworus the evenlnt of tbe performance and flrsi apiwarance of tbe band. Popular prices, book store. S--aU on sale at Patton's Capital City Mairat Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WannMeak at All Hoars of theD Xstiee crib hay mangers and pulling back not mind having their names pub- years, but had for tbe five years just) To the public of Kalem and vicinity None but white labor a-mnlnved In thU establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In first elaas stele Twenty-Br oenU per meal. RED RRONT. Coon street, between Journal Ufflee and Mluto's Livery. R. M. P1XKERT0X. Painting, Kalsomining, Natural Wood Finishing. All work doneinttie best nl style. Leave orders wltb C. M. Mc.Nally, arcblteui. is In Busb-llrey block. tf Fi'esii Family Groceries. All kinds of vegetables PRODUCE In exchange for Groceries, t and fruits lu their reason. TAKEN Free Delivery. Dry Goods and Clothing, J-uIl weight. 116 Court St., Salem, Oregon. SALEM IRON WORKS. 0.1) fell back and broke hih neck. The horse was a fine animal. Mr. Miles hired a horwr of the Oregon Land company and returned home this morning. linhed Not Right. Yesterday after uoon during two or three hour there wa& a constant fusilade by shot gun or rifle kept np junt wutb of University addition, barely out side tbe tity limits, to tbe great an noyance and disturbance of farailie in that end of the city. There should be uome way of ntopplng such un-ue--aaary loud durturbance, if tbe would-be sports will not otberwlit regard tbe leelinjp-of their neigh-1 bom. Fine Ba.vu. J'.obt. Scott, of ecott't, Mill-., Uutte Creese, furuinbed fifty head of fat beef cattle to Mc Crow & Willard, the ftalem market men. They were ah choice a band of grain-fed beces iih ba-i Iku led into this city in many a day, and thb leadiug firm wisher, the public to know that they are always on the lookout for cuch. preceding ber return to Salem last winter, been traveling in Europe for ' pleasure and information. She said J to a reirter: AN INTEKVIKW. "I b-xiure you I do not wish auy notoriety in this matter. I do not -know what tbe work will be, and if there is a greut deal of hard work I counected with it, 1 do not want it. j In fact, I do no. know anything about it and have no idea bowl I hereby moat respectfully announce that I have reopened my dyeiqgand cleaning work in the same place, 183 Commercial etrv-et, where I shall be glad to receive your calls. Yours respectfully, Ai.pki:i WAl.nrMAU Selms. Cakd op Thanks' I wish to thank every one who kindly helped find my little girl Saturday. Mr.. X.K.Caton. ClotbtB pluf three do store. IUch Gold Op.e. Joseph Brom baugh is up from Jackson countv. and has some fine specimens of gold art gallery, beiring quartz. He has sunk a nhaft 50 feet and run a forty-foot tun nel. The specimens, when examin ed with a glai, show considerable free gold. He calls the mine, which is located near Gold Hill, The Salem. I came to be selected. I do know pint three (loun for o ' that a creat manv uromlnent larllea ceutK-at Cri-muuV 5 and 10 tentl unt.ti-ri it. r,nri I r..ih h. i .,. 1 mentioned by some friend here but cannot Imagine who it could have been. I am a regular old Oregon Ian and shall do im best to do Oregon credit if I accept the plat. The not yetttr- rived. I have traveled a great deal and can talk Oregon them. exowitluii, opened For.vn. A pureeontuliiingiome money. Person describing and proving owuershlp can obtain. In quire at this office. PRINTING. rvKEOKTHK LAROKHT EHTABL1HH. VJmenU in tb HUte. Lower rates than Portland. Larxest stock Letal Blanks Ir tbe HUte. a d blneat discount. Head foi price list of Job printing, and eataloarue ol (egal blanks. k. M. WAtTK. laas rrlatar Hal Onoa. HLTTOX, Prop. OuUocs of all kinds made to order. MILL MACHINERY, PLANING it I LI J), CORNICES, MKTAL rRONTS, WUEEM, Pl'LLEYB, and special castings ol any style or put. tern made In short order, smooth aud re liable In eve-7 particular. Repair aay Machinery id Short Order. clots, hop "THE WILLAMETTE jurainr laitien, en. anu nop stoves built. on any iron work paid for old Iron. ore III make eatli-mtn. needed. Uo-d price S-lh-lm Studio. The undesigned will ojmju a stu dio and those wishing les-tous in :"'':..., 7 " ...... . " "Ti official docuinenis have -"i win jncune tun ut tiiernugtou's on or before Oct. 10th. I A "Hard to Lad I., Ladies wbo desire a beautiful clear skin, free from pimples, bolls, blotcbeaaud other eruptions, sbould commence at one to use Ir. liann's ImproTed Liter Pills. Tbey will also remuvo that hrae look about your eyes and make Ibem brlxht. and Will CtlrA llteilMKA tmn .KAs wuu. any OI i cause it arises, nememiier, you are ooli . . ' r.iiilr-1 (A Ink. An atitull -.III At h.l. which U coated with nure Miitfiir. and will i... .1... .. mil rnn nr , -Ai-uwiifuij, uiicuni ui luc uueeu. r .."i .,T. A&ENtiH "Wanteu. To con vass I aUo attended the London Colonial oer. Sjiecial inducement offered. Kemember, you are only I have visited tbe Liverpool I SS'SSSSZTr. v ot nroduoe anr uudmuaai Mn. HoldalSt-enU.br Smith a sui. ImportantMeeti.sci Itesldeuts and property owners iu Albert's ad ditlnti east of Cottage street and south of Mill street, should not for get tbe nieetiug to-night at A. W. Scott's residence corner Oak and wltb crajou or picture-!, to take or-j world's fulr last jear. Ifl take the der for eulurge photo work. Ad-' pf-sitiuu I shall make it a succeaa, if F.Tiig bkrthi4 Class. addreH,orcall,-10C Liberty. 1 1 have to employ a stenographer at An evening shorthand tluan is .my own exjieiihe. The compeiis-1 now being orginlted at the Capital All I'ltoPEitTv OwxHi-k-Aiiii '"" nsiis m mueage io ana from Business Collejre. to beain work Oct. residents between CotUigestn-ct audi t;-J--,ag'i uud Wn day while In at- lt. Those who expect to attend Salem, Or. Enteu$2IA) and $5.00 Day. .P,to ,be PnW'e Thnrsday, Hept. 11. UW. Beat balel between. Portland and an rraneiseo. Alms tn Imi nrmt ..im. in all Its appointments. Its tabUs are served wub um cooiossi rraiu grown In tbe Wll- VSUffJ, A. I. WAGNER, Proprietor. MISS KNOX SELECT SCHOOL!! R.iLiP5nihe.r J-r-Ta-f r-"l o" Monday. S.W.TB0MPS0N&C0, m-erolwl treet, ' hj jrir CHEAP MEATS. .-Tnr'RP al Iuy. markets on State and Court stmt, meats at the lolluw lug jiriees : BOILED BKKFfrom aio 8 ruU BOAST BEEF g Cm(j GOODSTEAK r stolOCert, BEEF by the QUAHTEIt ; I.J 6 Ceut MUTTON by the QUABTEB r(Ill, I'OKK by the QUABTEJt 7 rnts LC.CR0SS. MeCROW k WILLARD, -Dealer la- Fresh and Salt Meats. Vou can ae money by buying jour MusicalMerchandise DIAMOND'S Music House. Kldridje Illock. Holem- ie. O, C. B. It. truck, and Letween Mill and MlfM-lou streets are earnestly unted to attend a mit-tliig at west house of A. W. Scott, corner Oak Summer streets, to discuss the needs and Summer streets, at 7SJ0 p. in. or teat section or the city in the line of public improvement-!. AU iutemited should l-e on liuud, Mohk Khuit. Squirv ixi. aw Buying an tne Furmr & fruit that come their Way, coriaequentlv have the beat in market. ' Monday evening, Sept. li.', 16W), to! disCUM the advlsabletless of taklnir some aetlnn towurd linking for im provements of streets, fire proteo tion, electric light and similar rights due the taxpayers in said district. Many Taxpaykkk. 9-15 0t tendance." Mrs. I'uylou asked to be excused from Buying any more about it at piesent, until she has further time for consideration. Thats What, If you have something to do iu the plumbing line, aud want It well done without paying a fortune for It call ou Petiel & Bernardl on State street. They propose to work up their buslncMon Its merits. h are requested to eall at the college and register at tbe earliest conven ient date. B-20-lw -a AFaaiiReBUy. Dr. E. S. Helden: I Lave used your Ethereal Cough Syrup in my family for a long time and cheerfully recom mend It to all wbo are aflected with coughs, cold or bronchial affections. JEBEN WOOD. Modeato. B. K. CL A YE'B Druggist, Ageut. Modeo. LaMisetl.W, mall 60 acuta. Foriato by all Druggist's. KLDRIDOK BLOCK. rriceof MeaUby tbeguarttr Mutton by thaquarur..M..7C Pork by tb qoartr........7C, lis .i to ge. Roasts U, - NOTICE To My Patrons No, li and le can be found on corner frt and Uommer.UI streeU. Le all MB n J M BQUUV A Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest. OKJ! A3fl) 'niUKE-FOUUTHS MILLIONS. o 100 t'nurt mrtect promptly attended to. All orders FINE HORSESHOEING Scriber & Pohle's. apwtalattoatla given to sboeln road. M f hai-M Sks Carriei JOHN G. BARR. Watches and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St. ?CIEKTIFIC OPTICIAN. .dV.ar,oAraAj.uDtdhVrw;., WATCHCS, ETC. .!? .k " clock- --"w nd cold PAWNED WATMB 1W),0U( Prune Trees. 10,(CX) M.Kirpurk and ltoyal Aprlti.i. ii iU STOCK OF ALL OTIIEIt LEIPUSO FHEK FROM INSK(T o ao.OOO Esopus SpiUenberg. l,00(i OraveusUlu Apple. i',000 Yellow Newtown PIpi-1 10,000 Beu Davis Apple. VARIETIES pE8.ro. OP MID' J. CATALOGUE FltEK. ADDRESS: H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon. OKO. F. SMITH, DKAI.ICH jN PlftaitB, Mlrrera, lltilim famm, Arti' UttetUH, vaukiauct, TOYS, AND FANCY GOOD. 807 Ooninosirolal mt, T"BU, Hwtlp, 'tm, lAwa