""jfrr ! .j' 'iv " ' II v , so- "V Ml i "WS VOL. J). "THE PEOPLES' PAPER." SALEM, OllEGON, MOKJ)A V, SEPTEMBER 22, 1890. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. lYi "rrr. EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL The 'Mather' lVrfrct Ulo Tl all to buy u pair nud bo com l T. HOLVERSON mis Wr1 I iTJJCJ jl&7 riff'7 EASTERN PRIC ES Opp. Terminus E!ect;ic Car Line. JAS. AITKEN, Groceries and Produce. The Hot Canned Goods.- Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. None but rirt-claa Gnodx Handled. Every article guaranteed as represented. If you would bo well net led patronize J"lu CranRo Store, 126 State Street. Bo AT .P VRHBI nn Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Nash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. . House l'lakhlng made ta order. 'ew nu mi.v, by which Bcrnnalwayn keep a full supply of ieawned Hock of all kliulK. Agileiiluiral Works, form rofTrude and Illgn lreet, Salem, Oregon. l ject, wS rim we kave fomid where a buyer bought at a less figure tltaH ours they fouud a .lirerc iw in quality which explains the ditfercuce in price. OUR MOTTO IS Lowest Prices Possible Consistent With Good Quality and Honest Goods. QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF CHEAPNESS; R. M. WADE & Co. THE LEAiER -IN: .., , Jry-Ms alnccil. lortalo 1 dhuv 1 1 GO t- ST CD e Salem, Oregon. Who do All Kinds of Ui Ah f.'lw.m h an v Laundry in Ellin Country UMnif White Help LAUNDRY ' K hSJ'GSEaud dolnjr first-claw work. MSIjAM .. ...... tSTLadlm and patrons inviteu jVrto Inspect our prooesa of doing &uork. 230 Liberty Street. Competinghousesmay some times, for an ob cut under our prices, but in the long J, J; DMI1PLE k I, KEEPS THK LARGEST LINK OK Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies and Gents Famishing Goods, Clothing and Hats , in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block. Do You Play? Play What? Piano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, Bnnjo, Harmonica, or any other musical Instrument.' If You do, Call at EASTON'S And examine the finest and largest assortment ever displayed In Salem, Just received a full line of Baud Instruments. Bee the grand display in our window. THE OREGON NURSERY CO. b Offering s Large, Well Grown Stock of FRUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Fru.it. EYEltGREENS, VINES, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. . At Low Prices. Late Keeping Winter Apples a Specialty . Catalogue and Price-List free. Address or call on WIRT BROS., Ollice 1WJ2 Cuuuuercial street, Salem. REVOLVERS, CUTLERY, DOLLS, NOTIONS, GU Largest 'Assortment & 94 Stale BROOKS SOMETHING NEW AT KRAUSSE BROS., 275 COM. ST. (MM School Shocs,oilclotli Lined Absolutely Water Proof. A School Bag given willi CJjiSggaBf' Boots&Shoes LowerThan Ever. A glance at the prices In our windows will convince ynu that this Is do "fate," but cold facts. A cull will convince all. .Ilespt., KRAUSSE BROS. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, First national Bank fluildiiig, Salem, Oregon. A. P. ARMSTRONG, Maimer. W. I. BTA LKV, Principal. DSTVity and Evening sessions begin Monday, Kept, Htli.tDa BUSINESS, SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP AND .ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS. Mke personal inquiry at theCo'ltge for further partjeubrt, or send for catalogue. . ,o Ti-IIQ INQT1TI ITIHN I lllO ImO I I I U I IVM thoroughly Utted fur commercial pursuits in the shortest lime- and at I lie hastexDenae. Tb autoes of former rtudouls now holding responsible posltlonsTboth a HOOKKEKPERS and STENOGRAPH EKH, "lusts the quality of instruction given. GrEo. G. Van Wagner, Has lust receded a flue stock of Wall Papr and Picture Mouldings, Lounge and 4 Mattrasses, Pktwre AiUHlMff dene with care and neatucs frlamm mm Low OdvAlnMs ttmi n-iiHi EALUMAUH SPORTING GOODS, PURSES, HUNTERS SUPPLIES, Etc. N & in the City. HARRITT, Street. Every pair. In Spite of the re cent advance in leather wo arc Selling lr"-'lcil buisies triilnltia school, where young men and women are h Uwmi. mt IN MARION COUNTY. Work i romptly tint nllalili executrd by tho M AUSTICAUT. LAKU til., yjtAKK.,W VVATKHM, Ma; 'HIE CAPITAL JOURNAL MOFER BROTHERS, Editors. rUIIUHIIEt) DAI LY, KXUKIT8UNDAY, n TUB Cinital Journal Publ'shing Company, (Incorporated,) Ofuco, Commercial Hired, In P. O. Ilulldlng hntcred at tbo posmirice nt Halem,Or.,as second-class matter. CAl'ITAh JIIUKN Vh JOTS. Ttio hop ninrkct Is at a standstill. Eastern people are bound to get into Oregon some way or other. Conic to the puradjse of boundlcfa possibilities the Willamette valley. Natural eas seems to hnvc snrunt! a leak nt several places iu tht Wil lamette I alley. The Spokane county republicans approve the record of John L. Wil son and favor his return to Con gress. Tho Washington Co. Democrat has a treatise on elementary osteol ogy. It is defective in containing no allusion to the dead bones in the democratic party. The democrats know tho larrup hiss Speaker Iteed lias given their party leaders were richly deserved, and they at heart admire the energy and perspicuity of their remorseless ch.istiscr. IlilUboro Independent: Fay, what's the matter with Wjomin She's all right. Wjomlng went re publican by 2,000 majority, vhlcu means the election of two repub lican United States senators. Vermont wavers In the lino and nearly fulls out, sajs a democratic exchange. Yts, we are not sorry to see it tho'. Vermont has beeu wavering right along In the same way for thirty enrs; wavering up ten to thirty thousand republican majority each year. The Washington, D. U., Gazette, of Sept. 7, says: "Senator Dolph characterizes tho whole brood of re ciprocity amendments to the tarii! bill us dangerous to the protective system, a surrenderor the outworks, a crevasse iu tho wall and other figures of speech that would sap the whole system. Senator Dolph Is'about right." Rev. I. D. Driver, formerly pastor of tlie Centenary M. E. church East Portland, Is In San Francisco lecturing on bible subjects. He is better fitted for this work than any thing else, by disposition and by ed ucation. Twenty years ago Inger- soll was In Oregon and encountered Dr. Driver. When Ingersoll went home ho reported that the hardest tilt heever'had lu his life was with a circuit rider in Oregon. He meant Dr. Driver. TO-DAY'S J0UIINAL FLASHES. 'hlOIITNINO Hobcrt P. Porter is uot well. But he will uever bo half so sick as Ids first census of Oregon was. Ella Hlgginson, tho poetess of the Paclllo coast is a trump. She haB the "verve," the vim and the vital ity of true Americanism. Hear her Iu the West Shore of tho 20th. Only think of it? Some of the London duchesses have swelled out and ruffled up their feathers and de cided that jio more plebiau ricli Americans shall have the entree to their high-born "society." It is the height of snobbishness that tilled ladles with hazy reputations nud titled roues with no reputations nt all should hold themselves better thun pure American women and honest American nien. I wish with all my soul that America had oue leading society woman who would "decide" that no more dissipated princes should be admitted to their home. Via might, then, keep more of our rich girls' at home, and make noble American wives and mothers pf them. The reciprocity amendment to the MoKinley Mil la a harmless aftair, because the president is not living who will-over dare take tho respon sibility of carrying it out. Twenty-two ounce peaches is the Huloni way of raising such fruit. Bjimethlng will have to bo dono or Cuuadu wil come over and get un der tho' American eagle's wings. The stars nnd Wipes are nrnre popu lar there to-day than tho tlag of the Mother t'oulitry, - The Hulem way would have been to inukd the 'fair a thousand per cent, Htioceis all around. Kalcm is a city, Even tho cautious 'Albany Democrat Is led to says "For u few duys the stale capital ia metropolitan with n vengeance," A lur Uur fur I'll. IICIIIDK I IH' Uf KIIUWU lljr HIIH.IUH' KoiM!ikulrutl.n,i-BUny IiiIcum lU'hlna wliii, MUrm. Tat form unuelliu lllliirt MUciliiK I'H'l irolruUln,li!l4 Htontw In .r. VM.U. I'liq ,r..,riljr. H Ml V.I MV. illrvctl) on UitiiMtrM hiIih-i4, Huautlw iu, inurHllu)iti.iliiKarit(iH4i iKrnmii- M..I. m.iw A., .w.nlj, lliuuul&l.dr miillf '"-. -"- -"--.TT-- -- w.t- ... -;-, ljrHUlliHUliw, HOWKLL PRAIRIB MATTERS. Miss Myrtle Durbln is visiting in Salem. E. O. Klrby will teach tho school in tho Hazel Doll district, nenr Mt. Angel. Wo notice that Frauk Durbln carried off hli share of prizes at the fair. Tho Central school home has been rnpalred on the Insldg to bo ready for tho term of school which begins soon. Mr. and Mrs. Klvln Arnold, of Albiua, are visiting on Howell pral rlo whero they think of making their home. Now that harvest is over aud the winter Benson comes on apace, the question of debates and literary so cieties comes up. We hope the Ha zel Green society that was such a source of instruction and amusement for last wiuter will be organized again. Howls it, President J. 1).? NORTH PACIFIC .NEWS N0TKS. OREGON. Saloons must hereafter be closed on Suuduy lu Curvallis. The Linn county jail is at pres ent without an inmate. Tho .Washington county fair be gins on Tuesday Sept. 23. Miss Lillie Seymour, aged 10 years was drowned at Gardiner lost week. The residents of Nehalem have petitioned the surveyor 'general of uregou lor a survey. Count D'Hespel, of Lille, France, has purchased a ranch on Lower Powder river. A fumllv traveling froru Redding, Cal., to Drain, Or., by ox team, passed through Ashland one day this week. A three-foot vein of coal was opened one mile back of Yaquiua lost week. Mr. Southmaid, living near Wheatland, had three of Inn ribs broken by a runaway team last Tuesday. TheScio Press statis that Mrs. Sarah Duncan, aged about 98, of that place is probably the only pensioner of the war of 1812 in Ore gon. Wild ducks are beginning to ap pear lu the markets. They are said to be quite plentiful on the tidelands above Tongue point. Columbian. The CorvalliB city council has ordalued that cows shall not run at large in the streets after October 1st next. The Fossil Journal reports the dis covery of. a quartz ledge not. fur from Fossil which assays eighty dollars per ton silver. A fYinn hv tlm nannn nf ltTriAfpA stabbed J. H. Reed, agent for'tho O. & V. T. Co., at Pendleton, on Thursday uigbt. A .game of baseball was played at La Graude between the Nob Hills, of Portland and the La Grandee. Tho score was Nob Hill 28, La GraudeO. Loyd Miller, while fooling with the tumbling rod at Laughliu's warehouse, at North Yamhill had the misfortune to have his arm broke. T. J. Fltzslmmons, late publisher of the defunct Grout's Pass News, is editor and publisher of the Stock mail's ana tJairyniau's isxcnance. San Francisco. The mayor of Baker City has asked the council to consent to his removing the chief of police Wil liam Harfer, for Incapacity nnd in tuxicatiou. The Oregon Gold Mining Com pany, of Cornucopia, say that all practical miners cau get employ ment by applying to them at once, as their twenty-stamp mill would be started immediately. The Oregon City Enterprise makes apparent the urgent need for more and better hotel accomodations at that place, audaajs the present facil ities are not very creditable to the enterprise of the citizens. George Rose has made another confession, In which he says he killed the Frederlcksons alone and burled them without assistance. He Is in Jail at Moutesaun, where the coufessiou was made, In the pres ence of three persons. We need a meat market and a bar ber shop and hotel very badly, as many w ould stop here now that do uot like o stop at a private boarding house. Clackamas News, Old Squlre.G, W. Ebbertt, who came to Oregon in 1830 and settled lu tho Tualatin plains, near this place, along with Caleb Wllklutand tho late, Hon. Joe Meek, is lu a dy lug condition at Hlllsboro. Fritz Seville, while employed as a shingltr on the roof of tho new St. Helen's hall, at Port laud, sllmied and fell to the ground, a distance of about nrty reel, breaking uis riant leg In two places, above aud below I tie knee. G. V. Dnylstnn, age 80 j eara died lu Sherman county, Oregon, on the 12lh lust., of heart disei.be. His ma had gone to Moro, aud mi his return found him lying ou the floor dead. He had got Ills breakfast ready but evidently died hefoie starting to eat. Giddendalo Beiitluol, The amount of drunkenness seen lu Forest Grove during Hie pant two wicks seems rather strange to out siders who have considered thU a nroh b It on town. It la an oneu ques.lou whether we do not lead Hlllsboro. with Its three nnen ss loons, paying 11200 per year of the town's taxes, Washington Dcmh crat. Mr, Merrill, of this city, who baa been up lu Portland enterltig com plaints against steamboat ownora, was pretty nuhly handled by Cap tain Taylor of iheBitlem a few days ago. Taylor thought Merrill was o mut lug his paeniierfoMlia pur' pose of informing on liliu and bus tled him pul-nf tlie deck n a i pretty rough manner, jiromilug,a utterly demolish him If he am Muihthlm on the dock again. Columbian, As toria. Prlnevllle Review: At this sea son of the year most persons want to lay In a supply of apples for the winter, but so far no winter fruit has been brought to rrinevllle this fall. At least 500 bushels of good keening apples could be sold here for tt.60 a bushel, which would be a prefitable: Income to some enterpris ing orchardlst who has fruit for sale. P. J. Sullivan, tho fiend who as sisted Carrie Bradley to murder old man Brown nnd throw bis body in the Willamette at Portland, was ar rested reecntly at Slsson on com plaint of a woman, for assault aud battery When the case came in court and the woman was testifying the brute Sullivan jumped at her and with both feet kicked her in the abdomen. The trial was postponed until he served out a term of thirty days for contempt, but tlie superior court released him on nccount of a legal technicality. Valley Record. Anna Young, aeed about 07 years died near West Union Sept. 13th, and wus burled in the Masonic cem etery at this place on the 15th Inst. She was oue of the survivors from the ship "Independence," which was wrecked offthe coast of Lower California, in February, T853. Hlllsboro Independent. Mrs. Elliott, the lady who was burned to death near Sclo. On the 11th Inst., (an account of which ap peared in the Journal of the 12th) was a daughter of George Millican, was born at Watervllle, on tlie Mo Kenzie river, 14 mileseast of Eugene, July 13th, 1866. Received her diplo ma as graduate of the Salem con vent, in 1885. Was married to Joel A. Elliott,, nt Prinevillc, August 15, 1888. Tlie "make-up" last week on the first pace of the Grant County News Nvas something new. All the read ing matter ou mat page was icon talued in one urticle, and yet there were five dilfereut advertisements in Ave different columns following reading matter. Oregon Blade. WASHINGTON. Tho Tacoma smelter, the third largest in the United States, started up ou Thursday. A company has been formed at Tacoma to publish "Train's journey around the world." C. H. Knox's store was burned at Seattle on Friday. Cause kerosene lamp; loss, $6000. It Is estimated that there will be 34,000 boxes of apples shipped from Whldby island this fall. Puget Sound Mail. Thirty-three new steam vessels with a grot-s tonnagelof 6338 tons have been added to Puget Sound shipping since the first of Jauuary. Mr. Eaton, living just south of fcjumas, receutiy exmoitcn mere a fine cluster of plums. The limb 20 Inches long and contained 153 plums. Mr Smith, of watermelon fame, shipped over 8000 pounds of melon to Helena, Montana, yesterday, aud the average weiubt was 28 pounds each. Pasco Pilot. The Newspaper is the original and suggestive name of a paper to bo Issued at Farraington; the first number of which will appear this week. The assessment rolls of Snokane Falls show the valuation of her city uronertv to be 518.780.000. This is an Increase of $10,000,000 over last year. The Whatcom Reveille says: they tme a specimen of barbed wueai wim uean o incnea ioug, the kernels of which are one-half Inch loug aud plump. The Rosalia Rustler urges the farmers of that district to build their own warehouses lu anticipation ot at least 75 ceuts per bushel for wheat in spring, instead of selling now at 50 cents. G. P. Talton shipped another car load of potatoes from Rosalia to Butte. Mont., on Thursday of last week. This makes four car loads be has shipped this season, while more than that number have been shipped by other parties. Seventy cents per 100 pounds is the ruling price. T. F. Patton, whose two acres of blaok berries comprise tlie largest area I u the Upper Puyallup valley lu cultivation lu berries, estimates now that be will have at least 0600 pounds, for which he has been offer ed 12 cents per pound, or for the en tire product of his two acres, $1200. Ortlng Oracl. Ohio Strawberries. The Ohio Ex perl men Station places Haverland, Bubach aud Warfleld strawberries at the head of tbo list for market of those which have been fully tested there. The following statuluate va rieties are among the test of those tested at the Station. Miner, Cum berland, Jessle.SbarpleBS. Of those uot fully tested, but appear to be very premising: Enhance and Mich el's Early may be named, The a bove vailelles aro particularly recom mended for market purposes, but any or all will provo satisfactory for home use, If quality alone ia considered, tho following aro the beat varlttles that can be naimd; Cumber aud, Jtiaie, bar pleas' Llda, Belmont, aud Hcnderou. There Is one b'ljht genius living In Seattle who evidently has an Idea that Astoria Is not ou thewp, A letter carao fiom him yesterday addressed to a wellknowu cltlsen and in addition to tlie direct lon,"A- torta, ur." mete was written la me corner "1U mile from Portland, near the mouth of the Columbia river." Comment ia unnecessary, Astorlan, IHbhitrO rlbMstlo and t fills, 1 haul ull.aur uclentlflcall eonnouBdra sad -r-- .. . ;. .. - ;:.-, A unwui.i in ncnon. no gripHw m;m commonly rullowliic tlia iim w.lHH. et wra dH)l( lo butli nilull sad sail- wi Tney ara dron with perffcil ufctv. Wo KIU tbpy hiivenoeuuHl lnlteeiireiifU auha. eunulBKlMMi. dviuiMMa uM at! 'ft&& fcfo I The Chief Rrnui for uie treat , scss of lloDl'g R trsapnrilla Is found la MM article Itself. Itlsmeilt that wlas, sad SM (act that lloml'3 Sarsaparllla actually a eompllslici nhat Is claimed for It, I waat ' has given to this medicine a popularity aat vile greater than that of any other ianpa Mprit Win rllla orblood P".! merit W IMS fler before the pnbWtVl IioihVi s-.mp irllli cures Scrofula. SaM.-fJ iiiieirn nun nu manors, uyspepsia, bimi ucuiacue, isuiousness, overcome xaat - Tired reeling, creates an Appetite, strenga ifjl nillic V'- o . l"ill1 1 up the Whole 8j iW 1 IXon.t' tnrn-:itrilln Is so dbralldraa 1m ;i . i 5. rrefarcdbyC I. ' ' ii. IawpII. Mam.4 Capital National Bank i SALEM OREGON. Capilal Paid op, - - - $75,000 Sorplas, -..-.- 15.0(H) J Ft. 8. WAf.IiACK, - - President. W. W. MAUI IN, - Vice-President, r. II. ALllIUtT. .... cwhler. 1 DIRtCTORSt W. T. Gray, W. W. Mnrtln, I. SI. Martin, 11. H. Wallace. Dr. W. AXuslcIc, J. H. Albert, T. MeF. Patton. LOANS JVTAT3E To Dinners on wLent nnd other market able produce, conHlirned or in store, either In prhulPKnmarlesor iinbllc wnrfbouse. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafla drawn direct n New York, Chicago, Baa i-maoism, rnr'iann.inaonjrarui,ieriin Hone Knne and Calcutta. irst Nati SALEM OREGON-. WM. N. I ADUE, rrtnaent DU. .1. RtAOLDS, Vice l'lcsldeut JOHN MOIB, - Cashier GENERAL BANKING. Eienancoon Portland. Son Francisco. New York, London and Hmg Kong bought and sold. Blate, Countj ana City warrants bought, farmers are cordially Invited to deposit ond transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, bops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such sew, curlty can be obtained at tho bank Id most rename companies. of St. Paul. St. PAUL, jrAuios CouTi.Ou., Conducted by onai Bank The Sisters of the Hely Names. '4 Terms navablo rxr month or Der annusa In advance. Board, tul'lou. beddlns. nee- dlework per annum, S120. Washing per -. MAiilh tf UiisIm alwi ltVi in4lAUlaa ni wwm v ptdiami w, v vu iukwi iwi . aftrfwtfa UtuTiru M VtiTAD BiiruilAiAaa W iy-w fia THE STATE nil TlltlQ 11 VUllVwV u Opens September 12, 1800. BOURSE OK STUDY arranged expresdy j to meet the needs or the Karmiug and Mechanlcitl tntorest of the slato. Ijireo. rommodiuus and well-vontllated buildings. Tbo college Is located In a cul tivated aid Cbrintlan community, and one of the healthiest In the state. MILITARY TRAINING. Expenses Need Not Exceed $150 for ' the Entire Season. Two or moro Krco Bohnlarshlps from eveiy county Write ror cataloguo to, . a, Li. anaubu, rrt'.,orviiin,ur. 8-aiHm-dw LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT.' -BY- MISS AMESV IN THE UNIVERSITYCHAP'EL, October 1st, ffl, 8 i I" Proceeds For Ua'vjisily L'lnjy.. , ' v 1 AUmissioh . . - nvt webst: THC CBT INVCtTMSNV for the Family, School, or FrofswkMMl I The Utesl EdUtoaliMMlMOw uiary, and ovr gjM0vaaKiMa waMM nearly every pas. Hwkhi awjfl upnUnWfMUmUona4WWiMMp leal DteUoaanr. a Kew HIMMI WM. aad a WelioiuwrjMrfWB. UTkMaa4i4 frlatluMM,! ii is reNBi j'. ! Mtr0l tf&THAa HutMunMHuekHfif Itaa tfUm of ma V. a yi ONTMOU mm aWM vriaUtesMiua i lw I Sffi i n ? 11 m 3, ' T i,t ,, 5 (I